ENS INTERVIEWS - Episode 32 (Mike Demarais) 🎙

Recorded: May 30, 2023 Duration: 0:46:49



Hello, welcome to episode 32 of ENS interviews. I'm your host Evan and I'm welcome with Mike Demare. Mike, how are you doing today sir? Thank you for joining us. Yo yo yo
Yo, yo, yo, yo, what's up, Evan? You said my last name correctly. Awesome, man. Yeah, I did do some research on that and made sure I got that one right because I really crushing it.
Awesome man appreciate it. Well dude really happy to have you here. I've been a long time fan and I've known about you since I since hyper change like oh my god. Oh, yeah, man deep it goes way back No way I was just talking
into my boy Galley the other day. Yeah, dude. I love Galley and I was I don't know if you know this but I was actually one of the people who tweeted at you to get galley to get galley.e because you know I really like what he's done so yep yep big into the Wow
Wow, thank you. I'm sure he appreciates that dude Yeah, my plan. All the work you guys do, dude is the least I could do is point out a little simple thing You know, I'm just an eNS nerd so appreciate all you Wow, dude
So it's good.
Yeah, so not much, man. So, you know, I'm just one of the community member in the ENS world, and I'm just really passionate about what ENS is. Funny fact, you're actually one of the people, of course, who got me into ENS. And I think, like myself and others, I think once we realize that.eats is not just like you put in your Twitter, but it's
like an on-chain username, you can use it for decentralized websites, for your wallet. There's a billion different things you can use it for. And I think once people see the utility side of things, I think it's really interesting. So that's kind of like what I focused on is just, you know, trying to spread the word of E&S. I think more people need to hear about this amazing technology.
I'm very much a fan of making Web 3 user friendly.
Oh yeah dude, I love him, man.
So yeah, well, we'll get some started. So I would love to, you know, I asked them, I guess like, how did you get into Web 3 and then like specifically E and S? Yeah, good question. Well, so I got into Web 3, I think before, you know, before the Illuminati came up with an
name Web 3. But yeah, so it's like in 2018, I was working at a like a healthcare SaaS company. And I was watching like, you know, the 2017 bubble, you know, just go off. And
And during that time, it just occurred to me that crypto can't go, you know what I mean? It's never going to go away. There's nothing that can be done to make it go away. It's going to be here forever. So yeah, I just decided to quit my healthcare SaaS job.
and join crypto full time. And I think that the thing that like really the first thing that clicked for me about Ethereum, or sort of the thing that pulled me deeper into Ethereum and kind of like you know quote unquote Web 3.
was like 0x, like 0x protocol, because it was like the first, just like, you know, it was really the first time that I understood, you know, what made a theorem cool. Like before, 0x protocol, like I
didn't fully understand what a theory of what a theory of
contracts, etc. So yeah, it was like 0x protocol and then really quickly after that, once I started kind of diving, deeper into things, I'd say like the next thing that really clicked for me was like MakerDow and die back in the day.
But back then, the only decentralized exchange was this thing called radar relay. And the only thing trading on radar relay was like die, MKR, like spank chain, stuff like that.
Gotcha. Yeah, and no, I'm with you. I have that same realization and that's one of the reasons that I like cares so much about like, you know education because I think we get caught up in like the cryptocurrency and the financialization which is amazing But there is more than CZI you know, there is like the decentralized web and all the different applications that can build
on top of it.
That's where a lot of the internet users are. 4.1 billion people every year use the internet to talk with people and socialize and communicate. I think that's such a great area for Web 3 to be focusing. That's again, I think end users are what we should really be working towards.
I love to hear how did you get inspiration for Rainbow Wall? What was your reason to create it? It's actually a good continuation of what I was just saying. Back then, I was
fascinated with some of these early protocols, right? So things like XeroX and MakerDow and things like this. And it was clear that there were going to be more cool things like that. But while
playing around with these these daps it became really clear that oh shit like you know actually you have to use a wallet in order to interact with all of these things like there's no sort of getting around that it's a having a wallet is a prerequisite and um yeah
Yeah, it was super obvious to us, "Oh shit, the existing wall, it's suck." Even if all of these dApps are insanely cool, that at the end of the day, none of us could get adopted if these
end user experience is kind of junky. So it was just super obvious that we wanted to build a wallet that the way we've always thought about it is that we wanted to build a wallet that could live on people's home screens.
I love that. I also love the mobile first approach. I think you guys have done so many different things from day one. You just have had the right long-term vision. I think the user friendliness and making Web3 fun is another thing. And in general, again, the mobile friendly is awesome. I think, like you said, in general,
enter a while to trash and then we go to mobile and it's even worse and yet if I think about myself as like a Gen Z person I am on my phone 95% of the time it's a lot of biology and so that is the case so why would we not have mobile walls that are amazing so props to you guys yeah it's really interesting how that played out I
I feel like a huge part of the core crypto native contingent still prefers browser extension wallets and that's why Rainbow is building a browser extension wallet. But at the same time, it always has
you know confused me a bit because I think that even the people who are like browser extension wallet maxis they very likely use robin hood on their phone right and like they don't actually think about that or they don't question that
So it is weird how people end up segmenting, you know, their user behavior across platforms. Yeah, because it's like why does, why would somebody use Metamask on their computer, but then Robinhood on their phone? I don't, I don't really get it, but yeah.
Yeah, that's a great point. And I think you're so right. I think the reason that Robinhood killed it from day one is the fact that someone could on their phone quickly in a couple clicks set up their account and quickly trade. And that's something that I've noticed because I used to talk about Tesla before anyone cared about investing and then there was this whole boom in the COVID. And yeah, you're right.
I think it was mobile first and although of course we need extensions we need to be able to go online and use the computer and I'm sure that's where a lot of businesses especially we'll use but end of the day a lot of the you know end users are mobile first and that's something that most people have not done well with the thing metamask is honestly kind of dog shit like
comes a noble so props to you for that. So I love to get into like for people who don't know what is Rainbow Wall and maybe like some of the features that set it apart. You can maybe even also get into Rainbow Kit how you guys came up with that. I think that's all like amazing different things that I've worked on. Yeah, so Rainbow's just like an awesome Ethereum wallet.
currently available for iOS and Android. It's really fun and approachable. Yeah, and we also have a browser extension while it coming very soon. We're going to be launching, you're going to be expanding, expanding the browser extension beta.
about like 10,000 people in a few weeks. Yeah, as far as like features that set us apart, I think a few things. Like one is we've been hearing more and more lately that people really value rainbows support for layer 2s. So we've, you know, from, I'd say I don't know, like the
last year. So we've made it our mission to just make Rainbow the best experience for Layer 2s. Both like NFTs on Layer 2s as well as like swapping and bridging on Layer 2s as well. So there's that. I also think that yeah like our first party support for EMS.
was quite cool and special. I don't think anyone else really does anything like that. Yeah, so I'd say the Layer 2 support stuff, ENS, built-in swaps, and there were NFT support.
Yeah, completely agreed all those points I appreciate and Rebo's my favorite wallet, use it all the time, so it definitely can verify what Mike said as a power user. And so one thing that you mentioned is the ENS integration, that's one of my favorite things about the wallet
When I learned that you guys have that I'm like wow this is how we onboard individuals at ENS it is so difficult if you do not go through Rainbow Wallet or if they're not So props to you guys. Yeah, dude. Thanks man. Yeah, I'm so hyped with how the ENS stuff came out. I think that
And yeah, I use it like whenever I, you know, need to register a name very spontaneously. It's just like the definitely the fastest way to just secure a name. But yeah, man, I'm hyped to hear that you like it.
Yeah, I've actually made multiple tweets about it and I'm constantly just trying to get other wilds to do the same thing because although I do love rainbow and I'm gonna be a rainbow for life You know, I still try to get as many people to use similar integrations because I think it's really genius Yeah, so props to you guys and so I actually so these are just like kind of like pick your brain questions about E and S
So one thing I was wondering is, so I'm sure you saw with Coinbase they offer a free off chain username for every wallet. And so have you guys had any considerations in, you know, an off chain name for a rainbow lot? Yeah, yes we have. We want to do that as well. We just haven't, we're not exactly sure when.
Yeah, that's fair, no worries, but that's awesome to hear. Awesome. And I think CCIP read is also super helpful for these things. I think being able to do all these registrations and record settings and all this off-chain is super beneficial. And so, yeah, we're definitely early days to know, Rush, but glad to hear that you guys are on that page. And then so another thing I did want to ask you
you guys is have you guys do have amazing record setting and being able to add different things to your web through profile. I love that you guys are kind of like pushing E and S is like a social and like actually utility base and a T and so I was wondering do you have any plans to utilize like layer two record setting or whatnot or if
You've been aware of that recently, but OptiNames and some other layer two applications are setting up ways where you can set your records on layer two to save on gas. So we'd love to hear your thoughts on that. - Oh yeah. I had not heard of OptiNames, so that's really sick and I'm checking that out now.
So to answer your question, I guess, yes, we have thought about that. I'm not exactly sure. So what you're talking about here is an alternative to doing fully off chain names, right? Yeah, correct. So this is like if you have an all chain name, you know, I have management. So I can get, you know, I can issue you for things like setting my
profile picture or something on a layer two just because end of the day, you know, I don't want to spank out of a layer one. But that would be a poet or so like, so like that would also use the CCI piece stuff, right? But instead of storing it purely off chain, it's you're simply choosing a layer two to store it on instead.
of like AWS, right? So I'm on the same page about what we're talking about. Yes, correct. Yeah. So I'm curious. So what are, so would you, you as a user prefer to store it on optimism as opposed to like an Amazon S3 bucket?
So I'm definitely not the most technical but in the way I view it is end of the day. Users when they do anything online right now they don't think about like where does it get stored it's just what's the cost and so I think as long as it's still on the decentralized in some way and in a way where they can still retain full ownership over all the
Records I think later to is probably a good alternative where you know for 30 cents I can go set my profile picture instead of you know Yeah, yeah, so completely agree that in all situations like putting it on a layer two is better than main net, but I'm the one the open question is far
I'm concerned is whether users, so like what Coinbase is doing, right? Coinbase is doing something slightly different, right? Instead of putting it on a layer too, they're just putting it on a centralized server. And you, the user who was uploading your information
information can ensure that when you're fetching it from their centralized server, that it's returning to you the same information that you had uploaded. So it's like, therefore, you the user can trust it, except it can always go down. So it's like, your essentially, the risk there is like, Coinbase,
their servers go down forever and then your information is offline. So the question is first I'm concerned is basically whether users which path the users care most about because I'm not necessarily sure that it makes sense to sort of implement both. Like I think we
we would likely kind of pick a direction, right? Like, either users want to put stuff completely off-chain or, you know, or, you know, we'll choose like a layer two to dump all the data to. But like the core question that we're talking about is like, should Rainbow support this? Absolutely.
And just to clarify, you're completely correct. I think there's two different things. I think there's offering say an off-chain name just so you know for free users can claim a user name, but then there's also the okay if someone is you know cares about decentralization and all these different um you know more web
3 native features will then all right So I'm already registering within rainbow out my own domains that are separate from like say a freezer name That is like where are you now I want it on chain, but I don't necessarily want to pay for layer one. Yeah, so I think you're right. There's two separate things, but I think both are
something that could be utilized by users. Sweet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm super into this stuff. I'm honestly like, it's such a bummer because the CCI piece stuff, like only matured, like I feel like, you know, a month or two or three, like after we shipped the
initial ENS integration. So it's like it's such a hilarious bummer that basically, you know, we ship this right before kind of like a major breakthrough in UX happened, right? And now our integration is like, you know, we have to update it.
Yeah, that is a bummer. But hey, end of the day, you're still leaving the pack and you know, it is one of the things where we're early days and it's just a matter of you know solely over time making it where the end users are going to be able to onboard because end of the day there's really no end users here. Like you know, I'm going to be using social media, but you know the 4.1 billion#
They're not here yet. And so yeah, it is a little bit of bummer, but I know chain link is you know They got a lot of things going on so it is what it is But still props to you guys for trying to lead it so early and you know no worries I'm sure we got lots of time to innovate through this bear market No one's really talking about you know utilizing web through here now GM wag me
Yeah, totally hey, I'm like a web 3 or whatever you want to call the term I'm a max you know a lot of decentralized applications But I do believe that it takes a long time and that we're more in the building phase than we are in the you know getting users phase But that's what I do love about rainbows. I think you guys are one of the few
you who have had very much long term mindset to actually gain those end users and to actually make it where a wallet could be feasible for people to use without understanding all these technicalities that there's no way people will understand and masses. So props to you guys for that.
But one thing I do want to go into now is so I was wondering you know you as someone who's been you know one of the biggest probablyiness advocates back in the day on boring all these different people I love the I am hiring that is like I just think you're very innovative and I think willing to just kind of push boundaries so props
So I want to pick your brain. Yeah, of course. So what do you see as like some of the things that E and S can, you know, accomplish and like, where do you see E and S kind of playing a role in Web 3? Yeah. Well, I think that, uh,
A couple of cool things have been happening with ENS lately, I think. One is, you know, more and more we're seeing people leverage, you know, ENS names for, you know,
So, like, to replace traditional domain names, right? So, like, more and more, we're seeing permissionless, you know, dApps deploying behind ENS names. So, for example, like, Quenta, right? Like, from synthetics, like, they use, they use like, Quenta.e.
So that's really cool. Second though I would say is it's been exciting to see sort of decentralized social networks, leveraging ENS. So it's like lens,
is I forget exactly the whole situation, but it's like, you know, it is compatible with ENS and then also I think that farcasters is going to be compatible with ENS or something like that. So that's really exciting. Yeah, let me think. I don't know. I guess. Yeah, I still think that.
I still think that the CCIP stuff has not fully played out yet. I actually think that there's a lot. I still think that E and S
Hasn't even really had it's like link tree moment yet and I do really think that like that the CCIP stuff is gonna unlock You know the ability to use your your dot eth name kind of as you're like link trees
far more easily with the free read and write that the CCIP stuff offers. So yeah, I'd say that those are the things I'm most excited about in the short term here for E and S.
Yeah, I love those and I'm with you. I think social is such a great product market fit area for E and S. I think, you know, as much as DNS has its own issues, there isn't a naming system for social and it just is a no brainer that, okay, if I search your name, I can send payments to it, I can go to a website, I can find
all your socials all in one place. And I think that really is amazing. I think that's what's so cool about being able to import your data with INS records. And that's why I do love that what you guys have heard during which is very much like putting records at a forefront, something that most walls haven't done. - Are there any records that you wish that we have, or that we support in our UI or anything?
Also Tom ahead I can't think of anything but I will get back to you and also ask some community members I want to make sure I get you a good answer for that one but yeah, I appreciate that. And so one thing I did want to ask you about is so with Metamask mobile they have a integrated browser
feature. And so one thing that I think is really interesting is like decentralized websites, you know, immutable websites with ENS and IPFS. And I was wondering, have you thought of like whether a regular traditional search engine or even like a blockies pool, or have you considered integrating that into the rainbow walled itself? Yeah.
So yeah, I mean we thought about both of those It's always been actually like a core design consideration of ours to not have a DAP browser But over you know as time has played you know as things have played out
You know, we are like circling back on that that core kind of decision and like reassessing whether whether rainbows should have a dapper house or inside of it. That said, like we don't have any immediate plans. As far as like a block explorer. Yes, like we are
I think that it makes sense to kind of like iterate in the direction of having more and more information that traditionally would be found in a block explorer, like found directly in the rainbow core wallet product.
But your question as well was about like the IPFS like resolution and stuff like that. So the rainbow browser extension for desktop will automatically resolve, you know, ENS names and IPFS URLs. But yeah, unmovaled.
It's a little bit of a different story, but yeah, we do hear people on this. It is very frustrating when you have to use a DAP browser and when Rainbow doesn't have it for you. Do we hear you?
But at the same time I do get what you're saying and I know rainbow kind of has a little bit I'm not you know take this in a positive like an Apple approach of like you know very much Creating things that like they know it's gonna be like three clicks They know the user is gonna go through this exact experience and that's what you guys gonna do I think it's awesome and I think you know it's gonna be needed for a lot of the and you#
I don't know, just in general, I would love to hear likes talks on the matter because you really do get the future. Yeah, I'm super into it. I guess, you know, I would love to see kind of more diversity amongst the, I don't really know what we're calling them these days, but like the Eiff. Limos, right? Like what are they? Like,
like what do you want to call them? A gateway? Yeah, so basically I do want to see more diversity in the gateways just because I think that there's a lot of risk in all, you know, in everyone using this just this one service like you thought Lemma that said I do I'm a huge
fan of, you know, the decentralized way, like, you know, I'm a huge fan of using ENS and IPFS in this way, particularly for for DAPS or products that want to be as permissionless as possible and sort of be unsensurable, which I think, you know,
more dApps should try to be like that. So it's like I'm hugely in favor of it. I do think that that like CCIP is going to unlock. So I do think they're like the primary use case right now is things that want to be unsensurable, which isn't
And not everything really cares about being uncensurable. That said, I think that with the CCIP stuff, we're going to end up in a place where uncensurable becomes the default just because of
the ease of UX, right? Like the tools that you're using will become, you know what I mean? Like basically like, like the link tree use case for ENS will become like so good that by default it will
just like, you know, be unsensurable. And like, that's not even a feature that users will care about. It'll just like be unsensurable by default. And so I do think that that's cool. I don't know if anything, if that just made sense, actually, and I apologize if that sentence didn't make sense.
No, no, it did. And so this is my thoughts on it. So I completely agree. Not everything needs to be censorship resistant. The way I think, um, you know, one way that decentralized websites could be utilized in the short term is so think about this. We have, you know, board a B.O. club and all these different NFT projects, they get, um, reverse
So, like literally vahc.com or whatever their URL is, people end up claiming access to their servers and being able to edit whatever works. I don't know the technicalities, but they're able to end up changing what's the record
there can be no social engineering. So that's at least one thing I think, you know, smart contracts are immutable and so you're going to want an immutable website to ensure that you're, you know, interacting with the proper contract. I don't know, to just a thought. That's why I was asking you about the search engine inside the wallet. But yeah, that was just my thought to learn that way you think about that.
Yeah, no, I'm super into that. I guess as soon as we start kind of going down this path, it becomes actually like a really like, onerous conversation around sort of like, of like risk or like like like like like a tax surface, where basically
even in this scenario. So going to boardate.eth or whatever and having it just be like an immutable website, that is sort of safer than just boardate.com, but it still has
And I guess it's I wouldn't necessarily like champion the the E and S approach here as being like a holy like a silver bullet just because basically like there's still ways that like a team could fuck up. For example, like even
You know, just because, you know, they're deploying their DAP to this this IPFS thing. They could still have like, for example, you know, gotten their code base exploited or something. You know, I mean, like someone could have submitted a like a
like a malicious pull request that, and then, you know, once they actually upload the DAP to ITFS, like it could already have bad code in it. Do you see what I'm trying to say? So, what I'm trying to say is it's not a silver bullet per se from a security perspective. It is certainly more safe.
Then just going to like boardade.com or whatever. But yeah, let me think. I guess I would love to see ENS or like I would love to see these decentralized names. So you know, are you familiar with like, like, Tor?
Yes. I think that there's a cross section of...
interesting sort of like legitimate reasons for using Tor, particularly things like, you know, like,
like anonymous document sharing or sort of like whistle blowing or like actually things yeah things I'm doing with like human rights and sort of like NGOs and stuff like that. I would love to see sort of the IPFS sort of perma web type shit sort of like make it's like I'd love to see
You know out those two sort of Social circles collide right like the people who care a lot about You know censorship resistance in like a tour sense. I would love to see sort of more adoption of of IPFS ENS type
like web deployments like take off in that community.
Yeah, I completely agree. And so I think you're completely right by the way. I don't, you know, ENS doesn't solve everything. ENS is one part of the puzzle, but where I do find an interesting is, you know, at a minimum, you know, you're not getting social engineered, and then hopefully we can slowly are, now we add
or maybe not with websites, but EMS in general, people should not be able to read through our emails. They shouldn't be able to filter what goes through it. And so I think things like that, having that domain that can actually never be censored is a really important feature. - Hell yeah, dude.
Glad we agree and so I will love to ask you so like what are some you know rainbow wallet features that maybe you got in the road map Do you have anything you're planning with the rainbow zorbs? I love what you did there and I don't know I just love here anything you guys got going on. Yeah, let me think we got some alpha. I can leak let me go
So we've got some exciting stuff coming up here shortly. We have, we're going to have some fun NFT functionality in the app. So you'll be able to accept offers on your NFTs right from the app, which is really exciting. Let me
think we're going to be adding support for a few more networks here shortly. And then I don't know, let me think. I guess, yeah, and then in Q3, the thing I'm most excited about is we are very likely going to be building into Rainbow ERC 20
Generator tools as well as ERC 721 generator tools. So basically you'll be able to like mint you'll be able to like make NFTs and make ERC 20 tokens directly from rainbow so you can just basically make you know silly tokens for fun
That's awesome. Yeah, and I think it's all about that tooling I think we see this in the social world where you know the reason Snapchat did well the reason TikTok did well is because they made it easy for the users to do it It's not that TikTok came up with you know a scroll feed. That was fine. It's not that Snapchat came up with using a camera
camera and social. It's just that they, you know, they further the innovation and whatnot. So I really do think it's cool. And so just something that kind of peaked my interest when you said that is, do you have any thoughts on maybe like a tooling for issuing ENS subdomains?
because I think subdomains is going to be like the de facto naming system for communities. So you think you can look at like the central end, they have over 33,000 DCL dot e subdomains that are going to be on different subdomains that can be used within the central end metaverse. So I think it's
pretty cool to see that like a network effect can be built of one domain. I know that might be farther in the road map, but maybe like, hey, if you're already issuing a token, if you're already issuing an NFT, you can claim a name off of it as well. Do you have any thoughts on that matter? Or just have domains in general integrated into
I have subdomains for something I thought a lot more about last year, which is funny because only I feel like they're now kind of popping off and being, you know, it's like ready for prime time. So I guess,
We haven't thought much I guess about how to handle subdomains in the app and we don't have any immediate plans however obviously yeah that there's like you know
value there and like we should sort of have solutions for this. I guess one question I have though is like
Like the primary so what you're asking for right is an interface for
So it's actually not really end user-facing, right? It's actually only sort of like org-facing, right? So it would be like four D-seqs.
Whoever is in possession of like whatever like decentralized.eath, right? Like the subdomain interfaces for them, not for everyone in their community, right?
Yeah, correct. But at the same time, I think they have an easy way to like, you know, for the users to claim it. And so I guess it depends on what you're doing. But I do find it interesting. Like, so if you, you know, say you issue a 10k profile picture collection, well, you know, I don't know if you saw a pernelli's country club, but there's, um, you know#
of different projects that are issuing subdomains. And so every single NFT can claim their own subdomain. And that's going to be like the key to different things in their ecosystem. And so I think if you're generating an NFT project here, now you can name it with that. You can claim a free subdomain that can be sold
I don't know if it's far. >> I'm just thinking of something that we're going to have solutions where I just don't know exactly when and I don't know exactly the form in which the solution will take. It could for example be something that we do on the web instead of in the app, but yeah, I don't have clarity.
No worries, but no, it's glad to hear your thinking about this stuff. These are all very far out things I understand, but I do appreciate you just letting me pick your brain. And yeah, so I guess last thing I would love to hear, like what was the whole thing behind Rainbow Zorbs? I really am interested in Zora and I saw that Rainbow Zorbs
is actually the number three held NFTs a congrassi. Wow thanks. Well it used to be so like Wamp Wamp it's like no longer the third because it was so successful that you know I don't know like I don't know I'm not gonna really
But it's like, but like, you know, Coinbase, for example, I think that they've had two open editions that, you know, blue rainbows orbs out of the water. So it's like, now I think that rainbows orbs are like, I don't know, like fifth or sixth or something, like top top.
Yeah, I mean, what was the thinking there? Well, yeah, I don't know. I mean, it was fun and we wanted to make yeah, we want like it just see it basically is a great idea.
Yeah, I mean, I don't know, man. Like, what's it? We did it because it was fun. You know, I know those aura peeps, it seemed like a low hanging fruit opportunity to kind of just make something fun with them because they're creative. And
It kind of, you know, the success of it inspired kind of this campaign that we do now, or like, you know, this program where we do, you know, other rainbow drops, right? We did one with like, vanilla and, you know, we did one with like, pool together, et cetera.
But yeah, I mean, it's just super cool like doing these collabs with other brands in this space. I think it's just like, it's fun. It gives everyone something to kind of do like during, you know, the boring bear market. It's like,
something fun going on. And it really activates our core audience as well as the audiences of these other brands too. But yeah, we've got some fun ones lined up for the future. Yeah.
Yeah, awesome. And yeah, I mean, that's all you got to say. It's fun, right? I loved it like even like when you go to like the rainbow website where you can start click around and see the rainbow mode. You're like, everything you guys do, I think there's very much like that mission driven like, okay, we have a plan and it's all about making it
What's about being fun and being different? We don't need to have to go by the status quo. Might as well mess around trouts and new things. It's permissionless. I do respect is permissionless innovation. I know you're probably really busy, but I'll be respectful of your time.
One last thing I would like to ask you real quick, you were one of the biggest on board for ENS. How can meet myself and other community members on board in us members? Yeah, a big question. I mean, yeah, I don't know. I guess like, you know, tell people, yeah, I mean like,
you know, set them up with Rainbow, have them configure, you know, an avatar and, you know, put their Twitter account in there. I think it's important to have your Twitter account in your ENS, you know, in your registry if, you know, if you're active on Twitter.
Twitter. Let me think. I don't know. I guess I still am into the whole like ENS fairy thing. I think that, you know, onboarding people by like just giving them their own name is like really effective. Yeah, I don't know. Let me think.
Yeah, I'd say keep it up. I think the point that they're using is doing a good job, honestly.
Awesome. Yeah, when I agree with Ferry, and I think we even, you know, we have a lot of community members who are basically fairies to do themselves. So it's pretty cool to see like a, you know, a decentralized community who's just, you know, for their own interest and just for the belief of this, you know, community and the protocol, just giving out domains and trying to onboard. So really appreciate your time and
Any last like things you want to mention about Rainbow Law, I know you got a lot of things behind the scenes, but it's really amazing just seeing all that you guys have built in only a couple years. So props to you guys. Yeah, check it out, check out Rainbow. Let me think we're going to be having a cool promotion soon where basically
You know, in the in the rainbow app in the ENS section of the app, we kind of have this like, you know, we highlight a couple of cool accounts to follow. And what we're going to do is start putting other people in there. So basically,
Keep an eye out on the rainbow twitter account because we're going to have a cool promotion where basically if you use kind of like Tweet your profile like the winner basically will get their ENS profile like added to the to the rainbow app as kind of like a featured profile for the week
So stay tuned.
Awesome man, very cool. And so we do have someone up that's probably gonna ask a question. If you gotta go though, no worries. But I can stay for like a couple minutes, like or three minutes or so.
All right, thank you really much. Yeah, what's your question? Hey, thanks. Definitely, you know a lot about technologies and, sorry, an ethical system. I'll try to be sure to, I'm working on, on,
A simulator based on Godagame Engine and my question is how can I implement? I want gamers or engineers to enter the application using, for example, ENS domains and how it could be done because now I want them to interact from the application but it's the best application with the network.
But it's not secure so either away how it could be done differently like maybe kind of a delegation to and you'll create a wallet in the project. So how would you suggest approach that you should to make secure in-game wallet that could be integrated with the
other woodets. Yeah, I mean with the master wooded. Yeah, let me think. So what is the endgame wallet have to do though? Like does it work like what kinds of things is it doing? Basically, the idea actually it's software for engineers to like
For example, like CUT, computer-aided design to create models of hardware, for example, to design robots. And once they, and I want them to publish IP NFT or something like that on the network. And to do actually, ideally, to do all the transactions, all the designs, all the blog things like you design,
you start to decide that every step is like safting the blockchain in the blockchain so how but like how many yeah yeah yeah I'm following how many so like you're saying all the time it is going to be submitting something to the chain ideally I'm still
thinking about this detail so definitely when the design is ready it makes sense but the relatively low cost of three solutions. Also like if you made it you could do it a way that doesn't require the wallet to live within
the software, like you could basically just use Wallet Connect and have it trigger a transaction to happen on the users like mobile phone, every, you know, whatever, like at every like milestone. But if you wanted to embed the wallet into the software itself, you should look at
You should probably look at wallet as a service type solutions. Coinbase has one. They call it like WAAS. Wallet as a service. We'll check that out.
Cool. Cool. Thank you so much. Yeah, check out wallet connect. If you want to try figuring out how to do it. You know, without embedding a wallet, I'm trying to think of a good example app that sort of like does that. Maybe check out party party bid or party Dow because they
They do sort of like advanced things with Wallet Connect that might kind of illustrate this flow because it's what I'm describing is like not particularly like the typical flow. So yeah, Party, Vid,
I would check out how they use WalletConnect. Yeah.
Yeah, well, thank you for answering that question, Mike. And really appreciate your time. Like it means a lot that you're able to take this interview. Of course, Evan, your persistence is very admirable. So keep it up, dude. I love this. And I hope that, you know, your interview series continues to go very well.
appreciate it man, yeah, and props to all you guys do. Thanks man and say say hi to Alicia for me.
We'll do, man, for sure. Have a great one, man. Appreciate it. And that's take a crazy game. Bye, everybody. Love you.
Bye everyone, take care.