Sorry that the previous space that was created had to end.
We needed to, like, transfer moderators.
I logged in with my personal account that some of you would have seen earlier on.
So I had to, like, log in with this account first.
Hey, Rudy. Can you hear me?
We just had some technical issues on my side.
So sorry for the hang-up.
Hello, hello, hello. Can you hear me?
Yes, George. I can hear you.
Can you hear me? Is my mic okay?
Say it again. I can hear you clearly.
Hopefully, my connection is okay, too.
Yeah, yeah, yo. I'm getting, like, the same breakup I had with Rudy from you as well.
I just want to make sure that it's not from my own end.
If anyone else can hear them well.
I think that the emoji reaction is that their voices are clear, so...
Yeah, my guy's actually saying...
My guy's on the chat saying they can hear you quite well, so all good.
Yes, yes, you are audible.
Okay, yeah, they're giving thumbs up.
Then it must be from my own end as well.
I just hope that you guys are able to clearly hear me.
Thank you very much for the feedback there.
Welcome, guys, to this Twitter space hosted by Gnosis.
The topic today is Delphi, which is decentralized finance, building, community, and promotion.
I know we've wasted time because of, you know, trying to figure out the technologies of Twitter space,
but let me know, George, if we should just go ahead and start,
or we should give our, say, two minutes to see if other individuals will be able to join.
Let me post just one more notification on Twitter and Telegram,
and I think we can get started, like, in 60 seconds.
Yeah, I think more people are joining the call right now,
but I think we just have to start and then have other people join us.
We are, you know, on the call, because we have, like, the preliminary things to go over
before we actually dive into the main conversation.
Mate, just one thing, like, if I'm clicking the old link, like, the previous recording we just had,
like, a couple of minutes ago, it gives me already pre-recorded version.
Can you send me in DM on Telegram, like, the current Twitter space link,
so I will paste it on all socials.
Let me do that immediately.
Testing, one, two, I'm audible.
Yes, Rudy, you're very audible.
So, George, I've shared the new link with you on Telegram.
Yeah, I got it already shared in the community, and I will share it on Twitter just in a sec.
And I think we can slowly by slowly get started with all the introductions, blah, blah, all right?
Yeah, yeah, you're audible, Rudy.
Oh, that's awesome to hear.
Yeah, we're just going to give a moment for everyone to join in, and then we can kick it off.
What's what's going on your side Mario are you are you good to go
Yes I was just making sure that I send out the new link for everyone who is here please
who had minor technological challenges the earlier on with the spaces that were set so
we had to end it to switch accounts so right now there's a new link to this current Twitter space
that we are in kindly please click on the share button and share with your individuals you know
who wanted or indicated interest in joining the space I'll as well like encourage everybody
here on the space currently to tweet about this space you could include hashtag howasthou
and hashtag no sees and then include the link to this Twitter space in your Twitter as well
let your followers know about this Twitter space and you could tell them to come join our space
now we are about to start in earnest thank you
super excited for this so far thank you everyone for taking the time to tuning in our discussion I'm looking really forward to to having a deep conversation on the above topic
so I've added the link to the dropbox here in the chat so like everyone could see it right in this Twitter space so without further ado let us start welcome to the
no sees our Twitter no sees x how is that
no I think I think I think we just lost them there for a moment
well Rudy it's you and me like good to have you I think we just have to fill the space for some time so
yo Mario Mario you're um he's back he's back he's back
you're cutting out there but mate
it's time closer to the router
you guys you guys didn't get what you guys didn't get what I said
no you cut out importantly
oh my god I'm so sorry so I invited everyone I thanked everyone for being in this space today
and this space is hosted by Gnosis
Gnosis is a data visualization all in one data visualization platform
that helps you with this demo account to track your digital assets your physical assets your stock
on any other set that you can think of
and then we'll have Gnosis fund as well for hedge fund managers
that helps them um keep a better relationship with their managing their funds
and uh with us on the call today is George from Georgia
the community money the community manager um for hours down
and he'll be uh introducing himself properly and as well his community
yo man it's actually quite late in my country
but I'm still really honored uh to have you guys with me today
so thank you for invitation
I'll just quickly remind you guys
so this is our part number two
so we already had like educational series with Mari
so today we'll tune in uh with DeFi topic
really excited to be here
and for those who don't know what's how it's down
I'll tell you like in 20 seconds
so basically we are building a web3 bank
and we want to start with their application
and our target as for now are India, African countries, Indonesia
well just to give you an idea
so basically I call myself like a community father
so I'm taking care of my guys
educating them and giving away some rewards
so today is a really educational series
hopefully by the end of this Twitter space
some of you will learn something new
and I will go to sleep with a happy smile
thanks for being here George
thank you so much as well
with me here is also Rudy
our head of marketing from Gnosis
and he's also the social media manager
for Gnosis and Informatics account
so all content in regards to graphics
that you see on our different social media platform
for being on the call today with us
I will just quickly go on and introduce the topic
that we are about to discuss today
before we then dive into our discussion
because I know George has a lot to tell us about
you know building a project
for new people who are joining the space now
who are not familiar with the term Delphi
when I was new into the space
George before I continue guys
today is like an emerging financial technology
that are similar to the one used in cryptocurrency
in a way to understand it
our normal financial institutions
for these financial institutions
will keep our money in the bank
by different financial commissions
laid down financial rules
all financial institutions
centralized financial institutions
enthusiasm and everything
getting people who really
product first or building
building some utility and
guys like you rudy george
you have to have fun along
like depressed using your
technology your technology
sucks right so at the end
have to smile they have to
your technology has to be
like howx informatics you
future if you're building
like gains uh well f word
your utility is closing to
yourself so get ready for
believe we are gonna make
it but it just like right
market the good guys they
thank you very much i will
know like such an amazing
from george you know like
george has really like he
he he's on top of his game
in keeping a committed like
fun and like he has this you
know chat about um you know
champions league and like uh
have a lot of things he's
individuals who are on the
call today now you're not
community uh this is a very
good sign for you to join
tonight because george is
really killing it in in the
it's like it's really fun i
know like with informatics
as well we you know we try
to keep things from have like
friday morning where we like
we you know talk about what
know take it back if there
then um we also like play
feature our questions from
trivia what trivia spots the
product you know and what
people who get or win this
quiz with like 50 dollars in
info token or stable coin as
case maybe and as well we
also like do you know we do
this uh mvp committee mvp
stuff where at the end of
every month if you are you
can either become an become
an mvp in our chat and you
get 50 dollars in and you
want that it's not it's not
actually like a it's not a
competition that you need you
participate in it's just been
active in the committee chat
messages and communicating and
all of that that's that's
basically just the metrics for
judging it and in the past
we've had so many so many
competitions we've hosted
like three gleam competitions
competitions and all of that
commitment to fund is one of
the ways to actually keep
the enthusiasm about the use
cases of the product and the
use cases of the project in
general and i think george is
clean it clean it like really
really clean it and if you're
in the space today how's that
community i urge you to do so
um you could you could get
the link from you could get
the link from the how how has
thou uh twitter twitter account
that is in the space right now
just go to the bio and you
sort yourself out so uh we are
coming to do we are gradually
coming towards the end of this
conversation guys as we aim that
keeping it 40 minutes but due to
the technological challenges we
had earlier on on the call
we've um i'm afraid we've had
like a bit of extension on that
time but uh judge uh if you
don't mind i would like to
know if uh as a community
manager of a defi product i want
to like get your general overview
of building an engaged community
and um you've given mostly
given you know most part of it
here in the chat and then i'll
take it over to rudy as well to
you know tell us how or talk
about how gnosis generally and
how he's been like trying to use
or his marketing expertise and
skills to draw people into gnosis
and you know polish on and
explain the use cases of gnosis and
how the user interface has helped
so um over to you judge yeah mate
thanks uh well actually about the
time matter like really i do have
maybe perhaps five to ten seven
minutes then i'm going to be a
parent not a community father
because i do have some social
activities to take care of but
answering your question like how
to build engaged communities you
see like i do have a different
approach from like especially my
boss so he believes you have to
like invest in content and then
spread the world around it i do
believe in humans i think we are
here in this world for a reason and
i really care about feedback i think
people in general want to be heard
that's why we can speak and can
hear so that's why i do at
how i do create contests where i
want to get that feedback so the
first case would be like the
regular voice chats so actually for
those who don't know i am doing like
a challenge to make 100 voice chats
in a row today i had the number 64
tomorrow is the number 65 and i'm
already thinking depressed when i'll
be finished like what's going to be
next but in general that's where i
have a monologue so people come to
hear and then they can chat like what
they're thinking about second one
when you leave like an open
question especially in crypto
community like people they do invest
in scam things and they want to know
whether they did right or bad so i
think that's what is missing so you
have to always ask your community hey
guys what's about this what do you
think of that do you think that
upgrade is necessary how do you like i
don't know our community twitter
whatsoever so the more questions the
better like community if you just give
them a chance to speak they will tell
you like how they did cook in the
morning at breakfast right so it just
comes once again to our nature that we
need to express our feelings and god
bless we have technology that helps us
to be in other parts of the world to
discuss such a topic so once again
building engaged community just stay
human beings and invest in content and
remember that scamming is really bad
all right thank you yeah thank you very
much george um rudy by the way if you
have any questions because we are
approaching the end of this twitter
space so if you have any question
please uh feel free to you know i'll
drop it in the comment section to the
tweet of this space i'll see it and i'll
like ask you and and i'll ask the
speakers sorry and if you don't want to
like type it out if you want to unmute
yourself and ask please gather your
thoughts i'm going to give opportunity
for that to happen immediately after
he gives us his general thoughts thank
awesome so just to add on to what george
said i think it's very important to
understand your customer understand your
they are what keeps the lights on at the
moment and without having them or
nurturing your relationship with them
um you you're jeopardizing your future
because without them there is kind of
no future so um firstly i put a lot of
value and the current clients and
yeah i'm sorry i can't really hear your
hello hello is it better yeah i think it's
yeah um okay cool just let me know if
you if i'm like uh disconnecting or
something but um just to in a nutshell i
just wanted to say i totally agree with
what george said um nurture your
community understand your customer um
they they they are with you for a
reason so um understand them deeper get
inside their minds and nourish your
um hey i think um george are you able
yes to be honest bro i think maru it's
on your end because i agree with rudy and
carry on with you sorry okay i'm gonna
just continue to finish up on that so
um uh there's a lot of projects going
around and it's very hard to um hold
someone's attention so um we've we've
been forced to be very creative things
outside of the box and as some of the
uh uh ideas george gave you need a
need a bit you really need to think
outside the box not just copy what other
projects do um otherwise you're going to
get left in the dirt um we create fun
trivia quizzes as mario mentioned on a
friday um it seems to engage with the
people even though people just come to
play the game that gives them an
opportunity to learn we do we can do
some promoting because in the end of
the day we're also just the business
trying to make money in the end so we do
need to share our word um but there's
more than one way to just shove it down
someone's throat um be creative um think
about what what matters to your clients and
your customers and your community and then
um you know ask them firstly as george
even said quizzes um all the stuff like
that it gets it gets you inside their
minds and that really puts you uh one
step ahead of competitors um so yeah
highly value your community and before
you just go spend um copious amounts of
money on advertising because that is not a
sustainable plan of marketing promotion or
whatever you want to call it um so yeah
that's my thoughts on on that topic
all right all right thank you very much
uh rudy for your thoughts yeah input to
this conversation uh thank you very much
george as well so now it's time for the
questions uh if you've got any question
please please uh send me an invite
send a mic request and i'll prove it and
then you have the floor to answer question
and um as we are as i'm waiting for
somebody to send the request for the
questions i will be you know uh telling
everybody to join how is that community
you could follow how is that our um twitter
handle right from this uh twitter space
and as well it's been an amazing you know
collaboration and partnership with how is
that this is not the first um partnership
that we've had with this amazing community
you know we've been part of um george's
um george's uh hundred chart streak
i can't remember i think we're the 40
42nd george yeah it was somewhere in
foolish yeah yeah somewhere in for and
now you're in 60 something right
true true tomorrow 65 wow that's that's
crazy actually that's honestly that's crazy
good job man uh take my handle for you
yeah that's that's really awesome that's
really awesome i can't wait for when you
guys to release your final product because
i mean like there's a lot of eager people
who are on ground to win and if you're
listening to the call today also uh tell
you that george also gives out like does a
lot of giveaway in his community and if
you're hoping to make some cool dollar by
participating in the community house that
is the place for you as well and also
reminding you that we also have like
community calls every friday morning in
informatics community chat and we give
our 50 dollars in info to any person who
wins our kahoot session and we don't ask
tough questions guys uh don't be
discouraged you could join you could join
you can join our community totally join our
community um and be part of this uh um
kahoot sessions on fridays and as well be
part of our community if you're here and
you hold multiple coins and nft
nosis has a future for you where you
could you know integrate your wallet into
nosis and by the way it's totally safe to
do that um you don't actually your wallet
can actually be accessed through the
platform but you have the opportunity of
visualizing everything that your wallet
holds on the nosis platform so it's a
very very cool amazing technology that i
think you should leverage and if you have
like a cool asset antique art your house
at home physical and you want to check the
price of that you can as well use nosis to
do that take a picture go to the nosis page
where you see like add assets take a picture
of it write a very good description and then
when you submit the asset it goes straight to
our informatics portal where data experts and
experts on whatever asset material that you've
sent in would evaluate it and like give out the
pricing or the what of that particular asset and
to be able to appear on your nosis dashboard once
they do that so it's very cute future um um cute future
that i'm expecting every one of us by the way i'm still
waiting for the questions guys um that every one of us in
the call here today needs to you know size using
especially if you are very big on nfts and digital
assets generally yeah um it's looking like we don't have
any questions i would like to end the space right
now because like it's been an hour guys and george
needs to go back to that duty that duties as well
so yeah yeah any final seconds yeah just seconds rudy sorry uh
really cool that we do collaborate during the crypto market if you think
about it for sex so we're still you see we see the light at the end of the
tunnel so for me just once again hope for human
beings on this world that despite all the challenges and
problems we're still here together and it doesn't matter where we guys
located and we're still here doing like the same well basically the same
stuff like building something huge and
carrying regular guys along the way so thank you for having us today
yeah awesome you you guys as well as us we are the pioneers and
our whole community is just here to walk
along with us and it's important to
um look after them as well so yeah i'll end up on that
thanks so much george for coming uh we really appreciate it and thank you
to each and everyone who took the time of their night
to sit here with us and even just listen i know none of you spoke but
just listening means a lot to us and we hope you guys got some new insights
into what was spoken about tonight
yeah thank thank you guys wonderful wonderful space wonderful
conversation i'm happy a lot of you joined sheldon
ruboy crypto edirashi i'm sorry if i don't get on them
that ninja thank you for being on the space mds thank you
skm thank you bye juben i see you uh
the other guy with crypto i see you as well kyle i see you um
ab he i see you if i didn't mention your name i see you guys
uh dave uh our top mod i see you uh alex uh i see you as well thank you guys for
being on the call today um please please uh follow our twitter
handle and watch out the space as well if you want to follow my personal
account is at mario dublon double underscore bruno
so sometimes like i tweet you know uh about opportunities hypnosis and like
the space generally uh especially for individuals who are new to the space so
you could follow me as well uh remember to follow you guys too
thank you guys have an amazing day good night
thank you everyone thank you so much until next time