Escape : You’re not bullish enough on #bitcoin runes.

Recorded: Jan. 29, 2024 Duration: 0:54:39



Whatever the fuck dude says it's fucking get it dude. I can Matt get the fuck up here, bro
How are you doing, dude? Welcome got a lot of shit to go over today, okay?
Bullish fucking day very bullish fucking day as usual every fucking day
Ordinal hive is going to be a marketplace dude
First of all if you're dealing with any new platforms get a fucking fresh x-verse wallet always always just get a fresh wallet
Don't fucking think about it. Don't connect all your shit to a new platform. That's fucking basic
So anything that you win for giveaways ever or whatever the fuck always be careful
that being said ordinal hive is building a platform that will be a
Sniping platform and marketplace for ordinals, right?
So that's gonna be bullish if you're like a DJ and think about blur when that came out
We're looking at like DeFi summer in BTC
I think so this could be one of those ones that does really well if they implement their shit correctly, right?
so if you want access to that they're going to have a testnet and
I'm gonna be running a lot of those for a couple different communities and like I said always use a fresh x-verse wallet
Just make one make a new one and a new Chrome browser
Whatever you got to do that way you never have to worry about any of this shit, right?
It's bullish so you can get on there try out their testnet whenever they drop that but I'll be gathering a lot of information on
That if you have a pup
Retweet the tweet up top if you don't have a pup
I'll be doing more for a couple different communities and then after that I'll have more anyway
So more opportunities for that probably on the spaces shit like that. Other than that we had a RSIC
Which is like the rune coin
Ordinal that you hold and you farm the rune drop that they're gonna be coming out with it happening. So that
So there's like a lot of tweets. I saw that it's had like a fake link that
Was saying it was for a dashboard, right?
So they were saying log into here and you can see how many fucking points you're farming this this and that if the main page
Doesn't post a link. It's not correct
And even if it is then don't trust anybody bro
Like really verify that shit because this was just some guy posting a link and they definitely didn't put anything out
So don't ever do that
We're in a new fucking time right now and ordinals where like a lot of this shit's gonna start happening
It's very confusing. So just like follow the main pages people are trying to get your bitcoins. You don't want that
Still bullish on our sick obviously not fucking selling other than that Leonidas
He's got his little runes project coming, right?
So that's pretty fucking bullish and he actually put something out today that was a wallet checker
So I was able to check both of my wallets one of them
I have like I think I'd like six NFTs in there by the time that the block was
Whatever block height that he like capped this at and then my OG wallet had like 30 something at that time
So it kind of goes like by a time how many fucking ordinals you had at that time
But just go there and put put your wallet in there. I'm gonna pin it to the top should already be up there
But he wants fucking me. Yeah, there you go. It's up there up top. Just go to that
There's the rune checker
You could check there see if you have eligible wallets and then if you do have eligible all it's just fucking wait
Congrats get those fucking allocations. I don't care what it is. Give me the runes
Other than that pixel puppets bro last night. That was crazy
They were like halfway-minute at like 4 a.m
And I'm like, how do I buy any do I not I bought two and then like a thousand more minutes
So I bought six more and then went to sleep and I woke up and they minted out and then they went to higher prices
After mint, I don't know where they're at right now. I don't care not looking at them, but that happened
So shouts out to the pixel puppets
I actually think that like the ribs are fucking lame most of the time
But like those were done well and like if you look at the art, it's legit
So I'm cool with the pixel puppets personally, but uh, yeah, I don't fucking know. I think they're dope other than that
What else do we got here fucking skip people on stay go ahead. Other than that
We got magic Eden codes I have for my holders of escape on magic Eden. I got holder
I got those for you. So if you don't have one, let me know if you do have one
I'll still give it to you. You can run a giveaway farm
Whatever the fuck you want. I don't really care
So those are for these guys and also the ordinal hives if you have one of mine you can get in there, too
So test net for ordinal hive. I'm super bullish on that bullshit, dude
I think we're gonna be able to snipe ordinals off the mempool shit like that. So that's
Listen we're gonna be able to go ahead and get on there and snipe off the mempool how that works is if there's a
Transaction say you bought an ordinal on magic Eden that goes in the mempool
So like when it's in the mempool those are snipeable bro
Like there's there's things that you could do on Bitcoin that are really fucky
So I think that these guys might have some tools coming out that are gonna allow people to you know
Be a little fucky make a little money
That's about it. That's all the shits dude back. What were you saying, bro?
Terror for me
Yeah, let me get you on the co-host you fucking weirdo. Let's fucking get it pengus here. Everybody shut the fuck up
We're gonna get him on the coz obviously and fucking send it retweet the fucking room. That's all the runes update
I wanted to knock that out quickly at 7 30 Eddie is doing an NFT five space
If you're not there trying to learn how to make money or fucking pussy
Everybody's fading Eddie, you know, he dances around like an idiot. He knows what the fuck he's talking about
So fucking send it off the fuck's up. Thank you, bro
What are you saying, bro?
Ordinals bro runes y'all in alpha cuz
Yeah, that was like the I was like the most alpha you're gonna get on an ordinal space
Probably ever and then tomorrow same fucking thing the next day probably the same thing and after that probably same fucking thing, bro
Okay, I had a bullish phone call today with these guys who are building a platform
Really cool. I like the idea of
Beast TCD fight and I think people are fainting the fuck out of it to be real
We're looking at liquidity. Um, like if you have a puppet you have an arsenic you have a bitmap
You have like a bunch of different NFTs on Bitcoin. You can fucking borrow against them
Which means hey, give me your Bitcoin and then you just take it and you could pay that back later
Then you'll be farming points, you know what I mean?
So like you're farming points for speculative fucking money
But you can actually do it in the platform works people have, you know
Put out money on loans and then people can't pay and they get an NFT
But generally if they do pay you still get more Bitcoin and then you farm more points
So liquidity was probably one of the top d5 platforms for farming right now
So I get on there not that many people on there, but it is what it'd be dude. That's good. That's bullish
Send it fucking higher. But yeah, that's uh, that's the sauce bro for the day. Uh, I don't know what the fuck else, bro
What are you guys doing?
Terraform is guys terraforming ping. Are you doing Solana shit? He's dude. I made money on I know we lost on the I don't want to
Say it here. We lost in that one
But like the other one dude that I was at the fucking black or first words. I fucking yeah
Yeah, those black Air Force ones fit real nice, bro
Real good, dude. I went to sleep with those on I woke up fucking real happy, bro
So shots out to the Air Force ones the black ones on
Salami but I don't have them anymore sold them. Those are used Air Force ones. You can have them joins
Straight up when token by the way, did you get the when token guys cuz that went up too. I don't know why it's up
Why is it going up? I thought the event was tomorrow
So so they're burning any of the supply that's unclaimed
So people have been railing the shit out of it and I assume it's gonna pump a bit more
After the claims over as well
That's pretty beautiful thing, right? Uh, you just had to click the button get the when that was it
I saw some people like I don't know if I wanna well don't but I did and I got the fucking tokens and to be real
Maybe don't dude. I don't know. I didn't click the grass button
Somebody told me all that grass and I was like that button might fuck me up
I don't know some of these buttons are scary but make a burner like I fucking said dude always I like dude
I know some of you guys aren't making burners cuz guess what?
I fucking asked for some wallets before and I was like, you make sure you give me a burner and somebody sent me a fucking
Wallet there's definitely not a burner cuz I looked at it broke as I'm like, come on guys
What the fuck don't lose your shit. It's got like all their prize wooden in it, bro
Like a burner and you send me a wallet and I chuck it in the fucking a platform and you've got all your NFT Z's
That's not a burner burner means you make a new wallet for a new platform within the defy
BTC situation that's that's what you do. That way you don't get fucked
Yeah, just do that always it's fucking best practice make a new experts. It's like two seconds to spin up a wallet
What are you doing? Why are you connecting that other than that nifty island really wish I could play that more
I'm not gonna lie to you. I can't even fucking log on today. I'm gonna try to do that later
I've been doing it once a night farming. I heard that the balancing by the way is a little bit like off kilter
The you're more incentivized by getting points if you just collect blooms and do fucking nothing and just farm the game right now
But Charles is working on like a fucking patch, right?
So after that it will incentivize builders more and you'll be able to kind of hopefully have a 50-50 situation
Like I've been building a fuckload when I am on there. So like I'm kind of doing
Yeah, so Charles is doing that and there's a lot of companies and higher profile
Collectors who are paying people to build islands for them
And you can make quite a bit of money if you are good at building islands
Charles does have like a private discord for like island builders and like people who are interested in island builders
So like if you're that type of guy you shout me and I'll get you in that discord cuz yeah
It's nice cuz like if you're one of those people who can build like six shit on a massive vessel level
Time to make some fucking money breath if you're a few terra forma
terra forma
Literally build and make money it's crazy and like dude look I've uploaded some 3d assets into there and like I've used them
Like I just put them in the Forge uploaded them. I got runes chilling on my island, dude
How'd I get those runes in there? I uploaded them, bro
So there's just these dope ass runes on my island on Bitcoin blooms shots how Bitcoin blooms King Arthur search that shit in the game
Don't go to Lincoln bio
That's now escaped the project that I sold out and I bought three R6 with and they're farming currently until the fucking drop
And I'm gonna make a fuckload of money for my treasury
And then yeah, so the links on the bio anymore
But like look up King arts and then go to Bitcoin blooms and raw just run around my island for hours, bro
Mashing me points getting me all the foot traffic and yeah free money, but if you're a builder fucking do it
Like why the fuck you wouldn't you like you can get opportunities from a bunch of companies?
I'm sure bro
Like I don't know exactly which ones are in here now
But like as an early mover if you're in early build or and you're in that early discord and talk to ping you
You're probably gonna be pretty well off once you you know show them
Well, you just contact terra formers are us and they'll fucking hook you up and build up that island
Right baby fucking contact him and if you're a 3d artist, by the way, you can upload assets into this game
You can upload avatars in this game that are playable. There's a lot of shit you could do in this game
So it's not like it's not like just a little farm. It's more of a really dope web 3 thing that's came out
That's probably the dopest shit. I've seen come out in web 3 since I've been here
I've no problem saying that cuz like dude your kids would play this if you got kids, bro
And they would not know anything about this kind of t-shirt and they just be building on an island
So when you think about that and the scalability of like a game like this
Actually insane if you just put away the degenerate fucking mindset that we all have and realize that we're 1% of the planet
Then you probably will get bullish. That's my guess. But yeah, fuck it, dude. What are you doing on the island, bro?
Are you farming that shit? I'm trying but like busy so I just get my blooms and like when I can which is barely
but fuck me, bro, I
need a child to like
To like play this you like adopt a kid or something
You know my as soon as you know, my five-year-old's about to tear the fuck up
Dude, that's what I'm like. Honestly, that's good. I think that's the alpha though
I like if you have a chair in and put the chair in on the yellow for 16 hours a day
He can handle 16 hours a day with you fuckers. We hope by the time he's six. He'll be like, oh the doctor of
He doesn't he doesn't even know he's gonna be printing for you cuz there's no idea. I like that tweet
Hey, he's got to come from somewhere
They do Danny spin up bangers up. He is five wasn't free up. It's good
As bullish we do if we do it use Air Force one, we actually listen, where's the Debbie and
Is he dying? He's there's definitely a dev out there Devin did
Use Air Force ones. Listen, bro. That shit would fucking send. I don't know what to tell you that might have been the Devin the OG
If you really did it. Oh, yeah, dude, somebody some fucking degenerate fuck which one of you pups put out fucking pups on soul, bro
I missed that shit, dude. I was on meetings. Nobody told fucking nobody told King ARPA
People in the chat when they talk about stuff that isn't ordinals related. So that's probably on me
But motherfucker, I'm trying to get that back baby. Yeah
Dude, thank you for shouting out when airdrop. I didn't even I've been spending all my time on Bitcoin. So I just went over
Sorry about that. I can hear me. But uh, I yeah, dude popped up the Twitter went to the website claim some free money
Any other airdrops that are out there aside from the Jupiter one?
Bro, I don't know. I don't know if there's any other air drops, but probably they're probably everywhere, bro
Cuz all these like there's the ruins you could buy in our sick and you just motherfucking said we got bingo down bingo down King
Can see that a cinema?
It's fine, we got a penguin down. Oh, sorry finger down Jesus I called him I called to steal a penguin
Doesn't he look like doesn't that face look like it comes from like renin Stimpy though it is bro
That's the horse guy, right?
Bro, I can't even see him up here. Is he up here, bro. This is checked off. No, he was
Fingered down, bro. We can't get you to take a lap to fucking out of the space entirely or some shit, bro
Oh my god, do they killed thing?
He needs a knife
So we have to be up like in like five six hours. Yeah, I don't know why he's here go to sleep
Take a nap, bro, dude pixel pups
People started to know speed people started eating for point. Oh
five floors back up to
75 bibs we love to see it. Yeah higher. Well, that's the thing with these pixel pups
It's like dude, everybody just got these puffs for 25 a pop. They went up to what like 70 80. Yeah
So yeah, people got their bag a little bit, dude. I don't give a fuck about that bag
I'm gonna be real with you
I just $25 for one of these if those go under $25, I'll be a little bit surprised
They might if it hyped eyes down, but 193 buys right now. I'm not too concerned about them possibly going higher
Personally, it is my bag. So send it fucking higher, of course
But yeah, that's that's it. There's their lip. Oh, it was lit today. I'm not gonna lie to you
Um, people tell me these probably won't sell out blah blah blah
That's why I tweeted last night and then I did the yellow BB thing where you tweet that you're right
The next day and you quote tweet it and you say see and then I did that again when they minted out and they went
Up and I said see I like the next part, but it was bullish
They're like one-to-one matches for the whole pups collection don't know who did it
I think it was somebody in the pups chat
Wasn't really a cash grab though
Like you said they were like I the ones I minted were like 17 or something or 18 bucks a piece
So if they go to zero fuck it if they move I was including inscription cost by the way
So you're gonna see some of these coming out on so inscribed now. I'm just gonna say this right now lots of grift tours, bro
I'll get you to a second rob
Oh, but this is important to me a lot of projects are gonna be coming out on
You you can incur you put the inscription costs on other people like users of the platform
So like the way that this was done was very cheap
Like it was like you said like 17 bucks a pup with low SAT fees
So if you waited for fees to go down like you're not paying much at all
But some of these things might be you know
Like fifty sixty two hundred dollars for like one of these mints on inscribed now and the team really isn't paying shit
Because you're paying for the inscriptions
You're paying for the fees on the platform and then you're getting the NFT
That means that a lot of people are gonna be paying a lot more money than some of these other lower free like basically free
Mints, right which like I know it's 17 bucks
But dude if 17 bucks isn't a free man on Bitcoin suck my dick, bro
That's cheap as fuck but uh anything else you're gonna be paying say you all paid $100
These things would be dumping right now because everybody's gonna want that hundred bucks
Nobody's really gonna buy it aftermarket for a hundred right away
So I don't know be careful with these mints be careful with teams putting out projects on ordinals. There's platforms like inscribed now
They're fucking great, but also allow people to hype shit up and then you know, it just doesn't go well
But yeah, Rob
Retweet the fucking space or don't or hit the leave button. Good morning. Bravo. Go ahead. Yeah. Sorry
I was just gonna add on to what Danny was talking about the air drops
Just a really good thing really quickly if everyone wants to listen, it's informative and extremely helpful if you were right with me
Let's go. Yeah, bro for a minute. Yeah, so a lot of people are farming the fire right now
So there's a website called Camino
They're pretty big. I don't know if you guys know about them
But basically what you do is I've got about 10 wallets make sure you make them at all different times and transfer different money
They're different amounts of money into them
So you don't get flagged as a bot but I put about you can put about ten to a hundred dollars in and what you do
Is you go into Camino connect your wallet and then you actually lend them your soul
right and you get about a six percent APY and
Then what you do is you go out and you can then borrow from them
USDC which is a three percent APY
They're charging you right?
What you do is you go into Jupiter?
Swap that USD then for soul and lend it back to them and then you keep repeating this
But what's more important is?
Every day the more you lend to them the more points you get for their big airdrop that's coming and people are predicting it
To be a pretty big one
So I'm actually gaining a lot of points because I'm lending back their own money to them
Plus I'm doing the Jupiter airdrop and then you want to only do this maybe once a month per wallet
and you can do it through as many accounts you want to do but
It just depends on liquidity plus you're getting positive. Hold on. So you man
I mean actually got to look into this bro. We're not doing this
So like that's bullish and that's a lot of fucking alpha and like I'm gonna look at the big playman
Yeah, that's bullish look into that if you want. I'll definitely be doing that cuz I'm not sleeping on salami
I'm gonna tell you that right the fuck now. I'm not sleeping on salami. Okay, not happening
I might be buying a phone aftermarket. That's unopened as well. I'm fucking hyper bullish on Solano
I'm hyper bullish on like free fucking whatever the fuck mints from that phone
Even if I'm paying a couple racks for it, it's coming with the tokens who cares
It's bullish. Fuck dude, Robert. Thank you for that
If you have anything you want to pin up top involving that I'd appreciate it
And if I can bookmark it and go through it myself and then try like talk through that with other yeah
Yeah, I'll link the official accounts and no one goes on to the wrong website
And then if anyone to get on a call with me and find his DM me and I can explain a little bit
Oh Mac DM his ass and figure this shit out. I'm gonna do the same thing
Fuck but yeah, Airby, what's up, bro? Yeah
The first thing is
You don't actually get a hundred percent of the amount new land
It's normally around 75 to eight and depending on the coins
Second thing is if you're doing with size you could get liquidated when all down so like be careful
Because I know a lot of people that were doing that and it's very difficult
It was one you want to in the loop. It's very difficult to give back the money you borrowed then
Take back the lens and everything just go back through like the whole thread, right?
I know some people that go liquidated on marinade a few weeks back
Yeah, that's why you don't you don't use anything. That's volatile. Um, that's why I do song on USDC. Yeah
Marinate isn't very volatile. It's it's literally just staking salon on marinade
Yeah, so like it goes up like quite similar to so not not too different
But I wouldn't say it's volatile as hell or like too volatile, you know
That's why I can get it long story short know what the fuck you're doing dumbass. Don't be a fucking dumb idiot
Don't just jump in start cheating money at anything. I'm providing liquidity to pixel because I understand it this shit
I won't do anything until I understand it because that's how you should be moving in the space period
So just like looking at these guys and what they're talking about. Thank you for the alpha. That's actually huge
I already fucking I'm already looking into it on the back end here. One other thing
I forgot to talk about this fucking autistic ass drop bro. If you look at the top, dude, this thing is fucking ridiculous
I don't know what it is. It's a little picture of a bear. These are parent child inscribed collection
I got airdropped one of these why cuz Bitcoin puppets
I don't fucking know but I have one and what these guys are doing is a rune
So they're gonna be doing this fucking crazy rune called derp and it allocates one of the shittiest runes
To the holder at the time on the rune claim. It's fuck. There's a whole fucking breakdown
You can go up there
You can go to the parent inscription of the collection and it says all of that shit
I put it in a chat GPT and this shit looks wild brother
It's crazy
It's basically like saying that you get more points if you're like wash trading these motherfuckers and all this crazy shit
I'm gonna look into how to wash trade the fuck out of this one single rune and start playing this game and farm these fucking
points personally
Definitely. So like maybe do that and check your wallets
And if you got one maybe do the same on some weird fucking internet fuckery where you just watch trade a fucking ordinal a bunch
And for some reason when runes you get a really shitty rune that goes autistic that might happen or or zero
But uh, it is parent-child inscribed and like yeah
The instructions are on the parent and the rest of the children and I have one in my wallet and I don't know what I'm doing
But that's the thing that happened today. It just dropped randomly. So and the instructions are hilarious if you have they're fun
Yeah, it's funny. It's fucking stupid. So maybe it's sense. I don't know ping on why you got your hand up, bro
I'll just check my wallet. I've got one these ugly fucking seal motherfuckers as well
But send a console and send me those instructions. It's up top and up top
Ashley you're so sexy. I don't even know that was you
That's crazy, did you meet Wow is that G5
I have to I've never done this before but I have to tell you guys about my day
Um, if that's okay, because I want nothing more than everybody else needs to shut the fuck up and let her talk
Oh my god, that's it
I've never ever had a day like this ever in my entire life
So, okay, so I told you yesterday that I got I came across some white lists for quantum cats, correct?
Yeah, you said I didn't know some but yeah
What some is multiples and you let her talk
So I wake up right and I wake up literally the first thing I see is a text message
From you know, my founder that is a video of someone trying to get a quantum cats white list
And i'll find it eventually and pin it to the top. It's this hilarious video and he's like I want this and i'm like
Oh shit. Here we go
So like I wound up with like a bunch of people
That somehow had heard about quantum cats and really wanted quantum cats
But like for various reasons, right like ranging from
Weird security with like coinbase and having like holds on new wallets
You have to wait two days like from that to like complete ignorance
I had to do everything for all of these people
So all day literally from the moment I woke up until 4 pm mountain time
All I did was like frantic like super frantically like i'm still shaking
Go from one person to the next and help them get bitcoin into xverse
Right and pre-register or or do whatever the fuck they needed to do and like it's still going on. It hasn't stopped anything
Oh my god, this is the help desk part ash. So like that's the thing is that right now
Let's fucking go
Right now dude is the worst time to know what you're doing at ordinals because you are then a help desk employee
And that's just how this works or something
Uh, I don't know what you're saying. That's get what?
Masking her if she needs like some uber eats or something
Great great. No, I like I literally think I might like have to go get a bottle of vodka
We're gonna be meowing tomorrow at 12 o'clock together don't worry about no. Yeah. I got whiteness too. I was in we did the commercial
Yeah, listen, I don't know that's gonna be a 2x at least. Uh, I think personally honestly, bro
I think that's starting right off the gate at point five minimum point three
But I think it's gonna be higher. Yeah for sure higher than men for sure. I would say because udi
Well, no, like I'm just gonna bet on that alone started at point one two five out the gate evident
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, exactly. That's I mean, you know how this shit works like generally out the gates gonna be yeah
And then uh, especially with super fucking hyped which like obviously this is and yeah, it's expensive
But like there's big money on bitcoin. So like i've seen things go way the fuck higher on bitcoin
So why not, you know, so i'm hearing that also these are gonna have some crazy airdrops
So I don't know what i'm gonna be doing with mine, of course
Like dude, they're tapped in and like to be real if you can get in there, I would no i'm not in that one
It's fun. I already funded the wallet. Oh you I know i'm just saying like anybody bro
Like if you have the bitcoin and you can like get a whitelist or you had a chance to get a whitelist
Like I think that it's a very smart decision
Like those guys are crazy tapped in on ordinals
Like it makes no sense to not do it if you're like in a position to get one is where I sit with it
Like why the fuck not?
Yeah, they're here. They're not going anywhere. You know that it's not some random team, right? Yeah
Bullish but good fucking luck, bro. Thank you. I'm bullish as fuck. I'd like i've been
Oh, well, well, thank you i'm just i'm glad that I was able to like do something positive for the world at the same time
I'm like i'm never doing this again. You're doing real work. You're doing real work
People don't understand this but like dude the amount of dms that I send a day is just insane
It's like a lot of people want to get into ordinals and it is what it is
It's it's not the easiest thing right now
But that's why it's so bullish you understand me like that's that's the reason that we do this shit and we grind through it
Right now and nobody understands what's happening and then eventually you have r6 in your treasury and you're printing it
So that's like the reason and now it's about to happen
Runes are coming and I think those kill brc 20s. I'm just gonna fucking say it, bro
I think a lot of brc 20s are gonna shift their way into runes because it makes more sense
So like dude all of these things happening at once are all opportunities that people aren't gonna jump on right away
Because they're fucking lazy and like one percent of people you tell something to are actually gonna listen
So you have the chance to just be one of those one percent
Go do it and get all the tokens early and then fucking jeep the fuck out of them
That's all of these situations, dude
The pixelated puppets all this fucking bullshit like anything you can really get into right now
That has some sort of hype and is on ordinals like i'm looking into it. You know what i'm saying?
It's it's all prints
It's i've had way more luck in ordinals for the past three months than I have on eth in a year
So it's nothing against eth and like you could be there and grinding
But ordinals to me is programmed and easier which it's it's actually harder for most people
But once you get there for a little bit you start to know
Notice how this goes and you can kind of like see pumps and like dude even with puppets alone
Like if you got a few puppets, you got a handful of pups those pups could be printing for themselves, bro
Uh, it's defi now. So like liquidium bro and like all these other options
So it's like that's that's to me the move for summer. It's it's btc defi summer season
That's like where i'm at on top of the airdrop shit. You know what i'm saying? But yeah, uh aria. What's up, bro?
I need to know more about the quantum cats to be honest. I was
Totally mia about the quantum cats kind of stuff. I know
Everyone wants them later like is there a possibility of sneaking in there maybe
That's my question too. I registered but like what are the odds especially with defi ash like saying she onboarded a bunch of people today
So the way so if one of the whiteless wallets
Can get funded for
All three you can probably get in
So like the whiteness wallets, they said that you can you're allowed up to three
During the public phase, but there might even be like something. I i'm not even sure
Well, do we know I don't know but I would definitely check the twitter
I would definitely check the twitter because it sounds like we don't know what the fuck we're talking about exactly. But uh, no
It's it's said it right before we did the thing you can fund your wallet up to you
Have to have the money in your wallet
Say you don't have to feel like you would have to have your money funded for up for up to three minutes
Is that what you're saying? Yo, i'm pretty sure I thought you had to register your wallet this morning before 12 o'clock
Having your wallet funded but I didn't have it. I don't have it three times funded. Is that what you're saying?
No. Oh, okay. Good
No, no, you don't have to have it three times funded i'm saying you can have it three times funded
How much is one time funded thanks
So the three times thing is irrelevant let's get that out of the way you can you could have applied earlier
Yes, and then can you still apply right now?
And is there a link or like a web uh twitter post or something like that?
If we know that for sure other than that, I have no fucking idea and it sounds like we don't really either
But uh, you can hopefully I don't know but deep by ash
Do you know anything about if it's still eligible like or where to go?
I I don't know that much about the public. Yeah, I mean you can
I i'll pin something you can you can go to the the website and try to pre-register. I thought that
wallets were supposed to be
Submitted by 4 p.m mountain, which would have been six eastern
Um, but I was also told by someone else that the wallet could remain unfunded for a few hours
for whitelist but not for
Presale which it or not. Yeah
for the for the whiteness that ended at six
All right, okay, so is is pre-reg still open then?
Is that what I don't know?
Honestly, you know what?
I would say right now go to the website and fucking try and then if you can't get in you can't get in like fuck it
Like I definitely just go try that's that's the move always, you know what I mean?
So yeah, if you want to pin that to the top
If you guys want to check the page fucking go there go to the site if you have the money
I would say try bro if you're trying to get it just and if you don't get in
Fucking send him a dm bro. Fucking. I don't know send everybody a dm
Like tell me one in ask your friends who are in there fucking just start screaming about it post on the timeline
Make a video you and your cat whatever the fuck and then get the goddamn fucking mint bro. Uh, so i'm
But i'm thinking like what is it? What are my chances? Thank you, bro, and I have two cats. So, um, I also want to take a video
Let's start making videos right now. Yeah, take a video put it on time. I
You're fucking crazy mac if I could listen jape, I don't know. Uh, I don't know and I don't think we know it all
But if you're if you're registered, hopefully you gotta I would say just try to mint and then maybe go on the site and see if
There's any other options to like further your chances. Uh, I don't know
I hope it's like I when is it tomorrow? What time is it tomorrow? Does anybody know my time? It's 2 p.m.
Central 2 p.m central so 3 p.m. Eastern. That's when the mint is
I'll be paying attention. But but the mint is on 31st, right?
All right, we're gonna check the website again, that's what we're gonna do and we're not gonna talk about it anymore
All right, we're gonna all stop talking and let queen our talk and then we'll move on to the next segment of just talking
Sweet, um, I just wanted to bring up the fact that jape has
Consistently without fail always thumbs down every time we talk about nifty island in
Protest as the lone soldier and it's so funny. And did she just leave I was trying to give
She's ruthless dude it cracks me up she's down there thumbs down and constantly it's so funny
Let's try it. Let's say it nifty island nifty island. Go ahead thumbs it down bro
You know, and look you don't play don't go you dad tape. I give a fuck. Honestly, you don't like something
Don't like it. Don't play I'm gonna play I'm gonna get the free points and the free money whenever I can which is barely
Right now which sucks, but it is what it is. I need a child or somebody else's child to babysit
Uh, if anybody's in the midwest area, just hit me up
Pay somebody in fucking
Anybody I want to get free money would do well i'm gonna pay somebody bro. Yeah, i'm pissed and if he's not old enough
He's like going a lot faster bro
I mean, yeah, you got a family member and you got like any but family members you could just have play it
I don't but if I did I would but I cannot I can't give anybody my wallet to log it
So it's a pretty bad situation for me, but i'll play it when I can
You're gonna be terrible
Fucking terrible
Um, all right, i'm gonna i'm gonna show my island if you're a noob and you don't uh
Want to play the hard games and you don't want to do up-only races. Um, come to my island
It's queen. Arf just search that and it's like easy and I did six different games. They're all the different kinds
Just come
Come to it. Thank you. Go to king arse island. No doubt go to her. I don't care about my island, bro
Who cares just go get the points blah blah blah. I got 25 blooms. Stop in mind. Stop it hurts and stop her fingers
Sorry, dude. Cut you off. She was thumbs and down. It's like clockwork. That's bullish. I don't care. Uh, I love it
I fucking love it dude. I just your opinions don't matter to me. It's too busy. Uh, it's way too busy, dude
And make money and make our bags work for themselves. I'm not missing that are you probably uh, go ahead
I'll be there
Has he told you what his idea is for the art for his collection? Wait eddie?
Mm-hmm. Wait, what does he know? What does he do?
Oh, I don't know if I can say i'm not sure. Oh, well, maybe don't okay
Well, he's doing a collection guys. Uh, I don't know what the art is neither of you. Uh, we'll know later
She knows cool. We don't fuck but uh eddie's doing a collection dude six. Let's talk
Yo, uh, when are the taproot wizards dropping? Is your name six danny? Fuck uh six. How's it going, bro?
You know, it's good king earth
g-mog, bro
You know six
Fuck is this but you we're saying we're saying what's up to everybody. This isn't the real six. What the fuck's going on?
Yeah, the fuck is up. It's five and a half. Which six is this?
What did you get that name?
Ain't like no six we ever heard before safe
Beck danny we were saying six just wanted to say hi, but what are you saying?
Taproot wizards are those after like what's going on with all this oody shit, bro?
Like wizard shop fucking 40 year old balding man taking wizard showers. Is that the culture? Is that the culture of bitcoin now?
Let's go. I'm not trying. I'm not trying to hate like there's room for everyone. But like god damn, bro. I love it
I didn't take a shower. I did not take a shower
I wish I did I probably should have i'm not gonna lie. I probably would have uh, if I knew what it was at the time
Probably would have taken a shower like give me fucking half a bitcoin later. Are you fucking sure to me?
I took a shower. I just had to bring a camera
Fuck, but yeah, we missed it. Congrats. Wait. Yeah, but are those are those dropping?
I guess like they're after quantum cats. Like I know they've already been inscribed but sure
When is when are those like when's that collection coming out?
I'm not on the team. So I have no fucking idea, but I do want to know
Uh, maybe uh, if I do I have time to take a shower is really my question
Do it is there still time to like do the stupid shit where I take a shower?
Look funny or whatever and then fucking get the thing. Does anybody know that or is it closed out?
I'll look into it myself after this but uh, we'll figure out what's going on with those wizards, huh?
I want one and uh, yeah, so let's look into it and grind that out. We're already grinding everything else
Why can't we take a shower and film it for half a bitcoin fucking idiots? Uh, i'll do it
I have a shower video. Where do I send it? I that's what i'm trying to figure out
So if you want to go look at the timeliness
Here we go. Welcome to nft's baby. Uh, if you want to go honestly, dude, uh, yeah check
Go look on that do that. Go look at udi. Fuck and look at these wizards. Maybe people are still sending videos
Maybe it's possible
I don't know
But I might actually look into it now that you've reminded me because like why the fuck not dress up like an idiot take a shower
And make half a bitcoin
Have wizards not minted them
They're inscribes, but they haven't like came out
They're doing this cats thing probably to raise millions and then do something else. I don't fucking know, dude
It's like we're taking a shower
It's all a ponzi bro. I don't know. I'm just it is what it be bro. Somehow these bitcoin and efforts are printing
So we're all showering bro. That's what's happening. Everybody on eath. Take a fucking shower. Send us a bitcoin
I don't know what to tell you bro. That's the move liz. What's up? Oh, I had to come correct you both
Everything you guys have said it was like half incorrect. Oh, oh, here's the letter
Okay, the wizard showers were like a year ago. It is too fucking late
You have to already like put that through tap word, uh wizard school
So you guys are like really really freaking late your best bet now is to get a fucking cap for like five thousand dollars
Which is tomorrow and somehow that became the genesis collection because well
Selling the quantum cat at souther bees for 250 wasn't enough the 7.5 million that was raised by vc is not enough
So let's milk our community for the cat and then the tapwood wizard. So that's really what's going on with that bullish on taproot
Maybe bearish on beauty
Yes, let's go
It's all the bags. That's the thing that's happening. He's just really farming this
And he's gonna make all the bags and he's probably waiting to put out the wizards until there's more
People coming to the space and these cats were probably just like a midterm solution
That's my assumption, right?
Is he just putting these out because like uh, they're gonna get a little antsy waiting for these wizards
Let's give them a little pussy and have them shut the fuck up for a while and then uh in like six months
All right, well and then in six months to a year
We'll put out these fucking wizards and uh, they'll fucking send because all the normies will be here by then
Uh, maybe that's kind of his process. That's my guess
On puppets on pixel puppets on cheetos and on puppets on soul like the
Autism is the way to go. And now I think that taylor's going to the super bowl and somehow I think that that's world peace
Bro, this sand friends get their ass handed to them puppets is
Sun puppets before we pivot pulley to puppets
I will say that like one thing I think that is on the horizon is there's all these
like low inscription projects that
Already exist that haven't been minted yet that are kind of just sitting on the chain like sub under k
Inscription collections and I think that's kind of going to be a theme
What are we now like end of january probably like mid february like march?
I feel like a lot of those projects are going to start minting
That's like my theory and then added speculation onto that is like maybe they decide to whitelist certain projects
so potentially alpha there but
Yeah, i'm kind of looking at that
Is absolute facts. Uh, there's a lot of stuff inscribed dude
Listen, I like I didn't really hype this up. I don't really care
So i'm just going to talk about it. I fucking put out a collection of six pieces for 0.0169
I put those out with the intention of sweeping r6 at the bottom
And then putting those in the treasury and farming those until the rune drop and just holding them in there to see what the team does
Dude, like I inscribed those in june, right? If I inscribed them now, it'd be way more fucking expensive
So like a lot of guys back then knew this was coming and they were like, okay
I'm gonna inscribe shit now
The reason that I didn't put this out before was because I didn't see a product market fit
But now i'm able to fund my treasury via a fucking airdrop on runes, which is insane
So immediately i'm like this makes sense
A bunch of chads got in shout out to utimo down there all you motherfuckers who got into fucking origami hands close the sale out
and tda the uh
Partnership director ro you're the shit. Thank you for hopping in everybody who's in there and they're all get you're all gonna get whitelist
And shit to different things access to things that I do. So very small collection. That was a fucking point
But the reason that makes danny's right is because I just did the same shit, dude
And like other people are doing this like that
We knew back then when this was happening that it was an opportunity
To like inscribe a collection do something cool with it later and just sit on it and like people with patience
Have really cool collections coming out in the next six months, you know
And like there's going to be a lot of them
So those are whitelist opportunities there and you might not just have to take a shower and like fucking beg some rich
Dude for a fucking cat or a fucking whatever. Okay, you might have another opportunity, bro
That you weren't like here for a year ago half a year ago, and now you're here now
So look for those new things like these runes too, bro. New runes are coming like you didn't get an arctic
Okay. Well, you can't afford one. Okay. What's the next thing? What's the next play? What's the next thing?
Like that's always the question right now because there's things from a long time ago, bro
That are coming out right the fuck now soon
Also space at the top just go fucking put your reminders on up there
Eddie's been making money on wasabi flooring and all this sort of bullshit for a minute
That's literally why I did this space early
So we could just bounce into that go learn how to make money and stop fucking fading it
Definitely because especially after seeing defy on
Bitcoin like defy on bitcoin is hyper new
So like it's really we were gonna get over there and like yes
I'm diving in headfirst and uh
It's a lot easier to get in on eth and like most people are from there
And have assets that they could literally like make money with that. They're seriously fading, dude. And uh,
Soon you're not gonna be able to get pixel on seals anymore
So seals seem like a very nice asset if you're not farming pixel
To start fucking around with nftfi with because after pixel, what is the point of just fucking staking it?
And actually wob had mentioned that he's planning nftfi. Do I know what that means?
No, but i'm assuming that's partnerships probably with like people like arcade maybe other fucking platforms
I don't fucking know
The point being is like seals probably gonna be eating off nftfi if they actually participate and people already are do you want to short nftis?
Long nftis get fucking points get fucking these weird saps tokens
Like it does it's fucking defy
So you're gonna have an opportunity to figure that out if you just listen to eddie
I saw in the fucking discord where like
You use I think it's wasabi or whatever and they're flooring and you use that and you get like multipliers and shit
So get the money. It's fucking free. If you have a seal go fuck around with it
If you don't care about staking the pixel now
Do you stake it like uh eddie unstake a bunch of them and he was fucking around with defy
I don't even know what he printed but it was a lot more than he would have gotten
If he was staked doing pixels, so like all the mid-curve bullshit of like, oh you unstaked your seal, dude
Uh, yeah, bro, because he leveraged that shit. Uh, I made money
uh, dude, I sold some shit that people gave me shit for and fucking I leveraged all these new mints and fucking printed like 5x off
those nfts so
People just uh, you don't need to listen to them. You just need to go get the bag. Really? Uh, that's about it, dude
Uh, I don't really have anything else to say bro. So anybody else
Yeah, how are you kikar if you're doing good
Fuck man. Are you hydrated? Are you drinking enough water?
Just doing a check-in because you give so much to everyone with your alpha and you're working really hard
Oh for sure. I'm not gonna stop working for two years. It's a bull market. But uh, I am i'm i'm doing better. I'm doing okay
Uh, I think I went I was gonna go outside today
Uh go to the gym, but it's fucking covered in ice. So I played dance dance revolution for like an hour
And yeah, that was my day and then i've been doing this since then
Everybody wants to come up now that i'm trying to fuck off
But luckily we gotta fuck off in nine minutes because we're gonna learn how to make money
So you go ahead come up here and everybody say whatever they want
Aria you go ahead brother and then we'll get to beans and fucking duck moggins, bro. I wonder what he's gonna say
Queen arf, can you do your q and your a also big letters like king arf?
Because it's triggering me
A little bit don't do it then. Just um, you know, the best I could give you is all caps like yours
Is that fine for you or no, it should be like king arf, but yeah, it's too bad
Well, maybe yours should be like king arf
Yeah, you're really triggering with that all caps. I feel like you're yelling at me. I gotta scream your name
Keep it. Just keep it. Arf
Arf bro, i'm trying to get you up your dreams. Oh, I need another co-host actually now mac. You're right. You were right before I can't get
Well at the time you could have fucked up I gotta get danny up here pinger you're fucking rugged bro, uh,
Fuck me dude. At least you're here bro is awesome
I can't get you co-host, right?
Well, let me see. Good. Did he leave? Oh, dude, you're right there. It's fine. Uh, anyway, let's get beans up here
He's mr. Beans. I don't know what the fuck he's planning to say
But uh, let's let him talk before arab because arab really talked beans is not and he's about yeah
What's up with this ugly derp looking motherfucker i'm out while it though
Let's go. Yo that bitch. You gotta you gotta wash trade the fuck out of it to yourself
And then you gotta farm the advances mike was telling me I gotta do some illegal shit
So i was like fuck it. Yeah, we gotta get fucky on the bitcoin blockchain, bitch. Uh, it's gonna be lit
But you can't do anything yet
We get we do a little wash dream and getting runes, uh, uh, I don't know if it's legal
Do we we're puppets wash trading is
So we can't do anything yet, right
Yeah, it's allegedly bro. Don't worry about it
Just wash trade it to yourself and just farm the points. Have you seen the parent inscription?
It's got all the instructions for some reason and it looks fucking retarded and they just recur
They repeat over and over again infinitely. Yeah, the font is ass though. That shit makes me
I wonder how many puppets open that in their wallet and just kept scrolling for like hours. I hope it was a lot
It was a lot I saw it and I was like at first I was like first of all
What the fuck is this and then second of all, why do I have it?
And then yeah, I realized the whole airdrop thing was like, oh, that's interesting
And then I read the parent like I went to dude. I did this. I didn't see any tweets
I fucking went to the goddamn parent inscription and saw a fucking message for me and it fucking made me laugh
So fucking hard. I can't even explain to you right now, bro
I'm hyper bullish because it's retarded. So if you have one
Uh trade the fuck out of it in my opinion wash right the fuck out of it
Get the fucking points and maybe we get a shitty weird weird little rune later and we're gonna be training it on
We're trading it on some fucking weird fucking decks on Bitcoin. I don't fucking know bro, but just get the fucking runes
Uh, that's it. Fucking a we got fucking okay duck moggins. Can you do your thing?
Send it higher because it's fucking retarded. Let's go
All right. It's fucking retarded. Send it higher and come on. Hurry
Uh, yeah, adam, uh, adam's a penguin. We're gonna let him talk for airbead just so he gets mad. Uh, Adam go ahead
Yo, what up, brother? I haven't talked in a few months. Just wanted to update you. I haven't found davey yet
Uh was wondering if you had found him hasn't talked enough. Oh, come on, man
I haven't been on space with you like this since we were on there with bitcoin batty
Arfing at her and then pingu came up and fucking called her dumb ass bitch or some shit
And then yeah, dude, it was lit. But uh, where'd she go? She's gone, dude
Do you think she's coming back for bull market on bitcoin? Do you she's going to take a wizard shower?
Yeah, man
Yo, don't mention if there was a shower my dog took a shower, bro. She was still here, dude. I'm not gonna lie
All right. Let's get the whitelist. If she was still here her
All the whitelist bro all of them they would all take a showers
They always got the whitelist but she decided to rug people for what 15 grand. What did you make?
Was it worth that for a gucci purse and some fucking habaji?
Yo, that's my baby mom's relax, bro. That's my back bro. How's she oh you're getting paid bro. That's your sugar mom's
This bro's making like a hundred dollars a week
She's almost snapped out for sure. So she'll be back soon. It's another moniker some bullshit araby. Go ahead