💖Entertain Me💖 #169 ✨Happy Birthday @nftchick4life🎉💖✨#EntertainMe

Recorded: Jan. 18, 2024 Duration: 5:15:52



Hello. Hello. Hi. How are you? I am doing good. I am just about, I'm just about to get
up to go do the dishes to make some dinner. Yummy. I haven't had food. I'm like about to
eat some now. I'm not sure how long we'll run the space. Hopefully Alyssa can make it
in so we can celebrate. Sorry I'm tweeting the space out. I mean I'm damning people. Oh
my god, it's so fucking cold. It's getting cold here until I just turn the heater on. My
robe and my grandma's slippery. I love it. Did I have so many group chats? I don't know
how. All of a sudden I'm in like 15 and I'm like how did this happen? I keep on chat.
I'm teleporting everywhere and I'm like what the fuck? I had left so many. Oh my god I can't even. You okay?
Anna. You all right? Okay. I heard her scream and she didn't know. The fighting with her Spidey.
She's fighting with the Spidey? You know with her ghost Spidey. Their little girl Spiderman thing.
My kid likes to play with Spiderman and trains and race tracks. I was such a girly girl. I had so many
Barbies and dolls. I had this huge bag of clothes and shoes. I had it all and I love them. I actually
have one doll and it actually cries when you turn it on. I've had this doll since I was
like probably I don't know 3-4. Yeah it's like 30 years old. My daughter has about over almost
200 Barbies. That's awesome. And yeah every time I go to the gym she has all the monster
hides. She has every Ariel sister so they're alone. There's 14 and then plus all the ones that she gets
here and there and then she has one of these damn crybaby dolls where they literally they cry and pee
and all that and I'm like she tries to tell me your mom your baby no uh-uh I'm not taking
care of your baby you better go take care of your baby. Sorry your baby is not mine. I took care of my
babies. I'm not taking care of yours. No not me. It's not my time yet. What up immortal? What up
Hi everyone. Sorry I'm not looking I'm still sharing the space. Yeah what's up everybody GM or GN
wherever you're tuning in from. Hope everybody's doing good. Man we're just playing on nifty island
right now. We're just you know just figuring that out right now. I've seen everybody doing that.
Is it fun? It is actually pretty dope. It actually really is. I don't know how much invested I want
to be into building my own island but I think I'll ride on going to other people's islands though.
Yeah I have not played along with it. To be honest I haven't really done much. I'm not gonna lie.
Um I think it's because I was away too. So now I'm back. I need to take a look at everything and
get into you know what I need to do? I need to learn blender. That's what I need to do.
Yes ma'am. I really want to.
Yo blender's a lot of fun. It's a very lit application. Unlimited possibilities
and now especially especially with like the um with nifty island if you wanted to
create like your own assets right to put into the game and monetize that. I don't know there's
just a lot of possibilities now even more with blender. I need to I need to play around.
I want to make my own stuff. Like I don't want to bug people to make stuff for me.
I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure I find time um to learn educate myself. I'm just not such a patient
like person. I'm not gonna lie. Like I love art but like hands-on like to paint in person on a
paper or a canvas but I suck with like computer. I'm not going with computer stuff.
When I did it the first time I put a video on and I looked at it and I paused it and I did it
and I looked at it I paused it and I did it. I looked at it I paused it and I did it. Really?
Maybe that's what I should do. Well see my the thing for me is I work from home right so
I'm staying at a computer for you know eight hours. Yeah. At the same time I'm you know doing
web 3 so I'm just constantly looking at like monitors and my phone so after work when I
clock out the last thing I want is to look at a monitor. I just uh I don't want to
but if I want to make stuff I have to I have to make myself make myself do it.
I'm still damning people this space so sorry I'm a little distracted here.
I think that's it.
I don't know where everybody is. We'll just give it some time if they join us.
That would be nice if not we'll wait and see if Alyssa
is able to join. It is Alyssa's birthday so I wanted us to wish her a happy birthday from
entertainment. Ado just Eduardo spider dot sj
come on up and say hi. Hi Astrado.
Yo what's up how y'all doing?
Where have you been sir? We missed you. Just here and there and all around the blockchain
you know what I'm saying. How's it going?
Pretty good pretty good. What's new what are you up to what have you been up to?
Um I mean not I mean I can't say not much because right because currently I'm like trying
to do something for eat Denver so I've just been like you know my mind's been on that so.
When is it? That's gonna be uh like the last week of February and the first couple days of
March so it's like I think like oh no not February sorry wait wait wait I gotta make sure hold on
I don't give no wrong information.
I think it's like uh
February like 28th or 29th through March
um fourth March 3rd yeah the fourth um LA so it's Denver and then LA and then NYC.
I think so. Isn't there one in Miami too?
I think so I think they have like I don't know they usually have like Bitcoin Miami and then
they usually have uh uh what was the other one NFT Miami or something yeah I think there's an NFT
Miami too last year it was after LA so it's LA and then they went to Miami and then um NYC
it was like I don't know I'm gonna I like I'm for sure planning on New York but like
I don't know how realistic that is though but yeah I do want to go to New York for sure
and you know obviously Denver because it's like right here.
I'm definitely going to NYC I mean I'm in LA so I'll probably you know do LA too because I'm
right here yeah I don't know about Denver you know would love to but
I don't know if I can make that happen with me nine yeah no I understand too because like Denver isn't
even like compared to all of them like Denver is like way you know on a smaller scale so like I
totally feel that too but I think sorry how rude of me I had food in my mouth I think um it would
be better because it won't be as crazy and you'll have more time to actually like talk to people you
know um yeah yeah I don't think there will be like it won't be as clustered with like events I feel
like you know like there's always an event you got to pick and choose which event you're gonna go to
yeah I don't think it's gonna be like that here like I think you'll be able to like hit most events
if anything you'll probably be wanting you'll probably be wanting more events or something
last year I couldn't find anything going on but I wasn't in too many communities so yeah
I feel like this year will be better because we've made so many connections in the last year
um I don't know I feel like this year will be a lot more fun hundred percent last year when I went
like I didn't know anybody like like it like let alone like I didn't know anybody there I didn't
even really know anybody in this space like I was just like kind of DJing you know like just doing
my own thing so I just went because I was like oh this is I guess this is a thing so I went to
go check it out and like I didn't know nobody like up there like I went to one event because I
had like some kind some NFT and they had like this uh cool little like food pop-up like a food truck
where they're giving out like free food and shit but and then they had like booked out a whole
brewery and like it was like an open bar but other than that I didn't do anything else but this year
like Matt Machaveli's going Liz is going like a bunch of people are going so oh that's fun
that would be fun yeah didn't you also perform last year
I'm done no no last year I didn't I was supposed to there's like a whole thing that happened
I was supposed to and then but yeah but that's why that's why I'm like been on this because
like I'm I'm trying to like host an event or like you know uh link up with someone to help
do something or like perform or something I think the other day Louie mentioned he might go
okay yeah yeah we've been speaking about it like I'm trying to get him to come out
um so we'll see he's still up in the air for him that's awesome that would be cool
um let's welcome Charles hi Charles hi everyone SMS those welcome everyone
how's it going Charles good how are you I'm good I'm good
it's the most wonderful time of the year
and why oh I'm just freaking what up what up what up you know you look good up there I've basically
been doing my um I've been like waking up at like um you know six o'clock and because I
get my son to school by seven thirty um and then I work until about four am
and then I rinse and repeat so I'm basically like you know almost in psychosis
I'm running on teary adrenaline and I'm busy
um you work from home or do you um I haven't I have an office um but yeah I work from everywhere I
work from from home and I have um like an office for yo charles krypto okay yeah so I'm freaking
busy busy and I haven't I have an office for my other company but I kind of like
I took like a leave of absence I'm basically just like so I haven't gone back to work since
September September 7th was my last day that I've actually like worked for my company
so I'm just focusing on this I don't think I'm probably ever going to go back actually
really yeah I'm just gonna slowly just like pretend like you know like I never had a business
before and just let the guys take care of it from your house but yeah crazy times
that would be nice if you press down as you can and then like just never go back
yeah I appreciate you guys coming and supporting a lot of the spaces that I've been running
um means a lot to me of course I try I try oh I know I can't feel like jamming me like
their spaces and like sometimes um I literally joined one on my laptop and I'll join another
one on my phone because they're like at the same time and I want to support both people yeah
um but I try you know that's that's all we can do and I'll support one another help each other
grow grow together yeah I pretty much have taken on all that I can afford to take on right now
like mentally and physically but you know it's a good thing to be busy I'm not complaining I'm
just um just overwhelming because I right now I'm like full-time for blocks AI I do two spaces a
day I'm full-time for the ginger community um I've been doing one space a week but I have daily
commitments with them I'm full-time for the trump community I'm full-time for the NFT community
so I've got like all those and then I do I take other jobs as I can fit them in but
just like an overload right now um and yeah like I'm trying to be selective on which projects that
I'm representing because you know at this point I can I have the luxury of being selective so
it's not easy um you know when people try to throw money at you to like say no but it's
definitely the right thing to do sometimes like you know I'm not just looking to take
ETH to support a project and like you know possibly like get somebody into a project that sucks so
you know everything I've been promoting recently I feel pretty good about
in fact most of them are conviction plays so I feel really good about that
and blocks AI is fucking killing it like we are absolutely cranking over there so
I told Johnny to come join us like anybody anybody that's interested in trading like e-tokens
should definitely I see sj I see like you know everybody that wants to like trade tokens if
that's what you're interested in you should definitely learn that platform because the
profits are insane and it's it's not one it's not like centered around one token it's sniping
new contracts using an AI algorithm and um it's it's fucking ridiculous like how much money we're
making over that so that's amazing I need to I need to learn um I know Greg said you know he's
gonna get on a call with you I was like I need to be on that call too yeah where is Greg I've
been looking for that motherfucker for like three four days now well um I was in Arizona for a couple
days back yesterday and he has his daughter so a little busy but you know he'll be around
yeah I actually have like I want to talk to you guys we need to get on a call like
either tomorrow or the next day um I have a proposition for you so we should definitely get
on that call yeah sounds good um I'll I'll reach out to him and I'll DM you yeah Greg has my phone
number too and like you guys can hit me up anytime if if I don't the only thing is I have Greg's
number saved um so yeah just have him text me or you guys whatever we can get on a three-way call
and uh we can chat it up I want to I want to um definitely like you know have you guys done
the token talk like Bernie's Amy have you guys thought about doing that more we haven't started
it yet but it's in the world yeah yeah yeah we haven't started no we should collab
we should yeah for sure yeah because there's there's too many good projects out there
and there's not enough good platforms to present them on so and there's way too many pretty projects
obviously and and like there are just people that like promote projects and like these KOLs that
are just like harmful like they just you know they spew bullshit just to make money so like
we need to like stick together like all the best people that are like have ethics and honor
but yeah we should definitely um talk about you know getting some projects on trade talk that I have
in the pipeline that you know working with the ones that I can't get to right now um we should
definitely get that done for sure um I'll definitely well we have that that little group chat you
yo who's Berkeley is it it's Alyssa's birthday she's not here yet she went out family um to Dave
and Buster's so you have a wallet I think I have it let me see I don't I think I have it in my
my DMS let me see I have more than 10 000 DMS
where is Alyssa oh there she is I got it I'm gonna send her some token
that's nice so big she's gonna be super excited
no doesn't he probably gonna want to cry
does anybody know how to build like on Solana like anything like how I would get started on Solana
yeah yeah bro who is that uh store though what's up yeah man um the best way to get started on Solana
is I like to use the phantom wallet so it's p-h-a-n-t-o-m and it's um it's like a purple
icon with like a white ghost in the middle no yeah yeah I got it I was saying like
like to I guess like I guess start like a project or something oh so like launch your project on
Solana yeah yeah oh bro yeah like what what do you want to do you want to launch your tokens
no no I don't want to launch a token I guess I don't know I hadn't uh it's like tough it'd be kind of
like an NFT but not really it's because I have an air freshener company right and I have an idea
with something I want to do with my air fresheners like on chain and I think on Solana it'd be
pretty cool bro I also have an um I haven't it's not an air freshener but it's an odor
elimination technology and I developed a consumer product and I sell it in 1800 locations in the
United States it's called just free yo I need a I need to definitely plug in with you
yeah you should definitely do it I'm trying to think of what I should send
oh yeah I'm gonna send her some ginger Alyssa
let's see I've been seeing about everywhere yeah honestly it's a fire fucking project like
a fire project I'm gonna send her let's see I'll see so look into it see
I'm gonna send her 75,000 ginger tokens
sent yeah tell Alyssa tell Alyssa those ginger tokens in her wallet those are legit
I will definitely tell her happy birthday Alyssa
that's so sweet thank you he's gonna say oh thank you yeah no what's her husband's name again I
forget his name Brady Brady him and I share the same birthday
I remember I don't know why I just did the surprise space because we did the
space I tagged both of you wishing both of you a happy birthday that's awesome so I'm gonna I'm
gonna do you want to DM oh do you want to DM her should I DM her or like because um I'm probably
not gonna stay too long I have to start a space in like 28 minutes but um I don't want her to like
think that that's like a scam I I can say it in our group chat and then you can DM her
all right that's perfect yeah I'll just I'll put it all right okay
okay welcome everyone let's say hi to Johnny and Frenchie and Doc real quick
hi guys whoever wants to go first
good evening good evening um I'm doing school work but tapping in um had to say that valentine's
day got this shit out already and I was having fun going through all of that shit uh my girlfriend
decides that her kid is the most important thing on valentine's day so I had to redirect her that
this is a lover's holiday um not a children's holiday um lovers um so I'm hoping that she gets
the the hang of that in my mailbox I get some cute valentine's stuff you know um but other
than that just here's doing schoolwork you know you do know we did this as a child and we made
her little treat for our friends in school right right and I'm all good with her taking her little
cards to school and them doing the boxes you know what I'm saying but when it comes between two
lovers um it's a lover's holiday uh it's not a children's holiday uh children's get a holiday
I feel like every day um and valentine's day is for lovers you know what I'm saying or
boo things or you know whatever is the new uh thing for your whatever you know whatever
swings your way in these uh day and age but um it's a lover's holiday so I had to like point out
some mailboxes and some things and be like you know hey don't forget about me on valentine's day
and uh hopefully she could sing of it my hubby said he mentioned valentine's day and I was like
babe you don't have to get me he looked at me he said you really think that I am not going to
get you something for valentine's day and I said but I'm really not you know what I'm saying I know
you love me every day I mean I know this because you stop at the store and you buy me a soda you'll
buy me something sweet you know what I'm saying like I know you love me but you don't have to
waste the money like just save it and do it for her he's like you know uh-uh you better shut up
there's no way so yeah oh Miss T so we're driving home and I was like man Greg better
come through Miss T on valentine's day right so she goes I was actually really impressed that he
you know came through with the roses you know I'm saying and I was like really and I was like I feel
like that's a natural for men like and she goes no that is not a natural for all men and I was
like well you've been dating some real fuck boys if they come through you know I'm saying if they
picked you up and didn't have roses ready for you you know I'm saying and she was like love and
I give it to him I didn't know that he was gonna be that type but I was like damn you got no faith in
my boy and we started laughing but we didn't know he had it in him y'all it was really sweet um
I love flowers I I like listen I'm I like being pampered okay I'm a woman
pampered me you don't have to you know it doesn't need to cost a million dollars
it's like ten dollars to buy a bouquet of flowers but it makes us so happy but I was like why because
like how's I gonna bring that back with me you know so I'm like he kind of wasted his money but
it was so sweet um it was really sweet of him it um yeah it was in the car when he opened the
door for me to sit in the car I was like oh my god that's so sweet but yeah it was it was
it was very sweet of him did he take him back with you no I hang mine upside down so they dry out
I have the ones that might have either first case like I myself have never gotten flowers before
and he sent me roses he was here and I was in California so he sent me roses that and I still
have them almost 10 years later they're all dried up in there but they still have the same rose form
you hang them upside down and they get hard so Gina in a previous um life did uh you just get
handed like bullets in a clock or something like uh yeah pretty much here you know what's so funny
is I was having a conversation earlier and we were talking about math and um I was like you know
what's so funny is I you don't utilize geometry you know what I'm saying throughout your everyday
I was like you know what's so crazy is the only type of math that I ever utilized throughout my
adulthood was like pounds and ounces and grams you know that explains why you're a cook
okay I'm gonna share a quick story and then we're gonna go to Johnny um when I was married
my ex probably forgot it was Valentine's Day um I oh my god I woke up in the morning
um I go to the living room and there's like flowers and like a little like chocolate
on the table and I look at this I look at this chocolate it's in the boxes in the form of like a
like a light like a little light bulb right and on it that's Christmas stuff
so he last minute early in the morning went to like a ride it or something
got me chocolates like Christmas chocolates
and I looked at it I was like oh but then in my head I'm like what the fuck
got me all chocolates like you're gonna pick like the heart one you got me Christmas light
oh my god it was so funny I made so much fun of him I mean you know it's the thought that counts but
it was I would come on buy like chocolate bars or something like it literally had like Christmas
stuff on it oh god it was funny um but again you know it's the thought that counts
now I'm gonna see oh sorry I'm so sorry Johnny I'm gonna let you go but so I used to work at 7-Eleven
way back when it's like one of my first jobs outside of sneaker store or whatever and they
used to like get mad roses and I was like for what and I was like people do not stop at 7-Eleven
and get their shorty roses and I thought it was bullshit until it came along of 7-Eleven
on Valentine's Day and dudes was really stopping at the gas station and don't get me wrong I
know people ain't got it like that you know what I'm saying but bro you can go to the grocery store
and get a little thing you know that's cuter for like $6.99 you know what I'm saying
you know why they stopped at the gas station is because the the husband uh left the house and
had to go see their girlfriends that's why they stopped at the gas station that's right but I was
just like damn bro that's that's how you think of your girl it's like it had to be a slide you
know I'm saying because that's crazy yeah because you don't get a receipt um from there it just shows
if you went to the gas station and spent like $30 you know what I'm saying like so no receipts no case
and did you ever do that to somebody I never have but I you know what's so crazy it just popped
in my head right now and I was like you know what that's fucked up like I bet you people really
do do that shit oh no I just put gas at the gas station real quick wow I'm checking receipts y'all
my heavy would never cheat on me he knows better
you can't find no one like me I love that I don't understand the point of cheating you know
if you're not happy leave it's just why why damage someone like that you know I'll never
I'll never understand people that that cheat I think it's like one of the worst things you
can do to another human being you know um I think I had something to say but I don't remember what
it was but let's welcome johnny hi johnny hi guys um hi I'm gonna say something
first and foremost um let me put you players up on games okay a real good player say is gonna pick
up flowers from the gas station every time he goes in there for his girl not just on holidays
not just dozens of roses but just roses all the time player so frenchies let me tell you blunts and
roses that's a real thing here we go get a little blunt we give a couple roses we'll keep it player
player uh good evening yeah roses from the rose shop not the gas station johnny the easiest place
it is wenchie okay and a true player like me real player for real ask hello I'm doing my chest press
like it fucking me up for a cheat um let's see let's see just because I got my young my young son next
to me um you're supposed to get you know I mean it's not supposed to be holidays you're supposed
to make that shit like multiple times a week you know I probably bought formed I should own a florist
like to be honest because I love buying roses I don't know but if you got a girl in lovers
better buy a rose all the time one rose 12 roses sometimes three dozen roses
oh so you're saying it's just like whenever you go to like get a soda and like a twinkie
or something you're like oh there's roses I'm gonna get her some roses that's right player
that's right oh okay you're right that's right you're a flurpee and a rose
maybe a twinkie I guess I'm gonna say twinkie
do you know what honestly it's the little things that count well for me it's the the
little things that count like I don't need you know I mean uh you know my my ex did a lot for me
I'm not gonna take that away from him but you know the whatever a hundred whatever thousand dollar
car yeah it's cool but a handwritten letter means more to me you know it's for me it's
the smaller things the sentimental things that's that's what I should say sentimental things
and yeah if you're gonna stop at a gas station to grab yourself something grab your partner
something too you know because it just shows you thought of them I have to say that's something
else that Greek did and I thought it was so cute he bought like my favorites yo I have a sickness
sorry yeah I take pictures of my kids all the time they hate it and so my kids working out
right here with me and you know I instantly got a polar camera and he starts laughing you know
uh life is short are you gonna show us oh yeah I'm gonna show you hold on thank you
why they don't care they said oh it's not like you're the president you'll be all right big guy
can we all like and retweet the the space please
oh you did it let's see oh that's so cute
oh machine the guy wrote back and he said I already knew what he paid for it you know
or is it and I said I already did that research uh so he's like oh I paid 0.3 for it what do
you propose and I know when he bought it so I'm like 0.3 was that like you know 300 400 bucks
um 0.3 now is like 700 and I'm like I'll give you 0.3 more like what you think I would go out
with like one to eat for the day like I'll pick a different one for that but I started laughing
I was like 0.3 when you bought it bro it was a lot you know and I was like all right maybe
he'll be cool and then Ben was like well tell him I'll give him my FNIC card if he'll do 0.3
and the FNIC card and I was like I'm not offering it unless he says no are you crazy like keep that
you know that's it but it made me laugh he was like I paid 0.3 and I'm like buddy I already
knew that a long time ago like when you purchased it I knew you paid 0.3 for it you know I said
I've been stalking you ever since trying to get you to hit me up about this damn beast you can't
lie to me I've been pocket checking for a while now bro you need me well I was like checking to see
if there was anyone that was close to it that anybody would drop so I had been checking and
checking and checking uh and then um because I only spend my my my school money on like big
things like that or whatever so I was waiting um for that and then um I did have other money
that I was like do I really want to spend like a g on one there was one that I really did like
but it was like almost 1600 and I was like do I really want to spend 1600 on a beast and like
you know what I'm saying like I love the beasts I love them before I even were a part of them
like when they first came out I seen them in Times Square like I love them but I was like damn I
don't know and uh because I ain't rich you know I'm saying like I'm just a simple dude living a
civil life uh but I was like let me wait let me see if I can come up but then actually Greg pointed
out to me that they have different ones on different um I don't know what they call them
what do they call them like the different sites that you can buy uh them off of or whatever
and so I was looking at blur too and um but but if you see something on blur make sure to check
them over in open sea because they could be stolen I was just gonna say I wanted somebody to look at
one that I think I screenshotted because it just looked off to me and I was like is this
because Patrick said something like that at one time like oh it was like a crazy wallet burner
wallet I don't know what you say some type of wallet I don't know everything yet and he was like
be careful when you when you see them um so I have remembered that and so I was looking at it and
I was like I don't know if this is one of the ones they were talking about and I was like if it's a fake
beast I was like I gotta have somebody check because I've never been you know in any sticky
situation and I'm not trying to be that story so I was like nah but I I'm gonna see if I'll take
the point three for the one if not then uh there's two that I've been looking at outside of that
you can give me the number and I can check the ones you found on blur
I don't think it's fake if it's the official you know um account but you know I personally
would not want to buy something that's reported as like stolen so I always like double check um
on open sea before I buy anything but yeah tell me the number and I can check for you
all right baby let me see if I screenshot it um let's welcome psyched and then we'll go to Patrick
and then lava hey misty Gina Johnny Frenchie Charles Patrick lava heads how are you all doing
hey how are you welcome you lovely to be here I have some time before I have to jump into work
I woke up a little early glad to see that you have a space on
what what time is it for you uh like right around 9 a.m
okay from the future
yeah like I think it's like 12 or 13 hours ahead of you misty yeah literally from the future
sure I honestly sometimes one differences it's just yeah I don't get it
well for for what it matters the future looks brighter over here
so yeah you can go to sleep peacefully wake up on a good side of the day yeah it's all lovely out
here glad to hear that well thank you for joining us thank you we needed to hear that
definitely I for one you did that that's for sure
but yeah thank you for hopping on thank you for joining us
let's say hi to Patrick I haven't seen Patrick in a while I feel like
gm gm misty oh sorry for you gm uh I hope you're good guys just wake up um but I forgot
I don't have school so uh I'm good uh how are you guys uh your child what's going on
johnny my friend jina uh congratulations as co-host friendship what's going on love ahead
SMS what's going on juice big money johnny tony sj spider palador mike
ash light uh um and underdog blocks yo chart what's that man
yo this blip is crepe damn it looks like the mask
yo what up yeah you don't see underdog they're down
underdogs man yeah man this blip is crazy it looks like the mask yeah
okay he does look like a man crazy so I hope you're all good guys uh misty we saw in SMS space
yeah I know yeah you are busy you are busy so you flying uh rocking your uh your uh supreme
kong hoodie I didn't know they have hoodies crazy so what's going on what's the topic where is
where's alissa I love when you say hoodie I know hoodie is it is it is it wrong no no no no no
I just love it when you say hoodie I don't mind I don't mean your goodies I mean hoodie
we'll be talking about my goodies okay
you got sparky you got a lot that's good uh don't miss your uh founder path
yeah um I have my founder pass it's gonna sit in my wallet because I don't know when I'm gonna
be able to mix because I seen that they were talked of it being 0.05 and 0.1 and I'm sorry
I ain't ace rich and I ain't rich rich did you did but did you get uh do you can not sell it
for 0.3 yeah I have a listed for 0.3 right now or I'm willing to trade
it um it's dirty so baby I'm willing to trade my snic pass for a beast a female beast
so I am willing to trade because um I can't mint so that means I cannot give a lot of this away
so okay so I make you a deal now I have a women's beast in my wallet it's
four three five but this beast is from my partner and SMS not my gay partner you motherfucker it's
my partner like my business partner I know he's laughing now because he think ah he's gay he gay
he came out this closest gay lord but no it's my business partner I ask him it's his beast actually
but he trusts me because I think this founder plus maybe when we buy when you buy all maybe we get
more than 0.3 so and just I see you I don't forget you I will send you the 0.06
as soon as possible but yesterday I I had the money I'm honestly I bought the Solana phone
the say saga phone two or chapter two because I'm a deacon and I want to flip it so yeah
but juice I got you oh if you're honest the next the next two three days
then I got you bro but please don't hit me when we see
that's so cool we're all the way back to flip phones but now we're trying to flip the phones
Gina I think Bae got hers listed too because she's trying to get a girl beast again
she was like she liked one that Miss T did Miss T so I let this it now she sold it oh she's Miss T
sold one that she liked and then she found one in a wallet that the person doesn't have it listed
and she's like I want that one and I was like hit them hit them up but it's like a bunch of
numbers and letters and shit so she's like I don't know how to fucking track while it's like that
but is it the one is it what sometimes you can message on open sea
I don't know I feel like numbers and letters is gonna get me in a hacker or something I'll be
scared you can give a week offer on it but is it the one with the bandana like the dress with the
little jacket cardigans yes I love that one I actually bought that one I didn't miss one
but then there was one exactly like mine but it had the like a neon color jacket and it was listed
for .69 I sold mine for .5 ish I think around there .4 .5 I don't remember so I can buy the other
one but I didn't make it but I do want to grab that one because I love her and the only reason
I sold mine still that one and I did not make it to get that one so I was really really really
bummed I'm not gonna lie but you know if it's meant to be it will be I will eventually one day
get it but that one I I love I love that one did you end up redeeming your uh poke box
I did but it's been like two weeks maybe more I'm still waiting for it
I know a couple people uh had to wait a little bit longer but
I saw that somebody um oh no not somebody on the uh uh waking boy show another day said that they
had filled to like 300 350 again so I was thinking about getting a beast in a poke box because
I keep talking to babe and I was like people get a poke box and she's like I didn't play
pokes I don't know nothing about pokes and I'm like it's worth it do it to be honest I don't
either I've never played a game um but I did see it as a good investment especially since you do
get the NFT too um and obviously whatever you get in the box I thought that was pretty cool
I'm excited I'm excited to get that I don't know how you get the NFT um I do have to look into that
um but yeah I thought it was cool so you know I think 300 is good I paid 450 for mine
so it sure didn't go down
um let's welcome Lava head
what's up everybody how you doing tonight Miss T
good go I'm doing great just uh getting ready for this launch every day so you know I'll be
trying to stay busy and make sure everything um falls into you know falls into order the
right way like not trying to have any hiccups so yep just getting ready for that pog um
the pog um NFT we're about to launch so feel free to pin it here I think I I got it
appreciate it yeah man I hope you um you're ready for your two
you got two lava heads so you got two lobbies coming um I actually have three
oh shit you got three excuse me Miss T has three um yeah we got the I must launch the dial
I'm gonna launch a dial probably like 20 days or 15 days or so after we've meant so we couldn't
probably meant or launch on February 20 February 21 somewhere in that week and then um probably
like 20 days after I have the dial set up and then um yeah it's gonna it's gonna be great
I'm gonna offer the CCO rights to these so I'm I'm curious to see like what people are gonna
are gonna do and I got a bag of money to um you know put behind people if they've really got
something outside the box like if you're gonna do something that I could do then of course I'm
not gonna put money behind you but you know if you got something cool and creative to bring to
the table that you think like POG CEO would like and I would like it's my admins and like I'm looking
to um put money behind some content creators for um my NFT project so it's gonna be interesting
we're gonna have a nice little content battle off so love it I'm excited let's go you know
have you talk about it on our spaces get more eyes on it you know yeah I'll talk about it um
sure if you give me the stage I'd gladly like to talk about it
okay so we have our original collection the 555 lava head NFTs that was our first collection we
launched that February 16th of last year so now we're coming up on our one-year mark I think we're
about um about 30 days probably 28 days away from our one-year mark and so we're going to launch um
on POG digital um we're probably going to be one of the first we're actually launching right
behind Napoleon Dynamite so if y'all were um there for the podcast last week we were um I was on
stage and I got to talk to him and uh the cast and shit like that so you know shit is happening
for real so we're launching right after Napoleon Dynamite um I got the dial set up 555 times 3 16
65 that's the total amount so um I'm actually air dropping 30 of the collection and voting
power back to the community so 30 that's a big number so like when I get this dial set up
and we start cranking out content nobody can say that I'm like monopolizing it um because I have
x amount of um leverage inside what's being built so you know I've done air dropped um you
know I don't I'm not going to say a price at what we're going to launch at but you know um 555 NFTs
on a light side times 30 looking at 15 bands so I don't air drop um you know we could even say
20 dollars like or 10 dollars like you know I'm saying that shit is still a lot so on a light
side 555 NFTs being air dropped we'll just say it's like 10 grand 15 grand worth of NFTs being back
given back but at the same time you got to take into account the degens and shit so they'll fucking
you know just put them on the floor so you got to account for that so like whatever the floor
price is and people want to cheat them like take that into consideration and then that's how much
money I'm air dropping back to the community so um air dropping the um the voting power 30
voting power 30 of the collections out of my hands we got the cco rights coming I got the um
animated series I'm gonna drop the first episode to the animated series on mint day um I just
launched the VR movie theater we were actually watching napoleon datamite in the VR theater
before we um went on stage and talked to him so um I'll be airing the first episode in the
in the VR theater and then probably like a week or two later I'll put it on youtube so
you know if you want to see the first episode you got to like be a part of the community and
actually like interact and engage with what got what I got going on and then like you can see
from there um so we got the first episode that's that's going to air on on launch day um like I
said I'm gonna launch the dow afterwards um if y'all go on the youtube y'all can see I got like 15 or
15 I think or 13 something like that like little short clips so people can see like the actual
lava heads in motion with the animation and things like that so um there's that and then
like I said I want to do the um cco rights so you know people that want to like do something
like somebody say hey I got the nft and I got these bags can we put the nft on the bag and
something that's I'm not going for stuff like that I could do that myself so like I'm not doing any
t-shirt stuff any bag stuff like it's got to be something out of the box that I can't do on my
own um or that I'm not already doing so we got the um the animated series that's going to be here
and um me and my artists we're working on the um we're working on the game too so I gotta um
it's going to be a um uh visual novel so I don't know if y'all are familiar with visual novels
but um you know just go on youtube and type in top visual novels and then that'll give you a reference
to what I'm building so that's all in 2024 like that's that's that's a lot at least I think that's
a lot so um if anybody has any questions y'all more than welcome to ask me questions hit the
lava heads nft.com website I got the discord links in there um I got all the the blockchain related
content we're going to be doing as far as the brc the ordinals the pog chain ethereum polygon
like I'm on everything like I'm on all the pop-in chains I'm on that so um yeah man y'all
got some questions shoot them to me I'm more than happy to answer them and like I said man gotta
got a lot of content I'm gonna push out 2024 so I'm glad that you're a part of this misty
because you being a community leader that actually makes my collection more valuable because I want
to get my nft into the hands of community leaders and um people that actually have influential um
like power in the space you know I don't like the deejans it's cool I fell with the deejans but
you know I need to get this into people's hands that going to help me create and build a better
scenario for everybody that wants to engage with what I got going on so um yeah man quick
shill quick shill thank you misty of course um I'm excited I'm excited to be a part of it
um you know I'd like to support good people you know having appreciate it the fact that
I met you in person you're you're an amazing person so thank you the person behind the PFP
is actually you know helps a lot to that's a fact you know keep working do you um and you know the
right people will support you um and the ones that don't and that's fine you know you just have to
build the right community for you and keep pushing that's all it's about um before I go to
macro valley psyched also has a project psyched I'm not sure if you want to maybe share a little
about your project oh yeah sure misty uh thank you uh I'll I'll keep it short and we also have
like a promo video that I'll uh try to put up on the jumbotron uh but yeah like we've been building
the era of women community uh it's it started off as an art project but it has like organically
grown into a community initiative like a really community focused social impact project uh we're
building it out on the age bar ecosystem on the hedera chain and we've been working pretty much
since one and a half year we had like a pre-access mint in September and we were able to sell out
in less than 25 minutes and we have a mint coming up on 30th of January the stick with the project
is all of the nfts are hand-drawn all nfts are animated all of them are unique one-of-one
character nfts and what we have tried to do with the artwork is that we're featuring more than
more than four ethnicities right we have like five different skins and ethnicities featured in the
collection we have three different body types and a lot of professions and a lot of cultural
intricacies from all over the world that are being featured in this artwork so yeah really excited
for what kind of a social impact it can bring uh since it's like uh an art focused project
we really want to see a lot of women character pfp's uh being rocked in the ecosystem right
and uh excited for the opportunity to be honest like what it can bring uh to the ecosystem uh
what we aim to do is create like a more welcoming environment for women in web3
and celebrate women from all backgrounds no matter where you come from no matter what your strengths
where your strengths lie we just want to make sure that all women feel celebrated all women feel
welcomed in web3 we've been doing the women of web3 space we ran it for five months straight
back in the q2 and q3 of last year and we have restarted the space just uh just four weeks ago
one of my friends kaz and misty uh and me myself we hosted together from time to time every sunday
at 9 a.m pacific and yeah that's also like an open platform for all women to come and
uh talk about what they have going on and just discuss uh and just uh go on to the community vibes
i did post one of the promos that we made for the collection on the jumbotron if you all want to
check it out you can also put the sound on because it has like background music and stuff as
well uh just gives you an idea about what kind of artwork we are talking about or how the things
are going to go on that front but yeah it's super exciting times and i love how the mission
with the project uh the mission that we started off with has just kept growing and growing and
more organically has become what uh what i envisioned it to become like a community
led thing how old is your project if you don't mind me asking how how long you been building
that project uh it's been one and a half year you said you minted out in 25 minutes uh yeah so
we we did like a pre-access collection uh which was like which was giving out a rev share for the
mint that is coming up on 30th january and also like a whitelist access for that mint that had like
176 nfts that went to sale uh right around like maybe 25 each and yeah we were able to sell out
in like 27 minutes what's the floor price on your nfts right now uh is the same as the mint price
currently how much did the big what's the total total size uh yeah so that collection was the
total size was 176 nfts okay and the collection that we are dropping on 30th january uh size for
that is 444 okay yeah that's a small collection that's cool i was thinking that you did like a
like a 2000 or 3000 and you were saying like yeah we minted out in 27 minutes like i you know i had
to ask i was curious about that yeah yeah definitely definitely so uh so we're building on h bar uh
there's sort of like a liquidity crunch over there definitely not uh as liquid as solana or
ethereum but uh it's like a more grassroots level community building effort that we've been doing
also going cross chain uh what made you want to do h bar um i'm a big believer like i'm a big
believer in the tech and the things that h bar is doing on a large scale level for mass
adoption of web 3 and the retail ecosystem over there uh even though it's not popping as much as
it could but still we're seeing growth every day right and the d phi is super amazing on h bar
because there's no gas fees basically did you use a launch pad on h bar yes yes i did did that launch
did that launch pad still supports you to this day yeah of course when you hold spaces do they come
in your spaces do like yes bar community all right that's cool i like there's some creators and some
people who own the launch pads uh i do regular spaces with them like i co-host they host spaces
with me and it's like there's a launch pad called al tlantis which has like self uh self-made tools
right so you don't even have to rely on them you can basically go on and mint your nfts yourself
set up a launch event yourself you can also use like d phi tokens to set up your own launches
your own community tokens or your own project tokens and uh you can do it all by yourself
they'll guide you through the process and that's the cheapest way to launch your nfts
it's like it's super cheap it's dirt cheap it's like it costs you one dollars to one
dollar to create a new collection and for every nft you mint within that collection it's like two
cents nice that's yeah that's how the prices are even transferring nfts to each other it's
like it's free of course it's uh 0.01 cents to transfer an nft from wallet to wallet
and setting up like airdrop setting up farming and all that stuff it's really uh simple really
good to go i'm just gonna i just gotta i'm gonna keep asking questions if you don't mind
so the era of women so like do y'all have lots of women in your nft project or is it just like
i gotta ask yeah definitely definitely that's a great question so yeah uh we have uh including
me so i'm not an artist i am like the community manager and the marketing front uh in the artist
we have two females and two males nice yeah and uh with the with the project as well uh we have
set up a lot of things with the mint funds uh two percent of the mint funds will go to rev share for
the goddess holders or like the previous collection that we launched they get two percent rev share from
the primary mints and 25 rev shares from royalties in perpetuity right that's that's a strong thing
two percent of our mint funds are going to the malala fund uh which is like an education
fund set up by malala for uh globally and six percent of the mint funds we are going to use to
set up grants for females who are building on any web 3 chain so if you're like a small project if
you're like an artist who's planning to launch their own project uh we're going to try and
give them give out some grants just to help kick giving away money though how's that going to
help y'all if y'all just giving away money so if i got i'm what i can have my artist come through
and apply for this uh yes sir yes sir you can for sure but so that's why we're trying to make a
balance we're only giving away overall 10 percent of our mint funds i do need to keep the rest of
them to have run more initiatives or pay the artists and all that stuff right and also
like feed myself yeah definitely so just try to find a balance we felt like 10 percent is an
okay amount to give out give back to the community in some ways and also support our initiative of
welcoming and uh bringing more women into hedera and web 3 in general
all right sounds good sounds good to me you know i i was just curious
appreciate you man and the grants are only for uh female led projects you can obviously have
like uh males as a part of the team and everything but if you have like one at least one female as
the co-founder of the project uh then you're eligible for the grant because i got my co-founder
as a um lady so i could have i could potentially apply for this yeah hundred percent man we'd
love to have you hell yeah i know i decided to ask because um like last bull run the um what was
it wild world of women or or something like something women nft and come to find out was
a bunch of guys just running the project just running money um through the um you know through
the space so it's like when i when you see projects that are like geared towards like women
only specific things i just like gotta ask that's all but um yeah man you sound like
you know what you're doing so appreciate you man and thank you misty for the opportunity as well
i think misty will be starting a giveaway tomorrow as well for one of the nfts from our previous
collection and that will provide whitelist access to the mint on 30th and also provide
revenue share from that mint so that's cool and i appreciate you a lot misty for your continuous
support and also helping me run some spaces and creating value for the community i i honestly love
everything that you're doing and the entertain me squad is just such a great place to be such a
great place to network and make new friends uh yeah i just i just freaking love this hey drop
me up drop me a follow i'm gonna follow you what time do you hold them spaces i want to come to
your uh h bar spaces oh uh for sure man so we do i do a space monday when is it friday 11 a.m
eastern we do community spaces friday night 10 p.m eastern uh space on sunday at 2 p.m
eastern the women of web 3 space is uh it's being hosted on uh one of our community members account
she's she's a woman so i like i'd rather that you host the space than me hosting the space
so that happens at uh it happens at 12 p.m eastern on sunday so yeah there's a lot of spaces going
on i shot you a follow man i appreciate you uh i'll shoot you an invite to uh any interesting
spaces related to h bar and stuff yes and i hope also shout out meta vision meta vision have
been doing a lot uh to build connections between ethereum and uh h bar and all across the web3
ocean right so that's uh they're also cool account to follow they'll definitely follow you
back as well uh but yeah definitely shoot you an invite lava and thank you so much i appreciate
the questioning i appreciate your kind words as well man we're looking forward to build more value
for the ecosystem yeah let's go man i like um you know i like coming up here and just talking
crypto like every time i hop on a space like you'll hear me talk about nfts in crypto like
you won't ever hear me talk about oh my day went like this oh my day like i don't have time to
talk about that we're talking about nfts and crypto anytime i'm on the stage so shout out to
miss t for holding this thing down so i could talk about some nfts tonight and we do a morning show
in the mornings too so every day every morning from um eight o'clock to probably about 11 or so
the digi joint wake and blake um he's the host i'm the co-host so um i see we all like hold down
spaces in here so like we in a room full of community leaders like this is uh this is exciting
right here like this is what the late night spaces are all about huh i mean miss t have miss t got a
a bag of community leaders like miss t is connected in here so well i'm glad that she's one of my nft
holders thank you guys thank you sorry i was like typing a message i couldn't unmute to talk
um you know i do i do support a lot of people i do hold a ton of nfts um from different communities
and that's what it's about you know so you have to support each other you know if i don't support
you you're not gonna support me right like why would you or you know if people don't support me
why am i gonna go support them so people that have been there for me you know people that have been
supporting me from day one how can i not you know return the favors so you know i'm all for it
i i want to see everybody win you know hey miss t you don't have a nft or you don't token gate
yourself so to speak so when you say support how do you like for people to support you
joining my my spaces that's supporting me you know you're helping to entertain me
family grow um and you know there's a lot that um we're working on that you know
yeah also pump her bags please yes supporting everyone pump her bags let's go i was just
gonna say don't forget to uh to to pumpkin bags for her y'all but first like and reach post the space
please yes please if you haven't done so yet please like and repost the space and let's go to johnny
you can send your eth directly to her wallet it's um available on the ethereum blockchain
it's this new thing it's really cool just want to let everyone know if you ever want to send
or help or donate just go to miss 22 chick dot eth yep that's m-s-t-u-t-u-s-h-i-k dot e-t-h
and just send uh you know one eth two eth she accepts you know anything over like
point five eth just send it away could you somebody somebody's saying somebody's saying
you're at eth right now what you gonna do with that eth miss t you what you gonna do with
a whole eth right now i would probably put half back into you know supporting others
i was just about to say you'd probably give away it
i would keep a little because you know um i need it right now but uh yeah i would probably
give back for sure and to be honest like let's go i have not made any money as of you know it's
been three years i've been here i have not really made any money i've only given away
and um i don't mind you know i wanna i wanna give back but you know at the end of the day
i also need to make some money because you know i'm trying to grow entertain me
so everything like given all the giveaways i've been doing giveaways for like a year now maybe i
don't even know everything i've ever given away i purchased with my own money um you know it's
i you know i don't have people sending me stuff for me to give away i think maybe one time i
did that and it was like you know uh somebody that was supporting me so obviously i'm gonna support
back but i everything i've done it's been with my own money you know so you know it would be nice
if my bags can get pumped so i can make money and i i can you know reinvest and so entertain me
and giving back to people um because it makes me happy honestly it makes me happy to be able to
make somebody else happy i think that's like one of the best things that um the web3 space can offer
because like really think about it like once you go outside and you like try to make someone's day
it's really hard because you got like you got to find someone and then you got to give them
something physical like right here in the digital space you could just say i'm having a bad day
and someone could just air drop you something like seriously so i don't know i like giving back my
damn self when i got it but you know it's it's it's always great to give back so definitely got
to give back to the host and the people like supporting the platform um you know because
without y'all being here to hold the space up every day then uh we wouldn't really have
anywhere to speak so i'm glad that you um got some of my lava legs and um you're gonna get
an airdrop when i get some i'm um i'll come through and give you a few extra ones um
and maybe you can use them as some giveaways or you can keep them for yourself i don't care but
i'll come i'll come through and give you some extra nfts to do some engagement farming
thingies with so once again shout out to misty to hold it down let's go
let's go and i will definitely give them away for sure i actually i think um psych
did mention i do have to give one away um for his project so that will be posted very soon
i i like i like the art and you know it's for women so i like it i like what he's doing
for sure i think somebody had their hand up
i could be tripping but i think i saw someone's hand go up
sorry i'm over here cooking and stuff but i'm here i'm here y'all
i'm about to have some tea we're just gonna chit chat um i know jusa give him 30 minutes
he'll come up and big money message saying he hopes that we're still in here when he gets
off work because he needs to vent so um you know let's just hang out chit chat talk about whatever
you know it's entertaining whatever and then you know hopefully it will still make it here
so we can all sing happy birthday and celebrate her birthday i know she's out with the family so
um you know we'll see and how it goes
what was the last nft you bought misty have you bought any nfts lately the last one i bought
uh meta rebels no okay um i bought the barren barren bull barren bull nft
what what nft has gave you the most value other than a k called bees
sheesh um the kongs have um community-wise um even like you know their their nfts their token
it's they're doing great so i you know nice supreme kongs supreme kongs and the beasts have been like
the two major uh projects nfts that have i guess uh they've helped me grow and
i've made the most connections through those two projects
when you go when you buy nft what do you look for is it the art is the community is it like all of
that is it the person like i know it's a little bit of everything but like what what do you really
specifically um hone in on when you go to buy nft all right so art yeah i would say art matters but
that's not the first thing i look at my number one thing is community um because the community drives
your project so if you don't have a community you know um it's gonna be really hard for your
project to move um i'm huge i'm huge on communities and obviously you know the founders have to be like
you know decent people who actually do something with their projects but honestly like um when you
first well i'm speaking for myself every time i've been to the project i i didn't know who the
founders were even if they're dogs i still don't know who you are or how you are you know if you're
a good person or an evil person i don't know you know yeah we know your name what you look like but
we don't know you well i don't know you um but i do i do pay attention to to them i pay attention to
the founders um you know spaces like do they do spaces how do they present themselves like
um do they care about their community that's you know um as a founder that's that's really
important for me for them to care about their their community um because again the community
is what drives any project but again my number one thing that i invest in is community good people
what would have to um like say this the situation is like oh there's this new um nft or there's
like one that you've been eyeing and like what would what would make you inclined not to tell
somebody about it like but you but you like you want to buy it but you're not sure like
but you want to tell like you know you feel what i'm saying like what would stop you from telling
somebody about a mint i would not i would share it with anybody because do you're on research
right i'm not god i could never know right but if i see something like the the kid called beasts
i i was following them for a while because i loved the art i like the first time i saw it i felt
i was like i need some um and i had um not sure if a lot of people know this but i was um building
with a couple of people uh technically i guess i was a founder um so i did share with all of them
and everybody gone and obviously do your own research because i don't know you know i'm just
sharing what i found and i thought it was i don't know cute or whatever um you know i joined their
spaces and i shared they joined and you know um everybody's looking for something different
right so what i care for you might not care for what you care for i may not care for it right so
i always share like even here like you're talking about your projects like talking about his and
if anybody comes here feel free to talk about it right um people need to do the research um i saw that
um i saw bark he had posted a screenshot of the discord with the doggos of course i see you like
i see a bunch of dog then i see misty smacked heaven in the middle i'm like okay let's see it
out here so um what you think of the uh the disc i'm gonna i'm gonna switch topics a little
bit i'm just asking questions just to you know just to talk but um as far as like the twitter
space is compared to the discord like how do you feel about that because i see you in the discord
discord dog on the low you know and you out here every day on twitter so like as far as like
the discord versus the twitter vibe like what you think on that okay i used to be so
active on discord when i got into web 3 i was never on twitter i became active on twitter
last july august like a year ago prior to that i was only in discord um now i hate i hate discord
um i i'm not a fan of discord anymore i i think if you're trying to grow twitter you know x
is the place to be because there's millions of people on here right discord obviously they have
to know who you are to join your discord so if you're trying to promote yourself put yourself
out there i think x is the way to go i think discord is good to have because obviously you
can do i mean there's that twitter community stuff on here but as a project to grow you have to have
discord um in my opinion you have to have people to help you manage because you know obviously you
can do everything yourself like i we have a discord too a few people i made a few of our you know
close people mods so they can help me out because um i don't know um i have a full-time job
and i've said this before i work from home so i literally sit there and my job is not you know
i actually do work i have to work so i sit there with two laptops my work and my personal
and my phone so when you see me in discord spaces or vcs and you see me on twitter
that yep that's what's happening literally sitting in front of two laptops and my phone
all day um sometimes i don't listen uh because like i have a lot of meetings too um recently
had a space um he had a project that both of us are invested in and i really wanted to listen but
i had a freaking meeting i was in there but i was not listening because you know i had a meeting
and then he like dms me like wow blah blah blah i was like uh so tell me what they said
because i have no idea you know but i was in there to support so it's hard but i try i try
to you know i mean you got the twitter the twitter um chat like that shit is like people
replying in there all the time so like i know you got like a strong like grasp on the um
like the chat room thing in twitter so like what do you think of like that little chat
versus like chat and discord like specifically because i know like like you said like people
have to join your discord they gotta know who you are but then on twitter like that shit is
just like so easy for to invite and get people out of there and things of that nature so like as
far as like a chat setting like do you like the um do you like the twitter better than
the discord or okay so for me and like entertain me because we are not like a project right we
just chit chat i feel like x is easier because we're on twitter all day right so it's just easier
just go in there and talk you're not using like two different apps but for a project i think
it's really important to keep your discord active if i go into a discord um and it's not
active i um i'll leave i'm i'm gonna be honest i'll leave and i kid you not i'm in probably
a hundred discords because i tried to join one and it gave me a limit that i'm already in a
hundred discords so i gotta go leave some but i'm invested in all of all the projects so i'm like okay
like which one do i which one do i leave so recently i left a couple um i do need to go leave
more discords because i'm really you know not even active on there i don't even know what's
going on with them so i have like the ones that i'm really invested in like in a little like
folder and that's the one that i'll go check um but again like for you being a project i think
it's cool to have the twitter because it's easier it's like right here you know to chit chat but
you know doing announcements and stuff like that it sucks um yeah i agree i i think that um the
twitter it's cool because like if you're trying to grow outside of twitter like come on bro you
can't go on instagram and say hey instagram people come to my twitter group you don't say
and you can't be on tiktok hey like i know you like my tiktoks but i got a twitter chat group
that you can join so yeah i think that uh if you don't have a discord that just shows that
you're not trying to grow but that's just my opinion that's just my opinion no i definitely
agree um let me go to the hands and then we'll we'll continue this topic i think it's a good
topic to to talk about yeah what the fuck i've been standing on my hand up i'm sorry
in the dead yet no no oh okay so i had a couple notes i took notes on this one
i'll let you all know the discord sucks and it's for weenies and if you use discord
besides misty of course um then you probably have way too much spare time and you need to make
some marketing material retweet and uh you know get on x and make more friends um and then also i
wanted to add that misty you need to uh sorry i know another little fee uh you have to upgrade
your discord now that's right you're so popular that you've got to actually pay them it's a
it's a weird new thing um and i also urge you to slow down on all these projects because
you know it's like new businesses and you know are you going to just say that well like 99 well
all right we'll just leave it at a lot of them most of them actually you know a majority so please
misty you're amazing you support all these great people and lava heads you know i got your
back dog i don't know what i mean but uh misty misty you can't buy every project
you know what i mean i'm getting thumbs down come on sms what the fuck all right no
no he's saying you should buy nfts right now so now not to buy none at all that's what i thought he was
saying he loves them has a whole wallet full of them that's how much he loves them he's actually
used it to network and make friends across the globe and plans to travel all next year meeting
every single project that he holds so we'll let you know some what jina jeez don't be freaky
diki in here it's like it's early nft you're crazy oh jeez huh patrick save me did you hear
this stuff you fucking morons sms would say you fucking morons stop buying nft i'm out of it
don't buy nfts you fucking morons fucking pussy yeah fucking pussy
but yeah so i just want to uh say um i love you guys uh i don't leave but uh i have a question um
so the first question is um when i want to make an ft project right because i do now my uh oh shit
i stop talking now because the motherfucker is coming up now it's about your talk bro come on
no wait wait it's just one question so i do now my my real estate right so i i i go improve by the
government right so i was interesting and because i may i can make a lot of money when i manage the
properties of people and after that i won't buy properties and i won't link the properties
like when you buy my nft you got like a percentage of this property right is this possible you know
that yes it's called rwa real world assets and you're gonna have to find out the laws there
if you're allowed to distribute land digitally yeah so yeah and that's the reason because i want to
like on blender like like a cut of the runes how it looked like right from you see it from above
yeah from uh from the bird is from the bird see like a bird see like you'd see how the room looks
like and when you buy the nft you have like your percentage because it's like you know properties
are expensive a lot right so we can split and then with the nft because it's a non-functional
token it's like your your certificate that you own it but i don't know how it's if it's possible
you know that's the reason why i ask before i start uh grinding i want to ask maybe someone knows
uh restate restate the question just one more time and stop so so like like you i want to make
like you like i make like a collection of maybe 99 uh 99 or 100 pieces right like maybe
five each now but it's like it's linked to a property and when you buy it you have like
one percentage of the 100 of this property right and when the properties go up like the properties
going up um at one time maybe like five like five months or five years we make like a like we
coming together and in germany it's called like it's like a property meeting it's like when it's
like when you own something you need to do it every year one time and then i have to write
a protocol and send it out it's like in the real world and the question is like can i do it like
when you buy the nft can i link it to this property so you're saying by let's say that you got a house
for 100k will you simple numbers 100k and now you got an nft that's linked to it so technically
this nft is worth 100k so now you're saying no you just only get the piece right if like the the
property is like maybe because like i said maybe it's 350k for buying it right and i make five each
for one piece of hundred pieces of this property when you buy with the hundred pieces
the property is all yours right because then you have hundred percent of the property yeah
that would make all right so that means that you would have to have the nfts in your wallet
and you'd have to individually hand them out because if not it would make the floor
on them come out all crazy so you'd have say you got the a hundred pieces for 100k
then that means you got each piece would be a thousand dollars and then you would have to
like hold them and then you would have to individually sell them so you would say
there's 25 i give you 25 nfts you give me a thousand back and then when the property value
goes up you would have them pay say the property value increases the 200k then you would have
um what then that then you would have people buy or well then what you would distribute the
the value once it goes up is that what you're trying to do like i hear what you're saying but
you would probably end up paying a lot of extra in taxes no okay i didn't know i just thought
because nft it's like a certificate right that you own something man you could do it like that if you
have them people give you straight cat if you don't do it on the blockchain say you don't buy ethereum
and they don't pay you an eth for this nft say that you got this nft and then you airdrop it to
them and then they give you the money you know i'm saying if you did it like that you could
probably avoid paying taxes but if you just do it straight up with if you do it straight with eth
you're gonna have to pay the taxes on selling the eth or um no you're gonna have to pay
taxes on them buying the they bought the eth from you or they bought it with eth so you gotta break
the government off eth is what i'm saying that makes sense uh okay so i should just uh the
people sending me the money like in real life like in yeah money and i drop them then the nft right
yeah then you can avoid paying tax or okay yeah yeah the problem is i asked my step dad
because he have properties and he said it would be very these people would need to trust you a lot
because it's a lot of money well it's never been done before there's no model before you're making
it up so like with a lot of this stuff we'd be the first ones to do it so if you can create a model
that sound and make sense to them then you could fucking you could sell this idea to them like
you know what i'm saying you could make some money off the idea and not even have to get your hands
dirty you could just sell them the blueprints like okay guys you can take the ideas or try to sell it
but don't forget to give me some because i won't buy a new name thank you hey it's it's a it's a
creative idea like you got to do creative stuff like that because i mean everything else has been
done like that ain't been done before so that'd be something crafty that i think people would
speculate on like you got to create some kind of speculation right so yeah because i i want i want to
make like nft a little bit like more integrate in irl right that the nft have like a word it's like a
stock actually when you have it and when it's go after property i will write it like in the
discord like high property meeting off property street and the name of the property and then we
talk about it like when i said okay we buy it for 400k now it's 900k should we sell the
property then we set then i sell it right after the taxes i asked everyone okay how how many
how many pieces you have of the 100 right and then i said like when you have two you got two percent
of the 900 right because you got two nfts of 100 so then you'd have to make sure that all everybody
that's a holder is on the same page what if somebody don't want to sell you'd have to create
like a dial type of situation so it's 40 percent yeah yeah 40 percent it's like um like it's like
a vote right in germany is the rule when you have a own property with many people like every
every uh everything is one voice and like when we have uh from the like when 49 people say no
but 51 say yes then this 49 have to accept it and this is the rule in germany so this is like
what i would write also in the description it's like it's like your voice so you have when you don't
so you have to buy 51 of the nfts that you can't just uh decide by yourself if we sell it or not
so it's like it's like the real life shit right so this is you have to use time stamps too though
like you'd have to use time stamps because if you don't everything will get
i think everything will get out of hand say you got the property and it goes up 100k
so then you'd have to um say all right like when when you the initial deal say like all right this
is the initial deal a hundred pieces the property is at 100k everybody's piece right now is 1000
and then say like you hold it for like 10 years then all of a sudden it like goes to a million
and so now everybody's one piece is worth um 10k and so um i think that that would be something that
probably would you probably have to worry about that more than a lot of things that time stamp part
and and and you'd have to hold you'd have to hold all the nfts like i said to a certain degree
because of the the floor on them and you'd have to put them in a you'd have to put them in a
wallet that people can't sell them or you'd have to put in like a multisig wallet so people can't
share off a piece of the property without you knowing and you probably have to do some kyc too
okay so it's a lot of work right hell no it ain't a lot of work if you can get it to work
that shit is a million dollar idea what are you talking about
if you could get that shit to work everything we talk about is worth it
yeah so people who want come in the boat and want to try it i will ask definitely the government
i have next week uh after my school i go to the right you don't need the government to do this
if you got the no no it's a sound it's a it's like in germany it's the it's an institute of
the government they help you like with ideas and everything and they have like lawyers and
everything when you have question is this possible they can tell you and if not i will it is possible
we just did it they don't have to tell you what you're about to go pay them for you're going to
give them money to tell you some shit that some people on twitter just told you no no it's it's
oh okay the the it's from the government it's rather than people in the government don't know
shit about well they probably do on the low but then you're going to tell you more than
a person on crypto twitter about fucking crypto bruh so you might be going uh backwards doing that
that's just my opinion okay we can talk next time on the entertainment cooking space on the
oh i see it's mean called oh no it's nft project yeah i would like talk about that misty maybe in
your nft project space maybe there are coming people we can ask if this possible too
but this is what i'm talking about that's some interesting shit to talk about that's what i like
coming on spaces for talking about nft and and and speculating on type of things we could do with
the fucking with the money and the contracts and liquidity and this is revolutionizing the um
society like the fuck we on here having conversations like this who the fuck is up where the fuck
else they're having conversations about how to break property down into nfts monetize that shit
and and get everybody paid off that this is like this is the only place you can really have
conversations like that like go find another platform that you can hold the audio and talk
about that shit you can't do it on youtube like you can't do it on instagram because
like where can you really talk about shit like this where it's happening that so
yeah shout out to misty holding down the space again entertain me look i'm i'm excited bro that
that whole talk right there just got me pumped bro i don't know if y'all can hear it in my voice
but that shit was dope what you'd want to do thank you lava hats
i'm not gonna lie i missed some parts of it because i want to make myself tea
i apologize but um i will for sure dm patrick to to hear all about you know what he has to say
i did hear you ask if we can talk about it on our spaces and definitely um we can talk about
anything on our spaces other than sexist or racist or politics you probably remove sms then
other than that let's talk about it welcome sms
yo i'm so professional i get the end word sensor too homie don't play with me dog
you know i mean like i'm legit bro i'm as professional in the space as they get i've
been here before you motherfuckers could wipe your asses talk about nfts fuck you fucking
sheeps that's still by nfts bro do you want me to open my mouth right now i stop by
yeah yeah i know uh miss t you're my sister uh but unfortunately you are a part of them
back to you uh listen uh it doesn't matter you're my sister you're my brother you're my
mom i'm gonna tell you how it is you know if you're a bat you're a bat you know i mean
like it is what it is um i didn't appreciate that front she was throwing me stupid emojis
uh i wanted to call that out and patrick that's a pretty good idea dude um
i would talk to the board ape guys maybe they can give you some ideas
uh of how they made uh one million each doing transactions uh so yeah i would pay you for
that when you can make that happen shut the fuck up you can't even buy your fucking tire
on your fucking bike that you sat on and broke you fucking prick uh but no dude you can uh you
couldn't make anything possible you know i mean uh just let him know you're arnold schwarzenegger's
cousin and you should be fine uh he has i guess some leeway um but yeah think about it dude hey
what's up everybody hello jina i don't know why the fuck you're a co-host uh hello johnny uh
hello juice my friend hope you're pumping iron doge you fucking hobbit looking motherfucker
um psyched fuck hello as the mess uh lava heads what's up dude uh listen i don't need you to get
too excited dude uh you know i'll take a deep breath uh germans usually don't finish anything
what up top liver how are you i said hello jina you dumb ass fucking emotional fucking sissy
i said hello jina hello alu alu alu alu like jina's like that attention freak like soon as you
even say hello to like you'll even like shake her hand she's like oh you didn't say hi to me
like what the fuck do you mean i didn't say hi i shook your hand like bro it's like the rooftops
right yeah the trans community needs you they need more victims uh so i don't know
boom mic drop i'm out michelle obama is michael obama stop with the politics sms
misty said no politics i didn't say anything about politics i stated that politics trying to say
that my michelle is a michael she said my michelle bro he's one of you he did the same thing
you made me jump on my apple juice
wait you still drink apple juice yeah right from the box it's called honest kids uh organic no
sugar at it i love it apple juice is actually good for you if you get sick a lot of people
think orange juice is the way to go no apple juice apple juice is way better than orange juice
i don't like juice but if i ever do need to drink juice it would probably be cranberry juice
or just grape juice turn into wine
i don't like that better i do not like sweet stuff once in a blue moon i might crave something sweet
and i will go to like sour candy yes it's not sweet but it's still sweet um but yeah i don't
really ever do sweets only time i have like again i guess sodas or like um juices if i'm having like
alcohol because i need a chaser or you know because i'm a sissy i can't i can't do shots
i need a chaser or like pickle or something i need something right after um but yeah i also
want to welcome doge uh doge is up here we haven't said hi to him juice is up here we haven't said
hi to him and then merpo hi doge hello hello hello hello hello how are you i'm good i'm good
how are you doing how's everything going how's your trip what what's happening everything is
good trip was good um i'm back still a little exhausted i'm not gonna lie um it was a long
couple days uh staying up late to like four or five a.m so my schedule is a little messed up
had a hard time waking up today for work um but yesterday i did go to bed early because i was
so exhausted um but we're good we're good everything's good we're back um so this is birthday today
i don't know if you know um just reminding everybody if you don't know maybe it was your happy
birthday um she's out with her family um she said she will join but again i understand if
she can't because you know she's celebrating her birthday how did she turn 70 oh stop it no
no what what do you mean i look at her face and i see some cracks so i have to be like you know
no if you turn 70 she's pretty damn hot for 70 all right okay bro all of a sudden you just turn
lesbian in the space that's crazy my god here we go i can compliment my female
girl's all i want to okay okay i don't know i'm not sure the last girl when she joins
i'm gonna guess like 36
you're an idiot shut up so are you
you no frenchy i just really have you're a fucking idiot bro like i'm a genius i'm a five
you're midget and you're an idiot like you're five years don't consider yourself uh taller
than a midget do your midget uh why is psyched on the stage misty because he's my friend what
do you mean but i don't want to say frenchy does not look look his age at all frenchy looks
like uh he's trapped in a i don't know man's body frenchy and i'm jealous because at 36 i look this
good sms you know it's hard to have such great great looks at this age you know and i feel like
the older i get the better looking i get it's crazy how have you seen my pictures like are you
like blind i have you're aging really hard i was like damn is the jigger smoker what's what's
going on man listen dude i look i look like i'm 24 and i have oiled like my body's always
oiled ready to go oh my god that's like it's like a metaphase or phrase whatever the fuck it is
metaphase what the hell bro shut up psy don't try to correct me you look like your brain looks
like it's 12 and i'm on stage because i'm not racist i'm not sexist and i'm not homophobic like
you sms but it's so so we accept you for who you are sms it's okay man i don't know i always
like to support people with disabilities uh i know that you're kind of handicapped uh mentally and
yeah we're here for you sms yeah i went to eso for four years in a row i failed every year
it was first job as a walmart greeter y'all yeah i did that i did that for a while um i bagged i
got the carts whatever everything everything that i had to do to make it happen dude uh it's i'm not
like you guys you know uh you guys come here from another country and expect uh you to fucking uh
have an office job chill out dude um you know me there's people here that go to school and
have a craft uh so me i'm fine bro i'm i'm good thank god god bless me with everything i need bro
huh and i work my ass off every single day i know nothing was ever given to me nothing zero
it was taken more than it was given so for where i'm at today that's because i don't give a fuck
and i don't give a fuck about anybody's opinions about me or what i do or what i don't do or
you know i mean that's when you're that's when you know you're fucking g bro because you don't
give a fuck about what nobody has to say and that's why you motherfuckers get cussed out by me all
the time is because i keep it 100 and you can't lose me i make it jokingly so you pussies don't
fucking get all vulnerable and shit you get what i'm saying i have to do it that way
uh or else uh it'd be it'd be crazy i would have a nft collection fuck you and your nfts thank you
cry babies
yeah it would be you and fucking frenchy most of them
can i be the ambassador please i would definitely mint i'll be the ambassador all right
uh if you mint a rare ugly one uh that's doge uh that one's gonna be expensive one
yeah it's gonna look like a hobbit we should have a collection entertain me collection
and it could be all of us on there yeah but only my nft would probably sell the most so that's crazy
no i'd be i'd definitely be one thought out everybody wants a five foot uh beauty
bro i wouldn't even pay bro i wouldn't even pay half the mint to buy your stupid ass
like i'd pay you just to take the collection off
i'll take that too pay me the way you know i'll take it yeah i don't know you may just take
anything you can obviously misty that's a good idea though having a detainee collection maybe
just use dps and photos and uh ai generate some like animated versions of them that could be
yeah of ourselves yeah yeah we could put as a mess as a poodle oh my god
okay hold on let's go to patrick real quick and then we're gonna go to jews and then merpool
okay can we go first jews and then merpool because i found an article about about my idea
and i need to talk about it sounds good okay let me go to them and we'll come back to you
go talk to yourself in the bathroom we don't give a fuck
hi jews welcome jews
you just wake up
what what right here that sound like what
what about on bad girls club i didn't get no sleep because y'all you ain't gonna get no
sleep because of me i didn't get no sleep because y'all you that's why i used to watch that show
it used to be good yeah i don't know if they still have it but back back in the days i used
to watch it and i thought they were crazy um i mean they were crazy but yeah it was interesting
you know what show i used to watch i'm so sorry merpool i was about to go to you i used to watch
the mori show um oh yeah i loved watching that show um i loved how they were so 100 million
percent that that person is the father you are not the father i don't know i mean but i just
they look so shocked that was and they run they all do the same thing they like run away and
like you know i don't know maybe i mean i don't know i just thought it was funny and then i would
try to guess i think that's why i enjoyed watching it because i would try to guess like if that person
is the father or not but i used to enjoy watching that show but i hate it i couldn't stand that show
it was so fake you know why i liked it though is because he had the platform for all the minutes
that's funny yeah i i i don't know i could not i could not do jerry springer but mori
i didn't enjoy okay let's go to merpool hi merpool what happened what's good guys oh that's
freaking classic yeah actually just um i can't really hang out too much i got the kids and stuff
but i was just gonna it was funny i joined the space i was just gonna say happy birthday to elissa
but uh i don't even see her in here so yeah but yeah shout out to her probably uh hanging out with
brady and then hopefully having a good uh good old time but yeah i just wanted to say happy
birthday and then um yeah i probably dropped down to listener in a little bit but um i might not
be able to actually hang out too much but hope you guys are doing all good um maybe i'll be able
to drop back in a little bit later group hug well definitely my autograph you were here she is out
with their they have three girls so all three their boyfriends um and you know her and brady
they all went to dave and buster's so they're probably having drinks and you know playing some
games and having a good time um we did see her earlier she said she'll try to stop by
so you know if she makes it it'll be great if she doesn't you know i understand
but i will definitely let her know that you were here and everybody wished her happy birthday
yeah that's funny i actually just took my kids to dave and buster so yeah now we're doing uh
all of the showers butches and then uh gotta give them food and stuff so that's why i thought
to be a little bit busy in a sec so yeah but i'll check i'll definitely tap in with you guys
a little bit later i'll drop down to nice to see you yeah nice to see you guys all too
it was good to hear from you and that's crazy that you were just at dave and buster's too
i know that's why i haven't been there
i haven't been there in years i've never been there it's fun it's like an arcade for adults
pretty much um i've only wanted it but it's fun it's fun when you go with a group of people
um i i don't know it's fun that's probably why i never went because i don't got a group right
i mean you could go with my partner too but that was boring for me when i used to go with my
way after like an hour i was like i think i might leave it's boring um but when you're with a group
of people i don't know i have i had more fun at places like that um i thought it was more fun
with a group of people um you think juice is back are you beatboxing have you been practicing
wow wow wow that was my little cookie cats and boots cats and boots
okay no it's good um i don't know i'm never an asshole but i have to say it it sounds like
he has something stuck on his tongue but good job johnny it's way better than i was practicing all
night i was like hoping we'd have an entertainment space today and then really what i was hoping was
alissa would be here and i could try and do happy birthday but we'll just settle for that
um well hopefully um she makes it if not there's tomorrow and you know we can celebrate tomorrow
no fuck that we're staying up all night like what the fuck hello okay well
i mean you know let's see let's see i smoked a weed too badger you know what happened when i smoked
the weed i can beat box see
homie sounds like he was rolling a blunt and got weed in his mouth and he's like
obviously hi crower 9000 you're the best i love you thank you i love me too hi jina hi patrick juice
yes man everyone else in the building let's crow yo it's okay if it's at least it's not in here
it's my birthday today did you know that guys why no way no it's not my birthday no
when's your birthday in august i'm a leo can't you tell i'm a fucking asshole
just kidding i'm super nice piss me off though that's a different story i don't think you're
an asshole i think you're a human being with an asshole i think i'm a whole lot of peace baby
what are you guys up to horn around smokin crack nice double bullets this guy's smoking
straight 40 chunks in it damn you're deadly bro no good rat shit with us i love doing hood rat
shit with my friends i got my mask on ready to go all right take this gun what you're gonna do is
this is a recorded space are you trying to incriminate me bro you're crazy i don't know
nothing about not i don't even know him jesus it's a paintball gun bro some of us can't even have
paintball guns bro like
bro if you're banned from co2 sorry bro when i was younger they had me banned from carrying a
motherfucking highlighter bro for graffiti your boy could not even have a highlighter bro no white
old pants no nothing don't get you it was in paper on my fucking condition like no nothing
no paint markers no spray paint no highlighters i said what am i going to do with a highlighter
i got to go to school damn you guys are crazy to me well i'll tell you a story back when i went to
school you know way back when um i wasn't allowed to bring pencils to school and you know i'll tell
you why i didn't go to your normal school if you know you know stab someone with a pencil
yeah they had those i went to a school within a school johnny so you definitely wore them little
essay belts with the name the little letters on the front that was all we were allowed to wear
a little what about we're not going to use that word or for
you know i'm talking uh i listen i i know your type gina i used to rock for graffiti
oh really he did he also back in the day well tagging what same thing you know what
yeah no but i'm saying it was tagging of the different type of things oh yeah yeah i know i
know what you mean he's throwing up the set wow that's cool no that's dope yo uh we weren't
allowed katas one time we were like fuck i hadn't been like grade six i think or seven um we were mad
young in middle school and i remember we were like making these pen guns out of like we would take
apart a whole pen and then we'd take like a big fat elastic and then tape it to the end of one
like really tight and then you'd put the inside of the pen you know like where the ink is and we we'd
slide it out almost like a slingshot with pens and luckily we'd be underneath our desks shooting
each other with them and it hurt bro like these things would go into a whole can of pop like
closed can of pop like that's how solid these things were and then one time we all went home
and then we came back in the morning and everyone's desks got cleared out bro they swept
the whole school bro when we were gone we were like no wait man a bunch of us got sent to the uh
the gym we like you can't send a hundred plus kids to the fucking uh to the principal's office
right so we all got sent to the gym and then uh man we all got like a day or two like suspension
i think or something like that but i brought mine back i brought mine home that day so i don't
think i got in trouble that day i think i got lucky um but uh yeah because i never left it
in my desk which is silly because normally i would have um my desk was always messy anyways
who knows what they would have found in there probably a finger skateboard some gum some
fucking shit i shouldn't have had yeah i know that was crazy man we were like shooting each
other with pen guns i'll never forget that shit and they swept the whole classrooms
in that school fucking just a bunch of kids got in trouble um i probably already had in
school suspension at that time anyways so what are they gonna do give me more trouble for
those good times i went to a magnet high school um we have like a dress what is that and it's like uh
uh not a private but like uh i just in school not like i don't know smart people i don't i don't
miss tea small i barely graduated it was a small school you guys
in four years i've seen one fight and it was two guys fighting over who's gonna sit next to me
of course bro oh my god oh my god it was so scary um but yeah i have not seen any like craziness
any um wild stuff um yeah it was uh i never experienced the crazy high school craziness
or even college i was i think it was me because i wasn't you know the wild type but
yeah i haven't really experienced anything wild i would have loved to have like because i only
seen it on movies and tv and shit but i feel like that whole usa college experience would have been
hella dope like living on campus parties all the time while they know like i would have had so
much fun instead we just threw hoodrat parties and and just fucked shit up outside just by
ourselves we'd be like you know 15 years old in a field getting smashed blacked out in a field
running from cobs that were like in the field chasing us like man i got so many wild stuff
remember this one time we were getting we're drinking or what is it we're i don't know doing
shit we shouldn't have in the field and then uh i remember this one time it was all like rained
out the night before or the day before and uh it was that evening and then uh we got chased by
people i don't remember what it was um oh yeah i don't think we got chased by car we got chased by
people that caught us doing shit we shouldn't have been doing anyways one of the little homies that
was around there with us he was a little bad kid and always hung out with like some of the older
kids and uh he was there but we were running through that field and he lost his shoes in the
mud and then he starts screaming well my name's not crawler it's Tyler but he's like
crower for additional effects crower help me he's crying and i had to run back in the field
go pick him up and piggyback him and run away with him oh my god i'll never forget that time
don't get me started on my stories because i won't stop like this one time
no no never mind i'm just gonna start going in on stories after stories and you guys don't want
to prove her but goodness i hate reliving them sometimes because sometimes it's like good like
fuck i should have been dead a million fucking right goodness and i thank god i'm not and i should
have had so many yeah missy do you mind if you can uh delete this face
okay i do apologize because i just said yeah i mean that without even yeah okay
but yeah hey everybody that has just entered the room welcome welcome uh if you want to go ahead
and come on up and talk feel free to request the mic because i'm pretty sure missy and myself have
sent over a thousand mics to everybody i'm just like here smack grab that one if you want to smack
here's that one if you want it but yeah i know i'm throwing up mics that people are crazy so
come on up let's go to patrick i haven't forgotten about you patrick go ahead i don't
believe you but it's okay uh i still like you it's okay uh i have i have just making research
i saw people doing it like another way and this is crazy guys people are doing like they
they spent thousand collect ten thousand collection and they open a hotel in dubai
and with your with your token it's a token gated hotel you get your nights so you can just live
there for free so they make like a hotel in dubai that's crazy so i see it's possible and also in
new york in us they did it with a house for 200k so it's possible guys so we should definitely
made it and make a big big company of real estate guys there was actually a project that launched
i want to say a year ago around the same time steady stack launched he was a realtor he
actually had i didn't buy into it the mint was like super expensive but i don't again i don't
know too much but i know he the point of it was the holders get like a token and you can use your
token it's like an airbnb so you use your tokens to rent out the properties for whatever however
long you want so um i have seen that i don't remember when i remember the name i'll send
it away patrick if you want to look into it but i have seen a project like that um i'm not sure
how they're doing because i never really got into it but i do know i'm curious how that goes with
like the legalities that go behind a lot of these things it's like some of those ideas were
really really dope um but i found listening to some of these spaces and talking to some friends
through that were real estate agents there there were some technicalities on the on the legal
aspects of that like same with that and the gambling aspects on crypto because that's all
illegal um but like just the whole um like how people were able to work around that i think is a
very clever way um so like that's why i just was like i respectfully stayed away from certain things
like that until like somebody was able to actually think of a real way a legal way
to do it because like i'm not trying to invest into something with my money and then get wrecked by
that um but uh i'm curious like how if anyone knows like the process that because that'd be
super cool to do it in a place that's like crypto friendly um like thailand or places like that
even cheap as hell like the philippines are bally and just like create like a hotel resort
and just like have that as a getaway for fucking places like you know you could just go there
get your fucking stay out there for free blah blah blah you know like have people come there
and and rent the place out like but holders make money because that's what i always thought of like
okay cool we're making all these projects yada yada yada and and most of them i think is is silly
because you need you know 10 000 pfps and you sell out you make like a million or two million
dollars off something which doesn't make sense because there's no product usually there's
no sales there's like no real marketing push behind anything like there's no actual item or
anything about it it's just kind of like a hopes and dreams and an idea which i feel like is usually
the backwards idea so i look at them like startup companies and you're investing in the idea
somebody's idea of something and if you believe in that long term then that's probably where
you should be putting your money right but a lot of the times people in their suits they're
they're smart and slick with their business talking and ways to be able to manipulate
people into buying certain things so you got to watch out for that but i always thought like what
if someone minted out a project and their goal was to buy 10 domino's pizzas and eventually you'd
be profiting on these pizza shops and then all the holders get a split like what dividend or
whatever it's fucking called in in i was thinking about that the other day not to cut you off but
like no you're something that do the same thing with a box truck company i swear you could
like the amount of things that you could do with crypto outside of crypto is crazy like you know we
got the construction company bro you make exactly dollars dog for real what the fuck why wouldn't
someone why wouldn't someone want to do something like that or like even if you had even if you
had a food truck bro imagine if you had a project with that had like food characters then you took
the money from that and bought a food truck like in time square or some shit and like
thing is tough because i've seen it happen and i've been in the food industry for many years
and i know that's a real doggy dog place and you're really not profiting for the first few
years which is fine a lot of businesses aren't but it's a question you got crypto you got crypto to
fast forward the whole situation is the thing is is that if you're you got a food truck where
where you most of your people buying don't have crypto or understand it that's a little bit
different of a reach and plus in order to get a spot like time square i'm sure in places like
it ain't got it it ain't got it i'm just saying like that traffic those spots right like somebody
might own that corner or where their food truck is or where their hot dog stand is they might own
that spot and you can't just like go pull up anywhere you want like you have certain permits
and licenses to do things and those cost crazy money depending on like the busy or the area
right like i know man you could you could take the damn money and open up a um a tea shop you
could fucking start selling tea to people like you could take the crypto money and do anything
bro i saw this one um company they were trying to start up like a solar farm you know what i'm
saying there's all kinds of stuff you could do that's smart yeah yes like that's fucking genius
like shit like that bro that's what i always thought like why are people always doing the
same copy paste ideas it's always the same video game this video you know how hard it is
and i think like outside of akcb because i think raspy knows what he's doing and i've seen what
he's been doing this whole time i think he's he's actually marketing to outside the crypto
but like do you understand how hard it is to make a video game and like to make a likable one
there's hundreds of games that get made a year and there's maybe like a handful of them
actually are worth playing long term if that when you make a video game though you got to make sure
you hone in on this the correct genre and the right kind of people because you know different
people play different kind of games so i mean a kid called b's game you see that looks all flashy
and they and they're flying around but there's some people that don't like that and they like
puzzle games then you got some people that don't like neither of those two and they like
fucking visual novels then you got people that you know i'm saying so like building a video game
i don't like profit wise i think like what's up game name aim for profit what the visual novel
you wouldn't make profit not as much as you would making an animal yeah you would if you had
no that that's where you talk about that shit will cost too much money name three check this
out the amount of money you put into making the game and then the game producing and making you
money okay then you got the visual novel where it doesn't really cost too much and then look how much
money you you know you could put in 100 games just name three that made i'm making a visual novel
i'm i'm making a visual novel so name but just name three games out there that are visual novels
that actually were were worthwhile no disrespect to you but i'm a big gamer bro so it's just like
you gotta look at it from a broader perspective right so like but if you make a no the thing
is there's there's visual novels there's batman visual novels there's superman visual novels
there's visual novels out there that you don't know about you know i'm saying there's fucking
name three i just named you too i just said there's batman and there's super you can go
right on the iphone and you can type in visual novels they respectfully look whose names there
are behind them that's why they and you're gonna you're gonna bring up call of duty and you're
gonna bring up legal legends and i'll say look at the names behind those two exactly that's my
point so it's like you have these big moguls in the game company that have already stapled
and and made their name and mark in these in these businesses and in in these areas and it's
just like people that are coming out of the crypto to try to make games to compete with that
that's what i see it is is like a lot of these games are not able to compete with these bigger
games so then you guys just keep playing the bigger games the rest of your life no not not
essentially i just wouldn't invest in projects that are trying to copy paste certain things
and then yeah because like i look at as an investment bro if i look at your project and
i see a five-year plan indefinitely then i might invest in it because when it comes to like this
whole pvp thing and then my investments it's like community things one way i might act dumb i
might be the certain way but like when it comes to my money i don't play with that and like i take
it very very seriously what i invest in which is why i'm not tying my name to certain projects
or like very many at that i only buy very few because i'm not getting sucked into things that
easily you know what i'm saying because i'm watching this i know how it is it's all business
my fucking doctor getting social engineered left and right you got it exactly hardcore bro
and it's like you know it's cool like i want everyone to win i want everyone to make their
games and and like do their things but like you're right like there's so many things outside of the
same video game blah blah idea like buy a sell out a project and and for a million dollars
two million dollars you could buy an apartment and some houses and then rent those out you could
yeah we've seen that play we've seen these nft companies but gather millions and millions
they fucking drop an ape project and they drop another ape project hey you gotta blame the space
at some point because y'all keep buying this shit i mean i'm pretty sure there's a lot of people out
name one ape derivative that lasted more than a year like none that's the mutant apes i guess
the apes are then the mutant apes and that's about it that's what i'm saying there's not
one ape derivative that ever lasted that long and some of them are cool the artworks cool
maybe the people behind them are cool but they don't last and that's just the truth behind it
so it's like people get stuck up on the derivative game i think it's silly that's my own opinion
though but i already spoke to many many people about this this conversation and they all agree
maybe some people don't that's that's their choice and their investments but i've not seen
one ape derivative be worthy of a long-term investment and if it was it'd be a mutant
or a board ape because that's the solidified in yuga you know a lot of these ape derivatives
are backed by yuga yeah that's because the guys that own these board apes yeah check the bio
then i'll say that it'll say exactly what you just said in the bio it's like uh when you get a
book and you could you get a book or you get uh or you or like you have like um like nutritional
value on food it costs you like ten twenty thousand dollars to get that nutritional sticker
or badge on there it's like nothing nutritional about your food you just paid somebody off you
know what i'm saying so it's just like yeah it's absolutely fucking ridiculous um and it's it's not
going to say like there wasn't good aid derivatives like i know fiti had one like the what's your
best what outside of your kit called beast what's the best what's the what's your favorite nft
your most expensive nft you own like if you don't mind me asking to be honest one my my first
one that i had was a loaded line which was crypto.com's first nft it was actually the first nft i
ever bought and they ran up like six seven k um and that's like indirectly getting benefits
from crypto.com which is really dope and um outside of that one i never really bought many
like i bought a bunch of d5 ones just to like mess around with play around with i dumped them
um i sat on a few because i believed in them they ended up losing me some cash which is
fine because like i'm two years into this you know what i'm saying so i i learned the game
it's like anything i do outside of like the sneaker realm the card realm i look at these as
stocks into a startup company with a collective trading card experience attached to it because
you got the rarity of these nfts which is a neat little twist as far as trading cards go when you
as far as trading goes trading cards go have you heard of pogs you know pogs are
yeah bro and like what do you think of those i mean i didn't i didn't think it was anything
that big when i was a kid anyways because it was a pretty lame game but i know that they're here
and i know a lot of people i know are involved in that project and i don't want to fud their
bags but it's just like do i see them lasting long term probably not but do they have a
so when you say not lasting long what do you what is what you think they'll be gone like
by the next bear most of these projects that you see come and go to a last year or two bro
i've not seen many of them and the ones that do are failing to provide proper utility
and and and an roi into their holders like if i'm buying into a project i'm my first question is
where's my roi like how long am i waiting to get my return on investment because
here's the thing bro that's what you asked about the nfc what would you tell the founders
or ask the founders i'll tell this founder straight up bro and i tell them all the time
when they're trying to show their projects you need us as investors more than we need you
as another damn project yeah so you so so when you talk to the founder you say what's my return
on investment how are you going to get me my money back that's how you talk to the founders
a lot well yeah because that's because if you talk to me like that i'd be like i don't need
your money so i'm just asking you how you tell people but that's your choice bro and a lot of
founders get upset like you would never most people look at that is is not worthy of a founder
to invest in because if you handle the the raw hard truth behind some of our because we're
investors you're asking us for money for your whole dreams do you as a project have a product do
you have any sales do you have any actual business plan other than a fucking roadmap
my apologies i'm not like actually mad i just swear as i talk but i do the same thing when it
comes to money bro like i don't play with that and a lot of people don't and so like i made my entire
name off chronos absolutely dumping on these copy paste projects and a little cult followings
hated me the founders didn't like me and i didn't care because i'm used to walking a path
by myself alone already as is because i don't care so when you ask for this return on investment
do you like help like provide community like value are you just no here's the thing bro if i'm giving
someone money and they're asking for a million here's the thing bro you got a 10 000 pfp and
you're asking for a million or two million dollars after all sold out if you go to shark tank and
go sit in front of mark cuban and kevin o'leary with no product no sales no nothing and you
ask them and valuated your product at your no product just your hopes and dreams and idea of
a roadmap in front of them they're gonna laugh at you if you're asking them for a million or two
million exactly my point so why would you come here asking the same thing with no product no value to
anything and if you're asking the investors to do all your marketing that's what you should
be getting money for it's not our job to invest in your product and your company and your hopes
and dreams and expect the community to do all the work for that that is absolutely yeah i feel
you on that in reality because that doesn't happen yeah that's why you got to pick the right
founders you got to pick the right founders that to understand what you're talking about
that's why i'm stern and i'm grilling projects like that because yeah we don't need a million
of them we they need a million of us that's the difference so no project really needs a
million community members but i know what you're saying you really only need like 100 community
members to buy out a 10,000 project maybe oh no i wouldn't i wouldn't even buy a 10,000 collection
personally yeah a lot of them are real iffy bro and i'm not trying to shit on anything bro i'm just
being realistic with my money and investing because i look at it like right there with you
i'm just giving it back to you how you dishing it like no hard feelings i could i could take it
bro you know what i'm saying i'm perfectly fine with taking the smoke man i'm the chef
um but i'm all hey you talking to the lava head so you know i'm smoking all the time there you go
um but like uh yeah like no disrespect to you and what you got going on bro like i want to see you
do well but it's just it's really tough when there's so many people competing yeah same
like you right fire circle of people investors and it's just like that's why i always say
how do we onboard the next masses and then i get shit on in music spaces like yesterday we don't
want the masses blah blah blah and i'm and then in the same breath saying i'm an og i onboarded
thousands of people if it wasn't for me i paved the way you guys wouldn't be here i'm like how
are you contradicting your own statements in your own belief system like how do you guys want to
onboard thousands of people and want credit for that but then you want to gate keep the rest
of these people because it's not safe here buddy i'm in the hood right now it's not safe irl every
time i walk outside it's not safe on the internet like like straight up bro like you can't click a
fucking picture someone sends you without knowing it could be embedded with some sort of hacking
system on the back ends like you can't click on a video or a link nowadays like people don't realize
that it's it's dangerous outside of this space so to like gate keep and like baby and coddle
everyone else and like push them away from what we're doing here when if we onboard more people
and under get them to understand what's going on we might have the next set of thousand people that
might maybe 10 of them might change what we do here and that's all i'm trying to say is how
long you've been in this space only two years bro but like why don't you would you like start
would you start a project that you seem like a knowledgeable person maybe people would invest
in you and follow what you want to do would you ever thought about doing it i've built a massive
community around what i've done because one yeah i don't sell out i've had people offer me all the
time trying to get me to take a check to push their projects this and that i deny them all
people try to do that with my beach street music spaces i deny them all um i don't want
your money because i'm going to build something here that's going to last forever and the money
will come later on and i'd rather do it in an honest way and it might take me longer because
i'm not scamming people i could have walked away with bags of crypto already bro if i would have
done it like the old me probably would have done it but the thing is you know like as i grew up i
changed my life i went back to school i did things properly and i learned that i had morals
and integrity about me the way i was raised maybe i lost sight of them when i was younger
but like i don't i don't want to do that here because i the thing is is that i have people
that listen to me here and if i mislead them then that's me at fault for that so it's just like i
have to be very cautious what i say and how i give advice and don't listen to me it might sound like i
know what i'm talking about i don't know shit as a man i know nothing at all as Socrates says
but it's just like you know you have to be realistic with people because a lot of people
are getting sucked into projects life right in center and then they end up losing their bags and
then that's where that negative domino effect happens and that's why there's a negative stigma
around crypto and nfts because people come in here and they get sucked in that toxic positivity
where it's like people are giving away thousands of dollars in a space because the the founders
are giving away thousands of dollars of eth and it's just like people are like oh my god these
guys are amazing they got to be the coolest people ever let's trust them with all our money
it's like no it's just a marketing ploy to get you to spend more money and a lot of people
and friendships and and that's how a lot of people get misconstuded and misled in these spaces and i
understand that so like i try to just be as real as possible if people want to hate me for it they
can like i i don't care if someone doesn't like me i like me i spent years of myself down and and
self-conscious and hating myself and like in and out of the system myself like trying to work
better on myself and now i know who i am so it's just like there's nothing anybody out there
could tell me nothing no nothing about me bro because like i'm an honest individual and and it
might get me hated and i'll go against the grain for i'm built for it um but i don't want to mislead
mislead like my community and get them stuck on some shit you know shout out to the people
tossing emojis and shit and always in the dm stanking me because it's like i get grilled
for it all the time but like the real ones realize and so it's just like if game peep game
then all you got to do is sit back and just watch the lames fall and uh you're right bro like i want
to do my own project but i don't want to do it in the traditional um like i have these hopes and
dreams to like do crazy shit with stuff like i want to do it for my music you know i'm building
your duty to cater to the people that want to support me for my music and i don't need a lot
of people to do that and like for me honestly i think nft music music nfts is a giant scam
i think it's ridiculous because the most of this people are are not providing real utility
they're they're charging oh how many times have you got scammed have you gotten did you lose
a lot of money in the space no are you so scared no what do you mean scared well you
just well why so paranoid paranoid of what i don't know you just i don't know i come from
okay you got to be cautious bro you got to watch out for who's around you because even
your own family and friends could do you dirty you know what i'm saying and it's happened before
my friend sent me up i got stabbed up like more than three different times and i got set up to die
so it's just like you know like i already come from a place where i'm already on point with
wherever i'm going aware of my surroundings so when i come around here and there's a bunch of
marketing business dudes in suits trying to take money from me i see right through the
bullshit like immediately because i peep game how you talk right if i listen i'm very very
observing i might sit here in spaces and play stupid and act dumb bro but like that's just
you know i'm saying because like a put it makes people overlook how i am really and really i'm
very observant and in my own rights intelligent i'm not the smartest in the room but i know my
shit so it's just like you know i pay attention and it's just like that's how i maneuver i never
got the only way i got scammed is because i followed other people in this space and that
was my fault i can't put that blame on anyone else that was my l i took that l but i don't
i either win or i learn i ain't taking no l's see i really came from nothing i was missing no l's
no l christmas because when i came up i was missing christmas and shit this is a song i
wrote but i just popped into my head like i don't i don't take a loss to learn uh take a loss for a
loss like i take it as a as a lesson learned and if i can't take a lesson out of something
then it's a definite l and i deserve that smack on the face bro so it's just like i i try to
find the positive and certain things like that and when i step back and realize it's because my
investments my poor investment positions were were at fault because of me choosing to follow other
people not me choosing to look into it me taking time to understand and study it so that's where
things started changing i was like no like things started changing for the worst of it right
and you get sucked in on it sometimes and like it's okay you know what i'm saying but you know
i'll shut up because i go on forever on tangents and i don't mean to um bring the the the vibes in
the room down hey it's all good like hey we was up here good we was just going back and forth it
was lit it was great going back and forth it's like yeah you're good shit bro i appreciate your
time i oh yeah i appreciate how real you are cover um and i love it i do want to go to patrick
i know he's had his hand up for a minute but i didn't want to interrupt you guys
and then you know we can continue go ahead patrick
yeah thank you crowbar uh much love to you you know i love you
you in vinipik in the coldest city in canada uh it's okay don't get freeze i know you need uh
warm you up ass and yeah it's all good so i can understand prova definitely uh about the problem
but i can just say it's it depends every time how hard you believe in something or how much you
want to try to believe in something or in someone that's all i can understand crowbar um and yeah
definitely i i would not do like pfp's right what i would do like is a pass for the project i
want to do and i just calculate it and everything now it don't need to be a lot when i make a 10k
collection right and the mint is like 0.2 only i make like already i think two millions or
a little bit more it's enough to buy a property to split it to everyone like when i when i would
do it right now right i could just do it like other projects right i don't link it directly
to the property but i could say the the pass is like your your your certification you get the
funds like you get your royalties back right so when i would like like we say we would do it like
we make together a 10k collection uh it's meant out for 0.2 right we reinvest the whole
funds in a property or in more properties like maybe apartments or something else right
and we get a monthly money back like i don't know i didn't calculate it now how much we can get from
properties back like monthly when we just rent them out right in germany so like we said we have
like now with two millions maybe you get five good properties in germany like good really good
beautiful properties you can get maybe 2000 euros in a month so we can do like that or we do it like
misty just uh said like we do like a airbnb international right so we get the money every
time and every month you get the royalties back but not in coins or in tokens like we would say
we would say like you get it back in uh usdt like stable coins right like you can just
because the worth is keep it like one dollar is one dollar so you can do what you want to do with it
so and you have just two soft steak misty wasn't soft staking like you just put it
that you see this person is trusting in you so you soft stake it and then we see like okay
crowbar soft steak his pass and then at end of the month you get like the money the percentage
of the property so this would be my plan like properties like what i learned now in school
when i get my batch so i get like a web batch that you see i'm certificated by government to do
real estate property management and everything i would like uh docs myself and then like
i would do like a past 10k collection and then we write like in the project in the roadmap like
first mint out second and then we put like crowbar set uh in the white paper the white paper is
like your business plan like where we want to go but i think nft should be more like just pfp i
love i you know me i love the bees and everything but i think when we want to go like doing business
it should be like a past or something like that
yeah i think um the past sounds cool i mean the pfp that that's just like to show that everybody's
in the same group that's just like everybody wearing the same basketball jersey when they come
on the court so that's all the pfp is but yeah past sounds cool i mean i think that if you're
dealing with real estate it would makes more sense to have a past anyways than like some type of pfp
so yeah because i don't want to make it like we don't want to show off right i don't want to say
oh we are now the biggest uh community in real estate right it should be just people they
trust in this they know what what is the value of this project and if not it's okay but um yeah i
think um i think that you would want you want people to not use the pfp and have the past
because then it would show that your company is diverse and there's all look at all these
different pfps and all these different people from different communities that have my past
so you probably would want them to just keep using whatever they got now
yeah yeah i just wanted that the the project should be not like oh we are now in the game
we are the real estheties or i don't know how we call it and then you have just a pfp
that don't match the value right but the past is like a certificate it's look like a certificate
so this would be like for me like when you hold the pass like you got the pass you have just
at the worth of the pass just roll with the income of the of the of the project right because it
doesn't matter if you sell the pass the the the the the the the the money of the project is
in work right so it doesn't matter already so when you say oh it don't make sense and you
go down with your past people they know the project or still work on it already and get already maybe
royalties they buy it just to get more royalties right so this is like the concept and this is
what i want to do but first my plan is i think this is not going to happen this year or next
year because i want to do like it should be like everything should be clear i want to ask a lawyer
or something like that and also i want to do my school finish that i got my certificate
and then i can say okay guys i learn it i know how to manage a property i know what we have to see
and this is like that people maybe know and maybe after new york nft nft yc people see me already
i can talk to them they see okay this don't look like a scumbag or like a gaylord like sms would
say but yeah this is like what i want to just know um i would like to do that because i think
people deserve to get money back and nfts is like like it said non-fungible token it's like a
certificate it shows on the blockchain you are the owner of something and it should be more like
every time pfp so i would like to do that so i'm just like running numbers in my head right now
and uh going off of like the property idea i think that's a really genius idea but i think the best
i think just in my own opinion thinking about it i think one of the most profitable ways to
go about that is finding like an apartment building somewhere where it's cheaper like out here
it's cheap as hell to get an apartment built i'm not cheap sorry um because i don't got a million
dollars but you could get them for less than a million dollars with 30 40 units included on that
and each unit's going for a 1200 to 1500 bucks a month or something like that so i'm just curious
like would you rather not kind of try to invest in a new apartment building like that because then
you're profiting more per year like annually and i was just looking into some of like the
dominos pizza because that was the idea that i just use them as an example like a franchise like that
like a successful one at that um and most of them usually net range like an annual profit of like
anywhere from 50 to 100 000 so imagine having roughly 300 people you know in your project
that bought it out and uh you know you you you only need like up to five six hundred thousand
dollars not even that it's like really around four but i'm guessing a little bit more just in case
um to start a dominos pizza and uh to be completely honest like you'd you'd be making anywhere from
200 to 500 bucks a year extra but if you held multiple nfts that money is also accumulated
extra so it's just like you'd your roi would come in in a couple years obviously um and then you're
making money extra money each month whether it's 100 or 200 bucks each each month extra like you're
making that extra cash extra just for the fuck of it so i was just thinking of like what are other
ways that we could do shit like that and i know that there's there's security problems and issues
with the legalities of having like um products and and these nfts as shareholders into something
and there's a way around that um but i can't remember exactly the terminology for it but i
know it's a really finicky um area and that's probably why you haven't seen many people come
and do that exact plan because there's legal there's there's a lot of legal issues that go
behind a lot of that um but i was just curious like what you thought on something like that
patrick would you be aiming to get like a house somewhere and rent it out because i feel like
you'd make far less money than you would getting an apartment building with 30 40 50 units in it
for the same price if you went somewhere more affordable yeah like you said this is the good
thing i think of a community right i'm a community guy so i don't just take the money and say okay
we buy it as well i think we should like make a portfolio of properties like okay we talk about it
it's like in germany when you have properties every every year everyone come together of the
building and they talk about it so what have to make new or what is going on and everything
and this i would like doing same but every month people we coming together we talking about the
situation what's going on on the property is it going up like you said i think like apartment units
like one building with more apartments it's more worth because like i said like you said
every month we get return like the the return of the money of they have to pay monthly right
they rent and then we can put it together then you get every month the the allocation of
how much every property come together right so we put also the property contract like when i make a
contract with with person a right so i write down how much the person have to pay and everything we
upload it in the safe like on a safe website you can log in with your token gated nft so you see okay
property a it's like or apartment a every month 900 euro it's like with tax right so after the
tax all go down i make the allocation what i learned now how to make it it's called
called in germany betrieps kostner operation it's like um the business uh wait in german
business cost uh report so how much the cost take right like electricity and everything how
much we have to take out with and what is net worth we put in the in back in the in the
funds and we say okay do we reinvest or we to partly we reward the people or how we do it right
and like you said about the legal thing uh when we say it okay you get it like you get it directly
then it's different but when we say okay i take the earnings right after i make the tax the government
don't take it after everything like tax and everything the government don't care anymore
what i do with the money right with the network because it's my everything is payout right so i
could say okay i check the list i just airdrop crowbar thousand euro or a thousand usd t
uh and i just put it on your wallet right so it doesn't care anymore what i do with my money
right so i just give it to you and after that you have to do with your government about your taxes
about your passive income right so i would do it like this i don't want to i don't would like to
because taxes are very tricky so you have to
pay less taxes right so i would say i just take it everything on my name i pay the taxes all on my
name after that i take the net after i got the net i say okay i i split it to all community members
and then i've just paid out on usd t because i just buy the usd t right and then i say okay we have now
fifty thousand usd t like 50k so then we have like 10k holders and then you just split it right
or i don't know uh we have to pay but this is my idea because i want i want that people
they have like me not the ability to buy a big apartment house with 50 units because it costs
million so i just want to make everything happen that we are winning so this would be my idea like
make a pass then we coming together after mint out we talk i make a portfolio i post everything
i try to translate it in best english and then we talk like property a b c d what is the beneficial
because you have to think about location right location is everything when you buy now a
apartment house in Bangladesh maybe it's not worth like when we buy a apartment house in Dubai
or in in u.s los angeles or i don't know you know like location is everything what i learn
also what what people are around this location when you just have
gangs and everything the property worth going down so we have to look the best location of a property
that people are interested to buy inside and say bar there are a lot of crazy people
yeah i think um yeah doing it in different countries that's that's going to be
probably the hardest part i think that i don't know i think that just doing it
doing it um off the chain and then doing some of it on chain i think that's going to be there
good can y'all hear me yeah you're good patrick's always rugged sorry mr
that's okay thanks am i okay i come back okay can we all just go like start a massive crypto
community somewhere in like thailand and just like party like rock stars and fucking build
content create and make mad dough and pay super cheap and then you could catch me fishing with
stormy and my little straw hat and my little boat fucking bring it we just go by villa we just
go buy a big ass villa that's what i'm saying this guy's got the fucking alpha right here you
guys let's buy a villa we'll call it crowbar's resort now i'm playing but seriously you know
that'd be the fucking most jeez thing ever man that we always say that like how cool would it
be to buy an island and we can all have houses there and we can all live next to each other
and then know each other like in person instead of spaces that would be cool it would be i think
like having i've been saying that forever man like when when i'm bald crypto i want to go
somewhere where it's dirt cheap like that and start a crypto community where like all the
homies could come live and just like we all just live in the same apartment or like you said yeah
an island like an island might take a little bit more money but like yo fucking starting a
project and buying an apartment building somewhere out there where we all could go fucking live and
content create make music fucking you know do all our shit like so many easy jobs you could do from
your laptop just to keep you a float like so many side hustles you could do from somewhere like that
and like it's dumb cheap i was looking at airbnbs in bali for like two to four hundred dollars a
month it was absolutely stunning so who's trying to come with me and go right we can go for a
year let's do tylan exactly what i'm saying bro like fuck dude i'm taking a vacation to thailand
probably in like march like genuine like march for april right now i'm trying to downsize all
my shit so i can move somewhere out there um because i got a storage unit full of collectibles
and shit but it sucks because the city's so ghetto and broke no one's buying anything
um but eventually i'll be able to make my way out there something like that and uh i was thinking
bali or thailand or the capital of the philippines because they got a really really dope uh hip hop
underground like hip hop community and i feel like if i went out there spitting my bars like on the
same side of beats like i would stick out like a sore thumb and they'd be like yo you hear about
that new white kid from canada fucking got bars and shit i just feel like it would help to
market my music and i'd be able to grow a dope bass out there and more community out there
and some of the people that i know that live out there um actually one of the girls that i've
networked and connected with um she's a twitch streamer she has her own island out there in the
philippines i'm just like yo like that's where i want to be yeah yeah straight up that's what i'm
saying bro imagine load up the boat and boat over there so is she on the island that let me get
on the boat i'll meet you at the dock i didn't know the fuck out of all y'all you think i'm
annoying wait till y'all get hash brown and stormy but i'm a package deal so y'all getting the wrath
okay so cute before we go to patrick i do want to welcome walt dis sorry patrick um he's been up here
for a bit um hi walt hey what's up um i can't stay really because it's really late and i
gotta go to bed and go get up for work tomorrow but i just wanted to pop in say hi hope you guys
are having a good night hi hi thank you for joining it's been a nice night i am all going
to close the space soon because it has been a couple of hours um but it's nice to see you
thank you for joining us absolutely i saw your message for the invite i was like i got pop in
i was playing uh nifty island all night long it is so awesome like a lot of the people that have
uh characters on there they were all beasts and i was it was so awesome to see the beasts
it's pretty fun bro i'm not gonna lie the only shitty thing that i was disappointed in
is that they only have the xbox and ps5 controllers integrated to their system and i'm trying to set
up my my switch pro controller and it wasn't working so i was like oh i got to use the
keyboard and going from like running to crouching was like a weird little thing so i might have to
switch the keyboard around on that but uh otherwise it was really fun because you know
just playing with some homies and we're in the discord gaming chat and whatever the voice chat
and playing with raf and and reds out there running at me like new taro would have fucking
shut up i don't want to talk shut up sms i've been uh i've been throwing up this whole time
i've been in the space man um are we feeling really sick nasty throwing up um hearing you
motherfucking sheeps talk about nfts uh i'm going to fucking bed dude i'm disgusted bro i'm
going to fucking sleep dude fuck you all i think i'm gonna stay up and let's talk about nfts
fuck you i hate this i'm going to sleep you'll get better though thank you bro as long as i
don't hear you motherfuckers talk about nfts i'll be fine dude i hope you dream about me
screaming nfts and fucking yelling i will never i will never dream about another man like you
dream about justin this guy's a sick bastard go to bed old man go get better and come back
tomorrow i gotta be up in four hours dude i got worked out you'll take care of you good night
motherfuckers good night good night sms good night and i fuck you patrick you started this
shit motherfucker i'll remember that thank you don't worry go ahead i got an eye on you too you
fucking continued this fucking sheep shit hey stick sticks of mine stocks we'll be over here
with the nfts i'm selling pounds of weed homie i don't give a fuck about nfts
man imagine 10 years ago you couldn't say that well i mean well you could but you probably have
to watch where you're saying it but now you could be like bitch i don't know in canada you
guys growing your grandma's basements i'm i'm fully legal dude license and all i can know
i know that but a couple years ago you weren't able to do that until it became legal it was
i've always said i sold weed dude i don't give a fuck they could kiss my ass
i ain't never done nothing like that before all i did was go to school and read my bible studies
i was a gang banger and i sold a lot of weed fuck you all come after me fuck joe biden bye good night
good night
he just loves joe biden so much oh my god i hope he heard that before he left too fuck you
yo johnny you you looking paramount man
he's gonna watch home alone or or whatever other movie you're not a business man i'm a business man
man yeah johnny you should definitely do it make an ft to send you a jubilee and your
crazy watch julie bro can someone decipher what he just said right there
jubilee jubilee jubilee
i love this is my favorite
you mean jewelry bro
yeah a jewelry julie
i thought you were like naming a marvel character some shit jubilee is that a postman
no you i mean i mean the yeah because i want to just say oh sorry i just want to say i love you
guys but i need to go grocery shopping it snows at seven in the morning i love you guys and we
i would like to talk misty on the nft project space about that and get some information how
we can do that happen because i love you bro
but think think about it guys what happened when we make it happen and in four years everything
pay out good for us because for you yeah because bro this year i made wait wait bro so this year
all right patrick i'm sold i'll be your i'll be your co-founder bro so funny so my first plan is
now know your nft nyc right can you control i want to meet you guys that you know me in personal too
uh i know uh i love you guys but um it's better when we meet uh in real life and we can talk about
that um then i sign some contracts at you that i don't fund your bags i just want to make money
for us this is like what a property manager do like making money for other people and uh yeah
grow his own and then buy his own property this is my plan but when we can make it happen
with nfts that would be awesome i would like to see everyone get uh money and just can do what they
want and also don't forget when we can do this happen we don't need to work on one space right
we can just flew around the world and work then because it's a property management don't
need necessarily necessarily uh necessarily really yeah you got it the first time
like just do it like necessary um to be every day there on the property right so
we can build also workspace for people like facility manager and everything that's the point
so we can be entrepreneurs and this is like what i want like i'm sick and tired to work for other
people that's the reason why i open my own restaurant and why i do that now i pay like
almost one fee for this school just to learn how to manage properties and like i invest myself you
should do too and when you believe in other people's you can just fall down once and then
you learn take the lessons and that's the reason why i do that every time i i just want to say i
love you guys i will um talk to my my mentor on my school maybe he can teach me about on the
side way but i won't do that and this is my plan so i love you guys have a great night much love
thank you mister that i can talk today a lot i know i'm today not so funny because i have to
stop smoking weed a little bit uh but it's okay and yeah you're always funny thank you
and i just want to thank you a lot he gets so hyped over in his teagle i was just telling you
we love him um i do want to get to closing statements you guys and then you will pick
up again tomorrow um come on oh thumbs down yo i want to be an entrepreneur too like
i love his broken english i bet you we sound just as fucked up to him and if don't even get me
started on trying to learn german because i would sound ridiculous so um you know i'm sure it'd be
fucking hilarious um but he's good shit man i love hearing that guy talk he's one of my favorite
people in here and you do that pew pew pew he gets so hyped up man like yes that's the energy
we need in our lives man let's go um this one's here okay before closing statements whoa
let's wish her a happy birthday
now when that was party starts guys look at round two episode 100 did we send the stripper
midgets to her oh wait we weren't supposed to say anything i don't want to i think we've been stuck
in the 160s for a lot more than the 160s you know what i mean i don't want to i don't know
if you're just trying to see if anyone notices but i i think i don't want to tell you but i think
we're like what episode number 179 you know but you can just keep going through the 60s again
i thought we didn't do 160s no we've definitely done all 160s like twice
when i checked it said i've done 260 something um spaces already so you know what it's fine
we'll continue for 169 because i don't know i lost count and we have big money here too
all right can we sing a song when you direct home yes so unmute unmute unmute unmute
Patrick come back oh my gosh you guys there was actually i was hoping SMS was in here because
Brady if we stopped to take a picture and we were playing this baseball game like against each other
and we just stopped to take a picture with you know the kids and everything and this little guy
walked up to our freaking game midget yes it was midget i should have taken i just said i should
have taken a picture and sent it in the chat gosh dang it who was it i have no idea who it was but
some three foot midget oh i'm midget damn
i was gonna punt him
field goal it's good so my my old neighbor was a midget real sweetheart and you know it's cool
about midgets i'll be honest like not only could he get fucked up real easy like this kid could
like just like he was living the best life all the time like promise anyways he's his sneakers
like this dude could get all the sneakers cheap and like i was like damn bro oh my god what a lucky
little bastard for my kid's birthday he was like bro should i give him a pair of these jordan you
know because he had like all dope jordan's and shit and like he gets paid like to do all these
events i guess i mean it's kind of not so bad like i was like bro you live the good life
he'd like a boxing match for new year's and shit like dude's traveling and shit like bro he was a
come root for me you know what i mean and to be honest it's like the last little midget you'd
want to fuck with jana this midget give you a run for your money he's definitely gang banging too
he's one of them you know what i mean like it's kind of funny but he's like really about that
life you know what i mean like he'll try and like when i first met him you know what i mean he's
little fucking bitches dogging me through my fucking you know what i mean i'm at the pool and
shit this whole give me like dirty looks and then he came up to me he's like hey yo you smoke
you know what i mean like like as if he's like the size of juice i'm like yeah bro what's up
what's good you know what i mean then we smoked and became real tight but yeah it's funny because
you know it's you better crow you're gonna love this he had a mini ar like the fucking shit
yo i swear to god you've never liked him he was so funny about that shit because he'd
run around with like a little fucking rifle you know what i mean
all right patrick
pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew
that's how it sounded when that little dude shot
just I came just back for Alisa to sing happy birthday so what's going on now
because I have to go can we sing yeah you started mute unmute unmute everybody
unmute big money lava unmute unmute Gina Gina quit throwing up gang signs over
there it's happy birthday Gina she did change to the right one she did let me
know cuz it's hard to hear maybe she stepped away from her phone so I just
have when I leave the house I don't sing like on the street so guys I'm you
all right no three and we're all gonna sing happy birthday okay one two three
we love you
And we were about to close the space and then I saw your face I was like, oh
Perfect timing right? That's so awesome. Hope you and Brady had a good night. You deserve it
Yes, we did we were giving lots of financial advices just kidding not me
What's fine
It was a good space we did talk about NFTs
It wasn't as wild as you know our usual spaces, but it was it sure was a good space
It's always nice to hang out with everybody and just chitchat
Yeah, it was good and I'm glad you had fun, I'm glad you're enjoying your day
And I'm happy you made it. I'm excited you made it
Because we were waiting for you. I'm happy
Hopefully, they're not like waiting for me just go on there while we're in the car
But now but now but now I know why she wanted to leave so early
We love you and I hope it was amazing and I hope you have an amazing
beautiful lovely night when you get home and
We'll continue celebrating tomorrow when the rest of the family is around so they can also wish you a happy birthday
Totally thought about that one. I was like doing the title cuz the other day we were talking about, you know
number 169
And it landed on your birthday horny bastards
But thank you, thank you for joining us
Let's also welcome big money. We have not heard from big money yet
What's going on family? Yes
How's it going it's going good it's going good mamas I'm doing good I'm glad I'm home
Talking to people that I genuinely care for and love
It's crazy how this shit works out bro. How motherfuckers in real life to have access to me every day
They fumbled me bro. They fumbled me, you know I'm saying
That's because they don't know much about me, but I barely talked to anybody
You know me and so
Definitely definitely feels good to be here
So let's fucking go
For that bro
Everybody be fading everything I'd be doing here and I've been trying to put people on for so long and then I stopped
I was like, you know what?
I post very minimal shit and I'd be always like probably nothing and like no one cares
No one wants to know but one day they're gonna be like damn. What the fuck you're this person
Yeah, you see I was building this whole time fucking shit posting on Instagram out here causing a menace
How come every time I turn my mic on you want to cry because hash brown doesn't want to play with you. Oh
This dog you were just sleeping go back to bed kid
Anyways, since I was so rudely
interrupted from stormy storms
Yeah, bro. It's crazy like you know your friends and family people you've known for years
They just fade the hell out of what you're doing
You know what that happens a lot bro
like I remember growing up seeing people like release music or or
Like make a clothing line or something like that like no one fucking cares, bro
And I just thought like how is that possible? Like y'all don't want to support your friends
You know what I'm saying me. I love seeing everyone win like friends foes
I don't really care like your success in being successful
If I don't really fuck with you isn't gonna hinder me in my road
Any you know, like if anything good for you, like you made it out the mud, bro
Like go get it
You know what I'm saying and then like I just never understood that aspect
like you don't like seeing people win and it's just like when you came here and you build a family community and
You're around a bunch of dope people who I think I think the difference is a lot of people here already won
Or are winning or want to succeed and understand the principle of supporting others
Like you get a lot of that like there's a lot of good morale ethic in these spaces for the most part
You know what I'm saying?
When it when it comes to like community members and shit like that
And I feel like that was the biggest leap and biggest change into everything for me was being surrounded by
Essentially people that are already doing well
Whereas like I guess if you're you're surrounded by people that are still struggling or this and that like
They might look at it like your wins is bragging when you're really just excited
You know what I'm saying, bro
And there's a quote that I always stick to me real close was always, you know surround yourself
With with a bunch of millionaires you could potentially learn to be the next one you surround yourself a bunch of bombs
And you'll be eating off the floor with them, which is fine
I eat off the floor with with somebody regardless if they're homey or something
But you know the concept and the point behind it
And I started hanging around all these people that were winners
and then I started changing my mentality a lot of that shit and
You know like your your small wins to people that are already doing well and successful
they don't look at it as bragging and so like I think that's the difference, you know what I'm saying and
You know they support that and now here I am with a with a sponge because I'm a sponge in these spaces
I pay attention and observe always from the sidelines and I listen and it's like I've learned so much
about so much I didn't understand and didn't know and it's just like it's changed my life really forever and
You know, I just can't wait to see where we go in the next couple years
And I think Patrick's got it on on the hit the nail on the head
Like why don't we just create some dope project where we could all like essentially just be making money
accumulating it over the times yearly and or monthly or whatever it may be and
Do some really cool shit with some investments like that
And then that way we could do whatever we want with the rest of our lives
Like I just think that's a really smart way to go about things
And you know, I'm just appreciative that I've met a bunch of cool people like this to help teach me to be you know
Smarter and and you know, like put me on game and shit like that
So like I'm just appreciative of that and then I found dope people to do music with which I never thought I'd find
In my city. Um, so there's that also so I'm really excited that I found this place and I try to put people on it
I try to explain to people like the massive networking opportunities the music you could do here the people you could look you could meet
People not gonna understand like that's why you got to watch you you tell your success too
Because like you said people will take it the wrong way because they don't understand
So like you do have to watch who you tell your success to
And it sucks bro, cuz it's just like people that I think these spaces change lives
You don't even have to make money to come in here and have a better life
Like some people come in here for the community and it like some people might be alone like I'm a loner bro
But I like my solitude like I separated myself from a whole lifestyle and people that would constantly get me in trouble and like me
Well getting myself into trouble being surrounded in the same people's but it's just like, you know
Like I'm content with being alone
But like it's nice to have people to come around and talk to and chop it up because if I didn't I just be sitting here
Staring at these walls not really talking to anybody just doing music and we're doing whatever on my own
But it's refreshing to have that and I think like that really helps people's mental health
I think like the biggest part is a mental health take on these spaces which people don't even realize it's happening
But like I think just being able to come here and feel accepted or wanted
And and appreciated by people where it's just like IRL. You're not feeling that it's just like I think that's it
That's a game changer right there because it really it changes your momentum and your movement to
Feeling down about yourself and and no one really cares and type mentality to there's actually people out there that care
And it's crazy that you have strangers clapping for you more than people that you knew your whole life
And that's kind of why I stepped away and started sharing less and telling people less about what I'm doing and who I am
Out here until one day they find out boom like damn Krober's fucking out here really doing some dope shit
I'd be like yeah, ho you faded me so whatever, but I'm not a hater
So here's that ladder and let me help you up because that's what I'm about just because you faded it long time ago
Doesn't mean I'm gonna gate keep you from it like so you took a long time to realize what was going on over here
And now I know a bunch of shit, and I could help you
Here's the ladder. Let me pass it down to you
And let me give you a hand up here so we could learn and build togethers though, and that's my goal
I love that. Go ahead Gina. Oh
I'm so sorry. I'm so so so so sorry Krober
I know you are having a whole conversation right now, but I just put in my other air product
Okay, I am using my last one now, so I just want to say happy birthday to Alyssa again. Happy birthday
I love you. Hope you had some fun. I couldn't really hear anything
I don't know what was going on my phone was glitching it was just a big a mess right now
But um we have back in order. I have a little bit of percentage on my phone, so I think I think that's what it was
Everything was just dying on me. I want time
My happy birthday
Love you, okay, go ahead
Exactly like that's not even that much I have been I
Was gonna say Krober like what I feel like I've learned in this space is
Like I want to be around people that are like minded like me and for person for most like
positive and
We all know that there's like you know shit that happens like
within the space
And I found myself like surrounding myself around people that are focusing on those things
Focusing on just making you know making myself better
and it's hard sometimes because I care about a lot of people in the space and
I appreciate like every friendship that I've made, but you want to just like you know no matter what like
Bring yourself up and be around
People that are going to help you grow in a positive way and not like putting extra stress on yourself
Yeah, and I never had that me personally
I don't know about some of y'all but I've never had that like a lot of people that cared and
people that wanted to see you do well and help put you in some more like my thing is the knowledge bro like I
Fucking feed off of all you guys and your your takes and your your outputs and your opinions on things because
That's how I learn you know I love talking I talked to random people shit
I'll talk to a random old lady on the bus stop like I don't care
I'll still shiller my NFTs after we're done talking
But it's just like those are my favorite people to speak to is the elderly because they have so much wisdom and knowledge
And I want to know what they know you know what I'm saying like and I and I acquire that not calling y'all a bunch
of old ladies
I'm just saying like I acquire so much knowledge in these spaces, and it's it's elevated my mindset my goals and
My my well-being and my strive for success so much more than than it was before I even entered web3 because I never used to think
A lot of the things like I do now and it makes me want to one stay out of trouble
Continue to grind harder and just like better myself for a better few
I see a better future for myself because I entered this space whereas like before I didn't know what I was doing
You know I'm stuck in a crazy toxic relationship
I hurt my hand in a plumbing accident
I can't even find a job still because it's like my record holds me back
But it's just like this place gives me hope where it's like outside of this there was none and and that hope is enough
To keep me going so it's just like I'm excited to see what happens
And I'm super stoked that I met all you guys man for reals
Because with I don't know what I would do without without y'all like I know I went through my shit a little while
ago after my breakup, and I went on a crazy binge and doing shit. I shouldn't have been and
I just kept thinking to myself like I got to get back to these people man these people gave a fuck like these these people
Were my people's and I held you guys always through my thoughts
And I was just like I got to get back there
But I couldn't I couldn't come back to spaces when I'm all fucked up and so like I just like
Snapped out of it looked at myself in the mirror and said this ain't you bro like dummy up
And then I did it I just cut everything cold turkey and fuck
I just been feeling so much better all the water
I don't even drink pop or juice anymore either quit smoking weed. I can't believe that no cigarettes
I just been fucking going ham on everything man and
Looking towards building my first music project and doing some cool shit with the homie Dettos down there, man
He's gonna be my artist. I think so
He's a really dope dude down there if you guys don't know he's part of the old-school hip-hop group the rascals that were around
And he's part of them so shout out to him and his click right there
But yeah, man, just like I don't know you guys hear me saying it might sound like a repeat broken record
But you know to people like me people like you are worth everything and I cherish the people that I've met here
So thank you guys
What Krover just said cuz I don't know how long your breakup was bro, but my shit that motherfucker sucker punched me
Like I really thought I was gonna grow old with this lady
You know I'm saying then and it just came out of nowhere, bro
So I I left you know, I mean in my first night, bro. My first night
I just I hopped on the big space, you know I'm saying I just told my family there
I was like I didn't tell them what the problem was but I was like, yeah guys
It's not a good day
You know my voice didn't sound chirpy and happy as always and I was like, yeah, and then they knew it
I got hella DMS, you know I'm saying it's like all that's just therapeutic, bro
You know I mean is like I kept tuning in every day
You know I'm saying just listening because you go through all the emotions, bro
And that's one of the things that I like about this space the entertainment group
Because I've been here for a short while but you know, I'm out so far
I've experienced like all the fucking emotions like real in real life emotions, bro
You know me that proves that we're fucking human, you know, I mean
We've been through anger. We've been through happiness. We've been through sadness, you know, I'm saying
Anxiousness all that shit, bro. It's like
yeah, it's very therapeutic for me bro, and then over time, you know, you just
Yeah, that shit just goes away bro. You know me now. I'm happy as fuck. Let's fucking go bro. You know me like
No, I feel you bro
Like you expect that you I wanted to spend the rest of my life with one person like I don't need to be playing
The single and being single is fun
but it's just like I feel like I grew out of that after I found a relationship for the last seven years and then it's
Just like when I found some shit out it kind of hook it hate me like a ton of bricks, bro
And then I also left and I just took my dog
I wish I could have took my cats because I missed them every day
But I got stormy and if it wasn't for stormy and you guys shit, I probably wouldn't even be here right now
I'd be in a box or in the ground by now
But uh, yeah, man, like you guys saved lives. You guys probably don't even realize it but straight up
Exactly, bro. That's what I'm saying. Like you don't know
What people are watching and who's watching and listening?
You know I'm saying and that's in real life bro to people next to you
Somebody might be over listening to a conversation you're saying you might say something to somebody
You know and lately, you know
I'm sure you guys have seen these like these little hoodies that are on tick-tock
They say the front of the front of the hoodie says you are enough and the back of the hoodie says some shit like
You know dear person behind me. I'm glad you're still here some shit
In front of you, I love that hoodie. Yeah, bro
That's fucking that that shit's fucking dope as fuck bro and people and then not only are the people selling them, right?
But I've also seen the videos of people that have had people walk up to them
Crying and she like yo, you know, I've read your you know, I was behind you
You know I'm saying and I read in the people's followed them to their to their cars
From wherever they've seen it at and then be like yo, thank you for for for that
You know, like yo, that's dope and these motherfuckers it was Brian, you know
So you just never know what kind of an impact you make on somebody bro
Be honest, I wanted to take that idea and make clothes because I didn't know if that was just a saying
But how do you how do you trademark a saying like that?
So I felt like anyone could do that
But if it wasn't like a major big company, I wanted to take that or either revamp the wording
So it's similar and that's that was like the one of the first clothing's that I wanted to create and do in web 3
But like also marketed to people on web 2 because I think that was a really dope concept
I saw that months ago on Instagram and I saved the picture somewhere
But I thought wow, what a fucking awesome hoodie like to walk behind somebody and say
I didn't just burn my thumb on oatmeal in the microwave. Oh my god. Oh
Fuck I'm an idiot anyways, yeah
Want to I want to say something we have been doing this for a hundred and sixty nine episodes
we've all
You know, we've all seen each other go through stuff, you know life happens every day nobody's perfect and I like that nobody here judges
You know from whoever is around
You know the loyal people the you know our family whoever is here
One person that I have seen and I have said this before and I will always say it
Krover grow and heal from what he was going through
Makes me so happy
It makes me happy to be a part of that journey
Because I remember when he was going through it
You know, we had our spaces and that's when we used to do a lot of like questions and like
And he would come in here every day and he would vent and I remember one time. I'm sorry, Krover
I hope you don't mind one time. It's okay me and he's like do you have a space? I need to vent like
He was just like going through it. I legit cried
That like what we're doing here is so like
impactful like he
He wanted to talk to us like that legitimate freaking I was driving too. I was driving and I started crying
I was like, oh my god
I need to do a space right now because we need to talk to Krover
I don't know. It's like family. Um
I myself I don't really open up too much
With like irl friends. I've said this before like the friends. I'm not friends the family here
You all know more about me than my irl friends like i'm not one to open up but
It just I don't even know how it happened, but it happened and I i'm glad it happened because now we're all so much closer
But I am so proud of Krover
I am so so so so proud of him. I tell him, you know any chance I get I'll tell him
Seeing where he was and where he is now is just amazing
Thank you miss tee you almost made me cry fuck some emotional wreck or any so it's like damn
But it's true man. Like
Like I said earlier you guys don't even realize you guys be saving lives and it's just like
Like there is a couple times during that moment where I almost wanted to end it all
And I didn't because I realized that I had still people that cared and you're right
Like I don't have even all my old friends that I used to mess with like they all know the struggle
I went through my whole life, but like I don't talk to them on a daily basis
I don't ever talk to them like this. I can't go to them with my problems
A lot of them are growing through their own shit. So why bug them with my own shit, but it's just like people here
It's a different story and it reminds me of like your gamer friends. If any of you guys were gamers like
Growing up like being able to play online games with people. It was like that sort of relationship
I think but on a larger scale like
You were just really close and tight with some of the people you played games with and you'd be able to tell them anything
And no one judged no one cared people wanted to see you do well
They were there for your well-being and your mental health where it's like a lot of irl people
It's like I don't know man
Like it might just be where I come from and and the way I was coming up
But you know a lot of people don't give a shit like that man
And it's nice to find people that fucking care because
As broken as busted as this is and how much I want to be an asshole at times. I still have a heart
I think you know, I found it and it's like, you know, it helps to be around people that are like this that fucking care and
That goes a long way. I think for a lot of people
so anyways, i'm gonna eat my oatmeal and shut up and my peanut butter and jam toast sandwiches and
Dip it in my milk here because i'm still ghetto like that. But anyway
Said this the other day, uh, I know miss tea was in the space
a few others possibly but
Very very similar to what you just said krover what we've been just saying for like the last 15 minutes here. Uh
The thing I like about this space bro, uh is that it's not all about crypto
Even though that we're all in crypto
You know i'm saying like I notice that most of the shit is just us chopping it up
You know i'm saying and greg's in the room
Busting balls and you know what I mean?
And then and then an expansion goes with sms and the other people jews that be holding their own spaces and shit
You too krover, you know i'm saying like it's
And all you guys like this is like a hub, you know what i'm saying? And then this hub
Like I said, we don't really talk all crypto even though we're all into it
It's not I would say maybe like a 30 40 percent crypto talk. The rest is just like bro and what's poppin?
And that's what I appreciate from this space
Which is why?
Uh, I decided when I went when I opened up my my pass the sauce page
You know, that's when I figured it out that night because I was like I was looking for a space to join
And I I wanted to be like the only nft in a space
So I was like I didn't want nobody else in that space to
Talk about crypto, but I just wanted to be there
And and I found this crazy ass space bro. What motherfuckers just talking shit to each other. There's gay people
There's a lot of beautiful black women on there, but it's a predominantly black space
And some of you guys joined it the other night
um to me all that shit's funny man, but
I appreciate that. You know what I'm saying? Like for me, it doesn't I don't always want it to be about crypto
You know what I'm saying? That's just me personally
Um, and that's what I appreciate about this space
Thank you
obviously, we're all you know on here for that reason but
Want I wanted to get close to people like I am the tie
I ask a lot of questions like even irl like so i'm a very visual person
I have always been anything I read I hear people talk, right?
I like it's like a movie playing in my head
Like and if there's like a part that doesn't make sense or you know
And I have to ask questions until I can see that the whole like movie plane, right?
It's it's a brain thing, you know, that's just how my brain works. If I can't picture it
I won't understand it
So, um, I naturally ask a lot of questions not because i'm nosy, but that's just how my brain works
And I like to get to know people
Um, because you know, it's web 3 you don't know who anybody is
Hiding behind a pfp, especially if they're not dogs
And what better way to to build and make connections?
Actually getting to know people right like right now. I know all of you if any of you decided to do a project i'm in
I don't care what the project is. I'll I'll support because I know
Who you are how you are? I know what you're about what your goals are what your intentions are, right?
Plus, you know, it's the market was was down. Like what are we gonna talk about? Let's talk about the biggest rug
No, I don't care, you know
Let's talk about you know us let's build let's become
You know stronger together
and you know
Maybe just like how patrick had an idea today. We can all have an idea we can all build something together
If we don't build together you build I know you are and I know you're not gonna rub my ass because I know who you are
right, you're not a stranger
that was my
that was my
my my goal, um, I
we did a lot of like
Mindset and like
you know, um
A lot of positive talking type of spaces
Which obviously led to a lot of venting and that's that's how that's how we became who we are
Like if people come into our spaces, sometimes they might be like what the heck is wrong with them because
We're bigger we talk shit, but we're family
We're like literally like family like talking shit to each other, but it's not love, you know
Um, there's nothing fake here. There's no fakeness. No one's
Fake with anyone. Oh, I hope not. I don't see that, you know
And I love that and I want more people to come in here and get to know us for who we are
Connect with us and that is how you grow that is how you build
True real connections and you know and you you go from there. Whatever it is that you know people do
You know you have a community behind you that's going to support you because they know who you are
You're not a stranger
Plus it helps
people heal like
So many people
Have a hard time, you know opening up
Um, i'm the same way. I have such a hard time
Opening up about you know, whatever i'm going through
It really really like
It is so hard for me to open up. I can talk about my past because I've you know healed from it. I've
Grown from it. So I it's a little easier for me to talk about my past but my current situation
I still struggle. I struggle with it every day. I
Have a hard time talking about it
You know, there's certain people in my life that you know
It's easier for me to just like open up and vent to them and talk to them
But that's another reason why I did this, you know, some people don't have
The support system irl or the friendships or maybe they have the same issue
I have right like opening up but here you don't know who anybody is. It's like going to therapy
You're not being judged
Right. So it was a little easier for people to open up and
I'm i'm grateful. I'm so grateful that people felt comfortable enough with us to open up and share their stories
Because you never know how your story is going to help someone else, right?
And I want to continue doing that and um, you know, i'm not going to stop
I know we have a lot of silly spaces, but I do want to you know, bring back those, you know
The questions where people can talk about their life or whatever they're struggling with or whatever's on their mind
whatever's bugging them
because that's how we
I am gonna say we because I know a few people have reached out to me, but that's how we've healed
You know, we were there for one another
And I want to continue doing that, you know, and anybody's welcome to join us. We're here
We're gonna listen
You know, we're not fake. We're not gonna give bad advice and you know, sometimes people not might not be able to give you advice
But just having people listen to you
Really helps too, you know
And if people don't feel comfortable to come up and talk
Dms are always open. I'm always there to listen
You know again, if I can't give the best advice I will you know, i'll listen so
Don't want to see people get hurt
I have gone through depression and a lot of like, you know, we all most of you already know my my past a lot
And I went through it alone
And it's because of me that I went through it at once because I pushed everybody away because i'm not the type to talk, right?
I want to be able to help someone. Um, I don't want to see people go down
the wrong path or
you know the
Dark days that a lot of us have you know in the past so let's all heal
Let's all help each other if someone needs help with something
You know if it's a guy who needs advice from another guy, you know
You know you have your your family here
You can message this person and be like hey bro, this this this happen
You know that friend's not gonna give you shitty advice because you guys, you know, we're family we're friends we're
We're family and you know
Vice versa. I I just I love what we've built and i'm so grateful
And um, you know i'm here for the long run and i'm gonna continue
pushing and welcoming
Anybody who you know wants to be here with us
Um bearman, I haven't seen bearman in a while not sure if he can come up
But yeah, I I I like that, you know, we talk about life
Because in this space, you know, like all the spaces you join is just talking about you know
And the market and this and that but you don't usually get to
Join spaces where people talk about life, you know, there's spaces that you join. Everybody's just smoking weed
It's like a weed smoking space you join spaces. It's yeah tag me in all those
Um, I haven't really seen some lately, but there's a there's a lot, you know
There's a space for for all that
But if I do see one i'll definitely tag you
Go ahead. Uh
Yeah, man spaces spaces opens people up
And and breaks gets them out of their shells
Uh, definitely what you were saying I've seen at least 50 people
Um in the bid apes community
You know go from just being a listener into one day like hosting spaces and actually leading the community
Um at different times, you know, i've been there since february
And these guys have been there and and there's like and their story is you know
I've never done spaces before I was always shy blah blah blah, you know
And i'm like i'm telling you and not only that
But they've gone on to do their own things and they're very successful at their projects nowadays a few of us have
Invested and fought and follow these guys still
Um, so yeah, and and it all happens on on one of these things, yo
All that shit happens on one of these things somebody comes in as a listener new to twitter
Possibly it's like yo, I want to learn about cryptocurrencies, right? You know me and
Or whatever the case is, you know, I mean because you can just fucking space hop
If you don't like when they're talking about this one, it's too boring move on, bro
You know me like I like to hear people like bark, you know, a lot of people don't agree with bark and uh,
What's the other guy? Uh
Books barking books bro, you know what i'm saying?
And they got mochi and shit on them like at one point. I thought these guys were all scammers and shit
You know what I mean? And they very well may have been and are
But i'm gonna tell you what like i've been in these guys spaces for like the last three months
I would say maybe four months
Not actually longer than that. I've been i've been hanging out on these guys
There was a time where I put a red question mark behind my name
and people were like
People were like i'm following me and shit in the bid eggs community. I was like yo, that's fucking lame
You know what I mean? That's just over that but real shit
I sit in these guys spaces bro, and they talk some real shit
these guys talk real shit bro and and and
Yeah, I just you know
Yeah, I don't invest in their products and shit like that not yet at least, you know what i'm saying?
But just listening to them tell their stories and talk about people and talk about situations
You know what i'm saying? Like these people are spitting real game, bro. And then when when the space is over
I get on there and you see 42 fucking thousand people till then
That's why they're most that's why they're most hated bro
Because like people like that speak truth and that truth affects other people's one bag making or cult community mindset
And like I get a lot of that same same grilling because i'm very vocal and honest with what I see wrong in spaces
but that takes away from people's bag making or
or the stagnant position of where we're at in certain aspects of the blockchain and in ideologies of
Of how music nfts or how these nfts might work and i'm very open and honest about that stuff because
Why not like people want to follow each other like sheep
Whereas like i'd rather just point out the elephant in the room and and that usually got me hated on
And like that's okay
But that's why I respect cats like that
Some of them are scammy
Which is why like you got to be cautious on some of that stuff
But like you're right like books and and and alex and a lot of those guys
They just open space and speak fucking real shit
Like they're speaking their mind and and most of the time it's it's pretty on point
But like it's the people that you see that are hating on them that go against
The the status quo that they're trying to maintain
It's like as if this this whole point of this blockchain and the tech isn't to continuously evolve into where some are
Even greater and better than where we're at today. Like I just never understood that
Um, but yeah, man, that's why a lot of those guys I feel in my own opinion
Get grilled a lot of the times it's because they speak they speak truth, bro. Like they speak some real shit
And I appreciate that and people like that
Um, because you know a lot of the times people are afraid to speak the truth in in in fear of
Looking bad to someone next to them or or being hated on because they can't like handle that
But like people hated me been trying to cancel me my whole life
knock on wood, but i'm still here and it's like i'm i'm never gonna like
like devalue or minimize the way I am in my mindset because it makes somebody else uncomfortable
Over a bag or or something like this
Like i'm always going to speak my mind because I got people that listen to me and people that like kind of follow what I do
And I don't like that
So like I got to be very cautious and careful with the way how I maneuver things
And so like I just try to be as blatantly open and honest as possible in hopes that like, you know
If something was ever confusing or or someone's ever looking at something a certain way
Um, they could see a different perspective. That's not the
The the the mainstream in I want to say mainstream as in like the mainstream crypto
Verse and crypto twitter their agenda like because there's usually a mainstream agenda
That's going on a lot of group chats on the back ends that push certain things
You see it and you spend enough time you'll be able to analyze and watch who's who kind of thing
Um, and it's just like I just don't want to be the person that misleads somebody so
Um, if if it gets me hated on but it you know
I get a lot of dms all the time of people like saying yo, man
Like thank you for speaking up on something that not a lot of people speak up on that's why I do it
Because there's people out there that get it
And some people might not and it might it might affect them something differently and I don't mean no malice or or ill intent on it
Um, but again, i'm just speaking my own opinion and sometimes that that messes up with people's
agendas, I guess but uh
Yeah, you gotta be careful out here
I'm gonna put this damn oculus on and go get stuck in the metaverse while listening to you guys before you
I'm gonna go spray paint some bridges or some trains and play population one and fucking pulling some noobs. Sorry
You're going the right way for smack bottom
Don't leave bro. Hold up. Uh
Okay, so I got an oculus one, but I got it in storage
My wife has that shit put up still so i'm just gonna buy myself another one
Um, is it still oculus two or is there an oculus? I think there's a meta quest three now
Which sucks because i'm like, oh my god
They're gonna make a new one a year for these stupid things like a goddamn cell phone like
Like I want the new one
But i'm not gonna i'm not gonna be able to sell this one and go buy the new one anytime
But nowadays this thing's fun as hell. Anyways, like there's a lot of really fun games on here
I just the only thing I don't agree with is the fact that um, the games are super expensive and a lot of them aren't
Like the best games
So like when you get to play a lot of the demos you realize like how silly some of these things are and you're like
Why would you spend 30 40 on this? This is ridiculous. This shit should be 10 bucks max
You know i'm saying like but that's the gaming thing now
It's all fucking bag making and extracting as much money as they can from the consumer
Which I get it you're a company you want to do something like that
Um, but the cool thing is is that if you buy a game and you don't like it right away
I think you get
24 to 48 hours
To actually get a full refund of that
Um, and then like you could just keep trying games out and if you don't like it
I don't know if it's 24 hours. It could be a couple hours. Actually, i'm not entirely sure
My buddy was doing that and that's how he found some good games
But I want to start streaming it because like I do
I have a lot of fun and just like just run around causing mayhem in
Population one's like a like a battle royale style game like an apex fortnite style
It's like a gun game
And you just like run around climb buildings with your hands like you're you jump off a building
You're flying with your arms though, and I just like do the most random funny shit
I can have it streamed to my laptop
I just don't know how to get it streamed from there to these spaces
And then be able to stream it from these spaces onto my tv like that
You guys could watch me do my graffiti and stuff like that. I think that'd be fun
I'm a dmu a link g that shows you how to do it. I got you, bro
Yeah, uh, don't be sending me no links i'm not clicking anything no i'm just kidding bro
Hey, if it is a random person
I know you're good shit, bro. Don't worry about it
No, but that is good advice for random people. Don't be uh, don't be clicking links if a random person opts on the space
Yeah, i'm gonna send you a link bro. Click it. Uh, that that's not one over. Yeah, it's crazy, bro
And like you could even get got on a picture someone sending you a picture
That's embedded with some bullshit on the back and you don't even know
Like my thing is is like just check every link no matter if it's from someone that you know
Or from someone like some random fucking link you need to click on on like instagram or facebook or some shit
Like I always copy paste it into like a norton web
Like norton has a good website scanner
And you could go to there and then you just like enter the website into
Like a website scan and then it usually like detects
Any sort of malicious intent behind it on a very good level stormy hash browns downstairs. Let the cat do its thing, bro
She always cries and it always happens when I turn my mic on because if I turn my mic off she's cool
And it's just like she wants the attention
She's like oh papa. You're talking me too. Listen to me
Listen to me
Well a little brat and she's looking at me with her head tilting a little bit like that cute thing dogs do
And i'm just like, ah, bro like heart melted but like you're still annoying, bro. Okay, so anyways, we'll let them talk. Okay, good
She's such a little brat
Um, I want to welcome bearman and the cwb
Um, let's go to bearman
What's up, miss t. Um, how are you and everybody i'm good
I haven't hung from work two o'clock in the morning
My last appointment was seven and a half hours
So that is long
I haven't even had dinner
It's two o'clock
Are you almost I got uh, no, I got about an hour, right?
Yeah, you know my casters is open bro
You gotta get it man. No, uh
Nowhere, I open to grab any dinner says got me a couple coffee and
I'm surprised to look in here and see jina's up
Same time zone as I am
She doesn't i'll be up for another i'll be up for another three hours probably
Yeah, I was gonna say jina stays up mad late with me and I haven't been doing my x-fall species because i've been like
Just doing my other shit
Um, but it's like damn
Uh, jina don't sleep. She's like sj. Where's sj? Of course sj is down here. She's gonna come up and be like, okay guys
Um, i'm gonna go to sleep now. G-n-g-n and then fucking five minutes later. I see her another space
And we get everything
I'm like, oh you lying
You lying
I love you again. No rest
I don't know how they do it. Um
I stayed up late for a couple days over the weekend and I am just messed up. I've been sleepy all day
I don't know how I woke up today for work. I don't know how
It's patrick patrick too. He stays up late. I keep you all props because holy crap
I don't know how you do it
Welcome back back
Um, let's also say hi to dcwb
I was dead. I was waiting for somebody to say
No, what's up family? It's funny because I don't stay up late either
The only reason y'all be thinking i'll be up late sometimes because i'm on the west coast so that west coast time be saving my eyes
But nah just wanted to pop back in say what's up
I took a little break in spaces for a week had caught covet and that shit was whipping my ass like I felt like mike tyson was
Punching me in my head for hours
When I had it, I thought I got hit by a train like I could not even walk
I had to like hold on to the walls to like walk to the restroom and sneezing
Oh my god, it was my worst enemy. I would cry like a baby because my body ache
So like I kept putting myself into this horrible cycle that I knew wasn't good for myself
But like i'm not gonna lie
I have an addiction. I like to smoke. I like smoking weed
I'll call it an addiction, but it's to the point where like every time I would
Think I was feeling. Okay, i'd be like, all right
Let me go outside try to smoke and then I would fuck my whole throat up
My head would be banging again and then i'd have to lay down for another hour and then i'd be like
Oh, no, I feel better. I'm okay now and I go outside and try to smoke
It was just a vicious cycle. So I probably just made it 10 times worse
But you know, it is what it is
But we got to connect miss tea
Definitely I have not forgotten. Um, I was kind of um,
I was away for a couple days. So I wasn't as active
Um, you know twitter I tried to be because I don't like going mia
But I will definitely reach out. Um, I know greg's busy
He had his um, baby
Well, definitely will definitely connect. I know we have to reach out to mason
Reach out to you
charles a couple people so
We will give us
No rush it like I said, like we talked in the back channels a little bit
There's no rush on it right now
But on some other news we do got another little collection that we're working on
So something for the community if you guys want to get some artwork in on it or get any music in on it
Let me know. Uh, we're adding submissions. It's going to be a little collectibles for the metaverse
So if you rock in spatial, then you'll have some decorative stuff to put up but just a little thing we're working on
Feel free to pin anything
Not anything but you know what I mean
Sometimes i'm like, okay, I shouldn't say that because I don't want people posting like really weird stuff but
Post um, you can pin whatever whatever. Um, you'd like
Because you're a family and I trust you go ahead john
I decided i'm dropping an nfc project me and patrick
I'm gonna make music. I'm gonna beat box
uh crow verse
crow crow
Hello crow
Well, bro, how mean I need you to cosign on this
We're gonna make a beatboxing collection
And every nfc is gonna have a different beat
And then crower's gonna come in there and rap on crow verse
5000 nine thousand
Yo, yo, so
Um, alissa, I just want you to know that they tried to all bail out of here like mister
He was like yeah closing statements and everyone was throwing thumbs up and shit and like
It was like all bad like until you came we were done
You could have stuck a fork in this shit. It was over
Gina threw in the towel. She wasn't even responding no more
I mean, thank god you came back bare man
Bearman they confuse us today, bro. I hope
Unless they're just calling me johnny bear
I don't know miss you carve my name. Was that greg? Call me johnny bear because then i'm gonna have to worry
Where did you call me man?
Oh, see, you don't even remember you carved my name or he carved my name him writing. I was saying names
He was holding on. Where's johnny bear?
That's what i'm saying. Who's johnny bear?
I want to know who's johnny bear. I'm hoping you're like bear
No, no, no, it says johnny bear
Does that say bear man? Like he did write out his full full like username. He put bear
Hey, bro. Are you offended because I am I don't know if they rubbed us together they called me bear
I'm thinking that maybe maybe they thought you were teddy's brother, you know teddy bear
But what about you bro? What about your name?
I'm good, man. I'm too tired to get upset right now. No, it can't be all about me on this table. Johnny bear
We didn't see like simply jina
We didn't say clover 9000
And then bear bear man. I don't know why he didn't write his book. I think because there's probably not enough room
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I almost forgot to tell you guys it's entertain me
episode 169 for the 169th time. Um
Anyways, so last night. Okay, listen to this weird shit. I go to the bar
Take a friend me and her
She is not the strip club type girl, which is great. I love this right? It starts off great
No, listen, this gets interesting
We're sitting at the bar
You know johnny i'm like, all right. We just worked out time for some tacos some mozzarella sticks
I don't know. Get this shit cracking. Gina. This shit was cracking. It came through. Yes. Listen, so
Needless to say there's a gentleman young tall skinny
Tall gentleman black gentleman dressed very nicely. Um smoking cigarettes. Very weird lucky strikes
No, big deal catches my eye. He looks at me
Give him the nod and I see all right cool, you know, like normal cool guy shit. Cool. All right. No beef
Here we are i'm chewing on my taco
enjoying life
Laughing thinking everything's great want two shots tequila deep this gentleman walked over to me
And he's like hey, bro
I'm like, hey
and he says
Do you want to go to the strip club later? Now listen to me guys. Nothing on me said strip club
There was not strip club on my shirt. It was not wearing a brand that says anything
There's no way this guy could have known this right? So she's looking at me like
You gotta be kidding me. Like what what the fuck is going? Okay. No, because she's all right. So
Her dad and my dad like know each other they like work, you know what I mean?
Like a strip club family. All right, so she knows about strip clubs, but she don't like strip clubs, right?
So now she's giving me this dirty like weird look and i'm like and then he goes
Hey girl, you better just take care of him
He's handsome
Now listen to me. I don't know what the fuck I choke. I choked on my fucking taco
I don't know if this was like like
What the fuck happened to me last night? Okay, because I don't know if I got hit on by a man
I don't know if he invited me to a strip club to go to like
I don't know if he was trying to hit on her or if he was trying to see if we were together it was the
most fucking awkward
Okay, this guy's didn't know this young man is smoking lucky strikes
One after another
Like this
Okay, lucky strikes the cheapest fucking cigarettes are and then he proceeds to say some weird ass shit
To her as he's walking away. We gotta know if I want to fight him choke on my taco
I was so confused
but um, I thought I would share that because
I don't know what the fuck like
Yeah, johnny, where are you from again, bro?
See, this is the problem, bro
Because now i'm listening to the babe of the city and you're gonna be like, oh well, that's why no that ain't why okay
I'm when you say west hollywood, bro
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, i'm in vegas
But i'm not even near a strip club. I'm like 15 miles away from the strip club
Not one in sight i'm not wearing a t-shirt from the strip club you would know no
Like I thought because it was a split incident before he said the handsome thing the weird
It was the weirdest shit i've ever fucking had like i've never I don't know if i've ever
Like I don't know. I still can't process what the fuck. He said that for like i'm still thinking we're cool
We were going to the strip club, but
Yeah, johnny got fucked up last night. Okay, and it's very confusing to me
Why he would invite me to a strip club?
Um, I don't have like all right. It's fun and games. All right, that's the most things
I went to the strip club every day, but why would this random guy?
Come up to me at a bar in the middle of eating my taco like literally chewing my taco
Gino, gino. These are the best fucking tacos. It was tuesday. Okay tequila and tacos. That's all I asked worked out all day. Um
And who smokes lucky strikes like a straight mass murderer
Maybe he's seen you at the strip club
And like he didn't even look at her was weird as fuck he was like, yeah, let's go
You know what I mean? Like as if she wasn't there like it made me uncomfortable
It sounds like you need an adult i'm not even gonna lie
Yo, I thought maybe he's like a young kid and it was like first time in the bar
Maybe i'm like, you know what I mean? Like what the fuck who smokes lucky strikes like that
Like definitely mass murderer red flag. It's like
Yeah, bro, you're at the bar by yourself smoking lucky
Yeah, you definitely got it bad, but i'm not going to the strip club and i'm definitely I don't know
I don't know but being called handsome
By a man is the last thing he's saying smoking lucky strikes in a bar while i'm with a girl was definitely an awkward
I don't know. I don't I don't I don't really know how to process that. This generation is a little bit different
You know what I mean? But for me
Like I was more uncomfortable than her
I swear to god, I don't like I didn't know if I was getting invited
Like it was like we were friends where he was like i'm handsome like
Were you like what kind of strip club is he talking about?
That's that was the first thing that started going through my head, right? Because there's two types of strip clubs, right?
Right. Gina. Gina, you know about some other strip clubs, you know
Yo, johnny
Bear i'm fucked up, bro. They call me johnny bear today. I don't even know what the heck you're talking about right now, johnny
Like what's to come down to?
Do not insert me into your recording right now bro, like where did that even go?
We're deleting this space. You already said that's the only kind of candy that I like to eat
Is the one the laffy taffy yet?
And some giggles and chocolate and um, and yeah candy
So, what's the johnny bear route?
I told you in your name and bear man's name next to each other
You can blame greek because he was the one writing it and I don't know why he would bear and not bear man
But bear is bear johnny's johnny. You guys are next to each other. Just like how right now you're like next to each other
Go ahead bear man. He had something to say
Yeah, johnny, that shit you were just describing sounds like the beginning of um
The next fucking um
The hell is that damn movie? I've forgotten
Silence of the lambs movie
You know, yeah, but I didn't know if I was the killer for sounding like
Yes, call it your handsome and shit and next thing you know to make it a skin jacket out of your ass
Yeah, I was thinking that too
But then I was seeing the lucky sharks
I'm like i'm definitely gonna kill him first like this guy's got no chance
You came in here with like you gave up the red flag, bro
Like it's pvp in this bitch
You know what I mean? Like I was looking at him like what the fuck is going on?
And when he walked away and said that I don't think i've ever been more
Mortified in my mind like I couldn't even like what was I supposed to call him?
What he's like turned his back and said like what the fuck kind of antagonist world?
And then I started looking up remember. What's your name said about the moon starfish was talking about I start thinking about that shit
What the fuck is going on? Is this a simulation?
And I said that to my my friend and she said this is definitely a simulation and I was like, okay
All right, cool. Can I have another shot?
You know what I mean? And then what's even more weird is i'm gambling
And the fucking bartender charges me for the shot. I'm thinking in my head like
What the fuck kind of tv show, you know what I mean?
Like this is supposed to be free. I'm getting fucking battered at your bar. I'm getting attacked
I don't know if he's baiting me into like some fucking
You know what I mean? Like it almost felt like a tiktok commercial like like see your reaction type of shit
You know what I mean? I don't know. I'm sorry guys. The johnny bear really fucked me up. I see
Just won't let you know
Thank you
I like that. Thank you at the end
I apologize that greg
His writing fdu up it's it's yeah, it's johnny and bear bearman
Um, I don't know. I just think maybe he's seen you at a strip club before and he's like, hey, you know
You want to hang out or maybe he just you know, we thought, you know, you were handsome ever seen him
Ever seen a mistake. I remember this guy. They had big white teeth
You know what I mean?
You would definitely remember the cigarettes right like this guy was chain smoking lucky strikes
And he wasn't just changed
He was doing like the fucking full
You know when you hold it like a like a joint like a big circle and then the cigarettes at the like in the circle
Like like you've never smoked a cigarette before you look like a total fucking goofball
Like you know what I mean? Like he was smoking like that like normal
And he had three shot
Yeah, you i'm telling you patrick
This sounds kind of traumatizing for you last night
For real these pistachios
I love pistachios
Who even cares man, um, I learned that compliment my ID will return from the angels
Don't tell him
Scary sounds like one of those like, you know how I watch a lot of trick. I am
I'm, sorry
But it kind of sounds like one of those like serial killers trying to take you
And you know, there there's been a lot of serial killers that would attack men
Let's see. Yeah
Remember my steering wheel mistake
Remember what remember what's under the steering wheel?
Bang bang remember that thing. Oh
Hidden app and johnny. I tell you that much. I motherfucker get a big pleasant
early surprise
He might have to drop on because when he fucking came over and like said some weird shit
I was like in my mind thinking we were like maybe he's being friendly, you know, johnny
We're friendly guy
I mean you want to go to strip club. All right, cool. You offended the girl with all right. That's not really cool
Thanks, bro. Have a good night
I'm handsome. Whoa, I guess. I don't know like what did you say that about the girl?
What'd you actually do johnny when he did that
Say anything
Okay, you're not hearing me. I don't think he can hear you alissa. Can you hear alissa johnny? No. Hi alissa. I'm sorry
Okay, you drop down and i'll bring you back up
Uh, but did she put shot down?
Both of you that was I recorded that you both shot down at the same time and landed like next to each other
That was cool
We went on a roller coaster
Oh my gosh, that was so funny
I was like, I think that's happened twice where I was talking and trying to talk to him. Can you hear me? No
Yes birthday girl. How are you? Happy birthday. How's your day? What are you doing? Oh my gosh, it's been so good
I was just curious though. What did you actually do when he said that like
Like what it was your reaction my jaw something back to him
He said like he literally turned and said it like I like I like I like I
I couldn't even fucking tell you
That my jaw like I couldn't even believe like there was like
What did he say when he turned around?
Take care of him because he's handsome. It was the weirdest fucking thing i've ever heard someone tell a girl that i'm with
Like I literally call her right now put her on the phone because this shit don't make no sense
Like okay. Well, he was probably you know, um into him. No, that was not fucking
Would you have preferred you just hit on her directly? Hell
Yeah, because when he first said it I said
He's got to be just seeing like if we're like if you're single
Or if you'd like give him some eye contact or something in no way. This guy just walked up to us and like
Technically invited a couple but just the guy to a strip club like that
You just don't do that like i'm from vegas. I get it like misty knows
I will definitely invite everyone to the strip club, but I will not walk up to jean and her husband and be like hey
You know, let's go to the strip club, bro
You know what I mean? Don't worry. Hey, jean. Take care of him. He's handsome like what the fuck the disguise
Live it's like oh god. No, no, no, I I process my jaw dropped. Um,
Johnny, there's people that are into that, you know, no, I don't know that misty. I am from 1985
I I was born like i'm a 90s baby. Okay, we
Got a 90s baby. Yeah, it was. Fuck. Yeah, it was. I was definitely running around the 90s like a little snotty nose
Like I was your problem in 90s. Like definitely did not want to know johnny in the 90s. Like it's definitely a problem
Telling you those things. Uh, some people are into things like that
And um, you know, he probably thought you were a good-looking man
I go to the bars
Okay, i've tried to figure this out in my head for before I brought this up to a room full of people
Okay, and I also discussed this with my friend that I was with and it clearly there was no
This makes no fucking sense. This is like simulation. This is like, you know, I mean like I think it was a serial killer
Who's attacking men? Hold on one second. I'm gonna say hi to tricky and I want to share this one story
Um, and then we can continue. Hi tricky. Sorry. You've been up here. We haven't said hi to you yet
It's tricky Buddha from defy space donkeys
Sponsored by sheba society and i'm feeling lit. How's everyone doing?
What's up, miss? What's uh, first of all, I have to say happy birthday. Alyssa. Did not know it was your birthday. I'm sorry
Send me your wallet. Uh, also
Send me your wallet
Uh, thank you. That's how you do it in web3
I mean, there's no other way there's no other way to do it
Uh, and I hope you're all following the lovely host and hostess and all these speakers on stage retweet in the room
What's up fam? How's everyone doing?
Appreciate you. All right. Good. We're good. Thank you for stopping by just hanging out talking about wallets. Um, alyssa charles sent you
I don't remember the name of the token but token usd
It's in the group chat he he wrote you a message in there but just so you know, it's not a scam it's from charles, um
just I just remembered so I wanted to
To let you know just in case but um, that was your birthday gift from charles
He was in here. Oh my goodness
That's so sweet
Happy birthday merpo was here. He wanted to wish you a happy birthday. He had to go
cook for his babies
I don't remember who else who else was here
But a couple people were were here to wish you a happy birthday
Going back to that so I watched a lot of true crime
Um, there's there was this one serial killer who would
He would target men he would invite them to his house
You know like different stuff games, whatever beer and he would kill them and one guy actually survived
He was able to run out from the the garage and that's how the person got caught
So, you know, you never know johnny
It's we live in a crazy world
It doesn't matter if you're a male female
I feel like um
This world is a scary place and you shouldn't you shouldn't be careful
I am not sure why
He did that either he was into you or some, you know, scary scary person
Go ahead. Patrick
So, uh, I am definitely scared too. Uh, you can
Uh, just think about I don't kill you. The only thing what I kill is
The food is left over on your plate
That's okay because we don't have food waste. Uh people are need
And yeah, uh, so
Definitely. I love you guys, but I have to sign off now because we breakfast now and I love you guys
Uh, take care. Go sleep. Uh, don't come with bullshit. And at least I have a great birthday
Uh, I love you guys. Uh, keep safe and we see later
Love you patrick
Bye patrick
Later patrick. Have a good night
Happy birthday miss alissa
Thank you bear man
I'll be happier when you get home and you're safe and resting
I'm good. I'm about, uh 20 minutes something like that
What happened to johnny
I hope he's okay. Now every time like johnny goes mia for like a day or two i'm gonna be like oh
I know I was just taking the same thing after that story
I do that every time now because i'm like, oh no, what did he get himself into more uses?
Trouble me
Sorry, that's usually why I can't unmute and all that other greatness like uh
It's 2 30 in the morning. You would think we would be in bad guys
Send help no i'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding
Anyway, you guys operate on pst. That's it. See it's okay. It's okay
It doesn't matter where you actually are your body. Just no i'm not pst
I'm not pst. I'm est
They're ptsd for
Gst and patsd
All the other greatness. Oh, yeah, there's that one
All because of cereal all because of fucking cereal when we were kids. Yeah, what kind of cereal all the fucking stereo
You know, you know, she's a box of fruit loops gee
Oh my god
Listen all the sugar they used to feed us with all that sugar and and all the whatever the heck else
They had in them cereals back in the day. They
Gina used to eat raw kool-aid packs all sour shit and raw ramen noodles with alted sauce. Just the noodles
Yeah, it's crunchy
Nah back in the day for a fact. I used to stay smacking back those cookie crisps
You couldn't tell me nothing about the cookie crisp, bro
Okay, but the thing is y'all in the states got all the cool munchies, bro. I seen I seen pictures with my own eyes
You guys got a million different cereal flavors
You guys get a hundred different arizona drink flavors. You guys get all the cool crispy creams and
Motherfucking joel louis's and whatever we got those but they're not even that killer
But it's like you guys get all the snacks and like in canada we get a whole three or
Three and a half flavors of arizona drinks. We get like four boxes of cereal. Those could some ingredients cause
Dance or whatever. Yeah, all of them. Fuck, but we're all gonna die anyways
I mean like the canada is not any different
We got all the fucked up chemicals in our food that are banned in australia and europe
So why not just give us, you know, all of the stuff
Listen, you know, what's crazy is they have labels like saying this is not good for you
This is from the u.s
Like in other countries like that's it is fucking crazy to me
And then I see all this where they compare like ingredients to some things like in other countries
And they have legit like real ass products in there and ours are just like words if you can't even pronounce and all that
Yeah, that's what you gotta do
That's not crazy sad that out of all the places crowbar's like
Uh, let's just give us what the u.s. Has just just give
Just well, they hook a brother up at a white castle at least
I'm dying to try those little mini bird on the country, man
The food in the united states
Yeah, it's yeah
You're really not missing out on anything, bro
Uh-oh, i'ma correct. Did he say that there's no crispy cream in canada? Yeah, you don't have that you're definitely fucking missing out
We've got twinkies and those things will survive the apocalypse
But we can't even have a white castle and an mf in fucking sonic or something because i'm dying to try their blue slushies
Uh, i'm i'm gonna make somebody mad with this statement. I just know I am but crispy cream is so
Made like crispy cream is average. I'm sorry
Go to little mom and pop donut shops. Oh my god. Those are fire. Oh my gosh
The gourmet donut shops are deadly, but they're mad taxed
But you go to those like gourmet donut shops man, holy smoke those things smacked
Yeah, like i'll take the mob and pop or pay 15 dollars for one donor from a gourmet before I go to crispy
Damn 15 bucks girl
Does it got crack in it?
There's a difference though, right if you get
A cold crispy cream donut. I could probably go with you on that
But a hot crispy cream donut off the lines a whole different fucking animal
It's hard to beat that buffer. I'm just starting to think
You know what? I really want y'all but I do like fresh donuts from mama pops too
I go to crispy cream whenever they have the themed ones for like holidays and all that stuff for my baby
Like can I have a giant slice of pizza from wherever you guys got those big ass slices of pizza bigger than my big head
It's so weird you guys are talking about crispy creams because I literally just said to brady
Um, we don't have any more. Let's go get some brady that I was like, oh my gosh
I haven't had a crispy cream donut in so long
It's just random that you guys are talking about crispy cream donuts. It's a donut
Yeah, crispy cream donuts
Oh, I had no idea. I thought it was like one of those like twinkie snacks was like a little
It's a whole place it's a whole place
Yeah, oh my god
And you order donuts that's the name of it's like the mcdonald's of donuts
So it's like the
Donut you ever had in your life you you eat one off the line and the bitch melts in your fucking mouth
You can't even we got we got tim horan. They got lots of donuts
Wait, what did you think it was a twinkie like a like a fried twinkie or something?
Like, you know those like little boxes and you get like eight of them in a fucking pack and they have like the clear wrapping
you open the wrapping it's like joe louis's and the flaky pastry cakes and and
Fucking twinkies and shit like that and the chocolate twinkies with the white fucking icing on the inside like that shit
That's what I thought it was
It's a whole ass franchise
Oh my god. Yeah, I got to get out of this igloo
I've been living in take this mask off. Maybe I could fucking see for once
Holy smog, I feel like we just blew bro's mind just now
So they got multiple donuts and snacks
Yep, they got a enduring holidays. They even decorate them with all different types of colors. That's when I go get them
See what we got tim horns up here in canada my favorite is boston creams
It's like a plain donut with a little chocolate topping and they got the the custard cream filling on the inside those things are fire
Yo, so like do you guys consider an apple fritter a donut?
I don't know but the apple blueberry fritters are fucking fire, bro
I ain't even gonna lie. You know what? Yeah, I would I mean, you know
Yeah, I like the maple and bacon one on dark. Yeah, right you probably eat prunes
My grandma makes donuts and then makes prunes gina
My grandma made donuts like a couple weeks ago and she made like a whole 10 with jam
And she made like 50 with prunes and the inside I was like, okay
Like how are you gonna eat 50 donuts, you know, i'm gonna eat the mostly well, I made you jam ones
Yeah, a whole like nine and a half of them and then you made the entire batch prunes. I ain't eating that gross who eats prunes
Grandma that's what i'm saying, bro
She's tired of you eating all her donuts
I hate you. I don't know who that is. I got my grandma here trying to make some shit
I'm in a bed of birds right now, okay
What are you doing?
I'm playing population one on my oculith
Finna pones and no prunes
Hmm thought it was mandatory on that game. My bad
Yo, what's up?
Oh and I think you were thinking of hostess cupcakes the twinkies and stuff
Yeah, like those that's what I thought it was. I texted you. I mean I sent you a dm hostess
Sorry, I got my oculus on I can't see what y'all be
I mean you can come out the igloo anytime you want. We will be more than happy to say hello
No, it's cold out there. I can't even
The warmer in the igloo than it is outside, huh?
It is really
We got a little we've got our sled that blocks the air from the doorway
I use death cape around the door
But not an igloo. It's just a cave
You have no idea how cold it is outside and I take my dog outside and snap
Yeah, exactly like mine. It's 30
It's not fun send help. It's like your your bone marrow turns into battery acid
It's so cold
My skin burns. It's so cold outside. That's how cold it is. It burns to be outside
Poor doggies
The dogs are fine. They got hair all over their body. I don't but you'd be out there in sandals. Hello
What yeah, I just saw your feet the other day. That's all
You see how long my toes are? Holy fuck buddy. Those things are like monkey feet
I call them I call them foes. They're like finger toes, bro. It's pretty crazy
These guys that i'm playing with probably think i'm fucking smoking drugs
Sorry guys. I'm on like another
I told you I gotta start twitch streaming this shit, man. People are fucking laughing at me so bad. I'm playing a video game right now
You could give them a handshake there's that fucking long like i'm not kidding
Good to see you lady
I heard the bacon and maple thing and i'm like, yeah, then I heard him go. I bet you eat prunes
I'm like, oh hell no
Oh, you don't gotta like
And you're gonna need your prunes too bro, I mean, you know what I meant i'm so crazy
Nothing, but love and respect for all of you, especially the guy who didn't know about crispy creams. It's okay. Thank you
Thank you. That's that's so nice of you. Everyone else laughed at me
It's okay because there's a lot of things out there I know nothing about but I know
And I know bacon on maple bars for show for show. Oh yummy
Yeah, I gotta figure out how to start twitch streaming this shit could you
I hear you clicking on something
I'm climbing the wall with my hands right now
Could you imagine how ridiculous this looks like if someone was watching me in my room right now
Imagine how ridiculous it sounds on our head
That's what i'm saying, you know
We love you. So you'll be fine
I actually got one from my nephew and then he's like here. Let me try it
And I was kind of like, yeah, I don't know because i've seen some like videos of people like
You know falling or whatever
Um, I didn't you put it before you gave it back. I put it on it was like monkey like gorillas
And like oh your gorilla tape
I don't know what it was called
But like there was snow and you can like throw like snowballs on each other
And then like I turned my head and it was like somebody right next to me and they were like trying to high five me
or something
Um, my mom did record me. Um one day when um, I feel like embarrassing myself. I will share
Share the video in the group chat
Yeah, it kind of made me dizzy. I don't know how like I don't know that happens for sure
I put it I put it on my grandma the other day when I was doing my king spray graffiti
And I was underneath a bridge and she's like, holy fuck
Shit ever man, it was so funny old people in the metaverse just like golden it's like
Seeing a newborn just out in the wilderness exploring
That's cute
I love you guys. I swear I eat my side hurts from laughing
Mine too like sometimes I cry I laugh so hard
Like that's the best
That was supposed to be about you make people laugh until their sides hurt
Yeah, I was just crying laughing
Oh, you guys are hilarious
Krover just cracks me up
Like just your expression when you talk it's just so funny it just cracks me up
That's not bad
Not at all. Thanks
Like he's a cartoon character
I love cartoon
I love everyone. Um, I am. Sorry. I know we're having fun and laughing and
Fuck yeah dead
So I mean it's late for me, but it's way later for like a bit
There's another guy right there everyone else. Yep. That's the guy cover get him
Fuck yeah, let's go boys. Catch a dog, baby
Let's grow
I love when you do that, but um, maybe we should get to closing statements. Um,
Let's get it
We can do one word answers
And you know a word what what are you grateful for or
something positive
Something positive for everybody in the space use could use
I'm grateful for you you guys
Thank you lady wings love you
Um, that's coda at dcw
Uh, i'd say
liquidity because things are starting to happen some stuff is moving around so
Exit liquidity at all. Um efforts like
All you guys are my exit liquidity see ya
You know that linka since she was bad bro
Damn bro. No wonder all my beasts are gone. What the fuck?
You guys are hilarious, um, let's go to big money
I love you guys as much as a person can love a complete stranger on the opposite end of the phone
Yeah that and uh
Man just something that i'm positive about bro, like just
being able to wake up every day and
You know being able to shower
You know small things like that, you know, I mean being able to go to work have money
You know get to eat anything. I want get to buy anything. I want
You know, I mean because I can't buy a lambo and shit yet
But you know if I want to if I want to eat something expensive, bro
Something good as fuck I can and I can take other people and you know
So it just feels good. There's only one person left, bro
Thank you big money. I wanted to welcome judy bell
We are doing closing statements, but I do want to say hi. I haven't seen you in a while. I hope you're doing well
Oh i'm planning my closing statement are we saying what we're thankful for
Yes something you're grateful for or something positive
You love most of our program
Well, i'm grateful
Just okay. I'm grateful for every one of y'all
I'm grateful that twitter feels here and i'm
Being part of this wonderful thing. That's taking place. They're talking about it on the news
Going digital and we can do it now. That's what they said
Said if you go digital that
What we're building what we're doing
Uh, they said when we do go all of it goes to digital that there won't be no more money laundering
Anything like that is going away with all that
That's a positive thing. We ain't got to worry about our kids 20 years from now
That's why i'm here and i'm grateful that every one of y'all still with me and
Don't worry. Nobody's gonna sink my ship. I'm the captain and i'm a smart old captain
But I love y'all
I love you too queen. Tell them judy
Do you love you too judy? Oh, and y'all better go get you some this judy coins
You can spend it on my website
They're going to get me merch because in that two weeks that book out gmail 69
I showed them that other people if you don't take advantage of it other people will
So they they're finally giving their money
They're finally giving me a little bit of something that I wanted the whole time
And I did want to tell y'all that this weekend i'm hitting the
Podcast in the metaverse, you know the
After dark 31, so it's gonna start streaming live this weekend
So y'all listen in because you never know what's gonna fall out of my mouth
Yeah, miss judy bell
Let me tell you something miss judy you need to follow me back. I've been following you for about seven months now
Since hyped spaces and you're still not following me back. What's your problem?
I'll play again if you're planning
Well, baby i've been i've followed too many people and right at christmas time
Time went in there and took all them people away because he thought I was gonna cap out or something
So y'all just following me back. I would never unfollow any of y'all because all of y'all are my family
Thank you miss judy
We have matthew that just came up welcome matthew
Thank you
Yeah, sorry catching the tail end of this but it's been a busy day
But yeah, I love judy bell and her heart and so many people
I mean tricky and lady and I just followed the host and retweeted some of your tweets
Because i'm learning to get better and more effective with my time. I got to do more time management
Today's gonna be a big day for us
I'm gonna be hosting tonight
The foundation network to try and help the world in working with artists and humanitarians and philanthropists
So jimmy cohen's gonna do his 402nd
Regenerative finance episode and i'll be the host representing us and what we're doing
It's big. It's massive. It's taking me six years to get to where we are and we're finally going to the next level
We have a meme coin token. I met with a crypto exchange owner in servia and he's going to list it for free
So we're doing all the work and everything and uh, yeah, we'll be doing giveaways tonight
I'm going to give away art going to give away simba tokens
To people who you know come and join and retweet
and this is this is for anyone who cares about humanity and animals and people and veterans and
battered women and help and educate girls and
And you know taking the power away from the people who have been screwing us for decades
But we have to do it through love and positivity as best we can
Thank you, I was actually just on your page looking for that link
You can feel free and pin it up top and um, you know people can join in and show
Show you some support
Okay, I found it here already. I just posted it up. Okay. Thank you
Thank you. Appreciate that. Yeah. So again anyone that that retreats and can come or listen later in common if you're one of my friends
I'm you know
Literally, i'm working with millionaires and we're going to have a staking pool and the goal is to give it to good heart centered people
So that you can get liquidity and we want you to hit the liquidity pool
Um, you know, we're going to have a lot of money pretty soon. I believe
Um, and there's so many of you in this space alone that I know and love and trust
And have been building and given and I just really am so appreciative and grateful for all of you and and happy birthday
Thank you
Thank you matthew thank you for joining us
And you know whoever is available, you know join and support
I like to learn about you know new projects and
And you know, um talking so
Definitely try to be there. Um
It's just 10 a.m for me
So I should I should be able to join but appreciate it. Thank you for joining us
Um, let's go to bearman
Miss t your timing is perfect. I literally just pulled in my driveway
So i'm super thankful that I got to listen to you guys to get me home because i'm freaking tired of shit
Like 10 minutes to three. So I am going in the house and gonna have me some dinner
I think i'm gonna have a glass of water and a twinkie
Just for cover and then uh, then i'm going to bed. So
I will uh talk to you guys tomorrow. I got to get up in uh, like four hours
And get after it again. So
Talk to you guys later. I hope you have a great night
I'm glad you made it home safe and i'm glad we were able to stay
Thank you
We love you get some rest. We miss you. I know you've been really busy
But it's always so lovely and amazing to hear from you
Night bear man sleep well. Hi guys. Happy birthday. Good night. Johnny better
Good night bear man. I'm glad you made it home safe
Keep warm
Oh my gosh, I love it let's go to tricky
I was just thinking I am so grateful for this club this community the web3 community in general
But just all the people who hang out on twitter too
Like just there's so many random spaces that I pop in and there's just a lot of good a lot of good positivity
You know, you got to curate your vibe. That's what i'm all about this year
I actually made a post and pinned it up top two just to show amanda some
Some love because if I never never met her through the club
She never would have given me the dragon juice and that's helped me so much with my health in the last couple months
I started going to events i'm more active things are really accelerating
And it's probably going to turn into a multi-billion dollar business
That's going to feed back into the ecosystem and be absolutely amazing over the next couple months
We've done charity drives with it. I mean don't even get me started to go. I love you all you guys are awesome
I'll see you later
Sorry, I was looking at you know what you pin I was about to go back into it
Don't look like i'll definitely check it out
Um, it's always nice to see you. Love your energy. Thank you for joining us again
Come back whenever you'd like. Um, you're you're awesome. Thank you
Let's go to crowbar next
Crowbar we love you. Oh my god, sign my baby. Oh my god crowbar. We love you
Sign my baby
Just wait man wait tom that's gonna be my thing but
And babies foreheads
Every time I say that to you, sorry
What's that?
I said, my daughter gets mad at me every time I say that I don't mean it like really weird like
Every time he hears me say it she gets so mad
He's not shining my head mom
Yo, that's so funny, uh, yo have a good night guys
I'm out here buddy. If you guys got an oculus, you want to get
All to smoke with your boy catch some dumps, you know to find me. That's cool
Uh, but yeah, have a good evening. Uh, good morning. Good night. Good afternoon
Wherever the hell you are
You could be anywhere in the world, but you're chilling with us
And what better people to be hanging out with if I do say so myself. Oh
Gotta run gotta run gotta run
But yeah, i'm having way too much fun in this thing
And uh, I don't even know how to explain it to y'all
Normies that aren't cool enough to be in the vr metaverse with me
Just kidding. No, I just have way too much fun in this shit. Um, where's my team?
Anyways, i'm gonna go catch some dubs and i'll see y'all tomorrow
I like gold. Um, let's go let's go to johnny
Yo, yo, yo, all right, so check this one
Wait, no, I got a beat
I'm debuting my next drop
Me and me and patrick we're dropping
So I want y'all to know uh judy's doing the art and so is existence and i'm also a feature in big money
Uh that the layover is by crowverse
The samples in the back are by gina
I'm cooking
You know, you caught me I was eating I wasn't expecting you to have with the bike. All right, cool. All right, check this. So
I'm just a guy
Who likes to get high?
Bro, you fucked me all up. I was like you just like hello to me right in the middle of my
Damn. All right, crow. Did you get that crow?
What do you want, bro?
I can barely see my phone dog. I gotta look down
At the bottom of my face, but yeah, we could put jina and and miss t in the in the background in music videos
Throwing off gang signs on some cholo shit. And then uh, so if if you eat
He's like, oh my god
I'm just the guy who likes to get high
You're underwater again sure not
But before we go to jina let's welcome existence
Hello. Hello. Hey crow. We're let's crow
We're back in here. We're doing round three now
No, no, we're doing cool things
It's midnight
I have to be up
30 for work. So
I'm, sorry one sec though. Yes, go ahead. Um
People can look stylish into central land during crover's
Deal on saturday
I have a giveaway
of a couple wearables
You're stuck wearing your underwear for sure that's all that's cool
It's pretty fun, bro. Just let them hang
But uh, I got a uh
and of course
My wearable is well, which is a
hoodie that changes color
when you change your hair color
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 38
Got them you all get one guess
In the chat box down below
I'm, gonna send my number to you with t
Which you'll get a wearable regardless since
This that that'll exclude you from the giveaway, but i'm gonna send you careful the number
So that people know what it is
Or yeah, we won proof
So number between 1 and 38
one guess
first person to get it
or closest
No comment in the the the comment section
Shout out to y'all coming through saturday in the metaverse dcl baby
If y'all don't know and you're not in there your boy's gonna get his own crow pet
And there's only gonna be a hundred of them available
It's gonna be hella rare and everyone's gonna want it. So definitely get your fucking
Decent your land accounts made set up a burner wallet up in that shit
And we got a lot of giveaways to do on saturday. Check my pin tweet
We do beach street saturday's every weekend for those that don't know and we host some of the dopest artists in web 3
And uh, you'll hear my music. I give away my physical art
Um, shout out to jina who's already got one on the way
Um mist he's got one coming soon richie liftey one one last weekend
And uh, yeah, man, you guys are gonna you know get to see what we do over there and decentral land and uh network
Like crazy over there. It's a really fun time
So shout out to y'all. Thank you. And shout out to you one existence for the giveaway. Also, bro
I appreciate you you bet you bet and I i've got a few that I can do this a few more times, too
But uh, if sj
If you lost any of what you got
from that account
Uh, let me know and we'll get you covered again
Also, can we like and repost the space and I don't think anybody's got the number yet
You're gonna keep going for a while
I'll repost it in a lot of places and we can dm people in here and get this place alive unless you're gonna sleep. Um, no
Actually truck i've been trying to close the space. It's 9 30 pm and it is almost midnight
Are you are you a d gen like me and your space cadet like me?
Uh, I am but I also have a full-time job and I wake up at 6 30 a.m
So weekdays, I try to go to bed around like midnight or one
because I wake up all grumpy and um, sometimes I have like a
7 a.m meeting and I am not the nicest
Yeah, go ahead jonnie
Yeah, we have one person that's closed i'm just a guy
I swear i'm gonna make a song off that crow you down
No, listen, listen, we can't close it down. It's alisa's birthday technically for one more minute pst time
We're still gonna be here for another like 10 minutes because we still have to do
Your closing statement gena's alisa's in mine
Okay, i'm gonna give it 30 seconds for people to guess again
If ice cream no one guesses there is
Two people that are very close to the number
It's a number between the one
And thirty eight. Oh, I rubbed misty. Uh, where do we?
Yes, all right one two thirty eight
And johnny, is that your is that song your response to i'm just a girl in the world
Is that yeah, what's her name
Just a guy
You know me
Gwen Stefani
It didn't she do that
Yep. Yep. See, you know where we're going with this. We're going for the whole pop generation whole pop culture. We're gonna onboard them
I just want to be a rock star with crovers
Well, i'm not really a rock star I just want to hang out with a rock star and crovers a rock star
There's a few that are super close
like super duper close
But no one's are we supposed to write this down?
Yeah, did you take my number into consideration can I keep guessing
Yeah, it's seven
That's it
It's a 37 38
It was one guess
But miss piece went ahead and said
Go another round. No, no, that which is fine, which is perfectly fine since somebody got it. So
At most two guesses right now
Okay, that's it. Well, we have a lot more than two
Let's just see if I kept picking numbers and I realized someone else already picked my number. So I went back and put a new button
I gotta go buy timestamps too
We got a winner and let me just double check
We do have a winner and it is jina
the number 14
So we're hosting a space and it's called fuck you jina after this I just want everyone to know she's one of the
Giveaways and we're gonna we're gonna have we know what we're gonna do. We're gonna give away
Number the jina two that was all about
The number that
Existence texted me was 14 and jina got it nice
And i'm gonna send you uh
Not right now, but i'll send you i'll send you uh pictures of three different kimonos and you can pick the one you want
and then also my wearable
And make an nft has a leather jacket too you'll get jesus christ jina
Congrats jina appreciated existence
I would love to continue this but um, we're gonna get back to the closing statements
And I guess we oh jess hi jess
We're gonna say hi to jess
All right, I can't believe you guys are still going far out
I went I was hanging out and then I went shopping and then I decided i was thinking about going to work
But I didn't and then I went for a drive and you're still fucking here. What the hell?
I want to say it's been probably like what five hours jina
It's been
Every time I do spaces on my car two hours two hours nope
It's always around like five hours
Yeah, I wanted to say happy birthday earlier, but I just um when I was in my car
The bluetooth doesn't connect in my car either and it's a big huge so it's really fucking loud
So i'm really glad you guys are
Are still here say happy birthday. Oh my god
Thank you, what else are you doing for besides spending your whole day in here?
we went uh
to dave and busters and played games and had dinner and
Yeah, and then i've just been I had my space earlier
And then on my way home I hopped on they were all still on here and now here we still are like
two and a half hours later
What's the time over there i've got 7 p.m here
Um, it's midnight here and i'll be getting up in like five and a half hours to go teach
Don't forget to send me your polygon address
Oh, okay. Thank you all the best all the best my darling all the best and um
Yeah, just keep fucking drinking. Oh, no, you gotta go to work as a teacher yet
No, don't keep drinking drink after that drink after that after work
But many happy returns my love. Yeah when I get back home i'll have a little
cocktail of the sort i'm sure
It's kind of funny when your birthday falls
When your birthday falls in the middle of the week
It's kind of like you have the weekend before and the weekend after to kind of celebrate
So I feel like we've kind of been i've been celebrating for
Since last week really because I went to dinner
Um with my mom and sister one night last week
And it's just felt kind of like a full full week of
Um different birthday things, but I appreciate everybody today. It's been amazing
I am happy. We got to celebrate your birthday. So quick short story. Um, johnny
Wait, wait, johnny
Okay, you got 10 seconds ready so I went but
I love you johnny. Okay, but come on. You gotta go keep it super quick because
You know, there's only four people five now. It's five five people left to do there
Bucky spandex right because i've been working out right so I felt like, you know, i'd put on the spandex
So, you know i've been working out so i'm like, all right, I can fit in a small
So I pull these fucking things listen
I don't know what what you ladies do this shit for like you you you know what I mean the whole
It's all that stuff. You pull up your leg
I finally get these fuckers over my legs
Like i'm like leaning into it laying back
I'm doing the whole fucking nine yards because i've never put nothing over my legs tight like this, right?
So I finally get them over this the little
Whatever the fuck's the bottom of your feet, you know, the top of your feet the bottom of your ankle
Whatever the ankle. Okay, get them over the ankle get them over my knees pull them up
Why are you putting leotard down to begin with it weren't leotards? Okay, they were runners
Uh, what are they called? All right
So I thought I was listen, I thought I was gonna be like the coolest person in the gym
So I get them all pull them right
Listen they barely fit over the fucking thighs like i'm definitely a fat ass, right?
All right, so I fucking get i'm like, no way this is not like
All right. Well, i've been working out. So I'm like, all right
So I pull them up right get them over now. They're like pulling down on like my back, which is cool
I figured it was like some support
So I get out there
Fuck me running. Okay, because you know as soon as I like start like moving in them
You know what I mean? Like first I was walking in there
I looked at the stick up the ass type of look like I was walking in all slow and shit
You know that's a good stretch of it. I don't realize
They're that tight like y'all girls really be sleep
Sliding into your fucking sweatpants. Like I see you all do this all the time
I'm thinking like all right. I could pull this off, right? Listen to me
As soon as I started walking I hurt I felt it. I felt it
It was so embarrassing too because I don't know where it ripped, right? So I feel a little
I'm like, oh fuck. These are expensive too. So now i'm walking all kind of funny, right?
And i'm like, no, I can't do that. I can't
So then I go to take it and it ripped even more and listen to me. I don't know
What the fuck?
Y'all do or how y'all do it or why y'all do it, but y'all be wearing all that shit
That shit is so uncomfortable
I will never in my life wear spandex leotards whatever none of that shit ever again and
I've also earned a whole new respect. You're not supposed to
Listen jina. It's cold outside. All right. I was trying to keep warm. I was trying to look like a runner
I thought I had it figured out. You know what I mean? Like I want to be cool too. Sometimes, okay
I'm getting old. I want my kid to be like, yeah, right. That's cool. He got cold runners
Well, i'll tell you what it's a lot more fun ripping off those pants than putting them on if you know what I mean
like I definitely
I respect y'all because
You know, I figured you know, it was like y'all liked it like five minutes trying to get your pants on
No, why do y'all do that? Is this why y'all y'all should just wear our sweatpants and be like I don't have any pants
Like i'll never in my life put anything that close around my body
I felt like I couldn't breathe when I was walking in there when they ripped it actually felt good like for a moment there
I was like
Finally like fuck it. It was like almost like I farted or something, but it was just like a rip and I know
Yep. Yep. I know I can't be the only
I think we all wanted to do that. I'm glad you didn't
I respect y'all wearing them tight tights
I respect the fact that you feel comfortable enough to let us know that she's had it put on
Gina i'm very comfortable in my sexuality
I'm 100% caveman. There is no question
But the whole leotard
It was questionable, um, no, you know, listen
So i'm not one of those selfie people. There's no way you didn't take a picture
I don't take pictures in the gym. Johnny is not that guy
Before you went to the gym
Put it on let me tell y'all something
another story
Did he just stop talking is he talking
I don't hear him, but gene. I sent you the pictures. Okay. I'm gonna look right now
Did we lose Johnny
Yeah, I think we lost him all right, so we're gonna go
Existence for his closing statements until johnny is back
I think we lost him. I'll just make it quick with my standard. Be safe
Be well be you
Thank you existence let's go to Jess
Hey, can I tell a story too since they're in johnny's gone it's a good story
Come on mr. T. Oh, johnny
It better be and it really really is it doesn't go for long. I just want to tell you a story. Okay, go ahead
So when I was going out on saturday and I had got my outfit I got these pants, right johnny just reminded me about pants
So I was trying to look for some little tiny shorts and I couldn't find any that was short enough
So I thought i'll just get a pair and i'll just cut them like really really really really short
And I couldn't find any that like really fit my body properly
So I ended up getting a kid's pair like a kid's pair of denim pants
I got a fit into them
And then I cut them but I cut them so short like so you could see my like half of my bum
So then in the middle part, you know where in between your legs are obviously, yeah, there's not much there
It's almost like a g-string just about because I cut into it so fucking much
Anyway, I was on the train to the spot into the festival i'm on the train
Did we lose just now
No, here I am, okay, yeah, sorry which part did you get up to
The g-string parts start from
What an entrance i'm back
So I cut in that much that it was like this tiny tiny like little g-string thing
And then I was like, oh my god
I don't have any fucking undies and I didn't have any undies but lucky
It's so lucky when I got back to the motel and I went to go get my outfit and put it on
I had a spare pair of undies
So I just wanted to let everyone know to make sure you don't cut your jeans or your pants too short
And always bring a spare pair of underpants and that's all I have to say for you guys to you guys today
Be safe be happy
Um, and yeah, i'm off to juicy vest again tomorrow
So you guys um, take care and um, at least I'll just have a good one my sweetheart. Have a fucking awesome one
I love you all wait. Do you travel with an extra pair?
I really wish I had my ear pods right now
Thank you
Uh, i'm just gonna share this real quick and we're gonna close
I mean continue with see my brain has stopped braining
This is how you know, I am officially like done
But in my trunk, I do have a little bag with
with clothes
Y'all some cheaters
Y'all some ladies of the night. Yo, you got their cause in trouble. No, because you never
If you get stuck somewhere or like you randomly sleep over at a friend's house like
I'm not talking what you're thinking sir. It's me. Hello. It's miss I did I I got I got a bag but
I have a bag with
A pair of extra underwear some socks
Some clothes. I got snacks in there. I got a spoon and fork
How could you Gina you're gonna run away from your family like that?
I know that's my justification bag. Like if my tire bus and we're in the middle of nowhere, you know what i'm saying?
I got all that stuff
So, you know, what's good?
He looks bad for you. That's good. That's that's what you gotta bring fucking everything
Could you imagine how it would have turned out if I didn't have a spare pair of undies?
Oh my god, seriously, that would have been insane. It would have been fun
I do not have a bag that has extra underwear in it
But i'm thinking like I probably should at this point
but I probably would have just like
Flied by the seat
Flew by the seat of my pants and probably just like not wear underwear for the night, I guess
That's why I was staying at a motel so I had my all my stuff with me because I stayed there for the night
So I couldn't go on the train like that. Oh my gosh, I see what I was wearing
Yeah, that's an interesting predicament to be in quite honestly
Jess, you could just borrow mine. I always get an extra pair
Yeah, well, you know if you're talking about like spandex and stuff like that doesn't really matter what kind of size you are
They don't fit me clearly
And i'm just over here wearing kids fucking clothes kids clothes and no fucking undies
Holy shit, man, that's it. I can't believe people let me out of the house
You're all wild. Um, I love it. That is funny
Uh, don't cut your shorts
Too short your pants too short
Um now i'm wearing them again tomorrow. That's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna wear them again tomorrow
But i'm gonna make sure that I have the repairs of undies just in case
But cut your closing thoughts short
What was that sorry
I said, but please don't cut your pants too short, but feel free to cut your closing thoughts short
I was just kidding
She'll see I'll remember that next time definitely
Oh, okay, let's continue with the closing statements, I think
Going to jina
I just want to say I love big money
Okay, let's do a lesson until jina is ready i'm not sure if she's
Hey guys, I just want to let you know my hair pattern isn't working
Well, maybe she has her baby there
And she can't talk it's okay. Let's do it. Let's go to lisa
I was gonna say my word would be proud and i'm just proud to be a part of this family and
proud that um
all of these people
Are here tonight and joining us. I see a lot of new faces down in the
audience throughout the time that I was in here and so
um, i'm just proud to be part of a group and um
a group that wants to um
Be positive and spread love and joy and laugh and be able to joke around and
Yeah, so I would say my word for tonight is proud and I love you all and I hope you all sleep well
After i'm done with work tomorrow, I will see y'all
Do I get to go
No, i'm here. No, i'm here
Okay, let's do johnny and then you johnny. No, no, wait, wait. Okay. All right. Hold on
All right
Okay, thank you, thank you I um, so is it one word no
Okay, just a closing statement. Okay, you guys are amazing. I love you guys. Have a great night sleep well
Make sure you stay warm eat some food
Project yourself always and always
Yeah, have a good night you guys see y'all tomorrow
Good night china. Go ahead johnny quick. Okay
All right, one word one word. Are you ready?
Entertain me bitches
My sms voice
He says entertain me bitches
The way he does it is awesome
Okay, my word
As always it's going to be grateful I am grateful for
Every single person that joins us every single day and supports us and all the love they show you all show
I truly truly truly appreciate it
Um, you know, this would not be possible with that all of you. So I am so grateful
I am excited for the future
And and if it's your first time here welcome
You know welcome to our crazy little family
We're not that crazy, you know, we're we're nice people
So don't be shy. Don't be afraid. Feel free to come up introduce yourselves
And you know to chat get to know us allow us to get to know you so we can all connect and build together
But I am grateful. I love you all
Thank you so much for joining us today
Um, jina, I love you. Thank you for helping me close today and alissa
I freaking love you. Happy birthday. Once again. I hope you had the most amazing birthday
And I wish you a beautiful night and
We'll continue the celebration tomorrow with the rest of the family
Have a good night day evening wherever you are
Love you all and we will see you all tomorrow
Bye everyone