Educate to Onboard Web3 🌊 - Kabiplaza Weekly #56 ⛲️

Recorded: Feb. 8, 2024 Duration: 1:14:31



We grasp our mentorship and granting access to web thinking platforms.
So with tools like Kabila, you could imagine how many persons would have loved to explore what you create,
but do not even understand what NFT stands for.
I heard that when I came into the space, and that's general.
It's like something a lot of us suffer from.
We just ate NFT, not fungible tokens.
We have blockchain, we have cryptocurrencies.
But how do you even understand what blockchain is if no one has sat you down and educated well enough on how it works?
So with Profounder, like I said, we run a cohort classes, and then we run targeted-based skills like content writing,
community management, project management, blockchain development, NFT art and graphic design,
and an understanding of monetization, DeFi research and analysis.
These are some of the courses we run in the academy, and these are courses that are taught by tutors,
not just machine learning, not AI, not prepared courses, not videos that you watch.
It is a one-on-one relationship.
So you get to meet the tutor, you get to learn what you need to learn, you get to ask your questions,
you get your guidance, you get the mentorship after classes, and you are able to stand up for yourself and say,
yeah, I learned these things, not because it was pre-prepared, but because I faced the reality.
Now, there's a difference between when I watch a video and cannot ask an instant question
compared to when I'm right in front of a teacher or a tutor in a classroom, and I can pinpoint my questions at all points in time.
So why are we going for a free tuition, free scholarship for our students?
We actually want to give ease to everybody to get into web theory.
That ease is where we are focusing on.
So the story came from my own end.
I came into web theory learning all by myself.
And I can tell you for a fact that it wasn't so easy navigating the system.
For four good years, I was busy struggling to understand what is actually happening here.
And then it came to our mind as a team that we need to be able to create a bridge between those who could actually afford an actual class
or all those who could pay for these classes to also get the same actual class without having to break the bank.
So we have been able to cut short that expenses and still giving them the same value that they need to learn everything web theory,
even if they do not have anything in their bank account.
So you can get started into the academy and learn everything you need to learn.
So currently we have a cohort that is going on now and students are already in class.
We have around 47 students in the academy.
The goal is to add more.
We just started here.
We launched sometimes in November and add all of our marketing all of them.
But then the intake so far was around 80 something students that showed interest.
But so far we had something in class going in.
But the goal is to get more students to know about us.
And that's why we are glad to be in spaces like this where we could pitch the good news
and then tell people that there is an opportunity for you to learn everything web theory at your own comfort zone
with the best suits us in the space.
People who are moving things and then are making things work out.
So if you are we are also looking at the future.
We are looking at building a web theory bookstore that gives a venue for our creators and writers
to make our revenues to generate funds even as they list and sell their books on our spaces.
We have a whole lot going on within the academy and time will tell how far we would go.
But the actual assurance is we have just started but we are still going very far.
And we want to be so so good at what we do and showing that none of our students leave the academy
without becoming a better tool for the web theory platform and technology.
So everything and everyone we push out on a daily basis are definitely going to be making a landmark
that will change the whole web technology in general.
So we are building very fast and we are going slow at the same time.
Touching every niche in the web theory space and showing that every of our partnerships
and our deals are so promiscuous and then are valuable to the whole system in general.
So it's actually very very glad for us to be here today and I'm pretty sure this is going to be a wonderful time out.
I think I will just end the year and take questions if there are any.
Thank you for having me guys.
Thanks for the intro, friend.
I wish I was sat down when I entered web3 and I was told all these things.
I love how you put that and it's so true.
People enter the space basically blind and have to figure it out.
That's also a good way to learn.
Learn by doing and I've learned a lot.
But it would also be great to have that kind of support.
And it excites me to have platforms like Profunda, Work, The Working Dead, what Haley Fox is building.
And I'm sure there's a ton of other platforms out there because it's needed.
It's really needed.
But Patrick, I see you with your hand.
Yeah, well, Profunda was speaking.
I was speaking at his website.
Looks good.
Looks professional.
But also looks clear.
And indeed, this is what I was talking about in the beginning.
You know, you go to a website that is working in the web3 space and you see what they do.
First thing you see on their website, you can't go wrong.
You know, they educate.
And that's what I like.
And they will.
So, yes, that's what I like to see.
Yeah, thank you so much for that, Mark.
That's a beautiful one.
Thanks, Mark.
I think we've lost Haley Fox.
I don't know if you're down there somewhere, but feel free to request again.
Maybe you've rubbed.
But, yeah, let's dive into the topic a little bit with a few points that I have here.
We touched on terminology.
And I'd love to hear maybe from Sean, like, what's your take on are we sticking with the terminology?
Because we're emotionally attached to the word NFT and everything else that we've been doing over the past few years.
Or do you see an evolution in the way that we educate people on Web3 in the next few years?
Yeah, I think everyone made a really good point that, you know, everyone kind of does come into the space blindsided.
There isn't one central resource that people can go to that kind of fills them in on the basics, at least.
I mean, I was trading NFTs before I even knew what an NFT stood for or what it, you know, what it was.
And I think, like, you know, that's primarily what a lot of people who join the space, like, people can trade and buy NFTs just because they like it.
And they like to, you know, be part of these communities and be part of these projects, which have got really interesting roadmaps and stuff like that.
Yeah. And never actually understand, you know, what an NFT is, what's the difference between a fungible token and a non-fungible token?
You know, like, you would probably find that the most of the people operating in this space do not, like, aren't able to kind of differenti-, differenti-ise that.
And, you know, that's kind of how my utility was born.
You know, we kind of, we were like, well, hang on a minute.
You know, there is a massive hole in the market for, like, education in this space.
Like, people need to be building these platforms that can, you know, bridge that education gap.
And these people in it, in a really, like, user-friendly and initiative way.
I think, like, educational demand is important as well.
So, like, what we did with WorkCourses is we made it, you know, what top priority was make it completely mobile compatible, you know, for MetaMask and Cardano wallets.
And then when we add additional wallet support for Madura or Solana in the future, then they'll be able to connect from their mobile too, because education on the go is the future, right?
You know, like, having all of that at your fingertips, like, desk.
And I find that as well, a little bit off topic, but, you know, primarily a lot of dApps right now are completely desktop-based, but that's not 100% convenient.
So, like, you know, when we're, like, building on WorkCourses, we're trying to, like, ensure that people can connect and participate in the most comfortable way they feel, you know, participating in.
So, you know, that will be Web2 authentication methods too in the future.
But, yeah, I feel like there needs to be, like, some YouTube of crypto, like, you know, a dedicated space that's completely cross-chain that can cater for everyone's needs.
That kind of gives people all of the information that they need in one central place.
I know there's going to be a lot of different players in education this year.
I know that's the kind of way it's going.
People have realized, well, yeah, you know, like, this space is kind of so unregulated.
There's so many questions about it, and it's becoming more regulated all of the time.
So, there's a good opportunity for someone to kind of take that top spot.
I know, you know, personally, like, we are definitely pushing for that too.
Like, we build some really, really powerful features for course creators.
We've been able to even build, like, token gating for, you know, NFTs and stuff like that on different chains.
So, like, if you wanted to create a course and you owned the university and you only wanted your university students to be able to access that course,
then we can, like, you know, restrict course access to, like, a contract address on Ethereum or a policy idea on Cardano.
And then when we extend to Solana or Madura, then we would be able to add those token gating restrictions on.
So, you know, the course creators would have full control on that as well.
There's so much powerful things you can do when it comes to crypto, blockchain technologies with education, like the, yeah, I'm super hyped.
I'm super hyped just because I know there's so many interesting things.
And it's still so much to learn from everyone's perspective, including mine.
You know, like, yeah, I'm building a platform to educate people,
but I am also learning from all of the people that put content on the platform as well.
You know, I review a lot of courses, make sure they're a certain quality before they go live.
And then, you know, like, I'm learning all of this crazy stuff as well, you know, like, stuff that I didn't know about different blockchains.
And like I said, that's why I would love to see a course on Madura, just so, you know, like, we can ease the working dead.
And the work that courses community into the technology.
So like if we did expand out, like they would understand the benefits of, you know, Madura and why that might have an edge on other chains.
Yeah, I'll leave it there.
I don't know what for too long.
No, I mean, you heard it, guys.
If there's anyone in the room listening in or even to the recording and you want to create a course on Hedera because you want to onboard people to Hedera, right?
Then there's your opportunity.
I'm pretty sure HeliFox as well is recruiting instructors as we speak.
So, you know, there's so many different options and platforms and ways to create content, create courses, monetize them, educate, and then ultimately to onboard.
I think we're all here for that.
So I had something I wanted to say, but it's totally gone.
I know. Yes, you said Sean, education on demand, and that stuck with me.
And somehow it led me to think of A.I. and I imagined on demand, but also personalized.
Has anyone on the panel looked into leveraging A.I. to kind of not to substitute any kind of, you know, education or the human part, but to really like boost it in some shape or form or personalize the education?
I just want to add on that quickly because we've been exploring A.I. and how we can implement that to basically help course creators when creating content.
We found a really interesting A.I. model that we were looking at implementing that could basically like you say what course that you want to, you know, write about.
And using A.I., it would be able to kind of structure your course and lessons in a suggested way that would be really digestible to the user.
So that's kind of one of the ways that we plan to implement A.I. technology first.
And then in the future, I can see that any kind of text-based courses that are on the platform, I would like to leverage A.I. technologies to be able to translate those courses into different languages.
So the digestible for other users so we can, you know, expand the platform out so it's completely multilingual as well.
And, you know, we don't have to do all of the heavy lifting because A.I. will do it for us.
I don't think the technology is quite where we need it right now, but it definitely will be probably by the end of the year.
So then, you know, it becomes like an English. It's not even like completely English-based platform.
There's language courses on the platform.
But by leveraging A.I., if we can make all of these courses completely multilingual, then that's a massive, massive onboarding opportunity as well, you know, for all of the other people using crypto that aren't like fluent English speakers.
Sean, I love it. I think we're actually looking at using the same platform for those computer-based learning modules from what I was looking into.
It sounds very much like what you just explained. And yeah, I know that platform has the ability to turn those modules into different languages via A.I.
I think it's one of their, like, pro-subscriber kind of, you know, functions, but I love it.
And I love hearing exactly how many of these, you know, schoolhouses are coming online and how cross-chain everything is.
You know, everyone has their little chain they're based on, and that's their main user base of where they're trying to pull people from.
And we're trying to branch it out, like, even in ours, if you go into the Discord right now, you can see, after you verify it, you can see all the different, like, resources links that we have laid out.
Right now, it's just built up for Hedera, but it's moving. You can see the tags for the different chains that we're moving to drop those resources on so that everything has a cross-chain scope involved,
even though, you know, my main home is Hedera. Yeah, I love hearing what everybody's doing in the space.
My DMs are also always open if anyone wants to work together on anything or if anyone has any questions about anything that they need help with.
I've got a ton of resources and networking that I've done on the Hedera side.
Also, a good amount on the Binance Smart Chain side. So, you know, if anyone needs help figuring out, like, who to talk to to build something over here on Hedera or, you know, like, hey, who's the web dev that I need to go to to TokenGate in my Discord for Hedera tokens, etc.
I can absolutely point you in the right direction. So, hit me up.
Love it. Patrick. It just hit me. These projects are actually on a sweet spot on the timeline because not if, but when,
NFC and blockchain and all this stuff is going to be more known by the big audience, they will all start to look for platforms where they can learn more about it. It's stupid.
These three guys probably already knew that, but it just hit me right now. So, if you have your courses set up now, then probably a lot of people will come to you soon. So, great, great job.
Yeah. So, sorry. I don't know if I can chip in something there. Yeah.
Great work at the Working Kings and Ellie Fox here. So, I kind of noticed so far, so good education in Web3 has always been on chain. And if you've had to either build, or like you said, Hedera and Solana and other chains so that people could actually learn, right?
So, we at Pw3, with a better understanding that the things we build that are currently built on chain are still for people that understand the usage of these chains. Yeah?
So, if you agree with me right now, if I have a Web2 set of people on this space currently, they would probably be dumb. I'm not able to understand what we are saying, and might not be able to reach out to these resources or even get to know how to use them.
Do you understand? So, that's why for us, yeah, we understand so well and so good that the beautiful things that are being done at the Working Kings are excellent and appreciable and definitely would shake the world of Web3 education.
But then if you would open your mind and I said what I want to say, you realize that it is still a major focus and an advantage for people that actually understand the use of the blockchain network.
They understand how to reach out to these things on the network and even assess them. So, with our own kind of education, we should be able to educate people on how to first know how to use the blockchain, how to understand these different kind of chains, and then how to assess these courses.
So, we mentioned AI, yeah, and generally speaking, I could stay for a fact that over 60% of the whole world still do not understand how to use AI in general. We just know it exists, yeah, but we've not been able to, a lot of people have not been able to actually get the abundance of the resource that this AI could give, yeah.
And inasmuch as we want to onboard people, we want to educate to onboard them into Web3, we have to do that at the grassroots. And the grassroots here is where they know nothing, like absolutely nothing about the chain.
They don't even know how to set up a wallet. They don't know how to get funding their gas fees. They don't even know how to assess different kinds of chains or how to switch their wallet between chains.
Now, these people would want what is being built at the working king. They would want what is being built at Ellie Fox, but if they do not have that grassroots knowledge, they might not be able to assess it.
So, definitely just to be myself and people like every one of us on this basis that would still be able to assess these courses because we understand how it works. Now, like I said at the very beginning, we are focusing on onboarding people from all the way from Web2.
And those that are currently in Web3 that are still struggling to understand the space, to know how to use these things. So, we have fantastic and wonderful creators in the Web2 space.
But when you mention blockchain to them, they have no idea. When you mention a wallet to them, they have no idea what it means. When you tell them about chains, like how to navigate the system, they know nothing.
Do you understand? So, I feel like if we're talking about terminologies, I understand that, yes, we have to use terminologies because that is our own jargon in this space.
It's like when you're in the medical field, you definitely have to use your terminologies to work around. But we also need to not just focus on what we have, but also focus on what we do not have to actually onboard people that do not have what we have, but also want to have a taste of what we have.
I don't know if you understand what I'm trying to say. So, like I said, we are focusing on off-chain classes, right? And if there's going to be a better deal, I would say for a fact that for a student to grow from Web1, Web2, and then come up down to learn what the working kings are building, they definitely need to.
We need to focus on how to give them resources that they do not need to be on-chain to find, but resources that prepare their mind ahead of that.
So, I want to ask a question here that this is to the working king. Sorry, I'm not the host here, but I feel I just have this question to ask. I don't know if I can ask this question, but let me ask here.
So, what are your preparations? What are your plans for people in this category? These people that have no idea about what NFTs are, they have no ideas about what the blockchain network is, but they want to explore the beautiful things that you are building at the working king.
Please just enlighten me. What's on the ground for them?
Cool. So, I just want to just jump in on that. So, like I said before, we're actually building something that will ease people into Web3 technology who have no experience at all.
And we already implemented it a couple of weeks ago, but we actually pulled the feature. So, like, we've got a Web3 platform that utilizes Web3 technologies, but you will be able to authenticate with Discord, signing with Google,
signing with Facebook. Like, we want to implement Web2 authentication methods that allow anyone from Web2 who has no prior experience of setting up a wallet to connect to the platform and sign up.
And then once they're signed up into the platform, they have access to all of the materials, like how to set up a Cardano wallet or how to set up a Madeira wallet or, you know, whatever courses are on there.
They can then click these courses. They can follow step by step on, you know, how to set up their first wallet. And then what we're going to be able to do is allow them to upgrade their Web2 account to a Web3 account.
So, like, they won't be authenticating in with their Google or their Discord or anything like that in the future. You know, like, we'll be able to allow them to upgrade their account once they've set up their wallet.
And then going forward, they connect with their wallet instead. And that'll kind of like ease them into the Web3 realm by, you know, giving them the course material, allowing them to connect with whatever they feel comfortable with at the start.
But the thing is, as well, is like we will allow anyone to sign up to the platform and start utilizing the features. Primarily, all features will be available to Web2 users.
Like, they will be able to sign up, create content, you know, post courses, etc., without even having any Web3 knowledge at all.
It's only when they want to start, like, cashing out their rewards through the platform, you know, from course sales or from, you know, complete admissions or whatever that they would then need to upgrade their wallet.
So, like, it's a really nice stepping stone into Web3 is what Work.Courses will be offering.
Exactly. And I think for PW3, you know, I kind of heard that, as Sean was speaking before, and we're doing something very similar with HeliFox, too.
Our focus is bringing in Web3 or Web2 to Web3 and also working the other end of bringing the Web3 users in to spread knowledge and cross-chain awareness, etc., and build those skills.
But for us, Hedera is really neat in that it allows us to build wallets via email, auto-associate tokens within those wallets for people.
So I can have someone sign up on a website, It's just a landing page right now.
But have someone sign up on the website, build an account, and pay via fiat to open their account, to open those next levels of being a student in the platform, and then it can create a wallet for them, auto-associate the helifox token to them.
And then as they learn and they'll have access to that wallet, they can move that token to wherever they want. They can buy more of the token, etc., and really dive into the Web3 environment from there.
But just having that will allow me to token gate via the helifox token certain aspects and have those users that pay just via fiat, and they're still learning, to still be part of that token gate without even having to really be aware of it,
because it's transparent to them. However, with the onboarding process, they'll learn that they have access to that wallet, that that is theirs, etc.
And the way that everything works on Hedera for those wallets, it's not like I have access to keys or anything like that because they built it with an email.
It's decentralized, and it belongs to them. It doesn't belong to anybody else.
Yeah, good stuff. Good stuff, guys. Well done. Okay, yeah, that's all I have to say for now.
Appreciate it. That was a great question there, Profona. Appreciate that.
I think that Web2 to Web3 ease and being able to log into these platforms in ways that don't need you to know anything about Web3 or set up a wallet from the get-go.
I think having that Web2 authentication on login and then access to the first steps, right? I think that's fundamental.
So it sounds like you guys are all doing that. At this point, we're coming up to the hour, friends.
If there's anyone in the audience that wants to come up and share any thoughts, their two cents, feel free to request to speak.
From my end, I'd love to say that if there's any kind of final thoughts and what's everyone from what you're building or where you're at right now, what are you most excited about for 2024?
Maybe something you have planned or something you're just excited about within the ecosystem at large, like something that's coming regarding education.
Yeah, I'll start with heady folks.
All right. Yeah, I'm excited for just the way the space is going to begin with. I see so much bullish stuff happening on Hedera and across crypto in general. That's great.
I see new projects that are launching and that are launching with a better understanding, I think, than they did last cycle.
I think the last cycle, especially on Hedera, the tools weren't there.
I mean, we were basically Twitter DMing each other with wallet addresses to trade NFTs last cycle.
So it is absolutely game changing to have tools like Kabila and marketplaces like Syntex, et cetera.
And I'd love to see some more cross-chain marketplace stuff happening, I think, that it will this cycle.
Right now, Hedera NFTs live on our little Hedera NFT marketplaces, and I'd love to see some of that branch out where we have Ethereum NFTs.
We have Avax NFTs, et cetera, kind of all located in one place, the open sea of On Hedera.
That's something I'm very excited to see. I think it will happen. That probably won't be me building it, but hey, I got my own things.
And yeah, I love seeing the physical products that are being linked in Web3 right now as well.
For example, I am drinking a very lovely cup of Kona 100 coffee right now, and it lives up to the hype. I'll just say that.
So yeah, that's where I'm at. I'm just really excited for the next year and moving on to 2025.
Oh, man, you got me jealous there. I've got my Kona coffee on the way.
We've got Buck back up here.
Didn't realize my mic was unmuted. Hopefully, you didn't hear me chewing gum.
I heard something, but it was quiet. You're good.
Do you want to throw something to the table? Any thoughts?
Yeah, definitely. Two things as well. Yeah, I'm excited for this year.
You spoke about the educational purposes, and I feel like this year there's a lot of resources out there that are going to help people.
So I'm going to be on my website right now. We're preparing something on here.
So a little drop of information right there.
You mentioned that reference yesterday about the Shopify store, and it's just really stuck with me.
I don't need to reach out. I don't need to be like, hey, I'm having an issue.
I don't know the next step. I don't know what to do. It's just very smooth.
So I'm excited to see new people to test out the V2 and give it a shot.
And I think it's going to launch a lot more projects easier because you're cutting off that middleman of communication.
There's going to be occurrences, of course, but it really helps with that.
So that's one thing I'm looking forward to in 2024 is just really the new wave of minting and launching and everything all in one.
So that's the general thing I'm very excited for.
And then something else works out for in 2024 is the launch of Claw Fight Club.
So we're working on beta 1.0, which will be coming out soon, where you guys will, everyone in this space will be able to test it out, play, give us some feedback.
And yeah, so it'll be exciting. So just turn on notifications for us.
And then yeah, so it's going to be a good year, I think, for the whole H4NFT community.
It's going to be a quality year. I'm sorry I had to do that.
Sean. Sean, the mic is yours for any final thoughts or what you're excited about this 2024 from your perspective.
So I guess like the main thing that I'm quite excited about is our expansion plan.
Like not beyond just expanding out to additional chains to be completely cross chain.
But we're building a white label solution on
So we've got a site called
And what we're going to be doing is allowing anyone who wants their own educational knowledge base to utilize our existing utilities that we've already built through
Basically, we'll be able to replicate the functionality and allow anyone who wants to start their own knowledge base or learning platform dedicated to their own content built on our own technologies.
And this is something that we're working really hard on at the moment.
Like we've already done a few POCs. It's definitely in the works, to be honest.
I think we will probably start launching white label versions of the platform by the start of Q2.
So like April time. And so like we're looking to kind of build an empire of platforms that all link up to our own.
So yeah, that's probably what I'm most excited about at the moment.
We've had a ton of interest for it. And the more chains that we support, the more people that we'll be able to onboard and utilize our solution.
So yeah, I just want to say thanks for having me as well, guys.
It's been a really great space hearing about what everyone else is doing.
You guys have got some really interesting projects going on.
And I really need to spend a chunk of time learning more about Hadora myself.
I hope someone will make it easy for me by making a course on
But if they don't, I'll still be doing my own research because I think this is a great community and network that you've got here.
And I definitely want to be able to expand out and be able to bring our utility over to the chain at some point too.
So yeah, thanks again, everyone. It's been awesome.
Exciting. Yeah, that white label solution is exciting.
So we're going to see replications of work.course.
Yeah, we just needed to spread, spread like wildfire.
But no, it's been great having you, Sean.
And I'm going to plug our Kabula Academy right now because you just said introduction to Hadera.
And yesterday we launched our new Kabula Academy.
It's actually pinned to the top.
Anyone in the space who's new to Hadera, you want to learn a little bit more about Hadera, how you would set up your first wallet.
What's the hashgraph because it's a slightly different technology.
And tooling how to NFT, we've kind of coined it as well.
So there is extra information.
But for you specifically, Sean, it might be a nice introduction for you to Hadera.
So I'll leave that there with you.
And then we have Profunda.
I'll throw the mic to you.
What are you excited about this year, 2024?
OK, so for one, like we are just starting.
And it's very, very it's a good thing for us to know that we could attend spaces like this.
So speak with the likes of the working king, the early folks and Kabula and the Koala Club.
It's it's it shows that there's indeed a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel for us.
And we also want to we are also excited about the growth in the blockchain space.
We could see many more people coming in.
We could see their acceptance generally.
And it's it's places and opportunity for everyone of us to do something differently, touch lives better and then helping onboarding people into the space.
And I'm looking at a longer relationship between ourselves and all other projects that are currently here.
See how we can all work together.
What could all bring together and see our best.
We can change the space.
So generally speaking, the old blockchain space has a little focus about tokens and NFTs and very little focus a place on the academy.
So imagine when we can change the focus, change the narrative.
And then become the most talked about sector in the web space.
So it's it's a good thing knowing that the year is definitely going to be a beautiful year.
It started very beautiful and it's definitely going to end well for everyone and for ourselves.
And just like the working king said, yeah, we are also very new to it.
And we are hoping to see how much more we could use of the resource and how much more we can build on it there.
So just like you have requested, we would also like to know more and see where and how we can get in, what we can build on the space.
And now we can bring what we are currently building right now into it there.
And Kabila, yeah, well done, guys.
Thank you so much for the space.
Thank you for bringing us on board.
Thank you for inviting us.
We are hoping for, like I said, a long-term relationship and seeing that everything is going as supposed.
The old vision and mission of everyone here is to impart and then develop and onboard people into the space.
So we are happy to be here.
Thank you, guys, for having us.
Thanks so much for joining us and spending the last hour with us.
I think we have a call, or we're going to have a call, so I'll be more than happy to run you through everything, Hedera.
And yeah, I look forward to that.
This space actually has turned out to be a bit of onboarding, hey.
But talking of onboarding, we have the onboarding queen.
Can I call you that, Cece?
It's good to have you.
Hey, if that's what you want to do, that's fine.
I actually wanted to come up.
I heard that you guys are kind of talking about things that you're excited for this year.
And I kind of wanted to come up and kind of share something that I've kind of got going in the background with somebody here in this space.
I'm not going to name names.
But we've kind of got some onboarding thing going on where we're going to kind of try to get an NFT out.
And we're going to kind of do some onboarding spaces and things like that.
We're going to try to get a few people together and do some onboarding for Hedera.
We're going to try to get some basics on those NFTs about the ecosystem, maybe some marketplaces, some key links like,
those kind of things that are going to be beneficial to new members, to new onboards.
And so we've kind of been talking about it for a little while.
And so they've just kind of been really, really busy the past few months doing some stuff.
So we've gotten on some calls and we've chatted about it.
So that should be coming sometime this year.
I don't know exactly when, but yeah, that's something that I'm looking forward to.
That's exciting.
I have a feeling I know who that person is.
But regardless of that, I think it's a great idea.
I've seen you onboard so many people live on the spaces.
So if you have an NFT with information attached to it, like, I don't know, one pages.
We love one pages so much at Kabila on the first places to go, how to set up a wallet.
And like you say, links to Hedera.
That'll be awesome.
So love to hear it.
Patrick, any final words, any closing thoughts before we wrap this up?
What have you learned today?
What have I learned that I still have to learn a lot?
I am looking forward.
I'll give you that.
I'm looking forward for us to come in the next two years because I think we are going to see mass adoption.
And everyone who follows what Hedera is doing, especially Brandon.
But also Oli Crypto, by the way, he sometimes teaches other things.
That's another YouTube channel that we are working with.
He sometimes features things that we don't see being featured by other Hedera enthusiasts.
But anyway, so much going on in the background.
And I think mass adoption is coming soon.
So that's what I'm looking forward to.
And some cool stuff that we are showing next week as well.
But I can't say anything about that because it's my job on the line there.
You don't know the marketing ladies.
Hey, Patrick, when do we get the sneak peek of the radio station in the tower?
That's a very good one.
Weren't we already finishing that depth?
Let's go.
But that's a good one.
We need that.
But the thing is, I've got so much on my plate.
But yes, I did not forget about that.
And you can stalk me for the rest of the year about that because, yes, we said that.
And I still want that.
But for now, I need to finish a lot of other stuff first.
Sorry for that.
But it's on the agenda.
I do love the videos that have been coming out lately.
I know you've done them in the past.
But I feel like lately you've had a lot more videos coming out where you explain, kind
of give a little overview.
I feel like some of them are even slightly educational because you see the work that
goes into these different things.
That's not really web-free related, but more gaming related than that.
But we are now really working on these cinematics where we see the afters in action and you
have some family-friendly shooting and stuff.
Does that exist?
Family-friendly shooting?
What are you shooting at each other?
What, a gun?
Eggs, rotten eggs.
Go on, you need the chicken.
I win my game.
So I want to have my family-friendly family here as well.
And my wife is going to kill me if I'm going to make it longer.
I'm going to love and leave you with that, guys.
That doesn't sound family-friendly.
That's why I need to quit now.
Let's just make sure it stays family-friendly.
No, but I love my wife.
No worries there.
But of course, I make long days and I always say, no, it's just half an hour and it's always
two hours.
So I'm going to leave with that thought in mind, educating you guys that, yes, you need
to cherish your wife as well for a happy marriage and try to be in time for dinnertime.
Love you guys.
Later, guys.
Bon appetit, Patrick.
Have an amazing evening.
Thanks for co-hosting for the, I lost count, 45th time in a row.
It's unbelievable, really.
So committed and I appreciate it a lot.
And I think we'll, who's that?
Is that Koala with the hot mic or Heli Fox?
No, that's Heli Fox.
Real quick, just before closed spaces, everyone, if you're still in this room, you care about
what's going on here.
So make sure you follow everyone who's in this room.
Spread the love.
I love that.
You're making me wonder, did I ask you, Kevin, about 2024?
My memory.
Yeah, yeah.
I did, yeah.
We talked about stuff.
It was good.
This is because of the V2 launch.
My mind is a bit all over the place.
So I only just about pulled the spaces off today.
It's been a long week.
It's awesome to see you.
You guys are built.
Thanks, man.
Appreciate it.
Yeah, the team, the team, there's still a lot going on behind the scenes, but at least
it's out the door.
People are experimenting and playing with it.
Bugs are coming up that we're fixing.
So, yeah, still plenty of work to do, but it's out there in the world and we're very,
very excited for that.
With that being said, I'm going to wrap this up and thank everyone for joining today.
Thanks for our guests, Sean Profunda and Kevin from Haley Fox, Cece and Buck for joining
us there on stage, and Patrick, as always, and everyone who's tuned in during, throughout
the space.
And if you're listening to the recording as well, thanks for tuning in.
I hope you enjoyed the space.
We'll be back next week, same time, same day, 11 a.m.
EST on Thursday with a new topic and a new panel.
I look forward to it.
I'll see you on the timeline in DMs, in Discord.
We're always open if anyone wants to jump on a call.
If you want to ask any questions, there's the Kabbalah Academy as well for an introduction
to Hedera and Kabbalah.
And yeah, let's keep moving this space forward, educating to onboard, and yeah, all the best,
work.course, Profunda and Haley Fox with the projects this coming year.
I'm very excited to see them evolve.
And yeah, I'll leave you with the Siwa song.
Ciao, everyone.