Fastest Growing Web3 Community

Recorded: Nov. 18, 2022 Duration: 0:50:40




Welcome, welcome everyone. We're just getting started. I've pinned the space to the top of the space. If you want to give that a like, give it a retweet, tag a friend, get some more people in here. Thank you for joining. We're just getting started here with Mech. It'll be a few minutes probably while we let some people roll in, but we appreciate y'all being here.
And we're doing a $100 giveaway. All you got to do is retweet that space, that tweet at the top of the space and be in here during the space. We'll give it away live and we might maybe give away some white list spots. Who knows? We can give away all kinds of questions.
stuff. Mech is here, Kyle Clemer is here, so appreciate you all being in. Give it away free stuff. Feel it frisky today. Man I've seen you guys before. So cool. Man, you know what I've been seeing them on is YouTube ads, which you don't
I see a lot of in this space, or maybe I don't, because I'm in the, I'm kind of degenny, but I'm like seeing YouTube ads of a project I know, I'm like, damn, this thing is going big, big. Yeah, maybe that's one of the cool things about us is we're internet marketers from a long, from a long, long time ago.
So we, you know, just because the industry is different doesn't mean that people are different. And so the cool thing we have a partnership with Google that we work with them directly, which is neat. And we also have a partnership with TikTok. So you'll be seeing us all over TikTok as well. So it's where we're
it to work directly with both of those cool entities. Absolutely, that's huge. That's doing things more mainstream than a lot of other projects. And don't you, isn't a lot of your NFT business model cash-based? 100% of it actually
So that's been actually one of the cool things that's allowed us to be successful during this bear market is we have sold every one of our NFTs via US dollar and by doing something like that, you know, it allows people to use credit cards, it allows them to use debit cards, the credit cards,
crypto market is so volatile that's I don't know about you guys I don't really want to touch my my eat stash and so how to rather ride that to the moon and so it really the whole point is just to give people an ability to to purchase in ways that they can't so yeah we've we've sold
10,000 mech NFTs over a thousand parcels of land and It's all been via US dollar, which is which is awesome and It is not just eak stackers who don't want to spend their eak but also just people who don't even have eak yet I mean you want the North
Like that is that is if there are any normies listening I don't mean that to sparagingly but we want new people in the ecosystem You know a lot of too many too many crypto projects market to the same people and the and the volume and the attention stays in the same bubble of people you got to grow the bubble
You know, and that's I love I love that you put it that way is that's actually one of the way areas that we focus on Superheavily is on board so onboarding people from Web 2 to Web 3 so a contingent a large contingent of our
A large contingent of our audience is actually Web 2. So probably I think it's like 59%, 57% of our people are not crypto native. And you know the whole reason behind that and why we've been successful with it is there are a lot of people who want to
participate in web 3 gaming. There's a lot of people that want to participate in crypto and a lot of times projects don't take the time to slow down and think about the people that want to participate. I mean, anyone who heard me on a space before or on any one of my soap boxes that I get on, I talk
about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the most readily accessible cryptocurrency in the entire world. I can pull up my cash shop, I can pull up my Venmo, and I can buy Bitcoin. And the thing is though, that still confuses people. Like, well now that I have it, what can I do with it? Where can I move it? And if you can say that about
the crypto that's the most easily accessible, I can promise you any project that you're in, any project that you run is infinitely more confusing to more people. And so for us, we put a huge focus on onboarding non-crypto-native people because there's so many more people out there.
you know, crypto right now. God bless the market is only what an $800 billion market cap total, all cryptos. And so when you think about, there's more people outside of crypto than there is in crypto. And so if we can win with Web 2, we beat everybody in Web 3.
So that's our fault. Oh absolutely. Yep. And it's something I hit on all the time. It's just it's a whole wide world. It's 96% of the world doesn't have any crypto today, including Bitcoin on cash app. And you know, just any crypto at all. So hell yeah, love that. Love the web to you background. Let's get started. I mean,
We've got a great amount of people in here. Who's behind the mech comm account? Mr. 10X is that you sir? Mr. 10X? What's the pile of?
I'm here in a little bit of a connection issue. Hold on, I'm going to rejoin.
Oh, I actually met the connection issue with that guy who had Kyle loud and clear. That can you hear me?
Mr. Tenx, I guess not. Sorry about that. I had to switch phones. Haha, all good. Hey, well, we're getting officially started here with mech and Ft for anybody who's late. They can join this space is recorded. But while we're while I have your attention, check that out.
your followers know that you're in here listening to the comment and space. It puts a little purple circle around your Twitter avatar so your followers can stumble in here too and learn about this cool project. So throw up some hundreds for me and appreciate you all being here mech and Kyle. We were
just kind of moseying around your web to background. But let's talk about the background. What makes meck different? Where do you guys come from? Take us from the beginning. Way back when. So, the interesting thing. So myself, I joined meck probably about a year and a half ago now.
And the project was originally founded by Tray Smith and Nick Redenco. And for those of you who aren't familiar with the story, so Tray Smith and Nick have been making video games and game engines for over 20 years. The first game engine he ever created was on iPhone 1. And Nick and Tray have been partners for
For 15, 16 years, they started off by making mobile-based video games. Their game is amassed over 100 million downloads. They actually published them, or some of the first games ever published with Ubisoft. So they're close friends with those guys. Then they went on to create a company called
Buildbox to this day is still the largest no-code game engine. It's over a million users on the platform, over a billion downloads from games that have been generated. Nick and Shrey successfully exited Buildbox in 2019 and they stuck around for a couple of years to help out and then started to turn their focus to Web 3.
And that's really where Mac was the idea of Mac was born. And so they did their first NFT drop of the legendaries. They sold a thousand and sixty one Mac NFTs and it was like within a couple days of that that I joined the project. And since then Mac has
really become kind of something beyond even our wildest imagination. We started to see that within the Web3 space there was a heavy lack of experience. A lot of well-intentioned people, but for any of you guys who have been a part of, you know, projects, meme projects that they promise a video game or they promise a meta-verson and
suddenly the project just slows down to a crawl. Teams not able to deliver a metaverse. The team is not able to deliver a game. And I'll be honest with you, creating a video game is a lot harder than most people understand, especially when you're doing it at scale, when you're doing server side operations.
like security and hosting and just on-chain and off-chain mechanics creating a video game in one of three is very difficult very very difficult and we saw that as an area of opportunity for us is Having a team that's experienced creating things like that and
And so we we started to build out mech. We started to attract a lot of attention. Jake Paul and his team are invested in the project where one of the largest investments for Polygon as you guys know Polygon making a lot of noise in the industry. And as the game started evolve to evolve
So did Web 3. So did Web 3, the dynamics of Web 3, token economy's changed and we changed with it. And when we did our landfill, we've done something that has never been done before in the blockchain. Why? Because we're also the only people to ever do it in Web 2. And that is
anyone who owns our land will be able to use our no code game engine to build on top of the land. So as a land owner, you'll be able to use our game engine to create in-game NFTs that you can use personally in games and you can sell on the second
market. Also, for certain land owners, you'll actually be able to build your own game. I'm talking like your own moba style game, your own match, three game. There's going to be a lot of different game mechanics that you'll be able to build. And so within the Mac ecosystem,
system, you'll be able to be a creator that will be able to monetize off of your creations. So whether you're somebody who wants to play in the ecosystem and experience the ecosystem that is mech and participate that way, if you're somebody who just wants to create NFTs or if you're
like a comment, you can come in and build your own game and monetize that way. You can have people participate in your own community come in, build and play games within Mech. And the beauty of Web 3 is that to take you to the next level, maybe your
somebody who just wants to build games and then sell those games to people who are good at marketing but not good at making games. I fall into that category. I'm good at running projects. I'm good at marketing projects. Do not hire Kyle Clemmer to build your game.
like two stick people that are like swinging stick stores at each other. And so to explain that, it's like a Shopify store. If you guys are familiar with e-commerce where you start your Shopify store and then you can sell that Shopify store on the open market, you'll be able to do that within Mech. And so that's
what makes us different and that's what makes us unique. And well, how do I know that makes us different? Because build box is the biggest no-code game engine in the world. We did that. We did it from scratch. I'm just for you, Celia. Going to say that is coming together for me in that way, that I wasn't aware of. I've been following the project.
Not super super closely, but I don't think it had occurred to me before that you could build in Mac that users could build in Mac and that makes perfect sense because you guys are the ultimate for user created content. For anyone who doesn't know, it's, right? Yeah,
Go to and look what they did before the web 2 version of this basically. I mean, it's got people are creating their own games based on the tech that was released. So that's really, really cool. I didn't realize that that was part of the integration with Mac. Yeah. And so that it's, well, because we had a lot of deep
conversations, you know, to be honest with you, when we came out with Mac, we didn't, you know, and Mr. Ted X himself will tell you, he's been, that's he's been along for the ride since April and in April, we weren't talking about game engine. It was, we had a very serious conversation amongst the team is we want to provide
opportunity for people. And I was like, I don't want to do a land sale unless it has utility. And so we had we had really deep and hard conversations about what is like what type of utility can we put into land that makes sense. And this was it because we view the future of Web 3 gaming is ownership.
Like that is the linchpin for anybody who's a gamer in here ownership is the one thing that holds web to gaming back Blizzard has spent millions of dollars prosecuting people for Selling things on the secondary market shutting accounts down banning people
They dedicated a lot of resources to prevent that from happening. The same can be said with Valve and CSGO when secondary markets. It's not to say that that stuff didn't happen, but it was against the rules. It was against the rules. What we want to be a proponent of for Mac is, no, we want you to come in and
make your own NFTs. We want you to come in and make your own game. You know, it's like I talked we talked about internally, we talked about this a lot. Dota was created off the Starcraft 2 engine. You know, we would love nothing more than to have somebody make a billion dollar crypto projects off of the Mac
Game mentioned how cool would that be right how cool would that be all you had to do was buy a piece of land and then you have the next Big thing and we want to provide that You know one of the best success stories for build box It's a game called color switch guy by the name of David Reichell Parking attendant. He used nothing
nothing but the base settings. And he created a game in one week. That game ended up beating Pokemon Go several weeks on the app store in Downloads. He made over $100 million dollars. Oh, you can Google it. You can Google it. It's out there. The story
is out there verifiable and that's possible. And the cool thing is is that, and this is just like getting nerd, we at Mech have improved on the technology of Buildbox. It's better. It's more scalable. So Buildbox, you could only build apps.
with mech, it's web based. So any game that you create is both mobile and desktop compatible right away. It's scalable. We don't have to worry about the app store. We don't have to worry about Apple getting 30% of what you make in a game. Like the mech engine is infinitely more scalable than
than anything that is on the market for Web 2. And this is what we're putting in the hands of the creators. We believe this is Web 3. We believe that the future of Web 3 is ownership and user generated content. And we're the cutting edge of it. We're the only people that have delivered on a game engine in all
brought it up at dinner. But that's the interesting thing is that we have done this before. And we're going to do it again. And we're in the process of doing it again. And so we've evolved with the rest of the gaming industry. And we continue to evolve. And that's the cool thing is as game creators, as project
owners, what's awesome about us is we have experience and we don't have an ego. So as Web 3 changes, as what's best for the community for Web 3 changes, so do we. And so that's kind of, you know, a brief history of Mac and, you know, where we are today.
That is awesome. There's a lot to unpack there, but I loved every second of it. Man, okay, so the user generated content, you said that's only for specific landowners, or is that something that is going to be rolled out in phases where at some point
everyone will be able to or is this only just the primo land spots will be able to build themselves? We're working through that. So more to come, our whole focus is making it as readily available to every landowner as possible. So I can't say anything concrete
concrete here but read between the lines and what I'm saying sounds good sounds good and then you have sold out I know different NFT collections you have a new collection coming out soon. Am I right? We're
bots are. So we have our elite max that you know you purchase through regular NFT sales, then you have bots. So the bots will function similarly to the elites like so the elites they will have special power ups, they'll have special add-ons, they will give you a competitive advantage.
in the gameplay themselves. Here's the thing. Is that no one wants to play a game that doesn't have a ton of players. And let's be honest with ourselves, paying a couple hundred bucks for an NFT doesn't necessarily open the door for a lot of
of people to play. And we put our money where our mouth is when we want to have more people playing. So what's the best way to do that? Well, shit, let's just do 10,000 free NFTs. I bet you I can onboard close to 10,000 players for that. And so to be able to grow the ecosystem that way, because here's the thing,
is there is a problem with how people view web3 games right now. People only look at web3 games of how can I make money, how can I make money, how can I just completely strip this gaming ecosystem of everything and then go on. We don't want that. You know you just heard
me going a long rant about wanting people to create, wanting people to earn is we want you to make Web 3 games fun. We want to give people the ability to make fun Web 3 games. And how do you do that? Well, one, make a fun game, but then two, bring in a bunch of people that are able to play. Bring in 10s of
thousands hundreds of thousands of players. Well, how do you do that? It's not by selling $400 NFTs. That's a good start and it's a good way to you know, it's like buying a level what 99. He says like level 99 the highest level and roll the warcraft level. I don't I played the upload too. And so you know, but
people would pay money to save time by getting the elite characters, right? So that's kind of like our elite series, our legendaries, like that's kind of who they are. But then you have the base level, because the way that you fill up a gaming ecosystem, we'll have a bunch of free players. The more free players you do, the more eyeballs you can
attract, we can do some ads, we can inject money into the ecosystem in ways that we didn't before. So it's like you can, you can play an earn, but we want people, we want people to come and play mech because it's fun regardless of whether you can earn a penny. Like, because that's how you win. And that's how anybody who wants to
come into the mech ecosystem. Will win is anybody who participates in mech especially early right now. We want their mindset to be we want the team to do anything that brings in hundreds of thousands millions of players because if we bring in millions of players
players who only want to play for fun. Trust me, good things happen when you have millions of players. You know, there's a lot of, a lot of, like, I started playing Counter Strike when it was free. Well, it's doing doing okay now, right? You know, because they've got millions of players. Like, that's the whole thing is instead of a select
I like to see people worrying about how much money they can make by playing a game. They should worry about how they can get millions of people to play that game. So that's where bots come into play. First, we're rolling out 10,000 free bots. This is really just to get more players into the ecosystem, start to get a buzz because I can promise you, once
these 10,000 players get their bots and they're playing with the elites. There's going to be a lot more people that want to come and play mech. 100,000 people. Okay, okay. And so that's this NFT drop is 10,000 free bots. Is that rebots? Yeah. Oh, man. Okay. So how do you stop somebody from just getting 10,000
themselves. Why can't I just get get 5,000 right now? Mr. 10x educate the people. How does this all set up? All right guys, can you hear me? Yeah, we got sir. All right great great I'm messing with me. I don't know if Elon bought our
internet provoking these days. But yeah, I mean we've got a really sophisticated system going on here. Using the bots, definitely this complex tech that these guys are building that's on the hush, hush right now. You guys are going to be really surprised when it comes out. I hope Kyle doesn't get mad at me for just
blow in the lid on that but we're about to drop the entire space has never seen before. When it comes to just making sure we do the same types of typical Web 3 collabs, reaching out to all the top projects doing the spaces making the rounds but what's really going to be impressive is the tech that our All Star team is building.
Well, yeah, so can like people listening on the space right now, there's 10,000 free bots up for grabs. Can they mint one now? No, you can't mint one now, but the easiest way to get in on it. I mean, we're trying to really give back to the community just like Kyle was saying. I mean, invite three of you.
your friends to the mech server and that's pretty much it. I mean, we're really trying to make it as open as possible, get as many new players into our game. So the only thing we really want is for you guys to tell a few friends. Yep. So, so they can do that right now. If they get into the discord and against three more people in the discord
they can mint a free bot. So you get on the list, so the white list for it. So the white list currently filling up and then once I think we're doing it, are they gonna weaker too? Right, right David? Weakert too? Yep, yep. So we'll announce the date for that, but right now it's
just getting people on the white list. So it's that simple, you know, like, like, just like I talked about, it's all about building the community. So if you're somebody who wants to participate in the freement and be able to play the game, all you have to do is jump in the discord and invite three friends and then that will get you added to our white list. So the white list, I think we've
got like 8,000 people on it so far. So there's plenty of room left for you to get your free mech NFT. But in the spirit of trying to bring as much awareness to the mech project as possible because again, the more people that we give the opportunity to play, the more
opportunities that opens for mech as a whole. And so for those people who want to play and earn, you win more, you earn more the more people that play. And so that's why we're doing the invites that way. So that's that's also kind of how you can't mint 10,000 at a time is we take your information down and David
that in those guys on the backside, they've got a, David is like the discord genius when it comes to this kind of stuff. So him and the devs on that stuff, I leave that to them, but they make sure that this stuff stays honest, stays fair, and everybody gets a good opportunity and I couldn't think
of a better person than to share this than my good buddy comment. So I love that man. So I've just found it on your Twitter. I've just pinned it to the top of the space for everybody listening. There are 10,000 free bots for the Mac game. This is a huge up and coming project. Really stoked about it.
All you got to do is join their discord. Their discord has 50,000 people in it now growing very quickly. That's why we named this space the fastest growing Web 3 community. So if you want to get your hands on one of those 10,000 free bots, you got to join the discord. I've just pinned it to the top of the spaces. Make sure that you do that highly recommended.
right on. Right on. So yeah, it's, you know, it's really exciting and this is kind of our approach is, you know, we want as many people as possible to be able to play Mac and be able to play against one another. You know, we've, there was, I think there was, there was a couple days ago where somehow, some way, somebody got their hands on like, leaped in
game footage and shared it. Thankfully, David, those guys, I just remember getting frantic text messages like, who the hell sent this out? Like, tray, tray calls me and mind you like, trays two hours behind me. So anytime he calls me, it's inconvenient because it's always late my time and not late. Yeah, that video, that video right there.
He calls me up and he's like, "Did you share that?" Because I mean, I'm guilty of leaking stuff every once in a while and I kind of, that's just how I am. I get excited. I get excited that I'm not good with secrets. And I was like, "No, it wasn't me." And he's like, "Take that shit down." But yeah, that's some of the new in-game footage. That#
that out. That's an actual bot within one of our battle arenas. And so the best the cool thing is that, you know, even by having a bot, you're still going to have a playable character that will give you an ability to have to be competitive and you'll be able to level them up and you'll be able to participate in the mech ecosystem. And so
It's we're using that I mean that's the thing where we're experienced web 2 game developers and the one thing that web 3 gamers need to understand web 2 is not dead. It's not dead. It's not going to die for a long time and that what that means though is that people who are experienced in web 2 know how to bring gamers in.
to web 3 and that's what we have to do and you know it's one it's it's not with expensive NFTs now will we sell expensive NFTs absolutely because you people pay for convenience they pay for time you know i don't know about you guys i get like an hour to game a night maybe the reason no no the reason you're gonna sell expensive NFTs
because I'm meeting you in Miami next week and I expect you to take me to Nobu. Come on. Come on. If you see if you see comment myself and Mr. 10x at a
restaurant in Miami just know that an NFT sacrifice itself on OpenC is for a good cause though. And I'm a big guy so it was probably two NFTs. And so you know, but that's the thing is that we want to cover
all aspects of it. But I mean really where our heart and soul is as a development team, it's giving the players the ability to create. And so we facilitate players with the ability to create, create an ecosystem
system that makes it fun to make games, then we just kind of get out of the way. We get out of the way and we just do what we can to make the experience better and better and load up the ecosystem with as many players as possible. And you know what, that's attracted a lot of attention. It's a lot of attention. It was people
were starting to wonder, hey where did mech go, where did mech go, where did mech go, oh wow mech just added 32,000 people to their discord I guess they're back like they never left. So, hell yeah that's a big discord. Do you have figures or
Can you reveal or do you have plans for how many people will be you've got eight thousand on this white list? You've got 10,000 NFTs coming Are we gonna cap the white list at 10,000 or are we gonna over sub it and say hey, you got to be there? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I just a great question. You know comment you're good at crypto dude
We're going to over sub it and the reason is we have to reward participation. We have to reward people who show up and are there. One of the sad parts about a whitelist, anybody who's run whitelist
to know is this is that if you cap it, you're going to end up like with only probably 70 to 80% of people participating, maybe less, because they just get lazy, they forget about it. And so we'll probably run the white list up until a couple of days before the
the actual mint. Is that Mr. Tenix? Did I just put my foot on my mouth or is that son of a r. Am I going to get yelled at? Am I getting yelled at right now? I didn't say it, so I know I'm not getting yelled at, but you guys were definitely going to overallocate. So if you are interested, you better keep those alert
turned on because I'm personally getting one myself and I work here. That should show you how hot of a ticket item these are right now. Yeah, so follow mech on Twitter, turn on the notification bell. That's something you gotta do on Twitter these days. You never know what order your timeline is gonna
pop in, pop up on, and you might not be checking Twitter that day. So click the little notification bell beside the follow button, click Tweets or all and make sure that you got the notifications on, same for the Discord announcements channel so that you don't miss it because if they've got 10,000 free NFT bots
that are coming up and it's 20,000 people on the list then only half are getting them, you know. I'm not the best at math but I think that math is right. So, uh, perfect. I mean, you keep getting out of it's on. Yeah, and that's exactly it is, you know, we try to be as fair as possible at the same time.
same time we're also very realistic on on this stuff and so we always try to take care of our community. Anybody who's been a part of the Mech community for any length of time knows that we do care we do listen. We do listen quite quite a lot and I mean as far as like project owners are
I try to keep our finger on the pulse and stay connected with you guys as possible. You know, Mr. 10X is hands down the second best community development guy in crypto next to me. No kid. He's phenomenal. He is the best.
This is very good at making sure that Mac stays out there and stays connected to the people because a thing that we really pride ourselves on is just constantly communicating. One of the scariest things about crypto when you see FTX, when you see Terra, it's when these projects stop communicating with the people.
are working on, that people get nervous. And so one of the things that mech prides themselves on, our selves on is communication, is constantly being out there, asking questions when they are asked of us, you know, myself and Trey, we try to stay out there, we're not always available, you know, very difficult to
get a direct message into, but we've got mods, we've got admins, we've got guys like Mr. 10X that are constantly out, you know, spreading the word about Mac answering questions, you know, because we want people to see what we have going on. We want people to know that, you know, in a sea of crappy
We have three games that are really, really good ones coming out there. And there are super strong teams that are developing. We're not the only one. There are other games out there that are building as well. But we try to be one of the good guys in this landscape. So love it man.
So I was so high standard and when people play the game am I right that they like a lot of Crypto games that they can earn a token by playing the game Yeah, so there's gonna be so the interesting thing about Mac is that it's gonna have a soft currency inside of it and so
And that's that that soft currency is going to be called or and so what so forge token will be the token of the ecosystem when we launch that or is the in-game currency so you use forge to purchase or or will be used to repair
see infinity as a cautionary tale of that. And I mean, don't get me wrong, actually, and Fendi did did right by a lot of people. They're just, they're token, they're token economy wasn't set up to succeed. I think everybody knows that now. That was exactly what I was going to ask you because it's not just them. It's a lot of play to earn games are not
a sustainable business model they're not economically sound so i was going to ask you what what you learned from that or what you've learned from other projects on on how to make it good questionable yes i mean like first and foremost it's with the in-game soft currency and the reason for that is it allows us to ensure
that no one aspect of the game gets out of control. At the same time, because the current psychological paradigm is playing an earn, we don't want people playing the game focusing on what the price of forge is. We just don't want that, you know.
Like I said, I want people playing Mac because they can create. I want people playing Mac because it's fun. Second part, and I echo 100% what Trace Smith or CEO says is, listen, nobody at this current time has nailed tokenomics.
and a token economy for a game. We recognize that. We at Mech raise our hand and we understand that. What we do is Mr. Tenex will attest for this. I collaborate with like fought leaders in every sector. I work directly with Polygons token economy teams.
some other big venture capital funds token economy team leaders of guilds who are active participants in these ecosystems and we literally work together to come up with the best token economy. And so what's Matt doing to ensure that we aren't putting out a product that's bad is we do
We do what's called an iterative approach. We're doing it with game testing. We're going to do it with our token economy. So, Mac, you're probably going to hear rumblings. The game is going to be coming out soon, like very soon, like Mac Talk soon. And our match three and our battle royale.
is going to be open to legendary. And that's when we're going to start piloting the in-game token economy. Because the beautiful thing about how we're set up is that we can launch the game without the forged token coming out. So forged token, probably going to launch
economy to the entire world. We try, we roll out one approach. We use data. We use analytics to see how that works. We keep an eye on other projects that are similar. We talk to our partners and then we scale. We scale and we scale and we scale so that, you know, in a couple months,
When we're ready to roll the whole token economy out, we get dang near as close to the most profitable token economy as we possibly can. And one of the ways that you do that is you got to get a bunch of players in there. You got to give them opportunity and you just got to see how
All of that fits in so yeah for us We we move fast, but yet we move cautiously and so that's what we're doing with token economy is we're not rolling out one model and you know Jesus take the wheel It's gonna be you know small steps cover great distances, you know, but that is with
our community in mind of making sure that they have the most fun game to play easy to understand they understand how they can earn they understand how they can take advantage of the ecosystem and we can roll out something that can stand the test of time and scale as you know crypto itself kind of
Climes out of this bear market in the next couple months Yeah, that makes perfect sense to me. I have a question I just thought of which is that This will be playable mobility correct on your desktop. Yeah, mobile and desktop. Okay, and then can I Don't even know if this is possible. I should know this probably
Can a NFT enabled play to earn creator economy game? Is that possible on iOS right now? What I've never played one it seems like something everybody should aspire to but can you earn cryptocurrency or does
Apple need to catch up there or is that possible today right now? So no, I mean Apple just re like they released a directive one they will get 30% of any in game transactions and they're very prohibitive around NFTs and
You can't have any in-game buttons that take you to an exchange of a token. Right. They've caught up. They've just said no. Well, excuse me, for the literal people in the crowd, they have said yes.
there's just a huge list of things you can't do. So it's just like, tell me you can't launch an NFT on Apple App Store without telling me kind of thing. That makes sense. And so if people want to play to earn the best
the best way would be on desktop or are we hoping for some kind of work around there? Well, but we're not launching on the app store. So, all right. Yeah, yeah, no, this is a web base, bro. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So that's, you know, again, this is this is what you get with an experience team is that we've been working directly with Google and Apple for over a decade. So we know they#
tricks, we know they're listing requirements on their stuff. And that's why we decided to go with the technology that we did that allows us to scale without having to play nice with the app stores. Bam, so there you go. And you knew the answer to my question. Yep. So and the cool thing is
is that for those of you who are going to ask like that, one of the reasons why we did that is, you know, actually Infinity Toss are really cool thing is that there are people in underserved communities that play this game are that play these games and, you know, to be honest, like they're not on the app source, they're just not like, and there's a lot of restrictions within their
countries, all you, like, the way that we have this setup, and it kind of worked out in our favor, when Safari, their most recent update about a year ago, year and a half ago now, started to allow for the type of web-based technology that we use. And why was, like, what a Safari, like, why
mentioning so far. They are notoriously the slowest adopter of all internet browsers when it comes to new technology. That was our green light and our bat signal in the sky that it was time to start building a game with this technology because now we can scale this out to anybody in the world who's able to access a web
browser however they access it. I mean we've tested Mac all the way down to an iPhone 5. So Mac works on an iPhone 5. Yes, iPhone 5s exist. I have no idea how Nick or CTO even still has an iPhone 5, maybe in the stagia. But he does and we've tested it all
down there. We've tested the graphics engines on different connection speeds, different things. And that's the beautiful thing about Mac is that no matter where you are in the world, as long as you have access to a quality enough internet speed, which quite frankly, you know, even a lot of underdeveloped
countries have strong enough internet now. It's not like, I don't know about any of y'all here, but like, I mean, like AOL loud is dial up modem ever survive those days. But for the most part, people have internet that's better than that. And so, meth will be scalable across that. And so, that's honestly one of the big improvements
of Mac over a company like Buildbox. Buildbox depends on the App Store. We don't. And so that's why I said, this is Mac has had the ability to improve on the technology of the largest no-code game engine that they created. And now here we are rolling it out in Web 3 in the metaverse.
That's awesome, man. I love it. I love everything you've said. I want to do our $100 giveaway, someone who retweeted the space and joined the space and just had a comment that I just loved because we said at the beginning, I said, "Non-dispiragingly, we want the normies, we want the non-cryptopepople."
engaging and they wrote they wrote mech nft and comic calls take us normies to the moon and their twitter looks kind of like a normies twitter so unexpected bider um i've dmg you're here in the space congratulations to you a hundred dollars going to you i'm gonna pay in crypto though so i hope you
got your crypto wallet ready, we'll get you figured out if not and $100 to you. Congratulations to you and thank you everyone who's retweeted and joined. Those are the primary questions that I have. Are there things that you want to dive deeper on? Do you want to go into a Q&A? What do you think from here? Yeah, I would
I love to answer any questions that the community has. I'm a rambler. So at least in my head, I covered everything. But if there's anything else that anybody wants to know, feel free to ask. Yeah, I think you did a great job. If anybody has any questions, please feel, oh, sorry, I pushed the mute button. If anybody has any questions,
please feel free to request a speak. We'll get you up here. You can ask about mech if not join the discord. Follow the Twitter. Get on that white list and make sure you're available on the day of minting because a free NFT or a earn game isn't
It's not common to come by, especially for a player earn game of this scale, of this quality. So highly advise that you get in the discord and you keep those notifications on. Kyle, really appreciate you coming on. Mr. Tantanx, thank you so much. It doesn't look like we have any requesters.
So if you'd like to leave us with some parting thoughts, I'd be happy to have them. Yeah, well, I mean, obviously once again, I appreciate you having us on here. Love, love, love jamming with you, whether it's in your spaces, just in general, man, can't wait to see you in Miami. You know, but
Yeah, come in check out the mech discord, you know, even if you guys don't participate in the the bot white list, you know come experience mech, you know, we're like I said we're we're pushing the envelope on a lot of things in web 3 when it whether it comes to technology game play Just blockchain innovation
through our partnerships with Polygon. There's a lot of cool things that you can learn about Web 3 and crypto. We're very education based. That's something that I stand for is I want to educate more people on the proper use and just proper exposure to crypto as a whole. We're in crazy
times right now there's a lot of uncertainty as to what's going on. I can promise you regardless of what the short-term fallout is from things that are going on. The long-term outlook on blockchain technology, on crypto as a whole, is as bright as it could be. It is the way of the future as far as
technology and get in with the community like Comit, like Mech, that educates, that really advocates for the proper use and consumption of all of these things. So that's all that I've got. If you're interested in the Mech bot whitelist
Join the discord invite three of your friends. It's that simple that will get you an ability to participate in one of the top Web 3 in my opinion the top I am biased I am willing to admit that the top Web 3 game coming out soon for free. I can promise
you. There are very few games that will offer you the same experience that we can for the price of $3.99. And, you know, we would love to have you within the community. Mr. Tenax does a really great job of fostering a positive environment within the Mac Discord. So we would love to see you there. So thanks again. This was awesome. Let's do it again.
Let's just do it all the time and You know that this is great. Oh, yeah, man. Thanks again. Can't wait to see you in Miami. It's gonna be a blast We should do one of these in Miami Let's frickin do it at dinner at dinner We'll do it. We'll do it. We'll do it from one phone
you guys won't know which one of this is either going to be it's going to be Kyle Clemer or it's going to be comment or all going to talk it's going to be crazy it's going to be who's voices that. Hell yeah man. Well we'll see you down there thank you everybody who joined congratulations to our $100 winner and we will see you next time. Cheers everyone see you.