Fashion, FUD, & The Future💫Ⓜ️ w/ BEEPLE

Recorded: Jan. 26, 2023 Duration: 1:15:55



All right, all right, what's up, we'll make sure everybody's locked and loaded today we got um Brennan you there
What's up, how are you? Hey, buddy?
All right, um, and I want to make sure we got this up-and-coming emerging artist
I don't know you might not have heard of him yet, but uh
People are you there? What up? What up? How we doing everybody?
There he is. There he is. So let me start by saying thank you for joining people. I I'm Nick Adler aka Nicky ads
You have Brennan Russo you have the mintage team
Sean Sean with us when we jump it on real soon as well. Um, we've been doing this every week
It's not it started out. It started out as it just a fun little project to talk a little bit about
Web 3 and streetwear and collectibles and things that you know, we were having fun
in our own lives collecting and
you know it developed into a project which is called mintage and
It's now built a we've built a community of a thousand strong and this weekly spaces has grown to be something that is
Something beyond what I imagine it and the guests have been becoming more and more
You know just bigger and bigger and bigger. So
To have you on here is is awesome
And it's very full circle for me because I don't know if I ever told you this and I'm sure this is probably a lot
of people
Have had a similar experience
But I think it was winter of oh man pandemic winter maybe 2020
This is pre. This is pre
It's early in the in the kind of emergence of NFTs and it was clubhouse days and I was sitting in
Upstate New York in a really snowy
House and I was listening to a clubhouse and you were on and this is before
The big sale this is right around
right around we were releasing the every day the big collection and
and I and I was listening to you talk and
that was my red pill moment when I was like, oh, there's something here I got to pay attention and
After this this conversation remember so much of it actually some things I was gonna talk about tonight
I actually learned then and it stayed in the back of my head
So I have to send you I have to say like it's it's really cool to come full circle
But I have to thank you for being kind of the main
Initial spark for me to go and kind of ruin my life in what?
We all had that person that we can blame for being in web 3 now, yeah, unfortunately
I am that person for a lot of people I
Destroyed a lot of lives you destroyed a lot of lives. We destroyed the planet. We destroyed a lot of lives
We're really I mean, it's going great. It's going great so far. I
Love it. Well, I mean look I want to I I asked this to everybody
And it's kind of a simple question
But you know for those who don't know and we're on Twitter spaces so a lot of people do so for the point like
Zero one percent. You don't whose people sure so I am a digital artist
Who's been making digital art for the last 20 years and sort of slowly growing an audience over that time?
Until the point where
in 2021 a
big big sale happened with Christie's and kind of
Jump-started things in the kind of like space here
But it's something where I
Was not I
Was not sort of like into crypto before this and so a lot of this is very new to me as well
And obviously, you know being a digital artist
there was no way to
Have people so sort of truly collect my work in a meaningful way similar to paintings or sculptures or photography or anything else and
That whole world of sort of collecting is very new to me as well
But it's been obviously such a crazy
Just insane ride since then and I've learned so much and many cool new people
Yeah, and we're just
Some version of the future here. I guess it's crazy. How many people you met. I mean, I I say it a lot, but
More people in the last two years than probably in the last like
15 years before that like easily I know and they've all been like-minded and everyone's thinking about
This in the same way of you know
how to use this tech and how to be at these events and the experience and you and I've gotten to know each other pretty
well, and I have to say it's usually my first question if it's an NFT New York or an art Basel or
Or whatever blockchain. I'm always I'm always like well or people and is Mike and Scott going okay
If they're going I mean Scott being your brother who's yeah, I actually told him that I was like you should jump up tonight
He's like no, no, no, I'm good. I'm good
He really hates Twitter and social media. He definitely hates it, which is I think good
I feel like it's good to have both sort of like perspectives because I feel like it's so easy to get into this sort of like
Crypto Twitter echo verse with this shit
I think it's good to have people outside of the echo chamber. We're kind of grounding you back to reality. Yeah
Yeah, no, it's true. I mean you can't I mean spending too much time here is crazy
I have to say even even doing the spaces weekly now. Um, it takes a lot out of me, man
It's like I my nerves are
They go kind of wild before we jump on here. So to see people who were amazing doing this every day
It's incredible what are the froaks and the Ryan Carson's of the world these guys are yeah takes a lot of energy to well
Yeah, I guess so much time a hundred percent
It's like you're sort of like all of these people now
Which I think is super cool like all these people basically have their own little talk radio shows now
Where anybody can call in and immediately become part of the show and so it's you know, I think a really cool
Way to sort of just stay connected with everybody in a different way and I think these conversations
You can have much more nuanced
Conversations when you're talking to people directly versus just you know 140 characters back-and-back trying to gotcha
Yes, I think it's just like people come into these with a more open mind to like have a discussion
versus just trying to
Older person or whatever. Yeah, exactly. And you know one phone one quiet space
It's pretty amazing what you can accomplish as opposed to having to a podcast which
You know takes I think a lot of work to produce. This is a nice thing to just say like we'll be live at this hour
Let's go. Yeah, so so before you
before you were
People digital NFT superstar, um, you know, I had heard your name through the music business a little bit
And you know friends of mine in terms of doing album covers in my background having worked with it with musicians for most of my career
Across paths with a ton of
Graphic designers etc who were who were kind of part of the part of the world. Sure. I this current
Movement has helped elevate them and help
Us celebrate them for the for the work as opposed to the work that they might have been doing in collaboration with another artist
So, um, you know, take us through that a little bit
I want to hear a little bit about the history because I know a little bit but not that much. Yeah, I think
Yeah, I did a lot of work prior to this for
My concert visuals and and sort of like stuff in the music industry and the way that I got started with that was in
2010 I started releasing these DJ clips which are basically
roughly 10 to 30 second little short of short animated
Abstract loops that anybody could use they were released under Creative Commons and anybody could use them with no credit to me
Just however, they want for any commercial non-commercial work
And those became very popular very fast. Lots of people were downloading them and using them
People started reaching out to me then for sort of like custom concert visual work
And to the point where you know prior to the NFT stuff
I was doing visuals for the Super Bowl and I did a bunch of stuff for
Zed and Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber and you know got to work on a huge amount of different shows here
And so it was always something though to your point like you were saying
Where the artist was kind of in the background or many times not even sort of like credited just because the the music was the thing
that they were you know was the main sort of product I guess and
I think that's what's been really cool to see with with this sort of like web 3 and NFT is more sort of like
Recognition of the actual kind of like artists who are providing the visuals for these things
And I think that's I think you're gonna continue to see more of that in the future as people
Sort of like see the value and in digital art and you were you were doing the every day at the same time
Yeah, the everyday started in 2007 so this was like before this
I was doing the every days and kind of like slowly building up an audience and the VJ clips was was one other thing
besides the every days that
helped grow that audience because all the VJs sort of like
You know know me and these clips became sort of so popular that they were not cool to use that it was a good anybody
Could just use the people clips like that's like cheating like it was like
like yeah
VJ clips I've not done any VJ clips for a while
And that's kind of like how my sort of how it's always kind of been with my career
like I'll sort of do something for a while and then I kind of get bored of it in a way and and then
Move on to kind of a different
type of work
I did I used to do a bunch of like short films
And that was another way that I had sort of like grew an audience
but I haven't done a short film for a while and I think the
like I don't know it's just I
think there's so many different kind of ways to
express things through digital art that it's like I I
Do things for a while and it's sort of like and then I came to look something else will come along and obviously now with
Sort of physical art and sort of building out the space and sort of all the NFT stuff like
Yeah, I don't I don't know when the next time I'll sort of like do that stuff
It's just because I feel like there's so many other things that I'm kind of more interested in right now
No, it's you know, I get it and then with the everyday is out of question because last time I saw you was right
Was right after you did the infamous Creek crypto dick, but no boy
Which which you know has I think really has like, you know established itself as its own piece
But yesterday's was pretty epic too. So I feel like I kind of I zone in right around the time
You drop really epic pieces
Please walk me through yesterday like what's going on?
It's it's why don't you set the tone as to what it is first? Okay, so yesterday's piece was
The picture
Is a picture and people if they're not on work computers can go look it up, but it's a picture of Tucker Carlson
Banging a green M&M
For those who are like what where in the fuck is this coming from apparently
the the M&M's changed the boots changed the shoes on like the green M&M and then like
Tucker Carlson and all these frickin like right-wing nut jobs are like
reading into this that all this means that I don't know that this green M&M's a lesbian or something and like
Turned to this ridiculous
Bullshit and then actually they just just yesterday or I think it was yesterday announced that they're like
shelving the they're they're kind of like
You know not using the the candies anymore is like spokespeople and that they're using my root off as like a thing
And I think it's gonna be some super but people are speculating and it's some Super Bowl, you know
Sort of marketing ploy here. But yeah, it's just a bizarre thing and it's just it to me. It's another
data point of like
Everything has to be a fucking battle and it's just like man. It's just different shoes on a fucking
Tarte cartoon character
Designed to sell you fucking sugar treats like what are we talking about?
Who the fuck gives a fuck what shoes it has my lord
You're doing God's work, man
You're bringing attention to the things that we we need to know and I actually I was not familiar until I saw the piece yesterday
So I had to look it up. Um, so we were you doing these pieces
Do you ever get a is there ever writers block do you ever come to a day?
You're like, I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do today. Oh a hundred percent. Did you have any ideas?
I still have to do it tonight. I got five hours here. I have no idea and that's the thing
I think people think I've got like all just like, you know, a million ideas and it's just like oh next
You know and then the next day I'm gonna do this and blah blah blah. It's like no, dude
That's why I do shit that happened that day because I have no other ideas
I don't have like, you know 365 ideas for this year like plot it all out. I have no ideas for any days
In the future like so I have literally have to come up with something tonight
I have no idea what I'm gonna do like well
Hopefully we can use this this space as an experience as a as a social workshop in art to help make sure that you get the
The everyday piece, you know the mintage everyday piece done. Yes, if anybody has any ideas
I'm always very open to suggestions and honestly, there's been many times people have suggested stuff. I'm like, yeah, that's a great idea
I'm gonna do that. I did it like it's definitely
I'm always always open for an idea here
He saw we were talking about a little earlier in terms of you know, again
I don't know how much you want to get into it, but you know our mutual friend Kevin Rose today
That was pretty fucked up. Yeah, he got act for her fish defer
Some serious valued NSTs, you know, yeah, I just I just saw that I don't know
I just like texted him to be like dude, what the fuck? I just saw that happen. But yeah, it's definitely I
Just as we were talking about before I feel like you're just waiting for your fucking turn tell your numbers up till you just
Let down your guard for half a second for if you click that one wrong link. I did it
I mean I did it. I got one from a PFP project. This was like over the summer
It was so stupid man all day long in Twitter. I get added all day
Hey, check out this cool project and they tagged me and 50 other people. Yeah, some some crazy reason
I like I would call me at the wrong time. Um, I
Was sitting in my house. I was waiting for a friend and I just clicked the button my and it was uh, it was to
It was to mint something. I remember the project
I don't want to say it was but I was to mint something and it was had
Copy pasted the whole mint site and I clicked it and my wallet popped off and I clicked
Approved so I approved the transaction, right? And
and funny enough I had had it what I had my
These particular JPEGs in this on a hot wallet
I normally use a cold wallet, but I'd move them into this hot wallet for purposes of KY seeing it
Sure, and it was just bad luck. And I think that the program read what the most expensive
JPEG was in the in the in the wallet and it took
Three mutant apes at the time. It's like the height of the height
So I felt that I felt that got punch, but I always say like it was the bet, you know in a way
thankfully enough he's happened since then and it was the
It was the not I needed it to know how to navigate this crazy shit. Well, it's just it's it's so easy
I mean you look at this thing with like Kevin Rose Kevin Rose has founded multiple tech companies
Like I'm pretty sure this guy is quite tech savvy and he's been around the space for a second here and
Even he just got fucked here
like it's the security thing is the thing that I really think needs to be
Massively improved before this truly goes mainstream because again if people like that are getting fucked the average person
Literally stands absolutely no fucking chance. Yeah, and I was talking about people who are extremely
What I've seen what I've experienced most of these scams these fishing scams are simple
It's not even like it's complete social engineering. They trick you so that's what's it's not super complex
It's so stupid and we fall for it every time and I'm I mean a lot so I'm super sympathetic
Hopefully everything works out there, but I don't know that's something to think about
Um, the the the so the music stuff was always be something that kind of that resonated with me
And then and then I'm spending a lot of time on fashion, right? That's that's something that I find
Has a lot of opportunity to disrupt. I think technology
You were talking to Gary V last week and he was just saying if if if it's if it hasn't been touched digitally yet
you know web 3 will be that place to do it and be thinking about a lot of that with
with clothing and vintage clothing and digital wearables and provenance and
Upcycled clothing all that kind of stuff
But you know also know that you and and this is what I learned two years ago on that clubhouse or three years
Whatever it was
You work you have worked with like Louis Vuitton in the past like give me a little bit into the world
Where you've kind of collaborated on the fashion side
I'd love to get your thoughts around the world of wearability knowing your work with 10k TF and all that. Yeah. Yeah, so through
Louis Vuitton reached out and they were like, hey, we want to use some of the everyday's on the
women's spring line the
2019 spring line and at that point like I knew so little about fashion like like nothing not that I know
Very much now. Well, I mean that's a surprise to me cuz when I see you I'm like this guy screamed
My fucking I would say most of my clothes it like most of my entire
Wardrobes are less than like a Louis Vuitton like scarf or something like value wise
But that's part of what makes you so special to to me is like somebody who you know
Fame is weird, right? Like you've become famous. We'll get back to the we've talked about you
You become famous pretty pretty quickly like globally famous, right? And it's a weird
weird thing we've talked about this so
but what's really
Perfectly packaged about you is that you're really prolific. You're incredible as an artist
You're an enigma, but you also have this style that is just like it screams people like I would not expect people to look any different
Yeah, that's true. That's true
I do feel I do I feel like I fit the mold of somebody who would make these pictures because I look I look kind
Of like a normal sort of like a run-of-the-mill serial killer
And so I go yeah, of course, these are the pictures that this serial killer would make
But yeah, so they they reached out and at that point again knowing so little about fashion
I literally thought Louis Vuitton was like some dude who was still alive
Like I thought he was like some like designer who was like 70 or whatever and he was so and a quick Wikipedia search
Revealed that he is in fact been dead for a hundred and fifty years or whatever
so I just to give you a little like
Background on how little I sort of like knew about fashion and so they reached out and they were like, oh we're gonna use the
For the like women's cause like that just seems so bizarre and and I'm kind of you know
I've been around the industry for a bit and so I know that people you know
Oh, let's do this and things get cancelled and so I was sort of like, okay
I mean if you guys want to do it like let's do it
But I was very much expecting this to kind of hit the cutting room floor that there was some intern at at
Louis Vuitton who was you know a super fan or whatever
People stuff on the clothes and like, you know, this was not gonna actually happen
it did end up happening and and I was
super shocked and my wife and I went to the like opening and I'm still sitting there thinking like this is not gonna happen like
This didn't actually use anything. It'll get cut last second or whatever and I had no idea how they used any of the images and
This is at the like Louvre in Paris or whatever. It's just insane
And the first model comes out and she's got giant right on the front of her shirt
Like pretty much just like a t-shirt of the everyday and it was like, oh my god
They fucking use it like, you know
And I assumed if they were gonna use any of the artwork it'd be like in the lining of a shoe or some shit or some
Like weird tiny little detail and I was like, oh wow, this is like pretty much front and center on this like collection
so it was just a like
Amazing amazing experience to see my work sort of translated into that domain and then we did these series of
window installations with s Devlin and it was just like a amazing experience all around but something and something that taught me and and really
Kind of like spurred an interest in fashion that I truly never had it and made me look a little closer at these fashion brands
It's like wow, they're doing such
interesting forward-looking
designs with this stuff
and it's I've been a huge huge fan ever since and and it's something that I think is
Very much going to be
Disrupted by web 3 because I think if you think about
sort of long term we kind of started out with like fashion kind of
started out with like couture where everything was this sort of like one-off thing and then it became sort of like mass market where
You know, you'd make a million of the same sort of like product
But I think now it's going to go to a place where you see
Louis Vuitton and you see these
fashion houses
Release collections where there is rarity built into the collection itself
So they might release, you know a hundred of the same shirt
But then five of them have a red collar or something and those are the like truly rare unique pieces and people who really know
fashion know that those are are
super collectible sort of like pieces and I think sort of merging the
Collecting world and the like sort of like fashion world even more. I think is going to be something that that
Web 3 is gonna really sort of like enable
No, I think it's a lot of what we're trying to tackle thinking about
I think you know, John Wexler is a friend and he was on this he was on this
this show
And he spent a long time at Adidas and and working directly with with artists and musicians
and you know
he had this thought that you know, he thinks that they'll come a day when
You know our kids or our kids kids are just saying, you know
Wow, like you wore the same thing that your friends wore, you know
We go to this place where really everything is a one-on-one or
Extremely rare. Yeah a hundred percent. I absolutely think that's what it'll be
I'd be like wait, so everybody just wore the same t-shirt like you like clones of each other
That's so bizarre or like you didn't have any ability to customize the clothes before you bought it
Like I believe that will be another massive thing where it's sort of like, okay. I want this
Basic t-shirt or this basic shirt, but then you have some options to sort of like
Customize it to exactly what you want and make it truly unique for you
and I think
living in a world where
These possibilities exist. I think is something that people in the future will very much take for granted
And they'll look at the way we dress to all the same as being like bizarre
And did you win the collection that you worked on that was that actually?
On sale did that get sold through stores or was that more?
Yeah, that was the regular sort of spring ready to wear line of clothes. Yeah, it was definitely it was in
Stores all over the world and we went to a bunch of stores and saw and it was you know
Super cool to see it just all over the world in these stores. But yeah, this was the regular
Like women's spring line and then have those pieces since become
The DC it's still see him out there have have this sort of
Collectors dug in have you seen that kind of have a secondary story to tell that honestly, I don't know
And and that's I don't know as much about the collecting side with fashion
In terms of like where that would even kind of like take place
I don't know if that's something maybe on
What is that one website like far fetches I'm going I'm gonna I'm gonna buy a bunch of
X I don't know. Okay. X has stuff like that. Yeah, I don't I honestly don't know that much about kind of the secondary market
For stuff like that. Well, I think I'm gonna send the team on the hunt and we're gonna scoop some pieces up
So to the 500 or so people listening. I'll race you to it. And yeah, dude, honestly, I didn't even
That's the thing. I didn't even get like
I didn't get all the pieces in the like collection
And so it's like yeah that I would I really actually would love to sort of like
Half those so yeah, I definitely do need to kind of dig in. I'm gonna get some i'm gonna scan some and then
Wait, have you been have you been um 3d rig yet? Have you created the the 3d people?
Yeah, i've got um
I've been scanned a couple times. Um, and i've got a couple different sort of like models of like varying quality
I don't have a one really good one though
But yeah, I think that's it's it's crazy with these like ai tools now how it's like like that tucker carlson thing last night
It's like, okay. I need a 3d model of like tucker carlson's head. There's programs now
It's like literally from one image of tucker carlson's face
Able to like generate like a 3d model of his head and it's like it's just crazy
How these these programs are how fast they're progressing in terms of being able to like build on all this shit like I think in
five years it will be
Like so so easy to get like a a 3d model of yourself
Are you spending a lot of time with mid-journey and and all the various ai apps personally?
Um, yeah, I have played with them a bit. That's another very interesting. Um
sort of area that that
Has exploded recently and is like changing so rapidly
Um, I played around with a bunch of them and I think they're they're super super powerful and just progressing so fast
And it's it's interesting to see sort of the discussions around them
There's a lot of artists obviously who are
against these um
Just because they don't like how they kind of scrape things and stuff and I can definitely see that point
And I think there's definitely ways to use these
ai that are very
But I think there is also people who are doing genuinely interesting things with this technology that I feel is truly new and is not
um, you know trying to
Copy something from the past to sort of put somebody out of a job. They're trying to truly make uh, you know
Something you've never seen before with with ai and I think to me that's super super exciting because that's what i'm always sort of searching
For i'm always trying to make
That you've never seen before
um, and so I think these ai tools are
Very powerful to that end and something. Yeah, we've been exploring quite a bit
I gotta send you I I did the a full body scan
Um a couple months ago, uh, it was kind of a funny story because I walked in and it was at um
Brandon what was the name of the studio?
That we were at um gentle giant. Is that gentle giant which does a ton of you know, um
Big studio. It was it was og og star wars. Yeah, so we walked so we walked we walked in and
They were like, you know, I just I had a black sweatshirt on black jeans and I was like, okay
I'm ready and they were like, well
Why don't you go take your clothes off? And I was like what?
Excuse me, and they were like, you know
It's better that way because you know
Because you know the goal is we want to be able to you want to be able to use this modeling to put clothes on it
right now I said, yeah, so
um, so I you know, I went down to like boxer shorts or or what do you call them briefs and you know,
I stood there and you know that the it took the it took the captured it however many photos it took
Um, and it was really afterwards. It was crazy because you see every day the camera really doesn't lie. Um, yeah, so it was kind of freaky
Nick's been Nick's been in the gym every day since
Yeah, it's amazing. It's amazing what that'll do to you
So but I had that and then they prompted it to dance like, you know swan lake. It is incredible
You know, so i'm like doing you know full blown ballerina and and ballet and it's in you
Jiggling, you know every which way and it's a trip man. So
Um, so I need to get you that and you could put it in the human one
Um, I can that is definitely I will keep that in mind I think that um
That could be an interesting new direction for human one
so I mean for context when you just kind of talk about human one real quick what it is and and
the reason I think about human a lot too is because
You know you've taken that and you are looking at you know, think that there's war ability. There's futurism. There's
astronauts and you know, I even throughout the the
Seriously one day I was like we should put snoop dog in there, right? So i'm curious, you know, like
You know talk about that and kind of what you're doing with it in the future if you're if you're building off of it
Yeah, for sure. So human one is another piece that I did in
November 2021 and it's a kinetic sculpture
Along with an nft where there's sort of this box kind of like a refrigerator size real box
That has four screens on it and it's sort of slowly rotating and there's this figure walking in it
and just sort of like continually walking and the background around them is sort of like changing and it uses a
Technique that is very prevalent in the the concert visual world. It's called projection mapping where you sort of
Take a point and can kind of make something look
3d by sort of
Reprojecting a 3d image onto a sort of like surface and I realized we could probably do that with
moving screens
And that it would look pretty cool. And so
My brother and the team of engineers that we work with now
I made like a little video like oh could we make this and
within two months we had made the box and I went to christie's and
again turned out pretty good and
yeah, it was it's something that I think is really interesting because
Uh this physical component and the nft as well is something that i'm going to continue to change over the course of my life
and so this is an artwork that
um will continue to evolve and continue to
Have new sort of like meaning which I think is much more
sort of akin to the true potential of digital art in that it does not have to be static versus
a painting or a sculpture
is something that is
It's kind of a statement frozen in time
um, there might be new meaning that is derived from it afterwards, but that's
a kind of unintentional
You know in terms of what the artist was kind of trying to say
Because what they said is sort of like done and and sort of you know finished versus this is much more kind of like an ongoing
conversation that
Will continue to have sort of like new meaning and again
It's it's very similar to the every days and I don't have this all sort of like planned out and uh,
one of the last updates to it was uh something with the ukraine war and that was something that
couldn't even have been a part of the artwork when it was initially sold because
That the war hadn't started yet
And so I think to me that's that's really interesting and I think it's something that you're going to see a lot of in the future
um is art that feels more dynamic and continues to
provide different sort of like meaning and provide new ways to
Sort of entertain and and kind of like challenge us and I think that that to me is really exciting and something we've just all
You know sort of barely scratched the surface of
Hey, can I can I ask people can I ask you a question specifically on your you're talking about music?
And we've been seeing these things pop up on social more and more of these like
Electronic 3d images that these like raves where the the stuff is starting to come out over to the crowd
Where do you see that that going because it's such a crazy visual to see I haven't had the luxury of seeing it in person
Yet, but wait, what do you I don't I'm not sure I've seen that what look up look up
It's called look up eric pritts and he's creating this whole show called hollow
Um, and it's all about these holograms that kind of like come out over the crowd
It's like it is the craziest thing to see and I i'm it's insane word to it. Insane
That's interesting. Yeah, I'll have to look that up. I know one of my buddies did a bunch of work with him gmonk
Did a bunch of his visuals?
Um, yeah, he and he's very much always kind of been at the sort of like forefront of kind of
Cutting edge visuals with this like concert. So I'll have to look that up. I've not seen it yet
Do you know what sort of technology it uses to like achieve that?
I'm not sure
I really don't know the tech behind it
But we nick and I were over at a de and we were and every it was literally the talk of the whole festival
Everybody was like this is the craziest show we have ever seen and um when you see it you'll you'll see it
It's um, he has something. I think it's like a light board in front of the stage where somehow then
It gives that gives that depth and perspective
Huh? Yeah, I have to look that up. That's very interesting. I'm not seeing that but yeah, it's it's
Crazy, you know just in the short time that I was in the sort of
Concert visual space and kind of concert visual world how much things changed and like it was just this arms race with like screens
And like bigger screen more high def screens. Okay, instead of having one screen behind them. Let's have three screens
Okay next year. Let's have fucking five games. Okay, we're gonna put 20 screens
like it was just it's just crazy like that that sort of uh
Coachella daft punk pyramid thing. I feel like really kicked off this
last 10 15 years of just
absolute fucking insanity in in kind of
uh, you know progress with with how
crazy involved and just um
just a a very
I don't know it these concerts if you've not been to like a sort of
Modern edm concert in a while. It is a experience now. It is not it is not to remember
Yeah, I mean that you got a live experience combined with the the innovation combined with the ai
We're about to see some crazy crazy shit
But that I think is a perfect segue to what you guys are doing
In south carolina, like you should give give us a little background on what's happening because i'm excited. Um, I really want to get there
Yeah, definitely. So the the space that we have in in south carolina here. Um, we've got a pretty big studio
we've got a 50 000 square foot studio
this is where we made like human one and and sort of like produce artwork, but it also has um
Two other sort of like exhibition spaces that we're we're going to be opening. Um march 11th
Uh this year
And super excited about that
One of the spaces is kind of more of a sort of traditional white wall kind of gallery type space
And we've got a bunch of sort of like physicals in there
uh a bunch of sculptures and a bunch of of sort of
paintings and other things and kind of
Different ways that we've taken this digital artwork and sort of like made it physical. Um, which I think to me is
I I think there's this this tension between those two that I think it's just gonna like get blurry
Blurrier and blurrier as time goes on and and sort of there won't be this like
It's either, you know completely digital or completely physical. I think
It that that line is just going to continue to sort of like fade away
Um, and so being able to like have a physical space to show stuff like that, you know
To me is super super exciting
And then the other side of the the other part of the building
We have an experiential space which is this room that's sort of wrapped with projectors and it's got a bunch of sort of columns
with with tv screens and stuff on it and to me that that area is is super super exciting because I think that's more akin to
sort of the the kind of museum of the future in terms of being able to
Show a bunch of different experiences, you know instantly because they're sort of tv screens and can change very quickly and easily
um, and so we're having a opening event in march and
we've got a bunch of different artists who will be showing work at the space and so it's just a
Place that I think I really want
the entire sort of like community to be able to sort of like utilize i'm really excited to be able to
to show other artists work and I think
having this be a meeting place for
different communities in sort of like web3 is something that I think is
really exciting and something
I think like nft nyc and all these stuff. I love those and you know
I'll always be at those just because it's such a great place to connect with everybody but
It's so there's so much shit going on
It's so hard to kind of manage and you're you always feel like you're like, oh fuck I missed the thing and like
four things in one night and
I think having a space
That's a little bit more off the beaten path where you can kind of you know, have a sort of take a time to
To really sort of like talk and connect with people, you know
I think is is going to be really fun and and we're super super excited about it
Well, i'm saying right now to anybody who is a mintage passel girl. I'm gonna we're hosting one of our first events down there
I'm definitely gonna put that on so that would be
Yeah, I want to dig into like, you know show the pieces and talk about wearability and the the future of this digital wearable stuff
So you saw some of the scan?
I mean again now this stuff has been public but you saw some of the content we're working with, you know, like, you know
Did you get a chance to look through it?
I love your thoughts on kind of like how we're thinking about where wearable fashion in the future and if you do you have any
Takes on kind of what that could be
Yeah, I think yeah. I saw the the the scans that you guys just sent over and that's super cool. And I think um,
I think it's such an interesting
It's such an interesting
Sort of new thing that I I think
Is only going to grow and I think you know the the whole we're still early, you know in terms of digital sort of like wearables
We're very early in that
Just because it's like most people don't even like when you say that they literally don't even know what those words mean
And I think they could mean a lot of different things
But I think to me this is something that will be
Much more I think the the digital fashion stuff
Is going to be hyper relevant in the future, especially when ar is more prevalent
When ar is something that is ubiquitous as smartphones are now
When we're all wearing the goggles all the time and this is just like, you know
You wouldn't think to leave house without your apple glasses
I think then the wearable segment will will like truly explode because then it will be like
Oh that shirt that you're wearing is
you know just a digital shirt and or you know a digital hat or something and and and
Everybody will be able to see it instantly like any other piece of clothing and I think
That will be you know, a massive massive moment for digital wearables. Um, but I think
Now is is
You know obviously necessary how far if you were to put a prediction on timeline for goggles or ar what's your timeline?
Uh, so I personally think that goggles are not going to happen. I think until apple does it
I think apple is the only company in my opinion that has enough
clout to get you to
wear a face computer, um
and I think about with that I think about the
The air pods when the air pods first came out. Everybody was like these are fucking stupid as hell
They look dumb as shit. You're fucking sticking q-tips in your ear
And then like I don't know a year later six months later, whatever everybody was just like
Yeah, I guess they're kind of cool
Whatever and like we all just like changed our mind and like fucking put these things in our ear and like I changed my mind
too, it was just kind of like oh, yeah, I guess
Not too bad like and and so I think I think it's going to come from apple to be honest
Um, it's that collective consciousness thing, right? One day we just wake up and we're like, oh, that's that's cool
I'm into it. Yeah. Yeah, and so I think
apple's not going to do this until they know it's just going to be like a fucking smash out of the gate like the
apple watch like the iphone like the ipad like, you know, the last however many products they've released and so
I think it might still be I think you know, I did a bunch of work with with magic leap and a bunch of
Sort of other ar kind of like concept stuff and I think the field of view. Unfortunately is still the biggest
Thing holding that back. And so I think it still might be
Until this is truly sort of like adopted. I would say
Maybe five years. I I think it's
Not imminent, but again, nobody knows that's that is the like most highly guarded secret at apple
I'm quite sure is right
Like I mean shit moves so fast who knew chat gpt was going to be passing the bar exam, right? Yeah
So that's true. I mean I say five years, but maybe it's two years. Maybe I don't know. I mean, I think
I think it still might be a second off, but I think it's it's going to be when that happens
I think the adoption rate is going to be very quick because I think
it people will see that it's sort of like this is a I think because they have
A huge amount of people already making ar
Apps through ar kid and google's doing the same with ar core
They're going to be able to come out with these glasses
Okay, add this, you know couple lines of code to your app
Boom now your app that you ar app that you made for the phone works on the smart glasses
And so within months, I believe they will have tens of thousands of apps for this thing
I think it's it's really going to be
uh, I don't know I think it's
Where we talked about how we all kind of like live in our own sort of little worlds
Uh now I think then you truly are going to have people like they're going to be seeing shit
But you don't see I mean we are truly going to be in our own fucking like worlds here
So limited on that who who inspires you like it could be fine artists. It could be movie directors
It could be you know
Graphic designers like is there is there anybody's work living or dead that really inspires you right now or or is inspired to work so far?
um to be honest
There's that's such a tough question for me
Yeah, um just because there's so many people whose work
Sort of like inspires me and i'm i'm constantly, you know
Looking to see and trying to find things that are
You know things I haven't seen before
um, and so it really feel it's rather than kind of like one person it's like a it's like a little mix of like
A bunch of different people's work and and and that's what I think is really so exciting about
this space like everybody's
everybody's going in
different directions kind of they're all sort of
Similar in a way, but people are using it for so many different things
You guys are using this this technology for wearable fashion, which is you know
Very different from what i'm using this technology for for kind of digital art and I think
It's cool to be able to sort of like see the kind of like overlaps between those and oh, okay
That's cool
I never thought about like doing that or or sort of having people meant something like that and being able to
To sort of transfer it and kind of change the this to that there's just so many different
You know things that people are working on with this technology that it feels super exciting
And I think things are going to continue to progress super super fast because it's just this
Mixing pot of ideas and everybody is so open with what they're working on
I think that to me it just feels like such a crazy renaissance moment
That there's just there's not one person. It's just like i'm inspired by like the whole like creative output of like the community
Yeah, I know
We said it earlier how we've met over the last few years, but it's put me in the room with some of my heroes
It's the technology and the and the I mean just this the simple nft conversation because people want to understand it
And um, I don't know. I remember taking a wild photo with you last year like a wild one, right over at um
At guy's house and I was curious
Is there anybody who you've encountered that has blown your mind?
Like you're just like what the fuck is going on right now through this this new kind of world tons of people tons of people
Yeah, I completely feel the same way. Um
One of my I was at a party
A couple or a year ago. I guess. Yeah, it wasn't even that long ago like a year ago
And i'm like just standing there kind of like by myself just sort of
Taking it all in and a guy walks up to me. He's like, hey
My name's darren aronofsky. I know I know you're like people or whatever
It's like what the fuck like just one of my absolute all-time favorite directors
It was just like jesus fucking craig just walks up to me at a party like introduces himself. It's like, oh my god
What in the fuck is going on?
Like yeah, that's awesome
Yeah, he's alleged. I mean and I haven't seen the will yet, but I want to check that out
I don't know if you saw that. Um, yeah. Yeah super good
Yeah, I gotta say so, um, I know I I know we're kind of getting close to the end
But I um a couple other questions and shawn. I saw you jumped on shawn. We were talking earlier people worked on. Um
A collection with louis baton spring summer 2019
Love that and and you know, a lot of it is is the it was a lot of every days
No, no, it wasn't the every days. It was the open
Um, right it was just work you'd already been doing
No, it was it was every days and they were basically just took a selection of the every days and they were kind of like
Can you just put the louis baton i'll go in these things like bear love that
So we got to find that I want to go and grab a bunch of the yeah
I feel like I feel like i'm gonna race people on this uh spaces who are probably already out there sourcing it
But uh, but we gotta grab some pieces
We got to get some for for for people because he doesn't have any but we got to get some for our collection
Wow, I would love to actually i've got a question here for shawn
So these pieces that you make you
The the vintage pieces. I don't really know anything about sort of that whole kind of like scene. So you make those pieces
Yourself or your no, I uh, I think i'm just finding them
I'm just like i'm just like sniffing them out. You know what?
I mean like oh, I thought some of the pieces were like vintage stuff
Like kind of like made sort of like collage together sort of
On the embroidered jeans and stuff. Yeah the embroidered jeans like the fruit and veggie ones
Yeah, I did that on vintage levis
We did uh, you know new embroideries on it
but a lot of the vintage from my actual collection that we're launching with vintage is all of pre-existing vintage that
You know in my opinion and others is typically like a one-of-one piece, you know
A lot of things that have been like personalized customized warned for 30 years and been through this or that
And so it's just stuff with like an immense amount of depth and character
That even if I wanted to recreate I would probably have trouble recreating them in their physical sense. Anyways, so that was
Immediately my excitement was like holy shit. I've been holding on to these forever
I've been trying to find a high level enough of production to produce them. I'm not finding it
this is my chance is with digital fashion is
The only way I can bring these to life and continue to put them in people's hands and so
You know, that's what got me pretty excited is having this as a tool
That's very interesting like these items as sort of like collector's piece
Um, do you know like say you find an old again?
I don't fucking know like an old acbc shirt you're talking like provenance
Yeah, like well not so much provenance, but do you know like okay?
Let's say you find some you know, old acbc shirt. Yep. Do you have any way of looking up?
Okay, how many of these are out there? Is this one of a thousand or is this one of yeah?
150,000, you know, there's not really a database for it yet
But there's a bunch of different collectors and vintage people who like have almost like spoke on this
amount or maybe like, you know, there's this uh, there was a company that called themselves, uh, mosquito head in the 80s and 90s who were
like hand printing these tour shirts and just like, you know, ramone shirts, whatever and
And we've always wondered they've always been highly collectible
They go for thousands of dollars and since they're each handmade everyone always assumed like, okay
Each of these is a one of one, but we always wondered how many of each graphic were produced in a recent in recent years
someone has come
More in the public eye who used to do the printing for mosquito head and he's one of the only people
Who have like kind of come out the woodwork and been like, oh wait, I was printing those shirts
Yeah, we only printed a hundred of that ramones one. Oh the one with the giant penis and balls on it
We only did three of those or something like that. And so immediately after this dude kind of came out and started
Sharing knowledge with it the teas. I mean they absolutely dried up on the market. They started going up in value
So yeah, we do find a lot of that information
But then there's also things like the denim jacket that you'll see on the mintage instagram
It's literally the only one in the world. It's been customized
It's been personalized and we can save for a fact that there's only one of those
Which is pretty pretty crazy, you know, and so I tend to look for you know
Those characteristics usually like fades or different wear
um things like that that happen naturally
Really separate things as like one of one or maybe one of a few that look like this
So yeah, and even with us from mintage
Like that's a big part of it is doing as much of the digging on the story as we can, you know
That's super interesting. Yeah, and I think that's something that obviously with the blockchain and being able to sort of
Very we get it prove
I mean that that that seems like it would be a massive game changer for this
Gassing how many of these are out there? Is this a real one or somebody, you know
Yeah, exactly whatever it kind of starts like a registry for those items
You know what? I mean where you're like, hey, i'm like a registered owner of this boom
I'm on the chain, you know, like dude check this out right in front of me right now
I'm sitting in front of a pair of jeans from
19 somewhere between 1914 and 1918
The person that I got these from was the last person to touch them pretty much after they were left in the early
1900s and so like I just imagine if the blockchain had been along around that long
For me to be third in line after a hundred years and getting these jeans is like a really big deal. Yeah, so it's like
That's where i'm seeing this immense value because it's not just like 90s or new stuff
It's things that are a hundred plus years old
That are going to be in a smithsonian one day or some kind of museum
And for us to now have the opportunity to create this almost registry on the blockchain
It means so much for people in the future when these items then get put in
You know a permanent archive and are in a museum then you can be like, holy shit
You know, i've got one of the i've got one of the digital ones that's in the louvre now. Holy crap
You know like and and that's a future where you don't see that play until 10 years or plus or 20 years
But when that play happens, it's a big fucking deal, you know
A hundred percent. Yeah, I think that's I think that is a massive massive opportunity for this stuff
Wait, so where do you find a lot of this stuff man? I you know
Usually i'm down to give through my secrets, but I travel like the whole world
And so I just I mean I find them any
Anywhere really, I mean i'm buying from a dude right now who literally goes into mines and
Go deeps out of a mine like this dude has dug genes out of the ground that were used by miners in the 1890s
And so i've found this like really phenomenal source
That's really as close as you can get to the original owners, you know
And he's got that provenance because he can be like dude
I dug this out of you know, this mine in this town in this city
In this part of america, you know, and so I love that just the depth but there's tons of people like him
There's people in other countries. I mean, it's like
It's really like this this history through garments is so spread across the whole world, you know
And so you could go anywhere any little pocket and you can find this crazy
American workware history or whatever it is. So that's super interesting. That is super super interesting
I mean you can you can test songs sometimes if you feel like, you know
I was I was watching a documentary on the steve wasniak us fest that happened in the 80s
Have you have you heard about that? No, it was it might have been late 70s or was it early 80s?
No, it was 80s. It was like in the early 80s
And so so steve wasniak was like I wanted to create this like woodstock
Inspired festival in san francisco and it was massive
Huge bands like you know, I brought it up before
Um, and I was just and after I saw it
I was like hey sean have you heard about this and he i'm not joking you pulled up a t-shirt in his office
That was a us fest concertee from that from that one year, you know
So we all have these special moments of these items that that resonate with us and you know
How can how can we think digitally? I think one other thing. Um
Mike that i'll put you on the spot with is
you know for us, it's like how do we work with with designers and um and and and artists and web3 artists and
To do inks, right to create dynamic wearability, right?
So you could see a day where there's a beeple ink, right?
And and that could be reflective of like an every day you did or maybe it's tucker carlson's dick on a t-shirt or something
You know what I mean? So it could be something like I think if there's a project where we can get
Tucker carlson's dick on a t-shirt
I am fucking
Hi, man, I feel like that's if that's not the promise of web3, I don't know what is
We got we got some let's go. I think that mempath just went crazy. Um
That i'm dying right now
That's so funny man. So, um, okay, I I know you probably will run up an hour man
But um, you know what?
I know you also like I realized that you've got some charcoal and you've got some physical pieces as well
Um, are you doing a lot of um of art outside of the digital space and then you know
You've been touring you've been around the world right art basil and i'm sure the various other art conferences the world
How does it how do you feel navigating this sort of fine art world these days?
Um, it's quite interesting. Yeah, we definitely are making a bunch of of sort of like pieces
Uh, I am not doing the sort of like charcoal
It's you know, we'll leave that to the the sort of people who've spent their life
Perfecting that sort of like craft but to me it's sort of
Um, it's about sort of finding. What is the way to bring these?
Ideas because I think people are so focused on the like nft portion of it
It's like well
What is the actual idea behind the artwork because the artwork is not the nft the artwork is the ideas in the images?
um that your
You know that you've made and so to me it's sort of like what is the way to
Take those ideas and make them more impactful through a physical sort of like object. And so we've done
Prints we've done paintings we've done charcoal drawings pastas. We've done all kinds of things
And to me that's really exciting because it's just not something that i've ever I ever thought about as a digital artist
You didn't think about you know, how big should this piece physically be like that's you know
It's on a fucking screen. It'll be a whatever big screen whoever's watching it. So I think it brings up a lot of different
Things that to me are just very interesting new ideas. I've not thought about in terms of of uh,
navigating the fine art world that
That has been uh with my particular brand
brand of art
That has been very interesting, but I i've been very lucky to find
Some people who are very strong supporters and and people who are
You know really truly believe in this stuff, but I think
the thing that people maybe don't realize in the
sort of web 3 space
I think there's a lot of people who think oh we we were at christie's and we had the sale and like you know
Now we're we're just accepted as part of the the fine art world and sort of you know
We're good to go and it's like that's not the case
I promise you that most people in the traditional art world still think this is like complete bullshit
and so we do still have kind of a ways to go there in terms of
Changing people's minds here and I think it's it's happening much quicker than I thought
um, but I think it really does take
People, you know taking the time to to educate people about this stuff and show them
the work in the space that is
You know thoughtful and is you know something where people are trying to make work that
Truly stands the test of time versus just turning a quick buck on some, you know, xyz fucking bullshit
I think there's a lot of work still to do there, but to me this is
Um, you know once we are part of truly part of the kind of canon of art history here
Like that's it. There's no going back. And so I think we're on that path
Um, I think we've just we've still got a ways to go
Um, no, I think you're doing a good job of it, man
I think like that, you know
The between the human ones and a lot of the work that i've gotten to see in and the space that I can't wait to
see in south carolina, like I think you guys are
Are pushing it forward and combining the two the two narratives, um between fine art and between, um,
Nft's and I think honestly people take you seriously, man. I I do I think in that, you know outside of of of this
Kind of small room
There's a lot of people that know your name and and and take your work seriously
So i'm looking forward to watching you continue to push the envelope and do stuff
That's that's that's amazing in the every days. Just keep them flowing man
But you know again that they I know you the last question is you've been playing a lot of dookie dash
I haven't played dookie dash, but I have definitely watched
Many videos of people playing it and like what the fuck is like am I I i'm looking at this and it's like
Okay, are these people like fucking robots? How the fuck are they doing? That's like
Like yeah, it just seems like impossible and it's like how in the fuck can you think that fast and react that fast of this shit like
Yeah, I I've tried it. It's so hard, but you know, it's weird. It took me back a little hard
But but you know, it's great it did
I have to say there was an experience I had playing it that brought me back to being
15 because I I'm not a big I haven't been a good gamer for the last decade
But I went I went through a phase when I when I was super into it
Especially when I was young and I remember where you play over and over and over and you get better and better and better
And these little nuances and these movements and I started to play it the other day
Um like sitting in the corner of my house and before I knew it like two hours had gone by
And I couldn't quit. I was fully immersed and I was like i'm going to i'm going to do it
I'm going to tackle this thing
The problem is I I hit a relatively good score, but then I looked around and realized I was still
Really mediocre in comparison to the people who are who are either pro gamers or dedicating their lives to this
so people are going ape shit on that people are definitely like
You know really freaking going at that thing. I think what's I I think it's such a like interesting idea and I think
You know the idea of like a skill-based
Mint I think is something that is very interesting and I think that is something that
There's a lot to sort of like explore there and a lot of different things that you could do with that concept
so I I'm very excited to see where
where they continue to take that with with these kind of like skill basements and I think it
It perfectly ties into this sort of rise of of you know gamers being you know
sort of the the
Revolution here and people who are you know, if you are very very good at video games, that is certainly a
Viable career option now, which was you know
It's just unimaginable to a kid like me growing up playing this stuff that
People would be you know paid massive sums of money
Uh, you know if they were very good at video games, and and so I think it's I think having these
Mints, I think is is a really exciting new sort of idea that i'm excited to see where that where people take that
Yeah, me too. It's gonna be a while and hopefully hopefully you'll i'm looking forward to like the people game
It'd be a gnarly game
That would be a gnarly game that would be a gnarly game a lot of sam bakeman free references
Um, this is this has been amazing
I think one thing he said that kind of resi
Was talking to um steve aoki at one point he was talking about being a dj when you know technology and innovation sort of
Favored the dj and there was this explosion and these all these, you know
This kind of rise to fame for people who were essentially in the background of music for a long time
Yeah, um and how this moment has
done that for the graphic designer that when you thought like like last year's nft moment and
How all of a sudden these artists who you know, I talk about a lot like, you know
I grew up on on you know listening to hip-hop records and those artists those graphic designers
Um, you know who did the epmd record cover or the beastie boys record cover and artists like say adams who?
I've had the pleasure of meeting now
like these were
These were iconic pieces and these were heroes to me that I know about till later and now
To see them get celebrated
Because technology is favoring this type of art is is really exciting to me and the exposure that it's giving
You know people like yourself and and and fuck render and you know handful other guys
I think it's it's just a really cool moment. Yeah, a hundred percent. I think it's it's something that
Has been a long time coming but I think
The the recognition that this artwork to your point like it is super iconic and it is like when you
Think about the chronic or you think about, you know
Any of these things you immediately picture the album art first and so you immediately have a visual to go along with that and I think
You know those people who who sort of visual artists who create this stuff have
Get you know more recognition to me is it's just super exciting and something that I honestly didn't really
I didn't see coming in my life. I lifetime to be honest. Is there one a piece of um
Is there a record cover or uh a work you did in your previous life? That is the one for you that?
You know that really kind of resonates with you. Um, I didn't do I did a lot more concert visuals than album art
I would say probably the most kind of like prominent album art that I did was the um of all imagined dragons
album art which to me was like we went through a million freaking revisions and it was like
And we we would we got so close in the fucking labels like oh my ass like we've got a we need this fucking
Elmer we've got a fucking million things
We've got this tie-in with target and they've got a fucking
16 billion end caps that they need to make this shit for like we got to get it done
It's like guys I would get it done right now
It's the band is like freaking keeps changing their mind on this shit
And like last second like fucking literally like 10 o'clock at night
They're like off my ass to get this like thing done
There we lose it um completely
You hear me you're back you're back. Yeah, you're back you're back. Sorry. Yeah my
My time limit for twitter
For the fucking screen time thing. Yeah, I I broke you tonight. No more
But yeah, they they kind of he came up with a completely different sort of like idea
Which was based on one of the every day's ideas
Like oh, what if we just took this every day and like tweaked it slightly and it was like oh fuck
That's like the fucking thing and perfect and it came out
This sort of like guy floating and there's sort of this this kind of like rainbow beam which to me
You know one of my absolute all-time favorite albums of all time is dark side of the moon
To me it felt like a kind of little homage to that in terms of this sort of prism type. Uh
It was funny
I didn't know you did this one and now that I see it like
Clearly because I know it and I think a lot of people who are going to see it are going to realize right now
They know it so clearly that the work speaks volumes, man
So people you you are the man next time I see you i'm gonna be decked out in louis baton people
There it is. There it is. Well, it's women's clothing. So
I man, come on. I will be you know, you'll see me in the in the fly. I'm doing it. Well, um, I love you
I appreciate you. I definitely want to keep talking. I want to keep I want to keep showing you what we're doing
I want your advice as we build this this thing and um, you know anything that you know
We can do to to continue to support
I don't know if you want to if you have any party words or is anything you want to shout out or is anything you're doing?
Um, you know like, you know, feel free to use the mic
Um, yeah, I don't know. I think yeah march 11th
That's the next big thing very excited to sort of see everybody out here and show off what we've been working on
Um and show a bunch of other dope dope artists works
Um, yeah, is there an nft drop to be expected anytime soon? Are you kind of just like i'll wait on all that
I've been very like
very conscious about sort of supply and I think that's something that
I think is going to come into play as the market matures. And so i've been super super tight with that
You can always put out more supply, but once it's out there, you can't take it back. And so
I think my advice to people is to to sort of
make sure they kind of understand what they're getting in with that and and I think
Especially, you know right now in what appears to be open edition season 2.0
Which the last one did not end so well, so I think I I just hope people are
Making sure and sort of very cognizant of the this supply
And once it's out there, it's out there. So
Uh, well, we we do have a tougher start carlson ink to work on so we do have support
We have some work to do so I may appreciate you and I don't know if brennan or shawn
You'd like to say anything? I want to shout out to everybody who
Continues to support weekly to the the fashion fun in future. We kind of take it everywhere
Um, if you're a mintage pass holder
You know, we're excited because you've been supportive of us and you've shown through with the mint pass
We are launching our i'm going to be premature, but we're launching our um, our shawn collection our drop
Our next drop for pass holders on
the seventh
That'll be the um the sale and then there'll be a claim after that
But that's going to be really fun
You're going to get to see what what we can build and what we can do and and um, I hope we can bring value
To you and I hope we can change you know, help help disrupt an entire industry of of um of fashion and streetwear and
And um make really cool, you know digital collectible
So, you know stick with us stay with us, but um, I don't know shawn you want to say anything brennan
You guys want to say anything before we jump?
I'll just say everything will be on discord in a little bit
So for everybody that's that's wondering what's all going on
It'll all be right in discord and then socials will follow up tomorrow morning. So no stress. We'll have all of it
It'll be super clear super concise and everybody it'll be right in front of you. So appreciate everybody. We're really looking forward to it
Showing up by you want to say peace?
Yeah, yo people it was dope to me. Uh, your work is fucking sick and uh apologies to everyone for
Showing up late super. Sorry. Um
You know, that's it. Thanks. We handled it. We handled it. Don't go. Thank you. Very cool
Yeah, shout out everyone shout out Todd Kramer. I see you sergeta. Rachel black dame joe. I see all a bunch of people
I follow man nux. Um
I uh, let's keep it going people. We'll talk soon. All right. Awesome. Thank you guys. Thank you to everybody who listened here
And and yeah super excited peace love and so we're out