Everything Ordinals

Recorded: Jan. 22, 2024 Duration: 2:03:39



One opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
One moment
Would you capture it?
Just let it slip
His palms are sweaty
Knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already
Mom's spaghetti, he's nervous
He's warm and ready to drop palms
But he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down
The whole crowd goes so loud
He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out
He's choking how
Everybody's choking now
The clock's run out, time's up
Over, loud, snap back to reality
Oh, there goes gravity
Oh, there goes gravity
He's so mad, but he won't give up
Back to this mobile home that's missed
Back to the lab again, yo
This old rap city better go capture this moment
And hope it don't pass
Lose yourself in the music the moment
You won't get you better never let it go
You only get one shot
Do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime
You better lose yourself in the music the moment
You only get you better never let it go
You only get one shot
Do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime
You better lose your chance to blow
This old rap city better go capture this moment
This world is mine for the taking
Make me king as we move toward
A new world order
A normal life is born
A superstar comes close to post-mortem
It only grows harder
Homey grows hotter
He blows us all over
His homes is all on
And coast to coast knows
He's known as the Globetrotter
He goes home and barely knows his own daughter
But hold your nose cause here goes the cold water
His homes don't want him no more
He's cold-potted
He's moved on to the next move
He's lost his nose, dove, and sold nada
He sold the soapwiper
He's told and unfolds, I suppose it's so partner
But the beat goes on
You better lose yourself in the music the moment
You won't get you better never let it go
You only get one shot
Do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity grows once in a lifetime
You better lose yourself in the music the moment
You won't get you better never let it go
You only get one shot
Do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity grows once in a lifetime
You better move on to games
I'm gonna change what you call rage
Tear this motherfucking new fork like Rudolph's cage
I was playing in the beginning
The mood all changed
I been chewed up and spit out in mood off stage
But I kept rhyming to step right in the next cypher
Let's believe somebody's paying the five-piper
All the pain inside amplified by the
The fact that I can't get by with my nine-to-five
And I can't provide the right type of
Life for my family
Cuz man, he's goddamn who stands for wide diapers
And there's no movie, there's no macabre
Oh, this is my life and these times are so hard
And it's getting even easier
What is up, English? What's up, Polymath?
What's up, boss?
What's going on, my friend, dude?
Another Everything's Ordinals
Let's fucking get it, dude
Fucking go
This is week two
This is week two
It feels like we're in, like, month six
But this is week two of Everything Ordinals
We're gonna be rocking with y'all every day
3.30 p.m. Eastern
12.30 p.m. Pacific
I'm actually in the Pacific Standard time zone
For the first time in a long time
Super excited to be here
I think me and Patrick are finally on the same time zone
English, you're stuck over there on the East Coast
We feel sorry for you
But we also secretly covet your weather
That you've got going on over there
It's not bad, dude
It's not bad at all
I keep telling South Florida's a terrible place
And I actually still stand behind that
South Florida's a terrible place
Don't come here
However, during the wind time, it's not that bad
A lot of people pay good money to come down here
Hell yeah, man
Hell yeah
And as somebody who lived in South Florida for a year
I can attest it's a terrible place
Everybody should stay away from there
And let English have it all to himself
But, man, I swear to God
I took off maybe 20 hours from Twitter
I mean, you know, you're always checking in a little bit
But, like, wasn't behind a computer
And I swear to God everything happened
I swear, you know...
When I left, things were fine
And now we're just back into full cook mode
The amount of shit that I had to catch up with
Over the last 24 hours has just been insane
But we've got to start off, I think, with talking about this landmark auction
Before we get into that, let's welcome everybody who sets up
Oh, my God
Who came on the show
You know, let's welcome Barack as represented
The one and only King Off, you know, let's...
You know, welcome everyone in the audience
You know, you are now tuned into the Ordinal Show
You know, the show where you can learn everything ordinals
Again, from BRC 20s to rooms
To digital artifacts, layer ones, layer tools
Launchpads, the whole nine
Sotheby sales
You name it, everything ordinals
We got it here
The place that can get the best exclusive information
In an environment where we are out to see each other win
So, with that being said
Let's, you know, welcome our stage host
English, if you want to give us, you know, kind of overview
Of what the listeners can expect today, take it away
Well, I mean, all the good things set the tone
There is one topic that I'll probably chime in
Just give me some thoughts, you know, as far as
You know, far as Genesis Cat
But, yeah, let's just go back to good things
You can kind of go over the things we'll go
And then we'll set it that way
So, I think that's probably a good thing
Yeah, yeah, I mean, first of all, thank you, Patrick, for reminding me
Like I said, I did step away from the computer
And, you know, I forget how to operate here
You got to welcome all these incredible people we have with us
Especially Barack and King Arthur on stage
This is an open forum, so anybody that wants to come up
You're more than welcome
We'd love to chat with you, answer questions, you know, learn from you
That is, like, the goal of what we're doing here
And I got a shout out to the Dojanal, I think it's the Dojanal Dogs community
I was in, I came into a Dojanal space earlier
Because I've heard some rumblings about Dojanals from some friends
And I've never actually looked into it
I go in there and, like, it was just full of these Dojanal Dogs
And then I tweeted out, because Bark told me to Engagement Farm
And these pups are just going wild
So, I appreciate you guys in here
If you guys, if anybody wants to come up from that community
I'd be happy to have you up as well
Just a quick note on that
Do you know who Coco is?
Coco Bear?
Coco, you know, the Angry Gorilla, or?
Well, Coco's is one of, like, on the Council of Kongs
He's, like, an old-school Kongs
Oh, okay, no, I was definitely thinking about an actual gorilla named Coco
Well, I don't know, this guy's like somebody
He's, like, one of these, like, ding-a-ling type people, right?
That just have, like, an infinite amount of money
And, like, they'll sweep, like, goblins at, like, 80th or whatever
And they don't really care, you know?
He's really big, he's really bullish on them
I don't know if that's, like, a beta play to Ordinals
Because he, I think he kind of
He's actually a BTC maxi and he loves it
But he wasn't convinced of Ordinals in the beginning
And just chatting with some of the team over there at Kongs
For various reasons, I had a piece of that insight
So he's a Dojano maxi, so he apparently is pretty bullish on that
So, kind of like that when ding-a-ling was early in Ordinals
Apparently Coco has put his chips behind Dojano
So we'll see how that goes
Interesting, yeah, no, like, you know, I went on the spaces
Just because I wanted to learn about it more
I wanted to see what people, you know, were talking about
What's happening over there
And, you know, I think all of us should be in a no-fade mode, you know
And I want to credit Polymath for this
He, you know, he's been telling me
And King Arth too, I mean, really, everybody here
But, like, you know, me and Patrick talk on a very regular basis
We've worked together for a year at our previous company
And, you know, he was telling me, like, I don't know, months ago
Bro, I'm not fading shit this time, you know, like
And I really think, I think this time is different in that sense
There's going to be many parallels
But, like, we have three chains right now that have the capability
Of producing a lot of liquidity, a lot of wealth, right
And there's new ecosystems cropping up within existing ecosystems
Ordinals is itself a brand-new ecosystem
But there's all these different avenues or verticals within ordinals
And so when I see something like Dojanels and I see a community, you know, forming
See, PFPs start popping up, like, it's just, from my end, like, it's kind of dumb to fade it completely
Because I've done that, you know, I did that over the past year with several things that
Now, looking back on, it's like, well, yeah, you shouldn't have done that
You'd be a millionaire right now, so it's not all about making
And the cool thing, too, is, like, you know, we, you know, I said this a while
About, you know, anybody who's a pure maxi of anything is almost a little ignorant
There's so much opportunity here
And one thing that the advantage that all of us got that's here
And who actually, like, you know, show up every day
We actually have the ability to know about a new room token
Or know about, like, opcats
Like, who in the fucking world know what an opcat is?
But us. So we actually have an advantage in the world to, like, be, you know, first
And have an opportunity to partake in these things, you know, that can, you know, like, create, you know, life-changing opportunities
And that's what we want to do with this show
We want to expose opportunity
That's what we want to expose
We don't want to get caught in no tribal mindset, right?
The tribe is, you know, we all help each other grow
We all help each other find opportunities
We create an environment where you can come learn about those opportunities
And so, yeah, that's what we're doing here at Everything Organos
The only thing I'll add to that, I think part of the no-fading thing is a psychological thing
In the bear market, we got conditioned to keep fading things
Because you would probably make more money by preserving capital
So, like, you would fade something and you're like, yeah, I'm glad I faded that
Yeah, I'm glad I faded that
Yeah, I'm glad
And then there is kind of like this in-between moment where you're not really sure
And then you see other people making money on these plays
And at some point it just clicks that you're like, hey, let me just start sending anything that I relatively believe in
Or at least I think is attractive
And I might just be better off from getting over the bear market PTSD
I think that was a really, like, a big thing, this bear market PTSD
And once we get over that and once we feel it, I think that's the other thing
Then you got to worry about, like, the euphoria and then to, like, not forget about the bear market
So it's kind of like this weird median
But I think right now it's probably do you best to shift into a more risk-on type of position
And then when you start feeling really, really, really good, that's probably when you want to shift back to the other mentality
When you're bragging to, like, people who don't know anything about what you're doing
About how much money you're making, it is time to consider getting out of some of those assets
Screenshots, dude, screenshots
I never screenshot, dude, I just tell people I'm like, dude
I had like 70 grand on Pepe, dude, and I screenshot
And I didn't know that rule when Pepe existed
I found out about that rule after, dude
I literally screenshot it to, like, two or three people
I still ended up with like half of it and pretty well up on it
But that was my screenshot
I lost my virginity on the screenshot thing
And ever since then, I've heard that used before
Like, once you start screenshotting things
So I think it's hilarious, and I think we all have the tendency to do that
So I just screenshot
And I keep those receipts, my friend
And I keep those receipts
Yeah, it's just, yeah, when you're going and posting it
Or you're sending it to people
You're at a point where you're so exuberant
That you're sending somebody
Because this is the thing, I talk to a lot of people
People inside the industry and outside
And if I were to tell people, hey, I just made like three grand in an hour
By clicking two buttons
Which has happened
That has happened recently
And they have no idea why that is
You know what I mean?
Me sending them anything or explaining
Even trying to explain that to them
Is kind of nonsensical
So that's kind of my firm of reference
Anytime you start
You're so excited about it
That you feel like you have to tell people
It's a sign that you're kind of over exuberant
Or rationally exuberant
So we've got plenty of time, I think
Before we get to that point
Where we're all telling each other
You should've sold, bro
But to the English's point
We were surviving for a good year and a half to two years
Where there wasn't a lot of liquidity
There wasn't a lot of capital that we felt comfortable playing with
And so it was the right time to do that
And I missed a lot of things in the last year
But I'm not super disappointed
Because now I know
I'm at a point personally where I feel very comfortable now
Now I'm sure of it
I'm sure of directionally where we're headed
And so now I feel comfortable allocating
And it's all about knowing what you're doing
The people who made the most money over the last year
Were people who probably didn't have a lot to lose
And that's actually a really cool thing
Many people that I know that made money in ordinals
These are people who didn't come in with a ton of capital
But they had time and they had low opportunity costs
So they were able to take advantage of it
So yeah, we're at a good place, all of us
There's a ton of opportunities
But let's get into things
Niko, I'll go to you in a bit
But I want to start off with
We were talking before the show
This massive auction result ended for the cat, the quantum cat
And I want to get your perspective in English
Because you're somebody who always, I think, has great perspective on these types of things
So go ahead
Yeah, I mean, let me start off with, I guess, the whole comps
Because I talk about comps a lot
So we have seen this before
So we've seen a Christie's auction and that 250
And what was that?
That was basically Bitcoin shrooms
And it wasn't just any shroom, it was a proto-shroom
So that was part of a series of ones that came sub 100
And it was the shrooms are coming
So obviously with the idea that ShroomToshi had made this collection way before
As soon as it came up
And people were inscribing
He was one of the firsts
He knew he was going to upload the other ones
But he wanted to get those out first
And I don't think that that's ever been a disputed thing
I know that there's people like on the east side, influencers
Like NFT stats will say
I heard him actually say this morning that
He's like, we don't know anything about Bitcoin
Because we don't have enough data
We know crypto punks will always be valuable
He's like, we don't know that about anything in ordinals
We don't even know if low inscriptions will matter in like three or four years
And I think anybody on the ordinal side
Anybody who had to deal with the whole potentially getting rid of numbers debate that we had to go through
We know that's fundamentally not true
He might not know that
But we know that there's a strong value proposition in that
And then so I hate to make these comparisons in terms of like ETH projects
But if there was something that was more like punks
It would probably be like these Bitcoin shrooms
They don't need to execute its art, its provenance
And I don't mean its collection size
I don't mean anything like that
Obviously they had a whole community that valued them when they were worth nothing
And basically built out Ethereum and there's a ton of value
But just meaning that non-execution risk type of thing
So now we see another piece at Christie's that sold for $250,000
And what is that?
So that's a second gen collection that is probably more like
I would just say just for an easy example
More like board apes
And what I mean by that is that Yuga has a company
And it's a company that wants to produce something
It's not at all like Taproot Wizards
But Taproot Wizards is VC backed
It is a company
They have a mission that's to make Bitcoin better by hiring devs and doing whatever
And scaling up Bitcoin, whatever that exactly means
But you don't have this provenance, right?
There's no parent child
And even that, it's kind of
I think takes a certain amount of consensus and belief in it
Because they're just signatures controlled from the original wallet
These are very high inscription numbers
And it has tech
So what we see here is kind of this hallmark moment
Where execution, teams, all that kind of stuff that we've traditionally seen
Following CryptoPunks is going to matter
And I think that that's huge
And the fact that it was valued at the highest levels
That we've seen in auction
I think for another comp
I think there was an ordinal punk
That sold in the six BTC range
BTC was cheaper then
But if we're calling Bitcoin just one Bitcoin
Right around there
So these are basically the highest levels that we've seen for ordinals
And it's kind of exciting because I think it issues in
Or is part of like a whole new paradigm
We're seeing airdrops
I know we're going to talk a little bit about that
Stuff that we typically haven't seen in the ordinal side
So it just shows that
And Farqana is doing a token drop
I don't know if that's exactly on Ethereum from their ordinals collection
Stuff like that, right?
And people talking a little bit about
Metaverse and gaming and whatever that means
But I just think that in terms of valuing
This ordinals ecosystem valuing
An organization that is going to have a collection
That's not necessarily about provenance
And putting it at the highest levels
I think that's my key take away from this auction
Yeah, I kind of took that too
Because yeah, this wasn't about provenance
This is just really about cool art in a collection, right?
Like this was
Again, to me this further validates
That ordinals are really here to stay
And that digital artifacts has a place
And a prestige
In the eyes of collectors, of art collectors
I think it's definitely
Again, we all here
We know about OutKats
We know about this auction
We know what's going on
We were all here when they first announced the auction
And I want everyone listening to really
Really realize that you are here
Like you're in the know
About the things that no one else knows about
Before everyone knows about it
And it's nothing but opportunity
I do want to get Stephen Miller take because he has
Real quick though
I think you guys both have interesting takes
But my take was pretty simple
I think it's just wash trading
No, but I think for people that don't know
I mean, I'm being sarcastic there
This is actually a very interesting thing
Because like of all the volume
That we've been seeing in ordinals
Like on node monks
I had people chasing me around for like a week
On every tweet
It's wash trading
Good things is wash trading
And like we're all just sitting here wash trading
But with the auction
It is KYC, correct English?
Sorry, I had trouble unmuting
Yeah, it is KYC
You have to KYC there
Which doesn't mean that it's impossible
But it makes it very highly unlikely
Highly unlikely
Pretty unlikely
Yeah, I mean definitely more unlikely
Than you would see
Highly unlikely
If you were just like
It's just not impossible
I don't want to say that it's impossible
Yeah, of course, of course
Of course you don't work for Sotheby's
But I'm asking you like you do
I would suspect with a high probability
That it's not, right?
And part of it that I think is kind of important
Eric mentioned this
I mean, I just made some comms
But it's not like there's anything on secondary
That you can arbitrage off of it
So it's not like somebody had to have
With no valuation
Because again, I valued this less
Actual value of it
Just what it would actually sell
I was on record that I thought
Three was the top
Maybe slightly above three
Obviously it doubled that
Based on what I have seen before
So it took somebody to say
Hey, I have the conviction that despite
Most things going in that two and a half
Three sweet spot
For something that's very valuable
Something with no provenance
And there's other value propositions
But we hadn't seen it yet
It took somebody that had really no comps
I use houses a lot
And sometimes it's because
They're kind of easy to understand
Where you price them in comps
Because they're completely different
Than a different house
But it's in the same neighborhood
Maybe same square footage
They both have updated stuff
So you can make these kind of comps
This is essentially a new house
Where nobody has developed anything
And you're speculating saying
Hey, this house, this size
Based on this location
Where nothing else is built
I believe it's valued at this much
Because there's so much potential here
And I think that's kind of monumental too
You know what's interesting there is
You've flooded the hell out of them
With your price prediction
You were way off to the underside
But then you came around
And just said this is a brand new house
That we've never seen before
There's no comps
So English is really toeing the line nicely
I'm sure Udi is pleased
But yeah, we've got to get to Stephen Miller
Because Stephen Miller, among other things
Is an incredible commercial spokesman
And I watched his commercial for the Quantum Cats
And I've got to say I'm severely disappointed
That I didn't beat him to the punch there
It was a masterful piece
Wait, wait
So the commercial has my phone number at the end
Can you just make sure you
Yeah, can everybody please call me for the cat
Okay, two four eight
Four three four
Five five oh eight
Okay, that's it
So I do have something to say
But go on good things
No, it's okay
I was actually calling you
Yeah, nah, nah, I want to
But let Steve do his thing
He's like
He's about to
I mean if he keeps going to where he's going
He's about to be like the Stephen A. Smith of
You giving me that Stephen A. Smith credit already
I would much rather be on undisputed
But I'm not gonna get into all the sports references
And go over every single, you know, tech geeks
Head in the space
Oh no, I can't hear Stephen
Damn it to hell, I hate Twitter
Alright, well, I'm gonna drop it down
Am I working or
No, no, Stephen, I hear you perfectly
Okay, Steve
Just gonna ask you to drop down
Yeah, drop down and then bring you back up
That way I can hear you
Nito, we'll go ahead in the meantime
Oh, I came here looking for you, Paulina
Alright, can you guys hear me?
Alright, I'm
Yeah, I got you now, Stephen
I'm expecting a pocket
What you expecting?
Oh, the hoodie?
I'm in the beanie
Yeah, yeah
Alright, we're talking to DM
What's up?
Dude, this man is serious, dude
He comes straight to the stage
To track you down for the beanie
Did someone just try to mute me?
I'm the host here
I was hitting the emoji and actually hit the wrong button
Not gonna
Not gonna
That's like
That's like three days in a row
We gotta talk about your thumb
Your thumb dexterity
You got little hands, bro
I don't know what to tell you
Alright, back to Stephen Miller, dude
How are you, man?
I'm doing good, man
Yo, I'm glad you enjoyed the video
I thought
Dude, it was fucking amazing
I gotta watch it again
I just watched it right before the show
And I'm like, this motherfucker killed it
He's getting a cat
Look, man
I hope that the entire squad that works with me on that
Gets cats
Oh, I have to finish the thing
The call?
The tweet
The tweet
I'm good, hey
So we'll get Niko straight in the DMs
We'll get him his beanie
We'll get him straightened out with the things that he needs to tweet
I promise you that much
But, yeah, it was a lot of fun doing it
I had a phenomenal squad that was working with me
But, yeah, that idea was a late-hour thing
That came up late last week
After English completely sold me on putting out all of the effort to do it
So much appreciation to you, English
But, yeah, man, I just went real deep on it
And we had a lot of fun making it
It was a riot once we actually got the final cut back
Did you travel?
Like, did you get on an airplane just so you could have that shot out the window?
No, that was Kinky Sodor
Yeah, he was
You cheated, you cheated
No, we had a team of eight people
Dude, that was like six or seven people
That's a cheat code, dude, if you're working on Kinky Sodor
There's a clip of us everywhere
I have one in the bodega
Whose idea do you think that was with the phone number?
Yeah, the phone number was on Niko
Wait, Niko, you were in on this?
Yeah, he was part of the squad
He was dead ass serious, bro
Niko didn't come to play, he came to play
He didn't come to play
Bro, what are we doing, Paulie?
I thought I was the one that convinced you
Bro, I got an idea for us tonight, bro
We about to kill that shit, bro
I got an idea for us
Bro, bro, you're about to be wizard things
I got a whole plan for us, bro
We about to kill it, bro
Alright, so to get this train a little bit back on the rails
for what you actually had me coming up to talk about
That auction closed down with a bunch of really, really big wins for the artists
So got to give a quick hats off to a few of them
But also want to throw a little bit of shade at Sotheby's for a quick second
You have to have an actual Sotheby's account to look at what they closed at
Which is just the dumbest UI choice I've ever seen
But at any rate, highlights that you should be aware of
Is obviously you had the Quantum Cat sale, that was big
But Far also sold another piece called Early Echo
Which was inscribed, it was inscription number 13386
Sold at 20k, which is right at the top of its estimate
You had Ana Maria Caballeros sold a poem that she had inscribed
For 11,004, which was almost 50% above asking
Or above estimate
You had Dez, which is Dez Lucrez
Dude, this was nuts
The piece that he had inscribed, which was benediction from Between Worlds
Was estimated to sell between $10,000 to $15,000
This puppy closed for $95,000
Which is just lit
I'm so stoked for him, he's a phenomenal artist
More on that later
The Asprey Bugatti egg, number 10, that sold, sold at 85k
After having an estimate of 30-50
And I can't find info on the node monk, which is the most frustrating part of it
But honestly, dude, the artists that sold in this had some huge ways
Wait a minute, wait a minute, Steven
You're sitting here pumping everything and then you're like, oh yeah, the node monk, we don't know
Come on, man
I couldn't find the details
I couldn't find the details
Why do you want him to pump node mugs, bro? Just because you got one
Yeah, exactly, Niko, it's quite simple
It is quite simple, dude
Niko, he's still learning
Still learning
No, man, but it was a really big thing for those artists
The other one that really frustrated me that I couldn't get details on
Was Rudd, X-A-N-E, I don't know how to pronounce his name
Beautiful piece, early ordinal chain that he had inscribed
Literally, that's the name of the piece, it's an ordinal chain
And it's a beautiful piece
And because they gate everything, I couldn't get access to what it closed at
So a lot of these artists, though, big, big, big, big, big wins
So big tip of the cap to them today
Yeah, dude, thank you for all that great info
Especially you had to dig for it
That is kind of frustrating
And very contrary to what we're all used to
Which is, you know, to view stuff publicly, you know, on chain
But I think it's interesting, right?
I think this is super interesting that Sotheby's did this
It's great that the auctions had the success that they had
And, you know, I can't wait to see my 3D hoodie on auction soon
Look, I think we're gonna look back, you know, in a couple months, maybe even a year from now
And realize, like, just how pivotal of a moment that this was for ordinals art
I'm not just saying that to say, like, I really do think that we're gonna look back at this and say, like,
This was one of the big moments of affirmation for ordinals
So I'm hella bullish
Oh, yeah, Nolish was the other one that I couldn't remember off the top of my head
And I couldn't find the details for him, what the sale was
But he had three, I think three different pieces that were at auction
All of them definitely sold above estimate from what I remember
But, look, dude, what you were talking about with, like, gating the knowledge, gating the info
I'm all about tearing down those walls, you've always known that
So I'll pin it to the top just so you guys have the details
But I dropped the newest update to the curated mint list for art this week
There's only one really big one that's on the radar for, like, midweek
But then, of course, we got the biggest ones coming up next week in the ordinals ecosystem
So looking forward to hearing more about quantum cats throughout the week
And seeing how this thing closes out tomorrow
Yeah, I knew your cat
I don't know what I gotta do with some of your fucking cat
Can I just add that I really want to add to what Stephen was saying about Sotheby's
I think that things were saying it, too, that it is really huge
Because when I was doing research, Sotheby's was founded in 1744
So, I mean, that's amazing, right?
And they just did an auction regarding ordinals, natively digital
So I just want to add that
It's pretty amazing
Yeah, and I think one of the great points that English made was
The last biggest ordinal sales were based on Pavanan's early inscription numbers
And just a stellar collection
This actually didn't have those things
And it was just for the art
And we all gotta admit, that one-on-one cat looks amazing, right?
Like, you know, when you look at it
So to see that that sold for that type of price in this environment
It's just awesome
Like I said, it validates ordinals, digital artifacts
And it lets us all here know that we are in on something
That the whole world don't even have exposure to yet
So yeah, but yeah, we can go to the next subject
I think we want to talk about the new runes, right?
Is that right?
Good things
Yeah, I mean, it's so
To be clear, just to start off with
runes as a protocol, the fungible token standard that Casey Rotomar is building
Inside the ordinals, you know, code base
That hasn't launched yet
And it's not expected to launch until the halving
I don't know the exact block height off the top of my head
But basically Casey set a specific block height
Which is how you measure time on Bitcoin
So at a certain block, this protocol will go live
And people will be able to etch runes
Etches like the verbs, like inscribe
So instead of inscribing, you're etching
And this will be the creation of, you know, there's going to be a ton of runes probably
On that day that are created
And in fact, in testnet right now, there's a bunch of runes that are being created
Just on the test network for Bitcoin
But basically, yeah, so one of the big things I missed yesterday
While I was away from the computer is this airdrop of inscriptions
And, you know, we all, not all of us
But a lot of people in the ordinals ecosystem received these in their wallet
I received three of them
And they're trading at, I believe, 0.02 last I checked right before the show
There's 21,000 of them
And it's very, it's all just up for speculation
What all this means at this point
But essentially, there is a, there's a parent inscription
Very, very early that launched these children inscriptions that we all received in our wallets
And that parent, it's around a hundred
I can't remember the exact inscription number
One twenty-five?
I was gonna say one sixty-two
I thought it was one sixty-eight
One sixty-two?
Yeah, well, we'll figure it out
I got it, you know, in a
It's good for the audience to know that it's up to you
Well, the great grandparent is one twenty-six
One twenty-six, that's what it was, one twenty-six
Yeah, so that in and of itself tells you that whoever did this, like whoever launched this is one of a few people
Like, there's very few people that were inscribing that early
Um, you know, in fact, we were on the ordinals show earlier
And, you know, Udi was talking about the four-mega that he did with the Taproot Wizard
Ordinaly was talking about, Ordinaly is one of the, you know, two engineers that built ordinals with Casey
He was talking about how he didn't inscribe super early
Because he, you know, like, no one was sure about it at this point
Um, and that, if you look back in those times, especially under a thousand or ten thousand
It was expensive because you were basically burning Bitcoin, you were using Bitcoin to inscribe
And this was at a time where nobody even, you know, including Casey, knew what this was gonna be
It was just brand fucking new
So, the point is, whoever inscribed that parent inscription for this airdropped collection
It's one of a few people
And, basically, there's speculation that it could be Casey
There's speculation it could be Roktoshi
Um, I have my own opinions, but we can get into that
Um, but yeah
Here's my question
So, has this inscription moved wallets at all? Because there's two things that I can think of
So, it's something very important here
Um, and I think it's good to point it out
So, it's deploying more inscriptions
So, one thought that you could have is that this person inscribed that
With the idea that this was always going to happen
I know parent child was in a thing back then
But at least that they had the intentions of doing something similar to this
Or just use this
And at least they had the foresight to know that this was going somewhere
And, um, and they were gonna do something big
And they kind of latched on it
I don't think so, to be honest
So, there's actually a tweet thread where Casey is saying steady lads
And then right below him, Roktoshi is saying
Um, deploying more inscriptions
And then there's inscriptions that have that exact text
Uh, and one of them is the parent, I believe
I'll be honest, I haven't had a chance to really deep dive all of this
And we got H.O. coming up
So, maybe he can shed some light on this
He can, this is the one that turned it on to me
No, but Mike, but to English point
If you go back and read the early get-here from Casey
Parent child was always in the works
So, those early people would know that
It was the other side of the coin that I was gonna get to
It's getting juicier
That somebody was clever about this and said
Hey, listen, um, and this is important, right?
Did they buy this inscription?
Has this always stayed in the same wallet?
H.O. can probably give us some more information on that
Um, because if it's, then it's just marketing, right?
But before we go to H.O. let's just continue to speculate wildly
I plan to, so then this is the other side of the coin
So, this is the other side of the coin
The other side of the equation would be that
Okay, somebody came up with this recently
They acquired this and they came up with a really great marketing ploy
And I think they're two very distinct value propositions for like
Markets are always, what you're paying for is not the value
You're paying for the potential value
You see that with a lot of projects that haven't done any work
But people are bullish for one of the numbers of reasons
It could be just because it's a hot product
Or potential product in a current market
Um, people are bullish on the founders and they haven't really done anything
But it has a valuation
That valuation is not based on anything tangible or fundamentals
But it's just, alright, there's enough people that are bullish at this moment
For this particular product for various reasons
And if this person, if it was the former kind of instance
Where they had some kind of vision of doing something grand with this
And now they're able to do it
I think that's a little bit more bullish than just kind of this
Good kind of marketing campaign, so
It's well and good, but I think it's just watch trading
Only your node monkeys watch trading
I know you were pumping the floor of hoodies
I'm out of Bitcoin, dude
You're out of Bitcoin
I'll let you take it to whoever has it
There's a couple of hands up
We've got to go to H.O. because I think he probably has more insight
He has all the info on that
Than any of us
Do you guys mind if I toss a question to H.O. real quick just to tee him up
Because it was something that I think that he may know
Or that he may have gotten to the bottom of already
And I'm really curious
Obviously tracking that person is going to be difficult as hell
But there has to be some indication as to what collections were actually targeted for the airdrop
That I don't think I've seen yet
Do you have any idea on that as well?
I'd love to hear your take on that
Yeah, so I just jumped into the subject
So first thing, the inscription 126
It was moved from wallet to wallet
But of course we all know like some question I had
Like everyone can do that
Thanks to the holder of the 126
So yeah, like our friend said
He's an OG in the space
Or at least an undercover OG, an old one
Just take it easy
Like wait it one year
And he knows what he's doing
So this drop is not a DJ
In my opinion, my own opinion
It's not a DJ drop
The people behind him, behind the drop
They know what they are doing
When you look at the inscription 126
And you look at the deployment
And everything you know
As the children, the father, the grandfather
So in my own opinion
It's not just, you know, just having fun
Because it's free in the end
But a lot of people are digging out some information
And those people who's digging the information out
Deep, deep
Those are who's sweeping
They are collecting things that a lot of us don't know about
Well to be clear, HO, it's free for the people that received it
But it's not free for the people that
Describe these and airdrop that
So that probably takes, I don't know, probably
Maybe even half a million dollars to do this
I don't know, I've heard some kind of things
No, I don't think, no, no
This airdrop, half a million dollars, no
How much? How much was it?
I don't know, inscriptions
Jeez, English
I mean, I was treating English
No, I have no idea what inscriptions cost
I saw some people on the timeline
Yeah, so I think it was done using code
Is that right, HO? That's what I'm guessing
Yeah, it's like, maybe 56,000
Okay, but that's still a sizable amount that you're going to put out there
Like nobody spends 60,000 just inscriptions
Yeah, but the one who's owning 126, inscription 126
He's not, you know, like, I don't know the name
Or I'm like, also I have my own opinion or thoughts
Let's hear it, I would love to hear it
Yeah, yeah, but I think it's 50, 60,000 in ordnance
It's nothing, like, I think two MBs flipped last two months
That's it, you know, two non-monkey flipped
You have the, two or three non-monkeys, you have the $60,000
It's not a lot when you say it's a lot of money
I think, like, in my opinion, in ordnance when you say 60, 60 grand
It's not a lot
We are minting projects for $6,000,000
In January alone, this month, we spent like $20,000, $30,000 on minting projects
Guys, like $60,000 is like $6,000
But to answer the question about which drop that, which inscription, which collection
I think, because, you know, I have, you know, out of all this and everything
So I noticed some wallets that haven't moved a lot of inscription
Like minted and never moved something
Some of them, some wallets that I have that I minted something
Or, like, just was very, like, not moving a lot
It didn't get any drops
I got a couple of them
I got a couple of 1K
I got a couple here and there
I got a couple of the ICU drop
But it's not 100%
You cannot drag who is getting it
I think, my collection, like not my, the ordinal monkey sub 10K got them
80% of the holders got them
It was only ordinal monkey sub 10K
They don't have anything else they got the drop
I was gonna just say, I think it's kind of safe to say, like, some of the high volume collections
I think what I heard was, like, frogs confirmed OMB monkeys
But not all of them, right, because there's a limited supply
But something that's notable is that I have four node monkeys still
And three are one address and one is off to the side
And that's actually what I won that node monkey from your Discord
It was a giveaway
I'm just making a distinction because it's different
Hold on, let me just explain why
I know, but I'm gonna explain why it's different
Because that one was airdrop to me
So for that reason, it's different
It's also different because I'm gonna pump good things bags here
It's also a hoodie
And so one wallet that had three node monkeys didn't get any
And one that was a hoodie and was airdrop did get it
So if that thesis that maybe it's Roktoshi, maybe he, out of the ones that were airdropped versus minted
Maybe those are the ones that got it
Or he just said, hey, I wanna pick a special trait
I'll be honest, I don't think it makes sense to speculate on it
Eventually, we may get the algorithm
But just based on what I was seeing in the chat
I got airdropped two in one wallet, one in another
I think it is a combination of collection and volume, perhaps
But there also could have been an element of randomness to it as well
I mean, but no, it do seem like if you had Bitcoin punk, it seemed like that was
They've got the majority of the airdrop
Yeah, but those MFers probably had a lot more volume than most people
If you had a ton of punks
So I don't know, I know people with node monkeys that didn't get any
I will throw the last point and then you can move on
At the last point, some of the tweets that I saw today
It's like saying it is Roktoshi
I don't know, if you're hearing that he is the one
or I am the one or anyone that has
Give me the proof, send everything, share everything, share the proof
And then you can assume that that person did that drop
Maybe I have information, you have information
But we all talk behind the scenes
You never know
If you have anyone like information
Let's talk behind the scenes, H.O.
Can I just add to this because I don't have to go
I got two, right?
I didn't even know what was going on
And then I saw Leonidas' post last night and I checked or.io
And so I had two node monkeys
They weren't hoodies and I had a Bitcoin punk
So, you know, there you go
I think the allocation was because I saw right off the bat
Like it was at that 50% mark
So I think anybody that was selected for any particular reason
I think the allocation was two
Unless somebody got odd numbers for whatever reason
So interesting
Thanks, Gigi
One thing to note is why do people even care about this
To a certain extent
It's because of the runes protocol
And one thing that I did want to mention is like
Some people feel like these people will be able to get the first
Like runes deployment
Which anytime there's a new meta protocol
You want to try to get the first because people will automatically value
Not saying that other ones won't be valuable
But you'll know that that one will be valuable
Using like the ORDI comparison
But I think there's a very little chance
That this team is able to execute that
For various reasons
Just because I think maybe Casey or somebody related
Or close to Casey might deploy
Maybe somebody that has like the chops like Rondell
Who did the first inscription after
You know, the Genesis inscription number zero
So really what are we talking about here?
Like why would this even be valuable?
I think this is highly speculative
I think this is highly speculative that
Any runes ones are outside of the first one
It's going to be valuable
Some of them will be
I just don't know that
Because this is the one that's grabbing attention
Not trying to knock everything
But not all the time
Just because it has attention
Does it actually pan out to be something just valuable
I'm not trying to knock anybody here
I'm just going to use an example that most people know
And it wasn't the only one
But like OXBT
Obviously super pumped
People did make money
But I guess just the attention alone wasn't enough
There was a couple of other ones
I think MRXC or something
I don't know
A couple of them
Bro, I'm calling Dica right now
Yeah, I know
I'm probably going to get some fucking DMs
But I mean everybody knows
What, OXBT?
No, this one
I got two
I got two
And I thought that
Based on my wallet
I would have got more
In what I've talked to my friends
But it was only one wallet
And it was an alt wallet
My main wallet that has
Most of my transactions
Most of my volume
Most of my node monkeys
Didn't get it
And basically an alt wallet
It sounds like you're mad
And you're mad
And you just want to plug your bags
Not particularly
It can do well
I'm talking about what it sounds like
But English
Can you explain what it is?
Because it says that okay
They're going to be mining ruins
But can you explain it?
Can there be multiple groups mining ruins?
Why does there have to just be one winner?
Can't there be multiple?
What we want to do
What we want to do at some point this week
Is to get someone on here
Who can thoroughly break down
Like the whole protocol
That's kind of one of our goals this week
Is to get someone up here
Who can break it all down
And to my understanding
You need to
If you have one in your wallet
To even activate it
You need to do a transaction
And like send it to yourself
Or move it once
But we definitely
English and Mike
Well I can explain it
So again like
Runes is a protocol
There is no runes token
Like there's no ticker that says runes
You know it's
It's a protocol
That's going to launch
A shit toad
A shit load
Of fungible token
Like everybody is going to be launching these things on day one
If you look at testnet
And I want to go to Kingarth next
Because he's got alpha on this
People have been etching these runes
On testnet
When the code goes live
You're going to see runes fucking everywhere
And when I say runes
I'm talking about fungible tokens
Like different tickers
And whatever this project is
That got airdropped to all of us
These are just inscriptions
They're basically conceptual IOUs at this point
We don't even know
What the ticker will be
For the token
Once it launches
And it's not possible to launch that token
Until the block height
That Casey specified
In the code
What we're seeing being traded
With these inscriptions
Are just basically IOUs
Which is totally fine
Because all of us are playing
A crazy conceptual casino game
Every day anyway
So this is just another game
But it's a very fascinating one
And so far the marketing
You know for me
Like I don't know who's behind it
And at some point
Maybe I'll learn
Maybe we all will
But if I look at the inscription number
I look at the marketing
Like the actual copy
The communication style
Everything around this
This looks like Roktoshi
And you know Roktoshi
Is someone who I've met
And you know I know a little bit
And so you know
That's just my speculation
But yeah I mean
I pinned a tweet up top
By vengeance
Who has the actual tweets
Where you see
You see Casey
Back in the day
Steady lads
This was February 2nd
And then right underneath it
Bitcoin rocks
As deploying more inscriptions
And then you can see
Bitcoin rocks
Well I don't know
If they actually inscribed
But they have a tweet out
With the two inscriptions
125 and 126
Saying steady lads
And deploying more inscriptions
There's a lot of
A lot of signal
Back to Roktoshi
At this point
Well I just want to answer
Her question really
But I'm bearish
I'm not bearish
Or bullish
I was just making
The comparisons
The same way
So exactly as
Good things
It is a protocol
There's going to be
Thousands if not
Tens of thousands
Of different ruins
So if it's not
The first
It's going to be
One of many
And not that it
Can't succeed
But just what's the value
What's the differentiation
Value proposition
So I was just making
A comparison
To another protocol
Obviously one had a lot
Of attention
On the one I mentioned
And Ordey has
A certain amount of value
Just for being the first
And I think the general consensus
Doesn't have to be true
Is that the first one
Will be valuable
So that's really the only point
I'm not making
A bear horrible case for it
I'm just saying
But I'm bullish
You know like
What matters most
Is marketing and attention
What they've done already
They did beat basically
Everybody else
In terms of attention
I know that there's probably
At least one other
You know kind of like
IOU for runes out there
But nobody's heard about that
Everybody heard about this
To HO and English's
Conversation earlier
They spent real money
To do this
Whether it was
Whether it was
They spent real money
It's actually a really
Cool looking collection
And there was a lot of
Technical feats
That they had to
You know they had to
They had to go through
A lot of technical
To actually launch this
In the way that they did
So whoever is behind
This is incredibly sophisticated
But I can see
You start talking about runes
As a whole
What I was telling Pam
We hope we can get someone
That can specifically
Talk about this particular token
What they did
Different from everyone else
Brought up
An influencer
Quote on quote
These people
People's stuff
They've already
Part of their marketing
Was given
To the space
Was letting
Us have value
I know a few people
Who have sold
Already at
They have created
Value already
For others
And I think
That's just what separates
This from
Typical marketing
Whenever you give
You always
Get back in return
And they gave
An amazing way
We talk about 21 million
King Garth
Take it away
So about this
I'm just going to become
Really left-curved with this shit
The RSICs are
Going to be on liquidium
So definitely going to be
Fucking with that
Just like the puppets
Gaining points on the
Fucking smart
So I'm going to be doing that shit
I also pinned up the top
I'm actually way more in line
Than this
Than a lot of other people
Who are like
Coming out with runes
Granted they said like
First kind of
Which was like
Yeah, nobody's fucking first
Put out a tweet today
Saying like
RSCIS is first
You know it's us
I immediately
Quoted it and said
You're both idiots
There are no firsts yet
The puppets are
Going to join in the shed
And we're going to start
Fucking around on test net
With runes
Because you can actually
Inscribe those yourself
Today I got a
Bitcoin Boo
Because I know that
That team was one of
The first ten runes
Inscribed on test net
So alpha with that
Is probably
Butoshi and blue toshi
Follow them
Get their fucking runes
Sell them for hire later
Whatever this
RSCIS thing
Is not bush league
It's not easy to do
And what they're doing
As far as I'm concerned
So I'm not going to ask questions
I'm just going to move them
Farm the tokens
Not fuck with it
RuneX is like
DGen is shit
And the way they're doing it
Is very fucking difficult
I've been in their Discord
I've done the things
With the insurer
I've done all the bullshit
And I can't tell anybody
Because it's hard
You can just get on RSCIS
And go buy an ft
And then fucking just
Have it accruing value
That's bullish
And if you move them
From the wallet
At any point
That accruing period
Still works
So like say you
Have it for ten blocks
In a wallet
You move it to another
For another ten blocks
You move it to another
Ten block
All of those have ten blocks
Worth of air drop
Whenever air drop happens
So that's how this works
As far as I can tell
And I think it's bullish
The way that they're marketing it
Over some of the other
Just hyped garbage
This just seems like
It's more marketable
More friendly
More easy
So I think it's a lot smoother
Less friction
So that's kind of where I'm at
With this whole thing
But yeah, safe
I mean that's exactly it, man
Is you want your product to be
Easily understandable
Easily accessible, right?
And the fact that you
How you laid it out there
You can just go to Magic Gating
And buy one
That's all you gotta do
And then you gotta activate it
By sending it to yourself
I think it's activated now, right?
If you like
I don't know how that works, actually
Because if you buy
I don't know if you need to resend it
Or if it's like
If the first person that activates it
Doesn't have to do it again
HO, do you have any clarity there?
If you bought it
If you bought it
That's it
It's already activated
Because it's already moved
Oh, that makes sense
That makes sense
Anyone buying after market
Is already activated
To his wallet
If the first wallet already
Like, send it to itself
And stay with him
Three, four blocks
Those blocks will count for him
For the first wallet
The buyer after
It's already activated
So he can vault it
And the wallet
That's sitting there
And one more point
I'm done with this
So assuming that
I'm not sure
Assuming that Roktushi
Or another person
That's also OG in the space
That's also a positive sign
Because it's not a play
You know, it's not playing around
Just airdropping things
And telling people
Just to spend liquidity on them
Like this, you know
So there is work behind it
There is a plan
There is planning
There is snapshots of the wallets
Of the active wallets
In the market
There's snapshots of the ordinal wallets
I had also new wallets
I think when we called it something
I checked them
Like wallets
Like Dejan's wallets
Like almost 20 of them
I didn't find anything
So those airdrops
Was really for the OGs
For the active wallets
In the space
Not only for the Dejan wallets
That means
The people behind them
They know us
They know the space
They know everything
And they plan for it
And was executed
Correctly from my point of view
Of course
Anything I'm saying
Is just my point of view
Yeah, that's the point
That I want to add
Yeah, no, we appreciate it, man
Really, truly
Glad to finally have you up here
I know we've been seeing you listen
For multiple days
Really, really grateful
Sorry for background noise
In the middle of my aunt's house
And we're doing some remodeling here
But I've got to go to Robin
Robin is the co-founder of Liquidium
Probably hodling some ninjas down there
I can see
Robin, how are you?
Thank you, Jim
How are you doing?
I just wanted to shed some light
On the situation
Of what's going on with
Loans that are currently
What's going on with active loans
So, ordinals that are currently sitting
In a loan
That got airdropped
So, obviously
Oh, I didn't even think about this
Yeah, yeah
Can you maybe set that up a little bit more for folks?
Yeah, yeah
So, just to give you a quick overview
On Liquidium, you can obviously borrow
And land against ordinals
And people are using, for example, their OMBs
Or ninjas or whatever
As collateral to borrow Bitcoin
And these ordinals go into a DLC
They are locked in a DLC
During the loan
And the DLC is basically
A non-custodial Bitcoin wallet
But obviously, it's not the wallet
Of the person that actually owns this ordinal
So, the question that we got a lot today
Was, okay, what happens now
If, for example, my OMB
Or my Bitcoin frog, whatever
Got dropped some RSIC tokens
And, yeah, we have spent the whole day
Kind of figuring this situation out
And coming up with the solution
So, right now, at the current state
If you repay your loan and you're claiming
You will not get the RSIC tokens that are in the DLC
Just because of the technical implementation of how we did it
However, we are going to change this
So, we are pushing an update tonight
Which means, if you have an active loan
And there are currently about 300 active loans on Equilibrium
If you have an active loan, just bear with us
Just leave the loan open
Wait for your repayment
And we will push an update tonight
And kind of upgrade
So, when you claim
You will claim everything that's in the DLC
And if you happen to have to repay your loan today
Just create a ticket in our Discord
And tell us, like, okay, cool, this is my address
This is my loan
I want to repay it
Then we can do it manually
So we can basically let you claim everything from the DLC
It's just the way how we currently handle the unlocking
Using an oracle from the DLC
It's not accounting for everything else in the DLC
It's just accounting for the collateral that has been used
So, we're working on a fix for the situation
To get your RSIC out
And then the other question is, okay, what's going to happen with
Since, basically, if you hold the RSIC
You are micro
The DLC, the RSIC, for a while
Since it's also mining some of the runes
That are going to be airdropped eventually
And we don't have a perfect solution for this yet
But we are tracking every single DLC that has an RSIC in it
And we can hopefully, once the rune will drop
We can give you access again
Or claim the tokens that were being farmed
Or did by being
So, you can be assured
We know about the situation
We're working on solutions
It is technically possible to remove everything from the DLC
And the logic of the DLC will not change
Which means only the borrower or the lender can get access to whatever is in the DLC
Which means, even if we were to be like
Oh, hell yeah, now there are so many RSICs
And we can just rock you all, guys
And take your RSIC
No, that's not possible
It's in the DLC
So only you can also get it back from the DLC
We're just working on the technical fix
Just wanted to shed some light here
Because, obviously, you were talking about this
The other thing is, we just listed RSIC
You want to borrow against them
That's possible now, so you can use them as collateral
And same thing
You can just say what you said one more time
You kind of cut out
Can you repeat the last sentence you were saying?
Yes, yeah
So, I was just saying
RSIC is now available as collateral on the equilibrium
Which means you can borrow against your RSIC now
So, yeah, in case you don't want to sell it
And you don't know what to do with it
Just borrow against it
And then, basically, once we figure out the situation
How to unlock the runes at some point from DLC
You will get your runes back
But, yeah, just wanted to mention that as well
So, we're on it, we're on it
Now, awesome
I mean, I think it's dope that
If anyone got questions about what he was talking about
Feel free to DM us
Everything over on the show is that
We got people like Robin coming up here
Breaking down, you know, liquidium in a way that
Again, we didn't know it was possible
And the things that is missing
They're working on them in real time right now
As we speak, so salute to you, Robin
And keep doing what you're doing to push the space forward
And, you know, create this dope opportunity
I see Bites with his hand up
What's up, Bites?
Hey, Paul, good things
Englishman, I love this show
It's fucking awesome
So, I just had a question
Regarding the rarity
And maybe King Arf can even know this
So, I was thinking like
So, the type of the RSIC
You know, like if the type matches
The ending of the hash
You know, it boosts your mining to 336
So, I was curious
In the rarity
Is there a more common ending to a hash
Making the rarer RSICs have a more common ending
So that those are boosted to the 336 more
As opposed to like the less rare ones
Have a more rare ending of the hash
Making those common ones not be boosted as much
That's a great question
I'm not going to lie to you, bro
I looked at, I have three of these
I looked at the chart that I pinned up to the top
And I found that two of them are just like the normal ones
And then one of them, there's a rare one
So, I'm assuming that one is going to get more of an airdrop
And that's kind of where I stopped
I don't really know anything else about this
And I just kind of moved on to like farming liquidity
And like other shit
But I do want to know these things
So I pinned, or I like put noties on the runes
Like Twitter account and like all those other things
I just don't know, to be honest
I have no idea, but I'm going to farm it
And not sell these as kind of my plan
Just like wait for the runes
And get as many as possible with the farm
Yeah, yeah, it was interesting
I picked up a couple from like people that got them at first
Before Magic Eden opened up
You know, people were selling them on there
And I noticed the ones that individuals were selling
Before Magic Eden opened
Those were ones that were more rare
Actually like for the most part, the ones that people got
And then all of the sudden that ladder came in
When they opened Magic Eden
And a lot of those that were like 0.01
Like all the laddered out were the really common ones
Just like stacked
Yeah, just...
It's one of those things where the knowledge is the alpha part
Where like if you know these things you can get like really good grails
I've been seeing that a lot on ordinals though
Because people...
This was a free airdrop, right?
So you never know
Like I would still look and even see
Like a lot of people didn't know this stuff
They don't even know about runes
They don't know really anything
Like they might have just been on ordinals, seen this
Seen the floor place and just jaded it
But I think until...
I don't know
I don't even think, I guess
This is like turn your brain off moment
I forget who said it
But like I'm not fading any plays
Like that's...
I think that was polymath guys
That was me sir
Listen, I'm not fading fucking fuck all
I don't need to know
I don't need to know bro
I'm going to be real with all of you
I don't need to know any of this fucking shit
I don't care
It's a fucking rune
They're painting a narrative
And it's going to go up
And that's all I need to know
Look, look
We're at the beginning of the exponential curve, right?
We don't have actual confirmation
That it's exponential yet
Because when you get that
You don't have any...
You're right
I hear him clearly
I think it should
You're a rugged polymath
Bad look to tell the host that he's rugged
When it's actually you rugged sir
But we'll let you...
No, I'm starving
I'm kidding
I'm kidding
You have to be risk on
It's risk on
It's risk on man
It's risk on
To be honest like
To get an airdrop
Is pretty low risk, right?
Like to hold it
No sweat at all to people who want to take
You know, like
Ultimately money is money
And so like
This is actually worth
Significant amount of money
For getting it just dropped in your wallet
Like it's at .02 I think
Or I don't know
It might even be higher at this point
Where it's going though
I got a call
It's like directly
No, I'm sorry about that
It's like .03 on the show
I think it's like .028 so
Yeah, so like
We were chatting earlier in the
Pupit prices bro
That's crazy
We were chatting in the node monks
One of the group chats
And you know
Somebody was asking earnestly
Where do you think this is gonna go?
And someone was like
And they were like
.1 that's how great you know
Like that's ridiculous
And I'm like
I've been saying this to everybody
Because they doubt these plays
And they say
Ah, that's sketchy
That's weird
Ah, ah, ah
And then like later
They wanna know how
And what happens
What happens is you don't question it
And you just send it bro
And like sometimes
You're gonna lose pretty badly
And that's
That's the whole point
It's like
It's a calculated risk of
How much you can send
And how many different places
Without liquidating yourself
And being out of the game
So have all these different plays
And play all those different plays simultaneously
And that's how you win
And then you don't question these new ones
Because you're throwing profits at it
So it doesn't matter
Or like this one
Like good things is saying
It's an airdrop
I don't need to sell it
So I'm not going to
But if you do
More props too
You just got a fucking
Out of nowhere
Because you were involved in ordinals
That's amazing
That's like deep value
For the whole ecosystem
Fucking off
Would you
Would you sell it for point one
Would you sell those
If there were a point one
I made one of my
Like okay
So floor went to point one
I have two that are not rare
One that has the rare insignia
I would probably sell one
That's not rare
If they went to like point one
I would probably play around with that liquid
And make more liquid out of it
Yeah maybe
But I don't know
Let's fucking go
Or I just put on liquidium
Like I'm doing pups
Because that's going to be there
I saw the tweet
I'm not going to lie
I'm mining
I'm mining dude
Yeah it depends how many you have though
Like if you have more though
And you're positioned to have a bunch of them
Maybe you do mining
Maybe you also do liquidium
Maybe you do other things
Maybe you sell pups
I'm not going to lie
At point oh three
I'm wishing I would have swept that point oh one
Oh I'm with you bro
Me and y'all were looking at these bro
We were looking at these
And we were like
I went a little DJ'ing
I went and bought twelve
Maybe I'm going to jade
Bites is gone
I got a little
Man has twelve
I got a little wild
And you know
The wife was sleeping
There was no one there to tell me no
And I just started buying the damn things
Well here's the thing too
I'm mining
Dude that's alpha dude
Wait till everyone's sleeping
Nobody can stop you
Something that's
It's worth mentioning is that
This morning the listings were like at 300
And now they're just only at 464
I thought we were going to see
Like a supply dump at some point
And I don't know if it's just because people are really bullish
So you're talking a 20k collection
Um you're talking you know very little listed here
So there is a
There is the supply
Um crunch
And kind of supply shock going on
And you know some people just because maybe they think it's bullish
They're bullish on ruins
Or the thesis that it was given to like strong holders
And they didn't need to sell
I mean I think
I think the cost
The one caveat we got to put out there is that
There are going to be multiple of these
Like so now that this one is successful
Now everyone has like a framework
You know that they can basically try and copy pasta
So I'm not saying that there's
All I want to warn people is that
There are now
I would easily predict
There are going to be more of these
Trying to launch
Everyone that knows about ruins
Is anticipating ruins
We all see it
We know what it's going to do
As far as like a liquidity shock
And it's been a question in our minds
Anyone that's been watching this
Thinking about ruins
Listening to Casey talk about it
Who is going to be launching the first ones
What are the ones that
If you're a buyer
What are the ones you're going to want to get into
And I know plenty of people who are
Planning on launching their own
So there's going to be more of this
They are sort of a first mover
In the sense that
They're the first
I would say
That actually has product market fit
Right off the bat
I mean they put it in people's wallets
It doesn't get much easier than that
And that's why I mentioned that in the beginning
Just for that very fact
That like whether people deploy this
Via airdrop before the habitings
I believe that's when the
Casey's protocol is going to go online
If that hasn't changed
If I'm not mistaken
And so there'll be other people that do this
But I'm just saying after the fact
Like I always try to think long term
Like right now
There's not
There's nobody that had done this before
It's shiny
I just always like to think out
What does this specific project look like
When there is thousands and thousands of
You know of ruins out there
And tickers
If they're going to be called tickers
They're probably called something else
And I just don't know that
There's something substantial here
Outside of the speculation
That's somebody that's
Pretty well thought out
And knows how to do
A good marketing campaign
It's not innovative
Because we've seen air drops
And nobody expected it
Kind of like when Pepe shit coin
Season kind of started
We hadn't touched shit coins
For a while
And it started something new
This can spark that kind of energy
And I think it potentially has that momentum
I just not a hundred percent convinced
That in a few months from now
The saturated market
And they also spent
How much money
To squeeze out
To inscribe all these
And send people
30k, 100k
Were the estimates
Yeah, yeah
I think the quote is like
50 to 100k
Something like that
No, I'm not
Is there a way to see
How many haven't been activated
That maybe people don't even know they got
There will be soon
Because they posted a tweet yesterday
About a mining dashboard coming out
Where you'll be able to see
You'll be able to track
How years are mining
If you turned them on
And then I imagine
You can just kind of back into the
The number that
Haven't been turned on
Fucking go Danny
Best puppet on the blockchain
When it comes to giving alpha
On spaces
We love Danny
I would venture to say
That there's going to be wallets
That doesn't know that
This is in their wallet
And I'm not convinced
That everybody that's like
Sub 10k is on crypto
And all this other stuff
That really is like
Buying all this vibe
Kind of thing
So I just think that
There's a lot of people
That go on about their day
Especially with the summer
Coming eventually
And months of the warmer weather
I don't know
Like people just do other things
Like we're all here
But not everybody that gets air drops
The real question is
How's China going to feel about these
When they wake up
Yeah, yeah, yeah
They'll probably like you
They're going to love it
They're going to love it
They're like more money later
They're like more money later
They like more money later
They like more money later
Because this is where it plays, right?
So bro, I actually am super blish on Asia
Like in general
Between China, Singapore and Korea
Like Taiwan also
There was a Japanese game
Nobody really heard about it
But that's because it launched in Japan
Japan right and you know they were fucking doing $25,000 NFTs like right off
the bat like that was the Min price and I'm just sitting there like what the
fuck is going on I don't know if it's sold out but yeah no like there's a
bunch of shit going on and I'm super bullish on that region they spend money
on this stuff like I remember people spending tons of money like just on in
game shit from like I guess you want to call it web 2 but I don't know it gets
as old there's like World of Warcraft and fucking what do you call it there was
another game why can't they think of the game they used to just farm gold but
anyway that's besides the point they spend tons of money on this stuff so yeah
I'm super bullish on that region yeah it's I mean the the Asian market this
time I think is gonna be I think everything is gonna be a little bit
different this time like you're gonna have a lot of parallels to other market
cycles that we've seen you know bull market cycles but everybody is more
connected in a way that they weren't before there's there's more places to
get these assets there's gonna be more conferences like bringing people from all
over the world together and just just anecdotally like I've talked to more
people you know in the Asian region in the last couple weeks than I ever have
and it really you know shout out to Bitcoin square if you guys aren't
following that account I'll try to pin up a tweet but they're they're a like a
Chinese alpha community and they hosted us for I think like three hours like two
weeks ago where we was kind of like East meets West and you know I do think like
I think this market cycle is it's gonna be a lot different because these people
are you know these groups of folks who were disparate because of geography are
now connected more and we and everybody sees what's coming right like
they're over there on their side of the world from their perspective based on you
know everything that they're seeing they're seeing the same shit like there
there's people over there that know all about oracles and our building in the
ecosystem and deploying deploying real capital too so so yeah it's this is we're
gearing up for something really exciting here but specifically on runes I think
we all you know if you haven't heard of runes by now you're definitely
hearing about it this week because of this airdrop and you're gonna hear a
hell of a lot more about it in the next several weeks and to polymaths
point you know we are gonna try and get some you know some technical experts
where we can talk about the protocol but we want to encourage everyone if you go
to YouTube and go to sore adventures YouTube channel Casey does like a 23
minute presentation on runes or what separates from BRC 20s and a value prop
and how he sees it you know complimenting on this protocol so you know
I encourage everyone to just go watch it just 23 minutes but you can hear from
the man the myth himself you know breaking down this you know this new
addition to ordinal so I'm gonna encourage everybody sore adventures on
YouTube you know Casey speech so yeah yeah I'll pin up a tweet as well it's
it's essential watch watching I mean it's you know like everybody should
watch that it's memento mori it's Casey wrote a more for like 20-something
minutes it's really just essential but I pinned up top so while we were on
stage talking Lee and I just put this tweet out saying he's gonna pitch in the
first twenty five hundred dollars for an open source effort to do an airdrop for
the ordinals community of a hundred K inscriptions has no team allocation where
holders will be one-to-one airdropped a rune when Casey releases a protocol so
literally I actually already read this before I said that but when I was
talking earlier about like now that we've seen a model that works that's
captured the attention you're gonna see more of this now you've got
Leonidas literally in the last 45 minutes trying to do an open source
version of this so yeah we're gonna we're gonna see a lot but I don't know
if anybody saw this tweet if you have any thoughts we got a lot of hands want
to welcome to to the stage I'll give it to you first how's it going to go g
mag for anyone that's fucked in doing any kind of lending or anything on
liquidium or I don't know whatever platform you're using I know I am and
you have puppets or any of the ordinals that are getting the RSICs airdrop if you
had one and you were borrowing against it and it was in the liquidium what do
you call it shit sorry I'm like actually like fucking farm you know let me just
let me just stop you we literally just had Robin up here explaining this
exact thing but but really appreciate you you bring it up too because that's
something I didn't even think about yeah I was like on a phone call in the middle
of the space so I missed a good oh no it's all good you know I mean you know
if you can't you can't make it to our show on time too you know we'll we'll
just we'll keep doing our show you know I mean we like it when you're on time
but we also understand I am basically in a wood shop my aunt's bathroom is being
remodeled and and you're all you're all party to it now it's so to watch out bro
so like that's that Bitcoin remodeling money baby that's what's up bro
yeah the island Bitcoin blooms you go farm island I named it Bitcoin I'll give
away a room for the top one under players so he went for a mile he went to our
basil and he's got a figure out where to put the bodies dude what do you
think you think we're a bunch of normal fucking motherfuckers in this
bitch sitting here we're all fucking sick in some capacity like if he's
broke mentally like we're like lunatics everybody fucking lunatic okay like
we're buying fucking sock puppets they're gonna bring world peace for free
fucking money while farming on a fucking land of sappy seals and MFers and all
this other shit for token drops and like like this is absurd I'm happy I
haven't heard you complain about you go in a while well you just said is
we're so fucking back we're so fucking back and you haven't been around I
still have been in full blast complaining about you gonna go you just
haven't been around me enough to fucking hear it like that the complaining and
bitching and moaning hasn't fucking stopped by any way no it hasn't
addressed a greater thing it's slow it slowed down a bit though cuz we got two
don't know we know it's like we slowed down you know but he has not stopped I
haven't stopped bro and I think I think they finally like got my attention it's
like that one friend that you had that finally got a girlfriend in high school
and stop playing video games with you so he's like kind of like my attention
aside no it's like by the way for anyone who hears me flood something I know this
really I don't want to make this about me I mean it from a place of endearment
like like people are too fucking nice in this space and for me to fudge you is
like I want you to fucking do better and if everyone's gonna hold your hand
and say it's okay we love you or a fanboy like okay that might be you but
that's not me I'm gonna fuck the fuck out of you until you do something so
you could say ha proved you wrong and then I'm gonna be like oh yeah you sure
did while I fucking dump all my fucking bags like thank you you fucking proved
me wrong now give me fucking money you know so like I don't mean it in a way
that I feel like I want people to feel like shit I draw motherfuckers to be
better okay so yeah help yourself wait so putting is a term endearment you're
not really flooding us like you've been hanging out with us and being
friendly so what is that what is that you can't buy anything you can't buy
anything after him yeah good thought it ends up his bag on you know can you can
you fuck my first collection can you fuck that place if I bought sure I'd
love to but good things if you fucking you know you start to fucking falter and
I just see a bunch of fuck shit come on yeah I'm gonna comfort you bro like
we're out here this is the streets is the Bitcoin streets I don't see shit
you're a good man I see you fucking thriving and fucking killing shit you're
a fucking savage bro Polly and English you guys are fucking killing I love your
guys space savages on good things as is it me I'm on his ass every day that's
true it is true I'm like I'm like going to sleep is like oh oh so you're not
working I see trying to go to sleep I see you know like it's like fucking
midnight like damn anyways enough of my you know personal phone calls I gotta deal
with from polymath every day Stephen Miller you got your hand up but before we
go to see a Miller I'll go to see more next but gotta welcome up to incredible
artists who we've just been chilling with like just we're so we're such busy
you know money-minded MFers we got two legendary artists on the stage with us
Barack and pixel Lord just want to welcome you guys want to hear from you
next but let's go to Stephen Miller and then hopefully hear from our artist
friends go go ahead to them first I need to quickly handle some over here
sorry okay no worries Barack are you there
you might be not not be able to get to the phone pixel or how's it going man oh
how's it going I was carefully listening to many it's not going that good you
keep doing this last minute me out of nowhere that I can't even get and I
I'm very grateful that I got to partake in the very first drop you ever did but
it's just like seems like the artists getting better eavesdrop and I wanted
one of these nights with the Bitcoin shield and I keep missing them because
you're not even giving no one an opportunity to partake so Jesus man but
now I'm in yeah yeah thank you yeah the collection is finished so 100 items
and I specifically wanted to thank you all three here's legends legends of
ordinals good things of English poly you guys were one of the first
collectors and still are didn't sell and did least wow this this is so cool and
last minute was today I don't know some people got some people bought it some
people missed it because like it was astronomical like demand for these
things I wasn't prepared actually because as some of you guys remember I
just started small collection 20 items I sold it and I decided to scale it to up
to 100 and then people basically asked me every day when the next when the
next we need more and more so it's now finished and I'm extremely happy it's
unlocking thank you thank you for the support everyone who is who collected
maybe some people in the audience as well I can see if you I hope and some
people made profits which is also cool some some people didn't leave so
basically only 35 listed from 100 which is wow it's amazing and I'm not sure
where it's going but I'm sure I'm I'm gonna make bigger collection if someone
interested and for sure I will get some bonus things to current collectors to the
the first og collectors of of my ordinals first ordinals collection so
yeah we'll see we'll see next next yeah I want a bigger collection you know
bigger like huge yeah yeah I mean I gotta be honest like it's been
incredibly just inspirational and exciting to watch you you know we met on
spaces I think like two weeks ago or so and you know I'm like oh shit pixel or
like huge fan of your work you let us know oh yeah I have inscribed I think you
had like two two inscriptions you inscribed very early on last year but
you hadn't really released a collection and so we chatted quickly and I sort of
got it was like I think within 24 hours you know you had you had listed the
first batch and I remember talking to you and you were like you know like you
know I just want to I want to get it out there quickly you weren't concerned
about making a ton of money you weren't concerned about you know like you
really just wanted to get your art out there on chain and the fact you're able
to do that within a few days just amazing and the art itself is is
amazing like I really enjoy the collection I'm stoked with the the two
that I got I bought one bought another one today but yeah the the two that I
kind of sniped earlier I'm really excited for and just just to see you you know
launch onto Ormals like like literally just launched on here you know like these
things when he drops these he's dropping like 20 or 30 pieces at a time and
they're usually gone within a few minutes and started a Telegram channel
where he basically gives his collectors a heads up but um you know I saw a lot
of volume each time on these drops so I think really a lot of people are
gonna be excited to to see you launch like a bigger collection do you have any
plans right now or are you still kind of thinking and working in the conceptual
stage yeah I'm actually as well I like this style this thing like from this
collection of emojis I'm thinking I'm gonna use the same style for the big
scale collection and yeah I'm thinking it's gonna be like a little bit cheaper
and for sure I'm thinking how to reward the collectors maybe if remains for them
or something like that so makes sense to hold this OG collection and see where it
goes because it's a huge support for me good start I want to make it bigger you
know I want to connect with the launchpad on Magic Eden so it's gonna be
more visible this time I just made it organic so like no promotion at all just
all the like people who supported you guys there's some other people not my
previous collectors my VIP collectors group and also just this account just me
so I think the art itself worked really well that's like I've been
searching for this one for four months and I've been thinking like what I can
drop on on all those I don't know because it's it's so special so different
and finally I found this pixel style that I can actually you know reproduce
more and more in different ideas in different sets and collections so yeah
thanks we want to be your flowers man you know congratulations upon your
collection with 6529 and then also you know we got pixel Lord on stage you
know we had Jason you know we got Stephen Miller giving hot takes English
if y'all can you know like and retweet the space so others cannot be aware that
you know we got the best space going on here with everything or knows I'll forget
and drop left and right hot takes insight opportunity so yeah like retweets
had a room pixel or the best order space for real yeah best order space so
much useful information so much you know artists new mints new like collections you
can explore new stuff it's still like you know it's actually interesting so
it's not like oh yeah I just I just listen just in case like people see me
no no I'm just listening for real I didn't don't like from this new what is
it's like new collection you guys discuss some some mysterious black hill what
else what is it like letters something like letters on the black I don't know
so it's it's very special it's very good moment to dive in if you guys listening
for the first time this is the best show like we see 300 people or something
and it keeps growing you just launched like we could go yeah first space was
like we could go and appreciate that and thank you for all the love and all the
reasons that you tune in we are fortunate enough that that people are able to to
provide stuff for our listeners our community and if you did see on the
tweet that we initially posted there is I don't know how many people have dropped
their wallets but we had we had the artist from haha come over and chatted
with him he was kind enough to give us 50 whitelist spots for listeners and so go
ahead and along with that like and retweet if you want to drop your wallet I
think we agree that it's the first 50 so I don't know how many people have done
it but it is a free mint it is whitelist only I believe I don't know if
there'll be a public or how fast yeah English real quick though I want to just
so it's on the just because we don't we don't have a lot of time after this
sure well it's it's on the tweet that I just pinned up so the tweet from good
things four hours ago it says today with the fire emoji click on that and throw
your wallet in there in that in that tweet thread if you want whitelist for
the haha artifacts collection that's coming out yeah we will be turning those
in at the end of the show so get it if you have yeah I really appreciate the
words pixel Lord you know we we started on this journey literally last Monday
but Patrick and I you know Pauli math and I we talked for quite some time we
knew we wanted to do a spaces and I was letting it known you know that we were
gonna do this and English just heard that and me and English have been
friends for a long time and he's somebody I really respect and obviously a
lot of people in the industry respect for good reason and he just kind of
was like hey I was already thinking of doing something as well so it's kind of
just like it a lot of it is serendipitous how how all three of us you know ended up
here and and really how everybody ended up here like I'm looking through the
room like I know so many folks you know from different places and different
time you know little time markers over the last couple of years that I've been
working in the industry and you know I think we're just we're in this
special moment you know where all of us can sense what's coming and it just made
sense that you know we start to gather on a regular basis because it's I mean
again we're talking about I miss like 20 hours and I missed a lot right and you
know we're all gonna have to take time away at some point some of us are gonna
get sick some of us are just gonna have to like you know you got to take a day
off or whatever so having this is like a way for all of us to to always be
able to check in to always be able to have you know a forum where we can ask
questions where we can learn quickly get back up to speed and and also you know
work together to get the opportunities that we we want to get whether it's
whether it's getting into a project whether it's building something with
somebody there's multiple avenues you know to have success in this bull market
but we want to provide you know as much of that as we can I did want to go to
so I don't know if you guys saw this tweet from magic Eden one second I don't
know how loud this is but I'm gonna try to talk through it so magic Eden is
launching or I don't know if they're launching it but there's a non
fungible Dow that is launching they quote tweeted it and they're launching a
NFT token like the ticker is actually NFT and in a tweet thread it references
all like I think three chains so it's not just it's basically say four chains
Solana Bitcoin aetherium and polygon they say that most of the NFT tokens fly
will be allocated to the NFT community which can be earned by community members
who use the protocols owned by the non fungible Dow so there's a big long
thread definitely recommend people read it but just wanted to get a pulse on
have people seen this are you are the other people talking about this do you
anybody know anything about it I think I saw NFT token back in days it's I think
it was like meme coin or something yeah yeah so I'm sure there's been other
probably attempts to use that ticker but whatever these guys are planning like
it's it sounds like it's I don't want to say back but I mean magic Eden quote
tweeted it so it sounds like this is something that magic Eden is almost you
know sent some way involved with and it's gonna be like pushing and I know
that they just launched a wallet that is in like I think beta mode so it's we're
into we're going into crazy airdrop season basically like we were just
talking about the other airdrop but this sounds like another massive fucking
airdrop is what I'm this that's my immediate sort of like sense about it
so yeah Steve Miller you got anything so I had a couple of things first and
foremost if you can find a way in on that magic Eden wallet for the beta you
definitely should it's a really really really well thought out and well put
together UI just gotta put that out there but I wanted to plug even how do
you get access to it I saw it but I you just got it you got to know people good
things that I don't know what to tell you man I'm sorry oh shit I know you I
exactly bro you know like we know you so I look I got lucky I'll reach out to a
couple people and see if I can find another code or two or three I mean I
could I could call DM Charlie but you know if I can if I can reserve that for
like you know more presidential like I was I was going to say you don't you
don't have to go pulling rank here we we know you're connected the the real
alpha that I wanted to plug in real quick was I mean not that the magic
Eden wallet is not real alpha definitely is there was one other thing out of the
south BCL that I wanted bring up that I thought was really really interesting
they were auction the first black rare sat and it went down for 3.9 Bitcoin
which is unbelievable to see an individual that's going for 165 K is
just unbelievable to me so that's a big moment of verification for that entire
space but beyond that I know I had mentioned it really really briefly in the
mix of the other auctions that had happened but Anna Maria Caballeros who
had a piece up in that auction she had her piece sell and it turned out that
that was actually the first ever poem that has been sold by Sotheby's since
its inception back in the 1700s so just to mark that as like a landmark thing
like that's a really really big deal that this ordinals auction actually
brought that into existence like their very first ever poem sale so that was
pretty lit and then also last thing to flag which is that like the legit alpha
of it all is the artist Hardo who is behind the sats collection and golden
ratio is teasing a brand new collection called flora forms in collaboration with
Belvedere which is a very very big deal so the Belvedere Museum which I believe
is also in fact yes attached to the vodka they are collaborating with Hardo
there's a lot of really big parties involved in it in terms of helping to
facilitate it so I'll be sure to pin something up to the top for that one
but it's one to have on your radar and in case you're curious where that was
first I broke that in the in the weekly report for all eyes on art like earlier
today but it just popped back up on my feet and I wanted to make sure it was
on everybody's radar this show is fucking alpha it's fucking go bites jeez bites
dude I can't believe man did you DM me cuz man next time you're going hard
like that you gotta let me know man cuz I was whoo this guy's got 12 12 r6 well
actually I got 16 I still have to transfer four more to that oh my god
yeah polymath what are we doing dude I don't know bro I'm not I'm I can't I
mean I got a I got a few I didn't so I was trying to buy him last night but
didn't know how to bomb cuz when I first got air dropped him it wasn't
as a collection yet so and then you know I'm in a wife birthday tomorrow so I woke
up we had a year anniversary for one of my like best employees so how did you
know you know make a grand morning for her and then trying to say everything
for wife I haven't even had time to sit at the computer and get active and I
hear that they're going for point oh three I'm like FML like damn so yeah can
you buy him right now I have zero can you buy him right now yeah yeah they're
listed on magic Eden but yeah I mean they pumped like from point oh one yeah but
it would be super awesome I just don't know enough to know if the rare ones have
a more common ending you can't you came on the space with like a very unique
perspective and I want to you know in front of the witnesses I see what you're
doing and please DM me as you as you learn more stuff about the protocol and
about about this collection please share so then or please come on the show so we
could share with with the audience but please I see that you're like you're
taking that initial initiative to find out what are the grills what does matter
how do you you know match me which I think is dope so just please you know
DM as you learn share come up you know come on the show share let's fucking go
I mean he's been DMing me polymath so you know we can just continue that if you
want to DM every once in a while just DM me I didn't hear anything maybe I cut out
oh yeah yeah polymath was just saying continue continue to DM good things all
of your moves and alpha don't bother to come up here and share in front of
everybody let's just keep it between you and good things that's basically the
same no he was he was he was giving you mad props bites but yeah jeez there's a
lot there's a lot of stuff I mean I put this tweet out with the different things
so just touch briefly on the NFT token announced by the non fungible Dow and
and I guess magic Eden I mean they quote tweeted it so don't know the
relationship there but clearly a direct sort of like some linkage and they're
they're quote tweeting so I would venture to say the NFT token is something
we're all gonna be hearing a lot more about probably even this week but there
was there was a big mint earlier today by our Chad friends at the Bitcoin booze
King Blue Toshi and King Boo Toshi I don't think they're here right now
cuz they're probably dancing because of the success of the mint out but that
was a huge deal so congrats to everybody that got one of those I
fucked up big time and didn't send in my wallet so I didn't get it didn't get on
the white list to mint but did get an honorary so super grateful for that saw
yours Pauli math that was fucking fired got to hang with those guys in LA oh but
did you see all up on up on my boot and it it got the top I mean it got the
bow top the handkerchief it had my dreads did you did you see well they
had impeccable detail man I got it I was staring more of mine than I was
yours but yeah I know it's not close yeah no I mean that's that's that's a
given to give it but good thing I go ahead see real quick I just tapped the
the fellow who helped me out with getting the magic Eden wallet both you
and polish check your DMS if it's not good it's not at the top I'll send it
back over to you just myself but yeah and then so you got you also got so
Bitcoin booze their boot Sally and they minted out today I haven't really
checked secondary actions since before the or actually it might still be
minting did it it minted out right they admit it out okay yeah so I haven't
checked it since it minted out I don't know where the floor is that but
congrats to them congrats to that community and then you've got see Farqana
minting on January 26 so that's like four days from now and then Oni force
actually is they tweeted out about releasing an Ordos collection that they
inscribed last year I don't have a ton of detail there but that one I think is
super interesting as well because I remember I seem to remember that team
talking about inscribing or they were doing they were looking at ordos this
was a time when everybody was fading ordinals so I thought anyone that that
saw ordinals back then and was looking at it seriously I take seriously because
it really did take I think a lot of vision at that point to understand what
ordinals was gonna be but yeah there's a lot a lot coming and then of course
the quantum cats you know I gotta get my we gotta get our entry in polymath
yeah we get we get off I gotta got a good idea for it's like I got I got some
yo don't listen don't steal my phone number I'm telling you right now dude I'm
calling oh definitely gotta call me they can't call me with the things I gotta
call you 100% English are you still there have you guys called them yeah
I'm just working along cuz as I mentioned that I kind of I just ended up staying
on while I do my yeah dude you said you were jettisoning us one hour in and look
at you you trooper so we're pretty much getting to the end here but did you have
anything you wanted to say about oni force or for for Connor for Connor well
I'll just mention that for Connor I am gonna do a spaces I think Jan was
supposed to do it with them that's the day before the mint so I think the
mints of 26 I got to double check my calendar so this is the 25th I will
just say I don't know that much about them but I did there's a token
associated they've launched on on polygon and I think aetherium and so they're a
gaming company they have like an eight-figure raise I don't know if that
took 12 million dollars or or whatever whatever it was I'm so that's what he's
yeah I think around there I think was just over north of 10 um so they have
capital to do something that to produce a polished product if they have
it I haven't seen their other products or what they've delivered but they have
the capital people are really bullish I know that it's a very small it meant I
think it's 333 collection it's a free mint so pretty bullish on that there's
some trading same way that on Solana you had those undeads they were trading
20 sold this I believe it's point one somewhere around there and so kind of
interested there is a token associated I haven't heard anything specific about
like the RC 20 or whatever so I don't know if this is just like an ordinals
extension and it allows you to get their far token on aetherium or something of
that nature but it is interesting to see I guess a VC backed company that's
animoca backed and there's a couple of other big backers behind it I know
animoca is kind of the joke as they back everything but there's a couple of
other ones I think polygon itself is backing them and another one another
significant one but it's just cool to see that we're in a time that there are
these projects that are kind of well known and has a strong ecosystem the
other one being only for so I'll get into that a little bit some people call
it a kabam in but that's just cuz there's that's kind of I think this
bullshit I know a couple of communities that got like two or three spots our
friend Leo from go to syndicate he got a couple spots a chose community it's
one of those mints when only a hundred are going to ordinals collections they
think a hundred for the ordinal community a hundred for eat the hundred
something of that nature when you have a hundred spots and you're giving out
spots they're kind of difficult so people have been wanting this obviously
it's free it's the free $5,000 in your pocket respectively so yeah I have heard
people kind of complain that it's the cabal like or whatever but it's just
it's it's a small mint and potential that it's gonna expand ordinals in a
way or it's starting to it's gonna be one of those projects so I'm excited to
hear what they're all about the guy who turned me on to them is Knox from
extra ordinals probably the best alpha server that I that you can join you can
join one of them for like a pretty cheap asset that they have and I think they
just have an open discord so Knox is a legend I think he's also the community
manager at ninjas and he's a he's a Neo Tokyo dude you know school you know
welding so I I trust his opinion he brought it to my attention I will be
hosting the spaces along with them and so that'll be before the mint the other
one's only for so I don't know what's going on I don't know what's going on
that got pie all right appreciate that I thought it was like um are you fucking
with me all right I thought it was Stephen Miller his guy that he was going
into his commercial that was gonna do it live for us to be honest I thought you
set me up I thought you was like let me get let me get English wound up let him
go into his long ramble and then I'll pull like one of those Oscar moments
where they pull you off the stage and I'll just put like some kind of thing
that's I 100% thought that was going on all right so I thought I was being set
up I appreciate that I'm not and so the other ones only for so only force so
they went out this is not I mean it's not super public knowledge but it's not
like a secret by any means they went out to Amsterdam they talked to you know a
lot of the OGs and they kind of had mentioned that they wanted to get into
ordinals I believe their their first few inscriptions and they posted this on
their ordinals site I think in the 400,000 range they they inscribe some so
with the idea of saying hey we want to put something for provenance purposes on
ordinals and we have our eye on ordinals it seems that that things are being
scaled up a little bit just because their CEO star Lord he's been tweeting a
little bit more that account has become active so the speculation is that new
collection whatever it may be is maybe about start getting going so that's the
only thing I can formally say but I think it'll be pretty well received and
I'm interested to see more we're gonna see this so you know how you called in
terms of more airdrops and now that there's we've heard meme land have their
interest I know of another one that's like an old-school legacy that survived
the bear from 2021 and has a pretty respectable floor price those kind of
you know projects it's not really like convincing somebody to go no knock on
another chain but like go on Solana or maybe go on say or anything people
understand that yeah that might be hot now and you know Solana will probably
continue to do good but all these other ones don't really have you know a robust
ecosystem and just with the gravity of Bitcoin you know Bitcoin is always
gonna be there for the most part in terms of cryptocurrency so a lot of
these people want to join in some in some form or another so although we have
software got in ruins so that's definitely an ETH project that came over I kind of
felt like they were always a little bit more ordinal native anyways because they
did have like that such early you know sub 1k but now we're gonna see other
projects on aetherium come over to ordinals I suspect that the majority are
gonna be small collections I don't from what I've talked to in the back
channels nobody's like planning like a 10k and just a whole launch they just
want to get exposure and get their their particular community exposure to
ordinals and build out a community because I have mentioned on this show
and other people I think share their sentiment that we're good for this full
cycle we're not gonna have really maxis like in the same way that we had it
before where the aetherium people just hang out in aetherium the Solana people
hang out in aetherium even though we have a nascent Bitcoin order or no's
and a lot of people just love or no's there's a lot of people that don't
become maxis and with wallets like magic Eden which is kind of important
Magic Eden I'm using their beta and you can swap from BTC to ETH Polygon all
within that wallet I know that phantoms doing the same thing and just with so
many airdrops so many other kind of you know just opportunities and all
these other platforms people are gonna go cross-chain so it's it's kind of
important for ordinals and I guess just making a stronger foundation I was hit
up by my friend Rocky who's an amazing amazing community member of
spaces dude this guy you know goes in all the spaces I kind of jump around with
him and in all the spaces he comes on all the ones I talked to he
retweets everybody's basis not just mine he's just a really really good
supporter and he DM me he has three extra codes to give away for magic Eden
wallet so this is in beta and this is actually kind of alpha because there's
speculation or I don't know if they said it outright but the more you use
it the more points you get so they'll probably be an airdrop and on top of that
it's the only one like I know I wanted to sell my aetherium I have a good amount
of aetherium I expected this dip to come out on Bitcoin I didn't expect it to be
so fast I'm expecting 38 in a week or two it's kind of already front ran that a
little bit it's starting to get there and I think it'll get to 35 32 I
wanted to dump some aetherium that was running strong and it's just always a
pain in the ass so I wanted to just do it on the magic Eden wallet get some
points I was thinking like how we give this away if it's okay with you good
things and polymath I was thinking we just give it it's only three spots
there's people that come on here and always add value I don't know if Steven
has the wallet I don't know if King Arf but I would like to give it to some of
our regulars that come up here so I don't know Steven do you have that
wallet are you interested well first of all English you got to stop funny man
like telling everybody that we're going to 35k is not to move man it's gonna
happen that's likely maybe that's what's happening but but Jesus Christ
dude oh I'm gigable I should just for the record I just don't think that it
can be based like three weeks ago and I taught everyone that before the the
ETF got approved so I'm with you bro it's funny me for weeks polymath is
funny me actually I've been giving you alpha play-by-play so you could take
advantage of longing and shorting and making the most of your capital work
there properly bro yeah and really for me there's a couple of ordinals that are
kind of rare and hard to get your hands on and they're they're really really
pricey and I had just been waiting I have a good amount of heat and I
wanted to maximize my purchasing power which is why I'm kind of cuz normally I
would just sit and I don't really you know long short like I think I think the
upside is so significant that it doesn't really matter you can just hold even
with large positions and not really worry about timing it but once you
start buying assets that are one BTC you know one and a half BTC whatever the
case may be if it drops you know ten twelve thousand dollars that that does
become pretty significant so really that's the only reason I've been
looking specifically for this dip and then maybe accumulate some more from
fiat whether they put that in alts or Bitcoin or not but yeah I wanted to reach
out to King Marv give him that Stephen Miller since you're already here you can
tell me with you even interested in that and it's not that's fine I'll
probably give it to somebody else yeah so go ahead and hook somebody else up I
appreciate it I was just mentioning earlier I've got it set up right now oh
you did I have great right it's amazing I love it and you've got moon pay
integrated so if you just need to load a little bit you're golden so yeah yeah
I'm all about it but yeah definitely pass the love on to somebody else all
right well we'll figure out how to distribute that thank you Rocky for
providing even more value to our listeners maybe we'll raffle one we'll
figure it out but I have those spots just bringing that up he just lit in my
DMS and mentioned it and since I had the mic I just wanted to kind of announce
that so maybe we'll do a raffle and maybe one giveaway to one to one of
back to you let's go I want to go to Felix glad to have you with us we are
gonna kind of I think shut down the show afterward you know we we here at
everything ordinals are also trying to make record game in a matter of hours
so yeah we're gonna we're gonna wind down but no it's been an amazing show
Felix welcome how are you doing hey thank you yeah man it's great it's
great that you guys host these spaces I love the vibe and I just I just wanted to
say that there's something with ordinals like it took me a while to to you know
for me to it to like have the clicking moment where I'm like not make sense but
like when it happened it made so much more sense for me to go with that than
with a theorem for some reason I don't know why but like I haven't had
that like feeling on on an ETH yet so yeah I don't know it's just it's been
incredible a couple of weeks you know like together with Rabbi and heavy we've
deployed I think maybe one of the first not sure if it's the first delegates
collection the last hex I you know actually it went live the first time you
were holding these spaces here the space and yeah so it's it's it's such a
good feeling to you know for the first time in life I'm having like collectors
like people who who minted that or inscribed it and yeah actually you know
big shout out also to the to shizzle the I think it's pronounced like that I'm
really bad with this pronunciation but it's a the the website that you went to
to inscribe the artwork and it's it's a pretty powerful tool like you could
choose different sets you know to inscribe the artwork on I hope to see
something like that more often in this in the future when it comes to it like
more customizable inscription tools you know what I mean like where you can
just choose different rarities rarity sets yeah so yeah that's awesome and
also I just found out that there's a great way to support the ordinal yeah you
know people are working on order notes which is the open Ordinance Institute so
you can just go ahead and and the night some Bitcoin and I will I will do that
from some of the proceeds that came in from the last hexman so yeah that's all
thanks for all seeing these spaces and I really appreciate it yeah I appreciate
you Felix and appreciate everybody honestly like we can't do this without
an actual audience and without people who participate on stage bringing the
Alpha bringing the education bringing the the freaking wallet opportunities the
whitelist opportunities like we've been very fortunate to have such an
incredibly giving community of people supporting us you know in in the first
week and I'm really looking forward to as we grow this out to get even more
support you know bring more opportunity to to our listeners to our friends you
know this is uh it's like you were talking about Felix you know it being
surreal that you have collectors like I think for me and Pauli Math English
it's been surreal to have our own show after you know we've been helping build
in the space you know each of us you know for quite some time so to get our
own sort of like our own thing that we're working on on a regular basis and
be able to provide value and getting that signal back is super special so
really appreciate Pauli Math I want to throw to you and then I think probably
get some music to play us out yeah no I just I just want to you know remind
everyone you know at everything or no show you know we're gonna do our best work as
hard as we can find all the Alpha that we can but just you know you know
encourage everyone you know to spend you know the extra hour a day 20 minutes a
day to you know dive deep into some of the newer protocols there's a lot lot
coming this year with layer ones layer tools again with the launch pads
that's going to be coming so you know I just want to encourage everyone to you
know take initiative understand the moment and opportunity that we have here we you
know we are the people who were who were buying you know Bitcoin in 2013 we were
we are the people that was minting you know crypto punks in 2017 we are those
people that's all here with orders as opportunity that we have you know that
we have in front of in front of us right now and then again we now we have
created a community of people that like I say I can't catch everything even can
catch everything Stephen can't catch everything Mike can't everything but
collectively we can't you know catch everything and share one another and
you know give each other you know the quick paragraphs from the two-hour deep
dive we all got to do so again we is better than me you know just everything
or no show where you can learn everything about everything ordinals BRC 20's
rooms there's artifacts L1's L2's launch pads and everything in between you
know we appreciate y'all hanging out with us and you know that's my two sets
English English yes sir I got my fader I got my fader here we can talk and have
music dude this is what a $500 road caster will do for you I mean I guess
you could just slide it on Spotify too but I just wanted to play with my slider
rocky rocky out there I think is he playing music I don't hear no music oh you
don't hear it
no how about now there we go I thought I had a jamming the whole time
we got we got star in the house we got candy this fresh so frito son of Los
I'm gonna have a sense I'm gonna make it look so come give me a hug
you can find me in the club I'm gonna fill the book mama I got what you need I'm gonna have a sense I'm gonna make it love so come give me a hug
thank you everybody we'll be back tomorrow