DeFi Demystified #DeFiBreakDown on #ThisIsNotAShill Exploring Web3

Recorded: Feb. 16, 2024 Duration: 2:01:20



Dave is connecting. Good morning, everybody. Welcome to this is
Actually the D5 down addition of this is not a show
We've got meta rides joining us today
Along with smart finance and I've got a mute
My computer because I'm getting feedback. Gosh darn it. Okay. How are you doing? Dave? Welcome everybody. I
Love it. I love it. Never never not a hitch with us. No, no, it's fine. It's fine. I'm doing good
I'm glad this week is his end for me. He's a long work week, but it's over at least until Monday
Yep, that's that's the that's the truth
Hang on here so
I'm not yeah, I don't know if Twitter's gonna be hopefully Twitter's not gonna be giving us some grief today or X or whatever
We want to call it because I
Connected and it took quite a while
There it is, it wasn't letting me invite or or
Bring anybody up to the stage
yeah, so welcome to
Addition of this is not a show
We are here Monday Wednesday and Friday from 2 p.m. To 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Dave on Mondays, we kind of follow like a marketing a little bit of a marketing kind of
mindset and
Explore marketing and then won't you tell me a little bit about
Wednesdays right now Dave with Cynthia
Yeah, so since he is essentially hosting
The networking or the pre networking spaces for our community for NFT NYC
There's a zine which is in its second year of production
Which will have a load of artists and projects in it that's going to be handed out round NFT NYC
Crypto gains and polygon alliance are going to be in that for example as well as loads of other people that that you know
And it's tips and tricks because Cynthia went there last year and spent the the whole time figuring out
What was what how to effectively network where where you've got value essentially?
So yeah, that's now Wednesdays at least up until the run-up at least until NFT NYC at the end of April
So go along head along if you're going to NFT NYC and meet some people that are going to be there in the event
Nice nice. Yeah, I'm gonna try to listen to last week's record and did we record it on Wednesday then?
I'm I I think it was recorded. I actually
Wasn't around on Wednesday night, so I just threw my PFP
Support I didn't I didn't hear any of it
Okay, yeah, cuz I was gonna go back and listen to a little bit of it see how that went
It's you know I was I was talking to someone earlier this morning
About a month ago
We decided you know we needed to connect we needed to reconnect and kind of catch up with each other see wherever
You know where we were at and and in my mind
It was only like a week ago, but in reality when I went into the channel
It was a month ago, and I'm like oh my gosh, so now
months feel like
And yeah, it's the whole space-time continuum. I guess
just trying to get my head wrapped around the pace of things today because
As you know we're doing a bunch of stuff here. We're we're uh we're changing up our format
We're gonna be showcasing a couple projects every week on Fridays
And we're and and we're gonna kind of demystify defy
So really looking forward to this
You know what we've got going on here in the opportunities is
Josh having a hard time getting up here on the stage, and he wasn't it wasn't accepting my
It wasn't allowing my request to be accepted for some reason
Well, he's got some time so if you hear us there Josh
You should go ahead and you know maybe back out and come back in but we got some time because we got meta rides up here
That we're going to to be chatting with first
Anything else on your mind before we get get going with that there Dave
No, no, I'm excited to get meta rides and latest updates
I guess the only thing that you guys could do for us is
Retweet the room hit up a like drop a comment in the box and metarides are short on time
So we do want to have a bit of an open floor aspect in these but meta rides might have to bounce before
We get to that point
So if you've got any questions whilst we go through this chuck them in the comments box
And I'll make sure they get asked before before they leave
Sounds good, and if you do have questions
Rise be open anything that's open and be helpful
You've gone you've gone right
You've gone all robot metal you've gone you've gone all robot is your connection. Okay, how about
No, that's okay now. I think so
You know just this last few days I've been looking at
Really looking at the last year
Things I think that accomplished and I've really been focused on the timeline
Of that because like I was just saying I mean I went a month between you know
I'd messaged this one
Friend of mine this morning and said hey, let's catch up. Let's talk next week and in my mind
You know it's next week
So I like go in to hit them up and connect and it's actually been a month
And I'm just like oh my gosh, and that's really what this last year has been like this last year has been like a month
but I've been
Talking with her me
Now at least
We've connected and then we've connected a little more seriously get the breathe can bet
Gosh read what the feeders
Thank you you're cutting out again now, I don't know what's going on that yeah your connection is doesn't sound very solid right now
Let me see if I can turn
Dory oh my god
If we all disappear if we all disappear we will start up again
I'm gonna give you fair warning so just have a have a look on metals accounts if this ring just like
Goes away from Twitter
All right, how's this is it better?
Yes, yes, okay
Recap so met so her me at metarize, and I've been chatting things up for almost a good year now
We've had some really good connections and conversations
We we really made a strong connection at the breathe conference in Vegas back in April
Or was no that was was that April or September that was September that was September right does that sound right her me
Yeah, getting me into the purple love so
Her me say hi
Dave I was thinking for a while that you get we're gonna have to have some I can't hear you. Oh
Dave can you hear me? Oh, no, I can hear you
Now are you on your phone when you're on the or in you and you have left that one you want to fuck
I'm on my phone
Right. So what you need to do and you've got a minute to do this
So don't panic, but you need to close the Twitter app and come back and find us
On your profile and that should reset everything for everyone and then this spaces should work again, but
No, I have to do it regularly what normally happens because you've had a
Messed up in connection. So you work next to the Wi-Fi and it slipped off or something like that
That's normally the reason behind it, but you close Twitter down
You've got about a minute to come back in and if we all get lost we'll start again
Okay. Well, I'm gonna throw trust to the wind here. I'll be right back then
There's nothing like a tense moment when you do something like this
Always have a little bit of a panic and it'll be fine
It'll be fun. You should have told him Dave that he had 10 seconds and he would have really been freaking out
every yeah, but
God I was gonna say everybody in the space if we do somehow get rugged if metal is I mean for all we know
He's in the bathroom and that's why he's rugged. But I can hear you
Right, it works
I've always been afraid to leave in the middle of a show because I figured it was gonna dump the whole room
It can do it can do you know you play with fire but more often than not you get back
Okay, so but you were hearing me, right, honey
It but that's what I heard for about five minutes. Yeah. Okay, so I was just okay
Reset the reset so I was just commenting that you actually know we heard the last part
Breathe in April and August or September whatever. Yeah, we got down there. Okay. Yeah, so how's it going?
And then you said to say hi and I said hi and you couldn't hear me and then you had to bounce
And then now you're back and now we're good. So okay. We're up to speed. We're up. Things are good. Things are good
Um, I kind of want to do something different for a second
So I'm gonna promote Suno dot AI for those of you that have not heard about it
I'm sorry for the rabbit hole that you're gonna go down this weekend
But I'm gonna play something that's gonna take 45 seconds metal and then you can get into your questions. You good with that?
Yeah, that sounds good. That's the Suno dot AI and while you're listening to the track listen to the lyrics and retweet the space tags
and friends
That's AI. I can't, I can't even believe it. It's for
auto. Auto tune meets AI.
Yeah, that's that's crazy. Yeah, it is absolutely insane.
Yeah, I I just can't even believe it. I feel like the
initial there's going to be initial resistance with
musicians. I think that there's a way to utilize it like we can
use chat GPT on our daily. But it is it's pretty insane. I I
still am I don't know where we're headed, but I still feel
like there's going to be, you know, you resonate with a
musician. It makes you like the music more. There's a there's
like feeling behind the music, etc. I don't think that will
ever go away. But this is crazy that you could plug something in
like that. And that's what you get. So just wanted to do that.
But that's crazy.
So would you just type it out? request the type of music and
then you want to know my prompt. My prompt was male singer country
song about meta rides digital supercars take a virtual road
trip with no speed limits, visit a meta rides dealership
today, digital pedal to the digital metal. That's all I
wrote. Wow. And yeah, it's pretty crazy. So we can switch
gears now pun intended. Let's go.
Sounds good switching gears. So meta rides we so you've been on
the show. You've been on the show many, many times we've been
connected for quite a long time. We've met an IRL. We've got
selfies. We've, you know, been supporting each other. We've
been, you know, advisors for each other. And, and just as two
old dudes, we've just been kind of, you know, commiserating over
the state of the blockchain and defy and D gens in general. But
so just to kind of give a quick for those of you who aren't
familiar with meta rides, meta rides is a racing game. It is
live on Steam, you can play it, or maybe you still need a, an
alpha key. I don't know. I'll let you look kind of give that
update. But I've played the racing game, been in my garage,
looking at, you know, picking up one of the one of the garage
NFTs, I guess, or the anyway, so
on all fronts. Yeah. So the nice thing is what you're doing is
you're building to support, not just cross chain in defy, but
cross chain in metaverse. So you can build your cars, you can
own your cars, and you can use them in not just the meta rides
racing. What's the track, but you can also at some point, bring
those into other games.
Let me start from square one. And I will restate what James
said, hopefully with a little bit more excitement and depth.
But no, I listen, I go by her me in spaces, my regular personal
PFPs down below are our 1226 gaming PFPs down below, too. If
you don't follow that, then what are you doing? I but my real
name is Mike herm, located just south of Boston, Mass, CEO of
meta rides, which is soon to be no longer a meta rides LLC.
Because we are developing a C corp in either Wyoming or
Delaware. That is one final piece that we're putting
together today for investors. But we're a gaming and metaverse
brand that's creating interoperable vehicles and
environments to be used cross chain. So we're building an
ever growing network of virtual worlds. I think we're talking to
110 now. Our racing game is in beta. So you do need an alpha
key to get in. holders can have that alpha key for free. But if
you reach out and you want to get in the game to see it, we'll
hook you up. The meta rides radio platform plays web three
music in every car. And right now we are celebrating the fact
that you can currently drive the four by four inside income
island. That is a metaverse that exists today. You can go in and
drive around and we call it the drive and explore experience,
where you can drive the vehicle, see what we've been doing and
explore the island and see what they've been doing. So again, we
just close friends and family, we are heading into seed. And
it's crazy. I feel like these last two weeks, I've spent more
time on the phone with accountants and legal than ever.
Even with my out my other brand, everything baseball that I've
run for 24 years. I've never ever felt like I needed to build
something foundationally like I am with meta rides, we are
probably pun intended, gaining a lot of traction in investing
circles. And we feel very confident that at the end of Q1,
we're gonna have the funding that we need to build this
whole thing out. So, but it's it's crazy. I just I love what
we're building. You know, we're, we're starting to really,
really take on those foundational steps to build this
thing out correctly. Make sure that we have, you know, just
something as small, I mean, it's not small, but something as
small as finding the right accounting team to be able to
handle your, you know, monthly needs, and then your tax needs
at the end of the year, is just so critical, in my opinion, to
building out, you know, something that is sustainable,
and, you know, build in a way where you've got those pieces in
place, where investors will actually, you know, take that
second call. So, a lot of stuff happening for sure. And, you
know, I appreciate the kind words, James and I do go way
back. I would argue that he's the old guy in the space, I'm
just in the space. And the two of us are, you know, experienced
dudes that have been in business and marketing for a minute, and
it gives you it's nice to have somebody like James to be able
to call and say, Hey, what do you think about this? Or do you
know so and so or whatever, we often bounce those ideas off of
each other in a way that is a little bit different, I think,
than you know, what you get out of Twitter spaces. And that's, I
think that's important. So, but at any rate, I appreciate the
space. I appreciate the mic. And, you know, if you guys want to
fire away with questions, and try to put me in the hot seat, I
don't mind it. And then at least Josh will know what's coming up
so he can be prepared.
Yeah, I think we're gonna play it a little bit more casual.
I know what your game plan is, sir. I'm just messing with you.
But yeah, but you know what, as we launch this new format, I
can't I can't imagine having anyone else like, you know, other
than yourself, and even Joshua Smart Finance, you know, he and
I have been working together now for quite a long time. And it
really is kind of it's the culmination of a lot of blood,
sweat and tears. Because, you know, as as many project owners
or project managers know, you know, this is not this is not a
space that is for the faint of heart. It takes a lot. You know,
we were talking a few weeks ago about tenacity and, and
fortitude. And, and it was really purposeful in those
comments, because it really takes next level tenacity to
kind of navigate this space. And so I really, I just am
absolutely at awe. And having having been as lucky as I have
been to be following you and your project and what you're
doing, because you're really, you're really carving a path for
others to follow. And, and helping the web three industry
write the next chapter and, you know, so that we can start to
see the adoption that we that we really all here believe is
gonna, it's gonna make a difference. It's gonna, it's
gonna, it's gonna bring an opportunity to, you know,
consumers and users that just doesn't exist right now. And
that's what's really exciting. And so what was the, what was
the metaverse that you're, that you can drive the, the four by
end instead? So the four by four, you can currently drive
inside Income Island. You can go to Income and
download a version or I believe it's also on the Microsoft store
now. But you could drive around and experience, you know, what
virtual builders are building and what it looks like. We've
got a dealership in there that we want at some point soon to
have vehicle options to purchase in there, right? So the short
term play for us is the game. I know you didn't ask this
question, but I'm going to share this information. Anyway, the
short term play for us is the game, meteorites racing on
steam. It also serves as a testing ground for us to make
sure that everything is working properly. Before we start
sharing assets with the virtual worlds. The metaverse play is a
longer term play as worlds built on unity or unreal go live.
We're going to be there with the assets exclusive to them that go
in their marketplace that go into digital dealership inside
their city center if they have one. And then ultimately, you
know, it turns into a long term relationship where we rev share
on vehicle sales. And it's cool for them too, because if they
brand these vehicles, and we'll give them that option, you can
envision that branded vehicle driving around X amount of other
worlds with that branding. So, you know, if you're an Income
Island maxi, for instance, and that's the car you want to drive,
then you could drive that vehicle. And that's your digital
identity, and it becomes part of you online. You know, that
allows you to drive it anywhere that is a partner world of ours.
And then it gives, you know, Income Island, you know, a
branding play right there. So there's a lot of things there
that are, you know, some of the investors, once you start
sharing this longer term story, they're like, holy crap, the
light goes off. They're like, okay, so now all of a sudden,
FedEx comes in. Next thing you know, we're, we're creating
trucks for FedEx that you could drive around. They don't have
to communicate with all of these worlds getting billboards or
whatever. The trucks do the branding exercise. And then our
Friday nights, for instance, we can have Friday night race
nights where it's polygon supercars against FedEx trucks,
you know, against whatever. Those are all things that are
coming in all part of the roadmap. So you know, it's, it's
cool how the game and the people that we have in place, like our
head developer was on the need for speed franchise at EA, we're
building all of that out to be a really cool first play. But it's
not the only play. It's just step one towards being able to
start offering ownership to people, they can own their
digital assets, they can open a wallet in one world, drive a
vehicle around, go to the next world, drive the same vehicle
around. And then eventually, we'll start working with other
gaming platforms to integrate the vehicles there. But it's
just crazy to me, I can finally see it all coming together. Like
for a long time, we've been building this brand that's been
like this big tree, and every branch was like a separate
brand. Now it's like all of a sudden starting to fill in and
we start to see how everything is going to work together, how
this relationship leads to this new, you know, opportunity and
etc, etc. So there's a lot of stuff that's happening with, you
know, big brands. I can't go into detail because of NDAs, but
we've been talking to animoca brands to work with them. A lot
of things are really, really happening now. And I, I feel
like, you know, I guess another pun, we've been spinning our
wheels a little bit for a while. But you get to a point where all
of a sudden, it all starts to come together. And that's like,
that's where we are today. And again, if this round goes well,
it's going to be a lot of fun building some of this stuff out
and, you know, bringing people along that, that have been
helping us since day one. And that's going to be kind of cool
too. So I'll stop rambling. But that was a long story long, long,
long answer long.
Well, no, and it really just kind of illustrates the depth
of work that has gone into what you guys are building, what
you're doing, what you're doing for the gaming side of the
equation, and what you're doing for the blockchain chain side of
the equation and the metaverse. You know, one of the questions
I've had, and I don't, I'm curious as to if you've thought
about a token associated with the project. I know you have the
digital assets, you have the NFTs, all of these things. And
that to me is enough. So don't, I'm not trying to bait, bait the
question. Right. But, but, you know, is that something that
you've thought about, you know, with, you know, with the mean
coin craze and everything else that happens, you know, about
this time, as we're, as we're slowly heading into this next
bull run, you know, which I hope lasts longer than, you know, a
few months, but, you know, but is that something you've ever
given thought to?
We've given a lot of thought to it. And for the record, Dylan
just came in with star dogs. And I've already mentioned Income
Island, like five times. So I just want to be very clear on
that. Yes, yes, yes. So regarding a token, we've talked
about it, to keep it simple, stupid guys are at the helm here.
And we are super afraid of releasing a token to generate
funds, and then, you know, having owners dump it or whatever,
and get in a tough situation with the business. I see the
positives, but I also see the negatives. At the moment, we are
leaning towards not having a token. What's really cool about
that is we're starting to have conversations with other brands
that have tokens that are big brands that we may be able to
integrate those tokens in a way where it doesn't affect our
bottom line. And it makes it, you know, much, a much better
situation for us in some ways. So I don't want to, I don't want
to pretend like there's a right answer to answer your question
specifically, we talk about it all the time. But I don't know,
like for us, I don't know if it's needed. Like for us, the
blockchain allows for digital ownership. And that digital
ownership allows for, you know, the ability to use an asset in
different places, again, it's got to be importable, and the
world has to want it, etc. But there's a path to that use case.
And I think that that gains value, instead of us trying to
build value with a token. So there's a, it's a delicate
balance there. And I do see the positives and the negatives. But
at the moment, we're doing a traditional raise that is not
involving a token. And I think that we're probably, in my
opinion, going to be happy with that decision down the road.
Yeah, and I actually I applaud that. We are here at Axion
exploring, you know, appropriate ways for projects to launch
tokens without doing an ICO without you depending on that,
as their fundraise, you know, as opposed to, you know, because
traditionally, that has been what the projects do, they use
that token as their fundraise. And that's where you're going to
get into problems. But Dave, you had a question?
Yeah, yeah, I've known the guys that met arrived for a little
while. And my gut instinct is that that's the right decision
for them, just based on a couple of things that their goals are
aimed at interoperability, not just among different sort of
platforms that may run on different networks within
blockchain web three, this industry, however you want to
call it, but but also a more traditional industry. So kind
of tying someone into one chain when you want to do all of that
with your own tokenomics is is a little bit risky, I think,
personally. And the other way that I potentially look at it
for something like meta rides, and again, this is just my
opinion. But you know, look at it like kind of a quote unquote
freemium, you know, type thing within your own game, where
where the only, you know, the only value is is in an in game
spend, for example, has potentially got a lot more, you
know, a lot more revenue results for something like meta rides
than having a token that is trying to raise funds for a
launch or something like that.
Right? Yeah. So yeah, so we do have stardogs here from income
I guess stardogs and income island are those there? Are
those two separate things?
They are they're two separate, but it's all part of the same
ecosystem. So Darcy's being the founder of stardogs, and also
co owner of income island. It's it's all within its it's a big
giant ecosystem that's just continuing to evolve with all
the partners that we're working with.
Nice. And I appreciate you hopping up to just kind of show
your support here, especially with her me and meta rides. And
he was he has been he has mentioned income island now, at
least a half a dozen times and talked about driving the the
vehicles and income. So I'm gonna I'm gonna definitely hop
on that. You know, we've we've had a chance to connect. We
connected it. Breathe. And I was on your show, what, maybe three
weeks ago or so I can't. It's a blur. But
that's all right. Yeah, absolutely. But we know it's
great. And I love what you guys continue to do. You know, you
guys just keep building and, you know, my smart finance, you
know, axiom. It that's the thing is, is we're always going to
support people who are out here building constantly.
And and I would definitely like to get you guys on here next
week or two. And really explore that with you guys, because I am
I am definitely intrigued. I've got notes and reminders for
myself, because if I don't do it, I get lost in the in the
shuffle. But I love what you guys are doing with both both
stardogs and income island. And I love that there's these
opportunities to co brand co mingle, co sponsor support, and
that the the doors for doing that are wide open. There's not I
mean, we're all going to have those expectations. We're going
to have those you know, the way we want to do that. But the fact
that the doors are open, and, and they're welcoming is
refreshing. We need more of that, especially in, you know,
the DeFi space, the blockchain, and the metaversus. Eventually,
it will be this network that just feeds on itself and supports
itself. So really love what you guys are doing. But not to
distract too much from meta rides. But you got anything,
Hermey coming up? Are you working on anything that that's
kind of more alpha related that you're comfortable with? Or, or,
you know, I definitely want to get in I've been, I've been
threatening myself now for a while to pick up the pit pass.
I'm going to get that done. But but I want to I want the big
dog. So I'm having to save up my little you know, my coins and my
pennies. Because I definitely want to I want to pick up the
the the full the full boat. But any any any parting thoughts, any
anything you want to kind of share with us? I know you're
you're kind of short on time today. So yeah.
Yeah, I think, you know, it's funny, as, as we come out of our
friends and family race, and we head into our next round, you
know, you with friends and family funding, it only goes so
far. So we are we have, we have the runway to do the stage two
of the build. That's what's being produced right now. A lot
of things are coming like multiplayer is coming, you can
envision for v4, race nights are coming matchmaking is coming,
being able to drive your own vehicle and the game is coming
a lot of those things. You know, we didn't build out for the MVP
because the MVP was created to shop to investors. But now that
stage two is being built, a lot of things are coming. And that's
that's one of the things that we're super excited about. You
know, one of the things that we haven't really shared anywhere
yet is, and I guess you would call that alpha James. So here
we go. We actually have a full believe believe it or not, we're
crazy. We have a full plan. We have a full plan in place for the
first check that comes in is going to go directly towards
building out the giveaways that we've been doing for you know, a
year plus now, the the pit pass holders are going to be getting
their free vehicles the first round of those. And the OG
collection is going to finally met we pivoted last year. And we
did our first collection with unstoppable domains, which was a
decision that we made, because we felt that it gave us
credibility in the space. But we do want to circle back and have
an OG meant have a meteorite specific meant and really, really
take care of the people that took care of us with the pit
pass memberships. So I will say that at some point soon, there's
going to be a date that's given that says own your pit passes by
x date because we're going to do the snapshot and make sure that
everybody gets their free vehicles that way. And to your
point, the memberships, which we don't talk about a lot these
days, because we've been so focused on the build. There's
five different levels, they start around 25 bucks, I think
on poly. And they come with a minimum of three vehicles. So
you can figure if you know, you can pay 50 bucks apiece for the
unstoppable ones, which are still, you know, in my opinion, a
cool thing to have, because it's our first collection. But at the
same time, if you get the pit passes, you know, it brings you
airdrops down the road, and the first ones are coming up, like I
said, with that first check that comes in, it's going to be
focused very, very heavily on, you know, the people that have
helped us through through the, you know, the beginning stages.
But one thing, too, that's really cool, I think, and Dylan
will say this, and I think that he says it better than me, is
pay attention to the people in the space that are not just a PFP
and a promise, right, they've delivered something, they're,
they're showing you that they have the chops to build, they're
showing you that they have the chops to build a community.
They're consistent, they show up every week, you know, there's
not, there's, there's, there's nothing that, you know, bugs us
more than getting involved in putting our efforts into some
sort of community. And then it's just not there the next day, or
you know, it was a PFP and a promise, and they didn't
fulfill on some of the things that they promised. You know,
MetaRides has delivered, I mean, we've got a game on beta on
Steam right now, getting a game on Steam is not the easiest
thing in the world to do. And it's done, like we've got, we've
done that we are working now under the 1226 gaming studios
umbrella, we're working now on creating a couple of mobile
titles that help us, you know, with A with investors and B to
find different revenue streams to make sure that we're not just
hyper focused on web three gaming. And I think that a lot
of people are missing that mark and inside web three gaming, A,
they're only focused on web three, they think that's, you
know, the vision in the future, and maybe it is, but it's not
today. And then B, you know, they're, they're just focusing
on a game. And for us, the game is just part of the platform.
And it's part of the springboard for everything that we're
building at MetaRides around digital ownership and digital
identity. So yeah, there's a lot of stuff happening, I will say
this, you know, if you're not tapped in with MetaRides, follow
the account, pay attention, turn on notifications. We do a space
within Come Island and stardogs every Tuesday night at 8pm
Eastern time. And I say everything loosely because we
missed last week because of a big storm that went through. But
I do think that consistency means a lot in the space. And
just pay attention to who your founders are before you invest
anything, whether you know, it's your time or efforts or you know,
buying NFTs or whatever. But I feel like we're on to
something, we're starting to see the light how it's all going
to come together. And spaces like this, it's really cool for
me, because I get to go A to Z and talk about, you know, the
entire thing instead of just a minute here or a minute there.
And, you know, giving props to other, you know, projects or
brands. So just please, please, please understand a couple of
things. One, as you're building every single day, make sure
that you're connecting, make sure that you're building, of
course, and then make sure that you're learning. I think
learning is the biggest thing that goes unnoticed. Since day
one, I've made an effort to learn in the space every single
day. And now I'm speaking at conferences about interoperable
gaming assets when three years ago, I wasn't into gaming at
all. So I think that that goes a long way. And then B, just make
sure that you're continuing to do the right thing in the space.
And, you know, even though you might have down days, do your
best to come out the other side and, you know, try to follow up
with a good day of building and make sure that you know, you're
putting together what you consider to be your vision in
the space, take the community's information and add to it. But
don't pivot off so far where you're doing somebody else's
vision, make sure that you're building your vision, you're
going to pivot a little here and there. But you know, don't get
totally off track. But I appreciate the space. Make sure
everybody's following us. And, you know, don't be afraid to
follow that 1226 account down below. Geez, for that matter,
follow everybody in the space. Why not?
Before you before you before you jump in now, I've got a couple
of quick things. Two and a half years next month of us hosting
this space two and a half years you on consistency. This is
where you get it. It's that simple. Second of all, please
repeat the room. We're going to be chatting to smart finance in
a moment. And I want to invite you guys back. Like I'm so
often I'm asked to help build someone's audience and never
invited back. So what's really key to me is that you guys come
back as we push this forward, not just you guys this week, but
over over future weeks. And the very final thing, Hermey, we
mentioned pit passes is a good way to get into metarides. Where
do people go and get them from if they're interested? We made the decision a long time ago to not
have a link tree anymore because of the potential shadow banning
and issues on X and all of that stuff. So we put the link tree
on our website. So if you go to meta and click on
links, it's one of the options on the menu. We're also
revamping the whole thing. So it, you know, there's a reason
why it looks like it does right now because we have full control
over it, but very soon it's going to have more of a gaming
touch to it. But the links page is where you could find a link
to the pit passes that are on OpenSea. We lazy minted those
because we wanted them to be available to the community
before we were attached to developers that were insanely
talented that told us that that was a stupid move. So at any
rate, that was something that we did way back, but it's a really
great way to get in. There's five different levels. You can
read about each of the levels on OpenSea. Also on our website,
it actually explains in detail what you get for each level. But
there are some that are lifetime passes. So if you get a lifetime
pit pass, you get vehicles every time we do a non partner mint,
you get a free vehicle from that if you have a lifetime pass. So
it's pretty cool. It was our way of saying, help us out a little
bit on the front end, and we'll take care of you for a long time
with assets. And I think it's going to turn into something
pretty special because those vehicles that we give out,
they're going to be different than the ones, I don't want to
say totally different, but have different traits and such that
are going to make them different than what you can get, if you're
just minting. So just throwing that out there. And Dave, I
appreciate the questions. And listen, you have been like an
ambassador for the space, forget the two and a half years,
you're here almost every single day for crying out loud. And I
think, you know, it's, it's, it doesn't go unnoticed. Let me
just put it that way. You know, you've you've you asked the
right questions. In many cases, you're there for people in many
cases. And I love even when I'm busy and using Twitter spaces as
a background noise. I love jumping in your spaces and just
trying to support and do what I can to help and, you know,
props to what you've been doing as well.
Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Yeah, we appreciate it.
Definitely. And we appreciate you and everything you're doing.
The you inspire us. And, you know, you've given us an awesome
opportunity here to participate in web three and metaverse in a
way that that many are struggling to to really sustain,
right? It's it's all about sustainability. And, and you
have shown that that, you know, that is important to you. And so
we we we applaud you on that. And appreciate you coming on and
and being here with us. And Dylan will will touch base here
and hopefully have you on here. Because I definitely I want to
learn more about Income Island. So we definitely need to
connect and and get get I want to get my head wrapped around
that and start participating there as well.
And I appreciate that. Yeah, one thing I just want to say for
meta rides, you know, these guys, and a lot of people know
this, they've seen, but you know, they've said, Oh, we're
going into metaverses, we're doing these things, we're doing
this, everything that they've promised, they've delivered on,
you know, January of last year, they were inside the Income Island
metaverse, you know, that was the first one that they were in.
And we've, you know, now updated the graphics to where when you
look at their four by four inside, you know, the quality is
even better with what you see with their vehicles. And now,
with our most recent update, you can also access their game from
their dealership inside Income Island as well. So the game that
you access on Steam, you can actually go up to a television
inside their dealership in the metaverse and access that. So
these guys continuously are building and setting things up
for their holders for their investors for the long term. And
so it's always my hats off to Craig and Hermey and everything
that their team keep building and doing in this space.
Awesome. Appreciate it. Appreciate your thoughts. Appreciate
your hopping on here with us. So yeah, and using, you know, using
the meta rides metaphor, I, we're gonna shift gears a little bit
here. Dave, if you don't have anything else, if there's no
other questions down there in the comments, I'd like to kind of
start sharing a little bit here with with you about smart
No, you guys, you guys go hit up smart finance system, meta rides
tweets at the top, if you want to check them out, mainly the
Income Island ones, there's an Income Island one as well. And
there's the AI that was chatted about right at the beginning, the
sooner thing. So yeah, go have a flip through them. And yeah,
James, you prepped on the smart
So I'm gonna give us a little bit of preface here. So, you know,
with this show in this new format, we do want to take the
projects that we've been following and working with now
for quite a long time and, and break them down, right? That's
the whole idea is DeFi breakdown. And, you know, I've
wanted to do this for quite a long time. But it just, you
know, it, it never rose to the level of that priority that it
has finally since the last couple of weeks. So I'm really
excited to be able to do this very specifically with projects
and I'm honored to have been able to have her me with meta
rides on here. Those guys are building some incredible stuff.
This is real, this is this real, literal stuff that's being built
and that you can, it's tangible. And you know, the fact that one
of their first biggest partners with was with unstoppable
domains. That's, that's no small feat. So, so, but in the
same boat, I've been working with and getting to know Josh
over at Smart Finance, XRP Junkie for a little over a year
now. I started out in some of his six hour long spaces on
Saturdays, back in the day. And, and quickly rose to kind of
be a co host with him over there. But if you don't know a
whole lot about Smart Finance, Smart Finance is an aggregator
deck swap bridge. And in fact, I remember when we invited them
to be a part of the Axiom Community Partners program, I
had the privilege of actually buying our token on Polygon.
The Avax chain, the Avalanche chain. And I also bought the
Axiom token on the Polygon chain from Binance. And, and it was
just really an exciting time back then. And so, yeah, we
started doing spaces together back in December of 2022. That's
like, that just seems like a century ago. They became one of
our first Axiom Community Partners back in March of 2023.
So can you believe we're coming, we're coming up on a year of the
launch of the Axiom Community Partners program. It just
really, it blows me away. But then we connected in real life
at Consensus back in April of 20, last year. And then, and then
I think, see, then, but we really didn't start really kind
of connecting on the level we're at now until the BREATHE
conference, which is where I also connected with Hermes from
Metarides. And, you know, we've been following the smart
finance story. And, you know, we, it was, it was on a very,
very strong positive track, but then, but then, like a lot of
DeFi projects, like a lot of blockchain projects, you're
always subject to outside forces and influences that in many
cases, you just don't have any control over and then trying to
actually take that control is can be a daunting task. We went
through something similar with our project. And when we when we
launched the three years ago, when we launched Axiom, we were
subject to a bad actor and, and, you know, we recovered. And so
when we when we connected at BREATHE, I think you had had to
you had to pause the the decks around back in June. And you're
having some struggles to kind of get control of everything. And
and that's when we really kind of stepped up our engagement
together. And, and, and really, since then, things have been
awesome. I mean, we've, we're looking at getting the smart
finance decks back up and running. And we've made some
massive, massive milestones and accomplishments in that respect.
So why don't you share a little bit, Josh, about yourself, maybe
some of the, you know, some some thoughts, you know, as you've,
as you've been going through this process. We're and I'm just
gonna let everybody know, you know, where in the future, we
might want to kind of pull things in at the top of the
first hour, because we've got stuff that we want to do in the
second hour. Today, we're just going to sit back and chill and
just let things kind of flow the way that they they're going to
flow. Because there's a lot of things we want to kind of digest
and share about this journey that smart finance has gone
through, lessons learned, and opportunities that are that are
coming up here in the short term. So, Josh, you are not a
stranger to spaces, bro. So why don't you just kind of, you
know, hop in here, say hi. And, and just kind of let me know
what's what's on your mind right now.
Mic check. Hear me? Yep. Yep. Can hear you.
Guess who's back? Guess who's back? Guess who's back? Guess who's
back? All right. All right. All right. What's up? Guess who's
I've been sitting here biting my tongue just waiting to blab on
these faces. I love it. I love it. Good to see everybody here.
Dylan, what's up? Good to see the the Hermey crew, the
meteorite crew, Hermey. It was great to see you like we're
talking. Real life people, real life connections. I, you know,
shake their hand, had a drink and enjoyed a good time at the
at the consensus or the breathe or whichever one we're at, you
know. I'm Josh Johnson. I'm smart finance. I'm happy to be
here. Like I said, I haven't been on a space in like few
months, right? I got on one event the other night, but yeah,
I haven't been on a space in a while, but we got a lot of stuff
going on. And we got a great story. Like you were saying,
there's a there's a ton of background to the story. I mean,
when we put it on, when we put our decks under maintenance,
like I was under the impression that it would only be down for
maybe a week, right? That there was just something that needed
to be tweaked. So I said, I'd rather have it under maintenance
and have problems with any of the transactions. So for me to
still be under maintenance right now, it really sucks. I know
there's a lot of smart finance crew in here. Shout out to every
single one of you down there. I did send you guys little emojis.
So it's good to see you guys in here. Get the information
because what we're up to is is some serious business. I want to
correct your statement. You said we're on our way to getting that
decks fixed up. But you know, I've seen I've seen it working
already. So the v2 smart finance omni decks Pro is going to be
something you know, to really look forward to. When it comes
to those struggles, holy shit, you guys, like, I'd love to sit
here and tell you exactly how horrible life went for the last
year. Things really changed for me personally, for my family,
you know, deaths, we had all kinds of my divorce got
finalized through the midst of all of this, you know, like
having the developer turn their back on you disappear, and be
you know, chasing them down for months on end trying to get
back what's rightfully yours and the communities from somebody
who seemingly didn't give a flying F. You know what I'm
saying. So after a few threats, and what have you, you know, we
were able to capture re recapture what was ours, the
contracts, get them all locked up, and get them put back into
place. Basically, what we're dealing with at that point was,
what I was dealing with at that point was having a puzzle that
had already been put together that we knew no works because
it was an awesome decks, you know, I was working flawlessly.
But we I knew that I had all the pieces and then we were closer
to the finish line than we were to the beginning. So you know,
me not being a quitter, there was no way that I was just going
to say, Hey, let's give up, you know, like that would be stupid.
We've already had a working product. We have a beautiful
community, great investors all to benefit from the decks fees as
they come in. It's shared with our NFP holders. So for me, what
I promised my holders was, you know, we're going to build the
decks, it's going to generate fees, and you're going to your
NFTs are going to earn from I felt 100% obligated to fulfill
that promise, even if a partner in India decided to disappear
with my with my stuff needed to do well.
And, and that's, and that's a little bit what I want to kind of
speak to you because when we talked back at breathe, I had
been following that things were on pause that you're in that
maintenance mode. But I also had this sense that you were dealing
with a lot more than just something that you know, was
going to be easily dealt with. And, and you were, you felt
comfortable and confident enough to start sharing the details of
that. And, you know, and that's at that point, I thought, you
know what, let me, I want to see what we can do, because you're
part of the Axiom Community Partners program, I want to see
what we can do to help you navigate this. And so, you know,
for the first couple of months there, as you were, and I want to
I want to say something real quick, because I want to be
careful, because I remember things, you know, all too well,
sometimes I have a memory that kills me sometimes, but I know
there wasn't intention in what was happening with your dad, but
but he was being unresponsive. He wasn't getting back to you, he
was trying to fix things. But then he, you know, for whatever
intent and purposes, whether it was just over his head too much,
you know, too much going on in his life, whatever it was, it
was it was still, you know, affecting the project and
affecting you. But, but you had that tenacity, you had that
fortitude to just say, you know what, we got to figure this out.
So we started talking about that back in September at Breathe.
And I felt like, you know what, let's let's see what we can do
to help out. And one of the things that impressed me about
that process, and one of the reasons I started even getting
more involved myself, helping kind of get things back on
track, was the level of efforts that you and it's were making
to, to figure, you know, once because you got you got control
of the contract, you got control of the accounts, the site, the
back end, everything else. But then you spent a good month or
more on your own, still, just trying to make it work and trying
to work with AIDS. And, and, and again, there was just
whether, you know, whether you didn't have the full picture,
whether there were pieces missing, it just was, it was a
little too much. And so, as the Accian Advisory Council, or the
outside, that's two different things, as the Accian Community
Partners Program, I reached out to our other one of our other
projects, the devs and the developers over at PIPE
Protocol. And we stepped in and said, hey, let's take a look at
this, we'll take a look at the back end, and let's see if we
can figure out what's going on, what's wrong, so we can help you
get back up and running. And, but it was really the, it was,
from my perspective, as a, you know, a seasoned business owner,
project coordinator, marketing executive, whatever, I was most
impressed with the efforts that you were making, in spite of
that, that mountain you were up against. And so, so we did. So
back November, I wrote this down November 14, the day that
we'll live in infamy, when we started the new Telegram thread,
and we got Gordon and Paul involved, and they started
looking everything. And I remember thinking, you know,
because Gordon is just a phenomenal and amazing,
incredible human being when it comes to his understanding of
the blockchain and the back end of, you know, programming and
everything else. And I thought, man, it'll probably only take
him two or three weeks. Well, he spent a good month or so, in
the back end. And ultimately, we decided it was, we're gonna,
we're gonna clean this up and, and build it up from the from
the ground up. And that's really kind of what we started doing.
And, and I was just absolutely in awe. When we started the
Axiom Community Partners program, you know, there was
this hope, this expectation that this is how the, this is how
that will work. But to see it actually start working, because
Gordon and Paul came on board. There's been no renumeration,
there's, you know, it's all been sweat, equity, investing into
getting the protocol back up and running.
That's the other thing, though, is that we re deployed the
version one a long time ago. And after looking at it and saying
yes, we need to build it from the ground up again and not kick
out just the same old thing that you shut off, right? Because
that would be, you know, whoop-a-dee-doo, right? You
turned it back on. That's where we all came together and decided
that it's not going to be a V1, it's going to be that V2 that
we've all been looking forward to with the new UI, the new
design. So that's why, you know, we could have just whipped it
back up and thrown it up. And I think, you know, that would have
been a mistake. I think what we're doing now is much, much
more secure, and has a better look going forward in the
Yeah, no, absolutely. And that was, that was, you're right,
that's, that's that one point that became critical is, if we
just light up what was there before, there's real no
opportunity to really kind of, you know, launch that marketing
and launch everything else. And, and quite frankly, I mean,
let's be, let's be honest, over the last year, we've seen a
tremendous influx of, of aggregators. And, you know, this,
this, this concept is being widely developed. In fact, as we
were looking at doing this, I wrote up a, I think it's a 12
page, was it like 12 or 14 page opinion letter? I went out and
explored this in detail. So that, you know, so we were going
into this and at this with our eyes wide open. And, and as I
was doing that, I just became even more excited about this
whole opportunity here. And a lot of the things that we were
talking about, and that you had been talking about before with
getting the SDKs and getting it set up so other projects could
piggyback on the technology. And, and so that's, that's
definitely a part of that conversation.
Yeah, the running working machine is just the foundation
of what what our ideas were prior to having any problems,
right? So we've only a time to, you know, follow along with what
the standard is now, and then also continue to explore those
ideas. Because if you remember, we were keeping up if not setting
up pace at some points, with the cross chain interoperability
and, you know, opening up different avenues, prior to other
big name swaps, you know, prior to uni, right, you know, like,
so it the fact is, I know that a lot of these ideas that we still
have, can be put in place once this foundation is restructured
and, you know, revamped and reput put put put down solid, and
it's good to go. I know what we're what we're capable of. And
that's, that's why it's awesome to have Gordon, awesome to have
Paul, awesome to have a team again, our team is bigger, it's
stronger than it's ever been. So I'm super friggin stoked.
Yeah, so there's a, I guess, I guess is best time as any to, to
share this, there's a little alpha, a little alpha
announcement to make. I guess I can be fine. I can do that. You
can do that. So, you know, I'm gonna go ahead and say this,
it's a, it's a little out of cadence with, you know, some of
my thoughts, but it's okay. I'm excited to be a part of what
you're doing there at smart finance. And I'm actually
honored now to be a part of your team. I'm looking forward to
participating with you and helping as a team, build this
out. And I see tremendous benefits for, for my primary
project with Axion, I see it as, you know, advantageous for what
we can do and offer to other projects moving forward. And yeah,
so I guess I'm on the team.
Buddy, you know it. Oh, sorry. I thought so.
That's not, I mean, you guys got to understand how this went. I
mean, I'm out here selling a hope and a dream, you know, in a
bag of puzzle pieces and looks for, you know, fulfilling my
issue. That's a one reputation is number one, right? And if you
want to maintain in this industry, though, being any kind
of a scammer or a rugger, or even an incompetent piece of
shit that didn't deliver is not going to look good on your
resume. And that has been day one goal for me is to create a
machine that generates revenue, not only for me, but for a ton
of other people, and continue to market and build that out. And
it wasn't going to happen by standing still with my thumb up
my ass, I had to take what I had work with it, you know, and
find the right people, the P I said this yesterday to James,
I'm I was looking for people that can connect the dots that
saw the vision that have utilized my tool and understand
that it is an awesome thing. It works awesomely. And it keeps up
with industry standard. And can we can you provide something to
help us get this to the finish line? And sure as shit James
came through 100%. And so did the rest of the team. I mean,
eight's and eight's in the new team, Gordon, Paul, you know,
they've been hammering out tons of tons of hours. There's a ton
of people down here that want details of everything. If I
gave you all the details, it's a ton, you know, like it's a
constant daily effort that's being put towards us. And like
you said, it's sweat equity. But I know that a lot of coin has
actually been dropped. I know you personally, James have came
out of pocket in order to, you know, expedite things and get
things proper in order to bring this back alive. So you're an
excellent person to have on this team, your 30 years plus of
marketing experience, your 30 years plus of business
experience, like what you bring is is phenomenal. And it's in
the two of us combined are just going to blow this thing out of
the water, I can guarantee it.
Yeah, I believe that. And so yeah, we kind of felt like we
needed to make that disclosure today, as opposed to, you know,
next next week, simply because, you know, I don't want there to
be this appearance that, you know, we're that we're, you
know, inappropriately doing anything, but just that that to
me, it was important that and it really was and I'm going to say
this again, it really was those efforts that you and AIDS were
making, and then the efforts that AIDS was making with
Gordon to facilitate getting Gordon up to speed. And again,
it did this journey started a long time ago, but really,
November, November 14. And so we're literally three months and
two days into the process that we've been engaged in with you
guys to get smart finance back up and running and, and, and I
really saw a tremendous amount of all value because you have an
incredible you have, and you had an incredible community. And,
and I think, and I believe we can get that back there. And, and
I really, really believe there's some some strong synergy that we
can capitalize on now between the axion community, the axion
protocol, the smart finance community, the smart, smart
finance protocol. And we can actually start doing defy
better doing doing things better doing things the way they
should be done. So maybe I mean, we've been driving the bus here
for a little bit. But Dave, you've also kind of been
following Josh smart finance, I think from back in the early
day, if I'm correct. You have any any thoughts, any any
questions that or is it have? I'm hoping guys, if you're in
our audience right now, and you have any questions, throw them
up in the in our comments section. We are going to be
doing a discord AMA on the smart finance discord next
Tuesday. But if you have any questions right now, you can
throw them up in the comments. And we'd be happy to address
those that we are able to right now.
But yeah, the AMA invite everybody to join our discord
and you know, come to that. If you want to ask more in depth
questions, we're going to give a more in depth layout of what
took place, maybe fill in a bunch of the blank in the
detail, kind of tell you where we're at as a team, where we're
at as functionality. What are some of the little hurdles that
are standing in our way of turning the switch on and going
live today? You know, different stuff like that come to the AMA
it's Tuesday evening at 7pm Central in the discord, and we'll
definitely tell the whole story. I mean, like you gotta you
guys got on, put me through hell and back and my facing the
right because it's paralleling with smart. It's awesome to be
back in and out. We're going to do nothing but grow you guys
because the V2 is just on the. We use that as a template. And
now you're going to see something even better, more,
more accessibility for the for the SDKs or for the white
labeling. The market that we got a robust marketing plan that's
that's going to, you know, not only catapults us back into the
limelight, but hopefully capture that audience that we need. We
all know it's about volume you guys. It's about a unique
wallet buys decks and we all that you gotta be prettier
smaller than all the other guys in the in high school to get the
hot chick. So whatever you know, we're gonna work. You never you
never disappoint with the analogies, bro. They suck most
of the time. Oh, hey, Randy. Got Randy in here with color. We
also connected back at breathe. Still looking forward to coming
out to Ohio or Pennsylvania or whatever that was. But I know
you've been following and tracking with smart finance as
well. But but before you hop over there, Randy, Dave, did you
have any any questions, any thoughts or anything?
Yeah, just like one of my one of my issues, I tried to get into
DeFi and study it and be part of a few protocols about about a
year ago and I was I was working with a couple and one of one of
the issues was just the way they wanted to market and me being in
the UK and having to be very open about what I'm paid for and
what I'm not paid for made it made it tricky. So I'm kind of
keen to see how if there's going to be a slightly different
approach in terms of marketing with smart finance, but also,
you know, I know a bit of the journey and I know the
resilience that it takes to come through that I know the
resilience it takes to be here when things seem to be working
well. So yeah, it's just been nice hearing a little bit more
of that from from Josh and I'm looking forward to what's going
to what's going to come when when smart you guys know I
hear you, but Dave, but real quick, Dave, maybe a week from
Monday, we can come on and actually just talk about the
marketing because I know you like to focus on marketing on
Mondays. I think that would be probably maybe a cool thing.
So, you know, share some of those ideas and some of those
you know concepts that we're looking to implement because
you know anymore, it really boils down to it. A lot of
respects in marketing, it boils down to relationships. Yeah,
you can throw ugly money at banners and you can throw ugly
money at you know or you know just different kind of marketing
things, but but if you don't have the the relationships to
back it up, then it you know, it's like a flash. It's like a
flash bomb. You know you you throw you throw a little match
on the powder. The powder ignites and everybody goes who
that looks so cool and then it's over and we don't want to
have. That's what we don't want to have with our marketing.
So, but Randy, well, Mondays, Mondays and more about like
sort of crossing. Hey, brother. Sorry. Sorry about that. I
couldn't hear Dave talking. So, I'm half rugged or something
right now. Yeah. Okay. I just wanted to step up and say what
an amazing clash of the Titans going going on. I love I love
love seeing the space. I love hearing that you and Josh are
partnering up. Um I mean, it's it's it's pretty wild how this
space works. I'll let you guys know too. I already sent Josh
a text. Paul and Gordon are also color founders as Josh is
too. So, it's like we're all in this private club and and uh
and he's uh um these are the I mean like I trust these devs so
much that nobody knows this but they are uh my multi-sig like
they're Paul's on my multi-sig like no move money can move
without him. That's how much I trust him and like I just it's
extremely later that that you guys are all connected and
found each other and also Paul and Gordon are our actual
producers. Um like we've wrote them in as producers on the
film that we're about to drop for web three also. So, I just
love love the slash of the Titans. Congratulations. Welcome
back. Glad to see you. I know you were just temporary God. I
mean, I knew that. Yeah, I think you guys were we're uh
coming back. So, welcome back. Glad to have you. Let's uh
let's go. Rudy. Rudy. Awesome. Hey, thanks, Randy. Appreciate
that and you know what? I vaguely remember you saying that
it's funny because II mean, I'm on the I'm on the I'm on the
line with with Gordon and Paul almost daily and II can I
remember vaguely hearing that Gordon and Paul were part of
you know, the beginnings of color but I totally forgot
about it. These guys work. These guys are incredible. They
work on a lot of projects and so in fact, as we were looking
to add the smart finance uh protocol to our plate, if you
will, um uh II was reluctant at first to to kind of present
this as an idea um and even you know but but you know
completely excited and and uh honored that they that they
chose to to make this part of their lives as well. So we need
to connect bro. I know we've been we have been threatening
each other for quite a while now to really connect uh and I
think it's time definitely so uh agreed whenever you guys want
I came and see you know I'm out out there. We we've hung out
several times not just in Vegas. I love I love hanging out
with good people so I'll make time for it sweet. So let me oh
gosh. Let me see if I can get my head back here a little bit.
Um so we're talking about the most epic comeback story in
device. Well, I'm Dave II've got I've actually got uh a tweet
in my highlights uh for the for the AMA on the discord next
week. If you could throw that up for me because I know the
minute I go to go do that, I'll screw something up. I just
this as as brilliant as I am sometimes I I can really
screw things up. You've got more than one tweet. Which one
specific? Um so under my highlights, there's one um for
the the discord um invite. So if anybody wants to join the
smart finance discord and come hang out with us when we do our
live AMA over there, they're you're they're welcome to. It's
not just you know, it's not just for the smart finance
community. Am I am I? No, no, that's my mic. Did I rug?
Buttons aren't working or I'm an idiot. No, you didn't run. I
can hear you. I'm not sure about everybody else.
I got you. Maybe Dave needs to go and come back like I did. I
don't know. You might lose your old space because you already
left. So, um there was a few things I wanted to kind of uh
touch on but I kind of feel like we've um we've done a good
job just to kind of get things up to where we're at and I and
at the risk of just beating you know beating this uh you know
to a pulp. Um I really would just invite people to come to
the AMA. Um and um and I'll share a little bit about we're
gonna sneak peak, right? Cuz a lot of. Oh yeah. Yeah. A lot of
my community. They they think talk is cheap and if you're
really feeling froggishly so they need to see it to believe
it and I've already seen it. So, I think uh if you wanna see
it to believe it, come to the AMA. We'll do a little live
sample for you just to show you that it's up live. We will on
a test site right now. Uh we just can't give out the test
link because we're trying to A1 this **** baby. For sure. Well,
guys um well, thank you Josh man. It's been it's been a
pleasure. I'm looking forward to the future. I think we have a
lot uh a lot of um positive energy uh that's gonna be able
to be capitalized on. We're gonna be able to take a few of
these um concepts that we're gonna be able to execute them
and um and we're really gonna help. I mean, you know, just
like meta rides is kind of uh set in the tone and and and um
you know, carving out uh uh the roads for no puns intended.
You can make puns about cars and driving and wheels all day
long. Um so um but yeah, so um really excited. Uh appreciate
this opportunity to work with you through the axing community
partners program and uh you know as myself as well. So um
yeah, looking forward to it. Um please join us next uh um
Tuesday and uh if there's any any last minute things you wanna
any any questions I haven't asked or or any points that we
haven't covered. Let me think. Let me think here. Um
I don't think so but it's no. Yeah. I mean, that's outside
of uh yeah. Come come to the AMA for the low down dirty
details. We'll give you more information. Drop some more
alpha. There's still some stuff that we didn't go over. Still
some plans of action that are already taking place uh uh good
stuff. Good stuff. We were able to uh put Humpty Dumpty back
on the wall uh all and he's gonna get off the wall. He's
gonna stay on the ground from now on. We're going to
filament light bulbs to uh what is it um LEDs LEDs man. We're
gonna be LEDs. So sweet. So so um for the show guys um uh in
the future um you know we did go a little longer than I
expected which is okay um because this is really the
start of our journey for the show. It's the start of the
journey for several other things and we wanna be able to
put something together that you know everyone can look forward
to uh you know where Mondays is focused on marketing right now
Wednesdays is focused with Cynthia on NFT and why uh New
York um and then on Fridays of course we will showcase a couple
of these projects that we've been talking to for a long time
and eventually we wanna kind of open this stage up even you
know during the other shows we always have a very open stage
you're uh you know we are always welcoming people to come
up and share about their projects uh maybe give updates
to their projects if they've been on before we wanna keep uh
we wanna keep that tone and that that concept alive here as
well um but you know we also want to we also wanna share
things that uh you know to motivate us to to get us
excited you know uh building in DeFi building on the
blockchain and the metaverse is a grueling daunting task uh it's
easy to get discouraged it's easy to find yourself painted
in a corner um and and and you know it's a scary landscape
if you have problems um because you know who do you trust and
that is so uh critical in DeFi is who do you trust who
can you trust so we hope to become that source uh here
with the with the show um and um you know I recently went
through because of all the projects I'm working on I I
went through assure DeFi I am a fully doxxed uh
representative of the projects that I work with work for
the show um I'm fully doxxed um and you know should you ever
wanna you know should you ever feel like I've done something
inappropriate uh go to assure DeFi and and go through
their you know information requests so um but uh in the
meantime um I don't know Dave what do you think
should we kind of go with some of those so I got this ripped
from the headline thing um that I you know we talked briefly
about it last week um it's one of those things here in the
US that you know we have to be aware of we have to be educated on
and that is the the the rules and regulations
that have been set forth by the SEC over the years
um but recently if I don't know if you can
why don't you go ahead and post I'm just gonna move forward a little bit here
um Dave uh Dave just posted an article here
in our jumbotron um it's an article and I had to go in and do screenshots it
was really mad for like a week you could read the article but now it's
token gated token gated yeah USD token gated you have to pay money to
to read some of these articles which is frustrating um
but uh let me see where is it um
so the SEC recently was caught lying
in a court case surprise surprise surprise
the SEC is now um begging for the court's uh forgiveness and asking for
them to be lenient uh because they are up against
sanctions because they've been caught lying to the judge
um we can't only come on we can't have
if we if if the SEC and the US government wants to work with us
and and if we want to work with them this level of BS has gotta stop it's
just gotta stop when you are misrepresenting
facts to a judge you should be penalized uh as far as I'm
concerned you should be thrown and locked up for
a spell um and at the very minimum you should have to pay massive fines
but um if you can so some some people you can
um if if this is the first article you've gone to
at fortune uh in quite a while you you should be able to read this article
but I wanted to just showcase this and highlight it this is one of the things
we want to do with this show is kind of take
content and articles ripped out of the headlines
and and just talk about how they affect us in the DeFi space
and there was a time um working with our project axion that I was letting my
uh token holders and stakeholders know that I actually there was a time when I
was looking forward to you know being as you know successful
enough with our project that we would get on the radar of the SEC
and I I actually was I look forward to that
because I I want to work within the you know I want to work within the framework
that's been set forth um but with with some of the
behavior that we've seen over this last year
it actually kind of scares me that even though
you you might be doing things the right way but if the SEC is going to go in
and misrepresent the facts what hope is there
for us so Dave you have your hand up I'm going to if I'm not careful I'm going to
go down a rabbit hole here
well there's there's two things that that I'd say on all of that the first of
first thing is if you'd like to a judge in the UK you get in trouble I'm not
quite sure what the maximum sentence is what the
ramifications are but it'll range from a criminal
records and community service and a fine to a prison sentence dependent on
the severity of it and I'm sure that's also a thing in the
US supposed to and there's due process yeah there's due process isn't there as
frustrating as it is what was the name of that dude from
open sea that got um that finally served some time
the head of product um it took him nearly 18 months to go through the
the whole court system so um we've got to allow time for the due process
but yeah it's a little bit disconcerting for the market if the people that are
supposed to be regulating aspects of it by the way no they're not going to
regulate the whole market they're only gonna
they're only going to regulate the aspects that are relevant to securities
um but it's it's disconcerting if they're not giving the right information
for people to make relevant decisions from the off or if they're lying to
to to be protectionist around something else or whatever the reasons happen to
be yeah because then it just then it just in my
from my perspective it puts everything into question
because now now you have to now you have to ask yourself
well if they misrepresented that case uh
what other cases have they misrepresented do we need to go back in and
look at all of these cases again do we need to go through that and and and and
it becomes this who has the most money kind of context
because think about it think about what happened with xrp
and how long that was in the courts and how long
and how many times the sec was being um chastised for um
for the way they were doing things um and um
so but they had the money luckily they had the money uh sadly they
spent money on on court cases that they could have
probably spent on building out their ecosystem and building out their
you know you know taking care of their token holders and and you know
putting a protocol together that would be a dominator
um you know they had to spend millions of that of that money
uh defending themselves um and and and you know everyday projects out
there just simply don't have the resources to do that and
that's what's really sad because then it becomes
it doesn't matter whether they're representing the truth uh appropriately
or not it just depends on if you have enough money
to show and prove that that they are misrepresenting so um
hopefully i'm going to follow this story um a little bit and if there's
anything else in the future to to share and report i will probably
bring it up again um i haven't not seen you know i
haven't followed up yet to see if there's been an
outcome on this yet um but i'll do that um
and uh yeah i i want to see dify done better
period um i i think it i think it can be done better
um and it absolutely should be done better
uh we can't uh ever expect there to be mass adoption
or true value for the you know end users and the consumers
if if we're always kind of finding ourselves
fighting you know in an arena that we that we simply don't have the
the the resources to to fight um fight it so
i mean yeah i agree i agree i agree with almost everything you're saying now
and it's difficult isn't it i mean like even there's a couple of uk examples that
i'll point to um getting into banking in the uk is
almost impossible if you haven't watched bank of dave i recommend you go and do
it um like that breaking into that market
it's it's not a monopoly from one bank but it's a monopoly of banks and it's
it's basically like all of the national banks in america coming together
and not allowing any regional or local banks to exist
and it's through the framework of banking and how it's been set up and
stuff like that like there's a lot behind it
but more pertinently to the sec um we've got the fca now in the uk the
financial conduct authority and they kind of regulate everything financial
um that used to be called the fsa um until the 2008 banking crash where they
were found to be complicit um with the banks into banking
lending rates but it took them about three or four years to get to the bottom
of it and change the name and change the regulations and
and switch things up and that there's still going to be there's still going to
be problems with it but but we know these things aren't
quick we know that governments like to sit on things and take forever to sort
them out like it's it's unfortunate and i know i'm
playing a little bit of devil's advocate but
you know they'll they'll get to the bottom of it eventually it will be
really interesting to find out what decisions they decide to take off the
back of the the information they've got um real quick i um there's a question in
in our threads what uh was the link of that ai
i think it's one of the first links in our jumbotron um
if you're asking about the music link um
and if you missed the first part of the show uh hermy with metarid shared
uh a new ai that you can go in give it a prompt and it will write a song for you
and and actually play the it'll sing the song
for you there's crazy stuff out there but um
i see so but if you have any questions guys if you have any comments on what
we're sharing please throw it in the in the comment section
if you'd like to come up and share and talk uh if you if you have any updates
for your pro your projects you're welcome to come up here if you
if you want to just introduce yourself you're welcome to come up on the stage
um uh you know i'm i'm now that we're doing this dave i'm
wrestling a little bit with i i want to kind of have a
you know we want to kind of have a show right we want to have this be a show
and we want to have segments and we want to have chapters or whatever
um one of the things i thought about you know because
because uh we we do have so many people struggling
uh to to overcome obstacles in building their projects
um i'm i'm always looking for even for myself i'm always looking for
stories or messages that are out there to to draw inspiration from
um and and i can't remember what the conversation was
a few weeks ago with john john was um up here and we were talking about
um uh i mentioned howard stern and uh i think it was just the frustrations he
was having to get his show
uh uh um launched um but i i actually read this article about
howard stern and it gave me a deeper respect for
a man that i don't really like a whole lot to be honest with you
not a big fan of howard stern but if you were to follow his story
um and i i have a there it is look at that um actually that's the wrong one
there's one there that has a yellow graphic logo
um this this article if you're gonna be that precious you can do it yourself
oh no i'm not gimme i'm not chiding you i'm just letting you know man don't get
all defensive on me um but um there's there's
actually a couple articles about howard stern that are really really good reads
um it gives you really some insight on you know what it takes to find success
to build success to achieve success to sustain success
um and to kind of get out of your own way
when you're trying to do something that's great uh something that's you know
there's some value to and there's some uh entertainment value too there's some
educational value to whatever it might be um but the precursor to this was i was
uh really exhausted one night um just just this last week
and i was a little overwhelmed by everything and i was having a hard time
kind of winding down to get some sleep so i wanted to put some mellow
music on and i i found this mellow music playlist and i started listening to this
mellow music playlist so i can kind of decompress and actually
get to sleep because as anyone knows uh anyone who knows me knows i i don't
get very much sleep i just i'm always turned on
um if i get more than five or six hours of sleep in a night it's it's rare
um the rest of the time i'm pretty much turned on so
or that's not entirely true but anyway so um so i was trying to shut down and
and and this this music list was just actually even more irritating and so i
was trying to think of music that i could listen to
that would kind of help me kind of just shut down and
decompress and and i thought about kenny g
right random uh and i started listening to this kenny kenny g playlist
um and it just got me to thinking and it really tied into with howard stern and
what's going on what happened with howard stern and if anybody if anybody in
our audience here is trying to build something
or accomplish something um or achieve something that you know
is not normal you know not everybody's out there doing it
there's a lot of inspiration to be pulled from both of these two
um between kenny g and and uh howard stern and they couldn't be on
two more dynamically opposite ends of the
spectrum but um but kenny g loves playing a saxophone
it's a very uh unique saxophone um it's not a standard saxophone it's like
what do they call it uh it's uh alto uh yeah i said i wrote it down i'm
trying to find where i wrote it down uh it's a selmer mark six soprano alto
and tenor saxophone so there's he actually plays them all
but here's a guy who thought i want people to love this
instrument as much as i want as much as i love this instrument
and he became huge and he became famous playing
you know something as simple as a saxophone so if
if he is able to do that if he if he can see
that uh simple um accomplishment being possible
um any and i want to say this i want to be careful
i think anybody you know because there's that whole motivational speaker
you're special and you're special and you're special or you can do it you
i do believe that but you know i don't want to be all cheesy
but um i would i would highly recommend that you kind of look at howard stern
and read these articles that we got posted
and then maybe even tune in some kenny g and
and and kind of have that epiphany that i had
um here here's somebody who he just loved the saxophone
but he was he was not a socially uh
um you know what's the word i'm a little social a socially um awkward
right um who isn't socially awkward i think
we're all socially awkward to one degree or another
but he took the saxophone and he did something that no one else
could ever do or ever even thought of doing i don't know
i actually went in and looked to see if there was other people who tried to
follow in his footsteps or maybe someone who was doing that ahead of him
um that gave him that inspiration to be honest with you i couldn't find anything
but but here's the here's the next level
s-word here's the next level when it comes to this stuff
he didn't just become famous for playing the saxophone
he developed his own saxophone there is a saxophone that you can go out
and buy right now and it's the kenny g version of a saxophone
and he has in fact i think it's or something like
that you can go buy a kenny g saxophone
he didn't like you know how the you know there were certain things
about the saxophone he he didn't like it he wanted you know he
wanted to move things around so it was easier to play it and easier
to play it in concert and so he he developed his own freaking saxophone
guys if if if someone like this can go out there
and and take a simple thing as a saxophone
and become one of the most successful artists
and musicians in in uh you know in in history
um imagine what you can do if you really really want to
so um that kind of concludes the segment portion of you know i want to
do this every week though guys i want to be able to
talk about some of the things that are in the headlines when it's related to
defy and i always want to have something that
we can think about and talk about to draw some inspiration
from and to get some motivation out of it so
that we can kind of take that away from here and actually go out into
the real world and accomplish something great so
hopefully um you know you've pulled some interesting tidbits out of that and it's
giving you some food for thought um but it looks like we do have someone
up here on our stage dave you want to you want to uh we've got shane and the
the web through emd and i can't remember what order they came up in
but yeah like look we've got about 20 minutes left guys thank you so much for
for sticking with us i know some of you have been here from the beginning many
of you have been here from the beginning and we appreciate it
um we'll be open floor for the last 20 minutes and i'm sure there'll be time
for a for a couple of other speakers if we get the requests
yeah so um shane um i think i saw you hop up first but again i wasn't really
paying attention either i apologize but uh we'll we'll help over to web 3 here
in a second but shane what's going on what uh what's brought you up
oh and i thought i just would just wanted to come say hi i've enjoyed the
conversation i'm excited i don't really need to speak on
axion um being a community member since the end
you know helping out with marketing and modding and whatnot in the
in the discord so i really need to speak on that but uh you know i've just been
kind of hanging out building my uh brand as a musician
in the space uh it's it's a grind that takes
you know a lot of late nights and whatnot metal you know about that for
sure uh but uh no i just i'll be short and
sweet quick uh i just wanted to say hi and i that
i i enjoyed and i appreciate the intelligent
conversation that was had today i appreciate you always appreciate having
you in fact uh dave and i were just talking uh
i think we need to have you come up and and be one of our co-hosts
starting next week if you if you have the time if you're interested uh
i think that would be a fun thing to do so i have been uh i have been hosting
and co-hosting some some uh late night music spaces as well so
yeah yeah i i've i've noticed that i i kind of see it out of the corner of my
eye when i'm working at two o'clock in the morning and i'm thinking wait he's
he's actually ahead of me so he's up at three and four in the morning
playing the guitar so um yeah and i'll never forget sitting
around uh the virtual uh couches at polycon
uh and uh uh having a chat with everybody there in that little virtual
uh couch session and uh you got up and played the guitar and saying and
it's always a treat always a treat to have you and always a treat to
to be able to connect so appreciate you hopping up here
um but uh we've got uh so web three dmd what is dmd oh orals
so uh welcome to the stage uh i don't know your name so maybe you can
introduce yourself and how you would like to be
um addressed and uh um tell us a little bit about web three dmd
hey guys thanks for having me really appreciate it and thanks to smart defy
for recommending me pop into the space um my name is mark uh i'm a i'm a dentist
who specializes in oral surgery and dental
implant placement um but i'm also uh i've also been in
crypto since 2016 and um i'm primarily uh you know a token
guy uh defy guy um i do a lot of learning i
do a lot of reading um and i i really really love the space
um i'm gonna i'll talk about my project a little bit but i'm not trying to shill
it that's not the point um it's more of a what you were saying
you know regarding defy and um pushing the bounds of what can be done
this is really what interests me the most um i i had this
idea but sort of for a blending of of defy
and nfts and tokens um and i came up with this concept for the project that
we did and the idea was i wanted to be able to do an nft project
where people are not at risk of being rubbed because it
is so rampant in the space and so the concept was simple basically
you create a vault of different assets erc20 assets
and you you load the vault with these assets at the time of the nft launch
and you code it such that any holder of an nft
um can claim a proportionate share of value from the vault
um once that vault unlocks so we did that we launched our project
we created our vault with fifteen thousand dollars of value when we
launched and we've added to it since then it's sitting around 28 000 now
um it it it done the vault unlocks in 2026
and so in a way what we've what we've done is we've created an
index fund uh that you can trade the index fund
uh by trading the nfts um and so you know this was the concept that i i
wanted to try to create and i i wanted to see what would happen
um you know how high would the assets go
what would the trading volume look like what would it do for the reputation of
the project um and you know we're still early our
floor price is is well above our uh backing value because our people
are very die hard they really don't want to sell
so um you know as of now we haven't really hit this inflection point where
the the the backing value goes parabolic um
you know we're building other things we have some plans on doing some other
mints on and onboarding people with some other value propositions that aren't
just jpegs and we have a game in the works and a lot of
different things so we're gonna see which way we can take this whole
um idea of being able to have something that's on the surface looks
like a jpeg or just something for fun or you know a fun retail product but have
something else backing it uh in in the background
so um so there's something there for the people so
they're allowed to play and participate but they
there's additional value there so it's a concept i haven't
really seen and you know we're we're trying to grow that concept
awesome um do you i was just looking through your profile
to see if there was a tweet that i could pin i'm not sure if you have
a specific tweet that you might be able to go ahead i don't know if you know how
to pin them up there but uh dave had to step out for just a
second because he couldn't hear you and this is definitely an area for
you know dave would have definitely have some really
um brilliant questions for but do you have uh
uh a tweet that we can pin up there um you're welcome to do that so that when
people come and watch this later because i would like to look into that i
did i did um start following you as well um
stuff like this you know taking irl every day
you know life um you know just you know things that we deal with and need and do
in our lives every day and then finding a way to
bring those into the blockchain to me is is brilliant is fascinating and i i
want i definitely want to learn more so um and i love your pfp that's that's
pretty cool i love your pfp thank you yeah the uh the pfp
um was originally um was looked like this but it was a
pixelated uh one from a friend of mine's collection
called the um the hexfuncs and uh i rocked that pfp for a while but
when we did our project which was uh sugarheads um nft i i
believe i shared it up to the top um you can check i did a space this
morning on my uh my sugarheads account and i pin that up
there but um i i had the artist retake that picture and then draw it
in the form of our sugarheads uh collection and it's
actually an nft in the collection as well but it was a way of sort of paying
tribute to a friend of mine who had a you know
successful project that um i didn't want to just dump that in
that pfp because i rocked it for so long so now uh you know it's a
sugarheads version of that so and you have do you have a current
practice right now practicing uh dentist yes yes i i own two
practices myself though i'm not in them very often anymore
because um i've transitioned in the past couple years to doing just oral
surgery and my own practices are general dentistry
dentistry practices so they you know they don't have enough oral
surgery volume to keep me busy uh every day so i'm there once or twice
a month in my own locations and then i go to several other locations and service
their needs and um it's been it's been good you know
it's it's a more efficient uh way to be able to deliver a product
that people need and you know be able to generate revenue
more quickly so um i i really like it too it's fun
are you okay sharing what state you're out of yeah i would share i'm located
in connecticut connecticut ah it's a big long drive that's
hoping you'd be a little closer
that's awesome um appreciate you coming on coming up and sharing and
um you know this is what we want to do you know we
uh i don't know when you when you popped in here but you know we've
what we're looking to do and this is just kind of like a re
a rehash of the you know what what we're doing here
new changes with our show is you know the first couple of hours because
what what i'd like to do maybe here in the future is
if we can connect you know we would i'll connect i'll try to connect with
you outside of the space and um but maybe we can have you know maybe
at some point in the next few weeks we can kind of have you up
on our first hour where we showcase um yeah a couple of projects every week
um and uh so yeah that would be that would be really interesting to
explore because because you're what you dave dave
couldn't hear you so he had to step out and come back hopefully he can hear you
now um but uh dave take he's taken uh you
know his his dentist dentistry and dentist
project pro i can't speak i'm sorry uh practice
but um and and i don't know how closely they're tied again that's why we
we would connect later but but he but he's launched a token launched a
an nft collection yes is that right today um
and uh you know exploring things in a way that is um
uh i don't i don't want to say new but you know just not not it seems
correct me if i'm wrong not the standard way you see the
projects out there doing it every day yes that's correct um you know nfts have
typically always just been you know jpeg and
it's a lot of hype and it's a lot of smoke and mirrors usually and there's a
lot of pumping usually behind the scenes going on to make the floor price
go up to get people in um my goal was not to do that but to
try to launch um you know like i said a decentralized
index fund tied to weird interesting looking artwork
um and so for dave you know we um we when we launched we had a vault we
coded it out such that anybody holding one of our nfts when
the vault unlocks in 2026 can claim a proportionate share of
value of those tokens uh based on the percentage of the
collection that they hold so we locked um chain link in there q and t
hex pepe i added a ton of rap casper in there
um and if you go to and you go scroll down to the bottom to
the analytics section you can see where we have a chart that
charts the the floor price versus the backing value
um the backing value is 18 dollars i think the floor price is around 60
dollars and it's not like we have a ton of volume
uh it's just our people really aren't looking to sell and you know we we were
small grassroots and we're now you know we have a marketing team now and we're
building more stuff and campaigns are going to be coming out
we're gonna we want to try to get big and we want to try to get successful
um but you know we've uh we've got a great community of people and they're
friggin diamond handed i've been telling you got to list some stuff so people can
buy them and they say well we don't want to sell it
so that's cool it's a good problem to have it can't and i'm and i'm that way
with a lot of my collections i don't buy them to
to flip them or sell them i buy them because it's something i
it's something that has you know some kind of a you know
there's either a professional or a personal connection there
um but i'm i'm a i'm a read between the lines kind of guy
are you telling me you're a hexagon i would say hexagon is a tough is a tough
term because it implies that you're a maximalist
and i'm i'm not really a maximalist on anything per se
other than crypto but that's good i i we we love the hex community the hex
community doesn't necessarily love us as much but we love the hex community
um and uh always you know always you know when i hear someone talking about
hex you know like the no pun intended josh but the light bulb
goes off um but then that's awesome that's awesome i
definitely want to learn more thank you um dave you've been throwing up some
pretty pretty rapid you know some very uh
poignant uh emojis up there uh you like i take it you're liking what
you're hearing oh it's that finger the odd wrong one but
you know it's emojis make the world go around like it's as simple as that and
they add smiles and make the world go around everyone needs more emojis in
their life um nfts and like my big thing about
nfts i don't think a lot of people potentially
realize or understand or fully appreciate whichever way it is
is there they're your unique access to the blockchain
um and and that's what's really exciting it doesn't matter what's behind that
unique access there's all sorts of things that you
could have behind that unique access and
and even if your data limited you can you can direct someone somewhere else
that's that you know that's gated in some way so
um it's essentially hopefully fingers crossed about
ownership and that unique access and seeing people
introduce different industries different ideas different mechanics
um is always interesting um and something that i like to
to see and i appreciate it when i do yeah i think i
think every dentist in the united states needs to offer
their patients an nft if they ever have to get a tooth pulled
no no even better than that even better than that you know instead of giving
children stickers give them an nft like get them get them involved in the
blockchain i've got i've got a friend jay who's doing a
show aimed at young people um and introducing them into
to digital assets and this technology and we can just link it all together
well and i grew up in the day when you would visit the
the dentist and and guess what you would get
when you left the dentist as a kid a hard-boiled
a nice hard candy a nice hard candy sucker man and what kid
no has the patience to actually lick that thing down
man i'm gonna bite that thing and i'm gonna crunch it up and i'm gonna be back
oh goodness um well hey thanks a lot man appreciate you
hopping up here and being with us i'll be patient you know maybe ping me if
you if if a little time goes by because i
definitely would love to to have a little bit more of a conversation and
maybe even uh have you back on the show at some
point uh and uh yeah it's just great i i do i
love your your pfp is it's brilliant it tells me
everything about you um and so well done with that um and i
mean with that dave i mean we only got like four minutes left shane you had
your hand up for a second you pulled it down but
uh i don't know if there was a question or i thought you wanted to share you're
welcome to do that we do have a few more minutes
well i i was just gonna say um kind of what you what you you you kind
you got to it before i did um i was gonna say about the uh
the uh uh nft you know um oh tooth fairy
you know that that was my idea instead of giving
dollars underneath the uh underneath the pillow you could do like
everything right you can do anything anybody who has a bunch of little kids
knows how that's gonna fly
well yeah yeah i guess i guess you're right there
it's like dad what is this man i got ripped off
well let me tell you about the blockchain son i know i know i know i
know fear it's bad but cash is good and if it takes the the the the the tooth
fairy to remind us all that we need cash in
society that i'm happy for it just just think about this very quickly
this is going to be my final thought there's lots i could talk about
but every time you use google pay every time you use apple pay
you use your visa card master card credit card debit card whatever you want
to call it every time you use that and pay for
something you're taking a percentage out of our ecosystem
and giving it to some mega conglomerate um
so um it's normally in the region of between one and a half and four percent
we don't see it as the consumer it gets taken off on the back end and it's
priced in but every time you use a card um that's
that's what's happening money is getting eked out of our ecosystem and
going to massive companies um and like you know i'm i'm i'm for
the the destruction of fear as we know it
um but i'm also for you know cash is a good thing
and cash should always remain yeah well guys um gosh we're down to our
last couple of minutes it's been it's been a very nice uh
show i've really enjoyed uh all of the conversation
um the participation appreciate you coming up here
um and i think did you share i'm sorry um
web three you shared your name i was actually kicking back in my chair
relaxing so i didn't write it down um how how do we address you
i don't know if you can hear me can you hear me dave
emojis emojis i could hear you okay um well i so yeah we're we're down to
the end of the show how about we do this dave can we can
we kind of close out with a dad joke today
if you have to you can cut that i've been wanting i've been wanting to i've
been wanting i've been wanting to specifically share
this with you okay so what do you what do you call a
deer with one eye i know the answer and i feel like i'll ruin it if i say it
well it's for you though it's it requires a british accent
to actually drive this whole joke home
no idea exactly uh so do you know what you call a one-eyed deer
that has no legs i can't remember that one
still no idea yeah there it is there it is and what do you call a deer with no
legs and one eye that gets hit by a car go on
still still bloody no idea oh oh dear it does it does remind me
i'm gonna close on this where do you find a tortoise with no legs
what's with that where do you find a tortoise with no legs
no idea wait where you left it and on that night enjoy your weekend
hey thanks everybody thanks for joining us today this is
the defi breakdown edition of the this is not a shield show
this is not a shield can be tuned into monday wednesday and friday from
2 p.m to 4 p.m eastern standard time uh it's been a treat it's been a pleasure
thanks thanks for everyone who's actually stayed here the whole time this has been
a really fun enjoyable time and we hope you guys come back we hope to see you
next week um have an awesome weekend guys have a
awesome weekend we'll talk to you soon throw up some mojis let's uh let's send
this uh let's send this home