Economy design and character death with Blocklords

Recorded: Oct. 7, 2022 Duration: 0:49:31



Alright, we're on. How's it going? What's going on guys? Not too bad. Let me just share this one more time and
All good, it was a boomer.
GM GM sorry it takes me a second getting both the accounts up on the two different phones how many phones do you have two it's just the game chat in this one
Alright, GM, how are we doing? Today we're going to talk on blockboards with our blockboards rep Mr. Laslow. You want to give yourself a little intro?
Yeah, absolutely. GM everyone, thank you for having me on. Rich, Boomer, Dizza. I guess that's how you pronounce it, correct me if I'm wrong. This is our character.
Oh, that makes more sense. Yeah, disaster. Yeah, I'm excited to be here and explain to you guys what we're building at Blockler. Just a lot of interesting mechanics that I think our game has compared to some other Web 3
games that are coming out in the future and happy to dive into some of those mechanics here. Awesome. It's actually a disaster, like how you are pronouncing your handle with disaster.
Tees aster, yeah. Nice. But yeah, so like one of the things that you guys are doing that's very different. It's on everybody's favorite topic of, you know, inflation, deflation of NFTs and
and the economy, etc. But you guys are actually killing the heroes, like there's going to be death. And I think there's been hints at other things happening
past that as well, so it's not like they'll be completely useless, but definitely want to talk about how you guys are thinking through the economy when it comes to, I guess, you guys are calling it the dying series.
Yeah, that's correct. So yeah, it says, you know, all here is having a limited lifespan and must continue their bloodline through their errors if they want their attributes to survive. So similar to I guess a lot of these like strategy type games like
You know, like Total War franchise, etc. Where you have these bloodlines and the characters from age and half kids and dying stuff, but I think in a lot of those it's not one of the
Well, I know there are other things that it is one of the main points of the game, you know, balancing that. But they don't tie into, um, as the ownership like we're doing in Web 3. So super interested to hear.
how you guys are thinking about the balance there and how that will help you guys manage inflation and deflation of the assets and like what you will think it will look like in terms of the economy around those assets.
Yeah, absolutely. So before I start talking about the timeline and the evaluation, what block lords is for any of the listeners that are not familiar. Block lords is a grand warren strategy game set in medieval times where we
give players the opportunity to play as a variety of different medieval characters. That being from a resource gathering farmer to a war bringing raider or knight to a
village leading lord to a grand war conquering political intrigue king or queen.
these medieval rules are playable by any of the
any character by any hero within the game. However, there is some complications on how you progress
and how you change roles.
And this is a core part of what we think makes the game important is that we give all of this freedom and flexibility to be we want to make it hard and just see what the game up to.
player to create this kind of multiplayer to their characters. All heroes within Blocklords are NFTs. In order to play the game you will need an NFT to play, but once the game goes free to play.
Then anybody who wants to come into the game will be minted a free hero to start the game right off the bat and only by playing the game correctly making the right decisions forging the right alliances within the game will you be able to
So let me jump in on your question then on inflation and deflation and just general economy design for how we manage supply of these Web 3 assets. When we did our raise we raised that
$50 million earlier this year, notably from investors such as Makers Fund, Delphi Digital, Bitcraft, and among others we have a long and Ready Blair Dow, of course. We have a long range of investors and one of the things that stood out the most to
these investors from a game standpoint was this permadeath feature that you mentioned. When we look at virtual economies today, the death part, the burning, the ability to not use the character within the game is something that is often
glazed over. But we see a lot in the block words is based off of some of the most iconic medieval and strategy games built in the past that being total war.
Age of Empires and Mountain Blade. In these games there are these mechanisms where you can breed and burn or breed your characters and create new ones and create this whole dynasty and legacy system with
in the game, but players never had ownership over these assets and had the flexibility and freedom to do with what they wanted. So by creating a system where a game that is foundationally fun and all the heroes and playable versions of the characters are NFTs,
A lot of that flexibility and that ownership and that freedom is given back to the player to decide how they want to create their legacy, how they want to carry on their bloodline and what kind of values and culture they really want to instill within their own character or dynasty.
In the block lords universe all of the heroes progress through a shared time space so that being in a nutshell that they all age at the same rate every hero in the block lords universe will die inevitably from old age
but there are a variety of other ways that they can't die. By implementing this very important system, it creates this inherent burn mechanism and deflationary mechanism to manage the supply and also creates a
inherent mini-game or metagame I should say for players to think about how they choose what their spouse is and what traits they want to pass on to their children as we've seen in a lot of crypto games notably in the past. Accidentity of course being one of the first.
Yeah, so when we talk about those traits, I think that's kind of where it gets really interesting because if you're able to be a good reader, I guess, is there an ability to build some sort of character meta? Like how big of
of an implication will those attributes be in the game and then will there also be negative attributes because obviously like you know we've seen the past in those games that were mentioned there are characters that can have
negative edge treats as well. Yeah, so all of the characters have randomized traits. They have both stats and traits. So stats would be your numeric
So, we also have traits that would be specialized skills that individual
One like blood lust where you gain increased power on the battlefield or scavenger where you gather extra resources if you're out hunting or harvesting
crops. And yeah, all these traits are passed down through a sort of like gene system where, you know, the most prominent traits that the characters have are the most likely ones to be passed down to the children. So answer your question.
Yep. Do you have a question as well? Yeah, so just go back to the initial kind of death side of things. And obviously the population there's just two variables that I want to kind of understand more of. So obviously in real life you can die from whole age, you can die from other natural causes.
or non-natural causes too. Obviously, you've seen the population grow over the last 2000 years quite significantly. Is there going to be a method to prevent that overpopulation because obviously death is good and it's going to be a way to help mitigate just forever increasing?
But you still I think we'll come up against challenges potentially with you know needing new users and kind of that nature of it the second thing I wanted to find out was If in game there is things like marriages or kind of partnerships and like if you're talking about family control or legacy Who's controlling that party right is it like the son that?
that marries a woman that then takes over into their legacy family or does it start a whole new tree and what party is responsible for the kind of the management of that if you can clarify both of those. Okay, so repeating back your questions. The second one
was more along the lines of how the ownership of a dynasty system works, who is dynasty are you creating when you actually make a marriage with somebody and figure out who your spouse is and have children. And then can you repeat your first question again for me? Yeah, the first one was just around population like if you look at the world
world and obviously the world's population has consistently grown over the last, you know, 2,000, 5,000 years, whatever time for anyone to use. I'd assume even with death you're going to see block lord's population of total characters still grow pretty quickly, potentially, too depending on, you know, breeding
mechanics and stuff like that. So, it's going to be ways you're going to control it beyond that, just of the death aspect that will remove some from, you know, you said, like, old age and then others from just like non-natural causes to have death. How are you going to help maintain population so it doesn't overgrow your actual user base?
Yeah, absolutely. Great question first off and I'll just that one first. So game balance is never an easy thing and I honestly don't have a simple answer for how we create make that sustainable or make that balanced in one sentence. But the
There are a number of mechanisms that we have in our back end in order to kind of reset and regulate the population if it really comes to that. Obviously, we don't want to have to, you know, limit breeding.
to an extent that it makes it difficult for players to take part in that kind of mechanism. However, all the ages, not the only way that these characters can die. They can die in the battlefield. They can die from sickness,
they could die from random events as well. Not like you get struck by lightning, but you know certain things may affect your character's lifespan and you may be somebody that came to that kind of risk if you
are in a certain region or connected to certain people. The easiest mechanism that we have to kind of reset and balance this is a plague where if you know there is an overpopulation
of characters, or there is essentially kind of a monopoly over the kingdoms and you know there's kings and queens that kind of rule as monarchs, then
We do have this plague system in place as an emergency measure in order to reset that kind of population. However, this is obviously not something that we want to use. There are a number of other mechanisms that we can implement in order to slow that population growth down or make it more reasonable with the user growth.
Yeah, there's no, I don't exactly have an easy answer for you of how that game balance really happens. The second question was ownership of Dynasty is and how you develop your own Dynasty while you have somebody else's Dynasty as well if you choose to manage
the easy answer is that once you enter into the game and you have your own NFT hero that is yours, your dime-c system begins there. You are at the top of your family tree if you imagine a classic
family tree with the parents at the top and it branches out and so much smaller branches as it goes down. Your character starts at the beginning of family tree just as you know you may see in some classical medieval IP like Game of Thrones where you have these long houses and cultures that arise from the
the kind of traits and stats that individual characters have as they pass them down towards their family and take part in similar kinds of actions as their parents may have done. So if I was a disaster and I decided I wanted to go and marry Rich and Rich was
his own dynasty, and then those two heroes ended up having a child, then both of you would be added to this long family tree that is inevitably growing and growing, and it creates a really cool, kind of immutable data or structure.
that you can look back and see how these bloodlines progressed and what the most notable things like that these characters may have done if Rich is someone who in the game was a crazy monarch and caused some massive war against each other. Well you can see that in the bloodline and you know he married disaster the
the calm farmer who is just gathering resources and Rich decided to take him out of his hole and show him the world. Then, you know, those kinds of stories are become very visible and very sticky to the characters, to the players.
when you look down on the flood lines. So who so on ownership though who owns it by the way great example of me, Mary rich, but who who who would own like an offspring if you didn't have the kind of that dynastic where I could see it where you could still manage your own decisions for sure you know if one was like a warrior and
one was the queen or something like that or whatever or a lord. But then how does that work as far as like the net because I assume that those offspring are NFTs in their own right right and they create their own like you said dynasty path and story. Yeah. Yeah. So there is a cost to having children
It's not like you can just pop out as many as you possibly want. I believe I don't want to be absolutely sure because we are still playing around with how ownership of the child, that mechanism. But most likely it would be the person who up front pays the majority of the cost.
in order to have this offspring. So if you're the one paying the majority of the breeding costs to rich, then that child would most likely be yours. I guess kind of like real life. Yeah, I guess there's still like some sort of mechanism of
you know, like diplomacy around and probably like if you have, I guess a character that has amazing stats that could be some kind of negotiation that could be had around who gets the offspring prior
and then that person is either some of the funds to or put up the funds to have the offspring. I think that would definitely make sense, but it's not like both parties would have to agree obviously, right? I think
would that be something that's built into, I guess, the UI of the game, some kind of negotiation, diplomatic?
trading center for resources as well as heroes. Not to make it sound like this human trafficking, but yeah it's funny when we talk about this kind of stuff because there's a lot of like real-world examples that come in to this and it almost becomes comical to
to speak about these things publicly and be very badly taken out of context. I think, yeah, so there is a marketplace, of course, for these characters, for these hero NFTs. If you are someone who has offspring,
which inevitably every hero should do if you don't want your character to die and become not usable within the game. Yeah, you are able to inherit that child and use it within the game or you are able to sell it on the marketplace as dark as that sounds.
That is kind of fundamental to two web three games is you know creating that kind of flexibility around what the character can do and Who can own it and who can actually play with it? So yeah in within the game there will be a marketplace as far as negotiation systems of bidding and you know who actually gets to keep the child
And as far as like management of character it's crumbling them wrong. Can you only manage one person at a time? So like if I am you know a lord per se and I have a
offspring. If I say I keep that child, am I able to manage both and the decisions they're making because I think you said earlier that they all age at the same rate, correct? Yes. So can I manage them both? Am I only able to manage my main character essentially until that one dies?
or until I maybe sell it or move off of it. Yeah, so you can't have multiple characters. They fall into the same kind of dynasty and it's kind of difficult for me to explain how that looks without giving you visuals of the UI you look.
characters can be you can own multiple characters and you can't breathe them with each other to create you know probably a more closed dynasty system as well as bringing others into that dynasty so that makes sense yeah that's awesome that makes law sense
Awesome. Yeah, no, I think it's a very interesting dynamic. The next thing is, I guess, what happens with the dead characters?
know we've discussed that a little bit before because those are NFTs right and if they can be played in game anymore do they just go to zero if we're moving on with a different character that can be played or will there be some
kind of in hand value to them. And then the opposite side of it is what happens if your dynasty just runs out presumably you have to go find another character to purchase some on the marketplace. And is that the only on-ramp for new players?
Yeah, great question. So first part, simple answer is that if you're a hero dies, when you're a hero dies, you can longer use it in the game. No of the NFTs are not burned. So yes, there is a potential like down the line for us to use these dead NFTs assets.
as a means to see where player time was spent or potentially add additional utility. I wouldn't go as far as thinking zombies and all of this additional kind of storyline, but yeah they're not burned and they are kept
As NFTs is just as dead, kind of like crypto raiders does, but no longer usable in the game. So it's very, very important that you do keep your character alive. That being said, you know, we do understand that not every player wants to play this kind of high risk, high reward kind of style, especially when your asset has some
inherent value within the game end on the market. So when I mentioned all the different kinds of roles the players have from a knight to a farmer to a lord to a king, these all have different levels of risk and reward. If you are a raider who is going around on
through the battlefield and pillaging villages and destroying farmers and attacking lords, well you're a lot more likely to be killed than if you're just acting as a farmer, you know, quietly farming and being responsible, gathering resources for your lords and for your town.
So we really do kind of leave that responsibility up to the player and you know we see a lot of people excitement around you know this high risk higher work kind of play but you know I think that once the game starts rolling out and per my death is introduced then you know players are definitely going
to have a lot more of a think on what kind of decisions they want to make and what kind of risks they really want to take on in the game because death is permanent and there's not going back from it as you know there really should be enough you know you know you know warren strategy game. Second part of your question I'm sorry I am blanking on
I guess the second part would be the intro of new players and to be honest, are they buying characters off of people out of the playing for a while or is there any other activation for them to buy or
get heroes from a lot forward itself. Right, so right now the way that we're ruling out the game is that like a lot of crypto games we're rolling it out iteratively the first version of the game which you come out next year.
is essentially the farming play and we add in the lords who the farmers pay taxes to, kind of a very similar or a very simple structure, I think of kind of like a triple A high fidelity kind of farmville
with additional play around how the lords add value to these individual farms and the farmers get to choose which land they want to work on and which lords, you know, they actually like the the payment structures of.
right now the game uh... so yeah when we introduced that version like you need a you need a hero to play period if you want to get a hero you can be registered right now uh... block glards dot com uh... and you will be minted a free hero once uh... the our banner sales starts in a couple weeks uh... just launched
our new dates and information today, but ultimately long-term the game goes free to play and anybody who wants to play the game comes in creates their accounts and is minted a free NFT hero into their wallet. Obviously, you know, this character is not going to be worth very much.
And it's really the responsibility of the player to decide how he plays the game, what resources he gathers, what alliance he makes, and what kind of risk he takes on in order to find glory within this world. Of course, you could purchase your own heroes on
the marketplace and get a bit of a jump start, but it's still really up to the game and how you play it to figure out if you're successful or not. We stray very hard away from the term play to earn because it really doesn't make sense in a kind of like very competitive social
grand game like this where strategy is really at the core of being successful in this world.
Yeah, that makes sense. If you, quick question on that though, since you haven't quite, you're not introducing permadeff necessarily right away, once permadeff is implemented, how long do you think a normal wife is from, you know, not birth, but maybe like actual playability, are we talking the
you might get three months of that character or as like a three year span or somewhere in between. Yeah, so these numbers are not final at all. I've talked to the game economy designer and I believe that they reference something around like three
months, but again, there's really no reason why it needs to be three months and we're definitely playing around with what would be the right kind of time frame. Too short and obviously we can't have a player who was connection to their internet and the character dies and then they're in a really bad position.
And we can't have too long, like that the permadeff is not risky enough for the players to actually feel the need to breathe and play with their character. So it's a bit of a balance there, but we need to make sure that we do take into consideration both sides and are very carefully thinking about that.
I also wanted to dive into, you mentioned there's going to be cost associated with continuing your dynasty. Are those going to be resources that are earned in game? We can proper steal stuff like that, or is it going to be more like
brought block lords you know ecosystem token
Oh, you're speaking. Oh, sorry. Yeah, we haven't released any of our tokenomics publicly. However, I can't say that we are designing both the ERC20 token as well as, you know, just non tokenized
in-game currencies and resources as well. And it's a combination of both of those that you will need to progress in the game. Yeah, from a number of standpoints.
Masked chime in early quick. Yeah, after going through the white paper There's a sounds like there's a couple like paths you can take you can become like the ultimate farmer You could become a raider or you could become a knight which you could work your way up
through like the ranks so to speak. Will all three different ways be potentially as fruitful or is it always choose night, go to become king or queen? Like could a farmer you know end up being really
good at what they do in having this like mega dynasty of amazing farming and wealth accumulation or is it always go to King and Queen? Yeah, great question. Well man, it really matters. It really depends. I'm sorry.
Some would say that a king or queen is more powerful than a really strong and well-experienced farmer, right? But it's really up to the player to decide what they deem so
success as in the game. These kinds of games don't really have an end game and the way that you play it, if you're playing it for the social experience, if you're playing it for the fun experience, they really just depends how you want to play the
game. I will say that all of the roles are open to whatever hero wants to play, but you need to play again correctly in order to progress your role or change your role into other ones. As an example, if you want to be a king of queen, these are kind of a democratic election effect.
how the Lord's decide who the King of Queen is and if they want to be overthrown, well, they need to make sure that the King of Queen, as a King of Queen, you need to make sure that the people that you are managing, the people that are underneath you that are to ones to be affected by the big decisions you make are okay.
with the way that you're ruling because it's very democratized in the way that this system works. Not all the systems are like that. If you want to go from a farmer to a knight or a raider, then that actually requires you to save up resources and start purchasing
equipment or characters in order for you to start rating and attacking other players. But the farmer though like we'll have to pivot from farming to raider or or night in order to progress further so it sounds like
Yeah, but again, it depends what you mean by progression. You can only be one role at the one at the same time. You cannot be a king and a farmer. You can't be a Lord and a raider. How do you become a Lord? Is it is it only through nights ranking up?
Like how does the Lord come into that? Yeah, I can't give details on like the like my nude of how each role changes into each other because they do differ.
And there are a lot of different combinations of like how, okay well how does King like you know denounce himself like into a large ship or how does they turn into a knight? It is kind of up to our designers to figure out like the best way to create those kinds of transitions.
but it is very important to us that all of the roles are accessible and players are able to transition into whatever role they want given they play the game right. But the methods in which they do so will be different from role to role.
I had a quick question on
with the you said no end game. Will there be ways you think or remember you know how the right answer yet or no exactly but are you thought about ways to create a competitive environment kind of toward boomers point was around you know being the best farmer that's some way
You know, you have different seasons or years that you're kind of analyzing output, performance, whatever. That will then maybe yield a token based off of that or it's just strictly going to be kind of this
I don't want to, like, I kind of like RPG style decision making game where, you know, your decision will yield you tokens throughout time, but it's not going to be in a competitive mindset versus others.
Yeah, as I mentioned there is no end game It's a live universe kind of like a sandbox kind of like a simulation maybe a good example would be like second life where there is no real like objective like to
playing the game, players, you know, may just sit around like and chat with each other or talk shit against other alliances or characters. And some may want to glory and some may want to, you know, reach for
higher positions or positions that are more respected within the universe. As far as our involvement in deciding where people feel they are the most fulfilled,
I'm not exactly sure how we incentivize farmers in order to be the best farmer that they can be. I guess in my mind we're kind of assuming that players do want to be the best that they can be
in these roles at least some do. Perhaps you don't want the high risk high reward of being a raider and risking your life on the battlefield to get the most amount of gold or the most amount of riches from other players.
the life of a farmer and gathering resources and being able to teach other farmers how to play the game and figure out the best ways to harvest resources is the best kind of place to offer you then power to the player like that
option is really up to them to decide.
I would think like you know if to kind of lean into this concept like if you were a really talented farmer that's the place style you enjoyed that you would want to be almost like courted by lords and kings for being so good if you're producing an
resources like in your area of expertise or whatever. So having the ability to see like who is the best at something would make for much stronger negotiation tactics and long-term gameplay especially
if it's so social, having a ERC 20 and the NFT side, the game is always going to be slanted on the financial side. So making the game fun is obviously a massive priority when you have multiple incentives from
a financial side and then having clear details on if the player is good or bad or if they're enjoyable to work with or how long they're online or a slew of other stats would be like super beneficial from
playing this kind of chess style strategy as you're kind of trying to work your way up through the ranks if that's the game direction you want to take versus another. Yeah, absolutely. And farmers are often
for trade as the lowest level of the progression in the game, because that's what you start off as. It's not the king or queen, it's not the one wearing the crown and making all the big decisions, but the farmers really are the backbone of the economy and do generate all of the resources for
the game that being both tokenized resources and un-tokenized resources. As a farmer, when you mention the game and we wrote out the first iteration, which is the Farmplay with the Lords, the farmers have the choice, like, full decision over which word they want to work
work for. And the lords have attacks that they're able to put on the land where they can earn from the resources that are gathered on that specific land that they have claimed, which land is not tokenized.
they have to spend the resources that they earn from taxing the land to develop and create new tools and infrastructure for the farmers to develop more. But in this kind of system, well, it's really the farmers that have control over which kinds of lords they work for and which kind of ones they support.
And while the words can give strong taxes and incentivize more farmers to come to them, it ultimately is the farmers who are in control of gathering these resources and has the most say in how that is managed and what farmers they bring with them.
So, I mean, in my eyes I see enormous potential for strong farmers and smart farmers to enter into the game and create these kinds of alliances and really have some saying power within the economy at large.
So building off that though, is there going to be, so will there be a mechanic of like a social score or something to kind of rate where you are in whatever role you're holding be it farmer lord not
or is it just going to be based off of your performance that you're self-proving, I guess, in that best way to say is there a way to flex your skill or whatever attributes you deem as strong or good with built within the game?
Yeah, I mean you could either flex it like by physical attributes within the game so having like certain equipment or certain progression you know through your character that shows in a physical way such as you know weaponry or equipment or armor or you know just
from menus within the game, you'll be able to see which characters have the longest bloodlines, which ones haven't connected to the strongest leaders of the past. Those two ways are like the biggest ways that we can see clouds or you can see flexing within the universe.
and so much a lot of other games where, you know, clouds and respect is determined by perception of the characters, as well as, you know, understanding what their history is within the grander game at large. Wow, it's a great example.
Awesome. Yeah, no, I think. I think we would love to hear a lot more of the details on the specifics.
When the Wipe-A-Fear drops, is there a timeline for people to look out for, to start planning and theory crafting around how they want to approach the game?
Yeah, I mean the best way to get involved right now is to pre-register on the website, and you'll earn a, you have the ability to mint a free base banner chest, which will, which will
which will be exchangeable for a free basic hero, which will get you started in the first playable version in the game. As far as white paper and details on best ways to get stuff
I would just have to say like pre-redister and keep an eye out for our announcements because the way that we like are releasing details about this information is like very carefully.
Gotcha. And do we do you have I guess time to update for any kind of playtest beta? Maybe full launch to look for to
Yeah, so first playable version of the game we are aiming for 2023 now. This is...
A lot of the team is coming from traditional game development as our biggest demographic is traditional gamers and we're the real pie for like Web 3 gaming at large. We are taking a very measured approach to releasing this kind of
information and gameplay and dates. I think it's like a common thing within Web 3 and gaming that you have this kind of iterative release process and people set these like hard dates in their timelines and a lot of times like you know things have
and these startups and things happen in these projects where things get pushed back and there's a lot of rush to hit these deadlines. Our absolute goal is to produce and deliver a high fidelity experience for the likes of which a traditional gamer who's used to triple-a experience is actually able to sit and enjoy as they would a traditional game.
So being very careful about the kind of experience that we're able to launch on first release is very important to us because sentiment can very quickly be shifted if expectations are not met from an incumbent game. I will say if they're not met, just make a Netflix show and you'll get tons of users to come in.
Hey man. We're working on it. When you when you've been to a hero or banner, whatever you called it, and there's like some different rarity tiers to it, are more rare heroes associated with a certain class or could
you have a legendary radar or farmer night like can it be any of those? So can you be familiar with your question? Yeah so you've got you know pre-registration then you're going to have a mint where you're going to mint out.
the banners I think is what you guys call which which equal heroes yeah and when your mentee knows they've got different rarity classes and it looked like one of those classes was a legendary class and so the question was with the legendary hero like can it be any class like can you have a legendary farmer or is that only a night
or how does the rarity of the hero come to play? Yeah, so the way that we're first releasing the characters within the game, which actually just tweeted out an explainer video for this rich and few wouldn't mind pinning that. I think it's probably the most recent tweet that we have.
20 minutes to go right when the space started. But yeah, so the way that the initial rollout works is that we have three tiers of characters. We have the basic farmer. We have the legacy farmer, which is essentially a farmer with slightly better stats. And then we have the legendary or the founding lords and ladies of the game, which are some of the epic art that you may have seen.
Duke Chad and Henry Pastel and some of these funnier, more mainstream pop culture kind of characters with, you know, epic medieval art behind them. The basic farmer is
is available if you exchange any five basic banners. So right now if you pre-read this to you'll be able to receive these five basic banners and that essentially equals one free basic farmer. If you have a silver banner within these five that you burn for your farmer, then you're able to exchange it for
This legacy farmer which has slightly better stats still randomize but slightly better stats than the basic farmer The lords and ladies are a very like small Exclusive group right now, and we're only rolling out 200 in this like first iteration
of custom individual characters that are only acquired both through combinations with the legendary banners. Not all legendary banners, but you will need a certain combination of them to burn for these legendary heroes. Does that make sense?
Yes, yeah, I think I got it so you'll you'll have multiple multiple things inside those banners They'll you have to have the exact kind of composition whether that's known or not ahead of time or you're gonna let people experience and try to figure it out
And then those will create 200 lords or ladies. Yeah, exactly. We will be releasing more, which we're very excited to show to the public and will be kind of the starting founding lords and ladies.
that create the initial story and lore behind blockwords. If you look through some of the arts, perhaps on our Twitter or on our website, you can see how in-depth and expansive all of these individual characters are.
Well, that's super exciting. I think the
Hermodet features going to be very interesting one. I can't wait to see how it plays out. I can't wait to marry disaster and have us have kids together. Unless you guys have any other questions or last but anything else you want to touch up on, we can start wrapping it up.
Yeah, no, that's mostly everything on my side. I mean, I really appreciate all the time that you guys gave here. Lumpa, you guys are doing a great job.
And yeah, I say it to you guys in the battlefield. Check this out on all socials,, and as well, where you can see all of our social links within our bio.
Awesome. Can't wait. Yeah, also, I mean, we want to keep up with us. We're at NRT Game Chat. We've got @desaster.eaf.
at BZ-ACR_E and @BoomerLFG and myself @ReadyPlayerRitch. Thanks for hanging out today.
Cheers everyone. See ya, thanks guys.

FAQ on Economy design and character death with Blocklords | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the podcast recording?
The podcast recording is about the game Blocklords, and its unique mechanics and economy design.
Who is the guest on the podcast?
The guest on the podcast is Mr. Laslow, the Blocklords representative.
What is the concept of 'permadeath' in Blocklords?
In Blocklords, 'permadeath' refers to the feature where all heroes have a limited lifespan and must continue their bloodline through heirs if they want their attributes to survive.
What makes Blocklords different from other web 3 games in terms of its mechanics?
Blocklords gives players the freedom and flexibility to create a multiplayer of their characters, and the game has a deflationary mechanism to manage the supply of its web 3 assets.
What are the notable games that Blocklords is based on?
Blocklords is based on iconic medieval and strategy games like Total War, Age of Empires, and Mount & Blade.
What do players need to play Blocklords?
To play Blocklords, players will need an NFT. Once the game goes free to play, anyone who wants to play will be minted a free hero to start the game.
What is the importance of the bloodline system in Blocklords?
The bloodline system in Blocklords creates an inherent burn mechanism and deflationary mechanism to manage the supply of its web 3 assets, and creates an inherent mini-game or meta-game for players to think about how to choose their spouse and what traits to pass on to their children.
What are the randomized traits that characters have in Blocklords?
Characters in Blocklords have both stats and traits, with the latter being specialized skills that individual characters have, such as Blood Lust or Scavenger, which can be passed down through a gene system to their children.
What are the two variables that the podcast host wants to understand more of related to Blocklords?
The two variables the podcast host wants to know more about in relation to Blocklords are preventing overpopulation and the management of partnerships and family legacy.
What is the guest's response to the question about preventing overpopulation in Blocklords?
The guest does not give a direct response to the question about preventing overpopulation in Blocklords.