Recorded: May 5, 2023 Duration: 0:22:27



(dog barking)
I'm GM. Yo! What's up? It's a wrap. What's going on? I'm just getting ready for work. What about you? I'm sweating on my head.
can't even touch the screen like the computer anymore. You're working so hard. No, no. But it's like even for me it's like a lot of pressure like like two different fronts like one
for this year, my collectors and one for ASK, and my funds and one wallet for a friend. It's like I have four wallets to manage right now. One time I missed to dump
like some of my friends wanted and it was two eggs in the night so it was actually good to miss it but yeah it's just ridiculous at this chart it's just like mind blowing at the moment never saw something like that happening in my whole life I didn't personally look at it
Yeah, it's I mean it's so high like the community is just fucking strong actually like I mean there is like some people they have like 0.5% of all the paper
coins and that's already worth like 8 million and there are so many of them like till 1 million it's like probably the first let's see the first 200 even more
Okay, the first 200 holders are above 1 million right now in Pepe 200 fucking like and even more than 1 million right so it's like kind of ridiculous But yeah, enjoying the ride is the most you can do right now. It's like it's pressure for
but also I have just my moon bag in it can't fail anyhow it's a lot of money if you lose it but there is nothing like from the investment like risk is out the only thing is in is like on the casino wallet but I was
I keep that that will not take something out at the moment. It's just a bad timing. Very cool. I saw that the finance will be listed in the I. In one hour. And then I'm sure that others will follow.
pretty quick after that. Imagine. What do you mean? Other, yeah I mean Coinbase can't even wait too long because they just lose too much money right? Right? If it keeps going up.
Yeah, depends on the community. How long people like to hold because like it's like crazy. What's happening? She's in the fever too.
Cheers Yeah, I was actually I was like before the announcement I was like Four like four quarters out and like four to one like I was four out and one in with my my investment and then I Love it 10 minutes after it happens within a
and he was like, "Okay, let's put again like half of it in, so now I'm with one foot in and one foot out and nothing can happen, it's just up and hopefully everybody." Yeah, I was really good in selling the top, but right now this play right now is
just reading. There is no way to do it right actually. It's just like patient and good timing and then be proud about what you have actually because it's like okay. I mean now when it drops from like what we see now it's
like was 3/8, it was before and now it's dropped to 3/6. It makes already a huge difference but I think we get to probably like 5, 6, maybe a 2x from here I see what else can like I mean if people start like swapping sheep and doge
To Pepe and not even people buying into Pepe from Binance Then he can get to have like really like forest buyer and not sure how this can be stopped for a second Let's see
But I'm happy I did we did it with the rest wallet actually so that's already was a good play good play from the community and I mean it's crazy right so we have now we have 43,000 in
in the community wallet, which was actually, it was like 12 if. So we almost three acts the community wallet with an investment of 30% of the wallet itself, so it's a 10. (audience applauding)
Yeah, let's fucking go. Now we can buy the trashier, George.
Let's go. Yeah. You see a lot more to do to get to zero. Yeah. Yeah, it's like just enjoy the
I don't like to do stuff like that, but at all my wife's story we need to book another one.
the history books I can't leave like the phone at night is like okay one a.m. I have to sleep then get up at 6.30 or even 5 and check check what's going on yeah I was oh the baby there's the baby
I'm just searching for the next meme and she's like
Yeah, baby. Well, that's incredible. I hope you got some under relax in between. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's for sure. I was like just putting away the phone like the phone away. It's uh, otherwise I can't really stop watching. It's just like really. Oh, nice.
I'm gonna jump in the shower get ready for work, but I'm gonna stick around. Hey, no problem. I was just like opening for a short like a minute, but then I also have to jump. But yeah, appreciate everybody and have a great day bro. Thank you, you too.
What's up, Mr. Sienna? Best wishes to Switzerland over here for my I don't know. Thank you. Yeah Swiss frog. What's up? Oh, man. I am so I am so hyped again. This feels so so
good right now oh my goodness yeah because I feel like a revolution I can smell it and we only need it we was discussing it a lot like mass adoption we need fresh oil and now we have all on the table yeah with our lovely grayly
Papers of rock. This is so nice to see you really to be honest and much more nice to see is that all our favorite influencers are so super silent right now I don't want to listen to them anymore. They have to listen to us. They are shocked right now. They don't
I don't know how to control. Like, oh my goodness, normally I was telling others what to buy and now everything was running from the right and left and from everywhere out of my control. And it's like Dario, we all don't have that money like you, yeah? But it's like,
No, no, I'm joking a little bit. But it's like yesterday I was asking myself, okay, putting another 1.5 a serum in it and then I was thinking, no, I have already 1 billion paper and these are 1.5 a serum. So this is like nonsense right now because I was starting at $60 or something like this.
Bro, it doesn't make any sense anyhow. Yesterday I told my friend about it because he was in a long holiday trip and he was not even able to do something or call. And then I told him, "Okay, I already put something on the sideline because we are like making art together sometimes and I was
knowing he would like to invest so I just did it for him like it was like two if and I asked like yesterday he asked me is it too late to do it and I'm so okay if I tell you right now you showed it's probably dumping and if you're not going in then it's probably moaning as well so we don't know and I was really thinking we
a little dip yesterday and then it was like getting up in the morning and it was just like like in the middle of the day right now it was just the 3x from where we go in and this is just like bad as for what's already happened so not sure you can't control it right now it I mean now it was
So up 3/8 and now we are down 3/4 but that makes already a huge difference to my bag. It's just crazy to watch it actually. Yeah, it bro. It's like let's make a small story. You have one billion pepper token right now and you are thinking about selling.
But then what is next? What do you want to buy for it? Maybe you need it for reality. Yeah, okay. This is another topic, but the other discussion is I'm losing track here is like if you if you if you have this this This back right now out of out of pad
It's all the time the same same question, but the catalysts Pepe have right now with Binance was coinbase with all of this I don't see any other opportunity right now outside from paper like this I don't want to I don't want to make official financial advice and please only put money
You can really lose and if you don't know how to manage this it's easy if you have right now Let's say $1,000 in paper and you are not ready to go to zero You are over invested so so rip it off a little bit cut it down. Yeah, take some profits. It's
nice. It's wonderful. It's a good feeling to go on a restaurant with profits out of Web 3. So do it maybe like this or do it like Dario make some vacations. But if you're already like looking in your pepper pot for the right now and you say to yourself yes I want to be part of it. I'm ready to go to zero or to hero. Then you
and the right spot and then you're not over invested and then you can start diamond handing. And then you're in a good position because it was in the discussion before two weeks and I remember, yeah, if you're starting with meme coins, the most important thing is when
you are jumping off and now we can see it. Of course you can take profits today, but what's about the profits from tomorrow? And this is a game. So it's so revolutionary, this coin like crush all the stats, right? So what we what we can expect is actually a revolutionary
money which is not in the hands of the big big players right now like maybe a portion of it but who cares like there are just one K like 100 K holders like I think Doge has like six millions or something so just count that it's not
It's not that it's like a thousand decks from here or like a hundred decks. The hundred decks will be like a yeah whatever quarter quick flip and like we will probably not rent on the foods anyhow, but it's like what I see is just like there are so many people on this planet. I think we have over
What was the last time, like Paul he was checking it was like 40 million, 400 million people are invested in crypto over the whole planet and if you just take 1% of it and everybody is buying into that, then we have just like our whole account goes up like 4,000x.
So yeah, it's tricky play right now, but the patient will tell. And yeah, over investing is really bad. So if you have like something to afford, that's always the key. I took out, I took out already 5x the investment I put in and I still have another 5x in. So it's kind of
I made a 10x from where I started with trading if I will just let it be and don't even take something out it will be more but I you always need to be happy with what you have because it's the same as in the casino you go with in the casino you have 200 bucks you get you grind till 1500 bucks then you think yeah let's go to 5k and then you
just lose everything. So always I was really on the safe side because I have like a next goal of me is like up like making the house bigger and I was like okay I need 250k for that so I was like putting everything on the side to
to do that and I will be happy when I got there and that's like everything and I will still have something even if it's 1 billion or two or 10 billion pay pay I will let it in there sitting and we'll see I mean nobody expected Bitcoin
to get the where he is right we will probably not go that high but if so and you don't even hold 100 of it or 1000 or whatever counts like even if you put one dollar in it and you get like 1000 pepies so you don't even need to watch it then you just put it away into a lature and let it be there for like one two years
That's already a good idea like in my eyes. What makes me additionally sort of bullish is like I wasn't in another space before and then people were saying ah then now we can start building for me it's nonsense. For what? Somebody should should
build on pepper coin. Yes, this is stuff Bitcoin has to do. Ethereum has to do all of this, but this is a fully other movement here right now in my eyes. Yeah, so everything is already build it. Matt Fury was already building all of on pepper and we have like
Millions of memes we could start like like people a daily meme Movement something and and we could never reach then go so this is so crazy to see and at the end ask people here in Germany I'm a super alien here with all of this NFT coin
stuff all of this. But people know Doge and Chiba Inu but they don't know everything behind or even they don't know what is the Chiba Inu, what is the Doge coin, all of this but they know all papers or frogs. They were growing up with him. And so this is like
the table is ready to eat and now you have only to put yourself in a position where you want to sit as most comfortable right now. Yeah this is why I was thinking okay let's put something in the vault for my whole collectors and something for the trash collection
I have because they had a community wallet and this is just sitting there. So I was like, okay, why not putting like 30% of the of the wallet into Pepe? I think it was like one week or one and a half weeks ago. So it's now just the it's just a 10x from like the investment we put in and
we take everything out we invested and now we are like grinding the moon back till wherever we can and then we enjoy what we can do with it but actually I mean building you can build something because you always have this token access which is kind of nice I mean that's what the power of a free right so it's not even
worth less basically. There is like voting power you can if there will be a brand built and they may be pay, uh, mad theory in a really big and honoured amount of whatever. We don't know yet, right? But everything is possible and I think it's just a matter of time.
It's sometimes if you like to have too much it's probably not happening so I'm happy with the 2 or 3k 3x from now Till when Binance sends and all the stuff hits and then we'll see from there, but yeah Nice watch
Of course, like every time no financial advice, but I have one or two questions for you. First, what do you think the percentage of that finance is getting listed peppercorn? How much percent in your eyes?
Okay X what I hear time I don't have stats which are right. It's just what I hear so really no financial advice but Okay X is like no Binance is like 25x the Trading volume is like 25x of okay X
That's what I can say. So not sure how long Coinbase will have because they just lose millions of dollars if they don't list it. So I think Coinbase will follow
up soon but it's everything is in the sky right it's not it's not written down yet but the floor is just crazy it dropped to three four that's already I mean what what do we
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