DeFi After Dark: Memecoins on Avalanche

Recorded: March 21, 2024 Duration: 1:33:03



All right, all right.
Welcome in everybody.
I see a bunch of people jumping in right away.
I know there's a lot of excitement for today's device spaces.
So we're just getting the room open, we're just getting things started.
We're going to get our whole suite of speakers up here in a second so that we can get our conversation going.
We got a lot of folks that are joining us today.
So we're going to take a minute to get everybody up here as a speaker.
Hope everybody's having a good day or evening so far.
Excited to talk.
MemeCoins on Avalanche for our special DeFi series.
Thank you everybody for coming in right on time.
We'll get started here in a minute or two.
All right, we got a few coming up here.
We'll test your audios out in a second.
Let me invite some of the other people up here.
If you're one of our speakers, just request up and we'll get you up here to speak in the room.
There's Ty.
All right.
All right, all right, Ty.
Let's see if your audio is working out.
How are you doing?
Hey, good. How are you?
Doing well, doing well.
Thanks for joining.
All right, Pathonomics, you're up here now.
Let me test yours out real quick.
Hey, how are you guys doing?
Doing well, doing well.
Thanks for coming on.
We also got Chopper.
Chopper, is your audio working out?
Yeah, I can hear everyone.
Thanks for coming through.
Hang tight a sec while we get the rest of the people up here.
All right.
For those of you just jumping in, we're getting our speakers up and ready to go.
And then we'll kick off our awesome conversation today about the meme coin season on Avalanche.
And of course, to lead us through this convo, Matt's coming through.
So Matt, I just want to test yours out real quick.
Yo, yo, yo, how are you?
Doing well, doing well.
Thanks for coming out and agreeing to host.
And I'm sure it's going to be an awesome conversation.
So hang tight.
I think we're just waiting on Reuben and Gribley.
Let's see.
Yeah, just a few more.
So for those of you who are just popping in,
we're going to be talking meme coin season on Avalanche
with some of the representatives from the different projects.
We got Kimbo, No Chill, Tech, Coq, Gekko.
It's going to be awesome.
All right, we got Reuben loading up.
Let's see.
Yeah, I know there's a lot of folks already in here.
So we're going to get our conversation started soon.
Hopefully, we have time for Q&A at the end.
So if you're looking to come up and ask a question,
just hang tight till the end, and we will get you going.
All right, we got the tech account.
That might be, there we go, and then Gribley.
OK, cool.
Reuben, can we test out Make Sure Your Mic Works?
Yes, good afternoon, good evening, everybody.
Thanks for having me on stage.
Absolutely, thank you for joining us.
Sounds good.
Gribley, can we test out your audio real quick?
Hey, can you hear me OK?
Yeah, does sound good.
You brought the dog to the spaces, I hope.
The dog has got some awesome alpha to bring.
And then whoever's on the tech account,
I think that's the last one.
Hey, what's up, guys?
It's XL, can you hear me?
Yes, XL, what's going on, man?
What's up, guys?
Happy to share the stage with everyone.
Yeah, happy to have you, too.
I think we got the full gamut of all of our special guests
Matt, are we missing anybody else?
I think someone from Gecko is joining us, right?
Yeah, I believe it was Jayden from the Gecko team.
I saw their official Twitter account up here earlier,
but they just popped off.
But they're joining under the official account as well.
Yeah, I saw that, too.
Let me message on Telegram, just one second.
Yeah, cool.
Oh, there's the Gecko account, all right.
All right, we're just going to last one loaded up here.
We got a full stage, so if we do end up
coming across Q&A, we might have to drop a few down,
but we'll see what happens.
All right, who do we got on the Gecko account?
Yeah, it's me, Jayden.
Thank you so much for having us, yeah.
Yeah, awesome.
OK, we got everybody now.
So we got representatives from across the Avalanche
meme coin ecosystem, and we're going
to be talking about building community,
how meme coins affect the culture of an ecosystem,
and we got a lot of fun stuff to talk about.
So we might get to Q&A at the end.
We'll see how the timing goes.
So for everybody else, hang tight.
We'll do some quick intros, just so we
can get a feel for all of our guests up here.
But Matt, I'll let you jump in and take it away,
and then as we get going later on,
we'll figure out if we're going to do some questions.
So thanks for hosting, and let's get it started.
Yeah, so I guess I'll give a short introduction about myself,
but my name is Matt.
Been here at Ava Labs for about two years now,
originally joined to be focused primarily on DeFi,
and then transitioned to also helping quite a bit
with institutional and capital markets.
But over the past year, I've been more of a generalist
in nature, and so I lead a lot of discussions
with teams in infrastructure, data, security, and tooling
But being that meme coins are kind of DeFi focused,
I thought it would be fun for me to be in this Twitter spaces.
But I guess we'll start off with Coq and then
go from there kind of down the list.
Coq, Tech, No Chill, Kimbo, and Gecko, and introductions.
But maybe regarding introductions,
we could go into who you are, how the idea arrived
for the meme coin, how the founding team was formed,
and then maybe explaining it quick what
was funny about your meme coin, or special,
or something like that.
But I'll turn it over to the representative
from the CoqE new team.
Hey, thanks, Matt.
Yeah, so this is Gribley.
Obviously, who am I?
So I guess I joined crypto back in 2015,
started my journey back then with Bitcoin,
E for the BTC, LTC clones, mining, running mining pools,
all of that good stuff.
Found my way to Avalanche in September 21, never left.
So played DeFi, found my way through the Home Forks,
Time, Maxi, and others.
I'm not going to say their names.
I don't want to cause too much PTSD in the room.
And then found my way into Chicken.
And Chicken, for those who don't know,
great NFT project on the chain became my home
with a great blend of NFTs, DeFi, Game of Fi,
and most importantly, the community.
So really, the community at Chicken's been phenomenal.
And the great community in Avalanche is also amazing.
But that's really where CoqE new was born.
I first kind of conceived the idea back in January of 23
when we had the Baba Inu and other coins trying to launch
and sort of joked around a bit, let it go.
Then when we were at the Avalanche summit in May last year
in Barcelona, I brought it up at the Chicken and Mad Skulls
party and was chatting to Wojak in person and others.
And obviously, the jokes started to fly.
Obviously, the memetics around CoqE new,
it can be as harmless as you want, being a rooster
and a dog, or it can be as vulgar as you wish.
Now, we try not to cross that line too much.
But obviously, there's some jokes there and so on.
But importantly, there's a great core of community.
And I guess the memetics from we already
have an NFT effectively in Chicken and Rooster.
So did nothing with it then.
But then the time was right in December.
So I literally got a call from Wojak saying, hey,
can we launch it today?
This is like on December 5th.
I'm like, I don't know if I can do it today.
But let's have a call in the morning.
Let's chat about it.
Sure enough, I wrote the contract up on the 6th,
launched on the 7th.
And the rest is a bit of history.
But I think there are some natural memetics and comedy
around the name of the token alone.
And we've seen a phenomenal book response from community,
both inside Chicken, outside of Chicken
in the larger Avax community, and even
beyond there into other chains.
So it's been a fun ride so far.
I think it's funny that you said, love the chicken
to sort of fly.
But yeah, I remember when you guys launched back in December.
And it seemed like out of nowhere,
immediately the coin went to like 15 mil FTV.
And everyone was talking about it
in a matter of a day or two.
But it's really great to have you here.
I guess I'll turn it over to Excel and the tech team.
Hey, what's up, guys?
Thanks for having me here.
I'm flipping through the audience here.
And you think you know so many people in crypto,
but there's just so many more people out there.
So a little bit about myself.
I'm Excel.
Excel Baller is my tag, but I'm speaking from the tech account.
I've been in crypto since 2019.
Kind of started my path like most people on Ethereum
and Bitcoin just stacking sats.
And then 2021, I heard about Avalanche and I bridged over.
I was also doing some shitcoining on Binance as well,
but bridged over to Avalanche, made some friends,
and then realized how awesome the tech was.
And I've stuck to the entire last bull market,
the entire bear market, and then to where we are here now.
And the whole meme about number go up tech,
that is born from the bear market.
Like in the depths of the bear market,
everybody's poor, nobody's making money.
You're getting chopped trying to trade.
You're trying to chase the yield where you can and defy.
So that's the whole joke, right?
Everybody has to be in it for the tech if you want to be here.
And so that's kind of what tech is all about.
It was perfect to launch on Avalanche
because everybody here is in it for the tech.
You look at other chains and you
can kind of see a little bit more maturity here.
I think the people here are a little bit more logical
in their thinking.
I've noticed that all of the teams that are up here on stage
and even the guys that I know that aren't yet,
they're all trying to build something.
And it's just been a really cool synergy
to have between the different teams
trying to grow their brand and grow
the pie over here at Avalanche.
I still remember Summit this past year
and hanging out at the Trader Joe pool party.
It was so fun.
Me, you, Morgan, a group of other people,
just getting back, getting after it.
Yeah, shout out Trader Joe for their awesome parties
and the pool water.
So if you guys decide to do another pool party,
make sure you get the pool water.
Yeah, I guess, Nocho, you're up next.
Awesome, so I guess I'll start
and then I'll hand it off to Chopper
and then we'll introduce our project after that.
So my name is, my pseudonym is Pythonomics.
I've been in crypto since 2013.
I actually got into, I bought my first Bitcoin
in the crash, the Mt. Gox crash
when it went from 266 to 50.
So I've seen a lot of stuff in this sphere.
Always kind of experimenting
and floating around the ecosystem,
trying to find where home is.
And I've done a lot of research
on the infrastructure, the utilities
and just kind of the various services out there.
And that's where, that's how I kind of ended up on Avalanche.
Actually, I didn't enter the Avalanche ecosystem
until the social five platforms stars arena popped up.
And that's actually where I met Chopper
and the other team member who's not on stage with us,
Willy Waka.
Chopper, do you want to introduce yourself a little bit?
Yeah, awesome, thanks.
So my name is Chopper.
I started in crypto in 2020
and I didn't join crypto Twitter till 2023 actually.
So I haven't been in the Twitter sphere for that long.
Kind of like Pythonomics said,
this team was formed in stars arena
or now called the arena.
We all met ourselves there.
That was kind of my, not my introduction to Avalanche
but really kind of my deeper dive
into the Avalanche ecosystem.
The meme took place and kind of started to formulate
in November of 2023, when Jason and Phillip took over
the arena from the old team.
The initial meme was actually kind of a play
on the old ownership, which was chill pill.
And that's kind of what we launched.
So we launched in mid December.
It was kind of the perfect time for us to launch
because the arena had introduced the badge system.
And so there was kind of a really nice entry point for us
where there's a badge associated with the user
which is also associated with a wallet.
So we were kind of the first social fire drop
and we pivoted the meme after launch
to kind of, I guess, make more sense
to a wider audience and be more digestible.
And it's been a really fun ride since then.
Yeah, I guess being that you guys are relatively new
to the ecosystem compared to some of these OGs,
how has your time been within the ecosystem
and Avalanche in general?
We feel, at least myself, I've gotten three years
of PTSD in a matter of a couple months.
And that's mostly because of like the original kind of
the Stars Arena fiasco, right?
I mean, at the very bottom of the bear market,
Stars Arena comes out, becomes this hot new thing
and then all of a sudden it's hacked
and any money we've put in has gone.
So it's been a rollercoaster of a ride,
but putting that aside,
it's been an interesting space.
It's that there's a lot of friendly faces.
There's a lot of more mature,
more kind of experienced faces in this ecosystem.
So it's a very nice and welcoming thing to see.
I mean, there's still various scammers
running rampant on the chain,
but every chain's got that, right?
It's just here, you know who it is over here.
You don't know it on other chains.
So it was a very kind of refreshing
type of experience for us, at least for me.
It's so funny.
I remember that crazy couple week long period.
I was actually in Barcelona for SmartCon
and out of nowhere, Stars Arena,
like so Nadim and myself,
we met with the original founders from Stars Arena
a couple of weeks before that.
And we were like, all right, a friend tech fork.
Friend tech did very well this summer.
And it wasn't a direct fork.
He added some kind of new and novel code.
And it was about two weeks with a lull
in between that first meeting
in which the platform was live in a mainnet environment.
And then, well, we were all kind of
in Barcelona for SmartCon for whatever reason,
it just absolutely started popping off
with Wall Street Bets chairman, Calio, et cetera, all joining.
And then of course, unfortunately, like you know,
during that time period, it got exploited.
And then I think a lot of people had to quickly kind of
patch and hand over to the new team,
which ended up, I think being a blessing in disguise,
because I think you guys came back
stronger than ever in terms of the arena
and fill out these kind of an avalanche OG
and Jason and everyone.
So yeah, I think honestly it turned out not too bad,
but unfortunately some people went through some pain.
Yeah, I think, you know, from a team perspective,
we kind of look at ourselves as a little bit
of an arena redemption story.
I think based on the fact that we airdropped
to people that had stuck through it,
through kind of the hard times and the pain.
And that's kind of where our core community was formed.
And, you know, I think we're lucky to have them.
Yeah, so I guess handing it over to the Kimbo team,
you mind giving your introduction as well?
Hey guys, this is Ty.
My name is Ty, Ty Ross-Tunes.
I'm a Kimbo team member.
I'm relatively new to the idea of, you know,
community within crypto.
I joined, I mean, I guess I bought Bitcoin in 2017,
I think at its peak.
And then, and obviously the last bull run,
I was pretty big into Dogecoin
because I really do like dogs,
which is why I have a affinity towards Kimbo.
I wasn't on the original team who launched it.
So as far as like the reasoning for them launching the token,
I think, you know, with Coq,
that was obviously a hilarious meme.
That's really what brought me
into the community side of things.
I saw Took put out a tweet
and that's kind of how I got involved into Kimbo.
And ever since that day,
obviously I've been getting more and more involved
and that's why I'm here on stage with you guys.
But yeah, so during the bear market,
I was just really buying into Avax and Solana.
I didn't know too much about Avax,
but I knew about Subnets.
I didn't really know how they worked.
With meme coins, they really do draw people in.
This is really the best way
to get involved with people on Twitter.
Like if you would have sent me three months ago,
I didn't actually know that people
were having huge communities with PFPs and everything
and just assimilating with just either a meme coin or an NFT.
So this is still somewhat new to me
and I really dove pretty deep into it
now that I'm a part of the Kimbo community
and it's just good to be here.
Nice, yeah, I think Kimbo is also the name
of Luigi's like family dog that he grew up with.
And so it's always funny joking about Kimbo internally
because I think his dog is like 14 or 15 years old,
so super old.
And so I think that's kind of where the meme was birthed,
if I'm not mistaken.
Yeah, yeah, my mom has a Yorkshire Terrier
and I think he's 12.
So that's another reason I really got into it.
And I was like, oh my, it's just like Peyton.
That's hilarious.
Yeah, I guess, turning it over to our final guest,
a member of the Gecko Inu team,
do you mind kind of introducing yourself?
Yeah, hey guys.
Again, thank you so much for having us.
My name is Jaden and I'm the community manager at Gecko Inu.
I guess my story is similar to Thay
in a way that I was not originally the court team member.
When they started out the project,
they reached out to me
because I knew some of the guys there in real life.
So yeah, I've been supporting the projects ever since.
As to my experience in crypto,
I would say I am not as diverse as these guys.
I joined pretty late, late 2021.
The last bull run was the attraction for me.
Get into it.
I bought it at the top and wrote it all the way down.
Lost everything, but it was fun regardless.
And I was involved in the BNB chain,
EVM, Ethereum ecosystem,
and just a little bit on Avax.
Not too much, because I didn't feel the need to,
but then early, late, I think late 20, 23, early December,
the team invited me to Avax, started learning the chain.
And I have to say,
memes are really the way to onboard people
to a new ecosystem because of,
working with the Gecko Inu team,
I am now very, very much involved with Avalanche.
So that was amazing.
As to, I think you also asked about
what we're doing and our inspiration.
Very simple.
I mean, we love the movie of Rango, Johnny Depp, right?
And so our lizard, our Gecko is probably,
took after that inspiration,
that movie being the sheriff in the town I guess.
And when we launched,
we always have this vision
that we want to build something different
into the meme coin ecosystem.
Because back then, Solana memes and Avax memes,
you guys were crazy, right?
But not a lot of, I would say utility memes.
So initially we wanted to do that.
We always plan out to have launch pads, swaps and NFTs
and even like games.
So we're building this pretty thoroughly, pretty hard,
but and finally it pays off.
Avalanche invested in us.
So that was an honor.
So again, just very happy to be here in this space right now.
Yeah, happy to have you as well.
So I guess we'll turn it over
to kind of more round table discussion.
And because we have so many guests up here speaking,
maybe we have each guest raise their hand
and then speak right after that.
But I guess our first question is,
why did you decide to launch your token on Avalanche?
And this kind of goes back to the introduction as well
about how you found Avalanche.
And so based on launching your token here, do you regret it?
Do you wish you're on another chain
or has it been a phenomenal success?
So everyone's raising their hand at once.
I guess I'll just call on number go up tech
just cause Cock had the first intro.
Sure, so yeah, absolutely.
Avalanche would be the only place
for us to launch a token like tech
because it's kind of a double entendre, right?
It's the whole meme about we're in it for the tech.
Everything's down bad in the bear market.
But then in all actuality,
everybody on Avalanche kind of is in it for the tech.
Are all of the building and infrastructure
and everything that was built out during the bear market
by the Avalabs team and kudos to them
is finally coming to fruition.
And so launch the coin with myself and with Spaced.
Dot Avax, he's an OG.
He's been a software engineer for like 20 years.
Our team's still small.
You know, we've covered a lot of ground
in a short period of time,
but it's our intention to be,
to keep up with the humor, keep up with the memes
and all of that, like we always do,
but then get serious about actually building something out.
And so Avalanche was an obvious choice for both of us.
I don't think we would want to launch it
with another community or do it on another chain.
Maybe I'll turn it over to the Kimbo team as well for this one.
Yeah, so being that neither Ruben or myself
were actually a part of the original team
who had the conception of the idea for Kimbo.
And I know that I had spoken with Took,
Barkley and Scoob who are involved still with us.
Obviously, Coq was huge at the time
and they had saw a bunch of people
kind of cycling their wins into various rugs.
So they wanted to create a safe way for people to,
you know, play the meme coin game at the time.
At this point, I wasn't, you know,
very hugely involved in the crypto Twitter space.
So I just saw a dog that I liked
and it really just does represent the dog lovers.
Kimbo, like, as far as the community goes,
it's just a very wholesome group of people.
Some of the best people I've ever met.
I know Ruben didn't really get to speak at the beginning,
but he's one of the nicest people I've ever met
and it's a pleasure to meet him.
But I never really thought that I would be talking
to like people from Spain, France, Turkey,
Colorado or Australia on like a regular basis.
So it kind of just unites just the group of people
who have a love for dogs
and just really like crypto as well.
Yeah, I mean, I was listening to Exile Baller
on a space yesterday talking about,
it's really just crazy how much it unites the community.
And there are so many new faces here.
I've never seen within the Avalanche community
just coming and being kind of a strong cornerstone
now within the space.
And I think personally, sometimes NFTs,
especially ones that are relatively limited supply in nature
can be too expensive for individuals.
And so the barrier of entry is a little higher,
but in terms of being a cock millionaire,
a Kimbo millionaire, et cetera, it's relatively easy.
And then you feel connected to that community
and might be a cute dog.
It might be a chicken.
It might be number go up technology,
but it really is just kind of a unifying factor.
Yeah, I guess no chill next and then cock,
you can kind of carry up the end of this question.
All right.
I mean, Gribbly had his hand up before,
so I'm happy to go after him if he wants to go first,
but if not-
Gribbly, it's up to you.
I'll let you choose.
Go ahead.
You go, man.
All right, thank you.
So the reason we chose Avalanche was primarily
because that's where we kind of met each other.
Like, you know, Chopper, Wonka and myself,
we met in the arena, which is on Avalanche.
So we said, you know, what would be the most streamlined way
to get an air drop to our audience,
to the audience that we want to target this towards?
And Avalanche was the answer to that.
It just so happened that because we chose Avalanche,
we were able to build out some really cool tools
that vertically integrated with the arena at the same time
and just bring a lot of added value,
not only to the platform, but also to the users.
So it was kind of like when I saw Avalanche,
you know, there's a lot of cool stuff built on top of it,
but there's always room for more versus other chains,
which have quite a bit of stuff built on there
and there's not a lot of room for new stuff over there.
So really, I saw it as kind of a fresh canvas.
Yeah, I think a lot of people,
especially when they come to Avalanche,
feel like we're a very open community
and kind of giving and willing to listen.
Funny how many DMs I get just asking about,
hey, what's your thoughts about XYZ?
And I try and kind of always be open and give my opinion.
But yeah, I guess the Coq team,
you wanna kind of round out this discussion
and then if there's any final thoughts
before moving on to the next question,
feel free, anyone to just hop up.
Yeah, I mean, I think I covered most of it anyway,
but the reality for us is Chicken was here,
that's where we came from.
But forgetting that, the reason I hung around
is Avalanche has a phenomenal community.
The tech is good, as we well know,
but reality, you know, two second blocks,
instant finality, phenomenal stability,
great innovation, things like the horizontal scaling
with subnets coming, I know they're here,
but I mean expanding out and I'm looking forward
to seeing all of that and all of that put together.
I mean, when you add in things like phenomenal people,
we've got the likes of Trader Joe
who are great at supporting us during our launch
as well as the accessibility of yourselves at Ava Labs.
I mean, I don't believe if I was on ETH,
I'd have a chance of speaking to anybody
from the Coq team, same in Salana,
same in other places, Avalanche just is more welcoming
and I think it embraces its developer community phenomenally
and that really to me makes it the perfect place.
Forget the memetics, forget the meme,
I'm just talking about the location,
it's perfect because I've got a real soft spot in my heart
for Avalanche, I'll just put it out there.
Thank you, I mean, that means a lot.
Gecko, you know, TM, I know you didn't kind of speak
to this discussion yet, but you had your hand up
so I can give it to you next.
Yeah, thank you.
No, I agree with the guys 100%.
I mean, the environment is much more welcoming.
I worked previously with different teams
and they're very not responsive,
the community is not that strong
and so in the community side,
you guys hit the nail on that one.
I just wanna add one more thing though
because initially why we launched on Avax
was before we launch anything,
we sort of look at the market, right?
And we evaluate everything and this is 100% honest.
We look at also Salana, the competitor
and we were seeing Salana was leading
but then there was like a decline
in meme point interest at the time.
So it's either gonna be Salana or Avax, right?
We're not gonna go to BNB chain
was not very well known for memes
and Ethereum is just too much.
And so, you know, and plus one other thing is that,
you know, at that time,
Avalanche meme coins, which is so buzzing
and especially with Cocky new too.
So that was amazing.
It motivated us to build on Avax along with that,
you know, the design of Avax is sort of like perfect
for what we're trying to do.
I mean, the CGN, the subnets,
our vision for Gecko Inu was never to lost sort of like
limit ourselves within the Avax ecosystem alone.
We really want to reach out to other communities,
you know, EVM being the first one in mind.
So we really wanna spread awareness
and attention to get to Gecko.
And so like in return,
we get attention back to the Avalanche ecosystem.
So, you know, Avax has the CGN,
EVM Compatible was a perfect choice.
And yeah, in terms of the builders we've worked with,
you know, we reach out to a lot of communities on Avalanche.
Everyone seems to be very welcoming,
even though, you know, we are a pretty new team in Avax.
So just wanna add that in.
Yeah, so I guess segueing to the next set of questions.
And this one's kind of unique to each meme coin
or culture coin,
just because I do think you guys have different communities.
But I guess what role does the community play
in growing meme coins,
supporting a token, that sort of thing.
Like I mentioned, Excel Baller kind of hit the nail
on the head in a space I was listening to yesterday
in which he said barrier of entry
might be lower compared to NFTs.
But at the end of the day,
it's all about community,
growing Discord channels, telegrams,
having fun, sorry, having good discussion
and just joking around and being goofy.
So I guess, how do you feel like you've grown your community?
What did your community rally around that sort of thing?
And we'll start off with the Gekko Inu team here.
We'll kind of go in reverse and then go from there.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, I guess we owe our success to the community 100%.
I mean, we wouldn't be here without the supporting community,
like the Gekko chats.
So if you're listening, thank you so much for your support.
And this thing, I think their support
was shown through various occasions,
like every competitions that we have,
every rates that we have as well.
And the community is really strong.
Last, I think a couple of months back,
we had a competition with Godbid,
where we were the one out of the only two Avax Beamcoins
out of 16 contenders in that competition.
And then we made it to the quarterfinals.
It was all because of you guys, so thank you.
And one unique thing about our community, I would say,
is the fact that we are pretty global.
So maybe not that unique,
but just want to mention that,
unlike some projects that focus on specific regions
like Chinese or English or non-English speaking countries,
our community is international.
We have members from diverse backgrounds and locations.
We also set up different communication channels for them,
and we hired like targeted moderators to cater to their needs.
And yeah, we, I guess,
and the community also,
not only from different places in the world,
but they're also from different blockchains as well.
Because again, we part up with different blockchains
like ZK Singh, BNB, Ethereum,
and even some Solana projects that we've got
from the Godbid competition.
So that was pretty amazing to see the community
so diverse and growing every day.
Nice, and do you feel like your community
is geographically centered anywhere,
relatively diverse, or what do you think?
Yes, okay, so we have people here and there.
I think mainly we have Southeast Asian people a lot.
I noticed in our Indonesian, Philippines, and Vietnamese chat,
they're pretty active, also in Indian chat.
But yeah, we also have people in Turkey as well,
very active people there.
And yeah, we also have people from French
and different places in the world,
but they're not as prominent.
Yeah, I guess, turning this question over to the cock team,
might be good to mention kind of your chicken upbringing,
how much chicken is, that sort of thing.
Yeah, absolutely.
So, to me, I think community is the single most important aspect
of a mean coin.
I mean, I'd rather say a community coin.
Our community has been absolutely phenomenal.
The last three and a half months have been a pleasure.
We've seen people pick up and run with all sorts of things,
from merchandising, various people building clothing.
We've got a cocky new coffee
and there's some more adventurous endeavors
that we see coming along over time.
We've got phenomenal people.
And I can't shout out everyone,
but I do wanna shout out Clint slash the bot cast,
Wex for turning up every single day for Twitter spaces.
We've had NFT projects,
we've launched around us and so much more.
We've definitely got a core in chicken.
So for those that don't know,
chicken is an NFT project that has been around
a couple of years on Avalanche, built through the bear.
The most stubborn bunch of diamond handed individuals
you will ever meet, love them all.
And it's really, obviously it's NFTs,
but it brings in aspects of decentralized finance.
It brings in aspects of games buys
so that there's a whole host of things there.
It's being built out
and they continue to build through the bear market.
And that's really where we came from.
But it's been incredible to watch it expand from that.
We started with obviously the chicken guys,
the chicken community with big supporters
in the first minutes of our launch,
but it very quickly spun outside of that
to cover people from all aspects of
the Avalanche ecosystem.
It's been great to see people coming together
where there may have been rivalries prior.
I'm just suggesting that there were definitely cliques
and things like that going on.
And it seemed to unify a lot of people,
bring people together.
And then we saw it expand even beyond that.
And we've seen people coming into the spaces
from Solana and from other chains who really,
they're just saying, hey, I saw the name,
it was hilarious, I had to come, I had to join.
But as to your comments about your building,
we've got the community building out
on Twitter or X, Telegram, Discord.
We've run initiatives to try to encourage growing of that.
So things like the hackathon
that we ran back at the beginning of the year,
where we encouraged not only developer-based admissions,
but things that encouraged or built community.
We understood that community was a big part of it.
We didn't want people to feel left out
when it came to that hackathon.
We've run art and meme competitions.
Well, Jack ran a treasure hunt
over the weekend of St. Patrick's Day in New York City.
And we intend to do so much more of this.
We've got some things coming up.
We've got NFTNYC, stay tuned for that.
There's gonna be some news and some things coming on that.
We have a Cockfest being run by our very own 1 Third Nerd,
a big community member, being in lots of spaces,
part chicken, mad skulls, and so on.
That's gonna be up in Troy, New York on 4.20.
For reference, our contract starts at 0x4.20.
So it's playing on that meme.
When you start talking about the community
and where they are, they're everywhere.
And we've obviously got strong numbers
in North America, Western Europe.
But we also have strong contingents in Turkey, Africa,
Asia Pacific, obviously Down Under, and South America.
It's, as mentioned before, it's phenomenal to see people
from all of these different geographies
coming together for the love of cock.
And without joking about it,
but the reality is it's the memetics, it's funny.
And I just wanna say thank you
to our many pence of thousands of holders.
And we just wanna keep building with you
and enjoying the vibe.
Nice, nice.
I guess turning it over to Excel
and the community at number of technology.
I've been kind of an early community member,
so it's been fun to see that community grow as well.
But what do you feel like your community
specifically like?
What do they revolve around?
How did they come about?
Yeah, I think, like you said,
early on the community's everything,
but just to kind of expand on that,
like our community,
so we pretty much know most of the people
that are coming in and joining
and jumping in the telegram because we've been here.
It's a mix, right?
Like we've got four chance humor in the memes, right?
But then on the other side,
like we roll out an enclave listing with those guys.
And then we've got community members writing threads
on enclave and why a fully encrypted exchange
is so much better than these other options
and how it's only native to Avalanche.
And we're having discussions about Hyper SDK.
So I feel like we cover a pretty broad spectrum
within that meme.
And I wanna give a shout out definitely to Coq.
They've just gone so viral with their marketing.
Their community has jumped all over it.
They've jumped all over the Coq.
And they've pretty much gone like worldwide, right?
Like you have them in every different part of the world.
You just saw what happened in Manhattan
with the treasure hunt.
These types of communities, they can't be bought.
These are extremely autistic people.
They're extremely loyal people.
And so we are starting,
in the short time that we've been around,
we are starting to see some of these people come in
that really have an interest in technology
and pushing it forward
and having discussions about launching subnets.
We also have people that wanna come in
and just shitpost and spam stickers in the telegram, right?
They're like, hey, this is what the community wants.
We're gonna run with it.
So, you know, what I'm seeing with meme coins in general,
though, people, you have these coins in your wallet.
I was talking to Landslide about this last night
on Spaces.
You have these coins in your wallet,
it kind of becomes your identity in a way.
You can look in someone's wallet and say,
oh, this is what this person's about.
So it's not always just about the financial return.
Like, yeah, you can make money on them,
but it's, you know, also about,
are you interested in what this group of folks is about?
And so as our community is continuing to grow,
we're getting people from,
you know, all different sides of the spectrum.
No pun intended.
Yeah, it was fun.
I mean, I think it's a good idea.
I mean, I think it's a good idea.
We're getting people from, you know,
all different sides of the spectrum.
No pun intended.
Yeah, it was funny seeing Messi just absolutely cook
early in that telegram channel with all the raids
and just funny stuff going on.
It was one of those things where I'd be up at midnight
just cracking up on my phone,
just seeing the chaos in the telegram chat.
But yeah, I guess no chill.
You mind kind of diving into this question as well?
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, I think we had a unique benefit
when it came to launching our token
because we airdropped to a core group of people
that were known.
And I think that was a pretty unique experience for us
where, you know, even after the initial run up after launch
and the, you know, one or two months
kind of meme coin bear market that proceeded,
that it was that core group of people
that we airdropped to believed in this project so much
that the telegram channel was never dry.
It always was running.
You know, I think what you look for in a project
when you're launching it is like a core group of followers
that believe in the project and will never sell.
And I think about the halfway point
through the kind of after launch bear market,
the team looked at each other and said,
I think we found that group.
We found that group of people
that believe in this project so much,
they're not gonna let it fail.
And the price discovery that kind of happened
after that point,
it honestly wasn't a surprise to people in the channel.
And I think that was a really kind of unique thing
for us as a team to have that core group of people
that we had kind of gone through so much trauma
in the Stars of Rain and kind of SAGA together
was seeing this token kind of as a redemption story for us.
And then airdropping those people that we knew
from that time spent together also was special.
Yeah, I think Z or most people know him on Twitter
but as Ansem has kind of said it best in which
what you need for a meme coin to go viral
is not only to be funny, have a great backstory,
that sort of thing,
but also a group of diamond handed individuals
or large holders that are just never gonna sell,
never really dilute the market
and to have that conviction to hold
even through astronomical gains.
And I think that's what makes a meme coin so great.
You have those highly convicted holders.
Yeah, absolutely.
And that kind of a little bear market
that we experienced after
that really tested that core group
of community members on our side.
And I think it actually made our community a lot stronger
where meme coins dip, right?
It's the nature of the market.
But our holders, our core group of community members
have so much conviction
that it really makes our job as a team really easy
from the standpoint that we just have to deliver for them.
And then they're gonna do the rest.
Makes total sense.
Yeah, and I guess the Kimbo team,
you wanna kind of round this one now?
Yeah, yeah, definitely.
I mean, just as everybody else said,
community really is everything,
especially for Kimbo.
If I was to just walk away from Kimbo tomorrow,
I know as much as I like to think that I'm irreplaceable,
I know that somebody else would step up
because we constantly just have
so many people doing things at the same time.
Whether it's Mad Labs creating our NFT project
that we're launching next week,
we got Ash, some super great devs
who I've been having a pleasure to work with,
working on KimboNet.
I think Fuji Testnet went live this week.
We also have Angelo from Machine 11,
the same 3D studio who built Planet of the Apes
working on a short film for Kimbo,
which you guys have probably seen us post
the past couple of days.
It's just such a good group of people.
Everybody's so supportive of each other.
Everyone's working hard,
and there's really nobody else
that I'd rather go into the bull with,
mostly because our group of holders
just has such strong conviction
that just nobody will sell, no matter what.
So you don't have to worry about getting dumped on.
You just know that your community is just really with you
to ride out this bull run that we're about to experience,
that I believe we're about to experience.
So it's just good to be a part of.
Yeah, I guess that transitions to the next question
that I wanted to ask.
So culture coins or meme coins
are kind of rooted towards community,
having fun, that sort of thing.
How do you balance having a white paper marketing,
having a website, like what do you put on that website?
Is it a bunch of jokes?
Are you guys just constantly community building
by being in kind of telegram or discord channels
saying raid, raid, raid, slurp the dip, et cetera?
Or what's the balance like there?
How do you make it not overly serious, but serious enough?
I guess giving this right back to the Kimbo team,
you have a good answer for this one?
Yeah, so personally,
I have probably about four or five different Kimbo chats
going and various levels of just calling people out
as to what we like and what we don't like.
So there's various levels of criticism.
There's always a lot of thought that goes behind anything,
whether it's what to put on our website
or what type of moon we should use in our latest post.
I mean, Reuben, we're going back and forth.
Should we use the full moon
or should we use the waning gibbous?
And I think we use the waning gibbous.
Yeah, you guys got favorite moon cycles over there.
What's the moon on right now?
Is it a waning gibbous?
Is it a full moon?
I don't track that at all.
Yeah, but it's also a bit shitty
because like in Telegram, there's another moon
that is not like the same moon as in Twitter.
So you have to think about it twice as well.
But to add some extra info
what Tai is saying about being serious
or being funny in the communication to your community,
I think everybody who is involved in a community
in a meme coin, like in a community coin,
they are there for themselves,
but they obviously want to also see the project growing
on a wider scale.
And I think that what Kimbo is doing
is trying to find the right mix where people can chat
and get, I have community or communication with each other
on a positive way.
That's like, I really want to mention
because the whole community, like in general,
Apex in general, super positive and very helpful
also to newbies on the ecosystem.
I think what we are doing is that we are quite serious,
like the core team is quite serious.
We are building, we want to build something out
like for the greater groups of ecosystem in total,
but also for our community as well.
And finding that balance is like really difficult
because yeah, we as a team,
we are also part of the community
and with my communication
and community building background,
I think we have the perfect mix on this.
We have like a very knowledgeable website
with a lot of information about what we are doing
and everything is like seriously.
But on the other side,
we also have like super cool engagement contest
or just chit-chatting and telegram or discord
talking about the fights with our wives last night.
So I think this mix is really important
for building out the community
and giving them the feeling that we are taking it serious
and that we want to achieve milestones in the near future.
Are you guys building like a KimboNet
or anything like that?
Yeah, yeah, what I was saying like yesterday,
we launched, or like it's two days ago,
we launched the Desnet, KimboNet
together with the guys from Edge team.
And we also released a hackathon
where builders can build on our Desnet
so yeah, we obviously want to do a lot of stuff
with this subnet and getting more attention
also from that kind of people we likes
and who are really into subnets as well.
So again, it's good for the tech.
And I think in the long run,
it's also very interesting for the community itself
that they can be part of something greater
than just talking in telegrams
or being part of a Discord channel,
but they can do stuff in a project
where they're invested in
or where they are combined with other people.
So I think that's really something special
what you can give to your community.
And I suggest, like I know Kock is doing also,
like they are building also a subnet,
but I suggest that like more communities
needs to build subnets
because it's super interesting for people
to build on a subnet, what is community-based
because I think if you are like a developer
and you want to build out a game
and you can get, and you can build
like for example, on Kimbonnet,
you have now 17,000 holders
who are really want to try to play the game
or getting involved with your project as well.
And if we like more communities are doing and building,
we can give those developers and builders
so much more than they want to build on something else.
And if you look at what we like on the widest,
widest screen is good for AFX in total
for the whole ecosystem of AFX.
So I suggest that we should build more and more.
Wow, you guys really are in it for the tech.
But I guess turning it over to the Gecko team,
how do you balance this kind of fun, joking pool attitude
with maybe having a white paper or light paper
or something a little more structured?
Yeah, I guess all memes started out as a fun thing
and we're not so different from other projects in that matter
where initially when we was introduced to the AFX community,
we have a pretty wacky sort of like website
where we put all of our like memes generated by AI
and drawn by hand, some of them on the websites
or like a thing to attract people in, have some fun.
We organize a bunch of internal community events as well,
raids, competitions, memes, designs for stickers as well,
which is actually is still running.
But then, after a while,
Ava Labs introduced the cultural grant
and we decided to take it up a notch
and to be more serious with what we're trying to do.
And so we sort of like step back on the fun part
and we hire or introduce more developers in our team,
more moderators into our team at a point where,
I guess right now the operation at Gecko is pretty boring,
but like a traditional company in a way
where we have different teams of people
and on Monday morning, they would sort of have a meeting,
hop on a quick call with different managers.
And then after that, the managers with the core team members,
we would hop on another call
and to update us about different situations.
It's a pretty boring task,
and we all have our own sort of like objectives
and key results that we have to do.
The dev team, they have their thing to do,
like the launch pad and the staking, the aggregated swaps.
We actually also thinking about building our own game hub
and the subnet is a pretty good idea too
and the dev teams were diff dabbing on it
because again, we're trying to build our game
so it's necessary to have something like that.
And also the NFT collection, you know?
And so yeah, we, I guess at this point right now,
Gecko is more heading towards the utility side
and being more serious with our products.
Rather, but we still have fun from time to time on Twitter,
we always post memes and on Telegram,
you know, specific channels, right?
They also have their funding there with the moderators.
But yeah, yeah, the way that we balance it is,
we just have different teams, build different things,
focus on different aspects of the project, you know?
So I guess we are synergizing pretty good in that matter.
Yeah, it's kind of crazy seeing just
the longer term transition from first starting
as like a meme or culture project
and then growing into something completely new
as the value of the project goes up
and aspirations can technically grow.
Like, oh no, I'm sorry for cutting you up, go ahead.
No, go on, sorry.
No, yeah, I mean, it was funny you said that
because initially when I joined the space,
I was just joining the space to get the heck out of 905,
right, I don't wanna do that anymore.
And then, joining the team of Gecko,
you knew in a month later,
I'm now, I was wide awake at 9 a.m.
Hoping on to a call, updating about the community
and then another calling in the afternoon.
So that was pretty stressful.
But again, everything is for the community
and at least we're building something real
and we're staying here for the long term.
So it's with, I guess, trade off, I guess.
That makes sense.
I guess transitioning this question to the COC team
because I think you guys have balanced as well
with having a lot of fun,
whether it be COC treasure hunts in New York,
as well as a COCnet, a COCbot
and kind of making like a product suite
revolving around COC.
Do you mind kind of expanding on this question
with how you guys have done it?
Yeah, absolutely.
So, I mean, we are a community slash mean coin
first and foremost, that's what we are, okay?
We see everybody as part of the ecosystem.
We don't own it.
It's not ours, it's everybody's.
We just run the socials.
The fair launch put us in the same point of entry
as everybody else.
With that in mind, we don't believe in roadmaps.
Generally speaking, roadmaps lead to over-promising,
under-delivering, disappointment,
regulatory concerns and all manner of other things.
That doesn't mean, however,
that we're not working tirelessly in the background.
Obviously, we're working with Stephen and Johnny
over at GoGo pull towards a subnet.
The COCnet will obviously be something
that we're going to encourage people to build upon.
But the reality is that we're fortunate
to have a phenomenal community
that just keeps building out the ecosystem.
So much of what we have has been built
by our community members.
There are things, obviously, that said,
we don't run it, but Wojak and I,
we sure do spend a lot of time in meetings.
We do spend an awful lot of time building partnerships,
working with other teams, devs, communities,
trying to find ways to build synergy,
help develop the entire ecosystem on top of Avalanche.
And I think that's really important.
So the answer is we don't have a white paper.
We don't have a roadmap.
Our technical abilities are coming through partnerships,
through phenomenal community members.
And I think that way we can try to avoid over-promising,
like I said, and we really just wanna see this thrive
and for us to just get to enjoy it with everybody else.
And that's critical to us.
Yeah, I guess, no chill team.
I think you guys might have a unique perspective
on this one, just kind of birthing from the arena.
And then kind of now, I mean,
I think you were the first like tipping coin
within the arena as well.
And so it kind of came from almost something
with a little bit of a roadmap or tech behind it.
And so maybe you could offer your experience here.
So for us, when we started this meme,
we had no idea that we would become a tipping currency
in the arena.
That was something that was a surprise to us, actually.
One day we wake up, we look at the notifications
and all of a sudden the arena's added us
as a tipping currency.
So that was, I mean, it was fantastic.
But when we started the meme,
we front loaded a lot of the work.
We said, we need this to be fun.
We need this to remain fun.
So we don't wanna be working all the time.
This is supposed to be something we enjoy.
We should just be just, like Gribley said,
just the guys behind the socials
and perhaps sitting in meetings
trying to help grow the pie a little bit, right?
So we front loaded a lot of stuff.
We looked at, how do we launch the meme?
Let's build out the website,
let's get everything ready and sorted.
And we also have planned out phase two.
We had a really good idea
of what we wanted to pivot the meme to
because we knew that the first phase of this meme
only really apply to the people in the arena
or people that had been in the arena.
So, we already had kind of plans in place for that.
We knew that before we launched this project
that we would want an NFT collection
and we would want that to be built
within the first couple of weeks of our launch
so that we could have it ready
and available for use later.
So a lot of that was kind of taken care of
before the arena at us as a tipping currency.
Once they adders as a tipping currency,
then that kind of changed the game for us.
We started thinking about, okay,
well, how do we make this more fun?
How do we make it more interactive?
People are tipping each other within the arena.
What can we do?
And one day I just got behind my keyboard.
I got to lay down, go.
One day I just got behind my keyboard
and I started writing code.
I trained that kid how to do it.
Oh, Ty, I think your microphone's on.
Go on, if I can help you.
So yeah, like, anyway,
well, one day I was just,
it was like nine o'clock at night
and I sat down on my keyboard and I was like,
there's got to be something I can build over here.
And then I just stared at the screen for a little bit
and I said, what if?
And that what if ended up becoming the hottest thing
that one of the hottest things that came out
of the No Chill project, which was the exchange.
I spent like six hours that night
building out a little thing
that would take tips using Avax.
Go use that Avax, purchase the token on Trader Joe
and ship that token back to the user
so that the user would never have to leave
the arena interface.
And I mean, it was an instant hit.
I mean, the moment we launched,
like it was a rough launch
because I hadn't figured out everything
when I put this thing together.
So, there was a couple of like mis-transactions
but luckily I had the blockchain history
to see like, who tipped and didn't get their tokens.
So, there's a little bit of a kind of audit
that I went through after the fact
to make sure everybody got their tokens,
but instant hit.
It lit up the timeline.
Everybody was talking about it in the arena.
And then next thing you know, 24 hours later,
the great folks at Cock and New had cloned the system.
So, it was amazing.
And that also led to kind of an additional thing
that actually got a lot more attention,
which was, you know, we had this NFT collection.
It had kind of stalled out at minting
about like 10, 15% of the way through.
So, I took that same code,
made a couple changes to it
and it became a tip to mint an NFT bot.
You could mint our collection
by tipping it a certain amount of Avax
and it would deliver it straight to your arena wallet.
And if you had exported your private key
for your arena wallet,
you could go and move that NFT around as you like.
Or if you hadn't, you could just go see it
on Joe pegs on hyperspace
because we had the notifications
flowing within the arena as well.
So, you know, we had some code
and some programming there
that we were able to build
to make it a lot more fun
for the users within the arena.
So they wouldn't have to leave the ecosystem
to go and interact with these services.
And, you know, we've frontloaded a lot of that early on.
And then after tipping,
we also kind of frontloaded these kinds of changes.
Since then, it's been a lot
of what Ghibli was mentioning, right?
A lot of memes, a lot of kind of sitting in meetings,
talking to people,
trying to find synergies with different projects.
So it's now, you know,
now we just stay, stay memeing.
That's what we do.
Every other day, you know, me, Chopper, Wonka,
we've fought each other
and that keeps us motivated for the next day.
So it's a lot of fun.
It's a lot of fun in the team channels.
It's a lot of fun in the community channels.
And, you know, obviously within the arena as well,
it's just a lot of,
it feels like it's bigger than us,
is I guess what I'm trying to get to.
Yeah, I mean, I think that's the thing
about culture coins in general,
it feels so connected and unified to the community.
It's very rare that a project builds within the space,
just because the space is so highly technical
and get so exposed to their holders,
their user base, that sort of thing,
and kind of joking around and having fun with them.
And so it kind of brings out a new dynamic.
Within token holders in this sense of community.
I guess, XL, you have anything
that you wanted to add to this one?
And we're gonna, I think, cut it off after this
and open it up to the audience for questions.
Yeah, just real quick, like, just even in my intro,
I mean, all these guys up here,
this is exactly the sentiment I was talking about.
Like everybody up here is a builder.
It's not just, we're gonna launch a coin
and then that's it, community's gonna have fun with it.
The community's gonna have fun with it,
but all of these guys up here,
nobody's working for any pay or their bags
or things like that.
They're working tirelessly so they can have something
to share with the community and grow the pie.
And that's the same thing with Space and I.
We're Avalanche OGs, like,
I feel like we have a trustworthy name
within the community that we built.
And people know that, yeah, we're gonna have fun.
We're gonna, you know, do cock jokes and tech jokes
and Kimbo jokes and whatever and meme.
But they also know that, hey, these guys are the real deal
and they're gonna show up
and build something for us to enjoy.
So, like, hats off to everybody else that's up here
because, you know, you guys are kind of paving the way
for newer tokens and newer opportunities
to come up in the future.
So, you guys are laying the groundwork
and we hope that we're part of that too.
Yeah, and I want to add, I totally agree with you, man.
Thank you for saying that.
And I want to add that I want to give a big shout out
to AVAX, AVA Labs and everybody who's involved
on the top of AVAX as well,
because what you are doing
and combining projects together in spaces,
setting up like stakings with Trader Joe,
what you recently launched,
it's for the greater goods of the whole ecosystem again.
And I really appreciate that you are trying to find a way
where you can combine also the communities together
and get involved in the communities
so that it's for everybody's best interests.
So, really appreciate it.
Amazing, amazing.
Wow, so many new things to learn, great conversation,
and it's cool just to see the synergy
of how each team has a different perspective
on approaching building these communities,
but there's a lot of similarities.
There's a lot of similarities around what builders care about
and how they've welcomed folks into the community,
but also really trying to do something
to grow the avalanche pie, which is really awesome.
So, what we're going to do now
is we're actually kind of over time,
but we'd love to stay on for a few minutes.
We're going to probably pull up a few folks to ask questions.
We want to keep the conversation towards questions
for the people that are up here
or kind of in general around some of the insight
that they've shared in response to some of their ideas
around community building and developing the next phase
of these community coins.
I know there's plenty, plenty of other coins
and tokens out there that people would love
to come up and show, but we want to keep the space here
focused and honor the time of our guests here.
So, we're going to cut it off if it gets too chilly,
and so we're going to call some folks up,
but I'm going to try to call some people up
that have been requesting up since the beginning.
So, yeah, let's call a few people up,
and while we're doing that,
I'm going to just remind everybody about a few things.
So, today's announcement,
the Avalanche Foundation launched Meme Coin Rush,
which is a liquidity mining incentive program,
starting off with rewards that are allocated
to Staycut and Trader Joe for different ways
that users can provide liquidity for these tokens
so that increases how liquid they are
and lowering the slippage and making the trading easier
and a lot of that stuff.
So, as well as the Culture Catalyst Fund,
which has allocated funds towards supporting these as well,
all done by the foundation too.
So, there's also a little bit of clarity there
that Avalanche didn't have anything to do
with any of those decisions made on any of those tokens
or allocation of funds, it's all done by the foundation.
So, wanted to make sure that everybody knew
kind of the distinction there.
So, let's get into it.
I'll call a couple people up
while the first person is asking questions.
So, Vibes, you are up first.
Hello, thank you very much indeed for having me up.
Such wonderful projects on the stage.
I really admire everything that you've been doing.
I have a question for you.
What have you found compared to other chains,
the advantage of being on Avax?
Yeah, I guess I'll turn this over to the participants
to this space because you guys can answer it best.
Yeah, we'll also just have one or two people
kind of jump in for some of these answers.
I know everybody probably has a great answer to that,
but in order to keep moving,
we'll see if we can get one or two people to chime in.
Yeah, I think from our perspective,
the difference in the chain
is just the culture within the community.
Like I was just saying, everyone here is kind of builders.
It's a little bit more mature.
I like to characterize it as conservative degens.
Everybody wants to make sure things are on the up and up,
but if you show up every day and you put the time in,
people are gonna rally behind that here
because they see value in that, which makes sense.
And I think just the second prong to that is,
yeah, AvaLabs, they cover so many different verticals.
I think someone earlier said,
you're not going to get that kind of treatment
on an Ethereum or a Solano or another chain.
Nothing wrong with their approach to doing that,
but AvaLabs is very structured.
They run many different verticals and they do it well.
The people there really care about their job.
And I think when you have a conversation
with someone from AvaLabs,
it really makes you want to set your game up.
And that just kind of trickles down
to all of the end users and our friends
that are on the chain.
Thank you very much.
Sorry, I'm going to chime in right now.
This is Jayden from Gecko.
Thank you so much for the questions, Fives.
Yeah, I just want to chime in real quick here
that I think the reason why we built on AvaLabs
and why we love AvaLabs so much
is there's no place like AvaLabs.
I mean, if you look at it,
AvaLabs is probably the earliest chain
that show public support for MemeCoins
and they officially recognized that MemeCoins
are part of the chain.
And it's a culture that we can never miss
and it's important to community.
So that's one.
And the second thing is in terms of the potential for AvaX,
I think AvaLabs has a massive potential
and we're still sleeping right now
and we haven't even exploded yet,
even though we two acts from 30 couple months ago.
So the reason why I said that is,
again, I'm very new in this space
and my advice when I got to this space
from some of the more experienced or veteran investors,
they said like, hey, do not invest
in like all coins, layer ones, 2017, 2020.
They outdated, invest in a newer ones.
But if you look at, ever since,
I'm not gonna say which layer ones,
but in 2023, we got a few layer ones that were launched
and it seems like they are not attracting the attention
that they want to attract
and the chains, they're not that developed.
They're not established.
They're not like Avalanche and not the OG layer ones.
They are the ecosystems not established.
They don't have as much D apps.
They don't have the loyalty that we have here in AvaX.
Because all of the supporters with AvaX,
we're OG, we're survivors for the past bear run.
So we know exactly what makes a chain great.
So the support and the loyalty is just out of this world.
And yeah, again, like we're seeing it right now in play,
you know, AvaX Solana, we probably wanna say to OG chains
that we've never thought it going to perform well
compared to the newer ones, but here we are.
You know, we're on top of the world
and I think we can even move further from that.
Awesome, yeah.
And yeah, thanks Fives for coming up.
Appreciate you and yeah, definitely good
to hear the different perspectives of what they built.
We're gonna go back over to the creator.
You're up next.
Unknown, the creator, come off mute.
I think you're up next.
All right, we're gonna go to the next person then
while we wait for that to work.
Eric, what's going on, man?
How are you?
Guys, thank you so much for bringing me up.
Such a fascinating conversation.
I really love this.
You know, like you mentioned different verticals
within Avalanche.
I'm in the D5 vertical, but like when we launched
back in September, it's like we had a sub,
like we have a DEX basically multi-asset thing
and on Fuji test net, we had like S&P 500,
like kind of serious thing, right?
We have 500 tokens in a single pool
and like we wanted to launch something like that
on mainnet, but like honestly,
there's just not that many blue chip tokens
for us to launch.
So we launched with 10 tokens.
We could have done 500, but we launched 10.
So like how this ties into with you guys
when the arena came out, I was like,
holy shit, these tickets are so cool.
Like now we have like thousands,
tens of thousands of tickets.
Like we could put all of these into a single pool
and create like massive markets on these things
and create indexes for different communities
and like, oh, if you're an artist,
you can buy the artist's coin
and you know, which has all the top artists in there.
And I started looking into how we can do that.
And then, you know, what happened to arena 1.0.
So we didn't follow through with that,
but like the challenge for me is just finding tokens
to put into our protocol.
So now with all the excitement about meme coins
and all these teams, like I'm in very regular communication
with Matt and the DeFi team.
So he just kind of introduced me
to all of the teams on this call.
And I'm very excited to think about how we can work together
because now we have a source of good tokens.
It's not like the serious blue chip,
but it's more like community stuff.
So like, you know, one thing I'm excited about
is like creating like community pools, for example.
So like we can have hundreds or thousands of tokens
in a community pool.
So I'd like love to talk to you guys
about how we can do that.
You know, and like why a pool versus like a two token pool,
like other kinds of DEXs, you know, you have two tokens.
So you have to provide liquidity one side
and then your token on the other side,
but that fragments things.
So like if you've, these five teams came together
and created like a five token pool,
all that liquidity gets shared.
So now, you know, trading becomes better.
So like, I'm very interested to explore, you know,
synergies with all of you about how we can improve,
you know, the other vertical.
Like these things are kind of overlapping.
Like how do you create better markets
for these kinds of community stuff?
So I just wanted to come in and say like, you know,
awesome hearing from you guys.
Like I want to learn more, you know, like Excel baller.
Like I follow you on Twitter.
It's great to hear your voice, you know, it's pretty cool.
And yeah, looking forward to finding ways
to kind of move things together,
just not only from community perspective,
but also how do you get the financial services working?
So community plus financial services,
just like a win-win kind of thing.
So no real question there to saying hi.
Yeah, thanks for coming up.
For those of you that are interested
in some of the stuff that Eric's talking about
or some of the research and stuff he's done
and what he's building with Cavalry,
you see his name up here and shoot him a DM and connect.
I'd love to love to see the projects
work across these verticals and see what can be built.
So thanks for coming up.
All right, we're going to add secret smoothies up first,
but just want to see if the creator is there
if you come off audio or on mute.
All right.
Man, it doesn't seem like the creator wants to create.
All good.
All good.
We'll go to the next one.
All right.
Secrets, I think you're up.
What's up?
Do you have a question?
Cool, we're going to go to the next one.
All right, Capricorn, I'm going to add you up here.
Sorry, there's a lot of people that are dropping up
and down this like request list.
So I'm trying to get to the ones
that I feel like were up early.
Capricorn, what's going on?
Oh, hey, good evening.
I appreciate you bringing me up.
Super excited for this whole entire endeavor.
Really appreciate you having the space
and bringing all these different projects onto one stage.
And we kind of get the vibe
that they're all going to work together
versus against each other.
I mean, we're just going to try
and raise this whole entire community up.
So, really appreciate you doing that.
I had a question or not really a question,
but just kind of want to raise a concern
like as far as the DeFi rewards programs
that are going to be going on with the main coins.
It seems like I'm a newbie retail investor.
I mean, I've been here two and a half years,
but I'm just now getting to the point
where I'm trying to secure my assets.
So it seems like the DeFi rewards,
they encourage you to put all of your assets into one wallet.
And I know you're coming to the end of the space.
I don't expect you to get into it right now,
but I think it'd be really cool to have a space
on like wallet security, on good practices,
like what you should do
as far as how you want to pursue this endeavor.
I see Gribley's got his hands up.
I know he's an expert on this.
Yeah, I mean-
Matt, I think Gribley actually popped his hand up too.
Maybe he's got a good thing
you want to chime in on there too.
Yeah, I'll let Gribley go first
and then I can follow it up.
Yeah, I mean, great question, Cap.
I mean, obviously after the announcement,
the first thing I saw was lots of people saying that.
I mean, these community coins have allowed a lot of people
to gain more wealth than they typically had in their wallets.
And obviously they have some concerns over security,
rightly so.
So I did have a quick chat,
certainly with the Trader Joe guys earlier.
These are audited contracts that they have been using
for other things in their ecosystem.
And as a result,
I would hope that there's security there.
Now, when you start talking about wallet security,
we often speak about it on the various spaces
that we take part in,
but it's definitely something
that I'd be happy to get engaged with, Matt.
If that's something that we wanted to do as Ava Labs
to build some kind of round table
to discuss just good security practices.
And that's not just wallet security,
that's operational security.
That's keeping your identity safe.
That's making sure that you've got everything in play,
because it's not just a wallet that is a risk.
So I'd be more than happy to jump in and take part in that.
I mean, I think most people know
that I am a cybersecurity professional.
That doesn't mean I'm flawless
by any stretch of the imagination,
but I'm more than happy to get engaged
in those kinds of discussions and work those through.
Yeah, I think regarding just like DeFi best practices,
the Ketera, there's a lot of good YouTube videos,
content, et cetera.
But for the most part,
I always recommend using a hardware wallet,
diversifying risk away, that sort of thing,
making sure you don't have all of your funds
in a singular protocol.
Sorry, my voice just cracked.
And just really ensuring diversification.
I'd say that's almost everything in life,
but especially true when you're using different blockchains.
And I would say that,
if you find that all of the steps
that are a bit too vigorous to take,
because again, you are a bit new in DeFi,
I would recommend you to just buy Gecko
and just hold and stake.
And I guess that's the safest way to do it.
Yep, just my two cents on that.
I just wanted to say real quick,
I think Matt, the reason why your voice cracked
is because you were trying to say
not to put all your assets into one wallet
and diversify it at the same time,
which is kind of like the opposite
of what is going on with the rewards program.
That's why I chimed in and brought it up.
Makes me a little sketch
to put everything into one wallet.
And if I'm gonna do it,
I wanna do it the best way possible.
So that's the only reason I brought it up.
Yeah, I mean, if it's about just having a singular wallet,
you could always have multiple wallets,
multiple hardware wallets, that sort of thing.
One for each DeFi protocol, one for each asset.
I've heard of people
with 10 different hardware wallets, for instance.
And so it's really up to the one zone piece of mind.
As far as the Trader Joe protocol rewards,
it requires you to have everything into one wallet.
Is that not correct?
Or did I totally misread that?
There's gonna be multiple protocols involved
and hopefully multiple phases as well for Meme Coin Rush.
And so it should allow you
to diversify away some of your risks.
I think I can answer that question too.
I think you were asking about if you wanted to stake in,
let's say, the Gecko AVEX pool on Trader Joe, right?
Which you should be.
If you wanna stake in that pool,
should you be using one wallet
and put all the asset in that one wallet?
Or can you have like two or three wallets, right?
Is that the correct?
Well, specifically what I was referring to
is the single-sided staking on Trader Joe.
In order to maximize rewards,
you need to have all of the tokens
that are on the reward list in one single wallet,
unless I was totally misreading it.
Yeah, that's something.
Yeah, I'm not sure.
Yeah, I'm not sure if that's actually a good way.
I don't know if you know the exact answer to that,
but I definitely wanna leave it out
because they haven't even launched it yet,
so I wanna leave it up to them to answer that.
I'm sure, though, Gribley, you might know.
Yeah, I mean, the answer is
you're actually gonna be putting into their contract.
So it won't actually all be in your wallet.
You could do it in multiple steps
so you wouldn't have to put it in one place,
but that is going to be tied to that one wallet address.
It's a good, genuine concern, Cap,
and I would say to be cautious, always.
Always think, always take your time.
Whenever you think you need to rush on something in crypto,
it's a good idea to take a step back,
have a think about it.
And we can certainly have a chat about this,
maybe on the podcast later or whatever,
but I think you're absolutely right.
In order to benefit from the multipliers
that they've described,
you would need to be staking from the same wallet.
Obviously, you're putting the tokens into their contract,
which is also a trust element there as well.
So yeah, it's a perfectly valid question.
And as I said, I spoke to the guys at TJ earlier,
pretty confident in their ability
to make sure that their side's secure.
Obviously, everything's always,
there's always a risk, but pretty confident there.
And yeah, I would just be cautious.
Don't throw your entire worth in there
and maybe transfer to a fresh wallet to stake from
so that you're not doing it from your cold or hardware wallet,
maybe use a hot wallet or something,
something unique and different for it.
It's been amazing.
Actually, yeah, thanks, Cap.
I really appreciate that too.
And I think this is probably a good,
separate conversation that we should spin up our spaces on.
And since there's so many maybe new folks coming
to either the Avalanche Equestis system
or to crypto in general,
there's probably a lot of things
that some of the people that have been around
for a long time can share around some of these tips
and ways to kind of navigate these things
because it can be complicated.
And also we'll make sure we're trying to do a better job
of really trying to explain how each of the things work.
And I know Trader Joe's gonna be releasing more info
on their single-sided staking for these coins
that I believe might be launching next week.
So probably more info to come there.
We're gonna also have to wrap it up here
because we have to be off in the next three minutes
to hop to something else.
But yeah, I just wanted to thank everybody
for coming in here.
I know we could be talking about this stuff
for hours and hours and hours.
And there's so many actually other really awesome spaces
that are happening even outside our kind
of official account.
We just wanted to do something here
where we could try to introduce each of these projects
to a wider swath of people through our reach.
But I think there's lots of other kind of more targeted
community-focused conversations.
I know our community of Avax channels
can be spinning up a bunch.
So I wanted to give all of our guests the opportunity
for a quick like 30-second final thoughts
where people can find you channels.
They should hop in to join your community,
those kinds of things.
And we will be hosting more space.
I know there's a lot of questions on people
that wanted to come up with questions and apologies.
We couldn't get to everyone,
but yeah, there was a lot of great stuff today.
So for those of the special guests that have been here,
I wanted to give each an opportunity
to do a quick final thoughts.
Chopper, why don't we start with you?
Hey, thanks.
Thanks for having us on.
The No Chill team really appreciates it.
Our official handle is actually up in the space.
It's No Chill Avax.
Feel free to hop in our Telegram channel
if you wanna say hi or have any questions for us.
We'd be happy to answer.
All right.
Pith, you wanna go?
Yeah, the ticker is no chill.
As Chopper said,
you can find the username and follow us
and get all access to our socials.
And if I had to leave with one parting message,
it's buy bro, buy.
Buy the fricking token.
Thanks for coming on in.
Appreciate you sharing some info.
Again, thank you so much guys
for organizing this space.
It's such crazy
that we see the unite of the people in here.
And again, we're at Gecko Inu Avax.
That's our handle.
Again, follow us on our socials.
If you want, you can hop in our Telegram.
The water's warm.
You know, if we're not gonna bite, we only Gecko.
And yeah, our towing ticker is Gecko.
So check us out, man.
Big things are coming.
Yeah, appreciate you coming through
and introducing your project to more folks.
And we're gonna go to Kimbo, Ruben.
I think Ty had to drop off,
but Ruben, any final thoughts?
Yeah, I want to thank everybody as well.
The ticker is Kimbo.
And I want to give identifies for everybody
that Monday we do our mint for the Kimbros NFT.
So make sure that you are buying the Kimbros NFT.
It's good for the token and you have a great BFP.
So thank you all again.
Awesome, yeah, thanks for coming through.
And yeah, we're gonna go to Excel
if you wanna give us your final thoughts.
Yeah, sure.
This is Excel.
This is number go up tech.
Our ticker is tech.
Our DMs are open if you wanna talk or have any questions.
Telegram is open.
We're available right now on Trader Joe
and Enclave markets.
And one last thing I wanna say for the gang is meow.
Yeah, get that in there.
I'm sure a lot of people appreciate that too.
We're gonna wrap things up with Gribley.
Final words.
And I just wanna say thanks to everybody,
to yourselves at Avelabs for organizing this,
to the other panel members,
to all of you fantastic people down in the audience
listening to us and taking part
and helping us to build something phenomenal on Avalanche.
You know, with regards to us,
you can find us at Cocking You Avax.
Please, I just wanna say this, everyone be careful.
There are so many scams out there right now.
When you see a post, double check
that it is who you think it is.
Make sure you're following each of these tokens
so that you can validate that those posts
that induce FOMO are actually from us.
Generally, we're not going to try
to induce FOMO in that way,
but please just double check everything.
You can find us,
Our website has the rest of our socials,
details of our ecosystem,
all the fantastic people building.
But first and foremost, thanks to everybody.
Appreciate you all.
Yeah, thank you.
And I'm glad we wrapped up with that message
because I think it's an important message for everybody.
As the euphoria and the hype takes over,
there's always ways to keep yourself safe
and to verify as much as you can.
So, appreciate everybody coming through.
Matt, as always, thanks for leading the way here.
We're going to be doing more of this.
We're going to get the community together
on different spaces.
And this is just the beginning.
So, yeah, hope everybody's having a good week.
I'll tell you right now that I'm here at GDC
and Avax is the talk of the town.
GamingOnAvax took over this whole thing.
So, I'm sure you've seen a lot of the content on social.
But yeah, good times ahead
and we appreciate all of our guests for coming through.
And yeah, go join one of these communities,
get to know some of these great folks
and we'll keep building together.
So, we're going to wrap it up there.
See you all next time.