DAOs 101 with @RachelRoseB

Recorded: June 6, 2023 Duration: 0:34:27



And we're back, me too.
Go ahead and share this out.
We're back with me too.
Thanks for joining us, UP.
All right, I'm just going to share this new link out with people so we can get more folks on this space. Now we could get started probably in a few minutes.
Okay, we're back. I'm gonna tweet out the new space as well.
Awesome. Thank you everyone who's joining back in. Sorry about the technical difficulties. Although I don't think it would be a true Tritter space if there wasn't some sort of technical difficulties. Okay now if you haven't been ragged are you even doing a good space? Right? It's a right of passage. It's a right of passage for Twitter hosts.
I'm like, oh, okay, it's just part of the day. Totally. I'm gonna delete this other one so people don't mistakenly go to that one and we'll be all good. We were just getting into it too. I can get right back into it. I know where we left off and the video editing
Jessica, we can like merge things together, make some shorts, make some content. So we'll be good. That's right. Okay, the news, faces tweeted out, and I'm just gonna share it.
Okay, whenever you're ready, I was ready to jump into another question.
So just to to pick me back off the last thing we're talking about before diving into the next question, one thing I've failed to mention about get coin is they fund open source software and public goods. So anything that is like out there for the public to use
for some sort of good. That is what they fund. So you can get creative with what you're getting funded. They have funding rounds. So yeah, I highly recommend learning more about get coin down if that sounds up your alley. But for anyone who's really new to dolls here, like
I highly highly suggest starting with Bangladesh style. You can check out Bangladesh Dows Twitter join their discord. I've been a contributor of Bangladesh Dows on their Dowslationship skill. And I really love this. It's kind of just like a low pressure community people show up and do what they can.
I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I think that's why I#
what order to ask this question. So I'm just going to kind of pop it in the middle. What is the difference between a company and a DAO? I saw that question come up a lot. People were asking what the difference. I didn't even think of that as a question until I was presented with it. So if you could talk a little bit about that, that would be awesome.
Absolutely. So in a traditional organizational structure, you see a lot of centralization. So there's like the CEO, the COO, and I don't want to demonize the word centralized because that might make sense for certain businesses and for certain organizational models. But Dow is offering a different way.
If you break down the term, decentralize, that's creating a business model where there's no one point of decision making. It's done autonomously through everyone. So that's where the next work comes in autonomous. So that means everyone is showing up with their own individuality, making decisions collectively.
And it's not based on one person's say so. It's the whole group has to decide on the direction of the Dow. And you know, in theory, it sounds really great, right? Like helping us to become more decentralized in practice. You know, Dow's still have a long way to go. I'm not going to sit here and pretend like we have it all.
figured out and like they're fully matured. I think Dowels have a long way to go before they're fully matured and we work out all the kinks. So yeah, in theory, right, traditional organizational structure and sorry for ranting here and going down different rabbit holes. But yeah, primary difference is a more decentralized organization
organization structure. So yeah, like a centralized organization operates with someone at the top. The Dow has everybody making decisions collectively and also deciding where the assets go versus a chief executive officer. So yeah, I think that's that's the best answer and it's more
community driven to. That's the best answer I can come up with. So speaking of the community driven aspects of it, what are some of the other benefits of Dow? It's like you can go on as long as you like because I would like to know what about benefits. That's a tongue twister. Dow benefits are.
Yeah, and honestly, that's why I created this blog, Benefit of the Dow. I'm like, you know, there are so many benefits to these things. It's just a completely new way of working and the first thing you read on my bio is human-centric builder. Like this is really a way for us to empower individuals to finally show up.
and have a voice in the workplace. How cool is that? And I'm also reading this book called The Self-Sovereign Individual and I have been really fixated on self-sovereignty for some time, like creating a life and a workflow that has as little bureaucracy as possible. That is the life I drew up for.
So you're always going to have some level of politics and tribalism because that's just in human nature, you know. But in theory, right, this is giving us autonomy through decision making. And I'm going to read off here the benefits of the dowels I've listed in the article I wrote.
autonomy through decision making, a new way of working, global connection and scalability. So another benefit of the Dow is they're working on a global scale. There's no physical borders like we all work together from around the world. And there's no centralized management. We don't have to go in person. And I feel like it's just more inclusive.
and it's more diverse. And we're all working towards a common goal. It's kind of removing the barriers for us to connect globally. And then another one's more equitable financial solution. So, Dows can also go into more token based incentives. And I'm happy to talk a little bit about Dows.
tokens and why that's important. And this can lead to more performance-based work. So it's more transparent, it's more equitable, it's putting things on the blockchain for everyone to see. Like here's the contributors, here's their efforts they're putting in. Tip and
So yeah, a lot of dolls have like these forums and they'll write articles, they'll write proposals or not articles, I'm sorry, more like proposals, just engaging with the community and it opens up a lot of votes for people to vote on the direction of
things. So yeah, definitely transparency is a big part of doubts. So in theory, it's like trying to eliminate so much corruption that we've seen in like these huge centralized organizations and conglomerates that, you know, have in the past active
like we're not even the past. There's just shady business practices and we want to try and eliminate that through dolls, through improving transparency. And then lastly, social impact. So through decentralized decision making and collaboration, I think dolls, and actually I don't think I know dolls can
power communities and individuals to work towards a common goal. We've seen this now with ThinklessDow connecting people around the world to learn about Web3 technology and work on what you love. We're seeing it with Gikwing Dowls funding open source software and public goods that are good for our world. So yeah, I see social impact
financial equitable solutions and scalability. So yeah, I think I hope that answers the question. Yeah, I love this and you did mention tokenomics. Can we start talking about that? And oh, before what was the name of the book again that you said that you were reading?
The self-sovereign individuals. So this is a pretty thick book you guys, but I heard people refer to this as prophetic. It's really in depth just about mastering the age of information.
And it's kind of crazy. I think it was written in like 2000 and it's talking about things that are happening now. And there's a forward that mentions AI and crypto. So yeah, I feel like for anyone working in the space, the self-sovereign individuals must read.
That's great. I'm gonna look that up and try to pin that while we get into tokenomics. So I don't even know what that means when it comes to dows. So I defer to you to start where you feel that that would be most beneficial for beginners.
Absolutely. Okay, so I'm trying to think of where to start like I I don't really have a technical background like I said, I'm just going to share what I know about tokenomics so Okay, I'm going to use opolis for an example and bank list out because I just know them the best so at opolis if anybody doesn't know about opolis we're on
So we give independent workers things like W2s, PASDubs, basically all the third party employment services. We're like the Web 3 HR tech and Web 2. So basically, there are people utilizing our services. They accumulate something called a work token. Now, work tokens are
going to become increasingly valuable as we transition into a Dow. And yes, Opolis is transitioning to a Dow and we hit a thousand members, so I'm excited for that. So people accumulating and stacking up these work tokens will have more say or more skin in the game when it comes to voting, when it comes to governance. As I mentioned,
And there's a core team of contributors on DAO's that vote. And those can be called different things. They could be called governors. They could be called multi-signature wallet operators. There's a couple different names I've seen because each DAO is different and we'll use different terminology. But yeah, basically when we transition to a DAO,
Those people who have utilized our services and have shown up have been giving a unit of patronage. So that's just how ours is going to be structured and they're going to vote on things like which insurance packages do we provide to members, you know, which partners do we want to go with. So we're going to open it up to be more decentralized. It's on our roadmap.
But our team understood kind of the need for a centralized push to get the project off the ground, which is okay. I think I think centralization when it needs to exist when it needs to be a thing could be easier to get something off the ground because decentralization does come with some challenges too. Like a bunch of people shouting at a dark room.
and not being able to come to consensus at times. So I understand the need for centralization. I also understand the benefits for decentralization. So moving on with governance, so bankless style for anyone that's familiar here, so they have something called a bank token. And this is a way to incentivize
contributors on chain and they get funding through their bank list out and are able to give this to contributors who show up and work. I am the podcast host now on crypto sapiens, so I had to put a proposal through to propose being the host, being the podcast producer.
And traditionally how contributors are compensated is with bank. So that's just another use case and something I've observed. With cows, I found that are really successful and I've really grown a lot. A Dow token really is a big piece of that. I think most of the projects I found that have a lot of
been successful as a Dow have some sort of Dow token in my experience and that can be used for whatever actual value actual liquidity or it can be for governance it can be for voting so yeah that's great so as we oh I quickly I
I did pin up top the must read the sovereign individual. I just put the link to Amazon if there's anybody wants to check that out like that tweet and or bookmark it as we do now to be sneaky, I guess. I don't know like your bookmarking or liking. But yeah, bookmark that I definitely bookmark
it myself so I can go back and check out. I hope it's unaudible honestly because that book looks huge. Oh yes, girl. I got it unaudible and it's helping me power through it. I'm listening unaudible and reading the book so yeah it's it. Okay, is it one of those books that has like charts in it?
Honestly, it's a lot of words. I'm gonna say. You need the book, but they give you like the PDF in the audible. So yeah, yeah, it does look dense, but that is not gonna stop me. I will
will audible the shit out of that. So I do want to know from your point of view, what are some of the challenges that you think Dallas faced or that you've seen your dollars that you're involved in have faced?
Yeah, oh my god, I have so many stories. I've worked on a lot of dowels. I'm currently a contributor on multiple dowels. I don't even know where to start with that question. So, okay, I was working on a layer one protocol. I was one of the core team members for their Dow Operations team.
Here's a challenge we faced Jessica. This is a huge challenge. So we had like over a billion dollar treasury and our founder, our CEO or our CEO rather really wanted to fund $10,000. You wanted to fund a bunch of dowels and grow us to $10,000 by 2024. Okay.
Now we have all these dials coming in through the pipeline and now we need to evaluate what is our approval process? Are we just growing to this vanity metric? So we really had to focus on like what are we funding? What's being funded and why? And I think Matt, there are just
some projects and I hate to say this but like some sort of clubs that tack the name down on it. They're not really building anything. I don't know if they're solving a problem and I guess that's okay for them if they want to do that but to fund something that gives zero ROI to an ecosystem.
That's a challenge, right? Like there's no utility in that. There's nothing that's providing value. It's giving money to people. Like I'm not going to say names of dals that were funded, but like there are some dals that just didn't need to be dals. And honestly, I don't think everything needs to be a dals, you know?
So that's what I'll say. Like, so I'll go back to common denominators of Dow successes. The five things I found, the first are community driven. There's some sort of decentralization involved. Utility, they're solving a problem. The Dow token, like I mentioned, there's information
intrinsic value there and also fundraising there's some sort of liquidity and profitability that's another huge challenge so there were certain dows that were not financially sustainable they could not survive we funded them we gave them money we broodstrap them and that's it they were completely dependent on the product
And I'll scroll back in my article here. The first time Dow was ever mentioned. It was in an article or a white paper actually by Sloket Dow. So let's see. I don't have the exact quote here.
But it said something like a dowel is a community-led entity with no central governing body. It's built on a blockchain using smart contracts. Another thing it said in that white paper is that it's a four-profit entity. So there needs to be some revenue generation for dowels.
So that's a challenge I've seen with working on a Dow operations team where we're like funding DOWs and looking at new projects. I'd say financial sustainability is huge and now we're at a bear market and a lot of projects have dried up because they didn't work on the financial sustainability piece. So that is a major challenge.
Yeah, that just sound very challenging. I think like as I learn more about Dows2, I have always been a little bit hesitant to get into them. I think probably because the multi-stig aspect of it, even though that's something that we're supposed to be very excited about.
I'm just excited for this all around.
to let people know that we're going to be wrapping up pretty soon. And if anybody wants to come up right now and has any specific questions for Rachel, you're welcome to request to come up. In the meantime, I do have another question for you. I think about this a lot.
And pretty much asked this to every guest in one way or another about how you personally feel, you know, what you think some of the freedoms one can experience as they both start to
experiment might grade into Web 3 where we have this possibility of expression outside of a gate kept rolled. Definitely, you know, specific to DAO's and of course, you know, your thoughts on potential for participating in DAO's and the power
that we hold having provenance here, access to tools like smart contracts, which is what NICDKIT provides among many other tools. When it comes to the blockchain, what do you see as the potential for participating in a Dow?
You know, Jessica, this is one of the things I absolutely love about Dows and I wouldn't be here if it was not for this factor. It is super inclusive. Like you don't need a college degree or a background in this stuff. It's not about what you know or your background. It's about how much you're willing to show up and do.
I'm getting chills when I'm talking about this because I came in just and I didn't know anything I didn't know anything about blockchain. I didn't know and if he was and I joined these calls the first now I joined with bridge builders now and I knew nothing but I'm like you know I feel like these people are going to change the world. I'm going to keep joining every week.
I'm just going to absorb what I can and keep joining. I knew nothing. I was, you know, I used to be an art school nerd. Then I became an entrepreneur in the health and wellness space and I discovered this and I'm like, I don't know what it is, but I feel like this is so much bigger than ourselves. So the inclusive piece is so important. It's not gate kept. I mean,
Every dowel is different, right? But the general, my general findings have been like if you want to show up and put the work in you will be welcomed with open arms like that was the case for me at Bangladesh dowel with crypto sapiens like they were so welcoming. They're like you want to be a producer? You want to be a host? Show up and do the work and you can do that.
So I like that it's not about your credentials. It's about your reputation. It's about who you show up as and how hard you're willing to work. So I love that about Dells because I've always had grit, right? You know, I've always had this desire to work really hard and make an impact in the world. And I feel like I don't know. It's just a
I have an online app, and it's like, I have an online app, and it's like, I have an online app, and it's like, I have an online app, and it's like, I have an online app, and it's like, I have an online app, and it's like, I have an online app, and it's like, I have an online app, and it's like, I have an online app, and it#
I have a W2, I have paste-ups. I get to work in Web3 and save for retirement because I have all the employer services I need through Opalus. That's another reason I'm really bullish on them because they're just helping to legitimize employment in this space. >> When it's so huge. >> Can you talk a little bit more about Opalus, just a TLDR on Opalus?
Absolutely. So like I mentioned, we have some new faces in here. So I'll just reiterate this. Opelus is a digital employment cooperative. We are aiming to create democratized employment by offering things like W2s, pay stubs, medical, dental, vision, national healthcare coverage. We are basically like the
We're really built for independent workers. A huge piece of op-list is the self-sovereignty piece. If you want to work on multiple projects, you can do that. If anyone here has heard of the
golden handcuffs like so many people are stuck in jobs they hate just for the benefits and we believe it opolis like you should be able to work on whatever you want with whoever you want whenever you want and still have the basic things you need as a human like you know try going to get an apartment or a place to live with your metamass
while you know like we help with packaging things up into a W2 getting semi monthly paystubs and come tax season you have this nice clean W2 you can just submit through turbo tax and it's so easy. I was earning in cryptocurrency I was working full time on dowels and working for this layer
one project and I was earning crypto and taxes were a nightmare. I didn't have opolis yet and it was just so confusing because we're still in such a new space. You know, and now I feel like with opolis I have all the things I need. You know, if I need to go to the doctor or go to the dentist, I have really good coverage. I'm saving for
retirement and it's just a good feeling to feel like I have that safety net. And I think a lot of people are wary of working in Web 3 because of that safety net, because of the lack of security. You know, why would someone in an engineer working full-time at Microsoft come full-time into Web 3 when he's got a full benefits package and I don't know, pension or retirement?
So yeah, we're working at Opalus to make these things more accessible and not gate kept by any singular entity. Like you can work wherever, whenever and have all that. That's great. I pinned up top the Opalus Tweet so you guys can check that out when you have the moment.
And I ask them to know if I wanted to go somewhere and learn more about Dallas after this talk. You know, where would you recommend I start, what resources would you point to for anyone new to Dallas, anyone in this room? What would be like your go to?
You know what I'm going to say two things. The article benefit of the Dow I wrote is really comprehensive and it was designed to be for all levels of understanding. So that is a really good starting point. Also my former mentor, someone that gave me my first job in Web 3 and taught me
me all about Dells has a video on YouTube which I'll share DMT right now Jess and this is just the best breakdown of Dells that I've heard so far. So I just sent that to you on our telegram chat Jess. Okay I'll pin that up. Sam here.
and answers, what is the doubt? Sorry, I'll get that up. No, I was just going to ask you if you could pin your benefit of the doubt, but you put it right back up. So please check that out. And if you want to recap that really quickly, because I know we had to restart this room, and I'll grab that other tweet and put it up here.
Absolutely. Yeah, so this was something I really felt like needed to be done. So I've been working on dowels. I've been working in the wet three space and I feel like there wasn't really a comprehensive resource to break everything down. So I'm like, you know, I'm just going to do this and I think I pulled an all nighter. I went to bed.
at like 6 a.m. One night just right I was like I got to get this out like everything I've learned everything I've seen you know we did a case study back at the L one I worked on I'm like okay I got to get all this information out about dolls because we're living in an age of so much misinformation and misunderstanding right so I feel like it's our duty the people who
to work and live this stuff every day like we need to educate and talk about it. So that's partially why I'm here today. Just continue perpetuating the ethos of Web 3 and DOWs and educating. So going into benefit of the DOW, it starts with what is a DOW? So this actually quotes consensus.net. There are definitely
of a dowel and then I wrote a little bit about like my experience with dowels and how they're actually pretty fluid. I talk about similar core principles which through my experience working on dowels the four primary core, sorry, got tongue-tied there. Four primary core principles I found is number one
and voting in governance. Number two is some use of blockchain technology. Number three is some level of decentralization and eliminating hierarchy. And the number four is collective vision. So work is done collectively towards a common goal with an emphasis on community and collaboration. So there's also common denominators
with Dal's success, which I talked about a little bit. So I went in and looked at every Dal I could find that kind of emanates like success, right? Like they're growing, they have a thriving community, they're just, you know, successful. So I'm like, what do they have? What are the things they have that make them successful?
So I found five things that are just common denominators. Community driven is number one. Utility is number two. Some sort of doubt token is number three and then fundraising is number four. So like I mentioned before, just there's some element of a financial sustainability and even profitability so they can survive and continue to
solving problems. And then development too. They're building something on chain to add value to the ecosystem. So these are the five things I've discovered. And again, every Dow is blue and some Dow might have their own signature purpose or reason for being. They might not fit into this entirely. And that's okay. Just like businesses, Dow's are
created for all different kinds of reasons and purposes and that's okay. But for the ones I found that are successful, these were the most common denominators I found. And yeah, then going down, there's benefits of the dowels, there's our cheat sheet, dow terminology, so, and also dow landscape and dow tooling
So there's a bunch of projects mapped out here. I tagged all different projects for Dow tooling and then also the analytics corner. So which dowels are doing what? Who's received funding? You know, who's got the highest trading volume and the top dowels based on TVL. So those are all here. These are great. I highly recommend you to go to the
recommend everybody like that tweet bookmark that tweet very useful. I also just pinned up top the YouTube on what is a Dow. Definitely going to watch that later that looks really informative. So I know we're going to wrap up soon. So if anybody has any questions, this is your last call to pop up.
up and do so now. If that were going to go ahead and wrap the space up, very grateful for you being here today, Rachel. I want to know, do you have any last words or any calls to actions? Anything you're working on that we should stay tuned for? What is on the horizon?
Yeah, so honestly, just I'm just so super busy with community building initiatives in the resources you guys can see. Obviously the media article we just went over is great resource to learn about dolls and then also there's connect dot opolis dot cos slash Rachel so that is a form you can fill out if you want to learn
more about joining opolis and there is a bottom field if you want to put your wall to dress, I might be sending out somatic to anyone that wants to learn more about joining opolis. And let's see. There's also a wet through Wednesdays. So just has actually been a speaker on wet through Wednesdays and this is again aligning with
The fact that I really want to educate people in the web 3 space eliminate jargon breakdown these concepts so it's understandable and digestible for everyone. So this week we're going to be talking about community building building your own personal brand and networking. So you're all welcome to join if you want to set a reminder like
Share, we tweet, we'd really appreciate it. Awesome. We got that pinned right up top. You're a lovely host, so I would recommend people tuning in. You have amazing guests. And I'm not putting myself in that. I'm just saying that I've heard you speak to other people. You are. You have also really great guests.
I've just done this too many times. I've been hosting Twitter spaces for over six months. Yeah, I just love this. I don't know. I love that we get to show up and build community with like-minded people. And yeah, I'm just super, super blessed. Grateful to be here and thank you, Jess, for having me. Yeah, this is great. I feel like this was a condensed version of a lot of
information. So I just want to give people an opportunity to kind of scroll through bookmarks and tweets. I know you guys are laughing because it's like down there's so much here. We could probably do part two, three, four, five. But if you can scroll through just bookmark, save like those tweets and go back and
Revisit. Definitely check out the book and definitely check out the Benefit of the Dowered and By Rachel, which is awesome. And thank you for taking the time out to speak with us. This was really great. Thank you for everyone who joined and thank you for, you know, withstanding the the rouging, they will not
take us down. We will keep coming back. We will go to Clevver's if we have to. But really appreciative of you today Rachel and also to Nifty Kit for hosting. Please follow Rachel. Please follow Nifty Kit and please set a reminder for space that's going to be happening
this week. Later in the week, let me see if I can pin that really quickly before we end the space. So, and lastly, if you are a creator, please be in touch. If you want to become a Nifty Kit creator, please check out the pinned tweet above to learn more about Nifty Kit and Reach Out so we can help you launch your next
NFT project and join us back here on Thursday at 12 p.m. Pacific Standard, 3 p.m. Eastern Standard for our 50 kit creator spotlight with extinct. So you will not want to miss that and with that I'm going to play us out, have a great day everyone and thank you again so much for joining us today.
(upbeat music)