Data indexing on Evmos

Recorded: June 8, 2023 Duration: 0:24:37




Hello, hello everyone we're gonna give people a couple minutes to get settled in.
before we get started.
Hi there James nice to have you up here like I said we're gonna keep people a couple of minutes to get settled in before we get going. Awesome looking forward to it.
Where are you calling from in the world?
The middle of nowhere in the United States. Hopefully it's not apocalyptic with the smoke that you guys are getting from Abnoll.
Yeah, yeah, I had to deal with that flying back from Prague almost it I almost I almost wasn't able to land in New York to catch my next flight It's pretty crazy seeing the pictures It's over there
I was living in New Zealand like five years ago and had a meeting with Australia and World Fires and Australia. It kind of came across and covered New Zealand in one day, all of a sudden this guy turned
And it was red as America, that's crazy, but pretty red. It was very much noticeable. And I imagine a lot of people were freaking out coming outside after being inside all day. So there's some red sky going off the house happening.
Yeah, yeah, it's kind of crazy up there right now. Like I said, we almost didn't have enough visibility to land the plane over at JFK and New York. It was rough.
All right, well, we're almost four minutes over, so games would you like to do an introduction on who you are? What we're going to talk about today, that kind of thing?
Yeah, absolutely. And just to start, I'm going to have a cold moment. So hopefully I'm not too profy or coffee. We'll pass it in a way. Yeah, thanks. I had me and managed James Bailey on the CEO of a team called
And we've just added support for Edmoss. And we're a developer tool that developers will probably want to use when they're building their application on Edmoss. So maybe I may wish to explain what sub-breed is.
So everyone here can understand it. So Chris, the developer tool and what it does is it makes developers lives easier when building applications on chance like isn't it moss. Now the problem that we solve really focuses around data.
We all know that data is one of the most important aspects of software projects, right? All of the biggest companies in Web2, known for their ability to manage and process data well for better or for very much worse, in some cases.
And we believe that it will be the same way in Web3, right? Train, that will be able to scale store and process data. Applications that will be able to process data will win and will succeed in Web3. And so, they're in large importance of managing large amounts of data, which is very important.
and blockchains. And also, when the challenge is the blockchains, right? So blockchains make things really difficult in terms of data. The main aspect is that the way that data is stored in a blockchain. Now, a blockchain is a linked list of blocks, there's one block after the other.
And every few seconds and you block is added to the chain. The problem with this is that that data on the transfer transactions everything else that happens with the smart contract and directions are stored as it's done a need block. And that's great for some reasons, but it's really, really
really inefficient, requiring data, for reading data, for using that data and that patient. So a simple example is like a blockchains like a book. So imagine you flip open your latest Harry Potter book and you want to ask the blockchain, like give me the last 10 pages that Ron Reese appeared on.
Well, you book can't tell you that that you the only way you can ask that question is by scanning through each page to find the next ten occurrences of Brahms name. And it's the same for blockchain if you want to ask the blockchain something simple like commit the last ten transactions to my wallet or commit the last
Tena urnuses, NFTs.
It's the exact same problem. And so blockchains are really, really bad for that kind of worry. But that kind of query is really important if you're building an application in the blockchains.
So that's where subcruer comes in to solve that problem. Subcruer is a data index.
is constantly scared of watching.
is the read off sin but the data, the data of the unison. So in my case, it's occurrences of one we see in the book.
and say that, say that into a more performant storage system, so like a database.
And essentially what that means is that developers building applications on top of trains like NMOS get that data in a very performant format that they can build really fast, really snappy, really responsive applications that have larger amounts of data shown in them, big graphs, really cool charts,
and visualizations because that data is available now. We've unlocked that data off the chain. That's what we do at Subgroup. And we have added support for Airbus. We have support for many different Cosmos chains, but we're very happy with the Airbus, very excited about Airbus because we're big believe in what Airbus is doing in Cosmos.
Yeah, yeah, I think that's a pretty good explanation and you know I appreciate the support and you know Evo is one of those places
is where we thrive on giving developers and general explorers and other people, the tools that they need to succeed. So how does a tool like this help developers succeed?
So a developer comes to the EbbMouse and they might come from another chain or well they might just start through this might contract application EbbMouse using EVM right and then we believe this is an EVM we support Ethereum, Polygon, B&B, Arbitram Optimisms, Avalanche, many many others.
So you can use subcruid all of those of the platforms. But they come to ebmos and they want to build the application there. They can use subcruid the same way as they use it on the chains. Essentially they can create a subcruid project which is like a recipe for how you index data. So I tell you like what you can do.
And then you write, "I want, so we're soon as this happens, if this occurs in the chain, I want to do this. I want to take this data off, I want to transform it this way, and I want to store it into this full name."
And subcruel, we'll do that all in the background for you. Or dot us, especially, formally. We'll say that in database. And it just gives developers an instant custom API that they
can use the application. So those front ends that they can build, they can build those focus on that with the active focusing on building that data indexing pipeline.
Awesome. So, you know, say a developer on EVMAs has never used this system before. What is there a barrier of entry learning curve that they're going to have to go through to implement tooling like this?
Yeah, no doubt there is a small barrier venture right there's someone learning curve that's a developer tool. There's nothing other than other tools that developers use every day right and you'll know this challenge yourself. How do you educate developers? How do you use it?
We have a lot of documentation. We have pages of pages of documentation and we have many different quick start guides out there that show off
how to index on chains like Ebbmos. So it will give you a real project that you can use and try out and follow along. Even we actually have a quick start guide specifically for Ebbmos and that's that guide, quick start guide.
Index is all transfers made on NetMOS, from any account to any other account. So we're well aware of the challenges of onboarding developers and we do a lot of developer documentation and quick start guides, another tutorial to help with that.
Yeah, that's awesome to hear. I think documentation and more generally education is so important from a typical novice user to an advanced user all the way up to the developer level, having good education platforms is really great for everybody, which is nice to see that you know that that's going
going to be a hurdle and you're getting, again, more tooling, more tools available out there for these developers to get things done to learn the system and capitalize on this. >> Biggest thing that I like is the same thing you face. You can build the stuff to develop as right, but you've also to bring along the community that you have to bring along people that I have technically minded that I'm
developers in their day to day job and you have to kind of break it down explain the benefits of it. Now, our stimulus is the same challenges that you have had most at everyone's explaining why it's so important and how it's different and how it's beneficial for developers and provides a great developer experience to be with that don't remember stand or or right smart contracts for living.
and so same.
Yeah, absolutely. So it's nice to see because that's a sense that we take. We have lots of documentation. We have an academy out now that we're kind of working on that has a couple of like guided tutorials and lessons on how to do certain things and that's a focus that we've had.
So it's really good to see when other projects realize the same thing. We do and go, hey, these people need a good onboarding flow and a good onboarding experience from the developers out of things so they can really implement these. Now, the question I have coming out to this
because if I haven't introduced myself, I apologize, but I'm Cody. Everyone online knows me as Kilo, I'm the head of community for the most quarter of our team. And me being head of community always have to ask this question, what is the typical
Explorer user community benefit when projects implement something like index or how is how is this felt by your typical user is it just a wider range of applications you know easier to use faster response times how is it on the user end
Essentially we
We build a tool that allows developers to build better applications. And so for a user perspective, as a user, you have like, we're spoiled by applications these days. Like when we have three, you got to do one of the biggest challenges with three of them as changing to that.
paradigm of actually matching the performance and the sponsors and the application kind of feel that we have web to applications. And it's quite hard in web 3 right because there's block time delays, there's
RPCs and a bit, you know, not quite stable. And so providing a similar use experience is really important to developers, especially when you're putting up a page. And so for regular end user, the person, let's say I'm using a
a wallet on the iPhone.
To them, they want to see an application that's fast, that's quick. When they do something, they see a response and they see it back in the application, show it away. They want to see this delay and wait 30 seconds.
So the transaction goes through or not, and after waiting, you know, it's kind of like, no matter it's land, we are all kind of really worried if something happened or not. You know, it's scary sometimes in the transaction, you don't even know if it worked.
Yeah, you also want to sell our data right if you're if you're putting a wallet for example you want to see a good dashboard of your current like total holding so all different networks you want to see you know how that's changed over time you want to see a list of all your transactions right there all these bits that can't require data indexes they require indexes that's like
to organize and to serve that data up to 1000 and sub 100s of 1000s or hopefully millions of users at the same time. And Web 3, Web 3, we saw in this infant stage where the applications are filled. They work, but they're slow, the laggy, buggy, the user experience isn't
as seamless as a web to app that we are used to these days. And with tools like Subcray developers, we're trying to get developers to tools and the solutions to build better quality applications faster, more responsive, more data-rich applications that benefit users.
Yeah, I think that that's absolutely fantastic and you really nailed that explanation is user typically users on web 2 are used to that snappy nearly instantaneous response and not having the way to round for certain things and that's a big chunk of what
unnecessary stress where you're stressing between certain timings and transactions and different things and you're just waiting for stuff to come in. I think that that's going to be really good for a lot of people and I think many people could benefit from stuff like that. It's hugely stressful man. It's a worse thing about win three is that you've seen this big transaction like back to that right? Like I'm not sure
I'm sure that's coming for you to wait like this like minute long kind of anxiety reducing time period of seeing some comes through. But also like, yeah, as I said before, just like the experience that the look and feel the patience, it feels cheap, feels kind of crummy. And if you try to
build like bring in another you know 20% of the tick kind of population. We need to make applications that are more understandable so our parents or even our grandparents can use them right.
that easy to use and understand, things that looked at your building. They don't want to have to deal with wallet addresses and all this stuff on the hood that we live and breathe this, we kind of know, we expect that experience, but they don't. And so we need to get better and better at that.
Yeah, absolutely. I think that's one of the next step forward is the next step forward for a lot of these things is just making that user experience better and not having worry and pain points for typical users. I think that's great. So what we talked about, the developer experience, the user experience,
How was it in your experience? How did Subquory get here? What did you see with data indexing? They were like, "Oh, we could fix that. We could do better." >> Yeah, so there's a big name in the algorithm that's out there. That's called the graph. Nothing everyone's heard of it. No, well, wherever.
And we provide a very similar use experience that's intentionally so we try to make the developer experience very similar with improved in certain ways make it with our indexes that two times faster. It has a few new features that they don't have. It's more of relaxing in terms of like the restrictions that places in what you can
can do. Essentially the way it came to be was that we started in the Polkot ecosystem. The graphs worked really well on all the EVM networks. When we were building in the Polkot ecosystem, we kept talking to teams, we were building another product at the start of the time. We kept talking to teams and they were saying, "We need an index."
So we can build these applications. So we can easily start scaling and building applications on top of our chains. And we heard that and there's nothing better in life as product manager. I've been hearing direct customer feedback saying, I really need something. I really need this. That's a pain. That's a pain that you can provide relief towards. And so we went off to the next level.
we built Sub-Grey. And we started in Polkadot. Polkadot was a good starting place because it's got parachanes, it's very similar to Cosmos zones. So from day one we always planned for it to be molten chain. We always planned it for it to support different chains. So we were from Polkadot for a few other chains, we got to put
Cosmos and so we support 10 major chains right now We support about 14 different cosmos zones so we're tested We know it works for every cosmos, but we just got Like you tested and started things about with 14 different zones one including an ebmos obviously and that includes both working on EVS
or e-thin mint which is what the e-thin mint is the EVM wrapper and cosmos. We also work with the core cosmosom slightly contract layer that other cosmos change. So that's kind of the back story
Just like hearing directly the customers that we need this developers are are crying out for it and what cool and they're crying out for it and Cosmos there are there are many different Proposals on on on Cosmos hub For a better data index is out there and so we saw that and we moved to Cosmos we came along and here we are now
Awesome. Yeah, I think it's a huge need that people that you can step in and fill for many developers and users alike. I think it's a massive need everywhere, I think, even where other solutions exist and other networks. It's nice to have this approach that you do.
of the reasoning behind it, having the UX in mind, the usability in mind, further that beat from the developer side or from the user side because there's many projects out there. They're like, "Okay, we do this service, we do this really cool thing and that's all we really care about, but it's nice to see you up here talking and
and saying, you know, it's about UX from the user and developer and we have the educational and board quick start guides as much as we can to get these tools and the hands of people out there. It's a different community first kind of approach, developer first, friendly kind of approach, and it's really refreshing to see when teams have this positive mentality and mindset.
Yeah, we're very skilled, like much in the infant stage, you'll get through right and then you'll notice yourself with their mosses. We're still very early and the solar develop is up there that they help and eat tools and it's exciting to be in this issue because we're very, very close to like a
more so than in else setup or bemen. We have telegram chats which are also most like customers and means I wake up to be morning to about 100 telegram messages but it's worth it because like in we're direct kind of feedback for our customers. So can you please improve this feedback
or how about this or it's a bug here. You know like all that direct feedback just makes it better product. And I mentioned this is quite the same with the ad boss. That direct feedback from your community, from the developers and your ecosystem certainly helps.
Oh, it absolutely does. And I have the same experience as you. I get up to so many telegrams and discord notifications.
But you know, that's why we're here. You know, we've gotten to push it along. We want to see things get better. So that's absolutely great. Well, I haven't seen any questions really roll in yet. If anyone here's listening wants to post a question, maybe we can get to those. But
Yeah, it's been a fun conversation and I've appreciated you coming up here. I've enjoyed the time. I've enjoyed learning more about it because data indexing isn't something that I knew a ton about. I'm coming into this, but I had the basics down.
But it's fun to listen in and learn on it from someone that really knows what their target is. It's not a sexy topic isn't it? But it's fun that it's critical behind the scenes, picks and shovels, put in the structure pieces that every team will use some very tough and behind as well as
Like, you know, like this is kind of weird out with three right we like still building all of the background infrastructure so like all these different Things on the internet that we take the granted are like built on top of layers and layers of innovations over the years and we're still building out those different layers and with three
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's definitely it. I think you know I think that's one of the cool things about web 3 and what we're going right now is eventually we'll get to
the point where users will be able to interact with a Web 3 application and not be able to discern much of a difference between Web 2 and Web 3. And that kind of usability is a future that we can all look forward to.
Yep, and that that's huge choice one of the reasons why subcure exists. So whole, whole aim the company is really tough. Let's give it that plan.
Absolutely. Again, thank you so much for coming on. Thanks so much for joining us on this Twitter space. We'll discuss data indexing on EVMOS and thank you so much to the subcree team. You guys are awesome. Yeah, awesome. I'll share some documentation on the links afterwards.
And you can. Absolutely. Yeah, sure. Before we do end up and close up here, where can these fine folks in the audience learn more, whether they're a developer or they're user that you're going to learn more about sub query or what you do, where can people learn more? Yeah, I wait for the site as great as that. So sub query.
And then with
We'll share a link in our Twitter channel after this linking to our ebmos docs, quick start guide, so developing ebmos can see how to get started and we'll share that out straight after this.
Awesome. All right. Again, thank you so much. Thanks everybody.