Drake sick

Recorded: Feb. 7, 2024 Duration: 3:28:00



All right, all right
We take all for popping out. It is a Twitter space and we are here and yeah, hopefully everybody had a good day
Made some money. There were air drops all over the place things pumping Bitcoin stuff going kind of crazy
Solana shut down in the morning like I feel like we have a lot to talk about tonight
So we're about to get to it
Apologize, we're starting a little bit later than then I had planned. I just got caught up with something
But we're here and we are ready if you want to come up on stage click that request button in the bottom left hand
Corner and if you want to support the space click that button in the bottom right hand corner
Go to like comment retweet in terms of prices Bitcoin down point zero one percent today
Ethereum up two percent and basically no movement across the board
Up or down one two percent
Nothing really too interesting from the coin side. We'll jump over to
open C and
See what we got going on
D gods pumping a little bit here to three point two pudgies down from sixteen eighth yesterday to fifteen point seven
You it's also pumping at point seven eight little pudgies at one point five
Yeah, I'm not surprised that pudgies went down just a little bit today
I actually expected them to go more after people got their air drop
So it's actually kind of bullish to see them holding up like that shout out to the pudgies. Good. Imagine eating
Let's see we got here
10 saurians at 79 for Ghana's at five point six mad lads at 173 really not that much as same thing
I said yesterday not that much movement in terms of Solana NFTs, but if we go to Bitcoin
Dude, fuck me. These quantum cats are point two six. I did not get the allow list
Yeah, they make the fucking video that I want to run around looking for a cat
And then I wanted to make one on on public and they minted out
300 some of them in literally two seconds
So anyway shout out to anybody who minted that you made fucking eight thousand dollars that you minted for point one
That shit's almost point three. That's uh
Actually, you made you made more than that. You made it. I think like
Yeah, you made it. You definitely made more than that
What else is going on over here these fucking cats man these fucking cats?
I'm honestly salty because I did not get to mint it. So I'm gonna hold my tongue here just a little bit
Before I burn my bridges, but I'm shout out to oody and the team
They did a really great job and they deserve all the success. So they minted that shit out
I'm excited for the tap roots though. So we'll see what happens there
No monkeys at point one seven Bitcoin puppets at point zero seven and really the big winner
These are sick metaprotocol miners at point one two. That is insane
I know people who were airdrop five ten of these things. I mean talk about a big airdrop. You're talking $50,000
This is what people make in a fucking year
This is where like in dual income families make sometimes and people got them for holding puppets in their wallet only in crypto
OMB is sitting at point five four in
Ordinal rugs which have gotten a lot of attention recently are sitting at point two in Bitcoin frogs at point one seven
so that's the traffic weather report for the night and
Yeah, I want to just go through a couple things here before we before we let people on stage and we do have a sponsor for
Tonight as well gm.co and they're gonna be coming up here in a moment
But I'm gonna push you guys back just a little bit so that we can run up the numbers a little bit more and give you
Guys a good audience. So shout out to you guys. I appreciate you for supporting the space
and again guys click that button bottom right hand corner like comment retweet, so the first thing and talk about quickly is
Actually, I'll just bring some of my first up no problem
No issue there, let's see
Moment guys
Okay, so the first thing is Solana going down honestly
I expected that when Solana went down to look at a timeline see everybody in uproar everybody freaking out Solana down ten percent
That's not what happened
Actually, nobody really cared which is surprising now
Personally me on my end. Yeah, not really the biggest fan. I work for a Solana company and
It like made things very difficult today when Solana was literally down, but that's okay
You know, it's totally normal for a blockchain to go down
We were I think 20 days 20 days away from a whole year without it going down. So
Try to let's run it back and see if we can go a whole year now
The other thing obviously the quantum cats pumping heavily and this this dimension airdrop
Every pudgy holder essentially made five six seven thousand dollars depending on when they sold or if they hold whatever it might be
That is insane considering pudgies were six to eight grand maybe three months ago
So basically you're if you got in, you know
Earlier than just a couple months ago. You basically made all your principal back on an airdrop that is I
Was saying this the other day the new meta is going to be founders sourcing airdrops for their community
That's what it is because you don't dilute your collection
You don't have to release new NFTs and just go source fucking airdrops give them to your community and they're gonna do well
I'm telling you you're gonna see that that is gonna be like a standard roadmap item for projects going forward and
It's not gonna work most of the time considering it's very hard to get some of these airdrops
You're like, you're not gonna be a random project and go get a huge allocation of dimension for your holders
But if you think about it, there's 10,000 penguins each of them averaged six to eight thousand dollars, bro
That is tens of that's a lot of money
That is tens of millions of dollars injected into the pudgy community and you know where that money is gonna go when they sell that
Airdrop back into pudgies. They're gonna fucking sweep the floor
So I just I can envision quite a bit of price movement having to pudgies over the next couple months as some of this
Liquidity starts to take impact
But you love to see it and you'd love to see community holders that have been, you know
Buying something holding it for a long time getting rewarded as well. So
Love to see it too. There are a couple other things just to set the stage before we before we move on here
Oh, there's this big rune airdrop that's happening that Leonidas is kind of spearheading. So and then there's also this
This it's like from the ordinal rugs I think or it's from Saturn not from ordinal rugs Saturn on Bitcoin
It's a project and I guess the releasing the rug token is what it's called
And I got a lot of DMS that people telling me to pay attention to it
I don't know way too much about it and I definitely don't qualify for it
But it is what it is and here's one more thing in Bitcoin before we before we go before we actually get to this
The the ethereum ETF was also pushed back
I think they're going to just delay it into the last possible moment exactly like they did with Bitcoin and that's totally fine
more time for me to DCA
So Bitcoin ETF see 700 mil net inflows as blackrock fidelity gains offset or the gains offset the grayscale BTC outflows
So I do a lot of traveling. I'm
Probably in the airport. I probably take like three to probably like five to six flights a month at this point
I've been doing that for a while and every airport in the United States whether it's in fucking
Florida or in New York or in LA there are grayscale Bitcoin trust
advertisements everywhere
Everywhere you look it's GBTC and these amipers have been dumping on our heads since as ETF got accepted
So new US Bitcoin ETFs have amassed 7.7 billion in funds. Sorry. Let me plug in my phone
Also Michael Saylor they they announced today that they purchased like another 30 million dollars in
Bitcoin to now they have a hundred and ninety thousand Bitcoin, which is nearly 1% of the total supply
So that's that's pretty nuts
But yeah new US Bitcoin ETFs have amassed 7.7 billion in funds since debut
Offsetting the 6 billion in outflow from incubates according to coin shares data
So Bitcoin focus investment vehicles received more than 700 million in fresh money last week as inflows to new spot Bitcoin exchange traded funds offset
abating outflows from grayscale's flagship fund
GBTC asset manager coin shares reported on Monday blackrock managed I BTC infidelities
FBTC the two clear leaders among the newly issued spot Bitcoin ETFs booked nearly
884 million dollars and
674 million in weekly inflows respectively both figures were slightly higher than the week before in dollar terms
meanwhile investors withdrew some
927 million from GBTC a notable drop from the previous week's two point two billion dollar bleep
Which is just nuts to think about that much money being poured into the market or removed from the market rather
Data highlights a significant reduction in momentum of these outflows in recent weeks
Outflows from existing Bitcoin funds like GBTC have been a source of concern over the past weeks as spot BTC
ETFs started trading in the US on January 11th after a short-lived wave of withdrawals mostly related to profit-taking in FTX selling
GBTC holdings outflows have been slowed while inflows the new entrants remain consistent as the end of the last week the new Bitcoin ETFs have
amassed 7.7 billion in funds more than that offsetting the 6 billion from outflows
And Solana which managed a remarkable comeback last year with a tenfold price. Okay, that's just an advertisement bucket
actually the advertisement on this
This is from coin desk. The advertisement on it is actually grayscale Bitcoin trust. So
They they are I can't even imagine how much money that they're uh
That they're actually spending in just in marketing
Okay, so in regards to Solana and then we're gonna get into the next thing here
So Solana as you guys know went down today
Let me see here. The halt actually came nearly a year after Solana's network last outage on February 25th
2023 so again just 20 days short of
Going a whole year the Solana mainnet beta is experience of performance degradation
A block progression is currently halted core engineers and validators are actively
Investigating laying a Solana validator set in an X post when the problem was still going on core engineers said they identified a fix
And we're building a new version for validators to upgrade and network validator
That's what they were saying in a follow-up post
They mentioned that validators had begun generating snapshots using their local ledger state or the most recent data from the outage to prepare for a restart
The new validator software release includes a patch to address an issue that caused the cluster to halt said the Solana foundation
Which maintains the network?
Validator operators should prepare for an upgrade and restart of the network
Validators are entities that utilize computing power to maintain a blockchain and process the transactions and snapshots refer to an exact copy of blockchain
Data at a certain point in time
So node operators were informed on Solana's discord channel that failure to operate
To upgrade to the latest software would result in the loss of delegation status for the Solana blockchain
This means that node operators would stop receiving rewards and the network may become less secure as nodes will be less distributed
so anyway
Yeah, that's that and then also there was um, I think there was issues with dimension to
Where like there were they like failed to reach consensus or something like that?
So there's I mean, there is a wide variety of topics to discuss today, but quickly I want to throw it to Naveen Naveen
What do you think about the Solana outage?
What I'll say is I think that building these kind of systems is really hard and so I think it's very easy to fight
when something goes wrong
in our industry and
There are a lot of things that I may not agree with
The Solana folks about
And you know, you know, my feelings generally speaking of you know with regards to proof-and-stake systems
but I think it's really like
unfair for people to
you know crap on
You know a group of people that are objectively working like really really hard to build something that they think is cool
And and obviously many others in the Solana ecosystem think is cool
So, you know, I could sit here and fight all day for like a million reasons
But I choose not to because I think that's just deeply unfair
And what I'd rather do is I'd rather express my support
To the Solana community and the Solana Foundation and all the developers who are working very hard on Solana
Because I think that they are making important contributions to the space
and I think I would urge everyone else to just like take a pause and take a breath and
Do the same because again, you can just sit here and fight each other all day and root for different blockchain religions
But I think the contributions that the Solana team and organization have made are undeniable. So that's my statement on Solana
Well, I was boring
Naveen I expect you come in with the heat but actually I agree with you
I mean, I mean look, you know, if you want me to be like, you know a little pokey at it
I could I can be a little pokey. I can be a little pokey leap. I mean look
You know whenever you design a system
You know where the entire state of the blockchain has to be managed by you know
By like a set, you know group of node operators
And you have this distribution scenario where like such a huge percentage of the supply is controlled by a small number of you
know, largely small number of people
You know, I think
You know these kinds of things tend to happen, you know
So it really just calls into question like how truly decentralized Solana is
You know, what are really like are these architecture decisions the right ones?
You know, those are kind of the questions that kind of come up when this kind of stuff happens
And you know everyone will have a different opinion if you had Mert up here
He would you know be super agro and be like when the V and of course it's the right decision, you know
Of course, you know, here's all the technical reasons. I believe it's right decision
But then you could have a you know, Bitcoin developer developer up here
Who would be you know saying the exact opposite thing?
So I just think it's like not productive to yell at each other, you know
I just think it's not productive and just to acknowledge that you know, it's Solana
They call it a beta mainnet for a reason like they call it a beta. They've always branded it as a beta
beta software implies that it has bugs and it's not perfect and
You know like it is what it is. I mean, that's that's the best thing I could say right now without just being like a total asshole
Now I mean look I agree and actually it's it's in my dream to get Mert up on this stage, but I feel like he hates me
Look, it's not my fault that I said blast l2 was better than Solana. It was a joke. It was a joke
But actually I thought the the reaction on the timeline today was quite mild again
like I expected when I when I woke up and I had our slack was filled with notifications of like
Like the RPCs are down and like hurry like everything's need to reset blah blah blah
It was in a shit show and I expected to go to the timeline and see everybody in uproar and that's not what happened
I actually did not see that many people talk about it and I
expected a theory and people to dunk on it heavily and maybe my I don't know maybe my
Timeline is mostly dominated by Solana people at this point
But I didn't really see that much if any dunking
People were pretty excited today about the dimension airdrop for pudgy penguins and the quantum cats going 3x
So that basically dominated the timeline and then the one thing that we haven't even mentioned yet
D gods D gods are mixing shit up again
They're throwing their you know
their finger in the pot and they're doing this whole wormhole thing and I'm assuming that there's gonna be an announcement tonight the guy I
Have no insider information, but I'm assuming there's gonna be some announcement tonight and knowing Frank. It's gonna be
1159 p.m. Pacific and then he's gonna jump in the space and start cooking
So if you guys are excited for that stick around I have it might not happen who knows
It might not happen, but you know, that's really interesting, too
I don't know too much about wormhole
But people are theorizing that everything's gonna be like cross
Omni-chain and you two are going back to the soul and Cardano and whatever the fuck
So well, I mean wormhole is just another omni-chain tech like axel are or layer zero, right?
Like these are all people who are effectively competing in the same arena and you know, they're different technical implementations
You know different like opinions like if you talk to the axel our guys
They'll you know
Give very strong points of view on why they think they're better than layer zero and you know
Honestly, like you know, I'm friend friendly with the layer with the wormhole folks, you know
If you talk to Tony over at wormhole, you know, he'll give his own, you know points of view as well
And so what I'd say is that you know, there's multiple people who are trying to fight for this omni-chain
You know sort of perspective which is really if you think about it, it's really about obfuscating
This like complexity that exists with dealing with many chains like an omni-chain future the way it would work as
Developers would stop paying attention to developing for specific chains. You would abstract, you know developing for like a specific chain
and you know if you want to for example like buy a mean coin on a chain where you don't currently like
have any, you know liquidity you could literally just like hit the buy button and
something like layer zero or
You know arguably wormhole would enable you to execute that transaction in a single TX cross-chain
So the goal of all that technology is to make it, you know
A hell of a lot easier for people to just like do what they want to do
Versus today, you know
You have all this like friction with all the things that you kind of want to do if you want to do things in like different
Ecosystems, so that's kind of the purpose of it. Now. Everyone knows that I'm an angel investor and layer zero and
I'm always gonna fight hard for the layer zero point of view because I think it's the best tech in the world for this
Particular purpose. I think it's you know, meaningfully superior
to the other tech
You know wormhole got hacked, you know a while back for an enormous amount of money. I think that's kind of a stain
That will kind of be there for a long time to come
You know and honestly like, you know, I have like my feelings about the gods too
But I'm excited to see what Frank does because I'm always gonna root for entrepreneurs in our space
I think everyone should be rooting for builders. I
Think that's a pretty balanced take
and I definitely agree and
You know Frank is definitely somebody to not count out and I'm just mega bullish on him
So whatever they end up doing I'm excited to see what it is. So good take to me and pretty definitely agree
Nice toad. I see you on muting. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Yeah, cuz I was gonna say something else
But then you guys are talking about wormhole. I got done talking to one of the devs earlier today
And he said this to like keep a low key
Maybe some of you guys already know but he just said to use it to use it to pass
You know tokens from one chain to another obviously you guys know that there is a airdrop
Happening and again, he is I
Won't say names, but he's he works on the dev
of doing the airdrop
So he just said, you know to keep the alpha obviously like low key
But at the end of the day, all he said is just use the the dap on
Transferring tokens one way to another from one chain to another and that should farm airdrop. So yeah
That's a key note for everyone
Okay, also love the PFP
Well, look I'll throw it over to you to em low we'll go Nick and then we're gonna jump into the next segment here
I'm low. What's up?
What's up?
It everyone's talking about Solana going down and now it's like my forecast are going down
I think like on the far casters side, it's kind of bullish that like that a lot of
Different people actually coming to the platform. I think it was more than like we chat
compared to like
Other platforms that are not getting as many users
I think they were saying that so fight the other day gets like 3,000 daily active users. I'm sure that
That warp cast and far cast are far surpassing that
I did see that that park astor went down
All I know is that thread called me today and fucking frenzy saying dude, this is the future like he he was just so amped up
Like this is a future like leap. You don't get it. Like you just don't get it. Like this is the future
I keep saying I get it. I like it
Anyway, it was the whole thing
Also, happy birthday Mika. Oh
Well, that was like a week ago, okay
Leap have you ever seen that curb your enthusiasm episode where he's pissed because
Ben Stiller is having a birthday party two weeks after his birthday. He's like no three days. That's the limit
Otherwise you missed it. It's next year
Bro, I wonder why Nick Nick you wonder why you but you always just like jump in and tell me Ben Stiller stories
They're like out of Sandler stories. Like there's so
Solana that's very interesting and I wrote it out for you. So it'll be nice and cohesive and short
Okay, I'm ready for nice and cohesive and short. I'm like Drake's dick. That was on the timeline today. Anyway, Nick
All right, so
Healing a mobile hotspot withdrawals were unaffected for me, but I think it's cuz I was at the track during the downtime
So really everything was only five up. I
Have some good news for the salami blockchain folks. I landed my first business high times Berkeley to install a hotspot
I have a thread on how I made the pitch but the pitch is pretty simple. You offer a free router and
you give them $20 a month for a public network that his customers connect to and
He lets me mine from his modem. That's pretty awesome
Helium mobile hotspots are no longer just sitting in my bomb's basement. We're actually distributing the internet. So that's exciting
having said that I have
$13,000 of
Stranded inventories inside to commit to a bulk order of outdoor helium antennas when they were out of stock
These are dangerous because there are nine decibels instead of three decibels like the indoor ones
So the antennas are eight times stronger due to the logarithmic scale. None of this is Chachi BT. It's croc
This means it's not safe to be within 16 feet of the outdoor antennas
That's my calculation because it's not safe to be within two of the indoor ones. So I
Also mailed four indoor helium hotspots to my best friend. Mr. 400
We ran track together at Berkeley. He was a thrower
All right
Because we mined Bitcoin at a loss in 2014
We mined proof of work ethereum at a loss in 2017
So we're looking forward to taking our ten years of mining experience out to Solana to see how much more money we can lose
my deal with friends is 5050 split on earnings you provide ISP and
18 watts empowered and we divide the helium evenly and each hotspot earns me roughly
$70 a month passively they cost me 249. So
If you do the math, that's a four-month ROI, which is ridiculous in my opinion
Even if we split it eight months is still a very good return and then as for the phone lines on helium
There is a $30 referral bonus that expires tonight
For each phone you get so basically 60 bucks if you're referring yourself
Daisy chaining phones and this is great if you have
Five or six extra androids or iPhones for Best Buy that you picked up
Now final thing I'll say is you do technically need a new phone
Since helium checks to make sure each account is on a separate IMEI
international mobile equipment identity
Okay, well shout out to the international mobile equipment identity my favorite type of identity
Well, look Nick, I appreciate the take look we have a ton of hands here and but you guys are gonna have to wait a little
We're going into a sponsored segment. GM. Co was was more than you know, gracious enough to sponsor our space for tonight
So I appreciate them. So you guys are gonna have to wait 20 to 30 minutes, but I fucking love you. Yeah. Thank you, Nick
See it's Nick's fault that none of you guys got we had to learn about his friend. Yeah, I had chicken for lunch
Let me go through my whole day
Wait, but now we know about his friends from Berkeley though
I feel like I've I've just grown a little bit about as an individual. Look, I appreciate you guys
I fucking love you
But we're gonna go and move into this segment and I'm gonna run this space for a few hours tonight
So trust me, there will be more than enough time to learn about Nick's childhood friends
Look Ray, I'm going straight to ya
Talk to me. How are you doing?
Hey, man, how's it going? Um, yeah, I'm doing pretty well. Thanks for having us on
You know, you said you're gracious and you're thankful for our sponsoring but honestly, we think you do great work man
So I'm a fan of the space as well. So yeah, thanks for having me on
Yeah, of course, of course. All right, talk to us. Let people know what GM co is like what what's going on?
yeah, yeah, so
Jim don't code we launched the
The beta version of the site last year around March and we're basically a decentralized
platform for goods and services
You can think about it as a like a similar business model to something like eBay
But instead of like a centralized entity like eBay facilitating transactions using like normal fiat currency
We just take like transactions on chain
So as you would, you know buying an NFT on like blur or on OpenSea or whatever, you know
Everything is executed on a contract level on Ethereum or on whatever blockchain, right?
We basically take that concept and apply it to like goods and services
So if you wanted to buy a pair of Jordans
You're able to do that directly with with the seller and the funds go through the contract without any like third-party intervention
And it goes directly to the seller
And and there there are obviously benefits to doing this
Like, you know, there's like hundreds of fake reviews right now, you know
There's a fake reviews are pretty much like a pandemic level problem for e-commerce, right?
So if you go on an Amazon listing has like 4,000 reviews, you don't know how many of those reviews are actually genuine
whereas like
Because of these transactions happening on the blockchain
we're able to kind of audit these transactions to see whether or not they're actually legitimate like if you see
Someone's wallet paying another person to buy something and then that money goes back into that same wallet like a day later
That's that's obviously, you know, like very like you can audit those transactions in a very transparent manner and we think that
crypto has always been
Lacking some kind of like you like crypto is great
Like you can do defy with it you can farm you can deal farm and there's a whole bunch of stuff going on all the time
But you know
It's crypto currency and and the second part of that word the currency part means that you should be able to reliably use it as currency
And buy things with it. And we're hoping that you know, GM kind of you know
What what it's not gonna fix the entire problem
But at least we think we're a part of the solution to kind of drive that
Narrative forward to give you know crypto in general more utility
From like a technical aspect was difficult to do this
Um, I think I think the tech aspect was was a little bit challenging because there wasn't anything
It's not like you can just you know
It's not like Shopify and then you can just build a Shopify store
Marketplace around it, but I think you know some some of those tenable challenges we learned a lot
You know because like even even with without choice to actually build on aetherium
It's actually come back to bite us a couple of times already with like, you know, every every single times is the shit coin season
Transactions fees spike so like if you're buying something on open see if you're buying an NFT
I think a lot of us are decent like what we're kind of desensitized. We buy an NFT gas is like 30
We just full send it right? We're just like it doesn't matter, you know pay 30 bucks to buy an NFT
but if you're paying $30 to buy
Something that's $100 then all of a sudden does it doesn't make any sense, right?
So, you know like like you guys were talking about earlier
Just like the different blockchains that are available right now and and kind of like where we're heading into the future
Whether it's Solano or aetherium or avalanche or any of these any of these chains, you know
Like there's obviously going to be challenges building on these kinds of ecosystems
Especially with the theorem with with the gas being as volatile and as expensive as it is
so I think that's that's one of the main challenges and then you know army chain solutions or like using a
L2 solutions and stuff to solve some of these problems is what we're looking at doing
But I think I think the gas fee aspect of it is a little bit challenging
Wait, so did you mention you are using any L2s or anything like that or no?
no, we're talking to
A couple of different parties, you know, some of the some of the big else who players on aetherium and also we're incorporating a
Couple of EVM compatible chains coming. I think I think in the next like two to three months
We'll have like a couple of chains come on that would be like EVM compatible
so so where we're basically reaching out to different kind of like
You know L2s and also different EVM chains to kind of bring them on to kind of like, you know
Try and address the gas-free solution. We spoke with a zero as well
Regarding some of the stuff. So we're kind of planning around the fact that aetherium is probably gonna like, you know
Aetherium will will solve some of its problems going forward
But like the the aetherium roadmap is very very long that we're looking gears
Before sharding comes and a lot of these solutions actually like that help reduce gas fees
Those are not going to come online for quite some time. So we think looking into L2s and stuff like that would definitely help
But yeah, I mean, I mean building within aetherium and having high gas fees. It's just like it's just you know, effective life these days. I
Think I had said this in his face recently, I think that in 10-20 years
people will look at building on main net ETH as a little bit archaic and I think a lot of things will probably shift to
Just like more L2 so on and so forth the problem is right now
It's so obfuscated and it's it's difficult to pick which L2 you're gonna work with and there's a lot of pros and cons to each of them
I mean, what's your take just overall on maybe like Solana not versus ETH but just in general as an alternative for lower gas fees
Yeah, it's actually interesting you say that because I you know
Obviously we were discussing what you guys were discussing about how soul had like a bit of a downtime
You know that the network went down and how like you expected kind of more fud on your timeline because like previously
You know, we've all kind of gone through it
We all we all see the memes like Solana's, you know, like pretty notorious for like being quite unreliable for uptimes
But but like, you know this time around there wasn't that much of a reaction and I think that that's probably due to a couple
Of reasons. I think the recent comeback of Solana is pretty big like the 10x kind of like, you know back from the
The bottom of the barrel kind of thing and coming back like really strong
Even a couple of my buddies that were like ETH maxis like they were aetherium all the way
They only bought aetherium entities. They only held aetherium maybe, you know a little bit of Bitcoin here and there
Because of like Solana's public publicity recently, they have actually bought some Solana themselves
So instead of being a hundred percent aetherium, they might be like 8020 or something now with a bunch of shit coins in between
But I think because people that I know personally like, I mean, I think a lot of us do hold Solana as well
So, you know, we become more understanding as you have kind of like a bad code of bias
But I think Solana is is one of those I mean like gas fees don't really go away, right gas fees
Inherently is like a feature of a blockchain like, you know validators need to get paid right to actually validate and actually like
You know run a node and get rewarded for that
So, you know like the problem gas fees is always going to be there
So I really think the way that aetherium is is kind of addressing the problem with like, you know
Going all in in terms of like fostering L2 ecosystems and whatnot. That's that's like I think that I'm a big believer in that
But you know, like you said with the amount of L2 solutions that out right now like arbitrum optimism polygon
Like which one of these will actually win out?
You know, like your guess is as good as mine
But like I'm I'm more than comfortable kind of placing bets all around and if one of them ends up winning the race
Then then it should cover all the you know, all of the other losses or whatever it might be
But I still think because there's so much volume and so much activity on aetherium
I think there's this kind of space for like multiple L2s to pop up with like, you know unique
Ecosystems that actually facilitate facilitate different things
so like one might be like a gaming kind of L2 another one might be more financial services base and another one might be
For like, I don't know what it is
Maybe for commerce or whatever it is, right?
So I think I think more kind of specialized L2s might come out with like different kind of like marketing points
I guess you can call it
And now you have things like Celestia and monad and then bear chain coming around the corner
There's just so many so many different options. I mean, what's your take?
Even just like on Bitcoin just with everything happening in ordinals. Have you thought about exploring into that or what are your thoughts there?
Yeah, it's pretty big a because you know our project our NFT project is aetherium, right?
So we're building on aetherium
You know for one of those reasons is because a lot of our community and a lot of our holders are already based in ETH
But you know, I've been in crypto since probably like 2013 or 2014
So I've been around for a while. I personally hold like, you know a fair amount of Bitcoin
I would say like I hold mostly aetherium these days, but like I do hold some Bitcoin
so like I'm a believer in the fact that
Bitcoin is quite an important cryptocurrency in a lot of sense
but like the the way that ordinals kind of blew up kind of just signifies to me that
Once they're like because because before with Bitcoin you couldn't really do much with it apart from like just sending it to someone right and
The moment like ordinals was like, you know that that became like a reality
It's like all of this liquidity all that all these all this kind of like locked liquidity within Bitcoin
Now all of a sudden people can actually do shit with it, right?
They can buy ordinals and they can like, you know transact and then do a bunch of stuff with it
So I think I think having those kinds of
Kind of breakthrough features is quite important for any chain
But I think you know
I personally think aetherium's probably got them
Well aetherium does have the most developers and I think they're probably leading in a lot of like areas in terms of like innovation and whatnot
And driving forward like different uses, you know
Like with GM being you know, like a pretty good example of that
Like we're building on ETH and we're trying to like build a commerce platform that hasn't really been seen
You know in any kind of crypto, I'm like, you know, there's like defy but there's no like the commerce, right?
So, you know, and then the reason I asked about Bitcoin is because exactly what you said
It's finally given, you know, a large percentage of the community something to actually do with their Bitcoin, which is
Trade it for for pictures or projects or community-based things that they want to engage in
And I think a big problem right now in crypto or not necessarily a problem
But just the state of it is that there isn't that much you can do with crypto
You can kind of just obviously payments transferring that's all amazing
Salt frontier of your assets all of that stuff
But if you forget all the basic things right now people basically just they trade their crypto for more crypto or they trade it
For a shit coin or or for whatever
So anyway, I'm on GM co right now and I'm just checking it out. So you guys have like men's wear
Women's wear gift cards like watches bags shit like that
Furniture fucking buy furniture. I even see that you have like Spotify premium ladies, so
What is it Valorant skins?
Or is this Valorant gift cards? Okay, so what's the what's the thought process here?
So it's just like I'm on the website and there's like a lot of things popping out at me
I see like playstations this and that like what's the what's the overall vision?
Yeah, so like I said earlier, I mean we well at least I personally I'm a big believer in the fact that
You know like like you said with ordinals
I think that's a pretty good analogy like before there wasn't really much you could do a Bitcoin apart from just sending it
To someone and the moment like an app was built for Bitcoin that you can actually like it not not an app
Sorry, like them the moment
Like ordinals enabled the fact that you can actually like buy and sell these like collectibles or other things on Bitcoin
Like all of a sudden you can kind of like see the kind of explosion because it unlocks that amount of liquidity
We like I personally see it as like, you know all this crypto right now
It's mostly speculation like if you're holding a coin, you're not really using it for much, right?
Apart from like a lot of times you're just speculating on on the fact that the the value will probably be higher like a year
from this point, right
and that's like
It's a strange way to think about it because the way I think about it is if I'm buying aetherium
I'm actually buying like computational power, right?
So I think about aetherium like this big massive computer
That's you know decentralized and when I'm whenever I'm buying aetherium
I'm buying like a part of that computational power that I would use in the future, you know as gas fees or whatever
But whatever that might be, right?
whereas like there just isn't that kind of like
Like for for for for NFT sure but like for like goods and services to actually facilitate the transaction of that
Right now you kind of have to go through
Some kind of centralized medium like a coinbase or a Binance in order to kind of off-ramp your money into fear
So that's quite an inefficient way of like processing transactions
Whereas like with us we want to kind of just make it available and and build a platform around like products like stuff that you'd
Just normally find right like your iPhones
Your you know, you're like your PlayStation gift cards or if you want to buy a new computer or like some clothing
We you know anything that you you should like you should reasonably want to buy
We want to have those things on on GM and and that's kind of like where we're coming from
And and like you said if you come on right now, we have over a thousand listings
We've been kind of like chipping away at that on the on the business development end
And getting people to kind of list things on the platform to kind of get it kick-started
We had a partnership with with pudgy penguins. They did some auctions on our platform as well
So, you know, it's it's kind of like first we want to target NFT
Holders and also people that already have cryptocurrency and then that's kind of like we were thinking what kind of goods and services kind of interests
You know these kinds of people within this demographic, right?
so we're thinking you know, like sneakers or like other collectibles like Pokemon cards and
Digital products like gift cards, you know that you can you can you can buy a gift card
You can be anywhere in the world and you don't have to worry about shipping and all that kind of thing, right?
So like all these digital products as well
We were trying to bring like things that are relevant to the crypto community on the platform
So people who actually have a place to like look at stuff and be like, okay, you know
I made some money with my latest airdrop
Maybe I can spit I spend like $2,000 or like, you know
Whatever it is to buy a new computer on GM, right and you don't have to go through that process of sitting at the coin
Base and all that stuff you can just buy it directly using a theorem
Yeah, I actually kind of fuck with it, um, I I'm even looking at the the website here and um
I mean, so for my understanding is people just list right? It's like the equivalency of like an eBay type thing
and the problem is like a lot of times when you're I
Guess my question would be on like of the tax side
So right like if you were to pull money to to coin base and do a swap there
You're creating a taxable event or if you send it to your bank, whatever whatever when you buy directly with crypto
How does that work from a tax front?
Yeah, so this is not not financial advice obviously, but like obviously different countries have like different
Regulations and then legislation regarding tax
But a lot of the times when you look at what's kind of like commonly accepted these days as kind of like a golden rule
It's like when there's that the taxable event happens when you when you sell it, right when you convert it into fear
That's that's kind of like when that taxable event happens
So if you bought I don't know if you bought Solana at $10 and then you cash out of Solana now
Like let's just say you sold $1,000 worth of Solana now to actually go and buy something
Well $90 of that is profit and then that would probably be subjected to tax based on where you're living
But if you use that Solano, you know
Whatever it is to directly exchange it for like a PlayStation or like, you know a new computer or like a new monitor or a new
pair of Jordans
That that's like it, you know, that's that's kind of like not in that same basket
Like I at least like as my our interpretation is that that probably shouldn't matter
for for capital gains anyway
Now if you're using like stablecoin to buy something that might be a bit of a different story
But like typically, you know, we we don't handle the the tax portion and we just like
We basically if you're a business and you're running a business and you're selling things
At some point you have to convert that into into currency
right to actually buy more products and buy more goods actually sell again, so the moment that event happens that would be like taxable but
You know, otherwise we think it should be pretty pretty okay
And also like, you know, if you're shipping cross borders say you're buying something from the United States
But it's coming in from Singapore or something
There's also import taxes that will will probably be relevant to you if you're buying an iPhone and it's coming in from Singapore
It's it's gonna be like the US is gonna the customs
Department in the US is gonna look at that transaction or look at that product and say you don't have to pay tax on that
Because you're importing something over a certain certain value and and it's different everywhere in the world, right?
But you know typically typically speaking as a rule of thumb
It's like if you're not selling crypto to then go and buy something as a buyer
We think that you know that you shouldn't be subject to like capital gains. At least we don't think so
So, how did the pudgy penguins partnership happen tell me about that
Yeah, I think
It's it's actually I should don't know how it started. I think one of them one of our guys in BD
I think it might have been kit. We reached out to them and and we talked to
quite a few people that were like community managers and whatnot and
We got kind of passed up and passed up the chain and we discussed with various like various people within pudgy's and kind of figured
Out what they were doing and how we could fit within that kind of puzzle and they were doing physical goods, right?
so we were thinking
What better way to kind of like?
Use our platform then to actually bring physical goods from an energy NFT community that already uses crypto
to kind of like put on the platform for sale so that was quite organic in the sense that
Their community would be buying these things anyway, and they have crypto
It's like why not put it on a platform that sells in crypto, right?
So that was part of it and we did an event together in Singapore as well
So we co-hosted an event with them in Singapore and then they had like some limited edition stuff that was coming up
So that they you know, we did an auction for them on on the platform after that
so so far it's just been it's been quite organic and the way we approach it and
It's it's quite it's quite good because the communities are, you know, it's relevant for that demographic
It's not like we're selling, you know
Like random stuff to people that aren't interested if we're like these things are already like people want right from their community
And we're just like letting them buy it in crypto
So why this specifically like why what need you want to build this
Yeah, it's a good question, um, I think it's because I personally saw a quite a big need in this
Because like like I said, I've been in crypto for a long time and I originally came from New Zealand
so the off-ramp solutions that were available to me were like
There weren't that many it was very hard to get like crypto into like New Zealand dollars and spend that money
You know at least like, you know five six years ago
So it's always been a bit of a pain to kind of like look at my crypto assets and kind of like think about it
And like oh if I want to cash out like how am I gonna get how am I gonna get sent to New Zealand?
I have to go through banks and this and that right so it was always quite troublesome of a process
and when you know, like the the co-founders which is myself pants and also another person called Dex when we kind of
You know kind of decided to build PXN. I
Think we talked to Dan which is his name's Dex. That's his kind of online name
He used to work for real estate comm.au, which is the biggest kind of like real estate commerce portal for for Australia
And and he was like the chief design officer there
So, you know
We were speaking about like, you know
The kind of troubles of using crypto and then his experience and in commerce and kind of my experience in building e-commerce businesses
as well and we figured like, you know having a marketplace like this that is decentralized actually
fixes a lot of the problems that we were experiencing on a personal level I think so so I think the idea kind of
Came from some of the pains that we had but you know actually being like, you know
You know holders of cryptocurrency and it kind of just like, you know, kind of kind of just came from that kind of pain point
That we all felt
Okay, so I'm gonna ask you a little bit of a spicy question here a little zesty question
PXN I actually didn't even realize that they you know, I didn't realize it was like one in the same with with gm.co initially and
Like I guess I was just like asking as plain English as I can
Why were so many people calling PXN like a rug or unhappy so on and so forth because here you guys are
You know like a year later two years later, whatever it is and like building and putting out products
Like where do you think that there was there like mistakes made from a communication side?
Do you think there were things that could have been done better?
Like why do you think that was a sentiment around the project for a little bit at least?
Yeah, yeah. Um, yeah, I'm more than comfortable to answer that because
In all honesty, we've been quite candid and honest about how we feel about things as well
The truth of the matter is we we we kind of never really deviated from the roadmap that we wanted to build and we've always been
kind of delivering on that whether it's like building that the actual platform itself or like trying to communicate with the
Community in terms of what we were trying to achieve
But like I do feel that we did fuck up in in a lot of areas, right?
So some some things were within our control and some things weren't
So one of the things was like we minted at the end of like right at the end of the bull
So like after we minted massive crash happened. There was a Luna and then FTX and all this stuff, right?
So, you know
Like we didn't really have it any time after we minted to kind of consolidate and to build like a solid community
That really loved the project. It was just like, you know, you know
What a project meant people kind of come in and come out and they're flipping the project, you know people like, you know
NFTs are changing hands like every two seconds
It takes a bit of time for that to kind of settle down and for you to actually build the culture that you want
So, you know part of that was like bad timing which we didn't really have any control over
But the other part that we had control over was like the communications in terms of what we were trying to do and whatnot
That that was definitely like a part that we could have done a lot better
And also some of the deliverables that we had for the platform
It's because we were building something that's quite novel and it's like it's not like something that I we can just copy and paste from somewhere
Else it was like it was kind of a new platform and new product
So there was a lot of stuff that we were building with a tech team that was just like a new tech team
That was just put together
So we were missing a lot of deadlines and we were running into a lot of roadblocks and issues that we we
We basically we knew how to solve them, but it took a lot longer than we thought it would right?
so a lot of these things were the delays of like actually launching the platform and whatnot that caused
Some friction as well because we like we as founders
We were like very tunnel vision on the fact that we needed to get the product out as soon as possible
So I think that's when the kind of communications kind of dropped a lot and and people kind of I don't know
There was just like the sentiment around the around the project. That was really hard to get rid of
There's like this kind of negativity around it
But you know as a matter of fact if I'm still here like two years later trying to build this thing and trying to
Deliver on the stuff that we want and actually build a product that we actually believe in
it's I think it's quite unfair to call us, you know disingenuous or a rug or whatever because
Pretty hard at work, you know with a pretty sizable team to try and like achieve the goals that we set out to so I
As a founder, I do feel a little bit frustrated sometimes at the kind of sentiment
but also I think when the platform takes off and we're able to like bring real value to the token and to the community then
You know the rest of the kind of negativity and the skepticism should fall off with that
So I mean we're hanging in there and and we're not really going anywhere, right?
So we're just gonna keep building it and I think things are turning out pretty well now now that the platform is online
We're gonna have more partnerships and more events and more things coming up in the future. So
Yeah, so part of it is that kind of negative sentiment that stuck with us for a long time after mint
And part of it was just like caused by us in terms of like poor communications and not meeting some of the expectations that the community
So, you know, I would say some of it is self-inflicted but also some of it is a little bit unfair, you know
Well, that's usually how it goes is kind of a mixed bag
I do so I work for a development and infrastructure company too and I did not realize
Like how difficult it is to ship something that is novel
so like a lot of the things we work on are just like completely brandy you can't just like fork them and
Do it is fucking difficult like you can have a team of like 10 15 engineers like working all day every day
Because it's not it's not even like a time thing
Like where you can even set specific timelines because a lot of it like you need to find
New ways to solve the problems and like mold the blockchain and the technology to fix or really suit
Whatever it is that you're trying to do and I think people that aren't in development
Just like don't get that
They just like generally don't get that
I mean that's not to blame the community or anything of course like with that being said
It's kind of like we probably should have set better expectations. It's just that you know
It was very difficult because we weren't a tech team that already had a product out
It was kind of like we were putting together the first product and we had like a lot of the team was like
Hired from the community or like people that will recommend it to us by the community, right?
So it was a brand-new set of people working together. We didn't have the systems and processes in place
It was a bit of a mess
You know like kind of like molding the team together to make sure that we have a productive team to actually like being able to
Ship code on a regular basis
So getting to that point was actually like half the battle and the other half of the battle like you said
it's just like you have to mold the blockchain to do certain things and like
Man did we not expect a lot of these things like when we launched it
We thought it would be fine
But like shit coin season came and it's like thirty five dollars for a transaction
I was like damn we can't really push volume through the marketplace if it's costing thirty bucks, right?
To just buy like a pair of sneakers. So there's a lot of growing pains that we had as well
but ultimately I think we thought something was gonna take three months and it took like six months so like
Internally we were quite panicked as well. We're like damn
This is taking so long and all these problems that were like popping up like we know how to solve it
But it's gonna take longer, but we already told the community it was gonna be shipped like two months from now
What do we do?
So it was a lot of like kind of like figuring these things out
So like like I said, like I take onus on that like I take full responsibility for that as a founder
But like it's not like we're it's not like we just ran off, right? So it's a little bit unfair to call us
You know like
the negativity like the the kind of
Intensity of that doesn't really correlate with with the the intentions that we put forth, you know
So it's just like a little bit of a mismatch there
No, I definitely get it. I definitely get it and I appreciate the candidate answer, too
It is not easy to build something in the space and I appreciate you guys being here two years later
And I'm still trying to deliver stuff. That's there's only not an easy thing. It's the same thing about nifty island
They like they minted in 2021 and they delivered the product in
2024 like and it turned out to be one of the fucking best projects that's launched in the gut, you know in the last 365 days
So it takes time with this stuff. It does take time
Well kind of while we're getting to I also pinned up to the top if anybody wants to check it out
And go look at the platform
Well, we're getting to the end of our time here, right?
Do you have any final words that you want to leave with people and then also if there's anybody on the stage that has questions?
We can we can jump to them, too
Yeah, I think um, I think there was I think Naveen previously said like we should support builders in space
I'm not saying we should blindly support everybody that's building anything. But like I think
sometimes because
Crypto is so speculative
Like we're always looking for the next 10x and people have like a really short time frame when they invest in things
Especially like with NFTs, right?
Like I mean a lot of people want to buy something and then flip it when it mints like immediately, right?
So there's people flipping stuff like even five ten dollars profit a lot of the time
So I do get that, you know the the investors or the people that actually like buy into a project
It's difficult to have like long long-term vision sometimes like if you tell someone all this things gonna take three years to build
It's like damn you it's gonna very you know, it's very hard to find support, you know
so I do I do think we should support builders, but also like I think it's a bit about like
We're all kind of trying to figure out what crypto can do
We're not what I wouldn't say we're in the early stage of crypto
But I still think there's a lot of possibilities that haven't been explored and kind of like giving things a chance
I guess like don't just look at like Solana and be like, oh they're they have like, you know, that the network is unreliable
It's very centralized and this and that like, you know
Look look at the communities that are formed within that network or within that specific ecosystem and make up your mind after you look
at more facts, I guess
And for us we're just we're just really passionate and really big believers in the fact that there should be a decentralized commerce option
You know with any cryptocurrency
And we're hoping that we can we can kind of build on that future in the coming months and years
So yeah, but once again, thanks for having us on Lee
Yeah, of course, of course anytime and I appreciate you guys sponsoring the space tonight, too
It helps, you know me and other creators to continue doing what we're doing
It's like a crucial part of the ecosystem and I and like I genuinely mean that
So I I pinned it up to the top guys if you want to check it out gm.co
Basically decentralized eBay go see what it's up to and then do we have any questions on stage for anybody or any of these hands
Questions are these unrelated Harry's Harry's waving at me Harry. You got the red triangle next to your name. What are you thinking? Yo
What's up, man? Hey
Ray Rayman, first of all, I love I love your platform and this is like
like the perfect vision for like cryptocurrency as a
As a as a currency, right?
Like that's what it's supposed to be but I do have I have two like small questions for you
Okay, and I think that this will help a lot of people
So, of course, um, you know like coins be bit refill as an American. I don't use these
Of course not and I've never used any of these platforms
You didn't hear it
But I see your platform seems more peer-to-peer. I wrote this down by the way. So sorry if it seems scripted
But I I heard from a source that the master cards purchased on bit refill
That is not the source is not me that the master cards there are bad
I see your gift card sales seem kind of similar to their site
But obviously your your site has a lot more options and things you can buy but I'd like if you could quickly explain your competitive
advantage over
those like strictly, you know gift card sites and and also the level of
KYC that your platform requires. Yeah, so
Like you said, we don't really just cater to gift cards
Give cards was actually just quite a recent feature that we launched
I think we launched just we launched it like we soft launched a couple of days ago like last like late last week
And then we've kind of been
Well, well this space is kind of like one of the one of the marketing activities that we're doing for it to kind of like
Let people know what's going on
The competitive advantage really is I think we've got a pretty big selection and we cover a lot of different demographics like Singapore
You know Asia or even like in the UK and Europe and whatnot
And and the advantage here really like you said if you have an ethereum wallet you connect it you can you can connect it
You can buy something from the site
So it's kind of very similar to like uniswap and whatnot
We're like you connect to uniswap and you exchange for whatever coin you want, right?
so we think
Like there is like coinbase. There's always like a you know, a decentralized option for for the same thing, right?
And and you know coinbase did I think last year
I think uniswap did more volume than coinbase for like a couple of quarters, right?
So it was like 150 billion or something from uniswap and then coinbase with a thousand employees only did like 140 billion
So we think like rather than playing to a centralized kind of narrative
We built this thing to be like quite hands-off and and in a sense like we let the blockchain verify all of these facts for us
So, you know right now we don't really have any KYC requirements
But I think if you like have any suspicious activity on the site
You know like people like buying like a hundred PlayStation gift cards in a very like short period of time, right?
These kinds of activities. It's like we monitor it
But you know as long as it's not abusive and behavior. I think most most activity is fine on the platform
Okay, cool, so that's what I wanted to hear
Not for any reason but no Harry that does not
You think if the cops are coming after you that because you said oh, it wasn't me on a Twitter space like that holds up
In court. No, you're going to jail in that for yes
No, no, it does hold up because I've never used any website like that in my life, but how
How are your uh, how are your sellers verified in that sorry last question I just came in my head
Yeah, you know, that's a great question, man
So because crypto is very like notorious
Like I mean like people that are actually in crypto like, you know
The people in the space for example that are quite intimately involved in it
We know that it's often like a media narrative that a lot of scams happen with crypto a lot of like, you know
Unsavory activities happen with with cryptocurrency. It's like whereas like most of the people that are actually listening to the space
I think we just buy and sell NFTs and buy a couple of shit coins, right when we're not really doing anything crazy with it
So it's like we kind of wanted to verify the sellers on our in first
So any of the sellers that you see on the platform right now
We've gone and directly approached them either or they've come to approach us or they've been referred to us by one of our community members
So everybody that's on the platform right now from pudgies to like black Paris to some of these gift cards that you see
All these are kind of like very legitimate sources either from real businesses or from people that are very reputable in the space already
So so these things are like quite trustworthy on the platform because we don't want to have a new platform
Selling products and then you have like a couple of reviews come out. There's like oh that you know, I got scammed on this website
Don't go there. So we're quite careful about who we let on
But I think you know moving into that later part part of this year. We're partnering up with different, you know coin projects to kind of like
Something similar in our own time as well. So once those plans start coming online
We'll start opening up to more P2P activity to kind of just let anybody
You know, you know list up their things as as they want. So that's kind of where we're heading
but for now the platform is as I
Wouldn't say it's regulated
We would just like fit the the sellers before they come on basically to make sure that you know
People are not getting like, you know hard-rugged, you know buying it
You're not buying like selling for a hundred bucks and then it never you know, you never receive it in the mail or anything
So the sellers on here are actually verified. Yeah
Well, look I think that's actually a good way to wrap this up Ray again
I appreciate you guys it's pinned to the top if you guys want to go check out GM co and thank you for sponsoring the space
Again, always disclosing this was a sponsored segment. But again, it helps creators like me continue doing what we're doing
So shout out to you guys
Look, I want to reset the space quickly before we move on to the next thing. Welcome everybody
I changed the title to pudgy penguins stole air drops. I
Don't know
We'll see if it works out
If you're enjoying anything about the conversation that button in the bottom right hand corner and give a like comment retweet because it is
The best way to support the space
To thank you guys so much
Look, I want to I know we got some hands here
but I do want to shift the topic a little bit to and Ray if you have any takes on this
I'd love to hear them too on just this new meta of
Basically sourcing air drops for your holders kind of like what pudgy's did with dimension
Now I got to throw it to Jonah first Jonah. Good to see you. Do you have any takes on this pudgy penguin thing?
Not really. It's just more sky casino stuff, which is cool. Like there's nothing wrong with that. I mean it makes sense
You're gonna you're gonna bore sky casino stuff
You're gonna go where the users are right there at pudgy penguins cuz it's fun
So that's where you're gonna do the air drop because those are where your potential buyers from more sky casino stuff are
I was actually gonna ask a different question
Because I I'll be the I'll be that guy. I'll be I'm always that guy actually I that's actually what I do for a living
I'm that guy officer
So I think people are really underselling what Apple just did like on a fundamental level
I don't think people realize how powerful their hardware is and what they've done for spatial computing
And effectively, I don't think it's just a new piece of tech. I think it validated the the
next quote-unquote narrative
Right now AI is hot
But everything cools off and in cycles back and I have a I have a theory where the next cycle might not be crypto again
It might just skip crypto go right into spatial computing
Here's why
Everyone who built an iPhone app in the early days
well, I everyone a lot of people who both built iPhone apps in the early days are the billionaires that we see today and
With spatial computing apps
They are fundamentally different to a core than an iPhone app or an iPad app or an Apple watch app
And if you're a developer, I actually asked this question
I posted this about an hour ago or half an hour ago
If you're an aspiring young developer just coming out of college or coming out of a boot camp
Are you gonna make a crypto app or you're gonna make a Apple vision pro app? And so I'm curious what people think
the the tough part about developing on the vision pros that you have to get your hands on it and so
Even develop on it
Mika was asking why are there no apps? It's because I can't afford necessarily a vision pro right now
Or they're out of stock so I can't even develop even if I wanted to right so
Apple has an ungodly amount of money
So what they do next is they're gonna give one probably to every college kid on every college campus
Just like they did with iPads and schools. I think they will Naveen disagrees
I think they will because that's how you build a developer community you you so it's like dress selling drugs
Apple Apple Apple doesn't get their hardware away for free. They convinced those
Well, I think I will find I think the schools will pay I think the schools will come in and pay for it sure I
think that
The price of the unit has to drop by at least
60% in order for that to happen. Like there's no there's no school unless it's like the richest of the rich right of schools
That will pay like thirty five hundred dollars plus tax plus plus plus
An app that's not all meaningful meaningful. That's they used to they used if they no longer do
So, let me ask you a question. How long do you think it takes for the price drop 60%?
Three years maybe maybe like yeah three four or five years someone that range
That's not a long time in the span of technology and life
No, I'm not I'm not here to debate with you
What I'm saying is that like if you started if you were starting as a freshman in college right now by the time you get out
of college
The vision pro is within some middle-class means I
Mean like do you still make a crypto app?
Like what what do you do? I think yeah
You gotta remember there are a lot of things there are a lot of like considerations here
Like number one you're talking about an Apple device
So, you know Apple is extremely difficult extremely aggressive with regards to their like walled garden
So, you know number two, you know every big existing iOS developer that has conviction like you do
Will also be building for it. So those are not reasons not to I'm just saying like, you know
Apple is a huge ecosystem sort of stuff that you know
Billions of people on the world aren't going to either and that the you know a different kind of casino
You know, like which is the app store casino
Is I think unrealistic like I don't think anyone have a real advantage out there
Because Apple is just so giant
So I think but I think it really just comes down to like what you're passionate about now
We're really passionate of the freshmen about you know, augmented reality or immersive experiences or VR
But of course, you know the answer is obvious you should go to the vision Pro
You're more interested in like or
Internet infrastructure stuff and you know changing how they're changing human behavior in various ways
They may be perfect a great answer for you. So I think it just comes down to personal problems
I guess like more of what I'm asking is like there aren't of infinite supply of really good developers, right?
There are 26 million developers
But how many of them are how many good developers
Good in the way. I
Mean so there look Jonah. There's so many ships happening
I mean now you have you know AI tools that are making it easier for people to develop applications
Yeah, that will really a huge shift in terms of
Naveen your mic is is very rugged tonight
I don't know if it's like you're in the car or what's going on
Maybe like changed to a different Wi-Fi. It's kind of hard to hear you. I love you, though
I'm about to board a plane. So I'll just leave
This talk well this talk another day because I think it's interesting because like I don't know it's I
Don't think the Apple Vision Pro is a is a fad
I'm not sitting here saying it's a fad. No, no, I'm not saying you are I'm not saying you are I'm just thinking out loud and
Like I'm watching the way people use this thing and I'll give you an example
Orangy it was a fucking first of all if you want to see what a kid's gonna do with max ADHD
You just look at Orangy. He's like a perfect test subject. So I'm watching this motherfucker today on Twitch
And he's streaming from the Apple Vision Pro
Playing fortnight and on the side with an imaginary window right the mixed reality window. He's playing in a tower defense game
So this fucking crack-headed kid is playing two games at the same time while reading chat
while like talking on Twitch and I look at Orangy and I say
That's jet alpha in three years. Once the Apple Vision Pro is affordable and I like me watching Batman right now in spaces
Nick you always tell us things about your life that nobody needs to know also
That's like me with the baddies for real, you know, oh
Okay, who invited Frank up what
Hold on who changed the title to d gods of ruined wormhole
And if you guys like I kept seeing people call it warm hole
You guys are folks range the title right now. I will not accept this slander in 2024 leap shows
Respect. I need my whole field
All right, you know also, okay, can we all right Frank you're the first look, I don't know what the hell
Is going on today your wormhole WD gods youth. I don't think wormhole could handle Drake personally
Yeah, Frank
Frank, did you see my stickers by the way the youth stickers up? I just saw that my guy you're we fucking going dude
You tell you the uppers
They're arriving at home holes. What an oracle you want out here, dude. I'm sorry. Did you just say you made your whole field?
Yeah, okay. All right. Okay. Okay. Hold we are as dude. This is a stage filled with the greatest builders
intellectuals and Nick Mando
I'm just saying like I
I'm sorry to say no, no go ahead go ahead go ahead and if it's about Drake's dick
I don't like here's the thing. Yeah, I saw it like does anybody have a problem with this. It was on the timeline
I wasn't just a focus leap. I wasn't gonna say that but dude fuck it, dude
God, he Drake is literally God's favorite. It's bullshit
Guys chosen was people come here to look and learn about the new upcoming opportunities in the blockchain ecosystem
Dude's reading AI right now, but uh, I don't know man
I'm just really excited about this Apple vision Pro and if I were a developer right now
I don't know if I'd be I mean, I know there's a lot of developers I get it
But if I were a developer looking like Ford into the future, I don't know the Apple vision Pro
I'm not a developer. So maybe that's I just think differently the Apple division pro
Excites me a lot more than the idea of like you get one social media
I'm trying to order one. There's problems. I got one
Yeah, what do you think social media? I think pretty nuts man. Pretty nice. I was walking crazy videos last night
So so I guess what I'm saying is like
The frames part of far casters really cool. I
Think Twitter could probably do something like that again. I don't know because I'm not a developer but
It's just another Twitter or another reddit versus the Apple vision Pro is a like a zero to one technology. It's like
Fundamentally the type of apps you could have on Apple vision Pro you could never have on a phone and that's just really exciting to me
Personally, okay. Here's the biggest insights two three days to know vision Pro for me
Okay, I like people that also have vision pros
My guy there's two guys on the team that have like vision pros and
I'm like so much more down to just talk to them or hang out with them because when you're in there
You're kind of just hanging like you can just throw them off to the side
They also have you on the side and you're actually just about hanging out with them
But there's no way you're doing like a focused facetime call with them for that entire time
And then yeah, honestly just videos just are insane
But I think it's just one of those things where I'm gonna follow all the apps that come out with it
Um as they come out, but yeah, it's not it's like if you do the full immersion. It's a lot like oculus
If you've used like a lot of the quest stuff, but it's the mixed reality stuff that is like man only Apple man
Only Apple is just nuts
Yeah, I have I have a quest that's what I'm saying with the Apple like I'm talking about the spatial computing stuff
Like imagine you could like oh add a friend and all you do is fucking
Shake Frank's hand and you just get fucking added on social media
And then you could see like you have like a little friends list on the top or right like your fucking master chief
HUD it just it's just so
Futuristic, I don't know. I'm not a developer. So I don't have the inside feels like the future a hundred percent
I think when you like but when you turn it on and you're looking at your fucking apartment and
It's got the overlays the craziest thing is when you walk around it'll like leave the screen there
So you can like see the side like you're seeing like the screen just sitting there on your table. You're like, bro
What's the actual fuck?
Today someone walked into the apartment
While I was in the vision pro and I was on like a call and the screen was you know fucking huge
I was looking at in the apartment and then I realized like wow this guy just walked in on me
Just like talking to fucking nothing
But to me it was like oh I got a TV up here. I'm hanging out
I got a bunch of work on the monitors and stuff. So Frank, you know way
You start trying to control things in your eyes. That's the other thing too. You just start to like look at stuff
You're like, huh? Well, he's like, oh, I can't look at it
Wait, I just had a funny idea if you're cross-eyed, can you not like enjoy the next-gen technology?
No, I mean I have glasses and I actually like I don't have my contact like the the lenses in yet
So I've been using my old super thin glasses. I'm kind of hacking it right now
So I'm not even getting the full experience, but it's still electric
Especially overnight. I like I got my vision Pro back and I don't know man. That thing was like warning. It was weird
So you just give your Apple Vision Pro to like some some cross-eyed person and it's just like the entire mainframe just combust
Frank I don't know what they keep referencing these videos that you saw last night and they were crazy on the Apple Vision Pro
I still think it's gonna be the biggest use case of this. I'm gonna call it now. What is
It's the biggest road and so actually you're kind of know
Like they have cool 3d while you're banned from porn on Apple Vision, apparently
That's why Facebook is still doing well stock wise cuz no, this is true
You can choose to believe me or not
But like it's such a beautiful device the vision Pro
But like the idea of watching porn on there disgust me, you know, how could you do that to Apple?
How could you do that to the team?
Over there to create this race I was just never like I would never ever you know
Real quick gross shit. Imagine imagine you're like some fucking kid and you just live in spatial reality
So you don't know what's real or what's not anymore and you're like looking down as you're beating your meat
First of all, don't start that take with imagine kids
Okay, look we need a
We need to get this under control. This is ridiculous. This is actually ridiculous
By the way, Pornhub is launching their newest point system
To make sure you you know add a little bit of of your volume to their TVL if you get what I'm saying
But look look in the space everybody appreciate you all for popping out
Click that button bottom right hand corner like I'm a retweet look we got a bunch of hands
I also got to ask you Frank about this wormhole thing, but I guess we'll get to it later
I'm kind of lacking on the titles. This one's not really hitting the way I thought it would but you know, it's fine
Enough from I don't think there's any segue. I could I can't get over what Jonah just said
No, I don't think it was just wild here Jonah, you know here every day night in night out roasting projects
talking about P&L's breaking down businesses start like an
Immediately with an analogy for beating his fucking meat
You guys don't care about my fucking analysis anymore. So I said fuck it. I'm just gonna be one of you guys
I don't give a shit anymore
You don't care about
Alright, first of all, don't be don't say that I'm gonna be one of you guys none of us have ever given to take like
That I don't think in over two years the difference basis
I don't think I've ever said imagine you were beating your meat. Like it just has never happened once
That's a wormhole for uh, alright Frank take it away take it away here
Oh, there we go. I was unmuted
Um, I can't answer any questions on wormhole
But what I can tell you is wormhole is a great protocol
Interoperable bridging multi-chain is the future the gods and youth are imminent. We are fucking back. I have to go
Thank you so much for having me on here leap and please let me know how I can sponsor
Right now I gotta go
Just Frank just pull the playboy card
That was a playboy party move on you
I gotta playboy card. He's crazy. That was a joke
Can we this was Frank right now? I love you. I love you. I'll see you later. Bye
And everyone saw Drake's dick today, but can we calm down? Can we just relax for two seconds?
Can somebody pin it to the top? Let's just get this out of the way. You guys want to talk about it fine
I'm not the one bringing it up. Anyway, there's not enough screen space. I swear
Use case for the Apple Vision Pro, okay
You know my parents listen to these things anyway, we got a
We got to go to the hands
Zico I feel like you have a great gotta be 12 inches
Bro, can you god damn it? How am I supposed to follow up with that?
Jonah I don't know why it has to be one or the other
I think if you're passionate about crypto, then you should probably be building crypto if you're passionate about special computing or
AKA euphemism for the metaverse
I don't hear anybody talking about that
But um, then I think you should should focus on that like I don't I don't think it has to be either
Or does it have to be black and white?
Actually did one
Actually, yeah curious like what we're calling it special computing
But like isn't this what we were talking about when we used to say metaverse
No, nobody talked what there's a big difference one of them was selling you fraudulent land and the other one works
Okay, well special computing I guess I mean, yeah. All right
I've but you give me an idea right now, man, maybe metaverse is fucking back leave
You know, I'm saying he's a fucking title
Fucking back warm holes fucking metaverse. It's feeling good guys
So he's my poor looking does he come I point about nothing to do with the fact that you through your own fucking
You know fucking what are they Frank disgusting right now? Oh
Hold up. Hold up because there's like there's so much volume happy. Are you telling me that you two are gonna Cardano?
Just be honest with them
We're not going anywhere
We're going everywhere
All right, so they're omni chain. That's what you're saying. Now you need those ones to look we're just going everywhere. I
I didn't say that he did
Tell me you're not hype right now. Oh, excuse me Frank. Um, who hosted a space after buying their D God
No, it's electric. Dude. Are you in the wormhole fucking dude? No, you gotta get in there, bro
Then I'm in drop in there. Do you know what I'm in?
I'm in the fact that I hosted a space after I bought my D God and saying I need 3d files
Now because mixed reality is the future got faded for six months. So we're fucking back. Yeah, you're right. We're fucking back, baby
I'm fucking get my fucking D. Guy in 3d right now, bro. I got my vision, bro
I'm trying to see my boy my purse you see
Where comes in
Dude, they run me on my persona. I'm trying to be frank, but I'm fucking a row hunting this bitch
Like I don't know what's going on. It's uh, it's kind of glitchy cuz I my glasses on underneath
So my eyes are always like bugging out dude if I vape
I've seen myself like vape on a on a while wearing the vision Pro and do my guy just spazzes out like apples got a vendetta
against the boys
So that's something that's kind of like a bummer about the vision Pro so far. You can't vape with it
You can't no, but they just like make your dude spazz out, you know
It's like he just starts going feral like he's got rabies or something in your dudes. What are you talking my persona?
His persona
Wait buckets what what did Frank do is he now like into mixed reality after fading us for it?
No, I'm into mixed reality because Apple made it cool and I'm trying to rock my vision road to my
Leap leap leap. Can you let me know like DM me who is now an XR expert on the stages these these nights?
Like I've missed I was a little busy, you know, I
Was a little busy and XR and I just I I wasn't here this no
It's you know because this reminds me of like us being on ordinals when everyone was saying it was lame on spreadsheets pre-marketplaces
Everyone's fading. So no I relate, you know, even though I might have faded MR up until Apple made it cool
It's like we're a cut from the same cloth out here man
Pretty magicy and it was different back then, you know just from the trenches like that, but I feel you on being super early to stuff
Mika was saying that he is like an extreme XR MR AR IR
Expert or or a spatial computing expert now. I'm sorry, but like damn spatial computing kind of goes crazy
But is it the metaverse because I've look I've always said that the metaverse is not
Oh, i'm bullish on meta. Okay. Listen, look look mixed reality paired with AI mic drop don't at me holographic light bulb
See you later
mixed reality paired with ai paired with roll app pair with convention pair with fucking
Fucking god, it's my moment. It's my moment Frank
He's trying to fucking really front run my moment
If you guys don't let me have my motherfucking moment with this XR stuff
I've been talking about this for literally three years. Um, it's just her moment. Okay
It's my it's yo, I share the same birthday as the apple vision pro. So it's written in the stars
um, it's really written in the stars, so
Yeah, I don't think people realize how bullish spatial computing extended reality is for digital assets
Like do you want to look at your digital assets on like open sea or magic eden for the rest of it or like in your
Mom's basement for the rest of your life, or do you want to just see it with the holographic light bulb in your
generational wealth, uh
Wait, sorry. What was that? I can now look at my jpegs in my mom's
But not be my mom's if you ever be in fucking joshua tree. Yes
Yes, I like my mom. I like my mom a lot. What's the smell? What's what's the smell like? Okay
Can we look this is a momentous day in crypto solana went down?
Anyway, um, oh yes, we gotta go to the hands. Uh, we gotta throw it to oh, I mean there's so much the dimension airdrop pudgy
the cats are sick
Bro, i'm fucking od labs mint information that you're like skipping through
Uh, uh, I see it. I see it. No, that's cool. First generative ar project on chain
It's okay to fade like now now that i'm back on twitter for real
Like um now every time someone's talking about solana. Oh like frank you made a salon about my but what'd you mint though?
What the fuck i'm just asking i'm gonna change that to my bio like dating app aisle, but would you mint though?
Still minted. Um, so yeah
So bound token though. That's the goal leave thoughts on forecaster your boy threads fucking zoom in on there
bro, I feel like i'm in like a
I feel like i have like a like a crazy girlfriend and thread guy and he'll just like call me seven times a day
about how like this new thing is just like the future of of everything and um
Okay, just gonna ask that question and leave but he's super hyped on I just I just want them to like
I just want them to hire him so he could just stop
You know what I mean, like that is gonna be worse
Well, to be honest like why why would they hire him he's already doing it for free. Um, secondly, I mean he's not wrong
He's not fucking wrong. I do think that farcaster is
I don't know if it's gonna be like the end all be all and I think a big misconception here is that it is
The same vein that something like friend tech was when they just couldn't be more different
This is a network with apps built on top of it
And if you don't like warp cast or any of these other things and you just fucking build your own thing
Like that's the brilliance here
You're not just stuck into like a hard corded or a hard-coded like bonding curve or you know
All the other things that friend tech did um, so i'm bullish on it i'm bullish on it
I haven't really explored enough in it and that's kind of on me
I've just been really busy recently, but um, I think it's fucking cool and I think optionality is important and if for what i've been
I'm gonna say this and I honestly believe it happens
I think that elon could wake up one day and say fuck it. No shilling crypto on twitter anymore
Like I genuinely genuinely believe that that is a possibility. They've removed all web3 integration
He's been pretty vocal about it on spaces that it's not something that they're super interested in moving forward with and also
I said this last night. I'll say it again now
If andrew tate goes ahead and fucking launches this meme coin
It puts a hundred million dollars in liquidity pool and people get wrecked or it gets exploited or something happens
And it is going to be the biggest thing in the world that elon owned x platforms
You know like facilitated the launch of andrew tate top g coin and you know
Tens of thousands of people hundreds of thousands people lost their money
They might just wake up and say fuck it like we're just like there's no upside for us letting this happen here
The crypto community is such a small aspect of twitter and if that happens, which very likely that it doesn't but maybe
It's good to have optionality in something like farcaster or in a lens protocol or um any of these other things
So I don't know. I think we need these things there as like either a backup plan for some and a main for others
But um, that's kind of
my take on it, um
Some people may disagree or agree. I have no idea
to take over
Higher reason why elon
So quick elon bought this platform for like freedom of speech and then immediately it's like what if they take away crypto
Bro, it's not this first of all. This platform is that is most definitely not gonna be the open dude
They've limited the api like to have they let alex jones back on. I don't know pretty free speechy there
The dude watching
Really let back on tell me that like they're picking and choosing who they're letting on
And secondly i'm a fan of elon as I think he's the best capital allocator in the world
And what he's done is nothing short than a of a miracle
Um, you can't ever take that away from him and I love this app and i'm going to say on this app
But I just I don't see this becoming like a decentralized open source open to the community
Like it's become more closed since they've taken over and that's fine because it's a private business and they need to be profitable
So I have like no issue with that, but I think the idea that they're just gonna
Utilize like some other person's coin instead of having their own just like internal currency or just using a paypal like system
Or making their own version of that. I think thinking that anything but that that is going to happen
Is just in my opinion a little naive well, even if that happens
I don't think they'll ban that speaking about like any other thing like maybe they won't use doge
Like when people are buying dogecoin hoping that that's gonna happen like that's most likely
I mean 99 not gonna happen
But I don't think that means that they'll like ban the speech of it because andrew tate dropped the coin like that's fucking crazy
Oh, yeah, that's just an example. Okay, first of all as an example, I think what's more applicable
Um, by the way, i'm max fitting if that happens
I think what's more applicable is every other ad on this platform is a scam crypto ad
Or an only fans. Yeah, that sounds like you're in paid though. That sounds like he wants fucking getting paid out here
There you go. He loves those
It like that can't be the narrative that x has it's like this their main advertisers are crypto scams and every daily loud and fucking
Drama alert and dexterity post is just filled with only fans people in the comments like something something needs to change
Um, like you can't even look at some of these things that's like it's ridiculous actually
It's actually good
Scams are the last thing they got because elon himself is controversial enough that like a lot of his advertisers don't even want to
Put like money on a platform that he's associated with
So I think like the scams are like the final frontier. You know, it's like without that x is failure
If the scams are the final frontier we are fucked but I
Look do I think that he could remove it? No, but I also think we might
I also think he could remove spaces
Which i've said now for a few months and a lot of people kind of disagree with that take but like
If they wake up one day and they decide for whatever reason that is just not
Profitable for them to do this anymore. They'll just sunset it like they've done this with a ton of other features
And at the end of the day, this is a business and they need to make money
Do I think it's likely they remove it most likely not but there's always a chance and because like take me for example
This is my only platform and i'm not big enough to like be able to just go somewhere else and just immediately start it
Back up like it's going to take time
And if my account gets deleted, it's it's not gg, but it's fucking close to it
Like it sets me back very very far
And the thing with like farcaster in the way that you know, that entire network works
I think being able to own your audience is so powerful. I said this yesterday
I'll say it again now with thread guy in the thread pepins
He has a list of tens of thousands of wallets that paid at least two dollars to support him that are
Unsensorable decentralized that he can access at any time
Like is that the same as like owning your followers on the social media?
No, but it's fucking close to it or at least the crypto equivalent
Um, I think the problems with farcaster are some of the things that we talked about a lot
I mean, I love ethereum, but if you are not an ethereum lover, it is very eth, you know focused
Um with a lot of focus on like using your e and s and things like that
I personally like that but I know for others it might be a bit
Like it made them a little bit apprehensive. So I don't know but what
But you know narrative of like ownership on social media versus content engagement and like, you know
Essentially like the dopamine hit like that's what drives people to know social new social media
Like the reason why tick tock tick off is because you have that chance of going viral
And you have that chance of the algorithm actually favoring you and like people can get the dopamine hit
So people like you know favor to actually go towards using something new
Otherwise it's like do people do most people on like a vast scale actually care about the ownership part
Probably not like most people just care like is their content going to get reach is it going to get engagement?
Is this somewhere that people actually want to consume it and is there a large enough fan base?
That's like a bigger, you know based in whatever other platform they're on
I think that's where like most of these platforms fall apart, which is like it's cool
Like there's all these like underlying narratives, but they fall
Very short on the main narrative, which is is this really social media?
Like do you have the largest social reach here?
And in most of these different platforms whether it was friend tech forecast or whatever like you just don't have the same social reach
So it's like how are you supposed to do it?
That's a good point here's the simplest
The simplest explanation is that the social graph on farcaster is different so you guys are evaluating the platform
But it doesn't matter that it feels a lot like twitter
uh, you're honestly just reaching
A different group of people and the people that are active on uh farcaster if you're really deep into crypto
I'd argue it's like a pretty valuable audience
And people that can you know further your journey your career etc here?
Um, and so it just makes sense in that way
Uh, and I don't think those people are gonna leave regardless what the platform looks like
And so I think we evaluate it like it's this kind of macro
Public company stock or whatever but in reality the reason that you use twitter over threads is because the social graph and it's the same
Um, you know here for for farcaster and it just happens that yeah, the farcaster team is based they keep adding dope features
Um cool things pushing new boundaries. Um, and the people that are on that platform like that enjoy that
So I don't see you going anywhere
You know, for example the daily active wallets versus the daily active users on any of these social platforms
That's like I think the real comparison because it's like yes
I think for a niche community which distance crypto in general like forget about all the pockets
Whether it's nft's or any other part of ct, but like in general crypto is already a niche community
And yes for that
I think it's a great platform and I think like other social five platforms have tried to tackle it as well and like they
All kind of had their own little niches that's worked
But just as a social media platform if we step away from the crypto stance
It's just so hard to compete when like your narrative is ownership and you know, these wallets that are connected
It just becomes something that social media ultimately isn't which isn't necessarily ownership or any of that
It is just social reach and that's where it kind of like falls short. But yes, like for this community
Sure, it's a great pocket that you want to get into and be able to build something on but I think most people also don't have
Necessarily like dedication to post on multiple platforms
Like I think that's why threads was fun for like what a week two weeks
How long that lasts but people kind of thought like oh shit like threads like this is actually a place
I can get bigger reach so that had nothing to do with obviously anything crypto
That was just a bigger reach type thing and even that failed because people just realize it's the same shit getting recycled
And I think most people just will not have the capacity to post on like three different platforms a day
So almost one always has to win and I feel like like right now for crypto like twitter just is it
You make an interesting point tetra when when threads came out the narrative
I remember I had like posted a picture of an egg and and frank like
Like retweeted it or whatever. It's called on on threads and it was like people
It was nothing about like I think frank
He dumped on me about like not having content because I was just posting a picture of an egg and seeing how many likes
It could get but that's basically like the ethos that was around threads at the time
Which was and even furthermore people were going over there to build like they're like this our new chance to build an audience
and we're early and all of this and
There's no more conception rather than how far casters started like instead of it just launching today and then you know
Everyone's rushing over it to be early. You had people on it for the past two years
Actually, like at one point you probably have to like go fly out to eath denver to meet the team in person
Just to get an invite to the app
So it was like this very like homegrown home-brewed community
and um now obviously it's an inflection point where people are rushing in but it wasn't for it's not the same as like a
Like a friend tech where everyone's just trying to get in to get early and farm points and I actually like that far caster isn't
Like a point space thing like obviously people can build
um, you know, whatever they want on top of the network, but I like the fact that people aren't just going there because
They earn like I love points and I actually think it's one of the best incentive mechanisms in the space right now
But it's not it's maybe not the perfect thing for a social media app or or something like far caster
Um, but frank, I wanted to ask you though
Well, I was there not to flex but you know been on far caster for a while
Just didn't really use it but made an account a while ago and back in the day, dude
You had to like dm dwr to like get on the platform
And I think it's that classic story of you know, it's one of these things where it's like the over four years
It's a overnight success. I forget what the perfect turn of phrase there is
But this has been like a community that's been kind of cultivated and built around this app and around this protocol for a while
Um, and it was just so hand selected and intentionally done throughout the whole process that you're seeing the rewards being reaped
Um, you know today
So I do think obviously they're having these inflection points right now with big features that people talk about
but in reality this thing is uh, you know, it's been a time in the process and it's a
Beyond the protocol or the application it is a absolute
Masterclass in community building for this entire industry and that's honestly the thing I appreciate the most about far caster
And it's something that for me. I am more x native. I'm more twitter guy
Even these days for the past few months. I've been a discord dog wolf wolf
Um, but I I told I respect the community building that's happened on far caster more than anything
It's not something I think is going to click for everyone here
Some people kind of like the degeneracy or people, you know are not as interested in those conversations
But if you're like pretty deep and crypto native, um
I think you're gonna like far caster and you're gonna get interested in what you're seeing there
And it's really right now for that type of user and that's on purpose. So i'm a big fan of it
They're not trying to appeal to you know, crazy fight videos that you see on x or viral kind of shape posting or whatever
Um, it's really kind of tilted for that specific community and that's why it works
That's actually the reason that it works because they didn't go out of their way to onboard
Insert celebrity name, you know early days like you saw even with friend tech for example
Because that's the kind of curve that it was on. Um, it was a very organic methodic process
In a way that monetization isn't even a factor, you know early in the process so deeply that that's actually the reason people got excited about it
Before it was friend tech and points farming far caster existed way before that
You know, it was a really organic thing that you see the compounding effects of that over time
And uh, you know, that's what we're doing here with you guys on youtube. Shout out fucking
Warm holes. My bad had to throw the plug in back in the fucking zone
Wait, so frank, what's the do you see any like similarities between like what you've okay. Fuck it. Um, all right
Anyway, we'll go over to to Zeke. I was gonna ask him how did and like if there were any similarities there, but
Wait, he's you can't keep doing this
Dude every take he gives he's just why is he such a push and pull like he's just like can he just like
stable for a second
Stop playing my heartstrings and just stay put
Like did like do you see similarities between like what you're trying to do with that compared to something like far caster?
Um, nah, do you guys and used are dead?
You know, we have no idea what we're doing. We're just like kind of fucking floating around
Definitely like, uh, you know
Yeah, like you list was honestly a fluke and so probably not gonna make anything like that anytime soon
After learning a lot from you know how people do over the last year
Look, all I can say is i've talked to you for hundreds of hours at this point
And the tone that i'm hearing in your voice
Bro shit, so I just feel like you have something along like you're too excited like something's happening
I don't know what it is the vision pro man. It's not about you guys or you that's for sure
I mean people here in this space have heard me talk about it for so long
And it's not like you know
Once things start going crazy everyone in here is gonna be like damn, man
I listened to frank for fucking hours. Why don't I get a fucking d god or you that's definitely not gonna happen
Um, it's just you know, we're just talking about the vision pro right now
Like the haunting feeling of like wow, man
These the fucking youth were how cheap like no way like for so long just listening to these faces. That's definitely like
Nah, that's not the vibe
Can I ask a real quick question i'm sorry, I got to interject with the apple vision stuff
Everybody sees these vr in the ar coming to life and as frank is huge on um, the apple vision right now
How long do you think it is until you see apple vision integrating?
I mean we all identify ourselves with our pfp's or with what we want to be seen as or how we identify
What about like um, yutes or d gods or whatever it is you come up with
And how long until you actually see something like this being implemented in the ar
As you're walking down the street because you've seen it already like people are driving tesla's with their apple vision pro
Fuck man, my spaces is glitching. I don't know if you're going but
You just i'm just gonna ask you this. Um, do you feel like people are gonna want to be gods in the metaverse?
Yeah, that's what i'm saying
That's what i'm asking right now is like how long until how long until somebody wants to be seen as as as a youth or d
God or their pfp into into apple vision pro and that's how they want to be identified as is is you walk around
I walk around and I see you you see me
But if we both have the apple vision pro because that's what it's projected to
How long until we see each other as d gods or youths or we identify ourselves as what we are in our entities and our profiles?
I know everybody says we're so early, but fuck we are really so early, but it's being integrated right now. Where do you see that?
Well, well, I I think um, especially the connection between you know
The assets that you own on chain being reflected in these mixed reality hardware devices and not even the hardware devices itself
Also phones because our phones is basically the replacement
Of these hardware devices because they're still catching up to this
To the software into the tech into the art that people are creating right now
It is the combination between blockchain and xr
That is how you're going to see that that that digital identity that you own on chain
It's attached to provenance
Actually being reflected in another medium for artists to actually create and for users to actually experience your digital identity for the first time
In a really true way rather than just making it your pfp
All right, I gotta throw it over to um the emperor of xr amr mica, I mean look
Actually, you did say it your birthday. Is your birthday actually the birthday of did it come out the same day?
Yes, february 2nd, wait the release date not the conception
The conception was um february 2nd x amount of years ago
No, it's pretty epic. Um, I love this. I love everybody being an xr expert now. Let's go touch up
Um, let's freaking go
What was the question?
Something about uh, listen mica. Just like, you know, listen don't be like, uh,
You know stomping around over here like
I know something, you know, you gotta listen. That's exactly what i'm gonna do
That's exactly what i'm gonna do after three years. That's exactly what i'm gonna do
It's my moment. Um
But it's also I mean, it's our moment. I mean we're it couldn't be
A better month right now. Um, I actually cried in the apple vision pro when I experienced the
videos in spatial computing and I actually saw like wow
This really is going to be the future for the next five or ten
Like this is the next the next phase and where we're going
It's a really really beautiful experience and device the way that we experience art and um
Cinema like so many things is is going to change and and it already has and it's like
It's a really beautiful experience, but it's something that you have to experience
It's gonna it's like a trillion dollar industry. I don't know. It's it's the coolest industry ever
But um andra, I feel like I don't know tetra could
Answer your question because he's like taught me everything. I know about
XR and taught a lot of people about it. So I don't know leap if you're you want to
You want to pass it on the question?
I I I completely missed the question
Wait, here's the question tetra
You said that you scored a 90 in that game you made that I played at art basil. I don't believe that for a second
I got to maybe 35 there's
Okay, talk to me that posted a 70 the other day
Like it was like a 67 that that was like on first try. I wasn't barely trying. I just wanted to post some content
That's just like you got to be a little aimbot
All right tetra are people are overhyping this abp. What's up?
The fact that people are calling it abp is crazy. You know, I mean like
It's like abp. It sounds like you're driving. It is kind it is kind of a mouthful, right?
It sounds like uh sounds like but you don't have to call it like an apple iphone
Just call it a vision pro like I don't know what people say apple vision pros
The ticker is abp. Someone's gonna launch that right now. That's buckets this fall
Okay, you guys are so you guys are so fucked up adhd
Look, I was gonna say nigga. I do remember clubhouse in 2020 at the end of 2020
Like there was such a huge focus on on xr
like that was really like there was a lot of talk on clubhouse about xr and like i've been saying this since ben, but basically like
And nobody called it special competing back then. They were all calling it the metaverse
They're not the same. They're not the same thing
Okay metaverse. Well, let me finish. Let me let me say let me say let me say this. Okay before like
There's no difference between between like it's not a virtue. It's not exclusively a virtual environment, right?
It's a it's a device to help make communication more effective and the way that communication
Breaks down and i've been saying this forever is basically like text is seven percent
Audio is 38
So you think about like these spaces that we show up to every night and we talk to each other and we can hear each other's
Voices and pick up on the tone and and and the inflection of our voices and all that and how much more powerful that is
And just like exchanging words through text on the timeline
Like there's something there, right? Like okay, seven percent 38 percent
At least 55 percent. What's that 55 percent made of that's body language
And so like what what's the technology that's going to enable body language?
For us to be able to communicate with each other and I think it's this
And you know, whatever the name or whatever the label you want to put on it. I think
It's not exclusive. I've been you know, it's not exclusive to a virtual environment
It's it's it's just as much a part of like the everyday real world, whatever you want to call it
You know like irl and url become a little more indistinguishable
and um, and that's why I think yeah, like this is a definitely like a breakthrough moment like um,
What do you call it? Like a like a you know, general purpose technology at some degree. Um
And uh, i'm no expert by the by the way
I'm just somebody like who's been following it and like insane in
Insatiably curious about all of this stuff, especially how it ties in with crypto and nfts more specifically but
Um, but yeah, that's uh, that's another uh, another conversation. Well, it definitely is a breakthrough though
I mean like because I think some people also conflate it with something like a quest three
And people think of it as well. There's already been maybe dr headsets or other mixed reality headsets
So that like what's so much different about this?
And then I also think like some people are asking like what is the killer app?
Like what's the one thing that i'm going to use on a daily basis as a justification to essentially own this piece of hardware
But I think what like a lot of people don't realize is that even you know
I think the metaverse example that you said which I have to agree. It's like somewhere in between
It's not necessarily the metaverse, but it is
A metaverse in a sense because you're supposed to actually be able to
You know create a second layer of reality within your physical space
Which is actually like the true meaning of what the metaverse will be not like a digital space that you enter through the desktop
But like essentially another layer on top of reality and eventually like these apps will become layers
So they will not necessarily won't be like you're downloading an app you're downloading a layer that you can essentially can run
In real time over your physical space that you're living in
And I think like the biggest killer app that this thing had was its spatial anchoring which seems really minimal
But it just has a massive implication for development because you're able to place objects in the space around you
And those objects will not move if you anchor them correctly
Which allows you to actually create that second layer metaverse where you can place your digital objects place your home
You know like screens and your computers and be able to essentially create that office space and digital layer
And right now that's just not possible with any other device
All other devices have a massive issue when it comes to that whole aspect of spatial anchoring
And that's like I would say the two killer things that they did with this was one that
And the whole eye tracking system which again if you go back to like the early iterations of what the iphone was
The biggest breakthrough was really just getting rid of the stylus and having a touch screen that you could use your finger rather than using
Like a pen and that was like the biggest breakthrough that they had there and this is pretty much the biggest breakthrough here
You're not necessarily having everything happen all at once
But also as a hardware company like it makes sense for them to basically roll this out in iterations
But you know there is no mistaking this for like a fad or like a moment that they've released
This is a product that they're going to be working on and eventually the goal is to slim it down and get it to a point
Where it replaces your smartphone as like a daily usable device
So I think it is just a massive like beginning to a massive industry
And honestly even from a speculative standpoint like buy one of these sit on it for 20 years
And then flip it fresh in a box
Like I mean there was a story of like someone who had the first ipod
You flipped it for like a million dollars. I guarantee that's just gonna be worth a lot of money in like 20 years
So there is like also that nature of it for the defense here that don't want to use it
But you just want to buy it and hopefully like make some money, you know, dude i'm depending into avps right now
What's the arb on them? Can I buy them cheaper somewhere also?
Look, I just got to show some support to tetra buckets in mica as well and everybody at od labs
I pin this up to the top
They do have like a mint coming up and I I rarely do this but go fuck with them
I mean they've been around for a while and
They definitely deserve your support. So go check out what they're doing
I want to throw it over to to ray just quickly ray. I mean talk to me by the way
Apparently abp also stands for assistant vice president as well as antiviral proteins and alien versus predators
to the vice president
Assistant to the regional manager, um ray
What's um talk to me here? What do you think is this the future? Are we going to be dating in the metaverse?
No, I don't know man. I think I think we all think that this is a pretty big inflection point
I mean, I mean there's there's plenty of people more knowledgeable than me about this about like spatial computing and how like
You know anchoring is a big thing that they did and did well
Like my qualms with this really is just the form factor and like hardware costs to scaling right because when I think about this thing
It's kind of like
Uh, it's it's it's like 3000 odd dollars. It's like not like the cost is very prohibitive
Um, I can even I can even envision a future where like I think a lot of people started buying cell phones and then like
You know cell phone companies were like we want to increase the price of the cell phones because it's getting more expensive to make
How do we do that?
And then cell phone fans came out and became really popular, right?
Um people like, you know people kind of use buy now pay later
Um a lot these days and I think like maybe plans to own this device would be
It'll be something that we can see in the future kind of popping up. Um, and another random thought is kind of just like
Like at what kind of scale do we need in order for this thing to to really take off, right?
Because nobody nobody kind of wants to walk around with with this big thing, uh lugged on top of their head
So I was like my my guess is like the technology I think
Is great and I think we all see the future in this but like it's like how long
The time horizon is before this this thing becomes quite mainstream is is a big question mark
Um, and yeah, I think I think building apps on it now like people were saying earlier. I think that's a I think that's a bit too
Soon to say and and it's like you it's great to be pioneers
But like a lot of times the pioneers are the first ones that die, you know
It's like this might not be the best
Opportunity moment to start building on it because it just lacks that kind of scale, you know, it's not open source
Also, it is actually true. I mean like think about it from perspective of
Um, not only daily active users, but just total users. I mean, there's only a hundred thousand headsets out there
So if you know as a developer you're putting in all of your time and energy to create an app and your whole business
Lifeline lives on people buying a vision pro and using it you're probably not going to have the best business model
uh, but the thing is is that also like if you're developing in that space like if you have access to the
Um, you know toolkit and you have access to the developer kit that like apple hands out right now so you can use your sdk
Whatever you're building and whatever engine you're building it on is probably portable over to other headsets as well
And you're probably not just building specifically something for apple
And I think like there are a lot of developers that will take a swing at building
You know apps that aren't going to necessarily be the lifeblood of their company
But they're going to be the fun apps that basically are early to this ecosystem because I think a lot of what's happening
Even from the perspective of a hardware developers is you're not actually buying up a lot of market share in the total market
You're buying mindshare and you're essentially
Getting people to be interested in your company as someone that's producing in this industry
While you're also producing and other verticals in this industry so you can actually be profitable
So it's a mix of being early and also working on something that has a massive future
While you're acquiring mindshare for you know an industry that will eventually scale to be a multi-trillion dollar industry when it does get to
A scale where the hardware is a daily daily usable object
And I think from the perspective of like, you know price that you mentioned
Yes, it's really on the higher side even if this was way slimmer way more usable
It's on the higher side
But if it eventually comes to replace what it's supposed to which is your home computer and your cell phone device
Then the price point suddenly isn't that high anymore
Oh, yeah for sure for sure
I mean, I mean the the point of price i'm making right now really isn't like it's a concern
But it's obviously like hardware costs come down over time obviously
But also like this replaces your phone your computer the monitors that you have and even like
If you're really using this thing full-time a lot of the times it's like we we spend a lot of money buying dumb shit
Just just to put into our rooms as decorations and as decor, right?
Like you know paintings or like stuff that goes onto your wall or plants
Or like your funko pops that are on on your shelf right now
It's like these things that we spend money on this device essentially can replace all of that, right?
So it's like you you can make it use it
Well, there can be a case made for it even on the financial side of it
But I do think like you know getting this thing down to like probably like a thousand dollars would be like pretty like that
Kind of like 900 to a thousand under a thousand dollar price point
It would be quite key and having like, you know
if apple really wants to push this thing and get market share like having some kind of like
Deal where they like they have some kind of buy now pay later or some kind of installment plan
Because right now they push all that stuff onto like
Onto the actual cell phone carriers and providers, right?
But but I think if there's some kind of like
Um kind of like that kind of lease plan or some kind of like just like delayed payment plan on this thing
And breaking breaking it up in the chunks for like, you know, the mass market to actually adopt
I think these will be the kind of moves that will actually drive the hardware forward
um, but like, you know the point I was making earlier about like being a developer if you were like
A college grad or like a one-man development shop
It's like probably not wise to spend your time on like
A hundred thousand, you know total users right now was was like that was the that was the point I was making
But if you're a big company
You're spending a bit of money to invest and and get kind of market share there and get people
Uh to know that you're building in that space that that obviously makes sense
But as a smaller development shop, uh, it probably doesn't make a lot of sense in that in that way
So, uh, here's a question and then we do got to go to beach hills because beach hills was actually on the team at apple
Building this fucking thing. So we'll talk to beat the fucking legend
Um, here's a question for anybody really
Imagine if apple just pulled a salon a saga and they're like fuck it every single one of these comes with like an og
genesis nft on ordinals
And quantum ordinal, you know, that's that's one of the ridiculous what is going on?
What is even going on?
I'm just saying like imagine just imagine they sold a hundred thousand of these dude
They would have sold a million of these four thousand dollars. There's a 20 million of these four thousand dollars for the og apple
nft it could be like a
Pfp of like steve wasniak like it it could be anything
I'm wheezing thing though
Like before we do go to the hands it's like I think something that obviously this isn't any solid info
I think this is just something you can look into is how often has apple released the product and called it pro at the beginning
And then reverted away from the pro usually they give you a device and then it becomes the pro
So I think uh, even from a price point perspective
There will be another version that will come out that will not be the pro that will be a cheaper price point for people to
Answer that will actually have a more mass market appeal and you know an easier entry price and I just think that in the long term
This has massive implications
Especially if you're in the xr space and you create you understand how such simple functions like spatial anchoring have such massive implications
And you understand also like when it comes to the eye tracking what type of massive implications those have so
I think sometimes like people look at it
But they don't realize that apple released a really great blance blank slate that essentially, you know
Gave that like, you know blank canvas for developers in the space that have already have tons of experience
And I'll look at it as like wow
There's so many things that we wanted to create where the quest just couldn't do
And now we are actually or the oculus couldn't do and now we actually have a place where we can create these programs
And they're not, you know necessarily apps that are going to cost hundreds and thousands of dollars to develop
These are apps that are actually easy to stand up
So I think you know
There is that whole implication of people getting in building things quick and not necessarily putting a massive build budget behind it
Okay, I want to ask in tetra you made me think of this too and
beach hills
Why do you think specifically?
Like how did apple beat meta to this?
I mean meta has been releasing these headsets for a while, but apple kind of just went straight to
You know like ar being like a high focus of this like why do you think that's the case?
Do you think meta is just going to come out and release their own competitor in the next six months and?
Thanks for having me up. You always make me sound so much cooler than I really am. So I appreciate that and uh,
Tetra meika buckets, like I love you. Well, you guys are great. Really excited for your project
Um, I can't speak on that. You know that like come on talking about competitors up here. No, no, no, no
I can't do that
But I did want to share something that I was thinking about the other day was before I started working for apple
I remember seeing this picture of a computer a cell phone
a camcorder
A palm pilot a beeper a watch everything all on one table
And then next to it was this other table. It was just an iphone
And it was a really cool perspective back then
And I think it's kind of a new feel now
Where you have an iphone?
And then you look at the vision pro and man
Like I i'm very I love my product like I love what I put into i'm very passionate about it
And i'm an apple fanboy at the end of the day. I love my job. I love my team. I love the work I do
Man, this thing is awesome. It's so much fun to use
Like the spatial awareness everything about it like I have notes right now
On my fridge for groceries. I need to get and if I go to my bedroom, I have hbl playing right now
and then in my living room, I have
The buck is getting on right now. It's it's crazy
Uh can't talk about competitors, but I love my product
I'm really happy with all the feedback in it and I love listening to tetra talk about it
Like it makes me really passionate about it
Um people that talk about either giving their takes whether they like it don't like it
I love both sides and I love hearing it and I think that constructive feedback is just as good as positive feedback. So
um, I listen to it
And yeah, you make me always sound way cooler than I really am. Uh, I work in a windowless lab and
I don't know man. I just
Present decks and all that. So
Thanks for having me out. Wait be chills. Um, you said you can't talk about competitors, but why did you dm me suck can suck it?
You got me
You got me. Um
I look I don't have I don't have much to say I don't have much to say on that. Sorry
Mark, I know he didn't actually dm me. Um, well someone else dm me that
Okay, I just made it up. But look here's a question for you chills. Um
Are we on like a last name basis here just chills or should I call you b?
I noticed that i'm on the floor. I'm on the floor
For that anyway, I haven't been lucky enough to test it out. I would when I get back to l.a tomorrow
I want to have some a couple friends that have it. So maybe i'll be able to try one out
But um, is it as heavy as what people are saying? Like is it actually pretty heavy?
So there's the the dual loop is actually the one that I use. Um, that's the one that goes around my head
I have a big nose. So like
I like i'm kind of like the light leak and all that
It just it has to fit perfectly on my face or else. Yeah, I have a little bit of light flowing through but
Uh, there's two bands that come with it. I use the dual loop band that goes over my head and behind rather than the one
That just goes behind. Um
So I just use that it doesn't feel as heavy at all
I have it and so does max who's here with me right now and it's not heavy at all
We went on a hike with it as well and I like didn't take it off the whole hike
Um, I mean going down the hike like there was a little bit of pressure because I was like going down. I was like
Um, but hiking with it and I have like a pretty small head
Uh, hey big head. Anyways, and so does max
And uh, and I don't know we're we're like vibing with it
Like max is actually in there now. She does she joins spaces in them
Um, and I just think it makes more sense like to actually have a future where like we're doing this
And I could like be in the headset and just like it's a little bit more like activated like maybe the pfps move
Like I don't know. That's the I I just feel like it's so great for community building and just like
Loneliness like i'm a huge believer in this future. Um, so
Like I want to be chilling in my living room and have you all just like there
But like actually there and i'm not limited to looking at this like black screen and like a small phone
You know what's interesting even the vernacular around this you said like max is in there
Like as opposed to like oh, she's wearing it or like she's using it
Like that is a subtle thing, but it it is. Um
Kind of indicative of like what's a lot to kind of like we're in there
That um, I don't know to me that it seems like more of a big deal. Um
Yeah, I mean I like this idea even what chills were saying I can't I just gotta call you be chills chills
It's not it's not coming chills. Do you know sunny right sunny calls me chills?
It's actually mister chills. I got the sunny cosine. Um
Now I like the idea of like you being able to walk around your house and everything's just displayed in different areas and pinned
And I love that. Um
I guess the question I have for you guys because it seems like most of the stage here actually owns one
Do you think that's not the concept of what this is?
Could it be a fad not that but more so is this one specific device?
Do you see people using it long term or do you think?
Mostly people will wait for future iterations because let's be honest
it took probably like five to ten years for even uh, apple computers to get to
I don't know like it takes time but they they're so fucking good. Like I have the m3 macbook and this thing is
My my previous macbook was a 2016 one and I mean, this is like just on a completely different level. It's a super computer
It's honestly absurd how fast it is
Like it's it's faster than you would ever even need a computer to be unless you're you know
I have like pro tools able tenon logic all up and you're fucking using 12 different ai's like
I don't know. So that's the question like is this specific device the current iteration of the avp?
Will people use it mica? Tell me mica
Okay, first of all, i'm like kind of a digital nomad. So the fact that I
Travel a lot
And I can't bring monitors everywhere with me
And that this could just be like multiple monitors that I could just like pack and like my backpack is like super bullish
That's number one. Number two. I don't know if you saw but kc
Night nisa. How do you I don't know how to pronounce the last name. Nice that word like nice that yeah
He edited something in it and like to me
Um, you know when I edit like and also it's an 8k
Like if i'm editing like ak footage like crazy footage like I don't know
I haven't done it yet in the vision pro but would be really excited too because
I've worked with ak footage before and like the monitors just don't do it justice. So
Um, that's gonna be pretty cool. I think the cinematic mode in it
I definitely don't think that this like product is a fad at all. I think there's like a bunch of use caseport
I mean maybe not the way that we see people like walking around with it
Like I think they're just doing it for content
Like I know I did like I went viral this whole weekend just because I was like doing silly things like that
Like I was just like, okay, fine. Like let me just let me just do this, uh, and just um, you know
Get people excited. Um, and and it worked but um, I think tetra was saying this the other day that like it's not really meant
For the outdoors. It is meant for like your home like the spatial computing stuff
Um, and uh, yeah, that's my take on it
Yeah, I need to get one I even think spending the the 3000 here's the thing it's 3500
But while I was talking about this just a couple nights ago
Like if you want any of the leap we just bought a cat on I don't know about wee
But I just bought a cat on bitcoin for like 5k
Okay, I don't want anyone
In this space
To tell me about the price of a legit computer being too much if they minted
A quantum cat literally shut your damn if you're on bitcoin get out take the door
Like I fight with the ira alpha gods all the time now. They're super bullish on it
But like it's like don't even at me do not at me. Don't even look in my way
Um, well and then but wait is is the apple vision pro?
Is that going to go to one bitcoin though mica?
But the price point when you think about it though, it's like what blau said you need the extra 500 for app care
In case an accident happens, which it probably could be monthly for after
And then an extra 500 to up the the you know the gigs because you don't want like the basic iphone storage
You have to buy two of them flip one and then keep the other one you get a shoulder for like 65 hundred bucks
Oh, yeah, you can flip one. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah here. Oh, yeah
Take that take that
I'm covering my ears. I can't hear I can't hear these things. I I just can't
It really does need to be at a more like
Accessible price point I think for a lot of people who would like to enjoy it
but other than that I just wonder why like
I get that the
the whole
Consensus idea behind it is that you are enjoying augmented reality
Mixed reality even extended reality to a point
But why can't you take regular phone calls? Why does it have to be facetime phone calls with these goofy?
spooky personas
Um, when will they integrate at up upon that point? When will they integrate?
You know the cell phone carriers so that you can get rid of your iphone
You can actually get rid of these other devices and just use and in in you know, that's the latest point
Wait, wait, wait
I'm talking
Y'all got to talk a lot. Okay
To tetris point if that if this truly is the pro and there will be a uh, you know
This is just conjecture
another device with fewer
Optionalities available this one needs to have all those features this one needs to have phone call access
This one needs to have all the features so that you don't need any other devices
Buckets I see you waving your hand maniacally. Just hang on
Because if you're going to put out
Speculatively another device with fewer features available. This one
Is not fully equipped yet and you can't necessarily update this device simply with software updates
The os is incomplete
um, so you would have to put out a new
Hardware physical device in order to fully equip what i'm talking about
So I don't think that it's feasible that this is going to be the pro and only pro
If they're thinking of fully letting you uh escape without any other device that you need
um, and I think the full experience that they're hoping they that they should be aiming to put out
Would be one where you can take a phone call. You can do all your computing everything without any other device
Needed gogo for that. You got to pay for the pro plus
Oh tetra. Thank you
It's it's not a pro. It's not water
so, um one thing that you're gonna remember that this is still an apple product and what apple tends to do is
Respectfully to be chills trap you in their ecosystem and in their ios
They've done it for they've they've done it with every other product
They use their they use ios the icloud and they connect all these products because what essentially what they do is they create the best hardware
They get you in the door because their hardware is the best and then trap you in ios
And that's not necessarily a bad thing
That's just the way that they operate and honestly i'm willing to be trapped in apple hardware because it is the best hardware out there
And expecting them to now integrate a samsung phone to be able to take calls
Or like that wasn't that wasn't my point at all or like no, there's or like talk to like verizon atnt. Is that your point?
No, no, like it's like a replacement of your iPhone
But I think like also that's not like the point of this iteration like it's supposed to be the replacement right now of basically other
Computers other xr devices it's supposed to be like their moment
Like think of it like that iPhone wasn't the first touchscreen phone
But it was the one that implemented a touchscreen without the stylus
And it was supposed to have very intuitive functions that at the time seemed very small
But then became things that we use till today almost across all phones, right?
So this has those small features that right now they don't seem that important to us
But over the next 10 years as every company will probably be gate kept out of it as apple
Like keeps as many of these unlocked because they only want these functions for themselves
People will realize how big it is because then gets your mic. Yeah buggers. You're killing me
Like, you know then
These small features are what like essentially makes it I even think like to them like from a design perspective
This is like that steve jobs moment where it's like, you know
You read upon like, you know steve jobs this moment of like, oh like us releasing the iphone
No matter what it's not going to come out with that with the stylus
I'm like you no matter what you have to figure this out. I think those small features is that moment for them as well
It's like we don't want to necessarily compete with a quest. We want to be something completely different
And also, why would they create an iteration right now that ultimately can't be carried around like a cell phone?
But will then replace the cell phone in your home so that then you possibly have a less use for it
It's almost complaining like two things together that don't necessarily need to be yet
I think in a future iteration it can get there. But right now it's just not supposed to be that
Did you guys see this? Um, that's fair. I was just rebutting your point
Go ahead. Please
Please can I can I add something into this real quick?
No, um, did you guys see this project? That was um
It's the first
Yeah, you can jump in chainsaws. Oh my god leave. Thank you
Wow, that was a hell of a moan um chainsaws i'm ready for the take talk to me what's going on. All right, you ready?
Okay, never ready. All right. All right. All right. Be chills. Correct me if i'm wrong on this
I've got i've got people in department of energy department in um EIP
Uh, you know environmental protection agency epa. Sorry, um
They're doing the basically
The goal is to get rid of the iphone
And have the apple watch and the glasses and the iteration is going to be the apple glasses
Over the iphone and just have the apple watch and the glasses together
Um, so with everybody
Moving towards this this whole defunct. Um, you know cell phone
Obsession that's the that's the whole thing right there
Um, i've got some alpha on that like, uh, one of my buddies he works with the epa
He's uh high up in the epa
Apple is going around to different states and they're working on these recycling plants to go ahead and break down the
The natural minerals that you find in like the gold and the silver and etc
Lithium and they're going to break down these iphones in recycling plants and then use them to process and
manufacture what we're doing with the apple glasses and
They want basically I think what they want is the apple watch and the apple glasses to work
Um, so instead of carrying around a giant cell phone you're carrying around the apple watch and you have the glasses
So instead of having this I and it looks crazy. It looks dystopian. It looks like a black mirror project
You walk around with these apple glasses
Uh, we've all seen the tick tock videos the twitter videos where you have people
You know, they think the guy got arrested or guy got pulled over with the tesla
And he had the apple glasses and he has the apple watch as well. He has the uh, you know, everything going on
Am I correcting that? I mean you don't have to give me a yes or no because I know you're you have an nda and everything
like that, but
What are you what are you seeing there? Like, uh, am I am I?
Are we are we on that path?
Dude, you know probably more than I do about that stuff if you're hearing that much
I've redesigned a couple callings and a couple cables
I work in hardware specifically. I don't I don't touch marketing
Uh, if I touch that department, that means I have to go to more meetings and I am beyond busy as is so
Uh, I think that's a really I don't know like that's cool
But I haven't I don't I don't deal with that. Honestly. Sorry. I wish I had the answer
Do you see it going in that direction though?
Do you do you see?
The uh, the ar aspect and the glass because it's a big battery pack. It's a big ass battery pack
It's like walking around with like the nintendo
Vision or whatever it was back in the day
Uh versus, um, you know meta and what they produce with the uh, uh oculus
I don't know. I I just see that as as the next step and my guy at the department of energy and
My other guy at the department of epa and what they're saying is they're going around with these apple executives
And they're they're interviewing them and trying to get an understanding of what they want to do and how they want to build out these
Recycling plants. These are apple recycling plants
They're dedicated to simply recycling, you know cell phones. Um, instead of sending them off to some random company
We're going to be recycling our iphones because let's face it
90 of you in this room have an iphone
Wait, are you saying that?
They're going to recycle our phones and then uh use that product to
Make the apple vision pros in the future and then sell them back to us
Yeah, um, they there's i've already tested out the new, uh prototype basically
It's not anything like what you have right now. It's much more streamlined
You don't have this massive battery pack that goes along with everything. That's not what they want. That's not their goal
the prototype of what
With with with your it was not anywhere near close to what you're looking at right now with the apple glasses
Um, it was simply like put it on your face. Try it out and see what you think
For comfort and everything else with the apple glasses. You have this giant oculus
They want to get away from the oculus. They don't want anything close to what the oculus resembles
They don't want anything close to what?
What it means when you're in vr like, you know
How you put on the vr and you're in this experience like quote unquote experience
They want it to be a seamless interaction within reality
and and and almost like um contacts, you know what I mean like, uh, I know that sounds so crazy, but
The um, the interaction that they're looking for is not
Not where you wake up and you say I have to put this on because I know everybody that has these
These apple vision pros is putting something on and that's how that's how they um
Kind of look at this whole process is like you put something on and then you're in an experience
Um what apple wants is you wake up, you know how you wake up and you grab your cell phone off the desk
And and you just go that's what they want with the apple glasses. That's what they wanted. That's what they want to look at
That's what i'm saying
All right. Cp. Well, I woke up I woke up this morning and I and I put my
Stuff on my I put my goggles on and I started writing emails. It was pretty great
I mean in a long enough time horizon. Yeah, that's that's definitely the goal. I mean no, no, I did I did it this morning
I'm telling you
I know about but i'm saying like but he's saying with like, you know people
Who everyone waking up and putting it on like I think in a long enough time horizon. That's definitely the case
Um, I mean meta's uh same case for it as as well
I mean like meta's not burning, you know tens of billions a year in this division
So they can have the next like vr device
I think the only difference is like apple natively goes towards building something
While meta like acquires companies and tries to like refactor it into like something else so they, you know acquired oculus difference
the biggest difference between a two
Is having spent probably
2000 plus hours in the quest three
Or not not in the quest three but across quest two quest pro and quest three since 2020
I've definitely spent over a couple thousand hours in it
The biggest difference is just the integration like quest three is that is not integrated with anything
It's an independent like very high quality headset that is really good at video games
um, and that's just about it and then you have the apple headset, which is
really good at everything and like is okay at games, but like it's only a matter of time before
There's external controllers if apple is even more. I mean who knows if they're gonna do that, but
The biggest difference is that like I feel like
The i've been trying to explain this to people today the biggest difference between the quest three and the and the and the vision pro
Is like when you buy a mac laptop and you you know, most people I would say in the space probably have a mac
It's it does a really good job at a lot of things and then I also have a gaming pc
And my gaming pc is like the quest three where it's like a little bit more finicky windows crashes all the time
Um, the hardware and the software are built by different people and like applications are even built by more different people, right?
Whereas with apple
Like even if you don't use chrome and you just use safari and you use and you use logic or garageband
Like I use logic on my apple
Like it's just a seamless experience because all the hardware and software is pretty well integrated
Especially with the new, you know mac chips and I have an m2
You know production music production laptop, right?
And so like it's the integration that the vision pro is so good at and then of course like the quality of graphics
That's its strength its weakness is there actually isn't that much you can do with it outside of productivity
That's like worthwhile
And or like watching movies at this at this point in time
However, it is so obvious to see where it's going to go
And the quest it's not so obvious to see how
Where it's going to go beyond gaming like the price point of the quest is is significantly lower
It's about a tenth of the price right so it works for younger people that just want to use games
But it really doesn't do anything even close
Outside of that like it does nothing right whereas the vision pro doesn't do games that well yet
But does everything else incredibly well, so I mean, yeah, I think it's like comparing apples oranges
Um, I don't I don't really I wish i've been trying to think of other comparisons now that i've like
Spent a solid week in the vision pro and thousands of hours in the three, but like
It's unlike anything else. So if you haven't put one on and I would also say like
It's taken me like
Probably 10 hours to like it as much as I do and I I fall in love with it more the more I use it
Whereas the quest three I I just like it was the same from the get-go. Anyway, do you get your work done faster, Justin?
I've been using the quest. Well, so like
Sorry, i've been using the pro like at night and in the morning activity
So i've been using the pro at night and in the morning
Like there's literally no reason for me to have it on in my office where I already have a great setup
I have great sound I have like multiple
I have a nice screen setup
But like if I didn't have an office and I was mobile and I was traveling the world and living out of hotel rooms
Like then this thing would be even fucking more incredible and you can like honestly the keyboard's not so great
The mouse clicking is so if you just like attach a bluetooth keyboard or you use it
Like what i've been doing is I I have a virtual keyboard and a magic
Um trackpad and I have a tray for him and then I can type
In my virtual desktop in in the in the apple vision pro and then I can migrate
To like my texts in a separate window
And so I use it primarily in the mornings and in the evenings when i'm like going to sleep or or waking up
And like that's been really nice
And I have I've yet to watch like a full movie in it
But um, i've watched like 20 minutes of rick and morty. That was pretty great
I've tried a lot like i've tried all the apple 3d movies like there's this one called adventure
Which if you have one and you're in here, it's like the fucking craziest shit i've ever seen in my life
And it kind of showcases the potential
That's like totally unmet yet
Um, does anybody else on stage have one?
Yeah, I mean I think a bunch of people here have it I don't know like mica's probably
Oh b has one. Yeah adventure is like so insane and the dinosaur is also insane with like this headset
I think actually the biggest thing that like, you know, most people are not realizing is that
It really isn't like because like okay all apple devices you have the expectation of seamless integration
Like you're supposed to have an integration. That's kind of what you expect from, you know
Any apple device that you get so if this was an oculus with apple integration?
Actually a bad case for apple if that's all they shipped
But again, like some of the most important things that this shipped
This product shipped was the spatial anchoring and also what essentially is the aspect of what an illusion is created in this
Technology because when you're looking through this you're not really looking through a looking glass
You're not looking through a piece of glass. You're essentially having a camera that stitches for you in real time
And when you're in a quest you just don't have that same illusion because the spatial anchoring is just not there to the degree
that apple is and the has that has like a massive implication when it even comes to gaming or all sorts of
Spatial awareness and you know creating of experiences that essentially have to anchor themselves to your environment
So you can really create what is that like metaverse feeling?
Because the moment that you break illusion you get away from the real value proposition
The value proposition isn't the fact that like this is just another device
But it's that this device can keep that illusion together that much more than anything else that's been out there
It's leaps ahead of any other device that can keep that illusion
And I think that's the biggest blank canvas for developers to look at and be like wow
We wanted to create x y and z that just wasn't possible because when we created in a quest
It just breaks the illusion it looks shitty and then some developers like I know for example for games that we built
We didn't want to put it out because it just wasn't as great the windows move a little bit more
The walls that you build up like essentially that eco that you build
Has just not necessarily locked in and it looks really great when you're running it on something like an unreal or unity
But the moment that you pour it into like an apk to quest
It just suddenly starts breaking that illusion which ultimately ruins the experience and I think from a mixed reality
Developer perspective your biggest
Friend is the fact that you want to essentially hold that illusion and make people really feel like whatever you're creating
Is entering their world not so much that they're exiting the world and entering a virtual one
You want them to feel like the world? Oh, that's really I like that take a lot. Can we clip that?
That was great
Well, we could we could have clipped it but elon
He's a master of taking away features and they removed native spaces clipping for for no reason
Do you guys remember when that was the thing? Wait tetra you said you said you said something along the lines of like
bringing people in like bringing
Instead of you exiting your world and entering vr. It's like bringing vr into the real like what can you say that more times
it's the difference between being a
virtual reality device that you know does mixed reality versus an extended reality device that is highly focused on mixed reality because
Ultimately like this device isn't supposed to take you away from the world that you are into another
It's supposed to bring that world into yours and it's supposed to make you feel like your home space
Can now actually have that interaction with all these digital interfaces?
Which the future of whether you want to call it xr or spatial computing is layer-based reality
It's essentially a reality where apps are not running one by one where you open an app and you're functioning as you're directly looking
But where you're running each of these apps as a layer that can actually process and give you one more layer of experience in your space
And layer and the quest doesn't do any layering
Quest is actually very app-based. It's you jump into one app you run it
That's the only function that happens sure you can run a recorder in the background and that could happen, but that's about it
There's nothing else that you can do with this
The real goal is to drive forth that layer-based reality and allow a multitude of apps that can run natively at the same time
And create that massive experience that doesn't make you feel like you've entered virtual worlds
But really that the virtuals entered your world and that's like dude. I love that
I fucking I fucking love the way you said it and
I think like
Once one like foot. Well, well, I have like a big story that I might save leap
You can tell me whether or not I can tell it but i'm gonna save the big story
And i'm gonna just leave a footnote two quick footnotes, which are
Um, I do, you know, I know I know beach hills is you know, is the resident expert on stage?
I do have a friend who's you know was was
Modern like pretty high up in the ranks and basically said, you know, but he left recently
So I think he's a little bit less sensitive
But all he said to me was wait wait till the three and I was like, oh shit. Okay, that's pretty interesting
um, and then the other thing that's worth another footnote is
Having just returned to or I I had um, wait, this is a really funny story
Um, my assistant that I just hired a week ago
Just got stolen by fucking zuck, which is hilarious
Um, that's a side note, but she went to go. Um
You guys I literally got sucked. I'm not even kidding. I hired her a week ago. Jordan Zuckerberg's chief of staff called her while she was here
like getting up up to speed and said from I guess she interviewed with them like two months ago and
Didn't hear back and then they were like you have the job
Can you be in san francisco in two weeks or impalato in two weeks?
So I said good for you. You're gonna go. I mean great for her resume and good good for her
But like i'm pissed anyway
She went to the apple store to return
To older laptops of mine that i've been like very lazy to to like fuck not return like recycle or whatever
And I was so surprised how much money I actually got i'm sure I probably could have got more money
but I got like I think I got 200 back for a
2017 laptop which like to me is basically worthless at this point
And then I got like 630 for a 2020 laptop
And this is four years old, right?
And when I did the iphone swaps for my family, we all got the new one. Um, we got like
Basically half the price of the new iphone back
So the way i'm thinking about this device is like if there's a two and a three like right now
It's not really 3500 if you want the 512 it's basically 4500 4600
My my one terabyte was 4800 with with apple care
And if you don't get the apple care, you're a dumbass because you're gonna drop this and it's gonna get damaged
Right. So then the apple care is 500. So now you're in at 4800, right?
When the new one comes out whenever it comes out
Um, i'm gonna lose about 50 of the value, but i'm probably gonna be able to trade my old device in
And it's probably going to trade
Maybe even higher than 50 depending on how quickly apple ships like feed two and b3
Which we don't really know could be years could be not not yours
But I I have a feeling it's going to be faster than years like they just launched this thing and they're going to keep improving it
And and yeah, so I guess my my take here is like
It's probably worth it
If you're like if you want to get used to the ecosystem
Today so that when the next ones come out and they're lighter
Which I think my biggest complaint at this point is just the weight
And that's like it's actually like a bit heavier than the quest 3 even though it has a lower a smaller profile like physical volume profile
The weights the weight actually does affect you over time even with the different straps, but it's not bad. It's just like
Not great. Um, and I can only see them making it less weight like like weight is a solvable problem
Like all the problems that I see with it today
I feel like by v3 definitely feel like they'll be solved and then what will it cost me? Uh
Like if you know, I get to use this and then I get the new one for like one or one grand a year
It's like how i'm looking at it
Like it's probably only gonna cost me another thousand dollars per year as the new ones come out
Which is totally worth it at that point, right? That's sort of how i've been thinking about it
Bro, it sounds like you're hiring. I mean, uh, you lost somebody, uh, let me know
Uh, yeah sucks. I mean, I don't think you want to be a
But she was really good. She used to work for forl and then I somehow got a hold of her because forl moves to paris
And then I like she left me for zach
I like I like your take. I like your take on um, the physical aspect of of uh,
The ar um vision because that's a huge that's a huge thing that everybody's looking at right now, right?
Like everybody's everybody wants to know like exactly what is going on with this
And so few of you like mica
You know, we have we have some people in here that have uh have access to this
This technology and it's huge like you guys have like a huge voice right now in the space
Because what a hundred thousand units sold or whatever it is. Uh, you guys have such a it's a it's a it's a niche
Um, wow, that's it physical
Well, that was that they only made a hundred thousand devices
Yeah, it's it's such a niche. It's it's just it's such a niche space
And the people that were so lucky to have
Um a lot of you here right now in one room
That are able to give us a real life example about what it means to have one of these because
You're gonna understand that like it is a hundred thousand devices for this
But if you're developing anywhere in the xr space, it's pretty cross compatible
I mean like even on ig for example
like we have over a billion impressions across all of our experiences and use cases and
You know with all of those experiences that we've been putting out
Those are just natively done to instagram
I mean if we want to cross compare between like all the different devices
We have well over like one and a half billion, you know
Experiences that have been done by users before and it's just like this ecosystem right now is tiny
But it's not that hard to jump into any of these like for us to jump into creating something in quest
Wasn't that hard for quest three because if you're already programming and you're already creating these experiences for other platforms
Most of them are quite similar on the background
I mean a lot of them are just node based programming and if you know how to do it in one
You can kind of learn the other ones and you know cross compare and put your
Essentially like 3d assets to the other one be able to create experiences
So it is kind of like where you nobody has to dedicate their life. Like we're not dedicating all of our resources
I'm not personally doing that for creating things for apple vision. It's just too small the user base
Wait tetra. Did you get the developer strap for 300 or whatever?
No, I don't get the developers. I should
Yeah, if you want to plug in a hard drive, you need that develop that like 300 developer strap or whatever. It's funny
Did you guys see this new project?
It was the first project minted on the apple vision pro forecast turn
No, no, no first project minted
Um, and for how depending on how long you actually wear it per day you earn points
Leap why don't you have a forecaster yet? Like what what the like thread is your best friend and he's on there
Having a great time
And like you're in denial, bro
I I think it's cool. I just I if I buy you your ens. Will you join?
I mean, I would not say no to that offer. Yeah, buy it buy it for me
The guy you you don't have to do that. Just talk to dan
Well dan's very busy right now. I um
Dan is doing like a million things. I'm like I I feel
I'm, so happy for them
But I also know what it's like to be on the other side. Like he's not going to sleep for like fucking three weeks
Neither am I I don't know
I think I think he would appreciate the the politeness of it rather than like the ceo of llama
Llama llama llama just went out and like he dm'd him waited 10 hours
Didn't get a response yet and then just like bitched on the timeline and dan was like, okay. Dm'ing you
actually, yeah, I mean I I
introduced dan to someone I I just introduced dan to someone on text who's like
Someone who will bring a lot of attention to the platform and like it definitely took
A couple hours and I get it because it's like when when everything's going like this and
I I will stand by the fact. I think this is the most significant moment. We've had
in crypto outside of financial applications ever
um, and that's like
I don't think i've said that before
Wow, so is it more significant than ordinals?
Yes, the fids are selling like for a lot of ideas are selling like ordinal blocks more significant than music nft
Most certainly. No, it's it's uh, i'm not joking. The fids are selling like ordinal blocks
My fid got appraised for 100 eth
Which is really funny there's an appraisal because you're you're what you're 81 right you're sub 100
Yeah, i'm 81. No, but so there's a tool on farcaster
It's a frame where you can submit your fid and then it just gets appraised by it by a by a channel
I mean, it's it's reddit and twitter mixed with crypto. Wait, go do I follow it? Did I follow you on there?
You did. Thank you
I haven't I haven't gone and gotten mine appraised, but i'm like
5000 something. Oh, I mean, that's so that's so pretty that like the five. It is really good
So, I don't know. Wait, wow, is it more significant than quantum cats?
I don't know about that. I mean nowhere near nowhere near quantum cats is a big deal like
listen, like
You know, I I would put quantum cats farcaster and crypto the game as as the as the hottest things right now
I'm just particularly excited about farcaster because
Um of how easy it is for a mainstream person to use which the other two neither of the other two are
That doesn't make them any less important. Um, I think the other two are very important, but i'm very excited
Yeah, there is no second pet
Well, okay, um, i'll throw some of these hands leap
I know you always get nervous about trying to start your your audience over
That's kind of like the thing you fall back to when you talk about this
But like literally everyone would just follow you leap. Just fucking start it right now. What are you waiting for a dog? Do it now?
Because you didn't mean to quantum cat and you don't have a farcaster aka you are not cool
Yeah, i'm just i'm definitely not cool. Um, and I could have been to quantum cat
even though I tried by the way because
The public meant we're not enough, but that's okay. That's okay
Yeah, the ordinals the ordinals community bought it the fuck out of it and we're bragging about it on timeline
Listen, that's just that's a good. That's a good signal. Good signal is is that's the game
Fuck the game but like leap but like leap just it takes five seconds. Just fucking do it dude. It's so easy
What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? I mean
You can literally create just do just do leap xy. Just do leap xyz
Someone's gonna snipe it literally right now. You you won't like you like I don't even have royal. I had to get joined royal because
I was an idiot and didn't register royal a long time ago, you know doesn't matter
You get your name. It's your name will still be leap. It'll your handle will be different
It's not like it's it's not about that. Like i'll join it when i'm just like fucking busy right now
Like dude, it literally takes five seconds
There's an entire pudgy penguins decentralized
Can we can we register an account for leap and then gift it to him
No, I mean you'd have to create a wallet for him like an ethereum wallet
Well, you could you could you could I mean you just have to give him the seed phrase and then you'd have
That's what I said
Okay. All right. You have at first I can fucking set it up. It's not that difficult to set up an account
I will when I i'm flying back to l.a
Bro, there's literally no upside. It's just a bunch of hype right now like it's sufficiently decentralized
I think farcaster is cool
But like i'm not going to stop everything i'm doing in my entire life to go
On an entirely new social platform. Like it's this is ridiculous. Everybody pressures me to do things
What if what if they launch like farcaster spaces?
Oh, so like for if they launch farcaster spaces, it's over for you leap
They're already working there an app is already working on social audio
You're kidding me, right?
And that's fantastic. And I will test it out when it does but like
I there's no here's the thing. I can only manage so many i've had a farcaster account before all of you guys combined
There is no second pet hey there is no really is not a second pet hey listen
There is not a second bit. Hey, listen, everything you want is on the other side of fear
Go go fucking farcaster
Like it's literally to the fact that I just if I if I go over there like cool
There's not as much for me to do there right now
I can wait like I don't need to go rush to buy an apple
Listen, i'm gonna i'm gonna like come and knock. Okay. I I did you a favor recently
It's now your your turn to do me a favor and just fucking do it
Okay, if I start one using my card for your own good
I'm using my favorite card for your own good leap
Just take three minutes
And make one and then let everyone else on stage that has one pump you up
This is how he's tricking you he's tricking you because you're gonna start one
You're gonna like it and you're gonna owe him another favor. This is kapal shit
This is i'm you guys see what's happening up here is the kapal is pressuring other people to do dude
I can't it's like a drill like a drill
Up here for the farcaster conversation and then we pivoted to avp alien versus predator, so i'm here for this
Can you use farcaster on apple vision pro?
I have done that because I have so here's my situation right now. I have the apple vision pro
I got it on release date. I actually so I i've had every single vr headset ever made
Because because because i'm a fucking nerd i'm an idiot. I don't even know why I got them. I'm
I'm an absolute. I'm an absolute idiot
And all of them are completely useless
like there's nothing you could like it's like they have like those stupid games like you can dance and like
like it's it's they're useless like the meta quest is like a
It's a joke. Anyways, I got the apple vision pro fully expecting that i'm gonna
Put it in a drawer and never touch it again. But here's the here's the thing. It's actually really good
So it's it's really good as a screen
for either for my computer screen or for like
If I ever get a chance to watch tv, then I think it will be pretty good for that, too
So it's it's great for those two things
I actually actually think i'm going to use that as opposed to the
vr headsets that I acquired before that i'm never touching again
um, so that's that's great
I mean it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't support like solana at all
Virtual desktop. So so udi check out my check out my screenshot
The solana devs are coming over to build for solana. Mert is already over there. So
It's a matter of time
Do you look at my uh, but seriously, I actually think it's really good. It's actually like
I think it's actually really good. I think like obviously look it's obviously
Stupidly expensive. So most people will never be able to justify spending that much money on a
on a vr toy but or cat but but but like
It's so it's very expensive, you know, it's very heavy
The battery life sucks
but you can
You can look at this at this thing and say like okay
This is it's clear how this is going to become part of our lives in the future. I think I think that's
I think that's overwhelmingly true
as opposed to like i've tried every one of the facebook headsets like the quest one two three and the ones they had before like the
Go the oculus go and the rift and all that bullshit those sucked. Those were
Those sucked and the apple vision pro is actually exactly good. I'm gonna use that. What can your cat do?
What can the cat don't but i'm not i'm not here to show cats if people don't want to buy cats
They shouldn't I mean I think I they should they please I personally I personally love the cats
I like the cats a lot
But if people don't want cats that like i'm not i'm not here to convince people to buy cats
I'm here to talk about the apple vision pro and by the way, you can
use the apple vision pro to go to magic eden and
Look at the quantum cats. Woody. Woody. Look at my look at my look at my screenshot
Look at my look at my little uh pin tweet
I could just go to go to magic eden there and and look at look at my cats
I could actually get a lot of cats and put them all around me in different
In different frames and make it place the cats around you
Yeah, cat gallery for sure
Okay. So while we're talking about cat galleries, I think it's a a good moment to formally congratulate you
You guys did a great job hell of a mint out and the community is super happy like it's
It's insane the amount of secondary volume is fucking staggering and you guys deserve every every bit of um
I mean you just like deserve every bit of this. It was a long time coming. So shout out to you guys
Even though I still don't fully understand what like op cat is I did read a lot about it and I still don't get it
But that's totally fine
I think uh
Oh, we have hands. Uh, we'll go over to
Oh, we gotta go to chills here. I chills talk to me chills chills. What's going on?
Chills, all right. Uh oody. Is it true that all holders of
Quantum cats are getting a vision pro. I keep hearing rumors of this. It's it's pretty crazy
I'm not falling for that one. I'm not falling for that one this
There's already there's already been a few orals founders falling for this i'm not i'm not gonna be one of them
So we can shut that rumor down
Are you sure?
Basically, I would recommend that people shut down all the rumors, but you know people should do whatever they want
That's that that would be my recommendation
I wish that you could give away a vision pro, but unfortunately you need a specific spacer for your face
Is that because i'm bald
You can order the spacer separately
But like it is kind of like if I wanted to just like give away a vision pro it definitely like wouldn't necessarily be
The right size for the person that was getting it
By the way, i'm a little late, but I want to say happy birthday to mika
Well done on surviving. Oh, yeah, happy birthday mika. Should we sing oody?
Yeah, let's happy birthday mika
Happy birthday mika. Happy birthday
So guys oody's been wishing me happy birthday every single day
For like a year
Yeah, i'm 70 years old and nobody believed me they're like is it really i'm like, yes, I swear
Um, no, uh, I appreciate you. Thank you so much and congratulations. Um, you're you're the best and uh,
Go cats like seriously. Damn that uh
Whoo that point three bitcoin. Sorry. Okay. Um
Yeah, it I I cried, um on the vision pro day same day as my birthday
It's not a coincidence
This this month is a big month. So
I don't know i'm feeling new energy in 2024. I just feel like it's a good uh, it's been it's been good
Lots of stuff is happening genuinely. Um, very excited for this next phase of the internet. It's cool
Like i've been working on xr in this project since like
For yeah, like seven months and now it's all coming together. It's very very exciting
So yeah, good birthday vibes
Shout out to you mika
I also think that this year is going to be this is going to be like an important year
For for crypto for bitcoin the etfs are getting accepted. The fucking abp is out the quantum cats are out
Wait, did they the park after happening did they accept the etf?
When did that happen?
No, no, no, it was the rumor. It was a rumor
There is no second beat up gary gens. Liberty passed etf if I recall correctly
Dude what is bitboy up to the sultan of salana like he needs to come through and
And help us out a little bit here. I don't know what's going on
Um, he's at his girlfriend's funeral, but uh, I mean the father's funeral
But first he wants to tell you about his top five coins
How I did wait did that happen
Did that happen?
That's terrible. He did a live stream with the apple vision pro at his girlfriend's dad's funeral
Um, it was a whole thing. It's on his page. Oh my god. That's almost as bad as drake's. Oh my god
No, he didn't
Okay, leap is trolling leap is trolling wasn't bad
All right. No, I was in a video with like, um his girlfriend. He's like, oh, yeah, we're in the mall
You're doing this he's like, oh then we gotta go to her dad's funeral. Sorry about that. Anyway, here are my top five coins
Now that did happen the apple vision pro part did not happen
Okay, anyway, so leap should we talk about
Holding people back from getting into order rolls at this point in time. I I just I just try to understand
what like
What is it let's rug the space what is it that but it's for me for me
For me udi the the the taproot versus main wallet address can be confusing sometimes i'm just saying
No, I agree with you and and you know, we uh
We did go through a difficult minting process over the last seven days. Oh, I I know I know bro
I tried I did my I didn't know what is this title
Leap so so I know all about the differences between like the taproot address and the segwin address and all the different fucking addresses
People use but so I agree with you about that
But stick it's getting better man
Wait, why did you answering title?
I wouldn't I might just agree. I I just I was just saying like I would say if you're asking what's the barrier
I would say that's the biggest one for me because the wallet that's it
Just the fact that you have to manage two addresses instead of one. That's that's the one barrier
No, I I wouldn't say because I can if you want I can manage one of the addresses for you
I can like be like hey you
Delegate one of your addresses. Well, you know, I'll take care of them if that makes things easier for you
As a well, so as a as someone who like at first faded ordinals then then became interested for the permanence variable
That got me excited when I began to understand it
I got xverse. I had an amazing user experience
I love you know, I invested in eden
So I love eden and I was really stoked when they told me back. Look, I think you know what it is
You know what it is. Here's here's the thing
It's not about it's not about any of those things the reason that I think people should look into ordinals
It's it's the delta. So you have ethereum has
In salata to have like a very established
And bitcoin still doesn't so if you if you it's just if you do the comparison what you mean
You mean ordinals bitcoin itself does?
No, I would say bitcoin doesn't either bitcoin like is is an oral is a cultural movement is lacking
Is a cultural thing like bitcoin has a ton of other like bitcoin is
Financially, I would say very established like it's as a financial instrument. I don't know man
I culturally kind of culture. It's a different kind of culture. It's not the it's not as it's not as diverse
It's not as developed. It's like it's it's like a lot more print
It's like it's like it's almost as if it stopped five years ago. It stopped developing five years ago
I would say the delta between like well, I think the reason is because it's just harder to develop on bitcoin than it is
Like I mean i'm pretty close to you. I don't know how close you are with
Um dave marcus, but um, it's funny. I was telling him he's the best. Yeah, he's amazing
I think he's literally the best person in bitcoin right now. Yeah. Yeah. I mean like listen everybody
We were at the paradigm l the paradigm founder summit
And everyone's like oh you got to convince dave to stop doing bitcoin stuff like as a joke
But like realistically, I think he's like
I get it like I totally get it. I respect it. I respect the hustle
you know he
He's I I don't think he's like probably the best like one of the best i'm glad you say that to me
on bit like who's building bitcoin to a new level and I think it's just a matter of like
When you say the culture isn't there?
The reason is because it's just harder to develop on bitcoin and younger kids want to go where it's easier
Instead of trying to fucking figure out how to do stuff on bitcoin. It's just a mental barrier. I think it's a mental barrier
I think I think it's a resource. It's a resource barrier and that like there are less resources. I mean
You guys are doing it because you you know
You're the g's but like for a 18 year old developer
There's more solidity resources than even rust resources, right?
And so like that person and then they see liquidity liquid activity and like maybe they're more interested in solana today
But like four years ago, it was all ethereum
Right. And so it's like if you guys develop that toolkit for the next generation of developers, then like I think the barrier goes down
I think hopefully I don't I look I can't predict I cannot predict the future but I think that hopefully
Now that people are seeing that there's you know, some successful projects on on ordinals
I think that might get more creators to get to ordinals and
And kind of go past those barriers the barriers you're talking about are real
Hopefully people are like seeing like the reward the potential reward is is is worth it
because I I think
It's it's like it's called ordinals ecosystem
Will be as big as the ethereum and st ecosystem. I think they'll reach parity
Eventually, not not very not very far from now
So there's that means there's room
for a bunch of ordinals projects
until we get there
so like I think it's
I think like the big opportunity is there
Just not because not because not because the technology is better or anything like that
Just because of just because it's lacking right now and I I do think it's going to reach parity
in in the very foreseeable future
I I don't I don't disagree with you at all. I think that having
the irony of this by the way, is that um the total
sale number that you all just did
And what we did what actually what I did in which is now like three fucking years ago. I absolutely crazy
It was that long ago
I felt the same way
and what happened was
Like about me about music and crypto like not not or like like if you just take like categories of things and you put them in like
Does a certain financial dollar value equates more people getting interested in developing?
I think the answer is definitely yes, and I think you guys
Set that example and that is that is in history now, right?
Like you guys did it and it's fucking crazy and I think it's it's extremely awesome
but then I would say like
as at like what happened in music and tokens in general is like people think they could do it too they try it
And then the real thing that happened for music which is different for you guys
Is like the conversion just didn't happen like regular people
It was just too difficult for regular fans to get engaged with with crypto
And so all the musicians left who were like someone interested and that's why like the music entities is like a meme now
We completely sort of divorced ours like my company had a totally different perspective
We did something else that did work a year later, but then it also stopped working
You know, and so it's like this push-pull mechanic where like people get really excited about something because there's money in it
And it attracts creators and then those creators get excited about it because they can monetize and then it's just too hard
And so I think that's the thing is like i'm not saying that that won't happen for ordinals over time
I definitely think it well. I think it's already proven that I still think it's hard
That's the only that's it. It's just hard. It's hard for a regular person to figure it out
Um, like my girlfriend could sign up for forecasts really easily, but for her to like buy an ordinal would be really difficult, right?
Problem is talking about this is so boring. That's what it is. Okay. Hold on first
Let me just get this we're having like this high level intellectual discussion between we can go back to the shit talking
Okay, first of all, um, I don't know which one of the co-hosts changed the title to drake's dick is greater than salana tps
Which is greater than ordinals luke dash jr. Ama. It wasn't me
Okay, it's gotta be lou
It's gotta be lou
Um, anyway udi, what do we got to do to get luke dash jr up on a stage 1v1 debate you and him?
That guy's insane man, like he's
Genuinely like out of his mind. I don't think there's anything you can do to who is that? Who is he?
He's uh, he ate the cats
He so yeah, he eats cats. No, no joke like he admits to to
To be eating cats and also he's I think he's the biggest loser
I've ever been in my entire life because he's he's been in bitcoin since 2010 and not just been in bitcoin
He's been a bitcoin developer since 2010
And somehow he managed to be broke
Today which I it's just like it's mind-blowing to me. Like how do you manage to fumble that bad?
Uh, but he he actually he he he he ran a mining pool
In 2011 back when the bitcoin mining rewards were
50 bitcoin five zero bitcoin every 10 minutes
He ran a mining pool and somehow
He managed to loot to get hacked and lose all of his bitcoin. So he's actually broke
today I can't
I'm sorry. He's it. He's a he he's a guy. Look he's a guy. I don't want to bad. He's a guy
I'll say it for he eats cats
He eats cats for you. I'll say it for you. So the other day I like it
It's like a meme at this point, but um, I just learned about luke dash jr. Just recently
um, I guess like he's known in the bitcoin community, I just I didn't know who he was and um
Someone I think it was maybe udi that was telling me or on the space that this guy eats cats
He says all these crazy things. So I go and I swear i'm not making this up. He will tell you proudly
He will proudly tell you publicly openly that he eats cats
So our title of the space is literally it starts with drake's dick
So clearly i'm i'm okay with you know, like some vulgarity and some things that like push the push the edge
But I there was a thread on reddit of luke dash jr's
Like most crazy tweets and it's like hundreds of tweets and I kid you not by the third or fourth tweet
I could not read them. They were that vulgar
Wait, udi is luke is luke like brock piercera or or at or like probably earlier probably earlier even earlier
Yeah, yeah
So that's too early for me. So I don't know him
Anyway, I think he like at one point maybe was respected udi like back in the day or was he never respected
Yeah, he was you he's he still he still does contribute on some level to like this kind of development
But the guy is insane like he has you know what actually his take about eating cats
Is not anywhere near his worst take like he has some nice bad takes
He has some really bad. I can't even repeat them. They're like really really bad takes like
The crypto drama used to be
So much less interesting like the roger ver was was nothing compared to the show we have today. You know what i'm saying?
That's why there's no second roger is like he just has I would say he just has a different ideology
but I think he's like
I don't know him personally, but I I always thought that me neither. I just think he sounds ridiculous
I always thought that he's like a genuine
I was thought he's a genuine person just a little
Luke is like man. His takes are
I don't know how to portray how bad his takes are without saying them and I cannot I literally cannot say they're so
Offensively bad the title is drake's dick, bro. You know, I really can't he can't he literally cannot
They're so offensively bad that I cannot
Luke called me a scammer best compliment of my life
Well, is that why there's no second pet he ate it. Yeah, he literally ate all the pets
Booty so I have I have in my wallet like five inscriptions
I don't know if you remember this but you told everybody to inscribe messages to luke
I have literally five messages to him
And I keep forgetting that I have them. So every time I look at my experts wallet, I'm like, oh my god
I have like I want to kiss luke. I want to hug luke. He's the best and like i'm a wizard and
Yeah, that was a great day. So I those will be those will be priceless one day. So make sure you don't lose the keys for those
Roger bear because you guys brought him up
just look at
Udi what's like a tldr for people who may not know who roger roger bear is
He's like a he's like the tragic hero of bitcoin I would say he
Would you call me hero or would you call him a robin? He used to be a hero. So that's the thing
he I would say he's
personally responsible for like
You know, like let's say 30 of the early adopters of bitcoin like he's been incredibly influential and positive
For bitcoin and then he at some point lost his mind
He decided to go on this crusade against
I don't know many bitcoiners. He started or or heavily sponsored
bitcoin cash
Which was like a fork of bitcoin
And he went into this in my opinion unnecessary war with the with kind of the rest of the bitcoin ecosystem
obviously lost because bitcoin cash is
Around zero right now
And it's just it's kind of dumbfounding because if you look at the guy
He was he was one of the earliest adopters of bitcoin and it didn't just adopted
Personally, he invested in a bunch of bitcoin companies. He promoted bitcoin
Uh pretty much 24 7
He held a bunch a lot a shit ton of bitcoin. It's just really
weird bitcoin tends to do this to people
like they tend to like lose themselves over time and
Find a way to fuck things up and he's just one of those people
I don't know. I think I think like I have I kind of
I sort of have a lot of respect for him for all of the
Things that I I feel like he did for bitcoin and I I genuinely think bitcoin would not be where it is today
if not for him, but also
He he like lost his mind at some point
I am I was looking at roger bear just to see what's coming up
And this video popped up from a deleted reddit account on r slash bitcoin six years ago
And um, it says it's one minute long
And it says roger bear rage quit to interview in regards to b cash which is bitcoin cash
And I played a little bit. I listened to a little bit of it and you guys just got to hear it
Yes, you are a cheerleader of b cash. So people point at you as as somebody that would be the source of all
Solving me i'm not interested in continuing this. It's bitcoin cash get it straight
And if you do that again, i'm going to end the interview because i'm not interested in being insulted
Okay, i'm i'm promoting bitcoin cash. If I send out an insult, why do you have to take it personally?
It's just a name. I actually like it better. I'm being insulted. I don't need to be insulted by you
I have enough money. I was a self-made multimillionaire before I ever got involved in bitcoin
I don't need to have my buttons pushed by people like you on the internet. It's bitcoin cash
The only reason you want to call it bitcoin cash is because you want to co-opt the brand
I think bitcoin cash has a more legitimate claim to being the bitcoin that was outlined in the bitcoin.org website
Is at this point. So yes, that's my position
You personally just wanted you want people to think that it's bitcoin
It's bitcoin read my lips
It's bitcoin cash
All right, there's like another read my lips
But um, it's it's like a conversation between two buffoons
It's really something honestly, it sounds like a lot of the combos we have on spaces sometimes yeah for real
No, yeah, that guy was definitely trolling him by calling him b cash. So
because if you got if you don't know the like, you know bitcoin cash people they were calling it bitcoin cash and
Bitcoin people didn't like that because you know
They were calling it bitcoin
So then they started calling it b cash and they both flooded them. I called it b. It was the whole thing back then
But in in my okay, so I could be wrong about this, but bitcoin cash was different than bsv, right?
Oh, yeah, we gotta go there. No, yes, yes me was a metaphor as was bitcoin gold bitcoin diamond
And I think there were a few yeah, but but this is this is like boomer session right here
But yeah, let's let's hear and wait
So I know i'm actually interested in in your take on this duty because I don't know enough about it
So bitcoin bsv was what big bitcoins atoshi's vision and that and bitcoin cash were the two big
like forks, I guess that I knew about but I always thought they were like I didn't even like take two seconds to look into
them back in the day because
I like well, they have the same name
They're obviously just trying to rip on this but I do remember there was something and it might have been b cash or bsv
Where if you what like bridged your bitcoin or something, they would give you the equivalent what uti?
Wasn't there something where you got like the equivalent?
It was basically an airdrop
Like the the chain split and you got both chain well forked and then you got you got bitcoin and you got bitcoin cash
Same amount you had in your wallet same thing with us. Yeah
Cool essentially was one of the first airdrops like if you had btc
You got the same amount of bch which is bitcoin cash and then later the same amount of bsv
Which is bitcoin satoshi's vision presumably, but those I mean
They're like increasingly scamming as you get like bitcoin cash was
Kind of scammy and then bsv was like ultra scammy actually today
in the last couple of days
Craig rides who was one of the founders of bsv
Is he's actually like he claims to be satoshi nakamoto how insane is that like this guy?
From australia just decided he's gonna claim that he is satoshi nakamoto and and get this he didn't say this today
He he claimed this
since 2015
Since nine years ago for this entire time. He's
Claiming that he's satoshi nakamoto and there's a bunch of idiots who believe him and he's been suing people
argue that he's not satoshi nakamoto because he obviously isn't and he's so he's suing people who're saying that he's not
And there's a trial going against him right now
Where he where where where people are suing him?
for claiming that he's satoshi basically
and he faked
It's like insane the guy faked evidence
To to claim that he's satoshi and it's like the most obvious stupid
clearly obvious fake
So like it it's like the whole thing is insane
The whole thing is absolutely insane in the last couple of days. This trial is going so people are
People are realizing that he actually provably lied about this stuff
And that's the so-called bsv coin
so like that that just
Hopefully that helps show people how
Crazily insane and boomer people used to be back around. I think it's really bad. It's still number 20 on the on the
20 minutes used to be number two
It was number it was bigger than ethereum for for for a little while bigger than ethereum
It's like and now it's number 20. It's like a forgotten fucking shit coin
And bsv is like, I don't know. It's nowhere to be found
It's it's honestly embarrassing that that thing even existed ever. I
Did that guy it's really like i'm sorry
I know i'm being like a little bit of a bitcoin dinosaur right now
But it's like it's it's personal for for bitcoiners like us that guy is like the worst. I don't think i've never
I've i've I cannot think of any other
piece of shit like him and the entirety of the history of crypto since then because that guy is like
He's out of his mind. He's been lying about being satoshi
And suing every single person who said hey, you're actually not satoshi. He sued them like the guy's out of his mind
And he's finally being taken down in the last couple of days. So that's kind of good news
I mean, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things just some idiot scammer, but it's
It's it's nice that finally after like fucking nine years the guy is finally getting
Getting what he deserves because he's a piece of shit. So
Yeah, I mean it and I actually suggest people if they're interested in it to go to go read into like a lot
I don't know enough about it, but um
It's all very interesting and that's why it makes ordinals so much more
But it's like so bizarre that ordinals even exist now and there's like a whole ecosystem around it considering like how much shit bitcoin
Had to go through to get to this point
Like that that it makes the fact that ordinals worked so much more astounding that they had you guys had to go through
So many these forks and fucking craig wright and roger bear and luke dash jr
And you know the countless other, you know, massive things that happened the mount gawks had like all these things that took bicklin to this point
also, just uh
You know like a couple of numbers is just for whatever reason bitcoin sb bsv is still 1.4 billion dollar market cap
And did 67 million dollars in trading volume over the past 24 hours. It's like who the fuck is trading it?
Um, and also something that we didn't talk about today that maybe we'll talk about tomorrow
With naveen is that manero dropped from like 160 to 103 dollars in basically the blink of an eye
Because binance d listed them
So that was like a big thing because this has been announced for like a month and a half
I feel like maybe two months
I I had no idea but the big drop was today and I saw somebody tweeting about it and I went and looked
And manera was 103 dollars. It's since rebounded to 128, but it was still 150 in the morning
so basically lost like 50 40 to 50 percent of its value because binance d listed them and um
I don't know. I don't know. It's just something interesting. Um, go ahead burden
now dude, uh
First first of all, hi, daddy oody amazing mint smooth as fuck second of all leap do it
Do you remember I don't know if you remember this but I specifically remember like way back in the day
Just before ordinals were even a thing
We were like talking about the concept of like bitcoin nfts and how we thought it would be useless
And there's no need for it. Like before it was even like the concept was even a thing
We were just like dude. Why would that even exist? We have no idea. I don't know you're making that shit up
I don't remember. No, I swear
Everything I swear to god we it was a whole discussion. But yeah
I mean I could definitely see myself saying that
Like i'm not going to stay here and pretend that like three years ago. I mean or even a year and a half. Let's say
Let's say two years ago because it's got to be two years ago that we had this discussion. Um, yeah
Yeah, i'm not going to sit here and
Claim that I would have thought that fucking a version of nfts or digital artifacts would work on bitcoin
Sounds crazy. Like it literally sounds insane and also because the bitcoin community is so
Like laser, I mean and not as much anymore obviously, but like it was very laser eye maxi and it's just all about being bitcoin
essentially being a version of digital gold or
Whatever that the idea of like and that's what I was saying just right before you you joined. It's so astonishing that ordinals worked
it's not surprising but it is
I don't know. It's like
It makes sense now, but fuck man, it's just crazy that it that it even happened
I faded that shit
I faded it. I admit I was wrong
You know what i'm saying in the beginning in the beginning. I've hated it. But then but then I I once I understood the permanence
Variable it was better. Why is it asking me to follow you leap? I've already followed you
Yeah, there's like a weird glitch with which woulda recently it's been doing that for me, too
Um, leave if you really think about it, we were like the founding fathers of ordinals
Like we were like, you know, like you were there, you know, I mean, I think in terms of like media coverage in spaces
Yeah, we can claim that title
But um, we definitely can't claim the title from the builders who like spent fucking I mean people like um
Knowledge and zk and like all these like early people were just dude. They were like oody obviously
You mean zk? Let's compare wallets. Okay. Oh my god
I love you guys just about the most low thing you can do
Yeah, but like, you know, I mean you can larp about creating art that kind of stuff
All i'm saying is like bird and leap
Zk oody tomato tomato, you know
Yeah, I mean these are but these are like the legends like ck knowledge oody trevor even united like there's so many people who were just
Yeah, I mean do they fucking pave the way I remember zk like sub 2 3k inscriptions in group chats telling people
Yo, this is the future like this is gonna be huge like blowing up my dms
Like leap don't fade this don't fade this and i'm a fucking idiot and faded it. I
I don't I don't want to
Okay, well farcaster is not gonna sell for 0.3 bitcoin, um, look we gotta
I don't believe you has one. I don't even have a cat. It's a whole fucking thing
You would be surprised how much these are selling for leap
So but that's not the point but it is
It is a lens to look through I will say leap. Yes who has one
Dude, I I know i'm just gonna have to feel salty about it for the next three weeks while everybody just post their fucking cats
It is what it is
Just quit being broke dog
Bro, it's
Cat, you know, what's crazy is that the person I did my video with like the quest with
Got like the number one
Quantum cat it's like the clear with like bitcoin eyes with like like, uh orange background
It's just I can't I can't even believe I was shaking for him when he got it. I couldn't believe it
What was the were there any offers on it? Like what? Yeah, he he has like he has like a
A 2.5 offer on it right now, but I don't think he's taking it. Uh, 2.5 is low if it's rank one in the whole collection
That's got to be like fucking tense. That's the same one. Uh, y'all is rocking
Huh honest like the basketball player
What he's rocking a quantum cat what?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey guys, it's fast edward here. I stole louis bone. He just went to the bathroom. How's everybody doing?
I can you fix it. I only forgot that loot lucifer with wait, why are you guys together? What the hell?
Oh, I found him in oregon. I was going to the block buster store
I just ran into him in there and now we're grabbing uh grabbing some food at the bar
What holland if I forget honestly forgot that he's doing co-hosting
How are you guys doing? How are you doing leap? I got my quantum cat today and I bought one too
I have two of them. I'm so excited
Did you rent any good dvds at the block buster?
Bro, the store is so nostalgic. It's ridiculous
It smells like the 90s and like they have all the dvd sections. They have so much cool merch. It smells like popcorn
It's like unreal. The sign is like cracks in it and shit. It's like it's it's it's an unbelievable feeling
I'm gonna make some cool content and interview the lady
Dude, what the heck is a block buster? Let's not
Oh my god. I love burden so much
Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. Sorry for interrupting leap. I fucking love you guys. Hey brothers. Hey lao. Hey everybody
Hey, Eddie, no worries at all. Um
Also this quantum cat at the top is this the one this one's sick
Yeah, yeah, that is that is right leap. Listen, i'm gonna go and cast some things so i'll see you later. Love you
I fucking hate
This is not a this is not a new
Leap is when he when he minted that he had just like I was spam calling him and I woke him up
And he didn't believe that it was like a really rare one and I was like screaming at him
You just got a rare and he's just like, okay. I'm going back to bed. I was like, yo, is this guy serious, dude
Dude, I guarantee he sells this thing for 10 to 20 bitcoin at some point in the future
I mean, it's i'm pretty sure it's listed right now for five. So
And it's the rank one in the collection
I mean that's like it's not like actually actually like like set in stone that it's rank one, but like
Speculatively. Yes, it is like rank one probably
What does that come with an apple vision pro? Oh my okay. Um
All right guys
Are we are we good? Did we get it out of our systems? Are we good for tonight?
Wait, what the fuck?
You're ending it bro. It's 2 16 in the morning and I have a fucking flight across the country
Where are you?
So you sleep on the plane?
New york. No, i'm in virginia. I came to see my oh nice
I miss the old
You know what buckets the new leap is healthy boy. Okay, so we we like we like new leap
I like all the but like, you know, no old leap with dude old leap was different old leap was a fucking demon like
That was I was like I was so much better at spaces back then too
It's probably because my cat old leap would make like uh, like a like coffee
At like 12 30 in the morning, which is like bro. I would be drinking coffee at 5 a.m
Old leap had a seizure
Let's just remember
I'd like to talk to you all about mob coin cryptocurrency on the ethereum blockchain with the contract address. Oh
1 a 9 7 2 a a d b
7 a f a 2 8 1 0 2 6
3 4 b a 2 c 1 c 7 a it's a really good
Uh meme coin actually, I think it's more of a culture coin, but I don't know i'm just speculating on it. Hi, yeah
Sorry leaf, I just you know, like if you're ending the space I might as well show, you know
I mean like just blatantly like I don't I've never
I've never heard there's there's very few things I haven't heard on spaces
They very few things and one of them that I haven't heard that I just have now is someone read an entire contract address
What was the other thing you never heard someone say you're doing a great job
I just get bullied for three hours. That's all spaces
All right, everyone say something nice about leap
Okay. Look, um, there's no one would have anything to say. Look
I don't know who changed this actually wasn't my title. This has to be either bad brother or lou
But I think i'm just gonna change it to drake's dick
Let's see
There we go
No one now says drake's sick
Anyway, um, okay. Look I fucking love you guys. I have a flight to catch in the morning and it's almost 2 30 here
Thank you so much for coming to this phase. Shout out to udi for the mint and um
Or for the even though I didn't mint one
It's fucking awesome to see the success and then shout out also to damika buckets and tetra
They have their mint coming up as well and you guys should support them
Um, and then to my wonderful co-host except blue has not said one word the entire time
I don't even know if he's at his phone
Yeah, I think that's it. I really appreciate you guys and thank you for supporting this space also
Shout out to our sponsor for the month game and dot i-o you guys can check them out
They did the ama here a couple nights ago. So you already know what's up. Thank you guys. Um, I will see you
I think yeah. Oh, I probably won't do a space tomorrow. So i'll probably see you friday. Peace guys