We all need to sign a petition to get rid of Twitter opening elevator music.
The hype in here is going to be surreal, guys.
One of the biggest artists in the world right now.
A man who sold out a festival that could not earn their interest without him until he announced.
And then the salesman parabolic, the whole country of fucking Australia, came to see this man.
He is one of my favorite artists in the world right now.
We've been on him since 2021.
And a lot of these believers, he's got a nation and continent that back him to the hills.
He is the king of fucking Afrobeat.
And he'll be joining us for spaces very soon, guys.
This is one of the most historic spaces in crypto history.
And it's going to be such a pleasure for us to get to share the stage with such a humble, important figure in the Afrobeat genre scene.
So, in my opinion, he's just beginning his career.
He's on the cusp and verge of being one of the biggest global superstars ever.
I love what he stands for as a man.
And I'm very privileged to be in this position where we get the opportunity to discuss things with him and his team.
And it's a very welcoming experience.
It's very overwhelming for me.
I know I'm probably going to be very emotional on this space.
This is like a dream come true for me to get to position with these people and talk with these people.
So, we're very fucking excited.
Everybody, I can see all the DeVito fans already in the spaces.
Wanda, thank you so much for the tweet, brother.
And Sergeant and Solomon OT has been in touch with us.
He said, you guys handle everything with class.
So, I don't expect any less.
I don't know if people can hear me quivering already.
I can't fucking wait until his energy is in this space.
As I said, this guy is a hero of mine.
I love what he stands for as a human being.
And everybody appreciates him and adores him for the human that he is.
And everything that he does is contagious.
That smile is a global, iconic emblem.
He just lights up a fucking room.
Every one of his songs is a banger.
He's one of the most consistent artists in the world.
And we're getting that opportunity to share space with him.
Which I'm very privileged to get the opportunity to do such.
So, we're going to have a good time in the build-up, guys.
We're going to fill out this room.
We're going to try and educate people on what it is we're doing.
Try and have the fans come up and ask some questions.
Hopefully, he'll have enough time.
Obviously, he's got a very busy schedule.
As I said, he just sold out a massive festival and blew the fucking roof off the place in Australia.
And it's his first time in the country.
He's getting that global recognition, that global support that he rightfully deserves.
Afrobeat is hot on the scene because of DeVito.
He's on the cusp of being one of the biggest globally recognized artists.
And he fucking deserves it.
Above all else, a human like that, he deserves it.
And we're very honored to get that opportunity.
So, yeah, Logan, if you want to play some music, let's get this fucking party started.
Yeah, let's get this party.
I've been telling you guys how messy this is going to be.
But, yeah, let's play some Jams by DeVito.
Some of my favorite ones, okay?
I'll just play some of my favorite ones.
Let's see some reactions in the house.
Let's retreat this space.
I don't even know what the words mean, but I can fucking feel it.
And when you feel something, and it excites you, that's all you need in the music.
And the touch is the magic.
I want to see some reactions, guys.
Everybody, show some love.
Let's build the anticipation for one of the most historic spaces in fucking history.
Twitter has never seen such a big event.
DeVito's making it happen, baby.
The upcoming video for that is going to win a fucking Grammy.
This guy is on a different level.
I don't think I understand how massive this is.
That's a freaking banger.
We are going to have a voice in here guys, we are going to parody, we are going to have fun fucking parties, we are going to hear about music, all these upcoming events, releases, we are going to shoot the shit, we are going to have a good time, everybody that has their hands up, we are going to try and get you up for questions, please be perfect.
I need a straight up fingers guys, let's go.
Non-stop, non-stop, non-friggin stop.
I don't have no time to say, come see me shine, got 20 birds on my heart.
I don't have no time to say, come see me shine, got 20 birds on my heart.
Holy shit, the force of all these fans in here, all of admiration for this great man.
It's fucking beautiful to see this turnout.
Everybody retweet, get this awareness on this face.
We're going to have some fucking fun.
This is going to be a vibe.
This isn't a fucking interview.
This is a passionate artist come on expressing himself.
So, everybody, we're all super excited.
Let's keep up the vibe. Let's see some reactions.
Retweet the space. Let's fucking go.
I'm like checking the tweets about Chucky and about Davido.
Like, this is blowing up, guys. Keep tweeting. Keep smashing it up. Let's go.
Y'all ready for another banger?
I have to play some of my bands, though.
Please, please, please, please, please put on the biggest vibe of a song.
I want to listen to that song.
Wait, I'm going to play somebody.
Come on, he's got so many bangers.
You can play any one of his records and we would all be vibing in here.
You know the things, right?
You know the things, right?
I said the night is over.
I said the night is over.
I need a somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody with no no beef, no no no beef, whoo!
What a bear! Fuck me! Let's go!
Oh my god, let's freaking go!
He doesn't miss a beef, he doesn't miss a beef.
This is why people fucking love him.
This is why his fans adore him.
It's not just his image, it's the person he is, the music he makes.
Nobody understood how good Afrobeat was until this guy made it fucking happen.
The biggest Afrobeat artist ever.
I don't know if you can speak now, I know you've been very busy.
Somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody, whoo!
Somebody with a girl, whoo!
Somebody with a girl, whoo!
They need your buzz fuck!
If you know, you know! Let's go!
You could never get sick of these tunes, man!
Afrobeat just hits different, man!
It's different, you know!
It's different, you know!
It's different, you know!
It's different, you know!
It makes you feel something out of the way!
It gets the blood pumping!
I would dispute that it makes you move more than salsa music!
It's different, you know!
It makes you feel something out of the way!
It makes you feel something out of the way!
It gets the blood pumping!
I would dispute that it makes you move more than salsa music!
That's perfect synchronization!
Through all his albums and his progression as an artist!
To where he's at right now!
Timeless, for me, is like a perfect album!
The consistency of every song is just amazing!
So it's great to see him getting the recognition he deserves!
I don't know if you can talk, man!
But very nice to meet you!
We've heard great things!
are you all ready for the next banger
give it a few minutes so we can have a little bit of a chat
Wanda can you hear me my guy
he's probably just tuning in
WSQ I've seen you tweeting about it as well
it's good to see a lot of the
DeVito fan base like joining in and tuning in
as I said look we're very much so looking forward to the opportunity to get to hear from the man himself
as I said he's one of my heroes
I'm an aspiring unknown artist myself
we founded this company basically to give fans an opportunity to share in their art of success
with our royalty sharing through crypto
so we can get into that topic later on
we're not going to fucking over complicate things
I want to celebrate DeVito here
this is a good fucking time
this is going to be a parody
this ain't going to be an interview format
I want to have a good time
and I want you guys to have a good time listening to DeVito
and hopefully we'll get some of you guys
and we won't take up too much time
and we're just going to enjoy the moment
we're going to celebrate this
this is a fucking chukie parody
and yeah we're going to celebrate the most decorated
afrobeat artist in the fucking world
he's going to be a global icon soon enough
this guy is on his way to superstardom
when that feel video drops
I reckon that's going to cause so much fucking noise
it's going to reinvigorate everyone's interest
timeless is one of the top trending albums in the US right now
five years ago people didn't even know what the fuck afrobeat was
he's got the backing of a continent now
he's got the backing of a continent
he's featured with some of the biggest artists in the world
oh man I'm so fucking pumped
it's such a privilege to get the opportunity to share a space with
and his fans are some of the most amazing people in the world
the way you guys back your boy
it reminds me of how our nation backed Conor McGregor
now I'm not saying they have similarities
but he was such a polarizing figure
and the way that Nigeria and the continent of Africa
it must make him very proud
and he's one of the most appreciative
just by the energy he has
like it lights up a fucking room
it's going to be a crazy space guys
I'm really looking forward to
I've got questions prepared
I'm going to be freaking out basically
I'm going to have goosebumps
I'm already sweating at the thought
of having this guy on a stage
I'll probably end up crying
like it's a very emotional experience
and I'm sure that he's a lot of your guys heroes
and he inspires you guys to do better
and he's a good force for the world
it's a privilege that we're getting a chance
to align ourselves with him
when he's on the verge of doing bigger things
he's at the beginning of his career
I know people are saying like Timeless
but like I reckon DeVito's got so much more in store
and like he's going to be a global superstar
and he's a pioneer for a complete genre of music
he will always be aligned in Afrobeat history
and it's music that should have been heard
so the fact that that's like a fusion now with pop
and you're hearing all NBA stars playing it
it's becoming a cultural thing
and this guy is one of the founders of this
and I know the continent of Africa backs him
everybody in Nigeria fucking loves him
I'm looking forward to this space guys
everybody that has your hands up
we'll try and get to questions towards the end of it
as I said we don't want to take up too much time
we don't want to overcomplicate the space
we want everybody that's in here to have a good fucking time
so let's see some reactions
that's what I'm talking about
thank you for hosting this space
and as we wait for David O to come in here
I'd like to suggest that you please include a hashtag
because the fans are waiting to distribute
and tell us what they're feeling at this moment
so please include the hashtag
so that when we're not able to get everybody on the space to speak
at least we can read out their comments
and everything they have to say
concerning this space today
so I just wanted to chip that in
I don't know if Wanda has something to say
you are all business girl
we make sure everything is right
why he's such a well-oiled machine
he's got such a good fucking crew behind him
not many people have luxury too
you're all business Whitney
literally Twitter is getting smashed
I mean y'all have been waiting for this moment
I mean I have goosebumps all over my hands
he collabed with some of my favorite
you have Nicky Minaj as well
I'm super excited to be here
keep it smashing on Twitter
and this is just the beginning
let's get this party continued
or Logan is going to do that
should I get a Twitter trend in
we'll fucking have a big blow
I'm expecting this to crash
announces he's going to Australia
they wanted to add another
50,000 seats to the stadium
they couldn't get enough tickets
and I think he's one of the
that he's passionate about
that's a very emotional song
feel is a very emotional song
and somebody's another one
that people resonate with
he looks like he's having
and people love him for it
and we'll repay the faith
let's get some more music on
I'm walking down the road
because I had to leave my house
half three in the morning
we can engage with all of them
walking up and down the road
it's the middle of the morning
I'm just dancing in my office
David does it differently guys
I can imagine being at that event
exciting artists in the world
in the next three to five years
and he's the biggest artist
I've seen so many supporters
they're all something else
that's what this is about
oh my god we're partying here guys let's go
we got the fan base in here we got chuki fan base as well i mean we're combining powers let's go
guys i just seen a good suggestion from one of davido's fans we've updated the hashtag the
hashtag chuki x davido so good suggestion guys use that hashtag tweet it out let's get some action
on here let's see some reactions guys come on let's go let's go it's a party we're all here to
have fun this is a good mesh of davido's diehard armies fans of true true believers as well as
our crypto community and it's a very good cross oh my god we're here to have a vibe guys we're not
here to overcomplicate things this is who we are we're about expression we're both freedom
we're both the artists so we're all about the music here and i'm a very passionate fan of
davido's i've been following him since 2021 solomon put me on him and i haven't stopped listening to
him and watch him on his trajectory of his career from when i first followed him at four million
followers to where he is now insane he's just getting started he's just getting fucking oh my god
this one is another banger i know whitney feels me on this one as well let's go
he doesn't do bad music he's the most consistent
you know baby don't only drop hits
serious girl only hits let's go
only hits nothing less than that
oh my god that was in the charts was literally you could see the the timeless the dial the speed
literally timeless yeah the hourglass brilliant no for real i mean davido like the songs makes me feel
like i'm on a yacht in miami you know what i mean like let's go it's crazy it's crazy like
the song blew up it broke records for afrobeat it broke records on spotify it broke records on
itunes apple everywhere everywhere every song on there has millions and millions and millions of
streams all hit songs all hit songs these other two albums a good time and a better time are both
timeless albums i'm such a fanboy whitney i don't i don't know if you realize that i'm a big fanboy
sorry sorry what did you say i said i'm a big fanboy
i have a man yeah i have a man question davido trust me
please don't tell them that
don't worry your secret your secret is safe with me your secret is safe with me
but we we have 183 people i think you can run the number
i don't know what's happening but you guys please run the number up there are two hashtags
on the space 50 and 50x davido whichever one you're comfortable with using use it speak about it
no you can't even know what your expectations are for this space
or what your expectations are for davido
and he's here go through it
definitely definitely we're about to round it up guys we're gonna be
you know spreading your knees we're just getting started so everyone's about to join twitter is
getting smashed with davido question with davido supporters in it you know we're combining crypto
and davido the world has never seen this before this is massive this is freaking massive
whitney can i ask you a question has davido ever done his faces
um okay so i'll let you in on this yeah i don't know if you know about the 30bg space
that's about the biggest davido fan base space on twitter or should i say x since that's what it
goes by now let's go and um back in the day we used to host it like every friday if i'm not
mistaken one day please correct me if i'm wrong we used to host it like every friday and we had the uh
hashtag for it it was 30 days and davido and his crew they tune in once in a while and i remember
one time or has it happened even once davido would come on the space and just say something you know
say one of his stuff words and the space would go bonkers i'm telling you and sometimes he just
tweets the hashtag all he needs to do is tweet the hashtag and the space is full so yes we have a very
big space for david oh my god so you you are a community builder this is i never understood the
i'm just one of the little voices around the space right but you know who you can
hang on to that that should be uh one day he is the community builder
i respect that i respect that because we've a lot of the same principles of community building
being being organic and staying true to the people that are in your community and following
support and that like that's a lot of same principles this is one of the many ways we
show him our support we're not just on twitter tweeting or liking his song to his songs when it's
time for action we pull up and that's facts and there's a crew there's an absolute crew and they
tweeted and i got smashed like my notifications were ding ding ding ding ding the fuck is going on
it's like there's an earthquake or something no the beat is in the house baby
when davido joins this space you better i hope your phone is charged 100 oh my god oh my god
i hope elan has his servers back up tonight because this is going to explode
oh my god this song is so good hey hey tricky tricky can you hear me
yeah i can hear you hey sorry yes please can you accept um i'm a boss corner ng
is it you see him i'm a boss corner yes i do okay please accept him
any other speakers you'd like to drag up um i'll let you know i'll let you know in a gt
oh whitney to be honest we need to fill this space with some good speakers because
i have a tendency to go on a rant and not take a breath and i'm hard to understand and have a
slur so yeah and it's going to be uncontrollable now i'm probably i'm probably going to cry on
this space as good warning you don't laugh at me
as far as you don't mute the rest of us from speaking because when he comes on this space
i don't think you'd even hear your own voice no oh my god i'm expecting this the spaces to
malfunction like i i'm i'm really hoping that elan has done like some fucking updates or updates in
the last few hours to pack his server but yeah sergeant my brother how are we doing
it looks yeah i'm good i'm good i'm good the king is coming soon
we have in the building daddy z what's up well i'm good i'm good i'm good teddy pg tweet about the space
with the hashtag chuki x davido mona bukulofan i'm waiting to do now and i'm just like i'm
waiting to stop tell bg share the link of this of the space on your tail invite your friend
send it to the group chat tell them the video is coming live right here on this space it's about
to be a movie thank you phil is coming yeah i'm not gonna lie to you right shut up
make it encrypt up because that's all we do tweet the shit out work for your bags let's get after
this shit let's pump the fucking stock let's go baby let's have a good fucking time i love it i love
it all you hardcore guys i love to see people grinding and working for their boys
oh my god from one banger to another let's go oh my god this one this one though
this for me was the turning point where he started incorporating pop a lot more and it was the first
song ever where people got a taste of what afrobeat is about he's so distinct on this song
with disclosure and then the veto's just in the middle of it and he's verse stands out so much
oh my god sarge i'm so hyped bro i'm so fucking hyped
oh my god i'm literally like so freaking hyped guys oh my god twitter is inspired so many twists
i mean y'all are combining both hashtags it's okay i'm on both of them
like i have two of my macbooks in front of me both of my laptops and just looking at all the hashtags
all the questions guys keep it coming let's show some love on this
you know it's afrobeat x crypto it's the video x crypto the video actually you guys we're doing
you know it's a lot a lot you can't do me
you know it's something you need love you need time
and i know that you've been gone you've been drawing you've been trying
i don't know i can need it
find yourself a real thing find yourself a new thing
you're gonna know it's all right
Let's get some love for the ladies in this phase
The fucking badass chicks
The baddies in this phase
Let's get some love for the ladies
Who loves you like you are
Begging you up when you're feeling down
You can distract my thoughts
When you lose hopes on you
Yeah, but I know you're my
All the things I don't like
Find someone who loves you like you are
Okay, all ready for another banger
Can you cut it a second, Logan?
I want to ask Sargent a question
I know you're in Australia
And then DeVito came to town
And it turned into a fucking madhouse
Nah, I think he's too busy for me
How have you found it in Australia, guys?
Sorry, can you ask that again?
How have you found Australia?
How has it been since you've arrived?
And all the things that have happened
Well, I haven't really had time
To go through all the details
And I'm still waiting to hear more of it
You're the business in the back
Wanda is the forefront guy
Look, you have to ask him
These questions you're throwing at me
He is always in the forefront
I'm always behind, you know
That's, I think, the best part
Show him how much of a supporter
The community element of it
There wouldn't be as much admiration
And you play such a big role
And without the team executing
Like, these guys are very busy
They have hectic schedules
And, like, your team must be
The conversations going on
Chucky or Chucky XA DeVito
Would you use some of them
I don't want to discriminate
We understand the industry
The struggles and tribulations
That you have to go through
And we've been working since
Around the label standard
And from our royalty share
And share in the proceeds
Statistical and logistics
DeVito's all about legacy
That hits billions of streams
One of these collectibles
For the rest of your life
Offering through the blockchain
The freedom of expression
Know they suppress artists
They've been stripped back
And their soul has been sold
We're not here for the money
If we were here for the money
We want fucking fans to win
We want the artists to win
We're here for the people
We're not here for anybody else
We're not here for ourselves
We're not here to line our pockets
That's what we facilitate
Crypto nitty gritty stuff
Of their favourite artists
I think one of the things
I took away from everything
You're able to offer artists
Things in the music industry
Of their favourite artists
About why we're here today
With something very tangible
And get your information right
And I know people's narratives
And crypto isn't so great
As a legitimate corporation
We have a proof of reference
And discussions with these artists
And Sargent's been at the forefront
And we have a great opportunity
And make it a fair environment
The money that's in the industry
And ensuring that they have
That freedom of expression
And that's what it's all about
What we're doing for artists
So I'm very excited about it
And you guys are everywhere
I see David all over the place
Doing so many different things
We're farming that right now
And we're finding our legs
Eventually be on a journey
What we're basically doing
Would probably be aware of
Is not static collectibles
So you are an entitled owner
By bringing too much crypto
Just to be a part of that
To distribute to the fans
So that's what we're doing
Like he is the golden boy
I have huge respect for him
It's just such a privilege
To get to share the space
Our music streaming platform
It's a free streaming platform
To just upload their music
The same catalogue as them
Is reform what the standard is
The 8% split in royalties
They're tracking these deals
Make it more fair for artists
Now with our streaming platform
We're going to revamp that
Integrate our marketplace
Onboarding very good talent
That freedom of expression
Your music's not good enough
We want to change your brand
She writes all her own music
She's devoted to the game
Like anyone I've never seen
She appreciates what we do
And we back them to the hills
We support them to the hills
We just want to give them
So that's what we're all about
Of their favourite artists
That you guys are creating
Just be strictly for music
Or right there on that app
Right there on the same app
You guys are very familiar
Take a share of the royalties
And distribute it to the fans
Every percentage of proceeds
So I'm very excited about it
It's nearly set to release
More music in the pipeline
I see you're trying to speak
No that's a great question
To distribute to the fans
And there's a case study there
Money for their copyrights
And they're not tied down
So that's what we facilitate
In dispute with any companies
That was a very good question
I don't think I'm going to
Davido is a global superstar
Like all around the world
Like the upcoming artists
On our streaming platform
And through trial and error
That will be very lucrative
Different TikTok challenges
Like a competition format
Like for an initial release
We're at the negotiations
As not a fraudulent thing
And we support our artists
That's what we're here for
We're not here for anything else
Neither in the crypto field
Neither in the music field
Support for the community
Updated on those platforms
The people that support us
So, Tuki, Logan, as the video have said, a few videos will be dropping tomorrow.
30PG, you know how we do it.
Everyone said, Tuki, press money.
It means send my fans money.
Let them influence the brand.
Let's leave some fucking bangers.
Let's give the fans what they fucking want.
Let's give them a share in the success of their favorite fucking artists.
Let's change the fucking game together.
I feel tomorrow, guys, is going to be one of the most electrifying music video drops this fucking decade.
I'm telling you, guys, watch out for that.
This is going to win a Grammy Award.
Everybody thought unavailable was big.
Wait until this train starts chugging.
This guy is on a different fucking level.
He's operating at a different frequency to every single one of us.
Just let him do his fucking thing.
He's about to take over the world.
I love the environment here.
I love the passion you guys have and the energy.
We have a lot of essential learning.
All of the blessings we've been come my way.
All types of African music channel that I should meet up with David O, you need to give
that person two chicken and two bottles of Mattel because check all the brands that
David has partnered with from Puma to Mattel, every brand now sold out.
Even if you are selling these kits, if this guy advertises it from you, for it's going
from a zero to a billion.
Whatever he talks to his tons, you have done, right?
Brother, brother, brother.
Whatever he talks to his tons, not good with diamond.
You don't have to convince me.
He's the pioneer of Afrobeat.
I fucking respect the shit out of him, man.
Rema, Fernaboy, I hate to disrespect them, but they ain't got shit on the Vito.
He evokes emotion unlike anything I've ever heard.
He's very passionate about his relationship with his fans, and he adores every single
He didn't even want to talk to me.
He said, guys, let me talk to the fucking fans.
I would love in the future to work with an artist like the Vito because he expresses
himself the way that I like artists.
He's a true stoic of what he is as a person, and he expresses that true song.
And in his music videos, he has a massive smile on his face because he's truly happy.
With the people he associates with, the people in his entourage, the people in his crew.
And I get now why he's so happy, why he's so successful.
He's got a community like you, backroom staff like you, helping him lead the charge.
It's not just a one-man army.
People can't understand how much work goes into this behind the scenes.
From what I've heard, Vito's music video is going to cause some waves, and that's not
the only thing that's coming in the pipeline.
So, David, everybody might think this is the biggest of his career.
I fully believe that the Vito is going to be one of the biggest artists, if not the biggest
artists, within the next three to five years.
As Afrobeat is on that trajectory, and rightfully so.
Yeah, he's got a story to be told, and I dig it.
Eric, sorry, brother, for cutting you off.
If you want to chime in, I've seen you unmuted your mic.
I didn't even realize my speaker was on.
No, I just came up here to say, you know, respect.
Respect to you for just putting the work in and delivering and, you know, doing what very
few people in this space do.
I'll be on the phone calling you tonight.
I will play, play, play, play Uwa Baby for us, that is it.
Before I play Uwa Baby, before Badass come off of this space, before Badass left the space,
he said Chucky Presmoni, so I will now play a song that correlates with what Badass said.
He has the best crew in the game, guys.
So, that's what I'll be playing.
This Nigerian network is so messy at the moment, so you guys need to endure a little bit.
And if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco, and if you dance like that, come on, yeah, Coco,
so what he's saying in this song in this track is that money is so important like this introduction
this innovation that you just brought is like you putting food on every artist's table because
we all know it's not easy in this industry we all know it's not easy in this industry because a lot
of things are going on but with this platform i think we are handing over the future of every
artist today we are letting them control their own future and their own catalog which is a very very
good one we appreciate that i also helping the artists by encouraging them to stream other
because i believe top streamers need to get top money from the artist uh i don't know what you
call it proceeds so thank you for this innovation we appreciate we appreciate we appreciate
if it is not in the space anymore
i appreciate that brother and we're gonna keep doing our thing we're gonna keep building from
the ground up brick by brick piece by piece we're just gonna keep slugging away bro we have a long
journey ahead of us with a lot of artists that we have to onboard a lot of music that we have to
release we need to find our feet in this industry and it's a dog eat dog world it's not easy to make
it but when you surround yourself with good people you can make shit happen and we have
surrounded ourselves with the best of people and i appreciate this endorsement from you guys and i
appreciate the embrace that you've given to our community as well as the acknowledgement for what
we're doing so yeah look i think it's about time that fucking fans earn from their favorite artist
songs i think it's there's enough food on the table in the industry that everybody should be able to
eat not just the music labels not just the streaming platforms not just the artists the artists
don't even get the largest percentage of this of all this whereas we're facilitating a service that
will allow the fans to obviously earn from um their favorite artists so i appreciate that man and i
understand you guys love your fan base you love everybody that follows the veto you all follow him
so passionately that this is all about legacy and that's exactly what we're about we're not about
lining our own pockets we're about putting pockets in the people who deserve his pockets
we're about putting money in their pockets can you imagine being an owner of one of these collectibles
that is a hit fucking song and you are sitting there earning hundreds of dollars thousands of
dollars a month just off the success of that song and you back that artist when no one else did so
that's a beautiful thing and um i'm glad you guys appreciate it and i hope someday we can collaborate
i know david davido is a very busy guy and you guys have a huge schedule but someday i'm up in our
practice with a line i've already said it to salomon plenty of times because i'm a huge fan and
obviously davido is one of the biggest artists in the world right now so yeah no it's been a pleasure
guys and i i really appreciate the opportunity and how professional your team has handled things and
it's been an amazing experience throughout so you guys deserve to be where you are today and i think
you're only going to keep going off um and rightfully so rightfully so has anybody else got a
question i suppose i do so i got a question bro let's go i got a question what's cookie
i got a question bro what's what's actually what was cooking because apparently davido was eating good
man he was eating good man so what a beautiful day man awesome awesome attendance on
on this space uh actually on my fucking birthday man so uh really really enjoying this this moment
um and a bigger day tomorrow bro huge day tomorrow like i said we should we should rename tuesday
to tuesday bro tuesdays tomorrow is tuesday
let's go let's go bro bro bro like yeah field comes out tomorrow guys that's going to be a huge
drop for davido everybody in this community everybody in the spaces make sure you keep an
eager eye on what's about the drop from davido's crew from davido's team it's going to be huge it's
going to be an emblem it's going to be an iconic video that's going to be streamed all over the world
globally yeah afrobeats here the king of afrobeats just joined us for spaces um yeah i i'm i'm
absolutely blown away by the support i can't believe my stars i'm literally pinching myself
not because i'm so sleep deprived at fucking 20 20 to 5 in the morning but the fact that i just met
one of my heroes and got the opportunity to speak with him that's what this is all about and that's
what we're all about we want to give that experience that artists can feel closer and we're all about
the community we're all about embracing one another supporting one another and backing
everybody that you know they're good juju you know they're kind of like you back good people to the
help um you work hard and you'll accomplish great things in your life so yeah we're true believers in
that we stuck at this like a legitimate company and we've built to where we are today and i'm glad
that a lot of the very well-known artists in the industry know are finally paying respects to what
crypto is and yeah they see the value in this and we're doing something different we're trying to
obviously tackle a huge industry we're trying to fix the fraudulent system and yeah look a lot of
people don't want that to happen but we're a different fucking movement we're a different beast
this is crypto this is decentralization our offering is giving the fans that percentage that
the label feels entitled to when all they do is give an artist a platform to be heard they don't do
much else they give you a studio and they give you the connections to be plugged in and get your
music card but they don't actually benefit artists they want to extort you and they just see you as
a money printing machine that's not fair and that's why the life has gone out of music and that's why
i respect the veto because there's a lot of that's being regurgitated there's a lot of artists that
don't write their own music and he feels every song that he writes and you can tell there's a lot of
emotion that goes in that there's a lot of thought and effort as he said on this space he had 80 songs
that he had to choose from on the timeless album and he picked which ones he knew were going to be
hits and yeah look when you manifest good things and you've that sort of a character things fall in
line and he works harder than anyone on the planet and above all else he's very gracious and we share
a lot of the same principles and he's an inspiration to me like a lot of artists that i listen to so
um yeah let's get some guys up here uh oh man you've had your hand up quite a bit i'm sorry i haven't got
given you the opportunity to speak but feel free to ask a question or if you have any feedback um
please let me know how did you find the space i'm sorry that we didn't get an opportunity to have
you guys asking questions while vito was here but he's a very hectic schedule i can only imagine
oh man sorry uh have you got a question
oh don't do me like that oh man oh she bounced off the stage no way oh lad what a setup what a setup
i can't even pronounce your name um i apologize x e i
oh my bad my bad sorry sorry sorry can you please tell me how to pronounce your name
hello hi hello how are you i'm fine good afternoon
good afternoon good afternoon well it's good morning for me oh okay good day okay good day let
me just say good day and it we have different time zone right
please also please just play few for me let me request for that song first
you you heard the lady login can we please get to you if you don't mind or anyone else who's on the
speaker yes what are we playing today where are we playing right now please please like let me see
which one do you want your name by the way yes
okay all right which one do you want me to play i'm i i'm on it
feel yeah let's go the hype is around fields and the newest music release i love it let's go no
that's why that's something else
Oh, space has rugged you.
Come on, we have to listen to the end of the record.
Daddy Don Z, you have your hand up, brother.
Feel free to give feedback.
Feel free to ask a question.
Sorry we didn't get you sooner.
I've been a little bit overwhelmed here on the stage.
I can't believe my head's about to explode.
I can't believe I'm calling another man, Daddy.
But look, this is the day and age range.
I'm tuning in from Zimbabwe in the south of Africa.
Lovely space you have here.
I was here and David was here.
He's a huge staple in my country.
Put on a couple of artists from my country.
Some of them are now producers for Chris Brown and Sierra.
That's how we roll song is produced by a producer for my country.
And he produced De Vido and Paturankin's single.
So much love to Nigeria for opening up the space to this Afro Beast thing.
Choki, I'm also an artist from Zimbabwe.
I just posted my song in the comments of this space.
And I just wanted to find out how are you guys, you know, remaping this industry, man,
Because it's useless to have 100,000 streams on Spotify and you've got $88 in your account, man.
So what are you guys doing for artists, you know, to benefit from their streams and stuff?
Because we're tired of putting up music and not eating, man.
We are here to save the fucking day.
Hey, I managed to put your music in the Jumbotron.
Guys, please go smash the fuck out of that.
Show these guys some love.
Appreciate your brother coming on to speak on the space.
And obviously, you're a guy who knows the industry.
So let me try and break it down without, like, overcomplicating what the crypto elements are.
So instead of a label, basically, we operate as a label.
We give you the platform to showcase your skills.
We use our connections to get you unplugged in on radio, add it to organic Spotify playlists, add it to Billboard charts, add it to TikTok playlists.
It's basically anything you need to enhance the algorithm to have your song heard.
Because it's not just a matter of an overnight success.
It's not a trending song anymore.
There's a big process involved.
You have to do the basics, right?
You have to do world star hip-hop.
You have to promote a song.
You have to shove a song.
You have to get good quality producers in.
It's a very expensive and tedious process.
So we basically facilitate that.
We allow you guys to create music with us.
And we provide an offering where we split the royalties.
So we give you a 50% entitlement, which is different to the label standard.
A label standard is under 8% back to artists and 92% goes to the label.
What we do is we allow artists to have a 50% entitlement to their royalties.
So you're not tied down to a 360 deal with us.
We'll do a one-off piece.
We'll get the film crew in.
We'll have everything up to the standard that it needs to be pushed and marketed.
And then we have a 50% split in the royalties.
So you're generating from the streams 50%.
You're generating from the merchandise sales, concert ticket sales, any events or venues we set you up in,
we get you plugged up in, get the tickets sold.
You're going to share in that.
You get a 50% entitlement.
So we have a 50-50 split.
From our 50-50 split, we have 30%, which is allocated to different parts of our ecosystem.
And I don't want to bore you with the crypto side of things.
But basically, we take 10% of our offering and we redistribute that to people who purchase these NFTs.
So you have a song, let's say, you release it.
It's called Mimosa is your song right now.
So Daddy, Mimosa song featuring Chukie or featuring Alicia and O.T.
They're artists that are associated with us.
We'll put our trademark on your song like We Good, We Chukie or Chukie Choo or something like that where you can hear it in a song.
It doesn't have to be a direct crypto song.
It just has to have our advertising in there for mass awareness and exposure for us.
So we give you the 50% entitlement.
And then from our share, we offer an NFT selection for, let's say, the Mimosa song by Daddy Don.
That 10% that we have as our royalty entitlement, we now distribute it to the people who bought your NFTs.
So there's a thousandth in that selection.
We would sell them for, let's say, for relatively unknown artists between $100 and $300.
For known artists, we would do $500 because there's more guarantee of a success of streams, which means more royalties and more passive earning that comes back to the fan who buys the collectible.
So basically, we offer the artist 50% entitlement to royalties, as well as this upfront payment from the copyrights that we sell to the fans to enable them to earn in the passive income of the song.
So we give you royalties, we give you marketing, we give you high quality production studios, we give you the best of equipment to record your songs and market it correctly.
And then we just enable a service where you can sell the royalties of your success and the royalties of your streams back to your fans through NFT technology.
That's basically what we do.
I'll tap in the DM and we can connect more about that.
And I just want to get my Niger on right now.
I'm happy that this few videos are coming out.
I know you love Unavailable, but Few is a song after my own art now.
I was about to come to Lagos and cause noise if this video don't come out now.
Thank you very much, 30BG and David Worldwide.
Field draft tomorrow, baby.
Everybody's excited about it.
It looks like a cinematic masterpiece.
It literally looks like a Marvel movie.
I looked at it and I was like, is this the opening credits for a Marvel movie?
I was like, yeah, it was crazy.
I'm really looking forward to that drop.
I'm highly anticipating it.
Daddy, thank you so much for coming up and speaking.
And feel free to hit me up in DMs.
As I said, we push artists all the time.
And we like to associate with creators.
We want to be with people that have original taste, have talent.
And obviously, we'll give them the platform they deserve.
I really hope that this isn't like a fucking subscription account or something like that.
Like a betting tips thing.
Use my affiliate link to sign up for...
No, he didn't want to speak.
Feel free to come up and speak, brother.
Can you guys hear him or...
Yeah, I think the space is having a bit of trouble trying to get people up to speak.
Yeah, I don't know what's going on there.
There's so many cool colours in the audience.
I love how creative everybody in this space is.
See this army and this collective of people that support and back.
There, boy, it's a beautiful thing.
You guys turn up for everything that he does.
And that's what a community needs.
That's what a fan base needs.
And that's what a big artist needs.
Without you guys, he wouldn't be able to express himself the way he does.
We wouldn't get the opportunity to listen to his music.
So, for the supporters that are here, for DeVito, we appreciate you guys sticking around.
And we will try and give you an opportunity to speak.
And we can try and educate you on what we're doing and why it can be beneficial to you guys.
Not like any other crypto project you've ever seen, to be honest.
And if you guys are fans of music, you're fans of good music, you're in the right place.
If you want to earn money from hit songs, guys, you're definitely in the right place.
Earlier, I heard you talking about paying for the production of videos, etc.
So, are you also doing that for artists?
I guess my understanding of this was that you were tokenizing the art.
But what else are you doing for artists?
So, what we essentially do is, as an example, we have a song called Chukie right now by Alicia and OT.
That has like 500,000 streams and whatever it's done.
It's all like a reference point on our website.
So, basically what we do is we give these artists access to our network.
So, we get them the plugins that they get on outlets where they get more streams, they get more awareness.
It's like Worldstar and stuff like that.
They're not easy to get on.
You need the right connections to facilitate that.
MTD Bass, we had them on.
As I said, we've done a lot of marketing around the song and we pushed it hard.
They were two relatively unknown artists and their kind of following went like a little bit up.
But the thing is, we're operating as a record label.
If you understand how record labels generate money, it's through streams, obviously touring, merchandising, albums and single sales.
Mostly in the digital age, it's all streaming.
So, artists nowadays in labels, they get 8%.
They're in 360 deals and they're extorted, basically.
The top record labels in the world are Universal, which generates nearly $5 billion net profit every year.
Paramount does $2.8 billion and so on and so forth.
They all have subsidiary companies all across Europe, all in different demographics.
And they're making hundreds of millions of dollars off it.
So, that's basically what they do is they'll skin up anybody.
They'll turn them into an overnight success.
They'll rebrand them and basically write their music and release their music.
And then they just use you as like a cash cow, basically.
In front to their brand, basically.
They write all the music.
They take all your talent and they just, yeah.
They auto-tune you and make you sound like they want you to sound.
So, there's no real expression, there's no real creativeness left in the industry, unfortunately.
There are some artists, like, as I said, DeVito, I respect him so much because he expresses himself.
So, basically what we do is we give these artists the opportunity to collaborate with bigger artists in our network.
So, that's like well-known names.
So, our first, let's say this Chukie song, it's done the waves, it's done the roams.
But to really make a splash in the industry, you need like a big name on it, basically.
And then the recognition will come, they'll start developing their own organic fan base, and then it'll spread like wildfire, basically.
So, we are basically facilitating that opportunity for these artists to be able to collaborate with these bigger names, these, like, hip-hop OGs.
Our first artist that we're collaborating with on the Chukie song, his top-rated song right now has, like, 500 million streams on Spotify.
His Timeless Records, Platinum Records, he's very well-established.
He's on tour right now with 50 Cent and the Baby, and he's got a huge song coming out very soon.
So, we're going to, obviously, we have a contract with him where we're obligated to do one song.
You're not tied to mandatory obligation of, like, an album before the settlement of your deal or before the void of your contract, before you fulfill your obligation.
So, we give a 50-50% split, where that artist is getting 50%.
And from our distribution, then, what we offer is a buy-back-and-burn to our chart from 10% of the revenue that's yielded.
That's a buy-back-and-burn to choose.
So, all the proceeds to the song.
So, let's say, if it done 10 million streams, had 10,000 single downloads on iTunes, sold 1,000 merch collectibles, and had an event hosted by us where we generated $200,000.
That would yield each member of that collectible who owns that, the 1,000 selection.
You would get between $150,000 to $200,000 within the first two, three weeks of the song release, on those statistics and those projections.
So, basically, how it works is, we take our royalty split of 10% of the 50% that we're entitled to from our contract, of the proceeds that are generated from this track.
We use that 10% split that is normally going back to the artist, and we redistribute it to the people who purchased the NFT.
So, that would be a chuky, collectible NFT.
That would be the cover artwork of our song, and then it would be tokenized so that you can royalty share from it.
So, we identify the IP, and we use it to send royalties or have it claimable so that we can track how long they've been holding and how much royalties they'd be entitled to over the length that they've held it.
And then we'd have that accessible on our dashboard.
So, we're facilitating that service as, like, a pioneer in the industry.
So, not only are we allowing artists a higher percentage of entitlement to royalties, we're also allowing them an opportunity that they can sell their copyrights and allow their fans to earn in their success.
So, from that NFT selection, we also offer 50% of the proceeds that are generated.
Although it's our copyright entitlement that we're distributing to the fans, we give them 50% for allowing us to facilitate that service.
So, they get, let's say, if we've done a selection of 1,000 NFTs, sold them off for $500,000 a pop, generated $500,000 in proceeds, the artists would get $250,000.
That's a much more bigger revenue stream.
And if it was a song, let's say, that DeVito released, and it was a $500,000,000 song, and it streamed like crazy, and it was a hit song, and it had all these advertising deals, anyone who owned that collectible would earn thousands and thousands of dollars just from the royalties of that song.
So, that's kind of how it works.
Most definitely, most definitely, and I appreciate you going into all of those other details, but more specifically, just if my question was, outside of the collectibles and how the business model works, just what other support you're providing for artists?
I know you said, you know, connections and getting them plugged into different things, world star hip-hop, et cetera.
But are you also, like, sponsoring events for these artists?
Are you paying to produce merchandise and what have you?
That was more my question.
Oh, yeah, sorry for that, Eric.
Like, as I said, the awareness comes through our marketing connections, and obviously, we have these tested resources that are, like, reliable, and we're getting them at a cost price because we've been using them effectively.
We also have networks of people that manage events, manage venues in Australia, the UK, the US.
So, we'll organize venues for these guys to go play at concerts, and then ticket sales, that'll generate revenue.
Merchandise will have a platform where we actually sell T-shirts, copy mugs, signed cover artworks, signed collectibles.
And the thing is, what we're offering to the guys who buy these NFTs, not only will it be a royalty share, but everything else that's associated with the song.
The merchandise we release, the concert tickets associated with that artist that we collaborate with, you'll get them free, basically, as a credit that you can claim on our marketplace.
But, yeah, look, we'll set up all these things.
Like, we operate as a label.
We get these guys the venues to play, to sell their tickets.
We get them uploaded, distributed through TuneCore.
We get them plugged in, marketed correctly, and up their streams, up their awareness.
We'll get to a point, as a label, where we can pick up anybody off the street, and just because we're associated with them, they will do massive earning.
They will do massive numbers.
So, we want to establish that base.
So, that's why we have to do the grassroots approach right now of onboarding the biggest names we can and making good proof of reference with good songs and good artwork.
Thank you for that answer.
Now, I know it's going to vary depending on the artist and what exactly it is that they're trying to do, et cetera.
But, on average, and I don't know if this is your background or how much experience you have in this, but what would you say is the cost associated with onboarding an artist and doing some of those things that you just talked about with them?
Like, you know, getting them a venue, you know, yeah, et cetera.
Like, the way we see it is, and if you do the projections correctly, and like, we understand the industry.
I'm an artist myself, bro.
Like, I was in and around the circuit.
I was on talent shows, on reality TV shows.
I got to, like, live stages and both rounds of different fucking TV shows.
I understand then, like, how corrupt the industry is.
Like, as an average Joe, so I can't spend $1,000 to go and record in a studio.
I can't spend fucking $40,000 to get it produced properly, music production, get it plugged into all these different outlets.
So it's impossible to literally release a song on YouTube and expect it's going to blow up, even if it's the best song in the world.
If you don't market it correctly or you don't have it produced properly or you don't have the right filling crew, it's not going to go anywhere.
It's just, it's not going to go anywhere.
There's so much that goes on to the production of these songs and these hit records that we don't even realize.
Like, we think, as just normal listeners, this guy's just gone into a studio, trunned this down on a beat and released it.
Like, it's not like that.
There's teams that are working on these things.
There's people giving different feedback.
You're chopping and changing things all the time, running in and out of the studio.
So it's a very grueling process.
It's a very expensive and tedious process.
So our basically goal and mission right now is to onboard artists that have experience in the industry that are on the cusp of making it.
Like Alicia, she had a Sony deal where it went sour because they wanted her to change basically who she was.
They wanted to suppress her and not allow her to release the music and wanted to change what she looked like.
They told them, like, Afrobeats not going to be a big thing.
And we kind of found them at the perfect time because they were not really releasing music.
They were kind of dumb with the industry.
But they just wanted an opportunity to work with people that they could have that right to express themselves freely and be creative and be who they are.
So, yeah, we basically said, like, yeah, let's see what you got.
Give us a song about Chukie.
It wasn't really a crypto centric song.
And from there, we kind of branched out and said, you know what we could actually do?
We can facilitate on-chain through these NFT ideas and through our label and through the proceeds we can generate as a revenue share.
And we can offer that back to people.
And I don't think there's any competitor in the music industry that's doing that, facilitating a service where fans can earn from their favorite artists' success.
So, yeah, it's very tedious, man.
Like, I'm not going to lie.
It's a very expensive industry.
So, what is the cost, not to cut you off, that was my question, is what is the cost associated with doing that for an artist on average?
If there's some random artist off the street or someone, you know, that maybe has had the success of, I believe you said her name was Alicia, and they're wanting to, I mean, you bring them on board.
What is the cost associated with promoting that artist and getting them out there on average?
You know, what does that look like?
But what is the cost associated with that was my question.
I'm just writing back to somebody.
So, like, obviously, costs vary.
Like, you can have producers that charge you a certain amount.
Like, if they're a high-end producer, like, let's say, for example, the producer that we're working with now, he's an L.A. producer.
He's a Grammy Award winner.
Some of the, like, highly credited tunes that have come out in the modern era, he's been a part of.
He costs $5,000 to master a song.
That's not even studio time.
So, you can imagine what, like, studio time.
You can pay $10,000 an hour in some studio.
Just depends on the caliber of people you're working with or what their network is.
Whereas there are hip-hop, different press releases, you can pay anywhere between $5,000 to $30,000.
A good film crew, music production set, you could pay anywhere between $5,000 to $100,000, $200,000.
It really depends on how big you want to go or how much quality, CGI, how much the production costs.
With venues, how big is the stage?
How much is the art going to cost?
How much is the upfront fee of the venue cost?
The thing is, there's so much margins for profit that these upfront payments, let's say we organize the gig for these artists, right?
It's a 15,000 capacity stadium.
You're vendoring tickets for $200,000 to $1,000 based on whether it's a VIP or an office.
Let's say, for example, you sell an average 15,000 tickets for $200.
That's nearly $5,000 or $10,000,000.
Like, I don't know specifically what it is, but we were doing it up the other night.
That's $5,000,000 to $10,000,000, and you would probably pay your crew, the stage managers, you would pay the venue.
You're probably looking at maybe $500,000 to $1,000,000 in overheads, depending on who the artist is and how much you'd pay for the venue.
That's nearly fucking $5,000,000 in profit if you're low-bounded.
So going back to my original question, then, is that something that you're providing for the artist as a label?
Is you're paying all of that upfront cost?
Or I'm just trying to better understand the business model because I understand, at least I think I understand, that, yes, you're tokenizing their music in a way that when they stream, et cetera, and there's revenue generated from that, that, you know, your label is making some money there.
And then the people who are buying those NFTs, that's being distributed to them, and that the artist is seeing more than they normally would, which I believe you said is 8% or less, but they're seeing 50%.
So I understand that side of things.
But I guess also as a label, you're also providing additional support, such as, you know, getting these artists, you know, venues, promoting, you know, that event, et cetera.
So, like, we will facilitate the proper marketing for you, get you in touch with the venues that you can have your concerts and shows at.
We give you access to the film crew, everything that you would need as an artist to have your music produced and released properly, basically, so that you have a chance, an opportunity to stream hard.
Whitney actually just messaged me.
She has to pop off the space.
So, Whitney, I just want to say thank you so much for being here.
And it's been a pleasure to get to know you, and you've been very good to work, like, you guys work.
You do a very professional job, and it's been a pleasure.
I thank you so much for being here.
But, yeah, so, basically, Eric, yeah, we, like, we allow artists that opportunity to access our network, basically.
And the thing is, yes, we support them, yes, we fund a lot of money, too, to have that.
But the thing is, streams are a very powerful thing.
Spotify paid nearly $5,000 per million streams on Spotify.
You said they pay how much?
$5,000 per one million streams.
And YouTube pays $6,000 for one million streams.
And if a song builds 10 million streams on both, that's nearly $50,000 that generates just from streams.
Then you factor in single sales on iTunes.
Merchandising, that's T-shirts that sell for $20 each.
Signed posters, $300 or $400 each.
That's profit margins that we can rev share.
Events, you're selling tickets for nearly $100, $200 for the artist.
Would you say that something that I always hear is that artists make most of their money nowadays,
since the industry has changed and went digital, that they make most of their money from touring.
And that comes back to the entitlement that the labels sign them to.
So when you sign an artist, you sign them to a 360 deal where they're obligated by contract.
What happens then, they give you an 8% stake and they take 92%.
So these guys, where I'm telling you, they're making, let's say, $5,000 per stream or per million stream on Spotify.
They're only getting $500 every time that they get a million stream, where the record label is taking $4,500.
So when they tour, they get an upfront fee for the venue, as well as a percentage of the ticket set.
So that's why they tour so much.
That's why they gig so much.
Because it's not a royalty distribution.
It's not a royalty split.
And normally, I guess, normally the way that that works, and I'm not a music industry person at all.
So forgive me if I'm asking stupid questions.
And I'm sure there are probably people in the audience who, like myself, also don't really understand the business.
But, like, for example, I have friends who do events where I live, and they're paying artists, whatever that might be, and paying for the venue, et cetera, et cetera.
There are people who are in the business of putting together these events.
And so, yeah, the artist is getting paid.
They're paying for the venue, et cetera.
How would that work with your label?
Or are there artists that are maybe initially, when they're getting started, they're having to pay for that themselves and then find a way to promote the event and make money?
Like, how does that work?
Yeah, so we actually handle that.
So we actually have a partnership right now with, like, Meadowlands, let's say, for example.
This will be, like, MetLife.
Do you know the MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, the New York Giants and New York Jets?
We have a package with them now that will start on Saturday where we advertise in their stadium and we'll advertise after every Meadowlands race on FanDuel to their 17 million users.
So there'll be two commercials on there.
We also have access to, like, HBO, ESPN, CNN.
We can have commercial ads that illustrate your sound.
We can get you plugged in to MTV, BET, Trace Urban.
We can get you plugged in basically anywhere.
Any music outlet where people listen to music, we can get you on there because we have our connections.
They're tested, trials, proven, and they help you generate awareness for your song.
Basically, what we do is we allow artists that bring us songs, high-quality music, we endorse them, give them the platform to operate, and we take a percentage of their expected success.
So I guess here's a better way for me to ask a question.
If I'm an artist and, you know, let's say I just started making music yesterday and I come up with this really cool song, at least I think it's cool, people are telling me it's cool,
and I'm looking to, you know, just grow as an artist and to level up, and then I come to Chukie or maybe you guys find me or whatever the case may be,
what would be the next step in that relationship?
Well, it depends on the quality of the track that you've laid down.
You know, there will be a lot of different tools that we use.
Obviously, we'll listen to the song, see what we can improve.
We'll send it over to our team and ask them, like, what do you think needs improvement?
There are people specific to these things, like people that master tracks, mix tracks, producers, people that handle studio recordings.
So firstly, we take a look at the track, see what could be improved on.
If it's a good record, we don't really have to do much.
Maybe we'll help them with the production of a music video, get them plugged into marketing resources, and we don't actually have to do much song.
It's already a good quality track.
This guy looks like he's marketable.
Yes, let's just give them access to our network.
Let's push the song and let's split revenue.
What we'll do to artists that are, like, raw, that need improving, we can get them hooked up in a studio.
We can get them access to producers that they can have their music mastered properly, that they can release high-quality tunes.
At the end of the day, you don't want something that's mixed improperly, that's not mastered correctly, that you don't want it to be a bad record.
You know, that kind of way.
You want to release good-quality music.
And the thing is, not many people know how to produce music properly.
So, let's assume that we get through all that.
You take my raw music that, you know, it was good, but it could have been better.
So, you did what you needed to do.
We go through that process, and now I have, you know, a really high-quality song.
What would be the next step?
Like, how do we start generating revenue from that?
I know you said with streams, it's like for every million streams, it's 5K with Spotify and 6K with YouTube.
Would that be the next step, is to try and get this thing streams?
Or would the next step be, hey, let's get this person on the road touring?
Like, what would be then the next step?
Well, the thing is, you want to leave a footprint first.
And that's what I would say.
Like, something that's organic.
So, that's like doing dance comps.
That's like TikTok trends, you know?
That kind of way of, like, getting people to use usage of the songs.
You'd have people adding that to their gym playlist.
You'd obviously upload to organic playlists, like Hip Hop Top 100, or Top Hip Hop playlists, or House playlists, or UK charts on Spotify.
There's organic playlists that you can add that have hundreds of thousands of listeners daily.
And you can get onto the top of those playlists.
You can get on, like, we can get you uploaded to the chair, the Billboard chair.
Like, that's not, that's a service.
That's not something that happens organically.
So, the first thing is to create a digital footprint.
So, really, the first thing is, you know, streams then.
It's building a base and a reference point.
You can work with a very high caliber artist that has a very well-known name.
And because they have a huge fan base, when you release a song with them, it will gain traction organically.
And then it's about what you do on top of it that will make it stream in the algos.
Because it's all an algorithm base.
You know, that kind of way.
Like, all these social platforms.
The thing is, Spotify, you will trend organically if you can hit certain numbers.
Like, you start getting on the suggested portions.
You start getting played after certain artists.
You start getting aligned where people can streamline your music.
How long does that normally take, would you say, for an artist who is relatively new and doesn't have a lot of exposure?
Maybe they didn't just start yesterday.
You know, they've been creating music for years or whatever.
But how long does it take to create that digital footprint?
You know, so that you're able to get to the point where you're able to actually get to a million or more streams.
Like, how long would that process take?
And I know, obviously, there are a lot of different factors and, you know, variables.
But just, I guess, if you could give me some kind of an idea as to what the kind of time that you would expect to get them to that level where, you know, they're now looking at a million streams on Spotify or on YouTube.
The thing is, right, the more budget you have, the more noise you can make.
That's essentially what it is.
So, you can do things, obviously, if you're anticipating the release, you can have things set up predetermined before the release.
You can have certain professional dancers set up to do promotions.
You can have certain influencers that are going to push you, certain ads set up.
MTV can plug you in straight away.
Contact as many radio stations to do interviews.
The organic grassroots approach.
Getting on broadcasting stations.
A lot of different things where you can get advertising and awareness for a song.
We're not just marketing a crypto.
We can use Web2 companies to advertise our songs.
Basically, you can do this overnight, bro.
Like, you could literally have the song released and have a shit ton of marketing lined up for the day of the release the whole week.
I've seen songs, bro, that could be out five or six months.
And then, all of a sudden, they start picking up crazy traction because they've done something that has just clicked.
Like, Post Malone is probably the biggest anomaly in the world.
When he released White Iverson, he was basically at home on his computer, on his laptop, uploaded it to SoundCloud.
And out of nowhere, it just blew up.
Like, he didn't know how to plug it in.
Or he didn't know these marketing outlets.
That doesn't happen anymore.
You need these connections.
You need to actually spend money.
To make it in the industry.
It's the way it's structured.
So, I guess, Ben, your answer is the amount of time it takes.
It could be overnight or it could be years.
Like, the process is completely different, bro.
Like, the Chuggy track, that took 12 weeks of production, in development.
Doing the music production.
Getting it mastered properly.
Getting it to a point where we were happy with it.
And we liked the standards.
We have another song that's coming out right afterwards.
It took the guys nearly two weeks.
Like, it's completely different.
It's a completely different process.
And so, Chuggy took 12, you said, 12 weeks to get out the product to where it was like,
okay, this is high quality.
We're going to, yeah, put it out there.
Yeah, it was a process, bro.
Like, we had six or seven different production teams working on the actual mastering of the song.
Then we had a different film crew come in for the music production.
And then we had different marketers helping us.
But we're in the inner circles right now, as you can see.
We're associating with artists like The Vito.
The next song, we're working with marketers that have worked with Kanye West and Drake on their latest releases.
And boosting in the algos on TikTok and Instagram.
They have accounts with millions of followers that they use, they plug into, that use that song on dances or challenges or organically for.
So, yeah, we work with those companies.
And we're aligning with the brass in the industry, the top tier guys, you know, that kind of way.
So, really, I mean, as a label, you just need that one artist, you know, to get the traction that you need to really start generating.
Or I guess, yeah, what is, oh, go ahead.
The way I see it is, right, our first release was 500,000 streams with two relatively unknown artists.
Our next song will be with a high-profile artist.
If we don't between two and three million streams, five million streams, that's an improvement.
That sets up as a gateway of what this is, is a proof of work and a concept that actually can be facilitated on chain.
It's a service where the artists got paid.
It was an enjoyable experience.
No one got left with a bad taste in their mouth.
You earned a lot of money.
The royalty distribution's fair, as well as the fans are earning money from it.
It doesn't have to be lucrative.
That gives us a blueprint to go to the next artist, to get the bigger fish, the bigger guys.
We're already in discussions with them.
I mean, do you guys plan to ever get in the business of putting on events?
You know, where, like, let's say there is a bigger artist where, you know, some of my friends, for example, and something I even considered actually getting involved with is they want to do a show with NBA Youngboy.
And they more so understand all the back-end stuff.
But I guess you, like, go through an agency, pay him half a million, et cetera, et cetera.
And kind of like what you were saying, I mean, the profit on that is millions.
So have you guys considered also, I guess, getting in β I don't know if that would β what you would even call that, getting in the event industry?
Or what β yeah, I don't even know what you'd call that.
Like, the guy we actually work with as a co-founder who actually is good friends with DeVito and the reason that he's on this space, he's an events manager in Australia.
So he, like, brings these talents in.
He gets them paid, whether it's in a nightclub, whether it's in a venue, whether it's at a concert hall, whatever, festivals.
He arranges this with that talent and gets them paid.
And then, obviously, he knows the profit margins of what the venue makes, the hosts make, as well as the architecture.
He's a very good understanding of that.
He knows the connections that we can set up to.
We actually plan on onboard an artist.
We want to release up to 10 songs this year, all with different artists, well-known names in the industry, in the music industry.
And we want to have, in six months to 12 months time, a Chupy festival where we sell tickets on James and just have NFTs where you have a reference that you attended that concert.
So, yeah, that is in the pipeline as well.
Well, I appreciate you answering, you know, all of my questions.
Again, love what you're doing.
Love the fact that, you know, you've been at this for a long time.
You know, this is, I'm sure everyone who is on here who's, because they're investing in the project or are in the crypto space or on the crypto side of things knows that, yeah, you've been putting in work for a very, very long time.
And, so, yeah, respect to you and everything that you've, yeah, accomplished having DeVito up here.
You know, I fuck with Afrobeat, so I know who that is.
And, you know, that's big.
That's major, major, major shit right there.
So, yeah, congratulations on your success.
And, you know, I look forward to your continued success.
Eric, no, thank you for coming up.
I know we've been talking a little bit, and I appreciate you coming up and paying attention and being here and, like, obviously asking questions.
And we want to educate people as best we can.
You know, that's what it's all about, educating people on what this space can provide to people.
It's not just about meme points.
It's not just about, this is actually technology.
And it's a way to profit share with everybody in a community basis and from your backers and supporters.
So, no, I appreciate that, man.
And thank you so much for those words.
And, yeah, we're going to keep grinding.
And we're going to, we have big artists on the way, guys.
A lot of songs in the pipeline, a lot of artists in discussions.
And we're going to do more spaces like this.
Yeah, there's a huge name.
Yeah, no, most definitely.
I mean, I like what you just said there that, you know, this is actually technology.
And for me, I got involved with cryptocurrency, you know, because, you know, I saw, you know, real use cases, you know, and how this technology could be used to solve problems at scale.
So, you know, definitely disrupting the music industry.
You know, I think there's a lot of opportunity there, you know, leveraging, you know, blockchain as you guys are doing.
Yeah, definitely a lot of opportunity for sure.
So, yeah, my man, again, it was a pleasure.
I'm going to go ahead and, you know, stop talking, though, step down as a speaker and let, you know, other people ask their questions and do their thing.
And thank you for coming up and asking those questions.
I hope everybody got a better understanding and more information.
No, thank you so much for listening in, guys.
We have our website there.
You can join our Telegram, come in and answer questions.
You're going to see us doing these spaces quite frequently.
If you like what you've heard, you like what we're doing as an offering, come educate yourself.
Be a part of our community.
Stay up to date with what we're doing.
I'm hoping that we'll do a song with DeVito at some stage.
As he said himself, he's very eager to see how the NFT space could take and handle his fans.
So, guys, it's actually 5.30 in the morning here.
I've got goosebumps still.
I'm super excited about what just happened.
Thank you all for turning up.
Thank you all for speaking.
The DeVito crew is a real one.
Guys, I'm going to love you and leave you.
Sorry we couldn't get to all the questions.
But thank you all for being present.
Thank you all for being here.
And, yeah, I'm really looking forward to the next step.
Stay active in our community.
And if you have any questions, feel free to ask or comment on the treads or whatever.
And get into our community.
Logan and all our mods and community members will educate you the right way.
Thank you so much for the opportunity.
And thank you for being here.
Anybody, you have a home here.
If you like good music, this is the place for you.
If you want to earn from your favorite artist's success, this is the place for you.
Eric, thank you so much for coming up.
Everybody, thank you for being in attendance.
The train never stops, baby.