DeFi for All - Crescent and Canto

Recorded: Dec. 2, 2022 Duration: 1:08:01



Greetings, everybody. This is Dave Fortson from Gravity and Loa Labs. Just getting fired up here.
and Kit and Deborah up here from Gravity.
can can't can't come to and Crescent folks are starting to join Hey, how is everybody doing? I am going to go to different headphones because I can't
I really hear you, so can we just a quick second? - Yeah, no problem. GM. GM, indeed.
Sunward you in the world right now. I'm actually in Bangalore India. I'm here for Ethan. Yeah, right now. Pretty good. Yeah, a lot of people surprising. I did not expect
Hello, hello. Hello. Hey, Trio. Hello, son.
in the world right now.
-Tree's based in career again. -Oh, sorry, sorry, what was that? It cut off right before you spoke. -It's okay, I was just asking where you are in the world right now. -Oh, I'm in Seoul right now. -Right.
So I think we've got two 30 in this morning. Oh my gosh, thank you so much. I always forget that, yeah, that time zone still throws me for a loop. No, it's fine. So please bear with me. Yeah, no worries. Well, get yourself a cup of tea or coffee.
Let's drop in welcome Deborah you're good now. Can you hear everything good? I am all good now. Can everybody hear me? You sound great. Wonderful. Yes, we can. Great. Thanks everybody for being here. I'm super excited. Yeah, this is a great squad really grateful that everyone took the time. I know we had the
scheduled for a couple of weeks ago and kind of the crypto world went sideways again and we decided to take a step back and give but the dust settle and yeah and here we are you know and I think there's some you know related storylines of what happened
with FTX and what we're all doing, but the short of it is here, we're here to talk about DeFi for all about building public infrastructure and public goods and why that's so such a critical component bringing crypto to the
people, being able to develop the key infrastructure that makes it accessible and inclusive to all people and why making these investments is important. And obviously this trio here has been a critical component
And I think we're just going to explore a variety of topics. And obviously, you know, I think, you know, each of you will have your own kind of take on the issue, but we certainly have a bunch of overlapping shared values that I'm looking forward to hearing more about.
If we could just do a quick round of just making sure everyone introduces themselves and what you're doing at your respective protocols, just to start and then we'll kick off and see how it goes. So maybe Deborah do you want to just start? Give us a little background on you and gravity and then we'll go over to Sun.
Yeah, happy to. Thanks so much for that introduction. So my name is Deborah Sampir. I'm the CEO and co-founder of Althia, actually. So Althia is a decentralized Internet and Connectivity platform and blockchain and that also
is very involved in sort of multi-chaining access to stable points because of the DeFi for all. So we became very involved in getting gravity off the ground and gravity bridges a decentralized bridge between Ethereum and Cosmos to the validating
independent validator bridge with the secure non-upgradable multi non-upgradable theorem contracts and it's also the most widely adopted and affordable bridge in the Cosmos ecosystem. Thanks so much for having me. Got it. Sun, tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hey guys, my name is Son or KVontalium for those who know me. So I think for Kanto, as you guys are well aware, it's kind of a non VC kind of launch project. There's around 40 contributors today. Like when we launch there's around 40 contributors, I think today there's probably around 60 or
70 and there's probably people I don't know about. But a lot of the work that I do right now to kind of push Kanto awareness is kind of work with devs like dev relationships and help around with like partnerships and integrations. Pretty active as well with the
coordination. But yeah, I think that's the broader picture. I think I guess I'll just talk maybe a little bit about canto because Deborah kind of explained a little bit about gravity bridge, but from a high level canto is a cosmos-based blockchain with EVM compatibility. It's been around for around three months
Now the idea from a very high level is can't do envisions a world where D5 primitives or infrastructure even around NFTs core infrastructure are all free to use and the idea is to envision and explore a world where and see

FAQ on DeFi for All - Crescent and Canto | Twitter Space Recording

Who is Dave Fortson and what does he do?
Dave Fortson is from Gravity and Loa Labs and is a part of the discussion in the podcast about building public infrastructure and public goods in the DeFi for All initiative.
What is the DeFi for All initiative?
The DeFi for All initiative is about building public infrastructure and public goods to make crypto accessible and inclusive for everyone.
Who is Deborah Sampir and what is her involvement in the DeFi for All initiative?
Deborah Sampir is the CEO and co-founder of Althea, which is a decentralized internet and connectivity platform and blockchain that is involved in multi-chaining access to stable points. She was also involved in getting Gravity off the ground, which is a decentralized bridge between Ethereum and Cosmos.
What is the Gravity bridge?
The Gravity bridge is a decentralized bridge between Ethereum and Cosmos that is built with non-upgradable Ethereum contracts. It is the most widely adopted and affordable bridge in the Cosmos ecosystem.
Who is Sun and what is his involvement in the DeFi for All initiative?
Sun is also known as Kvontalium and is a part of the team behind Kanto, which is a Cosmos-based blockchain with EVM compatibility. He works on pushing Kanto awareness and is involved in dev relationships, partnerships, and integrations.
What is Kanto's vision for the future of DeFi and NFTs?
Kanto envisions a world where DeFi primitives and infrastructure, as well as NFTs core infrastructure, are all free to use.
What is the purpose of the podcast episode?
The purpose of the podcast episode is to discuss the importance of building public infrastructure and public goods in the DeFi for All initiative to make crypto accessible and inclusive for everyone.
Why was the podcast episode delayed?
The podcast episode was delayed due to some developments in the crypto world that caused the team to take a step back and let the dust settle.
What is the importance of making investments in public infrastructure for crypto?
Making investments in public infrastructure for crypto is important to bring crypto to the people and to develop the key infrastructure that makes it accessible and inclusive to all people.
What is the main topic of discussion in the podcast episode?
The main topic of discussion in the podcast episode is building public infrastructure and public goods in the DeFi for All initiative.