Digital x Physical EVERYTHING

Recorded: Feb. 23, 2024 Duration: 0:43:10



all right all right hello hello everyone and welcome to this Twitter
space and we're gonna be talking to Evan from Mac reverse about the digital and
physical worlds combining a lot of exciting things to get into Evan how are
you how you doing today I am doing great you know it it's a good day and
we're in a phase right now where almost every couple of days there's something
exciting which I can't announce but I'm like can't wait to announce happening so
yeah it's a good day it's been a good week all kinds of goodness glad to be
here thank you so much for for hosting today glad to have you here and yeah
it's a good time in the market as well I think generally vibes are higher you
know the the bear market seems to be fading away and I don't know just the
general depression of the bear seems to be using spirits are high which is nice
to see yes the depression of the bear I think we can all hopefully say say a
fond farewell to yes at least for a little while I think a great way to
kick things off would be if you would give a little bit of an introduction and
talk a bit about Mac reverse and mix print and what you've been up to yeah
absolutely so quick introduction on me so Evan Matthews co-founder and CEO of
Mac reverse and I started my professional career as an illustrator but I started
my journey into everything that we're doing as a kid collecting comic books
that you know five years old learning to read from from comics and being a
lifelong fan of the medium and storytelling and just kind of a general
geek around all kinds of things like that but started as an illustrator my
first company right out of our school was a branding and media agency so anyone
that remembers the the heyday of flash taking over the internet everything being
animated and and that was kind of our sweet spot making high-end interactive
websites and then from there segued into writing directing and producing all
kinds of media content so you know everything from animation to video games
to film and TV to all kinds of new media myself and my partners and co-founders
have literally made everything you could pretty much name as far as entertainment
goes and then four years ago the final thing that brought us to Mac reverse is
I had a chance to make a physical graphic novel for a movie called the
boondock Saints and so that brought me kind of back into the traditional
comics industry and gave me this really interesting peek behind the curtain as
as really kind of all of the different facets of comics and what I came out of
that experience with was number one we did really well with the book because it
you know this rabid fan base for boondock paints but it was coming out
and realizing that this 50 year old business model was just fundamentally
broken and especially for creators that you know most people working in comics
even well-known creators working at Marvel and DC really struggle to make
any sort of substantial living and even you know fewer of those make anything
that you know could even begin to become what we see as the kind of major success
stories with something like The Walking Dead or Deadpool or any of like that it's
just a tiny fraction of people as as it's so often the case in you know kind
of the creator economy it's the one percent of one percent that are doing
very well and then you know some much smaller percentage kind of scratching
out a living so seeing all of that you know we percolated on it a little bit
started you know kind of looking at what could happen to the comics industry that
would push it from this kind of 50 year old broken business model to a new era
for creators and for people to be able to kind of right-size that that equation
and align incentives and all that and this was all things we were kind of
talking about before we understood what crypto and NFTs were so we launched a
mobile app with a hundred creators about a thousand episodes of content and web
to app which is still out on the app store so very much encourage everyone to
check that out there's a lot of great stuff on there and more stuff that still
goes out on there and then we fell down the web through rabbit hole in the early
days of the pandemic and you know clubhouse rooms and hearing about
people's sale and board apes minting and all that good stuff and the immediate
light bulb was just digital and collectible this notion of being able to
own something in the digital world and I always come back to you like this vivid
memory of my brother who you know he's younger than me and literally gave his
life to World of Warcraft for a period of time and when he was finally done he
went on eBay and he sold that account for you know fifteen hundred bucks or
something like that and that notion of like you know you spend all this time
energy building up this cache of digital things and somebody else cares about
those digital things and therefore you can sell them that thing when you're
done with it that always stuck with me as like you should be able to do that
and finally you know this technology exists to unlock that to to give super
powers to these things that we care about in the digital world and from a
creator's point of view to be able to make things that people care about in
the digital world and then unlock all these new primitives and superpowers and
you know things that we can do on top of that and so that got us really excited
we built a web 3 version of our platform which we launched just before the end of
last year and there's a lot of new stuff happening there but why we're talking
today is kind of the next evolution of that which is connecting digital back to
the physical side of things and so it actually brings it full circle where
we've developed a really exciting new product category where we can take the
idea of one-of-one unique one-of-a-kind things that we can you know that we've
all seen in the the NFT space you know with generative you know PFP collections
and things like that generative art but being able to now bring that to the
physical world so if you imagine walking into a comic store and finding
you know your favorite title let's say it's a you know X-Men series or
hypothetically you know Conan or Blade Runner let's say you find that series
and you you want to pick that up and instead of there being you know the the
single cover for that book or a few different variations every single one is
a unique variation and what I you know for myself as a collector chances are
I'm leaving that store with more than one of those to begin with but I would
be limited to only being able to see what's on the shelf so if they've got 10
copies here's 10 unique variations I'm never gonna see every single one that
was produced but then you bring NFTs and digital into it all of a sudden we can
go onto a secondary market see the full collection find those grails find the
rare ones I really care about maybe I really want the glow-in-the-dark you
know variation and be able to pick that up as an NFT and then now we can connect
that back to a unique one-of-a-kind physical edition allow for redemption
around that and bring all this to life in a really exciting new way where
there's kind of secondary market for the digital and then another secondary
market for the physical which gets pretty interesting so I'll that's that's
the high-level overview love to dive in anywhere and everywhere that's amazing
yeah it's I always love hearing about your background and sort of the the
origin stories of how you got to be where you are and why you're so
passionate about all of this you know I love I love comics myself and I'm a big
fan of sort of generative art and bringing that into the just generative
everything bringing that into the physical world I think is it's just so
so so freaking cool can you talk about maybe some of the things you're most
excited about in terms of the one of one of X physical things yeah I mean I'm
excited about it because two things one is I think there's always a hint of
product market fit when you're just like the absolute perfect bullseye customer
for the thing that you're making and that is definitely true in this case so
it's like you know like like the example I gave if I were to walk into the
comic store or you know we're also it's the whole product category so it's not
just comics and graphic novel but you know limited edition vinyl records and
toy packaging and movie posters and you know these are all things that are gonna
come through the mixed print label and so you know I am not that person that
walks in and goes oh man here's this thing that I love here's this incredibly
beautiful piece of artwork but instead of it just being one thing there's you
know ten versions of it all of them are completely unique all of them are
really cool some of them have you know additional kind of enhancement on the
printed side of things like you know a olive oil or glow-in-the-dark or you
know all the kinds of different things you can do enough in a physical printed
media so I am that person that you know just has the collector mentality to go
like I can't leave the store with just one of these I need three of them I need
five of them maybe I'm leaving with all of them like I just know that's who I am
and I know there are a lot of other people that you know would feel that
same way but then when I think about you know kind of the the application of that
from you know kind of from a first consumer standpoint the excitement
around that and then from a market standpoint again I think what's so
exciting about it is that you have the ability to go and see the entire
collection so when there's 5,000 unique one-of-one of X items you know every
single one this kind of handcrafted beautiful thing and maybe you're you
know hypothetically a Blade Runner fan and you know we're doing Blade Runner
graphic novels and you see the one where it's like oh the main character in this
story is the front and center character on this cover but the secondary
character in the story is the front and center character on the cover of this
you know edition and there's all these different remixes of all the elements of
the art being able to find those ones that you vibe with collect the grails
that you care about and then be able to redeem them you know for those one of a
kind physical items I just get super excited about that and then I know
what's gonna happen is you'll have all the secondary market activity for the
digital side but then the people will redeem those physicals and you know
there's a whole secondary market for comics and graphic novels and all these
different categories that will pop up on places like eBay and so it's a really
interesting way to connect those dots where you get the digital collectible
side the physical collectible side and then just the fandom that surrounds all
of that and and those are the elements that I'm just kind of yeah super excited
about right now yeah I mean it sounds it just sounds really cool I think it adds
an additional layer of collectability to all of it I actually I almost bought a
Daredevil number one comic that my friend yeah looking to sell the other
day just because I love comics I love Daredevil I love the idea of collecting
and I can just only imagine that you know if there were different covers then
some are just gonna be exponentially more rare than others and then others
will just be you know the more common ones but that's it's nicer because it's
sort of more accessible and maybe appeals to different people's
sensibilities and things like that so I'm so freaking excited for where the
future is headed with all of this can you maybe talk a little bit about the
technology behind it and how it's all sort of possible absolutely yeah this is
another exciting factor of this so one of the things I love about web 3 is you
know at least my experience in web 3 is like you just start heading in a
direction and then new things become possible that you wouldn't have
necessarily predicted this is one of those things so you know mixed print came
about because we realized we could take the generative approach that we had been
doing with some of our other projects like PFP is that we could take this
technology that allows for generative art creation apply an insane level of
art direction to it so that you know really really making sure that we're
crafting all the elements in the original art to work seamlessly together
as they need to do to be able to create these types of collections so there's
this you know very bespoke handcrafted intense art creation process and then
the ability to use general technology to remix all those elements into an
unlimited number of variations and combinations and then the final piece is
being able to create those files where they're suitable for print output and
then working with a printer that we that our you know our team has developed a
decade long relationship with to be able to actually produce those pieces
and that's really the the black magic piece of this is you know we I think a
lot of us could kind of get to the point where you could create the outputs but
to actually produce them with a offset printed process that allows for those to
become one of one of X without them being prohibitively expensive is the
the magic here and that's really a bespoke printing process that's you
know something I won't say too much about how we're doing but but it's the
part that kind of makes it possible to go from the digital to the physical side
yeah I mean it's it's like cutting edge I think that's one of the best parts
about being in this space is like you said you just go down a path and then
all of a sudden you're doing something that no one else in the world has done
or that only a handful of people in the world are even thinking about or working
on then it's it truly is never a dull moment in this space and it's why I love
it so much so what are some of the other like physical things you're you're maybe
dreaming of or planning even to one day be creating one of one of X's of yeah I
mean the night the the awesome part is it's not even dreaming at this point so
we've been having a bunch of conversations and and you know we
announced our first partner for the first collection of drops here so Titan
comics is our first partner we've been we've been given permission actually
just today to say that among the first drops from Titan will be Conan and
Blade Runner two of their you know biggest franchises and and then there's
a third one that we haven't announced yet that's coming from them as well and
we this Titan partnership is a kind of longer-ranging thing which is exciting
for a lot of what we're doing at Macaverse but those will be the first
three mixed print drops are you know those those kind of very well-known
franchises from Titan Comics and then we're talking to you as I mentioned the
vinyl records is I think gonna be really exciting we've got some partners in the
hip-hop space I announced earlier that we're doing a whole graphic novel
series with the MC of run DMC which we'll have more to say about later this
year so I think there's some interesting crossover there but other
hip-hop and and vinyl projects for sure movie posters are for sure we're even
talking to some pretty well-known toy companies about doing one of one of X
toy packaging this guy's kind of the limit anything that can be printed we
can take this approach with and so one of the things that's been really fun
about this process and has me super bullish about it is there has yet to be
a single company partner product category that we've approached and had
a conversation around mixed print with where they haven't gone like you can do
that yes please so it's it's it's yeah I hate this I don't want to say it's easy
but it's been a relatively friction-free process as far as getting to people that
go like yes I want that can we do that how do we do that let's do that that
part's a lot of fun yeah I mean literally just half an hour ago we were
in his end Academy founders call and someone was talking about how they had a
they were working on a company once where they went and spoke to clients and
businesses and they tried to pitch them their idea and it was like like pulling
teeth and moving uphill and we're all talking about how you know you never
want to be in that position and if you if you have to convince people and spend
so much time and effort it's probably not the right idea and it sounds like you
have the exact opposite situation where people and they're like yes yes I mean
like and why wouldn't they it's such a great year and such a big value ad as
long as it's not like you know ludicrously expensive or cost prohibitive
which it doesn't sound like it is it's just a nice beneficial thing which is
awesome I've been you know I've been thinking about this kind of stuff for
coming up on three years now because you know when I first got into NFTs I kind of
fell in love with art blocks right off the bat and generative art and you know
the whole idea behind that especially sort of long-form generative art is one
of one of X and I know the founder of opera block snow crow has long been
talking and wanting to sort of bridge into the physical world with I think
even like generative furniture and things like that which I think would be
wild and incredible but it's it's such a cool concept and and I I really do think
that this is where the future is headed because you know you go into like if you
give customers the option of going into whatever shop and buying something and
everyone has the exact same thing versus buying something and you have the same
thing but just a slightly unique version of it I think 99% of people will choose
a ladder yeah I completely agree and I think it gives you you know that again
kind of me being the target customer for this it's like you know that what's been
true and in comics for a long time is you will have variant covers of
different rarity tiers you know that that already exists and so you'll have
like a one in a hundred from a particular artist or one in a thousand
you know as a retailer incentive or a particular store will get an allocation
of a unique cover so so this kind of consumer behavior you know also already
exists just at a without the kind of every single one being unique element
and I think what does get so exciting about that is you know I am that person
that would go hunting for those unique variants or you know when I was
collecting toys like I would show up at midnight at Target to find the long
lightsaber Luke Skywalker's and the the just delivered creative Star Wars toys
and so you know I think that that behavior is already well ingrained in
you know these types of collectors and just being able to bridge that to
digital now to me is super exciting I also have this kind of sneaking
suspicion that this is one of those things that will be kind of a soft on
onboarding mechanic for NFTs because you'll find people that collect these
things on the secondary market who have no idea that they were you know born as
an NFT that was redeemed for a physical object but then they'll go how do I get
the next one you know how do I get access to the next drop and the only way
you're gonna be able to do that is to have you know to get involved in the
digital side and get the NFT side going and so I think this is a really kind of
an elegant way of going like what's why should I get a wallet why should I get
interested in NFTs why should I learn about web 3 and it's you know a direct
connection to like because I want that thing this is how I get it I'm glad you
you brought up onboarding because that was gonna be my next question anyway and
I'm sorry I can't remember if you mentioned it before but what what
blockchain are you sort of building on top of yeah so mixed print is gonna be
our first well it's actually our second now because we launched on drip house
yesterday but it's gonna be our first major initiative on Solana and we're
really excited about doing it on Solana because this is a very consumer focused
product you know I think it really fits the the model for the network and we
are doing it with Magic Eden as our launch partner so it'll be on their
launch on the launch pad you know on the homepage like all that good stuff and so
we'll be able to do these at you know kind of a $40 USD price point for the
initial drops and then the the first thing that we're doing to bring people
into the the whole mixed print initiative is what we're calling the
mixed pass so it's a membership club around this whole category of
collectibles and that membership pass will get you the first three drops for
free and then access to everything else that comes through the mixed print
initiative and so we're generally looking at kind of relatively low print
runs and mint runs you know for these collectibles and so let's say there's
you know five thousand you know variations of Blade Runner as a as an
example you know the mixed pass holders will get close to half of that allocation
and so you know it's kind of the guaranteed way to have access to all of
these drops initially and then the public portion of that will will happen
for everyone that that maybe didn't decide to get into the club but you know
and honestly partly inspired by you and the three to three club and and you know
some of what I like about what proof is done I think there's something magical
about having a a group of people that are aligned around a particular you know
kind of set of interests and the ability to kind of reward people for
their excitement enthusiasm in the early days and so I'm very excited about this
you know mixed pass club as a way to get people that are enthusiastic about this
digital physical connection and the one-on-one of X and kind of magic of
this into the same space and you know talking about it and kind of being able
to to give that early access to all this as it comes out yeah I mean there's a
reason that community became such a buzzword in this space is because it's
so powerful and you know like I'm part of so many communities in this space it's
just there's something I think there's like a sense of belonging when you sort
of you find your people and you know at one level it's just crypto people and NFT
people but then once you get in the space you like you find the people that
you're most likely gonna you know gel with and drive with and I think you know
it sounds like collectors is the the market you're going for and specifically
those who are interested in the physical one-on-one of X and cutting-edge level of
stuff which is is very very cool and yeah I think Solana is a really great
option I'm a big fan of Solana I'm a huge fan of ETH as well but you know you have
something like this on ETH for $40 it's gonna cost $10 or $15 and then another
$10 or $15 to redeem thing and burn it's like it's there's a time and a place and
$40 mints yes exactly exactly so I think I'm very excited about it and it
also is you know now now Macroverse is a cross chain company which is kind of
fun as well for like new users and onboarding as well this line of
experience is just it's just generally better than ETH mainnet and even ETH
later too the gas costs might be low but it's just still a little confusing and
clunky so I think for this specifically this upcoming sort of year and this
cycle Solana is going to be making a huge impact in terms of onboarding
people and getting people to actually do stuff on chain which is very very very
exciting yeah 100% and yeah just as a tiny side note like anyone we just
launched Macroverse on drip house yesterday and if anyone doesn't know what
drip house is I just can't recommend diving in there enough it is you know
as we were talking about the depression of the bear market like they've really
brought fun back to NFTs and it's such a delightful experience it's such a great
way to connect with a bunch of collectors you know the basic mechanic
is like free NFTs like go sign up there's an incredible number of artists
there we now get to count ourselves among that incredible group of artists
and yesterday you know 50 plus thousand NFTs got delivered to people that
subscribe to our channel and now a bunch of people are you know saying thanks and
reward you know it's a it's a kind of a you send out everything and then the
people that want to essentially tip you back and so it you know we sent out all
these NFTs yesterday and then have just been watching the the the dings on the
notifications for all the thanks and tips and everything that comes back and
so it creates this really interesting dynamic between kind of giving art and
creativity essentially a way for free and then the people that resonate with
it rewarding the creators you know for that that gift essentially it's such a
fun experience and I also bring it up because it is it's one of those products
that you know as we're talking about really could only work on a on something
like a Solana where you know you can mint for pennies and you know you can
tip back in in rewards that you know are essentially an app currency which then
become redeemable for USDC and it's a really elegant system and for what for
our purposes you know we like to tie all these things together so we're gonna do
some mixed print initiatives that are tied to people that collect with us on
drip house we're doing some other stuff across you know the other things that we
do at Mac reverse for those that collect with us at drip house but it's a cool
way to kind of connect what we're doing on Solana with mixed print back into
this larger community of artists and collaborators and collectors through
drip house so just a just a general recommendation for people that are in
this space it's a very fun platform that's awesome I think fun is the
operative word making sort of NFT and collecting fun again is really what was
needed and is needed I think after again the last last couple of years yeah it's
just really awesome to see that what you mentioned the the past before the
collector's collector's past I can't remember exactly what it was called
maybe yeah just talk a little bit about when you're planning or hoping to release
that and if you know the the price or supply for it yep absolutely so we're
planning to release it sometime over the next few weeks so coming up relatively
soon we haven't locked down an exact date as we're just kind of ramping up
letting people know about it and and what we're doing but it'll be in the
relative short term we are launching it as I said on the launch pad at Magic
Eden so we've got their support kind of putting this out and it'll be essentially
a hundred and forty dollars USD and that will get you free the first three drops
for free so basically you know if they're if each drop is $40 from Titan
you know that's 120 of it basically covers those first three drops and then
we've got a bunch of other perks and rewards that we have planned for mixed
pass folders there will be a supply of two thousand two hundred and twenty two
because why not go with all twos we love that and yeah that those are the those
are the basic basic dynamics of it so I think it's gonna be a lot of fun but we
really want to you know curate and and invite the this kind of core group of
people to come together around collecting around one of one of X kind
of in the excitement around that and then get early access and first access
you know kind of dibs on everything that comes through the mixed print banner
nice yeah it sounds amazing and I'm very affordable at that $140 mark again is
people pay that on gas to bid on an Ethan yeah if if anyone has questions
feel free to request or post in chat and we can definitely get to a couple of
those but otherwise I think Evan is there anything else that we haven't
touched on that you wanted to chat about I'm just I think I'll I'll kind of end
with a call to action for anyone that's interested in this so you know there's
two ways to get involved we are actually doing these the the early access
to the mix paths we're doing as pre-sales through Helio which is a magic
Eden partner as well so you can go ahead and actually pre-purchase the mix pass
and guarantee that you're gonna have access to it when it drops and it's
kind of a cool mechanic the way that works is as soon as the launch happens
it just gets airdropped into your wallet so we'll have some some special
pre-sale codes available both in the Macaverse discord but also for the Zen
Academy and at 333 Club you know communities and if you come through
either of those channels will also provide a little discount code for you
as well so if you come into Macaverse dot or discord at GG slash Macaverse you
know connect with us there we'll hook you up and if you're in Zen Academy or
333 we'll hook you up there as well that is amazing thank you so much and yeah
definitely if you're listening and interested hop into the the Macaverse
discord and take advantage of that discount because why wouldn't you make
sure to give Evan a follow give Macaverse a follow give mix print a
follow keep an eye on all they have coming up it sounds like every like I
was scrolling back through the tweets yesterday just sort of like prepping for
this and it seems like every couple days there's a big announcement coming out
which is very cool to see man I mean here I think we started off saying this here's what's
been amazing is like we spent last year connecting with so many cool people so
many cool projects so many cool you know partners that it does feel like you know
the cadence of stuff that we're gonna be able to announce and release and bring
into the world this year is just a little mind-bogglingly exciting to be
honest so this is just the beginning of everything that we have planned for this
year and it's so much foundation got set in 2023 that it's just it's it's a
it's a beautiful thing to see that line up with some positivity and some turns
in the market and you know all that it's a it feels good definitely feels good
yeah I mean this is the the reaping of the rewards for the people that built
through the bear you know there's so many people that just left to throw up
their hands in early 2022 or even later 2022 and said you know it is this
industry is dead entity the dead no one's gonna care the market is done and
I'm gonna go do something else my life and fortunately there were people like
yourself and fortunately many others who said you know we believe in this we
think this is gonna change the world we think this is gonna create awesome and
exciting products for people and spent the last couple years building and
developing and trying things and now we're starting to see a lot of that come
to market which is yeah it's just as an entity fan it's extremely exciting
and bullish and so can't wait to see all that you do and yeah very very very
much supporting you all and excited to yeah take part in the some of the mints
awesome man I really appreciate that and I want to leave I certainly want to
open up for questions but I want to share a little bit of kind of the broader
vision for why we're doing all this because you know it's like there there
certainly have been moments where it's been like why are we doing all this so
you know I think that the thing that has me so excited is looking towards the
future of where I have come to believe all of entertainment and media and you
know kind of the the lives in the world that we're gonna be living in as much as
I can possibly prognosticate which is getting a little less every day given
what's happening on the AI side of things but I still have some kind of
fundamental core beliefs that drive everything that we're up to and one of
those is you know I have a ten-year-old and a seven-year-old and I am constantly
watching the way that they consume media the way they interact with digital
things I believe there is going to be a mass awakening for the next generation
of consumers and people that live in the digital world natively which is everyone
that's growing up right now everyone growing up right now are digital
natives we are the last generation that is going to have even remembered a world
that we weren't in front of a screen or had a screen in our pocket or strapped
to our face you know just about every moment of the day so you know we are it's
a weird way to kind of think about it but I think we are the last group of
people that you know we're going through the horse and buggy to automobile
transition right now but perhaps 10x that because of the speed of it so yeah
I think that we're moving to a world where people really do care about what
happens in their digital life and that crosses every category from you know the
identity piece of it to the way that we experience the things that we interact
with and so I look at my daughter and you know I love this analogy like it's
me throwing money into the roblox hole for her right now and you know I think
there's a moment where she has to wake up when she gets a little older and say
you know wait a minute if I'm gonna put money into these things if it's not dad
putting money into these things wait maybe I care about owning them maybe I
care about having control over them maybe when I you know decide I'm done
with roblox and I want to move on to the next thing that I want to be able to do
something with those those things that I collect either you know subsidize the
experience by reselling them or being able to bring them with me into the next
thing I think those things are just going to become increasingly important
and that to me feels inevitable and then you combine the AI piece of all of that
into needing to be able to verify reality and this is the technology that I
think is going to make that possible it's kind of one of the only solutions
that seems viable for making that possible and so when we look at all of
that through the lens of entertainment and creating characters and worlds and
franchises and things that people care about and at an emotional level because
I believe no matter what happens we have to care about things we have to connect
with things and people emotionally for us to care about those things and at the
core of storytelling is an emotional connection no matter how that story is
created no matter how that story is told being able to connect to those
things and and live in those worlds and experience those you know those elements
of character and story that makes us remember that we're human and that we
have a shared experience with other humans fundamentally I think that never
changes for humanity but the ability to own pieces of that to benefit in the
proliferation of those experiences to help shape the worlds that we and other
people are going to experience I think it's just so incredibly powerful that
yeah those elements come together where I just can't not build this thing and so
it comes back over and over again and we were laughing about this a little bit
yesterday of like does this thing exist that I think has to exist and if it does
awesome let me go get a piece of that and partake in it and if it doesn't damn
it we're gonna have to build it and so there's just a number of those things
now where it's like we have to build this because it doesn't exist and what
we're doing at Maciverse and what we're doing at mixed print and all the things
that we think will come from that which will be a whole new generation of
worldwide entertainment franchises and all kinds of new collectible experiences
that people all over the world will get to participate in and brand-new ways
with new superpowers because of these new technologies you know that is super
exciting to me and it's where I think the future is going so it's a big vision
and I just can't stop I love it and I think you know what like spending time
with and looking at the younger generations and how they spend their
time is just the it's to me it's the definitive point of where makes me go
yeah all right this is the future like the world is getting so much more
digital and eventually they're gonna be the ones that are you know in the 20s
and 30s and they're earning money and deciding where they're gonna spend their
money and spend their time and it's gonna be in some sort of digital or
augmented reality or something like that so um yeah couldn't agree more looks
like we got ask red up here do you have a question ask red welcome how do I do
this this is my first spacing spaces yeah Zenika I listen to you on overpriced
JPEGs a lot like you've given me a lot of alpha for all day for all of the of
Carly's journey I'm doing that thing um my question is like rare rebel just came
out with the very chain I believe and it's supposed to be like an L3 on
optimism and they're giving they're letting creators have royalties or at the
node level my question kind of and I don't know if anyone can answer that
like what happens what are the fail-safes if that layer 3 goes down because I
think it's on East the gas fees are going to be great and the royalties are
going to be on the node level of the very chain which is only a 3 and I'm
just trying to figure out if something happened to optimism or if something
happens to to like the very chain node level does that does the royalties carry
out you know even if something goes down on like if you were to trade them on
secondary being on ETH I'm just trying to figure out I don't know yeah I mean I
honestly I don't know the answer it's a little bit above my pay grade or outside
of what I am expert on or thinking about at the moment you might get a
better answer just going into the very wearable discord and our team there is
probably my advice okay sorry couldn't be more help but yeah great to have you
here and thanks for coming up yeah man thank you very much like I mean I'm I'm
kind of just working on my NFTs I'm like I've listened to you you've given me so
much output for all the years just learning about because there's so much
to learn like I've listened to us as much podcasts as possible like even on
my NFTs like I have something saying that you know extended gratitude to
Zeneca and like you said yeah if you want to go join the Mac reverse discord
and give what what is can you unpin it can you put it up in the chat or
something so I can I can know where to go Evan I'm gonna go ahead and kind of
tweak then any any sort of final words before we wrap this space up now I think
it's been great I appreciate the chance to kind of dig into all this and super
excited about it you know really encourage people who are into you know
storytelling world-building understanding thinking about kind of the
future of entertainment and definitely collectability around you know physical
and digital stuff you know come come say hi we we have got a great community and
we'll go from there I love it love it thank you so much yeah it's been a
pleasure chatting with you as it absolutely always is thank you everyone
who tuned in if you join late the space was recorded so go back and listen to it
from the beginning I definitely recommend that like I said give Evan a
follow give macro verse a follow give mix print a follow keep an eye on all the
exciting drops they have coming up very very affordable very reasonable very cool
and exciting and cutting-edge and new and that's what we want in the world so
yeah thank you all and have a great rest of your day and weekend by all awesome
thanks everybody