daCAT Mega Xspace - Prepare to unleash the daFUNK with daCAT.

Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 1:55:13



Oh my god, man, do you understand I've been trying to do this for the past hour.
I've been trying to figure out how to fuck to make a spaces work for the past hour.
I had to disconnect my Twitter account, I went back in, I literally turned my phone
off, turned my phone back on.
I couldn't get anything to work, bro.
Anything to fucking work.
I'm in the back channels talking to all these guys trying to figure this out, man.
We just had to start a brand new link completely.
Yeah, dude, no worries.
No worries, man.
We're going to get this.
We had a pre-show going.
We were vamping, brother.
What we're going to do is get some of our initial panel up and running on the space
for speaker invites.
We're going to get this link blasted out because I know a lot of people had the old link.
We're going to get that pinned in TG, get everybody maybe a couple minutes to gather
on the new link here.
Now that we are up and running, Slum is ready to go, man.
I know you've been trying to slay this technical difficulty stuff, man.
It's just been kicking your butt.
Here we go.
Look, that's what you guys get for making me host something, man.
I don't know how to do this shit.
I'm not a technical guy.
This is probably my third or fourth spaces I've ever hosted ever.
The original link didn't work, and then I tried to schedule three other links at different
times, and I wasn't getting the notification to start the spaces like you're supposed
Then I tried to manually start the spaces, and all three of those didn't fucking work.
I don't know if you can see on my timeline, but I canceled four spaces trying to get this
one started.
After I restarted my phone and everything, I just completely created a brand new one.
All good, brother.
I was going to say, maybe you could play one song just to give me time to post this link
everywhere unless you want to vamp Randy or Slum, but otherwise we just make sure we get
everybody gathered over here and moved over.
I know we got a lot of people searching for the link, so if that's cool, let me play one
tune real quick, and then we'll get this party started.
We got some alpha to drop today.
We're excited about what this coin in this community is about to do, so let's get this
thing rocking and rolling, if that's good with you guys.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let's play some music.
Let's play some music.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
What happened to the music?
did twitter like remove the uh tv because of the music that he was playing
does did are they allowed to do that can we just not play any music we want to
play anymore like what's going on i think like
depending on the level of music you know what i mean like i think
depending on that they start removing people
that was a great song that that's lupa fiasco's lasers what do you like what
you can't remove that i i could understand if it was like chief keef
or like if it was like some takashi six nine or something like that but this is
like lupa fiasco one of the greatest lyricists
randy doesn't know about like can we please figure this out like there's no
there's not even any cuss words in that song what are you talking about
can we just can we figure can we play randy can you play something
uh yeah yeah i could try to play something give me uh give me first uh
10 seconds so um in case you guys didn't know here uh randy claims to be a fan of
hip hop but he has no clue who lupa fiasco
old school hip hop and he doesn't know who jasco is
and if you guys remember kick push came out in 2000
kick push came out in 2002 or 2003 if i'm not mistaken which is prior
so when randy claims he no longer listened to hip hop
which he says is 2005 so if anybody in this space is a fan of lupa fiasco
please dm randy your favorite song so he can start listening
actually let me see if i go find some lupa hold on i'm gonna try to play
something too
there you go
it like i really hate the truth but i gotta go
i see myself in the pistol smoke room i'm the college
a little moment's gonna be like on my knees in the night
saying prayers in the street
i was raised by the ship so i gotta be
to michelle i bet you got your got me chasing dreams
i'ma educate you with money on my mind
drop my tin in my hand and a gleam in my eye
i'ma coach out set trip the bank and my
read this down so don't around my anger
but i don't know
rip rip cool
db you're back bro man this is one of those days so
we got the link posted everywhere i think we're ready to rock and roll
sorry about the the drop off but i think we're good to go
i thought i was thinking my music was playing everything was great i was
posting everywhere behind the scenes and it dropped me so i'm back i'm ready
let's rock and roll
it will not let me go and approve uh some of these speakers here i don't know
if anyone else has that i'll check it out
oh we're good
all right all right so okay pre-space done
new link out if everybody hasn't seen the main account actually
uh posted the uh the main the new updated link
uh so please check that out repost it let's make sure you get everybody in
this space throw comments uh below like the room
let's build this space up as big as possible
we got some great news some alpha to drop we got some exciting
kind of this journey we've taken with uh this
this community to get to this stage and we are excited about today and i know a
lot of the community members have been dying
and waiting for this moment to kind of launch this thing to the public scene
we're really getting going on the chart people are excited and buying up supply
but man there's some really cool stuff that i'm excited to
to talk about today and we appreciate and thank you pro the doze
despite all the technical difficulties with all these spaces man
here we are we're ready to rock and roll and we appreciate everybody for
engaging and jumping on this space with us as we
kick this sucker off properly this is like space is number five that
i've tried so uh you know fifth time the charm guys
fifth time is the charm well yeah let's get it
who wants who wants to start it off yeah let's get it man well all i'll say
is uh i'm actually anxious i mean we got
a ton of people jumping on obviously the new with all the the juggling we
appreciate everybody juggling around with us and getting on this new space
so i'm excited because uh pro like thank you for hosting and what
you got we were talking about the other day like this is not financial advice
man you're popping right now my friend i watched the movie
everybody's excited about it we're excited that you're here
um and representing and such a core community member you've been with this
community from the very first week prior grumpy
cat coin was something that was had the meme had
the excitement we were all so excited pro you're the
reason i joined this community and what's been so exciting is all the
challenges and ups and downs we really thought man there's a ceiling
here but we built this hardcore community that's been through so many
challenges and looked at the future and said what
can we do and as this new uh liquidity and all the things are
changing in the space we looked around said man
wouldn't it be something as a community led project
to have an original meme to have this community
that we believe has surpassed kind of the the old and
and emerge into the new and that's exactly what we've done
and pro and randy tim i could go down the list so many people that supported
behind the scenes we have a lot of things cooking
we're so excited about this token of dacat
we think it has its original art ip we've got so much talented and
experienced people in this this community and i'm just excited to
announce some of the things we've been working on
as we really launched this thing to the wider ecosystem man but uh i'll pause
there and i know randy like i might throw it to you next
but i know you guys had a an amazing podcast kind of episode on
your youtube live earlier this uh week a few days ago i think it was
and i watched that and i was so excited to see you guys uh connecting
and i know dacat was one of the big uh parts of that conversation so
i'll swing it to you randy say a few words my friend yeah sure uh thanks for
everyone for uh for coming out here and uh again
shout out to pro the doge for coming on the podcast
such a baller comes in in his tesla model y
which is the best selling car overall in the world in 2023 and he just comes in
and i thought that was pretty that was pretty cool uh can't wait for my time
to drop uh so we talked about everything just
about his success with um you know the the film that just came out
uh this is not financial advice i think you'd see that on amazon
and i think uh apple tv as well and
one of the things i really like to do with the podcast really just kind of get
to know people a little bit more on a personal level kind of go through the
Germany that's how we discovered that i do not
have uh any knowledge of of modern day rap for
like the last 20 years modern day hip-hop uh but it was really fun to see
the stuff that we had uh the journey that kind of pro took us on
you know from from pokemon to investing and obviously first time in doge
having just having a lot of of funds to be able to do that
you know i mean a lot of people could potentially do
something similar where they invest you know all they have in into one coin and
and most likely it's it's really not going to be anything about
you know the you know like five figures um so the fact that
that pro at that young age was able to go and do that and uh and then become that
that millionaire i think it's still his pin sweet over up on his wall
that was really fun uh and then having the uh having him talk about
about squid grow as well was really interesting because
i had no idea what that community uh was about he was able to shine some light
on that and then obviously the cat was was really
big going in from a story that i won't tell uh about his
younger uh younger childhood why he originally got into grumpy uh you know
it's for him to share but uh just the evolution and things don't
always things don't always happen the way you
plan you know and if you ask a professional poker player how do you
play this hand you know though you'll get a bunch of
different ways but the goal is to really end up at the same point which is what i
think the cat is doing we're getting a lot of um a lot of
people from a lot of different backgrounds
and and we've noticed it with um toadius down there
he said like hey look at these these buys these buy orders that we had from
the cat all one two-week buy orders and in a
lot of their uh a lot of their wallets they also hold a very significant amount
of omi something that me and pro does had also gone over
and talked about we're both holders of that so it seems like
these wallets that have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of this omi
token they're all getting into the cat and that's just something that got that
kind of specialized and it's like okay i didn't
you know this guy i knew this guy told to buy but this guy i didn't it's like
we're starting up a best seen in fight club with ed norton and
you know brad pitt like oh did you start this chapter up here
no i thought you did so it's now getting to the point where
we don't even have to talk to people about buying it's kind of catching on
where other people are just buying in general
maybe they're tracking wallets and they see okay this high net worth individual
is buying these tokens and so will i uh so so that's something that's really
surprising that's that we haven't planned on yet but the
stuff we have planned on uh is talking about the the comic today
maybe some other things um so let's uh let's talk about that a
little bit uh but but yeah so um really quickly
uh i shared this story on randy's podcast for the very first time ever so
that was a super exclusive um regarding grumpy cat so
um obviously everyone in the cat or everyone who migrated over to the cat
was originally in the grumpy cat coin community right
so the grumpy cat coin has been around well
it started uh almost a year ago i got involved about a week into it i
discovered the coin i bought in i talked to everyone about it i told
everybody what i was getting um if you guys remember when i had
gotten into the grumpy cat coin it was at about a million market cap or a little
bit over i i bought it at the high at that time and
then i went and told everybody and was like hey guys i think this is the next
meme coin i think this is the next best thing
and funny enough that's when i hosted my very first spaces
and had uh my share of technical difficulties if you guys can remember
but uh the grumpy cat coin after that space during that spaces the grumpy cat
coin went from a one million dollar market cap coin
all the way to a 30 million dollar market cap coin so
we hit 30 million dollar market cap during that hour or two of the spaces
and obviously we've had our ups and downs you know we've had people spread
foot our way we fought it we've tackled it we've we've
went against it as much as possible we did you know
as much as we possibly could we even got a tier one law firm
to represent us when it comes to the ip issues that we were facing
and so there were a lot of trials and tribulations that this coin has gone
through and the community behind it and i feel like it only made us stronger
so the community continued to rise up and continue to grow the coin
organically through spaces on a daily basis
and we grew a grumpy cat so after the 30 million it dropped down
then we grew it back up to like 13 14 15 million
and then we got hit with some more foot it was really on some like david and
goliath type thing man like honestly i'm super proud of what
everybody was able to accomplish during that time
and and a lot of the people still stuck around
you know and wrote it out with us and are here today
um and i'm super proud of that super happy about that
and the story that i wanted to share was that it wasn't until a few months
into it that um i had this thought that i remembered
where i was like oh wow i remember when i was younger
it was so funny it was it was one of those like ironic moments
i was like i remember when i was a kid i was either in elementary school or
middle school and you know i was an immigrant right i
come from brazil i don't know how to speak english i don't really know the
language very well i just know how to speak portuguese that's it
and i'm trying to like adapt and learn and
and trying to fit in right into into the school into the
into this new culture that i'm learning about and so
i don't talk a lot i don't speak a lot i'm kind of i'm kind of really shy
because i don't know exactly you know how to pronounce certain
words the second the third and so a lot of kids back then kind of took
that as i was upset right i was just shy really
but i i guess i looked upset or i looked mad or something like that
and so they would call me grumpy i know that sounds crazy i know everybody
hears like that's some bullshit you're fucking lying
but it's the truth it's true right and here's the thing
i knew i knew remembering that that that i was going to get
people saying shit like this so i was like you know what i wonder
if they wrote anything in my yearbook and sure enough
i called my mom i was like hey mom can you go back to my elementary school
middle school yearbooks and see if anybody referred to me as
grumpy on there and sure enough she sent me like three
pictures that she took from the books of people saying hey grumpy have a great
summer hey hey grumpy how's it going hey man
cheer up or whatever or or have a great no hags right have a
great summer um and and it was hilarious and i was
like wow like this is crazy how like the world goes like in a full you know life
goes in a full circle now you know at that time we were we
were talking about grumpy cat and um you know people used to call me grumpy
as a nickname back when i was a kid and so i'm actually
going to share those those pictures from my yearbooks from
back in the day here in some posts that i still have to
make here in the future but um i just thought it was a hilarious
you know incidence that ends up being like
you know the third the third coin that i really get behind
fully and and actually push with everything i got
and that's kind of what i did with grumpy cat and then the first coin was
you know we all remember it was dogecoin dogecoin i was a purist at heart
and and that's all i talked about for at least a year
um back when i was in dogecoin and then i started talking about floki because i
thought floki was amazing and it still is to my to my like i
don't see another coin back especially in those days
doing the marketing that floki did and if you guys have been in the space for a
couple of years you know exactly what i'm talking about
floki had incredible marketing and then come and then i come across grumpy cat
and i'm like wow this this is something that we can really
start on some grassroots type thing and can really build it up from nothing
and it was something that i was really proud to be a part of and i still am
and being that now the cat is basically grumpy cat
moved over into a brand new coin and a brand new
ip like it's it's an original it's no you know what i mean there's there's no
issues um law issues with this and we can
actually there's no limitations to what we can create with this there's no
limitations to how high we can grow this coin
this can be the go to cat meme coin out there
in in the world right like we we don't really there's yet to be
a cat coin that that takes the crown and and is king
and becomes the go to cat coin that everybody goes to
as the meme coin and so that's what i think the cat can be i feel like we have
the community to do it i feel like we have the strength behind numbers to do
it i feel like we have not only key community
members but strong key community members like these are people that have their
own little mini communities you know these are people that that are
actively in the space that are actively working actively you know behind the
scenes um making it better and creating
these opportunities and creating these these
differences in what we will do with the cat here
moving forward so as far as the roadmap as far as the alpha
like i'm trying really hard not to not to say anything i'm not supposed to say
right now but but there's a lot of alpha i will
let uh randy or dv kind of take that route
but i just wanted to kind of give you guys a background look at grumpy cat
where it came from the reason why these people are investing in grumpy cat is
because of the people that are behind it right
that's the ultimate like we're not we're not out here just
just throwing money around in random meme coins and hoping something blows up
that's not what this is right if that's what you want to do
just jump on dex tools find the top five and just throw your money away and
see what you can gamble on right that's what that is right grumpy cat well
the cat now is different and this is where we have key
people people that are solid the team the core
community is there for the people the core community listens to the people
and you can tell just by going on the telegram and and seeing it for yourself
right so here with the alpha here with the
new stuff that we have coming up i don't know exactly how you guys want to
intro that or maybe you guys want to talk about something else before that
but i'll let randy or db kind of take over
man thanks for that pro uh amazing uh so what i mean there's definitely a
couple news things we want to get out during the space
and i think we're getting ready to talk about that but
before we do actually i thought i might just hear one more speaker and then
then i'm going to release some alpha if that's cool with everybody so
tim tanner if you're available man i know you've been such a key member
behind the scenes so long with us brother um such a key
influence on so many of us as well as part of this community and i know you
have you're a founder of your own but uh i just want to hear a few words
from you and then maybe we release some alpha what do you think about that
ready to go man i thought it's just exciting to hear the voices i mean the
most exciting part about this community is
knowing a community superseded a project and and i think there's no
more symbolized project than grumpy cat and just familiarizing myself back to
slumdodge first ever space i mean one of the biggest spaces that we ever
saw there was a huge amount of competition between us and pepe at the
time within a span of actually i was just
looking at the market cap on right now so we're pretty much i'm pretty sure if
anyone remembers we were on two million dollars when we
started and it's so funny slumdodge in the background
he added i think it was somewhere we added another space i'm gonna let you
everyone remembers within a span of five minutes
we went from two million dollars to a 30 million dollar plus market cap
literally the volume i think was 17 18 million dollars of volume that was
buying and selling it was going up we obviously had one of
the old school friends crad that was on the spaces co-hosting with slum
he invited one of these community members and surprise surprise
it's the manager for the grumpy cat at the real grumpy cat
and boom we got hit hard didn't we it was and you remember it was such a
spontaneous organic space because if everyone remembers when pepe was
moving and he sort of pointed out to the
community that look it's probably good time to profit at 1.5 billion dollars
because he's learning from his own experiences and all of a sudden he got
all these rebuttal paul is attacking him communities
attacking him he's looking for that next big meme token and it was video after
video post after post there was so much
anticipation and if you everyone remembers grumpy cat back in those early
days we're all trending worldwide on twitter
like every single group community like they are right now like they're
literally like shilling on every single person's
project onto their comments onto their posts
and then slum looked at it goes this is the one um and then he obviously gave
sneak peeks he released some stuff to his subscribers
initially and then he released it to the community
and boom when he did that spaces anticipation built
it went unfortunately everyone remembers this story
went from 30 mil back to a similar market cap but two
it then then we obviously got a tier one law firm that came in to deal with the
issues grumpy cat had with the ip issues went back up to 13 million dollar
market cap then they sent another letter across
and we go back to our tier one mix and think about this how many meme tokens in
the economy were able to deal with what this project
was able to deal with engage with a tier one you know litigation
law firm have and look at the wallets like look at
slums wallets been the docs wallet has been open
to and it's been very transparent to the community hold every single token for the
last seven eight months including every single person that's
here that's been holding this community strong
and that's what i used to say earlier today is like the hardest thing to build
within this meme economy is the community like when you can
develop a community of loyalty and i think maybe it comes to maturity if you
look at the maturity of our community like for the last seven eight months
there's not been a day where there hasn't been a spaces there's never been a
day where there hasn't been telegram vcs there hasn't been a day
where you haven't got active engagement organically it's a community driven
project there's no paid admins there's no paid
influences there's no one paying getting paid to do anything it's
literally people are buying their own assets
they believe in what they have they've been looking at the charts go up and
down and everyone remembers we went back up to five billion dollar market
cap and then certain decisions started being
made a little bit earlier understanding you know what like what salam was saying
it's time that this community has superseded the project it's time for
them to have their own ip have their own project and the cat
you're not the like like even prepared to unleash the funk
with the cat you're looking at the comic books you're looking at the
merchandise you're looking at like the the branding
in itself and i know zaina must be loving the branding and i'm loving the
stickers i think me and slumber talking about it
like a few days back as well but the one thing that's exciting and i'll say this
again the hardest thing to find within these
communities is organic community uh tribe like vibe developed cultured
within this community because normally it's artificially built and
most of the individuals are being part of the beam economy
it's hard to become you know transition from a coin to a mean coin
because you need to become an emerging mean coin and then to be established
it really does come down to the community it means they believe the
actual concept and they need they love the narrative and that's the hardest
part normally within the communities people back in the narrative
but what's great about these communities we'll become family we'll
become friends you guys have founders like myself
multiple got peyote as well you know we've got some of the biggest
influences like randy slump borovic excited to have him here as well
you know we've had marketing people like zane and everyone else that's
helped a lot as well they admire that helping a lot
with the you know the the twitter spaces and really organizing things
you know in the earlier days and then we had
saff db crypto simon daily spaces doesn't matter if there's five people
25 people 100 people they're there every day grinding away
shilling away and that hard work is like old school og type of hard work that
used to see in the shipment and look it's exciting we've got tj
you know everyone knows tj is one of the day one ship holders he's here at least
and he might come up but you know he was ahead of risk for
ship under shiitoshi and the entire group and he was part of the day one
community feeling the ship vibes and then we had
the dodge people that had those really large wallets
so we still haven't retained some of the biggest d5 wallets
some of the strongest holders within the space but i think what's exciting
now is we're now entering into the same space
at the same level that we're hitting last time and i think we're starting to
see projects like look at the pork project
that just got pushed off i think they just hit like close to
what are they hit actually i mean they just hit 300 million dollar market cap
like it seems like a similar time slump we're
poorly sort of pushing another uh big push in another beam
so we're at that period of time we haven't really hit elk coin everyone
needs to remember that too like that that's why we're only seeing a few
different projects sort of rotate through and we're seeing with some
really big opportunities but the great thing is we have probably one of the
most strongest flaws one of the strongest founding core
community driven team that's really pushing this project
have a community that's so organic and sustainable long-term
and even if you look at the charts and how things have been moving forth i don't
think there's another meme token out there that has the and
this is the most important word intrinsic value
the intrinsic value behind this project is not artificial
it's not a pump and dump level of project where we're not going to be able
to sustain the future the the whales in here the the
transit have been here the community members
they've tried to protect new investors coming in
by supporting these flaws and making sure they get the right entry
and we have these really strong organic sort of lift across but
some mentioned something that you know we haven't really seen a
cap meme hit that billion dollar mark we're starting to see moves like we've
seen you know Kitty Inu hit a 15 million
dollar market cap recently got listed onto an exchange
i think they're probably on the forefront you know there's a couple of
other ones that have they've tested the market they haven't really been able to
achieve much but i would say based on the new design
concept and the branding and the community that's backing up i
generally don't think there's a better meme token from a design level from a
community level in terms of an investor level i mean
look at dv crypto one of the biggest leaders
is a leader in the financial market world this is like his first major
crypto investment coming from the financial market
world now leading a project with an amazing core
of phenomenal individuals in the real world that are docked so like i think
the community has everything going for it in terms of
you know developing its foundation and ready to take that next level mark and
i generally feel that this is going to be a top 10
meme token just based on having real interesting value
having all the necessary substance to move across and
i as i said established tokens if you remember the last
sort of meme economy established tokens were the ones that were able to see
those mid caps pretty quickly so i think the key is maintaining the
presence within the market ensuring that you continuously developing
and no doubt i'm looking forward to hearing a better the alpha
because i know the team working really progressively as well but i think what i
love and i'll finish up on this note is the
community and the firm that they that a lot of you
degents talk about our self-degent self-proclaimed
degents talk about the firm it's so organic and natural in the
community so that's something that i look for and i'd
love to see in terms of how communities are developing because they just need
one stimulus that's an exchange listening could be the
individuals that are leading this room right now
borovic is not a paid influencer um he's he's you know those early days
you have organic people that haven't bought you know haven't haven't been
paid by the the project haven't got me paid for the program
we've invested we've supported this community
really organically and it's amazing to have amazing people in the space
um that that are showing that level of representation as well and i think
that's the type of ethos that this community holds and as i
said again you probably have some of the largest d5 wallets in d5
and again i'm not sure piotr is here as well but
i know he came from a really big win recently as well so i'm sure
he can help us take us to a few different levels but i'll pass it over
back to slum or to yeah no um i want to i want to like kind of
show like if you guys are in the spaces right now and you're like
is is the cat just like any other meme coin is the cat just like anything i can
find on deck so just throw some money at as far as
as far as a random ass gamble here's a key difference right here's a key
difference you go to any of those spaces with any of those other you know
random meme coins that pop up with pump and dumps and stuff
and i promise you in those spaces everybody is undocked hiding behind a
cartoon okay like look at everyone speaking here
right now i'm docked randy's docked db is docked borvik is docked
tam tanner is docked this is not like every other meme coin that you see pop
right this this is like an actual people here that are holding and the core
community members that have been around for almost a
year now building this project right like obviously it was grumpy cat before
we've migrated into the cat we're going to continue building
the only difference from that project to this one is that now there are no ip
issues right now the sky is the limit with this and
this can truly go anywhere we take it to so i just want to kind of show you guys
the biggest difference here but uh randy and db you could take it away
yeah i just want to do so uh there's a couple things we want to announce today
during this space and i'm just excited so
since it kind of teed up i'm going to start with this one so here we go
a lot of a lot of questions in the community about this so is this whole
idea this migration and we really worked hard to do the best we could to
do it the right way the best way to give everybody an
opportunity here's what the community has decided to do we're going to
migrate over you know we posted and held youtube
videos and daily spaces posted in telegram every single day
discord and all this stuff to to give her and the great news is such a
phenomenal response and everybody was so excited and so as we
finished that process of that migration we really started
falling in love with this token because we already had this community so it's
you know the first step here is we're actually finishing out for people that
migrated we're finally finishing that final
step of claiming your tokens which officially ends on february 5th
so plug there if you have migrated and haven't claimed yet not sure what you're
waiting for but uh the fifth is the final day so the
the great news about that is when we did this process
day one we were able to burn about one percent
because of this process we we burned tokens of our supply
it was mirrored to the previous supply we burned about
i think it was four trillion tokens on day one
and the great news is the the first alphas that and a lot of us know this is
that any anything that is unclaimed or left
behind and people are deciding not to claim that
and again we've been posting every single day
but any unclaimed tokens will be burned
within a few days after the the claimed process is over on the fifth so
so the great news is for long-term holders for people and again we hold
spaces every single day and they're communicating and so people
are getting so excited but there will be a burn of tokens we won't have the
official i'm not going to release the official what that amount
is today but i'll just know that additional burns are happening within
the next uh call it week uh about week as at
that's at this point so the fifth so we know we had some
staked tokens on an exchange on bitmart and so
we we had a process for them to migrate over
and so we worked really hard to give everybody that opportunity so there's
actually some final staking that is is completed on the
fourth of february so we're actually getting those
completed out with those individuals and migrated over for people that were
interested and so after the fifth it'll finally
be we can lock it down and go forward and that like i said
there will be a burn of additional tokens so you know
whether that's a small number or larger number either
way i'm just so excited that our supply is going down
core holders like many of us like myself that's
held with the previous project and now i've held and only bought with the new
project i've literally only bought my supply myself
over the course of nine months never sold one token and i'm just proud to
say there's so many of people like myself that are just so
passionate about this project that have done the same thing
we're here for the long run we really do believe that this is a top tier project
and to have the community to get that done so be on the lookout for a burn
in the next uh call it a week um we'll have more details
about that final what that looks like and the telegram
like we always do in our daily spaces um so join us
in that for additional details around that but i just wanted to make sure
we got that right off the bat that that is coming and we expect it to be within
a few days after the claim process is finalized
which is be february 4 uh fifth sorry uh so that monday in the u.s
uh coming up so that's kind of the first news
not the big alpha but that's one of the big news i want to get that out of the
gates um to see if anybody had any thoughts
on that what do you think randy
uh i i think that that's part of the good news that we like
to hear um it was very nice of everyone to
be able to go and and manually go and migrate some other peoples
uh you know we had i think like 10 days or whatever for everyone to migrate and
then we had a couple more days where everyone the community was helping other
people migrate manually um so i thought that was really cool
that that the community stepped up and did that
but i'm super excited for uh for the news of
what might happen for a couple peeps if they go and buy some more
uh the cat in the next um uh in the next little bit
yeah i guess i shouldn't bury that because honestly i'm
i'm most excited about this news so let's just get it let's get the cat out
of the bag right now so for people on this space uh
today for this mega space thank you for engaging with us so here
here's the first alpha drop we like i said we've officially been live with this
token for a week uh we know we have this
community that slum and uh randy and tim talked about that
we've been building so long the the other phenomenal news we have
such great talent in this community across the board this is truly a
community driven project and to that end uh we actually have
developed a comic book that some people have talked about you've heard about it
and i'm here to announce today that we are ready to
pre-release the episode one of dakat comic that is coming out today
the one catch being that we we like you to be on this space so
you're hearing it live um and for people that put in a buy today
during the space at any amount you you decide what amount is you feel is
appropriate obviously we love everybody to join our
community um as our first utility i guess you
would call it um we if you put in a buy today during the
space um all you need to do at that point is
contact us after the space on telegram and admin
and we will get you the the the the details you need
to download for free the comic episode one which is released today
as a pre-released and prioritized for buyers of the spaces today
so you will get that available to you you just need to contact us
after the space in telegram and let us know that you put in a buy
and we'll get you the right spot in fact i'm going to go ahead and put
right now the location of i'm going to put it out on a tweet
and then and then pennant are posted here
so everybody has the location you just won't have all the details
as far as how to access it but we have actually
our own official website a secondary website that
a community member that's probably here listening built for us
um and so please go check that out we're going to post the comic book
there as an exclusive dakat comic it's actually at dakatcomic.com
which is a secondary website from our normal website which is of course dakat.fun
so if you check that out i'm going to
actually put it on top of the room as we speak
hopefully that shows up so everybody check this out it's a pre-release i just
put it on top of the room dakatcomic.com we have an incredible
talented community member goes by the handle nobody
um incredibly talented artist that has developed this
series for us and we'll be rolling out and we'll have additional details on
future episodes and how that's going to look
we wanted to make this first one available worldwide
and for free and easy to get but for this initial priority access you need to
buy on spaces today and then contact us on telegram today
and we'll get you basically the password to unlock
the free comic on this website so check it out
we got a little teaser trailer on the post that i just did as well as on the
website i've got the telegram posted on that post as well so that's
kind of the alpha that i'm excited about because this is something a labor of love
by one of our talented community members and as
as it is with a community driven project people coming together they just have a
passion there's there's no cost there's no
no making money here this is truly we want to continue to develop things for
this community to expand not only utility the
excitement the reach and just have a lot of fun
and spread this funkiness of what dakat is all about and this is just
the first of many things that we're excited to release but that's
that's kind of the key that i wanted to get out today is throwing a buy whatever
you think is fair we want you to join and then
contact us for your free comic episode one of dakat that's the
alpha there's also there's also um there are
some other screenshots that i saw too i don't know if we have uh
some of the images directly from the comic because i i looked at the trailer
trailer looks really dope it looks like super high quality by the way
um shout out to to nobody um but i know that there is also
some screen grabs or something that somebody
that i saw at some point in the back channels i don't know if we can share
those i think those look really really dope
there's one where dakat is kind of on a hill or
something he's looking out into the city and and it's just you could really
like zoom in and see the quality of it it looks really dope i don't know if we
can share those uh those screenshots or not um i
don't know if randy if i saw from randy or or something like that but
yeah if we could if we could uh put that on on a jumbotron too that'd be
dope i don't think people even know but i'm
obviously i'm gonna disclose it but anon nobody isn't on
but um some of us know who he is sort of in
in the real world he's probably one of the most famous artists
and visual creators as well as participating a lot of this stuff in the
real world that has a huge following he's done this
completely independently since day one part of the community that
again you have people like db crypto who's a huge whiz in the financial
markets world that's shilling like he's literally got
his assets everyone knows his docs wallet
he's always accumulating every few days and he's shilling like that's the one
thing i love about this community you have high-profile individuals
including nobody who's come in as it as a as a
you know volunteer from a community driven level he's created this
amazing comic book with some amazing work and he's a person that's got huge
references in the real world that's made a significant amount of
wealth for himself as well so it's so exciting
to have community members like him um you know participate and engage and
that's again the part of the community tribe
culture and vibe that's being created that i think a lot of other communities
miss like they're participating and they're actively involved
in creating more value for the community for the project
there are just so many key players in the background here that i feel like a
lot of people aren't even aware of um even even even the general people in
the community don't know the powerhouse of people that are
actually behind the scenes working on the cat and making it great so i think
that's i don't know that's just amazing
yeah it's it's been it's it's been already an incredible journey
um i like you said i've just been fully committed because i'm just so
passionate about this community and building these relationships over the
last what nine ten months whatever it's been
and so i'm just excited uh but yeah we're gonna
try to capture some of those images if if somebody's got them behind the scenes
oh my god i'm on the website i've never seen this
you check that out yeah it's brand new man man this is like full next level
professional like i've never seen i've never seen a
crypto project put something like this on
that do me a favor dm it to barvick and slum and randy
much of you guys have all seen that but check these website out
yeah dm it to me also if we could put some of those like
solo um screen grabs of cerna of some of the pages
if we could put that on the jumbotron too that'd be dope i don't know
if there's any tweets out there with it or anything
i like how there's a link to the different socials on the app
i just uh tried to add the cat as a friend i hope the cat accepts my friend
request on the facebook
nice yeah and this in this site too and yeah we'll work on
if someone has those screen grabs uh i'm not looking i you know i can
multitask but but yeah it's uh we got that website set up go ahead
randy start oh no yeah i just let you know i posted
the screen grabs on the on the comments from uh
on slum doja space i i just put in the comments there
okay dub i wonder if i can put it up up at the top
yeah i'll try to grab it if i let me go through them yeah it has a good
answer is that is that a move is that an actual moving cat
there i just i just did it's up there so so those are somewhat of uh
so some those are some of the pages from the actual comic so if you guys see at
the top if you click on that you can see the level of of quality that
the comic book is that's incredible yeah i just wanted to jump in and touch on
more about the comic guys because i wanted to emphasize a few things about
that i think people should realize too like not only is
this like you know marvel artist level quality to
say the least it's something that we we're going to be
able to utilize in like a lot more ways than just
you know having a cool comic to show people about
the cat it's going to be a series of comics it's going to be something that
we could actually we have connections through randy like
people we could physically print these spread them like to
you know to spread the word of the cat to people in the real comic people in the
real world of conventions whatever we'll be able to have like we even have
people that like know how to create nfts out of
this if we decide to go that route there's
like pretty much unlimited potential of how we can promote
the cat with this comic um and because it's so like
like perfect looking and because the story is going to be epic
it's something that any anyone who looks at it regardless of
whether they care about krypto whether they care about the cat they're going to
see that comic and they're going to be hyped because it's just in and of itself
amazing so i think it's like a tool that we're going to be able to use
in many many ways so like don't underestimate how important this is
kind of my point so i just wanted to say that man i just i just saw the video
what the hell's going on like i just i had no idea just let everyone know about
this alpha stuff so like everyone's been talking about
the comic stuff it looks like slum got some freaking alpha in there before me
which is really rare at the grumpy at the cat community
but simple tug but generally have a look at this video it's i think it's
pinned on um in the nest i think it's the second
one randy's retweeted as well with a comment have a look at the website
but i've never seen again a meme project even these billion dollar meme tokens
i've never seen them create the type of visualizations in that in that video
and and even that comic stuff on the website like this is masterclass
no wonder like nobody like honestly probably one of the biggest things
i've seen in in the meme economy actually something with real interesting
value it's amazing it's a freaking graphic novel it's not even like just
the comics everyone realize it's super detailed like i've seen these panels
like you guys want this comic because it's just
it's just beautiful art it's insane like he he's
nobody's too humble but you know this thing is perfect
i told you nobody really is like in the real world
uh the ones that do know him is an individual that's very recognized
as a person of art as well as within the the cinematography video perspective
as well so having him as a community member to deliver something
which i reckon would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars like have a look
at the production guys go on the website um look at randy's go on randy's page
slum does page have a look at um on the nest have a
look at this video tell me have you seen anything like this
in the meme world in the meme economy any project deliver
something at this level it's phenomenal yeah we're so proud and the thing is
this is someone that's doing it for because they have a passion for the
project someone we've had a relationship with for many many months
and it's just exciting because we we really do have some talented people
that are here because they're volunteering they're here because
they're passionate about the community honestly
and that's why we just knew like we we've got something special here and
we're going to maximize every angle we have and
there's just a tremendous people in this project but yeah it's
i've seen something that you know so again a reminder a plug
throw in a buy today time time to do the buys
is now during the space if you want exclusive access
free download of episode one of the comic there's going to be some really
cool stuff coming this is just the beginning
but we have that available right now it's available today
if you do a buy just let us know and we're going to get you the secret
password to access that download but yeah it's it's really quite
something it's stunning and and this is just the beginning so
i'm just so excited of so many more things in the works we just really want
to get that out today for the community nobody and the team has worked so
hard to put things together and it is quite astounding and i'm
just in awe of the talent of some of these
guys so quite quite impressive but get those
buys in if you want access man it's now's the time talk about utility right
hey and go ahead son no i was just gonna say i see rita up here as a speaker
what's up man how's it going bro doing good doing good bro good to see
you as well you too man it's been a minute
totally totally how's it been how's it been
it's been good man just you know out here you know what i mean
doing what it do getting it done good good good i wanted i wanted to join
the uh the space right from the beginning but
i was i was in a different space so as soon as it finished well i jumped
before it finished as soon as i kind of i contributed to which
i jumped into this one because i definitely definitely did not want to
miss it appreciate it man appreciate it tell
everybody how you know tim man how you guys know each other
oh yeah brother tim is uh is my uh is my um
soul mates from across the other side of the world put it down that way
um you know we we got to know each other the more we start talking to each
other we found out that very similar you know we've got you know similar kind of
um principles kind of family set up you know
similar type nine to five kind of history and experiences and what have
you um so you know the more we knew each
other we kind of got to know that you know we're very similar on that front
and then we you know we started to kind of understand what we do in terms of
the the web3 space who who we know uh and yeah it was it was like a much
made in heaven you know um and um the rest is history i
suppose right right right as a brother from another
mother but he's he's obviously a he's a venture capitalist by pc
within web 3 he's been supporting actually he's never supported meme
economies he just recently decided to double himself in there
because he knows you need to be in it um to win it
as they all say but generally um he's i think it was just a mario space
um i think it was interesting conversation thought about influences
and accountability and all this type of stuff as well
but generally supported some of the largest seed rounds for some of the
biggest projects within d5 within crypto lot more utility projects or whatnot
um he's normally a guest speaker when it comes down to from an economist level
to a crypto market level and some of the the larger big spaces that you guys
might have seen him in as well raise a brother from another mother our
daughters have similar names we share pretty much the same top
like living lifestyles um and same level of passion as a person of integrity so
it's awesome having a venture capitalist come into the meme economy and slowly
start looking at the 0.0001 of quality projects that have those you know
intrinsic values quality communities and and venture and
supporting them as well with you know with liquidity support and stuff like
that so i'm really excited to have you know
venture capitalists come into the market and especially one
with so much integrity so we we hope that his investments
provide him and his clients a solid yield thanks Tim thanks so
i'm blushing now you know pleasure to be amongst you and as Tim mentioned i'm
relatively new to to meme economy right meme coins and you know i'm kicking
myself a little bit because i'm enjoying it to bits
and i've got to be entirely honest i've been talking to various
brothers that i see uh listening in this space and i've been saying
you know where have i been for some food for that long because this is fun
this is exciting this is involving right we get involved at so many different
levels in terms of the project in terms of what we could bring in as
value and what have you and something that i said i said to to
some of the guys that i could see in this space i said look i've got
last week we had seven projects on which we were doing due diligence right
we managed to filter them down to two projects
and i said we've got two projects that we're working on but this is all fun
and it keeps taking me away from these projects because
we're enjoying it from the enjoyment standpoint right you know when you find
that spark back and i think the meme economy has kind of
helped us towards that and it's all moving really quick there's a lot of
people getting involved there's a lot of community members that want to help you
know we are you know a community member
essentially right without we trying to help as well
and actually after the i can't remember when the space took place but i believe
about a week ago maybe 10 days ago uh when i was talking to you tim and to
you some uh some of those um we i personally
brought in some some some of the cats as well
so um when we did the when you did the kind of the um
the the migration so i think the price moved up to about 1.3 million dollars
and then he dropped to about 800 000 in terms of market cap so we managed to
catch it yeah i managed to catch mine a relatively
decent level i think around about 1 million market cap
so i'm really excited and i'm you know honored to be part of the group and the
community as well
so does that mean it doesn't mean it's love
technically the cat now is a venture capital supported
meme token i mean i i don't know if you want to go as far as to say that but
hey man you know really better than that so
that's you know i'm saying that's that's up to you
look look tim so we started i started my journey with you know
um douglas adams right so started my journey with douglas adams and so there's
somebody that was completely new so we kind of
sat down and we said why are we investing okay well everybody's in memes
there's a lot of liquidity things move really quick really aggressive really
volatile okay we like that right so we started talking to various people
and then we got introduced to douglas adams and then they explained the
narrative behind it the elo musk narrative and the reasons
we're in the sense that the contract was renounced we understood that you know
they kind of we understood the basics from the economy
standpoint you know kind of approaching that kind of
supply you know kind of shock type type type moment right so we were
excited about all of that so we got into it into it
then we started talking about you know to the community and we understood that
they're doing rebranding and your website
um heavy in terms of tech but also they want to do a number of kind of
collaborations and partnerships with different projects fine so we signed off
that one we got in we locked up position happy days
very quickly you know i saw that space with you guys
and then you know i'll go introduce to the cat you know the migration to
the cat and then i really liked it in terms of the branding that you're trying
to do in terms of the merge but also sometimes it's about who you know i
looked at the people that were in the space and i was like okay
do i like them yes do i get on with them yes do i agree with
with what they do yes do i know if they're successful from previous
investment hell yes okay who am i to say no it was as
easy as that i can't remember exactly if we made that the investment
just before i went on holiday team you know i've been on holiday for a week
or doing the holiday but we've managed since that you've been on two holidays
you excellent one and now you're on your second
yeah yeah guilty um so so yeah we've managed to
you know i i dmd you team if you remember and i said to you i really want
to buy now i'm getting the fomo though do i jump in right now and you're like
yeah it's a good price i think it was about 1.3 million
it was like it's a good price uh you know if you want to get in
and i was like okay shall i do that shall i wait a week i think and we
waited a day or two and then he dropped from that 1.3 million
he dropped to about can't remember i think he dropped over
eight hundred thousand we caught it more or less around about a million
and now i'm looking at the um um um the deck screener it's like two million
dollars so can't be any happier
oh we're only getting started i remember he came up
we had so we did like the launch stealth launch and then we had
just an impromptu space that we launched you know like an hour or two
after we just got it got it out got the contract live got it
renounced got everything rolling he pops up
so it's been a real pleasure man i connected with you
um i know you joined our x community on x
and i've just been really impressed and happy and i know with
basically any friend of tim is a friend of me and this community is kind of how
i look at it so so such good people in this space and
when we really come together as a positive influence and try to do the
right things to do it the right way but then also
surround yourself with experienced smart people that are really
trying to look out for each other and and i do believe and have come to
absolutely believe that you know if you do it the right way
and you really are transparent and authentic
you can build something special and have everybody win it doesn't have to be a
zero-sum game where there's two or three people with
50 percent of the supply like it really can be
something that we build together and that's what at least what we strive to
do every single day and i i'm just a big believer that
we have absolutely the relationships and the people
that want this to succeed they're just surrounding with this project and i've
just every day become more bullish and just with this new branding
this new excitement around this token i think there's two million
i think we're only getting started um and i'm just excited about what's coming
and this comic is just again we're a week old this is
one of many things that will be coming um
and so i'm just excited to be a part of this journey and this process and this
new launch because i'm surrounded by friends
and family that i've really grown to connect with on a daily basis because
that's what we do in this community we engage
daily and i'm excited to be a part of it and just the next journey but man i
appreciate you jumping on the earlier space uh last week and then
coming today because uh yeah it's exciting to have you here
and someone like i said friend of ten friend of us
and um let's let's move around the room too so uh
um i know i've known borovic for a while now i want to say about
about a year almost now borro i don't know i think so but
he's he's always been a good dude straight up and down um
solid guy all around that's um borovic if you want to do a little intro about
yourself yeah i've been in crypto about seven
years now and i've met slum about a year ago uh i went to vegas for
july 4th we hung out so that was a good time
yeah who did i introduce you to you introduced me to uh gram stephen
and andre jick the two big youtubers uh and uh and that uh car youtuber
yeah yeah yeah lucky yeah lucky the car youtuber yeah
yeah um so i wanted to ask the founders a question are you guys
thinking about opening a facet pool because i like my gas fees under a
dollar so i was uh wondering if you guys are
going to open up a pool there can you you want to you want to tell
them what facet what oh yeah yeah if you don't know so uh are
you familiar with eepscriptions no yeah so uh eepscriptions founders
created facet uh it's it's not an l2 it's layer one
everything's layer one you just have to wrap your e to use it the same way you
have to wrap your eep if you want to use blur
or if you want to use anything else but essentially you guys could open a pool
there or whatever uh a cat pool there and then i could buy
cat for like under a dollar gas fee it's all on l1 like it's
the same thing it's just like it'll just be a wrapped version of your cat
wait so so would it would we still have the cat
on on ethereum it would just be yeah i mean you could just open up another
pool i mean it's just it's the same way as like having multiple pools across
different indexes or multiple pools across
different networks it's the same thing so yeah instead of having all your
so do you need so do you need it so you wrap that says that pretty much
technically like bridging the token across right so be
the cat will be wrapped into a wrapped the cat version
and then you can trade as much as you want in that liquidity pool is that right
yeah you have to wrap it to be uh to be a facet
to be a facet native token like an inscription based token yeah
and then what is facet though you have to tell us what facet is
yeah i mean it's uh it's it's very similar to eepscriptions the founders
eepscriptions created facet essentially you're able to trade uh on their decks
for under a dollar it's it's just a way to bypass smart
contracts how their system works is they bypass smart contracts every
transaction and transfer so instead of paying
20 or 30 dollars to swap your token you're only paying a dollar
and are the same things coming for nfts so if you guys open up so if the cat
opens up a pool on facet you like you let's say you
pull like i don't know some money into a pool
you know like 50 percent a cat 50 percent uh
then anyone could you know start uh start buying
the cat for like under a dollar gas fee tim do you know
tim do you know what uh eepscriptions is i've heard of it i know the concept like
what borovik is talking about like generally what you're going
to have to do is so the debt so you add a pool you'll um you'll
technically wrap the cat token into a wrapped the cat version token version
and then you can basically trade as much of these tokens onto this platform
um using less than you know what i think it's in the sense like in terms of
transaction fee dollars or whatnot too i think i
think it's smart what uh borovik is talking about until you know
italics obviously come out live in the last few weeks actually the last few
days talking about any l2 that's going to be
competing with ethereum needs to be competing on sense
because obviously have a triple sharding event that's coming up um with the
updated surge surge process which which you created in the platform so
but i think a lot of people are looking at really effective ways
um and trust obviously trusted and secure ways
and i think what borovik is talking about is a more optimal way
to trade the cat paying really low gas fees especially with what we're having
today was like 33 bucks 35 dollars or something as well so
yeah so it's all on ethereum it's all on l1 like that's i do not i do not like
l2s i mean like it's it's great that we have
coinbase you know like cheerleading and pushing
ethereum forward but i personally want my uh like i want to hold my assets on
on ethereum main in ethereum so so essentially basically okay so just
breaking this down to people that aren't as tech savvy okay
aka me um you're basically saying you can trade
the cat token on ethereum for almost no gas fees is what you're saying
yeah yeah basically i mean you could launch your own native tokens on fasted
or you could migrate you could uh migrate over or just you know
bridge a little bit over uh but it's not another block it's not
another blockchain though no no it's not another it's all just main in ethereum
every transaction you could confirm it's on main in ethereum
okay well that that's how they do it is they just bypass smart contract
which is which is genius so okay i don't even know you can buy yeah i mean if
you look if you look at uh etherscan was like
they were like mad they're like oh you can't do that and
and well look like ethereum's failing us in terms of gas fees
so this is this is a great solution it's another way it's another way to get
the job done you know you pay less than a dollar in gas
i think that's going to be the next big meta versus why would you want to pay 30
40 50 dollars or a hundred dollars in the bull market
you know for uh for a next swapper right no that's that's that's really
interesting this is the like i didn't even know you could
you could do that and i guess tim heard of it tim's heard of it before but
yeah i had no idea i could do that that's that's definitely something that
we should consider i think but yeah look oh yeah like i said i'll i'll buy my
first a cat uh
oh dv maybe maybe dv yeah maybe yourself barvick and dv can have a bit of a chat
and work this out in terms of like seeing what type of
you know kellab and stuff that can be done to get these done yeah for sure
no i would love that i would love that um let me let me see who else in the room
we have here uh adam's been around for a while
i don't know if adam you want to give us a little intro how you found out about
grumpy and then the cat
uh yeah yeah i can talk again about that um
i uh got into the cat around let's see when was it uh well grumpy
originally i don't know around the time that
randy had spoken about it it's a bunch of his people on
his live streams um you know for vivi and all that uh
and that what was one was that i don't know like
eight months ago i don't know it was a little after your original grumpy
mega space and after all that happened so i uh joined after that and um you
know secured my position then i was one of the top holders because i just saw
like after kind of watching i guess for a couple
weeks like the community seemed to be unlike most
uh of these kind of meme coins it was a much more solid group than like i've
ever seen and so that's why i stuck around so
like intently and that's why i'm in the tg every day that's why i'm showing
every day and and it just felt right that like this
this i i witnessed many communities i've looked at hundreds of tokens but
this was like one where i saw people who like were all of the
same mindset and who didn't kind of there weren't any weak links there
weren't there wasn't worried when things went up or went down like it it it was
it seemed like the best place to park my money essentially
when i when i made the decision so um that's why you know i don't know what
have i put in like 50k i don't even know but like
either way like i have the strongest i i feel the strongest about of all these
projects i feel the long-term potential is here and i'm here to stay and i'm
also not going to stop buying i'm not going
to stop showing and i think uh with all the stuff we've
been talking about from the comic to like other you know you know tech stuff
it sounds like we might be able to do and all of uh the people we know here
and the connections we all have um i see no reason why like this isn't
going to go into the hundreds of millions or billions like in the near
future um i even think 100 mil is just like a
short term goal right now to be honest because
we have way more potential than i've seen um in most projects and so
yeah i uh i'm very happy that randy got uh spoke about it when he did and that i
put you know i got in when i did and um i have no
regrets so far and yeah i won't plan to have i don't i
won't have any regrets i mean i don't we really appreciate you man
always have everybody here i'm sure loves you know everything you do like as
far as like your your expertise you know what i
mean and and our expertise on our end man
always always been always been loved on our end and i don't know i don't know
if you if you found out about it after randy or
randy found out about it uh no and randy you
came to the spaces right yeah i um i was i hope so i guess you
kind of know this i was a little bit of a pro the doge fan boy and i had
subscribed to you because you had teased that
you were gonna shout out the next big meme coins like okay
let me subscribe to this legendary man and then when i subscribed you
you put out crumpy cats like oh my god i have to go live gotta make a video
yeah tell all my whales and uh you know that's how it happened that's dope man
that's dope and these are all people that have been around for what
eight nine ten ten months here you know what i mean everybody just on spaces
everybody's still very active in the community
you know still shilling still still buying up
you know supplies just i think it's amazing how everybody's just
so like core values here and solid people behind this man
and we have we have forgage in here too man you haven't you haven't spoken yet
let's talk about you a little bit well i appreciate that slum nice to see you
again and pro and db randy uh all the fellow
cats even even rita know know that cat too tim
nice seeing you saff everyone you know what i started uh
i got in i think it was the big space uh sometime after that so
worked it we were doing daily spaces and everything like that and then i just got
busy in life and stuff and couldn't do daily spaces as much but i i enjoy doing
spaces when i can and helping out the community
they're amazing community just great friends that i've developed relationships
with and and uh in and i don't use friends in a loose
term so when i say friends and i mention people like db
randy yourself slum i mean we've chopped it up
multiple times i mean the best meme out there is that
sign falling on your head if we can get that more
when i was talking when i was talking shit about betba
well i mean we've been around a long time we're doing a lot of things
i mean there's just so many great people in an amazing time
to be here i just uh you i hope people understand when they're
hearing the space and everything like that
what kind of value while the project has value it's the community
and the community is top-notch and the people here sharing and caring and
working together i mean i can't speak more highly i
mean nobody amazing um we should send him a speaker
request please he won't speak but i you just got to do it
you talking about the baker no no nobody the the comic designer and
helping out with that just good times i just i've really enjoyed it thoroughly
and uh just amazing i'm i'm excited about the
you know where we're heading as a community and team and just
you know let's grab hold of it and let's go i mean everything good
everything that's worth it everything that's good takes time you know what i
mean i feel like i feel like we've been
able to show and prove that we're here to stay
show and prove that this project is here to stay and
nothing speaks more volumes than the time that you're in the market which is
what we've been doing right so we've been showing and proving
for months and months now like almost coming up on one year here
which is pretty insane if you think about it like what other mean coins do
you know have launched have stuck around and and are
still building are still growing community members growing
holders like we have so that's i think that's a sight to see in
itself so um i have a question do you want to
drop another 20k in let's let's match what you're
going to go through that bro i don't came out of nowhere i think i was top i
was yeah yeah wallet i was top three years i
don't know i had the top wallet in the atom because i don't know where and it's
like hey man catching up to you hey man and then a few weeks go by a few weeks
go by hey man got a little bit more man hey man i'm about to pass you bro i'm
about to pass you a few more weeks go by hey man
hey man i'm at you what's up bro and i'm like
i'm comfortable with my position but yeah i don't know man i don't know
maybe we should do something here in the near future here
but yeah shout out to you man thank you hey it's time to ask everybody's ens
name now he's like when you look go to top holder have a look at the name
guess which one is i gotta i gotta go check i gotta go check hold on
wait what is it what is it you should be able to tell when you see the
the ens the pothole day have a look at the top have a look at the top
that is a passing passing i'm right i put my i'm right under you you'll see
okay i gotta check but this is the type of stuff i'm talking about man like you
guys you guys are like brothers to me man we've been doing this for like eight
nine ten months man it's it's all love it's all love over here
yeah that's we have a lot of fun behind the scenes and we work really hard uh
every day to you know motivate each other think of
strategically plan kind of next milestones and all the things that we're
planning but uh yeah so we've really grown some
relationships over the last 10 whatever it is now
months um so it's exciting go ahead randy
so i um i you know obviously this is not financial advice you know none of
this but i do really like speculating i like putting on my tin foil hat and i
like seeing where potentially could this project go
and and let's let's do the math behind that so you have
right now uh we were supposed to get in the macro we're supposed to get a rate
hike in q1 and now not only are they not
doing that uh but they're going to do a rate cut
most likely most likely they're going to do it either late q1 or early q2
but that's going to have about one trillion out of the five point seven
trillion uh in the money markets it's going to rip into the market
you're going to have this this melt up uh for the markets where you're going to
have kind of like this fomo uh kind of have
where it's not going to be around like those 2020
2001 levels where everyone's getting those 1200 checks
but it's going to be pretty close so that in conjunction with the bitcoin ETFs
already being approved and then you have the ethereum ETFs
are going to be approved in q2 as well you have this perfect storm coming up
where everyone's going to be making a lot of money in crypto
and all of that is going to trickle down to to all
memes and i feel like we're in one of the best positions where
we you know just having just cats in general have pretty much
taken over the internet without even trying and we have this
opportunity where people are not going to people tend to not buy when it's
boring they tend to only buy after things are
exciting so it's great now that we have over two
million dollar market cap but as everyone said here that's just the
start how do we i mean again the old grumpy
cat just just literally in five minutes got to 30 million
all it takes is a couple people with a couple different buy orders
which we're starting to see with with the big omi wallets they're starting to
buy but all it takes is a little bit uh you
know of a squeeze to happen for us to reach those tens of millions of dollars
now you know should we ever reach you know multiple billions of dollars
i i don't know i i would actually i should probably say no
but but will we i i would say it's very very possible just
because one crypto things happen that
shouldn't happen and that happens all the time
uh and then too when that pendulum swings and we suddenly have this big
influx of money people chasing those green candles
and you have that fomo i i really think these could be hundreds of millions of
dollars well we we've also we've also developed a
strong foundation too right so so dogecoin here's an example dogecoin
didn't just blow up overnight right dogecoin had to build its own
foundation from the very beginning from 2013 right
it literally had people coming in people coming in slowly
um you know some people would leave some people would come in but there was
always more and more community members growing
and holder count growing to the point where like the foundation was so
solid it was at that 0.002 it was two tenths of a penny
it had been there for years right this wasn't just something that had just
developed overnight and so when the time came and and it's it
just so happened that elon musk decided to love the coin and talk about it
but it was a perfect launch pad for it to go parabolic right the foundation was
there it was strong it was concrete it wasn't going below
um at that time i remember tracking it it wasn't going below two cents
right so after it exploded went up to eight cents to drop back down it was not
going under two cents again and i knew that for a fact
then i even like had my own charts that i was putting together and my own
uh like like i was drawing all over the lines everywhere but i was like it's
not going under two cents and that was my
that's that's when i went all in um because i knew for a fact it wasn't
going down there because that foundation had been built up
over time and there's enough people holding and enough
uh people with the with coins in their wallets that it wasn't going to go
anywhere and so it's the same thing with the cat right so the cat's been
building this foundation for the past year
and the foundation is strong the foundation is there and i feel like when
the time comes and when the bull market starts rearing its head
when we start getting into those that fomo season people are going to look to
um coins that have been around and and have that foundation already built in
right a lot of if you're going to throw five
10k into a coin i would rather personally i'd rather throw it into a
coin that's proven shown and proven to be there for a
while and not something that just popped up out of nowhere right so that's
exactly what i did with those coin that's exactly
what would i see with the cat as well here in the near future whether it takes
a few more months whether it takes the next year like i don't know when it's
going to happen but when that that a wave of fomo does come in
people are going to be looking at okay we already had the the dog coin meta
right that was last that was our cycle what's here for the new cycle right in
between the cycles we had the frog right we have pepe so we've never had a
cat coin hit a billion dollar market cap and that's facts that's true
so if somebody that's coming in and they're like okay let me get into one of
these mean coins that have been around for a while
they're going to look at it like okay the cat's been around for a year now
okay it has a strong foundation it's got a strong community it's got a strong
team behind it okay this this looks like a great launch
pad from here to go parabolic and we're going to be one of those few
uh mean cats coins that have actually stood the test of time
and so it only makes sense that this would be one of those things that go
crazy as well you know
i don't know if you guys are following me there but yeah oh i found
i wholeheartedly agree and i think that's what people need to
i think people are getting a bit confused like thinking we're in some
type of bull run or alcoin season but where we're at
at the moment is like these rotational you know short term liquidity runs
where we saw pepe have a bit of a run and everyone trying to do a rotational
meta play which means you're not going to have a
lot of sustainable meme tokens really in economy and everyone's
probably experienced that where you know a lot of people probably
been hurt versus you know gain the rewards of
rotating and making some rois but i think generally the old school
trend has always been look at dodge how many years the slug was
saying till it actually peaked have a look at um shiba like literally
people fought a rug right at a certain period of time
it like it's stagnant for four or five months most people rotate it out most
people profit themselves out completely exit their position out
and then boom like it just took off and it's now a five billion dollar market
project and fortunate enough we have multiple holders that were
the part of day one that still hold those tokens
um which which we're fortunate to have so hopefully it's the time where they can
i know a lot of them are literally waiting for the price to probably go up
back for ship so they could start actually rotating up like when you can
at these higher peak prices unlike slum and some of us that um
that we somehow or another keep holding even when it hits these tops right
although he gives advice on socials though profit out at one and a half
billion bet pay but he himself will still hold to the
very end which is which is a very loyal trait to have within the beam economy
world but generally if everyone remembers when
the altcoin season started picking up a lot of the established projects
that were like averaging a million dollar market cap started averaging 45
billion dollar market cap so one is ethereum start making huge moves which
we all know potentially you know we've got efts for
ethereum moving across sort of coming quarter to quarter three
which means you know some analysts have said
ethereum potentially has opportunity to go above ten thousand dollars
and everything on ethereum that's paired with the token
means they're going to also have an inf a direct inference a direct
increase in their appreciation in their pricing as well so
the good thing about being on a ethereum network is we all believe in the future
and the vision which means we potentially earn an
rro with that as well secondary is that we're starting to see
huge amount of ets for you know bitcoin and a lot of them haven't really
completely matured and then they're trading
um not all the asset managers are currently trading
once we start seeing more active trading um and we see more penetration of
you know and i think raider talks a lot a lot about the
you know the pension funds and the family wealth funds that are coming
through the stock market and we start seeing huge amount of
purchase volume coming to the crypto market
that's where analysts are talking about people have heard those hundred two
hundred thousand dollar type markets i think it's a realistic level like i
think market makers are able to move these level of markets from a trillion
two trillion to a five trillion dollar market as well so
i think that's why a lot of people are really excited to see but remember
that's when retail investors come in right now it's institutional investors
its asset managers are able to manage the market maker which means they're
able to take liquidity out bring liquidity in
we're going to see retail investors come in which means
that when alcoin season comes in which ultimately means retail investors coming
in with real liquidity not rotational liquidity
as slum says and and i know randy says this on his youtube videos
established projects that have all those interesting values of
you know their level of quality from from their narrative to their tech that
they have the teams that they've got and they've been here for a period of
time you'll automatically see a general
average increase of their market cap and then you'll see stimulus occur
and i think that's exciting part about this community there's so much
opportunity and so much stimulus opportunities
where the hardest thing for a lot of people right now is not understanding
and unless you've been participated in previous bull runs and bearish markets
if you look at and you know we obviously have nelson one of the
biggest holders in d5 you know he's got a wallet that
literally moves and and and and the media talks about it
and he's a holder at grumpy cat coin as well with a really large
sizable you know token amount from different projects
have a look at his investment he just holds like literally buys in
most people will think that the project's not really doing what they want
to do and it drops from like you know five million dollar ten million dollars
to a million dollar market cap and he just maintains himself and he
doesn't look at the chart from a short-term level but alongside a level
so for him he looks at projects that he feel is going to sustain
that you know the battle of time for bearish and extended marriage market and
he thinks generally if they've got the concept
it's going to have that stimulus similar to like slums experience and
randy and other people's experience so i generally feel grump you know that
i think the cat literally has the same attributes as some of
these larger meme tokens especially being a cat and you're going to
remember i think there's always been you know
right now previously grumpy cat was always in the top five
of all cat meme tokens i think the cat has already got that presence online and
it's built into that top five top six in the market so the reality is like the
narrative's there as a meme as a cat meme amongst all
the various other memes you're in that top 10 level
so it's just really maintaining where we are now
letting the market do what it needs to do and really ensuring that when that
altcoin season run comes or if a stimulus arrives for the project
that you're prepared and you're ready to go and that's the most key thing that
i've noticed in a lot of these other meme projects
that had these stimulus they had a community there that a core community
and when the time came to push that a unified front and we saw that move from
hundred million two hundred million five hundred million
to a billion dollar market cap so i think they had that belief system i
think this community has this belief system
but everyone needs to remember like the most exciting part of these projects is
they love to be part of the project because they choose to do so
that's what's exciting about community-driven projects the fomo the
excitement and the hype is not forced um it's something that's all it's
created and developed because people generally want to be
part of this tribe-like mentality and and i think that's
exactly where dark cat is projected to be and become
i think potentially in you know a top 10 meme tokens
sort of coming in that close to the end of this year
i also feel like as long as you know us as a community
does the same thing that we did last time with grumpy there's no
reason why they can't achieve the same highs and go even higher right last time
we literally got stopped right there was that glass ceiling that we just couldn't
blast through because of the ip issues that technically weren't even issues but
just the fud from it wasn't was strong enough
to um to bring us down but if we literally do the exact same tactics
we we do the exact same spaces the same way we were doing things
at that time if we do it this time i feel like the sky is the limit i feel
like we can go as high as we want to and then right now with the market
sentiment the the i think i just saw that the
ethereum etf is gonna is gonna be here in the next
couple months or so we just had the approval of the bitcoin etf we got the
bitcoin having coming up right there's like we're primed here in the
next a few months we're primed here to go into
whether it's a meme coin bull run or out coin bull run
a mini bull run anything that you see is is liable to happen because the second
half of this year we're going to be gearing up
towards the actual real bull run which is going to start happening towards the
end of the year into 2025 which is if you look at the
cycles you look at the years every four years we have
um a bull run we just left the the bear market here last year and the year
before now we're getting primed into going into the bull run so now is a
good time as any to actually have these projects
have bags of these projects like the cat that are primed and ready to go has
built the foundation has had the community
the strong team members here and going into the next bull run
we're going to be ready to go and ready to rock so you know
get your bag when you can and just join the community join the spaces
be an active part of it and and see see what happens
yeah and just a reminder for i know we had people coming in mid-stream
as uh you know we have the comic which is our first kind of release
of uh some uh just straight out of the community
driven project ethos man we have great talented people in this community
we've released the comic um on a new website
just dedicated to that by another community member that set that up
again all just passionate about doing anything and everything
to build on this foundation of this community that's just
accumulated and we continue to accumulate supply
and drive this thing forward and now with this comic release today
if you again if you put a buy in during the spaces
contact an admin on tg and we'll get you
free download of the comic today i'm excited it's
truly top-notch art um and we're excited this is just the first episode we've got
many plans coming uh that will probably be some exclusive for the dakak
holder community um as well as some other things like the planned
burn for holders that's coming within the next week
or so i forget what date it is yeah so probably within the next week we're
going to have some additional burn of tokens so for holders
just increases your your your uh your uh your percentage so
uh we're excited and we're just getting started again we're really a weekend to
this new lease on life we believe the ceiling is so
much there's unlimited potential here we really do believe
there's been so much care and effort to develop
an original meme token uh art and all the different things that we've built
the website is has been amazing all the different pieces have really come
together and it's just this amazing community at
the end of the day that you you overlay this community that's been
together for eight nine months and to this project
we're just so excited to see what's coming and the comic
is just one of many that we're excited to release and for those that
you know mentioned about ethgas it has come down i know some people were
messaging they want to see that eth come down a
little bit to borovic's point but uh so it is down uh back to more quote
unquote reasonable levels if you ask me um so
gways like 29 so uh i know there'd probably be some more buys coming in but
i know some people are excited about getting their hands on the comic so i
just wanted one more plug for that because we're just so
impressed and proud i'm just so proud by nobody which is
again someone didn't mention let's get him up to talk with
i'd say we connected with nobody behind the scenes but
and he said you know at 10 million market cap they might do an unveiling
but this is truly something with some incredible talent that's
put out so much behind the scenes in this community as well as so many others
i'm just proud to have gotten to know so many people with just such experience
and talent that are doing all this out of the
passion of the community and the project no one's getting paid and we're here
because we believe we host spaces every single day
vcs uh because we believe in each other and we
we really do we're sitting on a winner here so i would just extend the invite
join us get a buy-in get the hands on the comic book i think you'll enjoy it
uh i hope so so let us know let us know either way
we're excited to get feedback but uh i am just so impressed about the images
and this journey that we're on this is just going to be one of many
things that we do um but it's a great way to start i
think well one week after the launch to kind of kick this off so exciting
times for this community if you ask me and uh yeah so i know we got a couple
more speakers let me hit a couple more uh debaker i saw you come up how you
doing brother
hey boys hey everybody uh great spaces i'm enjoying myself thoroughly
uh hearing all the stories of the past and
just to let everyone know like i i'm an admin for this
coin and i've been here a long time and it's been
a journey like earning my way into admin uh
doing everything i can uh to help this community and
you know i know 99 of the guys here are just not gonna stop
uh until we reach the billions in market cap
um we we're on a mission and we're not gonna stop like we have an awesome dev
he does everything that we could have asked from him
um we have great support from like tim and slum and randy you know that they're
big influences but uh you know from a human level uh on the
ground level from a troop level um it's just a really uh fun amazing
community and you're really gonna have a good time
if you join us um i suggest you just come into the
tg have a look what we're all about we do
daily spaces we're like uh we literally like family
and uh it's just a great experience to have
and we can we put the telegram up there on the on the on the jumbotron so people
know uh the link to the telegram um so they
can so they can join in and see what it's all about
yeah actually it's in my post and that second one on the nest up top
with the announcement of the comic it's it's right there as a link
okay cool yeah so check it out guys go to the telegram
see what it's all about thank you so much uh debaker for being one of the
admins man we really do appreciate everything you do
um we have some other people up here on stage too
i was thinking about wrapping up here in the next five to ten minutes so
um if anybody else on stage wants to say something else
we could do some quick outros and um yeah
let's let's keep killing it with the cat man
what's happening to the cats what's going on
what's happening yo yo yo what's happening slum randy db rata tim
for gauge adam the baker oh my god welcome
what's going on so yeah i guess um i guess i'll
say a few words about like you know how i discovered
you know grumpy and the cat and uh what i've seen from the community and what
not yeah so um i actually discovered it
through slum i've been following slum since uh
since the since uh the doge pump back in the day
and um did you watch the movie i did i did man i love your movie all right it
really helped me get a better understanding of where you came from
there were certain aspects of your life that i wasn't
knowledgeable of you know uh but uh you definitely
laid it out inside there bruh uh i tell you what it it was a good movie
definitely inspiring appreciate it man thank you so much i
actually i'm gonna i'm gonna put a link up here
um so so everybody can can check out the movie whenever we get a chance it is on
apple tv it's also on amazon video and it's on fuse tv it's called this is
not financial advice and follows my dogecoin
journey so in case you guys haven't seen it
but yeah i mean i found i found slums uh post back then
i remember um during the last bull market
uh i decided that i was just gonna stay in i wasn't sure
you know how all the staking and whatnot was gonna go
but i made a promise to myself that i was gonna become complacent like i was
the last bear market um and uh i just every single day i
would get on and make sure that i was up on what was going on
and if i wouldn't if i wasn't if i wouldn't have done that
i would have never saw slums post and i remember him saying uh
uh you know the next big one is uh grumpy
and i just put my hand up in the air it's like more power to you
but same day i at least i think it was the same day it's hard to think back that
far but uh i i noticed i had two tokens
you know that uh went the way of the dodo and um
i was like well i i kissed this money goodbye anyway
uh what what should i move this to and i thought huh
you know i feel kind of grumpy about this you know
yeah that's exactly what i said and uh i went ahead and i uh blindly i did not
uh normally i look at prices and charts and whatnot
but i decided you know what i kissed this money goodbye anyway
i'm gonna blindly just go ahead and flip it into the grumpy and that's
exactly what i did and since that point i started uh
keeping tabs on what was going on with the community started getting involved
listening to the spaces the spaces is what really attracted me
and um i started being on there i started talking
um started doing charts uh eventually uh got myself in the community maya
hit me up and says hey i want you to come up and be an admin and be part of
the core you know so that's what i did i mean um
eventually i got my uh my trillion you know
um i i was sitting back one day i was just kind of like going
you know should i pull that trigger you know and get in there because i kind of
want to know whether you know whether or not this is all
on the up and up you know and i pulled the trigger got in there
of course just like everyone else who gets inside the millionaire group
uh goes back and reads through just seeing what what's going on and
lo and behold i'm like holy shit you know
this is all this is all on the up and up this is
this is legit these are real freaking people
you know and uh i just became more gung-ho gung-ho
you know and um eventually i started screaming for
more spaces and whatnot and uh everybody started stepping up and i'm
like you know i can't be screaming for spaces
and not be stepping up myself you know so that's exactly what i did and
kind of developed a music show from it you know that i put on for the
specifically uh for the the cats out there you know uh i've been in this
since may 17th you know and i've been in it every
day i tell you what we have an amazing community that we've built
all right it is so hardcore that you you have no idea how many hours
all right uh we have put in and into this community to build it
develop it make it become what it is today
you know and i'm so excited to be at us uh we're
we're we're a weekend to this uh to the launch and whatnot
i mean the skies limit people you know and it's gonna be amazing man yeah i
appreciate you so much man i like i didn't know
you know that side of your story man just you you stepping up
you know you can't like you said you can't claim for spaces if you're not
going to step back you know so do step enough for the spaces man
for being there day one holder and then and this
core community member man shout out to you appreciate everything you do for us
and i'm sure everybody up here appreciates you too man
i see i see raider with his hand up go ahead
sure thing thanks anders no i just wanted to kind of add something that's
been kind of uh mentioned before by by tim um you know we've seen obviously the
in january we've seen the impacts that i had on the price
um obviously there has been a little bit of a sell the news events which kind of
dropped the price a little bit but we know what's gonna kind of what
that's gonna bring to the market longer term right in terms of institution money
in terms of some serious deep pocket that we're a little bit afraid to kind
of get into the space now they have the the
regulatory kind of type reason or to to to invest in it even if it's a
small kind of percentage divestment now we're talking about the ethereum
um etfs um some talking about them kind of as early as april or may 2024
we know as of today there's about 3.3 percent of the supply of bitcoin
is locked into the etfs right and that's happened within the space of one
month right so you could see the level of impact
ethereum having even a lower market cap than bitcoin right we don't know the
level of demand that's going to be within the institutions
that could be the same that could be more that could be could be less
argue should be more right and this is just me my perspective why because it's
a working utility product smart contract what it brings the
growth obviously the the roadmap it's completely different ball game to
bitcoin so argue personally percentage is going to be way more
but let's assume they just put the same amount of money with a smaller market
cap we're talking about a huge level a huge number of a huge percentage
of etf of ethereum be locked what is that going to do
to all the ethereum ecosystem we're talking about utilities within ethereum
but also within the meme coins within ethereum that was one of our decisions
while we kind of decided to stick to meme coins within the ethereum ecosystem
is because of all the stuff that we see coming up down the road right so i just
wanted to make sure that i'm kind of articulating that to the
audience so that they could go and do it obviously their own research
and then descend it a little bit more because you know positioning yourself in
the right project particularly in the right ecosystems
what it could do obviously down the road you know you've talked some days you've
talked about you know the proper bull market running towards the end of 24
2025 which i do agree with you by the way but also think about
is it going to be a bull run across all the ecosystems
are all ecosystems going to perform in the same way same shape form
etc and where should you position yourself
and i think talking about that cut and talking about you know
bias sorry i'm slanted douglas adams that i'm invested in
and the various kind of other projects i do see ethereum
getting quite a lot of spotlights quite early on in terms of the investments
obviously and you know we want obviously our
investments to get the the biggest the quickest the fastest kind of
return investments so at that point if we reach a point that we're happy to exit
fantastic we could exit and we could still catch maybe perhaps another
ecosystem as we see fit right because there is you know we like
it or not there is people that have certain targets
and they would want to exit or maybe kind of de-risk at certain levels
so that they have a little bit of cash available to them or they de-risk or
they want to put their money elsewhere but sometimes it is smart to kind of
work out which are the ecosystems that i will have that most aggressive
the quickest the most money coming to them the earliest
so that you could kind of hit that return on investments at the right time
thank you and ridda it is ethereum too like i mean look look at vitalik in the
last two weeks so i've been engaging with one of
vitalik's family members a friend of mine and
the reason he's put a lot of effort is other chains are starting to founders of
chains are starting to interact a lot more to the community
so if you guys have seen in the last two weeks he's been very proactive on
spaces including in where meme economy is meow
meow like a cat right who knows what type of
connectivity can occur with a great amazing community like the
cat i think what people aren't realizing is
when red is talking about etfs potentially april
may june these periods of time a lot of people were talking about remember the
etf bitcoin slum dodge like even yourself even a lot of people are
thinking oh is it really going to go through
in january and we saw it go through and we haven't seen anything really go
through it's only been one or two asset managers that
literally have have listed their asset majority of them haven't really
participated as yet and that's why people are
talking about when they do start participating imagine what bitcoin will
achieve but let's think about what ethereum can
do if you listen to most of the analysts have
listened to dale chemists he's one of the
most experienced d-fi you know blockchain experts as well as economists
i listen to extensively and you listen to how big d-fi
is think about decentralized finance 90 percent
of all the centralized finance protocols are built on where ethereum
including amongst all the various altus so the potential
what's really saying is that when etfs get proved
is i feel ethereum generally has a massive opportunity
to topple bitcoin from a market capital level because
90 of protocols are being built including gaming protocols and gaming
projects that are looking to onboard majority of altus including salana
are doing roll ups to basically come on and interact with ethereum including
sub node systems as well so like a lot of people are saying will
ethereum etfs get approved in this period of time
i think based on what we saw with btc i think the likelihood
is real and that's why i think vitalik did huge upgrades with roll ups
um onto the ethereum um white paper with the
the merdsberg pledge um impact that we're going to be seeing especially in
quarter two quarter three which again triple sharding event like is one of the
biggest changes that we're ever going to see
from you know obviously we saw the proof of
work to the proof of sake transition and i think that's an
exciting period for the community and i've actually put some messages
into some of the groups at the cat just remember one thing
etf's coming through protocol developing
more people on board including major brands we'll probably see cbdcs and
regs and all these various impacts come across
you're building on the ethereum foundation for a reason
and when the time does come where we see a huge amount of retail investors
flock through um you know the the next altcoin type
of movement it's projects that are established and
red a venture capitalist is also coming to meme economies
just in sun we saw in polynox as well as um the the ceo of huabi
interact with vitalik on a mean coin right so we're seeing huge
amount of interest now in the meme economy
but what are they looking for they're looking for strong narratives they're
looking for strong communities and they're looking for some level of
intrinsic value so venture capitals right now aren't interested in
100 200 300 500 they're looking at small cap low cap
meme tokens that are established with the community that are ready to ride the
next alkaline season and i think that's the type of projects and communities
that people are looking to invest in and that's that that's exactly what the cat
offers to the wider community so i think everyone needs to remember
your venture capitals are now investing and you've got your one of your first
ever venture capital investing the largest DeFi holders investing
slumdodge randy you know aboravik we've got some of the biggest influences
that have been part of the largest projects in web free in the crypto
sphere literally buying their own tokens um
opening these spaces without requiring any level of charges or anything doing
it because they generally believe in the project
so you as a community member should be knowing one thing like
this is where people talk about accumulation and consolidation do you
earn research no financial advice but generally
these are the times you accumulate because you're seeing some of the
biggest names and you're starting to see patterns occur where they're
investing in very similar projects to cat so i think people that are in the
community people the current founding team need to understand
you're probably in the ideal position an ideal project
for a lot of the venture capitals that are coming in now a lot of the major
investors and we haven't seen retail investors but you will be
most ideal project because the narrative in the community is so strong
and that's what you should be looking forward to in the future
well said man well said sim um definitely agree with everything you
said uh i also feel like let me see here anybody else on stage that
that want to say we're coming up on um uh two hours here
and and yeah if anybody else has any closing comments we can go around the
room real quick randy
um i just really really excited about the people that are here
um i we're no longer like early early we're just
kind of on the cusp of of people getting in like i said we have that
uh you have a bunch of big catalysts coming and
you know when you have all that i really hope that certain people
um you know they kind of give back to the community a little bit you know it's
gonna make enough financial advice probably gonna
make a decent amount of people a lot of money
uh so i hope as that happens people kind of give back and they
uh help new people like okay here's the the best way to go or
uh here's the you know something that they could do for the community saying
like okay well we have a comic we have this
you know what's something else other people could add uh just you know that's
how you grow the hobby that's how you grow the grow the family
uh i'm just excited for that yeah man no as as am i as am i i agree to
um piggybacking off of what tim said man venture capitalists are really gonna
start coming into the space and they're gonna start looking at these meme coin
projects with solid foundation solid communities
and and real people that that are behind it you know the holders the
community members and i feel like we're we're gonna be one of those
projects that they look at primed primed to blast off prime to go
parabolic and they're gonna see that just based off
of our track record right we've been building this over
over almost a year now so it's just you know show and prove and we've been
able to do that uh dv crypto if you have any closing
statements i'm sorry before dv crypto comes out
one last thing at the 10 million dollar market cap i'll get the first part of my
decat tattoo at that hundred million dollar market
cap i will have a full decat tattoo not sure where yet
challenge accepted we know randy's all in man and then we appreciate you and
uh slum doge man uh it's been it's been really good i really appreciate
the speakers it's been a really good space i'm so i've
been so excited to announce one of the many things coming as
catalysts and and and things that we're gonna bring to the
space the comic again developed and and written by a
community member that's just for the passion and just so much talent and
experience in this community uh please engage with us we're we're
24 you know 24 7 on tg where every day we're hosting spaces this
is really just the beginning um of what we're we believe we're
headed and there's just so many catalysts ahead
that i appreciate everybody's support if you did put in a buy today
shoot me a dm we're gonna get you the password of the free comic
um we we appreciate everybody for joining and i'm excited about
next steps and this is really just the starting line for decat
and we're ready to go hey man i appreciate you man i appreciate you
well if nobody else has any other uh last closing
statements i'm gonna wrap up the space here
shout out to everybody who's rocked with us since the beginning the day one
holders the day 10 holders the day 60 holders
the day 150 holders like we've been here we've been rocking with you guys
and we're going to continue to do so you know what i mean we're going to have
spaces uh week round uh month round year
round we're gonna have spaces and and make sure you hit up the telegram
make sure you grab you a bag make sure you you you're active and you're
participating and um yeah wrapping up the spaces here and i will catch you
guys on the next spaces man we gotta do another one soon
peace thank you bro thank you