Flippin' Burgers - "Crypto's House of Cards"

Recorded: Nov. 18, 2022 Duration: 1:04:40



We're early, but we're ready. I've got to find a way to fill the pre-five minutes with something. I think moving forward, I pitched singing to the Flippenburgers crew, but I don't think they like the sound of me singing. So I'll have to come up with some other angle to...
to keep all the early birds entertained for the first few minutes before everybody joins in. Nobody likes silence. It kind of, I think it's reminiscent of those awkward first dates when you're sitting down across the table with that certain romantic interest of yours looking deeply into their eyes.
and not knowing what to say. We want to avoid that at all costs. But yeah, look, let's give it a few more minutes until all of our special guests today join. It's going to be a spicy one today, guys. Lots of fucking actions being happening in this past.
two weeks now I think it's been going off for two weeks I've been tuning into a bunch of other Twitter spaces and the IBC guys have been going fricking hard man like 24/7 I don't envy their life partners right now but if they're not single I'm sure they will be soon
But yeah, let's keep waiting and grinding it out. I can already see a couple of our guest speakers have arrived and so is my trusted, emotional and intellectual
support Adam is on the line. Actually you're somewhere interesting today. I don't want to dox you. You want to mention where you are and what you're doing? Yeah, I just literally just stepped in the door
In my hotel in Switzerland, I have the Cardano conference for the next couple days. So I'm meeting up with some groups here and to see what they're building and two shmuz and steal them. Maybe. I am very advious, man. It sounds really awesome.
Alright, well, yeah, look, as you all know,
We managed to get Ben Armstrong, BitBoy, to agree to come on the show and he might be a little bit late today and that's fine. We're going to go on with and start the show as planned in about a couple of minutes time.
We're just doing introduction on what today's show is about as I was going wild before I mentioned that it's been a wild two weeks with the whole FTX Fiasco and for me personally it's been hard to keep up with everything that's been happening. I mean it started off with a few billion dollars of funds being squandered.
And now I'm hearing about a sex tape. So I mean, it's really run the gamut of topics and what the hell's been happening in this whole situation. We've really come a long way in crypto. Let me tell you, when this happened to me, so I was a victim of Mt. Gox about 10 years ago now.
And let me tell you, it had one 18th the drama about this whole situation that's got now. So there's plenty to talk about. Plenty of angles, you know, we can talk the CFI, DFI, we can talk political. There's a lot to go through today. And look, we're just crossing on
crossing on the start time right now and to respect all of our early rises and all the people that have come in early. I think we should probably get started pretty soon. I can see representation from from block bites with Austin. I'm pretty sure you're on the line. I can see you there.
I am here, man. Thank you for coming, Austin, and I can also see the central, the central lawyer as well from, from Bankless.
Hey, how's it going guys? Great. Thank you so much for coming man and I can also see a swap here. I'm assuming Julian you're using the official a swap account to call in here. Yes sir. I was correct. Fantastic. Alright and I guess the only lag at this point which is I just
is a bit more than I'm strong. He can join when he joins, but as I said before, with all due respect to everyone who's already here, let's get the show on the road. It feels a bit weird to do an intro to what seems to be a live podcast, but we've got to start
doing it. Welcome to Flip and Burgers, where we take a look at crypto from different angles. I'm your host, Cutcraft, serving it up with leaders from within crypto and beyond. It's time to serve up them spicy hot takes.
get them sweet little buns ready. This show is about to get started. Today's episode is Crypto's House of Cards. I think it's a fitting title for today's episode with no affiliation that Kevin's facing, although there is definitely
a political angle we can explore today on flipping burgers. Our guest will guide us through a post-mortem on the rise and fall of FTX. And the consequences it has for this crazy multi-billion dollar industry were all so fond of.
questions are, essentialized finance, the Achilles heel of crypto. Can DFI build a trustless, transparent, self-regulated and safe crypto future? Join us in this episode as we welcome extra
experts from around our industry to evaluate the most recent events. I ran through everyone, I'll do it one more time. We have with us today the Central Lawyer, he is a crypto lawyer and co-founder