🎬 Disrupting the travel Industry with Crypto.

Recorded: June 1, 2023 Duration: 0:51:08
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Here everyone, thank you very much for joining Vibhav. Can you hear me?
Hi, everyone. Can you hear me?
- Yeah, everyone.
I hope I'm audible. Then how's getting here me?
Okay, cool. So I've asked him you all and
So, I'm going to wait a little more, like probably two or three minutes for having waiting for more guests to come in. Please stay with me. Thank you very much.
Hey everyone, as usual we got to face so many Twitter glitches and it's one of them but anyways, I can't really know. Yeah, yeah, good, great web hope. So, okay.
Now let's start the session and I'm extremely sorry for the delay. Hello everyone, welcome to Aswan Laptop space. This is me by Encore Grant Communication Manager Aswan Lapt. Welcome you all for here and thank you very much for joining in the session today.
So I'm here after a little bit of a long time and then yeah, so we're talking about the brand today here and I am here with another special guest today, Mr. Webho Ali. He's the growth of Riva Merivers.
And without further ado, I'm just going to hand over this mic to my friend. Heather, what's the value? Hey, where are you doing today? I'm doing fantastic. Yeah, what's happening with you?
Yeah, I'm doing great and thank you very much for joining in session today and we're going to talk about
web3 in travel disrupting huh. So okay, without further ado, I just want you okay, I request you. Okay, could you please introduce yourself to our community
So would love to do that to your communities. I have been in the events and marketing media radio and TV for over 18 years of my life and my day job is at
where she travels.com which is an initiated by Riva Metaverse and I am really enjoying what I am doing because we are solving a very serious problem for the crypto native people like us to be able to book tickets, hotels, these are there and there is experience
And that's how we are disruptive, we are disrupting the travel industry. And Pyle and Aswala, thank you so much for having us over because we would love to explore a long term partnership and Pyle is a fantastic girl.
is always full of energy, all the calls that we have had. She has got some amazing vibe and amazing energy. So, this is your not to miss this. And in fact, I would request all the other guys who are listening to us to invite friends because this conversation is going to be really interesting and you can take my work for it.
Thank you very much for your kind good. I really appreciate that. Actually, just a little bit of introduction. Those who have joined in first time, as well as Twitter space, as well as the home to so many projects we're working on.
actually involved in our first flagship project is Meta launch which is an idea launch pad which provides the platform for to raise funds to the new ecosystems to the revolutions and we have another to us who are labs which is us who are mentioned which
provide the funding assistance to different projects. And apart from that, just to let you know that we are coming up with AskVedia, which is going to be the IONO launch pad and the second version would be the renting protocol. So there is a lot going on here and we are rebranding
and then we are here to celebrate the partnership between Driva Metaverse and Asra Lat.
So, well, yes, so, Vethree travel. This is very interesting topic. We know Vethree is disrupting so many industries. Blockchain is getting integrated into so many different industries here from Vethree to Vethree transition is happening at massive scale.
Before even we talk about Web 3 in travel, I just want to know more about what Riva Metaversus and how it is associated with Web 3 travel. So I'll tell you, Riva Metavers was born initially as a Metavers company that gave you an access to
understand where you are travelling, moving before the travel. Now, then we realized that even when we are talking about travel, I think the biggest challenge that an individual case is, firstly, who are crypto native is booking tickets, right? Because if somebody who is crypto native needs to book the ticket,
We need to go via a master Vibramar role of selling their crypto online waiting for the transaction and then the Fiat company. Sorry to catch you in the middle of the web hub. Is anyway we can just ignore the like you know there's some voices in the backend so is anyway we can get rid of that.
So, do you want me to start it off as a experiential travel company where you can actually go ahead and explore the place before you travel?
to and then we realize that the biggest challenge is that crypto native people like us space is getting you know getting tickets via crypto because that is a major pain point and you're solving that because if you just have to go and book your
come and book your tickets until then you know the price of flights keep fluctuating. So we recognize that as a challenge and we want to solve that problem. So that's the problem that you are solving that is why it is WebTrivels.com travel in a powered by Riva Metaverse.
Okay, I'm done speaking. So yeah, so yeah, actually, you know that reminds me of some of the from web traveling. Yeah, so traveling from web through web to travel in web to in the three space this industry is from 2021 800 billion to 1463
people in. And a lot of people, you know, from one to one to space, they witnessed that until 2018, 82% of the tickets were like starting getting booked from online, right? So when people never imagined that it could happen, those people who did not make the transition was
like failing immensely. Now at this point we are talking about transition from 2 to 2 web 3 space which is a I personally I feel that it's a great challenge you know because there are a lot of things which are associated with you know when you are booking the ticket in web 3 so like benefits are
there but I'm here talking about the mass adoption. So what do you think about this challenge here? How you're going to tackle this? And how you're going to tap this big 1500 billion dollar industry? So one of the beauty of what we're doing is also solving an interoperability of travel
Now for example if you travel via Emirates or you travel via Vistara or you know like American Airlines you would realize that you cannot use that travel point for to book a hotel right or you cannot use the same travel point to get your visa done. You can't use that same
points to get your something else you know like you can experience. So what we are doing is that everybody who comes into our platform to book, which it also gets an opportunity to book you know to earn rewards and this reward is paid in crypto. Talking about that.
adoption right we have an on-ramp service. So we have an on-ramp service where somebody who is not crypto native but is interested in crypto and is interested in earning crypto can come with the Fiat by USDT on from the platform itself and by tickets from the USDT and earn crypto.
So this is the service also that we are providing and thus looking forward towards that message number that you just spoke about.
Oh, that's nice to know. Yeah. So, okay, so talking about the reward based system in Web2, we also, you know, we are also witnessing reward point system, you know, getting access to the clubs and then
some special lounges, facilities. So what special we are offering in the three space or being in the travel industry? What? I think you did.
Am I a horrible pearl? Yes, absolutely. I think you didn't hear me properly correctly the first time I said this that we are solving the interoperability of travel points. For example, when you take a flight from, for example, New York to India and you travel
will buy an airline, right, that gives you travel points. You can only use it back in that airline. You can use that same travel point to book a hotel or to book your visa or to book an experience back in India. Am I correct? I hear you right, but I think probably
I'm not wrong, I've experienced some of that facilities which we have to, you know, the normal ticket booking is offering. If you book an airline, you get the reward point and then same way you get the access to other facilities which you're talking about here.
That's one point. I think you guys have something very special to offer and absolutely agree being in the revolution. We are just coming up with special special things. My other question to you here,
is that since people, some of the people they still are not aware of, I'm talking about the master's option, right? When people are not familiar with a lot of things and then they are interoperability you're talking about. So what are the positive things and positive aspects, what they can witness in
where three space, where three travel, the which they are not experiencing, booking tickets in the normal system. So you need to understand this that we are solving a problem for crypto native, right? Let's keep the adoption aside, but let's understand that majority
of the world, such not majority, a small little population of the world which is 420 or million people who have crypto in their wallet as we speak according to the data. They cannot spend their crypto outside and even get a look of the red. Am I correct?
So we are targeting those people, we are giving them an opportunity to spend their crypto via our website and book tickets, hotels and experiences. That's the first. The second thing is we are not doing anything special or great. We are just solving a very important problem.
Okay, because the most important problem is that you have to turn your wallets, but what can you do with it?
Absolutely, it is a usability concern that we are solving and when it comes to your question of master option, I did mention earlier that we are giving them an
and RAM solution for people who perhaps your neighbor who is interested in crypto but does not want to invest in crypto. But they can come onto a platform, get onto the on RAM service by USDT,
and pay for the ticket and earn rewards in crypto which can be redeemable. Again, for your hotels, for your stay, for your flights, for your visa, for your experiences and for your packages.
Yeah, thank you very much that answer my questions because here we are talking about the usability when we have crypto in our wallet and we don't know like how many like what exactly
have one other place is where we can use it directly, you know, without even getting involved into your like conversions, you know. So that is something very important we are working on and our like Web 3 travel is working on.
to you guys. Yeah. So talking about bringing this conversation ahead, talking about do you guys have some NFTs and other things which are helping facilitate those three travel booking tickets and redeeming the benefits?
So I'll tell you, when it comes to NFTs, I call it Rho Manifti, because we have people who like to roam around the world. Like me. Last year alone, I traveled over 14 countries to 35 countries.
cities and stuff. So what we are doing with our NFTs is that we are giving them an opportunity not just to yield income out of it, which a lot of people are doing
API wise but what we are really proud of is that you can also use this as a credit line. Now you need to travel somewhere and for some reason you don't have access to your wallet and all of that. You can quickly get on use your NFT
credit line and book your tickets and keep moving ahead. Our NFTs will be launching very soon. We have NFTs from a thousand dollars going up to a hundred thousand dollars. Okay.
So having said about that NFT, can we list out some of the utilities of those? How do you list it out? I just said that.
can use our NFTs as the credit line. Credit line 1. One second is you can you can earn an API out of it. API out of it, okay. Yes. So these are the two very important things that you can use to our NFTs.
That's great because we are completely, you know, we are usually the best and these give you and also every NFT holder and you know, so our entire profit that we earned right 50% of our profit goes back into the community.
Okay, which is a massive number. Now what happened with 50% of the profit that goes back into our community, it is distributed to our NFT worlders.
to our ambassadors and do a lot of these guys who have been a vital part of structuring and positioning us in this space.
Okay, thank you, thank you very much for your actually and you know talking about the utility as I already told you told the community about being you know launching the asperium. So our USB or our one of the important things
about I&Os would be utility-based I&Os and the re-on renting protocol also we would be focusing on utility-based NFTs. So we all know that in this NFT industry we have witnessed so many different type of NFTs
could be collectibles, could be anything but now this era is going to be the utility based NFT and that's what we are working on collectively and that what this partnership is going to be focusing on. And so when you said about that the bastard
So being a bastard, the fund goes to, you know, the revenue goes to goes back to the ambassadors. So what is the, if somebody wants to become an ambassador to go to travel? So what is the criteria for that?
Will the criteria is to be active in this case of F3 like me, travel around the world, no, no interesting people and be able to generate business for the organization.
That's pretty simple. So I think there has to be the forums and the stuff there on the website where they can go
So ambassadors are generally invite only where the co team or the founders can invite them to be embedded.
Because, because we are so early in the game, we want to make sure that we get in the best guys in the space so that we can attract the OG crowd as to say and then take it out from the
I've been traveling around the world since last year for web
events and I meet a lot of fellow travelers and what we have done is even before our production life we could create a WhatsApp group for them and offer their personal service around the clock and make sure that they are able to book tickets or hotels as quickly as possible.
Okay. So we already have served clients with the business of worth over $200,000. And no.
Okay, so let's say for example somebody is not native to crypto industry and they are witnessing problems. Are you booking those tickets and then how fast you think your customers like the response time from
at a very short web to travel is that which helps them getting the things solved and you know for those who are not native to web 3 space. I just told you that I told you three times in the conversation that we have an online
on RAM service that people can actually buy crypto. See, our USB is that where we will be helping them travel around the world via crypto. So the on RAM service is there for people who are not native to crypto.
But our focus is towards people who are trip to native, the 420 million wallets around the world, they are of hope.
Yeah, yeah, I get it.
because why my question is coming up again and again because even though I belong to a three-space, within my cycle I always encourage people to know more about what the three-space is still there is a little bit of resistance and then how I probably add
that's how I am contributing more towards getting to know about how this space work and how you can facilitate yourself getting into that web3 space and then using those on-ranges services. So I probably am looking for some time in
the ecosystem with best customer service, where they also can make them aware about how to use those on-dem services also. Because I'm honestly telling you, Vibhav, I've seen so many people, even though they see that services on-dem services, conversions, till they are clueless about how to use it. So that is why I'm
So, I will tell you and a lot of OGs and a lot of early pioneers, we kind of agree to this that you know we are not really driving the blockchain adaption. We are merely solving a problem for people who are already in best place.
We are trying to make sure that people who are already in it are able to figure out a solution on how they can be using the crypto in the best way possible.
not in the space we have a service because we at the end of the day they need to have the curiosity to go at an explorer. If they do not have that we cannot supply that to them.
Yeah that is true. That is true.
And talking about the roadmap, so what else is there? Do you have plans? What is your future plan with River Metaverse? So a future plan right now is to grow and partner with events around the world with the quality achieving.
with wow submit we are achieving that with Web 3 ball in another interesting events like this around the world. First thing, the second thing is that we will also be launching a customer service based out of the
the metaverse, anybody who will ever travel and has to ever call up the people from the space or to an airline, they know they have to wait for a couple of hours or maybe 30 minutes actually to find out.
on how they can be helped. So what we are trying to do is we are trying to make sure that they get instant customer service on the Metaverse. So that is something big in our roadmap.
That's nice. That's nice. So you being a growth of a growth head of WebTree travels a few hours. So you have previous experience in WebTree space also. How do you feel that the marketing or the growth difference in WebTree space from WebTree?
So you'll have to repeat a question because it's going to cut off. Yeah. So my question is you being a growth head. So how do you feel that there's a difference of, you know, bringing the growth in the tree space from the two space. So what are the challenges you feel that you are witness? No, I'm not.
I'm not looking towards that's not my Kiarae, that's not even my focus to go and tell people who are not in the webtoon space about us. My focus is to capture people who are already keep to native and let them know that the service exists and we can help them travel the world.
Yeah, I heard it very loudly. Yes, absolutely. And itself, I totally agree. I think I would stubborn on a point that we have some responsibility for mass adoption. But yes, I'm not doing that. So I'll tell you something. So a travel around the world.
as I mentioned and you know I've spoken a lot about blockchain adoption right in fact on my YouTube channel with over 25,000 subscribers I have also made a series of videos on blockchain adoption the biggest challenge in blockchain adoption is education right
Now education after a certain age is a matter of choice. It is not a matter of chance or it is not something that you have to do it. It is a matter of choice. Now most of us don't want to go ahead and upgrade ourselves. People who are willing to upgrade ourselves, people like you and I.
eye who are getting into uncharted territories and doing something amazing in this space. So we are not for everyone, because if you see also when the internet boom happens, just before the internet boom everything collapses.
and and hello am I horrible yeah yeah I can hear you yes right and and then people like you know Warren buffet were were very bullish about that it is going to crash and he's extremely bearish about even even of crypto so our
work is not to go ahead and do cold falls to people who are not into crypto and to bring them. That's not a job because if they have a curiosity, the word in the media has gone out a lot. Right? People will come in via greed and will stay back for the technology and for the utility.
majority of us came in during the last bull run thinking that oh we will make a lot of money out of it but then what happened right the market crashed people lost money people lost lost interest and they moved away but that is the beauty
If you look at this page, you will realize that people who are here to stay will stay for the love of technology. Does it like loving your spouse, whether your spouse is broke or making money? You still love your spouse.
It's as simple as that with Web3 also. You love the technology, you find potentially in it, you will stay back. Yeah. So actually most of our conversation was being stagnant on the
point me you me repeating that we are not here for you know just to just to adopting just to ask people those people to adopt the technology who are not ready for yeah that's one side of story I heard it love very loud and clear so I think
We also have to consider those communities which are already into their three space and that's what Riva Metaverse is here to tap those and tap potential. That is really good.
there would be very enthusiastic about you know exploring travel in wet free space, booking through the trip like you know the USDT and other are using the on-ramps, on-ramps services. So definitely on are going to be on it and booking the ticket and for the time
to come through river with the words through the three travels and for people like you we will go ahead and offer you VIP service where somebody is always available on a WhatsApp group to serve you around the class.
Yeah, absolutely. So that is so good. We are talking about here, Vettry in travel and I would like to invite someone here if we see his interest.
she's interested to ask any question. He's writing in front of him, he's writing in front of us and he's here to answer the question for us and yes, anyone please go ahead and ask for your question.
Okay, so probably I'll have to wait for that. So apart from that, anything else you feel like mentioning about riverbed rivers which I am still not coming on to that river over to you please.
Can you hear me, Rebo? Yes, yes, I can hear you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you want to ask anything? You have added everything and I'm glad that I should be a part of this with a space. Thank you so much for your
Thanks everyone.
Thank you very much for joining. I can hear you but there's a little bit of disturbance from your side. I hope you are able to hear me clear.
Thank you very much for joining in with us and please follow along all the social media, read about metaverse, and read travel and explore the website and try to book the ticket through them. Thank you very much all of us for joining
Thank you very much for having me.
Take care.