EYEKON SHOWCASE: Friends & Family | Powered by @RollbitCom

Recorded: April 2, 2023 Duration: 3:48:33



what is happening everybody how are we doing on this beautiful beautiful sunday orange how are you my
good sir it's a little chilly it's a little chilly it's a little windy but uh the vibes are absolutely
immaculate very excited to dive into the show today i got a lot of phenomenal panelists a lot
of the homies we got bang we got cubs already up here i'm fucking pumped um but yeah dude how's
your sunday been yeah it's been been a weird one um obviously didn't miss uh didn't miss getting the
pump uh just been kind of proactively preparing for today's spaces um i didn't have my regulatory
dot which is why i'm outside now having that just as we kind of ease into this um but other than
that it's been it's been a good sunday i just walked past my brother's room and i do not see him
which is concerning maybe he ran off to lead a better life somewhere with more consistent
electricity um and access to the energy grid but uh cubs you my boy uh it's been forever since i
spoke to you last how are we yeah it's been it's been so long bro i'm doing good man just uh just
had a couple meetings earlier and ready to dive in happy to be here fuck yeah dude happy to have
you bang my brother how are we you know what's good everybody uh we're doing great today i already
spent uh about an hour on the beach here in l.a it's finally warm and uh the sun is out so people
are out in the sand guys get out there and get some uh sun on your face today fuck yeah dude
as i said bro toronto weather it's brisk i'm outside in a fucking trench coat right now
very chilly but the sun is out which is phenomenal kook fellow canadian what's going on brother
i like how you're like it's so sunny and nice and i was out in a trench coat
that's some real incel web 3 shit bro but dude that's some real canada shit what the fuck dude
it's march in canada okay i guess it's march yeah i'm in lisbon and it's like hot today
dude like i was out in a t-shirt and shorts all day and i was like kind of sweating um so yeah i don't
know i just pictured it being like that there but it's definitely way colder eh dude it's fridge
yeah i'm chilling like uh yeah i moved to lisbon yesterday happy to be on the spaces ready to
talk about some nft stuff uh for the audience this is hilarious orange sent me a message like
five minutes ago a dm on twitter and it says like hey uh something something you know we have
a big sponsor who i'm happy to be speaking on a stage that roll bit sponsored that's cool
but uh he's like don't say anything controversial and i'm assuming hey i agree with him i agree with
him i agree wholeheartedly i've been on a lot of spaces with you kook some of them get a bit wild
we're hoping tonight doesn't lean in that direction please and thank you sir
uh but i fully stand by that message we actually spoke about it just before before starting um and
it was a you know it was a joint decision listen bro i'm chilling now man i have a job now so i
can't even i can't even be too wild i gotta tone it down just a bit let's go i have a job as kook
so i mean they know i'm a bit of a weirdo but no that's here i mean bro listen you know like i
fuck with uh acquired taste dude i was holding a lot of frogs i fucked with the vision i fucked with
the kook vibes but uh you know this is a acquired taste bro i got the most followers here what do
you mean it's pretty broad dude we try to keep it uh we try to keep it as broad as humanly
possible um but but yeah dude i do want to say digi is is uh catching up to you though
oh yeah i was gonna say that's okay not for long not for long kook uh you won't be able
i mean i hate um if you want to fight we can i mean bare knuckle brawl something like that
yo i was a provincial champion boxer in 2018 like i'm not i've never been in a fight outside the
ring but i'm just saying like calling me out for a fight's probably not the move you know like
that's it's like disclosure i must make are you a lot of boxing experience no i mean that's the
thing i definitely can stab me or whatever i don't know how to do any of that but
and even fighting just take me down like if you know how to wrestle or do jujitsu like
probably just break my arm right away all i can do is box in a ring in front of three judges
after a weigh-in but i did that for a long time dude well uh at least we know you know
keep a little knife on you if you're going to fight kook apparently he's not invincible to
knives uh or other sharp objects i didn't know that honestly assumed uh he might have
a deflection technique in his back pocket but alex brother how are we how are things going over
at blocksmith labs hey it's been great it's none of work but enjoying it hell yeah happy to hear
it how's the sunday so far i've been in the meetings for the last three hours so
yep that's how it is no sundays no one days it's all the same hey dude if you're bullish i
mean if you're uh if your founder takes weekends off you know not a great look
bearish bearish on founders to take the weekend off but um we also have daily ruse up here
formerly known as syndicate network sock what's going on my brother dude what the fuck is good
dude thank you for having us up here definitely appreciate you guys we are the syndicate or
sorry not the syndicate ruse we're the daily ruse we got the news dude that's what it is
so uh yeah dude i'm just excited for today's conversation i'm looking forward to you know
chopping it up with y'all for sure brother hell yeah dude thank you for coming through
thanks for making some time on this glorious sunday digi go ahead so you know unlike uh
unlike normal elon is first thing us once again the co-host uh invite is not working so i'm just
going to drop down reset my app maybe throw my phone at the wall and then come right back in then
yeah so we're going to take a minute let digi figure shit out uh i'm piloting this alone
right now which means uh no parents no rules um i guess kook you can do whatever you want
actually take a nap back immediately don't take liberties with that matt what's happening
hey what up what up guys uh most of you i've seen in the spaces um kook's gonna have the most
followers until you pull jackie up i was actually checking everybody i'm gonna take over for that but
you know it's kind of a giveaway account wait that bro that's a giveaway account that shit doesn't
count i've never even tagged anyone ever somebody go search his timeline and see if he's ever tagged
anybody ever i feel like that's a low low r and r bet elo's not looking good uh jake
he's definitely a fucking stud uh first of all i've seen as jakey i'm just saying like the growth
is different like the pads are different you know you got to respect my number a little bit
differently that's all i'm saying oh jakey's my boy though i know he's canadian you you grind
like when you're commenting and talking and getting them through the spaces it's a lot easier
like you know we've we've done sales we did it freemen so i mean it's kind of cheating just
me saying that but you know um whatever i was on spaces and some guy used a paid tool to analyze
my account because he was like oh you probably haven't went to bots and i'm like no way i got
more engagement than anyone and i mean i've been bought shit and he ran it and the estimate on
the amount of fake accounts that follow me was like 1.4 percent he said it was the lowest he
ever seen so i'm just tweeting from my phone homie people just like it wait hold on
liquidity what i said did they have a stat to see how much exit liquidity follows you
no i mean i don't even really talk about projects and i don't even sell nft so i've never even
used anyone i am the exit liquidity man i bought like five d gods in the last 24 hours at 10
e bro dude for those of you who don't know kook had a ton of d gods uh before they were
expensive so that's fucking absolutely devastating actually i gave you one i literally man there's
a couple reasons like first of all someone showed this to me on my timeline the other day
like because i don't know how to find tweets like this is the bad thing about twitter you can't
find old stuff but someone pulled up this old tweet i wrote and like like it was like before
i had followers like it was one of the ways i got big i think but i did this tweet on d god
so i thought it was going to be like the biggest project in nft is like bigger than biyc and it was
like a thread like when i used to actually write smart shit and not just tweet fucking jokes
but uh yeah i was like it's going to be the biggest project in the whole space this is why
but this was like i don't know september 2021 or something or no it was after it might have been
like after the mint like a couple days after the minute or a couple weeks after the mint
but uh yeah i always like the project i let like i was highly critical of it like in the phbt days
in the dark days and because i had the most followers and like i was super well known in
the community and kind of d gods can kind of pile on you know like it's kind of a hive mind that's
something i don't like about d gods and so it was basically the community versus me i was saying
all this shit had to go you can't penalize sellers you have to motivate buyers all this
stuff they eventually fixed but like i went through this period of just like i was mad at
the project and i was like doing fucking give i paid people for hikaido in d gods like i gave
a bunch of people d gods i literally gave 18 away because i was using them as bonuses they
were like five six soul and i needed to keep the money in the project to use it for shit
like buying that casino and uh yeah i was like firing d gods around like it wasn't a thing
because i was pissed off at the project so yeah i gave 18 away but like then you watch these guys
and like i love that i had three um and i'm never gonna sell those three but i mean yeah man it's
like they're doing so good and now they're on eat and like everyone who's serious is eventually
gonna have to have one of these things and my entire thesis was fucking right it was perfect
and so now i'm like fuck it like you can borrow money on nfts i don't give a fuck i'm gonna go
levered long d gods i bought like five of them i'm at eight i'm gonna get to ten it'll take
me a couple days because it's like jarky loan dependent but yeah that was too long bro but
that's basically where i'm at with d gods full circle fuck it i want to go along i'll buy it
way higher because this price is gonna get like i'm telling you this shit's gonna work
this shit's gonna be huge dude it's nice to see the switch first of all second of all like i can
lay witness to him throwing around d gods like bonuses like crazy last last january i saw it
happen live i know people who are still holding them so yeah i mean that's not that's not even
capped dude which is fucking nuts but uh matt go ahead and then digi's got his hand up he's
also not sitting beside me in the co-pilot seat which makes me really sad i have a feeling
that elon is causing some deep difficulties for us today but matt go ahead yeah first off
that mf er but you know there's no issues in a twitter spaces and the whole thing is probably
a scam but um i've got a question for kook i mean you had such conviction with d gods
back when they first started um i kind of i'm kind of curious about what made you call that like
was it frank something about the project and the deeper question is is that criteria still
applicable today i mean with the industry changing so much big money coming in and
you know like things that worked last year aren't working this year so i'm kind of curious about
that that's a great fucking question man those are sick questions man okay so what did i see first
uh okay well the first thing easy and i'll get into why but i think the second thing
where you said is the criteria the same today i don't think it is i don't think you can build
the same kind of business or brand the same way uh or it's way harder because that leads me to the
first thing i think the thing that i saw was like i really liked frank um but like really early you
saw people turn d gods like into their online identity like more than anything else and way
faster than anything else um yeah dude like how many different projects are d something or like
their people's names on twitter or d this d that like and if you were like in the community and you
saw how much people cared about this shit and then frank was a really dynamic guy
even with the shit art like when people cared about art like the original d gods were hilarious
bro they looked like i mean they i mean there's way worse stuff right but like they weren't that
good like even d gods will like joke around about them but then i don't know man how he figured
out the social game theory stuff and like he was doing it early like way before dust
way before you it's like i just saw stuff i used to know him like i have the funniest dm from frank
i probably shouldn't talk about it but like the first dm he sent me and then my response is the
most fucking hilarious shit of all time i could probably like put it on twitter and i get a
billion likes but uh yeah like we were homies man me and frank like one time i got him rugged
for 25 grand because i found this private deal on an ohm fork and like we were both in like we
were both like let's do it let's do it and then we did it and i guess we raised enough in this
like private round to like buy half this fork that they didn't even go through with the the
broader rug and they just did a private like kook and frank rug and just ghosted the whole
thing like so but anyways i knew him pretty well and like i was watching i mean from the outside
you know it's not like we were like real friends but you know he was he was more accessible uh and he
liked me because i was talking about d god's a lot and i was getting people excited and i was doing
that because i like d god so i think i saw a lot of things early where i was like this guy's
different he's going to be able to pivot really well and then something about how he created the
project like people wanted to turn into their identity and like i didn't ever want to do that
i actually don't like using the d god pfp and i almost never talk about d gods like i'm going
to start again but i didn't want to be one of these guys that was like d god's one a about kook
is d god one b is kook like i'm like nah i'm gonna do my own thing um that's how powerful i saw the
brand and like yeah i think i was right about all that shit and i think like wab's done it well
like not quite the same like there's but frank's the fucking king dude and like
yeah it's harder and harder every day right as people are like around the space longer there's
more and more projects so to replicate it i think would be really tough unless they fuck it up
like he could fumble it right like it's early but uh yeah i don't think he does bro we've seen enough
gg good take bro solid take um i do have warden from our sound engineers we have
17 of them uh we're not going to be able to get digi up on co-host today which is a fucking travesty
but uh we do need to send the show off in proper fashion and uh get right into this
as we run it so digi why don't you fucking take us away there buddy absolutely absolutely um
yeah being not in the co-host seat kind of weird uh but i'm still going to hit you guys with it
uh just before we get into the the intro of the space there's a little purple button at the
bottom of your screen uh hit that give it a little tickle uh go drop a like retweet and comment get the
space out there get a pop and get some friends in um good job let's get right into the intro so
welcome back to the icon showcase we are obviously your hosts digi and orange and this show is
proudly sponsored by rollbit uh rollbit is crypto's most innovative casino try your luck in a
multitude of casino games sportsbooks nft gambling nft loans and futures trading with up to a
thousand x leverage is available and you can play today with your favorite coins during tonight's
show we will be giving out a total value of 500 in rollbit codes generously put up by rollbit
so stick around and get lucky just a quick little disclaimer before we get going the codes will be
distributed on a first come first serve basis so have those trigger fingers ready baby let's get
right into it orange dude i also want to add that the codes today are the highest level of
comedy that we've ever experienced with our codes um as long as we've been doing this smoky
continues to just push the envelope on how he can squeeze a little diss track into like fucking
15 characters but uh absolutely a master at it um speaking up smoky how are we today yeah i'm not
too bad you know i'm not too bad at all i've been combating some serious fudge over the last
week but you know we're on top of it now it's the same you know it comes in waves it comes in waves
and you know we always come out better and you know you debunk it and then next time there's
fudge you've got stuff to reference to debunk future fudge so it's great yeah flooding rollbit
seems like a comical waste of time i don't like you know i don't know what people are hoping to
find but that is fucking hilarious we're glad you're here uh rain fight what's happening
who's behind the account today hey guys it's 10 rugs how's it going
going well going well thank you for coming up today excited to dig into it um alex i saw you
had your hand up and you dropped off there do you have anything you want to say before we dive
into the first project i'm not i was just uh i was gonna talk about coop i remember him being
as an absolute menace and a troll uh in the early discord he got days i was a mod back then
and he was impossible to contain he was supportive but he was also a big big troll man i remember those
days i'm just gonna mention that yeah i remember that's why we put down the disclaimer
fuck man my mic i'm like the greatest troll in the history of the internet dude like
i was trolling before the internet i'm 38 like i was a class clown i've always been a troll
i actually have to keep it a bit more like now that i have this big account i can't troll and
i don't want to be a dick i was like a benevolent troll like i don't really want to attack people
but yeah that's cool man i'm glad you remember that that's sick those were the days man i can't
i don't even go in discord anymore like i got too much shit to do bro cook the benevolent
troll that's a line dude absolutely but uh i'm thinking we dive into things early on with
the homie cubs uh from udao chat a little bit about what you got going over there also because
we can't get digi onto the co-host spot because elon is fucking pegging us um we are gonna have
to do a little bit of rotation games so please nobody get offended if we move you down we're
gonna bring you back up um but you know panel's smaller by one spot which makes everything a
little bit more difficult for us cubs why don't we get right into it you know digi orange
appreciate you guys for having me on uh always an honor to be on the show love hanging out with you
guys uh udao it's been in the works around two years now uh a d rug did originally from a project
on east that was uh the second rug i ever like lost my money on and that kind of motivated me
to you know make the project better and and do it right and since then uh we've gone through
a bunch of different iterations of uh utility and kind of the vision and we mentioned in august of
last year currently i focus on securing like quality presale and private sale opportunities
for the holders and then providing a critical analysis of each opportunity with uh internal
amas with the founders of those projects and twitter spaces that i've been hosting for around
a year now yeah dude just sort of off the top like i've been a udao holder for a long time
we've been friends for a tremendously long time definitely one of my best homies in the space
by far so i'm not unbiased for anyone who's listening right now but uh what i do want to say
quickly is i mean the the pre-sales in the alpha that i've been able to get in udao probably
constitute like 60 and i'm being so fucking dead serious because i'm a terrible trader probably at
least 60 of the money i've made like in the market in this space um if not maybe even more
not gonna lie uh yeah cubs you do a great job vetting projects and bringing in solid
opportunities for people um i'm gonna hand it over to mech.com uh and then we'll get into some
questions yeah bro um i just wanted to give another shout out to cubs uh back when before
i even started doing these twitter spaces udao was the first one that i ever went on and
honestly i was horrible like i sounded like an accountant on an earnings report call
and you know just talking to him some of the other dudes on salana like i got way better at
it i mean honestly like i do these every wednesday for mech and you know i am biased cubs is a savage
and all of you guys need to have a udao nft oh dude thank you for saying that because i can't
say it on my own show but yeah fully concur and support that uh conclusion there uh cubs is an
animal and he works super duper hard but uh just before i hand it over to kook i want to ask you
like from a preliminary vetting and screening and and like research uh perspective how do you
find these projects how do you get in contact with them how do you establish a rapport and how do you
pull like so many high value in demand whitelist and pre-sales for the community um i have a really
really um you know high high quality alpha team working with me and a lot of the holders actually
are like constantly requesting projects that they want me to go and secure spots for so it's a
mix of like stuff i see upcoming in like the different groups i'm in and i kind of like
cross check uh based off of like if there's interest in say monkey dao or dks and then
i'll go on and secure an opportunity based on that um but yeah and and then for the vetting process i
um mainly i would see like main differentiators what makes them unique and kind of like the
the value propositions for for uh pre-sale mentors and making sure that the pre-sale terms are
favorable to people participating phenomenal bro thank you kook go ahead hey i just wanted to
say hi to cubs because yeah the last time i talked to him he kicked me off his face it's the only time
i've been kicked off his face so nice to talk to you bro you should go back on one day i got you
brother that was that was just um that was a bit wild but i i got you it business i was also on
the face and kook that's why i sent you the message again for the third time since you
brought it up i can just keep referencing the dm now which is hilarious but yeah dude that is
that is the prime reason as a matter of fact uh digi how are we doing with the technical
difficulties over there i can confirm i do not see a co-host invitation as of yet um so it looks
like i'm just one of the panelists today thanks for having me sounds good i feel like uh an absolute
tyrant right now i will be abusing my power as i see fit um but yeah cubsy just to sort of zoom
back in i think one of the other things that makes udao really valuable um from my perspective
as a holder is the network of holders that you've accrued in there there's some like
absolutely like devastatingly heavy hitters in there there are a lot of very smart guys
there are a lot of very successful people in web 2 and in web 3 and uh even just getting to sit
in on amas where you know you're seeing like 70 75 of the holdership pull up very much becomes like
an intensive conversation um you pull a lot of alpha and i i find out of all the amas i attend
um i usually pull the most value out of yours but it's because of that sort of community
contribution aspect right so um i'd like to know and i'm sure the rest of the audience
and panel are curious how do you curate um you know such a such a well-defined um and capable but
also diverse community that's a really that's a really good question um so i i began curating the
community uh about two or three months ago kind of come up with a different approach for the future
of udao and i really want to go for people that are you know care about moving the space forward
and you can tell like they're here every day they they are passionate about what they do
and it doesn't matter what you do like you can there's so many broad um people in our in our
group and that's what makes it so cool like one of our members he's making this uh like trading
card platform where you can sell like pokemon cards with crypto and uh that's gonna like run
a partner with him maybe like down the line when he gets it launched uh in a couple months
but that's like this is a bunch of people building cool shit and i really like helping each
other um and yeah just uh high quality interactions trying to keep it uh talking as much as possible
about all the opportunities and you know absolutely bringing together like the sorry go ahead
sorry uh just bringing people together to work on cool shit and there's a lot of uh opportunities
in the space for like say you can find like a couple jobs there's always people in new projects
making new shit that are hiring they're uh setting their their invites so you'd out first
some of them it's pretty cool stuff like that yeah dude absolutely there's also like a large
percentage of the of the holdership that is like legitimate founders of like successful long-term
projects which i think contributes pretty heavily to like the general group perspective on new things
that are coming out and how they're evaluated and vetted um did you go ahead and then we're
gonna bump it down to sock yeah dude absolutely like being able to kind of walk this journey
with you and see what you've been able to build um has been you know nothing short of incredible
um if i sold nfts probably would have been able to make a lot of money
off of you know the white list and pre-sells and stuff like that but you know i just don't know how
to do that yet haven't gotten that far in the you know the nft web three syllabus getting there
slowly it's kind of difficult when you don't know how to read but you know i know people that have
made a lot of money in there and you know i hope to one day be one of them yeah you know
they say profit is profit uh sorry orange that means cut you off there no dude i was just
gonna say selling nfts for losers bro if you're selling nfts i don't know like what you're even
doing uh but daily daily rue sock go ahead yeah man i did actually have a question for our brother
at you down here so you mentioned you've been making this happen for quite a while
right your endeavor stemmed out of a rug that you'd been involved not involved within as a team
but you know recoup it right derugging you know making that happen and i'm interested in knowing
throughout your journey what has been your favorite moment working on you down so far
oh that's a really good question um i'm gonna have to think on that for a second
but probably you know seeing all the holders come together and really like participate in each
ama and like show up and ask questions and kind of like really care about the quality of the
opportunities and um how how like i've seen us avoid rugs many times because we've done our
actual like proper due diligence on stuff and it just like it makes me proud you know
absolutely enormous w did you go ahead can confirm co-host still not working we are
exasperating all options but you know until that point i'll just be here uh but cubs what i wanted
to ask is you know we've obviously orange and i've had an inside look at at what's what the past has
looked like what now looks like but for the people in here uh what does the future look like what's
coming next what are you working on that is a great question too um so recently just hired a twitter
intern he's going to focus on onboarding uh new people and getting fresh eyes on the project
also got a lore writer it's going to be helping me flesh out the lore for something i'm working on
that i'll get to next and then uh also i'm working on new branding kit to give it like a fresh
fresh look to the to the dow and uh yeah that that's kind of short term plans and then mid-term
mid to long term would be uh working on a pixel pfp collection that's going to be a freemen
to uh the holders of the genesis
did you can confirm that your new intern does fuck tremendously at this rate uh you know the
the icon intern will be interning for every project that exists in this ecosystem and he will just be
fighting himself across many different accounts which is kind of bullish we you know we love that
um but yeah very very excited for for this this new the new new that's uh that's on the way con
can't wait for that but you know i just wanted to give you your flowers dude you're one of the
the most hard-working people and you know very proud to call you a homie thank you bro i really
i really got a lot of love for you guys been some of my best friends in this space for
over like what a year and a half now and i honestly i don't think i would be where i am
without you guys hey yo no i i think the feeling's mutual dude we wouldn't be where we are without
you i mean yeah cubs is one of the most honest people in this space if nothing else like integrity
and hard work i think like absolutely exemplary um so yeah i mean follow him if you don't that's
an L um and and reach out and you know buy a you know if you have the liquidity just to have
a look around see what it's like in there i don't think you'll regret it um but yeah cubs anything
you uh you want to leave the people off with before we move on to our very next guest uh yeah
i can drop some alph on the pfp so the it's going to be comprised of a bunch of one-of-one
artists from across the space that are going to be helping me make uh traits and one-of-ones
for the collection uh lead artist is going to be outcast and um yeah that's that's what i'll say
for now that is some spicy alph on my boy thank you for sharing that did you go ahead
yeah when when wireless please give pre-sale um i'm going to need about 50 spots for myself to dump
on pours oh no just kidding i don't sell so i just need 50 spots um i'd like to add to the
collection so if you can hook that up right into my dms that would be much appreciated
the way we're going to do it actually is um if you hold three of the genesis you'll get a
free airdrop or i want to work out a way to kind of gamify it so it's more of like a fun claim
um and if you hold one rare that's a one-to-one drop so i think you misunderstood me i wasn't
asking how it works i was just saying just hook me up please uh please and thank you um that that
might be how it works for everyone else but uh you know we'll we'll do some backhand deals
yeah hit me up in the house bro we'll talk um but thanks for the thought guys i really
appreciate you guys bro of course there's always a spot on this panel for you
like for real cubs is one of the greatest human beings i've had the pleasure of meeting in this
space like just as a man and as a friend so yeah absolute utmost respect to him i want to welcome
up jay and then i want to welcome up and move on to nam thank you nam for coming through jay
what's happening oh i'm just chilling dude just got off work just got home rolled into the icon
space you know we had to do it to him big shout out to cubs if we're sucking his dick i
want to join in i can't wait for our like 12-hour road trip in two weeks cubs
bro i'm so excited dude i can't fucking wait i'm sorry digi i'm sorry bro i love you
bro this this has to come this quickly no no no no we're not going to do this i might
be just a panelist i might not be a co-host but we're not doing this right now
i didn't even i didn't even say the word i didn't even say it no one said it
i'm gonna say it digi you have a second to cover your ear bro new york is gonna be
fucking so much fun this year i'm dying to see all the boys cubsy excited to meet you
jay excited to meet you excited to meet everybody who's gonna be there uh digi you were supposed
to cover your ears i don't know why those thumbs are down i don't want my friends to
have any fun without me um so you know uh i'm not gonna say i hope it sucks but um i hope you
guys stub your toes and stuff like that thanks for that much appreciated very kind um but i i also
i want to move on to nom before i do i just quickly want to say a ton of our friends and
regular guests are requesting to come up here we are working to let you up we're working with
one less spot than usual everything's fucked digi is not co-hosting i'm alone i'm afraid i
don't know where i am might have wet myself but yeah just please be patient jay what's happening
i volunteer to co-host pull me up here in turn all right dude this is getting spicy we do
genuinely need to plug someone into co-host uh maybe maybe just uh just maybe throw a roll bit
into into the co-host and i will just be here with the people i'll be down in the trenches
um you know we out here dude the trenches is where we belong but nom brother thank you very
much for taking this time on a sunday to come chat with us how are you dude i'm doing good man
sundays are are for learning so i'm figuring out from cook how i can steal some more engagement
and followers and watching arbitrum justified four million dollars for illegal foundation
so it's been uh it's been a good day i hope you're all doing well hey dude absolutely doing
phenomenal thank you for that i mean we also know that uh kook is a long time jay patton
an arbitrum lover uh so i wish he was up here to say something about that unfortunately he's not
uh but digi what's happening you know i just wanted to give a quick little special thank you
to nom i know you were very very busy today uh when we were chatting about this and you
said you'd make some time for us and yeah just wanted to say appreciate you and appreciate you
taking the time mate not a problem at all you guys everybody in the space is busy it's not
i'm just uh i'm glad you guys reached out and wanted to have me out surprise people still
want to hear from me this is good dude and humble as they come dude i've also heard
actually nom not to put you on the spot but i have heard that you're one of if not the most
handsome man in salona nfts uh so i mean we're looking at a full package here boys and girls
but we do have some pressing matters on the table mom uh with regards to monkey dao uh which you
are ceo of um would you mind going into a little bit um the the the i don't even know what to call
it the the acquisition strategy i guess what's going on you know you knew this was gonna happen
i'm sorry i don't mean to blindside you but uh yeah i was wondering if we could dig into that
process at all i appreciate it usually people buy me dinner first but we might as well dive
right into this as quickly as we can we don't do that yeah we don't do that yes sir
no the the biggest thing obviously is i mean for anyone who's not aware of monkey drama and i
totally understand if anyone's tuned it out over the course of the last little bit um things have
not been all well in the world since uh the 80s swap kind of acquisition of smb um what i think
everyone really wants is for the you know people who are holding these nfts to really be able to
decide the future of it and for them to be able to you know vote and decide on on what people want
and uh right now i think the the kind of haiti's governance solution isn't the right way um it's
just a bunch of people with with different incentives and different goals of voting on a
lot of things around these nfts so um basically as of last week we inside of monkey dao basically
organized a proposal one or one or two proposals are one of which is around kind of the
original monkey dao collection which i think ricky is chatting with mark colecer about
right now as as we speak um you'll probably see some more information on that coming out
from a much better speaker than myself uh on monday or tuesday but the goal is that we really
just want to make it so that people who own smbs are able to make decisions around the collection
it's been the goal of the dao since the start what we're trying to to push forward and the
haiti swap organization is aligned with it so big thank you to the guys like raar and scaly mode and
omni man who have been working with me over the course of the last few days getting things
a little bit closer to ready for the community of monkey holders to be you know deciding on what
they want both inside of monkey down and outside of it um it's uh it's a good twitter uh rallying
point and discussion point for everyone involved and always glad to be the the center of attention
every once in a while but i think it's at the point of uh getting to a positive end and the
less threads coming out around it we'll see howl yeah did you go ahead yeah dude like uh for one
i'm excited to have this come to you know some sort of a culmination uh where we can just move
past it there's been a lot of a lot of bozos in my dms telling me to sell my monkey and i'm like bro
just get the fuck out of here this monkey is literally me um it will never change from this
and yeah i mean i know it's been a bit of a bit of a rocky road uh for the holders and i mean
especially for you guys up there in the kind of the management level uh but i you know i just
wanted to give flowers where they do um i know this has probably been an extremely you know
tedious and strenuous kind of back and forth and uh yeah i just wanted to say appreciate
what you're doing what you're doing for us bro of course no it's um you know positive negative
feedback all these things considered um for whatever reason these little pixelated monkeys everybody
loves talking about them and uh really identifies them with the space and i think they're you know
kind of the the soul of salona at some point where you know we love arguing with each other and we
love uh figuring out the right way to do things and then moving forward in the right direction i
think we're we're just at the point now where we can all start rowing together and uh moving
forward and there's still more things that need to happen with with monkey dows and org to continue
doing a little bit better job of providing value for everyone who is the holders i think uh i
mean cook and i had more of those conversations a while ago um in in public and private forums
but i mean the the situation around like clannosaurs and a few other projects i think
have shown a much clearer direction in what people are looking for and what they want to be
rewarded by uh so like i said sunday is for for learning and from figuring out some some
new strategies for the new week but hopefully we'll be chatting positively in new york where
i will see as many of you as i can oh fuck yeah dude that sounds delicious i'm also going
to be in new york so i'm definitely going to try and hunt you down also very glad that you guys are
you know working through different things to see what's going to work i like how you said that
monkey that was sort of like the the spirit or the soul of this space because i think a lot of
bystanders who don't have like actual skin in the game in terms of owning a monkey are like very
invested in what's happening here because it does feel like monkeys are sort of like this this
paragon of like what salona is supposed to be and a lot of you know our best and brightest
are members of monkey dao and i think people really really gravitate towards that um but i
was curious about your take on one thing and then i have like no more real hardball questions
um you know monkey dao it was sort of spoken about and i'm 99 sure this is public information
so i hope i'm not doing anything fucky walky right now feel free to cut me off if i am
but uh there was like um an option to start a second collection for monkey dao uh to sort
of appropriate if things don't go well and you know i've been thinking about it a lot because
obviously without a shadow of a doubt monkey dao is what gives smb its value right obviously the
ownership has done absolutely fuck all um this entire time and and the dao is really what carries
that value from a social and utility standpoint but i am curious um this collections on salona uh
plays into like you know that vibe and sort of that culture and the way people view it from the
outside um and i do be oh my god i do be thinking i am thinking uh frequently about how much a switch
to a new collection uh you know would impact that sort of perception right because it's no longer
like this very old long-standing thing um even though the dao is still there the bones are still
there the spirit is still there um you know the vehicle has changed to something that's new and
doesn't have the same pedigree so i was wondering what your take on that is um what do you think
you know the the intrinsic value of having you know this sort of historic uh collection
represent you guys is and you know do you think there would be a big impact uh if you were to
switch yeah i think the the easy situation to to say is that everybody wants to be the the
crypto punk of salona right and our our closest uh comparison to that is the creatures you know
it could be the solarians it could be a handful of other projects um for whatever reason um during
the the early you know august september 2021 days people went to daa they went to smb they went to
thugbirds and a few other collections like arori and everything else started to get to the point where
those were the strong communities that exist um just being around for for years is not enough for
everybody to just want to to acquire something right it doesn't mean it's not an interesting
historical artifact but nobody in here is is talking about what uh you know like the
digital art around abstractica is worth because it was early enough on chain a lot of this has
to do with the value of people inside of the communities the value of perceived uh you know
prestige and the idea of you know what owning a certain nft is um you know nobody i think really
goes to something like let's bring up d gods for an example right there's still a very early
salona collection but no one talks about that because of them being early a lot of people
talk about them because of other values i think the monkeys are valuable because they were in
you know that august 2021 area right before salona nft has really exploded
um but most of it is because of the people who make that organization very impactful
and the the benefit of that is it means that you don't have to be a old long-standing nft
collection order to have value or for people to want to be a part of it um it means that anybody
can you know acquire a top spot like that you're seeing plenty of people do that right now and
like i'm old enough here to remember when we were the most valuable nfts on chain by a long shot
and now we're you know chilling in kind of the number three spot if you're looking at something
like market capitalization um those are those are benefits those are good uh it's useful to shake
things up the the biggest thing around the idea of a new collection is that especially if it gets
to the point where we're unsuccessful and you know this acquisition or purchase agreement
there's only so long that you can really keep working on increasing the value of something
that you don't own and are trying to buy um that's more so of what the the change for monkey
dog i think would be is like if it gets to the point where we're not able to acquire this
asset or be a part of it we have to start pushing on different levers for value creation
because we're not getting paid by anybody right now right like where there's no royalty streams
there's no revenue sharing or anything from hades there hasn't been for for months and you know
even previous to that with the with the old acquisition um and there's a lot of things that
people want to see from from monkey down and from smb and there's questions from holders about
like you know why is stuff like merch not free right as an example or why are there certain costs
associated with things like monkey ventures um in terms like why is that not all free or preferential
or why are we not doing any number of things and a lot of that is is capital dependent um but it's
also just because you have a ton of people who are volunteers right now who are doing a fantastic
job but they don't have that next level they don't have that next step or that value
incentive to really keep pushing as heavily as they can because not only are they getting money
they're having you know capital that they can actually start deploying to these initiatives that
they don't want to do it's easier when you have a budget that you're starting from like most nft
projects with a mint and then figuring things out as you go along it's much more difficult when
you have a bunch of stuff that you've already planned out and now you're trying to figure out
how to fund it because something changed over the course of the last few months it's me talking
way too long sorry this should be more question and answer sort of thing no no dude
that was first of all phenomenal phenomenal answer thank you for going in depth on it
um but yeah digi digi's hand was up did you go ahead yeah so just just coming off the back of
that and talking about this whole this whole like number one spot the gods leaving all of all
of that you know all that kind of nuance things um do i mean this might be a stupid question but
is this something that that you and the team are pushing towards or like to be that number
one spot again um or are there kind of other things on the priority list and you know it'll
come when it comes um because i mean it's been up in the air a lot a lot of uh kind of uh market
participants have been speculating who's going to take that uh take that number one spot but no
no project has kind of outright said you know we are gunning for this and we're not stopping
until we do so just wanted to wanted to get your take on that and if it's something that you guys
you know are working towards or if it's on the back burner a little bit i think everybody's been
been waiting for the the top dog right now to finish the transition before they start
pushing forward as happily as they can but i mean the the goal has always been making you know
monkey dow and by extension smb you know the premier collection on salona the organization that
you want to be a part of regardless of whatever the perks that you're looking for being offered
you know we want to make sure that we are that collection on salona i think that's always been
the goal there's been a bunch of things where you know sometimes we got in our own way sometimes
things didn't break our way and sometimes you know we could have done things better um but the goal
has always been to be the premier collection on on salona that's i think the first line on the
on the website and one of the first things in the mission statement we're working to get back
to that we've just got a little bit more uh more work to do and a little bit of restructuring to
sort of yeah dude absolutely that makes that makes me very very happy to hear um but yeah excited to
excited to see the journey and yeah just super excited to kind of get over this get over this
this hill or the speed bumps that we are currently stuck on um but just before just before we uh
rotate out i think orange has and one more question and then we'll uh we'll head on to the next one
i definitely do um so and i'm glad nam you touched on sort of volunteers guys like you
and i'm not sure if ricky is still like working in a formal capacity but i know ricky was um you
know volunteering a lot of his time to to help rectify a lot of this stuff and work towards
better future for monkeys um you obviously now as acting ceo um not only is that a volunteer
position you're not getting paid but you're also putting a position where you're you're having to
make like quick um in terms of like time uh quick turnaround decisions uh you know unilaterally but
representing like a big group of people um a you know what's it like sort of volunteering your time
to to try and you know better the situation for monkeys and and take the lead um in fixing
things but also what's it like being put in that position where you know that you know the
weight of your decisions are impacting a lot of your compatriots
i mean i'm i'm happy that the narrative is shifting from monkeys are too slow and never do anything to
we're moving too fast and need to take a little bit of time to uh to reassess i think that's a
that's a good sign that the pendulum can move um but i mean monkey down in general right is
is something where i think myself and jemmy and a few others get a lot of the public praise
but there's you know a solid team of i think we're at like 57 contributors that we've we've
highlighted in kind of our our team structure there's been you know more and less over time
with how a lot of these things have worked it's designed because there's a ton of people who care
about it who love putting in you know hours a day to work on this and i'd love to get to the
point where they're all being you know compensated in some way shape or form that's they feel is fair
to them for the effort that they put in and some of that is is recognition just understanding like
that there are a ton of people other than me who are doing things for monkey dao that that's
really where i want to get it to and i'm happy to take you know any of the the backlash around
decisions or around structure or things that monkey dao are doing that's that's part of the job
that's one of the things that i signed on for and that i wanted to do i'm always happy to
take you know the criticism as a volunteer ceo that's that's something i'll side on for my for
my daily paycheck but the biggest thing that i just want people to know is there's a there's a
ton of people who've put in you know 18 months of their life whether it's in a volunteer or in a
full-time capacity to try and make this collection this organization great and that's all they want to
do that it's not ulterior motives there's nothing else the goal is to make the monkey jpeg the
best thing that exists on salona and they're going to keep working on that as hard as they can
i'm just trying to make it so that they have a bit more of a champion in public
and that they have the ability to do the things that they want to do
absolutely bro heavy is the head that wears the pirate hat in this case not the crown um
but i had two just two little quick questions one might be might turn into something bigger
than it is but obviously you know nft nyc coming up um can people without monkeys you know expect
anything uh parties things things of that nature and then yeah i mean when when we were chatting
kind of leading up to this you would you spoke a little bit about bonk do you want to touch on
that at all or do you want to let that one lie for for a while yeah i can chat more on both i
just feel that i don't want to take up too much time i know there's a ton of uh speakers and
people who can you know talk about their projects and things that they're working on i don't want to
monopolize your guys's space uh the quick answer is there's probably going to be multiple monkey
events we did that last year for nftnyc went really really well i'm hoping to redo that this
year we're just sorting out of things for a couple more sponsors and you'll probably see some
some ticketing and some information around that on tuesday i believe is getting it's getting released
just just on that note since i will unfortunately not be at nftnyc can i lend orange my monkey
so that he can get into these events and chill with the cool kids or what are what are the kind
of uh constraints on that one yeah i think you can pull that off fairly easily uh as long as he
funnels back whatever we're giving away uh back to you i don't want i want orange to be holding
onto it until he gets his own monkey i've been telling him every day i've been telling him each
and every day he's like whoa there's so much fun i'm like now is the time to buy now is the time to
buy now okay that's cap that's cap i'll drop receipts bro i'll drop receipts we were supposed
to buy all together remember what happened yeah bro hold on hold your horses but what did i say
now we have to go over yeah am i a bad trader absolutely did i hold off on buying monkeys above 200
absolutely is it looking better now fucking absolutely i don't understand where the beef
is coming from um but also yeah i desperately want to monkey monkeys at 120 to never forget
never forget never yeah that was brutal get it yes i won't i won't forget it nom for for some
context there uh we were supposed to buy monkeys when ftx happened and it was shitting
the bed and digi was like let's just fucking eat right now and uh you know we we had fun set aside
and everything and uh i was like nah bro they're they're gonna get below 100 people are shitting
their pants they think the market's gonna fucking go to hell in a hand basket i want to buy the
bottom of the spot obviously uh didn't catch the dead cat fucking got priced out immediately
within three days uh and you know that's that's how we like to rock it around here expert trader
um like buy a vast margin but i do have one more question for you and also you're definitely not
monopolizing the space i just want to get that out there i think like you know not not to aggrandize
anything but i think like the weight of decisions that you make and a lot of the things that you're
personally and professionally involved in um like the effects of them are felt around the ecosystem
you know pertaining to bonk and smb right both create a lot of momentum have created a lot of
liquidity um and so i think these are things that everyone is invested in hearing um actually i'll
pass it to digi and then i'll throw my last question out yeah no i wanted to say this this
is a marathon please don't think you're monopolizing anything we appreciate your time and you know
the weight of your words uh all the words that you say have a lot of weight and you know can
teach a lot of people so we we appreciate you on that one uh just quickly you know you were
talking about engagement earlier uh if you're not following nom go and do it go like his shit
drop some drop some comments and retweets turn these post notifications on he's a he's a gigabrain
um and you know you can take a lot uh from from what he puts out there so definitely
definitely do that thanks digi your checks in the mail appreciate it of course of course you
know you know we got those on lock um uh yeah i'll drop the address and you know alongside the
check those five monkeys that we spoke about i'll uh i'll see what i can do
that's how that's what we love to see orange is only getting one of them
all right thank you for that much appreciated i'll continue being monkey-less
but uh no just quickly i did want to sort of touch on um the grants that have been
you know coming out of bonk uh recently you guys have been you know giving bonk grants
to a lot of cool builders and projects um i know like we know uh chris from international space
monkey space odyssey uh fairly well and i know that you guys gave them a grant and i mean
fucking shut up chris because he's literally one of the most dedicated people to solana
and to solana game probably the most i'm underselling it the most dedicated motherfucker
to gaming on solana in this space um and so i was curious how do you like choose people
to give these grants to and i mean to begin with what made you want to start giving grants to
all of these projects yeah the biggest thing um and this comes from a lot of long conversations with
foundations and grant organizations that you might have experienced in the space is
there's a lot of teams that just need a little bit of help to get started
and they're they're having a hard time either finding initial funding or you know just ways
that they can get their message out there um the the grand vision for bonk grants is something that
i really want to get started once this uh this legal organization for the bonk dao actually gets
formally set up which i'm hoping is in the first week of april i'm assuming that lawyers do not
continue fucking me but the plan is really of just like this coin was entirely designed to
just help get solana out of a death spiral it was designed to just be a liquidity incentive for
making cool shit on soul and rewarding people who are still here and were suffering through
you know everything post fdx that's why we did it um the continuing mission is going to be you
know how do we make bonk a useful currency that hopefully goes up in positive metrics that are
definitely not price um but the idea around how it supports as many people as possible on solana
and ideally beyond um and brings more people back to solana um so imso is one of those things where
we saw the opportunity to help out um and get it to the point where we can get bonk a little
bit more involved in the gaming side of things help out with few little development things that
they're looking to push out and cover a little bit of a shortfall and that's that's really what i
want to keep doing with bonk i'm hoping to make it a little bit more open to the community so it's
a lot more transparent uh and it's as well as you know as we go through fixing the last little bits
and pieces of the original distribution that uh still need to be sorted out so the goal is
if people want to make cool shit on solana we can pay them in bonk hopefully that also helps bonk
and continues to to bring traction back to the overall ecosystem as uh as what should be the
dominant l1 uh and we're hoping to get it there bro i'm just gonna say it nom doesn't fucking
miss nom literally never misses ever that's like beautiful first of all um and actually small
follow-up question how did you design bonk so well um you know there are a lot of fucking
altcoin and shitcoin and i'm not calling bonk a shitcoin but there are a lot of like altcoin
launches uh that are obviously designed to to alleviate pressure um designed to to increase
liquidity drive into an ecosystem and it fucking never goes the way it's supposed to people abuse
it um you know there are quickly sort of methods found to to uh self-gratiate instead of um you
know helping an ecosystem or or making a market more attractive for people to participate in
what was it like sort of architecting the the release of bonk um and what was it like watching
it work out like fucking exactly i would say obviously behind the scenes probably not exactly
but um more or less exactly how you wanted uh yeah bonk was supposed to be something that
you know hit a couple million dollar market cap and was like 50 bucks for christmas like you
you open your stocking and you get a lot of scratcher and that's how much bonk you
you get to go try it out in 20 30 different protocols and we increase some tvl and we
increase some positive user metrics uh did not expect it to go to 500 million market cap
and then didn't expect it to go down a lot more so i don't think it's perfect by any means i think
there's a lot of things that i would have changed and done better in retrospect but it was a you know
project that a few different people were were working through and a team was just trying to
help save soul um so now we've got another you know few years worth of investing not only for
grants but also for things like the dao for releasing tokens and getting it into the hands
of everybody and then ideally it'll be a community rewards protocol it's been it's been great to see
um like all of the the positive reaction to it um honestly it's also been great to see some of
the negative reactions to bonk because there were a lot of things that i didn't consider or could
have been you know doing a lot better so hopefully more teams learn from what bonk did
well and they also learned from uh what bonk could have done a lot better and just the
general token launches on salona improve a bit um if all that really comes out of bonk is you know
uh an airdrop that's worth like 30 million dollars right now i'm pretty fucking happy
with that compared to compared to everything else in this space so i mean i just have a
quick question it might be for me it might be for a friend um will there be you know can
people expect any more airdrops uh if you fumbled the first you know handful tremendously and in you
know amazing fashion is there anything that we can look forward to in that uh or or the airdrops
kind of uh dunzo yeah the uh the long-term message is you know when we were pushing this
through in eight hours on christmas eve uh there's an about eight percent of the the airdrops that
failed that there was also some problems with like the open book one that jupiter put out a whole
thread on i won't rehash it so you might wake up one day in the next little little bit and have
more bonk than you were expecting just because you should have been credited in any ways and
there's probably a variety of different ways that we can use what exists inside of the treasury for
rewards but that'll be up to bonk holders to kind of decide if they want another airdrop if they
want it dispersed or anything they they want done that way we basically just have to finalize the
last little bit and install the foundation and we're good to go on using it for more rewards
but luckily that will not be a me decision i will leave that up to the community
yeah i mean just just on that you can throw a little bit of bond in with that check that
you spoke about earlier um and secondly i just want to say do you ever take a day off do you
sleep do you rest uh what do you do in your downtime so if there is any um because yeah
i mean it sounds it sounds like we've got the modern day superhero out here nah i um i really
want to get back to uh see my family a bit more i'd love to go back to boxing and a few other
things that i was doing when i had more time um but i don't i just fucking love this space
i like working on shit i like uh trying to figure out how to make people happy so
it's a lot better than my previous jobs even if i'm not getting paid so i'm uh i'm happy here
no uh no real need for days off bro what a fucking what a bullish response i love that knob i think
there are a lot of people working in this ecosystem who share that sentiment um we are
about to shift off to our next guest i think we've taken up more than enough of your time but
is there anything you want to leave the panel or the listeners off with before we shift
no i'll be um i'll be showing for a couple more hours here i moved everything to to listen and
to to learn from a few other people before i go see some family um and take care of them tonight
so i'm just happy to listen in here and if you guys have anything that you would love to see
from from monkeys or from bonk or things that you think we can do better in any way
maybe i'm always happy to to chat i don't respond immediately but i will always make sure that
i get back to you can can can definitely confirm it does take about two to three working days
but he does get to it and just on behalf of nom let me say reject humanity return to fucking
monkey uh but nom thank you so much for your time we appreciate you uh but we are going to
rotate in before we do um if you haven't already gone and followed nom uh there's a little purple
button at the bottom of your screen click that it takes you to a whole new world where you can like
retweet and comment on these spaces link uh helps to get into the algo helps us get in front of
more people and yeah helps helps uh continue the growth and we we appreciate it a lot
absolutely i'll uh i'll step down and uh thanks for for listening to me chat shit for half an hour
thank you for taking the time to come chat shit with us for half an hour dude always welcome your
seat is always warm uh we actually have digi sitting on it 24 seven just in case you want
to pop through it's never going to be cold um but yeah dude deeply appreciate it all right looking
forward to hearing from all the other panelists guys thanks for the time hell yeah brother thank
you all right i think uh first of all we need to welcome sugar up uh because sugar baby we
love you how are you yo this is making me feel a little bit uncomfortable being called baby and
shit but yeah guys uh fucking nice can't miss uh icon showcase so yeah excited to be on
porko porko yes yes i forgot i forgot my bad my bad you you already know what it is
sug we love you we appreciate you thank you for being here um and yo i mean how's your sunday
honestly man uh fucking went uh got an impertivo a little spritz and life's looking nice so
doing some chores now tomorrow we start marketing spire and we take over fucking suey
we will be fucking unapologetic not not to the point of bastards on solana bro those guys are
savages i saw that like i was the engagement farming them today and the fucking intern came
at me and he's like like you're the biggest bastard or some shit like that and i'm like
fuck dude you fucking get i mean he he ain't lying like bro he was they're one of those projects
that have shit fucking art but like the the way they're perceived and the way they communicate
is just so good that it makes you feel i don't know a certain kind of way like they really
nailed it on marketing on god one of the best marketing experiences i've seen on solana
good fucking job can i can i tell you can i tell you a little secret can i can i inform you
if it's you the internal fucking shit
the so i mean we we do aid the intern a little bit but the intern did come out of icon
so fuck yeah each shit everyone else every other intern that's fucking you dude i'm yeah
actually this is a good moment for us to say i think we fucking cracked the code on intern
farming like are the the icon intern academy is fucking busted dude but yeah i can attest to that
yeah he gets around bro oh did you train him like how does icon work like you have a rooster
of guys and then you kind of prepare them to i don't know like be interns or like i guess
space is host because i mean guys like on god i think you're the biggest space is on solana
right now like that goes on on a regular basis isn't led by fucking bozos provides educational
content apart from the vibes like you know it's good to hear sugar for five minutes going
gonna rant about some rag about some coin about some fucking nft shit like i got ragged today the
fuck who cares but like listening to you people come on explain what the fuck they're doing and
all that kind of crap like bro it takes it takes some fucking mental fortitude not not to just
tell people oh you know i don't care let's just vibe so props to you guys what you're doing
here is really special and um i'll always be supporting like i've always been it's a little
messed up timing wise for me like it's sunday evening i usually
let's say in a better setting than on a fucking twitter spaces but you know there is a certain
period in a month where uh girls have certain things so now i'm here with you guys and you're
stuck with me and yeah props props shut up shut up menstruation sockles shut up menstruation
dude it wouldn't be it wouldn't be a sugar excerpt without a little bit of something
highly inappropriate but uh no dude we we deeply appreciate your unwavering support
and yeah dude i mean i know digi and i buckled up for spire suey's gonna be a fucking ride
did you go ahead yo yeah i mean no no no no no no no no no no no you're not talking up i had my
hand up show you know the rules uh we're not we're not wilding out here uh no first of all
i wanted to say thank you uh second of all i wanted to say yes we are you know training
people up to do certain different things uh so that you know these these kind of verticals and these
positions that are available that the people in them don't suck uh because we've seen a lot of
that and you know that's something that we want to change that might be a hot take i saw orange
laughing but i mean it's true um but please go ahead yeah i was just about to suck dick and like
you know uh talk about suey a little bit but fucking love you guys i i know this guy he's
called sugar you you should train him to be a fucking intern bro that guy's fucking retarded
but i don't know people for some reason like him and i you know what i think it is it's like
the shit i talk and the way i go at people it's like and well i still have done something like
even though i failed somewhere i i went good somewhere else it's like someone has to
talk the shit you know at the end of the day someone has to bring it up and
uh rather than fucking so hard going at people it's better if i do it so i mean that's my opinion
but bro i'm really trying not to be toxic lately it's so tough with all of the fucking
idiots and all the stupid shit that's going on in the space like the the only thing i probably
went at in the past week was like the new monkey art but i mean even that is like debatable art
is subjective and my opinion doesn't matter a lot of people like it so i i think one thing you
have to give to the french ruggers is like they fucking made some iconic pfps maybe it's because
i'm used to seeing them and bro i fucking got one of those monkeys because you know the thing is
you can't all shit and be outside of a group but when you're in it you really feel the vibe you
feel you know what it means to people i think i understood a little bit more apart from the
circle jerk like it's a real fucking family okay they're addicted to this stupid fucking
looking monkey pfps but bro it's really bonded like people really deeply respect each other
the thing is there are some things that are bad like you know the members keep ragging each other
and like monkey led projects are supported in a certain way even though they don't deserve it
but i mean that's the same in every fucking group like it's the same in boogles it's the same in
enigma like i support my friends even if they do bad at the end of the day because they're my
friends and i'm not gonna call them out so it's okay and they're just a massive group so eventually
it will have more bad people and i was wrong on that like it's not done on purpose they just
support each other and i think if you're a good founder and you have good intentions you should
probably be monkeyed out like it's definitely a good addition in your ass on god dude this is
a new segment we're going to be doing by the way which is sugar raw and uncut how many times
can sugar get himself canceled in five minutes or less uh in one single breath uh we love that
some very hot takes sugar thank you for that my boy sam wise what's happening dude sugar you've
asked if there was a icon intern slash spaces host like boot camp i can one say that there is
but b say it is the toughest thing anybody has ever had to endure the amount of burpees
i have to do the amount of monster energy drinks i have to drink uh the amount of like just cold
wet days in the basement that i have to just like sit through uh just to host a space under the
icon brand like it is uh it's tough out here bro everybody playing trackers you're fucking
playing chess i love to see it brother i love to see it but not and not even not even just normal
chess we're playing 4d um we do have to beat all of the trainees um you know what doesn't
kill you does make you stronger and you know in the off chance a better spaces host community
manager intern smm whatever you want to call it um but yeah it's rigorous and you know sam wise
over there has been going through the wringer a lot of sleepless nights a lot of verbal abuse
but something that we can say and i think the people that attend salon of saturday's can attest to
is that his space hosting ability has you know increased tenfold in in in the positive direction
so i mean don't uh don't what what ain't broke don't fix it um and if you want to join you
know the boot camp definitely hit up orange yo uh oh god i will okay hold on i will
hold on give me one second first of all no like we would we would obviously i think we would have
to reverse that transaction but also um enough with the fucking self-aggrandizement i'm getting
uncomfortable up here sam go ahead uh yeah no first of all thank you digi but you said
something about sleepless nights i think it's better to describe it as there's very few sleep
full nights i don't i can't remember the last time i've been allowed to sleep
well dude maybe if you stopped fucking sweating on the concrete causing
dude it's all the monsters you guys forced down my throat like i can't it's like
seven thousand milligrams of caffeine a day it's unhealthy it's good for you did you go ahead and
then we are going on to our next guest absolutely uh to quote the the wolf of wall street there
are two keys to success in this bracket um one of them is not cocaine it is definitely monster
energy the second being nicotine if you indulge in that but i mean those are the two keys to
success in this web three bracket take it or leave it um yeah yo i just want to can i interrupt
you guys a second sorry uh uh fucking random thought they got hd hd i don't know what that
shit's called i learned it on city alex brother you're the founder of bsl right so i i did this
stupid engagement farm where i'm like who's the next frank and i i listed like a bunch of people
carlos etc etc and bro i kid you not the guy that got mentioned the most that i forgot because
i'm a fucking bozo is alex so brother props to you you're among the most loved in this
fucking space i've never gotten so much flame for not having someone kind of mentioned in a
tweet so good fucking job you're a fucking legend uh people really do love you and uh i'm looking
forward to joining bsl again i left uh some time ago because i'm not active in the communities and
shit but props to you man like you're really really fucking loved okay wait let me let me
use this shug i totally agree alex is an absolute nail gun i wanted to say something
before we segue through and we'll go into alex next uh why why were orange and i not on that
is it something against us do you just not like us what i mean what what happened there
uh did you run out of characters or something like that um i can't explain yourself and then
so the thing is you're both from south africa and uh on solana we have ptsd of south africans
because of the giraffe ragger's camera uh also called alejandro and you know uh toys are us
are like a big fucking spine in our backs and uh we we would all like to forget about it and
i don't want people to remember it through association because like you guys also got
dragged let's be honest and that's the only reason so no hate but i would have probably
have to mention you by the way uh orange is the founder of those little uh fucking seal looking
things nope nope well okay first of all i actually am not the founder of any
by what it made is by no stop stop right now no one we're not showing anything up send them to zero
send them to zero thank you i bought those are you stupid no no no send them to fucking a thousand
zero no no no no no mute sugar mute sugar we don't say that yeah we don't say we don't
mages are going to zero and that's that's the last i'll say about that i was talking about
another thing those is wet like 20 i was talking about the the fat looking animals
oh the seals my old pfp yeah that thing
yeah those are cool fucking we had the founder on last week or two weeks ago easily easily a top
three like guests we've had on this space he he did like a whole bit he fucking spun it around
on us made us ask him 10 rapid fire questions he's like snapping his fingers and shit
it was uh it was crazy for us to be the ones in the hot seat on our own show but it was super
enjoyable and he's a very bright talented and hard-working guy but we're not showing anything uh
alex what's happening i wasn't able to hear what sugar is saying and then i switched to listening
and then i exactly heard what you're saying about me bro sugar i fucking love you bro i heard the
last thing absolutely love you man i enjoy everything you put out i'm jumping on spaces any
time you're on any space i love anything that you say absolute monster man i love you yo thank you
brother oh by the way alex yeah yeah yeah go ahead digi i just wanted to give a little warning to the
people because orange was talking about much shilling like today we all got dragged in this
stupid presale that people were running i think i bought in enigma and i bought in monk it out
it's called memoir guys one fucking thing don't fucking buy presales just because you have solano
in your fucking wallet please don't like but that's that's that's exactly what you told me to do that's
what i've been doing usually i just must save everything because yeah i'm in pain i'm in
physical pain if something moves and i don't have a bag so like lately anything you send like anywhere
i max saved i have like 51 kodamas they have like 12 nyop's brother 12 that's like 1k and
something like every group i would be like yeah get another link boom i would max save and then
give it to the people give me another name max save send it to be it's just i'm a name but those
people i know those memoir people i didn't know and you know what happens so from now on i would
personally vet anything that they put in bro and the other stupid shit that memoir shit that was
the most bare bones pitch deck i've ever seen it was like three sentences dog that was you
couldn't tell it was a rug what do you what do you do i didn't read i didn't read it was like
he doesn't know how to read due diligence bro two words bro it was one soul the fuck
no you know what i should have done diligence on the motley doll bro i like i lost like 6k in
that shit like i would honestly sell it right now okay sugar hold on we can't listen this is
we can do this on the mob dao show we can do this on any variety of the other shows that we
we cannot do this on sunday just fucking naming things we got absolutely wrecked
so i'm gonna have to move this right along i apologize to anyone in the audience if sugar
was just blatantly flooding your bags but take solace in the fact that he's flooding them
everyone on the top row of this panel lost money on it so it's not just him did you go ahead and
and then we're gonna shift over to alex from blocksmith labs because you guys have been
doing some fucking really sick shit completely shifting up your social strategy and i really want
to talk about it yeah i just wanted to say quickly um if you were offended by what sugar
said please go down there's a little purple button um that is the helpline go drop a comment
in there say some bad names uh to sugar call him a rugger do whatever you need to do but do
that down in the spaces link drop a retweet drop a like while you're there um use sugar as the
punching bag for the spaces um and then yeah alex let's let's jump right into it hey what's up
what's up homie um i first of all for those of you who don't know alex founder of blocksmith labs
um there are a few sort of structural and strategic changes that you guys have been making
recently that uh i'd love to dive into first thing i want to talk about um is the separation of
blocksmith labs from the nft collection smiths um and i'd like to know you know what was your
reasoning behind that um and then what does that mean for holders i mean in hindsight it was fucking
stupid to completely join the whole thing like the company and the nft collection i mean if even
if the nfts die if there's not enough volume uh we at bsl build all nft life cycle products so
the more nft collections come um the more the better it is for bsl rights but if that ends if
there's less and less projects coming and if there's a consolidation of projects let's say
20 projects are always running up and down then it's bsl dies and smith shouldn't die with that
right so there are communities online communities without an ft collection and there's no reason
smiths should die based on new nft collections are coming on to salona or even on the other
blockchains so and so that is uh like the main reason and when you see the market goes up
uh bsl has been like a lever trade on salona if salona goes up uh bsl goes up and when salona
goes down bsl goes down it was it was not right to do that and it happened with a bifrost or launch
pad when we launched really good projects it went good but if something fucked up on the launch pad
the floor dropped heavily which is something absolutely terrible we shouldn't do so we have
separated and we have created separate mission statements separate success metrics for both
the nft collection and the company it now works in a way that uh when we make more money with bsl
it means that smiths get to experience more things that's just the basic gist of it so recently we have
done missions when we give 16 missions and you can do all of them gain xp and the top 10 winners
win smith smith's merch and forge so this was our way of telling you we're changing smiths
you're changing and we're going to focus community on the community hard from now on
we have built stuff for everyone on salona you've seen all of our products so we're going to focus
all of that energy in building experiences for smiths world-class experiences the top deck and
that's going to be the focus for smiths okay phenomenal and uh just sort of you know following
down that path of more experiences and opportunities for the nft holders um i know one of the things
that you guys have been sort of you know criticized for in recent past has been the social activity
and general cohesion of your community having like a cohesive culture brand image what it means to be
a smith's holder but i also know that that's something you guys have been recently like
working really hard to to rectify and and to sort of change that perception of the project
and of the holdership could you tell us a little bit more about the different strategies
you guys are employing to you know improve the the value of the holdership experience
to promote people you know creating long-lasting interpersonal relationships within the community
and to foster like a smith's holder identity i mean as much as i'd like to build a certain culture
i don't think it's up to us i like to think nft collections like series your job as a city is to
help the citizens so we have to build the infrastructure so that when you have the
infrastructure citizens are incentivized to be there or you're attracting citizens from other
other countries so right so as much as i'd like to my job is to let things go and see what kind of
culture we build of course we're nudged in a direction but it's not totally up to me
how really i would want to do it otherwise i'd just be you know shoehorning into this something
that isn't um yeah you're right so there now it's all about attention right and one of our
major drawbacks is i think we are the smallest collection in the top 10 20 we are 4444 collection
we got to top three at one point which is phenomenal i think the only other collection
comparable is monkeys but yeah it's a different ballgame they have the provenance and everything
and they're slightly higher so it's a 5000 collection so we'd have to work really really
hard to get there to get the attention so uh we are working completely focused on a second collection
with completely different incentives we have seen what the market wants uh we with clay knowledge
okay bears so we are working on completely uh community focused and branding and ip focus
collection and that's going to bring more people into the ecosystem and we are working on
ways to bring more quality people into the ecosystem and that way we can also
bring more eyes and attention to smiths so when we build something it's going to impact a lot bigger
audience and if you do a good job like we have done in the past it's going to be great experience
and it's going to have more social proof and a lot more attention phenomenal thank you did you go
ahead absolutely alex and i think i think something we've seen you know more so like uh in more so
recently and you know down to like the past week or so is that these these kind of more og
collections um dg and ape uh okay bears things things of that nature are making this kind of
really really strong like resurgence and even even just uh you know in the 23 hours that i spend on
the timeline a day uh been seeing more and more you know smiths bsl all over the place um i spoke
to you earlier in the week and you know levi is doing an amazing amazing job with the spaces
and stuff like that running a very tight ship there um and i think i think the things are
starting to fall fall into fall into place and you know the the kind of structural changes that
you guys implemented and you know this new strategy that you are following is is working
and i'm excited to see it uh kind of reach its full potential yeah absolutely man i'm super
excited uh levi has been doing a great job um he speaks a lot about you guys um it's been
inspiration for the smith spaces to do to eat something as good as you guys are doing
i keep saying this to levi build your own audience do something as good as this and
you're not very gushing oh we we appreciate that brother uh but like orange and myself
often say we we don't really know what the fuck we're doing uh we just come up here vibe with
our friends vibe with some projects and people seem to like it so i mean we'll we'll keep we'll
keep doing that that's innovation through connection baby i mean yeah yeah i'm sorry
no i was just gonna say we we absolutely love to see it um and it's really cool to see you guys
sort of tapping into um semi-established creators uh in the space and sort of leveraging them
to build your community because there has been like a tangible difference um in like specifically the
mobilization on twitter um and the passion of the the smith's community over the last month like
without question the activity has been far higher i'm seeing like more smith's holders now
around and about mpfp's than i have over the last probably at least i want to say four
five months minimum um which is huge and it looks like you guys are doing really well
um with this new effort which is also huge now on the blocksmith lab side on the tech
development side um i am curious i know you guys had a little bit um of a rocky launch with atlas
but i also know that you guys have been fucking closing deals like crazy so first i want to ask
you what that sort of um adaptation process was like remaining dynamic in order to sort of
find solutions to the issues you were facing and then also um you know how do you feel now after
after sort of a lackluster launch and pushing into now being integrated with all of the top
communities on salona save maybe a couple i mean um it was launch this beta because people want it
right now and software doesn't work that way right mark it wasn't um you know a big thing when it
launched it became better and better with every single iteration but that's not how the nft space
works and that's also one of the reasons we wanted to separate this because software gets
better with iterations but people don't have you know the attention span or people don't care about
the iterations if something drops it has to be big it has to change everything and only then they care
about it but it usually doesn't work that way when we launched um yeah it was okay we had some bugs
whatever the software works like that but now it's still a misconception that atlas hasn't been doing
great but from the stats that's why we posted stats recently so we have been doing really great
i think we did like six thousand giveaways in the first six weeks we have seen around 260k
monthly unique active users and we still see 15 to 20k daily active unique users so those are
huge numbers and it's almost up to mercury so the fact that it came to the standard of mercury in
like six weeks and it's still in beta is a huge thing and we're gonna push a lot of features
in the coming months that will you know hopefully generate us revenue so that we can
make that back into smiths and create more digital experiences and merge and community
events and all of that awesome yeah so this this leads like very nicely into my next question which
is how does the success of block smith labs and bsl products affect smith's holders like how do they
benefit from you guys doing well at a social level we want smiths to have the social power
that let's say a governance token has right we're not saying it's governance token we have seen what
arbitrum is doing it it's it's fucked but what i mean to say is we are launching something called
a leaderboard in the next coming weeks where you can upvote with your forge and that creates an
interesting social power dynamic between smiths and the other collections so if you have a smith and
if you have forge projects would want to see their project on top of the leaderboard on top of the
trending projects so it's not um utility per se but it's more on the social side yeah you
you get forge but you're not really making any monetary value from it that was the case before
with bifrost merch and all of that yeah you get widely spots you can sell it and it has monetary
value but now we have tied it to such incentive where you can vote something so it's going to be
along those lines as in you'd have social power of impacting the ecosystem to forge and that's
one thing and the other thing is the revenue um site is still uh sole usd either whatever it is
the more money we make the more uh better and better experience we'll be able to hire more people
we'll be able to do more community events our events visual experiences merge free merge forge
merge all of that shit awesome thank you for that uh yeah i i i know a couple block smith's
holders who are like very very excited uh for your merch specifically uh but i do have one last
question um what's next for bsl in terms of development and software products um and also
what's next for atlas what are we going to see on the update docket next week uh we are speaking to a
few um organizations uh to partner up and build for them we have been hearing a lot from other
blockchains but we haven't really accepted any of it uh because you've seen what other blockchains
are doing polygon a bags they're trying to approach products they want to they don't have
all this infrastructure that salona has um so they want the support you've you've seen we have
done like seven blockchain supports for atlas but still there's still more blockchains coming
there was alaron i thought it was it was dead but apparently it's not they came back they're
asking for atlas support so there are a lot of partnerships and also atlas is going to have
a lot more bigger and bigger updates and features um the mistake we've done in the past is building
too many products and not focusing on a single or a couple of products build mercury or even shift
i mean there's more that i can count so we want to focus on atlas uh now and make it
the only place you would need to go if you're an ftus or any new blockchain
yeah dude absolutely and i mean when when atlas dropped um some of the team over at archon were
you know furious in my dms that i wasn't answering quick enough to get things set up uh because of
you know all of the um possibilities and you know all of the the allocations and stuff on there so
big ups big ups for that and you know just kind of being able to roll with the punches um with
with the kind of beta launch and any problems that might have arisen uh but alex i wanted to ask you
so i mean with we obviously spoke about this this new strategy and rollout and the kind of
separation of smiths and bsl um are you guys hiring uh at this current time are you expanding
the team uh is the team that you have now currently uh sufficient for this and you know
what what can we expect going forward oh we're frugal with our money so we can run this with
the treasury money for like a couple years more but we will hire in the next couple of months so
we're very uh calculated and measured with what we do so we don't just throw our money
and hoping for the best so only the best only at the right time we hire people we do have
people on part-time for our jobs but we're not really actively hiring for a full-time member
right now um even with atlas we took a different approach go-to-market approach
uh we we know that um subro was already there it was huge but so for us to be uh you know
calculated to be successful we targeted mods and cms in the space because if we targeted 50 mods
that literally covers 80 90 percent of the ecosystem i mean props to our uh cm chromie
he's literally running the whole space i don't know if everyone knows that
he's done phenomenals of of onboarding like 1100 projects already all by himself
so yeah we are very frugal with the money um that's the bottom line
absolutely and i mean you do you do definitely need to be that way to kind of ensure that runway
but alex let me let me let me drop some juicy alpha on you here real quick um we know this
intern and he is probably the best at what he does and if you guys are looking for an intern
definitely you know slide slide into my dms will get you set up and yeah we want we want
if we're in turn i mean i mean give that give say less say less like like i said earlier
uh intern will be interning everyone and just fighting himself you know via different accounts
it's going to make for some some great content but yeah we can definitely chat about that afterwards
intern w baby very common intern w looks like he's getting more than half a slice of baloney
but alex thank you so much for coming up here and giving us the time if there's one thing
you would like to communicate about bsl about smiths about yourself uh to the panel or the
audience right now please go ahead okay okay so if you i mean i'm not trying to chill but
the math checks out if you buy a smith this week and start staking it you would have enough
forged by the time the second collection drops dude that is alpha that saves a lot of people a
lot of math if you were holding out because you weren't sure you'd be able to accumulate enough
now you know you will be able to thank you very much alex we appreciate it um we love having you
up on this show obviously had you up for the first time a couple weeks ago we really enjoyed
it looking forward to having you back um as well so thank you again for the time bro love coming
on here you guys nailed it every single time i have a lot of fun thanks a lot oh we appreciate that
we appreciate that so just to not not to get all sappy but the the feedback you know towards
the spaces and i'll just place it that we run during the week has been overwhelmingly you know
positive and you know we we appreciate that we're glad you guys are enjoying what we're putting out
um truly truly truly but i hope sugar was listening he was talking about getting back
into into smith's uh go do it now stop buying fucking useless pre-sales and support builders
dude pre-sales are supposed to make us money but they only lose us money and i don't understand what
the fuck we're doing wrong uh but i do want to move on to the homie bang from s3 he's been
here for a hot minute thank you for taking the time on this lovely sunday to chat with us bang
how are you hey what's good everybody uh actually no uh no worries at all man we you guys put together
an incredible space today uh here in alex talk and non-talk um in the same space like this it's just
been uh an epic epic morning so uh yeah happy to be here hey yo glad to hear that bro we uh
you know how it is you've been here before it's all about that critical discussion and that
digi layup innovation through connection baby uh unless we were supposed to say the boys do their
best work in the trenches or we've got to write we've got to write this or i don't know how to read
it's one of those three dude he he spun the revolver and shot the one bullet that was in there happy
to see that happen uh but yeah bang why don't you tell us a little bit uh for the people who
haven't heard of s3 don't know what you're doing um about the project about what you guys
are coming out with and then we can dig into it a little bit yeah cool guys so studio 3 is a platform
we've been working on for uh several months now probably six seven months and uh it's a collaboration
platform for web 3 so uh if you can think of something like google docs or microsoft office
kind of like critical tools for every community or project or business to grow
uh we're focusing on really killer cloud storage right now and we've got an awesome uh 2d canvas
that allows you to make memes and design merchandise and create banners essentially you know all of the
content that you need to work with your community and build your brand right and it runs off of
phantom wallets there's no subscriptions there's no payments uh there's no like email addresses
you can add people just by an address uh it's it's super cool super easy to launch in your dao
uh and uh yeah we're gonna be live i think maybe another one more month maybe we'll open it up
for public release hell yeah that's awesome so um i guess first to open it up um and make it
maybe a little bit you know more clear or understandable for everyone um in terms of the
collaboration platform and you relating it to uh to you know a google suite um or something of
that sort what sort of activities are people going to be able to do on the platform what sort of
things uh does this platform introduce um that are you know beneficial uh for communities
yeah so the first couple of tools that we're launching are really focused on content creation
right um everybody or every web 3 brand and project kind of needs a community that is
supporting them on a timeline creating you know memes or original art assets
and things that can kind of spread the brand's message and image you know around around web 3
so there's a few communities that are doing this really really well right now we all know
them they kind of dominate the timeline and there's a lot of communities that are trying to do it
but uh you know setting all that stuff up uh is either cost prohibitive or uh it's just very
difficult to add 200 people to a product like canva or dropbox or something like that actually
share out assets uh actually like provide the tools that your community needs to make stuff
uh so we want to help all communities make stuff uh in a real great you know kind of high-end
software experience uh so yeah man we have a badass 2d canvas there's hundreds of memes in there
that you can start with we are adding uh the ability right now to um kind of classify uh
different templates at the uh for like specific communities so if you're an icon community member
or if you're a monk down community member there's a whole section there of content that's kind of
specific to your uh project uh so now you can kind of give this over to your community and it's
real easy for them to start working with banners and backgrounds and memes and stuff that are already
part of that kind of ecosystem so it allows you to kind of bootstrap or kick start uh those content
creators right did you go ahead with the hand absolutely you caught me with my pants down
i was farming and i'm just kidding i was answering on discord but uh bang this is something that's
you know since intern is going global and will be kind of you know heading up every project that
that exists um he has been in my dms he or she whatever it is whatever they denominate as
asking for this beta uh please please please can we set that up
yeah of course uh we've got uh actually if you follow us uh on twitter we've got a linktree
join the discord uh right now you've got to have the beta role in order to get the access to the
app but we are launching our create or engage to earn program on crew three this is built around
bonk and dust and forge and a lot of the spl tokens that are on salona right now so as you
create memes and content for various communities in web 3 you earn token drops and all kinds of other
awards if you create lots of content you can even win things like beats headphones and ipads and stuff
like that so the most dedicated people will win the best prizes so that that sounds absolutely
phenomenal i think intern is going to be raking in that cash uh we cannot we kind of you know leak
the identity so we're going to have to bypass that role uh that that just that's just not
going to work he needs to remain anonymous he she it whatever it is the robot um but yeah
let's definitely let's definitely get that going and you know get get interns paid
get everybody paid all the web 3 creators out there that have been making content
and they're using fi credit cards to use you know sub par apps we're trying to change that
we're trying to make it so that anyone in the world can easily build a brand
they can collaborate together instantly and they can win awesome prizes and great token drops
and nfts for doing so bro that's uh that just front ran my next question phenomenal bank thank
you for answering the why and the mission i love that but also just quickly sort of on the cloud
infrastructure side obviously you guys are you know hosting content for projects is that
infrastructure built like web 2 legacy server hosting or is that built on the blockchain
yeah so right now we're using the HIPAA compliant aws
tier cloud storage we've talked to several of the web 3 providers and when you're hosting you know
thousands of users content you've got like serious insurance problems you have cyber policies
that you have to have in place i'm sure alex at bsl can relate to this kind of stuff
so yeah i mean if we lost uh lost all of your data or all of your accounts
and there was no recourse or there's no security around it
then we would just have you know thousands of pissed off people
we do believe in the ethos of like a decentralized storage
but first i think you know we've got to build decentralized businesses right and and there's a
lot of movement in that direction decentralized businesses will build the proper decentralized
storage and as soon as that is available you know we'll we'll definitely be participating
we believe in it absolutely no i love that did you go ahead yeah i mean we we did host
studio 3 uh not too long ago in in the archon in the archon server you know little internal ama
a lot of people were bullish and just for the people that maybe don't know the timeline of
things you know when when is mint how can people get their hands on wireless pre-sale all of those
good things uh how can people get their hands on on you guys yeah cool so um mint we are in
since pitting like about four to six weeks out right now we definitely want to have the app
like fully baked and ready to onboard you know several thousand people
we don't you know want to be a project that's kind of promising an app or has some ideas but we want
to be able to launch with something that thousands of people can easily use so development's a little
bit slower in web 3 you've got to build every single component from scratch you can't really
just rely on a bunch of library stuff unfortunately so mint probably about four to six weeks out
we are gearing up for a pre-sale i think we'll probably open it up for like 24 hours again
sometime in the next week and then yeah after we do this beta test on our create to earn platform
over the next couple weeks we'll probably you know open that up as well so there's
lots of different ways to build and earn for your community we don't ask that you post for studio
three or any you know nonsense like that if you're you know part of bsl and you want to post for them
then you know we give you points and you stack them up and get you know forge tokens and
and all kinds of drops so all that's going live in the next couple of weeks
absolutely phenomenal absolutely phenomenal is right but in terms of holder benefits
why are people minting cool yeah man so first of all the app is totally free to use if you
have a phantom wallet and there's a variety of different you know things that you can do
just by you know participating as a user if you're a holder though you get access to the
cloud storage and we've got four tiers of nfts that we'll be launching they've come with either
four eight sixteen or fifty gigs of cloud so that is kind of like how much of a user are you
going to be if you're kind of a meme lord you're going to want the higher tier but if you're just
kind of putting your pfp on a photograph at the hollywood sign or something like that then you
you don't need as much cloud right so we're trying to make the nft sort of logical in in
how the users are going to use the app so the other main benefit that they get right now is every
friday they get a token drop and our app takes in utility tokens in microtransactions so
if you know if you mint your meme or if you're creating content and you want to export like a
high res version we get you know about 25 cents a forge or bonk or something like that
so our treasury fills up with these spl tokens and every friday our holders get token drops
a mixed bag of kind of like the most liquid tokens so we'll be air dropping bonk and forge and dust
and radium and a handful of others back out to our holders every friday just in time for the
weekend very dope but also you said radium there which leads me to believe are you guys
in communication with any communities that are not nft based uh yeah i mean we are you know i think
when it comes to tokens and sort of utility uh the d5 protocols kind of um uh hold up in value over
time even in these you know bear markets uh things like orca and radium definitely are holding up more
because of the inherent you know utility in their exchanges so definitely yeah we're we're you know
working with some protocols and we want to integrate as many of these tokens into our app as possible
tremendous and uh you know i'm i'm like very very interested in sort of the pseudonymous um like
private cloud storage and access side of like what you're building um because i think like you said
before like it's something that is like integral to building like decentralized businesses um and we
haven't had a solution for that yet uh so my question is what are you guys doing next um obviously
this this sort of creator suite is massive and i'm 100 not minimizing it but i know that there has
to be a lot of runway with you guys introducing like pseudonymous access to cloud um you know
through community membership here so i don't know you want to drop some alpha what's next for s3
yeah man so that's a actually a really good question um uh we you know if you if you imagine something
like a drop box where there's a bunch of apps built around it or box um you know that's kind
of the direction that we're going into is you know a shared cloud that a dao can launch immediately
uh control permissions based on you know wallet ids and discord uh roles and things like that
um uh and then you know incentivize people to build around that ecosystem uh with us right so
creating that developer environment um is is you know one of the big things uh that we'll be doing
with the mint funds uh we do have a third app that is in design and will be developed uh probably
you know second third quarter uh it's another absolutely essential app that communities need
to get organized uh and actually start you know delivering on schedules and things like that so
we think that you know recreating a lot of the most valuable tools uh for small businesses to grow
is you know where our heads are at for you know for the foreseeable future so
probably can imagine you know some of those tools and we're probably working on them
bullish and also very bullish a little nod to uh open source capability and decentralized building
bang my brother it's come time for us to move off from you is there anything you want to say
to the to the audience to the panel uh right now about studio three
um let's see man i mean i think we covered all i think just know that we're here uh to build as
much value as we can across many many web three communities uh you know we have a kind of a
luxury of not being able or not having to kind of fight the pfp fight um on the timeline uh our
approach is really to uh just facilitate as many uh communities creating great content and really
trying to build global brands uh is possible so uh if you're into that you know mission or if
you need help uh kind of doing this within your own community definitely hit us up uh and we've got
teams of creators and we've got an awesome community of people that are making stuff uh and yeah you
know make with us and you earn more okay wait holy fuck massive oversight by me because i get
super excited about all the shit that you're doing i forget to talk about the art i always
forget to talk about the art with these projects and digi's job but because he's not co-piloting
i'm fucking up big time um why did you decide to go with banner art yeah okay great question so
yeah our nfts are going to be banners uh we've got four different you know very high res beautiful
paintings that have been made uh and i think that the banner is really underutilized i think
that everyone kind of fights for the pfp i think that um you know people usually don't put their
d god on linkedin or wherever i mean i never put any of my d gods on linkedin i guess so i'm just
speaking from experience but um you know it's like uh creating great art that people can use across
a bunch of different social media channels uh you don't have to change your identity
uh you hold this thing in your wallet uh it's sending you the best tokens on salana every friday
it gives you access to an awesome app and you get to stay with your identity right if you're
in the monk dao or if you're you know in bsl and and that's been your identity for a long time
i think asking people to switch up and and you know you know post about it and all that stuff is
is just kind of a battle we didn't want to get into and i i think there's a ton of space to do
really cool artwork that people can use across a lot of different social media channels in ira
uh in web 2 channels as well so yeah that's that's the approach that we wanted to take
and i think it's i think it's going to work out pretty well i think it's very cool way to go
absolutely dude i also think it's very fitting for what you're doing like it's very arm theme
you guys are building something to support communities and elevate what they're capable of
and for you guys to sort of take yourselves out of that pfp race and try to occupy you know
some different real estate so to speak on on a traditional twitter profile i think is really
smart um and yeah in case uh in case i didn't make it fucking obvious with uh all of the
fucking stick handling i'm doing right now very bullish uh but daily ruse uh your hand is up you
have something yeah man dude i wanted to ask you three questions it's actually the same question i
asked our friends at udao and i'm interested in knowing you know i've seen you all over my timeline
a few new spaces before and i'm interested in knowing like you know what has been your favorite
moment working on studio 3 so far oh man um all right well just a personal one that's a good
question bro um yeah so uh minting the first um you know meme that was intended to post to the
timeline uh was definitely pretty cool you know testing all the smart contracts and
and our you know DeFi network uh to make sure all that worked um that's pretty cool you know
if the app becomes massively successful and and i still have that first meme that was ever posted
uh that's that's pretty dope um i think you know aside from that like connecting with all
the people in web 3 um that are into creating content and brands uh has been like it's just
a journey you know everyone doing their own thing like what icons doing we totally love it
um and uh you see it across a lot of communities and and like you know when you talk to the
founders about like on on discord chats and stuff or you know in private calls um people
care so much about this stuff right and seeing that from the inside or sort of like having a
backstage pass to that uh has been just absolutely remarkable it's a different vibe than
web 2 uh software developers and stuff like that um people really do care about building stuff for
uh you know people that they're close to and it shows man meeting guys like uh at underground dao
we've done you know some some stuff with them it's just awesome you know i think i absolutely
love the space fucking bang and answer bang haha see what i did there did you go ahead
fuck we need to get the sky out of the coho seat asap rocky with jokes like that i'm sorry i've left
you all alone um yeah i know it must be scary up there uh but i am hearing i'm here in spirit i'm
here with you uh but no i just wanted to give a little a little personal kind of endorsement
with to bang uh when our account got fucking nuked bang was in our corner fighting the good
fight for us on all fronts and i mean he was probably the reason why we got it back so bang
we love you thank you for allowing us to continue what we love doing uh bringing these shows and
you know spreading spreading awareness and innovating through connection so we we fucking love you dude
yeah thanks for that man uh i i'll dox a little bit of our dms here man digi and i there was some
dark days uh while we were waiting to hear back from twitter um and uh like after a couple weeks
we both were like man i i don't think this is coming back and uh one morning did i got
that message it was i was so fucking happy bro so you guys worked so hard at this building
this account building this brand uh i'm i'm just really happy that uh we got it back
and and i was able to help you know even if it was a small bit so yeah dude super proud of
that moment thank you thank you so much good sir i was uh my legs started trembling when i thought
you were actually going to read what was being said uh people might send you know the SWAT team
the mental health team and you know maybe an ambulance to my house if you if you read all
of that shit because yeah you're not lying there were some dark days there were some very dark days
no real um yeah i mean we probably would have been federally indicted off of some of those things
or just thrown in a mental asylum but keep those to yourself maybe clear the chat uh i will too just
so we you know that is out of there uh but yeah you were you played such a huge role in helping
us get this back i mean you it was you it wasn't us we didn't do jack shit it was you sir
so thank you so much we appreciate you and you know our door is always always always open for
you we love you let's fucking go guys yeah dude and i think it's important to highlight the amount
of like analog manual effort that bang had to go through for us like repeatedly and over time
to try and liberate the account we didn't think we were getting it back without you i can almost
guarantee we wouldn't have it back uh so yeah thank you digi go ahead and then we're doing
codes fuckers so get your fingers warmed up yeah absolutely we do need to do that we are
running a little bit behind schedule but you know it's always fun with the gang uh but just wanted
to welcome c up to the panel see how are you doing how has your sunday been give us a little bit of
insight hello everybody oh my god i was about to eat i just ordered sushi and i was about to i was
i just got my order and i was about to eat it and enjoy it but it's okay it's fine because it's
talking to you guys it's just as worth it um everything's good all is good um you know
enjoying my sushi listening to all of you wonderful people hanging out with the best
i mean i couldn't ask for a better weekend of course
absolutely i mean i i too love me some raw meat not specific to just fish but uh the raw meat
normally belongs to orange most of the time not always but yeah oh god oh god oh no oh orange
please he ain't lying bro what can i say but uh it's time for some codes do do do do do do
uh i have no idea how to lock up the panel because usually digi does it and so you know
we're flying this one off the cuff i don't know what the fuck's going on but what i do know is
the first code absolutely immaculate absolute banger intern locked up the panel thank you very
much for making up for my severe lack of understanding of technology um the code for today as it is
every day is going to be read word hyphen word hyphen numbers okay words are letters numbers are
numbers okay just we're all clear i don't want anyone getting mad after the show you wouldn't
believe the dms i received uh but we're gonna dive right into this the first code is digi dash smells
dash one one two nine i repeat digi dash smells dash one one two nine i told you i wasn't joking
when i said smoky is absolutely on his shit with the codes today just fucking what a legend we love
smoky shout out rolled it best sponsor in the game i'm gonna spell it out now for those of you
who need to be spoon fed the code is digi dash smells dash one one two nine okay that is the third
reading you only get three if you guys don't hit it someone in the recording will best of luck in
turn let me free let me out of this box uh digi what do you think about that code so i did just
give myself a bit of a whiff a bit of a one two three and as much as i would hate to agree um
yeah it's it's not looking good bruv it's kind of hot in here uh i've been shaken i've been you
know with i haven't been in the co-host seat i've been sweating um so yeah i mean you ain't
lying on that one as much as it pains me to to admit that but you know we we stanky we stanky
tonight all right ambiguous on whether or not that's bullish or bearish you guys can make up
your own decisions in fact you can click that little purple button on the bottom right hand
of your screen and tell us whether you think digi being stinky is bullish or bearish and
why just give like a one sentence justification you know it's like your teacher you can't just
say shit you ought to back it up but um at this point i would like to sort of ask the panel
because usually we receive dm saying hey i'm in a rush i don't have a lot of time today we
received none today we don't want to create any shitty time crunches for anybody so
if anyone who hasn't spoken yet isn't a time crunch put your hand up we'll get to you first
if not i'm just going to be firing from the hip i'm going to give a couple seconds one two three
okay well rain five let's move on to you because you have been here uh the longest waiting uh
what's going on hey um nothing nothing it's been a it's been a great weekend um thank you guys so much
for having me on um and i'm excited to chat a little bit more about what we've been doing we
were on your spaces i believe like three weeks ago or so so there's been like a ton of updates
since then which which i'm excited to dive into awesome as are we uh why don't we start off
give us like a little you know low level or high level i suppose overview of what you guys are doing
what you're building um then we can get into the updates and get into some questions awesome yeah
so rain fight for for anyone that that hasn't like heard of us or or gone on the platform
we actually started around 12 to 12 months to a year plus ago um and but we actually were
we're building in the background of us of like three months ago we finally like publicly um
launched um and basically what rain fire is is like a lending platform um and what we usually get
asked immediately after is like what makes you guys different so with rain when you ask a lender you
you you're able to set every single one of the terms on the on the money you're going to lend
out um we allow soul and soul bank usdc uh loans um on the platform we support them so basically you
like borrowers have tons and tons
okay hold on i gotta jump in referee blowing the whistle blowing the whistle
um rain fight unfortunately the wi-fi is not cooperating with you right now no way i don't
know if you have any fixes yeah way dude i'm sorry but uh if you want to try taking that
again from the top um let's absolutely give it a shot if not maybe we rotate back to you in a little
bit sure i moved a bit um this is a little better yeah you sound crystal clear amazing
wait did i did i get caught off in the middle in the beginning where
like i want to say it started like roughly in the middle of where you were going
all right okay perfect um so i'll just pick up from there so basically when we when we give uh
lenders the ability to customize every single aspect of the loans they're going to give out
borrowers get tons of options and lenders in a way compete against each other to be able to
offer like the best possible loans to you um this means that for example with like uh ugi right now
there's around 30 different um lenders issuing loans for it uh with different terms so if you
come on rain and you're looking for like a 30-day loan you'll find it but if you're looking for like
an a one-day loan which are super relevant especially like as we as we get closer to
new mints for example like sole casino um you're going to be able to find it you'll get a one-day
loan um and you get like up to 92 percent ltv at the moment i believe that's like the
highest we have right now and it could be on cleanos i checked this morning i don't remember
exactly um so yes basically to summarize we have we have like a ton of options for borrowers to
choose from um when they when they want to take out a loan and we also release uh apenal pay later
which allows anyone to buy into any nft they want for only a third of the price
okay awesome so first of all very fucking cool uh what you guys are doing over at rain five
is phenomenal this sort of nft focused defi experience i think is great um one of the things
that that i sort of wanted to dive into is the apenal pay later some projects call it the mortgage
protocol uh right could you maybe dig into what makes your solution uh different from let's say
what ugs is doing yeah so we actually were we launched apenal pay later in december so it was
like one of the first products we launched about two weeks after uh loans um so in this time we've
learned a lot um just from the name itself we used to call it mortgage and we learned that it's a bit
of a confusing term and that's why it changed um but we learned we learned a lot and like it has
allowed us to create a better offering um i think if i were to like pick the best uh like the usp
for us with apenal pay later is the ability for the same as with loans the ability for lenders
to be able to customize every aspect of the of the you know loans are going to give out
to complete the purchase with apenal pay later gives um borrowers a ton of terms like uh yesterday
i believe it was we had loans for i mean no actually that was a loan my bad um but yes we
have like uh apenal pay later which lasts from one day to ten days um we give i believe at the moment
the highest that we've seen is like uh 66 percent um of like down payment to complete the purchase
um so basically that's kind of like uh the gist of it right like by giving lenders the
ability to customize everything uh borrowers are able to get a ton of terms um on their on their
mortgages okay phenomenal and um in terms of moving forward and updates that have just recently
happened um what's different what's changed since the last time we spoke so now we uh give the
ability to sell your loan so for example if you have a loan that you're not going to be able to
repay it um or i mean i guess in a way it could be like if you were not expecting to repay it to
start with you can immediately like list it um and and someone if it's below price at floor price
will most likely pick it up an example of this happened to me like this week actually like two
days ago i picked up two youths for 170 so the floor price was 190 because someone was just
trying to you know like get rid of the of the debt they owned and wanted to sell it to someone
else to pick it up so so yes that's uh new we allow this for mortgages as well so if you um if you
want to you know a pencil casino um and you don't want to um actually like if you want to leverage
traded rather um you can buy a few with only like a third of floor um and list them on on rain um
for someone else to pick them up and you profit whatever the difference is from what you put
down and then new floor price which most likely is going to skyrocket i think um and then the other
update is that initially we were allowing the listings to happen on rain but we just released
an integration with tensor so whenever you buy on adena pay later um or sell your loan you're able
to list either one of these two on tensor and someone else will pick it up straight from there
the lender will be paid back and you're going to make the difference um on whatever the trade was
okay i'm absolutely losing my mind right now i'm not going to lie dude this is like um okay
first of all being able to sell debt awesome bro that's moving us towards like a more i think
efficient but also extrapolated financial market but also this is like the beginning of bonds
in uh nfts or at least in solar nfts i haven't seen any other solutions like this so that's
fucking super cool i'm definitely going to look into this um what made you guys sort of come up
with this solution i guess from from a web2 finance perspective it's fairly obvious we saw it
happening in the 80s and then really aggressive in the early 2000s and then 2008 baby but uh
i hope let's not get into the possible economic fallout that this can cause due to death spirals
from over leveraged uh institutions but um yeah what made you guys want to come out with this
it was actually uh i don't know if you guys have seen him but it was white's idea who is um he's
like a co-founder and he's the the lead dev he he comes up with like the craziest things but
um yeah i mean in essence it was like you know seeing what exists within web2 that would be
valuable in web3 to adapt um and and yeah i mean that's kind of where a lot of of the things we're
releasing come from i mean mortgages itself was kind of like coming from this um when we when
we first launched it and we're just our goal is like a reign is to like be able to maximize the
potential of every single one of your assets either like soul m soul nfts whatever it is
um so like within this vision we're building a ton of different new tools
dude this is so cool and also um being able to sell list them on tensor like
it is really really cool too like creating an open market for oh dude i almost said this
word securities by accident which is what i'm now realizing this is getting into like some very scary
financial situation actually yeah dude what what makes this not like a bond or a security um because
you know buying debt you know a certificate of ownership of debt even like you know an on-chain
one that's you know that's kind of a bond um i need to get back to you on this i i don't um
wait i'm winning my way for this working i do think this is fucking epic though and i'm very
excited to read into this because i think early adopters of something like this could probably
make a ton of money digi what's up yeah i'm scared my brain is very small feeble um a lot of
a lot of this has just you know gone right over but orange will you know run me through it
and then you know i'm gonna try it out i'm gonna go in i'm not scared of being liquidated or
whatever the terms are but you know if orange is bullish i am you know in turn bullish as well
and that's why we're both poor because i'm dumb and then you know digi listens to me and i'm dumb
blind leading the death uh as good as it gets but yeah just just okay so i guess yeah we won't
dig into the the technicalities of that anymore um how did you guys like establish a partnership
with tensort to be able to list these things like is is ownership of like a loan represented
through a token um how do people trade this debt so it it works like a normal nft right like whenever
you list it you list the nft um and then in the back end is where things uh change where like
the transaction instead of like being sent to you know like one owner it's split into different
you know payouts i guess so to speak one goes to the the lister who like it's like one that's
only owing the debt um and the rest goes out to the person that financed the the initial um
you know the phone okay awesome and uh i am curious because you guys are a protocol for now but i feel
like we may have had a conversation on a different show um in the past talking about the potential
of nfts in the future uh is there any chance you could sort of speak on that speak on your
intentions um in terms of you know potentially a mint in the future or not and why uh i'd really
appreciate it yeah for sure uh actually as we did speak about this uh we are gearing up to releasing
an nft collection this was something that was not initially like in the plans but every time
we spoke to someone or they joined our discord people were looking for an nft um so we decided
to make a very small collection that doesn't move away from what we're actually building so
if you were to mint the nft collection you get access to all the features we're releasing before
anyone else so for example if we have the nft right now um holders would be able to
you know take advantage of uh tensor listings first um but because we don't have it at the
moment it's open to absolutely everyone um and then we are exploring the potential of
giving a little bit a of an extra incentive to hold the nft collection i can't speak too much
on that um but but it's it's gonna be i mean if we if we uh move forward with it it's gonna be a
really really big perk um especially because the collection is gonna be very small we are expecting
it to be for sure below 300 uh you know nfts um but something around that so uh so yeah i mean
it's it's gonna be it's gonna be really exciting we're very excited to to give out more information
um and yeah it's gonna be a free mint so when you mint when you use rain uh every time you interact
with our with our platform you earn droplets uh and droplets is what we're gonna be uh
minting with which is our xp token awesome did you go ahead yeah so out of those out of those 300s
since i don't know how to you know work any of these very very high level things uh i'm gonna
just go out on a on a whim here and ask for 25 of those spots for personal use please and thank you
yeah you got me
yeah dude i'm keen not not we love to see it i was about to say i'm ready to start dick for whiteness
but it sounds like the wrong occasion thank you you can you can have some of mine we can make
that arrangement if need be all right slow down gentlemen slow down before i do want to get to wolf
capital next uh but um before i do first i want to check and see if wolf capital is there do you do
mind to run up an emoji because i'm about to ask you a question relating to rain fire if you are
there i am here um i'm getting ready to walk into the dispensary very quickly so if you want to
ask uh feel free i'm here i'm here though so uh what's up brother how you doing okay sick no i'm
just curious you know with with rain pricing they're gonna like essentially create a bond market
and you guys working and aggregating loans um i don't know a if this is the first you're hearing
of this yet but also b what would that mean for wolf capital's loan aggregator having to track
you know loans as they're being transferred from hand to hand owner to owner
um that's a good question so there's platforms that um currently offer loan extensions um and
then we also have other platforms that offer mortgages as well um for us god i don't want
to leak too much um we're well aware of what people are doing with these uh with with bonds
and the mortgage ideas that that have been coming to fruition in the ecosystem and
we will be aggregating that as well we are actually we have a massive partnership that
we're going to be announcing very very very soon um but yeah it's like all all anything regarding nft
phi we are going to be you know at the forefront of that's the whole focus of wolf capital is
becoming you know the the premier platform for nft phi across all chains not just salona
okay very sec common jshap w as per usual but uh rain phi before before we uh shift over to wolf
capital is there anything you guys want to say to the panel or to the listeners uh that we weren't
able to get out of you with uh are very low iq questions um well actually one more thing that
i forgot to mention is that it will bring phi like initially started to be like a white label
platform so we still run that and it's actually improved exponentially because of all the
learnings that we've had while like you know building for the end user um so anyone that's
looking to integrate loans mortgages anything they that we offer into their platform uh feel free to
reach out to us it's literally like less than a day to set it up um so yeah that's that's pretty much it
hell yeah thank you very much jshap's in the disco i hope he's getting his hands on some of that
quality loud pack uh we don't want you know wolf capital founder smoking mid ever unfortunately
we pulled up to a disco that's actually closed so i'm going to another one right now so
but it's like two minutes away so oh ww soft l turned into a w we love that um
but yeah i don't know do you want us to wait we can go to someone else in the meantime
um honestly yeah yeah go ahead and uh i'm enjoying the panel um you know just hearing from all
these projects and and founders so yeah absolutely feel free to pass it off to someone i'd be glad to
to just listen in and uh you know once they're finished we can always uh go ahead and move
forward because it'll probably take me five to ten minutes to get out of the dispensary and
and whatnot so yeah absolutely go ahead appreciate you big dog did you with the hand
yeah first of all first things first i want to say weed is yucky um don't do that do not smoke
oh you don't you you suck down monster energy drinks for a living all right let's let's not
talk about healthy also used to smoke meth out of a light bulb sir so anything that i say don't
take it seriously um oh shit that was recorded well fuck me you know uh but you know in the
short little interim uh as a you know quick little intermission if you haven't already
for that banger that i just dropped go down to the bottom right of your screen there's a little
purple button that says 71 on it uh go there click that uh go make fun of people in the comments go
interact with some people drop a comment of your own um there is a thing circling around that
everyone that exists on ct is the icon intern which is kind of cool but yeah definitely go
down there maybe copy that post to do whatever you want to do i'm not the boss i can only
suggest things but i mean it would be it would be kind of cool if you did
dude i need to change my pants after that fucking little transition very high quality
thank you for that um but why don't we why don't we get over to daily ruse aka syndicate network um
my brother sock fucking absolutely love you a lot of respect for what you guys are doing
why don't you give us a little a little top down but why don't we start with what the fuck
to the daily ruse bro where's the syndicate account what's going on dude what let's fucking
go dude thank you for having me this is the motherfucking daily ruse we bring in all the
motherfucking news you already know what we out here we're making happen the daily ruse is the
official nft collection of the syndicate network where we send free daily newsletters into discord
communities about crypto web 3 and everything along those lines it's been a ton of fun making
all this happen um and i dude i'm just excited to be here long story short we're making it happen
and uh you know i'm genuine i'm just excited to be rude the fuck up finally uh we've been sitting
on this art for a while and it's you know it's just been super exciting to make it all happen
today for sure hell yeah dude that's what's up very cool to uh to see the collection i guess
ton of questions we can ask but um you know for people for people who don't know anything
about syndicate uh what is syndicate how long have you been around and uh you know what do you do
dude i fucking got you dude dude the syndicate network is the premiere news web 3 news media
company on discord so what we do is any community can join our network and get a free daily
newsletter sent into their server with information about salana nft news web 3 news daily market
statistics and so on so forth we currently are partnered with over 230 communities and
reach half a million people and we've been growing our network for the past i guess three three or so
months now and it's been a ton of fun making it happen and for us it's all about facilitating
this larger community on discord and really turning a closed platform into an open one
because that's a big problem that discord has then one of the biggest advantages of having
something like twitter so with what we're doing over at syndicate we hope to i hate to say this
but bridge the gap but do we need to these communities and really build something you know
where we can we can you know meet each other in a closed otherwise closed platform but it's super
simple to bring our bot into your server you'll just visit our website syndicate network.io and
you'll invite the bot from our official website then you'll look for the dashboard that's
automatically created in your server it's called syndicate system then you'll hit the news button
and you are done you don't got to dm anybody you don't got to download anything you don't
got to you know it's super easy it's two or three clicks in here at syndicate here at the daily ruse
we really give a fuck about user experience so we try to make it as simple as we possibly could so yeah
what you have by the way because i have maybe three working neurons inside of my entire skull
and i was able to figure out how to onboard that bot like super easily so that's huge thank you
task for just the 100 and not the laughing face emoji we love those did you go ahead yeah i mean
orange had to do it with those three neurons because i couldn't do it with that one brain
cell i got bouncing around in the top of my cranium but i wanted to say two things
one how do i get my who's active right now uh into into all of these discords um you know
engagement kind of dry out here uh please can we can we you know set something up there another
backhanded deal uh just hit me up after this and secondly dude i fucking love kangaroos people
often mistake me for an australian uh somebody in the spaces the other day said you know i'm pretty
sure i saw a video of you fighting a kangaroo which you know is definitely not the case but
i'm sure we can get you know some sort of animation done where you know digis monkey
fights a daily rue and you know we we we turn it into marketing material i think we got to get
digis monkey hanging out of the pouch of a daily rue that would be fire you know but um that's
completely off topic um so first of all i want to know how did you guys get the bought into so many
servers before you even really started marketing it because the reach of the network all i think
part of the difficulty of creating a platform that relies on reach right is you need reach
to get reach you need to show hey this is like the reach we can get
in order to justify to new users or people who are paying to get information out on the platform
or advertisement space however you're planning to monetize it right you need sort of that proof of
distribution and network and if you don't have that you can attract people but you guys didn't
even start marketing until you were like well past 200 servers um so could you tell me a little bit
about that strategy and then like on the execution side how did you do it yeah dude
absolutely and i will say that it was not easy at all i mean if you look through our google drive
we got spreadsheets on spreadsheets taught strategies on strategies trying to make it happen
and you know that's just really what it is here in web3 i will say that we've been working on
syndicate you know for the last couple months like not just the the three we've been promoting
syndicate for but we were actually a totally different project originally a couple months ago
and you know what we learned from trying to reach out to people and things along those lines is
people didn't give a fuck originally right so really we had to keep pivoting our vision keep
pivoting our scope till we found a fit that really made sense for people and what that ended up
being is this free news platform where we're able to provide this value to these communities and
these people and being able to do it that way so really when it came to actually getting people to
adopt the bot it really took just really pivoting our value problem right and finding how can we
create something that's awesome for these people that they enjoy that they can look at and i'll
actually look forward to every day and the most surreal feeling i've had recently is i was in a
twitter space and i was talking about syndicate and this guy was like holy shit you're the guy
that does that i don't even know who you are but i read your newsletter every day and i'm like holy
fuck dude that's the power of the shit that we got going on i'm going a little bit of a tangent
but you know when it came to really getting the bot in the servers one it was really finding
that value right and being able to pitch that to people in a way that makes sense right i think a
big problem with web3 and projects is they're not good at communicating one and their user experiences
i mean lack of better terms just trash right and i think for us we really really refined that
like jericho is my co-founder this dude is super fucking nitpicky and if it weren't for him
we'd be lost in the sauce for sure uh so it's been awesome you know actually working with him
make that happen and uh we also just while we've been here we've been here for a little over a year
and a half now um actually yeah a little bit short yeah about a year and a half and we connected out
of our ass like i hustled i did discord security for a long time i've been hosting spaces for the
last like six months um i'm always i mean every fucker's dm i feel like like i'm always sending
cold dms every single day like dude we're out here hustling and as you guys say you know
the best work is done in the trenches and we hundred percent fucking agree and subscribe to that
so yeah man that's how we're doing it like it's just genuine hard fucking work and i'm just
a hundred percent you know happy to be root the fuck up finally man so i hope i answered your
question dude first of all yes second of all the boys do their best work in the fucking
trenches screaming from the rooftops baby i know socks done his time dude did you go ahead
yeah dude i just want to reiterate that the boys definitely do their best work in the fucking
trenches and sock i can completely first of all first off empathize with you cold dm people project
any of that shit i've been there we still do that sometimes um you know regarding regarding
different things and it is uh it is a loveless uh you know it is loveless you know a loveless
task like it sucks it fucking sucks i take things very very personally um it's you know one of my one
of my pitfalls but when a motherfucker doesn't respond to my dms um you know i add them to
this list that i have uh it's getting to be you know probably the size of a book by now
and yeah i mean it sucks i like i completely completely empathize with you but it does
need to be done um and the fact that you are in there doing that and and networking connecting
and reaching out uh big big kudos to you because i know how much difficult it can be
dude digi is definitely the most punitive of the two of us in case you couldn't tell
but i saw it go ahead yeah man i just want to say yeah like it's been pretty tough i mean i
think we're kind of at a good point now where i mean we're not comfortable but it feels like
okay we kind of got our groove and it's definitely been a battle right i mean we're
not people who had you know we we didn't have like a super bumping collection before or you know
we weren't like how yeah like we weren't in the inner rings or anything like that like me
jericho and bonzo the three founders we came from basically zero uh back three um i don't even
know a year and a half ago and we worked our way in and we really found out how we fit into the
space and whatever and we didn't have a ton of money either like we probably put in a couple
hundred bucks at the beginning each and then we just keep working and working and working and working
and working and that's just what it is here right it's all about finding how you fit in
and how you can provide value to these communities right and then as a result what can you build
that will make all the difference to all these people and i always say this you know for you
it might be an hour of your time but to someone else it can mean a lifetime right and that's why
we're a media company right that's why we're doing the news we're doing because this shit
can change people's perspectives on what they're doing here writing where they're going and it's
so so important for us to do something like that so yeah yeah something i kind of nerd out about for
sure dude definitely completely completely agree uh don't get comfortable don't get complacent
stay hungry stay in those fucking trenches uh orange and i have been through the cycle
you know a good few times where you know things on the up and up and you start getting complacent
and then you know life throws a rock a boulder off of a building while you're walking past so
you know just just stay stay in that locked in mindset don't get comfy don't get complacent and
just keep doing a fucking phenomenal job dude because you guys really and truly have been
and i'm excited to see you know the the lengths that wish this will grow too
you well said bro i i definitely agree with all of that agree with the sentiment i do have a few
more questions for sock i don't want to short you out of this by just uh you know giving you a little
tickle on the booty but um you know one of the things that i have been wondering and i think
probably many people who have you know been following your journey for a little bit longer
than um you've been in the spotlight now uh what does daily ruse mean uh for you know hvw holders
for people who hold eggs or or the pfp's or whatever that might be um how does it tie together
the the old collection and now the new one dude let's fucking go the bullish on orange for pulling
out the that's a good ass fucking question bro so if you guys don't know my name is h the
soccer tease you may have seen me around i was yellow you for quite a while but i just changed it
to brought my own collection and one thing we did back in this space was uh well back like a year ago
is the first project we launched was high voltage and that was the first salon nft to reward
holders with bitcoin mining profits we didn't mint out you know we were trying to make it all
happen we had um we ended up buying a6 we ended up buying dpus but long story short i'm from
oklahoma and as you know we're in smack dab the middle tornado alley our facility uh in miraculously
i don't know what the word for that would be but i guess unfortunately is what i'm looking for here
got hit by a tornado we had tremendous tornado damage we had to fight with insurance for literally
three months if you guys have ever had to deal with insurance they do not want to fucking give
you money uh that's the last thing they ever wanted so it's actually the fucking worst
feeling ever but anyway rather than just sitting on our hands and praying to god that you know
stuff would happen we said let's build some shit that solved the problem we had before right let's
let's build syndicate and figure out where we can go from here so basically to reward our community
who's been here the whole time and that's been supporting us relentlessly we're giving everyone
with an hpw a one-to-one air drop hpw being high voltage worlds every high voltage worlds
holder will get a one-to-one air drop of the upcoming daily ruse collection if you're holding
an egg uh you're gonna have to hold hold on a little bit longer we do have some cool shit
playing for you um but yeah we'll definitely we'll definitely treat you well for sure in the eggs
man i can't believe you mentioned those uh those throw me back i got a brown one dude
yeah bro dude that dude they're fucking sick they look like pokemon eggs and shit
dude if you got an egg we'll be treating you fucking good dude i can't say too much about it
but the hpw eggs were basically a reward incentive we gave to active community members
back in the day like a year ago at this point and yeah we're definitely going to treat y'all
good for sure for sure thank you bro thank you for the clarification um that's great listed on
magic eden if you guys you know want to to get in on the daily is there going to be a public
mint or is the falsify going to be one-to-one for hpw oh shit my muted right okay there we go um
yeah so there will be a public mint we'll also have a presale on the white list and there's 906 hpw
so if you hold one of them you'll get a one-to-one and the rest of the supply will be doing uh
one-to-one for free mind you it's an air drop and the rest of the supply will be minting out
you know classically through presales through whiteness mint so on so forth yeah okay cool thank
you digi go ahead yeah i'm i'm eggless right now and just to keep with the tone of the spaces
uh beggar king digi i'm gonna eat some eggs send to me some uh presale spots and some whitelist so
you know what to do just the same as everyone else uh just slide into my dms after this and
we can get that sorted out this guy's shameless today that's what happens when i'm not co-host buddy
so fix the fucking app holy shit all right yeah you guys know nothing is uh nothing is edited or
airbrushed on this show digi is definitely not having a good time i'm sorry i don't know what
to do elon's been fucking with us took away the account it wasn't for bang and his fucking just
absolutely legendary efforts to fucking save us we probably wouldn't even be here uh since then
i don't think we've had a single twitter space uh that like went off without some sort of technical
difficulty i'm not exaggerating like every single one has been plagued with silliness uh but we'll
chalk that up to us getting one out over on top of elon fuck you come at me but daily ruse
aka sock um i do want to know for the people what is the incentive going to be to hold the nft what
are people going to get um you know for being a holder and then also um oh my god i lost my second
train of thought there jesus christ answer that let me try and come back up with it i got you i
know what he was going to say um if one of the utilities is getting my tweets into the daily news
uh i'll buy the entire collection uh so just know but you did come back and save me hold on so yes
the the thing i was looking for is what's the monetization model going to be here i know for
now everything's been free you guys been distributing the news for free there's no ads on any of the
on any of the newsletters um will we see that change with the introduction of a revenue model
yeah dude you're handing me a whole bunch of slam dunks here um so what i'll start with
is our sponsor news and then i'll cycle into our utility and so on so forth so
one thing to understand about how syndicate is built is and this should be true for any project
founder right is you got to be modular right you have to be open to you know the turbulence of
the market the ebb and flow of what happens here you can't pigeon yourself too far into
a certain idea or whatever right this is why a lot of projects pivot or accommodate for different
ideas or you know make changes because chances are you probably did not get that shit right
the first time so yeah it's something we've been accommodating for syndicate and as a result we're
prepared to navigate different revenue generating models one of which being um sponsored news which
is something we actually just sent into our network earlier today right before this icon space
so if you went if you already are in our discord server or something like that you can check
syndicate news and see an example of what a promoted sponsored news post might look like
in our network and we promoted icon in this space so definitely that would be an interesting
case study for you guys to check out but you know we're definitely open to exploring how the best
fit sponsored news into our daily newsletter but one thing i will say is our core news will always
always always be free without a doubt so if you just want that basic information or you want to
be able to educate your community we will always be able to do that for you for free so definitely
you know don't hesitate to add our bot into your server but i did want to say when it comes
to sponsor news that also opens this up to other ideas as well that we can explore which might be
things like twitter posts as you say digi who the fuck is active right now you might be able to ask
that on our network and we're down to test things out we're down to bullish yeah absolutely man
and i think number one the one thing i want to mention and the reason i get so fucking excited
talking about my own project is this is an audience that a lot of other projects don't have
access to right the discord audience is largely inaccessible to postman projects because generally
when you're trying to drive traffic to your community it's through whitelist dao collaborations
right and how the fuck are you meant to do that if you're postman how the fuck are you meant to
do that if you're not even an nft project right you have to have these incentives and things
like that but here at syndicate we have options to give you exposure right so that's you know
that's where we're kind of going here with syndicate but yeah and that ties into the idea
of being a larger and i'll wrap up the rant and kind of go into the utility second in a second but
you know that goes into the larger narrative that is being a web3news media company right
we're currently on discord and we will grow to be even further than that right we have twitter
spaces we already do we i host like 13 shows a week on behalf of syndicate i host my daily
show making time i host our shark tank bigger picture like we have a whole bunch of meet the
artists meet the founders we got a whole bunch of different shows going on and it's an absolute
pleasure to be able to connect with everybody in the space and you know make it all happen but
in terms of the utility we have for our good old daily ruse the motherfucking daily ruse would be
our core utility would be our affiliate program and helping grow the network because we believe
in one thing and that is our network is your network and we'd absolutely love for you to be
a part of it and you know our affiliate program you get rewarded handsomely for helping us grow the
network and it's super easy already you know you just tell them hey click four buttons you're good
to go and alongside that we are extremely growth centric over here at syndicate with everything
we're doing so we will have guests we will have growth sessions where you'll be able to talk
about how can i grow my twitter how can i do xyz how can i do discord security how can i become
a specialist because that's a motherfucking shit we wish we had right whenever months ago we were
trying to pay the bills in the fucking bull market so we're going to be doing that we're looking to
find all these growth centric people throw them together teach them how the fuck they can find
their passion web 3 and make that shit come to life and that's what daily ruse is all about
it's about you know coming from the zoo and climbing to the motherfucking rooftops
so that's what we're here out here to do on daily ruse for sure on on god dude on god that is that is
so exciting and i think we've i think we've touched on this before on previous shows and just in
in private chats but you know the the amount of unique r's that you guys are reaching that
nobody else is or nobody even has the opportunity to is is incredible incredible this really really
excites me and yeah i can't wait to see the different use cases of this and and how this
plays into um you know the kind of the marketing and and exposure and brand awareness of of new
projects and an existing project um yeah super super excited dude it is like what you guys are
creating is like a very fucking cool and very unique funnel right and and again like it's
something that a lot of projects i think have been dying for access to other discord communities
non-nft native discord communities um it's yeah it's very cool and it's like genuinely very novel
which i think is sick um one of the questions i wanted to ask you just quickly uh the last one is
in terms of news data collection aggregation and presentation right you guys do like a phenomenal
job of like it's fucking so clean of gathering this data organizing it into like little uh little
different sets or boxes uh within like your your news post panel um it's very easy to read it's
super digestible you can click a link to like read full articles about shit if you want
daily token prices etc but specifically on like the written information side how do you guys
collect and aggregate that uh for presentation through the bot yeah so when it comes to collecting
and aggregating and curating our news we have a team uh well it's me it's three of us it's me
our news writer and jericho my co-founder and well one of my co-founders there's three of us but
we work together to really curate the news and make sure it's pretty legit
we cross check stuff with other sources and make sure you know we're actually giving out real
information um yeah so i mean we just check it we double check the the language stuff like that
make sure it makes sense and then we just send it off so i will say the one thing about syndicate
news and i think is also something interesting about us is we're really an aggregator at the
end of the day when it comes to this news at least in our newsletter this doesn't mean we
can't create original content in the future this just means that for the time being we can
we're extremely modular right so think about it in time we can aggregate eth news we can aggregate
polygon news matic news any any off-chain news but also we're not even locked into web3
at the end of the day we can also have cnn msnbc anything you want when it comes to these news
news platforms that we can provide to you and provide that value to your community and make
your workflow in web3 your workflow in life way fucking easier because now you just got
to check one motherfucking channel so that's our whole goal that's what we're looking to do and
that's how we're putting it together hell yeah brother that's what's up um unless anyone has
anything i am ready to move on to the next guest um if anyone has any questions put your hand up
did you go ahead not so much a question but definitely go do those four clicks get syndicate
or daily ruse syndicate news whatever you want to call it whatever name you want to
you know run it by get it in your server um invaluable obviously keeping keeping
holders in the community informed about what's going on in the ecosystem and not just the echo
chamber that is the timeline um definitely definitely do that and yeah um i will be
receiving my check for being the number one ambassador definitely just to hit my lawn
dude but i mean like in all reality the syndicate news part but like does absolutely
like it's phenomenal to have i know like my whole our holders love it so um and our community members
love it so definitely a big hats off also seeing the icon show come through that little
tunnel of information today was pretty fucking cool uh so thank you guys for that absolute
honor to be featured um but yeah dude any any closing remarks off yeah guys definitely just
thank you for putting this show together right i mean you're doing a huge service for the ecosystem
huge service for all these businesses these communities and you know i i definitely it's not
going unnoticed for sure i mean we got 100 motherfuckers in here so you know definitely
appreciate you guys making this happen and thank you for bringing the new daily ruse onto the show
for sure nah dude we fucking love you also side note i feel like it's kind of broken
when sock gets on the two panels to talk about his project because you're so used to being on
spaces and running them like you're very natural up here you know phenomenal job of keeping
people engaged um yeah bro like very very entertaining and engaging pitch dude we love it
but let's uh let's push right okay digi another hand another hand not fucking with my flow at all
hey hey i'm a guest here you will treat me as such uh please do not put a disrespect on my
name i just wanted to give a quick little quick little psa a quick little intermission
uh that button it changed from purple to black for some reason maybe not for you
go down there drop a like drop a retweet drop a comment let us know what projects have been up
here that you are bullish on uh let us know if you want pre-sales and yeah i'll distribute those
after the spaces also let us know if you think we're dumb and we should stop doing this
but j chef uh our brother in christ dude this guy's been fucking doing the lord's work
for the last you know i think three months now but uh it's absolutely phenomenal to see
where wolf capital is sitting at um and and you know the work you're doing to to steal
from sock does not go unnoticed absolutely breathing life into this ecosystem right now how are you
feeling dude man i'm feeling uh i'm feeling phenomenal dude um you know it's a blessing
to you know be at this point where we actually were able to mint out um yeah there was a lot
of noise around the mints a lot of uh speculation around mints you know things weren't looking too
hot during the mint process a lot of people were uh i do remember it's kind of crazy uh there was
like a bunch of people who were talking about supporting the project and whatnot and then you
know i go into their spaces and they're talking about how they're how they're not going to
mint their pre-sale and uh instead of minting pre-sale they were gonna they were gonna throw
as low of bids as possible to try and get in as cheap as possible so it's like you know it's great
for the the trader right they were able to to you know place bids and instead of uh mint at a set
price um but you know from uh business perspective it kind of sucked because we raised like 32 percent
of what we were supposed to raise so you know with with myself being uh very uh a very um
pivotal founder somebody who can consistently like change the things that are
oh no is it just me no sir no we lost him not just you
can you hear me we're good
all right yes sorry um Puerto Rico wi-fi um you know um but
so you know going into like the the mint and just seeing how things played out you know there
was a lot of speculation and whatnot and um you know we ended up like that the average sale price
of the nft ended up being at like two solo piece uh which was the medium price and we
refunded the difference so you know even like the first 48 hours it was kind of a shit show
because we were taking the devs away from building the platform and in focusing on
refunding 116 000 right so we spent 48 hours straight just distributing all of these funds
you know getting everything organized making sure we didn't fuck up and send the wrong people the
money um you know people are asking when when when a bunch of different things like hey are we ever
going to get a refund um you know everyone was thinking that we were going to rug it was just
it was a crazy experience but dude i'm feeling great it's uh it's been a wild 11 days um you know
we we had such an amazing event at the barracks in la um and and honestly the la nft la was was
such an experience and something great that that i got to i got to share you know my vision with
a lot of people face to face and you know we kind of had the same we're we're gonna have that same
thing happen and get replicated in uh in new york and i can't wait for that but yeah let's let's
talk about wolf capital but first how are you feeling dude you guys are killing it on this panel
you're doing an amazing job a lot of the speakers they came up you know i'm just excited for what
they're bringing to the space so um you know how are you feeling feeling good bro first of all we
fucking love you and we love wolf capital it's always great getting the uh chat with you but
yeah dude feeling good it's been a great space so far very appreciative to all of these lovely
lovely speakers who have taken the time out of their fucking sunday dude which is like the best
day uh to hang out with us even though we're dumb which is great you know can't complain about that
digi how are you feeling uh feeling good kind of sweaty kind of stinky as you know we we said
earlier uh jay you have made it off my list uh i'm sorry i put you on the list uh but you you have
made it out of those trenches so congratulations and yeah there's no there's no place i'd rather
be on a sunday dude this guy's too quick with the list you see what i was saying earlier about being
punitive bro it's you know flip of a switch but uh i did want to ask um jay i don't really i'm not
going to ask you any of our like conventional questions because we've spoke so many times and
and i feel like a lot of what you've done in terms of execution answers most of the questions
that we would normally be asking but i do have a couple ones that are like very specific to wolf
capital and your experience here recently the first one being i have not seen a mint come out
that had so many motherfuckers adopting the pfp right after the mint like this in easily eight
months easily like and i don't even need to fucking fact check that because it's probably more
um first of all how did you engineer that second of all how did it feel dude to see like all of
these people and we're not just talking like regular retail participants in the market like
we're talking people with established brands who are committed to their image fucking swapping up
to that wolf capital pfp instantly like fucking trait based subdials getting created on the
timeline which is like so fun to see i haven't seen that in so long um you know what was this
whole experience like you know it was kind of uh it was a bit of a roller coaster if i'm going
to be real it was like a a mix of emotions on on both sides of the spectrum right it was like
there were people um you know that were that were
he's gone
it's that island wi-fi hold on let them cook let them cook let's see
let me cook let me cook can you let them cook there we go
oh but yeah dude it was like it was a mix of emotions because you know there was people who
didn't like how we handled our pre-sale um you know because we did things differently like we
didn't we didn't do mass allocations to different communities and stuff even though like that's
something that i wanted to do um but i understood that if we need if we wanted to change things
and we wanted to do things differently we would have to we would have to like not cut corners
but we would have to go against the everyday things that that are happening in this ecosystem with
with minting right so what i started to think was how can i actually get the average retail
consumer involved in this project and get them on board and then after we deliver and you know
some of the people who were pissed off because we didn't give them massive allocations um you
know maybe they they they come in afterwards right so i was trying to figure out how we could do
that and you know many of you know we we legitimately distributed a very minimal amount
of pre-sale like there was and it was all done by a form nobody was guaranteed pre-sale like you
had to fill out the form um and then also the whitelist right it was very it was very like
distributed just in a genuine way we wanted to make sure that everyone was included and i think
because of the fact that we did it that way we had so many people who now believe in the
project believe in the vision that just loved what we created and they instantly adopted it as
a pfp and we spent so much time building that up getting to that point that eventually more people
started to jump on right whenever we first minted you know we we we started off at like a two and
a half sole floor or somewhere around there like slightly above what what people paid for you know
the medium price um and you know just looking at at at how we approached it i think that
once people started to realize that we did everything the way we did for the right reasons
to just change the the meta and the ecosystem um you know we were extremely early with our idea
so not everything was perfect right and i was willing to take that risk because i knew what
we were bringing to the table and i think the community they just started to understand that
there was more at play um than just the pfp or just the utility it was a mixture of both things
with the highly highly dedicated team to with with the with the significant desire to to succeed
right and that's like that's one of the biggest things like a lot of the times with with projects
like the whole team isn't significantly bullish like they're not ride or die it's like most people
are just there for a check but when you have a team that's all there just ready to go like
completely dedicated because they believe in me as a founder um you know it kind of makes it makes
a difference and so you know when when we minted and we we got the team together and just like got
everyone talking and started to figure out how we could really get people pfp in the project it
kind of happened naturally because we weren't like incentivizing people to go and change their profile
picture it's just that people understood that in that moment we were the the the underdogs so to
speak um you know during that week of minting but people understood the vision and i think more
people are starting to understand the vision as as we continue to progress and being 11 days in i
couldn't be happier with the result um you know obviously it's not it's not the expectation that
i had in my head you know going into to mint to to have you know a 750k raise which would have
given us a massive runway to to really do everything that we we can as a business to to
provide as much value back to the ecosystem as possible but i think the fact that our mint
happened the way that it actually did
or feel as if we weren't delivering and now it's like here we are right we're doing nothing but
delivering and just 11 days in we've accomplished what you know a lot of people can't accomplish
in a whole fucking year right and we're legitimately 11 days in so dude i'm just i'm i'm fired up i'm
excited as fuck i've been grinding day in and day out anybody who's out in la you know can
you can attest to that even in la like i i drank one night and it was the very first
time that i got there and that was at the d god's event aside from that i've just been
heads down you know grinding my ass off doing what i can to deliver to the community
dude yeah first of all i love that second of all finishing off on the iRL events in
l8 fucking perfect because that's what my next question was going to be about people are saying
uh and i'm not one of those people because i haven't been to the event unfortunately but
i will be in new york and hunting uh for your juicy lips but um you know people have been saying
you guys are coming for clino's crown bro people are saying that the event you guys put on was
absolutely spec fucking tackular um and i know it made a lot of holders bullish because i've spoken
with them since and you know people are very excited so maybe if you could tell us a little
bit about a what the experience was like sort of getting ready for that event organizing everything
you know obviously that involves capital outlay and and so much organization um but also b how
did it feel to see everything come together and have everyone having such a fun time and come out
of it like just so fucking bullish everyone i talked to who was there i'm not exaggerating it's
like dude it was a banger jesha fucking immortal legend nail gun i love this like everyone came
out so bullish yeah um you know i think it's because when i was there instead of just trying to
building real relationships with the people who bought into my projects right who bought into
wolf capital um so like talking about the events like even before we actually had the the event like
the actual event day and shout out to liberty for even inviting us to to become a sponsor like that
was they didn't have to do that by any means but liberty believed in us and they they think you
know like he believes that we are here for the long term and um you know being on that page with
him and and and just getting to to co-host this event was next level like we got a bunch of content
i mean i just posted a video up to the top and you know obviously it has like the somebody the
other day said like what does the skateboarding have to do with wolf capital you know what it
has to do with it is the fact that we legitimately sponsored an event at the barracks and a company
doesn't ever really get to say that like yes maybe you're not a big fan of skating but
the fact that a brand new project that had no ties no connections directly to them was able to come in
sponsor an event and have pro skaters wearing fucking wolf capital merch that was just next level
so we we like i myself have you know 10 and a half years of sales and marketing experience that's
that's my theme right so i spent so much time organizing you know these events that are in
person and just discussing my vision with whatever product it was that i was selling at that time
to these people and so whenever we wanted to to bring elements of fun into play instead of just
having like some some event where it was just like a you know like like people sitting down getting
pitched right we really wanted to have an experience that people could relate to that
they could appreciate and that they would remember that's the biggest thing making sure they
remembered the experience so once we got into into the barracks we set up a table we threw a bunch
of merch on the table you know a bunch of hoodies a bunch of on purpose for suspense let him cook
let him cook let him cook let me cook let me cook can you hear me okay okay perfect so
um when when when i stepped outside of the event um very quickly before the doors opened
that guy was opening a package of chips or some shit oh no
so so uh so um you know it was kind of crazy
because we we get to the event and like i i unpack everything i step out of the fucking event
um like very quickly before the doors actually open and i'm talking with secret and i turn around
and i just see the line moving i was like oh shit so i run back to the event and i go inside and
there's just like a hound like a giant herd of people like grabbing the hoodies grabbing the
t-shirts that they wanted for like just just so they could wear it and it was originally it
was supposed to just be for the holders but something amazing actually happened there
we had professional skateboarders grabbing merch throwing that on skating in that merch
we had people who had no idea what wolf capital was grabbing merch grabbing hoodies grabbing
t-shirts and we ended up getting you know some last-minute merch specifically for the holders
made that we handed out throughout the rest of the week um so we got them covered but it turned
out better than expected because we were able to get so much content i hired a professional
content team to come out shout out to min he's a really good friend of mine um you know he came
out with with his team we got a bunch of footage we were able to put together some more videos
there's actually one more video that's going to be releasing and it's a head shot of me talking
about wolf capital so definitely be expecting this suspense is killing me bro he's
been re-rugged like four times i rugged again bro four times a time
bro is killing me right now dude uh but you know it's let's just uh get to get to the chase like at
the end of the day the event was crazy uh we were able to really have deep conversations with
individuals and i was able to show what we were working on with people so many people had
questions they were like it's just a pixel project or i heard that it's just like another loan platform
and that what that's what got me laughing is because people thought we were just creating
another lending protocol and i was like no no no no you got it wrong let me show you very quickly
and i was able to get people to literally scan our qr code that we had on the wall like a
digital like a physical print of our qr code and they were able to go directly to the website and
see like our mvp of the product i walked them through on how to find the the highest loan to
floor ratios if you want to get as much liquidity for your nfts directly through a platform just
finding it for now you can do that directly through wolf capital's page so we were just
trying to point people in the right direction and it was crazy the outcome because so many
people left that event with wolves there were people buying fucking wolf capital nfts at this
event and we were able to hand out merch we were able to hand out pins that had the wolf capital logo
on it just for coming up and scanning our qr code and at the end of the event we even handed out
some we gave away a couple wolf capital nfts we gave away a trait pack as well nft la trait
pack the traits that are in that pack are specifically for the individuals who went out
to la we're going to have trait packs for the people who go to nyc as well and that's actually
going to be oh god i want to it's going to be a physical pack you guys are going to be able to
take a physical pack home similar to oh my god i'm so excited yeah so there's going to be a trait pack
in nyc it's going to be a physical pack you have to be a holder um so yeah it's going to be kind
of crazy but just looking at how these events really shape a community it's amazing because you
get people who were not very bullish who didn't understand what you were doing and you can
instantly convert them now is it guaranteed absolutely not you actually have to have to
work to get these people to be bullish on you right you have to give them a fucking reason
and so that's entirely my vision when i was at that event was talking and networking with as
many people as possible and letting them understand what we are truly doing versus what they think
we're doing right and so i'm just infinitely bullish on irl events i love face-to-face
interactions it's one of my favorite things to do um so yeah man i i think events definitely
help significantly and i can't wait for the future events that we have as well
that's so bullish dude jesus christ did you go ahead okay so i i had a question but now i have
a another question that i'm going to ask first jay please please please tell me that orange can
collect whatever is going to be given out at nftn1c if he can collect double for me please
please just don't leave me out to dry like this oh thumbs down thumbs down no preparation treatment
all right well that concludes my questions thank you so much
that first of all hilarious second of all i'm very excited like to get something physical
from this that's very cool i have my wolves people were selling them for free right after
because they were so afraid um and you know now those wolves are my wolves so that's huge
and uh yeah dude very excited digi with the hand uh just just you know coming back around and
asking a second time no i'm just kidding uh but you know so where you are right now we obviously
spoke a little bit and you said you know focused on that that kind of community building
what kind of tactics are you you know exploring outside of like the irl events and all of those
things that what are you doing to kind of strengthen the community right now
yeah that's a that's actually a really good question um but very quickly before i answer
that orange check your dm i sent you a picture of the uh of the trait pack for for nftnyc
that's going to be printed so oh my god yeah and those are the traits that you see on that
pack are the traits that are going in that pack so guys get hyped up with this i'm fucking this
is financial advice get excited i'm i'm i'm not always at the fucking cost i'm not gonna lie
but to answer your question digi um you know we're doing a mix of different things um you know
recently what we've been doing is um you know art airdrops that are like limited edition um
airdrops to our holders it's it's like a supply of 150 um you know i have a lot of connections
to artists being a pixel artist myself um and there's a lot of people who are infinitely
bullish on what we're doing and dgen poet is one of those individuals and you know it's crazy because
i didn't even have this idea like it was brought to me like poet poet was like hey um you know
what about some how do you feel about creating some some you know wolves and i was like well
how could we reward the holders because you know i i think that it's great and i love that
you're supporting and i want to i want to make sure that the holders get some value out of this
and he just instantly was like let's let's make something happen so we came up with the idea of
doing some additions and you know it worked out very well um you know he he did such a phenomenal
job on both pieces um and he's actually sending me the the physical um piece that he actually
typewrited um that she's that sounded so illiterate um that he used for the typewriter that he used
oh those are the best possible time for the wi-fi to cut him off that's so funny hold on
i'm big i'm big mad dude i'm big mad big mad
can you guys hear me now yes sir unfortunately my wi-fi unfortunately i know
oh but but you know it's we're doing multiple things for the holders so um you know it starts
with airdrops that that are done by the artists that are a part of the ecosystem not even a part
of the project that that are approaching us and um it started with d gen poet we actually have an
airdrop that's going out tomorrow from um the artist behind the pumas um we've also got another
artist that we have not revealed he's been working on a piece um he's given me a few
variations and we're just making some last-minute iterations to his piece as well i mean i'm really
just trying to help give exposure to other artists in the ecosystem whether they're large artists or
smaller artists because sometimes i i did this with our mint i gave whitelist to people who bid
on the pieces that we shared that had no correlation or connection to wolf capital in
any way shape or form and it's because i understand that artists in this ecosystem
they have to be uplifted in some way and we're failing as an ecosystem if we are not uplifting
these individuals who actually are trying to provide value to this ecosystem in the form
of their creation so i spent a lot of time trying to do what i could with these artists
that have no connection to wolf capital at all and help bring them up so you know we can
what i can say is that holders can expect to consistently get airdrops something of value
that's created by an artist that's unique and different and it's tailored towards wolf capital
they're taking wolf capital and they're putting their own spin to it so we had d gen poets pieces
release he did two pieces i will say that he has um he's doing something else quickly we will be
introducing seasons the seasons that we introduce are going to be very art focused and there's
going to be a lot of rewards in those seasons they're not going to be super long seasons
you're looking at 30 days to 60 day long seasons to keep people engaged and they're going to be
based off of specific themes so one thing that i can say is that d gen poet is going to be
creating five one-of-one pieces that are designed specifically to the winner's pfp if you have a
wolf and you win this piece you're going to get a custom d gen poet um piece and it's going to be
tailored towards your wolf that's going to be a season reward so we're going to have five of
those that are a part of the season and there's a lot of other shit that is going to be in that
as well so you know at the end of the day we're doing what we can to provide as much value back
to the to the holders in the form of art obviously the utility itself is going to provide
a ton of value but we understand that utility is not enough to actually build a community you
have to have something that is driving people to want to consistently engage and own the product
that you bring to the space so with wolf capital we spent a lot of time diving deeper on the art
because we are very art focused we have 13 of the best pixel artists that are a part of this
ecosystem working actively on wolf capital creating different traits we have trait packs
coming for holders um and we've been spending a lot of time engaging with the holders as well in
discord having voice chats but where i go in there and i even like i've docked myself on voice
chat people have seen my face on twitter like i have no problem getting into a call and just
talking with my holders and showing my face and just having that real interaction with people and
you know we'll have several people come in there and that's like one of the beauties of is we
we really engage with our community and i know that twitter is very important it's really
important to push out your biggest updates on twitter
and you know what would assist with pushing out announcements on twitter
so much is syndicate news network are you back jay i i am back i am back i i'm bullish as fuck on
on sock so you know we can definitely talk about the daily ruse um i would love to get
that inside the wolf capital discord pro so let's let's make that happen you know i'm a man of my
word i've already said it so it's gonna happen let's send that innovation through fucking
cutting action my brethren jesus i love this i fucking love both of you um but yeah dude jay
shab if if there's one thing uh that you want to communicate to the panel to the audience right
now before we shift off to the next guest what would that be yeah i would just say
like truthfully guys like we we know how how a lot of things can come to this ecosystem
a lot of things come and a lot of things go but we have those projects that do stay
do not put wolf capital off your radar i'm i'm telling you right now what we are bringing to
this space will shift paradigms it will change the way people think about utilizing their
liquidity our product is not something that is just going to get replicated and the connections
that we have created and established run deeper than just a replicated product so i want you guys
to understand that what we are bringing to this space has real value user experience is everything
and if somebody doesn't enjoy their experience they're not going to use the product right
they might use it for a very short period of time but for us that's been one of our biggest
things with our product is ensuring that the user experience is superb legitimately superb that's
what our focus has been so 11 days in this is just the beginning for wolf capital and i can
confidently say that we've got a lot in store on many aspects and we've done nothing but deliver
legitimately nothing but deliver the community can say that they vouch for it consistently day in
and day out they show up and i'm telling you right now it's a community that's next to none people
really appreciate being here and they're very active as well so if you're looking to find a
new home if you're not a part of a project that you feel confident with just reach out to wolf
capital my doors are open i'm happy to chat with people who own you know wolf capital even if you
don't if you're on the fence like let me help you get over the fence so yeah that's pretty much
it just uh pay attention to the updates we have a lot of things coming more content coming out on
twitter over the next few weeks and we will be getting a fuck ton of content in new york as well
so if you have wolves make sure you get out there we're going to have some merch for all of the
holders out there and we're also going to have some crazy trade packs that are getting released
for the holders too dude absolutely phenomenal hopefully thread soon and hopefully orange can
collect for me but yeah very very bullish on you very bullish on the project and yeah been grabbing
been grabbing more and more wolves um excited for for what you guys are bringing excited for what's
to come and appreciate you taking the time brother man absolutely well said digi yeah
thank you jay for coming through deeply appreciate it we love you we love wolves fucking i have a
couple really nice wolves that i really like but that's irrelevant um the arts sick thank you
before before you pass it off um i just wanted to say i don't know if anybody has seen the ghost
kid dow hoodies but dude i've been i've been sourcing merch and holy fuck their hoodies
are fire bro they're fire you've got you've got the the embroidered tags you've got um
don't don't don't find up next time
on rubbed by porterica dude that's fucking i love this panel so much this is why we called it
frenzy boys and girls okay first okay first of all i wanted to fucking thank jay chef for
that lay up into the last project of the day we're obviously crypted but crypt is not on
the immortals account so he doesn't count as a project right now he just counts as our brother
in mob but and daddy daddy as well that's correct yep very handsome man um but
task my brother the layup right into the merch why don't we fucking start with that
what's going on with this ghost kid merch uh obviously it's very cool oh absolutely i mean
merchandise is an important thing for a project even when you look at it from a branding perspective
everybody knows that but at the same time good merch is not easy to come by in this ecosystem
and one thing that we've been able to find uh through just the space in general like innovation
through connection icon lay up there is fox club so fox club has been quite the partner when it
comes to creating the merchandise i know they have like great value associated with a long-standing
company that the owner of fox club has had in his family for generations that they can
continuously pump out quality merch and ship it all across the world so that gives us even just us
being the way our community was built we have people from all over the world in tons and tons
of different time zones much like many other communities obviously but it seems like it's
like because we have boonties i can really see like when people are interacting with things and
it's like literally every single like sector of the timeline it's just so many ghosts are all over
the place so it gives us a lot of value being able to actually ship it and get it to them
because the first merchandise provider that we had did not do a very good job being able to actually
get it into the hands of all of our holders and we had to issue some unfortunate refunds but we'll
be bringing back that same merch for for purchase it wasn't supposed to be but now that we're
working with fox club yeah there's there's more than a few things in the pipeline that's going
to be coming out for merchandise and the whole goal it's it's not to make a profit it's to
give it to ghost kid holders uh at a relatively good price and then they'll be able to get a
large discount in boo and basically we just even out at the end of the at the end of the day after
the sales yeah are you saying i'm going to be able to buy my fucking hoodie with boo
uh you're going to be able to get a discount quite a discount on it yeah
we'll take those we will absolutely take those um that's phenomenal first of all second of all
completely agreed on quality merch i think it's super tough but also does this mean that ghost
kid merch is made in the usa uh yeah so they have facilities in the eu and they have facilities in
the in the us so they'll actually be able to make uh it in both places so because we have
quite a large eu base and we have an na base obviously so it's a little bit easier to distribute
it because they can make it at both both sites bro w supply chain for them would you say fox
club is doing this yeah fox club um i know they just got shouted out a couple days ago by salt big
brain which was really cool for them to see and i know there's a lot more projects on the radar for
them now because of that but we were the first ones to uh do something with them in the space
which is really cool common ghost kid w did you go ahead when when african sector africa continent
distribution um i can't be the only motherfucker out here i know i'm not you are so well now it's okay
did you if you want to uh you let us know uh when you want to prop up a store i'll get into contact
with fox club you can go there and manage it every single day uh make sure that you're selling our
merch to everybody in south africa and we'll hook it up okay do you want me do you want me in the
back actually making the shit or running the front of the store um both i figure you can use
all of your hands and just take care of it uh yeah i mean these fingers have been uh primed by typing gm
for 370 you know years uh but also just a quick little psa uh because i'm not the co-host does
not mean that people on this panel can bully me um i still have the authority
uh so that i can cartman clean
not clean i want but i want some merch too please you can just send it to orange's house um you know
i'll drop out drop you his his home address i'll tweet it i'll put it down in the comments of this
uh of the spaces and yeah just send any and all gifts that way and then when he comes here he'll
bring them yeah it sounds like a great plan uh for me to get bombed in my home but just uh circling
back to ghost kids now task obviously you guys sort of coming now i think i want to say a month
month and a half off of the anonment um i think things have been stabilizing you know sort of
price wise and community wise for anon and ghost kid both um do you want to talk a little bit
about you know that experience over the last little bit trying to you know i think put out a
lot of fires and come up with a lot of dynamic solutions for for uh unexpected problems that
presented themselves and and sort of coming out onto clear waters now um i would say pretty safely
on the other side yeah i'd say pretty safely on the other side too obviously the the mint was a
little bit of a rocky road but at the same time you know when i went and i spoke to individuals
neith denver uh being one of the few salona nft-based projects that were out there at least
that i got to like meet up with and kind of discuss things with it's like the one of the
most bullish things was that we literally did sell out a mint in that type of market that was like
three sole and obviously we had to adapt that to uh the the market and the way that the price
was and the way that the mint was moving and and we did it as such and we did what we needed
to do to make sure that the collection was taken care of and that we were able to get that capital
for runway for the company which is called ghost foundation it's a registered company in dubai now
we were able to register it after after the mint and everything so that's taken care of
so looking at it from the perspective of even though we had a couple hiccups for sure
at the at the end of the day we raised around 400k for future runway for the overarching
foundational kind of perspective and what we're going to do with the sas products what we're
going to deliver on which is all out in the open now we have our phase one white list associated
with anon out you can find it either in the discord or if you go to anonnft.io you can
find it in the haven which is kind of like our our visual representation because we love our
visual representations but there's a whole kind of flip book that's like 16 pages long associated
with what's going to be coming for anon so people can kind of go look at that and speculate for
themselves if they want to jump in or not but yeah the the mint itself and and the after effects
right realistically we're lucky because we have such amazing community members we've pushed positivity
in the space for a really long time we've always cared about the little guys and kind of the
network connections we've made across the board and that's something that although things didn't
go as planned we still came out in my personal opinion on top because we have such a loyal
community base that has helped us through thick and thin and they understand that we have a vision
we understand that we need to be a little bit more open-ended about information for sure
you know we do like to be a little bit secretive but at the same time finding a healthy balance
is important and i think we're more on track for that now in the future than we may have
been previously but obviously when it comes to drops and things you have to be pretty pointed
and when you want to when you want to do it looking at it from like a attention-based
perspective so you know the future is bright i think there's plenty of things coming for ghosts
uh and anon respectively that we can kind of get into here i'm talking about ghosts
today for anon though for anybody out there that does actually fuck with the art i'm gonna
be straight up staking is supposed to drop today in less than like two hours so it's supposed to
be a little bit of a different experience from ghost kid and by little i mean a lot we could
have literally just taken ghost kid and carpet copied it over to anon and had staking day one but
that's not what we wanted to do using the capital that we had we were able to create something
personally based on what i've seen from the demos and demoing it myself quite innovative in the in
the sense of how things are going to be staked how you're going to actually earn things
um the way the platform is going to interact with animations the user attention will hopefully
capture keeping people engaged on the platform which is always the goal when you're looking
at software so i think it's going to end up being quite good and i think the entry for what it is
obviously nfa uh the entry for what it is to get into the ghost ecosystem in general i think
is that a great price point for anon right now first of all w alpha drop task definitely wasn't
supposed to say that so thank you um we do have our our leak protection service on standby that's
where all of our roll bit money goes to pay for people to protect you guys uh the leaker
protection program is always available for anyone who wants to put some alpha out up here who is
afraid um of any retribution from their employers we like to empower whistleblowers uh did you
saw your hand up go your hand go up for a second there well yeah it's still up it didn't go up
for a second uh but task we know that you're very you know political you you've done this
you've run this rodeo a few different times i'm not i'm not going to do the normal you know
prod and pry i'm just going to ask you you know straight out please tell us something
that you weren't allowed to tell us
please tell you something that i'm not allowed to tell you uh if everything goes well we're going
to have one hell of a killer event at nftnyc and it's really funny because you asked that
and that just makes me laugh on the inside oh my god fucking turn it off turn off the spaces
end it end it in turn in turn shut it down don't shut it down we have work to do here
investigative journalism ongoing but task first of all money i'm very excited for new york holding
my ghosty type um but in terms of like from uh from a holdership experience for people who are
not going uh to new york um what can we expect from ghost kid in the coming weeks um obviously
you guys have probably one of the most die-hard long-standing communities um you know left on chain
i think period bro like we've seen so many giants climb and fall uh from a year ago till today you
guys coming out sparking that degenerate meta there are a lot of things that ghost kid did
for the ecosystem both like through the execution that you guys have have you know the path of
execution that you guys followed but also just by existing and succeeding uh you guys opened up a
lot of doors for a lot of different projects and and set a pretty cool precedent but obviously you
got to keep the train moving so you know what can people expect up soon i've been hearing some
whispers about some cool shit wondering if you have anything to share with us of course i have
plenty to share this is this is my favorite part this is where i get to leak a whole bunch of
stuff um that's not going to upset digi and uh so that everybody can understand that we are still
absolutely cooking uh so okay let me let me get into it a little bit here so obviously first one
i'm going to talk about here has to do with uh traits and like a closet feature that we're going
to implement for the collection this in my personal opinion and as well as the team's opinion this is
much more to like just give back to the current holders we don't think this is going to be some
crazy thing that's going to onboard you know a ton of users to the platform so on and so forth
i'm going to get into that a little bit later but when it comes to the closet and what we're going
to be able to do with it uh it's already basically done we're going to drop it during the next
season which is season three of boonties which is when we kind of gamify everything we have a we
have a battle pass that you can utilize think like fortnite-esque and we're actually going
to implement this closet feature into that battle pass so as you earn exp and participate on the
platform you can actually unlock specific trait swaps that are for the season uh and you can
do that every single season for the foreseeable foreseeable future for ghost kid uh as well as
for all the og's out there that miss the og traits like the orange bucket hat or like the
lime green ghost kid background which i absolutely love because right now obviously when you upgrade
your ghost kid you earn more boo so you get more boo when you upgrade your ghost kid you'll
actually be able to switch back back and forth from the previous og art to the new art and
actually mix and match that so lots of individuals that love the og art are going to be happy
because it was definitely like it's always mixed reviews especially when it comes to pixel right
we had a huge discussion on like going pixel or 2d for such a long time when it came to the
art upgrade but inevitably like pixels are brand uh which is one of the reasons obviously why we
decided to go towards anon as a second collection because that kind of gives us both shares of the
market when it comes to like the art perspective and the pfp brand ability but realistically like
ghost is pixel like if we weren't pixel i feel like it would be weird so realistically we ended
up going with that um that's kind of the closet feature season three is explicitly going to have
a new reward system for not only crews which are subdows we have 14 of them for anybody that didn't
know we have 14 uh active subdows that or crews as we call them that actually get to participate
on this you get to join whatever crew that you want based on the traits that you have on your
ghost kid and then you'll be able to participate in the season in that in that aspect you know
we have a singles leaderboard as well everything is gamified it's really fun for holders um you
know jay mentioned earlier about talking specifically keeping people engaged right
keeping people engaged keeping people on your platform that's something we've always highlighted
from the very beginning and we've continued to build on so just continuously adding on to that
creating new reward systems for the individuals on the platform continuing to make the ui ux
uh as amazing as we possibly can not just from like a clean perspective because i do think we have
one of the cleanest platforms currently that operates in the capacity as a tool suite on solana
but at the same time there's plenty of things that we have in the pipeline that we want to
add to just increase the user experience keep people engaged keep people on the platform
and just make them say why would i want to use anything else
so much juicy juicy juicy news you would you would almost think that you've done this before
um but there is something very pertinent that i did want to say actually two things you know exactly
where to you know point point those boonties and can i be the final boss in in the battle pass
please please please you know what digi um amount of boonties i've i've i've been able to push
through uh for the icon fam i think that we can figure something out specifically during the
season to just continue to do that you know me send me something uh there's a good chance
if it looks cute that i'm gonna just put it on boonties and you're gonna get hit uh and you'll
be you'll be just fine so don't worry no but okay so the bullish bullish on that part but i
want to i want them to fuck me at the end like i want to i want my monkey to be a skin
at the end of the battle pass you know the one that people always bar all the way to
that's can we can we make that happen you know i may be able to propose something like this maybe
if you get to the final level of the battle pass uh instead of it being like a skin your monkey is
a hoodie that that's actually at the end of the battle pass that that sounds very very bullish
good brand placement um i like it let's let's chat after this uh there's quite a few people i
have to speak to after the spaces i need to collect quite a few different things
absolutely orange has completely sparked digi's villain art yeah he's gone
this is insanity i love it though it's good it's fucking fucking funny um but uh tasky first of all
i love that um in terms of the closet and like its features um are so you're only going to be
able to revert between like the current upgraded ghost kid art and then like the previous art um
of your same trait set or people going to be able to like interchange their hats let's say
no you can't interchange anything so for example if you have a halo you have to stick to a halo
if you have a gold chain brown sweatshirt you have to stick with a gold chain and whatever
color sweatshirt um you know colors will change uh positions may change the exact way that it
looks may change but the reason we're not changing it where like i can't go oh i want
that affects the rarity obviously and we don't want anything to be affected that way there's been a lot
of collectors for the ghost kid collection a lot of whales that have specifically gone after traits
because they want uh they want those because the rarity how they look so on and so forth
uh we don't want that to be affected it's as simple as that so no you won't be able to change
it between different traits like that okay w because i was gonna say burrow with the with the
sort of sub-down culture that you guys have it would be absolutely devastating if people were
able to just swap to a to a little gold chain gang action dude that would be blood in the
streets without question but um okay that's very cool um other than that in terms of social
initiatives and community initiatives i feel like you guys have uh you know had like a very
sort of plug and play um you know aside from obviously all the development i'm not trying to
downplay what you guys do um but from a community management perspective your community has been like
so engaged and and constantly having fun do you guys have anything like coming down the pipeline
from an experience standpoint um to sort of continue adding depth and richness uh to that
social experience because to this day ghost kids is easily one of the most active communities that
i'm a part of of course great question um you can't leak this alpha for me because i will be
taken into the shadows um and you probably won't see me for a few days but what i can tell you is
is that obviously on our so we use asana if anybody knows what asana is it's a project
management tool that's out there there's a billion of them that's the one that we just decided to
use uh we have quite the list when it comes to like user experience upgrades uh that we're
going to be getting to hopefully here in the next like two to four months uh when the current
initiatives we have planned are taken care of first so there are a few things in the pipeline
that come first uh and then after that it's literally just upgrading updating and continuing
to add whatever we think is going to increase the user experience for our current holder base
onto the platform rolling it out getting into the hands of users and just giving them the things we
think they're going to want hell yeah dude i love that um i don't think like too much justification
is required you guys are established you have like a clear clear history of execution um and doing
things that your holders tend to love um the the culture in ghost kids i think is very special
and unique and you know it's yeah it's a testament to what can happen on salona um but task we've
reached that point if there's anything you want to say to the panel or to the listeners that we didn't
get out of you uh with the absolute fucking crowbar we were using to lever everything else out uh now
is your time did you your hand yeah i'm not that this might be the one brain cell talking
or just me not being in the co-host seat but anything planned for nftnyc any events bro
oh i'm dead just kidding please go ahead
all right let me uh let me see here the the last thing that i guess i want to say is is uh i think
one of the things nfts are utilized for should be utilized for looking at it from like in just a
crypto perspective is is onboarding right the nfts are the social tool for onboarding or at least
they're supposed to be looked at that um trying to reach wider audiences across the board that's
something that we have had initiatives for for quite a long time i myself have been in different
channels uh associated with like aptus i have been in channels associated with polygon um there's
other chains that i've spoken with like quiet network uh suey uh bass where there's a very very
good chance uh that ghost kid will be building booties on those chains specifically in their
code so that we can get our platform out into the hands of other users which will also coincide
with an adaptation to kind of automate uh certain processes and propping our platform up uh so it's
a little bit easier for just about anybody to to jump on and and be like i want to use this
and also a different way uh for the pricing model which we currently have where you buy in bulk and
there's going to be an update on that in the future that coincides with that too so we're
thinking long term obviously having individuals onboarding into the community is probably the
hardest thing that you do post mint uh even if you get into the you know the front of the eyes
of individuals on salona there's only 4.9 which is up from last month uh 4.9 active wallets right
now according to soul sniper uh you know there's only so many people that kind of take a peek at your
collection right like we have 2.1 k holders in ghost kid so how many people can we technically
onboard from salona it's speculative uh obviously and it's and it's kind of up for upper interpretation
but we are going to be hitting other ecosystems we are going to be doing things cross-chain
uh we will always be on salona obviously as ghost kid dao but our platform and our utility
our software as a service will be widely available at some point and that is in the pipeline so
stay tuned on that i think personally that's like the bullish most bullish thing because i think
that's the hardest thing to do is onboard people from other places and why the hell not just do it
through our software hey dude i love that nothing more bullish than a little chain agnostic
software distribution action dude fucking love to see it love to see it coming out of ghost kids
but unless anyone has anything else they want to say quickly we are going to start wrapping up the
show but before we do guess what fuckers we still got another code to drop uh so unless anyone has
anything to say i am going to roll right into that did someone say bitcoin ghost kids
oh that's right holy fuck holy fuck
now that's all i have to say gimme what listen brisell about 25 spots each please for personal use
i can't um you're gonna have to buy 20 ghosts i'll rob you on the streets do it dog
something about rambling them in boo too i don't know maybe oh no what let's go
let's go this this guy this guy's a leaky leaky faucet today dude we love to see it
dude this is a fucking absolute w of a sunday this show is in the top three's for sure um
but in turn please lock up the panel we got some codes to read my brother so guys as you know uh
the insult in or the code earlier was a direct insult uh to my brother digi uh which is hilarious
we love we absolutely adore uh to see that but this one's a little bit kinder uh this one's a
little bit nicer it is sorry dash digi dash 69 42 okay i'm sure you guys can figure out the
significance of those last numbers very big brain mathematical calculations going on uh to get to
those but the code is again s o r r y dash d i g i dash six nine four two okay we're gonna read it
out one last time altogether now sorry dash digi dash six nine four two let's go dude let's fucking
go intern let me out of this box right now hold on we're okay let's go digi do you accept that
apology yeah i mean there has been you know just an absurd amount of land-based things this evening
uh you know a lot of uh under the belt punches being thrown my way i am writhing in pain that
i have received this evening but you know that that code and that apology makes it all makes
it all worth it makes it all better um got the plaster on the boo-boo and we're gonna we're
gonna move forward like uh like big boys dude i don't know if it's a regional thing but i've
never heard of anyone putting plaster on a boo-boo although i do love to add that to my vocabulary
a band-aid what do you what do you call it yeah a band-aid call it cute little band-aid
we call it a plaster motherfucker we call it dirt oh that yeah that's a classic bro pack a little
dirt in there you'll be fine till you get home shout out all the parents who did that um
but yeah if uh no one else has anything to say we are gonna wrap it up i want to say a big massive
thank you to all of our homies who came out to the show today it's always great um when we can sort
of bring on like our genuine friends people who we care about people who we really really respect
on this show the lineup today was fucking banging um but did you go ahead
would you say that the lineup was stacked absolutely absolutely something along those lines
no i think i would hey hey hey i know you're the co-host but just i need i need a little bit
of air time here boss man i just wanted to say a huge thank you to all the people and projects that
came out and spoke to us this evening this evening for me uh shout out to all the listeners uh the new
listeners and the you know the returning listeners this wouldn't be possible without you guys um
this has been the the icon showcase friends and family and just in case none of you
knew i am the icon intern uh just like you know i am iron man