Drop Camp Roll Call ⛺️ MUST LISTEN! πŸ„

Recorded: March 20, 2024 Duration: 0:27:49



Hey, I'm patient, we'll be starting in just a bit.
Hey, guys, give us just two more minutes to let people join in, and then we'll start
the space.
Hey, everyone.
Thanks for joining.
Just one more minute.
We're going to let a couple more folks trickle in, and then we'll start the space.
All right.
Hello, everyone.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Wednesday morning for me.
Maybe Wednesday night, Wednesday evening for you.
We really appreciate you guys taking the time on call.
Hi, I'm Brian.
I'm from Phi Labs.
I'm on the marketing and BD side.
Today, we're going to be joined by Trippie Bear Marcus, who is coming in from Drop Camp,
as well as Rain, who will be just helping speak and really get involved in this space.
But in terms of talking points for today, we're going to go over the Drop Camp release
timeline, what you can expect in terms of the wait list, what to expect and how to
get involved and how to sort of improve your ranking there.
We're going to go through a series of phases.
Phase zero was basically just us really introducing Drop Camp to the folks.
Phase one has been the wait list and then off itself.
And phase two will be what we're planning, I guess, for and beyond this.
Currently, I think most of you are already in Drop Camp, but for anyone that hasn't
already checked it out, please head over to dropcamp.io.
If you need any referral codes, you can just check the comments of this tweet itself.
I'm sure many of you, and I can see that many of you have already begun posting
It's important that you guys continue to send out these referrals and really
fight for those places because, you know, that giveaway or that sort of early
access queue is really how you can secure your position and secure better
rewards when you come in.
But before we start, we'd love to just invite Trippie Bear Marcus to come up
and speak as well.
Marcus, I've just sent you the co-host invite, so please do accept that.
And then we can, yeah, get this going.
All right.
One sec, y'all.
I think Marcus might just have a little bit of an issue here in terms of
technical difficulties.
Before he starts, maybe I'll just do a short, short intro and Drop Camp for
everybody here so that we can kind of, you know, just align on what it is.
So really Drop Camp is an on-chain reputation platform that helps score
users based off their off-chain engagement and their on-chain activity.
What we're trying to do here is to really help identify good, genuine,
and loyal users as opposed to bot accounts or as opposed to folks that,
you know, might just come on chain and stake once.
You know, what we really aim to do with Drop Camp is to, you know, not
just inform the Archway team or the FileLabs team, but to inform all builders
and all apps on the Archway ecosystem.
We want to be able to help folks, you know, target the best users and
give the best rewards to those users.
Yeah, but before we kind of get more into that, Marcus is now done with
their technical difficulties.
I'll give some space over for Marcus to introduce himself.
And yeah, we can go from there.
Hello, everybody, and welcome to Drop Camp.
This is your first roll call for those of you guys who don't know.
We are at currently 16,000, over 16,000 people in the Camp D right now.
Amazing, amazing.
We're really excited for you guys to see the next phase, phase two of Drop Camp.
So far, we have so many people here, and we are really excited for you guys
to come join in.
Remember, the more people that you do refer to Drop Camp, the better chance that
you guys do have to rank up within the leaderboard.
Remember, the top 1,000 people have early access or early bird boost
and are the first people to actually join the Camp.
Rayn, what do you think about that, brother?
Yo, yo, yo, what's going on, everybody?
It's your boy, Rayn, aka Rayn Raps, here on behalf of Blue Ship.
And I think that's incredible, Marcus, aka Trippie Baron.
Let me tell you, man, I think I'm hallucinating a little bit, man.
That voice, that voice has got me, you know, seeing a whole heck of a lot
of different things, and they all seem to be extremely good, fun, and exciting.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg for what you can expect at Drop Camp.
I'm pumped up.
I'm super, super, super excited for this space today.
So, so, so very pleased to be here and greatly looking forward to sharing
my thoughts, insight, as well as experience towards supporting
this phenomenal campaign and project that we got coming very, very soon.
Yes, there's so much happening over here at Drop Camp.
We're really excited to share some alpha, but, you know,
we just really want to take this time and the roll call to just
answer any questions from the audience, from the people in the queue.
If you have any questions, feel free to raise your hand.
But otherwise, we just want to explain what Drop Camp is.
A lot of you guys may have gotten caught off guard over the last week
about this.
We've been teasing it all week.
All week, there's been posts talking about Drop Camp and going
on a little trip, a trip into the mountains, right?
So, if you guys didn't know, Drop Camp is we are a on-chain
reputation platform, and we are scoring you users based off of your
on-chain engagement and your on-chain activity.
So, the more tasks you guys complete, the higher the reputation score,
and the greater chance for rewards on Drop Camp.
That's just a little alpha, guys.
What do you think about that, Ray?
Yeah, I mean, that's huge.
That's huge, and I think it provides a very strong foundation
for, you know, what Drop Camp is.
And so, you know, obviously, everyone listening here today,
you know, there's a lot to uncover.
There's a lot to discuss.
We're going to be explaining everything in depth.
But ultimately, we want to make sure this is a very valuable
experience for all the users here as well.
So, please, feel free to request a speak.
Put your hand up.
We'll pull you up here to ask any questions as we go along.
Because nine times out of ten, someone probably has the exact
same question that you have.
So, we want to make sure that we handle everyone, okay?
So, listen, the best thing I think I can say, you know,
in terms of helping people understand the importance
of this, Marcus, Trippie Baron, Brian, from Archway, of course,
is, you know, what can we really see, you know,
the timeline of this?
You know, how quickly do we need to go and get involved?
And if so, you know, what are the steps we can take
to make sure that we are a part of this amazing thing
that's coming?
Yeah, for sure.
So, clearly, we are in stage one, right?
We want to make sure that everybody's on the bus,
everybody's on their way to drop camp.
So, as of right now, we are three days in.
We have about 16,000 people on the drop camp to wait list.
And you guys about have another week, I would say.
So, just letting you guys know,
maybe a sense of urgency.
You thought about maybe give or take six to seven days
before we close that wait list.
But that is a little bit of alpha.
So, remember, you know, around next week,
mid to end next week, we may be closing the wait list.
So, make sure you guys do your best to, you know,
rank up and get those positions up
because you're going to need those referrals.
You're going to need your friends to come on board
if you guys want to rank up.
Beautifully said.
And so, also, you know, because there's also,
obviously, this is a, you know, space on X
and it's lead three oriented and focused on.
But I'm sure there's at least one or two, you know,
you know, web three people who may not have any idea
what this is.
You know, how can people get involved?
What are the steps they need to take to make sure,
you know, they do sign up for this?
One hundred percent.
So, if you guys do see your pin sweet,
Brian, if you want to go ahead and pin that
to the Twitter spaces here,
or I should say the X spaces now.
Sorry, I'm a little trippy right now.
But if you go ahead and look at the link over there,
dropcamp.io, you'll be led to the Archway Connect website
where there is a drop camp tab.
From there, you can enter a referral code.
How do you get a referral code, you may ask?
Well, one of your friends must be in the queue.
So, if you look in the comments, I do see a lot of you guys.
Good for you guys trying to get your code in,
get those referrals up.
They're over there.
So, you want to make sure you grab one of those codes.
You want to type it in there, copy, paste,
do whatever's best for you.
Put it in there and you will be in the queue.
From there, you're able to copy your own referral code.
You will be given one.
You can share it on X or Twitter,
whatever you want to call it.
I'm calling it Twitter because I missed the old name.
But, yeah, you want to just, after that, you share it.
And then you can start earning referrals from there as well.
And you can move up in the queue and make sure,
like, yeah, top 1,000, early bird boost.
You got to grind up there.
There's a lot of people in right now.
So, you got to make sure you're getting people in.
You're referring people.
And that's the game right now.
So, I mean, exactly as Marcus has said,
we've already seen 16,000 people sort of hop on
and the wait list won't last forever.
We only have, you know, a limited amount of time,
like you said, between 7 and 8 days left
before that kind of closes too.
And I just want to let you guys know that
there are multiple benefits to being on the wait list
to get into the camp queue.
It's not just going to be priority access.
We also have a couple more goodies lined up
for anyone that shows loyalty and support.
Like we mentioned earlier, you know,
Dropcamp really is all about finding the best,
the most active, and the most loyal users.
And we'd be real remiss to not kind of recognize
the early adopters for the platform in and of itself.
So, I strongly encourage you to get yourself
and all your friends on the wait list if you haven't already.
And if you already have, then spread the word.
Your ranking, mind you, is also relative to the size of the group.
So, if you're 20th place in a group of 100
versus 20th place in a group of 1,000,
that's obviously very different.
So, having more people sign up behind you
is also going to help boost you on the rankings as well.
So, keep that in mind.
Beautifully said, Brian. Beautifully said.
Okay. Okay, okay, okay, folks.
So, everybody should understand right at this point.
And again, feel free to raise your hand, request, speak,
ask any questions you have.
We're here for you guys.
Community first, always and forever
over here at Archway, specifically, folks on Dropcamp.
Baby, if you guys have not seen the pinned tweet as well
over there on Archway, you should check it out, man.
There's a beautiful bear.
It talks into Dropcamp.
I owe a little bit.
It gives you a little sneak peek.
It's fun.
I'm going to be honest.
Who doesn't love a nice wild bear when they're camping?
Hopefully, it's a Yogi bear.
You can get a good little snack out of it,
maybe get a little PB and J, some excitement.
But regardless, I think my favorite thing about it, too,
and this is a little off topic,
but it just tells you how fun
and community-oriented this project is,
is trippy bear.
And I see what you did there.
In the video, there's a baby bear cub eating some mushrooms.
Are those mushrooms making that bear trippy?
Are they making that bear trippy trippy bear?
That might have been my cousin.
Who knows?
Hey, brother.
All of us bears, we've just been tripping these days.
You know what I mean?
I love it.
But also, I did want to mention one more thing.
If you guys weren't aware already,
we actually had a cap of three referrals
to her account, right?
And as of yesterday, we removed that
because a lot of people have been eager
to bring in their friends
and get them on each triple the lifetime.
So that just means, you know,
again, the more people you bring in,
the better users you're going to get.
So you've got to make sure you bring in those people
and kind of come join the trip
because we're all going to be tripping in a bit here.
Fantastic, fantastic.
Again, guys, the premise of this space too is,
you know, one, generate height.
Two, create communication transparency
between us and the community.
And then three is to make sure that everyone is crystal clear
on what exactly is going on.
So to recap, we've talked about the timeline.
We've talked about how many people are involved
and why people are going absolutely so crazy over this.
We talked about how the more referrals you have
gets you higher in the queue
and the top 1,000 people will be able to redeem
the rewards from the early access drop, right?
Now, one thing I would love to ask and share,
and again, if you guys are fine with this,
I'd love to go into some community questions
from a nice standpoint here.
But I do think, you know, one great question to ask,
and I think it's always, you know,
probably the most important one is, you know, why?
Why should a user want to get involved at dropcamp.io?
So, Archway or Trippie Bear, take it away,
but let us know, man, why?
What is there to gain from this?
What is there from a value proposition for the user?
Why do I want to be involved in Dropcamp?
Oh, Marcus, do you want to take this one?
Or do you want me to?
I was just going to say a little bit here.
I was just going to let them know that, you know,
there might be some rewards, rewards, awards at the end.
You never know.
You know, we're built here on Archway.
If you guys didn't know, I think my distant cousin
who's also on trees has told me this,
but Archway is built for developers, deep rights,
and we are here to reward the community
and the developers building on Archway.
And Dropcamp is one of these, you know,
new upcoming platforms that users can use.
Remember, rewards, rewards, awards.
Brian, go ahead.
Sorry, I'm tripping out here.
No worries, no worries.
So, just like Marcus mentioned, you know,
Archway is really built to reward developers
and Dropcamp is built to help reward users.
And why do you want to get involved is exactly that, right?
To distinguish yourself, to show that you're a good,
active, loyal user, both on-chain and off-chain,
and really someone that is deserving of those rewards.
You know, I can't make any promises right now
around what's going to be coming out,
but I can definitely promise you that we're watching closely
on-chain to see who's been with us and who's loyal.
As Archway continues to grow and continues to expand,
you know, our ecosystem and really to encompass
a lot of many others as well, we want to ensure
that we're constantly looking at who's been with us
all the way, who are our day ones,
with that kind of user-centric mentality at heart.
We want to recognize you and we want to reward you.
So, please help us in that endeavor
and sign up for Dropcamp as well.
Man, I'll tell you what folks,
I don't think there's anything more important than a project,
you know, throughout all my years and experience,
you know, really focusing on day ones, OGs, right?
I think, you know, that just speaks not only
testaments to the support that Archway is giving back
to the community, but also, you know,
the emphasis that it has is that if you invest,
you know, your time, your energy, your effort
into what we're building here, you know,
we're going to make sure that we reward you guys accordingly.
We're going to make sure that you feel valued
as a community member.
And so for the OG day ones or even the people
who are just, you know, coming on board right now,
a question I'd love to ask you, you know,
what more, right, can users do at this stage of the project?
Yeah, absolutely.
So I think we've already covered that for right now,
the most important thing is that you have to Dropcamp.io,
you know, set up your Archway wallet, connect it,
get your code and get in line.
But, and how do I say this?
We don't want to reveal too much about phase two.
Obviously, there is still a bunch of mystique around this
and we want, you know, basically the surprises
like I mentioned, right?
This is a platform that measures on-chain
and off-chain engagement.
What ways can you engage with Archway, you know,
be that on socials, on X, on Twitter, what have you,
or on-chain?
You know, what are the typical sort of mechanisms
that chains or protocols use to measure this engagement?
If you look at any kind of past airdrops,
I think it's pretty clear the type of metrics
are typically, you know, scrutinized or examined.
So I'd recommend that everybody does a little bit
of their homework there, checks it out
and really just gets involved.
Like I mentioned, it's really just about activity
and it's just about engagement at heart.
So any kind of meaningful way that you guys
are getting involved with the chain
is something that we'd love to see
and something that we'd like to score.
But yeah.
I love it.
I love it.
I love it.
All right to not only be extremely transparent,
fun and exciting, but also some humor, right.
I think humor is, you know, kind of one of those,
you know, forgotten key elements
into, you know, any project.
And if you guys can drop camp that now,
again, you can go in archway,
you can go right into archways Twitter,
so you can click the square profile here.
Then you go click that link right there.
You can actually see how it's laid out
out and it's super easy, it's super simple and it's fun. You have this beautiful campfire,
you got giant mushrooms by the way, you got some lightning bugs and it just walks you through
you know everything that you need to know for what's coming in the future and how to get involved etc.
So this is super fun and exciting and I love the design of this project and so what really you know
I think the community want to know too is you know what really inspired the design of this project
right? Where did this originate? Where did this come from? I'd love to hear your thoughts on that Marcus.
Oh buddy well when you when I think about it you know we're in a whole new bull market if you guys
haven't already seen Bitcoin in a new all-time line we're thinking you know we're a project for
developers but what are we really doing for the community here right? So we wanted to really
make a platform where we can reward these users on archway and what better than you know thinking
about some shrooms, you go camping, you have a relaxed time and you're just being a DJ here on
Drop Camp and that's what we were looking forward to doing right here in the next couple of weeks
you guys are really going to enjoy some of the things that you get to do here on Drop Camp
and we're really excited for you guys to come see it. We also have Miguel in the crowd over
there I see you with your little uh you know steering wheel if you want to come up and talk
a little bit about the design because I know you have a lot to do with it so you know it'd be great
if you uh want to come and speak a little bit on uh on Drop Camp. Yeah Miguel get on up here buddy
we we want to hear all about this design man I think the design you know really is probably
the most enticing part of the whole thing obviously the reward system the potential benefits of it
as well but um you know it's it's just so fun man it's fun like obviously you know everyone here I
assume everyone knows about Archie's if you don't know about Archie's check out Archie's a hundred
percent but I love that the bear you know almost has the same similar art style as Archie's
Trippie Bear I love the three eye concept I think that's genius I think it's unique
and I think it provides a lot of cohesiveness between you know the communities as well
well 100% you know uh Trippie Bear might be in the uh the Archie's collection in the future you
never know you never know uh but that's just some uh alpha for another time uh I love it I love it I
love it I love it I love it all right folks it has been a phenomenal time whatsoever again
we are gonna keep the conversation going just a little bit longer we want to make sure that
everyone feels that their voice is heard any questions you have guys I get it man
I used to suffer from socially anxiety I know it could be a little tough man talking to a
three-eyed bear and talking to a square profile over here on x it's a little intimidating I get it
I get it so if you have any social anxiety whatsoever and you want to ask questions
but you're a little afraid to hop up here don't worry it's a safe space all you got to do all
you got to do is even type your question in the chat type a question in the comment section
directly correlated to this space and we'll make sure to answer it for you guys as well so the
other thing the other thing that I really wanted to ask is obviously you know archway is always
evolving it's always expanding and it's always you know putting community first so I would love
to open this opportunity to you Brian to share if you can of course no spoilers I get it we get it
but you know less is more but more is sometimes really really nice what else can we expect from
archway coming in the near future yeah what a great question so I mean I think that we've had
a real action packed year so far uh just since January we've launched like a full suite for
archway connect for our users to be able to bridge swamp stake vote all that good stuff
we've just launched drop camp as well which is going to be you know live on connect or is live
on connect so that's also something that we're really proud of and happy to have you all in and
I think we've talked a year off about now and in the near future I think we have our site set on
a lot more marketplaces and NFTs you know I'd really think about those types of you know
verticals within the space we're really trying to help create a good home for DeFi and good home for
NFT phi on cosmos and just in general you know just to have more options for folks to trade to
interact and to really get involved in one another but that's definitely on the horizon I
would keep your eyes peeled I'd have notifications on that's coming a lot sooner than most of you
might think but for now I just want to reiterate once again don't forget to sign up for drop
camp don't forget to get your friends involved we put a lot of time effort and love into
building this because we think it's super meaningful for the community and I couldn't
be more proud of what we've built I hope that you guys have learned a lot from this space
if you have any questions feel free to drop them in the chat but otherwise yeah huge shout out to
rain huge shout out to marcus blue ship and just everyone else that's joined the call
we love the support and we hope that you continue to stay with us because we'll
we'll be supporting you as well absolutely absolutely I mean I was gonna try to make
you know super wholesome and hype to close it out but I think you covered it Brian well done
well done folks I guess the last thing I'll say too because you know these guys are so damn humble
which is nothing wrong with that if you're not following archway you're not following trippy bear
make sure you do seriously guys like the best in the best industry when it comes to you know
community orientation and overall camaraderie there's no place like home and when you are
part of the archway ecosystem your home that I can tell you guys 110 percent folks if you guys
want to stay connected with blue ship as well blue ship is a phenomenal phenomenal project
problem company we love working together with archway and we have many many big things that
are obviously coming in the near future too even people are commenting asking about news
with blue ship and all that stuff all you need to know is if you see blue ship operating
with a project you can expect big things to coming and obviously us being with archway
nonetheless man I absolutely love being here with you guys you guys want to stay connected with me
you guys can follow me rain wraps my accounts down there too and again big shout out to archway
trippy bear and if you have not yet if you have not yet enrolled into camp man camp lazlo style
the trumpets blowing you still got time man about one week one week left 16 000 people
are already involved so if you want to start climbing that list I highly recommend you get
involved share your referral code everywhere you can there's if you are not involved there's
already a bunch of referral codes in the chat right now you know I'm gonna give a little shout out man
to the community man we got Ethan ill he did a cute little star cute little camp then he put his
referral code in there with another mushroom another star that's I love the creativity
creativity Ethan well done buddy and a whole bunch of other people all putting their codes
in the chat so if you are not in drop camp yet super easy go to archway click the link then
connect your wallet get your referral code from the comments down here support others while also
setting yourself up for success folks it's been an absolute pleasure we appreciate y'all we're so
grateful for y'all stay lit stay trippy and until next time i was about to do it until next
time Marcus tell these boys to stay trippy fam stay trippy fam let's go let's go all right
peace out folks have a fantastic day notifications on stay tuned for big things coming take care y'all
see ya happy camping