#DBXEN space w/ Raz

Recorded: March 29, 2024 Duration: 1:28:30



Hey guys, we'll let the room fill up for a bit. We're going to have Razvan, a nice DB Zen space here, just kind of talking about some new updates and just let the room fill up and if you guys could like, retreat the room, just so we get some people flowing through and yeah
You might think you've picked a seed, you haven't, the real one's far too weird. The watered down one, the one you know, was made up centuries ago. They made it sound all whack and corny, messaged, awful, blasted, boring, twisted, fiction, sick, addiction, will gather around children's epic lesson. Can we get much higher, so high?
Can we get much higher, so high?
Can we get much higher, so high?
Can we get much higher, so high?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I fantasize about this back in Chicago Mercy, mercy me, that mercy a lie go
That's me the first year that I blow How you say broken Spanish, me know I blow
Me drown sorrow in that Diablo Me found bravery in my bravado
These days he's a listen to the model You ain't got no fucking Yeezy in Serato
Stupid, but what the hell do I know? I'm just a shot-town nigga with a nice flow
And my chick in that new Phoebe Philo Too much head, I woke up and sleepy high low
Can we get much higher?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Look like a fat boobie Celine Dion, sex is on fire
I'm the king of Leona Louis, Rihanna Trues
Hey, teacher, teacher, tell me how do you respond
So is it, refresh the page and restart the memory
We spark the soul and rebuild the energy
We stop the ignorance, we kill the enemy
It's like for the ninety months, you still prison me
The plan was to drink it to the pain over
But what's worse, the pain or the hangover
Fresh air rolling down the window
Too many air flows on your team, that's why it went slow
Don't make me pull the toys out
Don't make me pull the toys
And fire up their engines
And then they make noise
Can we get much higher, or so high?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
After morning was the seance
Just kids, no parents
Then the sky filled with hair on
You saw the devil in the Christ of the Baron
And the head of his parents
And the fires did declare us
But after that took pills just in errors
They won't go back in Paris
Can we get much higher, or so high?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Can we get much higher?
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening
Wherever you're at in the world
I really appreciate everyone tapping in
This is actually a DBZEN space today
We got a Razz event, but as every space
It seems to be a ZEN space
So we'll probably be talking a little bit about some ZEN
And again, DBZEN is based off of ZEN
And if you guys don't know about ZEN
Definitely tap into faircrypto.org
And then DBZEN.org also has their protocol
We can talk about that
And go through the archives there
But we have Razz event in the house
And if anyone wants to request to come up, feel free
Have a nice just roundabout
Razz, how are you doing today?
Hey, people. Hey, buddy. How are you?
I'm chilling. It's Friday evening here
It was a tough week
A lot of good results
And happy to be here to share some news with you
Yeah, yeah, looking forward to it
I've been seeing a lot of tweets out there
There's definitely been some traffic
Obviously, you know, DBZEN kind of on the move
It's got some legs again
ZENON has burned quite a bit of DBZEN
That's the protocol you made for the ZENians
They're gasless transactions
Especially when we're seeing crazy Gui
Sometimes people don't have the funds to be able to claim
That's an option
Man, what kind of data have you been seeing on your end
Just from the ZENON and the DXN side
You guys seen a lot of burned DXN so far, yeah?
Yes, indeed. ZENON did a good job
Both for the ZENians
So I've seen around 51 claims in this month
And approximately 4,000 DXN that were burned
Due to the fact that ZENians engage with ZENON
So quite happy
We are waiting also for Mastodon to kick off
Yeah, but let's have a full recap of the entire ecosystem at one point
But before that, just a couple of things
Because it was a very nice period
So in the last month I got tons of messages from ZENians
From Jack, from Cryptobraw, from YouSimple, from Clio
So a lot of discussions back and forth
And one thing that I've realized is that we need to keep our ZEN
And be ZEN and be nice to each other
Because right now, looking at the current web tree context
We see diversity of perspectives and experiences
And communities, economic energy flowing back and forth
From memes to more solid coins and back to memes and so on
A lot of emotions
But we are here in our small little ZEN DXN world
Where we need to be joyful and we need to look at innovation
Because I've kept saying that innovation is our core USP in my opinion
So we need to accept one another regardless of all the differences between us
And talking about tokenomics and decisions and so on and so forth
So that we allow our creativity to thrive
And by collaboration we can flourish
And I'm very, very glad, hopefully we can touch upon NXT
Because we didn't speak a lot about it
But it's actually quite thrilling for me and for the team to be involved in this journey as well
Thank you to the entire community to stay chill and be happy
And enjoy this journey of innovation
And allow the builders to challenge the status quo with optimism and resilience
Yeah, I think that's a great point
And thank you for bringing that up
I think it is important to be open to all different vantage points
All different emotions
And be able to have our small group
Obviously we as ZENians, and I guess speaking of we in quotations there
We have a solid community and we have solid builders like your team
And obviously Jack and ZenPub, we got CryptoBro, we got Tree City
We got a lot of guys and a lot of girls that are really about this community
There's some characters out there that like to ruffle feathers and fun and everything like that
I think it's been really awesome even just for yourself to embrace that
And be able to push back with facts
Because that's reassuring for anyone that's on the ride
That has been engaging with ZEN or DBZ
Just hey, we have solid footing here
There's solid ground to stand on
And yeah, I really appreciate you saying that
And ideally it would be great to keep it ZEN all the time
But there's highs and lows to that
And yeah, it's the balance, it's the yin and yang
But yeah, I'd love to talk about this NDX
Maybe we can start with that
Yeah, I'd love to talk more about it
Yeah, so we can start with that
We can also, just one thing that I wanted to add
I saw, I think a couple of weeks ago
A tweet, it sounded like a joke
Actually Jack tweeted that Zen is actually a meme coin
And I was thinking that actually
Zen started like a joke
So a couple of lines of code with some solid principles backing them
And then when we decided to continue the joke with DXN
We never thought that we will get this far
Meaning that this meme about fair principles of crypto
Will actually get serious
And like you said, the fact that we see so many talented people in our community
Not just builders, but also artists
And some of them, we see them, so they are publicly known
Like you've mentioned, some of them like Joseph and Tricity and CryptoBro
And John Wick and so on
There are a lot of people that are behind the scenes
That are not comfortable to come forward
But they are cooking, they are building, they are providing value to the community
And one of those teams actually approached us to promote
To at least discuss the idea and start the brainstorming
About NXD and the hyperstructure on top of DXN
And yeah, I think you will love it
And I really hope that people will understand the value proposition
And will engage in this project
Okay, but before jumping into that
Should we do a small recap of what we have in the DeepXen ecosystem
Right now, you've mentioned Xenon, but there are a couple of other things
Yeah, definitely
DeepXen, if anyone's not really familiar with it
It's a protocol where you're actually burning your Xen
And anyone that knows Xen, it's a highly inflationary token
There's no cap, whereas DB Xen has a cap
And there's only 22,630 cycles
And it's a 24-hour style lobby period where you're able to burn your Xen
And then you're able to receive two things
One, the native token that you're burning in with the rewards
And then also the second thing would be DB Xen or DXN
And the majority of that is stakes, but it's pretty crazy too
Throughout this time, it's been a little bit over a year
A year and about a week since DB Xen has launched on Ethereum
And it's obviously launched on all the chains that Xen has launched on
But within that time, they burned over 6 trillion plus
Closer to 7 trillion Xen
And that's equivalent to about 3 million USD dollars
And it's paid out about 5,251 ETH
I'm getting these stats actually off of Zen.pub
Which has been a great resource for a lot of community members
But yeah, that's really DB Xen
And you also got the DB Xen of Ts
You also have, like I mentioned, the Xenon
And there's something too that you're cooking up
You know, a lot of people are interested in this whole queue narrative
And you forgot about MassDone
Which is in the...
At the current state, we can say it's a proof of concept
Or a minimum viable product, let's say
It works and it does its job
It's not yet ready to be marketed forward
But it has its own roadmap
Meaning that it will eventually get integrated with Xen Network
And we will launch it on all the other chains
Not just Ethereum and Polygon
And in my opinion, slowly
As Xen and DXN becomes more and more popular
MassDone will get more and more traction first from our community
And then we plan to extend towards other communities
By listing other collections
And if you ask me, and you can call me
You can say I'm a bit subjective when it comes to MassDone
Because we've created it
Actually, it's the best marketplace for trading ZNFTs
And the big ZNFTs at the moment
Because it's the only marketplace
That actually gives all the relevant info
For the traders to make the right decisions
So we keep track of redeemed ZNFTs
We keep track of estimated Xen
We allow trading with Xen and DXN
Or the blockchain's native coin as currencies
So a lot of room for arbitrage
A lot of relevant data that is absolutely mandatory
When someone considers buying ZNFT
If you look on Blur, for example, it's very hard
And I've seen Joseph, he has posted a couple of times
I would not say it's complicated code
But for someone that is a crypto user and non-technical
It's not very easy to use that script
To be able to find out which ZNFT he should buy
Or at what price he should list one ZNFT
So I'm quite sure that Mastodon will become soon
At least as powerful as Xenon for the DXN ecosystem
And ultimately for the Xen ecosystem
Yeah, I mean, that's been one of the things
Ever since OpenSea kind of changed some things
Where we weren't able to, the ZNFTs
Or even the EBZFTs weren't able to kind of post up there
You guys kind of took the reins and started just building
We would definitely appreciate that
I know you guys had a launch
And you were saying the proof of concept is up and ready
When do you think it would be fully completed, like marketplace?
Being a utility project
And I would have envisioned to have it ready by now
But there are market opportunities
And we need to spot opportunities
And keep the momentum
Or how to say it
To understand what actually is needed
In terms of markets looking at the entire crypto context
So right now we've paused Mastodon
Because we have limited resources
And we decided to focus more on the NXD protocol
Because most probably both of them will be launched during next month
I would really like to have them both up and running before the Bitcoin halving
And once we bring even more engagement from the community
And poking other communities
And screaming out loud that, look, we are here
And we are a fair principle of crypto
And you should engage with us
After we see that that snowball effect
We will definitely focus back on Mastodon
Mastodon is the next project after NXD and Q
Well, it's amazing too
And you bring that up, the funds aspect
Yeah, guys, anyone that's listening here
The DB Zen squad, they're definitely the elephants in the room
As far as the builders
Because they're adhering to these first principles
It's not like they're taking team allocations and things of that nature
Obviously they have to keep the lights on
So you see that Razivan and their team
They have these different projects
And I'm sure there's more that will slowly be coming out
It's definitely not easy to have teams putting this together
And doing it for free
I can totally understand that
You've got to prioritize Q and this other project
I personally don't know much about this NDX
I've seen some tweets
I totally don't know what's going on
So I'd love to tap into that if you're open to sharing
And maybe you can move into Q
And maybe just talking about the whole crypto ecosystem
That we're seeing right now with the action on Bitcoin
Yeah, this happening that's coming up in the next month
Sure, so let's jump into NXD
So basically it's the inverse of DXN
So it's NXD
Just a small story about NXD
Basically I kept receiving a lot of messages from some developers
Telling me that they have this great idea
And we should definitely talk and whatnot
I was full speed ahead during that period with Mastodon
So I kind of ignored it
I responded to the messages
But I kept postponing the meeting
So long story short
The NXD team came knocking on our door
And when we finally met
Basically they told the story of a very bold and exciting proposition
To enhance the entire DXN
By providing hyperstructure with four different protocols
That can be implemented on top of DXN
So we started brainstorming honestly
And I need to admit this
The NXD team is a powerhouse squad
It is made of seasoned developers
With a lot of track records
In terms of Webtree protocols
And some individuals boosting extensive experience
In both traditional finance and crypto
So I literally had to learn a lot
Especially on the financial side
Because there were all these concepts of
Locked liquidity and minimum price floor
And so on and so forth
So we started engaging into brainstorming sessions
And everything led to actually creating the first pillar
Of the hyperstructure
Which is called the NXD
At this moment
Basically the NXD project is finalized
And we have it in audit
So we are auditing the protocol right now
And as soon as we have the go from the audit
We will have a series of videos posted
A series of AMAs, spaces
I'm trying to convince at least some of the guys to come forward
Don't be shy and come and present their work
Still with not a lot of success
But I'm getting there
We'll have to send Cleo on them
Or myself or somebody on them, I don't know
Yeah, exactly
So in principle this first protocol is quite exciting
So basically what the action holders will need to do
They will have 14 days time period
In which they can stake their DXN into this new protocol
And receive NXD
And the entire supply of NXD
The entire supply that will ever exist is minted out in those 14 days
Now the DXN will be staked actually in the DXN staking mechanism
Or the original one
All the Ethereum that comes from staking the DXN
Will go towards buying and burning DXN
And buying and burning NXD
And NXD will be actually tradable against DXN
And the team will create the first pool
Creating like minimum price
DXN price for NXD
And this minimum price will only go up
Because there's no other NXD coming into the market
And actually some of it will get burned
And from the Ethereum that comes from the staked DXN
Part of it will go to buy and burn NXD
So it's a very complicated game theory
It might be actually not that complicated
But it's actually very very very clever
Yeah, I mean it sounds like
And just so I have this straight
Obviously there will probably be like you said videos
And flow charts and things like that
But the NXD will be minted out in 14 days
And you said there will probably be four different protocols
That will be part of that NXD
And the DXN will be staked kind of similar
In the current protocol for this NXD
Exactly, and this will do a lot of good
For the entire ecosystem
So just think about that
All the DXN that is staked for NXD
Will be forever locked
That DXN will never get the chance to touch the market
Or to influence the price in the pool
The NXD will be extremely extremely scarce
And its value will only go up
So it cannot go down after the 14 days
In terms of DXN price
Because this will be the pair
Yeah, I think it will be a great addition to the ecosystem
And indeed all the other three protocols
Will be built on top of NXD and DXN
So this is why we call it a hyperstructure
And the ideas that are flowing around are like
I'm really really excited
So today, for example, we were discussing a bit about
The fact that we see that DXN is not too traded
And it's not too traded because actually
People don't really like to sell it
So this is why 90% is actually staked
And one of the components in the hyperstructure
Will imply renting of DXN against other assets
Which is like, you know, these are the type of ideas
That flow around this hyperstructure
And yeah, I'm more than excited
Still very very very soon to say what will happen
I am more than happy to see that this
Innovation mechanic is just growing and growing
And I'm not sure where it will stop, if it will ever stop
Yeah, no, I mean, it sounds like there's some stuff cooking
And that's amazing
Now, as far as supply goes, is there a certain supply
Do you guys know what type of supply of NDX would be?
Yeah, so basically there's a supply cap of 750,000
But honestly, most probably we will not be able to reach to that point
That means that 750,000 DXN should be actually used by the community
To stake into the NXT protocol and get the NXT tokens
It would be, honestly, it would be absolutely incredible to have this happening
And it would be a very very good outcome for the entire ecosystem
But yeah, I'm not sure, looking at how protective people are with DXN
I'm skeptical about this
My opinion, my estimate is that we should reach around 350,000 DXN stakes into this protocol
Which means that we will have around 300 something NXT minted out
And that will be the max supply
Oh, yeah, that's very interesting
And then you were saying that there's potential to burn the NXT as well
Yeah, basically there will be a mechanic that will already burn the NXT inside the protocol
And how this works
So all the eats that will come from staking the DXN will be splitted like this
So 50% of the eats will go to buy and burn an XD
30% will go to buy and stake DXN
So it will get more DXN from the market and stake it into the protocol
And then 5% of it will go to buy and burn DXN
The entire protocol will make both NXT and DXN hyper deflationary
And this is all pre-programmed
Wow, yeah, this sounds like a monster
And I also like how it's only a two week mint out
I mean, the majority of DXN is staked
And so that's going to leave users with an option whether
Do I want to un-stake this and participate in this 14 day mint out
Because there's going to be a lot of potential FOMO
And people changing their original approach when it comes to staking the DXN
And actually it will do good also for the remaining DXN
So by un-staking it, basically the Ethereum payouts can be actually a bit bigger
Actually I'm a bit wrong on this because it will get staked back
But you will get this NXT coin that we already know that if it's a successful launch clearly
It will continue evolving
And actually I'm so happy to see how this turned out to be
That I'm considering to allocate part of the Q buy and burn fund to NXT
So to split it between DXN and NXT
Well, yeah, I mean I guess that's a great transition
And I'm sure there's going to be more to unpack when it comes to the NXT
But maybe we can start talking a little bit about this Q
Okay, we can speak about the Q
So it will come after the NXT
And the main mission of Q is to actually try to get our fair principles of crypto statement heard outside the XAN and DXN ecosystem
So Q was built as we wanted to
We all know what is the current biggest narrative in Web3, the AI
So most probably all of you already know that we have been working with AI for quite a while now
And we are known in Romania and outside Romania with our company that we've created the first AI advisor for government
And we were quite popular, a lot of news articles about us, a lot of discussions with very big names
Being invited to all sorts of conferences and whatnot
So because of this context, we have decided to capitalize on our AI image and knowledge
And to combine it with what we have learned and innovate inside the crypto sphere
So what Q will be is a protocol that is very resembling with DXN
Or actually it has its inspiration in DXN, a bit of TitanX
So everything that is buy and burn now you can say it's a bit of TitanX and Zen
So basically we will keep all the fair principles of crypto
We will make a protocol that will allow people to mint this new token which is called Q
The way people will mint Q is by using AI miners
AI miners are provided by AI builders
AI builders will have to pay protocol fee to register their AI miners
It will be a distribution that somehow is resembling to DXN in the fact that the state Q will yield Ether every day
But it's a bit different because we will not look at a daily cap of minted Q
But we've introduced another random mechanic
Basically we want to burn a certain amount of heat until the cap supply of Q is distributed
So it will be kind of daily auction but you don't know exactly what you are competing for
Because it depends a lot on how much heat is burned in that day
At the end of the cycle we calculate how much Q needs to be distributed
And we distribute the Q to the miners
The like paper will come most probably in the next weeks
It's not complicated, a lot of you already will be familiar with the mathematics because like I said
The entire QA tokenomics draws inspiration from these two protocols DXN, Xen and TitanX
Well, that sounds awesome
There's two things that kind of came up and then we'll flip over to Atticus
One will welcome other speakers as well
So one of the things that is one of the questions I have is
Will Q be on all chains and this NXD be on all chains or will it just be on ETH?
We haven't decided yet with NXD with Q
We will start with it
And there are a couple of surprises in Q
Meaning that there are some very big names, influencers and whatnot that approached us
That they have AI applications that they want to promote with Q
And they want to provide AI miners for the community so that they are able to mint Q
Which is great and I haven't yet discussed about the possibility of having them on different blockchains
But they know that I am a big fan of giving the same utility on all the chains on which DXN was deployed
So most probably in time we will deploy on all the chains, the Q ecosystem
With NXD we need to discuss further with the founding team
Because like I said I am here a lucky consultant that had the chance to work with this team
Yeah that's amazing
And then I guess one question just about the AI miners
And I'm sure more will just come on over time
But just these AI miners how is that going to work
And how would we, if I wanted to participate with the AI miner how would I secure that
Obviously you're saying the AI builders
But what would that look like or has that been kind of fleshed out yet
Yeah so it was very very difficult to set up
It is still difficult to set up the entire narrative and the technical landscape to explain Q
I never wanted to compromise one bit of decentralization for technology
So this is why what we have actually decided with the AI miners is that
An AI miner is actually an API that pinpoints to an AI
Now no one can actually verify if that API is actually an AI behind it
Or I don't know Wikipedia page at the moment of registration
But to be able to register an AI miner you need to pay a protocol fee
And what we will do is the following
After we make the light paper public and so on
We'll announce when we will pre-launch the AI miner registration phase
Which is three days in which AI builders and AI companies can come and register their AIs
The registration will cost, I don't know if we will change or not the prices
But right now how we envisioned it is that in the first day the AI builder will need to pay five each
To register the AI the second day is 60th and the third day is 70th
All this money will go to the Q Stakers
Part of this money will go to the Q Stakers, part of it will go to Buy & Burn and other endeavors
Why would an AI builder register his AI as a miner?
There are two reasons
One is the fact that 5% of everything that all the Q that is minted
With a certain AI will go to the AI builder
And the second is to promote his AI app that is living outside the Q ecosystem
It is important for them to have actually an AI application that actually generates money
Because all the AIs will be ranked based on how much money they bring into the Q ecosystem
From outside the Q ecosystem
Meaning that they will need to somehow bring it that will go to the Stakers every day to secure a rank
And based on that rank people will engage with it because the rank will be a component
Deciding how much Q a miner will get by using a certain AI
Yeah, it sounds like there's a lot of incentives for builders to come with their AI
And like you're saying, maybe promotion outside of the DB Zen ecosystem
To kind of push the narrative first principles out
That's really interesting
Yeah, and to promote this
So actually I'm quite unhappy with the current AI narrative in the Web3
So looking at what the other projects promote in terms of AI Web3
And knowing how AI works and knowing how Web3 works
There are a lot of scammy narratives
Meaning that the things that they are saying that they will do with their project is impossible
So it's also let's say on my side
So I'm talking here personally that it's a bit of a riot against all this narrative
And basically I'm saying, look, come and understand what the principles of crypto is
Let's create a community of AI builders, AI users, AI miners
Let's sit together
Let's try to get in touch and really innovate in terms of AI on Web3
And how to best do this is by creating a community that is incentivized from the start to become part of this Q ecosystem
And I can already say that I know exactly what is the next step for Q
It's the first fully 100% decentralized launchpad that will use Q to be built
And how this launchpad will work, just high level story
So actually it's good that we did the NXD because now it's easier to explain the launchpad
So basically whoever holds Q will be able to stake them into the launchpad
They will get synthetic Q
So this is a bit of inspiration from Lido
And then AI builders will go and apply for the subsidy
The subsidy will actually come from the heap that is generated by the Q protocol
Based on how much SQ you have, it's a democratic vote
Someone will win
They will get the ETH and they will provide their tokens that will be distributed to the SCU holders
So it's quite easy, we just need to make sure that Q will be a success
And I'm quite sure that Q will be a success
Yeah, I imagine anything you guys are pushing out
Especially with the zen ecosystem, the DB zen ecosystem
You guys have been crushing
And I imagine doing the same with this
So that's amazing
Yeah, I definitely want to respect your time
I know it's a little bit late over in Romania
So we'll just kind of, it's coming up in 45 minutes here
We'll open it up to questions
And yeah, just appreciate your time
And we'll flow over to Atticus
One more thing about Q so that I don't forget
Like I said, part of the protocol fee that is accumulated
The entire protocol flow, 1% is dedicated to buy and burn the exact same
Now, I know I've already seen that some of the people were like
Ah, 1% is too little, blah, blah, blah
So if we at least reach the results of Titan X
And we should because it's decentralized
And it's a better mechanic and whatnot
The 1% in 100 days can actually accrue to around 500 ETH
Now, 500 ETH, buy and burn the exact same
I would say it's not a small amount
And yeah, this is where basically Q will pay
It's due to the fact that the accent came with this
Great idea of tokenomics
Yeah, it's funny that you're bringing up
I like to call it TDX, TitanX
You're bringing the first principles actually to the bite of the Titan X
And the reiterations and everything like that
But you're bringing first principles to it
Which I think is something that Titan X might be missing right now
Which we won't get into that
But I think it's amazing that you're cooking up some stuff
That's bringing the best together
It's important, you know that I'm not shy
When I have to defend the first principles of crypto
And I had my say on Twitter
And it's obvious what is wrong with Titan X
The centralized buy and burn
And yeah, we've made it fully decentralized
Fully community driven
Even if we had to
Because at first I was thinking
It would be cool to allow people to somehow use their GPUs
To enhance the capability of the AI machines
AI miners, etc.
But you know, everything that cannot be fully decentralized
I just bypass it
And even though the system is not as cool
As I would have envisioned it right now
Well, it will become cool
But we need more people and more community
And we need to be purposeful of crypto
And work together for the innovation
Yeah, and that's like there's something I saw
It was like a quote, it was
If you want to move fast, go by yourself
If you want to go long, then go with others
So I think that's kind of just
Yeah, kind of what you're speaking there
And yeah, it's pretty amazing
That the Zenyans and DB Zenyans
Are definitely participating and contributing
And I think again, we're just getting started
It's literally, obviously you launched on Matic first
With the DB Zen protocols
But coming up on a year and a week
I mean, it's a nice birthday gift to the community
To bring these other protocols
So I think it's really amazing
Let's flow over to Atticus
He has had his head up for a bit
Hey guys, thanks
Hey Raz, how you doing?
Good to see you DXN pumping lately
So yeah, I'm interested in AI
So I kind of follow along what's going on
So I kind of have like a multi-prong question
Kind of starting with making a distinction
So, you know, the thing about AI
And all of us noticed what happened
When Google launched the AI product
And we saw how wrong that went
And, you know, there's these two paradigms
That are kind of like competing
And, you know, crypto has kind of been
The opposing force to like centralize control
And the same thing is happening with AI
Like I think there's these, you know,
Monopolistic companies that are creating AI
And they think that they're going to establish
The same order that they were able to do
When it came to web 2, like controlling the internet
Controlling social media
And I just want to know if you could speak to
I guess the reason why
The reason your protocol should even exist
Because, you know, we see the problem
Of what curated AI can do
We know the amount of control
And censorship that's possible
If they win
Does your protocol enable builders
Who are creating AI to come
And does it create more usability for the user
So I just want to know like how does
Why would they come
And then once the AI builders come
Why would the user come
And not use the centralized AI
So that's my question
Yeah, good question
And unfortunately, I would say no
It doesn't yet tackle that problem
It's part of the roadmap of you
And indeed, you will see in the abstract
That actually this is
This is the main goal that is envisioned
By the QAcoSystem
To somehow create a decentralized community
That is able to compete with open AI
With Google and so on and so forth
And Q and this protocol
Is only the first very small step towards that
I can disclose
But please, please, please don't take it as a promise
So we had extensive discussions
With colleagues, with partners, with the team
With professors
About what is missing currently
In terms of blockchain technology
To allow AI to actually benefit from blockchain
Because we all know how hard
And how expensive it is to store data
On chain and so on and so forth
So we have been discussing about
A possible blockchain
That is meant to support
Or to be an infrastructure
Where people can actually deploy
Decentralized AI
But it's very, very, very far from being even started
But we envision that Q can become
The first step towards that goal
And if we will be the ones doing it
Or whoever smart developer from the Q community
Will just endorse it
We actually lack right now
All of us
The entire web3 ecosystem lacks the knowledge to do that
Everything that is stipulated into fancy words
In all this pumping crypto out there
AI cryptos are just words
So come on, we all know that that's impossible
It's good to make money out of it
But not technology
Yeah, but RAS, if it's emergent
Like this property is emergent
And I think if we have platforms
Decentralized compute platforms
I don't know if anyone's speaking
I thought Agman, are you speaking?
Agman, are you speaking?
Yes, yes, he's speaking
I can't hear a minute
Sorry, one second
I will tell you when Agman has finished
His statement, okay?
Yeah, as far as having decentralized compute platforms
I think that this is the best
And leave a lot of things open
And then when users and developers and builders
And whoever come on board
Then this openness is very liberating, is freeing
And the possibilities are
The range of possibilities is big
And what they can do and stuff like that
And therefore this thing with AI becomes emergent
So it's something that when we collectively contribute to
It emerges
Yeah, totally agree
So don't get me wrong
I really don't want to brag
Or I don't want to speak words that can create hope
But look, we had a couple of meetings
Even with the heads of NVIDIA
And we were talking about this
And there are certain aspects, certain research subjects
That need to be carefully researched
Before having the courage to say that
Yes, we will do a blockchain that is able to support decentralized AI
And let me just tell you one
Okay, we know that quantum computing is almost done
And there's this big issue with all the private keys
And all of them can be hacked
And one of the subjects that I had long, long discussions
Over many beers and vines with my fellow colleagues
That work at the university on quantum computing
Is the fact that it would be very, very cool
To actually find a way to quantum encrypt, not decrypt things
You know, I know it's a bit
And we actually started working on the white paper
For such a system
Our estimate is that in one and a half years
We would be ready with it
So yeah, and this is only one aspect
And there are many, many others in terms of AI
But yeah, we are working on that
But what we realized is that we need community power
We don't need money
We can ask for resources
We can go to VCs
But it's not about how much money you have
Because we will just create another open AI if we are lucky
We need a system, we need to queue
That will bring people together
That will...
People that have the same passion
And the same principles as we have
And then people will do the work
It's not us that needs to do the work
We've come forward
This morning I've spent almost all morning
Going through this new article
That was published by Dr. Levin
From the Levin Lab
About collective intelligence
And it talks about intelligence being found
At the cellular level in bioelectric current signals
And I mean there's just a lot of different stuff
And I think that points exactly to this notion of community
That forms in crypto
And yeah, I think the intelligence is there
The value is there
The power is in that
Yeah, I totally agree
And you know our focus
We should be very sincere with that
So we should understand how much we can extend
Given the current context
The current existing technology
And the current resources
And right now the most that I can do is
The queue protocol that is
Cooled economics, it fixes TitanX
It brings a new narrative to the DX and design ecosystem
And if we are lucky enough
It will create this new community
That is focused on AI builders
And together maybe in the next bull run
We will be able to come up with technical solutions
That could lead to the goals
That we've set in the queue like paper
Well and in addition to all that
It's I think one of the things that
Some people might be missing is
This all whether
Obviously I like DXN
I hold DXN
I have some staked
Whether or not you are in it or not
Is going to increase the value of the ZEN
That you hold as well
By bringing more awareness around these other protocols
That are building this hyper structure
Would you say that's kind of an alignment
With the growth and whatnot
The growth of ZEN and the appreciation of ZEN
As the DB ZEN team grows
With these NXT and queue protocols
So what I like about ZEN
Is the fact that
When I say that queue
Queue got an inspiration from ZEN
If I look at the current light paper
To economics
There is nothing that was copy pasted from ZEN
The principle
The first principle was the fact that
ZEN was meant to bring people together
People that believe in fair principles of crypto
And he did this
ZEN succeeded this
Everything that came on top of ZEN
I don't know, DXN, X1, BMPX
All the others are just extensions
So ZEN is the first building block
That initiated the entire
Fair principles of crypto movement
So ZEN exists without this
One without Jack
Without anyone of us
ZEN is there, you know
Queue got inspired by XEN from this perspective
So queue is a very simple
Not as simple as XEN
Because one of the technical challenges that we had
After we deployed the testnet
Was the fact that all the contracts
That are chained together are barely entering into one block
So we had to think how to
Decrease a bit the complexity
So that we can actually deploy it
Oh, small, small, small
Thing that I want to mention
Queue will be actually
Deployed by the community
So after the three days of registration
There will be a button where people will
Be able to deploy it
And get a percentage of the accumulated eat
So yeah, this is just
It's a cool marketing stunt
But also a very cool technical challenge that we had
Coming back to queue and ZEN
Yes, this is why I like ZEN
This is why I still like ZEN
And indeed everything that will be built on top of ZEN
Either by me, by Jack, by
Whoever wants to build on ZEN
It will just bring more and more value to ZEN
For me, ZEN is not
A road towards the XEN
Or a road to X1
And ZEN is the first building block
Erez, I just have a
Sorry, go simple
No, no, feel free
I just have a general question
I know you think about this a lot
So I just want to see how you see AI unfolding
So one of the things that I hope for
Is that we'll have localized AI
That's personal
And so all the fear mongering that we have around AI
Is overblown
Because people always think there will be one overarching AI
But if you have many AIs
And really the limitation would be the data
And the computational power
But in terms of the LLM
It's just simple code, right?
So we have local AI
We might have cryptographic keys for that AI
Because you would want it to have access to the Internet
But at the same time it would be so ingrained
With who you are as a person
Because you would give it everything
So that you can unlock its power
I don't know if you agree with that or not
And because it's distributed like that
It gets rid of all these fears
Because you would have millions of AIs
You would just reintroduce the randomness
Of being human anyways
Because you'll have good ones and bad ones
So I don't know if you agree with that
I would just love to hear how you think
The future is going to unfold in terms of AI
With crypto, centralization, all that stuff
Actually I fully agree
And another reveal is the fact that
One of our clients
You know that we have two business lines
One is serving our clients with technology consultancy
And we are actually building a system
For one of our clients
That is meant to somehow store your DNA
So your personal data, not your DNA
But your voice, your thoughts, your pictures
Whatnot, your images
On a blockchain
And then someone to be able to use that
That chunk of data to create a digital AI
Or a digital asset that is just like you
And basically this system is exactly what you are explaining
And even with Q
So I had this surprise when we started discussing
Because just one thing about QQ
Was a bit more complicated than other projects that we did
Because I had to discuss with several AI builders, AI companies
So that I understand if they would at least consider registering
As an AI miner
And in all these discussions
We came across with some influencers
Like I will not say a name
Or maybe if he agrees to have this AI miner listed on Q
It would be a very, very big surprise for the community
But what he said is that
I have an AI that I built it custom
To integrate it in my Telegram group
That is trained actually only by me
So it talks like me, it responds like me
It can say things about me
And I would like to promote this AI
As an AI miner
And yeah, I will have all my community coming
And trying to get as much Q as possible
Throughout my AI miner
So both Q and the first system that I described
Are trying to see if there is actually a market
A market of users for this type of systems
Where basically the AI is only representing one man's thought
Wow, yeah, that's
I mean that's
That's where you start getting the Twilight Zone music starts coming out
But I mean it sounds like a fun project
And it sounds like there's definitely tremendous value around that
Especially like Atticus was saying, the personalized AI
Yeah, I think it can lessen the fear narrative
Of this oligarchy of one AI control and everything
It will all kind of be empowered by our own personal one
You know what's funny?
If we realize that vision of distributed AI
You'll find the governments actually turn to embrace cryptography
Just like they did encryption
When encryption first came out
The government saw it as a threat
And until they realized that there was corporate espionage
And there was espionage in the government
They embraced it as a matter of national security
And it's going to be the same with cryptography
And everybody having their own keys
You would want your AI but you would want to have keys
Cryptographic keys
Just imagine the ramifications of somebody got a hold of your personalized AI
They could probably predict
Like whether you're going to commit a crime
Like anything
They could ask it a question
And it would say this is what this person would do
Because it just knows you so deeply
And then you're going to have corporations that have AIs
You're going to have governments that have AIs
So you'll have to see them turn to cryptography
And that will stop the basically infiltration
And the loss of data
So I think it could be a good thing
And the future could be right in terms of
I fully agree
And all these discussions are already
At the governmental level
They already are discussing about this
Because they are like normal humans
Just like us
And they are afraid of the future
And they don't really understand
What's going on
And honestly I never have seen
This type of speed in terms of technical innovation
As we have seen in the last three or four years
So I don't know if you
I had the chance to test Sora
Which is the open AI's solution for creating videos
So it's incredible
It's like you give it a script
And you say okay this is the narrative
And I want to have Tom Hanks as the main actor
And I want as the majority as whatever
And you press a button
And in five minutes you have a movie
That is statistically considered better than anything
That can be made in Hollywood
So I was looking at
I was playing with this sister
And she was like okay how the hell will we ever know
Looking at the TV
If the news is fake or not
Because I can see that there's a big strike
In the city centre
And I'm not living home because it's a big strike
I see the images
But in fact there's nothing there
It's just a kid playing with Sora
So it's yeah
How things will be solved
I don't know
So it's too soon to tell
And honestly I don't think anyone knows
This is why Q is important to create
As fast as possible
A community of people that are like-minded
And start thinking about this type of problem
When can I get the headset for Ready Player One
Like augments got on there
I feel like you guys are going to be coming out with those soon
I have a question
Is there a cap to the number of AIs
Which are going to be associated with Q?
So at any time anyone can create
His AI miner
Or actually create his AI solution
Or buy his AI solution that he wants to promote
And register it as an AI miner
So he just has to pay the 5E
Then he can register
You will see
So it's 5 in the first day
Then it starts with 10
And it goes down by 2% every cycle
Until it gets back to 5
All that amount of money will go to the Q Stakers
So how does a user interact with these AIs
They have to buy the Q tokens
And then interact with these AIs
No, these AIs will be available on the Q website
You can try it out
You can see the description
You can go and actually try the solution that is outside
And if you like it you can just select that AI miner
And mine your Q
Knowing the fact that 5% of everything that you mine
Goes to the AI builder to support him
And the AI builder will bring back the economic value
Because he will want to keep his rank as high as possible
So that people are encouraged to use that AI miner
Going forward
So the AI miner has to pay some fees after paying the 5%
So basically every AI miner will have a rank
The rank is calculated based on how much economic energy
He brought into the Q ecosystem
The rank is calculated every day
Based on how much it was brought in by that AI miner
The previous cycle
And they have two options
They can actually create a smart contract
Depending on their business model
Take some part of the revenue and send it to Q
So that they get a nice rank
Or they can just go and input manually the ETH into the system
So that there will be actually two options
One is for the AI miners to get the biggest rank possible
And one for the normal miners like us
Who will choose and see a diversity of AI solutions
And decide which one we want to support
And get our Qs
So the AI miner has to generate revenue in any currency
And then has to convert it into ETH
This was also a very long discussion with the team
The first idea, the first architecture
Wanted to force everyone to implement a certain contract
That makes sure that it is paid in ETH
And whatnot
We should look back at what Satoshi wrote in that light paper
So at the end of the day we don't need to make a system that makes people do something
It encourages people to do something
I totally agree it should be paid in any currency
Sorry, the developer or the AI miner
The AI builder will pay in ETH
But the rest of the users who are going to consume that AI
Will pay in any currency they want to
Am I correct?
But one more thing
The Q protocol is going to build any website like Hugging Face
To show all these AIs in one place
Or how that is going to work
Yes, yes, yes
We are like 80% done with the designs and flows
And now the night discussions I don't like this color
I don't like this picture
I want this picture
No, this is better
As soon as we come to an agreement
We will be presenting Q
And we will try to make as many videos now with Q
So that people get accustomed
And like I said
It's not 100% DX and DeepXN team effort
So basically we have used our partnerships with all the people that we've met
While doing YON, the first governmental AI advisor
And it's a bit more tedious to get the full agreement of everyone
But on the other side it's much more brainpower
And I'm quite happy with what we've accomplished until now
Only one thing that I would like to say is
It's also a question
How do we reduce the friction to the end consumers of AI
Because if that is not reduced
I think the decentralized AI will not fly
I understand that
The question should have been
How do we make sure that we get the best quality or the best AIs into the system
Or let's say I develop an AI which is custom made or whatever
Or I get the open source thing, I run it somewhere
But how do we make sure that the best things come into here is the question
There are two phases
So the first one, basically I call them meme AIs
So there will be even meme AIs
So AIs that actually don't work or work not as expected
Now if the community grows enough
And if our responsibility as a community grows high enough
Then basically all these meme AIs will slowly disappear
Because they will not be able to keep track with providing more and more and more and more it
And basically as long as we will be more good actors than bad actors
Which will happen as the numbers grow
We will achieve this rate
At the beginning, like you said, the only way we could have done it is by filtering out all the bad actors
But that would have meant human intervention
And as I've said, I will never do this compromise
Better to have meme AIs than centralized decisions
On who can become an AI minor and who cannot
Yeah, I told you, I mean once you renounce your keys and all that happens
Definitely you will not be under the control of that code
One last question
Are you planning to probably have many more foot anyway
Are you planning to get something like an on-chain asset of sorts
Which could be useful for the off-chain world
Basically a utility
I mean I would like to give you an example because these days RWAs are another thing which is high on everybody's mind
So something like a stablecoin or something of that sort
I saw another protocol, I mean don't get me wrong
I love this protocol DXN and your team and you
But I saw another protocol called as Lender Network
Who have done similar things but they are creating some on-chain assets
Which are really useful, something like stablecoins
Which is a real utility, especially the crypto world
But they are not algorithmic coins but they are like on-chain
And completely they have renounced their keys and it only runs by the code
Probably you can look at Lender Network
Just to add more utility to ZN and DXN ecosystem
Which will create those hyperstructures
Yeah, that's easy, I will look, I didn't hear about them
But Q will have its decentralized immutable blockchain asset which is the Q token
So this is the main one
Yeah, Q is a great utility because it's an AI utility
Yeah, I mean the AI is definitely located off-chain
But we also have these days FHEs which is fully harmonic encryption
If you know about it, good, otherwise I think you can look at it
Where in AI without decrypting analyzes the input and gives back an output
So in the entire sequence or in the entire loop
The data is the query or the output of that query is not decrypted
So those things are coming up
Since you are already into this and you know a lot about this
I just thought let me give you an input on that as well
It's called FHE
Again, a lot of things are happening all around the world
Absolutely, like I said the technology is moving so fast that it's quite hard to keep track
Yeah, it's very hard to keep up with everything
Yeah, I mean definitely Q is a great utility for Zen and DXN
Especially if many users start using it
So that's why I asked how do we make sure that the end user has least amount of friction to get his need from the AI
Probably you have to think about it
That's just an input
It's definitely a good challenge for one of the next protocols on top of Q
So like I said, for now Q
And we need to be as fast as possible to the market with Q
So that we capitalize on the current narrative
And try to get as many people like-minded people to join the community
And then sky is the limit because we do know
AI and we are probably the best web tree innovators as a Zen community
So I'm quite sure that it's just a matter of time to come up with another idea and go forward
Yeah, I think there's definitely a lot of great things on the horizon with the DXN squad
Razevan, I really appreciate you joining us today
This morning, we're coming up on 90 minutes here
I think I'm going to go ahead and drug this space here
If anyone has any last questions for Razevan, go ahead and ask them now
If there's nothing, then Razevan again, thank you for cruising through and being so transparent with the community
Yeah, and building
Yeah, I still have a couple of minutes, so any question is welcome
And yeah, we will have a series of AMAs and spaces in the next one
One last question, Razevan, how do I get in touch with you offline in case I need to discuss some ideas or other things
You can write me on Twitter, on Telegram
If you write on Telegram, most of it goes to spam
So please also write on our DXN Telegram that you've DM'd to me so that I can check
Or on Twitter, and yeah, I'm trying to respond
Sure, thanks
Thanks, Razevan
Yeah, Raz, I think that was a great space, really appreciate your time
And yeah, sharing the alpha with the community
Thank you for the invite, it was an unprepared
So yesterday we discussed that let's do this space, we did it today
We are trying to organize an official DXN space in the first two weeks of April
And we will have all the special guests invited
I hope to see many, many, many Xeunyans there, and the big Xeunyans as well
So yeah, let's fucking build
Let's fucking go, awesome
And yeah guys, stay Xeun
That's life, that's life
That's what all the people say
You're riding high in April, shot down in May
But I know I'm gonna change that tune
When I'm back on top, back on top in June
I said that's life, that's life