I think you guys have a morning time, right?
So right now, it's 11 a.m.
For us, it's evening time.
It's crazy how fast time goes.
We can do some trading today.
Especially crypto overall.
Because I've been in this space since 2017.
And it's crazy how much innovations have happened, right?
The NFT boom back in 2021.
And then after that, we had a gaming boom.
And yeah, now we have like RWAs popping off and D-Pen and AI, which is really interesting.
Yeah, that's something which I'm also very excited about.
This cycle is completely new than it used to be earlier.
Touching the real life now.
And it's pretty cool, too.
Because I feel like every year, there's a different narrative around different verticals.
Which is cool because DeFi, they're doing their own thing.
But, you know, D-Pen and AI, that's something very new that people have been talking about.
Not just in Web 3, but also in Web 2, right?
With like chat, GBT, and all that cool stuff.
And I don't know if you saw Tesla.
They released their robo cars that's powered by AI.
And also the robots as well, which is pretty interesting.
I just saw that and I said, like, okay, this is our next level.
I don't know if you've seen the movie Robot.
Was it iRobot with Will Smith?
I can't believe we're here already.
And I can also believe and see how robots will take over the entire world.
And there is going to be some central point where we all have to reach to fuse it or else it is going to, like, control all the entire world.
Well, I'm here to see all that happen.
Hopefully it doesn't happen, but, you know.
But hope not also, because those things will be, like, crazy dangerous.
Well, you know, I think we're waiting for Lillipad.
But it seems like they haven't joined yet.
But, you know, while we wait, I think it'll be an awesome opportunity to introduce yourself.
Like, how did you get into crypto?
Where did the idea behind Ferron came about?
And, yeah, what have you guys been up to lately?
So, first, I'd love to get started about myself.
I've been into this space.
I'm not as old as you in terms of being in crypto.
So, I did not join in 2017.
I was, like, a little bit behind.
I joined in 2019, November, October, something like that.
And that, too, thanks to Gitcoin.
Because Gitcoin team was, like, I don't know, like, what they're doing now.
But in the initial days of that, like, when Gitcoin and all these things were kind of building.
I joined as a hacker in Web3 and then started my journey, like, forward.
But before even joining Web3, I spent a lot of time in Web2 companies building and working with them.
So, I joined the startup, got acquired, joined a healthcare startup, like, healthcare company, Siemens, worked there and understood that entire healthcare domain and all these data policies, regulations, and tons of other things.
And then, I also worked with enterprise domain, like, ERP solutions, where how this movement of goods happens on a software level and all this stuff.
So, that is what my background is all about.
So, I have been a developer in my, at least half of my time.
Like, now, after Web3, now I am everything.
And you must be agree on that also.
Like, when you become a Web3 guy, you become everything.
But the good part is, like, we have got a master into the Web3 domain.
We know, like, what exactly is happening.
Now, this is my expertise in, too.
When I jumped into the Web3, the first thing which I looked at, looked myself around, since I come from a very tech background, I always think things very logically.
Okay, I know there are a lot of times when we don't have to think logically, but there are 98% time, 95% time, logical thing works, right?
So, when I jumped into this space, when we were doing a lot of hackathons and everything, and there were people who were talking about, like, decentralized stuff and, like, running these decentralized systems and blah, blah, blah.
And then, I looked around, and I don't know, like, that, just a few days back, I was checking their stats completely changed.
But that point of time, like, more than 50% miners of Ethereum were running on AWS and GCP and all of these clouds, right, combined.
So, imagine three of them going down, like, taking down the entire Ethereum down, right?
So, that was the craziest part, and when we looked into those data sets, it was, like, crazy, like, people were talking about desigualization, but on the foundational layer, everything was centralized.
So, that opened up a mind for us at, like, me and my co-founder, Mitra Sheer, because, like, there's a spot where we can play our role, and there's a fine spot, because we don't come from a financial background.
So, I know financial things, people endure much, because, like, they love whenever you talk about giving out money and talk about money and stuff, but that was not our domain ever.
And we wanted to play a domain which we are experts into, and we were experts into infrastructure space.
We looked into that space, we built along with some other teams, some of the solutions, tried to see, like, how we can solve this problem statement of how to gently removing, when I say horizontally, like, horizontally, you know, like, hard work.
By the way, part I'm speaking about, originally removing the centralized control and give that power to the community-led infrastructures, because if we don't do that, the opportunity, or, you can say, the loss for all of us is going to be, ultimately, we are just going to be building, we are just building a Web2 company just in the name of Web3.
So, if you don't fix that bottom layer or the foundation layer.
So, that was our starting point, and to solve that, we first built a website hosting solution.
And the reason we wanted to build that was just, like, all this Uniswap, SushiSwap, and all of these swaps which were, like, getting launched at that point of time, it was, like, they were all running on AWS buckets and those things.
So, we thought, like, okay, so what if we allow people to go and launch it on decentralized networks, like IPFS, Filecoin, and all of these things.
We scaled that to around 18,000 developers.
We onbooted around 18,000 developers, like, who were using Sphere on day in and day out.
But the only challenge, the only problem was that point of time was, like, all of these developers, they wanted to use it for free.
Nobody wanted to, like, create a value around it or want to pay for it because it was hard to create the value around that additive, like, honestly speaking.
And even today, also, a lot of teams, like, who are building around that space, they are going to struggle a lot if they don't have enough capital backing them for the next 10 years till that innovation happens, like, at scale, like, AWS.
So, after that, we took a pivot in 2020.
Like, we built till 2022, like, and then 2022, we scaled to 18K, and then 2023, we somehow, internally, we retrospect, we found there is a problem in our approach the way we are looking at.
There is a problem in PMF product market fit because people are not ready to create a value or pay for it, these services.
And then we said, like, okay, let's, let's see what, what else is happening in this space.
And, and then modularity, and the people started speaking about modularity in 2022 and 2021 itself, right?
That's the initial vibe started on modularity.
And then that is when our, again, our InfraMind kicks in.
And we said, like, if people are talking about modularity, they are definitely going to need a lot of servers to run these things, right?
And that is where we always wanted to be, because that website, our initial plan, but our ultimate plan was, like, to give people, like, the compute access and all of those access.
And then we started, we, somehow, when we were building that storage layer and the website deployment layer, we also built that compute layer.
We did not realize that we had that.
And then we went ahead and we said, okay, let's play around with that approach.
And, and Celestia, Avail, all of these guys were, like, launching, like, in 2023, their nodes were coming up.
There were not a lot of, like, daily lawn, tons of other teams, like, who were doing this node deployment and everything.
We were, like, we said, like, okay, let's go ahead and give out a spawn node as a service to the people who require these servers to spin up.
And these servers should be powered by community.
And then we went ahead, we built a small service, giving people to run it, like, as a service.
Like, everyone was just paying us money.
Like, it was crazy shit ton of money we did.
Within three months of launch, we were, like, sitting at around 1.2 million ARR and all of those stuff, right?
So all those numbers just started again.
And then in January or February, I and my co-founder, we just sat together and we had to take a very tough decision.
And this decision, I never speak publicly because now we are at a stage where we can speak publicly.
But that decision was very straightforward.
Like, can we build a centralized company the way it is?
Because now we can scale it to 10 million or 15 million dollars ARR, right?
Now, easily for in the next couple of years or even in the next one year.
But believe me, I never joined Web3 to build a centralized company.
And, like, my first thesis was, like, to come into Web3 is to build something which is truly decentralized, owned, and governed by the community and powered by the community.
I never intended to build RPC business.
I never intended to build any other businesses because that is not what I signed up for.
And everyone has a different way of thinking about this statement.
But for me and my co-founder, that statement was very different.
We decided, no, we don't want to take that path.
Even though we have this revenue and everything, it was very attractive also, like, to stick with that.
We had a good profit margin and everything.
And we said, okay, no, let's look back because this is not what we signed for.
And then we took a step back.
We said, like, this is working.
That basically means, like, and the good part is, like, we were the first deep in Node as a Service, which was launched in the Web3 without letting everyone know, right?
It was, we did not know, like, this is going to be massive and everything.
And then AI boom also came into Bigger, which is another story altogether.
That is how our journey started in this phenomenon.
We took a step back and we said, like, no, let's build an infrastructure.
Let's build a protocol, which is capable enough to allow people to build N number of Node as a Service on top, N number of GPU as a Service on top, N number of inferencing layers on top, N number of all of those things by reducing their GTM from, like, six months, seven months, eight months.
So imagine in our case, right, when we had to build this Node as a Service, we had to, like, we spent around six months minimum to kind of, like, build that with the team size, which we had.
Now, our main goal was, like, if we reduce that time frame, like, from six months to two weeks, how would that sound?
Like, would it create a network effect around the developers to go in and build their own businesses around, like, which is revenue generating and everything?
We launched one more Node as a Service called SuperNode as a Service on top.
We built that in two weeks.
Again, that is going live again, first dip in Node as a Service, which is ever going to be, like, living.
And, again, thanks to Arbitrum, again, all of these things are going to be on Sphiron chain, settling on Arbitrum.
So that is what, like, we wanted to kind of build.
Like, when AI came into the picture, we were well prepared of capturing that.
Like, but we, so at Sphiron, there is one more thesis we follow.
We don't shout until we have something tangible.
When I say don't shout, that basically means, like, we are not someone who, we are not grifters.
Like, we don't want to go ahead and start talking a lot without having any kind of tangible product, without having any kind of tangible thing.
It just, it is not just us.
This is how our minds are built at Sphiron.
Like, we can't do that until unless we don't have something solid.
So with that thought process, we went ahead and we started, like, spinning up Sphiron protocol, build a foundation.
Six months, like, from March, we started.
I think Chase is also here.
Like, we started, like, around March or April, I think.
And then there was a lot of discussion around L3, L2, this, that, blah, blah.
Like, let's lost that, let's lost this.
It was crazy, like, right?
But the good part was, like, within three months, we were, like, live with our testnet providers, started onboarding.
GP providers started onboarding.
Then within next one month, we also launched Worlds.
Like, now we are at a juncture where we are building the world's first supercomputer network powered by all Deepin.
When I say Deepin, it's a infrastructure, like, entire decentralized infrastructure, which we are powering from the laptop machines and all of this stuff.
So, now, today, as we speak, Sphiron is the biggest in terms of, like, compute infrastructure.
When I say, when I, why I say that?
Because only in Sphiron, you can deploy any workload on any machine which is there.
So, from starting to, like, building that, like, building the centralized company to building the completely powered community-driven nodes and everything, that is what we have.
And within past two weeks, that Fizz node, which we, all the Fizzers, they are very great people.
Like, if you guys also want to become a Fizzer, go ahead and Fizz.Sphiron on the network and sign up and download Media or NFT and be the part of Fizzers to supply your compute, whatever you have on your local machine and start modernizing it.
But those Fizzers have given us, like, 900 plus GPUs.
We have total 30,000 plus CPU and MacBook cores combined together.
Like, it's, like, $20,000, $30,000, $50,000 worth of compute every month on one, which we could have got from somebody else.
Community has just powered it, like, completely into it.
And that is just exciting.
It's just two weeks, like, two and a half weeks max.
Our main aim is to build a massive subcompute network where the next generation inferencing layer, if they are building, they don't need to re-bootstrap their entire compute network.
They can leverage Fizzers as it is, allow Fizzers to download these nodes and be the part of the network.
So we are solving the bootstrap, compute bootstrap issues for a lot of companies.
We are solving that AJI problem for a lot of companies.
So today, with the Sphiron's architecture and the compute network networking layer, we are at a verge of solving.
We are already solving it.
I can just, I just wrote an article about decentralized compute network state where you can form your own network state around the compute itself.
So that's, it's already solved.
And, and we are also in the verge of like becoming, so the next target is to like, we should be vertically integrated with most of the projects who are leasing out AWS's compute.
Instead, they should be leasing out that compute from Sphiron and the partners of Sphiron who have been building on top of, or the services which have been on top of Sphiron.
I can go on and on for one more hour like that, but, but I'll pause and ask you guys.
If you have any questions or concerns, I can have to do answer that.
Yeah, I think, I think the concept of this is really interesting.
And I want to ask as well, because I'm looking at the numbers right now.
Like you guys have around 32,000 total leased in GPU, which is pretty crazy.
And it's only from last week, which is insane.
And even the payouts, it's really interesting as well.
Those numbers are, are cool to see.
Um, and I, I want to ask like, um, for someone that doesn't know much about, um, GPUs, um, like why would someone want to, um, buy some GPU?
Um, maybe do you want to provide an example as a user that maybe doesn't have like high GPU?
Like why would they want to purchase, um, or leave, or, you know, leave some GPU from someone, someone else?
So imagine, uh, so today in the AI world, right?
Most of us are using ChargedGPD for it.
And not even ChargedGPD, if not ChargedGPD, then cursor, if not cursor, then together AI, if not together AI, if not together AI, then Grok, then anything out of there, right?
Now, as a developer, or let's say as a normal user, there are a lot of times we, you end up in because, uh, so understand this way.
So this entire leasing or GPU is not for non tech folks.
It is mainly focused on a technical people, like who are building into that space.
So I'm, I'm going to keep my answer around the developer, uh, site.
So let's say as a developer, I, as someone who wants to build or innovate around, uh, something around, like, let's say there's a new model, which has got large, like Lama, Meta, some 3.2 model, which is, which is launched recently, right?
And now I want to use that model.
So today I can, I have multiple options to do.
I can go to some centralized entity and say, Hey, you know what?
I'm going to use your API and, uh, I'm going to build something which my end user is going to need, right?
Now, the problem in this statement is like, you are going to use somebody else's API.
So that basically means like, if that guy decides to, Hey, you know what?
You no longer will require to, uh, like you, you no longer going to have the access of this API.
Your business is closed, right?
You, then you have to switch to somebody and then you have to switch to somebody.
Second problem is like, whenever you use somebody else's API, you don't really know what are the data they are tracking of yours.
Imagine, imagine you are asking some personal, personal, uh, very, very personal questions about yourself to that AI, right?
All of those personal questions as a prompt, which is getting stored onto their database, uh, about you and they are creating an entire profile of yours.
Like what you like, what you don't like, which kind of, uh, food.
You always ask on, on this particular server and all of those stuff, right?
So just imagine if you, if, if somebody just creates your persona around you, they, the craziness of targeting the ads will be like going insane.
Like people can target you everywhere in terms of like, even in the web to world, like the moment you speak something in front of, uh, Twitter or even Instagram, I think Twitter doesn't does that, but Twitter, uh, Instagram does it.
Yeah, definitely Instagram.
You just speak something, suddenly you will see like after one minute, two minutes, you will start seeing that ad coming up, right?
And you, you end up in buying that thing or you, you get frustrated, like all of those things happens.
Just imagine if you combine this with your personal data, which you are asking to AI by thinking that it is something which is personal to me and, and private.
But, but in reality, it is not, right?
It is being served from the API and the API is having everything, uh, controlled on their side.
Like it's, it's, it may sound, Hey, you know what, who cares?
Even today also credit crypto exists because we care about custodianship.
We care about having our own money in my own wallet rather than like somebody else owning that wallet.
So that thesis just completely gets like, Hey, where, but let's imagine in a different case, right?
Where I, I am a developer, I'm building something, which is very propriety.
I want to lease out a GPU, which, uh, and, and I want to lease out a Lama, which only give an access, like only reads about you.
Like if whatever I'm, whatever I'm asking to that model, it stays into that container.
It is not being shared with anyone else.
That API is dedicated to me.
When I say dedicated that I control, I know what is happening inside that API.
So that is how it, that is how it basically works.
Like that is how, why somebody should go ahead and lease out their own versus like, um, using, uh, the third party API, which is, which is also fine.
But as the cost of computation is going crazily down, it makes more sense to use your own, right?
Versus like, uh, like giving out your data free of cost without any, and then you end up in paying more than what you were supposed to be paying.
So, and there was a very nice energy I was, I was just drawing out and just want to put it forward for everyone.
Imagine you are paying a $10 to Google for accessing their services, but they're sending you $200 worth of services to you indirectly via their partners.
By targeting your ads and everything.
So in reality, what you are, what you are paying, right?
So you end up in paying more than what you are, what you are thinking.
But people don't understand that.
That's a very different thing.
It's a, it's a ease of usability and accessibility and everything.
But as a business, as a startup, as a, as somebody who, as a developer, you need more control.
That's, that's what you need.
That is what, why you should lease out GPUs.
And the final word I would love to add here for all the developers is like, every API has a, has a hard limit of like how much endpoints, how much query you can do.
With Sphirond, whenever you lease out a GPU, there's no, like, it's yours.
You control like how much query you want to do.
You don't, you, we, we don't control pricing of yours.
You control your own pricing.
You do whatever you wish to.
Nobody can come and increase suddenly your pricing rates.
And now today I was paying $2 tomorrow.
You have to just pay $20.
It's, it's not going to happen.
So that is why you should lease out your own GPU versus relying on somebody else's.
No, that's, that's really interesting.
And I love the analogy used.
I think that really helped understand more about the reasoning of, you know, building a Sphiron network.
I think, I think, yeah, I think it's such a powerful use case.
And can really help developers as well as users on that front in terms of the API, you know, control, having ownership of their data.
And I think, yeah, that's pretty awesome.
And, yeah, I also want to ask, because I know you mentioned Orbit.
I want to ask, like, what inspired you guys to go in that direction?
And do you see more projects within the D-Pen and AI ecosystem going in that route?
So, if you ask me, I would say yes, because, okay, so here's the thing.
We first tried to go ahead and, so we, when we started building, we were, like, using the Arbitrum Sepolia, right?
For doing a lot of testing of ours.
Now, the problem was, like, there were a lot of other people who were also using the Sepolia, correct?
For their testing and everything.
And somehow, there is some conditions, some RPC issues, something which is happening then in, day out, right?
That blocks our development.
Which basically pushes us to have some more control over how, which kind of, like, transaction which is happening.
And I was about to write a thread on it.
I think just a few days back, Chase, you have shared, I think, that somebody, like, from Option Labs have wrote about, Stephen, I think, like, Steph, someone from Option Labs wrote about, not your, like, Arbitrum allows people to, like, spin up their own chains so that there is a more composability and control over what happens.
That in the D-Pen, it's going to be the same one, right?
So, let's imagine if I am building, that, that use case of Speron is very unique to Speron.
It's, it's not unique to the entire chain as such.
It totally depends how you design it.
But there are a lot of these smart contracts which we are deploying.
There are a lot of these modifications which we are doing on the, on the, on the, on the smart contract layers.
We don't need those transactions to be, like, tracked or, let's say, to be congested by somebody else's activity.
What I mean that, let's say, now, if I'm using Arbitrum directly, or even I'm using Arbitrum directly,
suddenly there is an NFT launch which is happening and people have gone crazy and rogue on it, right?
Suddenly the entire network will get changes.
And now that congestion will result in blocking our user who wants to lease out a GPU, which is, which is not fair, right?
Because they wanted to lease out a GPU and they should be able to lease out GPUs seamlessly.
So, we need an application layers, we need a chains which are dedicated to solving specific problems, right?
And, and the reason we wanted to choose this stack is because, and if you look at, like, we were, like, looking at to build L2 or L3 and all of this stuff,
we also wanted to ensure that there is a proper settlement, like, the cost of settlement should also be not very higher.
So that, because these, these are not DeFi-based chains, like, we are not DeFi chain.
We are, you can go and do, bring a lot of TV or security and, and make a lot of money,
and are doing a lot of this transaction, allow people to pay for those gas fees and everything, right?
It's more user experience-based chain, where user, where we are targeting Web2 users,
where we are targeting the users who don't really care about blockchain, anything like that.
They just want the GPUs, just give them GPUs, right?
They should get into all of these congestion issues, why they should get into all of these issues, right?
So, that is one of the reasons, like, which led us to choose.
And the other reason was, like, just choosing Arbitrum was, because we initially, we looked around multiple chains.
I think Arbitrum had one thing, which is at least working at scale.
And, like, most of the ones we were looking at, they had certain, they were under progress,
they were developing, or they were, like, and the, like, there were multiple issues, actually.
So, we, we decided to kind of go ahead and, and, and take a look here, and it just worked.
And the other thing, third and most important thing, again, thanks to Chase here,
is, like, he helped us a lot in terms of a lot of these connections,
actively participating in our discussions, and letting us know, helping us with Ethereum,
whenever you wanted, not, not the main Ethereum, but just Ethereum's, like, lot of, lot of things
where we have got the help, and that means a lot, right, to choose any of the foundation
or chain you want to work with.
Yeah, no, that's really awesome to hear.
And I think it definitely makes sense to go into the L3 route, because obviously, right,
you, you have a big ecosystem, right, that you're building.
And so, it, with that case, right, it definitely makes sense to have your own environment
where you can fully customize your ecosystem, like, however you like.
And you can play around, you can experiment, you can make it as seamless as you want.
And I think that's the, the cool part about building on Orbit from Orbit is,
yeah, you pretty much have the freedom to, to do whatever you want, and, you know, scale
And I think that's the fun part of that Orbit.
Yeah, and, and you don't face any issues by scaling, right?
You just go in, now you don't have to worry about anything.
That's, that's a big challenge.
So you, you don't worry about, yeah, you know what, my transaction is failing because
the chain is consistent, right?
Because somebody is, it's, it's, it's like there's an, if you launch, it is happening,
and suddenly people go crazy and it's fine for like, uh, chains, which has a DeFi and
like TVS and everything, which, which works, but for us, it was not.
So I think that has given us a lot of freedom.
And the other part about that also is like, uh, the governance part, like, so there's no
interference between, uh, Arbitrum to the, the modification on these, these types.
So that's also the added advantage on the Arbitrum.
No, yeah, I, I mean, that's a good point.
Um, because yeah, you pretty much can modify it however you like to your own liking, which
As a developer, cause it's pretty much you control, you have control over it and it's
So as a developer, right?
I think that's like what you would like, you know, it's like, you're, it's like a dream.
Like you're literally dreaming.
And that is what, that is what we love, right?
Like we were just doing everything.
Like we are able to do whatever we wish to.
And, uh, like it's, it's, it's like crazy, but like it's recent, that's permission.
And the, the good part is about the thing, which I love most, uh, about like people who
talk about permissionless and also supply that is a lot of people talk about permissionless
and everything, but a lot of them are restricted.
While here things were opposite.
Like nothing was restricted and everything was real, really permissionless.
So you are allowed to do whatever you wish to know, no, no, nothing, no like gated, nothing
has been gated around that.
So that was the craziest part.
And as a developer, I love all of these things.
No, I'm, I'm happy that no, you guys have chosen to, to come over and build with Arbitrum
I think it's going to be awesome to see how the Sphere on ecosystem grows from here.
And I want to ask like looking ahead, what, what are some exciting things that are coming
to the ecosystem on your end?
A lot, and especially around AI, I like a lot.
So the first thing first is we are launching our first node as service in a couple of days,
a couple of like mostly next week or just we are testing out a few of this stuff once
So we are kind of working to ensure like people have a, have a crazy yet to experience when
they log in, they don't have to worry about quickly and everything.
So that is what we are working on currently.
So once that goes live, we, we are kind of bringing the social login bridges and all of
those things which we are enabling, but the way we are looking at is like launch as many
applications as possible and target the web to come.
It's the first application, which is going to be as a node as service.
The second is going to be GPU as service.
The third is going to be inference layer, which is getting launched.
And we are also onboarding a couple of more ecosystem along with us.
The fourth is like, we are partnering up with some of the existing token entities, like
who already have a token and they want to enable that token to lease out the GPUs.
Uh, into the sphere on, we are currently working with them also.
So all of these things, which are being currently built upon and, um, like going out the, the,
but the, out of all of these things, what, what is quite exciting for us is like the phase
So if the phase note, like phase note, we are bootstrapping and we are going to be like inviting
a lot of more compute power to the network by, uh, by, uh, asking community to, to funnel
their, uh, existing compute capacity to sphere on.
So that is something which we are going to be like also more focused on.
And there are a lot of improvements, which are going to be there.
You are launching your own, a decent, nice compute network states wherever you live in.
So let's say, uh, you live in, uh, New York and the New York, you are running Fizz node.
And then there is a one more person, let's say Chase is here.
Chase is running the gateway of it.
Five of your friend combined together, they can form a small network of their own.
And then with that network, they can start serving the AI to anyone in the ecosystem.
So they, they can, they can, uh, deploy, uh, AI workload on top of it.
It will just work really and flawlessly, right?
You can then deploy a lot of this cluster.
It's more technical thing.
I'm, I'm talking about, um, for the retails.
It is like, now you will have an option to go ahead and, um, we are currently working on
to like point re-staking systems.
We are currently working on enabling the staking systems.
We are working on to bring, um, there's one more thing, which we are currently working
on the economic side, which is going to be also going live soon.
Um, we are crazily working on that and, and hopefully the way we are looking at to launch
this fair on as a like token also, it's going to be like very, very different.
Like we just, we want to ensure like it's, it's way permissionless, way, uh, decent lives
than what, what most of the people are doing.
So, uh, these are the high level updates, which are going to be coming down the line.
All of that sounds really, really exciting.
And yeah, I can't wait for all those updates to, to come out.
Um, and is there anything like going on right now within the community that people can get
Um, is there anything that the community should be aware of?
If you own a laptop, if you own a machine, Windows machine, Linux machine, your server or whatever,
It's very simple and straightforward.
You just have to run two lines of command.
And you have to, you also, you also get an NFT minted, uh, that NFT, that NFT, you will
be able to access a very dedicated Fizzer role on the Discord channel.
And you know what the fun part, the entire Fizzer role, we are, they are our cavers, right?
So they, we are like pushing them and we are distributing a lot of, uh, art, like the, the
revenue, the capital, whichever we're running to this, like, uh, Fizzer's community.
And, uh, there is a monthly, a lot of campaigns which are happening for all of these Fizzer's
to participate and collaborate, talk about Speron, build something new, uh, provide supply.
Like there's a whole new of new economy, which is getting built around Fiz.
So if you own a machine, I would highly recommend just give it a shot.
Go ahead, uh, to Fiz.Speron.network, F-I-Z-Z.Speron.network, or you can go to the landing site and
and choose Fiz from there and, uh, connect your laptop, start mining Speron, like Fiz
And then what you have to do is join Discord and start participating in all of those campaigns.
And, uh, the best part is like, everything is open.
Like once you have Fizzer role, then you have a lot of opportunity inside Speron.
We are, we are going to be launching multiple things down the line, which is going to be
including, uh, AI layer and all of those things.
So if you, if you are a part of, as a Fizzer, then you will be having all of those access
at the first place before anyone else do it.
So if you own the machine, I would highly recommend everyone to go ahead and try it out.
I just, uh, tagged the NFT.
Yeah, well, it would be funny if you guys did a giveaway, like, for example, for like
all NFT holders, I get automatically like raffled to win that exact replica of the GPU.
So I'll tell you why we are doing this is because of this reason only.
So that in the future, in the next, let's say two weeks, three weeks, four weeks down
the line, there are a lot of these things which will build upon around these NFTs.
So it can be, uh, it, it may be possible, like we might give out a PS5 to people like
who, who are gamers into the Fizzer ecosystem.
It might possibly be give out RTX 4090s to the people who are like, uh, into the ecosystem.
So there are a lot of things that we are kind of working on to understand like what community
If you are the part, you have also the right to choose, like, and tell us what, what can,
So it's a whole new set of governance, which we are creating around the Fizzer so that they
When I say we, I like, it's not, we should also not, like I personally don't want to involve.
I want community to take it forward, uh, from day one.
We are job was to build the tech.
Now everything will start, like community will start deciding that.
So if you have NFTs, you are going to having a best time ever with the Spheron.
The tech is built for the people by the people.
That's a, that's a, that's a, that's a light statement which you have, which you have made
That's the vibes I'm getting.
And it's awesome to see that.
Um, and I saw that you guys have an ambassador program.
You guys recently launched that.
Do you want to talk about it a little bit?
So that ambassador program also has got a good, good traction.
Uh, we have got massive amount of decisions.
Um, so ambassador program was like, as I said, like, so there are multiple ways you can be
the part of a Spheron ecosystem.
The one is like, if you own a laptop, then you are already the part of a Spheron.
Like you just have to run the first NFT and it just works.
But there are a lot of times when people are not ready to go ahead and like do this, or
they don't have this massive big, big laptops or Mac books and all of these things.
Um, it's not like they are not our part.
Like we want to treat everyone equally and as, as equally as possible.
So we decided to go ahead and launch ambassador program, which is more focused towards talk
like, uh, these, these ambassadors are responsible for, uh, spreading the word of Spheron around
the world, uh, spreading, running multiple community-led events, participating in different
For example, we are going to Bangkok, uh, in the different DEF CON, we are inviting all
of these ambassadors, whosoever are there, uh, visit the team like one-on-one, uh, and
then, so there are tons of different perks which are coming for ambassadors.
Now, if somebody is here who is interested to like, who has a good writing skills, good
communication skills, good social media profile, and all of this stuff, please go ahead and
apply for ambassador program.
And while you are applying that, come to our discord, tell us that you are from our
We will prioritize you, uh, like above anything because we love our return as such, and we
So if you come to discord, say I have applied for that.
This is my, uh, like unique ID or whatever you have, just our social ID, which you have
provided us, uh, will speed up your process to get, go to get onward with us.
But, and once you have that, you will also get a, receive an NFT and everything.
From our site to get your official onward.
And there is also goodies for all these ambassadors who are onward.
So it's going to be fun one for all the ambassadors.
Do you guys have a discord or telegram where people can jump in and like ask questions or,
you know, if they want to learn more about the ambassador program, um, do you guys have
like, yeah, discord or telegram where people can?
So we have, I'm just dropping it here.
Uh, it is called whenever you, if you want to search anything around, you can say SPH and
So it will navigate you to the, our discord link.
Um, and, uh, everything is there on our discord, but let's say if you want to like search it
on Twitter, we have, I think we have a Twitter post also, which went out two days back.
Um, and people like gone, uh, a lot of people that's applied from there also.
So I'm dropping that link here as well.
Let me just find that link and then you can be the part of SphereAunt ambassador program.
Um, and yeah, I think we've covered everything in this space, but yeah, let me know if like,
if you want to, if you want to talk about something else that we haven't covered yet.
Um, you're more than welcome to go ahead and talk, but yeah, I think.
Yeah, I'm good at my end.
I want to cover one last, uh, thing, mostly, mostly focused around the developers ecosystem.
If you are a developer and, uh, looking forward to build something crazy in AI and something
crazy, uh, which, which is, which is gonna be creating a lot of value for people.
Um, I would highly recommend to look at SphereAunt.
Go ahead and check out those GPUs.
A lot of our community members are leaving out those GPUs at no cost, which has been charged
So if you are a developer, it's your time to go ahead and lease out those without paying
The only thing which you have to do is to ask on the Faucet channel on Discord and you
Um, so I'll be looking forward to that.
With that, I'll pause here.
If anyone has any questions, I don't like if we allow anyone to ask any questions here,
but, uh, you can reach us out on Discord.
I've also dropped the link of our investment program, apply there and be active in the
There are tons of things which we are dropping soon.
Um, so it is going to be beneficial for all the community members.
Yeah, I don't think we have any requests, um, for people to come on, but yeah, if anybody
has any questions, feel free to jump into our Discord.
Um, yeah, I'm sure they'll be happy to answer your questions, but yeah, we could, we could
So yeah, appreciate you for coming on, joining us today.
Um, yeah, it was awesome talking about what you guys are building here, uh, on Arbitrum
Orbit, and really excited to see all the new updates coming.
Hey, man, thank you so much for having us.
I'm looking forward to have most of the Arbitrum community working on this, with this