Dmail Network : Multi-Chain Mondays

Recorded: March 25, 2024 Duration: 0:58:19



Hi, Kyle.
Quick mic check here.
Hey, is it, I assume we got Dan, right?
Your mic sounds great.
Perfect. Alright, thanks, Kyle.
Awesome, awesome. Yeah, we can go ahead and get started.
So let me just say good morning, good afternoon, good evening to everyone out there.
I hope you're having a good day wherever you are in the world.
I know for one of us, it's early in the morning and for the other, it's late at night.
So, Dan, I appreciate you making time and coming on board.
Let me give a quick, quick ask.
You know, go ahead and give this, if you're listening to this space, give it a quick share.
Let the world know about all the awesome things going on on email.
And yeah, so welcome to Multi Chain Mondays where we explore all things about apps being deployed to multiple chains,
leveraging the unique optimizations of multiple chains.
And today we're going to have email, which I don't want to say you are the OG Multi Chain app,
but you're certainly one of the OG Multi Chain app, both from a crypto standpoint and an ICP standpoint.
So welcome, welcome, Dan.
Yeah, thanks, Kyle.
I was looking on that data earlier when number one for 30 day UAWs, for social fi, you know, we're number five overall in terms of all every single DAP out there.
So yeah, I think we've certainly got some phenomenal metrics.
Happy to go into those a little bit more as time goes by.
But yeah, good talking again.
It was nice meeting you in Denver recently.
And yeah, thanks for having me on today.
Yeah, getting to meet you at East Denver was a highlight of my week.
I really enjoyed both talking with you on camera and I'd recommend everyone check out the email socials to see that interview.
But then also just getting to talk off camera and getting to know you better and understand the email product.
And just really excited to share with the world the awesome stuff you guys are doing.
Let's start with you kind of let a cat out of the bag that like your your user metrics are phenomenal.
But let's let's rewind a little bit and just start with kind of like a quick two minutes of what email is and like what your guys as core product is.
Yeah, so email network is building an AI driven decentralized messaging infrastructure.
And what that is essentially for is to provide encrypted email subscriptions and notifications.
And we're also targeting the end for targeted marketing services.
We are integrated now on I believe 23 chains.
It's hard to keep up, Kyle, to be honest.
But yeah, 23 chains, I believe.
And, you know, that's that's really what I think has squared our growth.
It's so I think it's certainly pertinent that I'm on a on a show today called multi chain Mondays.
I don't think there's there are many projects that are integrated with as many chains as email.
So, yeah, and there's a reason for that.
It's because, you know, we are offering, you know, cross chain messaging and we want as many gateways into email as possible.
We want to connect with as many people within the entire block chain space.
And, you know, utilizing ICP architecture has enabled us to do that.
You know, I'm sure I'll be able to talk a bit more about that as as time goes by.
But, yeah, we're in, you know, we're very happy about the place we're in.
We've recently launched our subscription hub that was launched on October the 25th, I believe.
And since then, we've already brought 250 projects on board.
Some of them are here today, including DFINITY Bitfinity Network have have both joined the sub hub.
We've got other ICP projects as well.
But, yeah, 250 projects on board it.
And it allows those projects to essentially connect with their subscribers via their wallets and DIDs when connected to the DML DAP.
And so, you know, you can send out short form and long form content.
Soon we'll have automated feeds for, you know, short form content.
It could be that you want to automate your tweets to go out and take a little bit of pressure off your marketing staff in that sense.
But what really excites me is the mail to value proposition, which we'll have by the year end.
So it's basically that's where we'll have tokenization on the platform and users will actually be able to benefit for their activity on a platform.
They'll be able to gain token rewards for completing tasks or opening emails, completing quests within which are possibly embedded within emails.
And so, you know, think about how exciting that can be for users and projects.
You know, projects are obviously able to send P2P messaging to users.
They can tokenize their marketing. And so, yeah, I think it's going to be a very exciting, you know, 12 months ahead.
We've grown to more than nine million users now.
And I remember because it was my mother's birthday that we hit one million users just before August of last year.
And between August and the end of 2023, we finished 2023 just about on five million users and now it's nine million users.
And I think that that's a combination of, you know, the user acquisition model is a combination of, you know, several factors.
I think that default domains was a huge factor. L2 integrations has really powered a lot of users as well.
But, yeah, I think just as our product suite builds out and as the email integrates with more chains, it's inevitable that we continue to grow out.
But, yeah, probably said enough for this initial question, I think, Kyle.
Yeah, I have so many questions based off of that.
Let's let me just let's go with so obviously with you guys going to multi chain and you said 20 was a 23 or 26 23.
So is that is that a marketing kind of decision in terms of like now you can tap into these new user communities that maybe you wouldn't have been able to had you not had you not gone multi chain.
Yeah, I think operational marketing is obviously a part of that.
And yeah, I think that, you know, as we as we the more chains we integrate with, like I say, there's there's more gateways into the mail.
You know, we're able to tap into different ecosystems, we're able to partner with, you know, different gaps and projects within those ecosystems as well.
And, you know, I said in a space earlier tonight, I got on a space earlier that, you know, essentially the more chains, the more the more friends you potentially have.
And I think that, you know, it's it's been a drive towards, as I say, user acquisition model.
And there are benefits that come come from being on different chains.
We get a lot of marketing support from the chains themselves.
We've received multiple grants.
I think we've had a divinity has been fantastic to us and the support we've received from divinity has been second.
And I'll be honest with you.
But, you know, we've also received grants from chains like Manta, BNB.
We've we've even received a grant from Space ID, you know, the domain service and I forget who else we've.
But but I think there's about six different chains that we've we've received grants from.
So, yeah, they all come back to me.
Oh, yes. Yeah, Manta. Polygon as well.
I think is another one. Oh, yes.
And that's the other one.
The most recent one is scale and an announcement will be made about that along along with our integration soon.
So a little bit of alpha there.
I think people in spaces love love getting that alpha.
So, yeah, I mean, it definitely sounds in crypto.
We've we've we've kind of segmented ourselves in the sense of like your user of specific chains and then you're almost locked into whatever apps are built on that chain.
And what email is highlighting is, look, there should be apps that go across the board so that whether you're you know, you have Matic in your wallet or you have some other token like you should be able to leverage an app in a similar user experience as everyone else is using.
And so kudos to you guys for trailblazing that.
So just I don't know if everyone caught that you said nine million users and eight million of those have signed up since August of last year.
So that's only what, nine months ago, maybe even only eight months ago.
So that's phenomenal growth.
You're you're almost adding a million users per month.
Yeah, I think I think when I joined the mail in a full time capacity zero, we had three hundred thousand users that then obviously grew out to a million, as I say, by so that was in I believe that was in May.
And then by August, we'd gained our first one million and five million and now nine million.
So I think recently we've been averaging more than a million users onboarded per month.
What really excites me about where we're going with this is if we're at nine million users and, you know, by my own admission, by the team's own admission, you know, this is not the full operational product suite.
We have a long way to go with our roadmap.
And for me, this is actually very exciting because if we're as successful as what we are now and, you know, people are using our cross-chain messaging service and our subscription hub in the most sort of latent form with, you know, there are obviously a lot of upgrades.
I know I know where this is going.
And if you consider, you know, twelve months from now where we have the full Web two product suite is built out. So you have your decentralized storage, you have your calendar, you have your your workstation with documents and so on and so forth.
You know, essentially what you'd get, you know, in your Web two email and, you know, but obviously you have, you know, advantages with email.
It's decentralized. You have fully decentralized storage. You have data sovereignty.
So you have all of the benefits of the UI and UX that you might get on Web two experiences, but you own your own data.
You know, you have privacy. It's encrypted.
But also you have the Web three layer on top. So here's where it gets interesting is that you have your wallet.
You'll be able to do cross-chain swaps.
You will have, you know, in the future, the near future an asset dashboard.
You will have mail to earn, which is which is huge.
I think that is the main value proposition that we have where, as I said, you'll get tokenized rewards for your activity on the platform.
You'll have an NFT marketplace.
So the domains that you have, if you're a D mailer, you there's every chance that you have a default domain, which is either, you know, an ex-wallet domain,
which is not personalized or personalized domain, which, you know, if if it's eight to eleven digits,
it could be free on certain chains or cost five dollars forty nine.
Whereas, you know, maybe a four digit costs up to one hundred ninety nine dollars.
But they have different benefits as well, like premium features and so on, which are tied into them as well as obviously,
you know, the shorter, maybe the more the more rare they would be. Right.
So I actually own Daniel at email dot A.I.
And, you know, in the future, if I want to, I can go on the marketplace to work.
We'll be building and I'll be able to trade that and sell it.
And chances are a lot of Daniels out there in the world that could be quite valuable, but I'm not going to be selling a Kyle.
So similarly, you know, I'm sure that, you know, you wouldn't sell Kyle at email dot com if you owned it.
So, you know, it's it's something that's quite exciting.
The marketplace, you know, we'll have a net by the end of the year as well.
And really, our main product is we've sold.
I believe last time I checked two point eight million NFT domains.
And, you know, so so a lot of people would assume, OK, maybe you're you're a C and you're a business.
But our main product is actually the end. And so it's it's the marketing hub.
And the marketing hub is essentially, I believe, going to overcome a lot of issues in, you know, Web3 marketing and the lack thereof, to be honest.
You know, we're still relying on on sort of broadcast messaging for marketing on Web2 platforms.
So building something which will resolve a lot of issues and, you know, will will will enable projects to send out messages, P2P messages via wallets and the IDs seamlessly across chain with tokenized incentives to up the opening rate.
You know, and also leveraging the email, the massive email user base of, you know, probably tens of millions by the time it gets launched.
It's it's intriguing because I know that I was telling you, wasn't I, in Denver, that, you know, email has
ICP actually joined the email subscription hub. And I believe that ICP has a couple of hundred thousand subscribers already.
And, you know, it's this this is through, you know, this is without, you know, effort to grow the subscriber base from the project end is not really necessary because the email users go to the email subscription center and they can simply subscribe to the projects.
So, of course, the projects have their own link and they can do their part by sharing it and sending out messages and, you know, just being busy and making people aware of of this new messaging system.
But the fact is, is that a lot of users are sorry, yeah, email users are subscribing to different projects.
I think email has more than three million subscriptions already, if you can believe that since October 25th, you know, and we, as I said, we have more than 50 projects with over 100K users subscribers.
And so, you know, this is phenomenal. If you try to grow out a newsletter, you'll find that to get past 10K is pretty tough, even with a big project like email.
You know, we have more than 500K on our Twitter. I think our socials combined reach more than a million, you know, three million on our sub hub.
You know, so, so a lot of a lot of users, as I say, nine million users. So, you know, it's even for a big projects like like email to use traditional newsletter methods.
You know, it takes a long time even to build to get sort of 10,000 subscribers and how many of those are actually opening their their emails.
Well, the experience tells me that if you get over 20 to 25% of them open in their their newsletter emails, you're doing a decent job.
Let's say over 25% is a decent job, 30 or more is very good indeed.
You know, we all know that when a lot of emails go into our email folders, we simply don't read them, even if we've subscribed to them.
And so I think that incentivization here is key in the future, that if you could have tokenized rewards for opening a message or an email, you know, that you've subscribed to.
So it's not unsolicited. It's something that you actually are interested in a project.
And maybe there's a minimal reward for opening the message could be, let's say, one token or one cent worth of tokens, right, or less simply to open it.
But within the message itself could be embedded a campaign where you could get, you know, a couple of dozen dollars for completing the campaign or even 10 bucks.
Right. And so, you know, if you have this kind of incentivization on a platform where projects can send out their marketing for what I believe would actually be very low cost.
If you look at the costs on web to platforms, as I was saying, to send out to 10,000 subscribers, anything up to 10,000 subscribers at that 20% opening rates, you're looking $199 a month.
Right. On the platform. I mean, I'm currently using anything over that you have to call up for for a specific plan.
So, you know, can you imagine the email I'd like to call up for a plan for 3 million subscribers, please. I don't think that's going to go down too well.
So I think you probably see where I'm going with this. I mean, there's there's a massive opportunity to engage with, you know, to engage with your with your subscribers on a very cost effective in a very cost effective manner.
But at the same time, your users are the ones who empowered through this sort of activity on the platform. So it's really a win-win scenario.
I mean, you keep mentioning figures in the hundreds of thousands and the millions. And I think that there's not many or maybe you're the only one in crypto who are achieving that success.
And I hope one of the things people are gathering is is that it has to do with the product design that you guys are thinking through.
So you mentioned multiple features that, you know, if you would almost like kind of like try to paint it back to their Web two components, you have, you know, the basic email servers such as like a Gmail competitor.
And like you said, there's there's some AI components integrated in there. And then you layer on top of that, basically almost like a substat killer, right?
Like that subscription service can be almost a more native way for people to post short and long form content and deliver it to their readers and build a user base.
And then you also have another aspect of like a MailChimp killer, right? Because MailChimp is this Web two company that manages, you know, a corporation's mailing list and allows you to do campaigns like email campaigns and measure success and that kind of stuff.
And what you guys are saying is, look, Web three actually provides this tokenization aspect that that allows you to get more people by sharing, by sharing the rewards or sharing the benefit of the campaign with those with those readers and those users and building actual community through.
You know, so you're not just trying to harvest your your your email readers, you're trying to actually build a relationship with them. And that's just total Web three mantra.
Is that kind of like a good like if I were to summarize Gmail as Gmail plus substat plus MailChimp, is that kind of sum it up pretty well?
Yeah, I think it's a pretty good analogy. I mean, I think, you know, what I'd say about MailChimp, I don't really want to be naming brands or such, but MailChimp is not it's not crypto friendly, right?
Anybody who's tried sending out, you know, newsletters to a crypto audience finds that a lot of these these projects will give you give you a problem.
So, you know, it's up to it's up to Web three to obviously come up with something themselves anyway.
But I think that, yeah, it is a good a good analogy, I would say.
And yeah, I just think it's far more cost of it's going to be far more cost effective because, you know, and and I think it will it will.
Yeah, it'll be far more cost effective. And I think the main part is that it will empower users, right? So users, like I said, will be able to actively, you know, if you think about it, as I say, the opening rate, if it's 20, 30 percent,
you know, that means that, you know, the vast majority of emails that are coming into your folder, you know, you're not engaging with them.
But not only will you be able to read engaging content from your favorite projects, but, you know, there might be presence embedded in there as well.
And even if there aren't, then you're still going to gain something for for for clicking.
And so, yeah, I think it's it's it's it's it's a very exciting value proposition for me. And I expect that to happen.
Like I say, the tokenization apart from mail to earn within within 12 months.
You know, we're at nine million users now. And if we're growing at a million users a month, which seems to be the current traction, although it's speeding up.
And then you add on factors like the fact that we have, you know, we're building our product suites increasingly.
So obviously that's going to attract more people. But then also, you know, you have more chains integrated, which we're continuously working on.
You know, our our brand awareness is going to continue to pick up, you know, and and, you know, probably a bull run is just about starting, I would say, especially for all.
And so, yeah, I think it's it's to me, I think it's not overly ambitious to think that within two years, you know, we can 10 XR our user base.
And have, you know, 100 million users that are registered of and probably, you know, we could have, you know, well above 10 million monthly active users.
A monthly active users at the moment is sitting at around one point four. So that wouldn't actually be a 10 X.
So, yeah, I think, you know, going through numbers again, I'm very optimistic because, like I said, we are in our early stages of product development.
We've built something very special, obviously, and something that's been used.
But the genetic requires yet to come. And so I think that, you know, it's very exciting to see what what kind of adoption we do get when you start seeing the full products become operational and you see the value proposition, you know, all of people obviously being incentivized, you know, come into effect, really.
So, yeah, it's very exciting to see what happens.
Yeah, that those are just such insane numbers. I can't wait to see. I mean, we definitely have to do this again in six months or 12 months and just kind of circle back and just appreciate the growth in terms of I know looking through all the listeners in this space.
I know a couple of them are managing web three companies or they're managing web three communities is what's the best. I mean, obviously what you're saying is, look, this needs to be a tool as part of your outreach and marketing.
What's the best way for them to get more information if they want to set up set up something with email.
Yeah, I noticed some some of the hubs here. I think the hubs are a fantastic initiative, by the way. And, you know, especially, you know, I've been in contact with I see hubs UK.
You know, I've been obviously UK in in July. And, you know, I'm hoping to meet some of the team there. And obviously I'm connected with I see hubs in in Korea and I'll be going up to Seoul actually I'm personally living in Busan but I'll catch the bullet train up to up to Seoul on Wednesday, actually.
And and meet with the team. I'm going to be doing a short presentation about email and I'll be I'll be man in a booth there as well or room with with DFINITY. So really happy to, you know, to be doing that.
But yeah, if, if, for example, the hubs want to get on board, then we are automated in the process. We've we've had a division essentially that has, you know, been reaching out to to projects and have been on board in projects and they've done a phenomenal job.
You know, we we set up a process. And, you know, the team, the team has done fantastically. Well, like I said, 250 projects on board since since October 25th.
And, you know, you're asking you're asking her about about multi chain and what the advantage is. And obviously, you have a bigger pool of resources to to onboard for your for your products as well. Right.
So there's there's more monetization purposes, monetization possibilities as well. And so, yeah, I think it's these are all very good things.
But I think if the if the hubs do want to come on board or any other project, we are going to have automation for projects.
We've already got so many on board for the sub hub. And so you'll be able to actually fill out a form on our website until until that happens.
I believe that's going to be completed within the end of the week. Until then, people can connect with us directly through our discord and our other social media channels like our telegram and so on and so forth.
So, yeah, and just basically contact with our team is our head of B.D. And we have a pretty large team of ambassadors, moderators and B.D.
So, yeah, they can all assist with the onboarding and maybe you can directly connect with myself and we'll get you set up.
So, yeah, it's a simple process, by the way. It takes five minutes and it can often be off putting.
You think about, you know, technical integration. It doesn't require that, actually.
You just need to essentially sign up and log in. It takes about five minutes.
If that we give you a unique project code and essentially you can you can utilize the sub hub.
And the marketing hub, which we launched in Q2, Q3, is going to be the kind of premium version, which has segmentation.
It will have AI for segmentation and user profiling. But the sub hub is a product that the marketing hub will utilize some of the core tech from that.
The sub hub is something that we've already launched and projects are already enjoying.
So, yeah, if you do want to utilize it, then just reach out and we can give you a unique project code and you can start using it immediately.
So, yeah, just let me know. Let our team know.
I love the fact that you guys put in place all of this product improvement and strategy and you did all that in the bear market and now you're just in a perfect position to capitalize on this new bull market.
Let's talk. Let's pivot gears to AI.
So, I mean, the world I would say the world woke up to decentralized AI last week with a tweet from Dominic Williams regarding getting a neural network running on chain fully on chain.
And it's kind of kicked off this new interest in ICP as an AI blockchain and more demos coming soon from according from Dom.
So keep an eye out there.
But I do know just because I've been following Gmail for a while, I know that you guys had an AI thesis and basically an AI roadmap well before the interest in AI ratcheted up with the LLMs that came out last year.
Walk us through your thesis, how you guys plan on using AI within your product and just kind of the roadmap there.
And you're on.
Sorry, I was on mute, wasn't I? Yeah, I think it's phenomenal what Dominic Williams showcased with DFINITY and I really feel like DFINITY has the R&D team to really push this drive towards AI and really sort of corner of a market.
I don't see any other blockchain as having the resources to compete if DFINITY really go down that route.
And I think it's a tantalizing prospect and makes us extremely happy to be aligned with ICP as a main partner.
And I think, you know, obviously, Dmail.AI, our website, that's a nod to the fact that we knew that our future would be aligned with AI.
We integrated GPT-4, so obviously you can craft emails within the platform using GPT-4.
And, you know, we're building an AI assistant, which essentially will help you to manage your work life in the future.
It will assist with things like asset transfers and, you know, it will remind you of simple things like, you know, your work meetings and stuff.
So this, as I say, will be like a AI workstation assistant, essentially.
And so that's something as well that I think can add tremendous value to a person's UX on Dmail and, you know, something that we're building out increasingly.
And obviously, we are leveraging ICP architecture and tech and, you know, whatever ICP is building with AI.
I think that, you know, we will be looking to increasingly integrate into what we are building.
And so it's similar to D-PEN, right?
D-PEN has been this huge narrative, and people forget that D-PEN has been around for a long time.
And it's essentially, you know, I think that ICP has, you know, really been a forerunner, like a lot of things.
You know, kind of there before it became popular, and not a lot of people are aware of it.
And, you know, in terms of D-PEN, ICP has been running sovereign internet infrastructure rather than cloud for quite some time, you know.
And I think that D-mail, again, is looking to sort of replicate that.
We're looking to utilize relay nodes and to, you know, to decentralize our network.
And so I think it's, you know, I think DFINITY leads the way in innovation and, you know, D-mail.
As a result, we've built on ICP, and, you know, we are positioned in ourselves within, you know, the AI sector.
We're aware of the power of D-PEN.
And so, you know, we are, these things are on our roadmap, and we are increasingly building them out.
And so, yeah, it's really good for us to be aligned with DFINITY, especially with regards to these things.
I love it. And I think, I mean, one of the things you keep coming back to is it's all about the product.
So like mentioning D-PEN, actually, I do get a kick when people talk D-PEN, and you see these chains that are pivoting to D-PEN.
And then when you kind of dive deep into it, it's like, well, isn't what you're talking about actually just what a blockchain should be?
So I think ICP, from the start, from the architecture started off D-PEN, and it's almost even like a confusion that like, well, why wouldn't you just start decentralized infrastructure?
So what I love hearing from what you're saying, Dan, is that D-PEN itself isn't a feature.
It's more that you can unlock certain product decisions leveraging that.
And AI itself is not the feature. It's actually rather how does that work into the product to actually make a better product?
And so you touched on, you know, like managing, basically something like an assistant to help you manage various calendars and emails and stuff like that.
Can you walk us walk us through like, so we've talked on, we've talked on a lot of the roadmap, AI, obviously, like decentralizing some relay servers.
We talked about the subscription model. We talked about using it as a marketing tool. Is there any part of the roadmap we haven't touched on yet?
Yeah, let me think. So in Q4 2023 to Q1 2024, we basically constructed the whole cross-chain messaging service.
That's finished. Everything is up and running. It's looking great.
We started the subscription hub. That was a busy period, Kyle. We launched on October the 25th.
So you're almost into November. You know, we did all of a massive amount of onboarding, as I mentioned already, 250 projects onboarded.
And this was all the while, you know, preparing for our TGE and AirDrop as well.
And anyone who's been involved in that kind of thing knows that it's probably the busiest possible time for any project.
And, you know, I was I was doing three, four spaces a day, every day for a couple of weeks, just, you know, preparing for the TGE.
You know, and we were fortunate to launch on some top exchanges, top central exchanges, also some DEXs too, like PancakeSwap.
So, you know, things have gone well.
But getting back into the roadmap. So, you know, we launched the subscription hub. That's gone very well.
We also enabled web to log in. So, you know, we're aware that there was a big drive for account abstraction, especially it was like a buzzword of Q4.
Maybe Dpin and AI is Q1, right? But account abstraction was Q4.
And there's an awareness that there has to be a simplification of, you know, of crypto or blockchain in general for non-crypto natives to be able to access and to be onboarded with ease.
And obviously for something as simple as a messaging platform, like email, you'll notice, you know, if you sign up that the UI and UX doesn't try to reinvent the wheel.
You know, there's been a generation for, you know, traditional web to platforms to hone and refine their product in terms of the UI and UX.
So you don't need to do anything with that. So, you know, I think that our platform is as intuitive as possible.
And based on that familiar UI and UX, and then the value proposition comes to the fore then in terms of, you know, why you would use it.
It's, as I say, you have data sovereignty. You can tokenize your time and your effort on the platform, shall we say.
And so, yeah. So, yeah, we created the web to log in.
I worked with Particle Network for that. So you can actually log in via your Gmail account.
We onboarded multiple L2s, StarkNet, ZK Sync, and, you know, we brought onboard linear and some other chains as well, which are really, you know, sort of driving a lot of volume as well.
And what else did we... So, yeah, Q2. So Q2 to Q3. Yeah, we'll be developing an app and a plugin.
And the marketing hub will be operational between Q2 and Q3. We'll be developing a multi-chain and enterprise mailbox.
And the workspace that I was talking about, so the drive to meet in the docs and so on, that will also be completed by the end of Q3.
I'm pretty excited about that because I think at that point, there's a case to be made that, you know, email can be the de facto mailbox, you know, that people use.
By that point, there might be more advantages and disadvantages of, you know, than using Gmail, right?
I still use both, by the way, because I need my calendar and workspace. So, you know, I think that really counteracts that.
The NFT marketplace I was talking about, that will be built out around the end of the year, certainly before the end of Q1.
And mail to earn will be operational then. And we'll also have an asset cost chain bridge as well in that time.
And then we'll have the asset dashboard and so on as we move forward.
So, yeah, I think certainly by the end of Q4 is really where everything starts to come together, the main net.
But certainly by the end of Q1 2025. So, basically a year from now, you know, we'll be in a very strong position where people will actually be able to see not what the finished article looks like because, you know,
I think it's always necessary to iterate, even Gmail does. I've noticed they had a product redesign, a UX redesign recently.
But I think, you know, you'll be able to see the value proposition of what we've envisaged will have really come together within the year.
And then I think it's all about the growth from there.
And I think I said to you earlier that I am envisaging within two years that we get to, you know, 100 million plus users, registered users with, I think it's probably conservative to say 10 million monthly active users.
That's the goal, Kyle, within two years. So you talked about coming back and, you know, discussing these metrics.
I'm more than happy to do that, not even on an annual basis. I'm happy to come here every week, but certainly monthly and maybe just giving you a text on what's going on.
And yeah, I think it would be good to keep us on our toes as well and let the community know what's going on.
You better be careful, Dan, because you might end up with a monthly calendar invite that gets you staying up pretty late at your local time there.
I mean, there's no problem at all. I'd love not really.
I hope I want to stress this because you've touched on it so many times.
And so I just want everyone who's aspiring to build an app or build a product in Web3.
I hope what you're doing is you're taking notes on how email is is not just trying to copy paste a Web2 application and put it in a blockchain format, but rather they're actually putting a lot of intention
into the features that blockchain unlock for them for their product.
And they're building their product to actually take advantage of those interesting features of blockchain, such as privacy, tokenization, community building, all of that, how they're really working it poorly into their product design.
Dan, we have like 15 more minutes. Would you be up for any questions from the audience if anyone has a question?
Yeah, absolutely. Let's open the floor.
Okay, yeah, we've had a few people request. I haven't been accepting them, but now, Unchained, I'm going to go ahead and accept yours.
All right, we had Unchained in the previous space I was in, and I think they're doing marvelous things. They're helping to protect elephants from what I understand, so I think that's great.
Love it, love it. Yeah, so, Unchained, you're now speaker. Do you have a question or a thought?
Well, no, actually, I was not expecting to talk, but thank you so much for having me here.
Well, we just learned about email today in a different space. I heard about Dan that he's a multi-chain. And what do you took that approach of multi-chain, if you remind, ask him?
Sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Could you just repeat?
Yeah, why did you do the multi-chain approach and not just focusing on one chain to develop the project?
Why did we do multi-chain rather than one project? Is that a question?
Is that a question? Correct. Yeah, it's a good question. So we believe in a user acquisition model that essentially allows as many gateways into email as possible, right?
So we were one of the first to integrate world ID. Worldcoin has three, four million users, you know, and so that's one example.
But, you know, when you're integrated with, you know, 23 chains like we are, then you make a lot of friends in a lot of different places, and you can utilize the ecosystems, you can partner with, you know, projects that are, you know, experts in specific fields.
And, you know, it really gives you a lot of scope and a lot of leverage, I think, in terms of everything.
And, of course, you can tap into the communities and bring them on board. And, you know, you get a lot of marketing support and operational support from different chains as well.
So there's really no reason not to do it. You know, if you're building on, you know, because we've built on ICP, so you're, you know, we've certainly made our choice in terms of the architecture.
You know, Kyle knows my thoughts on this, that it basically wouldn't be possible to build email unless it was built on ICP. Reverse gas model is a clear example of that.
Nobody's going to want to pay for their send mails, right? So, you know, there's a good reason that we chose to build on ICP.
But if you're going to be, you know, a messaging service, which is for all and everyone across all of the chains, you know, it doesn't make sense to silo yourself.
You've got to expand. And, you know, you've got to reach out. And so we want it across chains. We want it across Web 2. We support Web 2, Web 3 emails.
And so, you know, for us, it's about being as vastly utilized as possible. And there's a lot of advantages to those connections that you make.
Awesome. Another question. What is your take on this tribalism of chains? And, yeah, tribalism of the chains pretty much that is happening all over the blockchain.
Sorry, the tribalism of the chains that is happening, like everybody's like pulling on to their side. So what do you think, what are your thoughts about this tribalism in blockchain in general?
Tribalism? I don't quite understand. Sorry. Kyle, did you catch it? Sorry.
Yeah, tribalism.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Tribalism. Yes. Yeah. I think that sometimes there's an issue where it's like you have your football teams, right?
And, you know, everybody wants their football team to win. And as a result, sometimes there can be sort of petty differences between, you know, figures or, you know, KOLs or whatever within different communities.
I think we need to see the big picture instead of fighting over, you know, pieces of a relatively small pie, you know, which is which is blockchain.
I mean, the pie is growing every year and every bow run, of course. But, you know, to me, it makes more sense to go after, you know, some of the, you know, go after sort of big tech share, you know.
Look at what what ICP is doing. It's trying to reimagine the Internet and then building a fairer and more equitable landscape for users.
And I think this is a phenomenal goal. And I think that instead of squabbling and trying to outdo each other, I think that chains should really get behind visions like that and do everything they can to work together.
There are some advantages of some chains over others and some there are some areas of expertise that can strengthen areas of different chains. And so, you know, I think that to me, it doesn't make sense to be to be tribal.
It's about trying to establish connections, working with as many industry leaders as possible and working towards a common goal, essentially.
And that's essentially the construction of Web3, you know, as I say, a more equitable and user empowering Internet than the one we are used to where we are data farmed and essentially we are the product.
That is so well said. It's hard to, there's nothing to add to that, right? So think of chains as optimized for specific purposes and you want to leverage the optimization that helps you build the product that you want to build.
ICP Hub, UK. You guys are welcoming Dan in a short period of time here. So it's kind of nice to get a little bit of a conversation going beforehand.
Well, thank you very much. This is Nick from the UK Hub. Good to see you, Daniel.
Really, really well, thank you. And thank you very much for extending the offer of using email services. We'll certainly bring that up with the adoption team. That's hugely exciting.
I love the idea of ICP, you know, I guess I phrase it as drinking from your own well. You know, we're really pleased as a hub network to be using open chat and we'd love to be using email.
So thank you. We'll certainly follow up on that offer.
Thanks so much, Nick. And yeah, for those that don't know, you know, Nick and I have a friendship. You know, we talk, you know, I wouldn't say too regularly, Nick, but we keep in touch and we have a good chance to keep each other up to date.
And, you know, I think, yeah, it's exciting that I can finally meet you in the UK when I go back. Probably in July, I'm going to be going back over there.
So, you know, if I can join some events with the UK ICP Hub, I'll be more than happy to do that.
We'd be delighted to host you, Daniel. That's awesome. Great. Thank you for everything you've been sharing with us today. It's great to hear. Get a good update from email.
Always a pleasure. Thank you very much.
Love it. Love it. Yeah. So we got Nazir and I'm going to turn it over to him. But before I do, just want to remind everyone you want to be following emails, Twitter account here.
Dan's been going over all of the roadmap for the next year. It's a phenomenal roadmap.
You got the floor.
Oh, Nazir, did we lose you?
You're on mute now just in case.
I think he's very excited to get in and have a chance.
Do you want to ask your question, Nazir? You'll need to unmute yourself if you do.
Maybe not.
It might be some technical difficulties. These spaces can be fun and challenging at the same time.
Daniel, we're coming to the end of the hour anyways, and I just want to give you the final floor for the message to leave on.
Let everyone know where they should be going to keep up to date and where they can check out the product, but then also just final thoughts on the busy year you guys are about to have.
The email is a multi-chain project, but we always know that our home is on ICP. We originated on ICP. We were one of the very first projects to build on ICP directly after Genesis in 2021.
What you're going to see is even more of an increased alignment with ICP moving forward.
We mentioned how we think you're doing phenomenal things with AI, as well as everything else that ICP is building.
I think it's very exciting to be on events like this today, to meet up in Denver, to be meeting in Seoul next week.
We are going to continue to do everything possible to walk hand-in-hand with ICP into the next bull run.
In terms of the message I'd like to make, sign up to the subscription hub if possible.
If you have a email account, then you can subscribe to the different channels, different projects. You can get your updates.
As I say, by the end of the year, you'll be able to gain tokenized rewards for your activity.
We do have an airdrop coming up. That's going to be within four to six months.
There's actually a precursor of the mail-to-earn system, which is basically a points-reward system.
You can gain points for your activity on the email platform. It's not too late to start.
We've only just opened the second round of the airdrop. 2.25% of token supply will be up for grabs.
Feel free to set up an account. Subscribe to your favorite projects.
Also, you can start experimenting on the email platform if you haven't already.
The website itself is I also recommend that you take a look at our blog.
It's We recently published an article or two about our relationship with DFINITY.
There'll be more to follow, so keep an eye out for that.
I'll see the DFINITY team in Seoul. Kyle, I'm looking forward to seeing you again. Are you going to be in Seoul?
No, I won't be in Seoul, but I am looking forward to seeing you again wherever in the world it is.
Yes, indeed. Always good to talk, whether it's online or in the real world.
100%. Daniel, this has been an awesome conversation.
Congrats to Dmail on all your success, and I will be watching intently on your continued success in 2024 and 2025.
I'm just going to echo what you already said. Let's do this again and not too long in the future.
Yeah, 100%. Thanks, Kyle. Always look forward to coming back and giving you updates.
Thanks to the ICP community for joining us today and hearing about Dmail.
As I say, I think we can be really a showcase flagship multi-chain project for ICP moving forward.
You guys already are, so thank you for all that you do for ICP, for crypto, and for your users and consumers.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending another multi-chain Monday, and we look forward to continuing the conversation,
both with Dmail and with other multi-chain apps. Best wishes as you move forward.
Thanks ever so much, Kyle. Talk to you soon. Thanks.