Dr. Death - Rialto Art Drop

Recorded: March 27, 2023 Duration: 0:32:28




Hello hello hello, mic check, mic check, how are we all doing? Good afternoon. Hello. Hello. We're good, how are you? Yeah, very good, thank you.
So good. Just leaving it a couple of minutes to let people drop in, but yeah, I think we can probably get started, pretty soon. Perfect. So yeah, we just tweeted it out. I'll quickly do it on LinkedIn as well.
That'll take cool. It took me a little while to hack into the main Zillika account. So on our Phil Drunk on Power. This is very exciting.
- Drunk on power, I like it. (laughs)
Cool, we're ready to make a start. Yeah, yeah, yeah, up that, yeah, just shout out Nick Dinsy, oh, good to go. Great, okay, so hello everybody, thank you
joining. I'm very excited to be here. My name's Tom Fletcher. I do some business development among other things for Zillica and with me I've also got my colleague Georgia
and I say hello Georgia. Hello everybody. Cool and then as well we've also got the wonderful Dr Death with us. You want to say hello Dr Death? Hi boom. Hello hello good to be here. Thank you very much for having us.
Great, thanks everyone. So yeah, so as well as working for Zylacur, I'm pretty into NFTs myself, but if I'm honest, I'm more into them from a kind of crypto perspective. If that makes sense, I wasn't really somebody that's
spent a lot of time thinking about or buying art before that. So really great to have some real artists with us today and understand a bit more about your background, how you got into an FTs.
some of the really exciting work that you've been doing and what's coming next. So yeah, so maybe we could start guys if you could just tell us a little bit about your own background in art and how you got into NFTs in the first place.
Yeah, totally. Yeah, thank you very much. It's quick as well. Thank you everyone for turning up. Really appreciate it. So good to see so many familiar faces from the club and also some new people which I hope you see converted very, very soon. So a bit about me and Jess.
background. We have 16 years of art study and professional practice between us, including two degrees. I've got a degree in Fine Up which I spent two years specializing in 2D animation and just... Yeah and I have a degree in fashion where I specialize in
sustainable fashion. Yeah, and we started working together really in third year, we moved in together in third year and we kind of started crossing over into each other's subjects and working out like ways we could help each other and share our theories and we were both influenced by quite similar areas of philosophy and
as art, so we kind of studied and started like co-working together. And it was also around that sort of time at university that we went into crypto and that then was like a really separate kind of interest and passion. Mostly, we were mostly interested in it on how it can affect the worldwide
financial system, especially like interesting like Adam Smith philosophy like an open decentralized market and we were like for us like crypto was the actual the actual answer to that that what was like theorized like a few hundred years back and then funny enough like Zillica was actually one of the first
that's Queen's that we invested in. I'll say investment like this was at uni, it wasn't exactly anything but it was like our first like bag of crypto was I think it was ill and ripple. I mean like the tiniest amount of all of those. Yeah, it was such a warm out but it felt good to like kind of have a get into it.
ecosystem. And then we, it's actually just coming up to our two year like Zilica anniversary, which is actually a couple of days the same as our railroad drop. But as soon as we start seeing like the crypto space shift into NFT technology and Zilica was doing that as well, we were like, oh man, this is the
perfect opportunity for us to bridge over our career into our passion for crypto. Yeah, and then since we were making NFTs, we were fortunate enough to get seen by the Sarge Gallery and we exhibited and sold the first NFT at the Sarge
Gallery, which is one of the biggest traditional art galleries in London. So that was that felt amazing. Yeah, that really wasn't an absolutely crazy one. I think because that was 2021 October. And then six months later we saw such a gallery we were actually starting to do NFTs on their own website. And so

FAQ on Dr. Death - Rialto Art Drop | Twitter Space Recording

Who are the speakers in the podcast recording?
The speakers in the podcast recording are Tom Fletcher, Georgia, and Dr. Death.
What is the background of the speakers in art?
They both have 16 years of art study and professional practice combined, including two degrees.
What subject did Jess specialize in during her degree?
Jess specialized in sustainable fashion during her degree.
What got the speakers interested in crypto?
They were interested in how it can affect the worldwide financial system, especially in an open decentralized market.
What was the speakers' first bag of crypto and what did it consist of?
Their first bag of crypto consisted of ZIL and Ripple, but it was a tiny amount.
What made the speakers want to bridge over their career into their passion for crypto?
The shift of the crypto space into NFT technology made the speakers want to bridge over their career into their passion for crypto.
Where did the speakers exhibit and sell their first NFT?
They exhibited and sold their first NFT at the Sarge Gallery, which is one of the biggest traditional art galleries in London.
When did they exhibit and sell their first NFT at the Sarge Gallery?
They exhibited and sold their first NFT at the Sarge Gallery in October of 2021.
Which gallery started doing NFTs on their own website six months after the Sarge Gallery?
Such Gallery started doing NFTs on their own website six months after the Sarge Gallery.
When is the speakers' two-year Zilica anniversary and what event coincides with it?
Their two-year Zilica anniversary is in a couple of days from the recording of the podcast, which coincides with their RailRoad drop.