Empowering Innovation: Uncovering the Journey of Cohort 1

Recorded: May 8, 2023 Duration: 1:21:52



Hey everyone, thanks for attending today. We're going to give it a few more minutes to let everyone join. If you could all kindly retweet and share whatever you can. Thank you.
And just a note as well, I've sent the invite requests for speakers. So Aussie swap, Hermes and XRD, you should have a request in your inbox.
Again, if anyone could kindly retweet and share, we'll start just a few minutes. We're just waiting for a few more people to join.
Also Adam, I've sent you a request this week as well. First questions for you.
Perfect, I think we're just waiting for caviar but we've got the first question for Adam so let's just jump into it. Hello folks, my name is Connor, I'm the social media manager here at RDXworks. We're going to learn a little bit more about the journey of the six Radix grants participant projects and their
time at consensus. So let's dive into it to kick off. Let's go to Adam, CSO of RDX works, who was at consensus this year. So I'd love to know more about what you thought about consensus 2023. What were your key takeaways, Adam? Hey, thanks kind of for having me on and thanks everyone for joining. So consensus 2022
was awesome. Going into it, I think like many people, we were a little bit curious about what the general sentiment would be like. Obviously we've come out of quite a rough 2022 as a year. First big thing was consensus was a month earlier, which I think everyone was thankful for being based in Texas, being around 25 degrees Celsius each day was far
nice of about 40 but in terms of quality of people attending it was fantastic. So some of the big takeaways for me was firstly from a Radix perspective, a consensus last year, I would have estimated about three or four people in every turn I spoke to, had heard about Radix before. This year it was more like six or seven in every
10 and two or three of them were either building on radix, they were really familiar with the kind of some of the things we're doing, they'd watch to add fire and were really keen on what we're delivering and what's coming with Babylon at the end of July. Second big thing was especially on the industry day, so for those of you who don't know, there's consensus of a three day event, but the first day is only open to
industry people. On that first day, we got quite a lot of questions actually on like, is Radix EVM compatible or is Radix have an EVM compatible component to it? And a consensus last year we had that question quite a lot. And of course when we answer no intentionally, we aren't EVM compatible, that last year led to quite a lot of people
kind of leading back and going, "Oh, I'm not sure if that's the right thing." "Oh, well, there's some interesting stuff going on elsewhere." Sort of an angle, whereas this year is the complete opposite. People are asking, "Hey, is Radix EVM compatible?" And when we said no, they actually lent it. And this really is dying to fuel the narrative that I'm seeing more on crypto Twitter, more
within people in the industry of actually the big next thing coming in this space is whether the L2s of Ethereum are going to be the big thing of the next cycle, whether it's the non EVM or ones like Radix, like Sway, like Aptoz that are actually going to be setting the trend. And then the final big thing for me from consensus was this is the first time
we've shared our booth and we could not share it with better people. The five projects from the first Grand Ho-Co-Hort were absolutely incredible. Everyone who spoke to them was blown away by the quality of not only their projects but the experience of their founders and just how articulate they were about why they're choosing to build on Radix. And in my role,
The only thing better than being able to tell people all the great stuff we're doing is have other people tell them all the great stuff we're doing. So I'm really thankful to all the grants, co-hop people for flying out to Austin and I hope it was as beneficial for them as it was for us. Yeah, definitely. And you can actually see the booth from anywhere you shouldn't say the venue,
which was absolutely amazing, those gradients were beautiful. And I would just love to open that question up to the grant participants. Let's start with Autis. What was your key takeaway as it's similar to Adams? What was unique to you? - Yeah, thank you for small-masks for having us.
Sorry for my horse voice still I've been to another event right after Austin so still not really able to speak but yeah it was really from multiple sites such an amazing event for us for Blur and me from the Oswap team because we had the opportunity
to go around with our mascot and to draw more awareness with that. And other way also a lot of people went to our booth in general and were really curious and asked like you said earlier Adam a really interesting question so it's not like what is ready to
in general, but was more deep dive into the tech also what we are building, also people were curious because there's Sora, there's actually an ecosystem now just getting started right so it wasn't just like maybe the events before it's its redics
"Okay, we have this vision, this and that." Now really something is ongoing and people could see it with all the team members that participated in it as well. It was really just also, I haven't felt like at all like an Aussie swap team member. I really felt like someone from the
free to unmute yourselves, like just this is open book anybody can answer these questions. Let's let's open it to XRD domains, Hermes photon. What was the common theme of questions from people visiting the booth like from other projects or investors? What
the comment theme for you guys. Let's start with photon. Yeah, hello, hi, I'm Vlad, one of the two co-founders of photon marketplace. Yeah, so the whole experience was kind of overwhelming for us being the first event kind of going outside in the
Well, let's say. But the overall kind of feedback from the kind of crowd that consensus was very positive. They were all approaching us and kind of believing that we're part of the main kind of radix team, which was also kind of surprising, but also kind of good to see.
But yeah, they were kind of curious about Redix, what's kind of new about it because they've seen the latest kind of token kind of price going up and building a lot of momentum around.
it. So it was good to see that many already knew about Radix compared with let's say with the previous years they were surprised to see also the booth a lot of projects building on Radix which probably was among the very few if not only kind of a layer once having
this kind of setup at consensus, which was adding a lot of kind of credibility and let's say another layer of trust that the technology we're building it's kind of really powerful and can change the industry. So we're not just empty words towards this goal.
So, yeah, we were really pleased and surprised to interact with all these new faces and kind of explain them and kind of tell them the benefits of building on Radix and why we were kind of building towards the launch of Babylon and further.
Yeah, and I'd be interested to hear from XRB the names and Hermes. What was it that gave people that came to the booth, their radical revelations, or even the revelation about your own project itself? So yeah, I'm going to echo what Flasad, by the way, I'm
I'm Wiley from X-Ali Damayne, one of the co-pans of the next names of it. It's an awesome experience. There were actually quite a lot of devs that came to the booth. And as I said, I echo what Vlad said. A lot of them kind of thought we were radics.
which is quite cool because we got to kind of emphasize all the awesome features and why we're kind of building upon Raelix. There's a nice little excursion into our own kind of projects. So we got to like explain everything. It's a very easy sell. Raelix is a very easy one to kind of explain to people.
For example, over the last couple of years, the exploits have in the space, like the all of the hacks and the liquidity pools, etc. They do have a silver lining for Radix because one of the main points I was making with crypto
to a lot of these devs was, so and so exploit couldn't, it's not possible. All of these exploits in the last couple of years, well if they were built in with script or on a Von Radix, it's unlikely they would have even happened in the first place. And you can see the eyes just light up go, wow.
And you just hand them the booklet with script and they're like, "Oh, that's very much like Moove." And they're like, "Well, but it's safer." So yeah, it's a very easy salad. It was a nice little kind of introduction in kind of our own projects. And I would go, "Oh, we're running the name service for it." And they were already engaged by this point.
Yeah, and what about your self-care means? What was it like for you? What was the main takeaway or what were the main questions that were being asked of your project?
Hey, yeah, so I'm Sergio here or China maintain as some of you know me and the founder of Hermes and yeah, so with us I actually felt I felt a bit special because unlike the other cohort members
that already knew Radix since years ago and were people, you know, that's where building Radix for a while and they are deploying solely on Radix, we're actually a project that only found Radix at last year's consensus. And Adam here was the one who pitched me
and I got super interested. So it was very it was a it was very heartwarming to be able to return the favor and pitch ratics to new other people in exchange for you know what was basically what what started the journey almost
one year ago. So we went full circle and it felt really good. And I do have the feeling that it comes off from the other people's perspective as much more genuine when not only the person
that is telling you about the technology and the layer one is not really part of the team because obviously if you're working for a certain company you would be a bad employee if you're not talking good about the company. So your information is always perceived as being biased but if you are an actual founder of a team that chose to deploy on
that layer one, especially if you already have experience with the point on other layer ones, then it definitely makes you feel special, or it makes ratics feel special because the person you're talking to actually has experience from other chains and
You can see how excitedly we're to talk about for headaches. In terms of most common questions, definitely what Adam mentioned, people are like, "Okay, so it's a newly one, that's interesting, so is the blockchain?" If you're not compatible.
Very rarely would I actually hear it if it was Cosmos compatible because yeah, he is just more much more popular, but in any case So whenever I would talk about radics I would have to start off by saying you know the EVM and Cosmos standards they call them put it into bin. They don't matter here Radics
is really radically different. It's not just on the slogan. And then of course, we start talking about how it's all different and how it's special. So yeah, it was really amazing to be there and with the other teams we could let's say, each
So here's a photo on the NNIT team marketplace, there are the XRD domains, and so on and so forth. And people usually responded to, "Oh wow, that's really cool." Like you can actually see all the teams here that are building, as opposed to let's say the Binance
booth at Web Summit, which had 50 Binance employees. And they're all obviously just talking about Binance. And you don't actually see Binance projects at their booth. So it was a very interesting tactic. I don't know who came up with the idea, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. So yeah.
Yeah, and you touched on something there, Sergio, it's all good when RDX works is trying to prove the success of Radix, but it's even better for the ecosystem like your own projects, showing off the successes, you're the evidence of that success. So going into consensus, what was everyone's goal? It might be different.
for each of you but I'd love to hear what success looked like for you. Did you achieve what you set out to achieve? Let's open it with Aussie Swap. What do you think of that? Yeah, thank you. I'm missed to introduce myself for this, so I'm Lucas, also one of the confoners. And so you've
question we had two different goals at once so the first was with the awareness with all OCCAD math math codes it was kind of hard to get it done on time because yeah we could start with the preparation like MIPS March right so it was like also to order this math code in there
It wasn't that easy to achieve that on this tight schedule, but we made it. It was really kind of cool that it worked out as expected. We did a newsletter, Lennie page, people could sign up and also share their pictures, their selfies with the OCCAD.
one of our, so like in general awareness, the other thing was obviously even a bit more important, people are joining our booth and the deep dive conversations with people also maybe interested to join join the ecosystem
as a developer, also as an investor, whatever, right? So this was also and focused for us and this was really really successful. So we have a lot of context now, a lot of people wanted to do some, some, some calls with us and really looking forward to that to catch all those.
people now. Yeah, that was really, really cool. Yeah, and one project that stands out for me, while XRD domains, we saw a few pictures of your team pitching to a group of investors. What was that like to take everything you'd learn during the grand
programme and short off, Tegris for Post Blundest, was it bitcoin angels, I'm sure? Yeah, it was for bit angels and how we got into that was quite interesting really, it was quite a funny story. So I took Faraz and Rock along with me to the actual conference, they were amazing just awesome
just got an awesome team. But yeah, so we had fun with it. Basically the guy, the Sheldon from Biddenj, just came along and came to the booth. We were talking through Radix and showed him through the Radix name service. He wasn't really familiar with that.
the Ethereum name service. So it was a real hard sell for me and for us. But by the end of it we showed him some of the the user experience and perks and features of the actual XOE domains interface. And you could see that the coax were turning his head and he said
He said, "So what are you two doing tomorrow morning, 930?" He says, "I run a breakfast, like a breakfast angel's competition, or pitching competition now and again." And he said, "What are you doing tomorrow at 930?" For us to him said, "Have a breakfast with you."
He did a double take and he was like, "Wow, these guys are really awesome." And he said, "Excuse me?" He said, "We're having breakfast with you." And funny enough, he invited us along. I left for us to man the booth and did the pitch and it was quite cool. So we invited the other project
But yeah, it was a very interesting experience and I picked up a lot of contacts from that, just that one breakfast alone. It is one notable contact, one so actually white label, the names of this so it was a very useful, pretty cool experience.
Photon and let's follow with Hermes as well. What was what was success like for you at Consensus? Did you have a chance to speak to a few investors or even just pitch your projects to many people from the booth? Yeah, so for us at Photon
was really interesting because we had the booth also a demo of our upcoming NFTs marketplace and basically everybody we showed it to were really surprised and kind of in a good way about the kind of fluency of the interface and how easy to scan
of to start building your own collection and how intuitive it is. So it was a kind of positive surprise for us because we are kind of stacking our own office, you know, working towards this consensus kind of from big event. And sometimes you kind of don't have a feeling of the thesis
back of the outside world so well. So it was a good touch with reality. And it was kind of overwhelmingly positive even from some investors that we had at the booth and also creators, even kind of more established, let's say, creators on ECM.
and recently Bitcoin kind of ecosystem. We got kind of in touch with them and we will follow up and still following up after consensus. That was a kind of good event for us in terms of building
building some networking and maybe onboarding more established creators on the marketplace. But yeah, I mean overall was really positive kind of experience both for us and also the bigger kind of team at Radix I suppose.
Yeah, so everybody was really happy with the setup and kind of what we're preparing to launch. We were actually planning to launch it at Consensus the marketplace, but we were running to some kind of late bugs and we were trying
for two nights in a row, kind of to still work at the hotel room and trying to launch it for the next day. But we decided to kind of keep it just on the local laptop there and demo it. So probably at the end. So this week we will go live with it. Maybe Monday because my co-founder are at issues.
in a plane right now actually coming back from USA. He had a few extra days there. But yeah, we will catch up this coming days and hope also the Meradix community will manage to see what we will be building so far.
And finally, Hermes as well, what was success for you? What did you achieve from consensus?
Yeah, so on our side we had some similarly to photon we had some objectives regarding our business platform to have it ready to launch by consensus so we could actually actually use it at consensus to get like subscribers
to like a contact list similar to what Osu's all was doing with their newsletter, but we wanted to use our platform specifically for that. While we did have that feature live, the business platform was still quite incomplete, so we didn't feel like
like it was ready enough to showcase it at the booth, which basically made us just show the trailer we have on YouTube so people get people curious about the project. Our main objective to secure
let's say at consensus was definitely getting investors in. So we've been bootstrapping Hermes Protocol since a year and a half give or take and we basically have been a bit short on funds
So we want to take the platform to the next level and we do need to invest quite a bit on marketing as well, which is a bit ironic considering your marketing platform. Well, we're going to use locations platform in any case. So yeah, that was our main goal, connect with investors, both business angels.
and venture capital companies. We did make quite a lot of connections, but the first week after consensus is always quite slow. People are still resting from consensus, but we have quite a few meetings organized this week. So fingers crossed.
Let's hope that goes through. Well, but yeah, the jury's still out, but we're filling up to music, of course. We did make quite a lot of connections, which was what we wanted to do there mostly in foremost.
It sounds like a really successful event, over 10,000 people were there and I imagine every single one of them had seen the radigs booth. Following on from consensus, Lucas actually from Aussie Swap, you went on a crypto cruise after consensus. What was that light? Was there any difference in the vibe?
focus questions you received, what was the main sort of topic of conversation there? Yeah it was a completely different experience because I was like an outsider coming in, right? So it's consensus-quared and on both representation
could be there, right, and people knew us already, most people at least. And this conference was really like, hey, here's the Israelis, here's also so, you might never heard about us, but I really want to introduce our technology, our credit technology, and that was also completely
different experience but also very important to get even more people curious about it. Especially at these events, it was like, especially German crypto community is not really aware of the ratings in general. So it was like, I might heard a
But not really look deeper into it and with my presentation afterwards also the panel with five other layer ones was like the chance to have a short pitch and also a short "Hey, here we are" and we are really close to smart contract launch now so it's not like
something in the making for maybe five, six years in the future. It's really close. We already have 50 plus projects building here and want to launch on day one. So hey, look at us. And that was really cool because many people were really curious and also obviously many people not really believe you in the first place.
you say you have an unlimited scalable layer one like what the fuck and it's also something I always say to the people please do you own the diligence afterwards but we look into it was like also the fascinating part for me itself two years ago when I first looked into it also couldn't believe
it in the first place but after one two weeks deep dive I was fully hooked and I hope fully a lot more revelations came up with it as well afterwards so already in close contact with a lot of people and I hope they I hope this well soon. I also interested to know
look us at consensus. What other projects from different networks were coming over to the booth? Did you give anyone a Radix revelation that we're building a project on say Cardano or Salana or Ethereum?
I think it concerns the story. I have to remember, it was a lot of, I had not had many conversations to be honest, it was more like Florian, because I also sometimes weird some
We had cat suits. What was the reaction to the cat suit? It was interesting. It was an experience as well to be completely different character and nobody recognized you. You must have been sweating.
that can. This is a very warm place that I imagine. It didn't the airline lose the cat head. That's it. It's also a funny story when it comes back to Frank
Germany. I've been there standing there. Yeah, okay, basically waiting there for two or three hours. And those people couldn't help us really to answer the simple question, where's our mascot, where's our hat. So we had to, basically, say, yeah, we missed
Now we have to drive home first and then afterwards they send it to us. Fortunately it got found somewhere else. It was quite a weird. I think it was like the US customs had to look deeper into it. Maybe it looked a bit confusing.
when they first x-ray skinned it or something like that. So we all took a bit longer. OC was on a world tour. I think we actually have Chris from Caviar swap here. I've sent you a request to speak Chris if you're available.
should be able to connect soon. Did anyone else have any other interesting experiences? How was the after party or the after party? Yeah, I can say something maybe about your previous question about other
projects kind of interacting with us. It was funny because we had some people from near protocol coming to us and kind of we pitched. Usually we were pitching RIDX first and then we were introducing our own projects but it was funny because after
after we kind of gave them the speech, they kind of took 15 minutes or something like that and they came back trying to kind of lure us to build on a year. Now I don't know if they were just impressed with kind of our dedication towards the Radiks, but it was a need to
trying to bring us to their ecosystem. And yeah, of course, we were not seeing the purpose of doing that because we have more than we need here on Radix and kind of its future proof for our project.
We also have some people from Cardano and probably they're also right now listening I don't know because we've seen them after in the Radix community. So it's good to see that people see the fit and kind of joining and trying Radix and being convinced.
So fast to kind of start building on it. Yeah, if anyone, if anyone is out there who's thinking about building on radics just give us a shout in our telegram or discord or reach out to one of the projects where a very friendly bunch. We have Chris here from caviar swap and I would just love to know
What did you have any interest in conversations and consensus? What was success for you as well? It was incredibly busy three days at the event and also at the side event. Just to echo what Vlad said, actually,
We did talk to a lot of people from other projects. There were a lot of car-owner people that we were talking to, both from the developer side and from the NFT side. They were really interesting people. I think they were quite interested in Vatics.
for people as well, so it was very interesting to talk into them. There's also a few Salana people that we were talking to and there was also a group of smart contract auditors who sort of focused on Salana who were quite interested in in Rallex as well, so we had sort of good conversations with them and follow up conversations with them.
But yeah, I mean it was just it was it was incredibly busy three days we had some there's a whole range of people and it was really impressive how I would say how Look we thought there'd be a lot of sort of moon boys there, but actual in actual fact there was does a lot of really sort of sophisticated people there
and very knowledgeable of DeFi and I think that's kind of, I think maybe that's what's happened with the crypto interiors, that people are interested in crypto right now are people who are a much more sort of longer term. But yeah, we talked to everyone, there's all kinds of enthusiasm, we had really good
interaction talking to quite a few VC guys as well. I mean, it's just an endless list of people that we spoke to. Yeah, and what was the back back to you, Chris? What was the mean topic of conversation? Was it UX, security, scalability, or for example, what was it?
Well, it was interesting because obviously there was a lot of conversation just about Radix itself and it was I mean it was obviously the Radix stand itself was really impressive right for multiple reasons it was drawing people in it was ideally situated near the near
the entrance point, it was glowing and also it had a real buzz about it with all of the ecosystem there as well as the RDX works people. But we were talking up all the benefits that RADX had to offer and I think
You know, there was certainly, you know, you talk user experience with certainly something that that came up now and again and like, you know, it was very easy to sort of fall into the track of just talking up all the sort of technical bits of radix and talking about shardying, etc, etc. But you kind of got to, when you started talking
talking to people about security and safety and knowing where your assets are and just generally having a great user experience. So really found that that really struck a chord. Is there any one else that would like to add anything to that question?
Yeah, I'd fully agree like so we would we were mainly showing people the transaction manifest and trying to explain to them how it's like more of a roadmap instead of the blind signing and you can see you can see the cogs tuning again like with every feature that we can
to put forward. You can see people are very pleasantly surprised. There was definitely more of a kind of build and environment there. Everybody just takes the whole thing seriously and
It was just very interesting to be in that environment with people who really understand. A lot of these people were technical, a lot of them weren't, but everybody got the transaction manifest, so that was one thing we definitely pushed.
As really good news, it's good to see that all of these things that came out with RCNet and soon Babylon gaining traction. And again, it's you guys that can show the successes of the ecosystem and of the network. It's all good for us to
to say these things as RDX works employees, but it's you guys that are the real evidence of that. And just moving on, we're going to go on to the next section of the spaces just now. This section is going to be of the Raddy's Grant Program itself. So the pilot launch of the Raddy's Grant Program was a huge
step for RDX works and radix in support and expanding the ecosystem pre-babelone. For those of you that don't know, the teams received $30,000 USD value in XRD tokens by weekly 1-1s with a mentor at RDX works, access to office hours,
access to exclusive master classes, practical guidance on compliance and cybersecurity, help with user testing, promotion and exposure to the wider Raditz community via official channels and obviously the in-person kickoff bootcamp in DemoD. So a project and person that I've not heard from you
yet is Fred from Alphidix. So starting off, being announced is a participant project of the Raditz Grant's programme must have been an exciting time for you all as a team. But I'd love to hone in on you as someone who'd been building quietly in the background. Not many people knew about your project before you launched your Twitter and Telegram of
So explain to us what was the initial feeling like to be selected? Yes, thanks for the opportunity and I just want to say to the other projects I've got serious phomo just listening to everything that happened that consensus. So yeah, it sounds like you guys
really had a great time there and it was worthwhile going. So, I mean, for, you know, Ass is a project and specifically for me is kind of a solo developer of a project. I think my initial reaction when I applied for the grant was that I didn't really think that, you know, I
I had the feeling that maybe initially they'll focus on projects that are a bit more well-known by the community and are further down the road in terms of their development. So I think my initial reaction was kind of surprised to hear that I did qualify, but I also
I think that's a great message from the Audiox works team to the rest of the community to say that they're willing to look at all kinds of projects in all stages of development and with all kinds of exposure to the outside world already.
that was a great experience. I don't know if we're still going to get to it, but certainly for us, the exposure that this has given to the project has just probably been the biggest advantage that I got from the Grants program.
I think anything away from the experience that was shared, the tips and the tricks that we got from the team, the advice and support we got from the team. All of that was amazing. But for a small behind the scenes project like Alphadex, the exposure that it gave us and the support
We thought we suddenly got from the community who didn't even know about this project was just, you know, absolutely amazing. And certainly one of the things that I'll remember from being part of the Cronz program is just how much the community wants projects to survive and to do well.
Great question and I'd also like to extend that question to hear me's protocol you guys had originally been building on Terra. What was it like to move over and be selected for the grants program? How did you find your first move into the Radix community? It's funny you asked.
So essentially ever since our first pitch, let's say, to the general audience about what we were building with Hermes Protocol, which was like in August, 10th to 21, it was basically the project started on a hackathon on Terra.
was way before the crash, so it's still very much full days. And something that we have been noticing over and over, and this is something I've been echoing is that I see a lot of resemblance in terms
of the community spirit, how people engage and support each other on radics from what I've seen previously on Terra. Now, you may be thinking, oh, maybe that's not so good. Well, if you think about how Luna was essentially the apex coin of 22,
21 and even the first quarter of 2022, you'll I will back to differ. So obviously right now everyone has PTSD. I most likely have more than any of you. But the fact that matters here is that before it failed, it was a massive
success. And so it really matters a lot to say that the spirits that I'm seeing about the projects helping each other wanting to work together and being open to new ideas and discussions, not being like close behind borders or whatever,
It really does matter a lot and I see that a lot as opposed to other ecosystems where we've explored. So let me just make a parentheses here. So even on the very first hack of
on that we launched the project, we always mentioned that we were going to be a multi-chain or a multi-layer one. It's a project because we knew that first to be successful, we need to be on multiple places. Now we just didn't expect that we would have to expand beyond terrorists so quickly
So, as soon as the crash happened, we forced to explore our other options more quickly than what we previously thought. So, we did participate on other hackathons, we even won second place at a hackathon on near, for example. So, we did
get connected with a few projects on near. We also followed up with those Moses, Injective. We haven't spoken with Sully since that's much more recent, but yeah, we've spoken with multiple ecosystems and we've been on their telegrams and discord. And like I don't want to name any names in particular because
know, we might expand to those places at some point if it makes sense on a roadmap, but it just, it feels different. So it was a very positive surprise for us to be accepted. Obviously, we had some ideas
or let's say some thoughts on similar to Fred, like, oh, you know, there's so many projects building on Radix. It's unlikely that we'll be selected as an outsider, but we were obviously very happy that who were selected and we were giving it our all and we intend to fully bring back
to radics much more than the opportunities that we were given. So we never forget our earliest supporters, whether that's our speakers with our validators or the late ones who choose to support us through the grants program, the programs.
So yeah, I think that's it. So it has been a very positive journey. I hope this continues. Honestly, so far from what we've seen on the technical side, Radix is still in beaten.
It does need to work a lot on the awareness and the marketing, but that's why we work in census. And I think that was a really positive success. And of course, all the meet-ups that are happening in all the advanced these things all matter and they compound together to work towards a brighter, radical future.
So yeah, really really excited for that Babylon eventually ZN so yeah Yeah, radbickets are always a welcoming bonnisha Another area your projects have been from just touching on
that community support is the exposure you've been given. Of course, you're all active community members and your projects are well ingrained in the community too. Your audiences have grown massively over the last few months as I've individually been tracking them obviously being the social media manager. But with photon and pertaking
they've grown their Twitter community by 50% since being announced as a Radix grants participant. So for your team photon, how has the community response been after being selected to join the program? Yeah, the community reactor really well.
I mean they were enthusiastic to see us in the six projects selected. And for us of course the kind of exposures was really amazing and you can see it also reflected in the Twitter followers. But I think on a general note for
us what was really kind of helpful and amazing to have in this program was kind of the one or one feedback and access to all the resources that the Radix team has and kind of they managed to gather a lot of knowledge throughout these years because for
small startups like ourselves and probably also the other kind of cohort participants in the grants program had a bit of the same issues they didn't really know how to kind of settle in the industry. There's a lot of unknowns in terms of regulators
framework also on technical levels we got a lot of support and one-on-one kind of feedback with Radix team members so yeah it was really overwhelming experience and helpful
give us a better perspective of where we are going to go, how they helped us also to focus our approach and target audience and also pitching techniques and things like that. So it was kind of the whole package, maybe.
maybe similar to one of the best incubators or accelerators, a Y-conbinator, but especially built for Web3. So I would really be happy to see this program kind of continuing also for the next batches.
I don't know how much time or radics will have to kind of dedicate maybe we were likely to be the first ones and we got more attention but would be really good for the ecosystem to see it going further and kind of investing in projects building on radics because there are really a lot coming up behind us
and they will kind of benefit a lot from all these knowledge that Radix has accumulated so far. Yeah and on that as well the team of the horseswap have been incredibly busy in terms of growth over the last few months and on that a big piece of
support for your projects was the 30,000 USD and XRD grant. What have those funds allowed you guys to do over the last few months in terms of growing the project? This is to look us at what is what? Thank you for the question. So generally we already
had a good well-funded path even without a crant. So we saw the crant program itself as an opportunity to grow as founders, right? So to learn from others that are already way longer doing
these types of things, right? So it was the first thing why we applied it in general wasn't really about the deep declines and therefore it was really success. I think about the Austrian time all the time again, so it was like, so
such amazing we could all of you guys have these really really deep conversations and also to learn from from peers from Adam from Jacob may those people are amazing what they're doing and to learn first hand from their experience was like
the most important part of it, way, way, way, way, import, more important than any money could ever be. So that's actually maybe the most powerful product success or to going forward is to have a strategy, to have a vision, to have to focus, to know what you're doing.
that it's way way more important or to how to use your money, the grants you're getting is also way more important than just receiving some funds and hope for the best, right? So, and this was really the best decision we did so far, best Aussie Swap to be a part of it and to get these
first-hand experiences and week by week sessions helped us a lot and we're just so thankful for that. It's not just I'm not just saying it like I'm thankful we're really thankful it was such a massive opportunity and we're still
Just at the beginning and have to implement a lot of the learned things still. So it's an ongoing and step by step you have to improve each day every day, right? And also to have now all the new people that we have now new contacts.
It's quite touching, Lucas. So like Lucas said, the projects were given access to core members of RDX works. And I'm going to direct this one to why you
how has the guidance and support from the Radix team impacted your project and what areas have they been the most helpful? It's huge. With the grant, for example, it's only so much that can kind of pay out with
with that support. But with the guidance that we've had, I mean the guidance is worth more than the grant. You know, it's a commodity that all of the resources are basically commodities that will continue to pay off or use to come really. In terms of kind of
specifics, you know, the team gave us guidance on everything from product market fit to how best to manage a team. Then obviously you've got all of the regulations, etc. It's just being invaluable. I think that's the main takeaway from this program.
for me personally is, it's that kind of the resources. They've got the RDX works that made their own mistakes over the years, they've made their own successes and having that as one package that they can then use to like foster you know, to grow your project and to kind of inject into
the cohort, that's that's invaluable information and you can't just put that into a single document that's experienced and you get to kind of discuss it and it's tailored to your specific needs or your project. Yeah so it's only so far a grant can go.
But resources go a long way and they will keep paying off for for use to come essentially that's been it's been incredible and I'm really sad it's ending you know I'm gonna apply for co-host too I'll pay my way yeah definitely we'd love to have you with with anyone else like to weigh in and on
what Lucas and Wailie said about the impact of the master classes and the access to the team. I'll definitely chub in here. I just wanted to also emphasise one of the things that I really appreciated
from the Grants program was just the kind of professionalism that the Radix works team kind of showcased in doing the Grants program. You know, so in a sense, I think, you know, if they wanted to, they could have just given us many, given us a couple of talks about what they think is important and let us, you know, do
things on our own after that. But they've really put in a whole lot of time and effort to help us. You know, when we come up with problems, they literally try and source people. If they don't have the answers themselves, they've tried to source people who can help us with the answers. They've always been available for us to
to contact them and ask them questions when those questions come up. So I think that's just one of the things that will set the Red X Grounds Program, apart from competitive Grounds Program. It's just the effort that the team puts into not only trying to make the program a success, but actually trying
to make the projects themselves a success. Taking into account that the projects are all at various stages of development and various stages of growth. So, yeah, I mean, I just can't emphasize enough that I'm impressed I was with the effort that everyone involved put in.
And as well, Chris, I was just wondering what kind of impact the grants programme has had on caviar swap as well. Yeah, I mean, I'll echo what everyone else has said. I mean, it's been, it's been, it was very noticeable to us even from the first couple of days just
just a sheer amount of work that's gone into the grants program, the sheer amount of effort and knowledge which is being shared. It's very hard to pin down a single thing. I think, and it's, it sounds like a dry subject, but actually there's been an awful lot of really good sort of legal and reg.
advice that we've got from the program, which if you're running a DEX and this day and age of what's going on with the SEC in the US, you really need to get a good feel for the way the wind's blowing and we have our own external lawyers that we're talking to and they ain't
cheap and so it's pretty obvious that the advice that we've already had is part of the grants program. It's very valuable advice, quite literally, I can say. There you have it, folks. I know going to open up to questions or if anyone would like to ask
question to any of the projects just put your hand up and I will allow you to speak. Before that, folks, is there anything else you would like to say to those that are on the spaces session, any of the projects, what would you like to say, anything at all, just feel free?
First of all, I'd like to just say we really miss Fred consensus from Project to Project. It's an amazing guy to speak to. But yeah, for anybody else, like considering paying for
co-host to it. You won't regret it. When I started off, when I finally found out, "Exactly the mains, I got the team together." I was so nervous, I was so nervous about speaking on spaces like this.
for me personally, I'm speaking now in a space and I'm loving it and really enjoying it. That level of confidence, you can't buy that and that's kind of what this program is instilled in me, is that confidence is awesome.
Maybe on our sites, I can also just add regarding the opportunities that the grant allow us, let's say allow this is actually, since we are, let's say, the newcomers to Radix, we didn't have, let's say, our food
of print on Radix yet. And so we've been growing our own side of the Radix community or our communities from scratch. And one of the things that is quite common, not only on Radix, but also earlier ones, is for projects that have a DevOps
team that at least needs to read some data from the ledger is to run your own validator. And we do have also validators on other later ones and being able to come on RADX and with the grant allowance we can basically stake that on our validator
and that gave us a massive push towards getting into the active set. I mean, we wouldn't be able to do it otherwise. It is very hard to define whales when you're in a newcomer. So obviously there are several XRD whales
but we don't know who they are. It's very hard to find them. So being able to be kind of like a meaning whale ourselves and stake on our nodes to get onto the active set that was a very big push. So we've actually been just using the XRD. Yeah, many for that to get some
making rewards because obviously the ultimate reward, let's say, will come later, not at the moment when XRD is quite a bit below the all-time high. And I don't want to bring the prices in, but yeah, anyway. - Of course.
Awesome, so let's open it up to questions. I think of as a avis apologies of I am bituring that pronunciation my Scottish accent doesn't help but feel free. Yeah, it's perfect. It's a device or a device it's fine. So guys congratulations to everybody getting the grant and then
entering the RADIC system. I've been following the past six to nine months, nine to six months, and I'm witnessing very nice projects entering into the ecosystem. I have a few questions. I don't know if you're allowed to answer them at this point.
to photon. You're stating that you're doing a mass adoption into creating NFTs correct? Yeah, that's right. That's kind of our main goal, let's say, on the term two.
If I want to mint right now a million NFTs, what would be the cost? Will it be on Fiat or XRDs? Yeah, I don't know now exactly for one million you have to multiply but basically will be a multiplier of the kind of main network fees.
on Radix. So I don't know how much marine fiat right now the transaction 0-0 something since probably. But I don't know I think for such collections so for about let's say 10,000 should be lower than 100.
maybe 20 depends but this is also a course that the creator can pass to the kind of users' meaning let's say to 3D NFTs because then it will be really kind of negligible so basically they're kind
not delegating the fee instead of putting all the pressure and costs on the creator to mean the collection. Yeah, because I'm thinking tickets and airline tickets and concerts and insurance and stuff like that. So that's why. Yeah, yeah.
I don't think it will be such a big issue on Radix, especially because you can delegate kind of the fees and the fees are anyway kind of low on Radix kind of near zero. But because you can delegate them, the developer of the decentralized application or whatever
NFT, meaning can kind of spread this course or either assume all the course by himself. So it's kind of an option up to the developer or the creator of these NFTs. It will be available with the Babylon release, the Babylon upgrade. Yeah, we intend
to have it the Bible already so brilliant. I mean looking forward to see how it develops thanks for the answer can I have another one? Yeah sure. It's going to be for OC swap. I've been playing around
with it and it's it's look great and you adopted Pepe really fast that's nice also it says that it has 3.7 million dollars in in TBR and when you see the top tokens the
you and what's locked it's way less. So I was thinking what's the total volume lock? I mean how do you compute that? So in general we have prototype online at the moment so free smart contracts it's very basic implementations basically trading engine
on top of the erratic's manate that wasn't really ever expected to happen. To totally honest, therefore everything is a bit like a showcase at the moment and you have really to see or use it like that, right? Like a test, yeah. You can see it like that although it's a manate, although it's real token
assets of course but in general the real defy full-fledged experience is happening in 80s, 7, 84 days right and this is like a complete shift for all of us here around so it's gonna be the same each of these
It will be also revamped of our front end, UX will be different, the seamless connection with the new Redix wallet is a mobile first experience as well. So everything will kind of look different and feel different than at the moment. It's really like from prototype to a real pull-to-latch user experience, it's like a nature shift.
So therefore use this experience just like a okay, this is a first first glance. Yeah, so when if you have liquidity you could be able to breach any EVM coin or any other coin from other chains also? To bring
coins that are not into the radical ecosystem to bring jobber general in general everyone can create pool it's a permissionless Tax afterwards so and of course you have to be aware that everyone can also claim to be a token x yz right from
If you're in the sense so you really have to look deeper into it to connect with the projects with Defounders or whatever to be sure that you're not like fault for some some scan tokens. Yeah, of course. Yes, what I'm saying about other solutions that they're not from a theorem which
engine. So maybe something from a stellar or XRP ledger you'll be able to bridge to cross-chain solutions. Yeah looking forward to that so the relics itself just announced the layer zero partnership and we look
forward what will come with that. So like like rep tokens or stuff but that is not I have no insight about that I just hope it will happen as soon as possible. That would be amazing. But also after you look that we have like a full ecosystem experience as soon as possible. Like with stable coins with ore codes with cross chains that
happening. I cannot wait for that as well, of course. Guys, thanks for for the allocating the time for my questions and good luck on everything. We'll be watching and following up. Thanks very much, everyone. We're going to move on to zero
XZim, so I'm just going to accept your request. You should be able to speak now to the XZim, it's just connecting two settings, guys. And then we'll move on to Lee as well after XZim.
Let's take next time to connect. Sorry guys. There we go. If you just done me and yourself and ask away.
This is zero x there.
That's not what we'll just move on to then you can come back to that. Thanks.
Okay Lee, it's just connecting though I think. Okay ask him a
Thank everyone for being from the computer today. Hello. There we go. There we go. There you go. How are we doing? Good afternoon everybody. Thanks for letting me come up here, Connor. Absolutely amazing here in all of these perspectives of consensus.
and I'd first like to congratulate everybody on successfully receiving the first round of the cohort's grants program. I've been an avid supporter of Radix since the ball market.
It's been amazing watching the ecosystem grow immensely and all of these projects which I've been learning myself as a as a amateur in the space. I've only been here three years. I'm not a developer or a programmer. I work at sea as many
some of you may know, had the great privilege of meeting Prophet in Thailand earlier in the year and I was hoping to meet with Chris from Hermes, unfortunately, I'll pass it in cross this time but I'm sure they will in the near future. Absolutely mind blown at the
the general consensus and it's evidently obvious to me as an outsider and as a radical, one of the ambassador you could say. It just makes me
really really happy and pleased to see that everybody is being onboarded and going back to your man there who spoke before about the one man band only. Was it, I can't remember which project it was, was Fred. He thought that he didn't think he was going to get the grants approved.
him and so it's amazing and I'd just like to take my half to you guys for doing what you're doing and the time and effort and the blood and sweat that you're putting into this. Obviously we'll have a personal life aside of this and I can imagine
times you can get quite challenging. It would also like to give a shout out to Jeremy Adam, here's Dan and all the other legends that aren't here because they're probably too busy doing other things. I don't really have a specific question for projects. I would just
like to know if projects could possibly give people like myself who are in a situation whereby I'm consistently red pilling people, friends, colleagues, offshore personnel, technicians, people that I deal with in my day-to-day life. I
I try to wear my Radix T-shirt as often as possible on board the vessel. That sparks some conversations. And yeah, I would just like to find out or ask if there is a way for people like myself who like to speak.
and promote and talk about radix and the ecosystem and the projects within the ecosystem, how people that are either not involved in cryptocurrency or particularly involved in the radix revelation, how one can go about
other than explaining, for example, OC swap would be the decks and XRD the mains. I mean some people don't have, don't even know what Ethereum domain name system and all that sort of stuff is so I don't want to get too technical with some people because you can lose them in five minutes so yeah
I would like to be like all around ambassador really in Wales and North Wales and the Northeast for meeting people who are curious but haven't had the courage or are a little bit afraid to take their first step into the
cryptocurrency world and the sobbinger you know you could lose someone in two seconds by talking about something so I just want to say shout out to everybody and was it 85 days still babbling 84 days I'm excited yeah
or know that as greatly thanks very much for that. And I guess like the way that you can educate people that aren't really crypto natives is just to start on social media I guess, isn't it guys? Like even if it's on TikTok or Instagram or even if you're just going to meet up, there's always new people that are that don't
really understand the technology or what it's all about and it is quite daunting to people but yeah just starting with the basics I think and then slowly integrating them into into radics or even teaching them about Salana or Ethereum and you know their advantages are shortcomings
and what Radix does differently. Does anyone else like grants projects like is anyone getting advice on how to onboard people really? Yeah, I would actually like to talk about something that we've been doing that I think works well at least for
from our perspective. This is of course a very biased opinion based on our location. So we're basing Lisbon Portugal and Lisbon has already been considered by a few people from outside of Portugal to be the Web 3 Silicon Valley. So we
we do have a lot of Web 3 people here in Hen Lisbon because we have great weather and tax advantages for foreigners and so on. So something that does work quite well for onboarding people to Web 3 regardless if it's radics or any of
is actually just hosting meetups and events and making sure that they are very friendly to people who know nothing about Web 3. So don't make it for the Gens. Obviously you do need events for those kinds of people as well. Most of the people here in this
So what kind of classifies the agents? But making sure that these events are tailored, like what is Web 3? That's like a good title. And then getting some partnerships with local media.
like either newspapers or people on the radio, those kinds of things, or even organizing workshops. So with Radik specifically, we first went through a script to a workshop to actually put our hands on the tech after
I met Adam at a consensus last year. It was a very positive experience and we did see quite a few developers that never touched Web 3, go to that event and it was a very positive surprise to see them engage. So, well, let's say with Scripto.
And then we decided to host ourselves as crypto workshop as well, which also went beautifully. So we want to continue that. And tomorrow we're actually going to have a Lisbon meetup. So if anyone in the audience is in Lisbon, we would definitely appreciate it coming. If you don't know the
the details or whatever, just join our telegram and ask how you can find information or you can just search for Radix Meetup Lisbon. But yeah, I would definitely advise with this. It is a very good way. It comes off as more genuine.
you're not just an NFT on a profile picture that kind of sometimes ruins the personality or the, let's say, personification or whatever, it feels more distant if you don't have a face to it and if you're reading people face to face and you can actually see and feel
people excited building on these things and tell you about all these great things that are happening. I'm talking a lot, I have the tendency but that's good. Wily, I see your hand up there. Yeah, I just want to add, you know, with kind of onboarding.
is, Radix has this plan of migrating traditional space over to to Web 3. And I think that's kind of like what Radix is pretty much doing is making things as user-friendly as possible, trying to cut out the jargon, make things very visual
abstract things out. So I think that's kind of coming. It's almost there, you know, so I think each and every one of these projects doing the same thing. So essentially a lot of patients are required every time I talk to somebody who's not familiar with the space.
They just think scam. They just think art that hold crypto spaces to scam. I think what it is a few bad eggs have tainted the space, but sometimes we have to go back, go back in time to, you know, to when to the whole kind of point of crypto. And it maybe have some patience and experience.
it's not the case in all, like in the whole cryptospaces, some really talented, amazing people that want to build and innovate. And as long as you can kind of show people things like the transaction manifest, for example, it's simply as simple as that.
how it's transparent and how douse work etc. It just builds upon, you know, actually this space is more secure, it's way more secure than web2 and traditional finance. So yeah, I think a lot of patients is required but that migration is coming and that's where radix is pretty much focused.
That's pretty cool. Yeah, and on that, while you lay as well, like for me, it was the very beginning when I first got into crypto and web 3, the person who onboarded me, it was the comparisons between traditional finance and what was possible with decentralized
financialised finance that can hoot me in on that, actually having control over your assets properly and knowing what everything is and holding it like you actually own it. It's not just a number on a screen. Thankfully Radik's actually provides that with the asset.
oriented instead of message only. But yeah, that is the truth. So Lee, like, that was a way to do it. It's making the comparisons between traditional finance and decentralized finance and that Radix is building a radically better financial system because of that.
Yeah, if I can add something, I think a good comparison and kind of a way to onboard new commerce is to compare decentralized applications, built on Radix with web 2 kind of versions or kind of existing solutions because
that's how the kind of average Joe currently interacts with the internet and let's say traditional finance. And I know Radix is kind of focusing on DeFi but I don't know there's a lot of use cases especially also with NFTs. I don't know you can have them used for ticketing for even
events and things like that. And even if you go in all these industries, each one of them has a kind of use case where defiant kind of radics can improve upon existing solutions. And maybe this is kind of a more easy to kind of be introduced approach to average jobs.
because they already have an experience with existing web to applications. So this might be a more relatable approach, at least in my opinion. Of course. Is there any more opinions or thoughts, reading questions at all before we wrap up?
No, okay, perfect. Well guys, thank you everyone for your time and thank you to this expartistment project. It's been a pleasure, like always. I'm Connor, social media manager here at RDXworks and I'll see you all next time. Thanks guys.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.#

FAQ on Empowering Innovation: Uncovering the Journey of Cohort 1 | Twitter Space Recording

Who was the social media manager at rdxworks who hosted the podcast?
What was the purpose of the podcast?
To discuss the journey of the six grant participant projects and their time at Consensus 2022.
What did Adam, CSO of rdxworks, think of Consensus 2022?
Adam thought Consensus 2022 was awesome and that more people were familiar with radix compared to the previous year's event.
What was unique about this year's event compared to the previous year?
Consensus 2022 was a month earlier, had a better quality of attendees, and more people were familiar with radix compared to the previous year.
What was the common theme of questions from people visiting the booth at Consensus 2022?
People were interested in the technology behind radix and what was new about it.
How was the booth of the first grant cohort's projects received by visitors?
Visitors were blown away by the quality of the projects and the experience of the founders.
Who made up the first grant cohort's projects?
The five projects from the first grant cohort were autis, oswap, xrd domains, hermes, and photon marketplace.
What was the experience like for autis and oswap at Consensus 2022?
Autis and oswap felt it was an amazing event for them to draw more awareness with their mascot and people were more interested in diving deep into the technology and ecosystem surrounding radix.
What was the experience like for photon marketplace at Consensus 2022?
Photon marketplace found the overall experience overwhelming but had positive feedback from visitors and were able to explain the benefits of building on radix.
Who was building on radix at Consensus 2022?
The first grant cohort's projects, including autis, oswap, xrd domains, hermes, and photon marketplace, were building on radix at Consensus 2022.