Doodles Therapy Session: Let It All Out

Recorded: March 17, 2023 Duration: 0:56:20



I don't want to wait for all the students to read all the letters of old music out with the beat. I don't want to wait for all the students to read all the letters of old music out with the beat.
β™ͺ β™ͺ
β™ͺ β™ͺ
β™ͺ I'm not your morning light β™ͺ β™ͺ I say a little prayerful β™ͺ β™ͺ Right, you know that we are just day and night β™ͺ β™ͺ We see the night that's out here β™ͺ
I don't want to wait. You're out of the way. You're out of the way. You're out of the way. You're out of the way. You're out of the way. You're out of the way. You're out of the way. You're out of the way. You're out of the way. You're out of the way. You're out of the way. You're out of the way. You're out of the#
β™ͺ So when I feel it, it's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so heavy β™ͺ#
I don't want to wait for my life to be over
I don't want to wait for my doodles to go to zero. All right, I'm gonna need somebody to come up here with me. I'm literally not gonna do this by myself. I'll send this space, but someone's gonna have to, I think I've said no, that's a bigger request to everybody in here right now.
Yeah, therapy has to be there's it's got to be a you know a two-way street guys. We got to someone's got to help me Talk about what we're going through right now This disease we call doodles this this disorder we call doodles. It's something that's just in our blood
It's only can't shake. All right, yeah, Eton, thank you. Thank you for stepping up and you're very brave. I want to say you're very brave for coming up here and talking about your feelings with me. Ethan, nice to meet you. I don't know that we've ever talked before. I'm going to give you a follow back. Sorry about that, bro.
How are you today?
You know something about some socks something about this guy named Puppy It's been a rough couple of 24 hours But you know I like to see the community coming together see some OGs already started to file
So, you know, short term might take it down, but long term I'm bullish. So, I'm still here providing love if anyone's ever feeling down, shoot me a DM, I'll send you a free sticker pack on the house.
No one should be feeling sad. Stickers make it all good. If you want sock stickers, I'll do you sock stickers. If you want some florid stickers, I'll give you florid stickers. Shots gotta be spreading some positivity and love back into the space. Let's do it.
I might take you up on that. I think we need to really, hopefully I do want to meme this out a little bit and do a foe therapy session because I think we need to meme our way through this. I think what we've seen so far with
I don't want to group us all yet, but you know, Moonbirds, Clonax, what they have gotten wrong, in my opinion, as a former Moonbirds holder, didn't get into Clonax, but they haven't meamed their way through this. They try to be very serious and heavy-handed, and now we're Kevin Rose, and
Nike. We got a meme our way through this. Let's, you know, socks, golden socks. We really have to seize the memes of production. And I think, like I saw, there's a new project out there called 12 Pepe's.
And they released, they did a whole meme of golden socks. They did a golden sock strap yesterday. And those things like the gangbusters, like .04, ETH, floor price, tons of volume.
And I feel like they understand they're striking the right tone and I feel like we need to embrace the memes of it all. Frosty, where, where, thanks for coming up on it. By the way, Frosty, that's a very beautiful dude you have. The aesthetics are there.
He's cozy.
And I know I don't care that you're smoking a cigarette. I don't care that it's not family friendly. I still appreciate and enjoy you Frosty. Do you have any peace you want to make right now on this doodle therapy session? Yeah, it's actually a weed cigarette, not tobacco so it's for eco and healthy or whatever, but I'm honestly, I don't
care about the fun. I got in like five months ago when the floor was already kind of down and Ethan was down. I didn't buy it for money. I bought it because like literally this doodles the only thing that made me look into NFT and be like, "Yo, that's cool." So I think of it as, you know, I'm not the doodle. The doodles frosty, you know, I don't really give a shit.#
how much it's worth and I'm like Eton I will almost set Ethan but I'm bullish on long term in the whole media entertainment part of it yeah I guess the whole community things a little shaky right now but I'm not on discord so I don't really see any of that I really just see everything on spaces but I'm still chilling
Yeah, let me be the one to say I Actually had no problem with the whole like we're no longer an NFT project. I thought that was just mass hysteria like literally
anything poopy said at that point was gonna be like oh my god like if poopy was just like the skies would everyone be like well actually dumbass um no I think that's bullish
And that's not like a huge hot take. I've seen some other people kind of say that as well, but like, I mean, one, the, the, just the phrase NFT. That's not a word I think that we're going to be using in the future. I mean, people cringe at the whole
digital collectibles thing that's really that's where we want to be and I think he he struck the right the right tone with with that message at this point anyone who would have would have got into any
I think it has and I think we want to onboard more people which is certainly the mission of doodles. It's going to have to be under a different guys than NFTs. You know, I didn't have a
I don't know if anyone else wants to chime in on that aspect of it, but like the whole, we are not an F-T project.
I was totally cool with that.
Doug? Hey, good morning. How was everyone's morning doing? I came here for some therapy and I heard about some stickers. So, you know, I got to come up to get some stickers. I just need those to, you know, patch up my emotions right now. Stickers make everything better. Doug say less. Say less.
I got you. But yeah, I feel you know, everyone's bags are down right now. Everyone's looking for something to balk at and you know that that was the thing with the the socks roll out got a little bit of a negative response to some people and then you know with poopy stuff. I think that also got cut God put out a context with you know
how which tweets went viral and I don't think a lot of people seen the full story and just kind of got pushed out there. I didn't think a lot of people really understood what was actually going on in the discord but yeah I think everyone's just a little bit upset right now and I can't wait to buy more doodles.
Please sweep the floor. Yeah, dude, I got chimps. I know about that rich, but you know, maybe one or two more. Yeah. Uh, Kathy, I see you're trying to connect. I don't. It just keeps saying connecting. I don't know if you want to try to like exit out of your Twitter app.
come back in. It's pretty weird. We'd love to have you up here, Cappy. I know you're a pretty staunch defender of doodles. So yeah, let's see if we can get you on here. But shout out to everyone for coming to therapy. We always acknowledge hands in therapy.
We acknowledge everyone, we acknowledge your feelings, what piece do you want to make Eden? So earlier today I was talking with like on TGID and I totally agree with what you're saying cool times that like we can't be an NFT product project but something if
they had just used the word we're not just an NFT project just using that one word because motherfuckers love to take everything out of context and gaslight like the shit out of everything that's just what it is that's it's just the reality we live in and like poopy is a
He was the first team, all the shitposting team. But people from the outside looking in, they don't know that. They just see the figure just saying, "Forting get the fuck out." We don't have a problem with that. I was dying of laughter when I read it.
getting Florida get the fuck out stickers we're meaming it and so I think we just need keep saying what cool time said keep seizing the memes and play this out they're not going to kill us we're the community we got this I'll say to any attention is good attention you know especially in this market everyone's watching doodles now
Regardless of what the floor is doing. That's a good thing. I've heard more people say I'm waiting for it to go lower to sweep than like actually fuck it, you know what I mean like I I agree cool times like him saying it's not an empty project like people taking that seriously
seriously saying, they're not going to care about NFTs anymore. It's crazy. I see it as him being like, we're bigger than this. It's almost like makes me more excited. He wants to make it an entertainment brand, not a Twitter Discord NFT, like, hype project.
So one thing I want to push back on is like I've heard this for so long like poopy is a shit poster extraordinaire and I think Eaton said that and This isn't a direct response to that. I've heard people say are we sure?
Are we sure of that? Because he seems pretty...
tone deaf. I don't have, again, don't have any problem with the hold, not an NFT project thing. That's cool, because like I was told like, oh, the reason NFTs could be bull, like imagine if you own
like the Homer Simpson Genesis NFT and then you had that for when a media empire was built. I'm like, oh, this is literally the promise of NFTs is you own an asset for a media empire.
that that totally checks out the the only problem I do have and I would love to have him on here maybe I'll try to get him on to do a YouTube video. I don't think poopy is a shit poster extraordinaire anymore. I think he's washed up.
I'm going to say it right here right now. It would be great if you could do some shit post if you could if we could have
If if doodles tweet out the whole golden socks thing and said oh shit, we didn't read the room fuck if they were to just lean it like if I'm head of marketing
saying or head of socials for doodles. I'm marching into duties, virtual office, and I'm saying, let's lean the fuck into this. Let's go hard on golden socks, socks, socks, like
people love irreverence, irony, deadpan humor in Web 3 and I would
of double down the socks. What we doubled down on was lashing out at people and making it seem like they were wrong. The golden socks tweet is the only thing I have a problem with.
And the only reason I have a problem with it.
is because there are a lack of doodles, main account tweets.
and they've made it, they've wanted to be you guys, they've wanted to be like, fuck it mutants today. Like the only time we tweet is when we announce something big. Cool. We're going to do tent pull event driven announcements on our main account. We're not using it for
all coms. So when you actually do tweet and it's a golden socks buy a whole collect the billy maze, I'll throw this whole set in for you. If you do this for me type thing, and we've been taught for the past year that the only time you
sweet is for a big announcement it's not going to go over well. I would have double if I'm poopy I would have doubled down on golden socks. I would say I'm a socks max maxi I would have changed my pfp to socks. I would have I would have went crazy on socks and
Again, I think that's the way we win as a community. Don't have, don't have any inside info what the team is doing. They have like a thousand people working for them. Know like one of them, honestly, all the real community members somehow didn't get a job, but
memes, memes, memes, the shit post that needs to go way up. And
the whole poopy is a shit poster extraordinaire. I don't I don't see it like you didn't have a better shit post to NFT press than Florida and get the fuck out like that's the final stage of like I'm totally like given up as an NFT
like that's that's the worst thing you could say and I get NFT press is like unanimously a dick like I think everyone agrees like fuck NFT press so I get the sentiment there but if I have
And I'd love to hear what you guys would say. If you could sit down with PooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPooPoo#
Or maybe we should ask cozy Wyatt, who's, I guess he's no longer a part of the team. Or, hey, let's ask Santana or let's last band it. I'd love to hear the opinions. Mine would be, let's go shit, poet, let's, let's turn up the memes and shit, post it.
That's just me. Anyone else that wants to come up here, I'll invite some more people to come up here. Anyone can kind of, I've been talking a lot, but. Anyone else on stage right now feel like they have a. Yeah. So there is a doodle bank proposal sent in by.
John underscore HQ regarding like delegating a bunch of teeth towards making those like shit posting, you know like Not to compare but Pudgy penguins I think they do a fantastic job with their like gifts or whatever like I think they're getting millions of views
or impressions like you search up I don't know the happy mood you get a Pudgy penguin so I think we need that you get like a global impressions like I think we all were attracted here because of BT's art so I think we could utilize the doodle bank more
to send that message out of shit posting. Make a bunch of gifs, like use WhatsApp stickers, use it to react positive. That's my two cents on it.
Yeah, that's a great. I don't even know what it is like the doodles announced like we now have the doodles Instagram handle Cool, you know, we should be doing a lot of funs. We should be scoring for L music to that we should
you know, kick the talk up. I got to call somebody out in the crowd. And they're not supposed to call people out in therapy, but I'm going to call out deep blue Steve. You're a coward Steve. Get up here. I've invited you to speak.
You have a Fox. Steve.
say that again. What is Steve's opinion? Is it calling him a coward? I'd like to hear his opinion, honestly. Get up your Steve. It's not like you're busy at Meta. It's not like you have a team of people. It's not like you have an iron hell job. Wait, he actually does.
All right, let's get see we got chef Tony up here who who's a constant writer I got I got banned from the the doodles discord I feel like they ban a lot of people for any like Any questioning it was like a quick ban. I didn't even say anything wild
I just used a quote from his tweet and then I put a golden sock emoji and they basically like banned me. Are you a holder sir? Have you been a holder? No, I'm not a holder but I'm looking on the outside in and I put a or mine
on this Twitter session and I've been listening the whole time because I want to hear what's going on the Doodles community because it's pretty interesting from the outside in. I'm only a part of one NFT community but I like the artwork in Doodles.
Yeah, I mean I rock a doodles PFPI is some people in here might not know I'm really not active at all with the doodles I don't I've never been in the discord like I'm not even verified in the discord I'd never do anything like I just like the PFP and I bought the PFP a while ago I
I've decided to, you know, try to get a little bit more active to save our bags, but let's hear from somebody if we can, if he's available. Somebody who is entrenched in the Doodles community, because I am speaking outside looking in. We got Chef Tony P, one of my favorite people in the space. Chef, are you there?
Howdy, howdy, Andy. What's your what we're doing it? Yeah, yeah, it's chef What's going on with you, man? I think you got TGID. I think you guys ran some earlier what's we're doing a doodle therapy session
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,#
up out there, got to see some doodles out here in Texas, been around at some events with nouns as well as like creative common than a few other things. So it's been nice seeing some web three folks out here, been eating good food. But yeah, so I could give you a bit of my take on
the events that have transpired over the last 48 hours in the doodles community if you'd like to hear it. I would love to hear that, Chef. Yeah, so I think it's important to have context to where we're coming from, right? So I'll take us back to, let's say September of last year, right?
leading up to that. So we basically had NFT NYC in June where doodles announced that Alexis O'Hanian and 7776 were funding, you know, doing the first funding round. They were leading it. Caitlin Holloway, co-founder of 7776.
was joining the team as a doodles board of directors member, for L as chief brand officer, doodles too was coming out, Genesis boxes were minting in person, you know, a whole lot of information. Then after that there was about two months of silence and they came out and they said, hey, you know,
like the whole meme going around was like, did doodles lose the password to their Twitter? And essentially what they did was they popped out in a community space, JKB, JuicyCat Bay, there are three ladies in the doodles community that have a space on Tuesday nights called JuicyCat Bay, talk about nothing. They essentially decided to come back
with their communications then and they said, hey, we hear you, we want to improve our communications and we're hiring a bunch of people. Fast forward to January of 2023, they brought on Bianca Pasterli as head of brand marketing.
now that they have the person that was behind at Twitter, you know, that account. And she was head of brand activations at Twitter. So they have an all star team. And that being said, in between then, communications were kind of low. But I think
And that's kind of been what's boiling under the doodles community is they want more communications from the team, right? Essentially on Wednesday as well, they drop this thing called sock piling, which is which is where if you collect all 12 of the doodles
to flow wearable socks. If you hold them on March the 30th, there's a snapshot being taken and you get gold socks. That was the straw that broke the camel's back and this whole, you know, disdain around the team being low of the camel.
like communicating low. And so it's not about socks, right? That's not why people flipped out. It's because of communication. And I don't think it's necessarily saying like we don't see Doodles playbook and they're not telling us about how they want to become a multimedia company.
I think it's just that team's presence in the community is kind of what people are urging for. You know, before they had all this stuff going on, poopy and Evan were really active members in the community, but I do think that they do have bigger fish to fry in that sense.
I don't think that they're, I don't think we need to be like, "Hey, poopy, can you be, weab and camel for us?" But I do think that like some people need to do that or maybe like we just need a general involvement because as holders, you know, you need to think how
are your incentives aligning with that of the team, with that of the VC that are investing in them. I think doodles is taking a stance to say that we're not here to pump your bags, right? But at the same time, I think
day like day in and day out, they saw it as like tone deaf and they were just like, this is a symptom of the fact that people aren't around and they feel neglected. So that's my, my piece.
Are the owners of the project not quite active in the community or discord? At this moment, they're kind of just like building in quiet, I guess. They're trying to deliver doodles too, which is a
the three mods. So that's where the activity occurs is within Discord on the community team. In terms of the core team like the NFT leads the product management team and you know the executives, they're not very active on
Twitter. I think that's where the, and I think that's where a lot more of us interact and then instead of discord. I think the way that the team might have been perceiving communication is saying that the @doodles account needs to tweet more.
I don't think that that's the answer though, because they have a huge brand image to uphold on At Doodles. Let me jump in here. Let me ask you something. Who do you think on that team, from the massive team they have now? Who do you think represents
Us the people who are in is it Austin who is the people who's the person who? Has their pulse on us? Okay, yeah, so I don't like necessarily have an organizational chart next to me But I think the person who's doing it the best is in gear Erlingson the CEO golden wolf they got a
acquired. But that's a bad answer. No, but I'm just saying who is embodying being an active player in the ecosystem? I think in he is doing it the best. This is somebody we just brought on who I've literally never heard of since what a month ago. Two months ago since they acquired Golden Wolf. Yeah, December.
numbers of like three months. Yeah, that's a bad answer in my opinion. I mean, there's just to be frank. No, you're right. No, I mean, like, good, I'm glad you know this, but it's just like, you know, and to that point, I mean, I guess right, like there has been a lot of
Like you said, growth of the team, so like in terms of like hitting synergy on how those things work, I have no idea how it works to like put together marketing campaigns and stuff like that. So I know that they, for example, you have Bianca, head of brand marketing. She still has to build a team under her.
I believe that that's something that does take a little bit of time. But I think where we're looking at is I think there just needs to be more Twitter activity. And like I said, presence around so people feel like they get to interact with extensions of the team.
It's not like anything crazy, right? And then I mean also like a little insult to injury like who we got a little spicy in the discord and like flame to a couple people. Um, but I like he came out within a public statement being like, Hey, like I got
piped up and like that's not the play. Like if we're trying to color the role of the joy, like I have to be leading by example. So it was a step in the right direction, but like in terms of trust, it's gonna take a minute. But at least you know what is it like they say.
If we're in a therapy session admitting that you're wrong is the first step towards healing. Wait, so sir Link, I'm gonna let you have your, I'm gonna let you finish in one second, but I wanna say something right now like,
or constantly puzzled in the doodles community like why why does a zookeeper you know why are they so much you know apparently stronger you guys does anyone care to know why because I could explain it go for it yeah um
They've actually empowered people who matter on Twitter and Twitter, you know, you know, the doodle set things. It's like, yeah, who get you know, it's that's only a fraction of
of who we're trying to reach. But I sent out a tweet yesterday that went pretty viral, honestly, where I said, you can't onboard millions.
if you can't satisfy 10,000 people first. Yeah, yeah, I mean, I think where you're good. Yeah, no, so going back to the Zuki thing, two of the biggest tweeters right now are
somebody named Elena. If you know who that is. Yeah, and in Wale. Okay, boom, you got it. Those those those aren't they're not just randomly like, oh, we love a zoo key. We're gonna do some threads about it. We're gonna rock their their pay.
Right, right. They are and you know, I don't even think it's like a huge set I think they're just given like some azuki's which the this is a quick tangent poopy by the way like re-bought some way
I know that for a fact because I did it recently for my project and they got
They clicked a bad link for my project and got drained of a separate doodle and I offered to help them out in some way with that. And I'm like, okay, you can't just rebuy people shit and get drained multiple times. Let's
But you know, dude, can we get the Elena dot E equivalent? Can we get the whale dot that the probably the two biggest tweeters right now? Can we empower them? Can we get some chiefs of Twitter? And I'm not even it doesn't even have to be people who are currently doing
I like it, but it's d
but there's somebody by the name of NFT boy. He's kind of, he's a friend of mine. He's a self-admitted shiller. I'm kind of, you know, thought of as a little bit of a shiller too. So I'm not saying we're the best two people, but he had the highest global reach.
of any doodles account and he said, I'm going to a zookey now because that's just, you know, it's a cool thing to do. But we need to, you got to get some, some tweeters, you got to get some people to introduce some threats. You got to, I mean, like, let's just look at this like simple metric, right? The doodles discord has
four people dedicated to the community in that 90,000 people discord. But there is Bianca and as well as like, you know, there is a comms and PR that stuff that goes on. But like you're saying in terms of just like a person whose role is to be on Twitter.
like you're saying, like being interactive in there, I think that it would be a smart idea and I'm sure that they're thinking about it. I'm in a lot of different group chats with people and I think that's kind of, I think if anything the community is kind of wondering like who are those people that should be put into the position.
So, this is always confusing. There's NFTs Santana and then there's an ice cream Santana dude. It's just so confusing. But, uh, man, hand dude. Yeah, he used to be like a mullet.
But yeah, yeah, that's always confused. Sir, Sir Linkiest, who's not in the doodles community, you had your hand up. We'll give you a space. What did you want to add something?
I guess not. Okay. Some of them. I'm just listening. I'll come to my question. Sorry. I'm just not busy. All right, bro.
What are you doing? Yeah, he did sound pretty good. I nominate Kooja Mark as the chief of Twitter for doodles. I think we get Kooja Mark. I don't know. Kooja, I know you're not like a big speaker on spaces, but God, it hurts to see you with a youth's PFP.
It really does, it hurts my feelings. I don't appreciate it. But I don't know, can we get Kooja? Can we just give Kooja a job?
That's a hashtag. Give Kooja a job.
Like who doesn't love Kooja, you know, I don't know, I don't know I'm talking about here. Um, we got some some people and if anyone wants to come up here, I don't know Santana dude, I Steve the coward still hasn't come up and Steve the coward's still in here.
No, wow. I think yeah, I think probably legitimately got mad at calling the coward put some respect on Steve's name. He's he's good people for sure. Steve's done. No, he's the goat. Yeah, he's out there with the Fox fan PFP. Well, I'm here just on a desert island with my popsicle.
I think I'm the last cool doodle. I'm not gonna lie. Sorry guys
Does any other doodle get high shit in D gen like that's what we need on this face is some D gen doodles man, you know what I'm saying I Think there's there's some communities for everything you know what I mean for sure
I think who said it earlier I thought I thought I might have just read it somewhere, but I thought I'm gonna not crediting this person, but The tonality is so important and Gotta gotta lean into the memes. I think is is one point. I may lean into this song
Cool, that's I think it's funny. Let's lean into that and I think they you know ultimately were with that tweet but lean into it even harder from a meme standpoint Here's the meta. It's yeah, go ahead. It's any tweet It just it's everything has to be a dichotomy now, right? Like sage M or gtfo like hey like
I brushed my teeth. I like that though. That's the thing I'm trying to approach right now. So I think that's just it. Like we have to take the weakness and make it a strength, like repurpose it. Fuck it. You know, because that's the whole thing. Like right, seals have buy a seal you coward. Like doodles should be like buy a doodle or GTA fo, you know, I think that's kind of the#
percent. Crazy. That would be pretty crazy. I'm not going to lie. But, but you're going back to tonality. It's, you know, you got to pick a lane, you know, you either got to go full that mode, what we just said or, um,
you know, the doodles were always like very open, fun, loving community and you have to top down, you have to strike that right tone. So I think that's pretty important.
Either you're either gonna go the cool cats route, which is all unicorns and flowers and fairy dust, or leaning into some of the memes. Buy socks or GTFO.
Um, all right, sir, sir Link, yes, we'll let you go. Yeah, sorry about that. I was speaking to my mother. So it was kind of a mute situation, but my question was
I was looking into the doodles community and you guys have like a treasury of some sort and some voting system How does that work in your community does that give you a voice at all?
So again, I'm yes, Tony take that because I'm not an expert Yeah, totally so linky as I can just give you quick one So yeah, basically originally it was seated with 420 ETH from the initial sale and then Doodles have a had a 5% royalty on open seas so 2.5% went to the founders and
of all secondary sales go to the Duvel Bank. Right now there's over $4 million like around $3,000. You can propose as a doodles holder. There's three quorum thresholds. One is zero to 9.90.
10 to 25 and then once 25 plus. Right now they're going under a governance change. They hired, they contracted Kai Turner, founder of MeBitsDow. He also worked at Sony, Sony and Netflix for like I think two and a half decades. So he's kind of working on improving
the UI/UX and governance because over time, voter participation in turnout has been a little bit of friction to it. But that being said, me personally, I've gotten three dutal bank proposals passed out of probably less than 20 that have total been done.
And so it there definitely is I think that's probably one of the most important Value propositions of being a doodle holder if you're building stuff so for sure that's definitely something that in terms of being a holder that I think has been going on we recently
found out that they're pitching that to the team this upcoming week to get buy-in from them and they will be posting a final proposal to enact those changes soon. And typically when the team enacts proposals they pass with flying colors.
That's sweet that the community has some support with funding if they want to make a project really cool. Yeah, it's like just to get it like not to get it twisted like doodles is not a doubt. It is a community treasury. It's just like a multi sig, but the
team, I guess they just have it in a way like similar to how there's like a $100,000 cap on IP just to like reel it in. If there was like some particularly heinous thing that passed, they'd be able to like veto it, but they've never had to do that.
So is it not a doubt because the community vote doesn't matter in the end? No, it's not a doubt in the sense that like let's just say if you voted right and it passed I think there's you know like it could be put into a contract a certain way that people would get automatic dispersal of funds but all
ultimately like so if it passes then the team the founders have to go and Send the money to the people right so they feel theoretically, you know, just just technically speaking they do have the ability like to say if there was like some pornographic thing that got passed for like the memes and they were like, eh no
I think it's really just like that we kind of do it. Um, did a porn different different, uh, different folks. Yeah. I don't think that's the coloring of the world of joy. Is that why your hair, sir, Link is?
Why am I here? Say it.
I'm up stairs now you're okay now I'm here because I set a reminder to the space I saw on Twitter some tweets about what's going on the doodles community I even want
in the discord. I got banned from it. I didn't say anything wild. And I was just a little interested in the community because I know it's like a really popular NFT. Me personally, I'm a part of a community called Avogacci. It's an NFT.
I'm a polygon, but yeah.
I do think like cool times is one thing I do want to say well I am still up here on stages. I do think it's important to remember that there are all people behind the PFPs. I think that the sock piling got a little bit misconstrued. You know the product
team and the engineers and developers behind creating sock piling, you know, they did have to create stuff like the sock checker and there it is kind of like a test of the tech like similar to NBA Top Shot. What is it like some kind of challenges or something?
that's the yeah, yeah, so it is like a button where it's like that's not what any no one wants any comps to MBA top shot like that you know, maybe what I would say right like imagine you collected and this is a way you can use the tech if you got an entire
touch grass outfit and you wore it then you'd be able to get air drop to touch grass watch. Like there's a lot of different ways to gamify it but I do think like it did get lost in translation that they got dragged through the mud for something that was absolutely not there fault.
So I do just kind of want to, you know, I think that we should, like I say, in terms of tonality, like let's not beat the shit out of the messenger. Like it was done in good fun, right? It was just like, people were pent up and it manifested.
Yeah, I mean, I think you joined a little late. I was saying, you know, the whole we are not an NFT project totally fine by me. I think that's actually a smart thing to say. Don't think that I think that was just, you know, piling on to take your verbiage there.
The GTFO thing is like that's come on you know for a founder who's been in the space for a long time It's probably not you know that that's just not the way to go but NFT pres is a dick and like a lot of different types of people acknowledge that so not really a big deal for me on
on that one either again if you lean into the GTFO, whatever. Thought the sock tweet just again if you're only, if you tweet once a month and you've said over and over again we only tweet big announcements we only do a big tentpole event driven type tweet announced
and the announcement is collect 11 sogs get your 12 sock free on Billy Maze and this is that's bad that was that money on their doodles and then they come out and say hey spend more money to participate people were like that was not
the tweet is simple. But I think an easy way to just from a community manager's perspective, it could have been done in Discord. Right? Yeah. Yeah. I see people say that's exactly that would be the communication channel could have been
changed and I think it would have lowered the temperature. Hindsight is 2020, it's very easy for me to say that, right? But like, I'm not out there like getting to advise them on what they do. You know, I can just look at it from a 10,000 feet perspective. Which I wish you were. I wish there I put it a tweet on recently.
I honestly, and you know, people are gonna get mad. I think everyone on the doodles team is a yes man or a yes woman. I don't think there's any push back at all. And I think they've hired people who don't have any real opinions outside of what the core team wants to push.
I wish there were somebody on the team who said no who said you know who had different opinions and I think you have to have that and and I really and I think again a zookey I know this space pretty well but
really not even deeply entrenched in the doodles community i'm not even verified in the discord i look like a scammer in the discord i don't even because i don't click any type of i don't click anything on discord i don't even care about verifying just what it is like you got to hire some people who understand twitter
People say oh poopies a ship host or extraordinary, you know, I think for all it's a eaten or frost I'm gonna push back against that. I don't think I He's a dinosaur when he comes to ship hosting. He has made a funny ship host and forever So I get some people who actually do not know how to make memes ship hosting
or really reverse course and go we're back to being super fun loving and joyous and I think you know might have been frosty or you said this but you know go the Pudgy Penguins right let's fire up TikToks let's fire up more emojis let's you know
Let's reach different types of people because I think they're doing a great job of that if you want to reach millions I don't think they're Pudgy penguins is you know sappy seals chimpers Chimpers is doing a great job on tiktok shout out my chimpers fan, but I know we got some chimpers and your chimpers is crushing tiktok right now
Now, and I don't even think doodles is doing what they think they're what they want to do. They're doing that well. But whatever. All right. I don't know if anyone else wants to come up here. So we get some more people on here. I thought we were going to get
more of some more people but appreciate Tony P. showing up eating frosty anything else you guys want to add real quick? Yes I do actually the wizard community there's like one of the traits and doodles they did a proposal in the doodle
bank. I'm going to find the tweet. They're basically doing a try with the Tour de Mille. You could read through it. There's going to be prizes involved, judges. It's made for the artist to come and make beautiful art. And I think that it's getting a little overshadowed
about like all this sock stuff, but I think we shouldn't fade the wizzies. It's like a free cool little activity for old doodles, duplicator holders, and Genesis boxes. You could give it a read. Let me see if I could.
Yeah, I'm going to pin it to the top give that a look and thank you cool times for hosting this therapy session. I think we all needed a touch base with each other in the community and skits also meet a couple of you people couple of you dudes.
You just show my gender dude, I said dudes. Yeah, he said it dude. That means it do oh yeah, you don't I'm just kidding. I don't fuck bags. Yeah, dude, imagine the power the doodles community if like doodles main account or actually
anyone on the team empowered these types of spaces like TGID, we need to fuck it and I don't show up enough to the TGID Twitter spaces so it's on us, we gotta keep empowering people who are doing doodles content and this was my first step into trying
actually speak on doodles and try to do some doodles type stuff. So I'll put my hand up on that one. Try to maybe be a little bit more active. Have some some POV.
Tony plucks him stuff real quick. Yeah, sure. So let's see yesterday we interviewed chief content officer of doodles, and he earnings in as a banger space. We got to learn a lot about him. Last week we interviewed doodles CEO Julian Holgen, another banger space, rugged in the middle. So there's
part one and part two, but we uploaded it onto the TGID YouTube channel. So it's just basically like a podcast. We'll get it on Spotify as well. I think really what we're doing with TGID is we're, you know, trying to humanize the team, be able to like learn from them and not just kind of like grill them on
on tons of shit to try to make them feel comfortable and welcome. Also, technically, we're trying to build special relationships with the team to try to connect the community and the team best, like in terms of as best we can do that without being on the payroll.
So, I really love this community a whole lot. I think that there's so much talent, creativity. I think people are very special and it's important that, you know, like you're saying, with people to have a platform to keep the temperature down.
It's easy to flamethrower people, but I think we need to lead by example out in the community because that's how people perceive projects. It's by the individuals that make up the whole.
So it's a call to action per se. If you see doodles content or doodles spaces like retweet that shit, it does help in terms of getting visibility on stuff because that's one thing in terms of
of support retweets are definitely. Well how is it for booking for you? Is it easy to book the team members? Yeah so initially we just did it like I sniped it through like this
like Julian was doing a little AMA. I was like, "Yo, get on our show." And he said, "Okay, now we're connected with our PR team." So we did everything behind the scenes. It's pretty clutch. - No. - Okay, cool. Yeah, let's, let's,
Let's try to do it guys. Let's see if we can put our hands together, come together, we had a therapy session, I think we let it all out. I let out all my thoughts.
And do I feel better? Probably not. Probably not. My arms are very, very heavy.
from the bags that I hold. But, you know, there was dope to kind of vibe out. You know, maybe if I do another one of these, we can get more than four people on the stage.
But that probably comes from like, again, I needed to probably ingratiate myself a little bit better in the duels community instead of just like yelling at like Steve. I see a lot of my friends down there, Loki, a couple. I don't know. I think Sebastian.
and may have had a doodle once. I know the mint is trying to get one right now, Loki. And yeah, so shout out them, "Nightman, it looks like you have a foodle," which I guess is like a fake doodle, but respect. Let's go.
Yeah, make doodles cool again. All right guys, I'm gonna wrap it up. I think we got other stuff to do besides
Go on and on in a therapy session, but it was a one hour therapy session. I do get paid by the hour, so I will be invoicing all of you guys for this.
Yeah, thanks everyone. Go fall everyone on the stage. They seem cool. Uh, Lynx yes, say what's up to your mom for me. Um, and uh, don't say that again. They was up to your dad for me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'd be pissed too. I'd be pissed too if the founders rugged you like they did.
don't do that, Link's eardist. Even the founder selling up his fucking PFP.
You've been muted sir, like CS you've been muted even warned lanciest getting a little nasty
And this is therapy.
Okay. Sometimes the best of us comes out. Okay. Alright, we'll work on you. That's what we're working for. Thanks everyone for joining. Talk to you guys later. I'm gonna put a Dawson's Creed theme song to play us out because honestly Dawson's Creed is such a good season. One of Dawson's Creed is so fucking
good, I'm not even gonna lie. It's kind of crazy. Like Michelle Williams is just like the one of the greatest actresses of all time is just randomly in like this WB's like fucking team show just acting her ass around like literally it's her and James Vanderbake and you're like holy shit Vanderbake is so bad.
and Michelle Williams. Okay, bye. We should honor the following.
She had two babies