Don’s PitLane

Recorded: May 31, 2023 Duration: 0:36:28



Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. That has been a while. Bro, we had a space this morning. It was pretty good. I missed it. I missed it.
fucker that I am. How are you doing? How was your day? Sorry about my washing machine. Oh good, oh good to have a office day and I'm so sorry. Now I'm walking the dog so yeah I love to join this space right during
my walk the dog coming in hot yeah man now it was good was in that space of block a lot of Dutch people they were like yo wait not buying blocks
project this and that. It's pretty funny. How is there a big Dutch community behind? I don't know. I think so. I understood that now. They were like how my his friend was like fuck lad row.
Because I have one, but you know, if you have one, it's not enough. They want you to buy more, the classic situation. But yeah, other than that, just waiting one, quite a few, shit plays today.
lost a lot of money yesterday on like shit coins but I'm waiting for alpha and dummies tomorrow hopefully dummies tomorrow comes in hot plays out trying to see how I what I'm
I'm gonna allocate for that one. A lot of like fudge around dip today. I don't know if anyone wants to saw it or... Yeah. Like tweeting about that was Wally. Right? Yeah, that's the...
That's the group that we roll in. Yeah, okay. Yeah, man, this a mapper like, you know, came in. So good.
is what it is but what lead got like a lot of a lot of love today by a lot of people so by other people that got kicked out prior for other things so tough job tough job but like as I said to like it
he does a really good administration work. Keeping a group really pumping and really having it like fresh and everyone sort of like putting in like equal effort so it's pretty cool to see and like there's a lot
a lot of like unspoken sort of like rules, if you want to put it that way. But yeah, a lot of like fud around that shit today. Also within the group, quite a lot of like, big green, but it's just because yeah, a lot of people lost a lot of money with like dip.
But do you think dip is over because that chart took a massive hit right so could make a nice bounce or do you think it's done? Well look this is a lot of like the story is that I don't know if Walid shared this or not but like you know he
Basically, it doesn't have a lot of interaction with this guy and basically the guy came in and like even he doesn't own that ape. You know?
Okay, so it is, yeah, it was a sucky one month, not clean and especially for like, him that he's like so strict within that group and like tries to keep like a really good level like
it really hurt him so I think that's why we saw this sort of like flood and everything going on. We have three drama though. We have three drama. Let's go. Let's move on. Getting the plays baby. The plays are coming.
I'm very excited about dummy. I feel like it will perform well. Not too sure what to say about DGN network, the network token or whatever. I'm not getting into that whatsoever. I'm not interested.
I'm really curious about all of them. How level-proof are they? Yeah, I'm also very interested to see like I'm planning to, you know, just go heavy on that one.
I'm just, you know, it's good that we had like the, the gently before that because I, you know, they dynamics.
are very similar and much more powerful. I don't want to jinx it because sometimes this like a saying in Greek they say when you hear the cherry tree is full of cherries, they
small basket with you so that's why I also thinking of like diversifying a lot that bag into dummy because I think you know these are the very strong plays I got pre-cell for blue
I think I still have like 20 hours, but I don't think I'm gonna do it.
think it's like maybe a bit too rushed and I think it's just gonna be a race to who's gonna like dump first because there's like I think the the pre-sale max cap is
5/eath so I think that just like causes people to dump from the get go so I think with alpha you know the fact that it's point 18 max like pre cell cap just doesn't allow a lot of people to like
You know sell all right from the beginning So yeah And did you buy any gold hate enemies? No fuck that raw But they get a dummy air drug, right? Yes, they do
But I've been really like... How was it in Dutch? Sarnich? No, yeah. Sarnich? Yeah. Sarnich? I've been trying to keep that money from Alfa. Otherwise I wouldn't like...
I'm going into too many tokens maybe. But yeah, I'm just trying waiting for alpha. I mean, there's a lot of movement behind it. Looking forward.
Tint launching we need it It's gonna be exciting. It's gonna be exciting to build the 15 mark base coming like you know He really wants to build stuff behind it. So I want to see how he's gonna go about it and if it's gonna Actually
I actually do that because it's a long road and bullish on Titan. The muffin is relentless and it's really funny. It's a cool guy. It's so cool because I had met him much before Alpha.
Knowing knowing him and stuff I remember like he came into space and I was like hosting with shady and like I was like yo Titan my man and like shady, but like well the fuck is this real like the fuck you're just saying hi to mutants and like who's Titan and like fuck this guy you're just like saying hi to mutants in this environment
and I was like, bro. I mean, you know, we missed our pre-sell right there, job. We missed it right there, bro. No one. What else? I don't know. Let's do
just loads of little tokens that pump for like a few hours. It wasn't I got into something this morning. I should have gotten in more. I got in a good hour like 0.2 out of it. The fuck was it cool? That's my wallet.
MCDD and GQBV like what absolutely fuck one like seriously? Rizia, were you talking? No, I want the top but I'm just waiting that you finish the part. Yeah, or something
Okay, everybody, you guys.
We did. I thought of having a little quick little space to see what's up with the boys. I'm just going to finish on the graves to tell you that truth because I got the white list, I got eminent two of them and I got the white list from
most of this legend he's joining us also here at Big Shout from us T. So they are doing pretty well actually like they are 0.13 right now and then the price was 0.3. I think they're gonna do really well. I think they
I think they're gonna go higher than 0.3 for sure. I can really see it happening. So shitty, I faded, I faded badly. I sold Nikol the other day and he went, "Yo, look at this project.
venting and I was like bro fuck that shit and then today somebody in one of the groups was like y'all these things are like point 13 and I was like fuck but congrats to you man for like venting getting in there
I even tried to get from the public mint, but even from the public mint we couldn't even buy one piece, we wanted to buy another five, and we couldn't even get one of them. It was faster than vanter mint out, it was taking maybe 10 minutes. But I was not
the only one because all the twitter was talking about the same problem like many people they wanted to mint public and they couldn't do any mint one piece so yeah classic I thought it was great from salana but it's different right to tell you the truth I don't know
about the project so much, I know I heard about them from four days, like most of you told me about it, but I must feel free to speak because he know really so much about this project, like he's with them from 2019 as he told me so I think he know enough about this project.
because I got even the wireless from him, you know, because he gave it to me. Okay, I know Grape is a project on Salana as well. They have Grape token and that's more about connecting or rewarding your engagement on on YouTube or on social media, rewarding the audience.
As I saw that there are two founders done on Dan. I think their names they are working with the apps on mobiles on Samsung on Typhoon from 25 years and they make games and many things. Yo, most is here. I think he can explain it much better than me. Go ahead, homie.
Hello guys, what's up guys? Yeah, so speaking about the bridge Actually, I've been following the project up for a very long time now and The founders of the project does
Ben and Dan, they actually have their own studio games studio like where they create mobile games so they've created about I think more than 60 games on mobile phones so like that's like the name of their company is Vycl
I'm gonna allow to pin something up at the top of the space. That's okay. Just pin it no problem. I think don't have no problem. I think. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, go ahead.
So like they own vital games and they've made a lot of mobile games before in the past and they've worked with some good company like Star Enix, Tom Raider, you know,
Firing Final Fantasy Championship Manager, you know stuff like that. So, you know I'm pretty bullish about the project because they are actually backed by Animoca, Animoca brand. I don't know if anybody knows about Animoca. Anyways, you know
So they are backed by a new worker. So an animal guy is working on the token. Like the grapes are going to earn a token. So holders are going to be eligible to get token from the grapes. If you are holding a grape and if you are eligible to get a token, which will be talked about tomorrow, I think.
So there are pretty much exciting stuff that is going to be revealed after everything that's happening right now which is the mint and speaking about the supply they cut down the supply before it was 5,555 so they cut it down to 3,300
33 anyways, I don't really know much about why but I was I was I was with them when they started the you know the first mint phase which was the white list means and it's the window was open for like two hours Yeah, so let me just pin it at the top so like
you guys would take a purple look at it if you're interested. So it's in your second please. Sorry I get pretty nervous I don't really you know come up on space. It's no problem. No worries man. No need to be
Maybe nervous. Yeah. So I'm also going to pin the studio up as well. As Vica studio.
So chill out bro, it's so good Seriously no reason to sweat
So bullets on the grapes maybe, bullets on the grapes but like, Opepe and Akame goes fuck wrong, like, could have made like a huge bag off them. They were a point seventeen, like eight days ago. Now they're just fucking
So I'll prop that up. I mean, because we talked about it a lot. Finally came. Come on. I really haven't checked the soul NFTs to be honest. I need to go and check what's happening there.
anything even happening. I saw some posts about little DJs. Yeah, they they struggled to mint out. They minted out like 20 or something. Yeah, and I was in the space just before this with
cookie and just a plant and paperclips there from super spaces so it was good to see just a plant again. Yo no I wasn't in this place this morning I came by before I did my little space this morning I went in this space with shady and
just a plant and like bro it was like so negative these are meffers especially just some plant because like everything that went down I think I mean I don't know how much I'm allowed to talk about but like it was just so negative and I was like bro just cheer up you know cheer up guys
I mean a lot of people f*ck like Web 3 so much and like if you f*ck it so much like why are you here bro? Like seriously, like just take some medical, chill the f*ck down. Like, have you hated so much and there's nothing good about it? But yeah, I think...
As you said, you know, it's nice to see him because it's been a minute But come on get that positive vibe, bro The question is what do you think about the art because they found it really ugly? Let's say that I said that like you and before and I
minted because I had seen stuff like... Man, it's like everything they did just didn't go well and I know why the art sucked. I just you know there's like a lot of little things that I know about like how the whole process went down and
I wasn't expecting it to go down any other way like I don't know if any one of you guys was like in the alpha group that they did They were adding all these people and everybody was leaving. It's It was crazy to see but Yeah, I don't know what they're gonna do on
I don't know, I haven't really seen, I'm not planning to make even go check it out, you know, not a hater or anything, just not interested at the moment. Ah, yellow ABC coming back, let's go up to 43, wrist packs.
Maybe see not going anywhere respect. Oogies with a little pump. Yeah nothing crazy man like I don't know. I just go window shopping these days.
Deetin knows just go and window shop. It's much cheaper to just browse the windows You know check all these NFTs out. It doesn't cost anything No transactions required You know no pressing approve or anything like that just like cruise
You're not holding any tea cups yet.
I'm just really off NFTs at the moment. I mean, I still love them, but like, just a totally different perspective on the moment. So, if I have a lot of money, I'll probably
just get a few just like just to have them but to do it to the different like game basically the best way to put it I think
And the gains in the volume, liquidity is now somewhere else. Yeah, I mean, like for me, like now it's all about just trying to follow the money, right? Like, trying to follow where the money goes and it's a bare
market, there's not so many people around. There's only so many people that have enough liquidity to put into certain projects. I've learned this the past few weeks, you just have to follow the money wherever it goes.
of the money is and whatever the volume is as you said. Whatever went three throws at us, man, it's just fun, man, like I'm having so much fun. It's so nice to just change perspectives from one to the other.
As I always say, just for education right? You're blocking the building, let's call.
We jump into each other's spaces. Let's go block. Coming in hot. But yeah man, I mean... Just...
It's exciting to see these new sort of utility tokens. I want to see one work. I do believe Alpha has a chance to really like, you know, establishing something of the player right because we haven't seen like any mean
whatever token you want to call it successfully play out you know I really like play out the road map so well the interesting to see how that one goes Web 3.
the house. We got fatty. Bro, this is old school, donge pit lane. Coming in hot. Love to see it. Let's go. Let's go. Yo, musty. Thank you for posting it on the top.
Graves let's go as I said me and Nico were talking about him the other day Nico We faded bro. We faded, but it's all good so good But Nico wanted to get he told me like in the group he told me he want to get I don't know if he bought or not
He's laughing. I think he didn't but we say did so came on I think one of the biggest lessons like you know I've learned a web 3 is to like be okay with fading because The more you beat yourself up the more you you know
waste time on looking for the next one. So, so good. Happy that you were able to make a bag. So it was good. So I want to make a bag. Kevin, give that volume, you know, moving. Good thing with us is like
I feel like most of us will just like... At least I personally will probably like keep most of that if I like ever make big gains probably like most of the liquidity will just stay in the space you know because why the fuck not
Yeah, same. And it's so funny because when I started this Web 3 journey, I could have swore it would have been like, "I've got to get in."
gonna make gold bars and lambos and I'm gonna get out and I still know least of baby that's what's gonna go but they turned out to be a bit different than that
And I'm not complaining, definitely not complaining, I'm much prefer this way. Because even if you had made your gold bars in your Lambo, like going away, you know, just...
would have been just like flour after that. But I can't wait to see how it goes with Twitter spaces in the bull, right? Because I know it in the bull days with telegram that went absolutely crazy.
Really crazy Yeah, then it will be a full packed pit lane bro I was Actually asking myself the other day like what do I prefer do I prefer telegram or discord like which one do I hate more?
I don't know, but I think Telegram is a bit less chaotic or at least the ones I was in like It depends because I've been in Telegram channels like for example the one from Gen and then they implemented different
for the folder structures like in a discord and that's oh I hate that because then you still have multiple channels to watch and I love just having one channel to go through and just quickly scan I always thought that's a benefit for
For Telegram, but you have mainly crypto projects are more active in my opinion on Telegram compared to NFTs more on Discord. Yeah, I know what you mean with the folders like we need has like this Telegram link.
like, you know, sort of like mirror group and it has these sort of like different folders and I totally with you I'd rather just hop into something scrolling and now and like not have to like explore these other channels as well. I think it's a bit of pain but a lot of people grind that
shit grind it to the bone oh kawaii kawaii give me give me a good play done i got an important question shoot
Yep, when Don's put lane coin gonna launch Yo dpl only two it's gonna be a Short supply coin just like exclusive membership coin something like that maybe with like allocated funds on like a dowel
that could give back to the community or actually brainstorm something that we could actually build or something that I could work out. I don't know, something like that, I think it needs a lot of brainstorming still to go. But I think the potential is there
I'm still educating myself a lot in that department, so it'd be really cool to actually, you know, if that I'm trying to see, you know, how Titan is going to play with Alpha and how that utility token can like go forward and they've got that model sort of like 60
I can build from that. Yeah for me it's like you know trying to create like a more of like a group exclusive token or something like that maybe a bit smaller. I don't know what the ideal number would be but yeah I
definitely stoked this is too like brainstormed the idea more and more it's gonna be hot baby gonna give up we're pretty cool on you know just can't wait to tell me
and quiet and we're rugging that's the
I think like having like maybe just like allocating pre-self or something like that or like a certain percentage into like a dow that could like actually like give back or like really find problems that you could like bring solutions to within the space like that.
I don't know. Say security or something, whatever it is, like you're able to like give in, I don't know, you just really have to hunt these like different things, but I think, you know, there's different potentials around there, so I think it's all about getting it right.
Absolutely. As long as when it comes to NFT projects, you should mint on the I/O NFT creation suite. Let's go for the collab coming in. Already, bro. DPL is not even launched. Look at this. You know, we've got people who want to collab. I mean,
look the hype is there the hype is there oh let's go what we need now it will be fun it will be fun especially if you can like build on it like you know even if it's like I don't know like the simplest of things just like
Don't let it die basically. That's what I'm saying. That'll be pretty cool because you know 99% of that just die. For example, if you do just your your air drop
over NFTs that are minted on polygon for example that will cost you nearly nothing so attendees from the space you can drop a minting batch and then for a free mint for example right since the NFT price is nothing making the adrop easier
generating more hype in spaces. Bro, you guys are going to be thinking now. I think it's also like, I don't know, I feel like maybe timing is off but it's also also
for quite good because if this sort of like new V2 meme coins, whatever utility coins actually work, because I feel like it's a triad right now, especially like
Alpha is going to be a good one. I mean, Gen promised all these things and they just fucking rugged. So hopefully Alpha can pull it off and if it pulls off and like this meta continues to play out because we know we have the whole Supreme Kong ecosystem coming also.
So after that there's other things as well that I know they're in the pipeline. Then it could probably be like a good time to launch, you know, because then you're at the forefront of things before everyone starts doing the same thing because you know, that's what happens in the space, right?
Suddenly everyone or everyone's token starts getting power As long as we can give back bro Buck BL yo another camera what the fuck this is going on there
Yo, I feel had so many of the papers and they're one-eat now and fuck my life. Your block, low your fam.
Yeah, fuck. Anyway, let's see what it is. Winds are coming, baby. Let me check out what's happening.
Is there any play? Bro, there are some shit tokens just never stop. They just never stop coming. There's so many minutes insane.
but they are not doing well like the coins would stay past in the last 10 days. Oh no, they're doing like an hour man, max, maybe not, maybe two hours. Like it's like survival of the fittest.
There's a lot of light bleeding so hopefully Dummy Alpha come in hot I do think Dummy has a lot of potential behind it
You know, I've been thinking a lot like maybe it goes that way, you know, maybe dummy comes out stronger. I have no idea. Well, we're gonna see it play out, baby.
Anyway, I'm not much other alpha at the moment. I'm gonna go and post the fuck out guys Yeah, I will most home 30 minutes. It's actually a bit more
but you know what time it is, love you all. See you tomorrow. Probably gonna do these like, little quick short little blosts. Talk about whatever's going on on the day. Fat, Mischief, Masti, Rujab Dijun, PJ Yolk.
from. Let's get them wins baby. Let's get them wins wins around the corner baby. We're winning. Let's go. That's a good day. Let's get it from. Let's get it. Peace. Good night, Don. Thanks. Good night.