Okay, hello everyone, thank you for tuning in. Today we're going to have AlpemyPay, so I'm Rob from AlpemyPay, Fiat Crypto, on and off ramp provider, NFT checkout. And today we're going to be chatting with Tommy.
who's a spokesperson for Dota, which is a really fantastic or-mated market maker and trading platform. So let's give it a couple more minutes for a few more people to join the Twitter space and then we'll start chatting with Tommy. All right, thank you.
Okay, good afternoon everyone. Where are you listening from? For me it's good afternoon. I'm over in Europe. Yeah, representing Alchemy Pay over in Europe at the moment. My name is Rob and today I've got Tommy from DoD.
with us today. Alpine Pay is in discussion with DoDo about providing them with our free crypto on and off ramps to make it easy for people to be onboarding into the crypto ecosystem.
system make it easy for them to get in and out of crypto finances. So Tommy, do you want to just say hello a little bit and introduce yourself and maybe actually you can tell us a little bit what you were doing before DoDo and what you do for DoDo now?
All right, hey everyone. I am Tommy from Doodle and I am the PR lead, a public relation lead from Doodle right now. So right now I'm mainly responsible for partnerships outreach and as well as
a lot of the social media management. And basically, I'm also responsible for the real life events, such as recently we just attended Web 3 conference in Hong Kong.
We got a few more conferences coming up and we're going to make a presence in those conferences as well. And a little bit about me, I actually joined the crypto industry not too long ago. I joined about last year and it was basically just a really interesting
opportunity because my friend was actually in Dojo and a part of the crypto space. And at that point I just finished school not too long ago. So yeah, so after graduation I was looking
to get into something and right around that time it was actually COVID where I believe a lot of people were struggling as well. So that's when I started to find a new something to learn and then I started
I started off as an intern in Dojo and then as I got into it I really liked the industry and I liked the fact that there's a lot of innovation and I like where it's heading for the future so that's how I got into crypto and that's why I'm here now.
to have you. Certainly I understand that. It certainly feels like we're on the cutting edge at all times here, doesn't it? In terms of the crypto space, the web3 space really feels like there are developments all the time and it really is the space to be working and where things are happening, major changes
are happening. But yeah, that's interesting that you've always been involved with DoDo from the moment you've got started with crypto. So you must look at crypto through sort of a DoDo perspective or something, you know, like you have your own way that you discovered crypto and Web3.
And yeah, I totally understand about the Hong Kong Festival. That was a really great event this year. Really great event. Really great to see what Hong Kong is doing in terms of supporting the development of Web 3 startups. And the festival was
really a powerful statement of that in Hong Kong as well. So look, tell us a little bit, tell me about the about the Do Do project. Maybe I know this was before your time, but how and when it was founded and maybe the major concepts and missions behind it.
I think I just got cut off my internet. Did you hear the question? Can you repeat the question please? Yeah, so tell us a little bit about, explain a little bit if you wouldn't mind about the Dodo project and you know I know it's a little bit before your time but how and when was it
found it and then what are the concepts and the missions that are behind it? Yeah, so basically Doverville was founded in 2020 in the summer of 2020 right in the middle of the DeFi summer and with
But the team had in mind was to develop decentralized trading platform that uses an innovative, proactive market-making algorithm to provide efficient on-chain liquidity for Web3 assets and making it easier for everyone to issue and trading assets as well.
So, um, Dodo to give a brief introduction about Dodo. Dodo is a liquidity provider and aggregator and it has aggregated pools such as a unit, a unit swap and also aggregated one inch.
And yeah, so right now we are, I believe, one of the top five in trading volumes. And yeah, so that's basically the background of Doldo.
That's fantastic. Yeah, I didn't realize you were in the top five in terms of trading volumes. That's that's quite impressive.
Yeah, so what are the kind of key features behind you guys and maybe that made you stand out from other Dex's other aggregators perhaps?
or maybe talk about the services you offer perhaps.
Yeah, so like I said, I dodo acts as a liquidity provider and liquidity distributor. So it finds the best routing from a liquidity source and provides traders with the best price and lower
with slippage when swapping token through linear trading, linear routing, which is very fast and efficient. And another routing is called split order routing, which is a little more complex, but it usually gets better priced in linear routing. And what Doodle does is
automatically chooses the best rallying to get the best price when conducting a trade. In terms of what we do, we also do
We also have token creation where it is actually supported by a whole bunch of wallets. So you can provide a token name, symbol, and
token hardcap and then you can create your own coin here and we also provide liquidity provision and liquidity mining and yeah more details about this can be found on our docs. So you can help people launch their own token
is one of the features. That's correct. So yeah, you are more than just a dex aggregator. You have a number of different functions. How have you guys been around?
Did you say 2020? Yeah, 2020 so yeah, yeah, yeah, DeFi summer and that was when the founders had an idea and you know
wanted to contribute to the DeFi community and then yeah that's when they started all of this. Okay very good yeah yeah okay so
how you're doing about sort of, so if you've got
Really high volume a lot of people using it. How are you bringing people to your platform do you think? What do you think is the secret to making your ecosystem accessible and helping people find your platform?
Yeah, so so far we've been running different campaigns that may have distributed several rewards. Sometimes it could be dodo tokens. Sometimes it could be, you know,
and then sometimes it could be NFTs. And yeah, so just staying involved within the community and then whenever and also making presence in real life.
conferences to establish connections with other projects. Yeah, to ensure that we also have partnerships going on and then we stay involved within this community yet and then yeah
When people get, when more people know about Dodo, they would like to try it out. Everybody has their own preferences and if they find Dodo very useful, they're going to stick with you.
Absolutely. We're hoping to do our bit for the infrastructure by providing fair crypto payments so people can move funds between their local fair currency and cryptocurrencies, all different kinds on all different chains. For all kinds
different platforms, you know, so that will make these platforms much more accessible for those who do want to try them and do want to use them, yeah, absolutely. So what have you been in your main sort of achievements over the past couple of years and maybe what has been some of the major challenges you guys have had?
Yeah, obviously, currently it is a we are still in a bit of a bear market, but so far it's getting better and I believe that
So, eventually for us, we would want to make sure that right now we are developing good products that people can actually use and that would generate
better liquidity for the traders as well. And then so that once the bear market actually comes, we can make sure that we are prepared and yeah, like go at full strength from there.
Very good. Okay. Yeah. So you think the bear market has been the main challenge to you at this stage? Is that right? Yeah. That would be one of the main challenges. We're facing something that's the same for everyone. Yeah. You have to be sort of built for the long term.
to be able to handle the ups and downs. Obviously for us it's about transactions. We want to see many transactions and people using the payment network. Obviously when crypto is booming and there's a lot of interest around it,
Yeah, that's really good for our business model. Just the same as it is for most web 3 platforms. So what's going to be the main focus for Dodo in the coming year? I know that you've got a version 3 coming. Would you like to explain a little bit more about that?
So for DoDO V3, we will be launching a new product that is known as the leverage market making pool. Essentially what this does is this one allows the market makers to be able to borrow funds from retail liquidity providers to make
markets. And by this, basically, what this does is the market makers are able to borrow the funds from the liquidity providers and then the liquidity providers are able to utilize the market makers expertise because we
the market makers will be chosen by us and there will be expert market makers that has been had experience in market making and make the best decisions and make sure that we will be able to generate real yield and
What this does is that you know, it would be a win-win win market makers are able to get money to make markets and then liquidity providers are able to Benefit off the expertise of market making market makers expert
archimakers and then traders are able to enjoy a better liquidity from our platform. Yeah that sounds great I really like that idea that's a new idea and I think that really has great potential. Yeah okay when do you think version three might be launched?
Yeah, so far we're aiming at the end of May at this point. We haven't really confirmed but it should be somewhere in
in late this month or early next month. That would be our target. And yeah, for more detailed dates, we will.
Yeah, yeah, and then we will update on Twitter when that happens. Yeah, so Twitter is the best way to find you guys. Is that right?
Yeah, okay, so anyone listening will over the player and discord
at breeder dodo on twitter. Yeah okay so you guys already have like quite an impressive community following so I know you meant
going to live events and what do you think is brought about your community? Do you think again it's the contest and some of the rewards and things like that or what do you think is brought people to your, into your community, token holders.
Yeah, so we try to stay involved with running campaigns to get our communities involved and then keeping up with the trends within the industry to make sure that we are on top of the topics that everyone are talking about.
as well as actively looking out for potential for partnerships such as you guys upcoming pay and yeah sometimes running some campaigns and rewarding the participants wouldn't hurt either and I would say all
Also, yeah, because I really like our mascot, our total mascot. And I really like our UI. So I think that's also one of the features that attract a lot of people. Yeah, it's really user friendly. I do agree. Absolutely.
So what do you think of the maybe the major challenges for the DeFi industry in the next couple of years? Have you got any kind of thoughts about crypto over a sort of wider
and across both sides. - I'm so, I guess.
Yeah, so I think one of the challenges would be securities. So like a lot of defy protocols are vulnerable to smart contract exploits and hacking attacks. And this can be this
can result in significant losses for users and that would be something and also regulation because a lot of governments around the world are starting to take notice of defy and are beginning to consider regulations for the
industry. So, yes, while some of these regulations can provide benefits, it also has increased user protection and overly restrictive regulations, and which could
I think that would also something that would affect the growth of D5. But yeah, just like every industry, there's going to be policies, there's going to be
regulations, what we have to do is to stay within the rules to ensure that we're doing everything within the regulation and then also, yeah, to make sure that we don't cross any lines that we shouldn't cross.
Yeah, I do agree. Compliance is really always about most important. Even if the regulatory landscape shifts ultimately, and we can help be a part of changing regulations over a time period.
you know, ultimately, you know, we have to stay within the, within the laws, you know, and be complied in everything we do, you know, and that's not something that's negotiable. Yeah, for sure. So, yeah, I mean, you think the crypto winter is over on a more sort of general
and just getting your opinion on it. Do you think the crypto winter is over or do you think we're still in the midst of it and what do you think are the kind of strong use cases for crypto you see as we go forwards in the short term?
Yeah, I think right now we're in just the middle of a cycle and just like normal, just like traditional finance too, we always go through cycles. So right now,
We just believe that it would be the time to start building and then making sure that we have our foundations to all put together. And then once we get to another DeFi summer, we would be
prepared and being a full strength to you know deploy everything that we got so I think we are just in the middle of a cycle and it might be next year it might be this year but we have
Faith that it would eventually get to a better place soon Okay, absolutely. Yeah, I do agree. Yes, I think well we're heading the right direction at the moment. I think Yeah, crypto is looking quite healthy so
certainly in terms of the building, the various platforms and the infrastructure around it, I think is very strong at the moment. Yeah, so if people want to go check out your website, where would they go to? Is it dodoex.io?
Yep, that's correct. Dodo EX.io. And, yeah, stay tuned to our Twitter for updates. And if you guys have any questions about the platform, feel free to ask on the
Discord and yeah we will keep in touch with you guys. Yeah great so you can follow DoDo on a couple of different platforms there if you want to follow Alphabetay Twitter it's Twitter at Alphabetay and then if you want to
And check out our website, it's alphemypay.org. Yeah, so be great to have you guys join our communities and it will be beneficial for you guys. And I think both of us are sort of representing projects that are building the infrastructure behind
crypto in the current climate in the current times. So thank you very much Tommy and thank you very much listeners. Also any contest entrance you can go to our Twitter page and keep an eye out for the winners being announced. But yeah thank you
Tommy and thank you to the team at DoDo. We're really pleased to be working with you guys and yeah thank you very much guys thank you Tommy. Thank you Rob. Okay. And have a great day. Bye guys. Bye. Bye.