Digital Destiny: Decentralized Identifiers

Recorded: April 13, 2023 Duration: 0:25:42



Hey everyone, we're just about to get started. I'm just having a bit of technical difficulty trying to get then onto this session as a speaker and the co-host as well. If you can just bear with us one more minute.
Okay, um, apologies everyone. I just can't figure it out. How to add speakers.
(upbeat music)
Okay, so I think everyone can hear me.
Let's kick off. I sent an invite to Ben, hopefully you can join as well as Otto you both have invitations not sure where you're supposed to find them but please join Mr.
not sure how to add you either but you're not showing up in my system. So... Man this is frustrating. Two requests to speak.
Great. Now it says zero requests to speak.
Can auto and bend please try to send an invite one more time or request to speak.
(upbeat music)
Sorry everyone. This is very frustrating.
Okay. I'm not sure.
Why I can't add other speakers, but conscious that people are waiting.
I've just recent invites to Otto and Ben. This is the most anti-climactic Twitter spaces in the history of Twitter
pieces I think.
Oh good autos. We made it. He says ready. Okay, Ben keep trying and we're just going to kick this off. Apologies everyone for the delay. My name is Jamie
I am the founder of Riperch Collective, Chief Marketing Officer of CRETA and Strategy Lead at Alastos. I'm your host for this ongoing series, Who Controls Your Digital Destiny. I'm joined by, well I'm trying to get Mista on who's from Myosin, who's supposed to be co-hosting with me.
And yeah, so thanks for all tuning in today. This is our second discussion on the concept of forging our digital decennies. What that means and what it will take to get us there. So if you missed our first edition, we had some amazing speakers participate in a fairly broad discussion about, you know, the core elements that need to be addressed.
in order to build the Web 3 that we all want to see. And our guests included people like Sandy Carter, COO of Unstoppable Domains who spoke about improving the overall user experience for Web 3 and for the industry to grow up.
to move past the tech focus, focus, naval gazing towards more solutions based and experience based examples to draw new users. We had Harsh Rejet co-founder of Push Protocol who discussed the role of decentralized communications and how
they should play a role in building more security and data sovereignty. Why that will matter more than ever before now that we're to move away from centralized social networks. We talked to SASH from the founder of L.A.C.D. who explained Web3's capabilities
to shift our mindsets towards new models of commerce that put creators in control of their data and content, as well as the licensing through new technologies that he's building in Elastos, some DRM tech, and then Humpty Calderon, founder of Mosaic, and community-leaded ontology, who spoke about
about identity and the need to be able to own and manage our identities on and off-chain. So we also listed off many other core elements that are imperative to build a self-sovereign Web 3, including decentralized storage, the need for improved
regulations and standards, interoperability, and so much more. But one area that kept coming back was the discussion around identity, and the more specifically the role of DIDs, decentralized identifiers. And so for our second edition, this being our second edition, we really wanted to delve deeper into DIDs.
the challenges and applications, the opportunities that will help us truly forge our digital destinies. We believe that our identities are central to Web 3 because it ensures each of us controls how we are seen, how we see ourselves, and how we experience the world. Which is really why I'm really excited to
introduce sort of our speakers on this call. I'll give them each a few minutes to introduce themselves, but I'll just I'll just quickly list them off. So we have automora who's the tech sales lead for the Americas for polygon ID. We have Simon Moleter co-founder, Benjamin Piat, team leader of Essentials Wallet in Elastos, and Evan McMullen, co-founder and CEO of Disco. So I'll let you start maybe auto. Do you want to start by introducing yourself?
Sounds good. Thank you so much. Yes, I'm Otomora and based in San Jose Costa Rica and the technical sales lead for the Americas for Polygon ID, which is an open source to centralize it, then any tool set.
that allows people to selectively disclose information about their credentials using CERANOS proofs. So we're very excited to be here and share more and excited to be here with colleagues, such as Evan from Disco as well. So I'm sure we'll have a great conversation.
Thank you. Simon, do you want to go next? Yeah, sure thing. I hope you can hear me well. Thanks for the invitation first of all. I'm really happy to be here. I think I'm one of the probably new kits on the block, I'd say.
especially compared to the other speakers here. So I've been building an identity community on Telegram in the past months. So we have an identity group there just discussing the topics of identity in all ranges and forms, which is a great community already.
And I'm personally the founder or the co-founder of Digital Social ID where we are trying to make a reputation management solution and make your online reputation measurable and enable you to leverage it to access things that you can
next is before. I'm from Germany, I'm 26 years old still, we are based in Bulgaria and I'm right now sitting in Ploughdeven Bulgaria outside smoking my shisha and looking forward to the great discussion here with all of you. Thank you for the invitation.
great. I had been up next but we'll give them one more try. Evan do you want to introduce yourself? GM GM everybody thank you so much for having me today. I'm absolutely delighted to be here. My name is Evan McMullen and I am the co-founder of Disco. We are your identity for the meta
We make it easy for you to use your existing Web 3 keys to own, control, carry around issue requests, disclose and revoke in the very soon future data about you. So we call your decentralized identifier and ability to manage data
and about you, your data backpack. So if anyone is following along at home using Chrome and Metamask, definitely invite you to visit and play around with your data backpack during this discussion so that you can feel what a decentralized identifier is like in just a couple minutes.
Great, thanks. And unfortunately, we're still trying to get Ben on the line, so we'll give him a couple more tries. He's in China, there may be some issues with VPNs and things like that. So we'll keep trying on that. In the meantime, let's
Let's start broad. So this question is pretty much for everybody if you want to take a stab in answering. When we talk about forging our digital destiny, we're talking about creating sort of the future internet that we really want to experience. I think all of us can agree towards
What we kind of want to see in Web 3. I guess my question to you then is why does identity matter in this conversation about the future of Web 3? What is it about identity that we really need to understand and latch on to? How about we start with