Esports in Web3: What does it look like?

Recorded: March 7, 2024 Duration: 0:59:48



What's up, everybody
Welcome back to another episode two of silks weekly Twitter spaces every week here on Thursday's at 4 p.m
If you haven't go ahead give a space a retweet. Let's get some more people in here
Super excited to be talking about today's topic of eSports and one three
I'm Matthew Pizzuto behind the game of social count and with me today. I got Gavin or squid as a co-host. How you doing Gavin?
What's up? What's up? Super excited for today's spaces. It looks like we got a great panel today and
Listen even the questions be asked super excited to get this going
Awesome, so we'll start it off with a round of introductions
Like I said, I'm Matthew Pizzuto. I'm the marketing manager here a game of silks
And this is your first time tuning in or hearing about game of silks
We are digitalizing the sport of thoroughbred horse racing by creating actual
representations of real-life resources as NFTs on the blockchain
you recently just passed over three-quarter million dollars in giveaways and
You earn by your horse when it races in the real world you earn 1% of its earnings
So I'll pass it over to a gentle meta. How you doing and who's why in the account today?
Hey guys, this is Novara, I'm the global combs manager over at Gensokishi
for those of you who are not familiar with it Gensokishi is the with three adaptation of a game that used to be on
PlayStation and Nintendo for about 15 years
I think I've been on on previous sessions. So I'm really looking forward to this panel
Like you said, we've got some amazing speakers. So I'm looking forward to it and thank you for having us again
Awesome thanks for coming back gaming. How are you?
Hey, buddy, you're doing good. How are you?
Good. Good. It's good to have you in one of our spaces. I we were back on your spaces a few weeks ago
Yeah, I'm in happy to be here super exciting topics. He's awesome. We're free. How good
Who we got behind the account today
My name is Blake and I'm the head of web 3 marketing the gaming
Awesome. Welcome Blake
Nitro League
How are you doing today?
GM how are you? My name is Travis. I do BD over at Nitro League. We're a racing game
Available on Mac and PC from our website from game switch or from ultra. We got a pretty awesome tournament going on right now
Excited dive into the topic of eSports and right up our alley. So
Awesome welcome back layer 1x. I think you're your first time guest on the show
How you doing today?
Good good. Thanks. Thanks for having us. I think I was actually in another AMA with you guys last week or the week before one of those two
But thanks for having us. My name is Cody. I'm the chief experience officer at layer 1x
If you don't know what layer 1x is we're a next generation layer one that is
Next-generation layer one that is fully decentralized in our focuses on transforming the web 3x experience
Particularly er, you know in the gaming arena and we're doing that through a
Bridgeless interoperability that's kind of our flagship proprietary technology that we have
So not only will you be able to move assets and in-game tokens, you know things like that across different chains
But also be able to move data and logic
across EDM and non EDM chains
very effortlessly
just like you do currency, so
our thing that we're focused on is this we're doing what data what Bitcoin did for payments, so
We're excited to be here and jump in your conversation today
Awesome, yeah, bridges interoperability. It's just really cool. I'll have to dive in on it some more and we'll see if you're helping everybody out get their payment solutions
Hey GM, thank you for having me. Yeah, I mean Kalano. My name is Kalano
I'm a ghostwriter and offer a reply service for influencers and builders
And I was in web 3 before eSports arrived
So I feel like you know
I just missed out by 10 years in the way for the eSports life being that old
But hopefully I've got some insights that I can share today
Maybe you missed it on the last time, but we're still early here and you catch on
Mindless, how's it going?
Hey, what's up? Good to see you all. I feel rather underdressed
You've got some amazing folks up here with some crazy accounts and all of their official gold ticks. I definitely feel left out
I'm the gentleman behind the BSC news gaming network. You might find my voice familiar
We are a traditionally a crypto media media company
Funded and fight well financed way back by finance
And this new venture of ours is covering covering the web 3 gaming space
My job is to touch base with all of the amazing founders and builders in this space
See what you're up to play your games interact produce news content reviews and all the rest of that fun stuff
Love it third wave. Welcome to the show
Hey brother, thanks for having me on I'm Ray I had market development at third wave
If you know anything about third wave, you know that a lot of our team brings deep experience at companies like Facebook building
Tooling like lookalike targeting to now providing very similar growth tooling for web 3 builders
We're actually going to be launching our wallet intelligence tooling at GDC at its core
Wallet intelligence is really just dedicated to unlocking the full potential of blockchain wallet awareness
It's designed to provide, you know deep actionable insights into wallet activities really just bridging the knowledge gap for
Developers and marketers alike to find their best customers and be able to apply lookalike targeting to find more of them
Thanks for having us
Also, I love what you're doing and
You know marketers and developers can't get enough of knowing more about their customers
So definitely take a look into what you guys are working on
Without any further ado, let's get into our first topic of the show today
You guys can just go ahead and jump right in and if somebody's talking, you know, raise your hand and we'll get to you
How can web 3 and NFTs enhance fan engagement and interaction at eSports events?
Think just to jump in right away, man
I think on a eSports space we did in the past, you know, we were talking about, you know, how do we bring viewers in?
You know, is it the possibility of just giving them, you know, a little a little steak, you know
You know coming in watching, you know, maybe receiving a token maybe receiving badges
I'm a huge fan of that and then you know
Even just to bounce around first of all after hearing the introductions from everyone
What a space to have, you know guys working on wallets also, you know, they are one here going for each list
I can't wait until these discussions go between these guys and even some marketers in here to truly get insights of just not games building
But also what other solutions are out there to help these games built up
I'll just start off with that
Yeah, I think web 3 and NFTs are gonna do a lot for eSports
honestly, you know
They can be digital collectibles like trading cards and those can also lead to
Token gated experiences token gated fan clubs chats virtual events things of the sort
You can also do a lot of different things around like tokenizing
rewards and things the such participating in activities supporting
Attending different events all those things can be rewarded in a tokenized kind of fashion fashion
And then, you know, you can also do some that's some fun stuff around governance
You see a little bit of it like with karate combat and things of the sort it could be, you know stuff like
Selecting like next team jerseys. It could be you know colors or logos or whatever that may be
Could could have stuff to do with sponsors
So I think there's a whole lot of things for for eSports from both the
competitor being able to monetize on a different level and then also
engagement level for the fans
From an interoperability standpoint for fans inside of eSports
I think especially as it moves into web 3 is
Being able to compare the and and put head-to-head the top teams in eSports on
Ethereum versus like the top e-sport team on polygon and haven't played the same game
Without any hesitation like I think that's gonna be a huge one for for fans so that they don't have to
Basically be on a specific chain the communities can all come together
Know honestly to stay stay on that same topic there now what you what you're building that's that's basically your guys
It's a good point for the project right of going for a choice and allowing multiple communities to go with each other
Yeah, so I'll drop some alpha for you
So basically we've partnered with a game called elder room through dig a labs if you're familiar with them great game
so what we've designed for them is
You know, basically they're gonna integrate with LNX and as a result of that
You'll be able to bring in NFTs so like think skins weapons, you know things like that and
Let's just say you have stuff scattered all over
Crypto many different chains, right because you played a lot of games over the years
Because they built on us and they're deploying on us through through their their back end
Even though they're built on a different chain at the current moment
it won't matter it doesn't matter the chain because we'll be able to pull all those NFTs in and
Also their game and the player can play it seamlessly on our on our blockchain
So, you know the the talk of this happening in the future. It's is now
Honestly, and we're getting ready to deploy it here in the next couple of months
Yeah, no that that's great, you know
The personally here cuz you know when you hear a lot of people start talking about going layer two, you know
They're only reason would be oh the cheaper fees cheaper fees
But to see what you're building also gives, you know
People multiple avenues to not jump on that platform and utilize that
For sure. Looks like
Yes online list down there
Let him chime in
Hey, thanks. Appreciate it on desktop. It's a bit of a pain
Um, so this is a really big discussion point and I love the fact you brought it up for us
They give us that's quite a lot to go on when we're talking about eSports specifically and like two points
Enhancement and engagement from your users and individuals that attend these events
So if we think about traditionally you go to a particular eSports event at a venue you purchase a ticket you get in and from
That point onwards, you're pretty much just another member of that crowd
They have no idea who you are where you're going what your habits were in that game
Whether you even played a particular game or not what you're spending habits were how many hours you spend if you're part of any particular
Guilds what your achievements were they don't have any idea of any of that stuff
Which meant that it was incredibly difficult to do any form of targeted
Marketing or sales or outreach in any way, but the moment you open up that door to say hey, you play our game
Would you mind sharing your username with us or do you mind sharing a wallet address with us?
We've got some cool surprises in store for you. Thank you for being here. This is going to be great experience
I hope you enjoy the show and
Throughout that show you can reward and engage all kinds of things with drops and NFTs and points for interaction for users to go
To specific parts of this eSports venue that they might be in
It just opens up the door to all of that stuff and then obviously you've got the on-chain information there
You know that hey this this individual he's he's a super player
He spends tens of thousands of dollars in our ecosystem every month
We would not have known that or hey, you know, there's these individuals. It's an entire guild. That's just turned up
You would never have known that in the traditional
eSports world when folks turn up to these events and just going back to the previous decade
If you were fortunate enough to get into a debut of some sort of gaming release or some special event where they might have been given
or rewarded one time memorabilia that was signed or perhaps rare in-game items that you have to
Sort of get a code and then go back to your client and put that code in and you may have been given a special
Ring or that type of stuff. So it the the structure works
It's just very clumber some in the way it's done at the moment and the way it's been done over previous decades
But I think the web 3
Element definitely fixes is with wallets and data and transactions and knowing a little bit more about the gamers that are walking into these ones
To kind of add on to what mindless was just saying
You know at our core
technology inside of the blockchain
One thing that we're working on is identity digital identities. We're actually working with
partnered with on chain to bring on
About 15 to 20 million turkey citizens for official government
Documentation and so we're also working with the second largest
healthcare provider in Singapore to do the exact same thing and so, you know, one of the things that we're focused on is
Like with what mindless was talking about
Um, we're trying to build out stks in libraries for games that come on to layer 1x
um to basically utilize this technology of
Of us giving the control back to the user to be in control of their user data and then that way
What does that mean? Well, that means that you know, if i'm a first person shooter game type of person or in this case
I love, you know betting on the ponies
I can basically get that data and I can go over to a very similar game
and have that data and share that data with the game right out of the right out of the gate and
I don't have to start from ground zero and kind of build my my data set with them
They can just tap into my existing stuff already
Which in a sense goes directly right into what mindless was talking about
They wouldn't know any otherwise
But if as soon as somebody connects they can they can have
Specific kpis or criteria that they're looking for and they could uh in you know, uh in my mind
When you first start a new game, it's always very simplistic
They're trying to teach you the same fundamentals and then they just kind of take baby steps into getting you into
Uh, you know the game itself and it's kind of that onboarding learning process
But you know if somebody's very familiar with what a first person shooter game is
Why not just ramp them up as quickly as they can based upon the data that you're either
Able to gather from all the others first person shooter games that they're doing so
That'll be awesome to kind of start implementing and that's a that's just one of the elements that people
That are game developers will be able to tap into and I know that a lot of web 2
Type of games mobile games pay hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars to get this
persona data
Um as they're mocking up as they're designing their games
So that they know that it will have a good chance of user adoption
And this is something that can come free from just building on us
As long as the users want to monetize their own data
Yeah, no and even like just looking at viewership too like of people having you know
Got maybe maybe those participants that love your game that don't play to know log on
And receive a badge and they don't know that the badges they're receiving at the end of the year
They're going to get private parties, you know, just looking at e-sports alone
You know, I think they're going to be able it's going to be one of the driving forces to the technology
A lot of you guys are building and us as a collective and you know, those are just great great points
All right, we can move on to um the next topic
That is how will the decentralized nature of web3 change e-sports tournaments and the way that leagues are operated and managed?
Okay, wow I see with your hand up
Yeah, I think one thing we'll start to see is
What I call individualized tournaments. So we're starting to see more and more by three games
Creating obviously through the incentive of their own tokens
wagering of your tokens for
Effectively playing the next game and I think we're going to see a lot of
tournaments that will be
Basically made amongst the players, you know
You have 10 players five versus five each player puts a little bit of their token and in in the prize pool
And people will be able to obviously make money for winning and I think that's something that
What I call the little player what I mean by that is the player was not a professional was not in a team
But it's just playing, you know, one two three games a day
Uh or a week we'll be able to have a financial incentive to play even at a very low level
And I think that's just not currently possible
So I think that's one of the things where I think that decentralization
Aspect with the tokens and all that is going to be a really interesting play to see over the next few
A month or a few years, you know whenever we finally have a web3 game that is sticky enough
Uh to onboard like a decent amount of users
Yeah, totally agree i've seen a few web3 games now where they allow their users and players to create in game tournaments or events where
um, they can put up prize money or people can join for getting the pool and
And win part of the pool and it's been pretty successful. So
Um, I think that can be
Yeah, no, even though the other fact is you know
I used to play like gbs when I was younger and you know now i'm not as good as everyone else
So I stopped playing a lot of the platforms are no longer there
To be able to put up put up whatever you're putting up tokens cash
And then know that at the end of the game the winner will be paid out without it being withheld for some reason
Like even you could look at it, you know matt you play paintball
How many times you know, have you entered a tournament and waited six months for them to pay?
Pretty much every time. Um
Mindless you're waving down there
Yeah, that's a great point and it's actually the one I wanted to touch on kilano. You had an awesome point, too
It's just allowing
Uh some of these smaller communities to arrange these things in their own way without too many barriers in place
I think that's that's quite empowering whether it's guilds or even sort of founder and company led
Um, but to go back to squid's point and something I wanted to touch on
This is a really big problem within the sports world. So you have players that sacrifice years of their life particularly
You know becoming professional and specializing their skills
And then having to fly halfway across the world getting visas crossing borders transporting taking part in a competition
Winning, uh, and then having to wait six to twelve months to get paid out a reward and sometimes even longer than that 24 months at times
When um that reward was promised to them and most of that is just down to poor practices lack of transparency
Waiting on funds from other individuals waiting on advertisers. Somebody along that route has backtracked
Somebody has renegaded somebody's lost out and find you know, right at the end of that
It's the the gamer is the professional team that's just stuck having to wait
All of that can be mitigated if you know proof of funds were shown up front or locked into some sort of
Uh multi-sig uh smart contract in which you know terms are met and well
There you it's a couple of signatures and you're paid
But the transparency is there from the beginning that it removes all of this gray area and
having to go through hr and accounting and bank transfers and invoices and all of that messy stuff that just I think lands on
The end user most of the time which is unfortunately the gamers themselves
And just to piggyback on what you're saying here
I also think you know, you talked about traveling and all that stuff and
I think that's reserved to the western countries and asia and like the rich countries in general, right?
And you have probably a lot of good players who are living in
a big to big poor countries
Sorry where they can't afford to even get those
plane tickets and stuff to go to
Big lands and big tournaments if they are not sponsored already, and I think once again, you know that democratization
Way of transacting is going to help a lot on that. So i'm rooting for the small player, you know
That's basically the long story short in here, but I think that's going to be one of the the big things
Yeah, I think um, it'll have a lot of interesting impact on on players on teams, especially
I know that in the past and traditional web 2 sports
There's some players that get paid more on some teams or less on other teams
Uh or less than the players that are on their same team
There's there's some interesting games, I know that uh, this is a web 2 game
But counter strike everybody's pretty familiar with it's been a fairly successful game
They they did something, um where players can purchase stickers
Of the pro players at events and then the pro players on those teams earn
A percentage that counter strike makes off of each of the stickers sold for those players and I think that there's a way
This can allow players themselves to potentially sell
Nfts or or web 3 assets or the teams to release things where fans can engage and maybe
You know, they're able to share and what that player earns or just help support that player along their journey becoming a professional
We're in their professional career
Genzo I see you with your your hand up
Thank you, but I think actually mindless was first. I don't mind waiting. Oh
Uh, no ladies first, please i've i've already spoken. Oh, thank you so much
um, well, I think
Um, I was just listening to everyone else and I was just reflecting on how
How the gameplay is going over at gensokish and what i've noticed is that what what you guys mentioned?
Is that it's quite empowering for some of the the normal players and I feel like e-sports and web 2
Um to a certain degree can be quite exclusive
Um to the point where it almost feels like you're not really a participant and if you participate it's only as a viewer
whereas with web 3 games you
You have this opportunity to actually make a creator of yourself and i've seen so many
of of our players become
You know forum guilds become content creators
Whether it's through ugc, whether it's going to be through po-ops for events
And you can just get really creative and just make your own community, which is
Something that i'm definitely up for and something that I also really really like
Is that this is the best form of marketing for in a game and anybody
Should be using this instead of paying marketing agencies and using tailored content or anything else because when you see a genuine post
On social media when you see people actually having fun
Um, you know maybe playing an mmorpg or shooter game or anything like this
The impact that it has on a viewer or on someone that hasn't played the game
It's just different because you can just see that it's not
Solely, you know put out there for the sake of marketing. You can see that it's been made by other players
Um, and just to put it that like to just sum it up. It just hits different. It just hits different
Um, so that is the marketing that i'd like to do again. So kisha
I just want as many of our players to just posting stuff and I think that works out to our benefit as well
So it's just like a two-sided
So the synergy between the players and the projects and I think that's
That's the thing that definitely distinguishes it from web to e-sports
100% agree definitely finding a way where you can incentivize ugc within your community so that they can get the word out
Uh, you know nobody relates more than a friend or somebody that they follow, uh talking about how they enjoyed product
Mindless we'll uh get to you now waving your hand down there
Hey, thanks. Yeah, definitely. There's a couple of things to talk about there
And first of all, that was a beautiful point by our friend that again, so
Uh empowering the little guy hits it's it's really important. Um
two things so
About a decade ago. I used to be involved in
Some small elements of the e-sports scene when it comes to arcade style, uh fighting game street fighter
And I remember a story very vividly. There was a
An incredibly talented team from uh, I think it was pakistan
Um who had the potential to be?
Some of the world's best players
But they just couldn't get into the country where these tournaments were taking place because of visa and immigration rules
They physically couldn't get there. They're pretty much excluded from taking part
And I think somebody mentioned it earlier. I forgot who it was but
sometimes these competitions are very exclusive to
Nations that have easy ease of access and transport as well as individuals that have
A lot more spending power to be able to get around the world and take part
Right, and that's the only way some of these players get visibility
You may be the best player in you know, a particular hemisphere of the world
But there's no way you're going to get discovered because perhaps you don't have access to the funds
You don't have access to the network. You can't get to where you need to get to this type of problem exists in sports in general
You know things like cricket or golf or other sports that might be considered a middle upper class thing. They're they're gate kept and buried by
You know personal networks of parents and family and mostly the amount of capital you have available
Well, that problem entirely is removed if you have some sort of on-chain identity
where metrics and you know in-game performance and activity can be
Monitored from anybody across the world and it allows even esports tournament hosts and esports teams to say hey
Who is that particular wallet this one right here in this region? That's been
You know unanimously outperforming anybody else for the last six months
We kind of want to get in touch with that person that kind of visibility does not exist in the gaming world at the moment
But I think that is really really empowering to talent in general, right? I think we will we will all agree
The best talent should have the opportunity to rise to the top and when it comes to tournaments and esports in the web3 space
I I hope that kind of solves that problem
I I love what you said mindless, you know, um, it doesn't exist i'm telling you give me give me a few more months
And it will exist
Um, we're already working on that kind of thing as I was mentioning before
Um, you know one of the things that we're rolling out in the back half of this year is is an ads platform
Um, because we feel like you know for for games that are just
getting going, you know, you you go to twitter you go to
Facebook you go to all these social places to do advertising
Why not be able to advertise right to those players to potentially play your game?
And uh reward them instead of paying facebook and all these guys, uh third-party platforms that are taking
astronomical amounts of money
Uh reward players say hey, come play. I'll uh, you know for for every level you play you get so much, uh, you know
Usdt usdc stablecoin your coin, whatever you want to give them, you know type of thing. Um, that's where
It goes back to them owning their data and being able to monetize off of the hours and hours and hours of play time and data
I look at my kids and
I see how much time how much money they've spent on that stupid game fortnite and
They don't own anything
Yes, my son can do a headshot of somebody jumping off of a mountain
Type of thing while they're driving across the a plane
You know, maybe I guess if we have another world war that will come in handy, I guess but I mean, I don't
I don't know. I I hope not but you know
It's like what is that actually rewarding a person with and I liked what?
Was said that you can be the little guy. Everybody loves the underdog story
I mean every single movie out there basically has an under
Underlining tone of that narrative and uh, this is a great way for you guys to build it up and
You know for us we're thinking, you know when it comes to the gaming and using that gamer data
Why not be able to say hey, there's somebody in your area that you should play against that is
better than you
Uh type of things that will help you level up in your game
And become more of a known person. Um, I played
Basketball in high school and in college and when my kids came to me and told me about e-sports at their high school
I was like, what the crap? This was a few years ago
And now they're telling me that they can actually now get scholarships from major universities here in the u.s
And i'm like
Okay, this is the real thing. Let's go for it. I mean i've always been a gamer as well
But uh, you know being the traditional athlete it's kind of like
Esports an athlete, you know kind of thing and I rec I recognize them as athletes, you know, that's that's where i'm at
That's where my headspace is
yeah, you know and even just jumping back to earlier what you guys were speaking about and talking about the smaller player and
You know the underdog story and the reason we see a lot of monopolized e-sports teams
Is that fact we're speaking about is they go out and they could you could have the underdog story
And this team that put up all their money and all their bank accounts happen to win that tournament
And then they have to they can't do anything else because they're not getting paid for the next six months to a year
So that that team, you know a lot could happen in that time a lot might have to get different jobs
Or you know
And just personal life happens and and they're not having the opportunity to go take that and you know
Roll back and play another tournament to keep the team alive
And I think that's one of the biggest effects
We've only seen a couple of these e-sports teams around because it's it's just the top dogs because they have the dollars behind them
Couldn't couldn't agree with you more
it kind of ties back into
Our game a little bit right gavin with the randomization factor on the horses and just how kind of in the real world
it's always the the big dogs the
Wealthiest to get the best horses and here we kind of strive to to level that playing field and give
Everybody the same chance to whether you mean, you know
You're somebody who just comes in and gets one horse or you're somebody comes and get a hundred horses
You could still get that, uh, Kentucky dirty winner
Moving on to the next question which is around
Web two gaming events and web two, you know, uh gaming teams we we've seen
Gaming take over and really grow over the last few years
How do we get web two teams?
e-sports teams
Playing web three games or how do we get web three games inside these large?
Web two gaming events like msi and other ones
Kalano I see you at the fast hands again
I think the fastest way to get that done is to make great games, you know
Um, I am personally tired of those
Uh isometric games from 2007 labeled as the next gen web three games. I'm going to be honest
I'm looking at shrapnel. I'm looking at stuff like that
And and those are the ones that are exciting me like the normies
They don't care about those 2d games looking like game where you color, you know
So as long as we don't have something that the masses want to play regardless of it being web three, you know
If it's labeled web three, I think it's almost a handicap to be honest
I think we should really be looking forward to having great games that
Are just great games, you know, and there is an underlying technology behind it called blockchain where people can
Own their assets and trade it and all that good stuff that we know we're super bullish on
But nine times some of the people don't care
How they own the asset as long as they know they own the asset, you know
Like I don't care that game is made in cplus plus python java and all that stuff
And I think 99 of the people who play game are going to be in that position
So, you know make games great again
I would say to to to have a funny one here and uh, and that's where we're gonna start winning when we have
A beautiful game that people want to play
And on top of it, there's a token behind it
There is asset ownership
Then it's going to make sense for players to play it and if a lot of people are playing it
The esport companies are going to be interested in it because there is a player base
Which means there is a monetization avenue. So that's kind of how I see it
Yeah, I definitely agree with you we we're
On the tip of that iceberg there's some some projects that are work that are close to getting super super fun games where
People want to play regardless of of the you know, uh of what they're making or monetization
you know a balance between all that and
You know, hopefully we're able to to bring some great games out here in the next in the next year, uh gentso
Yeah, thank you, um very similar to kellano I think
What matters the most is that you have a good game that you have a good product
But also I really feel like whenever I watch
Any of the top trending games on on twitch or on youtube or whatever you're watching the game
You can just kind of see that the game was built with the intention that is going to be streamed by lots of people
so I really feel like
However, the team is building the game. They should have in mind that that content
Should be sufficient and should be entertaining enough to the degree where it can be streamed by multiple people
And it doesn't get boring
It doesn't get daunting on you where you can just kind of tune in look at a couple of streamers and still be entertained by
What they have so one maybe if it's an mmorpg, sorry
I always give examples with mmorpgs because that's what I play the most
Um, I love diablo
And the world of warcraft. So it's kind of what i'm used to and I feel like
The the reason why some of these games have prevailed is exactly
The the type of content that they have so it might be a dungeon. It could be pvp
It could be I don't know some kind of an organized event
so that gives you a lot of different types of content that different
Content creators can stream and can build additional
You know hype off
And that's not necessarily the case or not fully the case with web 3
So I think the the bigger we get in the space and the more we're building these games that have so much value
Um, you know in recent months and years the more we're going to see
um, you know actual good content and like
Kelano said I don't think it's going to matter then if it's a web 2 or web 3 game because it's just going to be
You know good enough to be watched by anyone on any platform
It's not going to matter if it's on a blockchain or not at this point
Third wave do I see you waving your your hand down there?
Yeah, I just had some uh thought took me back to last year. I was at a salona event in san diego
Uh, I believe it was called gg. I'm not sure if anybody else was there
Um, but I remember when I walked in I had seen uh, this sort of large group of uh of gamers
They were playing rocket league and a couple others
And you know went over and was chatting with them and you know had come to learn that I don't remember the name the specific
Esports team, but they were all primarily like, you know web 2 gamers. Um, and
I'm, not entirely sure what the partnership was or the incentive of bringing them in there
But in just chatting with them, they were like, yeah, like web 3 is really cool
I mean if we can own these digital assets
And to I forgot who said it earlier, but to be able to empower these
You know esports gamers with their own assets that they can start selling
Um to create new lines of business for themselves
I think is really compelling and could potentially obviously create more adoption from
Those web 2 gamers. I think ultimately to Kelowna's point
We we just need better games and when we look at esports, at least from my understanding it seems that the
Largest audience they're hardcore gamers, right?
They're not they're not willing to sit around and watch casual games take place and people compete across casual games
It seems like they want real action
They want you know, uh games like shrapnel these triple-a games that are just now really starting to hit the market
Um, and i'm really bullish. I think on you know, these
Triple-a games that again have these hardcore gamer audiences
Um that you know will ultimately I think really not just lead to more adoption of web 2 gamers, but I think we'll
Create more of an incentive for these, you know successful web 2 content creators esports gamers
to start, you know, uh motivating their communities to consider
Uh the upside of web 3 now, uh, I think the education piece is fairly important
And so, you know these communities that kind of take a step back and go hey these are you know
This is why I like this specific web 2 game now
This is why I like this web 3 game
Here is why I like this web 3 game just as much as this web 2 game from a maybe gameplay standpoint community standpoint
But the upside to web 3 is xyz. I think we could just be doing a better job as content creators in
um, you know really, uh allowing folks to understand what the upside is and obviously as tooling, uh,
You know scales across the ecosystem to you know, lower the barriers to entry
This it'll be I think more compelling for web 2 gamers and web 2 esports gamers to
Really make that push one project that I am bullish on is community gaming
I'm, not sure if you guys are familiar with them, but I think you know their ability to facilitate these
Tournaments around these, you know popular web 2 gaming ip's like they've got a dota 2 tournament coming up with main card game
I think is a really really great way of
You know reminding the web 3 community like we're here at least on the web 3 gaming side
Like we're here because we love web 2 games, right? That's why we're we're bullish on web 3 gaming is because we see the utility
Uh, we see the use cases of blockchain being able to push gaming forward, but you know community gaming last year
I think they had distributed somewhere between like 1.5 million dollars in prize money
It's over 6 000 tournaments hosted
Uh 92 000 gamers paid and I think they put out a stat around like 220 000 wallets created
I'm, not sure if that's between wallets created or linked
But I think you know it points to the potential
You know adoption of web 2 gamers coming into these kinds of platforms where they see similar web 2 ip that they're excited about
And can also get a chance to learn about web 3 and potentially
You know take action on on some of those rewards
Very well, so coming in with the stats too at the end. I love it. Uh, squid
Yeah, I think you know everyone made a ton of great points like
Obviously building great games putting the power back in the player's hands
But it goes to me when I think like we saw
In the past couple years we saw such a change in gaming
You know fornite came in and it was what's going on and then competitive gaming
Was you know viewed I think more than ever with those world cups
But then I think a lot of these e-sports teams kind of fell from what their true true self was
And started looking for more of streamers everyday streamers to stream the game and then saw more of cash cows as they're going to
Have more views. They're going to bring more money in and I think we saw a lot of these great, you know
E-sports teams, I knew I loved to watch because competitive gaming it kind of that fuel started going away
You know and I I think it's it's finding that common in between of having the the clips that you need to
Populate your game but also staying true to what the game is if it's a competitive game
Let's put out the content that we want to see and then you know
Even looking at to build these strong games. I think looking at metaverse projects or a great point too is
When metaverse got popular in this industry
I think a lot of people that had great marketing teams tried to rush their product to market
And now people start seeing that product and now they they think that's what this industry is
So I think it's the same thing
We got to build great games put the power back into the player's hand
And truly should show what what this industry could be to you know, traditional gaming
I'll just hop on here too. You actually kind of
Made a very similar point to what I was trying to say and not to expose my age once again
but you know back in my days, uh the famous players were the
You know tournament winners, right there would be videos made and those videos would be uploaded on youtube
There was no twitch back in my days once again
And I think you know since for the last five to seven years. I think there's been a flip where
The notoriety of the game starts from the streamer, you know
If you have someone like kai senate in web 2 or bryson in web 3
Playing the new games, you know, I think this is now what we're going to call the grassroots level of web 3 gaming and nowadays
I'm sure you guys have seen the stats where like two out of three kids want to be a youtuber or a streamer
right, and this is exactly
The attention is and where the attention is the money is right? So if we can get games that will be
streamed by dozens of players then it will it will naturally flow into the e-sports game
And life because squid you you you said it exactly, you know, that's exactly where the cash cow is
And once again where the views are the money comes so I think the main thing we need to focus on for
I mean we i'm saying word 3 developer
Is is to make games that will be streamed that will be competitive that will be able to get some super clutch actions
You know like a nice 1v5 and stuff like that
That will go viral on youtube on tiktok on instagram and stuff like that. And then naturally the
The money is just going to flow follow and say hey, why don't we make a tournament about this game? That looks pretty cool
Yeah, I think even just the piggyback again off you the great point is
Like a lot of these great gaming streamers. We could have watched a couple years ago
You know how fast they pivoted off of gaming, you know to
You know a lot of these guys were doing gambling for a long time now we're seeing irl streaming is popular
You know, it's they pivot faster than anyone
But when they were engaged in a game they loved they sat on their stream and for hours a day and that helped
Multiple games grow at speeds. We never seen before
Yeah, it's been a it's been a great discussion so far here today and i'm really excited to see how
All the all the people on on the panel today how their projects come along and i'm really excited to see how the gaming
The top games in web 3 coming
onboard new users and and really just good games come out where we can start getting some of that user generated content and
Get around to to everybody
Just gonna pass it around one more time
Let everybody give a little bit of an outro
Give everybody an update on what you're you're working on and um what we should be keeping our eyes out
Uh for in the future
Uh layer 1x i'll let you lead us here
Yeah, i'm honored. I get to go first. Thanks. Thanks again for having us. Uh
a great discussion as always
Around this kind of uh topic for us. That's that's for sure. So, uh again, we're layer 1x
We are a fully decentralized blockchain
We are again looking to revolutionize how people engage and consume web 3
Um our we're actually launching our tge
on april 2nd
We've had great success great response. Um, so we're definitely looking to hit the hit the ground running
um for sure and uh
likewise, uh, good luck with everybody on their projects, uh
And uh, if you guys want to uh, collab we're always up for collaboration. That's for sure
Thanks again for having us. Uh, what a great space
Also, if you like with uh launching and we keep an eye out for the tge, uh gentso
Hey, thank you so much for having us tonight, I think it's been such a nice discussion
And when it comes to gentso if you guys like
Anime if you like mmorpgs if you like ugc then definitely check us out
We've always got fun events happening. So
Definitely tune in for some of those join our discord
Um, and like layer 1x said we're always open to collaboration. So make sure to give me a shout
On the gentsokishi account or on my personal account
Um, we're always open to working with anyone in the space. Thank you for having us tonight
Thanks for joining it's been a pleasure game in
I was actually uh gonna have a few takes but I think uh people and beat me to the punch with a couple of the points
so well done, uh speakers
It's very rare that i'm left speechless. Uh, so I enjoyed listening to everyone but um, yeah gaming is uh
Coming up to our own tge very soon. Uh, we're releasing something
Uh this week that's going to be pretty pretty crazy
Uh, I think everyone should keep an eye on it because uh, it's going to be very lucrative for everyone that that gets involved
Uh, so it look like looking forward to to that. Uh, we've just got like a big few weeks ahead of us and uh, yeah
That's that's pretty much what our next uh next run up and that's that's the update
Thanks so much for having us
Also, i'm definitely gonna drop a follow. Uh, sounds like you got some exciting stuff in the works and
Do you guys haven't already? Make sure to drop a follow on gaming and everybody else who's up here speaking today
Uh nitro league
What you guys got going on?
Sorry, the dog is going crazy. Uh, yeah, no, it's been a great discussion really good points really good insights
Uh and everything on that
Yeah, I I would say if you want to know anything more about nitro league give a follow on our socials jump on our discord
Um, you can download the game off our websites
off ultra or off game swift and we've got uh
A tournament going on all this week, uh through sunday. It's not token gated free to enter free to play free to download
Um, so yeah anyone jump in and if you have any questions or anything, just let us know
Um, love the space great chat and look forward to the next one
Definitely check that out guys free to play tournament get in there
Let's uh, you know crow rub three games and here's an easy way to do it
Colano, thank you for joining today
Uh, what do you have going on?
Yeah, thank you for having me great conversation. Um, what do I have going on?
Well, i'm a ghost writer for founders and builders, uh, and I also have a reply guy agency
For wet free projects and founders and builders once again
So that's what I do and uh, yeah, thank you once again for the conversation. It was fantastic
So I look forward to the next one
Awesome, thank you for joining mindless
Yo, what is up? It's uh, this hour went by incredibly fast
I'd just like to take the opportunity to thank our friends at game of silks and uh
The amazing team at xcohost this opportunity. I think was
invaluable it always makes some amazing connections in this space and
Definitely have a lot to take away from all of our friends that added
Their insights. I have to go back and we listen to some of this
What we are doing here at bsc news is essentially just touching base with all of the amazing games and builders in the space
Whilst you are all in the early infancy stages
So if you are building something
Especially if it's a game and even more so if you have some playable content, feel free to hit us up
We're always interested. We want to join you along on that journey
There is ever a chance that we could produce content or help get some eyeballs and attention sent your way. Give me a shout
I'm always interested
Awesome, thank you for joining. Uh, keep an eye out on those dms. I might hit you up after the show
and third wave
What do you have cooking up?
In a silks team. Thank you so much for having us. Uh, what an awesome panel
Uh, I mean we've got not just I didn't just learn a ton from uh each of you, but um also just exciting news coming
Down the pipeline with tge's a number of different launches. So i'll be keeping my eyes out there
Something on our end is you know, as I mentioned on the front end of this, uh, we're launching our wallet intelligence at gdc
So towards the end of this month
Ultimately giving dapp developers the ability to enhance player engagement monetize more effectively and retain more players by
On-chain data and discovering, you know, what lies behind these
Wallet ids and how can they find more of their best customers across the web 3 ecosystem?
I'd also like to include since we will be at gdc. We're going to be running a web 3 networking breakfast
Uh in uh coasting that with shima capital
And pixie on the fable board team and then we've also got web 3 builders happy hour that we're going to be coasting with framework
And jungle, um, so if you guys are interested in those drop us a dm. We'll be happy to invite you
Thanks again for having us
Awesome have a good time at gdc and thanks for joining gavin or squid you want to close us out today?
Yeah, of course, uh mad, I think the great great spaces today
Thank you for hosting take your time to get everyone up here and uh to make it short just to you know
Remind everyone game of silks, you know, we've tokenized the sport of horse racing offering players
The opportunity to purchase digital representatives horses, you know
Your horse races in real life and you have the opportunity to earn 1 season two is coming tomorrow
So happy for you know, all our new friends all our current players
Uh jump in if you have any questions, you can always reach out through discord or jump into our support chat on the website
Uh always here to answer questions to anyone and uh just improving and helping a sport we all love
Awesome, thank you all for joining today. Have a good one