
Recorded: Jan. 18, 2024 Duration: 1:52:43



It's time to go to the hospital.
did you guys hear that song yeah the music worked this time how good was that music how
good was that song banger dude a banger
of a song wasn't that sick yeah i definitely need subwoofers for that baseline that shit
was slapping hard no bro it was all about the flute the flute on the second half
fucking ripped faces off dude i was dancing over here dancing i was dancing too man brad
it was like we were dancing together my man it was like i hope this i hope the headline coachella
that shit was so good yeah they should i gotta figure out who the artist for that was so i didn't
know this when you're hosting you know the kind of the default song that goes it uh you can change
that there's like different options for the song so if you hit music there's so the default one's
journey but there's also vibes jazzy and nostalgia and i i chose jazzy and that was the jazzy one did
you think did you find that to be jazzy oh yeah that was jazzy don't get any jazzy than that
i felt like i was in st louis it was so jazzy that was like a vibey jazzy yeah i love that i
don't know who made that song but it was fucking sick so i made the title will monetization ruin
x um i want your opinions if you have opinions requests to come up if you have opinions
put them in the comment section uh so here's what here's the deal here's what's going on
there's they're introducing a whole lot of monetization in the next couple months
they're introducing a whole lot of monetization they're introducing uh tipping in in in streams
they're introducing tipping on posts they're introducing uh the ability to gate posts and sell
the posts they're called articles so you can write a post and then say it'll cost five dollars
to read they're they're introducing monetization out the wazoo and it kind of makes sense because
uh they're they're doing the x payments they want people to use the payments functionality as much
as possible because i'm sure they take a little bit of a little bit of a taste off the top when
they do the transaction so they're going to be introducing all this shit thank you oni for
pinning it i uh that was a good idea i didn't even think of that yeah that was such a great post
it's uh the question becomes is this good for x is this good for x bradley your hands raised
um you what do you got i just i have an initial i have an initial reaction to this i mean
you think about how few how much fewer people respond to a post that has the
the subscript the subscriber filter on it i mean imagine how few people are going to
reply to a post where you have to actually pay money i mean maybe if it's like 10 cents
but even then i don't know i mean it's going to have to be a pretty pretty alluring post
what if you're like what if you're like uh the way i see it is like authors and famous writers will
use it to maybe publish like helpful educational posts or things like that because you Elon said
you'll be able to publish up to a book length like you can do a book in these in these articles so
you can write books and then sell it through here would you ever buy a book on an x post
i don't know that's interesting yeah i didn't i don't know i think i would
you would you'd sit there and scroll entire book on your phone it's like look if x is gonna
incorporate all of these things i feel like they're gonna also have certain like built-in
features right like a reader so if you do end up buying a book it goes in like a book section of
your x and then if you want to read the book instead of going to your kindle app or your
iBooks or whatever you go to you're going to that section to read the book and then on top of
that the thing with x is that everybody has their own credibility right so let's say like i want to
read something that Habib writes um i already know the kind of person that he is i already know the
kind of like content that he creates right and i let's say like you know long forms if i like reading
his style of writing i'd be interested in reading like a longer form um post right so i don't see
why not i feel like i would right if my barista is gonna ask me to tip them for pouring me at nitro
cold brew you better believe that i'm gonna ask for some money for my post that i make that i've
spent all freaking day on trying to work my ass putting some love into and this person just poured
me a nitro cold brew at starbucks and they're asking me for a freaking five dollar tip yeah
i think that it is going to work monetization is going to work here especially the gen z people
they're going to show these other old cats that it is how we roll that's how we do
we support creators it's going to be a thing that's going to happen i promise you
yeah and also like going off of what eric just said with microtransactions coming if it really
does let's say you know like alex your posts like everything about the algorithm or something
about a twitter growth if you put like a dollar um on that and people have to pay that dollar to
go read it they're gonna do it right so for smaller people like us when we have an important
post that i know that people are going to want to read it there's good information in it we
could just be like okay there's a 50 cents paywall like pay that and every single person who's actually
interested in reading it or wants to save it or they have known like okay the free posts are so
so good what if like the paid ones are better you know like they're gonna go for it i feel
like don't you think that would hurt growth though right if i put all my best content
behind a dollar paywall won't that make it so my growth hurts and long term i'm actually
doing more damage than good well no because it's similar to subscription sorry ryan you can go for it
no i need no i'm not gonna drop i'll go after you okay thank you um yeah so it's similar to
subscriptions like it a lot of people are actually paywalling some posts behind subscriptions right
but this actually gives me the option to be like okay i don't want to subscribe for a month just
for one piece of content i'm only going to pay for this piece of content but i'm still paying
right so i feel like you know you can then also build on like okay my free posts are going to be
quality where it's kind of like thinking of you're thinking of your content in like a marketing sense
right sometimes we give away free stuff to show them that okay if you you have to pay for it
to get the real value or you know this is the kind of value that you get for free so the one
that's the one that's paid you get more value out of it i think it'll uh it'll help in the long
one boom yeah i totally appreciate it i agree with what aunty's saying alex sorry brother
thanks for giving me up here you go ahead um yeah aunty totally agree with you i think it'll
i think it'll just be that that very thin line that every good content creator has to walk which
is here's a ton of value for free uh if you want to pay a little extra here's a little extra value
for you um and aunty by the way i've i've been enjoying and uh inspired by your posts about you
monetizing i think that's super cool to see oh it means the world to me thank you
i'm uh i i think i operate differently than most people and i'm not saying the way i operate
is the correct way it's because you're awesome i just i well well of course yes i am awesome
but my the way my brain works is i don't know i'm i i i want to go as long as humanly possible without
making an ask and i've released product i have a writing course um and i have a premium community
and i have a subscription button on x uh i don't advertise it at all i think i've sent one
advertisement tweet in the history of my account um i don't i i'm i'm just this i am under the opinion
if you go as long as humanly possible without making an ask you will eventually be able to make
an absolutely huge monstrous ass like the longer you wait the better the results will be and so i
don't plan on toke i don't plan on gaining any of my my tweets yeah i well it's because you're
you're investing long term right versus versus short term but what percentage of your
x revenue or your i know not your total revenue but uh of let's say your content um creator
uh income comes from your subscription button i'm just curious
uh i have currently 300 subscribers i charge nine dollars per subscriber
and i think apple takes a chunk of that so let me just do some rough rough math here 900 300 times
nine is 2700 a month 2700 times 12 is 32 000 and then let's just say apple takes what 30 percent
of that so 32 000 times 0.7 so about 22 000 a year is from the subscription button
and how much of your time are you putting into that like what percent
uh so my current subscriber strategy which is always morphing i'm trying to figure out the best
most efficient way to use it i record a one minute video basically every day like a video diary i put
that out to subscribers only and then every thursday i do a subscriber only space for an hour
so that's my current subscription content strategy so it doesn't take a ton of time doesn't take a
ton of time but i think it helps me build a personal relationship with my hardest core fans
nice i i i think you should do what we talked about where you build basically an ai
agent that teaches people how to create content like you i think people would pay for that
i am doing that so the the lot of bang i the app i'm building currently is i'm building an ai app
me and ryan have talked about this a good amount uh where you'll be it's basically my
content how i manage my content but i'm systematizing it for everyone else and it's going to be an app
where you can enter in your ideas uh it can save all your drafts you can draft up tweets and content
and then there's going to be an ai built-in where it'll give you feedback on your content and it's
trained on all my tweets so it can give you feedback if you like my content based on
all my content and you know it's kind of like having an ai coach but also an organizational
system at the same time um so that's something i'm working on for the fun of it and yeah that'll
that'll be uh i'm like yesterday was a all coding day i just spent beginning to end of the day coding
which was a lot of fun but yeah no i agree that'll be that'll be kind of a different product but i
i love the subscriber business model on here i i think it allows you to build such a closer do
you have the subscription button ryan let me check i thought about it i mean i i'm eligible for it but
i i just don't have a passionate um uh bit of content that i really think is worth sharing
right now and asking people to pay for so like you i don't want to put something up there and not
deliver um so i'm waiting so i changed my mindset about it the subscription stuff i originally i
did not request the subscriber button at first uh for multiple reasons the biggest reason was
i didn't want to cheat i felt like at first it cheapens my brand where if i have a button right
on my twitter account which is my very top of the funnel saying hey pay me a few bucks a month
i felt like it cheapened all my other products uh but then i shifted my mindset when they allowed
things like subscriber only spaces i'm like okay maybe this is not not just another product i'm
releasing maybe this is kind of like a path to like have a deeper connection with me
and i changed the way i thought about it and now it's like okay i actually like it where
it's not like this thing where i feel like i have to constantly deliver content i just i deliver a
minute long video every day just kind of like a video diary and then i do the subscriber only
space once a week and i feel like it's a good way for people to feel like they're
connecting with me and it's less about delivering value it's more about a way to connect with me
right it's personal and i got a lot of hands so i all uh i'll quit after this but i have a question
for you alex so i went pro on my account last week so i turned on uh the professional profile
which gives me a store and i did that so i could put products at the top and one of them's free
it's just the ai um it's just an ai group of advisors that are our gpts but one of them was a
a session with me for ceo founder coaching so i put that on there um and then i uh got my first
booking on that today so i thought that was kind of interesting how that worked and i'm curious
why you haven't gone pro with some some products interesting so i've uh i've seen the shop stuff
before i've seen people put it there i here's the way i think about it i have a very direct
answer for you why i don't do that and i probably won't i look at every platform as a different part
of the funnel as a different part of my product funnel in my marketing funnel and uh at the top
of my funnel is my x account right this is where i get the most the most attention the most views
is x where i attract the most people it's where i the most people who don't know who i am figure
out who i am um and so that's the top of my funnel i don't believe personally again i i talked about
earlier like the way i do things i'm not saying is the right way to do it this is just the way i do it
but my personal belief is i don't want to actually sell anything at the top of my funnel
i don't want to sell a goddamn thing i want to do all the selling further down my funnel
um and so further down my funnel for me is my next steps the newsletter then the step after
that's like my premium newsletter where i have a private community and the next step back that's
like the people who bought like my writing course the further down the funnel you go the more selling
i'm gonna do i feel like if you sell at the top of your funnel where most people can see you
i think it strangles your funnel i just think by default people don't like to be sold to
and you're gonna lose x percent of people who go to your profile when they see they're being sold to
i think it just changes the relationship a little bit and so for me the way i think about it again
this is my opinion personally i want as many people going to the top of my funnel as possible
and then my goal is to get as many of them as i can to the next step of my funnel which
is my newsletter and once you're in my newsletter that's where i start talking about my products
because people are a little bit warm they're a little bit warm they're a little bit warmer leads
they're they are expected to get sell sold to in newsletters i think in newsletters people they
open a newsletter they expect to see an ad they expect to hear about products i think on x people
don't expect to be sold to as much yet this might change in the future but i think at the
moment people on x don't like to be sold to quite as much and so for me my business strategy
is i don't sell anything on my x i don't talk about my products on my x i don't do a damn thing
if people have warmed up and they like my brand they like who i am they'll go to the next step
of the funnel which is giving me their email address and signing up for my newsletter and
then once you're there i'll start selling to you there but i i feel just me personally again
there's just a personal belief when i sell to the top of my funnel it starts to strangle my
entire funnel what what are your thoughts on that i want to be blunt i think you're leaving money on
the table i think there's plenty of people that like you and go to your profile and would be
happy to buy a product like i don't think you're scaring them away you're just saying hey i have
something good you can buy it like so i yeah i'd i challenge you on that um i think clearly your
content has to be valuable and all of it should be free but i just think there's probably a lot of
people that would buy uh a piece of content from you if they just knew they could buy it whereas
you're adding an extra step they have to jump through um but you know no i i agree i do think
short term i'm leaving money on the table a hundred percent i think if i put up the same
thing as you here pay me and i'll be with you and advise you and give you you know give true
value a hundred percent give true value i do think i can instantly start making more money
i'm just and again i i could 100 be wrong on this i i if those same people want to buy time for me i
think the odds of them signing up for my newsletter are high and then that's where i'll sell to them
at and maybe you know maybe the people come my profile and again i could be wrong if they see
me selling stuff maybe they're less likely to follow me or less likely to engage because
maybe they think oh he's going to try to sell me something and so i'm willing to sacrifice
potentially the quick sale in order to get those followers and then build up enough trust to get
them to my newsletter where then i will sell them time to talk to me or uh or a course or something
like that i i i guess here's the way i look at it is my entire business strategy up to this point
has been i'm gonna market to my audience the way i want to be marketed to and the way i i just when i
see marketing on x for things it doesn't turn me off but it irks me just a little bit i go like when
i see someone like there's this account i really liked and then they got hired to be an advisor
for like an nft project and then every one out of every three tweets is them talking about
this nft project i muted that i just like i don't want to hear the marketing yeah i don't want to hear
the marketing on x but that's that's funny different like selling like in a tweet is almost
always bad like it's occasionally okay but what i'm just saying is if you turn your account pro
and you turn on your shop there's just products you can put there that if people want to buy
them from you they can they have to go to your profile to even see them so you're not pitching
them or asking people to buy them and they're never going to see them in your tweets it's just
so i'm just pushing along poking a little bit alex you know yeah but what is what is other
people up here think well what if you go to a profile what do you malcolm what do you think
it really depends because again x is one of those situations where people might follow you for
social advice they might follow you because they think that you can get them access to a market
there's a they might follow you just because again they you know maybe they just like the way
you look and they just want to get a high from you like there are a lot of reasons that people
follow you and i think that you know having funnels or having you know maybe self-selecting
content areas where you know people who are just interested in knowing you personally but not
really interested in buying from you you know that that really is the best of both worlds you don't
piss a lot of people off but at the same time you know you get the people who are going to be
your ardent customers and you solidify them because i don't think that we're really missing out on
opportunities to sell for people i think if somebody's really going to buy from you
they're not going to let one step be deterred especially if you've built up a good value
proposition so it's like selling in a tweet or being overtly sells many sells men's e isn't very
good like for me i've got so many things that i could actually sell to people you know fitness
advice life coaching because apparently people still do that you know just sort of talking about
growth and monetization and i really don't do it that often other than you know i've just got like
a hype theory auto plug on tweets to get a certain level but other than that i'm not really
plugging it or you know out here trying to sell to people overtly because i think
there are better ways to build up a loyal customer base than just going full whole hog
salesman and this is coming from somebody that literally was in the sales industry like i just
don't believe in that well go on ryan's profile go on i that's where we have the same background i was
in on a sales team for a long time as uh ryan was as well because he built a sale for those who don't
know ryan's built a sales ai training uh product really cool tool i've used it out so definitely
check it out as profile too but malcolm go to ryan's profile and you see the 30 minute founder
you see the board of advisors is that being salesy what are your what emotions do you feel when you
go to a profile and you see the first thing you see or not the first things you see a bio but after
that you see our products typically as long as he's not voicing those into my face like if it's just
there for availability sake it's okay now it also depends on just sort of you know what is
his page for like obviously i can tell just by looking at his page that he's a business you
know this is going to be a business-oriented page so i'm already not really going to subscribe
or you know follow him unless i'm looking for business advice so i how come it's harsh harsh
well no i don't i love this i mean that in a harsh way but i'm just saying like you know
if we're looking i'm just oh yeah don't worry don't worry trust me i've got humor
uh i'm autistic but not that autistic but um you know it's like if i see something like
that automatically you know i get it get a read a page that hey this is serious professional guy so
again i'm coming here for serious professional tips and information which you know you might get
a little slice of life content i think that everybody needs to have slice of life content
unless you're faceless you know that being said like you're like ai profile picture or you know
it's just a logo so for here i think it's okay to have the availability there now if he's tweeting
constantly you need to buy this or x amount left or this many left and i see that in the fitness
industry where they're always selling fitness programs and they do these you know fake
scarcity ads then yeah i'm going to be kind of turned off by that but it's going to depend
on how good their content is as well like is there general content getting up for me to
you know sort of look past that or is it just like okay dude this is like the sixth attempt
today that you're trying to sell me like are you starving do i need to you know throw
your donation like what's going on so this is interesting justin welsh is someone i respect
greatly he uh for those who know justin welsh has pretty much invented the twitter entrepreneurship
kind of game where you create a profile and you tweet out business tips and then you get
people to your newsletter and then you sell digital products it's a it's a blueprint that
you know thousands of people use now but i'd say most people recognize justin welsh is
kind of the the og of of that blueprint which is it's a blueprint that's made many people
millionaires and allowed many people to quit their job including me and i didn't even realize i go to
his profile a ton and he has two of his courses in the shop sector i didn't i didn't even realize
it i've just scrolled past that thousands of times i guess we're turning you around
we're turning you around you're going to be selling millions of products soon it was
interesting now here's another conundrum i think about which is you know he's he's just he's very
blatantly a course seller like he all his content is around what's in his course and it's a very clear
and focused funnel and for me i i have a course but i don't my end goal is not selling courses
i built it because i really enjoy what i've learned and done and so i want to share that
knowledge but like i'd very rare i i do talk i'd say 50 of my contents about what's in the course
and 50 isn't it's about whatever my random thoughts are so you know does that change my
branding if i have a spot for people to buy a course where it doesn't it's not it talks
about things i don't always talk about i don't know i'm just i'm like i'm i'm very very much
into branding and i'm very careful about literally every word i put and maybe this is
the wrong way again to do it but i'm very careful about every word i put out on x and how it impacts
my branding and does putting a course at the top of my profile change branding i don't know
i'm not sure uh habib you got your hand raised what's up habib hey what's up thanks for having
me up a few points from what you guys have been discussing uh i'm just gonna be blunt and honest
personally i don't really care for newsletters i feel like my mailbox is already way too
cluttered so i'm not that likely to sign up for somebody's newsletter uh that said like if i
respect you and i like your content and i see that you have something linked on your profile
i'm definitely more inclined to click that than to click on some newsletter and sign up
me personally um the second thing is like you're not a scammy account so like for example uh
ashley st claire posted before to um larry elder i don't know if you saw that he was asking why
he's not gaining any followers and she's like well let me see and he's basically just posting links
back to back to back to back to back affiliate links at that and like that for example that's
not going to make someone want to engage with you but you don't do that you post a lot of like real
content you tell people your playbook like if you were to put a product up there i don't think
people would see that as a scammy type behavior because you already have a lot of information
being sent out it's not like that account you mentioned earlier that every like three posts
is some type of ad because i hate seeing that too and i end up muting so many people
for that reason but so that was the first thing the other thing is like i think paywalls make sense
for certain things on the algo like for example if someone's really good at giving analysis at
i don't know the smp 500 or something i think they could give a paywall for like pay and
i'll give you daily analysis on whatever it is that you want i think that would make sense
and then like tipping other platforms have done that so well so i think tipping is going to go
a long way that's something that's voluntary you don't have to do it but it's some way to like
incentivize your favorite creator and we see like twitch and these other platforms like are running
with that type of thing so i feel like monetization overall is a good thing if people use it the
wrong way it will be hurtful to your profile but if you use it the right way and you're not very
scammy with it i think it's a really great thing so exa b you think that because uh i'm not scammy
i could get away with putting a product at the top of my profile and i wouldn't even say get away
with it i would say people are going to look for it like they're going to go on your pay man people
want us interesting yeah it's like tick offs gun you know it's like we know it's there
but you know you've only tacitly implied that it's there you haven't like just overtly wave it in
face of everybody so it's not necessarily something that's a repellent if you're waving your
subscription in the face everybody like you're saying in every post oh you need to follow me
and you need to subscribe you know you need to buy my course if you want more tips on how the
x algorithm works like every single post and yeah at that point now we're crossing into the okay
you're just explicitly trying to sell me something and people just don't like being forced to do
anything people like the option but nobody wants to be forced to do something so if it feels like
you're forcing us to buy your course in every single post yeah we're going to be turned off by
but right now no but me putting that at the top of my profile in that shop section that's not waving
it in your face that's that's more gentle you think we have to click into your page to see it
so that already requires like our first action it's not like it's you're posting it just hey go
check out my shop hey go check out my shop yeah and beeb on your point about newsletters so for
the record newsletters are my biggest revenue generator of everything i do they drive my
no i know you've done it very well so i'm not shitting on it it's just me personally i wouldn't
be that demographic that you would reach because like my emails already way too cluttered oh well
i'm well what i was getting to was i completely agree with you so i i think newsletters are dying
i think uh they've kind of jumped the shark where the blueprint that justin welsh kind of
invented where you tweet you push people to your newsletter then you push them products
i think is very saturated where there's been this entire section of x invented called money
x formerly known as money twitter where now there's thousands of newsletters and i think
everyone's inboxes are being inundated with newsletters now so i'm actively trying to
not pivot away from newsletters because i love writing i'm always going to write it but
diversify where i'm not dependent on any of the works i think a lot more people have
become numb to newsletters and don't want to read them anymore just because there's so many
people now with newsletters and so many of them just blow there there's so many that are just
like everyone's newsletter now is like these long stories that don't really mean anything like i
woke up today and i started making peanut butter and jelly sandwich and it was really good you know
it goes together like peanut butter and jelly you buying my course yeah that's like every
newsletter i read and now i don't think anyone reads newsletters anymore because all that shit
alex does marcia's family group telegram have a newsletter or do they only have a family group
it's not a family group telegram again milie hang on guys hang on guys we gotta save this
hidden tea for the shadow cabal like this is this is do you have a do you have a newsletter
marcia i'm just no i don't i don't really deal with newsletters either i mean i proofread
sometimes somebody a few people's newsletters that i proofread for them you're a newsletter
proofreader marcia yeah i took something new every day well that's awesome marcia good for you yeah i
uh i was huge on newsletters i used to push a newsletter after every single tweet so i used
to do that after every tweet i would put on the second tweet if you enjoyed this
sign up for the newsletter and i decided that i just like i want to invest in my long-term
brands i i feel like pushing a newsletter after every tweet hurts my long-term brands
and my growth of the newsletter has totally slowed down since i stopped doing it like i used to
gain about a thousand subscribers a month i'm not even close to that but i decided if i invest in
my long-term brand on x more than my growth of a newsletter that it will pay much bigger
dividends in the future than a thousand new newsletter subscribers i agree i agree it probably
would alex i have a quick question for you i got monetized uh back a couple months ago
two three months ago but i have been waiting for my subscription button yes for almost a year yes
so from what i heard they were doing away with those subscription buttons so a while back
now they're not doing away with it i think it's going to be a central part of the monetization
strategy for x moving forward so i think it actually there'll be a bigger emphasis in fact i think
you'll see it integrated into more uh services on x for instance uh live stream i i talk with
a couple of product managers there they're going to get the subscription uh badge now in the chat
so people know who's subscribers or not that's all coming so it's going to be integrated here
this is what i've heard i don't know this for a stone cold fact this is just
what i've heard from a couple people is that they actually need to uh get each and every
subscription uh verified through apple first so the approval needs to go through apple
because of the way it works from the payment perspective and so that's why it's so slow
is because they one by one get them verified through that's insane are you serious i mean i
go through that and they take my payment boom like within seconds but the verification process is
yeah it's i mean it's just different on you know the other end because again you have to
have a verification from there you've also got to have a strike verification and i can see how
that can sort of be a backlog especially when you're asking somebody that might not have an
explicit department dedicated to you that okay now you guys have to do this okay well there's a
backlog in that email or that task i don't know if they use like kanban boards or jira or some kind
of way to organize this on apple side but that can get backlogged and loaded up so yeah i i heard
it because because you're making payments to people that every payment that goes through on apps
on on the apple store uh needs to be verified by apple so i think that what they maybe have
to review content or something like that of people are paying for stuff and that's why the wait so
long it took me i think like six or seven months to get approved and i know for a lot of people
it's like eight or nine months so it's normal i think it's just they have to do one by one with
apple hey alex could it be possibly that it's in stuck mode per se i mean on my uh monetization
when i click on that and it says waiting for review but it's been waiting for review for almost
a year well that's why i say that it could be stuck on somebody else's desk that's not at x
and they might have to push that yeah it's like contractors per se that do this stuff too
as well just gets a cut of every single payment that goes on here through subscriptions all
that so it behooves them to get as many people approved for it as possible so i don't think x
is purposely dragging their feet when it comes to the subscriptions i think the blocker again this
is a guess based on what i've heard from other people is apple is the blocker so i mean hopefully
they they improve that system in the future but yeah it sucks it sucks and it's it's unfortunate
because it could make people good money it's it's been a good revenue driver for me over the last
year maybe i could say i know somebody high up at apple so maybe i could just make you know kim cook
uh oh shit marcia add me to your list add me to your list uh yeah same here me too
i'll subscribe to you so quick stop stop stop hold on guys you got them in a telegram
chat marcia you got tim cook in a telegram chat no no no but i'm not saying i've heard of tim cook
but i know some heard of him i i know some people that work at apple that are high up to
not as high as he is though up there though close yeah they're definitely in a telegram chat
but this is hey marcia is there any way you can get the vulture album to come out tomorrow by uh
by chance hey i mean we're all asking for stuff i need that vulture album please you're
calling me to drop the album you're calling me to drop the album marcia can you do it you guys
crack i personally heard that marcia can also get half life three so if you're interested in
half life three then marcia is your guy marcia knows someone everywhere marcia is the best
connect you could possibly have it's unbelievable this is washington the shadow cabal but we can't
give shadow for wild business a lot of people i traveled the us when i was younger as a professional
entertainer there you go you traveled when you're younger as a professional entertainer what the
hell does that mean yeah i'm interested what's happening here what does that mean marcia explain
i was a professional dancer for like 40 years is that a stripper yeah it's like cheese my cherry pie
is that what we're talking about or are we talking about coyote ugly dancing what is the
professional dancer looks like you backed up britney spears or what does that mean what's
a professional dancer i used to dance with a bow constrictor snake and fire oh my god what
that's part of my little tiny or my story that i'm having someone write about me are you being
serious i want to actually post it on x because the books will fly off the shelves i'm not kidding
i'm tipping my hat to the shadow cabal you guys really know how to pick them you guys really do
listen to this shit i've been stabbed i've been i will buy your book but who stabbed you
i'm committing to buy your book now milie you're sweetheart can i pre-order it how do i pre-order
i follow you milie milie i'll follow you you follow me okay girlfriend look at that
follow over follow over this is unbelievable for those who don't know milie and marcia have
been purposely mispronouncing each other's names for like three months straight now
and all of a sudden they're friends they were they've been bickering and arguing for months in our
spaces they've come together marcia admits she was a stripper for 40 years and danced with
bow constrictors and all of a sudden they're friends i love that this is a this is a great love story
right this can be part of the book this could be the ending of the book you and milie became
friends on a space there we go milie and i'll even write it to you i agree wow the book is
dedicated to milie she completed her character arc right here copy alex and you don't so there you
really you guys i'm not i'm not joking i want to i'm in the process of having a book written about
my life i've lived through it i i almost died a couple of times who stabbed you what was that
about oh to make a long story short i lived in st louis i'm from uh the midwest though but i
lived in st louis east st louis and it was not a bad place to live i had a lot of friends there
a lot that used to walk me home in the middle of the night when i got off of work so i'd be
protected um but was it nelly huh was it the rnb singer the rap artist nelly he said st louis
eat st louis why did nelly stab you there's no way in fuck marcia knows you nelly is erica
nelly fucking stab you no continue continue marcia continue all right thanks alex okay
i was with the guy that for two three years maybe come home one day found him shooting up dope
kicked him out of the house while i was trying to kick him out of the house he uh told me if he
couldn't have me nobody else will and he stabbed me in the chest i had 27 stitches in my right chest
and 15 on my arm and then i as i was running out the door he shot me in the leg
wow this book how long ago was this um this was and this is the honest god truth this was probably
back in god 1994 no 19 i'm sorry 1984
1984 did he get arrested oh yes he's still in he's still in prison for what he did yes because he
picked me up and took me to the hospitals like he gets stitches which was so freaking weird
and then i knew one of the cops one of the sheriffs that was at the hospital for some
reason i don't know why but he recognized me and he said marcia what happened he goes and he bent
over to me in my ear and he said is that the guy that did this to you and i suggest and he i can't
i can't tell you no more because he said if i told anybody he'd come back and finish the job
wow i am uh first of all very sorry you had to go through that marcia you are right uh you're an
absolutely amazing sweetheart uh we've met what two or three months ago now you've been on every
space you're an incredible person i'm uh i there's no one in the world who deserves that kind of
stuff less so um i'm just i'm glad you're doing better yes absolutely i mean i got the
his initial in my right chest but other than that you know
the good news is with the tattoo you can get it like laser removed well i got a tattoo right
next to it i have a question for marcia i just want to know when movie because that that would
be an amazing movie it would be and i have a friend of mine in las vegas uh that is going
to write the book and then try to write you know do the movie we've been we've been doing this
for many many years it's it's taking time and it's taking a lot of money but who do you want to play
you um i don't know i i look pretty damn young i could probably play myself you probably get scarlet
joanne's gonna play you now or miley miley yeah that'd be a twist that'd be a twist if miley plays
young marcia but thank you for your confidence you'd have to dye your hair black bow because
yeah i can get a wig okay i might let you borrow one of mine
i can make you into a cartoon simpsons character using ai if you want if you want to make it a
cartoon no i seriously this has been in the works for many many years alex and it's it's difficult
as you know sure and you understand as well so we got all kind of content
you'll be able to publish your uh your book on here you'll be able to publish your book
articles are coming soon articles will allow you to write books on here will allow you to uh
gate your your specific posts um so you think you would put that as a book on here marcia and sell
it um yeah i because honestly i i lived with the mayor of chicago and his wife you've lived with
the mayor of chicago you said years ago i mean i was i was their nanny and
who's who's who's the mayor which mayor oh god i can't even remember lightfoot huh lightfoot
no he was uh this was god before 1984 damn because i i started in the entertainment business
when i was 14 all right well let me know who the the chicago mayor living with was so uh you're
gonna eventually be able to what's called articles publish entire books on x and and sell them uh
travis you you write in books and sell them on here you find posts you think you can sell no
but is that mayor harold washington
i'm not gonna say yeah hey um i had something queued up based on the topic um what's up but now
thanks i'm a broke ass and i might play a commercial you said
all right that's all i got i actually thought it might be funny if i played the commercial instead
to show that i don't have it the ad free version what the hell are you talking about travis alex
we're having a serious conversation here and this is what travis does what the hell was that
i don't even know what i legally understand you don't know the relevant can we talk about
the green bay package alex can we talk about the green bay package alex oh that's fine all
right kim's hand raised kim what's going on hey i actually still remember what i was gonna
ask so i want to go back to the original right after we were on newsletters and stuff like that
yes i'm in i'm in the boat where uh i completely stopped checking my email a few years ago unless
i need to go look for something that i want anyway right alternatively i could just make new email
accounts right but um the largest amount of money is still held by us old people because we're not
all dead yet so you kind of got to deal with our generation and one of the major concerns i have
about monetization and sales on this platform is the reason that elon bought it in the first place
right is to kind of like change humanity for the better that's the overarching vision and goal for
all of us who respect him as the big don then the biggest concern i have is the fact that
we are going to gatekeep knowledge behind paywalls so that will increase the the the the divide and
make the breach even wider between the haves and the have not so what do you mean by that what does that
mean so in the united states of america children don't have to pay to go to public school so they
can't conceptualize how many different countries the children have to pay to go to elementary school
so if they don't pay to go to school they don't get to go to school right and then now it's your
older well if you want to learn on your own either you have an option to to go pay a bunch of
trainers and all these trainers are all training on all these exact same subjects it's already
completely decentralized university out there with professional coaches and training programs so
i would love for y'all to just ideate around because i'd like to hear your thoughts
ideate around how can you sell on here without gatekeeping knowledge behind paywalls
if you just work from the baseline assumption that you can sell anything you want you could even
sell your own ass you could you like just just go hog wild with make it all legal but don't
make people pay to obtain knowledge how could you make it work if that was a restriction
oh i got bad news for you kim if you want to go to college in the united states of america you
gotta take out a two hundred thousand dollar loan uh to learn anything so i actually believe the system
of selling some knowledge for five or six dollars is a vast improvement over the current system we
have is it not i'm not talking about our system this is a global platform so i'm talking about can
you just even think about the concept and speak to what your world would look like if
the restriction was applied whether it's good or bad is irrelevant i'm not debating the philosophy
right now i just want to know how would you solution to meet that restriction yeah yeah and
i don't want to hug the stage of my response i want to hear from other people and i also don't
want to make this a capitalism or socialism debate or anything like that but here's the issue if you
if all knowledge had to be free and you couldn't payment gate any knowledge whatsoever
the motivation for people to go out and get knowledge and then turn around and share that with
other people will go much lower you know i the fact that in my opinion you can now paywall uh
knowledge on x and in posts and things like that i think it'll motivate people more to curate
knowledge create it and sell it out in order to uh you know get profit themselves you know i think
it actually increases the amount of knowledge that can be that can go around but i also don't
want to i don't want to hug the stage in my opinion on this i'm going to give it to exa bib and then ani
yeah just on that point i feel like in general the public discourse will remain public and then
only like curated knowledge will be paywalled i mean if someone paywalls general knowledge like
i don't think right i'm not asking y'all how i'm not asking you like let me make my question clear
so just pretend pretend that the imposition was put on y'all to where you could sell
anything that you wanted at all that could exist or that you could create or buy or trade
or anything you could sell anything you wanted except knowledge so how would you monetize on
this platform i mean i make a bunch of art for example but to your other point like knowledge
isn't necessarily only on x it's going to be on the internet people have access to ai so they're
still going to have other areas to get a lot of knowledge it's that's why i was saying it's
really going to be curated content that's going to be paywalled and if you want that information
you're going to pay for if not you can find other sources for similar information yeah i'd say with
ai and google now you can find literally any knowledge you want completely for free what
you're paying for from you know the the you're paying for the core services uh corsera whatever
you do is is really you're just paying for curation of that knowledge and putting it in one
handy place ani your hands raised what's going on yeah no i wanted to address that as well because
i feel like it's about finding a balance between free content and paid content right and alex i
wanted to also say this beforehand when you were talking about you know like paywalling some of
your posts right um or like having a spotlight on your profile where you're like okay i'm i'm
selling this course and it's there um i think it's about also like building credibility because
alex you've done such an incredible job of building your credibility that anything you
sell even if you don't talk about it people are gonna want it like for me and like i'm like okay
well i want what alex is selling but i'm not gonna jump through hoops to go find it or
there's also times where not me personally but there are people who want it but they don't know
where to get it right they don't know that some people like a lot of these people especially
like every time you gain like new followers new subscribers and stuff they don't even know what you
did before they're not scrolling through your profile to go see like that one post that you
made about it but if you make it accessible where they come to your profile and they can see like
okay this is what he's selling they're gonna go and be like you know what i need this and
i need this because i like this person and i like what he shares right so all of that free content
that you delivered so far built so much credibility for you and not even so far like if you continue
to do that as well like having that free content where you show what kind of credibility you have
your knowledge and everything right people are gonna be like you know what i like him i like
what he's teaching i like i would like to learn more and they know exactly where to go to find
that right so i think i should do what ryan's doing which is put uh open the shop at the top my
profile and put my products in there oh hundred percent it's just like having a tip jar right
you're not forcing anybody to um give you a tip you are just saying that i am like i'm open to
tips if you feel like it you can do it you're not saying things with subscriptions too you're not
posting every day saying oh subscribe to me oh turn my notifications on and this and that
you're just saying that this is there for an option if you want you can do it like i've
received certain tips certain from certain times i never expect it i never talk about it i never
go on my streams and say oh pay me and tips or whatever but it's there so when somebody thinks
that hey i want to support this person they're doing it just like how i subscribe to you because
i want to support you or anybody else that i subscribe to i'm like i want to support you so
because of the credibility that you've built and you're not forcing me to do it i'm doing it because
i want to so i usually tell people go into the purple pill and reply as a way to engagement
farm so that the space goes out more so that more people join so number goes up so i get more
followers uh but this prompt to go into the purple pill in order to put replies is actually
pure curiosity i i actually want to know go into the purple pill reply let me know what do
you think about people who sell on x let me know what you think about selling on x the shop at the
top of the profile is it a good thing or is it bad thing do you look at profiles differently if
they have products in the top part of their profile that they're selling do you look at them
differently does it does it grind away at trust what do you think so far 100 of everyone i've
talked to said i should just do it so i probably should just listen to them but i want to get
your opinion go into the purple pill let me know i'm going to read it out for this and based on the
opinions based on the consensus i'm going to turn on the shop or not based on that consensus there's
a very good chance tonight i turn on that shop and uh put i have a course i have a writing course
i'm gonna i'd put in there and maybe i'd put the newsletter in there as well i don't know we'll
see you totally should there's all these options i also wanted to add one more thing real quick
you know being from wet three being from like the nft crypto space what do we always preach
do your own research right it's if if a thousand people have um courses on their profiles but out of
those thousand people only 10 people are actually credible and you do your own research to find
those 10 people like then why does it matter like you're not really you're not really going
and spending money on the thousands of other people that have no credibility you're going
and spending the money on the person that actually has like knowledge and credibility
and that you'll actually gain the value from and that's why like your non-paid content is
so important because every single person that knows you or follows you knows that you have
the knowledge and like i keep saying credibility i know but that's what it is like it's you
built your credibility already and every time you do a post that actually gives someone value or
even like one line that resonates with someone they like they can see like okay this is the person
that i want to support not some of the other people who are just sitting there and posting
every single day every single post is about like oh i have a cohort oh this is this is what you
see and then at the end of the post it's like go by my course to find out more or learn more
and paywalling that you're not doing that you're showing your content and you're showing and
you're sharing your knowledge but then something more is there for us if we want that option i really
like that perspective interesting uh you might have convinced me but i'm still gonna have people
go the purple pill to write it here's a perspective i want to get so if you're in the web three space
if you're in the money twitter space you're very used to being sold to you're very used
to monetization you're very used to how business works i think most people in this space have some
sort of tangential connection to any of those we have co-hosting with us relax relax is an
influencer in the green bay packer space which is completely different than any other space
you know i interact with that's why i'm grateful to call him a friend he's my number one lebanese
friend in the entire world i want to throw it to relax here and get his perspective just because
he's in such way to babies are you you guys are lebanese shit i take that back the
habibis are lebanese uh you all three you are tied for number one thank you i appreciate that
but i have a question so let's say you start off as a as a you know as an influencer you're just
trying to build your uh you know your your network right and grow your following etc etc
and you build these relationships based on you being a genuine person right you're interacting
with everyone that comments on your shit um they feel your emotion through your your replies etc
and that's a majority of your following is built on that right but then one day right you grow so big
that one day you just start charging people for shit doesn't that kind of take away
from couldn't that kind of almost jeopardize who you were and what got you to the to the dance
right if you one day just start charging people for shit how how could that work well what do you mean
by charging people for shit do you mean for like content or whatever no but but you mean like taking
this things you were giving away for free and then all of a sudden charging for them or taking
something that you weren't giving away for free before it's adding into like me if i put the
course right at the top of my profile i wasn't ever giving that away for free i'm just taking
something i was already charging for well maybe more widely available well no so you're you're in
a whole different you know you're in a whole different kind of stratosphere than someone like
myself right obviously you've already been charging people for your newsletter for example and and
other stuff but for example me i'm not in any position to charge people for anything but let's
say right i've grown pretty well but since september 3000 followers right uh which is not bad
and eventually let's say i get big enough through this right doing this um posting about sports and
football and so on and so forth and they followed me and they've kind of continued to follow me just
because of obviously who i am right behind the relaxed um image right and and brands and then
eventually one day i get big enough to where i can charge people right let's say i do get a
subscription button or i do i get the ability to charge them to um look at a post or tip for a post
so on and so forth doesn't that kind of make me seem like a fraud because i'm kind of it just
kind of seems like what got me to the game i've kind of straight away from and now i'm just doing it
for money and that was the sole purpose of why i was doing it in the first place does that make
sense that's yeah it does make sense it's concerns i've had for myself before i think
it's an insecurity a lot of people have when they first start charging for things it's an insecurity
i still have i still feel insecure about promoting myself and selling things i think the way you
got to think about it and i like other people's opinions here was got their hand raised uh if you
lay if you're layering things on top and giving more offerings and and giving new opportunities
for people right relax you i'd say you're less of a sports analyst and more of a sports
personality if you start offering the subscribe button and you keep doing everything you're already
doing but now you can have like a subscriber only connection with people where they they
meet you on a more personal level where you put out more personal content the people who get
stuff for free they keep still getting the same free stuff but now you just offer a new way to
connect with you on a much more personal level i don't think that violates the i i'm going against
what got me here you know what i'm saying relax yeah i mean i guess but i also don't have 178 000
followers so it's a lot easier for me at the moment that that when i do interact with people like i
recognize people obviously you probably do too right but there is that special virtual connection
that i have with people that i reply to i mean if i just feel like that one day if i eventually
do get the ability to charge for a subscription or charge or you know accept tips for example i'm
just gonna and it is the insecurity you're right but it's just something that i have to kind of
overcome one day if i do get to that point it's just it is a concern of mine though that it will
take away it'll make me seem as a this genuine disingenuous person right we got someone on stage
who has monetized spectacularly well uh is running his own business works with a ton of
different partners we've got doug hype on stage doug hype good friend of mine you've heard relax
as concerns what are your thoughts here yeah i think that all the talk about this is fantastic
you guys are all thinking about the right way you care about yourself first your community and stuff
and um i saw someone talking about this actually yesterday that had a really good way to put it
um it's one of my buddies in web3 they talked about debt versus favor you can have debt with
money or you can have like you know debt with people and stuff right the way they think about
you you asking them of things asking favors of them and stuff or you can have favor of them which
means that like they like what you're doing you're doing things to support and help them you're doing
things that feel good to them right so i think to put it in a way that's very technical is you
want to have a lot of favor you want people to think really well of you to be around what you're
doing and to do that you don't want much debt you don't want to feel like you're asking people
of a lot of stuff so it's like a balance there needs to be some kind of like balance you have
that feels really good to you where you're like hey you know my name's alex and i have like a
newsletter and other stuff i sell but i'm giving crazy amounts of value to people all the time
and generating a lot of favor and people just really love it so um and then i also think
this out where i like make decisions about what i really care about like what are the people
going to want what do they what do they want right as opposed to feeling like oh everyone's in depth
to me just give me stuff so um that was a really cool way i feel like to think about it um is one of
my buddies from scandinavia i think that's maybe how they talk about it there but yeah you want
to have a lot of favor and have people like think really well of you and want to be part of what
you're doing like above everything i think that's a really good way to think about it where you got
to think about that balance relax i think if you're asking up for a lot more than you're giving
people will notice that but as long as you're giving more than you're asking for and there's
that balance that's 60 40 70 30 80 20 balance where you're giving way more than you're taking
i i don't think anyone will complain about it uh we got on stage dave the reply guy dave the
reply guy uh one of those anonymous accounts where he was just too good looking to stay
anonymous forever you replace the the anime character with his actual face with the perfectly
chiseled jawline dave reply guy what are your thoughts on the man alex every time i speak on
spaces now you always introduce me and it's always something to do with my my new picture
and my looks but i appreciate it i apologize for objectifying you literally every interaction we
have it's okay i appreciate it um i was going to share my thoughts because i was listening in
the space i saw the the title alex sometimes i feel like our brains are clicking on the same
wavelength because i put out a post about this today and i've been thinking about it a lot lately
and i i put out a post and i said i don't actively try to sell anything on x
and because i'm building a community not a customer base and i put out a post saying
basically like if you treat everyone on x like a customer you're missing the point of social
media um and i stand by that i think it's true i think the most successful people that make the
most money are the ones that deliver the most value and then sell on the side or like sell on
top um i'm not sure who's like still a fan or is a fan of like gary b but his his line when he
says like jab jab jab right hook is i think like the most true thing ever when you're selling online
and what he means by that is basically every jab is free value or free game that you're giving
someone and then the right hook is an offer you bring in where you prove your authority and you
prove who you are through all your free content and then you offer very little like you don't offer
as much as you give out free content if that makes sense um but yeah i'm kind of sick of
like what i'm seeing on x i'm getting sick of it with all the people who like after every post
they reply to themselves like hey if you also want to join my community with a thousand
newsletter subscribers and learn how to scale to ten thousand dollars a month like everyone's
obsessed with making ten thousand dollars a month i don't understand it but yeah it's frustrating me
it's disgusting it pisses me off so much i had to stop advertising my newsletter just because i
thought everyone else who was advertising their newsletter was so cringe and i didn't want to
advertise my newsletter because i i'd get looped in with all the absolutely cringe newsletter
pictures out there that are just after every single post join 18 other people who are reading
my newsletter who and they're all making ten thousand dollars a month like a guy will have 14
followers i'm making ten thousand dollars a month off my followers subscribe to my newsletter so you
can learn what i'm doing as well it's like bro how is everyone making ten thousand dollars a
month off their five followers i don't get how this is because everyone's ghostwriting for
everyone who's ghostwriting who's ever who's ghostwriting for everyone making ten thousand dollars
a month for everyone who has ai's ghostwriting for them yeah exactly that's the craziest part
that's that's the craziest part to me is it seems like there's a hundred thousand x ghostwriters
advertising their services on my timeline and they all somehow escape their nine to five through
ghostwriting first of all who's hiring ghostwriters to write tweets that's insane like you can't
just write your own tweets second like i just i don't even know what second is it just doesn't
make any sense to me how will all these people get are you guys ghost is there anyone in this space
right now who has a ghostwriter writing their tweets please request to come on stage if you
have a ghostwriter writing your tweets i'd love to be nice i'm not going to make fun of you i
am just you're going to make fun of them aren't you yeah there's nobody nobody take that bait
i'm going to be nice no take the bait take the bait or if you're a ghostwriter with many
clients i want you to come up to and i want to hear about the business i don't get it there's so
many okay we got a guy giving this sad emoji uh his his bios copywriter and freelancer let's get him
on stage how many people to go we got a space for him let's get him up uh we got i'll be honest
and say i actually write for two people but i never promoted myself for writing i have copywriter
my bio now because i realized it is technically like a monetizable skill but i have never ever
put out a tweet and saying like i make 10 000 a month writing i actually had a few people who
literally have seen my content for months now and they DM me and they're like hey man i just
really like how you write i have this project and i need someone to write some stuff for do you
mind doing and i said sure like i'll give you a quote and if you're interested i'm down but i
wasn't like pushy i didn't i wasn't a salesman if that makes sense uh let me let me make my
position blatantly clear before i start peppering you and kevin with questions here's my position
i am 100 for building businesses on x if people will pay you to do stuff i'm 100 for you i will
never knock the hustle i do it right i have a business on x i quit my job because of my
business on x i not only am for building businesses on x i encourage it a lot of my newsletters are
about how to earn money on x about how to build businesses on x i am 100 for it i just find the
whole ghost writing thing funny that somehow there's 20 000 ghost writers they're all rich
and it just that's just why and also the marketing as you said dave the marketing i find really
kind of obnoxious sometimes so but to get before i start peppering with questions here i just want
to make it one hundred and clear i'm not knocking the hustle i'm 104 i encourage you to
i hope everyone makes billions of dollars off x my brand is based on explaining to people how to
grow and build businesses on x so i'm not knocking it i'm very for it i just want to learn
more about it kevin how you doing bud i'll do a fantastic alex and i appreciate you for
having me on here how's everything going bro it's going well i am going in uh about an
hour from now to one of my favorite restaurants uh in the city i don't want to tell too much
about it because then people will come up and is it mcdonald's no it is a how much of this do
i give away oh mcdonald's is where he works i'll just say it's a persian restaurant that has a very
very very delicious unique steak and i'm very excited to eat it i go there once every four
months or so so i'm very excited for it that's how i'm doing i'm doing great how you doing kevin
i'm doing fantastic so i'm here i'm hearing that you have some questions for me bro
where are you from do you mind if i ask where are you from yeah hundred percent bro i'm canadian
lived in canada my whole life uh i was gonna say i like your accent i had a little southern twang
but i guess it's a little canadian twang so you're a ghost writer right am i am i getting this
correct your ghost writer correct how many clients you got oh my god it's somewhere it's
actually very close to it's not in terms of you know retainers but i have worked on a lot of single
gig projects before and you were saying that like now everybody seems to be a ghost writer and
you know it's a very competitive field to really be in you know there's 20 000 30 000
a very rich uh twitter not not just twitter ghost writers but ghost writers in general and i think
the market is actually huge for it because we have to also consider that there are email marketers
there are people who work exclusively on billboards i've done some billboard work myself i still work
at nine to five in my normal job and the reason i'm not willing to give that up is because i
actually am so for those who don't know i'm actually a poker dealer in my uh my regular
job for rich people and the reason where do you deal poker now you're talking my language
where are you doing poker um so i live in canada and i deal in the only caesars casino that we have
up in canada so you can do the research i'm not going to say the city name at the moment but
yeah i uh deal in private rooms for rich people and i've actually networked with people
uh in real life asking you know what businesses do i run i tell them about my business they're
intrigued so uh not only is the money really good as a as a poker dealer itself but again
there's the whole networking aspect i'm dealing for rich people so they're all about business
and that's kind of the area that you really want to surround yourself with so even if my
even if i'm making 10 20 grand a month online i would still really um
you know consider really leaving that place just for that aspect alone
what are you your ghost writing tweets is that one of your duties ghost writing tweets
so that's one of my specialties but i'm an open copywriter so i do so i do emails i do
newsletters i've done ebooks before and i'm open to everything i'm open to everything one of my
favorite things about actually being a ghost writer is the fact i'm able to learn about
certain stuff there's a lot of ghost writers out there who will tweet about one specific niche
but i'm able to write about absolutely everything one of my favorite projects was actually learning
about butterflies some woman she wanted me to promote her coloring book um theme page which
was all about you know capitalism butterflies and i knew absolutely nothing about butterflies
but when you actually go into the research you learn enough your game now i know more about
butterflies more than anybody here so you're researching all these people you're asking
them questions you're interviewing them and then you start that you start you write tweets for
all these different people yeah so again tweets is what i specialize in but i actually get a lot
more clients for um outreaching through dm's whatsapp telegram as well as emails interesting
okay and are they are they hiring you for a long time like are they around like like how long do
these jobs last interesting so i do have three retainer clients at the moments that are paying
me at a monthly basis i would say on average they would keep around for three months or so
a lot of the time their budget just isn't cutting it anymore plus i'm growing myself
sometimes i have to actually raise up my prices i've only been in the game for about half a year
now and you know i can't one of the biggest uh ways that you can actually ruin your businesses
when you're over delivering for less money that is actually worth it to you so a lot of the time
i'm not able to just keep up with uh what they're paying me because it's just not really worth it
for me anymore so kevin i i'm uh can i ask a quick question all right i need to ask questions
i was asking questions to fill the area go ahead kevin so surely llms are just you know
completely changing everything for you like how are you thinking about that i'm just curious and
i'm not saying it's gonna replace you and and i'm just super curious as someone who literally
what do you mean about what do you mean about that sorry well like chat gpt plus i mean how are
you coping with yeah so i'm actually subscribed to chat gpt plus and i absolutely love it as a
tool i don't use it all the time but it is a fantastic tool for really giving me ideas because
writer's block is such a real thing that i you know struggle with i tend to have a pretty active
life outside of x and my nine to five so a lot of my ideas and a lot of my storytelling actually
comes from just you know living the experiences but sometimes i'm very limited to what i could
really think of so the two tools that i do end up using is chat gpt and grammarly a lot of the
time so i actually welcome chat gpt and something that a lot of something that scares a lot of people
is the fact that you know um like chat gpt chat gpt is going to take over copywriters and i
actually think that's complete bullshit because you need to understand the reason why clients are
even paying you in the first place i've worked with clients before where they're not able to
run their twitter page so they hired me for the accountability aspect it's because i'm the one
who is now accounted who is now accounting for their account they're able to save time and some
of these businesses are making 30 40 000 a month so it only makes sense for them to be paying me
two thousand dollars a month on a retainer basis so again it's the accountability aspect you still
need to really be able to actually get the work done and automation in my experience isn't as
advanced as it could be at because it really is just a day and early on when i was actually
building my brand building my account i admit i was posting just stuff straight from chat gpt and i
got caught really quickly so what actually what i learned from that though is that there's no
authenticity with just using chat gpt so sorry i'm just running out of breath here no no i i
agree yeah i agree i what's interesting is i'm actually i'm using uh chat gpt plus specifically
gpts more now as thought partners and as advisors and coaches and less as content creators i'm finding
that just sitting down and writing emails like i used to write them and writing tweets like i
used to write them is just so much more authentic and it's actually faster but it but what i'm doing
way more of is building gpts with specific personas um and i'm talking like a founder co coach
for instance like i talked to that gpt a lot it knows my complete history um it knows everything
about me uh but i'm not having the right content as me um so i think that's that'll be interesting
to see how that plays out but y'all i'm pretty sure gpt five is going to hit this year
and i think it's just it's gonna change everything so i really don't know where we're going
i think so man and you know chat gpt four is definitely advanced like i'm paying for the
monthly subscription for it every single day it's an asset that i you know using my business every
single day and um you know what i'm really noticing with a lot of people that are getting
into ghost writing or any sort of copywriting of the sort is that it's it's very competitive
but they're also not really sticking to it so you know you could be writing chat gpt prompts
and asking all these questions for it and people will ask these questions but a very few people
actually you know you know apply the knowledge that chat gpt is giving them like do you
understand what i'm saying so you know i'm someone who's always working applying my knowledge
and i'm always able to really um get into the game and that's just going to make the field
and even if people do end up you know applying that knowledge it's just going to make the field
a lot more saturated now thankfully i'm really lucky that i started my brand uh like a week before
x even launched i remember it was still twitter uh back then interesting anyone else on stage
have questions for our ghost writer we have kevin on stage he's a ghost writer uh there's a lot
of people on x who say they're ghost writers make millions of dollars i don't get it i don't
understand it uh are these who are these i guess who are these people and i'm gonna throw it to dan
after immediately after this question just because i started asking it before he put up the hands um
who are these people asking you to ghost rate are these like executives are these companies
or are these just normal people looking to grow on x so yeah these are every single person that
i've written to these are all private brands that have written to um you know unfortunately
i haven't been able to really build the network up yet where i'm really able to scale at a really
high level but i don't think you necessarily need to do that either to be a successful copywriter i
do plan on having my own copywriting agency in the future where i do have a couple of workers
once i you know develop my brand and i think at that stage i'm able to really start you know
going out to these uh ceos and you know i just want to say real quick to put in perspective of
how much money some of these copywriters are making um a perfect example is the person
that's running the mcdonald's account on all social media platforms i'm talking x instagram
linkedin everything whatever they're actually bringing home 200 000 a month just from copying
you know for keeping the mcdonald's account going and that's just one of their clients
that they're working with so um and they have networks so i'm sure they're running other big
brand names that are under their authority so it's quite interesting um alex before i stop
finishing though i think doe uh doe hype had a question for me i could be mistaken
oh yeah sure i just had a question is like what is the secret when you're copywriting to um do you
have ways and styles that you can match someone's style or really connect with like the spirit of
what they're trying to do for like themselves in their brand interesting so just like the visual
aspect of it or really what i'm talking in my copy i guess i'll talk about a bit of both so
i have this you know particular style i do both long form and short form and i kind of like to
think of myself as a bit of a philosopher in that sense i like to um make people have different
perspectives in the way they think and um you know in the most positive way sometimes a lot of
the things that i say can actually be controversial but i think that also makes someone a really
good copywriter in fact is when they have that little bit of controversy um i'm trying to think
of an example right now that would you know get people talking i can't i can't think of one right
now but um in terms of writing style though i i just like to do um point blank so like there's
a space in between and it's actually quite a psychological thing here is that when you're
writing in that kind of style with a space in between with one line words it actually keeps
people engaged for longer it's actually been proven to work so um a little bit of tip there
for everybody okay i'm going to DM you i might need to hire you as my ghost writer but no one
will ever know whether it's me or you speaking yeah because he's a ghost that's right that's
i need a ghost for a ghost writer i mean that's obvious kettlebell dan you got your hand raised
what's going on so i can't believe it alex even though it literally says the space occupancy is full
i was somehow able to join the space and get on stage so i don't know that must have been a
miracle are you kidding me first i i specifically asked people that if you join this space and you
didn't dm me first like i asked uh i'm gonna sue you i'm screenshotting everyone in this space
right now i specifically asked do not join without dm me so far only one person dm me
and that's clifton aka legacy builder who's the only person dm me and said hey can i join the
space everyone else screw you screw you so well i will thank you again retroactively and i'll
have my two lawyer brothers get on your ass anyway my question for kevin this is great content is
like a this may be controversial but like the way the copywriters write kind of gets on my nerves
because then everybody else picks up on these tips that people share like oh make a space in between
and follow this format and then everybody starts writing like that and i immediately skip it
because it's annoying um how do you keep ahead as a copywriter or what tips do you give
that the whole world won't adopt and just find instantly annoying interesting i mean you're the
first person that i've you know ever heard some of them say you know it's really annoying like i
was saying back to the psychological thing people actually really like that kind of content it
just it looks very nice it keeps people engaged and um you know the reason i'm able to keep
people engaged is because of the first headline you're able to uh you know bring people with that
lead magnet or that hook in that first line but how do i guess it's not like the format itself
is annoying it's the fact that i feel like i'm being manipulated because i've heard people say
oh leave a space and the show more button better be at the very end of it of a cliffhanger and
you better have a really good hook and once i see all those things combined i'm like someone's
trying to manipulate me i'm out interesting i don't blame you i'd love to sell but they don't
like these for quotes
kevin we might need to uh let's talk after there's been a lot of people that came to me and said hey
you should start a ghost writing agency uh and i'm always like i don't know i don't feel like doing
that but maybe you can help me figure it out maybe we can do something together i don't know
if you decide to follow me i follow you maybe you decide to follow me who knows all right
my space and i followed you he's just a ghost you just can't see it
there's a ghost follow alex you've been amazing i gotta go make dinner so i'm gonna bounce go
uh i'm making fish uh like a nice white fish fried in butter like a tilapia yeah with some
rice and uh and some broccoli is gonna be good that's my dinner tomorrow tilapia with so
i love you all alex thanks for bringing me up aunty thanks as well take care everybody
oh it's good ryan take care my man always great speaking with you have a good one ryan
but yeah alex i just gave you back a follow i would 100 be down to you know work with somebody
you know my main niche really is finance and wellness so i think you know one of my one of
the favorite things i love about x and really just in general is you know the whole networking
aspect of things so um you know i consider myself as a solopreneur at the moment but i
do believe that if i'm looking to scale you know make an agency it's i'm really not going to be able
to hold myself as a solopreneur in the long end you know i i might see myself coaching but i don't
really want to do that either so i think you know building an agency would definitely um
be the way to go you guys might have just witnessed the meeting of uh the two biggest
business partners in the history of mankind here alex and kevin about to build the biggest
ghost writing agency ever i was shitting on ghost writing at the start i'm about to build
the biggest ghost writing agency let's fucking go bro i love this arty has your hands raised
we will i'm gonna i'm getting a nice steak after this space in like uh half an hour um but after
that uh we'll be in dms arty has your hands raised what's up yeah i just wanted to i mean
i'm gonna bring it back to what we were talking about before ghost writing um i was gonna mention
that uh i i i personally as like a consumer or as a people who like i i guess i have like fan
like i'm a fan of on x i personally enjoy being able to easily have uh something there where
like if they need support of some sort i'm able to give it to them and i'm not able i don't have
to go fishing for it looking for it digging it uh i just appreciate that because i sometimes you
know again when i when i uh when i have people that i'm a fan of i just think to myself damn like
if this person is working in nine to five and they're still able to come up with content that
this good imagine if some of us just start supporting this individual and we all just kind
of help this person quit their job so that they can go full time on this the content is just
going to be that much better uh so when when you think about like you know putting something on
your profile of you know things that you can sell i mean i would say have some like entry level
product that you can get people into your ecosystem and then you can start upselling them
while you're you know if that's what's something that they want but like i said i even just a
subscribe button uh i i i honestly i i like being able to subscribe to people people who i think
have good content uh and just seeing them come up with like greater content uh and and just
being a part of the team i don't know for whatever reason it's like what it's like being part of a
you know like being part of the green bay package or something when i subscribe to an individual it
makes me feel like i'm part of the team like i'm helping out uh and i'm contributing the best that
i can so i mean i that's something that i wanted to talk about uh you know before we started talking
about ghost riding so for anybody's out there thinking you know i don't know if that's
something i want to do you really shit because there's there's fans that want to support you we see
we see you uh doing your work and it feels good we like doing that so i mean i know that there's
other people that think like me uh what about a 300 product can i what if i put a 300 product
at the top of my profile to be sold is that is that uh kosher i mean if i wouldn't buy it
well see i don't want to buy it fuck you dude i but hold up i wouldn't i wouldn't buy it my
first product i would i would buy your first product like start easy my way because i've
actually talked to you before and i told you like yo you have a product i know that i can't get right
now but i want to and we discussed and i said yo just let me save up and i'm gonna get it i mean
so yeah i mean i would do it but i wouldn't buy it on the spot like that like oh shit
300 bucks okay let me save up so what do you think you think i should put like a $20 product up
there first yeah i mean something like that easy for people can start getting into the ecosystem
and start saying like hey you know what damn his his paid product is like this $20 product
is fucking good imagine when i buy that $300 product dude i'm gonna be fucking looking like uh
uh uh leonardo caprio wolf of wall street what did i sell for $20 i was thinking there's so
many things that go into um hosting spaces i was thinking about like writing like an ebook
with like uh just everything that goes into hosting and running spaces everything you need
to set up all little strategies for bringing people up and who you should bring up is that
an interesting $20 is that what do you think about that for $20 yeah that's because then
when you if you have an ebook like that and i read it and i'm still like yo i don't some
of this stuff i don't fucking get or like you know sometimes i'll read a book and i'm like okay cool
but i'm trying to do something different i wish i could talk to the author and then i could tell
them what my situation is and then they could tailor it to me a little bit more so like i feel
like that would be uh something uh that you know that's that's how you get people in you know they
they see your method they try to figure it out on their own and then when they can't they come
in and they coach and i think the cover your ebooks should probably be you eating an orange just
if you're taking recommendations someone made a clip of me eating oranges during my live streams
it was the funniest clip ever i got a fun i forgot a book market i got to find it was
the funniest thing i've ever there's just like a clip of me shoving oranges into my mouth
can we get more videos of you eating orange in the subscribe page if you listen if you
pay me i'll do literally whatever you want i'll do that listen if if you want videos of me shoving
oranges in my mouth you subscribe hit my profile click the subscribe button you get whatever you
want whatever you want i'll just do it and put it on video for you if you can show three oranges
down your throat in 30 seconds i'll subscribe full oranges or slices like three whole oranges
i'll fucking try it get cuties baby get nine dollars i'll do it for nine dollars i'll do
anything honey badger your hands raised what's up hey alex um before i say what i was about to say
like because we're getting into the topic of ghost writing i have a friend um he's arguably
one of the most successful long running um college recruiters he's also a cancer like football
college football recruiters he's also a cancer survivor um longtime football coach anyway um
he's looking for a ghost writer for his autobiography so if you guys know one or
our one go ahead and dm me and i will pass it along to him he asked me to ask actually um and
so would you write an entire autobiography i've done it before bring it on i'm looking wow yeah
he's looking yeah he's looking at so uh like go ahead and dm me and um whomever you know i will
send him the names and and try to connect you guys um it'll be a dandy too uh so anyways i
really like what eric just said and this is the most important thing and uh you know there's a
phrase that i use a lot and it really got me thinking is tiborio benne which i want for your
best benefit and i would say it's better to be a simp than a hater in that in that part in other
words i look for the beauty and everybody and what you offer and knowing that nobody has to be
perfect you're just offering you know um value to my day you know i i the more i found occasion to
understand people where they're coming from versus uh you know like picking apart what they're
doing or judging their you know nefarious intentions all that bullshit you know i really
think about um work ethic and so we also did a space yesterday called nine to five is a scan
and that really brings up a lot of points because a lot of people want to quit their nine
to five and you know become content creators and so when you but when you consider it then
okay so those of us who just come into space as a setter we have our dailies you know we have
our bad days and stuff um once you go full time you don't get to do that anymore there are no bad
days you have to be 100 you know on your game and presenting yourself you know and leaving your
situations at the door and it's kind of like you know be careful what you wish for you guys
you know when you consider how much work and the work ethic it takes to be um to actually be
a full-time creator and earn a decent income you know to be able to quit your day job
but then at the same time that's not hopeless is it because if you have a good work ethic you
i think you might have heard you guys might have heard the uh term before if you want something
done give it to a busy person you know people who are looking to be successful will find a way
just a couple hours a day or whatever you know create your content and and like move forward
you know connect with people that maybe um like like how do you say um your strengths
complement each other etc but more so than anything i think what the achilles heel of creators as i
have identified it is those people who complain those people who get jealous those people who
tear down other people and their um you know and their intentions for being on for being on this
platform in the first place it is those people that will never go forward and i really i highly
strongly recommend you know really look into what it what is a growth mindset and what that looks
like versus a fixed mindset you know the fixed mindset is spiraling down you know um whereas if
you're looking to learn and gain gain opportunities but with your heart in let's do this together
let's build something great you know and you have to kind of i don't have a certain love of
humanity i guess you know in order to do that am i a you know am i a full-time content creator
no you guys know i'm a nurse but it has been an extraordinary pleasure i have gained so much
from you guys i've learned so much you know i have gotten way more out of this you know this
platform and and from you guys um in inspiration and just in learning like different skills etc
than i could ever possibly give back and you know i would all i can say is that's made me really
happy with this platform especially just staying out of you know staying out of other people's
arguments and taking people where they're at and based on how they treat me versus
versus anything else you know and so that's all i kind of wanted to add in you know i mean
alex i'm happy to subscribe to you as long as i can as long as i can afford to etc um because
you give value to my day you make me laugh all the time you you know and you've been you've been
you've been kind to me you know you've been you've been a friend to me you know and so that's that's
all i care about um and so i thanks for letting me speak of course well first of all uh thank you
for being a good friend nance also second of all if anyone wants to be my friend if you subscribe
to me i'll be your friend no matter what so uh if you're looking for a friend nance we were friends
before you were my subscriber we were friends beforehand so you you grandfathered into the
friendship um anyone else if you are lonely and want friends just subscribe i'll be your friends
uh i probably won't answer any of your dms but you can pretend like i'm answering them or something
like that um but hey nine dollars is pretty cheap for friendship um bb i want to comment on
one thing you said nance that i thought was a good point uh be careful what you wish for you said you
said be careful what you wish for for being full-time i completely agree uh so i've been doing this full
time now uh for eight months eight or nine months um full-time like creating content on x
things like that uh and yeah you're right it is a lot more difficult than people think it is not
a dream come true it's not a breeze you can no longer have off days you can't just wake up and
be like i don't want to do anything you you are the only person in charge of your business um and so
you are going to feel an immense pressure every single day morning noon and night monday through
monday to be working and getting and getting shit done it is not as much of a dream or as easy as
you think be careful what you wish for it's it's been challenging it's been very very challenging
um so i'm also ever i'm also happy to uh answer questions and that if people are ever interested
um so yeah uh relax your hands raised what's up habibi was first but real quick you know those
little badges that are behind that are like next to your verified badge those like uh sponsorship
badges or wherever the fuck they are a fairly at once what if i like how do i create my own
how do i get one of them how do i create my own it's a thousand dollars thousand dollars and i can
create my own a month a month a thousand dollars a month yeah what's like the return and investment
on that well then the people that um affiliate whatever they you know they pay you to be part of
the affiliation per month and i guess the goal is to have so many affiliated offsets and then you
make money you're not supposed to charge people for your affiliate you're not oh no it's against the
term service yo but you get to look down on all of us that don't have that affiliate badge relax
you're better than us instantly we throw rose petals at your feet or one out of all right
let's be serious here for a sec how do how do you make money doing that well relax i believe you
get ad revenue uh spend like they give you an x amount of ad revenue on x that you can use
based on the affiliate level i think there's a cheaper level you know interesting but yeah i don't
know the exact amount i know it was like a thousand for the first month but i don't know if it's every
single month but that's not is that for the gold check or for affiliates in general just for the
gold check so that would be the main org the one that's paying a thousand a month you would get
ad revenue spend so the affiliate badges that you see around not the gold check is there a
difference there like in the terms of service how does that work yeah so you get a gold check on like
an organization account and then you can pay an additional $50 per account that you want to add
as affiliates so let's say like um the x account has all of these affiliates right all the employees
have the x badge every single um every single employee has like i mean they're paying $50 a
month extra for each um affiliate if that makes sense got it uh just real quick kind of risky always
to me but i experimented with the badge i paid a thousand dollars to get the organizational badge
because i wanted to see it's they promised like 4x boost to your reach it hurt my reach my reach
went down when i used it so uh for me it was not worth the $1,000 uh and it wasn't even close
to be quite honest with you um little breaking news here lynda your ceo replied to kettlebell dan
um two minutes ago and said uh let's throw down on a video space soon so ceo of x lynda yacarino
has confirmed video spaces are happening uh elon hinted at it earlier he said hopefully by the
end of the year but this is as much of a confirmation as you're going to get here um so everyone go to
the top hit that post i just pinned that has the breaking news and everyone absolutely assault it
with likes and retweets and comments and bookmarks uh so i get a little bit of a dopamine hit before
dinner that'd be a nice little dopamine hit before dinner if uh i got a bunch of likes there uh
habibi what's going on what's up what's up always a great pleasure being on your spaces
and being your favorite lebanese person or one of them um yeah i think really good right now i i tied
for first place for my favorite lebanese person they're all on stage right now habibi x habib and
relax are my three favorite uh lebanese people on all planet earth real quick alex real quick
there are a quarter billion people on this app and if i'm in your top three for most favorite
lebanese people lebanese people you know what i mean i'll take third i don't give a damn no no
you're tight you're tied for one you three are tied for one am i your favorite person with pink
hair yes yeah absolutely not your favorite community lead yes i mean you might as well
make the product i'm your favorite whatever as long as you pay me enough that should be
my favorite do an infinity gauntlet i have that product already listen if you want to be
liked by me if you want to be my friend if you want my admiration and respect go to my profile
immediately and hit the subscribe button right now there's 300 people that do it they have my
admiration respect if you don't pay me you do not have my admiration respect so it's up to you
if you want it uh habibi what were you saying yeah so i mean in general i think people struggle
a lot when they first introduce products to a public page but i think it is crucial those scammy
accounts is pretty obvious when you see them it's either like every single post they post
they'll link back to hey you could follow my tips and make a thousand dollars a month or a
day or whatever and it's like pretty obvious but if you just have it at the top of your page and
maybe once a week you link back to it and mention it in one of your posts i don't think
that that's scammy at all and it would probably be more appreciated by your audience that they have
another way to whether it's more exclusive access or an additional way to help you in your journey
and and learn and grow i think people would appreciate what product you're talking about
specifically you're talking about subscriptions well i'm saying if you want to add a product
or a product page on the top of your bio i don't think that that's an issue or is seen as scammy
it's pretty obvious when someone is scammy on this app whether it's through their dms to you or if
every single post has a link to something it's like pretty obvious so if you just have it at the top
of your page and you're concerned that people will look at you differently i don't think that
that's the case and if someone does look at you differently i think that shows more in their
character than anything because people on this app are trying to monetize and grow and we are trying
to introduce more and more creators to this app so you're going to see more of that shop pages etc
probably embedded within the app in the future so i don't see it as any issue
i uh you got me convinced after i get home from my steak dinner uh for the record i have high
cholesterol i should not be eating red meat um this will be the first time in like a week and
a half i've had red meat so i think i earned this one but this is dangerous if you don't
hear from me ever again after this dinner it's because i've died it's because i've died of high
cholesterol because i ate red meat with high cholesterol do you eat a lot of red meat alice
oh a ton i'm i uh before i got diagnosed with high cholesterol i was eating red meat
wait what was this every day what was i eating i was eating i had steak what were the numbers
um i gotta look it up i have it though i have i have high cholesterol i actually went eight
months last summer from march to about december i shit you not where i ate nothing but chicken
well like i ate other stuff but the only meat i ate was chicken well that's basically what
i've been in fish i'm having fish right now i didn't do it because anyone told me to i just
yeah it was good and what happened when you did it well i've always had like good cholesterol i
just did it for i read bad things about eating too much red meat right and i was like you know
what let's try not eating red meat so all i did was eat meals that were chicken base
right so like chicken caesar salads chicken shawarmas shout out to the lebanese um rotisserie
chicken right so if i wanted meat in my diet all i ate was chicken you know what i mean
and just didn't eat steak for seven and a half months kind of where diet reduces cholesterol
i've uh i've been getting advice i'll have to write up down for what i should and shouldn't
be eating but i cut out the red meat i'm doing a lot of fish and chicken now uh tilapia salmon
i had a little chilean sea bass chilean sea bass is by far the tastiest fish you can possibly get
i was eating that a few days ago oh absolutely delectable um so i have high cholesterol it is
what it is i'm eating steak tonight if i die uh tell my mother i loved her uh i gotta go shower for
that steak dinner but we got two more hands oh we got a third we have 2g on let's start with 2g 2g
what's up 2g yo alex fan what's good yo it's good 2g i don't even follow you let me follow you
wait is your name 2g or art it's art good did you just change from 2g to art good i did a couple
hours ago but yeah oh because it just it just i it said 2g i clicked on your name and then it said
art good i'm like what's going on here i follow you know what's up dude tell me about you what's up
my man well first off i just want to shout you out because you've been dropping a lot of jewels
on twitter and i've been following you for a while so just wanted to salute you for that
it's been very encouraging thank you i appreciate that art good thanks a lot yeah i'm following your
advice right now about being on spaces you know i'm saying um listen you're a natural speaker dude
you should be on every space you can be on you came up here i was expecting you know not
shakiness whenever i meet someone for the first time you came up you own the stage you should
be on every stage you can be on i appreciate that that's that's a goal i have to be able to
dabble more into these spaces but i'm trying to create that audience and my question to you is
what do we think about um articles coming because i i'm more of a long-form writer
uh i'm a i'm a fan i'm a fan of articles i'm a fan of i'm a long-form writer as well
i think it'll be sick uh to be able to write the longer form content write like a book if you want
and then sell it here i might that's what i'm thinking is maybe i write like a space as best
practices into an article and then gate that for like two bucks and sell it that way that
can be interesting but i'm a fan what are you going to write about what's going to be your first
paid article are good so this will be my second book my first book it was an autobiographical series
loosely based on my life now um well have you ever i've listened to this audiobook by 50 cent
hustle harder hustle smarter if you haven't checked it out already i recommend it
and i'm kind of inspired by it because it's stories from not only his life but historical
examples and but it's all sort of centered around a principle or an idea so i'm going to make this new
book less about me and more about principles and ideas and lessons i've learned i love that you're
gonna put that out on x yeah yeah i want to do it in articles i want to have it um like each
article be like a chapter and then eventually move into the book because i'll take feedback
from x and everything like that you know what i mean and then build on that and then when the
book drops i will have optimized it i want to be your first customer in line art send me
my man send me a dm when you put it out i'll buy it immediately man i appreciate that so much i
mean it's a lot yeah i want to learn your lessons i want to hear about your life arthur i got a lot
of jewelry to give yo like frill you might be surprised no i'm excited just went on your
website you talk about tupac i'm gonna go read that later tonight yeah unanswered questions about
the tupac murder it's been an obsession of mine so i decided to do something constructed
with it so i'll put out a piece about unanswered questions was it ditty yo read read it and get
back to me was it ditty tell me right now arthur was it ditty all right i'm gonna keep it real at
first i was skeptical about that idea but with all the new allegations i've had to um open my
mind back up to that the allegations are saying it was ditty that's what i'm saying so i i don't
i'm a little i think it's even deeper than that but he may have played a role
did he always came off fishing me he always came off fishy he always came off as kind of a scumbag
i was i've been suspicious of him for a very long time suspect for sure sus all right we got three
arthur great speaking with you i got a shovel we'll get through these hands really really quick
uh here's what we're doing i'm gonna go eric diaz i'm gonna go exa b but then when you relax
the last word of the space eric diaz go ahead yeah just quick request uh could you can we get a
picture of your meat on the sub space so we could see oh and i'm talking about the food you're going
to eat i already see some people in here wait what the fuck yeah i don't know what's going on
with fin fam man we're obviously just going to talk about a piece of meat that he's going to
eat all day and that i thought we were all you know when i say meat i don't want to see that
piece of meat you're about to eat uh on the sub because we haven't had a diary today and i was just
wondering you know for 9.99 i want to see uh the thing that kills you yes i will uh listen i'll
take the picture my meat is going to be subscriber only content later tonight if you want to see my
meat make sure to subscribe hit my face go to the subscription button my meat will be up
subscriberly content i'm going to send a diary outside to you i'll send that out as well
uh good idea at real eric thank you anytime you want hit me up and send it exa beam
uh yeah i was just gonna say uh you said what can you sell for 20 i was gonna say do an alex fin sound
board i feel like people would love that and then the other thing is if you do actually go
with the products on your page um i would say uh another subscriber benefit you can offer is
you can give a percentage off for subscribers for whatever products you have ooh i just have to
figure out how i would execute on that because i have no idea how i would do like a monthly one
where it changes every month and then if they want to they could just dm you or you could put
in whatever chat you have otherwise if people unsubscribe i mean you could keep it perpetual
but if someone unsubscribes they'd have the same code okay um all right i'll think about it uh
that's a good idea though i gotta figure out how to execute relax you got the final word
wow all right real quick alex i just wanted to shout you out because a couple days ago you put
me onto a dude right who's kind of in a similar space as me right um in terms of the type of
content he writes and you were like you know what even though we follow different sports teams and
but we're kind of still in the same lane you told me to go ahead and mirror that individual
in terms of the type of content he puts out and i did it for a day right i kind of looked at his page
and mirrored the same type of content obviously it's two different sports two different
sports teams but i mirrored it conceptually uh conceptually kind of put out the same content
same type of content but related to my team and my impressions skyrocketed right so i just wanted
to shout you out for that yeah 950 000 impressions that day when you messaged me and told me to
you know kind of follow this dude he kind of does the same shit as you 950 000 impressions that day
so wow so for those who don't know relax is a green bay packers content creator uh i i i love
him for our interactions on spaces but i think he makes great content i just saw a little gap in
his content i saw a gap i said hey you can be a little bit more like this other guy who makes
boston celtics content i gave him the framework he did something most people don't do which is
take action he took action he emulated the content now he's got 900 billion impressions in one day i
think he just said so that's uh that's pretty fucking fun dude but the real test is this weekend
dude i want to see you create content during the game you're gonna do it absolutely i'm gonna
be during the game i'm gonna be glued to my phone hey uh there are people that do have my
noties on and i'm very flattered that they do i can tell not anyone obviously in here but
people that are do are you know obviously fans of the packers and we're gonna put that to the test
saturday morning i mean saturday night right we're just gonna pump out fucking content during the
game just like that other guy and just really i love that level relax uh give the final word
to the uh the space what's what's your your piece of advice to everyone here my final advice
to the space is just stay true to yourself right don't don't let money get in the way
of what you love and what you like to do right stay true to yourself and the right people will
follow you along your journey right and everything will work out in the end