Delve into Exarta with Asva Labs and Asvarium

Recorded: April 17, 2023 Duration: 0:53:39



Here everyone.
Hi Rashi, can you hear me? I sure can. Can you hear me okay? Yeah, I'm hearing you okay. So yes, absolutely. Hey everyone, you're so very welcome on this beginning of the week on Aswala to the Space.
With Exana, me, myself, Pyle, who is signing in from Asperium and this Monday morning, not Monday morning, probably evening, yes, it's an evening and yeah, from wherever you belong to, probably it's a big
beginning of Tuesday even in Australia. So yeah, so you guys are so very welcome to this space and today we are here together for to celebrate the association partnership between Aswa, Asperium and Exile.
So yeah, the session has been organized to celebrate this partnership and to so here my purpose to hold the session is to to open to exata with as well as an ashram. So to know more I just my community might with this space my my Twitter wants to know more about
Exata. So to know more about Exata, I would like to welcome Mr. Rashid Ali, he is CEO Exata and here I should can you hear me loud and clear. I can yes. Thank you very much. Yes, you are so very welcome here on
as well as to the space, how are you doing today? Yeah, not too bad, not too bad. The sun is out, spring is here, nearly in the UK. So when it isn't raining? Okay, so it's Monday afternoon.
Great. How's the video? A bit of sunshine, a bit of snow, a bit of rain. It sums up the UK really, right? Oh yeah, it's different than UK.
you know when you talk about the rain it's raining all the time right whenever you have to get your umbrella all set and ready yeah you can't you know if it's sunny outside you still need to go out with your umbrella because you just never know when the rain might come so it's very unpredictable most 12 months a year
Oh yeah, it's harsh little bit here. Yeah, I understand. Yeah. So, okay. So here we are talking about Exata. So we had recently had a partnership with Exata and there are a lot of things to talk about it. I just want to begin with though.
Rasted you so if you can introduce yourself Yeah, sure so firstly I'd like to thank everybody who's joined to listen into the Emma and again Congratulations on the partnership so my name's Rashid and as mentioned on the CEO and co-founder of Exata my background
is in technology. It has been for about 25 years, so it's not something new. So I've been helping organisations around the world with digital transformation, also specialising cyber security. And it's something that's a bit of a
passion for myself and my co-founders. We set up Exartor a couple of years ago because we were three friends and we had sort of the similar vision of what we wanted to do. But generally in the virtualization space and crypto space been around and dabbling in this space for about
nine to ten years. So, you know, we've got a great background in technology ourselves and visualization, our CTO and third co-founder. He's been in the space and creating immersive experiences for a very long time with his own labs, his own studios. So yeah, that's a little bit about myself.
That's so good to know. So you had a wild when you had a transformation from Web 2 to Web 3 space because I was security with every Web 3 something which you have to 12 in 2. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, okay. So yeah.
Thank you very much for your introduction and really appreciate that and now let's talk about like Exara so how did you as you told me that it's been a while with Exara so how was your journey and what Exara do you do? Yes, so Exata the original idea came around
We first got into the visualization space. We were creating me and Kazim with two friends and we were creating virtual environment for five star hotels for a lot of big organizations and a lot of real estate companies, virtual walkthroughs and so on.
quite a number of years ago and we started playing around with creating a platform that was mainly focused on retail and commerce. This was quite a long time ago, like I said about 19 years ago. The challenge we had in those days, which is the technology really
wasn't there in a sense where the streaming, the infrastructure, the devices, the mobile phones you can imagine as well, they weren't the savvy ones you got right now and the processing speeds and the power and so on. So we had the idea back then but we couldn't execute on our vision and so we
of shelved that idea in those days and then when Covid hit, just before Covid we were doing the virtualization for hotels and environments and we thought maybe now is a time because we had a key focus on commerce and if you remember during Covid there wasn't any commerce really going
Going on, live commerce, face-to-face meetings were cancelled, retail, high streets all shut down, banks were shut down, you have to do everything online. We thought maybe now is a good time to start setting up a company in the virtual environment that focuses on commerce. We weren't using the word Metaverse in those days.
during COVID, it's only since Facebook changed their name to Meta and the Metaverse where it started coming about. But we started creating a thinking of how we can create a platform that was unique and different compared to a lot of the other technologies out there. Because look, if we are to do something in
We want to look at the mistakes that have happened in Web 2. If you just have a look around on the social media platforms and the challenges they have with races, bullying, all these sort of things that are going on, they're not good. Us people and founders are creating the new internet, the Web 3
the metaverse. We need to really look into these mistakes and see how we can fix those problems and make sure they don't come into Web3. Now we started looking into creating a roadmap of what we wanted to create first and how we wanted to create it and we wanted to create an environment that was safe, secure, private,
where anybody, you know, man, woman and child can come into these environments and feel safe, but also make sure it's as realistic as possible to real life and they could do as many activities as they potentially could. So our key focus is on commerce and retail within our meta-versa environment that we are creating, but we had a
strategic plan and I rode them up two years ago where we were integrating artificial intelligence, block chain and our skill set within the virtual environments creating these these like retail high streets and so on. Now we wanted to use AI for profanity monitoring languages so you
can anybody can come into this environment from wherever culture, region you are from around the world and still feel at home. We wanted to create environments that people could relate to. So we had a lot of building going on that we were doing with all the technologies we had. And just recent the obviously because of the chat GPTK mail
you know, sort of accelerated some of those areas. We started working, we were already working on the AI side way before Chat GPT actually released to the public. So we are quite ahead in that space already. So hence we were very quickly be able to launch one of our products. But it was originally
It was a product called Zeniva. It was originally really for our metaverse environments, but we thought we could actually help brands transition from Web2 to Web3 using some of our technology. That's where we are today, really. So our long-term vision is the metaverse and creating the exact metaverse, but what we want
do is really help brands and organizations get into that space and sometimes that isn't about just creating a virtual environment that can be using some or small piece of web free technology just to get to put a foot into that space and then slowly get into fully immersive experiences. So that's where we are at
the moment.
systems converting from web to web 3 space like integration of blockchain and other technology incorporated inside. But apart from that, the second element which you said that we are into retail and e-commerce and metaverse. And then how, how like I just want to understand a little bit more about
What you guys are doing in this regard? Is it like e-commerce platform in Metaverse? Do you guys have like, you know, try to integrate that, you know, like how Amazon do in Web2? Is it something like Amazon? Like, yeah, so we're just starting
of beginning is small but yeah of course everybody's going to grow bigger so is the vision is something like Amazon in veterinary? Yeah so you're very much correct there so that's one of the things I found to spoke about we said we want to be the Amazon off the web free space right is one of the
goals we wanted to set ourselves. So there's quite a few different challenges that we're trying to resolve. And the first one was in regards to apparel and brands and so on, clothing for example now clothing has a massive return rate. So when people go online they buy a small medium and large they normally get three parcels
turn up and they try them all on and they normally send two of them back. What they don't realise is that the impact that has on the actual brand but also on the environment now people will be thinking what do you mean by that and so I'll explain a bit further. So when you return two of those items and you kept
the one, those two have to be paid for the courier with brand S2P for the Courage Deliverant Bank. Then there's a team of people that have to unpack all the boxes. Then there's a team of people who have to actually go and clean those products if they can be cleaned and then there's a team of people who have to restack them. So the cost
the brand, it's absolutely huge right and if you get such massive returns that's a big problem for them and I think the last figure was about 40 to 50% of products get returned from online sales so that's a huge amount right. Secondly, out of every five products that are returned, three of them can't
be put back on the shelf, they get sent to landfill. So you can imagine straight away they are done a how many tons of clothes get sent to landfill every year. So we realised there's a big problem there within the web to space in regards to returns. So we thought we let's challenge these problems first and that was one of the areas
as we started working on where you can get an avatar. You could put your own personal measurements in, we look at a clothing brand, if it's tight fit, loose fit and so on, and use the AI to ultimately fit those clothes onto your avatar that you've put your measurements on to help with sizing, because that was the biggest problem, you don't know which size it is and some brands have
different sizing and so on. So this is one of the biggest challenges we wanted to fix with our technology. And that's where we started, but since then we're also talking to government organizations who want us to help them with training modules, with authorities. We've got food outlets, for example, they want us to
very virtual food outlets where people can order food. If they're going out shopping for clothes or anything like that, then they can order their food. And we're talking about bridging the gap between the real world and the virtual world. We're not talking about just buying a digital item. We're talking about something where you buy in the meta-versa gets delivered
your house. Imagine you go out shopping in the metaverse, you can get a digital item and you can also get a delivery to your house, a real version, but you can be doing your food shopping, you can go and get take away and you can be playing around the metaverse and it gets delivered to your house. But while you're doing that, why not go shopping as friends? So, invite all your friends and
you all go together in different shops and see how those close look on your avatar. So these are the areas we wanted to work in and we also started recently working with some banks as well and they were like okay well look if people are going and shopping and they're buying food then surely you know we should be in there as well right so we could go people can go into a bank and then speak to a customer
of services representative and opened up a bank account. One of the areas where we were working on was AI Power and Advertisers because we felt, this is coming back from two years ago, if people are going to go into the metaverse and we're creating all these shops and these shopping retail environments, then who's going to actually manage these environments?
Is it going to be people, or a shop assistant in the real world that be managing the avatar behind them? That's not going to be feasible. That's not going to be a workable solution. So we started working on AI powered avatars that could talk about the brand, could upsell, could go find the production looking for and serve
customers and then also AI powered police and so on. So we started really creating a lot, looking to create an environment where it's everfitted powered by efficient intelligence. That could help you better navigate through the Metaverse. And that's one of the technologies we built already that we're actually going to release to Web 2.
while we're still going to be integrating into the web free environment. So the use cases we're working on although it started with retail and that's our key focus. There's a lot of different areas that people are asking us to help them with and that's governments all around the world really and retailers and brands and food and every area you can think of.
No, yeah. That's that that is pretty huge. I just want I was just imagining like what are the areas you guys are planning to cover and that's pretty brilliant. So hopefully everything goes great and then you guys on the right path. So yeah, talking about them is one thing, you know, we have two space problem and other stuff.
I just want to add one thing, imagine myself buying the stuff and most of the time when we return the stuff and then I don't think they try to clean the stuff and try to fit into the shelf. The most of the time the product is just dumped and that causes huge loss to the
seller if I'm understanding right. Yeah, people don't realize that. People don't realize that. It's a problem. Think problem. Yeah, and it goes to the secondary market to sell it like a $50 product worth on $5 sale because people nobody wants to buy the second hand item. So yeah, that's again
half of the items got sold in the secondary market and the rest of them being dumped in. Yeah, I hope that's all of the problem because everybody on the losing state when this happens and yeah, I absolutely love the idea of diversifying into this different field. So right now if I talk about where you're
ecosystem is currently I understand you guys are developing. So if I talk about the realizing like you know those visions so at what the point of you know at the development you guys are in currently. Sure so as a company we've been going two years we've got over 50 stars
already in four locations around the world we just sat up in Dubai as well because that region is really hot in the metaverse and it's you know becoming there going for digital transformation there. So where we are we've been building for two years we've had to pivot a couple of times we're using different engines and then we thought okay well so because it comes down to infrastructure
again and streaming real high level graphics and so on. So we've had to give it like a lot of companies in this space but we built our first city we're just adding the finishing touches to it so that should be live and that's based on London futuristic London and also traditional London as well but where we are so we worked with quite a few big brands and you may
seen that we worked with a company called Unilever, which is 130 billion pound organization. We worked with them quite extensively. We did a product launch for them for Theresa May, and we worked with quite a few other brands for them as well, and for the other organizations.
What we very quickly realized is that to build each experience individually for a brand takes anywhere from, you know, depending most brands want a really, you know, great experience. So it takes three to six months quite easily of building that activation for them. So the challenge is
is if we as a company are going to try bringing on thousands and thousands of brands, it's going to take quite a long time. It's pretty huge. I can imagine. Yeah. We started thinking, okay, so what we need to do is build infrastructure
And so we paused everything and we were like, "How are we going to bring thousands of brands into the Metaverse?" And we're not just talking about the Ralph Laurence, the Balenciaga, all the big brands that are already in this space. They have the funds, right? They have the teams behind them and they have the money, which is critical at the time. We wanted to bring in what about everybody else?
You know, there's millions of other brands that can't access that space at the moment, right? And so we thought, okay, I'm going to do that. So we start building technology that helps brands transition from Web 2 to Web 3. So one of those was the AI and the AI again, we're looking at converting 2D assets to 3D assets in a click of a
a few buttons, right, and that's the technology we are building because if we're going to convert all the products from 2D to 3D, you know, we need technology and we need to use AI at the moment. We also look into quantum computing, which is a next step evolution in regards to technology. It's something that's really going to, on top of that,
AI and blockchain revolutionise the way we live our lives in the normal world, let alone the metaverse. But we're building a lot of technology and at this stage, so we built our first city, the AI product I was talking about, avatars, we thought, okay, why don't we use that in Web2? So we've created a Zeniva
that's the website, it's currently being updated, but it's a AI powered avatar that would sit, it's a 3D avatar that can sit on any Web 2, any website, so it's full Web 2, it's a Web 3 product, but it's Web 2, and we wanted to give that to everybody and every brand, every organization
whether it's a bank, whether it's a retailer, any type of organization, it could be a consultancy for example. It can sit on any website, it can talk to you, the avatar talks to you, it's interacts with you, which is something that chat GPD does by its chat GPD's wider model, it talks about everything and any effect. We're talking about specific about
that company and that's it. That's what it's programmed to do. But then also it can make recommendations, it can turn, say, "Okay, go and find me a product on the website and it will find me this information or forms, I need to fill it. It'll go and find them for you on the website." So now you don't have to go searching for particular products, you can just ask the avatar and it'll go and do that#
in forms for you, you know, find your products, it'll add your products to the basket, it'll ask you, hey, do you know, do you want to sign up here, do you want to add some information? Oh, there's, by the way, it could be your best salesperson, right? You could say it by the way, they've got a sale going on. Say pretty much, you know, revolutionizes and disrupts that#
very much the same for decades. We've already created for WebFree. We can use that to help brands transition. That's a small step into WebFree where there's thousands of brands now can take that product very easily and then they go foot into WebFree. What that does also is let
and we'll have our technology that converts 2D to 3D assets and then the final step is if you want to be in the metaverse we can create a store just by clicking a few buttons, putting your brand details in. We already got the AI with the information about your brand so you've got an AI powered avatar customer service assistant
for the Metaverse because we're already working with you, you're already using our avatar on your web too. We also can convert your website into a virtual store within the exact Metaverse just by clicking the few buttons. And so you can see straight away, you know, how we sort of put our roadmap together where we can actually convert thousands of people
thousands of organizations into the metaverse and it's all about scalability and how we actually give help with the mass adoption because it's something that people talk a lot about but nobody actually says how they're going to do it. So we've got a plan on how we're going to bring about everybody who follows Gzato once
be involved in Xata to bring about mass adoption. That's our vision and how we can do it anyway. Absolutely, absolutely. Actually, that's so wonderful to know this idea because the artificial intelligence, the concept of chat GPT related platform just kicked in six months back if I'm not wrong.
So it is that I feel amazing over the thought that you guys really caught up really fast on that. And I really like the idea of how you guys are trying to incorporate it into your e-commerce platform because I personally feel that's really great when you don't have to look at
to the products and there is the AI to help you over there. And that's so absolutely amazing and that could be the way a big contributing factors through the success of a platform because that's amazing to hear that. And congratulations on that. And yeah, but on the
second point, Rashid, that I'm talking about the mass adoption. We still are on a very nice stage, right? I would like you to talk a little bit more about, you know, do you think you guys are still facing a lot of challenges, right? Because, you know, from Web 2 to Web 3.
the integrating the blockchain technology into e-commerce. Does it sound like challenging? Anything new will always be challenging. I mean, if you look at it, a lot of the people that are getting into web freeze, people who understand crypto, people understand blockchain and so on.
But there's, you know, majority of the population, they don't really get it yet, they don't understand it. But what you have to remember, this is, this is really key, right? Who your, who your audience is. And the audience is those generations, the Gen Zs, the Gen M, all the generations are going to come after them. Now in the next five to 10 years,
these generations are going to be 80% of the population on the planet. Now these generations are already immersed in those environments. They're all very young at the moment but you soon you'll see, you'll see, it starts seeing a shift, you know, in the next few years you'll start seeing shifts and you'll see these generations growing up a little bit and there'll be more and more and more people because obviously
So you know the the air goes through cycle people come people go but these generations once they get to a certain age and level then you'll start seeing the mass adoption because these these generations are really mercenaries environments to play the roadblocks to play the Minecraft the fortnight and so on. I'm not saying older people don't write you know there is
a massive generation, massive consumer that will be the majority population on the planet and that's where I think we're going to get mass adoption. In between that phase when that happens, we need to still at least help and educate a lot of people about what's happening because it is going to be the new, it is the
the internet or let some people say the new internet and people will be able to do absolutely everything that they do instead of going on Google they'll just go into a metaverse and go and do this activity today and just be able to do it right and they'll go to their favourite metaverses and they can go and play games
and socialise, I mean all the kids nowadays, they socialise in virtual environments already, right? That's what my kids do. Yeah, my kids the same and that's what they do. We are meeting in Vogue Lock so you know, you will meet together there and I love when we were young, we're going to meet in the park, you know, that's what they do. So you can imagine that
generation growing up, they're already they're not pissed. Yeah, literally. And you know, it's something it's it's sand in a certain ways where I separate. Yeah. We want to encourage them to go out, get some fresh air and go and see. Yes, absolutely. But then, yeah, there has to be balance, you know, yeah, it is, but I fear a certain
part of me fears that the future is that's where it's just going to be connected and we'll lose touch with nature itself. I'm very much like going walking around, seeing the sky, blue sky, one of those. That's what I'm seeing. You have to balance everything. Otherwise
technologies at the kiosk you cannot really help. Yeah, imagine our kids kids right you know they're just where they're gonna be, what they're gonna be doing is just you can imagine in next 2015 20 years where you know things are gonna be it's gonna be so different to what we are used to growing up with so. Yeah
Yeah, absolutely. Oh, yeah, that's quite so. Having said that, you know, when we're talking about metaverse and we're talking about other stuff, NFT also has a great role to play. You know, you know, things cannot get completed without NFTs because there's a token which which
identify the place. And like we as Asua Lab, so I just want to rush it, let the community just give our overview about what we do. We asua Lab is like parent company having different projects running under it. The first one is the ideal launch pad. We do fun and we do give
the launch pad to the IDOs, the tokens, and help them raising the funds. And then we have a venture capitalist arm, which provide the funding assistance to different projects. And then we are coming up with Asvarium. Asvarium is going to
come in two versions. The first one is the INO launch pad again for the NFT-based projects. It will give the platform to raise the fund for and the second one would be the renting in the version 2. It would be the renting protocol which will give the, it is like a marketplace where you can
rent your NFT and the people who need the NFTs, they can take it out for the small amount of fee. The focus for the renting protocol would be utility-based. We just exclusively want to be RUSB. Only the NFT
which has the utility, real world utility is going to be the landing would be landing on to our platform. Yeah, so this is something, you know, what I feel that we are all are working on, but there is one aspect I just want to put a light on like
right now, you know, we all know that the market situations are not really great and we all are facing the brough challenges and instead of, you know, kicking out, taking up the pace, we are just thinking of building. So, like with the having said that, like we see what's happening with decentralized
And we don't technically, we are not seeing a lot of engagement on decent land and with all kind of middle-verse environments. So how do you see that? What's going on right now? And how are we going to see the better times to come as far as the middle-verse environments are concerned?
Yeah, so first and foremost, I think what you're doing is absolutely brilliant because there was too many projects and there's still a lot of projects without utility and that sort of gives a bad image to a lot of people right, a lot coming into this space. What's the utility behind it? There isn't anything
And that just gives a bad name. And I mean since the market, since FTX and all that a lot of people, the scammers, let's call them, they sort of jump ship because if we can't make any money anymore, we can't scam people. But there'll always be, you know, there's money involved. There'll always be organizations and people that are just out there to make a quick buck and then, you know,
scam people and so on. So I always say if you can invest in something, you know, do your own research but make sure there is utility and there's a long term strategic plan and project and road map and so on. But back to your question in regards to where the market is and so look everything when it happens
it goes for a different cycle you're going to get times when it's going to be good times you're going to get time when it's bad times and the companies that last those bad times are the ones that will create the good times so you have to just hold on to your you know put your seatbelt on hold on to you know you see and ride that wave because it will have
and unfortunately that's just the way it is and we'd like to say we had FDX. Then we've got some of the mainstream banks which are struggling as well, then we've got a wall going on. But you know, behind every grey cloud there is a silver lining, right? So when the clouds go and the sun starts shining again, then if you can't last that long then you will be in a very strong
position and that's the way to look at things really in life in general. So I think you know those are building projects and those are involved in projects keep plugging away, you know, don't lose heart and keep going really. Yeah, definitely. Thank you. Thank you for your answer. So yeah,
I'm coming back to Exada. I just want to know how do you feel that your project, because we currently see a lot of retail projects still kicking in in Web3 space. How do you feel like what are the unique features you have in your project, which takes you ahead of the competitors?
Yep, so we've got a clear strategy and clear vision of where we want to be, right? And we're not the type of company that's just going to go right here. You go here something, you know, to play around with. So we're building our base and that's building our customers and building our brand and building our community and so on.
We use been using AI and have been I've been in you know the technology sector for 25 or years and AI is not new trust me It's not new right although some people seem to think it's brand new and it's all exciting. Everybody's getting excited about it. I've been using AI for decades now, right? Yeah, but it wasn't a different
different format. Yeah, it is a year from the past six, seven months. It's different. Yeah, so give you an idea. AI has, it's like a tree has different branches, right? LLMs are something that's obviously checked, GPT have opened up to the world. So now, even someone who doesn't know anything about AI, this, the difference between what's happened and what
happening previously. So they've opened it up and anybody can use AI with the prompts and so on and generative AI. So that's really great because that has opened up that whole space. But it's something that we've been putting in our roadmap and building for over two years.
It's not something that we've just come up with since chat to you, but he's so we've got a whole roadmap already. All that chat to you, but he has done an open AI is just accelerated our what we could do right from yesterday to today type of thing. Yeah. So we've got a clear advantage straight away in regards to what we are doing and we've got a focus
focus on the retail organizations that we work in with the brands and we are a we're not a just a visualization company we are a technology company right so we're not just creating environments we actually are creating D technology that sits behind it the infrastructure and everything
And that's where it really gets us to this big advantage because now we have certain governments around the world approaching us and asking us to create technology stacks for them in regards to some of the areas we work in and we are working with some of the biggest projects in the world.
in regards to virtual environments with our technology. So we've got a lot of experience behind us and we've got a lot of technology experience, a lot of commercial experience and a lot of connections all around the world. So we're in a good place and we're growing rapidly by the end of this year. We're hoping to have about 100
with more locations, we're looking at the USA and a lot of other European countries and the S Southeast Asia region as well. So, you know, if you pull that together, we're in a, we were voted one of the top metaverse companies in the world and last late last year, but Business Leader magazine as well.
Oh, that's so great. It's amazing to know that. So yeah, so do you mind me asking, you know, I don't know somehow is it the right place to talk about this? So if you want to tell us a little bit about the, you know, the collaborators you're working with and then the government projects are probably
If not that fine. You can imagine a strong NDAs are in place but we're working real estate, we're working with authorities whether it's tourism, whether it's museums with the government museums, where it's actually the authorities as well or so like the police, we're working with very
different high level governments in those areas where we create training modules, we create virtual environments for them to put their trainees into or even do some sort of onboarding, whether it's HR, whether it's the intranet, so you can imagine use cases that we've all technology
So for example, with the Zeneva product, we're talking to a few organizations where they wanted to create the Zeneva product where when a new employee starts and these companies have hundreds of thousands of employees, where people start and Zeneva is the internet. So they go into their internet, it's Zeneva, they tell
or whoever they are and say, "We need to fill in these forms." And then, "Ori talks to him and say, "Okay, you need to fill in this form." These are the details and I'll give you some training on this and that. So it's like your personal, persistent, onboarding assistant, right? So there's so many use cases that we are working on. It's absolutely crazy. I certainly believe
in the next 12 months are going to be absolutely huge for us. We are actually on a funding round at the moment. Once that closes then we are really going to take off. I certainly believe in the next 12 months will be in it. I mean maybe we do another hammer in 12 months and you'll see exactly where we are but we
really are going to really really push this forward. Oh absolutely I love the idea actually you know I feel that XRI is a great platform and hopefully it gets the required funding you know on time and everything goes as per plan yeah yeah so
So actually, are you talking about the different industries, Poles, government, and other, that makes me think about the mass adoption probably we are on the right track of mass adoption into Web 3 and Metaverse. So people are recognizing this industry and that's pretty great and it's a good new
for all of us. So you said so many things about what you guys are working on, how you guys started, but we just wanted to know what is your proudest achievement since launching this business. Well the proudest achievement for
us is just working with good people, right? We try building really good teams and I'm proud of everyone that's part of Exata really because we try working all together, you know, us founders always available for all the personnel, everybody in the company. We always are there from HL
are from marketing, from a tech team, to a visualization team, to our AI teams. Everybody, I can say, every day, I'm really proud of all the work that they are doing and putting in. And you have to create a company culture where people want to come into work. And they feel part of