Exploring the human aspects of Web3 communities

Recorded: Oct. 20, 2022 Duration: 0:54:48



Hey, no, dude, how you doing? I'm gonna bring you up or make your co-host.
Howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy,#
Hello, everybody. Hello, hello GM GM. We'll give a couple of minutes for everyone for the spaces to get populated properly and then let's start the discussion.
All right, you both should have co-hosting privileges. Let me say centred over. You can form.
Got it. I'm a co-host. I've never been a co-host before. Polaris, you're gonna have to guide this one. Means you can bring people up to the stage, put people back down into the audience and I think 10 tweets as well, which
say fun feature that locals have the conversation have some sort of like reference. If there's like a tweet out there that you want to pin that is, you know, adding some context to the discussion, that's a fun way to do that.
Well, just as we're sitting here waiting for everybody.
My name is No Diggy and I am a Harbinger for ontology and an active member of the Solana NFT community and a bunch of other things but first and foremost I suppose I'm a restaurant person of bartender right that's the context here that's a line. Let's start the kind of stuff
and T.M. again. Welcome my fellow Web 3 participants, people from ontology network are Harbingers.
Today is just like a very important actually one of the very important aspects of Web 3 which is human aspects that's the topic of our discussion. You know this we're always concentrating towards
the technology or the technological aspects of things, but sometimes it's very important to acknowledge the people behind that technology which are like making things happen and the implications of
Web 3 in general on communities. I am Polaris, I am Harbinger for ontology, I am a node validator and a Web 3 enthusiast, very passionate about
what Web 3 can bring onto our communities. And I'm pretty much extremely active in terms of trying to add value by hosting discussions, engaging conversations,
and educating. So we've got no diggy, he and he's joined us co-hosting. Me and no diggy are going to be starting a new program from Monday on
next Monday onwards, where we would just be vibing with all the community, just discussing different things about the ecosystem and web3 in general. And we have ontology, Humpty as well.
Let's go people and once we've gone with the introduction heist and Don't worry my brother, we will definitely get you give you the opportunity to come up and talk absolutely looking forward to listening to you as well. No dig it, go for it bro.
Can y'all hear me right now? How you doing, Lord Diggity? Doing all right, man. Has things humpty.
I'm in a very loud place so it's going to be a little hard to talk but please go ahead.
Cool, Polaris, I don't really have anything to lead off with quite yet. Do you have the agenda for the day? What are we kicking around? What's the first topic?
No? Polaris?
still there my dude oh sir hello guys how are you doing good nice to have you bro what's going on same here same here everything

FAQ on Exploring the human aspects of Web3 communities | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the discussion in the podcast?
The human aspects of web 3 and the implications of web 3 on communities.
Who are the co-hosts of the podcast?
No Diggy and Polaris.
What is No Diggy's background?
He is a restaurant person and bartender, and is also an active member of the Solana NFT community.
What is Polaris' background?
He is a harbinger for ontology, a node validator, and a web 3 enthusiast.
What is the new program that No Diggy and Polaris are starting?
They are starting a program where they will be discussing different things about the web 3 ecosystem and vibing with the community.
Who else joins the podcast later on?
What is Heist's role in the podcast?
He is a guest and will have the opportunity to come up and talk later on.
What is the fun feature that Locals have in the conversation?
10 tweets can be pinned to the conversation for added context.
What is No Diggy's and Polaris' main goal for the podcast?
To acknowledge the people behind web 3 technology and the implications of web 3 on communities.
What is the profession of No Diggy?
He is a restaurant person and bartender.