对谈王超:华语DAO走向世界 | SeeDAO×BuidlerDAO

Recorded: April 28, 2023 Duration: 0:12:12



Hello, hello, can I hear you?
Hello, hello, can I hear you?
Hello, hello, can I hear you?
123, 123, 123, 123.
Hello Hello Hello
(speaking in foreign language)
I'm not a fan of the space, and I'm just going to turn on the camera to show you the back of my phone. But it's not that successful.
(keyboard clicking)
Today, is it time to prepare for the whole event?
This is the first time I've ever done this.

FAQ on 对谈王超:华语DAO走向世界 | SeeDAO×BuidlerDAO | Twitter Space Recording

What is the speaker trying to show by turning on the camera?
The back of their phone.
Was the speaker successful in showing the viewers the back of their phone?
No, it was not successful.
What is the speaker's opinion about space?
They are not a fan of it.
What language did the speaker briefly speak?
A foreign language.
How many times did the speaker say 'hello' in the beginning?
Three times.
What number did the speaker say repeatedly?
Is the speaker preparing for an event?
Is this the first time the speaker is preparing for an event?
No, they said 'this is the first time I've ever done this' in regards to something else.
Did the speaker cough during the recording?
What kind of recording is this?
A podcast.