Dash Ecosystem: Financial Freedom for Everyone!🦾 #DeFi $DASH

Recorded: March 23, 2023 Duration: 1:06:01



Hi, how are you? Hi Noah, hi team. It's a pleasure being here. Thank you for organizing and taking the time. How are you? Yeah, of course. I'm finally getting, glad to get you on. Yes, yes. We've been planning this for quite some time now and
It's clearly a very interesting week for crypto. So let's talk about building and leaving on crypto. Yeah, for sure Ernesto just really quick. I'm getting a bit of feedback from you and I want to make sure
or something. Yeah, whatever that was. A lot of feedback. That's interesting. I didn't do anything.
Sorry, I muted your mic there for a second or nesto. It's like a lot of static feedback to the point where I can't even hear you. So did you want to try to reconnect really well? Maybe that'll solve it. Well, it's this better.
So far it's better. I'm not sure if it's going to just bad accident come out. It was probably my headphones so I just took them off. Okay there you go.
I didn't know if you wanted to bring the dash account upstage as well. Yeah, let me just be them so they become cool speakers. Yeah, just told them right now.
Sure. And so before we get started or next up, do you want to give our audience a quick background into your origin story, your career trajectory, and then how you ultimately made that leap in the web three? Yeah. So I'm an engineer. I've been working for about
16 years in the consumer and technology space. I'm Venezuela and so my first six years of experience were there working for consumer products, ice cream, craft foods, etc. In 2011, I got a scholarship and I moved to China to do an MBA
And it was a great experience living abroad, living the Shanghai life. And that was my first exposure to Bitcoin, a friend of mine, literally begged me to invest with him $700 in Bitcoin money.
I knew machines to which I of course said no because I didn't want to buy coins that were for video games. And you know my friend laughed at me and said you're going to remember this. Then fast forward to 2018, 2016, I'm sorry I was living in Mexico.
And I got approached by this head hunter who wanted to introduce me to this new company that was working on digital money and that was going to revolutionize the world. So I did my research. I remember my friend talking to me about Bitcoin. Remember I said I was Venezuelan at that moment I started having
problems to send money home and then I just put two and two together and of course I did a face palm moment and I was like why didn't I do this before but I joined the largest unicorn in Latin America at that moment so I became the marketing manager for Bizo in 2017 and then in 2018 and
invited to join the Dash team to help them grow in Latam and since 2020 I've been helping them grow globally and what I love about this is that we're helping provide financial freedom to different people and financial freedom means different things for those people in markets where there's not
not so much inflation, that means you can use your money however you want, meaning that you can pay for goods and things and services and that's one of the key angles we've done for growth in the US where right now you can pay at over 140,000 different locations with
And in other economies like Venezuela and other markets that are troubled, you have access to the financial world because cryptocurrencies cannot be stopped. So in short, I've been working on developing markets for financial freedom for the past seven years in crypto.
I love it. And obviously being from Venezuela is as a citizen of that country, you can articulate real world use cases and probably even give anecdotal examples of things that you've seen
or experiences that you had. So very cool. Definitely want to explore that a bit more later on the broadcast. But let's take a step back for those that don't know. Dash is a crypto OG. They've been around since 2014 and they're one of the oldest crypto currencies that's still around.
that has notoriety and credibility. Can you give us an overview first of what Dash is and what its unique features are, how it differentiates from other cryptocurrencies, and then from there we can dive into nuts and bolts and break things down. Yeah, yeah, sure. Dash is
short for digital cash. Dash is a project that was launched initially in 2014, the 18th of January, and it was developed because the developers wanted to bring more
ease of use for Bitcoin. So it is a fork of Bitcoin and we have since improved in many many ways. One of the most notable ways is that you can set up a master node and the master node creates a second layer. So you have the blockchain layer just like you have with any you
UTXO coin and then you have the masternal layer and this allows for certain things such as 1.2 second transaction speed, multiple more levels of capacity of the network and this is also enabling for what we will launch
year that is called evolution which will allow for some smart contract capabilities like storing data on the blockchain but with the speed and transaction throughput that Dash now has. So we've gone along with
We were the pioneers of Masternose, we were the first and have been the longest standing down in the space and now we're using all of that technology to also unlearnings and community to grow bigger into the storing data.
the web3 capacity. So it's been a long journey and we're still building just like we did that first day. And what are the requirements to setting up a master node? Yeah, if you want to set a master node is very similar to
a node in terms of a computer that enables the system to work. For anyone to run a master node, you have to have a thousand dash that you, in a way, didn't use this work, but you stake, and then you set up the supercomputer that is called a master node.
And this supercomputer performs service for the network. So you have your thousand dash in a non-cosario wallet, you run the Qt wallet, and then you set up a master node with a set of steps that you can follow on the site. Something that's really
interesting and that we have been working hard in the past years is you don't need right now to have a thousand dash to run a masternose. There are services such as crowd note where you can have a fraction of it and you can start with .5 dash and then you pull
of them with other people and you run a shared master note. Crowd note released this year the innovation of a trustless master note meaning that you know if you do from 0.5 dash you have to give them the cost of your funds but if you do it from 100 dash then you join a pool
and it's trustless, you don't need to trust them. So, you know, we've also been innovating in that regard because we know that people want to stake and, you know, Dash haven't had this feature for many years. We wanted to also offer it to everyone. So, right now you can stake Dash directly from your wallet, from .5
dash and you can earn about between 6 and 7% APY per year in dash or you can go the trustless way from 100 dash. It is really important for people to understand that this possibility of earning
dash is available because every time a block is mined that amount is divided between master notes, minors and about 10% that goes to the treasury which enables the dial. So you know we were the first dial and we've been learning
learning and experimenting to make it grow and we're very happy to now enable people to state us and earn us and help the whole Living Crypto movement go.
As one of the first, if not the first now explain a bit deeper about the governance model works and how you guys kind of ensure fair and decentralized decision making for the community. Yeah. One of the key features and just to
quick break Noah. I don't know if you've seen the dash request as a speaker. They tell me that they have some issues so I don't know if you can invite them but we're ready to be a speaker there. I mean just to make it up. Yeah, I've invited them a few times.
But I just wanted to invite them again. Hopefully they get that okay. They got another. So the way the governance works is there are right now about 4,500 master nodes. So every master node counts as a vote. So let's say you have
10 masternodes or you have one, so every group of masternodes allows you to vote. And anyone can go to the website -central.org and submit proposals. So one of the key functions of a masternode or how they
the Dash network is to vote on the governance proposals. For example, this month we had one of the Dash communities called the Dash Marketing Hub make a proposal to do some advertisement
on a on break for a new integration that's coming up and they got approved and now they're going to get funds in dash and they can go and implement that project. So just like the dash marketing hub when giving a shout out
is doing this, there are other teams such as Dashcord Group, which is the team that I work for, and then there's a Dash incubator that are building a big Dash wallet and many others. So in short, anyone around the world can go to DashCentral.org, submit a proposal, and then if they get
and on-float, they'll get an allocation in-dash so they can go and implement their project, which usually gets approved if the teams prove that there is value for dash, and of course that they are legit teams, that they can deliver, and that's where all the governance model kicks in.
And that's so that she's been around for quite some time as we mentioned earlier. It's one of the crypto geez and a lot of the 100 top 100 market cap crypto assets that we saw in 2016 and 2017 are no longer around.
Why do you guys think that you're still in that top 100? What would you attribute to some of your success over the last almost 10 years? And most importantly, how was Dash evolved over the last 10 years? How are you guys different today than you were two years ago?
then you were five years ago would love to hear more about that. Yeah, it's really interesting to see snap shots over time. When Dash was launched in 2014, there were not as many coins. And the first time we, Dash became really a notable prime
I was not in that yet, but you know, around the 2016-2017 phase, it was because of the innovations. We had just released the masternodes and the two tier network and that became very popular and that made
dash you know about a household name and then you know fast forward to all their 2018 to 2021 faith we worked really hard in real world adoption and if you follow dash you will see that we've done a lot of work in Latin America we also have teams
bringing in integrations in Asia, we had a team in Thailand, a team in Europe. So, you know, for all this time, we've been pushing hard, you can live on crypto narrative. We had massive successes in Latam.
We got integrated as far as I know we were the first crypto to be integrated into a whole chain of stores Church is chicken in Venezuela in 2018 adapted dash as a payments method in all of their locations in Venezuela and you know through all of this experience
Sparements some have gone good many of them have not worked. We've learned what it is to be useful as a cryptocurrency We've seen the markets evolved and we understand that not everyone wants to spend their crypto all the time and that's why we're also pushing
more innovation stores, you know, storing information on the blockchain, which will enable the payments use case, but also other use cases such as logistics, such as, you know, medical uses, but all is about how can we
We use this tool that is called cryptocurrency, how can we use this tool that is called that to give more financial freedom to anyone around the world. So we stayed alive and we stayed with state geeking and we'll continue to grow because we innovate and because we focus on real usabede.
Love it. That was my next question, right? If someone was hearing this Twitter space for the first time and they're listening to you say, "If Dash is a fork of Bitcoin, there is some software change is made to make it fast."
Master to make the allocation of rewards more democratized in the two tier. And by the way, so if you don't mind muting your mic when I'm talking because there's a bit of feedback. Thank you, sir. Yeah, so, you know, you
highlighted the two tier network of miners and master nodes, the role that they play in the Dash ecosystem, how they maintained networks, stability, security, and most importantly, like you said, the democratization of rewards.
I get all of that. If someone that's hearing us all for the first time says, "Well, what is the practical use case? Why would I use Dash as a form of payment or as even a store of value versus some of the other
like Bitcoin, for example, or Ethereum, or some of the other crypto assets that have higher market caps or are faster than Dash, or even a stable coin, for example, that doesn't have the volatility of crypto assets.
Yeah, that's a great question and a question that we've worked really hard on responding. I personally believe that we are growing as an industry and when an industry grows, it is not possible for one solution to do everything.
And that's why you see that there are some parts that Bitcoin does really well and you know Bitcoin has outperformed most coins in terms of value preservation so it is no doubt that that works really well for that but then when you go to payments
is not as good as being smooth. And then you have stable coins, which are very good for servant value. They don't grow it, but they preserve it. But they are not as stable
Let's use that pun for governments that want to censor them. So what I see is that there's an ecosystem that's growing and dash really performs or outperforms other cryptos in terms of usability. Right now you can
download an app called dash direct and go to any of 140,000 locations in the US including Don Quindonus including Arbis including many other places and pay directly the exact amount and even get some discounts with that application.
So with pioneer the use of you know real payments and then when you go to other locations that maybe Are not served because a government says that you cannot open an account in there. Well, you can still use dash as Unsensorable
and distributed, not centralized currency for that use case. We've seen a lot of teens spring up around the world in places that are not easily connected to the banking system, places such as African
We had a team in Nigeria. I already mentioned Venezuela. We also saw a team of builders in Iran and people in China. And many of these places are living in locations where the government says, "Oh, you know, you
are born with an IRA and you cannot get any other points. So they use Dash or they use crypto to get out of that system and you know 99% of these people are honest, hardworking people. All they want to do is be able
know I've seen a lot of cases of kids that they want to buy and I'm a some gift card where they want to buy a Google Play gift card so they can download a video game. So financial freedom is not only about getting away from the failing currency it also means that you enable
people that want to leave a normal life and do the things that we take for granted on their day to day. And this is where, you know, Dash is one solution and we're working really hard to improve it. So the reason why somebody would use Dash is because it's available
all around the world. There's literally hundreds of thousands of places where you can use it and there is an ecosystem that has been growing, has been stable, has been operating since 2014 and we're still growing and we're ready to kick more ass.
I love it. Love the way you broke it down. And I think that when it comes to decentralized hard money, software-based asset, it doesn't have to be a zero-sum game. The reason I ask that question is not because I don't think that Dash is being used or that Dash has value or
that the network itself is revolutionary. There isn't a ask the question is because I want it to hear it in your own words and have you break it down the way you just did so, so, uh, particularly. I mean, I, I pretty much have had all my questions answered. I think that the cool thing
about crypto is not just decentralized nature, but the fact that you can have more than one crypto asset that's being used as a form of payment. And if you look at Dash, in fact, look at the price over a long period of time, sure there have been fluctuations.
major fluctuations of the upside at the very least. But it seems like the floor since 2018, 2019 has ranged between 30 to 70 dollars. Maybe the price is stabilizing there. We're not making price predictions here. I'm certainly not telling you guys to go buy Dash. This is not
a channel, educational channel, we're trying to provide the best info and content that we can so investors can make the best decisions that they can once doing their own research. But Ernesto, I was curious to know about that floor, right? And he seems like since 2016, you know,
forget the big bull run of 2017 and forget this bull run but since 2016 the price of dash the four price of dash has been relatively stable when comparing to other crypto assets and I'd be curious to know why you think that is I don't know if you have an answer for me and I understand if you don't but I was kind of looking at it and I'm a
that curious. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for the for the segue and the clarification of not being focused on price. We I honestly don't know if that's maybe a mistake, but we've never focused on price. What we've the teams
the different teams in the Dash ecosystem are crazily focused on financial freedom and getting uses. So we believe that the more people using Dash as a crypto, the more we will stabilize price and that will also
help improve the adoption because you know you have a hundred dollars worth of cash and that's what you're gonna use. One of the reasons why we've seen price have a button is the Masternode network. As I mentioned there's around 25, 45
500 master notes and that means there's 4.5 million coins locked in there. So that of course creates a strong barrier for dumping the amount of dash if you know somebody wanted to get rid of their master notes then
And not only would that create a effect of lower in the price of cash, but also that creates that the remaining master notes make more money so that incentivizes more people to spring up new master notes. So this game theory
has worked really well for keeping a base of a price. But most importantly, when we get people to use Dash as a payments method, or when we get people to use Dash as a tool for trading, for example, if you want to deposit Dash into one of the
major exchanges, most times you can do it within two minutes and in some exchanges which we call the FastPass Network, you can do it in a few seconds. So it's not only about paying, it's also, you know, if you're a trader and you run out of money, for example, in your Coinbase account,
But you have some money in your ledger. You can just use dash to deposit it quickly and within two minutes, you can capture that opportunity in whatever other markets. So that is the way that we see all the other factors will stabilize. It's by gaining usability, by getting
hundreds of thousands and probably millions of people to know about Dash and to use it and to understand that just like I mentioned this is another tool in an ecosystem of growing assets that will support financial freedom.
Exactly another tool another Lego block, whatever you will I think this is this is a great place for me to jump into the next question One second lost my train of thought here. This has been happening to me more recently. I've been losing my train of
I thought maybe too many spaces. Oh, got it. So with with dash being a Lego block in the greater crypto ecosystem, Bitcoin found a way, or I guess the builders in the industry found a way to
to integrate Bitcoin to DeFi, right? And the form of WBTC so that people could use their Bitcoin in all these DeFi applications in this new economy, much of which was happening on Ethereum at the time and now expanded to other IBM compatible chains. I know that Avalanche has their own version of RappBTC.
and I noticed that Dash is only available on centralized exchanges and at least at first glance. Now I'm sure you probably have a response to that and I'm sure that there are decentralized ways to buy Dash, but I don't see any mainstream
kind of mains of decentralized ways of purchasing Dash. And I was wondering if you guys ever plan on implementing a W dash, a wrapped dash crypto asset that's ERC 20 based and that can be used in the greater defy ecosystem. Yeah, remember that I started or
During my personal, my initial comments, I was saying that we're launching an improvement to a protocol called das evolution, that will make it easier for people to create other solutions. And I'm not 100% sure if I'm
RAP-DASH is included on the first run, but it's definitely moving us towards that path. And we've had, I think it was in 2019, there were a couple of implementations that included RAP-DASH, but I remember that one
company had trouble staying alive. So we did have rap dash for some time but then because of I think the company failed when the lunar crash happened and that was out of the books. It's not that complicated for so
that's doing markets to wrap up the ash. Let's remember that you create a smart contract and then with the real you have a representation of the value of their underlying token. So that has been done in the past and it's more a matter of people that want
to connect Dash to all these exchanges, they can post a proposal and do it. It doesn't need to be the Dash core team because we've been focusing on the growth of the ecosystem and the new developments. So yes, there have been instances
where you can use a wrap version of that. At the moment, I'm not aware of any. There could be some that I'm not aware. Remember that this is an open source crypto. But yeah, we know that's where the market is going and we're actively developing solutions that will move us towards
that situation. That's awesome. Yeah, I think that that would be extremely advantageous for Dash. You guys have been around for, I got in almost 10 years and you're battle tested and I think that there is tremendous value in having a rap token and having the asset be part of
of, you know, be a more versatile building block and part of the greater defy ecosystem. I want to open up the floor to some audience questions here in a moment, but before I do it and so is there anything that we haven't discussed or anything about Dash that we haven't highlighted that you find important to share with us?
Yeah, I wanted to invite the community to check out the news and developments we have by following at Dash Pay and the most important development that we haven't been very good at sharing
is the staking element that I mentioned. We developed a trustless staking mechanism and it is even integrated into the dash wallet itself. You can go into the dash wallet and you will see that we are making it easy for people
to use dash so you can find ATMs directly in the wallet. You can find some of the stores that are accepting dash directly in the wallet and you can even state directly from the wallet. So like I said, we're all about usability, we're all about real world adoption and that's what I want to highlight today.
Right on. So, gonna, and I think I believe that we did highlight it and we definitely expanded upon it. So, I'm very happy so far with the broadcast and again, Anastel. Thank you so much for the transparency. And we're gonna pass the mic to Aisha. First, I don't know if Svings had a question
as well, but let's go to IHS things. I'm not sure if you have anything. You actually asked my question. Your last question was my question, so thank you Noah. Yeah, no worries. Awesome. So let's go to IHS next time. Okay, thank you, Noah. So on your Twitter page, it stated that Dash is the most
and user friendly cryptocurrency with a focus on payments. It got me thinking, do you have any intentions of developing your own point of sale system that incorporates software and hardware components which can be utilized by merchants in their physical stores?
Thank you for this question, Aisha. And, you know, DCG has software development organization is focused on maintaining and improving the dashboard protocol. So DCG is not in the business of development points or cell system, but we are
integrated into those and so different points of cell system. In Venezuela, we're integrated through a partner called CryptoBuyer to a point of cell system that now allows you to do grocery shopping in major chains around more than 100 different brand names.
In the US, we're integrated into several systems that you can integrate as a point of sale and then serve your customers that are accepting Dash. We're talking to a couple of very large organizations and I mean really
really large ones in North America that are exploring, accepting crypto and will be there. But most importantly, anybody that wants to develop a points of sell system and include dash and cryptocurrencies can reach out to me
at my Twitter account and I can help them with the support that I do that's part of my job on the partnership side. And if you want to develop the system itself and would like to get a grant, you can go to dashcentral.org and review how to post a proposal.
also and probably the Dash network would be happy to find some of this development. So in short, DCG is not doing points of sale systems because that's not the nature of what we are focused on, but we support many different points of sale organizations around
the world to accept dash and grow the crypto ecosystem in general. Okay, that makes sense. Okay, after reading the blog section, I learned that drive dash platform storage component stores application data in dash master nodes. I'm interested
in learning more about the types of data that DApps can store on the SD centralized storage. Can applications store media files such as pictures and videos or is it limited to logistics data? Also, what is a maximum storage capacity available to developers on the drive platform for their DApps?
Thank you, that's our very complex question. And the way I'll start is we are in the final weeks before releasing the release candidate to test net. So all of the questions you have will be answered soon. Initially, the
The quantity of storage that will be able to be stored on the master notes will be not to videos, but I believe some sort of limited capacity. And then it's going to be great.
But like I said, it's all in the process and the tech team is working hard to have that release candidate on person and soon, which will have the initial features for everything that you mentioned. Thank you so much for answering.
Thank you. Thank you, Aisha. Let's hop to Captain Levi next.
Yeah, thanks Noah. I wanted to ask you about your dash after that. I saw advertising your websites. Are there plans to you know, integrate the application to regular
businesses and how will the dash up when you say people can make approaches directly from the dash up. How does this feature how is this feature an important one in the dash up?
Yeah, I was referring thank you for your question captain. I was referring to the mobile dash pay wallet. So in the mobile dash pay wallet, you can find a feature that is called discover.
And that will pop up Google Maps and it's overlaying a version of Google Maps with some pins that will tell you, for example, where there are some ATMs close to you or where there are any stores that are connected.
to a payment service that we know of and accepts Dash. So that list is non-exhausted. I am sure there are many locations that are not there for different reasons, but it's a starting point. So, like I said, anyone
because Dash is an open source crypto. Anyone can take the Dash code and integrate it into their payment solution. And what we do at DCG is promote and help those businesses and organizations that somehow are in contact
with us so we can provide them with all the knowledge, expertise and some of the resources so they can put dash in front of their millions of clients. Sounds awesome, sounds awesome. I also saw on your roadmap that there are plans
to read no vids or let me get the term used here. Recovery, phrase, improvements. Could you tell us more about this? Did you get some feedback from the users of the wallet app and why was this unnecessary move to the add-it to your roadmap?
Yeah, the initial Web 3 improvements that are going to be rolled out with Evolution are like I said the ability to store data on the Masternodes and this is really important and it's different from other solutions.
in so far that this will be implemented on top of a battle tested crypto. Dash has not been stopped or shut down as far as I know ever since inception.
You know, we continue working with never been attacked so now we're opening up this type of stable blockchain into Web 3 solutions and the first step is to store some data in it and this means that not only I'll be able to
For example, look for somebody called Captain Levi on my wallet and then send you Dash instead of a long cryptographic address, but also I'll be able to start storing NFTs and other solutions in some time.
This means that a stable cryptocurrency that is scalable is now opening up doors for more functionalities. And this will also open the doors for the large
the very large dash community that has been already established all around the world to start using some functionalities that now we don't have. So this is going to be the great niche of digital cash with Web 3 functionalities. I'm excited.
Wow, that really does sound exciting. One of these functionalities I wanted to ask in our policies is the dash direct. I watched a YouTube video, a short video that made me understand that up to 12% can be saved with dash direct.
Are there plans, are you partnering with any organizations or is there any partnerships that are in place that offer these huge discounts? Yes, that's a very perfect example of how the DashDowel works.
DAS Direct is developed by a company called Ionia. Ionia developed solutions to integrate payments in different parts of the U.S. and Ionia approached the DAS Network and they, you know,
So started a cooperation scheme where they develop dash to rent specifically for dash. So through this partnership that is maintained and managed by a private company called Ionia, dash users can
leverage the integration that exists now and you can go to like I said more than a hundred and I think it's 120 hundred and 40 thousand locations in the US including flowers.com, Avocrombiz, Applebeast,
And not only can you spend with your dash or with your crypto, but you can also get discounts as high as 12%, but there are an average around 5%. So this is all about financial freedom. You don't need to
Wait for some magical thing to happen to use your crypto. And by the way, I mean, it is related. Not everybody is happy when it's their turn to have to pay taxes, but also their
I think Ernesto might have wrote there or maybe I wrote it on. Yeah go ahead. I think Ernesto has called Karal. Yeah Ernesto I think you might have cut out there. Can you hear me? No? Yes we can yeah.
Yeah, I was you saying that not only have we enabled or improved the capabilities for you to use your crypto, but also now that it's tax season. I remember that there are integrations with partners like tax bit and send ledger where they included a way
that you can download your data and upload it to their system. So every time you use your crypto, you have an easy way to record that and then get all the paperwork needed for when you want to pay taxes. So there are some things
that we all want to do like use crypto and there are other things that we are asked to do because of law and we are like I said in dash making sure to help everyone be able to use their crypto in the best way they see fit.
Wow, that's awesome NS2. Here's my last question. I can see that you're actually using proof of work technology. I'm a big fan of proof of work as I feel it's one of the most authentic means of encrypting valid transactions.
is difficulty level as I said that can it and it is I see mine has also be used to mine dash currently. Yeah well the mining algorithm for dash is a mine an algorithm called x11 I recommend you to take a look at that and I need
know that it may just release a new minor that works for that. So yes, we are proof of work and then on top of the proof of work, there's a layer that are the master notes that is kind of a proof of stake. So it's a mixed layer.
And we pioneer on this, but we keep on working hard and people continue to mind that. So I'm very happy to contribute on this. And my recommendation is if you want to learn more details about it, you can go to dash.org and look for the section of mining or you can go to our friend
that beat me and read all about the new machines that they recently unveiled. I think we presented with them about a month ago the new machine that helps to be more efficient when mining dash. Wow, and as to I never really knew that there was actually a machine.
I will go look up the X-Level algorithm, I will look up the pit mine in the machine for mine. I really appreciate your detailed answers to my questions. I'm a big fan of the DAS ecosystem. I wish you guys the very best and I hope that the project is bullish, Moonward. Thanks a lot, Ernesto. Ovacinoa, thanks, Moonward. Thank you.
Thank you, Captain Levi. Let's go with Venice next.
Thank you so much, not okay, this is my question. I read about attack on dash in general.
Can you please tell us if the team was able to determine that how did the attack in managed to send old Coram commitment messages to some nodes on the network?
Hi Beniz, I'm sorry I missed you. I think the connection broke down a bit and I didn't really get the question. Could you please repeat it? Yeah, no, I was thinking that
I read about the attack that happened on the dash in January. So can you please tell us if the team was able to determine that how did the attacker manage to send old quorum from equipment messages to some nodes on the network?
Okay, you're asking about an attack that happened in January. Well, to be very honest, I know there have been different instances when we get some attacks in terms of people that are
doing stress tests, you know, they send a lot of transactions and sometimes they break the communication between some of the master notes, but there has never as far as I know been an attack that is able to stop the chain in general.
This attack I read about what we think was an attack but no important functionality of the Dash network was included there. I've seen some instances where a lot
of transactions, sometimes break the instance and message and that means that you receive the money but not all the time, all the wallet's in for you that you're
transaction has been completed within seconds and then what happens is you have to wait a minute for the transaction. So I don't want to downplay it but what I've seen is that some secondary functionalities of wallets have
the affected sometimes but nothing major and definitely zero hacks or zero stops. I'm sorry I don't have a lot more of information about the attack you're referring but I think I read something about slow and messaging in the beginning of the year.
which is what I think it refers to.
Okay, and with the dash platform v0.2, how will the credit withdrawal transitions work and what specific steps will users need to take to convert their credits on the platform chain, dash on the code chain?
Yeah, like I said, the way that platform will work is that, you know, there are different components like growth, DB and inter blockchain communication and so on.
short or the easy way to explain it is that all of the mining and all of the rest of activities will continue to happen on the proof of work chain.
And then, thanks to the Massional Network, there will be the ability to do extra features like storing data on chain. So that is in short and for the details.
We'd have to bring somebody more technical so they can reply more specifics on how they operate. Thank you very much for answering my questions. Thank you, Venice.
Sorry about that. Rahmat, your last sir and then we're about things up. Yeah, thank you. Okay, so I've read in the blog section that users again the register names on the dashboard from using dashboard from name service and upon registration the identity is given a corresponding balance of credits. Some Q
- Are you used to know if users will also be able to use this identity as a maybe decentralizer identity by linking their credentials to it and enough to have access to the various services like maybe healthcare in the crypto? - 100%.
Thank you for asking this question. This is a problem or a challenge that the tech team has been hard in solving. So what we know of now is that there will be a registration process where everyone can go and claim names.
So let's say I go and I have two wallets and I register Ernesto and Ramat. And then because me and you Ramat are trying to claim the same name, then there will be like a secondary process where you go to the network and say, "Hey, I'm the original Ramat. Here is my tool."
we don't handle and then the network will follow it and say oh yeah this is the original format. So that's the registration part and then once registered and you are the owner of Ramath and I'm the owner of Ernesto I'll be able to number one look in my wallet if I have you as a contact
and say, "Oh, Roma, here is the one das and pain." And an evolution of that, which is something that is really, really interesting, is imagine your local Starbucks and Starbucks wants to build you for $10 for coffee and a bagel. If they were to turn this on, they'd be able to
say on their cashier, "Hey, $10, built-out $10 to Rahman, and you would get a pop-up message in your wallet that says Starbucks wants you to pay them $10. Click yes, and then you go." And that is exactly one of the most powerful integrations that we are pushing forward.
That will give the ability to anyone to use crypto in an easy way. That's a huge evolution from ScandicUR or copy that long stream of numbers and letters in order to pay someone. So yeah, the implementation of names
will open up many opportunities and many abilities to use crypto in real life settings. One of them is payment. Wonderful, wonderful. Thank you for explaining it really nicely. Thank you so much. Shower to you now. Thank you, man. And I am now going to claim your name. That was just an example.
All right, on. Well, thank you audience members for the questions. And still thanks for coming on. It's been a pleasure talking to you. It's been a pleasure learning about one of the OGs. It's still alive and kicking in the industry. And if you have any closing thoughts for the audience, go ahead and share them now. But otherwise it's been a pleasure.
Yeah, it's a pleasure for me to be here. And my close-in thoughts for the audience is that, you know, these are some difficult times for the crypto industry. Remember to stay here and help build and support your crypto companies. And the way you can help them is, you know, join this space
If you have a chance, you script a little bit when you can't to pay for goods and services. Even if it takes a little bit more of time because all the solutions are not there yet. And as much as possible, also raise awareness. It seems like the bad
are operating now to try to stop crypto but nothing will stop us and nothing will stop us if we all raise awareness if we all share the news and we share with people that crypto is not just about having fun it's also about financial freedom so let's continue building let's continue working let's continue using
and let's have a great 2023. Beautifully put. Thank you again Ernesto, Whalecoin Talk Community. Thank you for joining. I remember that everything you hear on this broadcast is meant for educational purposes. Only nothing is financial advice. So be safe out there and we'll see you all in the next one very soon. Bye bye.
Thank you guys.