Flippin' Burgers - "Special Guest: Dr Martin Hiesboeck"

Recorded: March 31, 2023 Duration: 1:01:18



Is it silent just for you? Oh, there we go. It's having a little feedback there.
Yeah, I had to move phones. I know it gets me every time I I'm like always Sitting at my computer still
being like, oh yeah, I have to like get on my phone for spaces. I wish they would sort that out. I really don't know why there is not like a desktop app for spaces. I mean, it's like
one of the biggest missed opportunities ever, I mean, in terms of like they could easily be
competing with anyone, you know, any top podcast, any whatever platform if they wanted to. I really still don't know why they don't do that. So it's kind of crazy. Hey, good morning, Martin. How are you?
Let's see here. We're just letting some people get in. We'll get started here in a few minutes. Well, I guess we can actually get started about now.
Good morning or good afternoon everybody. Flippin Burgers here with Dracula and today we got Tony with us. Big Tony. How's it going man? Thank you very much. Fine I jumped in really
last minutes and I'm happy to be here. Thank you. Yeah, I appreciate you hopping on the coast here in such short notice. Today's guest is Dr. Martin Hissbuck. I appreciate you joining us.
a very super interesting guy.
lots of interesting opinions and just very knowledgeable on pretty much all things crypto. Okay, stop it. Stop right there. You know, with a plattery. I just have some time
There's a different view of things, that's all. More knowledge-yabled than most of the people in this space beneath you. Yeah, well, many people enjoy your takes and they're usually, they're usually, sometimes they're pretty fun to go down the rabbit hole with, so I appreciate you coming on here with us.
Any time. What can I do for you? Ask away what you want to talk about. Might, might I take this opportunity? Yeah, go for it. Alright, so let me really straight
go ahead and ask a little bit more about you and so my background is this I discovered Bitcoin in 2010 so by chance because I was a conspiracy theorist and so my real
skills as a crypto analyst or someone that researches technologies is limited to of course my being a geek and the nerd. So I would like really to take the occasion and ask the following. So as a head of
blockchain research and given up all the principles of transparency and accountability. What are, let's say, your at least five or how many you even have the main criteria you're looking at during a project that we'll be able to face.
I'm looking for honesty. When we talk about listing a project, we look at the language.
Any promises made? Is there nonsense on the website? And we checked the social media sites. And most of all, I like to talk to someone. I like to get someone in a Zoom call and see if they face and say, "Okay, this is the guy behind the woman behind the blockchain." And motivates them.
You wouldn't believe the ridiculousness of some meetings that I mean where people want to have their token listed and we get on a call and they don't even turn on the camera or I had one who was smoking weed while we talk I mean, okay, be a bit more professional Really why?
There are so many projects I would like to list. I'm not going to name them because that gets me in trouble again. But there are a number of projects I would like to list. They won't talk to me because we now have a bit of a problematic situation in the States.

FAQ on Flippin' Burgers - "Special Guest: Dr Martin Hiesboeck" | Twitter Space Recording

Who are the hosts of the podcast?
The hosts of the podcast are Flippin Burgers and Dracula.
Who is the guest being interviewed?
The guest being interviewed is Dr. Martin Hissbuck.
What is Dr. Martin Hissbuck's background?
Dr. Martin Hissbuck discovered Bitcoin in 2010 and is a crypto analyst and technology researcher.
What are at least five main criteria Dr. Hissbuck looks at when considering a project for listing?
Dr. Hissbuck looks for honesty, language used, promises made, social media presence, and he likes to talk to the person behind the project in a zoom call.
What is Dr. Hissbuck's opinion on some project meetings?
Dr. Hissbuck finds some project meetings ridiculous, especially when the person doesn't turn on the camera or is smoking weed during the conversation.
What does Dr. Hissbuck wish would exist for Spaces?
Dr. Hissbuck wishes there was a desktop app for Spaces.
What does Flippin Burgers say about Dr. Hissbuck's knowledge?
Flippin Burgers says that Dr. Hissbuck is very knowledgeable on pretty much all things crypto.
What does Dr. Hissbuck say about his own knowledge?
Dr. Hissbuck says that his own knowledge is limited to being a geek and a nerd in terms of being a crypto analyst and researching technologies.
What is Dr. Hissbuck's view on transparency and accountability?
Dr. Hissbuck believes in the principles of transparency and accountability when it comes to blockchain research.
What is Dr. Hissbuck's opinion on some projects not wanting to talk to him?
Dr. Hissbuck finds it problematic that some projects won't talk to him, even if there are many he would like to list.