DGS Rev Share LIVE | Grow2earn

Recorded: May 24, 2023 Duration: 0:54:30



Yo yo yo, what's up?
No, you still you still hear the music. No, no, no, no, it's okay. First it was only music Music music you get move get Mugano is here brain. You're ready. We'll wait. We'll wait for like five minutes people usually take time to happen. So then we get
The big boy. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please,#
You have a surprise today Really? No, what no? I don't know, it's amazing Yeah, yeah, I'm working on it guys, so live red shell on space
invite your friends blast it on your Twitter send it to your team and 0.001 is an awesome ref share still awesome still awesome because that's not a main ref share so I mean I mean
It's higher than others, so it's so good. It's so good. I just saw the... What is it? What do it's payout? Damn. Damn. It was high. That was high?
I don't think we are even 50% of that right? I don't know what they are doing. I don't know. I don't know what they do.
someone wants to guess the ref share and if you get it right you will get something from us so you'll free to drop some numbers in the tweet in the space. Guess the number? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh#
What's happening with the Solana price?
down. Every fucking player is down. Okay, Mugain says that F share is point 3 so learn off. He can also talk, you can talk Mugain. Extra points for that.
How much you said? 0.3. It's good, it's good, it's good. It's high. It's high. It's very high. Yeah, considering the shop was just life for two weeks, that's high.
I'm not some person. How do I rap so? Guys, this is happening live, so the left share is
going to be, we are going to do it live and you should have any questions that you always wanted to ask because you can hop on this space and ask but it's very important to share interact, tag people on this biggest because we need maximum people listening to us right so do your thing and
and where are the dope bro at pfp? I mean this is a djs space for god. PITON! Why the hell do you don't do you have a dope bro? What? I'm not a god. I'm gonna throw you out of this space. Wait, wait. I don't have it?
No, true. I have a jelly. It's also good, no? It's good, but... Because I want to go to Bali. That's why I wrapped my jelly.
I want to go to Bali. For the whales, you are a whale, you are Charlie. No, because I didn't know that they give out trips to Bali otherwise.
I would have spent it in in in in rascals instead of hookers and cocaine. Damn, I still took that comment in the discord. Damn. It's it's it's burned in my mind. Yep. Yep. It's been.
We should make an ordinal out of that comment. Hi, can you scream at another place here? Please?
The legend places
on is online.
please let's hear the voice of our new dick at all
Snoopy you're cut off a little bit. I'm cut off. I'm good now. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't know, get it out of here. People have no respect people here. I'm outside, my favorite.
with coffee. I had my favourite bar but people are screaming here, they have no respect. Yeah, you go to a bar and expect people not to scream or talk. That's actually... Or actually they can talk but not screaming here because...
Oh fucking family shit problems, they're screaming every loud out.
That's life. That's life. Life, life. Where are the people?
Okay, okay, deck up, Mr. deck up is in a meeting so he cannot talk.
Okay, we got a request from you again. Let's go. Mugen was up man.
news don't worry about it they're excited but they're not here they should be here if they're excited yeah they're all excited but once they see zero point zero zero one the height would the height will go
Crazy they got a floor they don't want to floor the Gen 0 and we pick up all the guys. Oh my god. That would be genius not gonna lie. Oh That would be genius in fact. Oh yeah fake craft drop of 0.00
That's actually piece of high now. We're gonna 20. Okay.
I'm gonna change my profile pic. Please, everyone, TGS please. Yes, sir. And we have to share the revshane numbers on Twitter.
Let's go, let's go. Okay, guys, come on, guess the numbers. Mugen says it's 0.3. The right correct guess gets 1 Solano. Let's go. How many tries do we have?
We have 150 plus traits. Okay, that's cool as well. But I asked how many tries do we have for guessing the right number? One, only one. I mean mine was a test. Just so you guys know.
Okay, of course. Nice test. All right. And you guys just drop the script on Twitter and also on the dope chat.
one sit. Wassup Wimps, Wassup is a very common faces by the way. Bubble, blockchain, bandit. These are the guys who interact with that route. So thank you so much for that.
keep that going even dood speed to one thing him often Elias is new he just joined us I remember but what others welcome to the fam welcome to the yes family
Who? Who? Sorry, I'm a... Who's there? Who's there?
Okay, I changed my profile picture, but it doesn't show on spaces yet. Let me get out and try again. Okay.
0.5, 0.5, 0.0. Nicholas is 0.2, let's see if we are right or wrong Nicholas. Okay, someone speak. What's up, dude? You let your followers know that this type of share happening.
You guys let your followers know. You can speak now dude. I'll call you dude. You can speak now dude.
I mean, what can you possibly lose by guessing guys? You can get point while like 1 Solana versus you missing a chance to win 1 Solana. So just guess, I mean just tweet your guess, that's all. Simple.
This text file is fucked up. You just need to copy paste in that order. So the format that they're given address comma. No, no, no, the text file is fucked up. You can just open that and copy paste. No.
And that's what I'm saying. It's fucked up because it shows different numbers. Yeah, what do you mean different numbers? Like, I mean, not the correct numbers. That's what I'm saying. What?
Now I did send the list right. I have one second. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out#
What is this shit? What?
open it up and send it to me on this go let's see if I if you get same okay one say you want me to send the time what you want me to send the
text file? No, none of the text will open it up and send and did you look at the text file? Yeah, I did. Yeah, still the fuck that's.
How it's supposed to go?
(laughing) (grunting) (grunting)
That boy.
Okay, okay, I'm gonna Okay, okay, okay, I can't do this anymore can the devs do something everything is going down crypt
to nfts. But why why why why why one sec who did okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna
just send you the what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's#
show me just hit on expires and copy everything and paste it into what yeah yeah once because what the fact is going to tell
and is fucking computers. What happens when you click on the expand? You whims, what's up? What's up, what's up, what's up, what's up?
Happens to nothing. I know first I maybe made it wrong the first time I know it's working now it's working. Oh give me the salami. No no no no you're
13, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 13, let me make a quick count on that.
Okay you guys just prep it up the drop and sure that you make some noise and Twitter make some noise in your
nows in your communities let them know. We are building because this is just the beginning there will be another ref share drop there will be a grow update that we are building. Yo Wimps you hopped on to talk you have something to ask or share.
people hop on the duck. Yes, man. They just like that. Something is wrong.
something is wrong here let me fix it for you
I don't know what's wrong because it's completely fine for me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what you mean. I know what you mean, but I tell you what I mean. You know what I can say. I can send it to you on WhatsApp. Open
No, no, no, no, I have it open. It's all good. It's all in the it's all correctly formatted format it but the numbers are not correct.
That's because now I smoke too much weed. If you don't do everything alone,
So always get in the f**k down. Check.
Oh, you think there is a matter? I check if you see it is.
But have you staked all the 13? Of course! No, you might have taken some for giveaway or something like that.
Oh man. Oh, it's so sad. Fuck yeah.
six seven calculator
Okay, I checked the
One second. One second. One second.
So good all good all good awesome we ready to I good I good so this one is
I like the idea that it told drop 0.001 so let me then people
will put the floor and then we drop the actual revshare.
It pulled.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Nala. - Yes. I saw it. I saw it. - Yes. - Yes. - Yes, yes, yes.
Now I need to look things wrong, I was my mistake. But... But... So, what do you do with this? Now about... We got...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It makes everyone sick of
How many how many state How many was it snapshot 731 731 yep
731 oh my god the whale is getting so much holy shit very bad
Very good. That's only a small portion. So, copy.
Let's go copy copy different Same amount of zero zero zero zero one to all wallets check check
review? That's a good suggestion. Now I'll make a channel for people who share their F shares.
this review. Oh my god. It's correct. I'll be right back soon. Where is it? My wallet.
is it is now online here yeah yeah he's
Hey what's that? What's that? Who's that? Wins I love to mute your mic man.
We can all hear that you're pouring something into something and I don't know what you're up to. Is making pee pee.
Oh, yeah, ice. Yeah, no.
Oh, okay, make sense.
No one knows his math. Yeah, fuck. Should be.
Ready to roll, test run, test run.
Let's make a test run guys.
Let's make a test run of 0000.
Won't you spend more on the fees while doing this run? The fees is...
Let's see. Oh, guys, this platform is so bad.
This platform is so bad. Let's make a new one.
So shit man. What's up? So bad platform. People like it though because they don't have an option.
That's totally bullshit.
Because sometimes you can't click on buttons. That's basic.
The basic things. Ah, okay. Good.
Oh now I keep cool man. You're getting nothing.
Oh man. Oh wait. You have it already? For me no no no. I'm waiting to get reached.
All skin. It's going. It's going!
That was quick. Successfully sent to 211 wallet. Wow. That was fast. That was slow.
I'm I'm wet sweaty. Oh yeah, I got it dude. Oh fuck I got it like a wait. Oh shit. Yeah, I got it like a minute back. How is it possible like a minute back?
Yeah, less than a minute ago. I've got it just sent out a 10 seconds ago 0.001. No, I got everything. You're kidding, I know.
Hey no I'm gonna show you the screenshot. I was just talking of course you have everything. Holy shit this is insane. Let's see. Retweet.
How much? Please, you know what to do now. Did you expect this ref shell? It's time to celebrate Amigos. Show some excitement. Someone who gets the right.
No one gets it right. No one. No one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The ref share is popping. Sure.
Okay, oh my god, would someone like to hop on stage and share anything or if you have any questions, please do it. You always have a lot of questions.
Do it now before I start vaping HHC then I can't reply anymore.
Revoque ref share. Is it possible? It's not possible. It's not possible. Revoque and at
A fee to wallet to receive graph sheets. Not possible.
I said not even 69 reactions, Snoopy that's bad man. That's bad. Next time we're gonna do something about this. No, yeah.
Let's work with the world tools, new community. It's shared with us.
enough from your ref share go grabbing another girl do it do it guys make some noise
I'm waiting for solstice to drop is it a share it's gonna be like 28 Solana. Is it dropping it?
We got we five vines D7 our our big guys probably plays cheesy all the big guys
Say so, say so.
As you say so also holder it took cross society. Who this? We have a new snake peeker.
or that's insane. So someone asked, what's up, yes, he. Hey guys, how's it going? Hey, oh my God, I'm flipping out. I was never expecting this much. I'm completely, my guess was way off. And how
How much you got 275 so that's that's really what? Send something back there wasn't I was to have a minute believers in you guys from the very beginning so stoked about that's my
best friend. Love you. I love you. On any project ever so far. So well done. Happy to hear that. Yeah. No, I'm glad. Feels good. Thank you. And by the way, there's another there's another ref shared before the Gen 1 min. So, I'm on site. I'm going to put it right back in the project. You guys are great.
I'm looking forward to the the next mint and got my extras the other day. This is very exciting. Yes, you've been a great subject. I was thinking if I get 2.5 I'll be really happy. So you really may
Thanks so much, have a good one. You too! Nice voice, huh? Thank you. Nice voice. Next time you host our Twitter Spaces.
My boss is always the best pick of my voice I design guys I am not the face now Oh that that ref share channel is looking good Let me post mine. Where is my phantom wallet?
Where is my Phantom World?
You silently scooped up grow rooms, yeah? Yeah, I Wanted more man I Wanted more under post Nazari as 4.2 3
Yeah, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,#
Spoo as only one.
I see him never in this car. 4.3 damn!
The other group is Picado. Captain Arun, only one.
Nice share that on Twitter guys. Yes, please, please share it on Twitter. Like the word towards guys are doing it and then they have I don't know 300 30
3 and a piece collection. Yep yep yep. Of course then. The volumes are great though. You know, it's just a small collection. Easy. My girl, easy.
Yeah, that's it. I've shared that's nice 10.75. Yeah, a load. Very good. Very salty.
There's a good start, 10.75, 75. Yep.
Really Snoop next time jeezie on a jump with jeezie on the Twitter space and with with that voice boom
I'm gonna give her a formula in with this today 100% agreed
You chat as no broo room right? Nah, I don't think so. So let me buy before you make a snapshot.
I need my account back then.
We get there when we get yeah guys
Mehmet, shit coin, seas and other shit and no crypto damping so it's not good for the community.
Okay, this is good time and I took this out.
I'm gonna treat these out.
Black Green 101. Yes, but if you have PFP, it's difficult to recognize that it's a PFP. That's true.
One second.
You guys were sub for sub are you guys happy?
If you want to hop on and talk please feel so I'm just working on something that's where I might not because I'm making a tweet. Let's see I want you guys to blow up this tweet alright get some hearties and
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I#
- Yeah, what's up?
I was thinking what is and
Hmm. Where is our Alpha Caller?
This is the Alpha.
This is the alpha.
Now? Yeah, you good now.
You good now yes check you good now yes you good now you good now
[Clock ticking]
you out again man you're not audible.
Okay, good term, where you oh no. Anyone wants to hop on and ask a question or celebrate, blah blah blah, I'm gonna end this because I got to tweet out and start engaging, oh, good term is back.
is back. Speak sir, you're back. You can't hear anything. Am I audible guys? Can someone? Yes, you are, you are audible now. Hello.
No, I can't hear you.
Okay guys, I think I'm gonna...
Yeah, you have a question mate, you just joined. I'm gonna end on that note.
What's up? Not much just starting back on the grind, you know as it is. So a question for you. I bought a few pre-sales. Still found that.
But I'm wondering there's some sort of thing about like if you have one already then you get an airdrop or can you explain that a little bit to me because I also have one of the current ones that are listed on Magic Eden that I bought
like a month or so ago but I'm just not sure how I'm supposed to be doing on this so I figured I just ask. Yeah it's very simple so we have two collections one is Gen 0 which was minted out two months back and the one is the other one is the upcoming mint that is Gen 1 so if you buy from the second
some staking website that I need to put it to. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Go to the official links and you'll find the staking website there. All right, cheers. We'll do that here in just a second. Thank you so much. And then it might still in time for the cutoff for the snapshot for the-- Yes, you have enough time. All right, cheers. Thank you so much, man.
No worries. Bye bye. Bye. Hey, quick question. Is there going to be any? I'm just curious because my brother right I'm in the US, so I know that's everything super sketchy over here, you know, with regulation one not especially for this world, but my brother lives over in Thailand and I know that the cannabis industry is just popping off hugely over in Thailand specifically.
specifically in Bangkok and over in the north. And I didn't know if you guys had any plans to maybe expand over there or if you guys had thought, like I'm just kind of curious why you guys chose the location that you chose not that I'm complaining or anything. I'm just curious what your thought process was. -Petan is back. Beton, you want to take that if you're audible.
Boss is not audible. Well, we are based out of operations and Piton is from you. That's why it makes sense for us to start the operations there because of the connections we've had in the industry. So that's the straightforward answer. But that doesn't mean that we're not keeping an eye on Tyler.
and because there have been a lot of people who have approached us trying to explain how the model works, are they willing to work with us? So we are open to having partnerships with other projects. So if your brother wants to work together, please DM us, I think.
So yeah, in short, we are very dynamic and flexible and we want to get the ecosystem together the current issue with cannabis is everyone works as though they're in an island We don't want to build an island. We want to build a universe which is cohesive so yeah, exactly I feel that yeah my brother on
his friend has a couple shops over in Thailand and has been trying to get him to start up some stuff. So yeah, I'll definitely get you guys up in your DM and if I can at least just link you up with the guys that are there in Thailand already. It's probably all I can do but happy to help out wherever I can. Sounds good, man. Sounds good.
Our YT guys, Piton is having some issues with his audio so we'll definitely have a proper well planed space again this was impromptu because we wanted it to be impromptu. So until next time I'm gonna see you guys anyways we'll
be on the chat active.