Decoding Internet infrastructure with IPv4 DAO

Recorded: March 2, 2023 Duration: 1:02:29



We'll just wait for a couple of minutes for folk to join and then we'll get started.
GM y'all welcome to Doll Stuck Space tonight. We are hosting Constantin with us today. Hey Constantin how's it going? Hey how's it going thanks for having me.
It's awesome to have you here. So I'm sorry our regular host is not available tonight. This is Uttkarsh, founder of Downstrap here today. Trying to test my host
So yeah, let's go. Yeah, so so far so good nice to hear you gosh Thanks, thanks constant So like before we begin like you know everyone here to know that
IPv4 is creating a transparent efficient marketplace for IP address blocks. So did you know that the supply of IPv4 addresses is rapidly depleting? Any devices that are connected to the internet need an IP address and we are pretty much using IPv6
the addresses today, but IPv4 addresses are still pretty much in use and they demand addresses continue to grow. I did not know that, you know, I did not study how much time it's going to take before we are completely out of these addresses and once I came across IPv4.
I put in some time and research into understanding what the DAO is doing. So, Constantine, you are a code member at IPv4DAO. So, could you tell us a bit about yourself, you know, about IPv4DAO and what you guys are trying to do?

FAQ on Decoding Internet infrastructure with IPv4 DAO | Twitter Space Recording

What is Doll Stuck Space?
It is a podcast hosting Constantin as a guest to discuss IPv4 addresses and their marketplaces.
What does IPv4dao do?
It is creating a transparent efficient marketplace for IP address blocks.
Is the supply of IPv4 addresses increasing or decreasing?
It is rapidly depleting.
What do devices connected to the internet need?
They need an IP address.
What is the demand for IPv4 addresses?
It continues to grow.
What did Constantine study?
He put in some time and research into understanding what the dao is doing.
What is Constantine's role at IPv4dao?
He is a code member.
Who is the regular host of Doll Stuck Space?
It is not mentioned in the text.
Who is Uttkarsh?
He is the founder of Downstrap.
What is Uttkarsh trying to do?
He is trying to test his host.