Drop Camp ๐Ÿ•๏ธ Campfire Discussions ๐Ÿชต๐Ÿ”ฅ w/ @axvdex

Recorded: March 22, 2024 Duration: 0:23:27



How's it going everybody just give us a couple more minutes while we just send out a couple
announcements we'll start the conversation shortly.
In the meantime Eric, Talaria, how you guys doing, how's your Friday been?
Yo, yo, it's been a nice and hectic but doing all right, nice, finally got AXV listed on
CoinGecko, it's been a long time coming so let's celebrate, I saw that, that is a huge
deal, can't wait to see the charts even though you know I shouldn't be degenning every day
but you know it is what it is, it's good to see that half the vault's up there now.
Yeah, well deserved guys, great win.
Thanks, it's a shame that we're still in a point in crypto where just getting listed
on CoinGecko is a difficult Ori win but we'll take what we can get so.
Yeah, it's crazy where you got memes getting listed every two seconds and then it's like
people that are actually building real stuff it's just a lot harder but that's the nature
of the game.
Bro, we like we had guns with them and everything is yeah oh well wait we're listed now things
are things are going well moving on up.
I think the satisfaction lies in knowing that we're that we're just that early you know.
Exactly, exactly, Eric is there someone from the after all team that can join through
the after all Twitter that can co-host as well just to have a couple more people in
Yeah, let me get somebody up real quick.
Sounds good, no worries and we'll be starting at the five minute mark so you got two minutes
Nice to see everybody here, dark side podcast, I do see you on Twitter a lot.
Love your posts about astro vault archway, Miguel, I see you, love your profile picture
you guys didn't know Archie's launching very soon and that is a sneak peek at one of them
beautiful Archie right there.
Yeah, in the meantime, what is the current drop count drop camp wait list looking like?
Oh, let's do a refresh here because the numbers are going up.
I think we're sitting at over just 20.
What is this 26 almost 27,000 people.
So you got a couple more days guys if you're trying to get to that top 1000 for the early
bird boost.
We'll talk a little bit more about that boost here in this call but yeah, seems like there's
a lot of people trickling in which you'll have to see.
My AI pick is doing some work I jumped from like rank 7,600.
Oh wow, very location right there.
Any thoughts on when will we reach 30k?
I hope by tomorrow, tomorrow morning, maybe through the weekend.
See what happens Monday, but I got to keep an eye on that one for sure.
Anyways guys, I think we can just get started here.
I think we are good to go.
How's it going everybody.
My name is Miguel.
I am a part of the Phi Labs team core contributor to the archway protocol.
I'm the social media manager here and I'm joined with two wonderful people, Eric and
Do you guys want to do a little introduction?
If people don't already know who you are, I would be surprised if they didn't.
So thank you Miguel.
Yeah, I'm Eric, co-founder of AstroVault, rogue tokenomics guy, a lot with archway.
Yeah, doing AstroVault, building a bunch of shit on archway.
Yeah, hey guys, my name is Lara.
I am the ecosystem relations lead here at Phi Labs and really excited to be here.
So looking forward to having this conversation and learning more about the AstroVault and
drop camp relationship.
Yeah, so I mean, I guess that's a little bit of alpha that we were trying to trickle in
and share.
We can't leak too much, but there is a relationship between archway and AstroVault and a potential
airdrop in the future.
So we just want to talk through kind of, you know, Eric, what is the strategic decision
behind AstroVault wanting to run an airdrop on drop camp?
Yeah, we want to support growth in the ecosystem, however we possibly can.
As far as we're concerned, the airdrop is archways to do whatever they want with it.
And you guys are leaning heavily into drop camp as you should.
I mean, it's a great narrative.
It gets people involved, engaged, incentivized, not just dead staking, but active usage of
the chain, which is something that can support the debt builders, which I know is the like
a big motivator behind the whole vision of archway.
So if more people choose to lean into drop camp, instead of just blank, oh, say I can
forget it, you'll collect airdrops and never use the chain, then yeah, reward the people
who are out on socials, reward the people who are actually using the debt.
So I mean, part of what's factored into this drop camp score, what I hear is going
to like things that encourage like growing liquidity on AstroVault, that's that that
grows are like literally grows our business.
So it makes too much sense from our perspective, but it's also fun.
No, for sure.
And if you guys didn't know already, if you haven't seen any of the Twitter post announcements,
I'll just give you a little explainer on what drop camp actually is for the people
that don't know already.
I'm sure you've seen a lot of people putting a referral codes in the comments, trying
to show their codes trying to get the referrals up.
So basically, drop camp is an on chain reputation platform that archery is running that scores
users based on their off chain engagement and on chain activity.
So you guys are going to see real soon, probably over the next week, once the platform actually
releases that there's going to be a lot to do on drop camp, and we're really happy
to have AstroVault here kind of supporting that.
So how it works is the more tasks a user completes, the higher the reputation score
is going to be, and the potential for their rewards.
So in the future, a possibility of an AstroVault airdrop is very much possible, right?
And it's very significant because as of right now, archery is all about rewarding developers,
but this is a whole new way of a whole new platform, essentially, of giving back to the
community and making sure the community is also rewarded as well.
Yeah, how do you feel about that, Valeria?
Yeah, no, I'm very excited to have drop camp coming out.
I think it's going to be really great for our community, and I think it really encourages
our drops to be done in the most fair way possible.
It isn't all about staking necessarily, it isn't all about one action or another, but
encouraging users to really interact with the ecosystem in any way possible.
Yeah, and so it's no secret that obviously AstroVault has made a deal with Archway, and
that we went forward with Prop 33 to try to grow our POL and then exchange airdrop a bunch
That ended up getting shut down and barely, it was super, super contentious, it barely
didn't pass by less than a percent, and then we worked with the foundation to address
some of the concerns, did a slightly smaller amount, but did go forward with the deal,
and that is set to have an airdrop for Archway here pretty soon, and our whole thing is like
we did the deal, it's a matter of how we choose to perform the airdrop, and we don't
think that it should be our unilateral decision in how to perform that, and be like, oh yeah,
cool, we're going to airdrop to the top application on Archway and just give all
the AXV back to AstroVault users, that doesn't make any sense, but since you guys are doing
Dropcamp and R4 along with it, we think, we've heard a lot in governance calls and
community discussions that you guys also seem to be pretty on board with it, that we just
lean in really heavily and do this primarily through Dropcamp and try to set a precedent
for a lot of the other applications that we see building on Archway that behind the
scenes upcoming up the pipeline to lean into this initiative that Phi Labs and Archway are
really focused on right now, so that it is as rewarding as possible for the community
and is, yeah, we don't really want to get like 50,000, 100,000 users all lined up and
excited for Dropcamp and then, you know, get a dollar and 20 cents one time and then have
it dead, like we want this to be an ongoing funnel where like monthly big airdrops are
coming through as the Archway ecosystem is growing and expanding like we all expect
it to, and since we have been the first big app, we have been really pioneering
development on Archway. We would like to also step out in this direction and
pioneer Dropcamp and lean into it really heavily. What are your guys thoughts?
No, for sure. I completely agree. And I think this really just strengthens, you know,
the ecosystem and benefits like both AstraVille and Archway communities as a whole, right?
We're going to see, you know, a lot of people just, you know, come in,
experience AirDrop, experience the platform in itself and see how it feels and, you know,
get to do on-chain tasks, off-chain tasks as well and get, you know, rewarded for doing that.
And it's great that, you know, AstraVille is at the, you know, forefront of all this. So,
excited to see how this partnership is going to go in the future. And Eric, I just really
wanted to get your perspective on kind of like the benefits of going through Dropcamp instead of
kind of, you know, handing out or not handing out, but doing an AirDrop solely just by yourself
and while, you know, instead doing it with Dropcamp, which is kind of bring in both
communities together, I should say. Yeah, that's a fantastic question.
Obviously, I do tokenomics for a ton of different groups. And whenever people are like, hey,
we should do an AirDrop, what do we factor in an AirDrop? I'm like, AirDrop is a dead
marketing budget. You're spending tokens trying to grow your user acquisition, trying to help with
distribution, but realistically, you're giving tokens away for free. What are you getting in
return? It can't be free. It needs to be some kind of acquisition, some kind of awareness campaign.
Just pragmatically, I know that some people love to eat those. No, no, it's just great to give
away free tokens. No, it's not. Like we're trying to build decentralized businesses here.
It needs to have a purpose. The initial AirDrop was for users. It was an exchange for people who
brought value to the platform. With Jackal, like Jackal, the foundation was set to get so much of
the AirDrop and they were willing to pass it on to their community. We didn't give it to them
unilaterally or arbitrarily. The Archway AirDrop that we're doing because we got like POL for it.
We're making sure that it is reciprocative. But what Dropcamp is setting up to do is like,
while more people are realizing that and so they're making people jump through so many hoops to get
AirDrops, the UX for AirDrop sucks, which I get it. It's like, why should the UX for AirDrops
be good? They're getting free money. But now it's trying to ask high value users to jump through a
bunch of hoops to try to get five bucks. And it's literally just not worth it for a lot of
people. And then it's a difficult way to build your community. And what I see Dropcamp doing
is rewarding users for what they're doing on-chain already. Maybe giving them a little bit of
additional bonuses and incentives, but it's pre-screening high value users for new projects
coming in. So now we can do super simple AirDrops. We AirDrop to users through Dropcamp,
like it's going to be the same thing. You go on AstraVault, you click a button,
you get your AXV, the same thing that happened with our first AirDrop, like super, super easy UX.
But now we're getting it to the people who have been active on Twitter, the people who have been
sharing in our growth. What we expect to get from this is, I know some of the missions coming in
don't want to tease too much, but we should get some more liquidity. We should get more
followers on Twitter. We should get more posts and comments about us. In addition, as the Archway
ecosystem continues to develop, we'll see more activity in Amber. We'll see higher value
and secondary markets for things like Archies and Derpies. That's fantastic. That high-velocity
ecosystem is great for growth. And so if we lean into this now, not only do
measurable growth metrics in the forms of social followers and whatnot,
but it really does set a precedent in that the people who are able to get to the top
thousand, the top 10,000, be in the top couple of tiers early on in Dropcamp are set up to
really pioneer an entire ecosystem. Sure, I'm behind the scenes. I'm a founder. I'm a builder.
I'm still connecting people to and with Archway. I know a lot of the other projects that are coming.
I work with a lot of the other projects that are coming. I want the airdrops.
And so, yeah, I've moved up to number 600 or whatever, but that's awesome. That makes
it competitive, which just further encourages growth of socials, further encourages conversations
on Twitter. So it really can be the start of a really good funnel.
Yeah, absolutely. And just to iterate on that point, I think it really does kind of emphasize
the idea of a fair drop, right? Because staking is phenomenal and we can never undermine the
importance of staking, but it is just one metric. It's very easy to stake a bunch of tokens or
get really involved, stake, and then kind of just abandon whatever ecosystem that you're staking
for, right? This encourages users to be continually coming back and really rewards those users that
maybe they'd rather not use their funds completely for staking and are doing other stuff in the
ecosystem, but then might get less of an airdrop because they're not staking as much, but
they're contributing a lot more than maybe someone that staked a bunch of tokens that they
received and then disappeared and never joined again, right? So this is really just making
airdrops a little bit more fair, making them more accessible to the community and rewarding
people for doing what they do to help R2A and the projects on R2A come alive and really
get adopted, right? So I think it's a really special platform that will
make airdrops a lot more fair, fun, interactive, and open to everybody.
There's so much more value than just security, even alleged security and just money. And this
absolutely highlights that. People like Wendy making out, I think she was at like number six
or number one or something like she should be. Like she's gotten so many people signed up.
Like that's fantastic. She does deserve a higher airdrop. And so it's nice to see people get that
kind of opportunity in a way that's monetizable, in a way that's fun, that's not over the top
difficult. As you're talking about like staking is just one thing, and it shouldn't be fair.
One thing I'm doing with a lot of projects I work with is something I'm calling live staking,
where staking APRs are not equivalent for all users. It'll be like, say if you're staking tokens,
it'll run like a daily query. Like, hey, if it's a game, did you play this game today?
If it's a marketplace, did you buy or make a sale today? And if you did, they'll give you
a 2x multiplier and we could query for a bunch of different things. And if you're doing all of
the different activities every single day, and you're getting like four different 2x multipliers,
you might be getting like an 8x APR for staking than somebody who's just said it and forget it.
And this is a way of properly monetizing the actual value add communities. And we don't have that
for layer ones. We don't have that for cosmos. And we should. I mean, we don't even incentivize
security for staking right now. A lot of things need to be changed and adjusted. Dropcamp is a
great step in that direction. I look forward to building more things to make the space
more logical, to make it grow in a way that's more equitable. But I think this is a great step.
No, for sure. And if you were an active user of AstraVault before Dropcamp was even a thing,
I encourage you guys to really please sign up for Dropcamp. It doesn't take a lot. Just, you know,
grab a referral code, put it in there and be active because the loyalty score does really
matter when it comes down to the process. So just remember that. We're really happy that,
you know, AstraVault is, we're strategically partnered with them and we're hoping, you know,
in the future, in the near future, that an AstraVault airdrop will come alive. So when
saying that, you know, if you guys don't have anything else, we can open the floor to any
questions that the audience may have. Feel free to ask them in the comments or request to speak.
Yeah, guys, please hop up, ask questions as we have some people hop up.
I just want to reiterate, if you are or know anybody who has been staking arch for a long time,
go revisit them. Maybe they participated in coin lists, whatever. If they've been staking,
if they did set it and forget it, go reach out to them, go grab them by the shoulders,
go slap them a little bit, be like, hey, sign up for Dropcamp, what are you doing?
Because it, one kind of downside, one kind of caveat of like,
of incentivizing the active growers and users is if we don't have good means of reaching out
to the inactive ones and give them that opportunity, some of them might feel burned,
like, hey, I didn't get an airdrop or I barely got an airdrop, but I've been staking this whole
time. And I have been tweeting, it's like, well, Dropcamp can't really check that unless you
make this like, soulbound NFT. Like, there is like on chain stuff that has to go into this.
So it should be easy for you to like move up the ranks if you do get involved,
but you do need to go to Dropcamp, you do need to sign up. So please go reach out to anybody you
know who has or was or maybe did stake arch at some point, or has loosely done some stuff in
the ecosystem. It's so easy to sign up for Dropcamp, just do it.
Exactly what Eric said, guys, it literally takes a couple seconds, you know, it's very
imperative that if you are an active user of the archway network and use after all,
please, please, please sign up. It takes two seconds. But yeah, again, floor is open to
questions. If you guys do have any, feel free to throw them in the comments or request to speak
otherwise we can end the spaces shortly. Yeah, one more note is that yes, we expect an
AXV Airdrop to be decently soon, like in the next couple of weeks.
Shortly after most likely, we'll be doing a second campaign of Outbid. So if you guys participated
or enjoyed or maybe somewhat followed out how Outbid worked when Astervolt raised $310,000
from our own community members, no backroom deals, no pre-seed or anything like the best deals
available were available to our community. And so far, they've all really enjoyed it. And it was
fun. Well, we're doing it again, we're going to be launching an Outbid campaign for Lunar Space,
which is built kind of a hybrid of Web 2 with Corium and Archway. Really cool, real world
business, software service, CRM has real business, business clients has been doing real things in
Web 2 for forever, then they just found out a way to make it cheaper and safer by integrating
Web 3. Really, really bullish on their project and their growth. So we selected them to be the
second campaign to try out and grow out and scale Outbid. If we can work together and
make it a habit where teams can come in and raise $300K on Archway, like with our community,
the request for people to come in and use Outbid and start their liquidity in the Archway
ecosystem and participate in Drop Camp is going to be huge. It really takes all parts, all cylinders
firing. If Astervolt is able to get 30,000 Twitter followers from this Drop Camp campaign,
like that's huge. People will be like, oh, so if I airdrop to these Archway people,
if I come in and use Drop Camp, I get all of these services that are incredibly value additive.
That gives more projects, that gives higher value projects to come in and it's better for all of
us. So please participate in Outbid, give Lunar Space a follow, it's at LunarSpace IBC.
We'll have tons of more information coming out and hitting you guys in the face on Twitter,
but get ready. We're planning that, I believe, April 10th. Don't quote me on that,
but around April 10th for the next Outbid campaign.
Yeah, and shout out to Patrick and Henry in the audience. I see you guys there.
They are at LunarSpace, so if you guys want to give them a follow too,
definitely do that because you'll probably get some early out of them as well.
Awesome, guys. There's no other questions. I think we can end the space here. I appreciate
you guys for joining in. Again, please make sure you guys are participating in Drop Camp.
Actually, I can't really assure you anything, but I hope you guys all have a good time in there
because Trippie the Bear is putting a lot of work at camp. You guys got to get in there.
You guys will really enjoy what the team's cooking. With that being said, make sure you
guys go follow AstroVault, go follow all the accounts. Valeria, Eric, of course, Archway for
the latest updates on Drop Camp and everything Archway. With that being said, guys, I hope you
all have a great weekend ahead of you, and I will see you guys next week on another spaces,
so talk to you guys soon. Peace. Thank you guys for hosting. Thank you, Eric.