Fantom x ACryptoS - AMA

Recorded: Sept. 19, 2022 Duration: 0:26:49



Hello, H1. How is it going?
Can everyone hear me?
Yeah, awesome. We've got good audio so that's always a good start. Yep. Hold on just a quick one from my side. Let me uh,
Connect my G2V, it's set again.
Who do we have join us on the a crypto side? Um, that is me answering questions.
Perfect. Right, I've just set out a tweet that I think we're good to go. It's recording. Awesome. So since it's recording, do you want to just get started if people filter in then they can just catch up later by
Okay, I think that that was so Yeah, it's great to connect to you guys. I know we had a bit of a bit of a earlier with with all the different time changes. So thanks for your flexibility here No problem
Hopefully we'll get a lot of good info to whoever listens in. And I think a good place to start would be for whoever is coming across a crypto S for the first time. Maybe just a brief introduction, high level overview of what the platform itself does, and then maybe a little bit about yourself and your
capacity there. Definitely. Thanks a lot to one. I'll start with just saying that for Acroeptests, we are a U-automizer. That's our main product. So what we do is basically we help compound all these firms
and also some different farming tokens. We use our unique strategies to help users compound the tokens. And so we actually started off in the BNB chain way back in the two years ago, almost two years ago, that was in November 2020. And over time, we have expanded our range of products.
actually had a DEX which is a swap as well. It's based on balance of V2 that is currently just in BNB chain. We haven't actually forked that to other chains yet. And we also have a stable coin swap in BSC as well. That is actually having one of the largest volume for the
past one year for same coin trading. So yeah, that's about what we main products are. And right now this year, we have just expanded to a nine different chains. And Phantom being one of them and we actually are one of the bigger news is actually
We are one of the Phantom validators, so we have to talk more about that later on. So pretty much, glad to be part of that with our Phantom here. Awesome. Yeah, I'm glad to have you and I definitely a little late in this conversation. Want to get into the validator component a bit. But before we get there,
So it sounds like your origins are from BSC and then you've gone to several different chains, Phantom being one of them. Within Phantom, what's going on, what are you working on and what products are you integrating? Oh yeah, okay. So for Phantom, we actually have a real chat, one of them.
the major different product is the single token vaults. So what we offer is basically we help users compond that single token so there's no implement loss. What we do is we work with a guys finance and also
screen.stitch. So these two protocols, we actually have a team with them discussing with them and we created a few volts based on their landing platform. So right now, if I'm sorry, I'm able to type stuff on the other to the space.
>> The closest you can come to is leaving yourself a comment beneath the space. >> Okay. Okay. Okay. I guess we can write it out. Say it out. It's a @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @-x @#
dash x dot a crypto s dot com so that basically is our UI where we can see all our cross chain votes and if we go over to phantom we actually have the guys votes on and also the Scream dot message currently is a total of eight different votes built on them. So for example, if the
based on screen is actually giving out 7.6% APY and it has a 200 over 1000 USD value in it right now. BTC is a 4.43% FTM itself, we also have a vault that is
built on screen as a screen with an SS. So it's an 8% as well. So how it works is basically this single token mode. We actually do a same token leveraging from the boring and lending. So we supply that token, for example, FTN to scream.
we borrow the maximum amount supply again. So basically doing a multiple do all the same token. So it gets the highest use possible for our users. And at the same time, this actually increases the TVR of that platform. And they actually have a they can gain fees from there. They have a big
So that's how we work with all these landing protocols to basically I think it's a win-win situation from both we increase exposure for these platforms and in terms of your so let our users have a higher API as well. Yeah, so I guess that's the that's mm-hmm.
Now it's good to say that's really interesting.