DeSci Rising Episode 23: LunCo

Recorded: Feb. 10, 2023 Duration: 0:06:46



(upbeat music)
Hey Rod. Hey, can you can you can you hear me? I can hear you. How are you?
I'm great. Thank you. On your side.
I'm good. I'm good. No complaints. I'm glad you're able to come on. Your audio sounds good. So that's good. And we almost had a technical issue, but it looks like Twitter is allowing us to proceed.
That's good. So what I usually do is just give it a little bit for people to come in. So just sit tight and then I'll get started with our normal intro and we'll get our conversation underway.
Yeah sure go ahead. Perfect. So in this way you can go on mute if you want and just hang out and we'll get started soon.
Can you hear me? I had to reconnect because of head to connect to another internet.
- No problem, I can hear you good. - Oh, Grace.
We have to go live from a different link, so I'm just reposting it out so people know to come to directly to us.
Okay, okay, I'll have our busted as well.
I have to repost it, drop my personal account as well.