Djed: Growth and Adoption of Cardano DeFi

Recorded: Feb. 21, 2023 Duration: 1:10:01



Everybody, welcome to this space. We're going to spend the first few minutes getting set up. Make sure everybody's ready to go and then we'll start in about a minute at the top of the hour.
Okay, I'll get it kicked off give me a thumbs up if you can hear me speaking We'll do some quick like checks. I got co-hosts misdumpling Subcritical here. You can do a like check real quick
to Hoth, our guest will be one of our lead speakers. If you want to do mic check real quick, make sure we can hear your audio and your connections are good. And then I'll do an intro and we'll get rolling.
Hey, it's dumpling. Hi, Rick. It's not bullish dumpling, but it's dumpling. Hi, Rick, thanks for getting the space and shahaf are you?
I'm doing well thanks. Audio sounds good. How are you? Yeah, your audio sounds good. I'm good. Hi, I'm Pink.
Good afternoon everybody seems like there's a lot of people here already. This is awesome
Yep, all right, the audio sounds good, some critical. You've always hear with this as well. Wingriders just popped in. We'll have musely swap coming in also. DC might pop in. Let me get started here. Top of the hour, let's roll. This space will be about an hour and what I would let you guys know, Cardano D5 is becoming
very feature complete and user interfaces have become fantastic. And today we have Shrath Bargethan, the CEO of Code. He's with us to answer some of the community questions that I collected on Twitter and provide more information about GED and Shen. With those questions that I've collected,
be addressing those here at the beginning of the space. The space is recorded so people can listen back later. We also have Wingwriters and Musley Swap here today as well. They'll talk about their products and the Genshin integration. Second half of the space we're going to open up the floor to any additional community questions that you may have.
we're not addressed during the course of the space. Again, plan for about one hour. Please try to stay on topic. Some of the key questions we're going to hit here early on are things such as, uh, then I clicked on Twitter and that was Cancody, you literally terminate Jenn at any time. What's the primary purpose of Jenn and Shen? What are the risks and benefits to Jenn?
and send users, systemic effects of stable coins. When are Shen rewards being paid out? How are they being paid out? When is the snapshots? What about the mint price and the difference between minimal and extended jets? Those are some of the core questions we hit on there. I'd like to thank
and Cody, Udorland, Unilaterally, Terminate Jed at any time, what would you take on that? Well, you know, the short answer is, of course not, right? Once Jed and Shen are minted and stored in the use of water, just like any other Cardano token.
User has full control over it, and Codid can't terminate that. What Codid does with JAD is an operator is to manage their business development, marketing, user interface, and other aspects that help create interest and adoption of JAD.
It is worth noting that we did publish the smart contracts of JIT, Mintonburn platform, and we can take those down. But that would be the same way that any protocol on Cardano can. It's not unique to Cori. Essentially, how it is on every deck platform, everything on Cardano.
the code is released to the public, which should be pretty soon. Users can start playing with it. It will be open source. They can even create new front ends to the JL platform, instead of what we have in JLXYZ and all these beautiful things. So I hope that can answer the question.
No, that's great great kickoff. That's the

FAQ on Djed: Growth and Adoption of Cardano DeFi | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of this podcast?
To discuss the features and user interfaces of Cardano D5 with lead speaker Shrath Bargethan and to address community questions about GED and SHEN.
Who are the co-hosts of the podcast?
Misdumpling and Subcritical.
Who is the lead speaker of the podcast?
Shrath Bargethan.
What other guests are present in the podcast?
Wingriders and Musley Swap.
What are some of the topics that will be discussed in the podcast?
The purpose of JED and SHEN, risks and benefits of stable coins, SHEN rewards, and differences between minimal and extended jets.
Can Codi terminate JED at any time?
No, once JED and SHEN are minted and stored, the user has full control over it and Codi cannot terminate it.
What is the smart contract platform of JED?
Mintonburn platform.
Can users create new front ends to the JED platform?
Yes, users can create new front ends to the JED platform using the open source code.
Is the podcast being recorded?
Yes, the podcast is being recorded so people can listen back later.
What is the approximate duration of the podcast?
One hour.