Fashion, FUD, & The Future 💫Ⓜ️ w/ Gary Vaynerchuk

Recorded: Jan. 18, 2023 Duration: 0:52:49



Here we go yo, here we go yo, so what so what so what's the scenario, here we go yo, here we go yo, so what so what's the scenario, here we go yo, so what so what's the scenario, here we go yo, so what so what's the scenario, here we go yo, so what so what's the scenario, here we go yo, so what so what's the scenario, here we go yo, so#
We're gonna know Jack, we're gonna get rap, but what do you know? The dead all get searched up to batten, no batteries included, and no spins attached, no host bar. We're talking for move faking, got to get to lose the walk and bring home the bacon, brother's front, they say we drop care flow, but we've been onto the impossible right now.
I'm all back and then some just I can have some bus and I inside your eye to show you where I come from from back. I'm out of here my days are paying to the over and all is busy in there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah#
And I'll be like Bob Molly, stay back on the payback, keep our protein to date. Come on, Jack! Can I get a hit? Boom, boom, boom, boom, with a brother named Tim. Man, we're ready to play. He's cold-stopping, ripin' and robin' New York, no, kicker like a N-carp in. Take a checker, checker, check it out.
Ready yo, space more than four, scores for the score, that's for the dance floor. Now I go for my chasing seat, short, six, eight plus grade eights, the play takes, takes, takes, takes, takes for the weight of an hour, and here, simply Jeff the leader, base in the space means we see you later. Later, later, later alligator, pop.
Gary Vee, what's up everybody? It is Fashion, fun and the future, a vintage Wednesday, so we're weekly gathering, our weekly
We are weekly session. We've been building now over two, three months, every week in the guests. In my opinion, it has been top tier and they just keep getting better. And this is a really exciting one because we have an icon, a legend, and a good friend. Gary Vee, what's happening, my man?
life is good. Thank you so much. Good evening, good afternoon, good morning to everyone that has joined us a lot of familiar faces with their Twitter icons here. And I'm excited to be here, my friend. What's up, Sean, you make it in the room? What up? What up? Couldn't miss this one. You got the got the goat Gary here. So I'm hyped. Yeah, Sean, you've been excited.
got Brennan, say hello Brennan. What's up? What's up everybody? Um, nice. So um, Sean, you and Gary go back, right? You guys have, you guys have collaborated in the past or yeah, I think like, uh, you know, me and Gary kind of connected maybe a handful of years ago through sneakers, just like
I think everyone I end up meeting, you know, think, you know, thankful for the sneaker love in my world because that kind of brought a lot of things together. But yeah, we connected do that and just kind of like always kept a dialogue. I've always been like super inspired by Gary and just like, you know, following everything that he does and then we did work together on Gary's
shoe that he designed and we did a cool little event at the New York store Gary did a giveaway he was in there just like talking to customers and pass or buys and it was just like a dope thing so yeah we just you know continue to keep the friendship rolling you know authenticity right yeah I mean for me like I had my
so much of what Sean does and you know that you know complex con and what I give a case swiss when I started getting a little more you know collaborative and then with Reebok is I've got something brewing with V friends and Reebok coming out later this year and we need a preview to that which I mean you know this Nick because you guys are partners and real friends like
There's not a single person on here that if they have the luxury of meeting this man in real life doesn't go from admiration for his creative superpowers to deep, deep appreciation for the humanity and kindness and love that comes out of this man's soul and like, you know, actually 2023
for me is like a real focus to I'm like thinking a lot more about efficiency in my travel and and just in general all to open up more time for more more friendships you know between family and work that just kind of how I roll but I want to really open up more room for friendships as a
Sean knows as you know Nick between DM or texting. I'm pretty good like that right? I check in. I want to support. But my actual hours, so many people like for example, even on this on this spaces right now, so many people don't realize that I'm running a 2000 person company and that they're excess doing hundreds and
$100 and $100 and millions of dollars in revenue that by itself is a 15 hour job. Then there's V friends then there's the Gary V thing then there's the investor thing then there's like actually still caring about wine tech some wine library for my dad so but I'm so focused on opening up room to expand on my friendships. I'm going out to you know
right after I'm here, I'm going out to another dinner with with a couple that I would have loved 40 times I tried to have dinner with in the last two years, zero dinners. Now I'm doing it tonight. So Sean is one of those people that I have great love for. You're the same Nick where it's like real for business friendship, real, you know, there's a
I call them acquaintance pluses. People have a real love for it. I can recognize them immediately. I know a lot about them. I give them love. They're friends that I don't get to spend time with. This is pretty fun to do this on the 18th with the two of you because you guys fit in the category of my New Year's resolution. Though I'm saying that for fun, it's a life resolution which is I need
need to find more capacity for more hours for friends. And I'm happy to be here with you guys tonight. And I hope that little rant maybe inspired someone to text someone they'd be wanting to get drinks with actually and maybe pull it off next week. I love that. Also, it's great because this is the perfect
spaces for us because Sean and I, we've gotten to know each other and become really good friends. I feel the same about Sean in terms of being just top tier artist, just a really pure artist. But it was amazing to know that you guys had the history together and we have history together. So it feels like a really great moment to share together. And obviously, very
We appreciate you as Sean and I and Brennan build this new company that is minted and we're still introducing to the world and obviously you're just being kind of here to share some time with us. I'll add one more thing to that is that when I posted or when we admitted posted
Hey, you know Gary V's gonna join us this week. We got We got a ton of I mean a major response people that excited we got a ton of our CPS and then you know I saw that there was a couple comments or some notes in the discord that were like how do you guys? How do you get these how do you get these guests and you know I didn't respond
But you know what I would say to this audience is like you know 20 years of work right and it's like you and I have cross paths So many times over the years and it was a hello It was a nod it was a collaboration. It was a something with snoop like we just we We've gotten in the mix and got to know each other and become genuine friends
and when the time comes and you lean into people and you ask them, "Hey, can you, can you appear? Can you make this?" It's really purely out of friendship. So that's why I think what you just said really resonated with me. I was going to say that anyway. So thank you for joining me. I'm so glad you said that because I was petrified. We talked the other night and, you know, I thought you said#
We're gonna say that the people in the community were gonna say why doesn't Gary V have any? Mintage NFTs yet and I just started talking my my hard drop cuz like fuck you know cuz I did something about I did something about a year ago, which is like creating a totally separate laptop and hard wallet for purchasing and there's so much friction
in that because it's like, you know, like locked up in this and that. And so it's not in my face the way it was a year ago when it was in my laptop and in a hot wallet and things like that, H or so. Thank God you were saying something sweet, but I still have to do. I have to be loud and accountable. Don't worry, crew. Like, it's very hard, you know, I always say bet#
Most of what I invested in, world of women or women in weapons, definitely moonbirds. There's only two categories for me. Either subjectively love the art back to women in weapons or I completely believe in the operator, like moonbirds.
So for me, you two being teamed up on this, I have been transparent with you the three times we talked about this. I'm in this crazy cocoon right now. I'm going to get out of it because we launched V yesterday, the new website. We've got two big tech launches here, but I'm actually going to try to hang up here, a dust into your
filming in case we get content out of this. I'm gonna try to force me to like do what I have to do here. So, uh, the vintage community don't worry. I'm coming on board and it's and it's like I have no, you know, I'm done with the whole like nobody buy it because I'm buying it. That speculation and, you know, gold rush days are over. I'm doing it
Because of what I've always done, which is like I find it hard to not believe in two of you And I'm aware that you guys have lots going on and you may you know get sidetracked and do other things But like a I want to support you because that's important to me because you guys are friends and be you know you guys are two real people like you do think business actually this is not how you
I'm aware consciously that they're absolutely, and you look at the incredible work of Fort Ape and others, Luca, what he's doing, Pudge Penguins, there's people doing it.
I'm going to be in the fucking mix because that's the story of my 25 year career. I appreciate that and it resonates because the goal here is not to have the objective is like, hey Gary go get a mint. The goal here is like we just want to vibe and talk and share. We want to show.
to the world that we're building something slow and steady we set out to build a small community and by small a thousand is actually quite big but we didn't set out to build something too big we wanted to build something that we could really really kind of connect with and prove that Sean and I are what we're and Brennan what we're thinking about how it applies to vintage clothing and collectibles so
for us like again it's just about showing improvement so I love that. Well you know it's so cool everyone talks about like gifts and curses and timing. You two are so fortunate you're not fortunate that you didn't launch it 15 months ago when you know it would have went for a trillion dollars and all that you are fortunate that there's a lot of baggage that came along
with that gold rush. I feel it daily. Like, you know, the people that bought Day 1 cool, but like after, you know, depending on what timing was, you know, it's underwater and like for me, it's a 50 year project. And so like, you feel the pressure even for people that are gracious forget about the people that are loud about it. For you, like, there's a big part of me that they
I think this is an incredible time for real people to launch a project. There's so much upside. Everything is so priced in a calm on its merit, not the hysteria of the flip. And I think for real operators, look, there's never a bad time to launch a good business and there's never a good time to launch a bad business. Right. So, like, yes, I'm aware
when I launch V-Briends and I'm aware with like the trials and tribulations of the chaos the last 15 months, but like you're 13, it's going to be what it's going to be. Say now, if you suck and you launch in this calm market, good news, it's still going to suck. But on the flip side, if you're good, to be able to launch right now is a
Fucking blessing. Yeah, it doesn't come with any of the hyperbole about gold rush and you can just kind of build Yeah, no, we feel it I mean I think we're thinking about the application of the software we're thinking about the NFT we're thinking about the asset the collectible But we're just really thinking about how does it amplify our lives? How does someone like Sean?
on who's an icon and an vintage connoisseur and a creative think about it in terms of you know wearables how can I apply it to music and artists so these are the types of questions that we have time and it's a little quieter we can confront and we can you know work with some of these best these amazing development teams like non-fungible labs and things like that and we've got
- No, no, no. - Hey, Sean, by the way, real quick, Sean, are you around May 18th to the 20th? I spent the entire day today on Vcon speaking, casting, and it's, we're going crazy. - 100%. - Okay, great. So. - 100%. - That's really good. - That's really good. - Brother, it's really gonna be cool. Obviously, last year Nick and Sno#
a lot of the flavor, but this year I'm going more culture business like I'm bringing I'm trying to bring as many CMOs and CEOs so people can learn business and marketing at the highest levels. And I want cool and I find you at the tippy top of cool fashion like the people that confirmed today were
He's probably one of the best just friends in general to anyone that I've ever met and I would always find myself referencing him and I'm like wow it's incredible how he makes time for everyone in his life like I've never met someone like that who just like always has time for you and it's really like it's so special so I'm like man this year I'm sure
and to rub for your like that's so insane to me because one of my best friends that I think is like a great great great great great great friend is Aiton yours is Etae. Wow wow Aiton Sugarman big roses to you brother for the people a lot of people know who you are in the New York scene over the last 25 years
Talk about the definition of a friend. - Yeah, love that. No, it's cool. I mean, it was cool hearing you focus on that this year 'cause that's like my big focus. So it's like time for friends, but luckily all my friends do cool stuff, so I think it'll be a fun year, you know? - Good friends and be friends. - Yeah, yeah.
I want to ask you a really big because I got a bunch of questions but I want to ask you something super basic because there's probably point 001% of people on here who don't know you at this point you know because I think a lot are really tech savvy tech for and if you would ever but for the for that point of one I just want to because to me you're prolific but who
Who is Gary Vee? I'm a really very simple dude, believe it or not, for all the chaos and all that stuff. I'm an entrepreneur who's an immigrant first generation born in the Soviet Union who came over and did his family proud, walked into the family, merchant
liquor store business and changed the course of the entire family's life. And at 34, one of the reasons I push patients on every kid on social medias, you know, I spent the first 12 years of my career seven days a week in a liquor store, not nine to five, you know, seven to 10 p.m. open and close the store for a decade.
Saturday included, I would get Sundays during the football season, not a lot of Sundays during not the football season and you know and I never made a hundred thousand dollars from 22 to 34 and you know like that's hard and like you know like and I and so it's just like so big big that
I know it's true. Like I know it's true that if you do the right things and if you have the talent, you're going to end up there. And so I think I'm just a very cliche, not too crazy out of the ordinary immigrant entrepreneur story that valued family over themselves first, but I think what's unique about me and
And that's only because the internet was around, you know, how I'd been in the 50s and 40s and 60s. I just kind of want to, I probably would have 35 wine stores right now, right? And I'd probably be maybe 50/50 partners with my dad, probably not, but I would inherit it, right? But with the internet, I was able to speed up my course. Plus I had an 11 year younger brother who I#
my hand a lot. And then I think I'm a guy who really likes to see other people win. Things are getting clearer for me of how I'm wired. Nick, you know this. Sean, you even know this by the way our relationships have formed and a lot of people here know this. I really want people to fucking win. I really want it.
Like why? Because I'm so fucking great. None of the nobody's taken for me. I see the fucking one of the great iconic legends of all times here. Snoop. All of Snoop's winnings, right? All of your winnings, Nick. All of Sean's winnings. I'm just gonna keep all the Sammy and Jake and Vicki Jay. Like everyone's winnings don't come for me.
I'm gonna get mine. So like, you know, if you're great, you should only be cheering for people. There's no time for envy, there's no time for jealousy, there's no time for gossiping at dinner tearing down somebody that's winning. I'm cheering for Maverick Carter, I'm cheering for like everybody. I'm cheering for fuckers in my own industry, other ad agency if they're
enough they're good enough. Hawk media good win like I'm cheering for people because nobody's taking a penny or a smile out of my pocket. Did that come from age? Did that come from age and I asked you from success in age because no, okay, sure didn't I wouldn't if I wasn't that person I would have never built
something for my dad. Parents and siblings aren't off, you know, aren't hands off from this stuff. They're not exempt. If you envy, you envy your brother and sister most. If you envy, you envy your sibling, your partner, your spouse, your parents most. This is how I
I was born from the womb, from the dirt of Belarus. This is who the fuck I was. And then I was I was formed and molded by my mother who's the same person. So I had the luxury of the double down. For a lot of people here, they're gonna understand the double down. A lot of us have the DNA of one of our parents.
And then that parent is the most impactful parent to us. Others, we have the DNA of the other parent, and they're not the one that kind of did the hardcore parenting. So I had the DNA of my mom, and then I had her parent in. So I just became like the 2.0 version of her. So you know, so the reason I asked
became with age is that I spent my early career in music right coming up in the music game and and in particular around hip-hop artists right and there was there was a when we were young there was a level of competition and it was like it was very very selfish but it rolled on a success yeah yeah
Nobody's more competitive than me. On this call, I've already said that the difference has to be the number one NFT project both time. Right. To your point, this is where people struggle and I love that you said that. I used to cry until I was 17, anytime I lost anything. My brother once beat me in NHL 94 and I punched a hole in his bedroom wall.
like I'm plenty competitive like right like I'm like I'm like in a bad I'm actually don't I just did a podcast where I said it's my darkest part I'm dark when it comes to competitiveness but I don't think people understand that you can you can carry two opposites
feelings at the same time and they can coexist. This is where everyone gets fucked up. I'm competitive and cheering for everyone. I'm the most hungry and ambitious and I'm patient as fuck. The fucking superpower comes from the balance of the opposite feelings.
I get it. No, it makes so much because so what I one thing I have noticed as we've all gotten the least you know the a lot of the the icons that I've worked with whatever there's this sort of celebration now and there's this sense of like there's this real sense of love and and I don't I just watching it unfold right now has just been as
been really inspiring. I think it's I think it's I think it's cliche that once you scratch your itch then you are good. What I'm trying to get the kids on here to understand is when you're 20 and you want to be a supermoderal an athlete or the best entrepreneur you want to do the next generation of the people on this call like you
You know, it's then if you're smart enough to be gracious and happy for others and be the bigger person, the depths of those relationships will be greater. Nick, think about all the icons and music that are now giving each other roses, but they were fucking competing with each other because they thought the world was scarce.
Think about how more beautiful their relationships would be today and think about all the this one's gonna hit for you think about all the missed nights All those concerts all those balls all those fucking BT awards all of this nights where people could have chopped up shared bread fucking been
family instead of hating on each other, they missed those 700 nights. Yeah, no, I think about it all the time. I really think about it and I think about it, you know, it's something that if you can instill that in people at a younger age now, you know, it changes the whole dialogue, man. So I 100% agree with you, man. And
and it's warmed here. So I want to ask you another question. You are known as a collector. I see you collect. You've inspired me to collect. I think it's probably how you got to know Sean, some of the other streetwear icons, you know, at heart. Look, what was the first thing you collected? Like, how did you get into it? Because I think that story is amazing for this, for our audience.
baseball cards 1984. So I was nine. Don Mattingley was Yankee's first baseman. He was my hero. And I just, and then I like, you know, I was, we were like, you know, you could tell the story. Nobody believes you, but like we were poor. Like we didn't get shit. Like I didn't know shit existed. You know, I guess a little bit like, you know, like it was just#
This kid Eric Conrad. By the way, Eric Conrad, if anybody can find Eric Conrad, I think his mom lived in Florida, his dad lived in Jersey and Edison and Jersey and Dogwood Meadows and he would visit for the summer. And so like, I've lost touch with him since 1987, but if you're out there, Eric Conrad, with a dad and mom that were divorced and dad was in Edison and Jersey, I'd love to#
I literally haven't talked to him since 1987, but from '84 to '87, we used to go into his basement and we would make cardhouses out of decks of cards, like literally for like three hours and then we go play Whiffleball and basketball. And it was the first time I built cardhouses. You know what I'm talking about, right? Like you take deck of cards and try to build a fort or like a castle.
And then one day we ran out of cards and he was like, "Stay right here and he ran upstairs and he came down and he had baseball cards to add to our playing cards." And I was like, "What the fuck is this?" And I was like, and I was already crazy about the Jets and Yankees and that was it was sports cards and
What's really neat is I've never told that story it was because I was building Deck cardhouses out of playing cards and ever Conrad went upstairs and brought down baseball cards That made me realize they existed and within 13 seconds I'm like I need a Don Mattingley baseball card and then I would and then I will take my bike
or walked to crowdsors, which was like a 7/11 in Jersey, and then my I noticed that at the counter there was baseball cards, and that's why I had to do lemonade stands because I needed the money to buy baseball cards, because that's the beauty of how I grew up. My mom was not buying that shit for us. Money was for food and clothes and shelter, and so I learned how to get mine.
early. And then it's so well, it's like a couple things when the dog maddenly leave thing resonates, I'm from the same era, right? So to this day, that's still hits that still hits home. The Eric Conrad, there was an Eric Conrad in the who was a club promoter in the 90s in New York.
I don't think it's the same Eric Conrad, but I've had my own Eric Conrad in my life. So there's a chance that it was. Was Eric Conrad's, what about it? Did Eric Conrad's Pantworthy divorce, his parents? I don't know how to know his parents. He was doing parties around New York City. Man, that'd be so crazy. All right, cool. I'll look into it. I#
So when you're buying the baseball cards was the motivation at that point did it to turn into like a financial thing was it about making money or was it about the kind of the spirit of the collecting was it did you just love baseball? Love baseball. I loved on Mattingley and then and then two years later there was the baseball card
club in sixth grade. Remember just pre-internet kids. So there was no information out there for us kids. And I went to the baseball card club in sixth grade and then I saw a price guide for the first time. Think about young Gary seeing a price guide for the first time. It'd be like fucking God seeing the Bible. Like I was like, "Dada, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da,#
It was fucking over. Yo, I remember those Gary it was like the sports card almanac, right? It was like a paperback almost like a gravel dictionary kind of well That was the big one that came once a year before the Beckett before Beckett. There was this like black there was like a non-colored printed
Baseball card guide that would have like one primary color on the cover but everything was black and white and that was the first one I think some people will tweet it out because it was pretty prominent I'm just blanking Because I've never really googled back to try to get the name and then like a year later Beckett came out and by 1988 Kenner with the junior rookie car you know it was over dude that was it's a close
over to culture. That's what got me into all the, I mean, that was my entry to this entire world as well as baseball cards, dude. Like, I was my stepdad at the time was like diehard, you know, sports fanatics. So it, you know, started to wash onto me and dude, I just started getting into the baseball cards. And that was that moment that you speak about like when I had that
Like all the knack of the sports card prices. There's like a price guide It was crazy to me because I would buy a pack of cards for a dollar and then I remember I would go through the book and I would look up the value of each one and Some of them would be like 75 cents or like 60 cents or like 15 cents or 10 cents, but I was like wow every pack is always
worth more than a dollar. And that's like where it really showed me. I would start going into like collector's corner. And I'd be like, "Hey, I have this one where I think it's worth $3 and the guy would give me like 60 cents. And then I would end up getting like a dollar 20 credit and I would get a new pack of cards. It was so sick and this was so early on, dude." And what you all#
I'm going to have to run here soon for the dinner, but I want everybody to hear this. Me too. I want everyone to hear this very slow because this will help with NFTs, this will help with streetwear, this will help with everything. You saw and I saw, wait a minute, I bought a pack for 35 cents because remember this is OJ land, right?
Oh my god, it all adds up to like 59 cents. What you didn't know and I didn't know then was nobody really wanted the 10 cent cards. So there was no demand against that perceived value. Number two, what you also knew was my green well was hot. His rookie year and it went up to two bucks. But the next year he slumped in the year
After that he wasn't that good and gremot was a little bit better than that but I'm just play with me here. His rookie year it was worth two bucks but 12 months later, wait a minute I thought cards were supposed to go up. Why is this 80 cents now? Oh wait a minute that's demand. People don't think he's gonna be as good as Wade Boggs or Ted Williams and so the things we learn
And in that era, of course we were going to be unstoppable later. Of course you were destined to understand supply and demand and collectability. Of course I was going to be able to explode my dad's wine business because people collected wine. By the time I was 18, I was a fucking master. I was spending 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
I'm not sure if you're going to be able to talk about it.
What's crazy is to think that to eat both you guys your careers have essentially been inspired and a very linked to this early collecting and trading baseball card things incredible because what your careers have become I think a piece of content we have
issue 100% would be Gary picking vintage clothes with Sean you down Gary. I'm in bro listen to the finish clothes. Let's go. You guys don't even know I wish AJ was on here right now in 1998 when we were all about that eBay life we were buying fucking like iron made in t-shirts for 25 cents
sense and selling them for 40 bucks. This is where people always laugh when people think I just pop on to something. I made a mocktails video the other day and somebody wrote a comment of like, "Well, this trends over now Gary Vs here. I'm like, my man, I've been here for six years.
just because I'm not talking about it doesn't mean I'm not paying attention. I bought eath and 15 like like for me like the vintage clothes thing like I've been going to you know thrift stores and garage sales buying you know t-shirts for 20 years I don't buy the
I don't rock them. That's not my fashion style. I'm not that cool. I'm not as cool as everybody on this call. But I'm aware of what the currency is. Like I understood what it meant. Before there was eBay in 1994, I was buying Happy Days board games at Ronald McDonald's
I don't even know that they were worth anything. There was no eBay. I just knew nostalgia and pop culture and memories were the fucking game. V friends is not a random thought because I saw an opportunity. V friends is a culmination of 40 years of thinking.
I love that line of just because I'm not talking about it doesn't mean I'm not paying attention and I really I think I can really resonate with that as well where you know especially for me right now I apologize for interrupting I just want to get my credit button
especially for me right now because the second I say shit people are speculating I've got to be more quiet than ever now. It's incredible man I want to see that vintage collection I think that might be the inspiration for us to do a little clouds.
the vintage collections long gone I flipped that shit I think yeah like like that was how AJ made money back then right yeah like you know like because I wasn't rocking it and because like for me it was like you know through the years that I lived in Manhattan my parents don't like they do like to hoard
stuff, which means they don't want me to hoard stuff at their house. So like there's all these different dynamics that led to like a lot of stuff being sold. There was a flood. I don't even want to talk about it. Lost like 10th. I mean, AJ nailed the video game thing crazy. We were buying Mike Tyson punchouts for 25 cents at a lot of those in 2002.
You know so anyway, I got a run. I apologize. I love everybody. I hope you have a great sense. I Love you guys got any one question for you go. You I want to get the thoughts in the future digital fashion. That's it. What are you thinking about? Do you got any thoughts on that? The world is about and if something exists in an analog it's gonna exist in
Digital so if fashion exists, digital fashion is going to exist except the problem is 99% of things are not going to work. You know like 99% of projects is not going to come through but the macro yes Right, okay, got it man. Well listen, I look at there
We're gonna stay on here. We're gonna keep chopping up about what we're doing images, but we're working on something by the way little little deal double G's done we can we'll talk about that later. I love everybody. I'm peace. Gary. I'm looking for that Gary sweep the floor. Peace.
Sean he's still there? Yeah yeah I'm chill. What up Brennan you there? So Brennan that's a hard one to follow the Nick. I know it's awesome. He's the best. He is the best. I want to share a little bit about what we're doing Brennan. I think now is a good form. I think you know some people might check out
But I think for those who are supporting what we're doing at I'm a vintage and be it be good for us to share a little bit about You know what we've done up to now and and kind of a little bit of the timeline of what's coming you want to kind of get into a little bit 100% and Sean I'll have you jump in here too and add some and some details here, but I think high level I think we have Sean's class
I think we've been working on that for forever. It feels like now. But it's super, super exciting to see everything get finalized, get put on chain. And what we're doing is we're taking vintage clothes that sit in Sean's archives that are super, super, super near and dear to his heart and special and all
and we're bringing them to life. So rather than have them sit and collect dust, we're allowing people to interact with them in a whole new digital way. And so Sean's collection will consist of four garments. It'll be a denim jacket, a denim pant, a granny sweater, and a beach tee, along with three inks that are flowers of these
this fly trap and mushrooms. And so these inks will be able to interact with all the different garments. And what it's really cool about what we're doing is all the inks and all the different garments, they'll be able to interact with one another. So you'll be able as a consumer, as looking at this and wanting to customize it
you'll be able to take those inks and allow them to be applied to the garments and create something that you put your stamp on it. And we're super, super fired up to allow the community create rarity. And so while we'll create the initial rarity, ultimately, there's a day
where somebody might not combine one of the inks with one of the garments or there might be a bunch of people that combine one of the inks with one of the other garments. So really it'll be awesome to see how how the community takes it and runs with it. And we really feel like like customization is such a critical part to fashion.
Whether it's writing on sneakers, whether it's biker patches on jackets, it's just innate to the culture and and you feel this is a major step in the right direction. And we hope in the future we can continue to evolve and expand this and pioneer Pioneer the customization in the fashion game.
Sean, as someone has been a fashion in fashion for a long time, has fabric and design, and you know, when you thought about working in the digital space, like, tell us about that process a little bit, how did you approach it? Well, the kind of touch on with Brennan was saying that's what I was excited about this for is that like,
I do have this collection as do so many people of you know you always have your private archive the not for sale stuff or you know the things that I'm keeping near and dear because I know it's like the ultimate reference piece or it's a piece of handmade folk art from the 1940s or turn of the century even and there's these pieces of vintage that
are actually turning into more of like American history or just even global world history. And I, you know, we're getting to, you know, a point where these are actually being recognized at such a higher level. And so that being said, you know, I've kept this collection super near and dear because I was waiting for the ultimate way to
to give the consumer and people the chance to experience it. And so it was cool having this opportunity with Web 3 because, like you said, customization. It means everything to me. Like I've always been a huge proponent even with the creation of different programs like the Nike Buy U or whatever it is.
always been a huge part of trying to make that work for the consumer and giving you more and more levels of customization and being able to express your personality at the highest level possible. To me, that was the ultimate kind of place to get at with these vintage physical pieces as well. I can't
sell them they're just one of one. You know they could go in a suddough bees auction and no one will really get the chance to own it. But by doing this I'm really giving everyone the chance to own it in almost the same capacity as physical because it feels so real through this level that we've created. I mean we're working with you know we're working with teams that are
that are creating a digital product that one to one I can never even really tell whether it's I'm looking at an image of a real one or the digital I'm always like asking I'm like hey like by the way this is like the digital you know and so it's really impressive but I'm also excited like Brennan said to see what people do with my toolkit that I curated so it's like me as the artist I was able to
go through and curate my world. You know, my world is nature inspired. I spend a lot of time outside. I love looking at, I always talk about an interview, but I love like fully looking at a flower and a leaf and just all the different textures and layers and depths and colors that it has to offer. There's just so much there. And we've been able
to take that nature world and bring it to life through inks that you can apply to the garments and it's just so sick to be honest with you like I've been having so much fun playing with it myself of you know taking a denim jacket that has been through 50 60 years of wear has been patched
up and it's been re-sown and repaired and now you can take that jacket and you can apply these effects from nature and at this fantasy level and it's just super incredible. Honestly, it's where I thought we would be in the future with clothing.
It's kind of like when you watched a movie in 2002 on what they thought it would be like in 2020 and beyond, that's like where we're at and that's where we've managed to get with it. So yeah, I don't know, I could really trip on it for a while. It's super exciting to me. No, it's amazing because I think you're setting the tone for the first collection but then
goal and we have a lot of other designers that we're working with and I think there's a lot of iconic Web 3 artists that we're talking about designing, Enx with too, that we plan to announce soon. But I'm curious like through this work, are there any designers that you dream of potentially working with in the digital space that people have inspired you?
Yeah, definitely. I mean, there's so many people that I want to work with in the digital space. I mean, I'm a huge Tom Sacks fan and I think it's like a dream to work with Tom Sacks one day. It's cool that he's also, you know, doing stuff into digital space and believes in it. I think like other artists, I don't know. I'm really... I mean, I'm in tradition.
I would love to work with verbal, you know, like I think I think some of my friends out of Japan that are doing really cool and like innovative design work. I think just anyone who's doing stuff kind of like out of the box in the physical world, like it gets me excited to work with them in the digital because I'm like, man, if that's what you're
creating here who knows like like a salahi and not to put salahi out there but I know he's not like you know super keen maybe on web 3 and stuff like that but he's someone who like all things aside like I just get so stoked thinking about what salahi would create in this web 3 world because he already is so
like out there and so like you know game changing with his designs I'm like man someone like that I just get so excited on what he could bring to it so I think it's like that kind of thing you know I would like to work with Don C like I would love to like work with like a Joe fresh goods like there's so many dudes who are just killing it
right now, you know, in that whole world. I would love to work with like Sarah Anderman from Collette, you know, like Sarah is just like, she's always done so much cool stuff. We, you know, she does her books now with just an idea and I think just an idea. It's been cool seeing her like use that as a vehicle for her creativity.
So I just get excited on thinking about working with almost really anyone in the digital sense, you know? Yeah, and I think that's the goal, right? We're setting the tone and you know, even like a slate, you we aspire to work with it. Hopefully we can convince him, right? I mean, that's that would be amazing, right? Yeah, no exactly exactly. So.
Just say that, that's a big picture, right? We're working to build a platform, an onboard, an onboard people into our ecosystem and make Web 3, not this crazy scary thing. It's a very comfortable space for people to come in and onboard them with an easy way to get into the space.
and make it very digestible for people. It can be a really daunting task to get into it originally. But every day, everybody is working towards making it easier and more accessible for everybody. And if we can work with some of those people, I think that's going to be amazing, especially bringing it to a larger audience that
really at the end of the day is pioneering digital fashion with us. I'm gonna give a little secret but before I do that about who's on next week but before I do that Sean what's up because the jeans I keep seeing on your Instagram five the Levi's talk about those like what what I mean I'm just really like not on
purpose just kind of really teasing them not on purpose at all it's just like you know I made them and I have fully fallen in love with these pants I wear them every day of my life almost and man a lot I've given them to like all my friends here who have asked like anyone who asked me for I'm usually like yo here I got an extra pair at the office or something
I held a few pairs back for some special friends and she like that but yeah man I'm really excited for us to bring these out through vintage it means so much to me usually okay dope yeah I just assume everyone knows sorry fucking no so I everybody
Every week I pick vintage for all of our vintage stores, for all my projects, whatever it is. I'm constantly picking vintage. I just started a few months ago just putting together these collections of vintage Levi's. I would just every day grab maybe 10, 20, 50 pairs of what I thought had really cool, unique wear.
But really just anything, you know, not trying to be super selective, trying to really be sustainable about it, you know, not leave much behind. And so I just put them in piles, not really much of a goal with it yet, and then I started thinking about the OG polo pants that would have maybe like ducks embroidered all over them, and I was like holy shit.
I have to do fruit and veggies like that's my thing. So then I went to the inverter and downtown LA and we put together you know some ideas for the fruits and vegetables and from there I would just that's what it became. I just without any goal in mind just started picking my favorite leevis and in bordering fruits and veggies all over and with my S
W and then that's when we struck the idea of integrating them into vintage or a vintage, giving those to our holders as a special opportunity and then giving the access to those and then also
The whole chip process. Each pair is going to be chip with its own identification. That goes back to a digital version of it. Kind of like a token of that purchase. So I think it's pretty cool just being able to have these pants and now with mintage have that extra layer of digital
ownership and now we can kind of create a fun community around the pants and there's just like so much more to come with that so. Yeah and I just say from a product perspective too it's really amazing when you start thinking about tech enabled close and what that can give you access to and you know it's like it opens up a whole new realm
possibilities from event tickets to discounts to etc. That really, when you're just wearing a shirt it's like, I don't know, is that a bootleg shirt? But when you can tap it on a scanner and say, yes, this is the real shirt. Cool, now you can have access to this. Or what I like to do is the idea that we've talked about where you know when you walk into the Amazon grocery store.
your grocery stores and you don't do anything. You just get the food in your basket and you leave. And it charges you in all that. I mean, that's essentially what we've been talking about with the idea of chipping our pants and some of our physical clothes is that it grants you access. So then when we do our events or when partners of ours or friends of ours are doing
these events, you walk right through and you have access. You know what I mean? Those pants are chipped with your pass and there's a scanner scanning that chip. It's a cool thing. I feel like it's a really cool way to get into those special spots and kind of give it a rigged benefits of a smaller community.
Yeah, I love it. So I'm gonna give a little info on who we got next week on FashionFud in the future and try digging with them a little bit about what they're thinking about. But you know, to me it's one of the people that I really helped me learn about the space from it out. You know, I didn't know them at the time, but
But I'll just he goes by one name and one name only and that name is people so he'll be on our next we're gonna we'll drop a flyer later in the weekend normally I wouldn't give that much Intel until like Monday or Tuesday, but we got it But you know, I felt like hey what the hell were I'm like it's on tonight. So let's have a little fun with it. Um
And then I think I think I'm good man. I'm ready to wrap it up in Brennan. I don't know if it's anything else we want to add or you know if it's anything else we want to kind of dig into. No, I think we're I think I'm I think I'm good. I think next week will be super fun with people and I think we have we have a lot to gear up for with Sean which will be super#
and as that thing continues to roll out, it'll be a blast. Yeah, so we're still tracking the same timeline for Sean's drop. There might be a day or two. I mean, it does turn out to be the same day as the 48 sewer pass game ending. So my PIIT day or two might have to be a day or two of flexibility around that. But by the way, because
shout out to everybody out there trading their sewer passes. I'm curious to see how this thing plays out, but I was able to grab mine. So, you know, shout out to all my apes in the audience. I'm excited to see what inspires. I'm about to hop on a call with Fran later. He's going to walk me through it all, dude. I'm such a freaking dumbass, dude. I got a bandage of my
Mutants in my my kennels dude. Yeah, let's do you got to do it man. You got to param up and and grab it Yeah, that floor is is pretty fine. Thank God for Fran dude shout out Fran like if you're even in here listening at all somewhere just like Fran is such a goat dude Fran. Alicia's come up here man. He's such a good guy. He popped up here right now
be so excited.
Dude, if you don't have your friends, you have nothing. And it's, it unfortunately took me the last six years to learn that. So, you know, 2023 is my making up for lost ground on trying to, you know, focus on friendships outside of business. Just really tough. That's beautiful. Brennan, you got anything? Any party want to?
No, I loved what Gary was saying about the real insight that he was saying is the things that you love as a kid develop into what you develop as an adult and those passions are still there. And what he was saying about baseball cards, I remember going in and getting Pokemon cards and Michael Jordan cards that were like, you know, bad
And that's what got me into collecting. And so it's funny how that's a red thread between a lot of collectors is it's the successful price point, but it's also a current culture and moment in time that the things you collect as a kid, that's what ultimately it can shape you and direct you in certain ways throughout the rest of your life.
Yeah, no, he is a force. I've gotten to spend a lot of time with him and looking forward to doing more and, you know, just kind of like every time I'm at the intersection of new technology and try to do something to do it is always there. I just find that so impressive. So kind of know you're doing the right stuff when I'm
When you see his team out there, just working it. So Kudos and thanks again. So I want to thank everybody for coming through. So the mintage community and the mintage fashion, fashion, and future. If you want to join it, just go grab one off of it.
Most likely of open sea. We got our friends and family and we have our day ones are day ones are day ones There's about 1400 of them and the friends and families about a hundred and the friends and family it for those who really you know like that's like a sneaker game, you know, just want to keep keep doing surprises lay drops there and but we got
That's so much coming. I'm so excited. Feel free to hit me up in DMs or on Twitter or hit Sean or hit Brennan. You know, let's go. We got a ton of more work to do and a ton of crazy artists to collaborate with. So, peace, love, and soul. I don't know if anyone else wants to say anything, but I think I'm good to bounce, maybe play a little music on the way out#
I can't get in couldn't wrap it down. Everyone's down. I'll be the first to shake your head. Competition is good. It brings out the vital parts that abstract poetic.
I think I got a