Experiencia #VaraTrack - Hackathon ETHCincodeMayo

Recorded: Feb. 8, 2024 Duration: 1:07:19



Let me know what you think.
I hope you enjoyed it.
We will see you next time.
Thanks for watching.
We will see you next time.
Sorry to lose a bit.
I think you did it.
Thanks for watching.
Okay, we're going to take a few minutes for the person who has been uniendo, and we'll
I hope you like this video, see you in the next video.
will see you in the next video.
We will see you in the next video.
We will see you next time.
We will see you in the next video.
We will see you next time.
We will see you next time.
We will see you soon.
and, as I said, it's been a very, very long time since I've been in this event for a long time.
And, of course, I would like to say that it's been a very long time since I've been in this event.
And, of course, I would like to say that it's been a very long time since I've been in this event.
And, of course, I would like to say that it's been a very long time since I've been in this event.
Is this a real microphone?
So, all of this session is about the capacity of the people who are in this track.
They are very much interested in what they are doing.
And, you said that in the time that I was in Mexico,
the people who attended this event were very sensitive.
And, of course, this is the work that is being done by the convention,
by explaining what all of these technologies are going to be.
They are going to work, but what is the final?
It's going to be effective, it's going to be at a university,
and it's going to be difficult.
None of the students, as I said, have been in this area for a long time,
but I think it's going to be very difficult because,
in a way, there are many ways that universities,
that there are not many opportunities to start a circle of the students,
and it's important to start all the things that all of these technologies are going to be,
and it's going to be very difficult,
because there are many technologies, many people,
that are going to be very sensitive,
and they are going to be able to participate in hackathons, like hackers,
and they are not going to be able to do that.
It's not going to be an experience.
It's not going to be an academic experience,
as I said, as a model, but it's going to be difficult.
I think that there are going to be a lot,
and it's going to be very important for the students,
and it's going to be very important for the students,
but it's going to be a little bit of a perspective.
Yes, we have a question here.
It's a very sensitive question.
It's very sensitive, but it's very complicated
for the students to be responsible,
for the students to be responsible,
for the students to be able to participate in all kinds of things,
for example, in a way that's impossible
to create a community-based community.
And I would like to start by saying
that there is only one way of recopulating the partners
because the difference between hackathons
is that hackathons are like a cross-chain.
We don't want to have hackathons.
We want to have other companies like ICP,
like Axl, which is a company,
which is an Azure network or a software-based blockchain,
and it's going to be available.
I think it's one of the things that must be discussed.
I don't want to say that there are a lot of blockchains in Mexico.
I want to say that there are a lot of blockchains in Mexico.
I would like to say that there are a lot of blockchains
like the community and the sector, like the industry.
That's what we have in the world,
and I think that that's what is part of it.
We don't want to have hackathons.
We want to have a collaboration
for industry and for industry.
This is why we have to have hackathons
as a whole,
for example, because we have a blockchains
with all the real estate events.
This is why Mexico is the first place in the world.
As you can see, it's very good.
I think that there are a lot of ways
that we can have this moment.
I think that there are a lot of hackathons
and I think that there are a lot of people
who are interested in this,
because we are going to have to do better.
How do we get to the hackathon
because we don't have a lot of organizations.
It's very easy,
but how do we get to the point
where we have to have a conversation
about how to construct a project
in a technology that doesn't work
in a way that the university doesn't know.
But rather,
I think that there are a lot of ways
to get to the point
where we can get to the point
where there are a lot of hackathons
and there are a lot of ways
that we can get to the point
where the university can't do a lot of hackathons.
That is very important.
We have a lot of people from all over the world.
We don't know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it.
We don't know how to do it.
I think it's a very good experience.
I'm not very happy, but with a lot of vision,
I don't think we can be as certain
as a moment of need,
but I would like to present the quality that I have
And I hope that you will present this project to continue in Atlanta.
Super. No.
I don't know how to say it.
I don't know how to say it.
I don't know how to say it.
And I will...
I don't know how to say it.
I don't know how to say it.
I don't know how to say it.
Okay, bueno, marco que tal si ando le bajas y hoy todamos otra vez la palabra por si quieres
a compartir nos tรบ experience aiguals y aiguen mรกs que estรก aquรญ, amรญren, aรญvolio, marco.
Hola, hola, marco, nos escuchos.
De los cuicciรณ.
Bueno, bueno.
Se me es cuicciรณ.
Tos cuicciรณ, muchos.
Estรฉ, e, ese jacatan.
Cuรฉ mi primer jacatan.
No vie a estado de uno antes.
No je go, me degol a solizitรณ di amรฉquรญpo con el que colaborรฉ.
I don't know if you have any questions, but I'd like to go to the city of Mexico,
with the work that I've been doing.
It's a nice substitute for the part of our university.
And it's very, very relevant.
I don't know if you have any questions, but I'd like to go to the city of Mexico.
The city is a completely different country.
I don't know if you have any questions, but I'd like to go to the city of Mexico.
And I think that when we talk about the city,
we don't have to look at the temperature of the city.
We have to take care of it, and for my part, I also need to participate in the most important part.
So my part is to take care of it.
That's my opinion.
Thank you very much.
And it's been a very important part of the work that I've done.
I think we're going to have to include some people who are in the audience,
for example, who are in the audience.
There are a lot of people who need to know,
who are in Latin America.
There are a lot of people from all over the world,
and I think it's going to be a great pleasure to be here,
and I think it's going to be a great pleasure to be here.
So, how do you express yourself in the hackathon?
What do you think about it?
Do you think it's a good idea to be here?
It's a good idea,
and I think that we're going to have to participate in the hackathon
in a very long time.
And I think that's what I'm going to do.
I think the whole hackathon is going to be a great idea.
I think that it's going to be a great idea to be here,
to be here, to be here, to be here,
to be in the audience for the last several years.
I think it's going to be a great idea to be here.
It's going to be a great idea.
And I think this is a hackathon that I'm going to do.
So, I'll give you a shout out that we're going to be here.
Luis is going to be here to explain all this.
So, the tutorial is going to be a great idea
for this hackathon.
I'm going to give you a shout out to the hooks
that I'm going to be programming.
It's going to be a great experience.
It's going to be the back end of the hackathon.
It's going to be a great idea.
And it's going to be the back end of the hackathon.
I'm going to explain it a little bit.
It's going to be a great idea.
I think it's going to be a great idea to implement it.
I think it's going to be a great idea to do this.
There's a lot of differences in the way that this hackathon
has been started a lot.
But it's going to be a great idea.
I think we're going to be connecting the front and back.
I'm going to talk about how to do this,
how to implement the idea,
if we don't have a great team.
A great idea, a great idea.
Very important, you know,
that you can do this tutorial
so you can learn all the techniques that you have.
I don't know if you want to continue, but I'll go through it.
Yes, no, no, no. I'm very happy to be here. The experience here is very good.
The thing that I want to say about the first one, which I want to say, is that we have to do the same thing.
But I don't know. I don't know. I just want to say to the hackers that the internet is a very good place to be.
I don't know if we can control it, but I'm happy to be here. I'm very happy.
And it's a pleasure to be with the community of the community here in Mexico.
I want to say thank you very much. The experience here is very good.
Thank you very much.
Well, I would like to say that I am here in one of the organizations in the hackathon.
I want to say thank you very much. I want to say thank you very much.
And I want to say thank you to the community of the web.
It is very good. I want to say thank you very much for the solution.
And I want to say thank you very much. I want to say thank you very much for the project that you presented.
And I want to say thank you very much for the work that you have done.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for the opportunity to present.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
I'm very happy to have you here.
And the second thing is,
how do you make a big difference
because I think it's very valuable
that I'm here in Mexico.
I think that there's a huge difference
between all of the universities
in the design of the technologies
and the web trees, the blockchain,
the Rust.
It's something that can be done in the future.
And that's why I'm here.
I'm very happy to have you here.
I'm very interested in web trees,
but I think it's very useful.
And I know that I'm here in the United States,
Louis C. Keren University,
and I think it's very important
to have you here.
I think it's a shout-out
that I created.
And I think that we're going to have a great project.
I hope you like it a lot.
I don't want to say that this is going to be a great deal.
One of the things that I don't want to say is that
I don't want to say that it's not going to be a great deal.
I don't want to say that this is a perspective
of Jodie I.
No, I don't want to say that it's going to be a great deal.
And I don't want to say that it's going to be a great deal.
Totally, Alain. Totally.
This is a little bit of a discussion.
It's a little bit of a discussion,
that I think it's a big deal.
But it's not going to be a great deal.
It's going to be a big deal for the whole world.
I think it's going to be a great deal.
I think for me,
for me, I think I'm going to go with Sosa.
I think that we're going to have a great deal
of the pyramid.
And I don't know, I was in a mall,
and I had a senior who was very practical.
and comment on what is happening, what is going on,
what is going on, technology, and all of that,
and the people who are interested,
what is really interesting,
is that there are a lot of people,
because as a generalist,
the people who are interested in technology
are revolutionary,
and this is really important,
because today we are going to have a new life
for the people who are here,
and the people who are here,
and the people who are here,
and the people who are here,
and we are going to have this vehicle
that we are going to demonstrate,
that is coming,
and to help people to understand
what is coming in the world,
that is coming in the world,
we must imagine that the people
who are here,
and I do not know the people here,
but at the moment you can see,
the people in the world who are here,
and the people who are here,
they need to imagine that,
means they are not here,
Some people know that it's not like we're in the NFT technology.
If you imagine that it's not like we're in the technology,
it's not like we're in the technology.
It's simple because you have to do everything you want.
It's marked as a great difference in the way we're supposed to do it.
In the end, it's just the ideas of the people who participate in the NFT
and of all the people who invite us to do it.
There's a lot of potential.
There's not a lot of interest in this.
There's a lot of crypto.
There are people who are interested in the ecosystem,
and there's a lot of community.
There's a lot of people who invite us to do it,
and who collaborate and contribute to the ecosystem.
It's just excellent.
It's a great event, and we're going to do it.
I just want to say thank you.
Thank you very much for being here.
And thank you very much for being here.
Thank you very much for being here.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Books, books.
Thank you very much.
I think it's important to know that you have the right to do what you want to do in the world.
It's going to be a good thing.
Thank you, Adrian.
I think that if you don't have the right to do it,
you have to take care of yourself.
I think that you have to do what you want to do.
Make sure you don't have the right to do it.
I think that it's important to know that you have the right to do what you want to do.
Thank you, Adrian.
Esteรบvรญcion tu quiero estรก que es tambiรฉn es parte de aquรญ por canes abordรฉ y tรฉ mexico?
ยฟCรณmo es te viste? ยฟA estos nuevos cacos en subsumerรฉ interaction con webtres y conas comunidades?
Bueno. ยฟPues un funpo quito complicado por que sista? ยฟCรณmo que la parte webtres? ยฟCรณmo que les damieres?
ยฟNรณ lo grande tenderos muy bien? ยฟQuie es lo que se hace? Pero desde que higaron?
Esteรบvรญcion tener y con muchas preguntas con los ventores. Esteรบviron a ayudando bastante tambiรฉn en todos los ventores.
Le quรญ puede vada, ยฟcรณmo siempre? ยฟO todo un ejers y ayudando los chavos que aque sacaran de la mejor forma sus projectos entonces?
Lo que es comentaba barrios, por lo que yo veo personal mite com parte el team organizador.
Esteรบviron para fue uno de los, bueno, fue el mejor para tas inar que tu vimos.
Por que a de mรกs de se un exsevente trabajo durante aja caton.
Chieron un trabajo spectacular pre-ha caton con todos los tagueras que chieron.
E un borguendos montรณn de estudientes, en tieniando, ยฟcรณmo se trabajo en una caton?
Tonses que mรกs puede ci, perdicieras al todo el barra armรญ.
Muchรญsimas gracias, eric, muchรญsimas gracias, tis tambiรฉn por hacer poser le quiex tes spacio aja sus edo aquiem puebla.
Dardo que tu hale, y los emas, ardispantes, tambiรฉn de la quipo, la arroque mi respetos por.
El granda por que a nacho.
Porque es una el estruimos, que catones que vemos, que tambiรฉn hay participaciรณn de goguierno,
guerranos institutions, y sobreto institutions educativas al largo del paรญs.
Muchรญsimas gracias, y bueno, dia por a finalizar, quiero muchar de una espacio para preguntas en respuestas de la comunidad y de los cacos,
que no escuchar un el dรญa de hoy, si tienen el guna pregunta, pรญa en la palabra y silosamos a dar,
y bueno, vamos a todos caso que no ya preguntas de espeir peroรฑos, esperar unos cuantos un unos.
ยฟQuรฉ saben? Sรญ quienen preguntas, sรญ implemente, denle, al botoncito el microfono, y teneran la palabra.
ยฟY vuela quiemos que hay vas tantes personas connectas, e brayam, guillermo, รngel, Adriรกn, Gabriel, que quiero que tambiรฉn su dieron des arroyando,
dentro del jacaton, teremos ajorge, acar en medina, a lancicayros, mitz, armen, dejol fader una legenda, y bueno.
ยฟPor bueno? Parece que no hay preguntas? Sรญ pregunto entra Adriรกn, Adriรกn a el anto tienes la palabra.
ยฟY tener a una pregunta, no abra digamos a parte de...
That's okay, no hay preguntas.
ยฟNo lo quieres vetrasajos a new amiรบ.
ยฟEste que tengo antรญvado haciem y computadora? Y a parte de ni se luna es por eso.
ยฟSoy a duble vez?
ยฟMรญ preguntas que no abra digamos a parte en mierรกn como nos lรญ.
ยฟPara estudiar digamos por un estra cuenta, sobre la huertre, so blood chain a parte.
ยฟA mรญ me en...
ยฟNacรญ me gusto mucho como en seรฑaron, pero.
ยฟDigamos que me gustoria a aprender un poquito mas?
ยฟNacรญ en abre alguna forma digamos aprender, digamos libremente, o...
ยฟHas a parte?
ยฟSรญ, caro? ยฟQuรฉ sรญ, mira a puedes entrar a la comunรญa que tenemos en teleram, es para network en espaรฑol.
ยฟYa iso estรกn co partiendo recursos, y en especiicamente, si tรบvos caros recursos, tenicos a augustmentaciรณn, tenica, pรณmos lindar tola.
ยฟNamos entrar la comunidad y teleramos.
ยฟTebal manadar sรญ, no te llego, hay tesicar, te mandรณn diem, y con la augustmentaciรณn que necesitรฉs.
ยฟTambiรฉn adrรก en tenemos di espanible el guiracadรฉmi?
ยฟEse ese el puesen contre en la pajina de Vara Puntรณn Network?
ยฟPor aรญvas a puerver?
ยฟTรณ lo recursos que necesitรฉs para poder con su ir tudad?
ยฟTe manera sensรญa pero y wall?
ยฟTรบ ya tienes nuestro contacto?
ยฟY puede esa cercate con nosotros para cualquierdua de entre el proceso a guiracadรฉmi?
ยฟEntonces bueno?
ยฟCiempre vamos estar despรณnรญveles para todos?
Ah, okay.
Es que, en esa forma, ese como ducimando despues,
cuando la nรบnciaron, bueno en mi universidad.
ยฟVos mรก tres un poco y no aprende muy bien?
ยฟY bien, cuando estรบ bien no los cursos?
ยฟPos, me interreso mucho, la verdad?
ยฟA sรญ, de hacerca de la webtres y el blogchim?
Super. ยฟQuรฉ entre eso?
ยฟTe compartimos todos los recursos y como bien dรญse quere?
Estan las puedos a vietas, que tienes nuestros contactos.
Manos mens aquito por telegram por WhatsApp incluoso.
ยฟY puedemos a vrindarte esa hacerรญa o eso augmentaciรณn.
ยฟY el guiracadรฉmi?
Es un paso, paso.
Sรญ, no sabes, como se constriรฉ.
ยฟLa guiracadรฉmi te vaguiando?
Muy muy bien.
Okay, muchas gracias. ยฟHola, sรญ?
Gracias, Adriรกn. En lo que alguien mรกs es una a la space,
y quiere pasรฉ alguna pregunta.
Me voy a rovar pรบquito el micro, normalmente estos a space
de los miracles, son de los embagadores,
pero no puedo dejar.
ยฟHoy de agradecer a los embagadores,
porque, foron un gran a puyo, un gran supporte, iric,
de verdad de la rifaste.
No sopoyas te muchรญsimo ventro elevento,
otran nos embagadores es a lejandra.
ยฟAles estรบbal pendiente tambiรฉn?
Nรญ sรญ quiera bien, mรกs contemplado que a la formatura,
y a estรบ, porque randa mรกs ejos a quipos,
haviz cindudato en la tema de rejistro que esto viste giando.
ยฟFoy a un gran supporte, tambiรฉn, adriรกn, nรญ se diga,
adriรกn siempre.
Eres un guarre, adriรกn, no pocrer,
como sobre viste a dos dรญas sin dormir,
rei siempre con tรบ risas,
y tรบ forma tambiรฉn de estar con nosotros,
tambiรฉn estamos bertana gracรญos contigo,
y no trix maena de eseza,
que estรบo participando en el cacaton,
eso tambiรฉn habla muchรญsimo,
de como bancres en dos tรฉdas entro a la co-systema,
y por ayubo otros tambiรฉn tรบ entreliada todos,
porque tambiรฉn onlinos estudiron apoyando mucho,
estรก bienen el groupo a telegram,
al pendiente todo lo que se publicaba,
y alguien pregunta por informaciรณn del trac de bara
conte estรก bรกn compartรญan sobre todas las capacitaciones
prevรญas que isimos,
camino al cacaton en general,
y incluso muchos de los embacadores,
en esiquiras estรก bรกn en Mรฉxico,
estรกn en otros paรญces,
y ellos estรก bรกn al pendiente.
Entonces, bueno,
yo no quiero dejar de agradecerles,
el gran trabajo que hacen conto con nosotros,
que ustedes no sistena puyando ahora,
hace crecer la comunidad de bara,
y las emas fuerte,
y si es un barar me ahora contos ustedes,
pero es por esa razon,
que puedemos a ser un poco algo mรกs grande.
No, y se vienen mรกs,
ustedes a darles un alfa en norme,
de algo que vienen toda bieno puedo,
pero prรณximamente,
es tenal pendiente,
porque es tu sullamente,
el inรญcio,
como estรฉ de saben,
desde que empeza,
mรกs con jacatones,
en viente ventidos en unam,
que hay estudo,
sullendo que fue el ganador,
uno los ganadores en este jacaton.
lemos visto crecer,
tambiรฉn en este cozistema webtres,
como participante,
de universidades,
tambiรฉn con nosotros,
desde ese jacaton,
no emos parado,
emos estado,
in Guadalajara,
in Chapas,
in Monterey,
or in Puebla,
y tenemos,
por confirmar una fechรฉn quรฉretar,
o tambiรฉn,
es esta pendiente,
porque es tenal pendiente,
pero y algo mรกs,
grande tu habรญa que viene,
este aรฑo,
que esta pendientes de los reas,
porque es algo que en relia,
nos aporta,
a toda la comunidad,
no namos,
a nosotros,
sino a Mรฉxico,
como paรญs,
nos a secrecer,
ser parte,
de la banza technological,
entonces vano.
Gracias por toda la pollo los embajadores,
y tambiรฉn,
gracias a la comunidad,
por ser parte,
de la banza technological,
entonces vano.
Gracias por toda la pollo los embajadores,
y tambiรฉn,
gracias a la comunidad,
por ser parte,
de bara y desegir nos,
de recorrido que emos estado,
hacienda con muchos fuerso,
pero tambiรฉn con mucho agrado,
con mucho felicidade,
con mucho carigno,
por todos ustedes.
Pero es una plauso para el equipo,
y baram que sabir tovar la qui,
pungen sus emuiz de aplauso,
que se la mueres un.
Peramos muy encios,
y sus alfas.
Peramos muy encios,
y sus alfas.
Y se havina grande.
Thank you very much,
very much.
I will turn it over to you,
and we will get to the next speaker.
Thank you very much.