Exploring Social Games ft. @SkyborneLegacy

Recorded: June 14, 2023 Duration: 0:47:18



Hello everybody and welcome to another Wednesday here at polkastarter.gg for your Wednesday podcast of press play game talk. Today we are going to be exploring
social games. I am George, as always, and we are joined once more by Gasboad. Gasboad say hello. Hello. Excellent. Keeping our chocolate brothers routine going strong, fantastic. So today
Today we are going to be looking at exploring social games and with us to do that is Skyborne Legacy. I'm unsure who is behind the account so if you could first introduce who is going to be speaking for us today please.
- Yeah, absolutely. I'm community manager for Skyborne Legacy. My name is Zach Dragoon. It's my Twitter user name.
Awesome, very much. Thank you, Zach. So, Zach, could you give us a brief description about yourself and also then a longer description about the game itself, please?
Yeah, so like for me, I'm just like an avid DJ and gamer like I've already died on three hardcore characters on Diablo 4 I'm back on my fourth as for Skyborne legacy Skyborne
Legacy is a social world and exploration building game somewhere you can self identify trade freely and just kind of explore the world that we're building.
Awesome, I'm glad to hear that you have also died on Diablo Hardcore. I have died many times. In the audience we have Sandbox, who managed to reach level 50 and die with, I believe, 20 hours on that one hero.
like a sandbox. So it sounds like your game is going to be one where people are getting to move around and explore. But for a more basic idea of the game, what is the game loop or what will people be doing as they are exploring? Are we thinking dungeon crawler? Are we thinking wow what
What type of thing do people have to compare it with if this is the first time they are discovering skyborne legacy? I would say it's a mix of animal crossing with a little bit of combat, action combat, not to in-depth combat, nothing like
like an Elder Scrolls game or something like that, where you have to have multiple abilities, but there will be combat involved where you go out, you quest, you adventure with friends, you can collect recipes, you build certain items which become cosmetics.
You can storm around your house, wear them around your house. The core loop of the game would be to go out and adventure, have fun, fly around the open skies, come back with the loop, and then kind of just show off what you've done, invite friends over, and then go from there.
That sounds really interesting and I have the idea of the cars, the houses, sorry, someone just pulled up. But in terms of social, what will you be doing in game to encourage social elements and will they be like clanders and guilds?
Yeah, so you'll be able to go on adventures with each other as well So you can either play the game solo or or go on like a multiple person adventure there will be flying flying ships within the game So kind of like see a thieves where you can like man manually run a ship with four
five friends and everybody has to be kind of doing their part to make the ship proper. We'll see something like that, not such a high-tensity that it is in Sea of Thieves, but when you're flying around on your ship, for example, one person will be controlling the steering wheel a couple of people will be watching the cannons.
And then the trading, right? So everything will be like acquired by the players within the game. So all the gear and everything that your trading comes from the community, it requires a bit of social interaction in order to improve your character overall.
Awesome, so that sounds like you've got the trading part down and you're going to have your close group of friends going to need for these ships to be sailing out. So what I'm imagining in my head right now is an animal crossing homeland where you're going to be building a house or doing farming type stuff.
Then you have the option of going out on adventures on your own little legs or you have the option to go out on adventures on ships Am I am I thinking down the right lines here or time need a bit more clarification? No, you're absolutely absolutely imagine of like flight flight
floating islands in the sky and you can choose to play the game how you want to. You don't have to take part in the action adventure. You could just be a home decorator and your friends that go out and fight you take care of the cooking and the cleaning at home essentially. You know the decorating and making sure the space looks nice.
I do love that sort of analogy. It's something that always comes up in a lot of reviews or games that I play where they all talk about of our race is only about war. Well, that's impossible. You can't all just be about war. Someone has to build the houses. Someone has to build the weapons.
you're not going to function as a society. So I do really like the ideas you have behind there. With that, how do you think these social interactions are going to be improved when it comes down to web3 usage and integration with
a game like this that has got a player driven in game economy. So usually the one of the biggest blockers in Web 2 would be terms of service, right? Like World of Warcraft and RuneScape tell you you can't actually
buy gold or pay to win by way to the top, outside of the game. That's eliminated with blockchain. That's the type of blockchain we're including where it's in the terms of service that we want you to trade. We want open trade. We want free trade. We don't want anybody to be barred from being
afraid to like maybe buy something that they want or something along those lines. Like again, I recently had a character like band and world of work craft because I tried to buy a little bit of gold and we're trying to kind of prevent that because that opens up more of a free trade experience amongst a larger like the collection of players.
And I like the idea of getting rid of the terms of service, so I'd also enabling people to trade a bit better between each other. The one thing that I'm envisioning the way you described it, and you touched on it slightly with your friends going off to war and you
they're home and make the house pretty. Do you see there being a kind of people picking those sorts of rules and is there anything in game that encourages people to specialise down, say one route, for example, I don't know, someone's the collector of resources, where someone's the crafter?
So yes and no.
It's kind of like you will be able to, uh, there's no specific crafter like that's going to be the crafter. However, there's only going to be one individual that has a pattern specifically like let's say there's a super rare raid boss and they drop this pattern
that allows this item to be made. Whoever has that item is the only person that can use that blueprint unless they share it via a guild or something along those lines. But so that person would kind of be your homebody where they're the person you give all of your
like blueprints do that way when you're out at war if somebody hits you guys up and they're like hey I want to make a purchase you know you got the plug at home ready to craft and sell that while you guys are out at war so it allows you to be in two places at once essentially kind of profiting from the game economy.
Yeah, I do like systems that are put in place like that where you can have the option to play alone, but it was obviously greatly beneficial to you if you are splitting the workload almost between those that are going out to worry you put it in those that are staying as the homebody with the blueprints with that in mind.
when the game was coming into creation and the ideas were flowing about how the game loop would be. Is this something that was taken into consideration? The idea that if everything is always at 11 and you're constantly battling, constantly fighting, that comes mundane and the norm. So was that taken into consideration when having this other
side of the game, which is the homebody side, the staying back, the craft, and the blueprint type of thing. Was that thought of as a way of pacing the game better? So it wasn't your always disfighting, fighting, fighting. There is those down times between the fighting that kind of gives more excitement to when you do actually get to go out and fight.
I think it was just a personal preference by the game developers. So like one of the like leading game devs is D D Dan and he likes to play his games as the farmer. He doesn't he likes, you know, a little bit of the aggression, but he's a collector. He's the guy that wants to be the homebody and I think creating the game with that in mind kind of gave him that aspect.
of creating a role almost for himself within a game that he was designing and then Chris Aarrington is much the same way. When I personally met them both first, they both were playing Animal Crossing on their switches while I was playing Breath of the Wild. So it was like an interesting combination. That was their preferable game of
of like they just, they played these animal crossing type games. And so with that in mind, like, I think it was more of just like a development style to create a game that kind of suited what they would want to do within a game, but also kind of allow for other areas of exploration for other types of gamers essentially.
I think that's interesting. It gives a little bit of context for people who want to come in and can play it slightly differently. And you mentioned already Tynis in with Kilds and how that could work. Did you explain a little bit more around the Kilds? And I was quite interested in the idea of the patterns being shared
across killed. So it's the idea of and it's still being worked through. Please understand all this is kind of so like still working progress but the idea has been discussed kind of that if there's essentially if the guild owns an item instead of a single
individual. It would allow members in the guild to use that. Now to what extent, because that's when people start to milk systems and whatnot, it's still yet to be determined. But it would make sense if you as a guild, five or six people kill a monster, defeat a monster, and five
6 people get the pattern that that can go to a central place where everybody can use it. However, like I said, there's still a lot to be worked out because it makes more sense for one individual holding the pattern to have a higher chance to craft rare items, whereas if it's shareable amongst a larger group of people, it kind of reduces
the rarity of the item essentially because it allows everybody to craft it. So there's something that's still being kept in mind there. But the idea is of like building, building your group out, right? Like if you go and do something with your friend, not only
one of you should benefit, you should both benefit. And so we're working through ways to make sure that everybody who is like working within this group can benefit and be lifted up no matter how they're playing the game essentially.
I do like the idea of that, if you're in a group and you're struggling you can benefit from the others helping you along. I know there's similar sort of systems in other gilded games where the newcomer comes in and they get all the ham, we down gear, but it does actually propel them further into the game at a quicker rate. One thing I was
thinking of the way you touched on it slightly there of how these haven't been fully crafted out yet. I know personally for myself I don't think I've seen any of the game been played yet. I may have and just have forgotten but is there even within house is there a base build that you guys have
have been able to walk around in and take a look at or is it still very much early and a lot is more in the idea of waiting for implementation currently. So we have actually a couple of videos on our YouTube. You can go check out where we show like very early house building
and very early island exploration. Now again, it's very base. It's only one island. It's only a couple of houses. It's only a few items to build from. But that's kind of the core that we're building out from. But there is something that you can actually see. I think it was me running around playing it in the video itself. So there's some gameplay you can see.
I'll have to go and check it out on the YouTube I'll see if I can pin it while we're talking as well. Another thing that is really important in these type of games is just to make sure you keep people engaged and I know that in the
um, Discord, you have a bit of it going on as well. How important is the law going to be to the story and how do you see this unfolding for players in terms of whether it's a story mode or whether they're just picking things up as they're going around?
So, lore for us is like kind of everything, right? We want to make a really fun game, but there's something about being part of like this, this external world and like falling in love with it. And so, we're really trying to do a good display of laying out the lore in the story.
that builds the world of skyborne in multiple steps to the people that are kind of like engaging. We've already released two one of one characters in RISSA and Morgan Brand. They are each warriors at fight against, I can't really say his name,
But there's a big evil dragon that they're kind of fighting against and this is like the loose lore But there's a before and there's an after and Skyborne legacy takes place in this world after of like the world being shattered and everything being split into these multiple islands But we do want to tell the story of the world
world before as well. So we're starting to leak out small activations and different things to let the people who are interested know what happened before the world shattered what the world was like. Who were the heroes, like the ancient heroes that you'll find remnants of in the actual game. You know what I mean?
Yeah, that sounds very interesting to like trickle feed out the law for then something that they can find within the game whilst they're playing whilst a gasboard asked you that question I did actually jump over onto the YouTube And I suggest anybody that is having a hard time picturing what this is gonna look like they also check out your guys' YouTube
you probably gaspoken pin one for us but it looks adorable and I'm currently watching the building part of it, the house building part you touched on and I believe it is you walking around looking at this video unfortunately I've got it muted but when I look at this I'm just wondering about things of
Customization, when you decide you want to build a house or build something on your island, is it going to be similar to how animal crossing is where the outside of your homes are all pretty much the same and then you can just put the furniture and dip no
or is there going to be options to build a house the way you want to? So maybe it's like got two squares on the bottom and then a, like, I don't know, a balcony piece sticking off the side. Or is there just like set blueprints for these different buildings that you just have to collect the resources for and deposit them in?
So floor plans, right floor plans are
As of right now, with the base game that we have, it's just kind of that square, but the idea was to allow somebody to kind of based upon the house, like design it and customize it, like with maybe even if you wanted like two levels, two stories or something along those lines, it's kind of where we're trying to get
is you have a small plot, a medium plot, and a large plot, but like you were saying, it's not just squares, you know what I mean? It could be like a very long rectangle, because what if you wanted to make like a gild hall instead of just like a house? You know what I mean? You'd want something a lot longer, and so that's something definitely that the devs have in mind.
That's really good. Sorry, Gasboat to jump in. I want to just want to know that far. That's really awesome to hear. I've got I think 300 to 400 hours in seven days to die and most of what I do there is building different buildings to different specifications. So the idea that
There is the chance that maybe this is something that's going to be put in. I think would really be ideal for players like me, especially in this cutesy style. I've never seen anything where you have so much freedom to build in this graphical style. But I hope to you, Gaspoed.
I was just going to say that I have pinned the YouTube video to the top for anyone wanting to see. Don't do what I do and click on it on your phone because I lost half of your question while it's now claiming the YouTube video instead. So have a watch if you're on laptop.
I did have a follow up question. We've talked a lot about the game but I haven't actually asked what platform it's on that you're going to be releasing.
So as of right now, it is poised for the game that you see on the video is planned for PC, however, they are working on a mobile version somewhere
which is like definitely leaked in that video as well if you watch it through. You'll see Chris kind of pick up his phone and play it on his phone. So there is that level of reach that they're going for. But yeah, I can't really say much more other than what's been leaked thus far.
I think that's always one of the problems we strike when we're doing these press play spaces podcast style things is we always get so in depth in what people are doing and forgetting that there's a lot of stuff they can't actually tell us they're doing and we just get excited and ask the questions
about what's going on but I think this game looks a beautiful fit for not only PC but if it does go to mobile mobile only thinking of your previous example of how they were playing animal crossing on the switch as well as each other because this does look
a lot like a switch game to myself. I think you may have touched on it a little bit already when you were talking about the Lord. Did you mention you had an interesting discord bot within your Lord? Did you touch on that? So that's actually not a bot.
I was like handmade by our project manager community lead Benny. Benny made it all himself. He hand wrote the story. He hand chose the different applications. I believe he used a Dino bot to help
I don't know if you've ever seen through the proceedings, but it's not a preset bot that built the story. It was all written by Benny. It was all created by Benny. Fun fact, I'll let everybody hear no. There's a special role that you get to receive if you go through the story and you choose one of the proper choices.
And that role will have a play further down the road. I can't speak much more on it or tell you which role it is. But we even incorporated a bit of gamification within the Discord bot entry itself. It's more of just like a fun way to like into the world of Skyborne.
I have been telling lots of people about it because I am a big disappointed person when it comes to just captures because they really annoy me but I understand why they're there and when I joined you and it was kind of a build your own, choose your own advice
adventure because I've got my fabled lands, choose your own adventure book actually on the desk next to me, big fan of that kind of a choose your own adventure. Looking out a bit from the game itself, can you tell us a bit more about the studio that's actually building the game, revolving games?
Absolutely. So revolving games is a 100 employee studio as of right now, although they've been hiring left and right. They're also working on another title that is partnered with NBC and Galley games, which is a Battlestar Galactica.
can't say much more without NBC and Gala approval. The game looks so cool though. And Revolving Games itself has some pretty big names like working for it. Edwin Shoe previously was the founder of
Phoenix games I think it was called which was picked up by Zingar something like that they got the team is absolutely crazy Eric it's funny I used to play a game called Summoners War right now I was never a pay money on a phone game like I would never give a dollar to any game on
online until I started to play Summoners War. For some reason that game got me hooked and I started to spend money on it, come to find out when I started working at the company that the head of marketing that I currently work with was the head of marketing over at Summoners War. So like that was a guy that kind of got me, you know what I mean? It was just a little funny thing.
But the team overall is stacked. Everybody is like, like, multiple it claimed. D Dan basically made the Kim Kardashian game for EA. Like that's what he's like well known for. He's also worked on a couple Harry Potter titles. Yeah, the team is just absolutely stacked and then at the very top.
we have a trio of brothers, the Zeyn brothers, Amar, Shayan and Saad, and they are just, I mean, they've been in the game for so long and they know everybody that the connections that they have will allow, like newer titles to come out under the revolving game's brand essentially.
Yeah, that sounds like a powerful team. I have actually seen Gollars teasing stuff that they've done on, I think it was their Twitter and their website about that other game, the Battle Star Glacta.
or turnity or something I believe. It was named, but yeah, it looked really sick as well. And I see they do have those two as their listed titles on Twitter itself. The tagline for Twitter is developing tech to deliver next
game in experiences. Is this referring to just the games they will deliver as a studio or are you building something that will help others deliver games as well? Just a bit of clarification on that please.
So from my understanding, the tech that they build in-house, people, it's in-house made tech like the game development software and things along these lines, right? And so that will be what will be sourced out to
other studios trying to build maybe a game that's kind of like Battlestar or maybe a game that's kind of like Skyborne. That's the idea behind building out the tech is not just kind of like keep it within house but if somebody wants to build a cool game and they like the way that we went about it
integrating blockchain and creating a way where it's it's not too in your face and everything's okay then that's kind of what the tech is for there. They do a lot of their self-development like within-house. A lot of self-everything is honestly done within-house.
and switching tact slightly. I've been having a look through your Twitter and I've spotted that you've got some community art that's winning wireless to people.
How important is getting the community involved in creative tasks while you're still trying to
mint and kind of release the game so you keep them engaged while there isn't actually anything to play.
So for us it's more along the lines of like like kind of seeing who's there and who's interested. It shows us who's there for just a whitelist spot and who's there and excited for the game and it gives us an inkling of like who who are real early supporters are.
allows us to reward them by them being active. I mean, in every game, every game will tell you user generated content is the most important content, right? Because it's, the people take their time, their passion, their love into making something for you that they essentially didn't have to do. And so like, that's why we try to, like,
honor at the best we can. And for us, it is very important. We love the input that everybody gives. It's important because it creates a warm, healthy culture where people can kind of share their thoughts, ideas, opinions. And that's the type of community that we're trying to harbor, which allow people to kind of just be themselves essentially.
Yeah, I love that as an answer. I do realize that at this point within Web 3, saying community is everything is such an overdone trope, but the idea of the way you describe it is very true to the idea of what people mean by that as well. And definitely having things where they actually actively get involved. I also did see
Some of the drawings people were doing for these white list spots and these entries. It does seem like it's more of an engagement thing rather than just a come follow our Twitter and you might get a white list. You've successfully pressed follow on bird app. Great job. It's more of a be creative. Do something that can show that you have access
actually interesting what we're doing and you don't want to win a white list of them, floor whatever we're doing as soon as you can. So speaking about that, you do have wireless spots and an upcoming mint coming, I guess, use the word again. Could you tell us a little bit more about that please?
Yeah, absolutely. So this meant will be for the first variation of this like world building that I was talking about or earlier this exploration into lore. So the main will give you access into what we're calling wildlands currently code name. And it's just
It's like a fun little adventure game. Sen heroes out and you get to explore the world that was before we're near was shattered by one of this this big dark evil dragon. It was this beautiful land and you get to kind of experience the fight of
of seeing the land before and then seeing the land during the battle and engaged within the battle itself and kind of like imprint yourself there but not imprint yourself there. And that's what the upcoming minutes for it will allow you to acclaim heroes to take part in this adventure.
will also give you one elemental charm. I can't tell you the power of the elemental charms, but these elemental charms, you will never see them again outside of this first upcoming. So it's kind of like our way of thinking the early people who've been here in the story, we're excited to share how everything
ties together within the lore. It's kind of crazy. Our lore writer is like Oda from One Piece where he just like winks everything like passively and secretly and you don't really see it until it's right in front of you and you're like whoa. So yeah, the story right is pretty fun and the way it everything is going to tie together is very unique.
Sounds very exciting indeed, especially if it's going to include stuff that they can only get through this part at the start. I guess that is rewarding your OG participants very well. So what type of things do people have to look forward to aside
from this mint that sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun, especially if they're able to get out there and start exploring some of this, the deep lore that you appear to have cultivated over there at Skyborne Legacy. What other, let's go for a short to midterm things to people have to be looking out for at the moment.
short to midterm. So I do know that the team is kind of working on other iterations of how to bring the Skyborne world like to life. Like obviously short term is to first we're going to do this like little
like Lord Venture game and then you'll see Skyborne but like in between that I do know how man what can I say without getting in trouble. So the vision is the idea of putting the brand out there. So and this is not
a guarantee this is not a promise but where my brain goes is just like action figures or toys that represents Skyborne characters maybe t-shirts or merchandise something along those lines or maybe even we might see Skyborne characters because once you have
lore you fall in love with the characters, you might see those characters fall into other other universes and have action and you know play over there outside of just the skyborne universe itself. So outside of that I can't say much more.
This is one of the hardest questions we ask everybody because then they really have to pick their brain about what is stuff that everyone's meant to know and what is stuff that I'm meant to know. I do like the idea of once you've got something out there you do hold the potential to drop into others universes in my mind and I actually
I guess maybe in yours is the idea of dropping into other games. I know I've experienced it previously and I've also aided in doing some of that stuff where taking one character from one game and then there's playing in a completely different game where maybe the character's lore doesn't really back up but it's a fun thing that can happen in Web 3 and I've definitely
seen it a lot in Web 3 more than you typically do in Web 2. Moving slightly to more questions about yourself, I guess, as we come towards the end of the spaces, what type of thing in the Web 3 gaming space are you currently excited about?
Oh man, so I know it's kind of cliche and everybody says that like you don't own own anything, but for me it's ownership and it's I know it's not permanent ownership, but I I play games to the point where I do trade assets I sell carries I
You know enrolled a work craft back in the day we used to sell Zola Mon carries where you get a rare mount if you did it within a certain time and there is nine of us that did it so we would sell the 10th slot for like you know 10 20,000 gold and split that amongst the friends but that technically like wasn't like that was against terms of certain
So for me, it's the ability to do things like that where I can take my higher level ability to play games and use that to equate, you know, time equals money, not in a way that's played or earned, but in a way that, you know, I'm not a streamer. I don't have income coming in.
like that, but I can take my ability to play a game, play a game very well, apply it to somebody else and maybe make their life easier and get rewarded in return. That, along with the, again, the idea of being able to own an item like a land space and have all your friends come and build upon
that world is pretty interesting. I like the idea of, because I used to play games with my dad, right? And so my dad, we both played Roonscape and he was the collector and I was going out and doing all the killing. And I like the idea of having like a central place that somebody can kind of like own or rent and everybody can come and collect
that we build it out together, maybe even have like different marketplaces on different lands. So if my friends are going out and getting rare items, you have to come to my marketplace to buy those rare items. It creates more of like an open-world economy. That's really what I'm excited for. Blockchain allows a lot of that, and it even empowers it.
So I think we'll see a new takeover, especially for MMOs, because for me that's kind of where my heart lives and lies is like within an MMO world and the application of blockchain opens up the MMO world truly. It makes it like a truly like player-owned experience, which is incredible.
Yeah, I think I'm very much on the same sort of side of things as you are there. I like the idea of, um, Carrie as a service. Definitely, definitely a good service to be offering them evermore as well. I remember that, um, Dungeon, you were speaking of, I never got a rare mount. I think I barely ever completed it. Um, but
But I'm keen on the idea of land ownership as well. I know it's heavily fallen out of favour, but I like the idea of it becoming a real world situation where you set a marketplace and people come to you for buying those items within that sort of
game and it kind of gamifies the whole thing opposed to like I know some games all their items are on chain and you're going to open see you buy it and then it turns up in game and I just like it works it's going to work exactly the same but it just takes you out of the immersion of the game because you're not going to the store so I'm I'm
a big fan of all that sort of stuff. So before we get towards the end, I do have another personal question for yourself. You've already mentioned you've done the Diablo IV thing. What are you excited for in general in all the game space? Not anything specific to do with Web 3, but in general for gaming.
just overall.
That's a tough question. I'm excited for just to get the next MMO. Like I've been playing World of Warcraft since I was like 14, 15 years old and I'm like almost 30. Like my whole life, people talk about addiction, they've never played World of Warcraft. You know what I mean? They need to make like a chat group for just people who are X World of Warcraft.
work out players. But something like that where I can really feel like just I'm enjoying my time I can dive into a world I can explore it like I used to just fly around and look at the graphic scenery that they had in real the work out because it was so beautiful. That's kind of what I'm looking forward to for new age and like we can kind of see it already with unreal
It allows a lot of smart people who don't have access to actual game development tools to build out the worlds that are within their head. And so we're starting to see a lot of fun, unique ideas there. So I guess the focus would be kind of like what Fortnite and not so much Fortnite, but Fortnite creative is like super exciting to
I was playing a world the other day. It was like a Val Hollow Realm where you start off level one and you're at like the very bottom of you, Jersil and you got to climb your way all the way to the top and it was just like this super unique experience within fortnight, but I forgot I was playing fortnight. I thought I was like this Viking warrior running around, you know, killing an army of undead.
So for me, that's where my excitement is. That's where gaming goes to. Yeah, especially because I guess the movement, like when it comes to movement within a game, it's super important for me. I think that's why I played World of Warcraft for so long because the movement is so flawless, right? There's something about the way all the characters move is it's
just made the game last a very long time. And I think Fortnite has, at most shooters, 'cause I'm not a big shooter person myself, but Fortnite has captured the ability of movement like beautifully. And I think that that allows a lot of different game ideas and styles to be resurrected within the Unreal Engine.
Yeah, I like everything you said there. It's also bang on with what I think as well. Fortnite has fantastic movement and games that have clunky movement and I experience this a lot as I test a lot of games here in Web 3 and there's always some of these games where you can't exactly put your finger on it.
But you can say the movement is wrong. You asked for clarification. I can't tell you why. I could just tell you that the movement is not correct. But yeah, I am looking forward to when an MMO does manage to throw its crown in the ring with warcraft and not completely stomped.
like they have been doing since since Warcraft first came out I did play what a Warcraft from vanilla I think I've played every expansion but not consistently played either but yeah I have been a fan but I would I would like a game to dethrone it and give me a new
experience as well. So as we're coming up to the end of the spaces here today, what we really need is where do we find out all more information about you? Where do people need to be looking to make sure they're up to date with everything and anything skyborne legacy?
Definitely the discord if you haven't been in the discord jump through it You don't have to take part of the little story adventure. We talked about it to start There's definitely like a skipping click button, but it's it's really fun to kind of dive into an experience It does give you a little bit of like
for what's kind of the coming the future. So Discord is the main spot outside of that. We are kind of redoing the website so you can expect a new website coming out relatively soon. A lot of information on there revolving games.com. If you're curious about the overall company,
company that's building this brand. Definitely check them out. You can go see all the talent. It's just listed on the front page of like who's working on the games and who we have like under the hood. But yeah, Discord and just go store medias.
If you didn't finish you can continue it would appear that our host accidentally unmuted his mic.
No, you're good. Just this, this is the main spot. Other socials are great. Definitely follow along. We're definitely going to be experimenting with a couple of different socials though, like TikTok and Instagram. They may not be so much information based as just
like sharing art based, kind of rekindle it towards something like what like other NFT projects have done like the Pudgy Penguins for example where they don't mention NFT or Web3 at all they're just kind of like this this entity and our goal is
to be a gaming entity. So we figured why not just share fun gaming posts every day. You know, it doesn't have to be Web 3. It could just be a fun little joke. Get somebody to interact and like the art because the art is, you know, beautiful chef's kiss to the art. So the rest will just come
That sounds good. So everybody make sure you're going through the discord. You go and take part in the law. I also suggest following them on Twitter because I say to follow everyone on Twitter. But thank you for coming up and being with us today and thank you for everyone that came along again to listen to
us. Obviously it's fantastic to see all the people that come along weekly and take their time to learn more about some of the games in the space. But that's all we've got time for today here at Press Play. So, Gaspard, do you want to say goodbye?
It would appear that Gaspo does not in fact want to say goodbye. I will say it for Gaspo. Gaspo says goodbye. Also follow Gaspo's Twitter. He does a lot of stuff with reviews, spaces and videos as well.
If you're looking for news, reviews, guides, content, and generally anything web 3, make sure you go over to polkastarter.gg. If you have enjoyed the press play that we have done today, make sure you go over to your favorite podcast arena to listen back at a
later date. We are still battling with sandboxes ever keen heart to get ourselves on iTunes as he desperately begs our podcast to go there. But until next week this has been Pressplay, I have been George and I'll see you then. Goodbye.