Everything Ordinals

Recorded: Jan. 23, 2024 Duration: 2:00:30



Heard that good things if your girl wants to love me man, just let her love me good things. So GM GM
You know, I don't know how I feel about that song English. There was a lot of explicit
Lyrics we got it. Did we screen that for parental advice? Yeah, you cleared it
So we do we do what we want here at the everything ordinal show
So that's how we're gonna roll and say fuck it
Let's fucking go we got we got a solid crew in the house like right off the bat we got bongo new Chi
goswulf equal
Rocky Leo bites and so many great fucking PFPs like what's crazy is
You know, I think two weeks ago the PFP to have was a node bunks and then you know
We saw a lot of puppets now. We're seeing cats. We're seeing monkeys. We're seeing
What that's basically it cats and monkeys but um, but yeah, no, there's a lot of a lot of great a lot of great shit
Drop it man. It's uh, it's it's actually quite difficult
To choose right now if you are a collector
Because there's so much going on so much to choose from but it's a good problem to have right like for a while
People are like, oh, there's nothing good on ordinals. No reason to buy those fucking ordinals. But now I think everybody
Understand there's absolutely a reason to buy these ordinals. So yeah, I mean
Well, there's two more that are coming that I think are gonna add to that dynamic. So I think ink will do good
I know we want to talk about that a little bit later in the show their announcement going to a 10k
So we'll see how we feel about feel about that. We'll get some, you know, some opinions. I know that's a big shift
I know that it never gave like exact numbers, but we didn't know that it was 150
I think there was speculation it would go out to maybe 300 500 and maybe scale out slowly
It seems that maybe based on the attention they pivoted and the other one
I'm fully bullish with and I always give disclosures. I am associated with the team over at oni force
I think that's gonna give another component. It's a brand that people know they inscribed
Fairly early just to get some provenance in the same way that Jack butcher not as early as Jack butcher
Obviously he was around twenty thousand. This is around four hundred thousand, but it showed early intentions
And I think they've taken their time and just based on the fact as you mentioned earlier on like you could be an OMB
You could be a couple of other things, but there really wasn't that much and now we're seeing more and more
So there were two ones that I have on the cards three with the cats, right?
100% we mentioned the cats because people are already rocking them as their PFP
so a hundred percent the cats but since we have like half the
Half the listeners with cats. We're just gonna assume that that's that people like the cats
And so the two ones that I don't see people rocking yet because they're not out yet and there's not the art there
So inked we'll see how that plays out so far
It's gotten good attention and we know very little about only for so well a lot of people know very little about owning force
I I have a little bit more information and based on what I have seen and heard and talking with the team
Super bullish on them. So we'll see how that plays out
Yeah, so those are my thoughts on the PFP meta. That's rolling out as you mentioned good things
Yeah, and it's you know, it's not just PFPs right? Like now we've got
I don't even know how many fungible token standards actually exists. Actually, that's that's something that I have homework to do
I need to fucking catalog all the different standards, but you've got multiple fungible token ecosystems
And then obviously the one that everyone is anticipating runes now
You've got people basically front-running or attempting to front-run the rune type basically
I don't know if you call it front-running, but they're kick-starting it, you know, the arsenic project by rune coin
And then obviously you've got oh
Man, is it runex who is also face? I will call her friend running. I will it's psychological front-running is what it is
It's psychological front-running like based on a logically manipulated all of them efforts
But now we're buying these are six bites has got like probably 40 by now
And yeah, I mean it filed and and you got FUD on there
So maybe that's maybe that's what we start off with first because you know, I think we talked about it briefly
Just a little bit of sort of like speculation on who's behind it
I don't know. Do you have any do you have any additional insight since yesterday English on who's behind?
rune coin the r6 I
Don't I've seen people talk about it on
You you've mentioned your theory with rock Toshi. I've seen that kind of spread out quite a bit
I think those are I don't think it's case. You're right. So that's kind of
Almost 0% Casey case would ever be based on
You're rugged a little bit. I don't know if you can get into a better spot or maybe
Yeah, so so rock Toshi is the the main front-runner that I've heard but then also that's just one of like the easiest old-school people
That have you know access to this early grandfather inscription obviously has
Guess the speculation. I don't think it's speculation at this point that you know node monkeys and that association
So obviously has has grand visions, you know for for this ecosystem
So that's that's one another I don't I don't know that outside of that and if it is rock Toshi or if it's not rock Toshi
I think the person whoever is behind this is going to maybe play like that mysterious route
I don't think it's gonna be someone that just kind of says hey here here
I am, you know, like the Saturn team or whatever that, you know does it for the rug token and all this other stuff
I think I think it's a different thing if you're gonna just airdrop this stuff
I think you build off that you build off the excitement the unexpected kinds of mystery dynamic that seems to do well in the
space and in orbitals I
Don't know if you're still adjusting good things Patrick, do you have any thoughts on this?
Okay, well, I don't know if yeah
That's right, we're just gonna know that's right, that's fine
I I can run this by myself. The only problem is I got a book. No, no 20 minutes for a meeting
Yeah, no, no, I think I'm better now
So I was outside for a brief moment, you know, just trying to enjoy some some some natural air, you know
But the internet won't let me so I'm back inside
You know the ants basement, I'm kidding
Yeah, so I'm trying to find it but I saw I saw a reply from Trevor
You know basically like if it is rock Toshi, you know
Like there's gonna be kind of the same pushback that we saw on node mugs, right?
Because there is some there is some personal stuff there
You know, I'm not gonna comment on beyond that
But just this is public knowledge at this point that there's there is personal
Things between rock Toshi and and other known builders in the ordinals ecosystem
So that's that's to be expected right if there if it is in fact rock Toshi behind it
And you know, I I I do think it is based on just the things I've seen but yeah
I think I think you know, if it is rock Toshi or if it isn't doesn't matter
Like you're saying if you're an intelligent operator, you know running this project or any project like this, you know
the the mystique is part of
Stoking, you know excitement stoking speculation and we all know when it comes to a shit coin, you know
Or you know, I mean, that's basically what runes are like from Casey's mouth. These are shit coins on Bitcoin
And they're supposed to be the best shit coins that have ever existed
So, you know if you're if you're building and launching a shit coin, you want to build speculation
So whoever's behind I think they're doing a great job so far in terms of that aspect
But I'm wondering if anybody else has any other opinions just in general on it because I know there was some there's definitely some
Consonation about you know claiming to be the first now, they've got some clever tweets out about they're in a superposition
They're not the first they're not not the first so
But in general I not even just on that like if anybody has any opinions in general whether this is a good or bad thing
I think that's a worthwhile
Quick discussion to have if there are opposing feelings, but ex bongo, I don't know if you guys have any thoughts
I've heard that it's rock tissue from a few of the people as well. I
Think it's kind of bullish because he can fucking bump things. Obviously. He has some way of always
kind of blowing things up
The way that I look at everything is there is a certain
price point that I will dump off my
meta protocols
Essentially this gets me a free cat or two sure cool. Whatever like Thank You rock Toshi, but
At the moment especially since it's just like at this point
Kind of like a bill of sale until ruins and everything actually is implemented in four months
This is all speculation and at this point. There's a lot of us that do you have quite a bit of
Bitcoin now tied up in this kind of I owe you I
The way that I look at it is I'm going to
use this as a
Quick flip to a certain degree because I'm just as bullish as on
Oody in the cats that that I am for
Say this I owe you in four months from now
So if this gets me a couple free cats or whatever sure
Let's pump it and you'll still kind of make money off of that
There's there's a million ways to make money in this and rock toes. He kind of does have fud behind him. So
I've heard a few stories. I haven't got the receipts, but it doesn't sound good
So I'm not exactly
Trying to hold this for now
Gotcha. So X is X is ready to dump his r6 into cats
Bongo, are you are you looking for the same thing? Or are you are you going more of the traditional route based on that attire?
You're wearing I
Only have one so there's I don't see a point in me selling I rather like farm the the airdrop
And I do think if we go a little crazy here
You can go to point one, which is wild so I can I can see that happening if roto's roto
She is behind this. I think we should have spent a
Roller coaster because that's what we got with node month
So it's gonna be it's gonna be fun to see and I think people are saying
he's the guy behind the project because of
The parent inscription in the entire thing which is inscription number
126 I believe
people say it belongs to him and
If we can prove that if someone can confirm that then it's kind of obvious right that he's the guy and
I'm not gonna lie. It feels like no cements money
Feels like what money no cements money
How did you come up with the point one valuation?
Is that cuz farmer Joe said point one and he told you saying that you papered both of them at point zero one five
no, I just
Wow, I just pull I pulled that out of my ass. You know, it's a feeling
You know when you have a feeling right? I wish all right
I wanted to know I didn't know if he was just messing with you because your homies
But uh, I did see on the timeline. He said that you floored both of them at point zero one five
So I was just wondering where this bull case came from. So
Now people are spreading lies in the timeline
We gotta hear it everything ordinals, you know, we're not they're building it up
Let them let them attack it. Let they're building it up. Yeah
No, we love the fun. We love everything ordinals fuel
But yeah, no, this is super interesting
I mean great perspectives from everybody to be honest and I I haven't made like a huge decision
I mean, I'm holding mine for now
But X brings up a really good point in that, you know
We are basically three to three and a half months away. It seems I'd have to check the actual block height and get back
There's any by the way, does anyone have an actual date estimation?
Because I have not I have not actually looked into that myself
When the happening is going to when the having is going to occur
Dude, if you pull up, I think it's coin market cap. It tells you like every day. Let me see if I pull that
Oh my god. Yeah, I got it. I got to get on this. I think yeah, there's 93 days to the happening. So three, okay
Yeah, so 93 days till basically this IOU turns into an actual rune
Um, so I think that that is a long time. That's a very long time. A lot of shit's gonna happen
Just in the general in the world right the macro environment as well as you know
This this micro environment that we operate in
but I part of me is just kind of thinking like
Runes are gonna go nuts. Like there's gonna be a lot of runes that probably just go. I mean, this is
According to Casey, this is the best shit coin that's ever been built and it's and it's being launched
On Bitcoin in the middle of the having like literally at the having
Which we should be in some sort of interesting phase of the the market cycle at that point
But my my thesis has been since I learned about runes and what what he was planning to do with them
Is that like there's gonna be a sea of runes that just go fucking wild just like we've seen in every other ecosystem when?
I mean, it's basically it could be like another ICO craze like in 2017 when ICO is launched on aetherium
But anyhow, if you kind of subscribe to that general direction
This thing could go fucking crazy because it's got it already has like market adoption
Essentially, it could be supplanted like that's definitely something we should be thinking about but
But yeah, here's a couple thoughts that I had on it that just yeah, so it's either it's either gonna be something
really huge or kind of nothing at all what I mean by that is because
Exactly the point that you made and maybe I didn't articulate as well as I should have
Yesterday or whenever people thought I was fighting that I wasn't fighting and it just my general concerns three months is a long time
What's not to say that other people kind of saturate this market with other types of you know
Quote tickers and they might not use the word ticker, but there'll be other tickers
We know that the first one is gonna have some value probably a lot based on what we've been seen
Especially in ordinals and any other kind of meta protocol. So that'll probably worth a lot. This might be the first but I doubt it
Just based on what I've talked with with different miners and different teams that are going after that
People that are maybe close to Casey and just have kind of like an edge to kind of deploy this
Whatever the case may be so but it does have it did garner the attention. I think that's huge
You know, it's also 21,000, right? So when you're mining this
What is it you get like to mine 10% of the supply and now there's another 90 supply in percent of the supply that's gonna be out
There like we don't really know anything about this. So like if this is a very small portion of it
Then the valuation goes down. This is all hundred speculated
If all the tokens and if this continues to get the market attention, it becomes a brand name
People like it people have become familiar with it
It sustains you this traction and it mines all of the tokens whatever the account may be whether that's you know
420 million tokens or whatever they choose over there then yeah, it's fucking huge, right then you're talking about gen wealth
So that's what I mean that this is either gen wealth or nothing
If this is just kind of like and the only reason I use that that analogy is because that's kind of like what rug token
And I know that's different. That's a whole different, you know, it's not ruins not everything but it's like the rug people
They get 10% of the supply divided by it and then the rest is allocated somewhere else. So we don't really know anything
We don't know how this is going to be distributed let alone if this particular ticker is going to be valuable
We just know that we want ruins and we got this in our wallets in a way that we can speculate and trade on
It at this moment and we're excited about it three months goes by more wounds get deployed and it could be another thing
I'm not saying that they can't go my I think my top end. I think this hits point zero five if it continues
I don't think it gets to point one. That's that's already above the market cap of node monkeys
At sitting at well, it'd be roughly around the same because no monkeys is close to point two
So you'd be giving it a market a market valuation of node monkeys
basically to me that feels high and
If I was comparing comps like I like to do if it got to point one and I saw at the same
value as as node monkeys
I would sell just based on that alone. However, if this is a large large portion of a
Really, you know prestigious yet to be seen prestigious then it could go away above
The valuation of node monkey. So that's how I'm thinking about it. This is yeah, this is great analysis English
But are you are you at all taking into account that the parent is I forget what the inscription is at 127 126
I think it's all marketing. I think that's all marketing. I didn't I think that's just the kind of job
I don't know how that actually affects anything outside of the fact
Well, that's all I'm asking because in in the runes protocol you can launch a rune
So you can use an inscription as a parent for the entire rune like
like supply
So if if it is the case that this person or people has access like they own
Inscription 126 127 then they can launch the entire fucking supply
Using that thing as the parent. So yeah, here's the thing though
I I don't subscribe that it actually adds much value personally from what I say
I don't I don't think OMBs are any more valuable because they're on block nine sets
I think when it was part of oh my god English
I'm gonna say what I think so I think if anybody else launched with those block nine sets
I don't think it's a significant what was significant was that knowledge was the first one to find it
They were the first so when they were making that collection it showed a certain amount of care
But when somebody's buying on secondary, they already know that that collection is established
They're not thinking block nine sets anything
That's what that was part of the narrative part of the art part of the strong community that made it excited and enticing
But it's not the thing that sustains it when people buy and sell on it
It's important to get to that level, but I don't think so right now
It's already done that job. This valuation is based on that
There's no more Delta to reach higher because if it wasn't for this 126 inscription
It wouldn't have got maybe some of the attention that it got obviously the airdrop makes people excited
So I don't think it makes a difference once it's trading once it's competing. It's really there to say
Hey, listen, we've thought we've done this in a thoughtful way in a way that matters to this specifics in this case ruins
Do you have parents or potentially have parents and we have actually used the technology the way it's supposed to be and we're one
Of the first to do it. So I think it is important
But I think after that it doesn't really add much to it
Just because others will do it same way if anybody else took look block nines. It doesn't really matter at this point
So are you saying they would be the first to do this?
People to get the attention, right?
So we don't even know if they're the first people to actually execute this
Because they're just giving you an IOU as opposed to the actual yeah
No, the rune the runes hasn't hasn't been launched. Like that's my that should be clear. Yeah. Yeah, yeah
Yeah, but I'm so good. So you're saying they could start a whole meta though where because I mean basically
Anybody that's been looking at runes that understands, you know, some of the functionality that's one of the key features
I mean, there's many key features, but that's one of the really cool things
It's just just like using parent child collection provenance on a normal, you know
Inscription collection for say PFP or art you can now do that with runes as well
And I do think the provenance matters, but I agree with you
I think it's nuanced right like it matters who is who is doing the thing, right? It's not and how they do it
It's not just about oh, you know
I I put it on this this like ancient sat or you know, very special high value set
In fact, I think we I didn't have it on here
But we could talk a little bit about the commoners because you know, they're they're embarking on something like that
And I'm curious what your thoughts are on that as well
Well, yeah one more point and then we can move on so or if anybody has anything else to chime in obviously
They're they're more than welcome to but I'm gonna use two collections that launched to PFP collections
And I'm going to use them as a way to kind of make the comparison
So we know node monkeys launched and we kind of we don't have to rehash how that went
And then there was also another project. It's not on on ordinals, but i'm going to use it for a comparison
So not genuine and the punks undead, whatever the the thing that happened on Solana, right?
and so that got hyped and
We knew the value proposition of
Node monkeys, we knew the art we knew what inscriptions it was
We knew that we could see actually the whole collection when you were buying it
You knew what you were buying you were buying art
Providence and the collection was not even that you just saw previews
You actually knew what the whole collection looked like you can go on the on the on the website and look at all the traits
I mean, you knew very much what it was and then it took off
This other punks undead or whatever. It's called
um, it was basically just
Grade a marketing and it said it was going to be something special. It actually might be something special
But you saw that 20 soul valuation go down to sub 10 really quick
Once the hype dried up and there they took a lot more at this point
I'm willing to say that this is this particular ruins protocol is more like that undead collection than it is
Node monkeys. It's a lot of hype. It's a lot of speculation which is very important
That's the first thing that you need to do
Now we have to see if they can deliver and sustain that that's all i'm saying
There's there's more unknowns than the knowns at this point and yeah, you should get excited if you're holding
I'm, not saying that's a bad hold. I think that it's probably asymmetrical upside at this point
So if 0.025 or 0.03 is not significant to you. Yeah, hold it for sure and see where it goes
I just think we're really early to this and I don't want to make more of it than then
than what other people I think are kind of inclined to do because once you start thinking that you
got this infinite money glitch kind of thing the euphoria takes over right so like it's like
People get a little bit too crazy. So i'm happy that people are making money. I received the drop myself
So like i'm not fighting it. I just think
It we don't know. That's my point. We don't know dude. It's cool. I love to see it
I love to see it for the space. I'm glad people are making money. I'm glad that people are excited
I'm glad that people have something tangible that they can actually trade um based on ruins. I think it's good for ruins
Um, I just see people
pricing their particular drop or how many they bought in the same market cap
As orty and they're like I just got dropped seven hundred thousand dollars worth of you know money or whatever
So like I i'm just being i'm just no people are doing this shit, you know
So I just want to in case anybody's getting who's doing this english
Oh name them now timeline dude. I've seen them on the timeline, dude
I I don't remember who it was but probably people that bongo hangs out with
It was probably probably people that bongo hang out on that one because he kind of hangs out with that type of crowd
So I don't really know specifically but I have seen it on my timeline by
English just it's firing at all kinds of people today. Love it. Love it hanging out
Bongo's the homie so I get to fuck with him. So if he wasn't the homie, I wouldn't fuck with him
Yeah, no, um great great takes english. Honestly, um, we need we need the temperament, um, you know of expectations in this space
Like um everything you were just saying like there's a lot unknown
Some people are i'm looking in the room right now and you know who you mf'ers are and they're like
Oh, yeah, like that's actually a really good thing. And then some people are like, you know, oh shit. Yeah, that's right
There's not a lot not a lot known about this. So
It's good. It's good to have the nuance view. Uh, personally i'm holding english i'm mining i'm gonna speak for polymath
I know he's mining as well
Um, but yeah, no, I I think it always depends right? What what is your position?
What's what's your what's your portfolio looking like, you know, what are your goals short term mid-term?
This is free money. So people who have sold in the last couple days, you know
I think it was between 0.02 and 0.03 like that's not nothing like that's
Legit money just dropped in your hand. So if you can use that money do so
Um, but we do have a long ways to go before this becomes
Real, you know in terms of an actual token, um on bitcoin
Um, but um, I wanted to wait, hold on. I just can't question here from zero xchem
Asking about uh, the point. Can you not hear poly mic you not hear me? Oh shit. No, I can't hear
Paul, I gotta drop you down, bro
He just got off the elevator too
He was really excited to chime in about his generate generational wealth that he got air dropped into his wallet too
All right. Let's let's let's bring on patrick back up here
and then um
Yeah, yeah, you know he does this a lot to me
He's always in that elevator and he's like hold on bro
Hold on and i'm like holding holding and then I get you know, he gets to the bottom and he's in the casino
Or you know, we we deal with this a lot. Uh, patrick you back. Yo, can y'all hear me?
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and I was just gonna tell me like i'm going up and down on uh
Today my white birthday so they deliver like, you know, all the flowers and all the cakes and stuff
So forgive me that i'm in the background and before I even give my my um my take
I need everybody in the audience to go give my boy
One of the greatest in the space
None other than mr. Good things himself is his birthday today, too
We I don't know how my wife and him with the same birthday, but it's good things birthday today. So make sure y'all shower
Uh to homie with a lot of love a lot of praise. Uh, happy birthday mike
I look forward to seeing this weekend, bro
but uh, yeah, but um
But back to my take on on
On arcyx wait a minute. Wait, you can't just wish me a happy birthday like that and just move right on dude
I gotta be able to I gotta be able to I gotta so soon i'm done with this
I got two means and then you know, I gotta write I gotta write an old soft ass, you know
Tweet about you. I gotta go ahead and talk about how cool you are and post pics. I gotta I gotta write a tweet about you
So I I get to yeah
Yeah, but um, but yeah, no i'm
On the arcyx, you know personally just like I say, you know
Um, me and mike was me and mike was up in our battle
But you know
It was like a room when case was talking and I was kind of sitting in front of my guys
Casey probably more question anybody based on like the tokenomics and how they're doing 21 million and just and just seeing like the gamification of it
And the the incentive the sensitization of it
When people have tokenomics that incentivize people to participate. I I just don't really see those things losing
And so the fact they airdropped it out the gate
Like their marketing was given and when and I I just never see losers when it comes to giving it
So even if you take something like bitcoin, you know satoshi minding and you could have got free bitcoin all the time back in the day
So when people just out the gate give
I'm in so i'm not selling nothing
None of my arcyx are you paper handers paper hand them paper hand them to me?
Um, but i'm planning on mining them and i'm planning on
You know, I think I think
The attention that is garner is going to keep that attention all the way through and so who knows what other announcements they got
Who knows are other cool innovative ways. They plan on using parent child
How to hit how they can use recursion and all the other functionality that you know, the protocol allows who knows i'm very uh
Optimistic and i'm actually looking forward to it. I like that they airdropped everyone. It's not clear why you got airdropped
And they just gave you know, like I say people, you know woke up and was able to make
$500 to a thousand dollars, you know just for participating on orders and I think that's a beautiful thing
To grab the cake and i'll be back before you go. I just posted the picture of
Of me and you and another stellar gentleman, um listening to casey and erin at our basil, uh x's was there man
There was a lot of great people there
Um, but yeah, that was that was a special fucking fireside that he gave and patrick's not lying
He stole that front row seat
I was like motherfucker stole the front row seat and then he proceeded to ask all the goddamn questions that everyone else had
But no, that was that was an amazing panel
Yeah, no, I don't i'll be back up a little bit
Damn, dude. Now. I know what you were doing when you were fading me at our basil, but it's all good, dude
Yeah, man. Yeah, so we were we were fading you for good reason english. No, i'm kidding
I don't blame you dude. I don't blame you. Our basil was nuts, man
It was so hard to connect with everybody. But yeah, so that that that that specific day
I had an activation with um with nouns and with cryptodes and with a whole bunch of people
And so I was with my ethereum homies who I still fuck with. Yeah. Yeah, you were you were bridging the gap. Let's go
X's man. What's up?
We have the same fucking birthday
Shut up, dude
No, no, you're blowing me away. That's crazy
Happy birthday. Wow
Three-way birthday between me you i'm waiting at the elevator. I heard that. Happy birthday. I didn't learn it
Happy birthday, man. Happy fucking birthday. That is crazy. You have the same birthday
Yeah, pastor was not supposed to announce that we didn't talk about that but um, you know, it's out there now
So yeah, I mean try and hack me bros
I'm just kidding. But yeah, no, um
No, it's it's crazy man. I haven't celebrated a birthday in like six seven years. Um, so i'm here in san francisco
with my with my aunt and my brothers
Um gonna go get some dinner later tonight
But um, yeah, man, it's been it's been a very uh special year so far. I think for all of us, right? Like it's just
To to be at the beginning of what we're well, we're at right now, you know this ordinals ecosystem
But also the beginning of this crazy bull run that we all anticipate
Um and to see the etfs, I mean that should happen what two weeks ago now
And it seems like in some in some ways ancient history because there's so much happening
But like we can't forget that bitcoin etfs were finally fucking approved
Um, and the largest institutions in the world are going to be acquiring
selling bitcoin to their client base
And just because we haven't seen, you know, we haven't seen much from that yet
I I think people are basically I think the market is writing it off like like it it you know, it didn't it didn't
What they were expecting to occur didn't occur, but I think everyone should take note of like it already happened
So now it's just a matter of time before they turn the machine on
Um, but anyways, that's an aside. It's just it's it's a really crazy time
Um, I really appreciate, you know, polymath the birthday wishes and happy birthday x man fucking incredible
I i'm actually gonna dude i'm gonna be in miami
Next week, so I was only gonna stay one day
But maybe maybe we can link up. We'll do like a post-birthday celebration, man. That'd be awesome english turnaround, too
I wasn't even expecting that dude. I was like I was like, I know this motherfucker is just gonna
Fucking glaze over the fact that i'm in south florida, but all right cool
No, no, dude, I definitely want to fucking hang out. The thing is is yeah
I mean, I don't want to I don't want to turn this into everything good things
But i've got a storage unit that I gotta I gotta clear out. Um, and I don't have a joke. I can't help you
Um, let's fucking go dude. Now i'm sourcing physical labor. Let's go
That's what I thought. You're you're hinting at you
I got this fucking um, I got this shed dude
Yeah, but yeah, no, let's let's definitely do it. Let's definitely do it and anybody else that's in the miami area
Let's fucking let's get together dude. Let's celebrate dr. Crypto looking down at you, sir
Um, he's he's down there in florida as well. Got a lot of a lot of great people in florida, man
Um, so say what you will about about the uh, the state of florida, but it's got a lot of great people great weather
Um, but anyways back to ordinals
Where were we gonna go next? We were gonna go somewhere. Um, well, we got a couple points
I know we wanted to cover magic eden. I think we wanted to go to the uncommonment. Whatever that's called
I forget the dude. Let's get into magic eden first because this thing is fucking huge, man
Like we talked about it yesterday because they they put out the tweet
Um, but like this thing is ballooning into something quite quite substantial. It looks like but um,
I want to give you first crack at english. What's your what's your take?
Well, first of all, i'm just gonna say my my so I never used magic eden until I got into ordinals and it's night and day difference
You know between like open sea which I would say is like I guess the most like I guess, you know, probably
Um appropriate comp, you know where you have blur which is kind of like tensor on soul
We don't really have that there. So I think just from like a ui ux perspective and everything it's it's significantly better
So then that's just just that's just your first interaction with and then i'll get into the the
Into the actual airdrop and other stuff, but I think it's important to point this out. So they already had something there
I know they took market, uh, you know tensor took market share when they were just salana, but now they're expanding into
Um or have already rather into ordinals obviously getting into ethereum with the board aids now they have the wallet
From a comms perspective. They're they're right in the front, you know, they're on twitter. They're on spaces
I can actually click support i've actually done this before or i've clicked support
I had trouble minting something and they're like explained to me why like in the node monkeys
I couldn't claim it, you know right away or it said that I claimed it
It didn't go through they gave me the reasons behind it and just explained to me that they're resetting it
They asked for my wallet. They said we'll get back to you and we have more information. They're like, hey, listen, we reset it
You're good to go. So like none of that should exist. So it's a base team
base platform
And now you have a wallet that can do something that we've been waiting for like not
exactly, but
it virtually from our
We've been wanting a stable coin on on bitcoin do like I know that like i've been saying that we're probably going to hit
38 bitcoin this is when it was this is when it was 48 i've been saying this so anybody that's been listening to me on the daily
Alpha on sunday spaces. I go. We're probably going to hit 35 at some point and maybe weeks down to 32
So i'm just using that as an example. So if you have that if it's a stable coin
It's really easy just to go on ethereum salona. You go into your wallet. You put it to usdc. Bam
You're done on this particular wallet. You can actually do it virtually you still have to bridge
So it's still kind of like sideship, but it's native to your wallet. So from your experience
It's almost virtually the same
And that's one of the reasons i'm going to use it
Outside of the fact that they've mentioned that people who have already used it
So if you're on the ordinal side and you have been trading
You're going to get points for it
They linked up with uh, this dao and this dao was open source
And any dapps that you use from that dao including magic eating are probably going to get this allocation
So from just it has the same value proposition as blur and what I mean by that is blur is
Significantly better than the open sea experience. So once you actually come over to this platform and start using
Like blur for instance. Yeah, you're you're incentivized to make points and the first airdrop was good
The second airdrop was good, but you'll you'll actually probably stay on there
I have a feeling it's going to be the same thing with this wallet. Maybe phantom will be a competitor
I know that they're switching for the btc
To ethereum to salona bridge right now. They have salona and eth
Maybe some other stuff or whatever so there will be competitors
But because it probably works so seamless with magic eden and for the most part we all trade on magic eating
I understand there's gamma in a couple of other places, but predominantly we look at magic eden
I just think it's a no-brainer and I think it's a win for this space
You have a better wallet you have a great platform that you've already been using
We're in an airdrop meta coming into this i've mentioned that I think that this airdrop meta is going to be
Um cross platform. So although we're ordinal mfrs
There's a lot of mfrs here that just like to make money and they're not maxis of anything
And so the fact that you can use that wallet switch over
Shitcoin onto fucking whiff with hat or fucking cat with whiff or whatever the whiff that you want to do
Throw it back into bct, you know, fucking sweet node monkeys do whatever I think it's important
And I think the fact that you can accrue points and you'll get probably a nice drop
I think it's huge as you mentioned and it's a win-win
And I won't mention that if you don't have access to this it's in beta and we will be giving away three spots
We're not sponsored with them. We don't get paid by them. So that's not why i'm shilling it anything
I say I really just do care about rocky who's in the audience now. He's the goat
He always retweets. Everybody's space is not just my spaces po spaces in the morning everybody
I always see this mfr retweeting supporting people that are building any place that you get value from
He retweets it so he's phenomenal and he's like hey, man, you guys have an awesome show. I want to hook up the audience
I know not everybody has access to this beta even though it's been out there. We'll give out some referral codes
So we'll be giving out those referral codes. Um, again, we're not paid by them
We don't really care in that aspect. We just want to give value when value's there
So being a little bit early, maybe you'll get some more points. So just putting that out there. Thank you rocky
Um in this space and I just want to highlight like just because you're not on stage just because you don't maybe you're not like
You don't have a shit ton of followers. Like
It all it all matters and I really appreciate everybody that that supports us here at everything ordinals and that supports each other, right? Um
You know, I still have my
Well, I just wanted to add this when we when we brainstormed the show it was your idea
But I had an idea to do my own show. I wanted to get some people so we kind of got together
This has all been community driven anybody who's given us whitelist
They just like the show and they're like, hey, dude, we enjoy the show. We think you have a cool platform
We want to hook this up. So i'm just putting that out there. It was never our intent
It's not really something that we strive for but we're happy to provide because the listener is actually a pain in the ass
It is a lot because we don't get paid for the show
To collect fucking wallets and and but it's more work. It's more work for us
But no, I mean it's part of it's part of providing value, you know
And if we're going to become like a show that people can count on that people come to
Um, which is what we want to do, you know
We want to provide value not just information but access to things and this we all know this industry is all about access
Right. I mean every industry, but like this industry, you know, you you have kind of the the the playbook of there's these whitelist
Right and you want to get on them. So we were well aware of that
I've been in this industry for two plus years working english has been in here grinding polymath like we get it
So that's that is going to be part of you know, we didn't we didn't set out to do that
But it's already happening organically. So we're definitely going to continue around that vein, but I want to go to dr
Crypto dr. Crypto is a great friend
Definitely an amazing member of the crypto punk community and just general web 3 goat
Um, but he recently got into ordinals and he tweeted out today about his bitcoin puppet that he just acquired
So want to want to welcome you sir, and um, congrats on your on your pup
I think that's one of your first ordinals you've ever you've ever purchased
It's one of my first gmgm everyone. I appreciate it. Mike. Uh, yeah, man
You're just you know, you're just a pillar in the space. You're an awesome friend
I've told you that many times and you know, you're a friend off spaces and off twitter as well. So
Um, you know, I I value my true real friends. So um, i'm like happier on my list of friends
Um, dude, like yeah, man. I appreciate it, man
You know, it's just one of the real ones in the space and you know
I mean we don't have to hash it all again
But you know, it was so organic how we met it wasn't even really about like talking about
Chains or jpegs or anything. It was just
Just chilling and then you know, it's just kind of one of the crew, you know
And and you know, we just kind of flow together and you know, we all go different directions at different times. We
You know, I was an eth guy. I was always a btc guy and then I went eth and
You know got in the punch and everything and i'm still like, you know, i'm definitely not a massive anything. Yeah
So when did you buy your first bitcoin?
Oh shoot, oh man, I have to think back and look but um, I think
Let me go back I don't want to give the wrong answer, um, definitely
So yeah, definitely before me definitely before a lot of people but I just want to yeah
It was it was it was early so it was weird because and I don't want to hijack your show
Uh, but it was weird because I was in an environment. Um, as some of you may know, I mean this is not brand new material
but I did go to an ivy league school like a lot of other people in this world, but
Yeah, you know at you know at the time it was pretty hot topic around like harvard and mit. You know, blockchain was was was banging
luckily, I was able to to be
um on the inside of the academics
you know kind of the
The purposeful use and it's a different world, right? It's a different mindset than what we have as
Um, you know, it's just a different mindset. Um, you know when you're building
big projects in a university setting versus you know
Our our daily banter on crypto twitter like those folks don't understand our our world. They're not talking about floor price at harvard
Oh, it's so ridiculous. It's so funny, right? But it's like it's so it's two different worlds and when you try to like
talk to some of those folks about
Their projects and like how it's going to be seen by the by like the masses. It's you know, it's they don't have that
Connection with everyday people like there are everyday users like you and me or everyone else on the stage. So
but anyway, so I
Kind of just went out and did my own thing and and i've been super happy
I I did sell a bunch of btc to buy my punk at the time which
september uh
21 I think it was so
Yeah, I mean it was a shit ton of eat 125 east at the time
Yeah, dude
What was that like because that's not a that's not a small thing to do to convert bitcoin
To fucking ethereum to buy an entity. That's not a small thing
Yeah, people look at me like I was nuts and I still do
Yeah, I mean i'm so proud of I mean, I don't really care like for me. I was proud
I was able to do it. I was proud of like I didn't have anyone holding my hand
And I didn't
Well, I don't I didn't screw up, you know, like knock on wood
But like so for me, I I take a lot of pride in that aspect of it
And you know because I didn't have a community of friends that I can call up like you or
Our other crypto punks even that I talked to at the time. I didn't know anybody. I was completely fresh and it was just like
I'm just gonna go
Forgive my words, but balls deep and and and just do this right and
At first put an offer and then like I think it was like 10 minutes later
I had an offer and I was like a hundred and
I don't know. Whatever it was. I just got i'm the guy that doesn't like offers and waiting
I I cancelled the offer and bought it within about 10 minutes and I just moved on with my life and I sat in a cold
wallet for and I didn't even tell anyone I had
and and I didn't want to and
But it's but it but it became part of the the the culture here and it became you know
It isn't like oh, you know, you're a crypto punk. You're better than someone. It's not about that
It was it was really like the the connection that that it gave
To other people and with the similar like mindset because you know
Remember at that time there was there was such an influx of people that it was hard to weed out like who?
You know our
developers who are who are artists who are you know
And it was a way to really find that commonality pretty early on so for me
It was it was a great way to to find that commonality within my core group of people and then kind of spread out from there
And because i'm definitely not a
You know in a in a in a leadist at all. I mean, I I love all art. I love projects. I love all people, right? So
You know i'm a big collector of art of physical art. I think you know where i'm like, um,
You know, yeah, i'm a big bangski fan and and and a big basquiat fan and you know
I mean, I I love art so when I see puppets it's art
right and like you were like talking about it the other day and
And it just hit me and I was like, you know, these are just the coolest the coolest creatures, right? And
I was looking and looking and looking and you know, we all get distracted. I'm I have a
Company i'm building and and you know, we all are pulled in different directions
And I just literally sat down today at lunch and I I think I saw your profile online somewhere and i'm like
Oh, that's a reminder. I have to go look at these
Getting back to what like english was saying. Um
Dude, I like magic eden a lot. Um, I don't know about their wallet. I again. I haven't used it. I don't have access to it
magic eden is um
It's it's kind of the cat's meow so to speak. Um, it has kind of what we need and and so far
From your experience with support english sounds
Pretty stellar. Um, you don't get that with uh with a lot of other platforms
I mean you get a lot of scams if you ask for support
Um, so that's that's pretty uh, that's that's pretty bullish on um
On that, you know, I mean it kind of makes me want to do more on magic eden
Yeah, I would recommend you do man like to be honest like I would recommend everybody, you know
Take this pretty seriously because yeah
It's like magic eden is is doing the opposite it's really nothing to be afraid of at all
There's nothing to be afraid of it's literally
I mean it's it's
You know, I mean there's a risk in everything we do in this market and I mean it's an assumed risk, right?
But like i'm talking about the ui the interface
the usability the the connections the choices of
Chains, I mean it's it's yeah, I mean I will say while the wallets in beta mode
You do want to be careful like I wouldn't put super expensive assets in there
Especially because like the ordinals protocol is still being built
And even though I think most of the the heaviest changes have already occurred
Um when you're talking about infrastructure like a wallet or marketplace
You want to make sure that they have accounted for all those things. So for example, if you had like a first inscription
Yeah, if you had a cursed inscription, there's a chance like I would I mean
I have no idea about the wallet
So I would I would basically say like if I had a cursed inscription
I wouldn't put it in there because i'm just leaving some of my stuff
Right. Like I have a couple other ordinals worked like i've got like thank ux work and i've got my punk that's inscribed on a
You know which I told you the other day. I I think mike on the phone. It's in a sparrow
One of these days I got to figure out or
Or not, but I might try to move it over to another wallet
Um, because this is I mean, I don't really need to move it because i'm not selling it
But it's just sitting there in debt wallet, you know
Yeah, no, that's that's a nice throwback to uh, the last year, right?
We're reflecting this week, you know about it's been one year since the protocol went live for public use and
Like that's a total throwback to back in the day
You kind of had to use sparrow wallet and people were using it that didn't even know how to use it
Like I was one of those people that if I had opened up if I had created a sparrow wallet back then I would have not
Known what to do
Um, but yeah, that's that's an amazing that was honestly like I was in one of my chats and uh,
Robert clark was in there
And I was like, dude, can you help me because I want my punk before other people like inscribed my stuff, you know, so, um
He he definitely stepped up and inscribed it for me. So
Uh props to him for helping me out in that and and sending it to me what a fucking legend man. Robert
Chad move he he actually said it's my wallet your punk for you and sent it to you
Is that right? Yeah, I paid him
Yeah, I gave him a little tip and said thank you very much and sent it to my wallet
But yeah, that was a chad move with him. I really
Super chad, um, yeah
anyways, I don't want to eat everyone's anyone's time, but I appreciate you mike for uh,
You know everyone who's been on these spaces. I mean, I always say you might but you know english everyone who
Who's who continues to show me, you know every day at 330. Um, I I try to be on these spaces and
You know, it's super enlightening to me to my business to my clients to
to my world, right so
Keep it up. I mean, it's it's it's great thing you guys have going on. It's insightful. It's educational
Um, you guys are putting you know
You are doing things that you were also
Engaging other people to take part in it's not like you're just bringing people to the water like you're also active
Participants in this space and you know, and it's it's it's great to have you guys here
Yeah, no, I appreciate it so much. Dr. Crypto and and hopefully uh, yeah, hopefully we can organize some sort of meetup
You and english can be yeah, i'll see you in miami. Hopefully. Yeah, man. Well, we'll definitely get it done. Um, yeah
We will chat offline. I'll sign up for sure. Yep. Actually. Yep. I'm here. Peace out guys, man
Bongo, what's up, brother?
Yo, uh just um came back from a productive meeting
So thank you for letting me farm up here. Oh, dude, you were just farming this whole time
Dude. Yeah, I was just taking a shot. You know how it is
I mean, I told you we were gonna try and build up the bongo brand, but I didn't mean just like free real estate
But I mean yeah, it works
Listen i'll give you a take now and the take is that magic hidden is coded
And I I got into nfts right before magic hidden and I have seen those people grind this shit out through the rare market and
It couldn't be more bullish all the things they're doing and and how they're moving especially within the ordinals community
They do they they end up fumbling, uh brc20s. That was an L. They took a couple of L's but
Um, I think they're gonna capitalize on ruins and and just the entire ecosystem
My only concern it's having a singular point of failure
Um, that's why i'm not so inclined to use the magic hidden wallet. I like
to use different wallets, uh, even within
Atlanta days two or three wallets. So just keep that in mind. You don't want to
Have everything in one bucket. Um use different products wallets. You never know, uh, what could good what could go wrong in this
ecosystem and environment
100 that's a great call. Um, the one interesting thing there is they are definitely leaning heavily into loyalty
Meaning you will be incentivized to only use their platform probably only their wallet
Um, so that that's the thing here is, you know
It's a strong marketing play. It's a strong product play period
Um, but also it will you know, it will probably make people decide
You know to either fade it or to use it like exclusively
Um, so it'll be interesting to see I don't know what i'm gonna do yet
But I I agree with you that generally speaking it's good to use multiple products
And the thing is is if if magic eden is dropping a token
Then and we're going into airdrop season like we all kind of know at this point or at least starting to clue into
Um, you're gonna see multiple wallets probably like I wouldn't I wouldn't
Um put it past multiple platforms multiple wallets to be doing airdrops
As we've seen in previous ball runs. So yeah, really really interesting, man. It's it's um
Honestly, it's it's a it's an easy take calling magic eden goaded. They were
Basically kind of the first mover into
A full-fledged ordinals marketplace from a big brand name that had already, you know, they've already been very successful in another ecosystem
Um, they've they've spent a ton of money marketing the whole the whole year like they threw an incredible event with omb
In amsterdam. I wish I could have gone to it, but I saw pictures and
You know, it was that was a hell of a of a marketing budget they threw in there
Um, so they're clearly they're well capitalized their team appears to be um
You know pretty efficient at pushing out product as well as you know being present on the timeline
Like the magic eden on account is very engaging
Um, and it sounds like english had a great support, uh experience. So all around they do seem to be crushing it, uh bongo
Yeah, what's up?
And I think they are a w
Uh being crushed shane multi-chain and and just their social presence because they don't have
The they don't have the most marker share per blockchain in it you have blurred
um, I was looking at a chart today and in solana you have tensor across like
In in uh in 2023 they had they had the most market shared for most of the time
So you have tensor in solana and in btc, I think okay
Yeah, it is making more volume than then but it's just a great solution for people creating in multiple cross, uh blockchains
Yeah 100 man, I mean that's the thing about um
A lot of people have been maxis like on all three chains solana
ethereum and bitcoin and I think um, you know, these companies like okx like like magic eden
They didn't give a shit from the very beginning because they're running a company and they're not focused on you know
Particular bags like it's definitely a bag bias when you say you're when you say you're like a chain maxi, right?
Whether it's bitcoin ethereum or or um solana, like if you weren't holding assets on that chain, you would not be a maxi
These chads at these companies are going to show how kind of ridiculous it is to be a maxi by winning
Um sort of like, you know participating in cross chain from from the gecko
Um, that was one thing in the in the blog post
Uh, I don't know if it was in the tweet
But I read the blog post from magic eden about this this new um token that they're dropping in this whole rewards initiative
Is that it is cross chain?
And I kind of predicted that yesterday just based on their moves, but it you know, it's it's um
It's just fascinating to see like this is this is
Gonna be a very different cycle simply because of all three ecosystems popping off and I know a lot of people are like oh
Ethereum is getting squeezed out in the middle. I would not put it past
You know the ethereum ecosystem to have its own, you know, shining moment somewhere along the journey or like right now obviously it's it's um
You know it it it could be seen as it's losing market share to if they're uh to bitcoin and salana
But I don't I don't think that's necessarily the case
I think just you know, we're gonna see all three ecosystems thrive during a bull run
But um, yeah absolute goaded move to to be supporting all three chains
Uh, we got steven miller who joined us steven. I know you usually do an art update
But did you want to do you want to chime in on the magic game thing or whatever you got man? We'll we'll take it
Yeah, i'm just as bullish as everybody else
But I did want to start out with uh, the one thing that we keep missing day to day
Uh, and that is the functionality of this app as uh, as a mic is concerned
So i'm gonna throw it to patrick english and good things. Can you guys all hear me?
Oh, yeah, yeah for sure. Yeah, it's it's been crazy, man
Yeah, I feel like it's been every other day like where patrick just all of a sudden can't hear me and i'm just like
All right. Well, we're jumping down. Anyway, um, there's a whole lot going. Um, I would have been up sooner
I really do dig. Um
What y'all were talking about with magic eden, but i've got a little fun announcement for everybody today
Just was finishing up
The uh the details on it
But i'm gonna officially be hosting the function galleries opening launch space, uh for tomorrow
So if you are at all interested
In seeing what generative art on bitcoin is going to look like, um from some of the you know
Bigger minds in terms of like new galleries that are opening
Uh, please drop on by because I am
Really excited to be able to sit down with pal. Dutko, um and talk to him about his drop elapsed
And give you guys more info on all of the great things that function has going on. So
That's cooking tomorrow
Um really pumped about that
What time is that tomorrow steven? Sorry about that. You're good, man. Um, it is going to be at 4 p.m
Eastern time so I will I'll pin up the details
Awesome awesome. Uh, sounds like fun
Yeah, man, they're they're they've got a really exciting project cooking and they're
So distributed across the world. I mean like
Part of the teams in asia you've got artists across europe and states
So we've got some really really solid representation across the board. So pretty pumped for that
Amazing. Yeah, man
So i've got that cooking for you
And then also i've got a drop that I think should be on everybody's radar, but it's a couple days out
It's on thursday. Um, I don't believe we've talked about it. I don't know. Wait. Did we talk about it here yesterday?
I don't think we did
Either way put it on your radar. It's from the artist dilo frog. It's called memory blocks. I will post up the details for that
But i'm really encouraged by the art on this one. I think the outputs have been stellar
Um, and I just wanted to make sure that everybody was super aware of it. Um, it's gonna be 128
piece supply
My dog loves it
Um, it's selling for 0.005 bitcoin each
Uh, that sale is gonna go live at 11 and pacific 2 p.m
Eastern on thursday, so before my dog decides to tell you guys about how he feels about billie rusty i'm gonna go back on mute
And um, we will chat more in a bit
Wait, were you just talking about uh dalo frogs project? Yeah the one that I yeah
That was exactly what I was talking about and he just came up beautiful. It's fucking magic. He just came on stage
Saw some of the outputs on it. They're they're rad. Like I would love to be a part of that. They're awesome
Yeah, yeah, they're awesome
Yeah, no, welcome dalo frog. Um
I dm'd him earlier because I saw this project and I was like dude
This looks cool as shit and just saw that they were available. So welcome dalo frog
Would love to have you, you know, tell us about the project
Yeah, thanks for having me. Sorry. I'm late
My daughter had a fever. Oh, you're right on time. Hey right on time
It's it's been a wild morning for me. So
Yeah, thanks. Um
I'm dalo frog
generative artist is my first bitcoin ordinals project
And yeah, i'm so stoked. I you know, I had no idea what to expect. I just put it out there
And just got this crazy reception and i'm kind of still
Trying to process it right now and uh, yeah
It's gonna ride
So were you doing were you in work on on ethereum or salona prior to this?
Yeah, i've been doing uh generative art on my non-dalo frog account for a while since like 2021
Uh, just doing everything a lot of like fully on-chain art interactive projects
My grab my background is in like computer
Graphics research and things like that. So
Making a shift into crypto was very very fun and interesting to me and
You know, honestly, I kind of faded ordinals for a bit
Uh, because I was a little bit of a eth maxi to be honest, but you know
Wait a minute. Were you part of the ordinals are dead crew?
No, no, no, no. I'm okay. I really need you were just like a silent you were a silent fade
I was a silent yeah, and uh
Son of last g who was actually in the crowd right now told me to
You should definitely check out ordinals. And then when I realized that
Everything was fully on chain
You know, I was like man, I really could fuck with this, you know
Because I really believe in like this decentralized feature of
fully on-chain art, you know, I think
In my experience, you know
I was i've been doing games and websites and all this like generative stuff and
You know, if you look at
Website links they all die eventually like if you go to most people's portfolio sites, like half the links don't work
You know game servers get taken down. You can't even play games anymore. And it's
It's like a decades of this like frustration has brought me to
kind of this like permissionless decentralized space and
Having art on like the og mommy chain of bitcoin
Fully decentralized lasting forever is just such a compelling
narrative for me, so I had to
You know jump on this space
Oh, that's awesome, man. Awesome
Yeah, we I mean we just we we joke here like I don't I don't care if you are brand new to ordinals if you were
Your case you wrote them or like if you recognize at any point in time that this is the thing like it's the right time
But yeah, I mean this this work. Uh, I saw I saw it just earlier and
I gotta I gotta uh admit I haven't had a ton of time to dig into
You know what inspired it but I I can kind of grasp that we're basically looking at
Um some sort of defragmenter from the 90s. Is that yeah like a disc defragmenter?
Yeah, I wrote a little story of how I got inspired, you know, I have I had this cousin
I I mean you could probably read on my twitter, but
He would come visit me. I live in california
And he would come visit me during summers and he was like this cool cousin who was like very computer savvy
And then I my I remember one summer my computer was just slowing down
And he just taught me oh shit
You're like h your hard drive needs to be defragmented because files are just everywhere or whatever
So I you know, I ran the defragmenter
Wait, what year was this?
What year was this? It was like 1994
Okay, yeah, so you're a boomer i'm a boomer we just outed ourselves
Yeah, I just want to make sure people understand. Yeah, this was back in the day, dude that you had oh, yeah
Yeah, this is a while ago. This is like yeah, it's pre flat screens
Pre phones, um
but yeah, you know, you see you see those little blocks kind of moving in like kind of
You know unallocating and reallocating and kind of all organizing to the top left and I just remember being kind of memorized mesmerized by that
it was kind of like a um
a dance of these like
These magical blocks. I totally back then like I know what's going on now
But back then had no idea and then as a kids you just kind of imagine
Shit, right you pulled like a narrative about like
You know these people are like going into a forest on adventure with sores and now they're fighting and collecting in this like, you know
And it just became like this really fun memory that I had with my my cousin
You know when I put it out there, I was really surprised that a lot of people actually have the same
experience of just watching the you know, the defrag.exe play for hours and hours and
It's just amazing to me how a lot of folks would have this like shared experience of something so obscure
No, 100 percent, um, I mean I remember that so for people who don't know what he's talking about is your hard drive would get full
On your computer and you'd have to go to this tool in windows called the disk defrag mentor and you'd click run on it
Essentially and it would try to basically like reorganize your hard drive to free up space
But it took fucking forever. I remember that so well, dude
My dad, did you run the defrag?
Yeah, dude
Yeah, like we had to defrag our fucking hard drives in the 90s
Never it barely boomers. Yeah, man. Yep. We just dated ourselves, but yeah, it's funny, isn't it?
But no, I think I think there's something special about you know
in I remember like in the 90s people were you know, like looking back to the 80s, right and
um, I think now especially with ordinals there is a throwback to
The early computing culture, right? Like this is where crypto started, you know, it actually started in the 80s
Um with the the cypherpunks, you know movement on and well into the 90s
There's there's like some great quotes from how finny the first person ever worked with satoshi on bitcoin from the 90s
And most of the you know, most of like the the companies that we all like we use these products every day
They really kind of started in earnest in the 90s like the 80s was kind of too early
Um for a lot of stuff and you know, obviously we had the dot-com boom
So yeah, I mean that there's something about 90s computing culture that we haven't seen a ton of that. Um
Yet, but I this I just caught my eye right away and I I really love the the look of it, man
Yeah, I appreciate it, you know
I put it out there, you know my this alt account I have dilo frog. I don't have that many followers like 1500
So I wasn't expecting much no small collection, but you know, I have all the people dm me me
It was kind of overwhelming. I have been really
Experienced this for a while because i've been I took a kind of break after 2022
And just coming back in the ordinal space, you know, I had
folks from kraken
um far, I think who's the artist of the quantum cats dme and I was just like kind of
I don't know. I was just like really is getting lit up. That's amazing
I was just getting yeah, I'm just very grateful because who's getting an artist
And when i'm ready, let's do it
Long ago, it's a different type of getting lit my friend
Um, but no that's amazing, dude
So you're being you're being reached out to you by everybody just just so everyone knows
I dm them and just asked if you want to come on the show
And I was going to wait until this moment to ask how do I get whitelist or just like everybody else?
But yeah, I can imagine even to it mike
It's it's a hundred. It's 128
Yeah, it's 128 and the whitelist is kind of saturated right now, but you know, I happen to give one away i'll bet
Yeah, honestly, yeah
Yeah, yeah, that's a thing no
Um, no, I mean, obviously I think you've got you've got several interested parties here myself being one of them
but totally understand man, um
you know, it's it's a
When you get a coveted collection like this that especially it's I think people are discovering it in real time because I didn't see a ton
Of um a ton of like hype on this. I just kind of happened across it. I think from one of jurn's, um threads
And um, you know the work just looks amazing. Um, and it's just you know, we're in we're in ordinals, uh pump season
So anything that looks amazing we're all going to want it
Um, but yeah, so how are you planning to deal with between whitelist and public?
I think I saw something where you said you wanted to reserve some for public
You know when when I was when I was doing nfts back in 2021
I I kind of didn't like the vibe of like whitelist, you know, all your homies just like mean everything right and nothing for like
the public
so I didn't want to fully saturate the whitelist with just
You know currently just uh all the collectors of my previous nfts like I did some on this uh base
Which is l2 on ethereum. So I have this thing called tiny base frogs, which is the first, you know
On chain nft on that platform and you know
I have a lot of good collectors there who've kind of been collecting my work on that platform and been giving them whitelist
gave me some like um other artists whitelist as well as trying to keep like a very
Tight, you know
Honestly, I have no idea what i'm doing
I'm, so new to ordinals and I feel like i'm like this guppy who just jumped in the shark tank trying to figure shit out
Oh, you definitely jumped in the shark tank. You got several sharks on stage
You got kook shark. You got nb shark. Dr. Crypto shark bongo shark. Good. Good shark myself
Yeah, so what you'd actually be is a tadpole
That's what they call baby tadpoles gay it looks like
I'm a shark. Give me the nb good things first choice second choice kook bongo. Not even on the list
Rest of these guys. I don't know. It's not a healthy stream kook mb
Hey, yo, welcome back mb and cook they don't cook none of them cook
No, I don't cook i've never cooked wait he's cooked though. He's not cooked like he's cooking exceptional like nothing
That's going to get me like an award. Anyways, I have a question for dahlio
dailo frog
Dailo dailo dailo frog. I was right. It's like dailon your favorite rapper, but dailo
What did east do to you?
East ethereum. Oh east east
No, i'm just i'm still into east. I just think that wait, do you mint on these?
Yeah, yeah, I mean most of my work prior to the ethereum and my non-account has been pretty much all ethereum as well
Oh, your link tree is all based and and ordinals
So i'm like what what did ethereum do to this guy that he's just like
I'm not still into east. I just think that you know, I bought bitcoin like a long time ago in 16 and then
I think the whole laser eye narrative kind of turned me off because as an artist
You want to be at a place where it has art and culture, right?
And bitcoin was just like a desert for that until ordinals kind of popped off and then
Seeing that everything is on chain, you know
it just it's too
Too awesome to ignore especially as like a generative artist you want to be on
These immutable decentralized, you know non-sovereign spaces with your art
A hundred percent dude dailo dailo is based
He might have been
Might have been producing on base, but now he's just based bitcoin base
Yeah, so we got we got some new speakers, uh, and I don't know where oh the other person that was requesting
They said they met me over caviar and they've got a product they want to push
Uh, they stopped requesting. I was gonna ask everybody to vote on it
But that that opportunity has passed but we got coup capital. We got nb
We got a nwn welcome all three of you anybody that wants to chime in if you want to ask dailo a question
Um, you know ask him how soon he's gonna wait before he gives me whitelist. We'd love to hear it
I don't have a question. I just kind of jumped in in the middle
My question would be what are the frogs but I looked into it while you were talking
They looked sick. They remind me of uh
Cryptotoads there seems to be something like special about them with this memory blocks thing
That's very interesting. I have to read about it. I don't want to like
Make you guys repeat everything. That would be ridiculous
Um, but yeah, good things is hosting all kinds of ordinal shit all the time
So if we're gonna give one of these guys whitelist to be him, but second me for sure
Um, yeah, appreciate you. You're taking me. Definitely. Definitely. Oh shit. Polymath is back. Oh, fuck
Definitely second me cook tired though for sure
But yeah cook we're doing this every day dude every day 3 30 eastern, uh, we need to see you up here more
In shalaw brother
Bro, it's quarter to 10 for me. That's the thing. My girlfriend went to some dinner party
So i'm just having a beer at this like weird portuguese bar
That's why special occasions when I come to spaces at this time
But no actually it's always a special occasion to have you my friend
I would otherwise just be sitting on my computer smoking joints doing the same shit. So
Um, I should be more active in the north american times on spaces because I learned more stuff
And I probably know what these frogs were right away
So yeah, happy to be here bro. Thanks for having me
I was trying to fill the dead space when none of the speakers were gonna say anything interesting
So i'll do that at all times. I got you if it ever gets like kind of kind of boring
Fuck yeah, maybe you can tell us real quick. What's what's the portuguese landscape looking like these days?
You know, is there is it a crypto?
Desert there. Is it a crypto paradise?
I step away and you invite kook over here. What's up kook?
No, it's bro, it's a good question
Crypto is always pretty popping like I live in lisbon
Um, I do notice though in the winter
It's different like uh
All like summer spring even the fall. There's all kinds of stuff happening in lisbon like either
conferences or
Just people are always in and out of portugal like crypto people
Um, there's less of that but it's still yeah, man. It's crazy portugal sacred crypto. I love it
I heard you talk this morning, dude. I I usually don't wake up that early. So it's a little bit early for me
It's like five o'clock my time
Um, but when I do wake up that early I do tune on to your show
So I did hear you say that you used to complain about the winter in canada
And now you complain about the rain in portugal
So basically the moral of the story is regardless of where you move you're still gonna bitch about the weather
Bro, exactly. And like I said i'm at this like weird brazilian bar
It's right across the street from my place or like around the corner. What makes it weird kook?
Well real quick for he tells us that I just pinned to the top our announcement for tomorrow's show
And I said in addition to myself, uh polymath in english will also be joined by kook capital
Uh, we don't know if he's actually going to show but we're telling everybody that's what's happening. Uh, proceed kook
I probably can yeah, I don't see why not
But uh, bro, it's weird because i'm gonna take a picture and put it in the comments and then pin it
Fuck I can probably just do it right now, but there's no inside and this actually relates. Well to me bitching about the winter in portugal
Bro, there's like a tent
And that's it and so like
It's kind of cold. I mean mind you i'm in fucking basketball shorts because that's kind of all I wear and a sweater like a hoodie
So I complain about the winter, but it's like not a real winter
But this is why it's weird bro, because it's a fucking tent
But like it doesn't have to be
I pinned it
Um, oh you'd go crazy for a tiki bar
Bro a beer is two bucks though. So it's sick. I just sit out here. What are you talking about scopes lives? You got any alpha?
I have tons of alpha bro. I actually have massive alpha, but the space is way too big
We're taking the dms kook
Yeah, we're cool with that. We're cool with just um, just slide into the dms and um
And we'll gatekeep the rest of the people since uh, you're not gonna say it public too. So we're cool with that
No, well, I just sound like i'm shilling all the time, but no i have alpha
I'll tell you guys in the dms. Did my picture show up yet? Did I do it right? No, I don't see it yet
I really want you guys to see this tent bro. I'm looking forward to it. I'm excited
Um a lot of anticipation on this tent waiting with baited breath. It should be up there. Don't be doing weird things him be
The fuck is baited breath sound like
It doesn't make a noise because you're not breathing
Did you see the tat no, no i'm still not showing up man twitter is too slow man
I can see it. Um
Oh, yeah, look at that. I have to go to your replies you made it sound a lot
That's kind of weird. Oh, here we go. I don't sit in the tent
I sit outside if you can see the like table by the oil drum with the beer. That's my beer
Yeah, that's not an inviting tent to be honest and i'm a fan of tents
I've been camping quite a bit in my life. Uh, actually can I can appreciate a good tent, but that is not an inviting one
Well, that's weird. That's not like a camping tent. That's and the chairs look horrible
That's a local bar
Well, no, obviously it's not for camping, but i'm just saying you know as a purveyor
Appreciate or a tent. I mean I can I think that I can give my opinion. This is innovative
Do you understand what you're looking at the sub part 10?
What are we looking at sub part 10?
Like so the biggest issue with with having a bar in terms of real estate is foot traffic
So what are they doing? They're going to where the foot traffic is
It's a mobile bar and once that area kind of like oh, this wasn't a great area
They just try another one and then they pop it up there and stay there for a bit
Until the police come and be like you need a permit and they go to the next I think it's in this sounds like
Is this a carnival? Sounds like you're describing carnies, dude
That's what i'm saying. It's an exciting disruptive innovation in the bar industry
We're gonna go ahead and move on back to ordinals. Um, I want to welcome a nwn. How are you doing, man?
Hey, what's good, man?
I actually uh was checking out, you know
You know when I first broke to you was when I first started looking at the stuff deeper
It's like two weeks ago
So I found out uh kc had a podcast so I was checking that out and like catching up on like the history
It's cool to see like the development and like the events that were happening in his life
And uh around the time as everything was happening
But uh on that most recent episode who do I hear in the q&a section?
Good things, you know, so I had to pop in and see what you were up to
Wait, what which episode in the most recent one you asked a question like you were part of the q&a
So they had you up there like a question. Really? Yeah, it could have been a old one
It wasn't the last one, but when you know, what was the question that I asked?
Um, you know, it was kind of glazing but you know, he didn't vet he didn't vet word
Damn are you saying on on spaces right now that I was glazing casey and then they read everybody
Everybody else was too. Those are you know, you're a good guy
I mean, how are you not going to glaze casey dude of all the people that deserve a glaze?
It's fucking I mean he got voted in the most influential person in crypto. So I mean
Yeah, I I probably I'm probably guilty
I'm probably guilty of glazing but that's not good
Because one thing i've noticed from listening to the show though
Is that you're really tapped in like a lot of times somebody will bring up like some protocol or whatever
So, uh, you'll know who's involved. So you're forgiven. I had a question. I appreciate it, man
Yeah, yeah with the rsic. Did you florida? Did you uh, keep it and you're gonna play the uh,
Oh, no, i'm minding that motherfucker. I actually want to hear from kook and and yourself and nb on this too, but i'm i'm mining
Yeah, let's go around the room then. What's up?
Yeah kook dude. We were talking about this earlier. We got to get the kook uh outlook here our our six
well, okay, so
Again before all the middle curve fud comes out that it's rock toshi. It's definitely rock toshi and that's definitely bullish a
B i heard about this thing and i was seeing everyone on twitter like some
I don't know. I don't want to use like
The guy was I would call him ridiculous saying
I just got airdropped
750 000 of future money because the supply of this thing is 21 000 and bitcoin's 21 million blah blah blah
Then like just total blart math
At first I was like nah
You know what this thing's a piece of trash you should floor it because I checked my wallets
I didn't have any but I have all these wallets
And uh, is that is that the the initial like calculation you make on everything if it's in your wallet, it's good. If not trash. Yeah
Yeah, totally. I was like, I was gonna I was gonna like just sensationalist fuddit because it'd be easy and it'd be hilarious
and you know the mid curve is in the comments, but uh
Then it was like a couple hours later. I was talking to a titty
I didn't even really know he was on ordinals like that
But he was like, oh no check your walls, man. You definitely got one and uh, I got two of them
and so then
I didn't really like do any research
I just asked the omb guys what to do and then they told me to just move it
Because then it starts mining. I figure I do have a thesis. So my thesis changed very quickly
It's not very well thought out, but it's probably the right thesis and it's yeah
Probably the only one you should pay attention to I think you're listening
If you think I know what i'm talking about, but
This is the thesis. So it went from fudd this thing. It's a piece of trash. Whatever roktoshi's third scam too
It's a piece of history for a very important new token standard on bitcoin
And it's going to be the first thing mining the new token rune or whatever the hell it is
Um, I don't care so much about it, but it might become very important
So the first thing of this thing the first thing of anything is important
If I had like 30 of them, I'd probably sell half but I have two so many people
So I moved them wallets because apparently that activates them. That's all I know
Okay, perfect, yeah
No, I mean that that's pretty much aligned with I think a lot of folks and I think i'm in that camp too
Like I think if roktoshi's behind it that is full of fudd
But you're in the camp of if you didn't have him you would have flooded it too with me, right?
No, I mean dude i'm in so i'm in a new camp. It's called don't fade anything
Um, because I faded a lot of stuff last last year and it wasn't because I was like
It's just because I didn't have the time to do diligence, right?
And when if you're not doing diligence and you're trying to allocate like serious amounts of capital shouldn't fucking be allocating
So because of that I missed out on a lot of things missed out on all of brc20 missed out on the frogs
Missed out on like I mean a number of fucking things pepe, you name it
I was there for every single one of them. I saw them very early knew that they possibly had potential but just didn't do the diligence
So at this point i'm in absolute no fucking fade mode
And anything comes across my desk that seems like it could have legs like i'm going to take it pretty seriously
and this this is something that um
You know if you just look at so I haven't had a chance to do a technical deep dive
But the technicals matter here because it it illustrates that the person or it demonstrates that the person or people behind it
Know what the fuck they're doing and there's not many people in this space
In the ordinals ecosystem that know what the fuck they're doing. Technically. I know most of them
And there's it's a very small handful of mfers. So that's very important because like
You can produce quality when you have the technical know-how you can produce disaster when you don't and then there's everywhere in between
But what i've seen so far from rock toshi and I know I you know i've met this gentleman
Um, you know, I don't know him super well, but I I do know him to be
So far like an operator that that I can see knows what they're doing
This is aside from any personal issues that people have which I know there are
Um, but just just looking at it objectively from a market standpoint, which we have to do, right?
Like once the assets are launched as a market participant. I just made a good point not to cut you off
You always do this bad
It's my birthday
It is yo, I'm the one who came in and gave your birthday flowers, but
It's your birthday mike. Happy birthday brother. I totally didn't know that dude. Yeah
But happy birthday my friend
Happy birthday
Yeah, but the hog is in the audience and you put out a tweet yesterday
Just like you know people worried about like people personal problems are not necessarily like it's about who creating value
It's not about who first it's not about none of this like, you know, people are making moves that it's you know
Helping change people life
How be it higher like amount and even even when you look at the you know, the tokenomics it
It incentivizes you to mine
And so if you go even go back like to bitcoin and and why I think all the web3 going forward will be and I think
Elon musk is smart for making it to where it's pennies now
But if he you know ramp that up, you know 10 percent to where
You actually get paid to participate in social media and I think the next big social media platform will
Incorporate a fee structure that the more you participate the more money you make but even in bitcoin you got is you got extra tokens for mining
You got you got you got extra and so when I look at the tokenomics of this you get more
for mining so
It actually incentivizes you to participate and like I said, I just have so few things that incentivize people
To participate where it's beneficial to them that fail. So
Go ahead. No, it's a good call
I mean, I mean that's literally like that's that was the dream of web3
Like I don't think anybody has a good definition of what the fuck web3 is there's a bunch of them out there
We use the term, you know pretty pretty loosely at the at this stage of the game
But I do think there is this vision of a new form of internet where the users
Are incentivized right like the web as it exists now. The users are the product. We all know that
I mean if you're in this space you're probably keenly aware of that most
Most people who are using the internet are not aware of that that they're actually the product that's being sold to
advertisers and to other tech companies to build more, you know advertising engines on top of but
That is kind of the the goal, you know, like it's a very lofty one and so far unrealized
But I think you're absolutely correct
I mean, you know, we agree on this polymath, but when you when you incentivize users
That is the most like that is why you should be
Building in this space is to incentivize users to do whatever it is
Your your goal is and ideally like your goals should align with what whatever goals they already have for themselves
But in a simple game like this where the goal is kind of just to make money
Uh, I think what you're what you're saying is is absolutely right like
They have incentivized people in a way that that no others have so far in terms of like basically
quote pre-mining
It's not even that bro. The whole thing like again 2008 happened the crash happens
All of us lose out up on our shit
I mean I bought a house
For 500,000 it went up to like 950 and dropped all the way back down to like 300,000, right? And so
I saw a lot of people like loose and um
It you know, this was supposed to be you know, you know, like financial freedom like a way to have
You know access to capital outside of the system. And so
You know that isn't a sense of you know, that's a part of crypto. So kukasi put your hands down you can speak up though
Yeah, i'm like I was gonna say
Yeah, don't fade anything. We're gonna talk about that. I got a little bit of a
Different sort of stance or maybe I have a problem with the messaging like
I don't like all the wag me, you know, you're incentivized and get more all this shit
Like what if I offer you the opportunity to mine kuk token right now? I'll give you tons of it
You know, nah, but you don't got this
I mean, I mean you met you stand up, but you know, I'll take i'll take
No, but you don't
You don't got it set up technically the way that they got it set up
So like you just talking like you don't you don't have nothing set up
So when you actually get something set up that you could facilitate do it at the airdrop listen and what they did
They got dropped you different the guy dropped you a hieroglyphic cartoon, bro
You have no idea if it's going to be worth money in the future. Like you're you're speculating that this thing is very important
Yeah, I i'm just saying the reason i'm throwing the thumbs down is like
You have this presumption that it's going to be valuable
Think it probably will be no you didn't say it when you said it was what i'm saying here saying
It was like the airdrop people pick 500 to like 1500 dollars
No, they didn't the airdrop people a hieroglyphic cartoon. No, they didn't man. People people got real bad
People got real bad. I think what kuk is saying is is kind of the way that I pitched it earlier on I know that you
Couldn't chat. I don't know if you heard me
I just really want to finish it because i'm not saying that it's good
Yeah, it's like you're you're speculating on the potential importance of this token standard if it becomes like the main token standard for all
BTC alts or like it's very widely used and I believe it will be that's why i'm gonna hold the thing and
I believe it would be multiple. I believe it would be multiple rooms that would be successful
I don't believe this is the one rbl so like
Don't like that's what I'm saying. Like if you don't say something like word it right
What do you mean? I worded it right? You just don't understand it i'm saying that it's the protocol
The standard itself is important
The first stuff on it will be why do you think a crypto punk cost money bro? Like jesus?
No, you think it's because it's first. It's not because it was first like it wasn't first. It wasn't first
Okay, so why you mentioned it was first then
I didn't I said all the first shit on it. It's like the grouping of the historical stuff, right? It's a bucket
So this is a new
That's what i'm saying, oh my god, okay, so i've never said it was history history
The word history i'm talking about the word history. Okay, you're just you're making this leap like it's value
You're saying everybody got airdrop 1500 dollars really didn't they got a hieroglyphic cartoon and then secondary market you find out
What's on these words when you find out what someone is willing to pay for it? Okay
Yeah, yeah, so I think I think you guys are saying the same thing to be honest
Yeah, I don't know what he's saying, but it's no no, I mean it's both it's both valid points
You're jumping to this presumption. It's just the way that you're
Okay, this is the truth. Go look at the magic either floor price right now. That's the truth
I didn't make no presumptions go look at the magic even floor price simple
You're talking about all this future value, dude. It's dangerous shit. This is the stuff I hate about crypto
So that's why you get the thumbs down. You'll keep getting them if you say that stuff
I can get I can I can care less than what you think you're entitled to it
I don't know. Hey, so this is this is good. This is good banter
But um, I I would put it to cook then so what is what is the right approach here in terms of because I I understand
What you're saying it is all speculation. I mean we live in a fucking casino like our world is a casino
You know, like people speculate on all kinds of things outside of crypto, but definitely crypto is a casino
So in terms of speculating that bitcoin gonna go to two hundred thousand he can get out the whole space is speculation
So he has no point
Bitcoin you don't have to raise your hand actually want to if you had more thoughts on it
I want you to finish your thought, you know, just finish it out and then on it. Honestly, bro
I thought it was pretty well laid out and clean. I have a lot of thoughts on it
Okay, it's just it's the the issue here was the messaging with one person only because of
Things it's it's deafener, right? Whereas I'm saying the decision here. You're like, okay, you get airdrop this hieroglyphic. That's cool
A saying people got airdropped 1500 bucks. I don't know. I don't like that
Got a cartoon. It's only worth what someone's willing to pay. Maybe you would sell it. Did I sell it? No, why?
This is the decision in my mind
It's either historically important or it's not right?
But like I don't like that's why the first thing I said this guy's comparison
Oh, there's 21 000 there's 21 million bitcoins all this stuff. I don't mean this guy on stage
I mean the tweet I read
It's just you're this is speculation on speculation high on math in outer space
Like it's like, you know, and you're taking the gamble of this thing's going to be important
And I think it's worth it
But I just you gotta realize that all this shit can go away for sure
Yeah, i'm with you messaging. That's all that was that was my position earlier. You weren't here
I think we chatted a little bit about it and there's just too many variables to know
Um, and do I think it'll go up? Um, you know, I said probably I think my top was 0.015
I just gave a number because people like to hear numbers and and what I think sometimes with the actual value it can go much higher
As we mentioned earlier in the show like or at least I mentioned in the show like we don't even know the mechanics of this
Like are you gonna get is it even gonna be a prominent drop in in three months if they deliver when they deliver?
Um, will people still care about it three months is a long time
Are you getting 10 percent of this and then the rest goes to like public?
Is this just kind of so I just think that there's too many unknowns to really know what the valuation is
I think people are just excited right now that they can
trade on secondary market an iou for something that they've been wanting for a long time because nobody wanted to trade brc20s if it was
Avoidable they're a pain in the ass not even from a technical like bitcoin things just from buying selling them and scribing them
I guess you can go to okx and do it as well
But generally speaking you want something that's not brc20s and then the moment that kasey said hey
Listen, I got something dope for you and then obviously the name kasey. So they're like, yeah, fuck it
It's going to be ruins. So yeah ruins are probably going to be pretty, you know, uh, pretty valuable
The first one will be just like bro, bro. Hold on. Hold on. So I I gotta I gotta jump in. Wait, wait, can I just
Ruins being valuable is like a it's like a fucking that's like that's like a virtual certainty
It is the god created the goddamn ordos protocol
Who is one of which ones will be the first one will definitely be right some other ones
That's not what i'm saying though. I'm saying runes in general
So we have to all kind of like, you know, we have to coalesce around something right?
Um, but yeah in general like they're gonna runes are going to be
Like it's going to be nuts
We don't know this is all pure speculation
But I wanted to go to kook because I generally want to know, you know
I want to get your perspective like and I agree like speculation can be very dangerous. We're here running in spaces every day
You know, we have an audience
So what is your perspective on in terms of like how to go and and talk about this stuff?
Because we are speculating. Yeah
Well, I just say what I think and I i'm pretty honest about it
So I think the hilarious thing is we all seem to agree and like
We'll probably make the same trade which is don't trade this thing because we think it's going to be super valuable in the future
Like that's what I think right like
That's important and I will say that honestly and why I talked about the history like that's my angle
I don't give a shit about the tokenomics
That's sort of the yeah start analyzing that you're probably on the wrong path like this shit's important or it's not and i'll find out in the future
And you know a hundred bucks or whatever it is today selling an airdrop is not worth it
I'm not gonna like propel my thesis with
you know a speech in front of 180 people about how this thing is
An opportunity and like start talking about the financial crisis and shit because I actually worked through that stuff
Auditing banks that were going down. I'm scared like it's just i'm careful about the messaging. I'm just honest, man
I don't want to walk people into a bad trade. I'll get smoked. That's fine
But everybody because there's a lot of people that are like in a like
Because they're d gen gamblers or like b
They're like true believers and like it's easy to get whipped up in this man people that are in crypto deep now
listening to a space is like
Yeah, dude, like you're here, right? What do you like? And so and i'm talking to everyone so I just try to be
Look, i'm not funny. Like I said, i'm gonna hold this thing like i'm bullish as fuck that it's raktoshi
Like I don't care if he's a dick. That's cool. I'm a dick. Why do you think this guy on stage doesn't like me?
But yeah, dude, I just like everybody should be reminded that like a new thing
That's super weird that hasn't existed before is hyper risky. Like that's just how it is. Like you got a recipe for the biscuit. That's all
Yeah, yeah, no, and I think I think you and you and pauli matt actually
Would get along quite well. I don't I think maybe there was a misunderstanding in what he was saying
you know and
It doesn't really matter what what matters is that I think we're all pretty aligned in that, you know
We should probably say this regularly
But everything that we fucking talk about like this is all pure speculation. If we're talking about the future
We're talking about tomorrow morning or anything. It's speculative. And so
Well, let me finish real quick
Mature like we know that already like we know we'll know I mean there's going to be as the space grows
You know as we get more into the bull market
There's going to be people who are new that don't understand
And and I think that's kind of what kook is looking out for and I appreciate that because I I am mindful
I appreciate that too, but I didn't tell no one go buy a uh, arson
So that's why yeah, yeah, you know bread, you know
I'll tell you what I tell people not on a space in front of 180 people my buddy bread
Who's like he was huge friend tech guy?
He's like got a pretty big following you might have heard of him
But anyways, he was having a beer with me in lisbon when oxbt was like definitely gonna
Change the world, right?
And I told him he wasn't he was like he was fading it. It turned out he was 200 iq
I was telling him he was 100
And i'm like bro
Look, you better buy this fucking thing in size because I don't want you to have to kill yourself in a month
When you find out this thing went to three dollars and I was right and he's like fuck and he bought it that day
And like so that's these kind of conversations are fine. You can tell me this thing's going up forever
And i'll be like yeah, fuck you or yeah, I agree but like
On a space. It's a little different, you know, I gotta remind everyone
I get wrecked all the time and a lot of this stuff can go down a lot
No, no, no, but you're making my point all I was saying even with oxbt
So i've never I didn't touch that one personally because I kind of saw what was going on there
But what i'm saying the tokenomics is different here then with that token
So that's all i'm saying
So I was just trying to educate the audience that the tokenomics are different with this particular token than it is
Well, you can rule like I don't want to make that comparison you can compare it to anything like, you know
I'm talking about a lot of stuff with my friends and i'm like this thing's the future whatever whatever
It's just a different type of communication when there's a bunch of people and it's like
I feel a responsibility because I got all these followers
So i'm not going to be like this shit's going up forever because I get people rugged all the time
If you're in my telegram thrown in some of them go up arab cat is going to a hundred
No, you've got me wrecked before you got me
Yeah, that's what I mean. So it's like let's let's understand like
This shit is real sketchy. Like I look guys i'm actually hugely bullish on this thing. Like I I feel like i've
Taken this stance where I look like a bear i'm massively bullish on it
It's just that new experimental shit is always hyper risky. I just always like that's all it is
No, I feel like you're super bullish on this and bearish on us talking about it
Um, but we'll continue to do it regardless kook and we love you
Um, but no, I mean seriously, it's a good it's a good this is what we want at this fucking show at everything ordinals
We want people to have like a nuanced viewpoint. We don't want to all be saying the same thing
And ultimately every mf are out there whether you're it doesn't matter you are responsible for yourself
You know, like well, I I I trade in friend groups sometimes, you know
And like if I say i'm gonna go buy something or I say i'm not gonna go buy something like you can't fucking blame me
Like polymath does it anyways, but like, you know, you can't you can't blame anybody but yourself, you know
And it is something to think about like we may we may just start adding some disclaimers at the beginning and the end
Of the show or whatever, but you know, like this this market is going to get a hell of a lot fucking crazier than it is
Right now I can tell you that and there are going to be spaces where they're just pumping the shit out of things
Telling you that it's going to the moon telling you it's going to 10x 100x
They're going to shoot all kinds of crazy guarantees
Like there's going to be a lot of you know, regulatory
Laws being broken as we see during bull markets at this show. We're never going to do that kind of shit
We're going to talk honestly about what it is. We feel um, and
You know, I I wouldn't recommend copy trading people like i've got some some very, you know
I think high net worth people that have copy traded me recently and they've been successful, but that's not at all my business
That's not what I do and I don't recommend it. Um, because yeah at some points that was such a
Stealth chill like I don't recommend this but some really really rich people do it and they're making money
No, i'm i'm being honest, dude
So, you know one of my good friends, uh that I met through ocm like I saw him with a bitcoin puppet
He replied in one of my tweets and I was like I was like, oh you got a puppet
He's like I copytraded i'm like dude. Don't do that. Like that's not a good idea
Like nobody should be copytraded anybody. Um, but yeah, I mean like ultimately I just did the same thing
I just did the same thing
No, we just copied traded english the other day for fomo English dm say hey give fomo I just heard get it
What do we do mike? We just got it. I mean that was that wasn't copy trading. That was like an english special
He was like don't ask questions
Let's fucking go and i'm like like I said i'm in a no fade mode
So if I have the capital to where I can lose it i'm gonna allocate it but I haven't even checked that to be a hundred percent
And it probably turned into nothing, but it was definitely like that time, right?
It was just the time that you get it like just e-gen it's free and do it
Feed the feed the big we got we got steven miller with a hand up, uh steven always the consummate polite
Uh twitter spaces speaker and host. How are you doing, man?
Yo, so I really could sit here and listen to you guys bat around the same exact topic all day long and
Jumped at the same exact conclusion that you all ended up at
Um on the same team i'm all for runs, uh, but I also wanted to drive
I don't know. Let's call it a little bit more art value, uh to the space today because something else just hit
within the last hour or two that
Managed across my timeline and I am freaking stoked
Um, the team over at vivid just announced that they're going to be backing
And dropping a new collection with cyber c. Um cyber c has a bunch of art already out
But it's a collection called, uh deus ex machina, um, and it is
Ridiculous in terms of the art. Um, I am really pumped about this one. Um, just by the looks of it
It's a really interesting generative project
And um because i've already been called on it on the space once in the past
I need to make sure that I at least give the disclaimer anytime i'm talking about an art project on here
I am most likely not
Like incentivized in any way to actually
Pitch it. I am just talking about it from the angle of like
This is like dude kook is gonna make everybody do a two-minute disclaimer now every time they talk, but yes, please go ahead
I i'm here for the transparency. Dude. I'm the only guy who's literally always saying i'm gonna scam you
I'm gonna rug you like whatever like you don't need to do a disclaimer. You know what I mean?
Yeah, no, i'm I no i'm just i'm just fucking I love it
Yeah, no, I I like to give the disclaimer because I don't want people to think that like i'm capitalizing on it
I just want to support the artists
So i'll make sure it's pinned up at the top. I think
Seriously, the art is really worth looking at on this one. I have not seen a damn thing like this in ordinals yet. So
Uh, definitely check it out. I'll pin both the announcement up and a little sneak peek at the art
But uh, jason jason uh thing from sore ventures is is having a uh twitter spaces tomorrow. It's super early
Um in the pacific time zone 6 a.m. Probably a good time time for uh, maybe a good time for kook
I don't know but um, I think it's going to be a great spaces. I'm actually hosting the second half of it
So it's going to be two hours the first half. Um, I believe he's going to be talking with the okx
Cio they're going to be talking runes indexer war tap brc 20
A lot of the the fungible token stuff and then the second half we're going to be more like I think community community chilling
Probably talking about more about like the you know other projects, but definitely a good space that people can wake up
Um, I know i'm gonna have to i'm pretty not happy about that. But um, yeah, I definitely recommend people join tomorrow if they can
Um for you for those who don't know jason. Sora is the uh co-founder of sore ventures
They're a big venture capitalist out of uh, taiwan
And I think probably one of the I would say leading vc's in the ordinals ecosystem
Uh, definitely on kind of the tip of the spear. So should be a great conversation tomorrow. Um, lots of learning
I'm sure but we got we got some amazing, uh people in the audience. I want to shout out scooter pixel lord
The hawk shout out to the hawk bites holly james
trinity archon
Man so many legends in here really appreciate you guys supporting and we got claire on stage claire
I haven't had a chance to talk to you, uh in quite some time. How are you doing?
Hey good things. Um, yeah, it's been a long while. Um, but i've been following you along and
Been listening to you in spaces a lot and I really appreciate
All that you're doing for the community here
Um, also shout out to all the bitcoin puppets big love
And like I wait, do you have a disclaimer before you shout out the disc the puppets, huh?
I didn't understand. I'm sorry. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. We were taught. Yeah, sorry
Bad joke, uh, please continue. No worries
No, but I never come up shilling or anything
But today I actually inscribe my first piece of art on bitcoin
So I just wanted to celebrate that and share it with you and if i'm allowed I would like to
Yes, yes, please. Yeah, so, um, yeah, I did that and I feel so special today
Yeah, as soon as you can share it would love to see it
And is this something that you're planning to sell or is this something that you just did as sort of an experiment?
Get your get your feet wet on bitcoin
Um, I was um selected for the gamma, um partner program
So, um, I was super happy about that and
I was working on this piece
For a like on the side for a while and I didn't like I was working on it before I knew that
This bitcoin thing was going to happen
And I just had it there and then as soon as I got accepted to the partner program, I knew okay
This was going to be the piece
Yeah, I was kind of
Yeah, a little bit shy to do it. But yeah, it was the day and um, i'm happy about it
And i'm very excited to kind of yeah be part of history here
Amazing no, that's congratulations being selected as part of that gamma program. I understand it's quite competitive. So
Um, very big congratulations to you claire
Thank you so much
Absolutely. Absolutely. Did you are you going to pin it to the top?
Yeah, i'm trying to do it. I'm a really bad multi-tasker, but oh, no worries. Take your time
Just let us know when it's pinned and we'll take a look um while you're doing that. I wanted to ask kook
While we got him here. He said he had alpha
I don't know if he can share any alpha on liquidium
But i've been i've been over there on liquidium been talking to robin and the dns actually may try to meet up with him
In al Salvador. I know he's down there with some of the team. But um,
You know, what's what's the what's the way this on liquidium that you can share kook?
I actually
Yeah, okay. I have alpha. Well, it's not
Yeah, I think that people I had a tweet today bro i'll pin this
This is crazy. I shouldn't do this. I'm gonna cook my own stuff. This is because i'm too honest, bro
Too honest kook. I should yeah, you know krypto, right? Um,
Misdirection is key and i'm the king of it, but i'll just tell you what's actually going on
Um, yeah this tweet right everyone's looking in the wrong places for farms everybody
Bro, when your favorite larper pins a tweet about like the top 25 protocols to air or to farm for an airdrop
You're late you're really late. Um, I would encourage people to go look into like
liquidium the funding history
Uh, yeah, like what's upcoming and stuff and then go do all right. I immediately regret my decision to ask you about this
Just just do some math. That's it. No, that's it. Like i'm not gonna they'll announce stuff. I guess right but like oh, no
I'm just saying because i'm trying this. Yeah, i'm trying to follow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
No, but that's the thing bro you start now if you connect some dots like we'll have to talk about it
You do the math like there's
If you ever took algebra
This is a pretty attractive problem. Okay
That's it. Whoa, dude, that's a lot of people that's a lot of people kook not everybody made it to calc three
But you know calculus three simple a lot of people there's like yeah, a lot of people made it through algebra variables
Yeah, like I mean if you know
Yeah, I mean look some of this stuff you just google it right and binance picked up the stories
So they're like, you know, the pre-seed valuation is one number
You might have to guess that like what do points usually lead to you can guess at that and then what would a percentage?
You know for an initial
Airdrop be of a hypothetical thing that came from points
of a total like
Token and then
If there's a public leaderboard, you can do some math, right? It's pretty easy
Um, and then you can speculate on other stuff and then I got way more info than nobody knows about but like
The public math nobody's doing it bro. It's hilarious stuff
Um, i'm about to retire off just just the letter and the funniest thing i've now just farming this thing because like
Yeah, i'm gonna should i've made what what's your what's your rank?
I'm three on the leaderboard, but i'm not number three
Oh, yeah, dude, what are you talking about? Come on, dude. I'm I am the I am the order bro. I've never even borrowed a sat
I just lend
I am I am the liquidity on bitcoin the landing dude to be honest is the one who knocks
Seriously, nobody knows and if you look at that wallet, bro, I have I have 24
Ordinals wallets and so I just have one that's like the landing ghost on liquidity. Um, it's not linked to any of my other
Bro, nobody knows what i'm doing like seriously
But uh, yeah, there's some math. We got to talk about it in a little more detail
But for sure, man, you guys I throw nobody none of these guys that have information that are big my size
They're not telling you guys in this big space is like I encourage you to go look at that. Okay
Yeah, this has been a really fun space not like i'm done. I'm just feeling like I talk too much in this particular moment
Yeah, no, it do definitely sound like you were you were ending our spaces right there kook
Which which we appreciate because we actually are coming towards the end. But um, no, I appreciate you sharing man
We've had we've had robin up. Um robin's been been on stage a few times in the past week and definitely kind of shared
The alpha of the points and I think anybody that's watching like, you know, if you're getting points, um, kind of know where that's leading
Even though they can't officially announce it or haven't officially announced it yet
But it's not but yeah, no, dude, it's like go look up the
Like just google it liquidity pre-seed right 25 google evaluation
and then yeah, you know what what comes after pre-seed right probably and then
That would happen before or whatever the points go to and then you can see
How many people have points because the whole leaderboard is public so you can see that this thing is like completely undercooked like
The cow is mooing bro. Like it's not yeah, dude. No one's doing the math. That's what i'm saying. The cow is mooing
I think we got to use that like as an official kind of like bullseye
Yeah, I mean guy gets up here and gives us shit for for talking about speculating and now he's up here going
Yeah, the cow is fucking mooing everyone
Good things. It's math. It's math, right?
So like if an institutional investor is going to invest in a business at x price
And then you know, there's another round before the y variable like you it's literal math. It's not it. This isn't
Okay, there's obviously some speculation speculation
No, i'm not talking about the future i'm talking about right now, right this stuff happened
You can google it and so it's way different. You can't draw those lines
Yeah, yeah, no, I'm for sure people can fade me on this stuff, bro. I was talking about liquidity, bro
We're not fading coop capital, dude, not you guys
But I this is gonna be you're gonna see the biggest come up from what comes out of this thing with the
Yeah, it'll be the highest yield airdrop that nobody talked about
And I was talking about it for six months, bro. People used to be like, oh you're
Filling dude, and it's the most profitable farm i've ever been engaged in because i've made
Bro, i've made like probably half a bitcoin
in interest and flipping defaults because bitcoin
Borrowers are responsible and you like land on high
Yeah, like blue chip collections almost no defaults. It's crazy, bro
Like are these other farms like manta i'm getting smoked on fees and other stuff and then the rewards not
The stuff people are talking about is not it. You got to do your own math
You got the best barrels ever dude
Just like you pull in and you just get spit right out of them
You just drop in and just smack the lip
I feel like we all just got so pitted together with coop capital
Man i'm i'm going to liquidium right after this and i'm calling robin and i'm telling him to let me in whatever kabal kook is in
but yeah, um
Sheesh dude sheesh. I don't even know what to say. Um kook always delivers
Uh claire your your work looks incredible. Um, everyone should go follow claire
Um, looks like she's got an addition coming out. You're definitely gonna want to I think scope that out on gamma
Um, dr. Crypto, thank you so much for joining us. Congratulations on you know
I think the beginning of an amazing bitcoin ordinals journey for you super excited
Um to be able to meet up with some of you guys next next week, hopefully in miami stephen as always
Thank you for all of the great
Art alpha and wn bringing in um a lot of great, uh comments as well
And thank you to everybody for joining. Um english
I don't know if you could play us out with something
But yeah, you mentioned you mentioned miami dude
So I got some something that's a little bit in the miami kind of vibe get you get you in that mood for your trip
So whenever you're ready, you let me know. Let's do it. Let's do it
I like it
This is everything ordinals
Every day 3 30 p.m. Eastern 12 30 p.m. Pacific where we talk about everything in the ordinals ecosystem
Adro angry down there yasuki sauce plugged impossible key thin cake
Like a pillow
Believe it or not. This actually works in nikarago, too
The honeys everybody man
Thank you