
Recorded: May 3, 2023 Duration: 0:56:10



(dramatic music)
Constructors, constructors, good morning, good morning, how are we all? This is the constructors.
We're going to go briefly through the project, we're going to go briefly through the team until everybody was aware of that.
about what we're here to do with the project and just vibe with the community for a bit. But without further ado, let's get straight to it. I think we'll let it run for the next 30 seconds, one minute, just let a few more people pop in, but this is more made for people that tune in later on.
want to know a bit more about constructs and what we are about. So I think 15 seconds pause, that's enough for people to join in. So we're just going to get straight to it. So welcome guys, once again, this is constructs and essentially we consist of three different suites of utility, targeted at creating solutions to improve
problems in the space. So we are the generation to of next year labs and for those of you who are unsure what we did essentially is integrate Solana was into discord so you know we did built in the short staking built in the short graphals custom whale trackers custom sales bots et cetera et cetera we were implemented
over 180 plus Solana servers and we also came first place in the Magic Eden Hapeton in the Encelerary category so that was a super achievement to retain. Now next year Labs was in a position where in the long run it wasn't able to scale you know we were making
3 to 10k per month from revenue but in terms of the the outer perspective we're in doing that great so that is the reason for constructs and why we are here today but I don't like to refer it as you know the next generation too because we just have so much more going on for constructs so it split into three
massive sectors of utility and we're going to start off with next C which is our discord suite of tools. So you know our UI is going to be upgraded our database is going to be upgraded. We're going to have new tools coming out and the most importantly we're going to go cross chain. So Ethereum, Polygon, Appto, SXS, etc. etc. We're going to go and essentially see if we have a
product market fit to know those markets. We're expecting to have around 400 to 500 plus servers with our tools implemented by the end of the year on a subscription based model. So that is going to be our base revenue source, but that's the boring stuff. And now we're going to get to the actual interesting part of the section with this construct hub.
And to give it a brief, Constructs Hub is NFTs very first fully customizable application for iOS and Android. Now you as a user when you download the application and login, you get to choose whether you want the app to be a portfolio manager or a wealth application. And now you're going
So you know there's as dash, there's phantom, there's backpack. What all those applications have in common is the fact that they are Web3 generalized, right? So they focus both on crypto and on NFTs. What we're doing at Construct Hub is we're focusing fully on the
the user base. That allows us to build features that the space hasn't seen before. Let me ask the audience one question. How many applications do you use every day in WebTree? Magic Eden, Phantom, Discord, Twitter, etc. The list goes on.
the product that we're building is to filter down all the information that you need onto one app. So with part nerd with DJ News, we have a news outlet in the app so you can see all the trending news in the space. We're building a social for alpha-cola so you can favorite your favorite alpha-cola and get notified when they make a call. We have a full analytical hub in the app so you can
search for any collection that you want to see, you know, trending volume, daily volume sales, et cetera, et cetera. And then we have some smaller features like Jupiter integration to the app. You can buy NFTs in the app, lists, et cetera, et cetera. Like I said before, you get to see your portfolio. We have small features like showcase features and watches features.
and then we're also implementing floor price notifications for NFTs as well. And this is something I'm going to give a bit of alpha. So me and Nick, my co-founder, just to give a little brief on him, he's been a programmer for the past eight years. He works at zirion.io. This guy is responsible for building rarebos market.
place application on iOS and Android. So Kudos to him, Mass and Guy, and one of the best programmers in the space for sure. Now, the thing with the app is that this look, there's no competition because we are essentially in our own niche, right? Nobody's done what we have done before and that allows us to build
on features that the space really hasn't seen. And in terms of what we're building and where we see ourselves in the future with the app, we get to build whatever the community wants to see. We have that compatibility in our hands. So a few extra features that we are on the brink
essentially implementing as well as whitelists to mint date trackers, you know, you know how you have all these whitelists from all these different servers. Essentially you are going to be notified when submissions open or when mint date is around as well as checking all the latest updates and announcements for the upcoming project right inside of the app as well.
as well. We're in talks with some other people, some other big projects that I can't mention yet to potentially collaborate and implement their utility with our app as well. But yeah, the app is so scalable and it has so much potential in terms of where we can go and you know, it is a so-you
to a massive problem in the space. But I'm not going to linger on that anymore. I'll let some more questions come in a bit later on. I'm now going to move onto Blitz, which is our final utility. Probably the smaller utility of the bunch. Blitz is our built-in Discord-rate-to-work system. And now you're probably going to say, damn, how are you
you like there are so many rating systems in the space you know what's different to yours why did you go down that route now yes there are many rating systems in the space but a lot of them have issues look they're either heavily butted or it's the same community is rating the same tweets over and over again and what we've done with our
Blitz rating system is the fact that we've made it multi-server compatible. And by that, I mean, let's say you pay two soul, you have five servers rating your tweet or if you pay four soul, you'll have 10 servers rating your tweet. And essentially this allows for more organic engagement with your rates with your tweets. And it increases the chance of someone
actually going on and investing into your project, right? Because it's different members or your tweet every single time. Now it's also a holder role specified, so it's bought proof, and there's SPL token integration as well. So if you have a customer SPL token, for example, let's say the Ego's with Dust, you can use Dust on reward your holders with that as well.
as well. And that is a brief of the three main utilities for constructs. Every single one goes into the base foundation that we laid out for the project itself. So the tools, for example, that's our main revenue source. And then the app is a solution to a problem. And then blitz the rate to warn system.
a source of revenue/rate we're in for the holders. As much as we didn't want to do it, we also have the kind of cater to what the market wants to see. And that's what we're doing. But with every single product that we come out, we want to make sure that it's not like anything that's out on the market already. We wanted to be special. We wanted to be the construct
version of what's out already. And you know, alongside just the utility, there's also the arts factor to it and our amazing artist and creative director Vuck, who I see in the audience below, you know, he's been doing the art for the past six, seven months and I can't tell you guys how much
I've hassled the guy with different tuning to the art and different picks and mixes to the illustrations. Well, he's done a great job and we took that risk going with a golem, not a humanoid character, not the animal character. Something unique and refreshing to the space.
We're going to come out with some one-on-ones. The traits of the collection are also very different to what's been seen in the space. We have a different base figure in the sense of our character, right? And that disallowed us from going down the original route of Hoodies and T-shirts and essentially the boring stuff. But we've amputated
to fight everything with a spacey team to it. So it's going to look extremely cool as a profile picture and I can't wait to really get all of those out there. But yeah, that is a brief about the project in short. I see Nick over there, I see you're welcome going to bring them up here so you they want to introduce themselves.
say hello to the space, to the people so they can know what your voice is sound like. And then I have some questions laid out from the Discord AMAs that we were running with some other projects. And I got the most generally asked questions. And we're going to run through them all. Let's see what VOK, VOK, how you doing, my man?
Hello, do you hear me? No, I can't hear you. Hi, my name is Falk. Some of you guys know me most of you don't. Not really the focal one on our current end of the board. But yeah, nevertheless, again, names Falk.
artist and creative director for constructs. I'm from the Philippines. I've went back to illustrating for like three years now as I got exposed with NFTs in Web 2. I did finance managing for more than five years and I've quit that since to do full-time in Web 3. So I think
a year ago I started to do my own project but discontinued due to personal reasons. I had to take a hitters from Web 3 and when I came back I was hired as a project manager under multi-chain advisories and found Bucky through a project that discontinued due to the lack
funding and now back he wanted to start a project which again is contracts and here I am so that's that's pretty much for me let me tell you something guys if there's someone who has an extreme amount of talent it's this man over here no only his here
an amazing artist and creative director. He's also an advisor over at Moddichain as well and the guy knows his stuff about the space but cheers back for the introduction. I'm going to throw it over to Nick. I know you're in Portugal right now I believe or is it where you are actually from both man you're always moving.
Yeah guys, hey, good evening. Hope you all enjoy your time. Yeah, so my name is Nicholas. Briefly about myself. I want to bother anyone of you. A guy like, I think, eight years of experience. My cryptogen is stars around, I think, four or five years ago.
as a programmer and IT. So, quickly, right, one year ago, I was working, if you know, the Ethereum marketplace variable, I was working in the variable and create and mobile apps for them. So, basically, Android and I was, as well as Riot and mobile backend.
server for the sub applications. I'm quickly working at zero and it's like an wallet, mulching wallet for the Ethereum and layer to blockchain and build and constructs. And actually it's very nice to meet you back, like I think five things of age
months ago. So I was trying the project name, it was good in app and it dialed, you know, it was what it was going to be, it's application and I got, you know, problem of expression with this back here, we talked about the features that we can
build together and it's quite amazing. I mean we can change the space, we can build the amazing things that no one has in space and we fully dedicated to our project and this is what driving us and yeah, I'm just touched on that topic itself. I think there's an
extreme amount of talent in the space. I don't think that many of it gets recognized and that's why I saw Nick. He was building something great but he also needed that guidance to really see where he needed to go with the app to make a successful product in the market and that's where I came in. I saw what he was building. I saw the
potential, I saw the scalability and we took over together, I said hey, let's build something together and here we are today, the app has moved so far in terms of where it was six months ago and just a little alpha within the next day or two we are going to have a
demo release of the app. So that's going to be very interesting to see and we can't wait to release that onto the market. But hey, I'm going to kick it off with some questions that were asked and the first one was what led you to creating constructs. Now this is a very broad question, right? I think that there's a lack of perfection
and the space. I think many founders focus on arts, utility and community, but it goes way, way deeper than that. So starting from the art, like I said before, are you implementing color theory and branding and cohesiveness? Do you have that psychological connection between the arts that you're creating to your community members?
And then on the utility set of things that's what's your long-term value proposition? How are you going to scale? Are you able to pivot if the market moves? What are your performance indicators, your OKRs, your KPIs? And who are your competition and how are you deferring to them? And these are all things with every single piece of
utility that we're providing, we look 10 steps ahead at how we can target the market with them. And then the last piece that creates that fundamental aspect to a project is the community. And I think most of you know, community is the biggest utility a project can have. If you don't have a community
the project isn't going to move anywhere. And that's something, you know, we've learned in the past, you know, something we we fail that over at next year's and something we're taking extremely extremely seriously over at the constructs. I know just from my side alone, you know, hopping on 8 to 10 VCs, which is around the members from the community every single day, you know, getting them that
a tad bit more bullish on the project itself. And then once you build that base foundation of community, words of mouth is a thing, right? And then it's in a self, you know, builds itself and the community just starts to grow from those extremely loyal members. You know, I see a few over here. I see clips who was one of the first ones who was, you know, vibing
the server, he's made his subdued for constructs already, so the guys reached level 20 which is sick as well. There's your finest as well, Rainer, Amnies of Sinha as well, Nads, there's a lot of loyal guys over here and those are some of the people who have had chats with
and then got them a bit more bullish on what we're doing and really form part of that foundation of what we're building. But anyways, I'm going to get into the more itty-gritty questions that I feel need to be answered. And the next one is, why do we need another mint of our next collapse, right? Now, we will
wouldn't do this unless it was absolutely necessary. And in terms of the products that we have, we see the scalability potential in them. And I mean, for those who don't know, it's probably the best source of marketing that you can have for any product in the space. And then alongside that,
extra funding is needed to hire UI developers, hire more developers to build on the app, hire developers to build on the Discord tools. And like I keep mentioning over and over again, the scalability potential to the products we have is immense. For example, Construct Hub is the first of its kind, can definitely lead on to mass adoption.
And then next is Discord Speed to Tools, there's 15 million Discord servers in the world, right? And if we find a way to integrate Web2Users into Web3, we have something way, way bigger in our hands than just having 500+ servers with our tools implemented on a subscription-based model. So like I keep saying, we are
built to scale and we are looking at things for the long run. Aside being a branding project, aside being a utility project, we want to lead up to everything with the core foundation of actually being a genuine company, with having certain metrics that will lead us to, you know, number one, keep on gaining more and more
revenue every single month to have more users and implementations of our tools every single month to keep increasing the size of the team. And all of this combined together will not only lead to us having a successful project in the long run as well as the short run, but also
return back people's initial investment and you know people buy into projects expecting to have that return on investment for you know the products that they're buying into and you know when you have a team when your products are to scale and when you can keep on building features and tools that creates all your
solutions to problems, you're going to end up doing that and that's what we're setting ourselves up to do over constructs. And then the next question I had, which is also interesting is what are the info for holders benefits, what will be the reason not to flip but to hold long-term. And I'm telling you this straight up, many projects
will not go straight these hard questions because they think they'll end up at the picker. But I'm here looking at by wall and answering these questions with 110% genuinely with what I'm saying. So in terms of the holder benefits and what's the reason not to flip but hold for the long term, I kind of mentioned briefly in the past question but
Holder benefits are a massive thing, what they can be heavily misconcepted. We need to ask ourselves what is our value proposition as a project. What do we want to be known by? What do we want our investors to gain by holding our
our NFTs. Now we haven't made them public yet, but what I can say is this, with the three big utilities that we have, we can offer holder benefits for every single one. But do we want to do that? Do we want to dig ourselves in a hole and keep it digging it deeper and deeper over time because people get the status
and they just want more and more and more and unfortunately this is how people are in the space they want more and more and more. That's just the psychological way that humans work. It's greed. What we're doing is we're specifically taking a few older benefits that we feel really serve value to
holders and we're going to get them a bit later down the line. We're still in our, I'd say, quotation marks early days, going into the middle of our days. Just waiting for that market to look good for us, I think knowing how to position yourself as a project is extremely important for the success as a whole.
and that's something we're taking extremely seriously. And to go off of the, you know, what's your reason not to flip but to hold on to him, like I mentioned before in the past question, you know, people invest into projects because they want that, well, they expect a return on their investment. They, you know, they invest in the people in the team behind the
project and who is essentially building it. Now, like I said, we're built to scale everything that we are doing. We see ourselves as a branding project and as a utility project, but we have the metrics that we're using and we're acting like companies. So, once you're revenue goes up, once the team goes up, our whole
we can provide to our holders heavily increases as well at the same time. And we don't want to go for the bat and say, "We're going to provide this and that one day after mint." But as we grow and as we scale, we're going to be able to proficiently provide benefits over time
that will serve for the long run and not just be there for one or two months like many projects out there and then they end up having no runway to grow the project. So yeah, that's that on that. And then there was another question saying, it seems that you have a strong development team. Any plans to also build custom
tools for other projects as a service. We were doing this in the past, like I mentioned earlier, we were making 3 to 10k per month just from custom bot development and this was without the marketing team. Without business developers, we did custom bot development for more you could try again, we did it for
for some gambling projects. We did it for Eukio, I believe. I'm not too sure. I wasn't a guy who would have fed up the custom tools, but if any server or project wants those custom tools, we can do that for them as well. So that's another service we provide. And now I'm going to get to another interesting question, which is
I've noticed a lot of projects are lacking in good marketing, hence the hype and relevance dies. How does construct plan tackle this and stay relevant for as long as possible? I think this comes down to having that base foundation, like I said before, if you don't have community, you have nothing as a project and that is something that we have
have a focus on from the start and that's going to be detrimental to the marketing as a whole because your community is your marketing. Alongside that, we have our strategic marketing complaint set up for every single utility. Next is this course for the tools. For example, has the business developers, has a specific sales page that we're approaching.
people to go by and then for example the application itself, you know, Construct Hub, I'm just going to give example out here because you know we'll have people who want to copy us and use our marketing tactics. So I'm just going to put stuff out there and you can take it as if maybe we're doing it and maybe we're not doing it. But for the app, imagine we implemented
staking it to it, right? Not for ourselves because I have a need to agree with traditional road maps. I don't like staking. I don't like all the itty bitty bullshit utilities, but we could offer it as a service potentially. Let's say we onboarded one project with 5,000 NFTs, 3,000 gets to stay
and there's 1,500 individual holders or individual stakers. That's 1,500 new users onto the app just from implementing Staking. So we have many ways of how we are going to expand and grow every single product. We are here to set that benchmark in the space. We are here to grow.
are here to show others, this is how you should fucking run a project. Like I said over and over again, we built the base foundation extremely well. We've been doing this for the past 6 to 8 months from the arts to the utility to specific features that we know are going to push our project 10 steps ahead
of others. And we're not here to, in a sense, kick other people out of the way. We're here to hug the space and help the grow, push healthy competition out, make other people want to develop better things. And that's the benchmark we want to set for everyone.
And you know, I've been in this space for a while. I'm extremely convicted. I'm gonna rephrase that I have never been so convicted in something I have been a part of. Like I said, for I think this is a seven time I'm saying it, but you know the scalability, the potential, you know where I see this going within, you know, I'm not gonna say long
run because I think the space adapts so quickly and you if you're saying you know you're gonna be here in one year you're gonna be there in two years I'm gonna call a bullshit right but you know I see where we can get to step-by-step you know on the journey and I have full belief in where we're gonna go so yeah those are the
questions that were mostly generally asked. I'm also going to pause through a few others because now that I mention next step I'm going to get straight to that. What's in it for next year's? We are going to be running with a tubes to use like system so you're going to be able to burn your orders and receive
We also, I'm going to mention this and I'm going to mention this to the people who listen to the space. OGs are going to be heavily rewarded. You guys are going to play a massive fucking part in our future, right? So I was discussing with the team the other day and the supply is still TBA here.
We're not set on it yet, but we're looking at 6666. So I'm going to give an example. If we go for that supply, we're going to cut it down by 333. So 6333. So the 333 that disappears is essentially going to be redistributed somewhere else. All of those Gs are going to be receiving an air drop.
And you know these subsidiary adrops were the meta on the policy and they are current meta as well. Like we're seeing with Hoopas, we're doing a fantastic job and you kind of as a project have to adapt to the market, see what's trending and go with it. You know, that's how you grow, that's how you spawn that type of attraction. So we are going to come out with a subsidiary NFT, they're going to#
drops to our OG holders and to say the least I'm going to say this you as an OG holder you're going to be able to burn the subsidiary air drop to receive a free and different construct NFT in return. So I'm going to call them the
be constructed and deconstructed are gonna be fucking cool and they're gonna have a massive play in the in the future of what we are building. I'm not going to release the benefits for those yet but if you have OG I know there are a few OGs in here you're you're in for one I'll tell you that
But yeah, I think I have covered the majority of it. I'm actually going to pause through something very quickly. There was someone who said the team was responsible for Rugs, but that was never ever the case. I heard it specifically for Bab, who is our business developer, and for Hayes, who
a moderator as well, you know, being a moderator, being a business developer, being a staff member for a project doesn't mean you're responsible for a rug, you know. And if everybody couldn't get a, everybody who had worked for a project in the past couldn't get employed, then this pace will be out of employees and un-staffed members.
So I think that was a very steep goal on that side of things. But yeah, I'm just super proud of the team, super proud of where we've come, you know, over this journey. And like I said before, we're 10 steps ahead of everybody. And I hope people, you know, to you back and listen to the say it may, I think I can
things are going to be very clear for them, in terms of the future, in terms of where we're going, and I can't wait to show everybody what we've gotten in store. So that's it from me. I'm going to see if anyway we want to jump up here, ask some questions, or maybe you've just anybody wants to tune in, come up and vibe. We're not going to leave this
The space running for too long, but this was just a general opener for people to learn who the face behind constructs is and what we're about and really get them depth into what we are building as a whole. And I'm sure that this space got you guys just a tad bit more bullish on what we're doing.
So yeah, it was a pleasure for, you know, I fucked up. I was going to say something, but I'm not going to say it anymore. But hey, does anybody want to jump on and ask any questions? So just put your hand up, or maybe the teams themselves. I see a little job in here, but he's probably not
I'm not gonna speak because he's scared. I see Ducky as well. He's probably scared as well. I know that I have a very sexy voice guys and I know that you may feel threatened because you don't have a sexy voice with me. But it's okay, you can still come up here and talk if you want to. I sent out some requests to you guys. Let's see.
Man, does nobody have any questions? They explained it that well. Let's see. Your flying is supposed to come up. Let's see.
Oh, Mr. Flynness, how are you doing? Hello? Oh my God, everybody is requesting the talk now. Let's get it. All right, your flynness, I'll let you start because you requested to speak to
What's up, man? Yo, yo, yo, what's up guys? You know, I'm kind of busy real quick. I just want to just want to say fucking thank you. Thank you for bringing me back to the Bocchi mentality. You know, I've been with you through Alpha Club and I've been through with you through Nexty Labs and
This is a fucking journey that people are not fucking ready for fans. So like just big props, big things, I'm fucking stoked. I gotta get back to work, but just wanted to show some love. My man, man. I appreciate you so much. That's a very sensitive topic to bring up as well, and I'm just gonna pause it through the
quickly. So I was one of the co-founders of a AlphaDow in the post. I started it off with my best friend and essentially didn't expect the project to get to where it did. And that guy ended up taking roughly half of the min funds, the 40K that that project made, and ran off. But I was in a position essentially
I come from an island where everybody knows each other and I was put in the position where either I come clean in Web 3 about what actually happened or I risk him essentially fucking up my real life. And this is all part of the journey and it all comes down to your growth as an individual in the space and I'll tell you something
I think I have always, always had this, you know, as cringe as it may sound. I've always had others' best interests at mind. You know, I was the one helping people in Ukraine when they lost their jobs, when they lost their houses, you know, I had people who, you know, were hit by a motorbike. This was even lost week. I paid for someone who
who got hit by a motorbike, the operation, sorry, money for the operation, you know, people who had struggled feeling their families, etc. I'm the guy who funded them. I just don't come out public about these things, you know. I had around 50 soulworks of people getting rugs from some shitty baboon project in the past and I was the one like
out of my home pocket I paid them all the money they lost from a rug that I was not associated with but I gave them back the money because I told them hey this is gonna rug so it's minted but they still did and you know I think that's being rugged can really deprive someone's enthusiasm from just being
in the space, right? So I love for people like your clients said to just enjoy the space, enjoy the journey and I think that Web 3 is the future and we're all here to make it at the end of the day, you know, to like I like to go by the saying to become a Renaissance man and a Renaissance man is someone who has
time-freedom, location-freedom, financial-freedom. So you can spend time with your families, your kids without having to go to work and working in 9 to 5. We're in 2023 and this is the stuff we should be doing. We shouldn't have to go out and work as cliche as it sounds, but I believe in that mentality and I want everybody to have freedom.
So yeah, cheers again, you fans. Of course, of course. I mean, you know, people are so focused on the fucking utilities that somebody brings, but the utilities cannot be performed properly if the founder isn't someone of founder stature. I mean, you have to invest
and founders in this space. You have to treat one another like sister and fucking brother. I mean, we're all here to make the same fucking money. We're all here to invest in the projects that we have conviction in and I've got conviction in you, dude. So thank you again. Appreciate my immensely. That's the Steve. Yes, you have your hand.
Yeah man, I just thought that's a perfect like segue into what I wanted to say so I thought I'd just put my hand up before someone else gets there before me but no it's it's exactly what he said man skip it skip post all the utility and all the
this big foe gase of giving people excuses of why they should win something and get right to the point, you know, invest in the team, investing in the founder. And all I can say is, I mean, we met what
weeks ago, you reached out to me and we got talking three hour call. I have absolutely zero value to offer you and Bucky still hits me up at random times. Let's hop on a call. I can hit him up at any
time and he'll be down to get on a call and just speak has absolutely no value in their conversation other than just connecting with somebody and giving them that time and I don't know for me that's the type of found that I'd be wanting to invest in.
my G-Man. The personal connection we've grown is immense and we're extremely like-minded and I appreciate you as a person, not everything is about money, not everything is about providing value in certain areas but just helping on a cold and building personal relations.
soon but I just got a DM from my boyloobs the fellow Pessie cat and he actually asked us if we can allocate some pre-sale spots for the cats and we'll try
our best to do it as soon as possible and talk with Celia and Peachy. But right now we have so much offers and requests for the pre-sale so just trying to get up with everything but we will try to get it my
man as soon as possible I can promise you that. I'm gonna tune in there you know. Gibb has told me we are one of the most auto-organized free sales but it just comes down to people just asking so much and so many different fucking servers of the one free sale. Like you know damn it like this server once
That's the one, how do you want us to be organized, although these people reach out. It's just how it is. We have a product that people want and that's extremely valuable to itself. Let's pass it on to Amnesia. How are you doing?
I'm doing great man. I just wanted to say I'm fucking bullish on the team. I know you got a great network. I know the team got a great network and I know that we can make this a fucking success for all of us. I did not realize that this will be amnesia that I know.
How are you doing, man? I didn't realize it was you. This guy is a member of over at the Constructs. A young fellow in the space who's trying to make it someone I'm trying to get more into the aspect of how things are going.
him and this guy has a bright future. He's really trying to get out there. He came out to me as like, "Hey, you know, Bucky, I don't mind if I work for free, just let me help you guys out." He just wants to grow himself as a person on the space and I fully respect that.
you know, helped him to go with him at like three in the morning and he was a super genuine guy and you know, it was a pleasure to open up that relationship there. But yeah man, it's my pleasure you think to know you and now I'm going to post on to a boy has no name. What's your name? A boy has no name.
The goal is to remain anonymous. So it's good to see you, boy, as the name.
Good evening everybody good evening back. It was good. It was good. So yeah, I was gonna talk and then I knew you got it I'm you click the mute everyone button so I fixed that so what's up man? Do you have any questions or are you just here to buy?
Oh, I'm just going to survive. I want to say thank you to VOK2. I really, really see your creative art and your construct art. I want to say thank you for that.
Come on, fuck, don't be scared. It's open if your mic can say thank you.
Thanks man. I'm actually not planning to open my mic from here on because I think my mic, I mean, my mic on the phone is not, you know, as good as on my PC. But anyways, thank you man. You're welcome. Good, good, good. Does anybody else from
from the audience have any questions. I see Mr. Pig showed up. It was an AMA with him yesterday. We went through quite a few questions, Mr. Pig. So after the AMA, we wanted to back and listen to everything we were saying. It was a very, very good, you know, opening up for constructs and just getting people to learn a bit more.
about what we're doing. But yeah, I'm just gonna let some more questions come in to see if anybody wants to say something. I'm also thinking if there's some alpha I should spill, but at the same time, I'm a bit, hmm, what's the word for it? I'm refraining myself because I know I can go off for like
and now we're talking to myself, right? And I will spill all the out for that I will spill. So I'm just going to mute myself over here and see if anybody else has questions. I see Elge of there. Elge of can you come up just for my sake because you know I respect you a lot and I like you a lot.
I guess not, that's okay. Let's see, I see Venom as well. I guess nobody has any questions. I left people's speeches with the goal. There's Stevie, what's up Stevie? So I just see Goose, long goose popped in here.
Here is the artist of MerkyMains, sick at what he does animations. I think what we are going to do is we are going to work on it over the next week or two and we are going to get contracts with sick animation or try to at least try
It's a very good artwork and it could be hard to replicate. But we're gonna try to get you guys a sick one of one done. We appreciate that. We've seen a few pieces of fan art that they heard the best was out there.
So every super slick to see what you guys come up with. Yeah, super excited for that. Yeah, now this one, this one being a fan art, bro. This will be this will be a proper thing. Hopefully. Awesome. That's dope. That's dope. But yeah, I think if
nobody else has any questions we just pause you don't try to without me bro you can't turn off without right there he is the demand met legend sugar naryum number two wizard number two how you doing my let's go sorry sorry I was
on my PC so I needed to switch to my phone so I can speak. What's up guys? Pleasure to see all of you here. Oh good, oh good, oh good. Yeah, it's been a vibe of a space so far. I got a bottle of wine, I'm chilling, laying back.
Listening to your sex voice like super good, super good. Love the hearth, man. Is it red wine, white wine, sparking wine? Are you okay? That's always red. My boy, my boy, I see him here and his nose, he knows bro, only red wine.
I see you have a question actually. So sorry, I'm not asking for an exact date, but what is the general timeframe of the release of the mobile app? So in terms of that, it's already out. I'm going to mute my key one second. There we go.
make. So the app is already out on Android. That's not okay. I'm going to pause through a broader topic. All the utility we have is already right. Then the the discord to the tools already we're exploring the tier now so we're building the will we're developing the Ethereum tools
all the Soda Onalans are done. The rating system is done as well. It's already being tested and boyokra dragons. They're using it as their main ray towing system right now and we're just beta testing to see if it's working extremely smooth and if it's ready for the market. And then the app itself is our
on Android already, we just don't have some final features that we want to add on the app yet. And then in terms of iOS, so we don't know iOS essentially released an update recently where we're able to transfer the code from Android to iOS if I say that's correct in it, or how does it work exactly?
Nick, are you there?
I'm going to talk for him. So essentially, in the past, you had to code separately for iOS and for Android, but now there's an update that allows us to transfer the code that we've put out on Android onto iOS. So that's going to save us a lot
of time, a lot of money, and we're expecting the iOS app to be done within the next month and a half, two months, tops, hopefully. But yeah, Android is out already, and we're just finishing up some really cool features, you know, just so we can release it to the
public, demo video coming soon. We already have some beta testers, so maybe, just maybe the OGs are all going to be able to beta test the app, but who knows. And then you also asked, also will the team be
targeting art content. That's a broad question. I'm going to assume what you mean by that in terms of branding, postment, is that what you mean? If that's what you mean, then just give me a reaction.
Okay, you didn't give me a reaction so I'm assuming I'm okay, there we go. There's the reaction. So yeah, obviously like I said community branding, marketing, they all make, you know, what's, they all make what's needed for a project to succeed in the longer, right? So even in terms of illustrations,
and the branding and the artwork that's going to come off their mince. So yeah, it's as simple as that. We're still going to do it. We're aiming 110% to ace the marketing campaigns to ace it with their campaigns, to ace the Discord campaigns. And we're coming out here
to dominate, right? We're targeting every single factor that needs to be targeted. And we're going to do it all with age precision. So it's going to be super interesting to see. You know, let me pin up a few posts where for people who haven't seen the artwork yet, although I'm sure you have, let's see, deconstructed.
Okay, you also asked another question. Any plans on talking with the Saga team regarding a partnership for being a flagship mobile app for Saga? This is where it gets interesting, my friend, because our co-founder Nicholas was at the hacker house. He met some
a lot of representatives and we are going to be a recommended app on the dat store. I just don't know how I missed out on that because it's something huge. So yes, we are going to be a recommended app on the, so not that store in terms of what's it called, you know, flat
flagship flagship is essentially for those who don't know like an app when you when you open your phone the app is already there. We're not going to be like that's what we are going to be a recommended app on the store. So that's also a super cool feature that that we're doing. But yeah, hope
not answered your question well enough. Let's see if anybody else has some questions, don't feel afraid, I don't bite. You can just stick your hand up and we'll go from there. You guys, Mickey, how's it going?
That's all. What's up? You have a question or are you just coming up here to vibe? I'm actually having a question and I want to vibe. Firstly, I would like to say I'm a very big thank you to construct like Defender, Golem, you
are doing so, so great, so wonderful. I feel this project is going to be a bit too long, I ecosystem. I would like to ask the question, the question is about the app actually. Is the app
Like the app is going to be available crushing I mean for the it's a real project also all for the Solana project. Oh, hey, it's gonna be crushed in my G it's gonna go Solana is gonna go Ethereum. It's gonna go polygon We're going crocheting and we're going to dominate like I said before
before we are leading ourselves to be pivotal in the market. If you do not set yourself up as a project that can be pivotal in the long run, you are going to fail. The market adapts and you have to be able to move where the money moves, where the consumers move. That's something we are setting ourselves
up to D, right? So yes, with every single product that we come out with, we are ready to go crocheting with every single one. And that is going to increase our target market. It's going to allow us to increase our revenue and it's going to allow us to scale for the long run. So yes.
Okay, okay, that's very good. That's okay. I really love that. Like because I was kind of thinking maybe the app is for Sulana, basically like only so I don't even know that the app is going to go cross-chain like polygon it's a room. Sulana wow this is this is so wonderful.
This is so great. You guys are really doing a great job for it. I can't really really see. This construct is 100%. Let's put in Google, bro. That's fucking go my man. I love the energy. I love the vibes. And yeah, I appreciate you man. I know I see you in chat quite a lot.
So it's good to see here on the space talking as well and it's good to get to know the people who I see every single day in the discord. So yeah, that's awesome. Any more questions from anybody if not, I think we're going to wrap this up when you're already hitting that
one hour mark as you hunter is giving us some claps. Appreciate you man. I'm going to send you a clap back. There you go. Hey, let's do something cool. Let's all of us in the space throw out some claps and then I'm going to end off with the intro
for Star Wars once again because I like Star Wars. So let's hit it with clapping the emojis guys, everybody pop off, we're gonna run it up. And yeah, it was a pleasure. We're gonna do this again. You're gonna see me, you're gonna hear my voice everywhere.
It was a pleasure guys, this is Constructed, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas, this is the Adidas,#
(dramatic music)
First one to say "Taco" in the discord gets OG, go round the top, peace guys.